March 9, 2017 | Author: mcpayod | Category: N/A
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Your Report Correct Q.1) On the outside, a globe globe valve looks similar to what what other valve? valve?

A. Stop and waste valve B. Angle valve C. Gate valve (Your Answer) . Check valve !rong Q.") !hat mechanical mechanical o#eration is done to cut cut or $orm the $i%ture $i%ture or individual individual #arts o$ the $i%ture?

A. Injection molding B. Drawing C. Reaming (Your Answer) . &tam#ing (Correct Answer) Correct Q.') !hat chemical element in the steel increase the corrosion and stain(resistant ualities o$ the $i%ture?

A. *ickel (Your (Your Answer) Answer ) B. Copper C. Iron . Aluminum !rong Q.+) !hat thin line in the #lan determine the de#th reuirments o$ sewers and water services? * A. Crosshatch B. Contour (Correct Answer) C. !roken (Your Answer) . "hantom !rong Q.) !hat is the best tool tool $or cutting cast cast iron soil #i#e that that is rigidl- in #lace? * A. #acksaw (Your Answer) B. &oil #i#e cutter (Correct Answer) C. $rinder . #ammer and chisel !rong

Q.) !hat is the name o$ the tool used to remove remove #its or rough sur$aces $rom valve or $aucet seats?

A. Seat driver re amer (Your Answer) Answer) B. Seat reamer C. &eat dressing (Correct Answer) . Seat planning !rong Q./) !hat is meant b- the term term #lumbo(solvent? #lumbo(solvent?

A. %he a&ilit' o water to dissolve copper B. %he addition o chlorine to the water suppl' C. 0he abilit- o$ water w ater to dissolve dissolve lead  (Correct Answer) . %he use o leadree lead ree solder ittings (Your (Your Answer) Correct Q.) !hat t-#e o$ rigid co##er #i#e is the heaviest and is used $or underground waste?

A. B. C. . Correct

0-#e 0-#e 2 34our 34our Answer) %'pe  %'pe %'pe D+ D + %'pe ,

Q.5) !hat are used to kee# harm$ul substances $rom entering the sanitar- drainage s-stem?

A. 6nterce#tors (Your Answer) B. Separators C. +alves . %raps !rong Q.17) At what angle do vent stacks attach to hori8ontal vent #i#es?

A. -. degrees (Your Answer) B. + degrees degrees (Correct Answer) C. //01/ degrees . 2. degrees Correct

Q.11) !hat is the most common re#air reuired on $i%ture $aucets?

A. 9e#lace washer 3Your Answer) B. Control water low C. %ighten the lock nut . Replece steam packing !rong Q.1") 6n a #lumbing #lan, how is the hot water return re#resented in between dashes 3

A. Single dot B. Dou&le dot (Your Answer) C. Continuous dotted line . 0ri#le dots (Correct Answer) !rong Q.1') !hat t-#e o$ level er used b- #lumbers to install underground #lumbing?

A. :ine level (Correct Answer) B. "ipe C. $rade level (Your Answer) . Standard level !rong Q.1+) Aside rom lavator'4 what is the other common i5ture that is provided with overlows3 *

A. 6itchen sink (Your Answer) B. Slop sink C. 7rinal . !athtu& (Correct Answer) Correct Q.1) hat is the ma5imum distance (in eet) &etween hangers or 8 inches plastic pipe installed in /. oot lengths3

A. 9 B. : (Your Answer) C. /;9 . 2;9 !rong

Q.1) hat tool is used to cut copper4 &rass4 aluminum4 or plastic tu&ing4 and thinwall conduit3 * A. #acksaw (Your Answer) B.
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