This E-Book is not to be sold. It is a free educational service in the public interest published by
Gann Study Group
W. D. Gann on
Note to the Reader
Background on The Master Time Factor
Supply and Demand
Aout Terminology
"t#s Mathematical$
Further Statements &rom the 'ritings o& '( D( )ann *Arranged +hronologically,
Ad.ertisements Making Re&erence to Time Factor or The Master Time Factor
W. D. Gann on
Note to the Reader
Background on The Master Time Factor
Supply and Demand
Aout Terminology
"t#s Mathematical$
Further Statements &rom the 'ritings o& '( D( )ann *Arranged +hronologically,
Ad.ertisements Making Re&erence to Time Factor or The Master Time Factor
Note to the Reader This ooklet is o&&ered to you 0ith the thought that moti.ated the &ounding o& the )ann Study )roup itsel&1 to ring original 0ritings y and aout '( D( )ann to students o& his 0ork 0ho may pre.iously ha.e had access to these 0orks and to o&&er selections &rom those 0ritings and organi2e them in a 0ay that may stimulate thought and promote &urther in.estigation( "& you ha.e decided to read this ooklet 0ith the hope o& analy2ing the &inancial markets like '( D( )ann on the net trading day a&ter you &inish reading you might as 0ell dispose o& this little 0ork right no0 ecause it 0ill not help you in that 0ay( The o5ect o& this ooklet is to collect Mr( )ann#s thoughts on the su5ect6 it does not attempt to tell you anything more than he does 0hich 0hich as 0ill e seen is precious precious little( 'e must ear in mind that '( D( )ann shrouded the eact nature o& the Master Time Factor in deepest secrecy( ' the shortcomings o& this little 0ork " ha.e at least not held ack 0hat Mr( )ann said in plain 7nglish on the su5ect e.en i& 0hat he said amounts to a thimle&ul o& the in&ormation that 0e 0ould all like to ha.e( "& on the other hand you approach this ooklet 0ith the idea that there may e some ideas 0orth re&lecting upon 0ithin it and that these could e the asis &or &urther study and eperimentation then your time in reading it may e 0ell spent( Romeman April !% %!4
W. D. Gann on
Background on The Master T!e Factor 7.ery student 0ho has ecome &amiliar 0ith the 0ritings o& '( D( )ann is interested in the 9uestion o& the Master Time Factor1 0hat it is and ho0 it 0orks( This ooklet rings together in one place scattered re&erences made y Mr( )ann to the Master Time Factor( A historian approaching the su5ect o& this ooklet might 0ant to kno0 right a0ay1 'hen did '( D( )ann &irst make re&erence to the Master Time Factor in his 0ritings and 0hen did he it: The &irst kno0n re&erence re&erence to the Master Time Factor y that name appears to ha.e een on ;uly / !/% on pp( 3EC38 in 0hich he re&ers speci&ically to >man#s seasonal trend>(
Mr( )ann 0rote1 >Stocks &ollo0 a regular cycle and mathematical cur.e( By a certain time &actor 0hich " disco.ered am ale to tell 0hen they 0ill e high or lo0(>3 And in !/%3 he 0rote in Truth of the Stock Tape 1 >The most important thing o& all is the Time &actor 0hich " use in making up my annual &orecasts( "t is not my o5ect here to gi.e a0ay that secret >4 Although Mr( )ann does not in these t0o 9uotes use the term Master Time Factor it seems reasonale to assume it is 0hat he intends 0hen he speaks o& >the Time &actor> and >a certain time &actor>( 3
From From an ad.e ad.errtis tisemen ementt in in Th The Ghi Ghilladel adelph phia ia "n9u "n9uir irer er ;a ;anuar nuary y !- !- !/%! !/%! 9uo 9uotted in &ull later in this ooklet( 4 '( D( )ann Truth of the Stock Tape p( !!-( The statement >"t is not my o5ect here to gi.e a0ay that secret > raises the 9uestion as to 0hether Mr( )ann 0as implying >"t is my o5ect in some other place to gi.e a0ay that secret(> "nterestingly in the Fore0ord to the romance The Tunnel Thru the Air 0ritten &our years later he said >The #Tunnel Thru the Air# is mysterious and contains a .al uale secret clothed in .eiled language(> The letter 0ritten to ;ohn =( Spohn 9uoted ao.e 0as 0ritten on ;uly / !/%Face Facts America$> copyrighted in !/4 !/ 4 he states that his course entitled >Master Forecasting Method> >includes his Master Time Factor and +ycle Theory>( *p( 4Forecasting> 0hich is sometimes also called >Master Time Factor and Forecasting y Mathematical Rules>6 in this course the terms Master Time Factor and time &actor are used( "n his course >'( D( )ann Mathematical Formula &or Market Gredictions1 The Master Mathematical Grice Time and Trend +alculator> dated Septemer %/ !/E3 Mr( )ann says on p( 3 >"n connection co nnection 0ith the Master Time and Trend +alculator apply all o& the rules 0ith the Master Time Factor and geometric angles(> the term Master Time Factor appears no0here else in the course and this suggests that students 0ho ought the course recei.ed additional pri.ate *9uite possily oral, instruction as to its identity( Gri.ate oral instruction o& this kind apparently did occur( ;oel Rensink 0riting in Trader#s 'orld Maga2ine ate Fall %EJ7arly 'inter %- said that he had heard o& a trader 0ho had contacted '( D( )ann y telephone and to 0hom during the course o&
W. D. Gann on
'hen then did Mr( )ann the Master Time Factor: "n contradiction to his o0n letter to ;ohn =( Spohn it has een claimed that '( D( )ann &ound it 9uite early in his career in !/8 or !//( According to es +lemens in his iographical sketch o& '( D( )ann >n August 8 !/8 he made one o& his greatest mathematical disco.eries &or predicting the trend o& stocks and commodities( This 0as #The Master Time Factor(#>E Ad.ertisements during Mr( )ann#s li&etime put the date in !//( At a date unspeci&ied in !/4seemed to e #reall y right# in his trades 0hen he had a lot o& si2e on> according to one o& the trader &riends( The &riends then decided that they too 0anted to study 0ith Mr( )ann ut 0hen they tried to get in touch 0ith him they learned that he had died( Gann Masters Technical Analysis Course =alliker#s "nc( !//E( '( D( )ann#s E pulicity rochure >Mathematical Formula &or Market Gredictions> states * p( !,1 >!/8 ((( August 8th made one o& his greatest mathematical disco.eries &or predicting the trend o& stocks and commodities(> Mr( +lemens does not tell us ho0 he is ale to link the August 8 !/8 disco.ery to the Master Time Factor( The rochure in 9uestion does not say that it 0as the Master Time Factor that Mr( )ann disco.ered on that date( Again according to the es +lemens iographical sketch( < Ad.ertisments placed in The Boston =erald Septemer E !/486 The Dallas Morning Ne0s Decemer !% !/48 and Feruary !3 !/4/6 and The Seattle Daily Times March - !/4/ all use this eact phrase( "t is possile that this 0as a guess on the part o& the successors to Mr( )ann rather than something that they actually heard &rom him ut i& the Master Time Factor 0as indeed disco.ered in !// then it certainly makes that year a .ery pro&icuous one &or Mr( )ann( "n !// he compiled 0hat he called his Financial Time Tale6 authored the R ad.ertisements *see the )ann Study )roup ooklet R L '( D( )ann,6 and suse9uently ga.e his no0 &amous inter.ie0 to The
THE MASTER TIME FACTOR attempted to determine 0hen Mr( )ann disco.ered the Master Time Factor the historian 0ould 0ant to kno0 eactly 0hat he had disco.ered( At this point 0e run into great di&&iculties ecause it 0ould appear that throughout his li&etime it remained Mr( )ann#s goal not >to gi.e a0ay that secret>( =e says openly in any o& his ooks or courses >this is the Master Time Factor and here is ho0 you use it>( A 5ournalist once tried to get Mr( )ann to open up aout >the time &actor>( From the 0ay in 0hich Mr( )ann responded 0e may presume that the time &actor re&erred to 0as indeed the Master Time Factor( =is response sho0s ho0 tenaciously he guarded his secret( >" AS7D MR( )ANN1 #'=AT "S T=7 +AKS7 B7="ND T=7 T"M7 FA+TR# >=e smiled and said1 #"t has taken me t0enty years o& ehausti.e study to learn the cause that produces e&&ects according to time( That is my secret and too .aluale to e spread roadcast( Besides the pulic is not yet ready &or it(# >#'ater seeks its le.el# continued Mr( )ann( #?ou can &orce it higher 0ith a pump ut 0hen you stop pumping it re9uires no &orce to cause it to return to its &ormer le.el( >#Stocks and +ommodities are the same( They can e &orced ao.e their natural le.el o& .alues to 0here lams lose all &ear ecome charged 0ith hope and uy at the top( Then stocks are permitted to sink to a le.el 0here hope 0ay to despair and the most rampant ull ecomes a ear and sells out at a loss( >#My disco.ery o& the time &actor enales me to tell in ad.ance 0hen these etremes must y the la0 o& supply and demand occur in stocks and commodities(#>8 Ticker and "n.estment Digest( "t is in this year that he made his &irst kno0n pulic re&erences to the a0 o& Hiration( 8 The Morning Telegraph o& Ne0 ?ork Ne0 ?ork Decemer ! once in9uired o& Mr( )ann regarding his ad.isory ser.ices( The latter 0rote ack in a letter >My calculations are ased on supply and demand and are purely scienti&ic mathematical calculations( Many years ago " disco.ered a time &actor 0hich enales me to tell 0hen accumulation or distriution is taking place and 0hen stocks reach approimate tops or ottoms(>!! no0ing these things ga.e Mr( )ann a key ad.antage1 >The study / !
Supplementary pulicity material to Wall Street Stock Selector p( 44( The Ticker and "n.estment Digest Decemer !// p( E3 and Truth of the Stock Tape p( !-/ respecti.ely( Wall Street Stock Selector p( !% "n promoting his ne0sletters Mr( )ann &urther eplained1 >My is not ased on &ake tips or guess 0ork ut a care&ul study o& SKGG? AND D7MAND 0hich enales me to determine 0hen stocks are eing accumulated or distriuted( >'hen the SKGG? o& stocks is large and D7MAND is small stocks decline( 'hen D7MAND eceeds SKGG? they ad.ance( My study o& time and .olume enales me to determine mo.ements in ad.ance(>!3 "n t0o o& his courses 0hich are a.ailale to us today ut 0hich 0ere not kno0n to the general pulic in his day Mr( )ann &urther insight on this 9uestion o& supply and demand( >'hen a stock is in a .ery 0eak or a .ery strong position it 0ill al0ays sho0 it y its position on the geometrical angles and a .olume chart made up according to the proper spacing 0ith .olume that is considering the total numer o& shares!4 0ill sho0 0hen the stock is in a strong or 0eak position and sho0 0hether uying or selling predominates enaling you to determine 0hether supply is increasing or 0hether demand is decreasing(>!E >The HKM7 F SA7S is the real po0er ehind the market and sho0s 0hether Supply or Demand is increasing or decreasing( arge uying or selling orders &rom pro&essional traders the pulic or any other source o& supply and demand are ound to e registered on the tape and sho0n in the .olume o& sales( >There&ore a care&ul study o& the HKM7 F SA7S 0ill enale !% !3 !4 stock
Ad.ertisement The Ghiladelphia "n9uirer Sept( %E !/%!( Ad.ertisement The Ghiladelphia "n9uirer May %/ !/%!( > in order to understand the meaning o& .olume you must kno0 the total capital outstanding and the &loating supply o& the stock you are trading in(> * Truth of the Stock Tape, p( -,( !E Method &or Forecasting the Stock Market p( !8(
W. D. Gann on
you to determine .ery closely a change in trend especially i& you apply all o& the other rules &or 5udging position according to the Formations Resistance e.els and Time(>!-
Holume o& Sales p( !(
A%out Ter!no#og$ 'hen researching the Master Time Factor it is important to e a0are o& '( D( )ann#s particular use o& 0ords( "n his 0ritings including pulicity materials and ad.ertising he re&ers to >a time &actor> >the time &actor> >the Master Time Factor> and >time &actors>( The &act that Mr( )ann speaks o& the eistence o& more than one time &actor is su&&icient reason to e cautious in assuming that any re&erence that he makes to >time &actor> necessarily means the Master Time Factor unless the Master Time Factor is actually named in the contet o& the particular statement in 9uestion( "& the re&erence is not eplicit 0e must e open to the possiility that it could re&er to some other time &actor( Another point to ear in mind is that the 0ord >&actor> does not necessary mean the same thing e.ery time that Mr( )ann uses it( "n some places in his 0ritings Mr( )ann appears to use >&actor> near the 0ord >time> in the sense o& >component o& market acti.ity> along 0ith other components such as price and .olume( For eample he 0rites1 >earn the three most important &actors T"M7 GR"+7 and HKM7 F SA7S(>!three most important &actors> appears to e 9uite clearly >the three ma5or components o& market acti.ity>( r take this &amous statement1 >T"M7 is the most important &actor o& all and not until su&&icient time has epired does any ig mo.e start up or do0n( The T"M7 &actor 0ill o.eralance oth Space and Holume( 'hen T"M7 is up space mo.ement 0ill start and large .olume 0ill egin either up or do0n( At the end o& any important mo.ement @ monthly 0eekly or daily @ T"M7 must e allo0ed &or accumulation or distriution or &or uying and selling to e completed(>!8 =ere again i& >component o& market acti.ity> is sustituted in this 9uote at the t0o points in 0hich the 0ord >&actor> appears the tet makes sense( !< !8
'( D( )ann Forty-Five ears in Wall Street p( 38( '( D( )ann !o" to Make #rofits in Co$$o%ities p( E-(
W. D. Gann on
It&s Mathe!atca#' For many years '( D( )ann ad.ertised his ser.ices as a market analyst in ne0spapers throughout the Knited States( "n ad.ertising that appears later in this ooklet 0e 0ill see that Mr( )ann re&ers to the Master Time Factor as >our mathematical Master Time Factor> >our Scienti&ic Mathematical Master Time Factor> >our Mathematical Scienti&ic Master Time Factor> and >our Master Time Factor ased on Mathematical Science(>!/ =e &urther says in one ad.ertisement >The mo.ement o& stock prices oeys a mathematical la0 o& cycles 0hich can e &orecast y the Master Time Factor @ Time is the most important element(>% "ndeed in one o& his ooks Mr( )ann states that the Master Time Factor permitted him to kno0 0hen Ocertain time cyclesP 0ould repeat6 this &act at least tells us something aout 0hat the Master Time Factor does1 >"t is a matter o& record that the panic o& !/3!C!/3% 0as the greatest in history 0ith the most se.ere declines recorded in the history o& the Ne0 ?ork Stock 7change( This prediction 0as ased on my Master Time Factor 0hich enales me to tell months and years in ad.ance 0hen certain time cycles repeat and cause etreme high and lo0 prices( This is enough to con.ince any man that my disco.eries ased on mathematical science can e depended upon to &orecast &uture market mo.ements(>%! !/
The name o& Mr( )ann#s usiness 0as O'( D( )ann Scienti&ic "nc(P &rom as early as !/%8 *ad.ertisement in The 'instonCSalem ;ournal o& 'instonCSalem North +arolina ;anuary 8 !/%8, until the end o& !/3- *ad.ertisements in The Glain Dealer o& +le.eland hio and The maha 'orld =erald o& maha Neraska oth dated Decemer - !/3-,( % The Mil0aukee ;ournal o& Mil0aukee 'isconsin ;uly 3 !/38 included in the last chapter o& this ooklet( %! '( D( )ann &e" Stock Tren% 'etector p( !3-( ne o& the )ann pulicity rochures adds1 >Time all things e.en 0hen stocks and commodities make tops and ottoms( 'ith our Master Time Factor 0e are ale to tell long e&ore important e.ents take place 0hen stocks and commodities 0ill reach high or lo0 ecause 0e kno0 y mathematical science 0hen time cycles repeat( These .aluale rules are all in the Bile i& you kno0 0here to &ind them(> *>Scienti&ic Stock Forecasting or arge Gro&its on Small Risks> undated perhaps pulished around !/3- p( !(,
' the Master Time Factor is it is use&ul to rememer its intimate connection 0ith Omathematical scienceP( Mr( )ann makes many strong statements aout mathematics in relationship to the &inancial markets( "t is not out o& place here to recall some o& them1 >7uclid the great mathematician 0hose 0ork 0as per&ect taught that mathematics 0as the asis o& e.erything and y it 0e pro.e .iration( " am the only man 0ho has applied this old la0 to speculati.e markets and pro.ed it correct( No other man has possession o& this secret kno0ledge and there is no other in&ormation #5ust as good# that tells you 0hat the markets 0ill do(>%% >All markets are su5ect to un&ailing mathematical la0 and " ha.e disco.ered ho0 to apply this la0 success&ully to +otton 'heat and Stocks( " am ale to tell you eact points to 0hich markets 0ill mo.e up or do0n( Ask yoursel& seriously can you do 0ithout that is asolutely accurate and reliale( There is no guess 0ork in my method(>%3 >There is no top and ottom price 0hich cannot e determined y mathematics( 7.ery market mo.ement is the result o& a cause and 0hen once you determine the cause it is easy enough to kno0 0hy the e&&ect is as it is(>%4 >#" &igure things y mathematics# Mr( )ann eplained in an inter.ie0( #There is nothing mysterious aout any o& my predictions( "& " ha.e the data " can use algera and geometry and tell eactly y the "t is 0orth noting here as 0ill e seen &rom the ad.ertisements later in this ooklet that the epressions OMaster Time Factor and +ycle TheoryP 0ere sometimes linked y Mr( )ann as 0hen &or eample a pulicity rochure summari2ed his *success&ul, trading eperience a threeCyear period and added1 >Such a record o& accuracy that '( D( )ann has disco.ered a Master Time Factor and +ycle Theory that 0orks and can e depended upon in &uture(> *earn Be&ore ?ou ose p( !,( Thus 0e must not &orget aout cycles 0hen thinking aout the Master Time Factor( %% R ad.ertisement The Ne0 ?ork =erald May %3 !//( %3 R ad.ertisement The Ne0 ?ork =erald ct( 3! !//( %4 >Natural Resistance e.els and Time +ycle Goints> p( !(
W. D. Gann on
theory o& cycles 0hen a certain thing is going to occur again(#> %E >#An astronomer can predict to the minute 0hen a eclipse is going to occur# he said in another inter.ie0 #ut you 0ould not consider him a prophet 0ould you: & course not( =e simply makes use o& mathematics ased on kno0n la0s o& the mo.ements o& the planets in their orits( " ha.e &ound in my researches that the +hinese understood all those la0s and computed the coming o& eclipses thousands o& years e&ore the 7gyptians and +haldeans( "t is mar.elous the kno0ledge that these ancients had( "n making my predictions " used geometry and mathematics 5ust as an astronomer does ased on immutale la0s 0hich " ha.e disco.ered(%- There is nothing supernatural or 0eird aout it( Some 0eeks ago " read an interesting article on the &ailure o& astrologers in their predictions regarding the 0ar( %< >#No0 there is a great deal in the .irations o& the planets ut to make accurate predictions the great la0 ehind it all 0hich the ancients understood ut 0hich they purposely re&rained &rom putting in their ooks as they 0anted to keep the secret &or must enter into the calculation( That is 0hy astrology &ails &or nothing can e accurate that is not ased on mathematics Q and so &e0 astrologers are mathematicians(#>%8 %E
The 7.ening Telegram Ne0 ?ork Ne0 ?ork March E !/%3( "n saying in this inter.ie0 that he uses Oalgera and geometryP he is &urther de&inition to his use o& the 0ord mathematics( %Mr( )ann later placed this statement at the eginning o& the se.enth chapter o& his romance1 >"n making my predictions " use geometry and mathematics 5ust as the astronomer does ased on immutale la0s(> The Tunnel Thru the Air p( 'ar#s 7nd a Blo0 to the Grophets> stated that >Raphael adkiel Mme( Thees and other 0ell kno0n prophets &ailed in e.en approimating the date 0hen the 0ar 0ould end and nearly all prophesied that the aiser 0ould not li.e to see the close o& the con&lict(> The article added that >There 0as really only one astrologer 0ho told the coming o& the 0ar to any de&inite degree and he 0as 7d0ard ( ;ohndro(> Many years later it has een reported ( 7d0ard ;ohndro 0as hired y '( D( )ann to do astrological 0ork &or him( %8 "nter.ie0 pulished in The Ne0 ?ork =erald Maga2ine ;an( E !/!/( No attempt is made here in 9uoting this statement to do anything so &ooli sh as to try to deny that Mr( )ann used astrology as it 0as clearly an important part o& his 0ork( =e is in no 0ay repudiating astrology in this 9uotation as can e seen y a close reading o& it( But Mr( )ann e.en 0hen mentioning astrology &a.oraly in his oneCpage article >The =uman
>My calculations are ased on the cycle theory and on mathematical se9uences( =istory repeats itsel&( That is 0hat " ha.e al0ays contended @ that in order to kno0 and predict the &uture o& anything you only ha.e to look up 0hat has happened in the past and get a correct ase or starting point( ((( mathematical science 0hich is the only real science that the entire ci.ili2ed 0orld has agreed upon &urnishes unmistakale proo& o& history repeating itsel& and sho0s that the cycle theory or harmonic analysis is the only thing that 0e can rely upon to ascertain the &uture(>%/ >G7R+7NTA)7 F =")=7ST S7"N) GR"+7 '7ST S7"N) GR"+7 AND RAN)7 >Mathematics is the one eact science( All nations agree on the accuracy o& the science o& mathematics and use it regardless o& 0hat language they speak( "n all other lines scientists disagree ut 0hen it comes to using mathematics the chemists the astronomer the economist and the accountant all rely upon mathematics and agree upon its accuracy( They all agree that % and % make 4( Any method or system to make money trading in +ommodities must e ased upon the eact la0 o& mathematics( 7ach TG or BTTM in 'heat or other +ommodities comes out in accordance 0ith an eact mathematical proportion to some other TG or BTTM(> 3 >All po0er under hea.en and on earth is gi.en unto the man 0ho masters the simple science o& mathematics(>3!
Body> 0ritten !% years later on ;an( !Study the position o& < times < or 4/ on all o& your permanent charts( Then you 0ill understand 0hy the children o& "srael marched < times around the 0alls o& ;ericho le0 the rams horn < times and the 0alls &ell do0n on the The Tunnel Thru the Air pp( 3% >T"M7 FA+TR AND FR7+AST"N) M7T=D >A&ter you ha.e learned all o& the rules laid do0n in TRKT= F T=7 ST+ TAG7 and 'A STR77T ST+ S77+TR and ha.e learned ho0 to apply them " am sure you 0ill agree that " ha.e gi.en you more than your money#s 0orth in these ooks( ?ou 0ill then e ready &or a postCgraduate course and 0ill proaly 0ant to kno0 ho0 to &orecast according to my Master Time Factor and determine the years 0hen stocks 0ill ha.e ig ad.ances and reach &inal tops and also the years and the cycles 0hen panicky declines are indicated( >" teach all o& these rules 0ith my complete Forecasting Methods sho0ing ho0 to determine the ma5or and minor s0ings according to the time element( " can teach you ho0 to determine the 0a.e lengths o& di&&erent stocks so you 0ill kno0 aout ho0 many points they are going 3%
'( D( )ann Wall Street Stock Selector supplementary material p( !!( "n reality as 0e &ind on p( E o& '( D( )ann#s promotional rochure >earn Be&ore ?ou ose> Mr( )ann &orecast the coming stock market crash e.en earlier than he states here( >"n the spring o& !/%=is !/%/ Stock Forecast issued on No.emer %3 !/%8 and ased on his Master Time Factor indicated the end o& the ull market in August and early Septemer !/%/( =e stated in no uncertain terms that the panic 0ould start in Septemer !/%/ and that it 0ould e a great deluge 0ith a Black Friday(> "t seems reasonale to conclude that i& the prediction in the !/%/ Forecast 0as >ased on his Master Time Factor> so too the prediction o& a panic in The Tunnel Thru the Air 0as >ased on his Master Time Factor>(
to ad.ance 0hen they go into ne0 territory and aout ho0 many points they are going to decline 0hen they reak out o& the 2one o& distriution( 'ith my Forecasting Methods you can make up a &orecast o& the a.erage market one or more years in ad.ance and also make up a yearly &orecast on indi.idual stocks( 7ach stock according to its indi.idual time limit and makes top and ottom at di&&erent times ecause the .iration and 0a.e length .aries on the di&&erent stocks( >" teach +ourses o& "nstruction on +otton 'heat +orn ats Rye ard +o&&ee Sugar +ocoa Ruer Silk and other commodities ut " only impart these methods to people 0ho are 0illing to comply 0ith my re9uirements( They are too .aluale to e roadcast or put in the hands o& people 0ho cannot use them to ad.antage( There&ore " only teach them to people 0ho 0ant them &or their o0n use and do not intend to pulish them or sell them to others( " 0ill not teach my Forecasting Method to anyone unless " &eel sure that they can make a success 0ith it a&ter they learn it( Some men cannot make a success 0ith any kind o& a method or rule( " 0ould not take a man#s money and teach him something that " did not think 0ould ene&it him( >The man 0ho epects to succeed in speculation or in.estments must study and learn all that he can aout the market( "t has een 0ell said #'here kno0ledge egins speculation ceases(# There&ore the aim and o5ect o& e.ery man 0ho 0ants to make success in speculation or in.esting should e to get as much scienti&ic kno0ledge as possile and then he 0ill e ale to make pro&its( >'( D( )ANN S+"7NT"F"+ S7RH"+7 >My method o& determining the trend o& the stocks and commodity markets has stood the test o& time( " ha.e een in Ne0 ?ork +ity &or %% years and ha.e al0ays done usiness under my o0n name( This possesses many superior ad.antages other classes o& ecause it has the one thing lacking in all other ser.ices @ the time element( My disco.eries o& a Master Time Factor and the )reat +ycle
W. D. Gann on
enale me to &orecast markets years in ad.ance(33 " do not depend on space charts ased on space mo.ements alone ecause these 0ould make errors and cause losses( " use .olume comined 0ith the proper time charts 0hich help me to determine the technical position o& the stocks much etter and a long time e&ore the statistical position is sho0n( Time tells all things( The &act that " ha.e een selling my Forecasts all the Knited States and in many o& the &oreign countries &or the past !E years that they are .aluale ecause people continue to suscrie &or them year a&ter year( "n.estors and traders are al0ays 0illing to pay &or 0hat 0ill help them to make a greater success( "t pays to get the est scienti&ic kno0ledge ecause the est is al0ays the cheapest in the long run and you cannot epect to get something &or nothing( 7perience has taught me that the est 0ay to help others is to sho0 them ho0 to help and i& " can get suscriers to read my ooks and learn my Methods they make a greater success &ollo0ing my>34 >To those 0ho elie.e that #Faith 0ithout 0orks is dead# and 0ho are 0illing to 0ork and pay &or .aluale kno0ledge " 0ill teach my Master Time Factor and other rules &ound in the Bile( All o& these rules are co.ered in my !/3- Master Forecasting Method and &ull +ourse o& "nstruction(>3E 33
"n his course >Forecasting> dated No.emer !/3E *see note 4 ao.e, under >)R7AT +?+7 C MAST7R T"M7 G7R"D C - ?7ARS> Mr( )ann 0rites >This is the greatest and most important cycle o& all 0hich repeats e.ery - years or at the end o& the third %Cyear cycle( ?ou 0ill see the importance o& this y re&erring to the 0ar period &rom !8-! to !8-/ and the panic &ollo0ing !8-/6 also - years later Q !/%! to !/%/ Q the greatest ull market in history and the greatest panic in history &ol lo0ed( This the accuracy and .alue o& this great time period(> "n other courses he uses the term great cycle to descrie other time periods( 34 >!/%/ Annual Stock Forecast> supplement in Wall Street Stock Selector pp( 3/C4!( &e" Stock Tren% 'etector p( !%8( A &ootnote &ollo0ed *dates taken &rom pp( !8 3E and !!E,1 >=o0 &e0 people 0ould elie.e that there is a rule and time period in the grand old Bile that indicated the time 0hen +hrysler 0as &inal high ct( - !/%8( "t did not go one point higher until it declined to a &inal lo0 o& E in ;une !/3% ;une 4 !/3% 0hen according to the rule in the Bile it 0as ottom &or another ig ad.ance( Many .aluale truths are to e &ound in the Bile and practical la0s are there ut .ery &e0 people study and seek enough( They are not 0illing to 0ork hard &or no0ledge that 0ill help them make money( The Bile says #Seek and ye shall &ind knock and it shall e opened unto you(#> *See Note % ao.e &or &urther comments on the Master Forecasting Method course(,
Ad+ertse!ents Makng Re(erence to T!e Factor or The Master T!e Factor "n this &inal chapter in our eamination o& the Master Time Factor 0e reproduce the tet o& ad.ertisements placed y '( D( )ann in ne0spapers in 0hich he urges readers to a.ail o& the ad.antages o& his >time &actor> 0hich in later ad.ertising is identi&ied as the Master Time Factor(
Cruc%#e Stee# , Me-can ete
0ere among the special stocks " ad.ised purchases o& recently as 0ell as Bald0in American "nt( American 'oolen and Hanadium Steel( The Supply L Demand etter is one that you can depend on to make you pro&its( My calculations and &orecasts are ased on Supply and Demand 0hich al0ays go.ern price mo.ements( Stocks &ollo0 a regular cycle and mathematical cur.e( By a certain time &actor 0hich " disco.ered am ale to tell 0hen they 0ill e high or lo0( " am the man 0ho predicted the end o& the 0ar and the aiser#s adication to the eact day( " also predicted the great decline in stocks &or No.emer and Decemer !/% the &orecast eing sent out one year in ad.ance( Send &or a copy o& it and 0rite &or &ree literature and read 0hat the Ticker Maga2ine Ne0 ?ork =erald and other ne0spapers say aout my 0onder&ul predictions( '=AT '" ST+S D N7T: ne stock 0ill ha.e a sensational ad.ance like +rucile Steel did recently( Se.eral lo0 price stocks are aout ready to ad.ance a reaction in some high price stocks is near( My Daily etter 0ill pick the acti.e &ast mo.ers &or you to uy and sell &or 9uick pro&its( My on 'heat !/
W. D. Gann on
and +otton has een remarkaly accurate( 'heat 0ill soon ha.e a mo.e o& %E to 3c per ushel( Big in +otton are ahead( Send I!E( &or one month#s suscription to the Supply L Demand etter or IE( &or my Annual Forecast &or !/%! on stocks( SG7+"A FF7R &or I!E( " 0ill send the Daily etter &or one year and the Annual Forecast &or !/%! and mail &ree my ook >Speculation a Gro&itale Gro&ession> 0hich is o& great .alue to in.estors and traders( The ook is also sent &ree 0ith t0o months# suscription o& I3(( A trial 0ill con.ince you o& the .alue o& my Act no0( Mail your check today( '( D( )ANN !8 BRAD'A? N7' ?R N(?(3-
In+estors Stock Ser+ce
?ou should kno0 &acts e&ore uying and selling stocks( "t pays to get epert and guidance( SKGG? AND D7MAND al0ays go.ern prices in the end( 'hen Supply eceeds Demand stocks decline6 0hen Demand eceeds Supply they ad.ance( " ha.e disco.ered a Time Factor 0hich enales me to determine 0hen stocks 0ill reach high or lo0 le.els( T=7 SKGG? AND D7MAND 7TT7R keeps you ad.ised as to the est stocks to uy or sell according to statistical and technical conditions( My ad.ertisement in last 0eek#s papers 0arned you that a reak in many stocks 0as near( "t came promptly Monday and Tuesday( Studeaker +handler Am( Sumatra declined < to !% points in three days( My suscriers 0ere short o& Studeaker and +handler at the top and made ig points( Some stocks are going higher$ Many are going lo0er( )et my e&ore you get in 0rong( Suscription rate o& Daily etter co.ering on +otton Stocks and )rain I!E per month or 3-
The Ghiladelphia "n9uirer o& Ghiladelphia Gennsyl.ania ;anuary !- !/%!( The same ad.ertisement 0as pulished in The Bridgeport Telegram o& Bridgeport +onnecticut on ;an( !E !/%! 0ith slight stylistic di&&erences *the 2eros eing omitted a&ter the dollar prices,(
t0o 0eeks# trial ISpeculation a Gro&itale Gro&ession> sent &ree 0ith t0o months# suscription at I3( !/%! Annual Forecast on stocks reduced to I4( 'rite &or recent letters !/% Forecast and ne0spaper comments on my accurate &orecasts( '( D( )ANN 4/ Broad0ay Ne0 ?ork3<
T!e Te##s On Stocks
The &actor o& Time is most important in 5udging &uture mo.ements o& stocks( "t takes time to accumulate stocks &or a Bull campaign( Time is re9uired to distriute stocks e&ore a Bear mo.e( Do you kno0 0hether stocks are eing distriuted &or another reak or eing accumulated &or another ad.ance: Don#t guess$ Suscrie to T=7 SKGG? AND D7MAND 7TT7R 0hich you ased on the la0 o& Supply and Demand correct statistical &acts and a time &actor 0hich enales me to kno0 0hen stocks are eing accumulated or distriuted( Some ig in oils coppers and steels 0ill start soon( et me help you select the est stocks to trade in( Daily etter ad.ising on +otton Stocks and )rain I!E per month t0o 0eeks# trial I=elp&ul =ints &or Stock Traders> &ree to suscriers( Recent letters and ne0spaper comments on my accurate &orecasts mailed &ree( '( D( )ANN 4/ Broad0ay Ne0 ?ork38
3< 38
The Glain Dealer o& +le.eland hio May !E !/%!( The Ghiladelphia "n9uirer o& Ghiladelphia Gennsyl.ania No.emer % Send 4%
The Brooklyn Standard Knion o& Brooklyn Ne0 ?ork ;une ! !/%3( This ad.ertisement 0as pulished on the same date 0ith slight stylistic di&&erences in The Glain Dealer o& +le.eland hio and The +onstitution o& Atlanta )eorgia(
W. D. Gann on
&or sample letters sho0ing the remarkale record on 'heat this year( Big are coming in 'heat and +otton( et me get you in at right time( Daily +ommodity etter .ia Airplane I%( per month( )rain Forecast reduced to I @ These ooks gi.e .aluale trading rules1 contain 4! charts1 I- prepaid( For proo& o& our accuracy send &or our letters issued early in March( Ask &or AGC!( ' D )ann Scienti&ic "nc( // 'all Street Ne0 ?ork N(?( 4E
To kno0 the time to sell and secure pro&its is 5ust as .ital as to kno0 0hen to uy near ottoms( ur ased on a scienti&ic mathematical Time Factor enales us to tell 0hen time cycles run out and stocks make top( N7T '77 is .ery important( ?ou 0ill need epert on 0hat to do( Some lo0Cpriced stocks going higher 0hile some highCpriced stocks react( Send I!E &or TriC0eekly etter one month and get uying and selling indications or send I3 &or Daily 4E
The Glain Dealer o& +le.eland hio April %3 !/33(
W. D. Gann on
Telegraph Special Gersonal I- per month( +TTN AND '=7AT1 MoneyCmaking in these and other commodities i& you N' the right time to uy and sell( +ommodity etter I!E monthly( Groo& o& our accuracy &ree( Ask &or MMCR3( '( D( )ann Scienti&ic "nc( // 'all Street Ne0 ?ork N( ?( 4-
The time &or ottom o& the net reaction in stocks 0ill e .ery important ecause certain stocks 0ill e good uys &or sustantial ad.ances 0hile other stocks 0ill remain dull or rally .ery little( ?ou cannot determine uying days or select the est stocks to uy i& you depend on tips or guess0ork( ur Mathematical Scienti&ic Master Time Factor has stood the test and you can depend on it to call the net uying time( T0o lo0Cpriced stocks selling elo0 E 0ill soon e good to uy &or long pull pro&its( ne highCpriced industrial 0ill go .ery much higher( Send I!E &or one month#s suscription to TriC0eekly etter and get this list o& est stocks( Daily Telegraph I3 monthly( +TTN AND '=7AT1 These and other commodities 0ill continue acti.e and o&&er some good trading opportunities( 'e can gi.e you net uying dates and prices( TriC0eekly +ommodity letter I!E monthly( >'A STR77T ST+ S77+TR> @ This ook and >Truth o& the Stock Tape> comined contain 4! charts 0ith practical trading rules that 0ill help you make a greater success in trading @ price I-( Money ack i& not satis&actory( Groo& o& accuracy &ree( Ask &or MC% 4-
The Glain Dealer o& +le.eland hio May !4 !/33(
The Stock Market is oiling and 0e ha.e had suscriers uying stocks right along( The time 0ill come to sell &or a 9uick reaction and 0ith our Master Time Factor ased on Mathematical Science 0e can tell you 0hen to take pro&its and uy again( Send I!E &or TriC0eekly Stock etter one month or send I3 &or Daily Telegraph one month( +TTN AND '=7AT1 These and other commodities 0ill continue acti.e and o&&er money making opportunities( 'e can help you to pick the uying and selling points( TriC0eekly +ommodity etter I!E per month( Daily Telegraph I3 per month( Gersonal I- per month( Groo& o& our accuracy &ree( Ask &or C'( D( )ann Scienti&ic "nc( // 'all Street Ne0 ?ork N( ?( 48
'ill this ad.ance continue &or a long time or 0ill the unepected happen and cause a sharp sudden decline: Don#t guess gamle on hope or &ollo0 tips( )et our scienti&ic ased on our Master Time 4< 48
The Glain Dealer o& +le.eland hio May %! !/33( The Glain Dealer o& +le.eland hio May %8 !/33(
W. D. Gann on
Factor and let us steer you clear o& pit&alls( Some stocks 0ill go higher 0hile others react( ?ou need our Selected ist o& stocks ehind the market( -333 @ 'hat does it mean: Send I!E &or TriC0eekly Stock etters one month and 0e 0ill tell you( Net Monday .ery important( Daily Telegraph I3 monthly( >'A STR77T ST+ S77+TR> @ This ook and >Truth o& the Stock Tape> comined contain 4! charts 0ith practical trading rules that 0ill help you make a greater success in trading @ price I-( Groo& o& accuracy &ree( Ask &or ;C!( '( D( )ann Scienti&ic "nc( // 'all Street Ne0 ?ork N(?( 4/
Methods (or Makng Mone$ n Stocks6 Cotton and Gran
?ou lose money trading ecause you do not kno0 the rules the silent men o& 'all Street use and the Master Time Factor and relation o& T"M7 to GR"+7 and HKM7 o& sales 0hich e.ery in.estor and trader should N'( 'ith these rules you 0ill e 0ith the trend and sell short 0hen the trend is do0n and uy 0hen the trend is up( ?K +AN MA7 GRF"TS By learning my Mechanical Method and Trend "ndicator or my Forecasting Method and Master Time Factor( 'hen you trade on Mathematical Science you 0ill make pro&its( 'hy not stop guessing and gamling on hope: Take my course o& instruction and learn to trade according to rules in Stocks +otton and )rain( ?ou can take the course y Mail in +lasses and Gersonal "nstruction( 4/
nly those 0ho meet re9uirements 0ill e accepted( 'ill e in your part o& the country soon to teach +lasses( Send &or +erti&ied Accountant#s report o& pro&its made trading according to this method details and terms( Dept( MC/( '( D( )ANN F"NAN+"A S+= // 'all St( Ne0 ?ork N( ?(E
"& you &ollo0ed statistics tips or guess0ork you proaly did not uy stocks early in March 0hen our ads appeared all the Knited States headed >Reconstruction and Reco.ery(>E! The &astest ad.ance in years &ollo0ed Gresident Roose.elt#s inauguration and our Master Time E E!
The Times Gicayune o& Ne0 rleans ouisiana ;une 8 !/33( From The Dallas Morning Ne0s o& Dallas Teas March !% !/331 R7+NSTRK+T"N R7+H7R? in the history o& the Knited States has a Gresident took o&&ice sic 0ith the country in such an unsettled state( " elie.e that Gresident Roose.elt is the man o& destiny to lead us ack to prosperity( =istory repeats and my study o& Time +ycles indicates that 0ithin si months conditions 0ill ha.e greatly impro.ed and 0e 0ill look ack on March 4th as the date 0hen the trend turned &or the etter( No0 is the time &or us all to ha.e &aith and 0ork together as 0e ha.e in time o& 0ar and America 0ill lead the 0orld ack to etter times( Fortunes can e made y those 0ho uy the right stocks and commodities 5ust as they ha.e een in pre.ious panics( TRKT= F T=7 ST+ TAG7 'all Street Stock Selector and the Tunnel Thru the Air 0ill gi.e you practical rules &or success&ul in.estment trading( Grice I-( prepaid( Money ack i& not satis&actory( 'hat groups o& stocks 0ill e &uture leaders mailed &ree( Ask &or -C+( '( D( )ANN // 'all Street Ne0 ?ork(
W. D. Gann on
Factor &orecast it( "& you gamled on hope you proaly did not sell out stocks last Monday and go short ecause you did not kno0 that a ig smash 0as coming ut 0e did ecause the time cycle 0as up(E% 'e told suscriers the reak 0ould come this 0eek( Send &or copy o& last Monday#s market letter and see &or yoursel&( The &uture holds ig moneyCmaking opportunities i& you N' the right stocks to uy and sell at the right time( 'hy not stop guessing and suscrie to our !/33 Stock Forecast tells you 0hen net high and lo0 prices 0ill e reached6 price reduced to I4E &or alance o& !/33( TriC0eekly Stock etter I!E per month( Daily Telegraph I3 monthly( Gersonal I- per month( +TTN AND '=7AT1 These commodities 0ill continue .ery acti.e and you can make money i& you kno0 the net uying date( TriC0eekly etter I!E per month( Daily Telegraph I3( !/33 )rain Forecast I4E( +otton Forecast I4E( >'A STR77T ST+ S77+TR> @ This ook and >Truth o& the Stock Tape> comined contain 4! charts 0ith practical trading rules that 0ill help you make a greater success( Grice I-( Groo& o& accuracy &ree( Ask &or ;C!4last Monday> he means >a 0eek ago Monday> then the re&erence 0ould e to ;uly !the time cycle 0as up> the 0ord >up> in this contet presumaly meaning >&inished> since the net mo.e in the market 0as a sellCo&&( )ann &re9uently speaks o& a cycle eing >up> in this manner 0here 0e might instead epect him to say that a ne0 cycle 0as eginning( The emphasis that )ann to the 7ND o& a cycle is striking( +onsider &or eample the &ollo0ing1 >'hen the time cycle is up neither Repulican Democrat nor our good Gresident can stem the tide( "t is a natural la0( Action e9uals reaction in the opposite direction(> Wall Street Stock Selector !/3 appendi >!/%/ Annual Stock Forecast> p( ! =undreds o& people recei.ed this letter and can .eri&y it( ne suscrier 0rites1 >'ould like to let you kno0 that the letters o& the past &e0 days 0ere 0orth the year#s price as " made money instead o& losing in this crash as so many got panicky(> =o0 much 0ould this letter ha.e een 0orth to you: "t 0ould ha.e sa.ed your capital and helped you make ig pro&its in the 0orst crash in years( ur mathematical Master Time Factor &orecast this reak 5ust as it &orecast March !st &or ottom &or a ig ad.ance( ?ou can depend on our scienti&ic &orecasts in &uture( ur !/33 Stock Forecast issued No.emer !4 !/3% called ;uly !< &or top o& ad.ance and ;uly %! as lo0 o& a sharp decline( The stock a.erages reached high ;uly !< and lo0 ;uly %!( nly Science can sho0 such accurate results( 'hy not stop guessing and gamling on hope: )i.e our a trial and con.ince yoursel& that 0e can help you make money( EE
The Glain Dealer o& +le.eland hio ;uly 3 !/33(
'ill stocks go up this Fall as most people epect or 0ill they decline: ?ou can not make pro&its i& you depend on guess0ork( 'hy not sustitute our scienti&ic and let us tell you y our mathematical Master Time Factor 0hat is likely to happen: Many important e.ents are pending 0hich 0ill make stocks and commodities acti.e soon( Send I!E &or TriC'eekly Stock etter or I3 &or Daily Telegraph +TTN AND '=7AT1 Acti.ity 0ill start soon( There 0ill e some moneyCmaking opportunities i& you N' '=7N to BK? and S7( TriC 'eekly +ommodity etter I!E per month( Daily Telegraph I3( >'A STR77T ST+ S77+TR> @ This ook and >Truth o& Stock Tape> comined contain 4! charts 0ith practical trading rules that 0ill help you make a greater success @ price I-( Groo& o& accuracy &ree( Ask &or S7C!%( '( D( )ann Scienti&ic "nc( // 'all St( Ne0 ?ork N(?(E< EE<
The San Antonio ight o& San Antonio Teas ;uly 3 !/33( The Dallas Morning Ne0s o& Dallas Teas Septemer ! !/33(
W. D. Gann on
Many important e.ents in !/34 are likely to cause 0ide &luctuations in acti.e stocks( ?ou 0ill need epert scienti&ic mathematical to pre.ent losses and help you make pro&its( 'ith our Forecast you can plan your market campaign ahead( This Forecast is ased on the cycle theory and our disco.ery o& a mathematical time &actor that has pro.ed remarkaly accurate a long period o& years and you can depend on it( ne group o& stocks 0ill lead ad.ances in !/34( Stock Forecast I!6 0ith Tri0eekly etter I% per year( Tri0eekly etter alone I!E per month( !/34 +otton )rain Ruer and Forecasts I! each( Groo& o& accuracy &ree @ Ask &or D7C%% '( D( )ann Scienti&ic "nc( // 'all St( Ne0 ?ork N(?(E8
'hen you uy or sell stocks cotton 0heat or other commodities you need to eliminate tips guess0ork and trading on hope( 7.ery man should ha.e a practical trading plan that 0ill enale him to S77 and N' &or himsel& then he can act 0ith con&idence and make pro&its instead o& losses( My mechanical method and trend indicator and my &orecasting method ased on my disco.ery o& a Master Time &actor ha.e stood the test o& time( " ha.e made ig pro&its 0ith them( ?ou can learn my rules and make a success( E8
The Dallas Morning Ne0s o& Dallas Teas Decemer 3! !/33(
" ha.e had thirty years# eperience in 'all Street am author o& TRKT= F T=7 ST+ TAG7 and 'A STR77T ST+ S77+TR( 'ill teach classes or gi.e personal instruction &or trading in stocks or commodities( My mechanical method and trend indicator can e learned in a short time y correspondence( 'rite or call &or certi&ied pulic accounts report o& pro&its made terms and details( Ask &or RAsk &or C%4(> n 89:?4
?ou should plan your in.estments &or sa&ety as 0ell as pro&its( 'e elie.e our !/38 Forecast ased on our +ycle Theory and Master Time Factor 0ill pro.e a help&ul guide to you as our !/3< Forecast did &or hundreds o& in.estors( ur !/38 Forecast outlines e.ents likely to a&&ect prices and tells 0hen the recession in usiness should end( 'e ha.e selected one group o& stocks that should lead in the net Bull market( Grice o& !/38 stock Forecast I! or 0ith TriC0eekly etter I% per year( +TTN and )RA"N Forecasts I! each( TriC0eekly Stock etter I!E per month( +omparison chart o& !/3< Forecast and proo& o& accuracy &ree( Ask &or FC4 '( D( )ANN L SN "N+( 8% 'all Street Ne0 ?orker4
=o0 &ar can this decline go: "s a ma5or ottom near or distant: 'hy go through !/4 lind&olded( ur Master Time Factor 0ill ans0er these 9uestions and keep you 0ith the trend 5ust as it is doing &or present suscriers( !/4 Stock Forecast 0ith monthly supplements including de&inite uying and selling I!(( !/4 )rain Forecast I
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