THEORIES: Standard cost system 1. A primary purpose purpose of using using a standard cost cost system system is A. To make things easier easier for managers managers in the production facility. facility. B. To provde provde a dstnct meas!re meas!re o" cost contro#. contro#. C. To minimize minimize the cost cost per unit unit of production. production. D. b and c are are correc correctt
4. A company employing employing &ery &ery tight 5high6 standards standards in a standard standard cost system should e-pect that A. o incenti&e incenti&e bonus bonus will will be paid. B. &ost varances varances *## (e !n"avora( !n"avora(#e. #e. C. *mployees *mployees will be strongly strongly moti&ated moti&ated to attain the standard. standard. D. Costs will will be controlled better than if lower standards standards were used. 7. To measur measure e control controllab lable le product production ion inefficie inefficienci ncies" es" which of the following is the best basis for a company to use in establishing the standard hours allowed for the output of one unit of product A. A&erage A&erage historical historical performance performance for the last se&eral se&eral years #. *ngineering *ngineering estimates estimates based on ideal performanc performance e C. En'neern' En'neern' estmates (ased on attana(#e attana(#e per"ormance per"ormance D. The The hours hours per unit unit that that would would be re8ui re8uired red for the the pres present ent workforce to satisfy e-pected demand o&er the long run
2. Which one of the following following statements statements is true concerning concerning standard standard costs A. !tandard !tandard costs are estimates estimates of costs costs attainable attainable only under the most ideal conditions" but rarely practicable. #. !tandard !tandard costs are difficult to use with a process$costin process$costing g system. C. I" proper#y !sed$ !sed$ standards can %e#p motvate motvate emp#oyees. emp#oyees. D. %nfa %nfa&o &ora rabl ble e &ari &arian ance ces" s" mate materi rial al in amou amount nt"" shou should ld be in&e in&est stig igat ated" ed" but larg large e fa&or fa&orab able le &ari &arian ances ces need need not not be in&estigated.
9. Which of the following following statements statements about about the selection selection of standards is true A. :deal standards standards tend to e-tract e-tract higher performance performance le&els le&els since they gi&e employees something to li&e up to. #. Curre Currentl ntly y attai attaina nabl ble e stan standa dards rds may may encour encourag age e opera operati ting ng inefficiencies. C. Curren Currently tly attaina attainable ble standar standards ds discou discourage rage employe employees es from achie&ing their full performance potential. D. Idea# standards standards demand ma)m!m ma)m!m e""cency *%c% *%c% may #eave #eave *or+e *or+ers rs "r!str "r!strate ated$ d$ t%!s t%!s ca!sn ca!sn' ' a dec# dec#ne ne n per"ormance.
'. Which of the followi following ng is a purpose purpose of standard costing costing A. Determine Determine (breake&en) (breake&en) producti production on le&el B. Contro Contro## costs costs C. *liminate *liminate the need for sub+ecti&e sub+ecti&e decisions decisions by management management D. Allocate Allocate cost with with more accuracy accuracy ,. When When e&al e&alua uati ting ng the the oper operati ating ng perfo perform rman ance ce manag managem ement ent someti sometimes mes uses uses the differen difference ce between between e-pecte e-pected d and actual actual performance. This refers to A. /ana /anage geme ment nt by De&i De&iat atio ion n C. /ana /anage geme ment nt by 0b+e 0b+ect cti& i&e e D. &ana'ement &ana'ement (y E)cepton #. /anage /anagement ment by Contr Control ol
!tandard costs &s. budgeted costs ;. A difference difference between standard standard costs used used for cost control and the budgeted costs representing representing the same manufacturing manufacturing effort can e-ist because A. stand standar ard d cost costs s must must be deter determi mine ned d after after the the budg budget et is completed B. standard standard costs represen representt *%at *%at costs costs s%o!#d s%o!#d (e *%#e *%#e (!d'eted costs represent e)pected act!a# costs
!tandard setting . The best basis basis upon which which cost standards standards should should be set to measure controllable production inefficiencies is A. *ngineering *ngineering standards standards based on ideal performanc performance e #. ormal ormal capaci capacity ty C. En'neern' En'neern' standards (ased (ased on attana(#e per"ormance per"ormance 2a- !tandards D. *mployee !tandards
19.:n 19.:n analyzi analyzing ng manufa manufactur cturing ing o&erhea o&erhead d &arian &ariances ces"" the &olume &olume &ariance is the difference between the A. Amount shown shown in the fle-ible fle-ible budget and the amount amount shown in the debit side of the o&erhead control account #. 3redetermined 3redetermined o&erhead o&erhead application application rate and the fle-ible fle-ible budget 2abor rate D. La(or e""cency #. /aterials price
22.The budgeted o&erhead costs for standard hours allowed and the o&erhead costs applied to product are the same amount A. for both &ariable and fi-ed o&erhead costs. #. only when standard hours allowed is less than normal capacity. C. "or vara(#e over%ead costs. D. for fi-ed o&erhead costs.
27.Which of the following is the most probable reason with a company would e-perience an unfa&orable labor rate &ariance and a 2
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