# branch line serving serving a tra! in a combination waste and vent vent sstem is re/uired to be se!aratel se!aratel vented when the length of the branch exceeds ((((.
#. $. %. &. Wrong Q.0)
an a!!roved a!!roved airga! fitting (Your Answer) a double"chec# $al$e a triple"chec# $al$e an appro$ed $al$e
-nions shall be installed in a water su!!l su!!l sstem within (((( to a water heater
#. $. %. &. %orrect Q.)
!e &W* (Correct Answer) Type L Type Type ! (Your (Your Answer)
# domestic dishwasher drain shall first connect connect to ((((.
Q.11) #n ejector discharge line shall be !rovided with a ((((
#. $. %. &. %orrect
gate $al$e only bac;water valve and gate valve (Correct Answer) bac#water $al$e only swing chec# $al$e and a globe $al$e (Your Answer)
Q.1') = plastic piping installed hori9ontally shall be
supported at inter$als o. no to e1ceed 22223
#. *+ .eet $. & .eet %. ' .eet (Your Answer) &. .eet (Correct Answer) -nanswered Q.) Three"0uarter inch or *"inch gas piping installed hori9ontally shall be supported at int er$als not to e1ceed 22223
#. $. %. &. Wrong
& .eet .eet .eet (Correct Answer) , .eet
Q.) The terminal end o. the drain .or a pressure"relie. $al$e shall not be 22223
#. $. %. &. Wrong
painted reamed threaded (Correct Answer) open (Your Answer)
Q.0) One material not a!!roved for the installation of an external tra! for a urinal is ((((.
Q.8) >hat #ind o. @oint is not allowed in cast iron pipe
#. welded $. bell and spigot %. threaded (Your Answer)
&. soldered %orrect Q.9) >all"mounted water closet .i1tures shall be securely bolted to 22223
#. $. %. &. Wrong
the $ent piping the drain piping a closet bend metal supporting members (Your Answer)
Q.:) The tailpiece .or a la$atory shall not be less than 22223
*"*- inch (Correct Answer) *"*-' inch (Your Answer) * inch *"%- inch
#. $. %. &. %orrect
Q.1) Bnless ser$ing sin#s or urinals? cleanouts may be omitted on a hori9ontal drain line that is
#. $. %. &. %orrect
greater than '3+ meters less than *3, meters (Your Answer) e0ual to '3+ meters none o. these
Q.') What ;ind of concealed connections on fixtures that it is re/uired to !rovide an access !anel or utilit at least :.+ meter in its least dimension for eas ins!ection and re!air"
#. $. %. &. Wrong
sli! joint (Your Answer) hubless ball and soc#et .langed
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