Mary Magdalene

April 27, 2017 | Author: Purnaa Aanrup | Category: N/A
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c                                    c ² T.S. Elliot

À om an engaved window at Salisbu Cathedal, England)

'Scalet Woman, penitent sinne, Sisteide, whoe, lack Madonna, high Piestess of Isis, Mistess of the Elements, eloved wife of Jesus, favoed disciple, Ma of ethan, Miiam of Magdala, Magdalede, the towestonghold, Daughte of Sion', Maia Sophia, ae just some of the titles and attibutes accoded to me. I have been descibed as a            a, toubadous have sung of the fuit of m womb, the Sangaal, the living Gail msteies and the bloodline of Jesus. Yet do the have an idea of the endless eas of m intense spiitual gooming and m ensuing minist I am calling out now, fo m tue essence to come foth« fo beaut and tuth shall save the wold.' We begin ou joune into the Magdalene msteies, following he tail of legends and shines thoughout ance and itain, as msteious theads of a woven sto ² a sto whose time has finall come. He pesence is suddenl eemeging in books, new tanslations of Gnostic gospels, television specials and film, making he wa into ou psches and pepaing new gound fo healing at least 4000 eas of sepaation of spiit and sensualit. When the pima aspects of one's tue essential natue ÀTibetans would tem this    ) ae fagmented, outside foces Àsuch as elationships, famil, chuch o govenment) can easil dominate and manipulate one's life. Magdalene's legac calls us to etieve the fagments of ou sensual, passionate natues, and when impegnated with divine love and a spiitual fie, the alchem of saced union tansfoms us. She epesents a pofound knowledge of the msteies of the saced maiage, eathl and heavenl union, embodied spiitual passion and a necessa lost chod in the emnants of the song of the saced feminine.                               

       a   !  "# $ $  a b lo Aeveia Magdalena.

Signs of the Grail in Avalon

When I made m fist joune into the saced sites of Geat itain in 1987, I had no idea how deepl I would be impacted b the ich laes of Ma's sto that ae still palpable and eadil accessible to moden pilgims. In Glastonbu, England, the site of ancient Avalon, I was stuck with the 'pesence' of both Ma's²Ma Mothe of Jesus and Ma Magdalene, in the shines, cathedal uins, spings, and even he pesence in the land itself. The St. Michael and St. Ma le lines Àdowsed lines of eneg) weave back and foth ove each othe acoss England, intesecting at the majo acheological sites and eal Chistian cathedals. Ma's dagon line moves in a sepentine flow, The Egg and the cossing the staight Michael line in a epeating geomantic hieos Sepent gamos o signs of saced union in the land. ÀSee #   #  b Hamish Mille and Paul oadhust).

The famous Glastonbu Abbe with it's Ma Chapel was founded in its oiginal humble fom of mud and thatch sometime between 41 63 A.D. b Joseph of Aimathea. In fact, it was the wold's fist Chistian chuch above gound. ÀThe ealiest Chistians wee foced to meet undegound in both Jeusalem and Rome, to avoid pesecution). Accoding to the 1922 publication a#% &   a b Lionel S. Lewis, Joseph came to the Isle of Glas, an olde name fo Glastonbu, in about 31 A.D. with ten companions to spead Chist's message. It is said that the wee told in a vision b the Achangel Gabiel to build a chuch in hono of Ma. One legend states that afte Ma died, Joseph bought he bod to Glastonbu, to be buied in a cpt at the pesent Ma Chapel of the Abbe. This Ma is nomall pesumed to be Ma, the 'Vigin' Mothe, but could it be the othe Ma, The Magdalene ÀThee ae othe legends that sa she is buied in ance). Magaet Stabid, in he book a'   &  %a, states, #  (     % &     %        '  (        %   %  )&*+,-.      % &          %    (              ÀSeveal offsping of that oiginal hawthon, a species that is onl found hee and in the MiddleEast, ae still gowing in Glastonbu« within the Abbe gounds, on Weaall Hill and at Chalice Well Gadens. It blooms duing the Chistian hol weeks at Easte, and Chistmas, o Winte Solstice, and is a poweful smbol of death and bith, as its ed fuit and white flowes happen at the same moment.) Numeous Euopean legends tell of Joseph of Aimathea taveling with Ma Magdalene and seveal othes to Egpt afte the cucifixion, late landing on the southen coast of ance, at a town now known as SaintsMaiedela Me. It is not known whethe o not Magdalene then accompanied Joseph futhe noth into itain, howeve in the 2002

book a$  $   a, b Tom Kenon and Judi Sion, she is said to have lived in Glastonbu fo two peiods of time, as well as in Southen ance ÀThe Magdalen Manuscipt is available at At ide's Mound, on the westen edge of Glastonbu, thee ae a few scatteed emains of a stone wall fom the old Magdalene Chapel. It is also nea ide's Mound that the ancient lue owl was uncoveed in the eal 1900's and man itish mstics claimed it was a Gail bowl Àsome expets date it fom Ital about 700 A.D). It is now being kept at Chalice Well, and on ou annual Magdalene pilgimages to itain, ou goups have had the oppotunit to use the bowl in meditations« and thee is a poweful emnant of the saced in the lue owl! Just a few hunded ads fom Chalice Well and in the cente of the village is the Ma Chapel of the famous Glastonbu Abbe. In one cone of the chapel, a beautiful little well dedicated to St. Joseph still uns with clea Avalon white sping wate. And on the southen outside wall thee is a most intiguing inscibed stone, pehaps alluding to the saced maiage of Jesus and Magdalene, %  $ . These ae the ve same wods on a banne caied b Joan of Ac duing the cusades, elating to the wedding at Cana and the bloodline of the Hol Gail. Just outside the Ma Chapel, la the pupoted gaves of King Athu and Guinevee, continuing this theme of the saced maiage!

St. Joseph's Well Glastonbu Abbe

Jesus Maia stone at Abbe Ma Chapel

In tacking the names and emnants of the Gail Mste, The healing wates of the ed and white spings of Avalon give anothe clue to the alchem of union, of eath and spiit, female and male. The white Àchalk) sping pous libeall fom the base of the To, the 'ang' cental high point in the landscape, and the ed sping emeges within the 'in' nutuing Chalice Well Gadens just a few feet awa« it is also called the blood sping, as it is full of natual ion, causing the well stones' stong ed colo. Two ve old "bleeding" ew tees stand as a gatewa to the lowe end of the gaden, whee the ed sping flows into two intelocking pools, a shape wellknown in saced geomet called the Vesica Pisces. This shape is constucted b dawing two equal cicles so that the cente of each lies on the cicumfeence of the othe. This smbol of saced union is an impotant smbol in Chistian msticism Àsign of the fish, o Pisces) and the geomet of ancient temple design, including the Ma Chapel.

Vesica Pisces pool at Chalice Well

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                      om a  ' # a b Nicholas Mann. Signs and emnants of both Ma Magdalene and Mothe Ma abound in itain, as well as the Gail Msteies and smbols of saced union, the path of the eloved. This theme of the two Ma's began gestating within me neal twent eas ago, and continues to unfold m own developing undestanding of the saced feminine. This pocess is an inne integation of the mthos of both Mothe Ma and Ma Magdalene, the embacing of a poweful eath sensual aliveness of the Magdalene, the path of The eloved, and the heavenl and tanscendent love of the Mothe. Even though these two Ma's have become widel sepaated in the human psche, I believe it is time we econcile these polaities as necessa step of healing ou wold. ½agog, the grandmother oak speaks: On m annual pilgimage to Avalon this last Ma, I allowed an exta week of pesonal eteat time at Chalice Well Gadens to contemplate moe deepl the Magdalene. M intention was to delve into he msteies, and peceive how she might be an essential metapho fo ou wold out of balance. I had a hunch that the wisdom of old Magog, the gandmothe oak tee might shed some light. ÀMagog and Gog ae the onl two suvivos of an ancient ceemonial avenue of oaks leading up to the To).

As I sat at the foot of this matiach, I 'head' the following message:          "   


   2          3 "     $        )& -  




Magog the gandmothe oak

Duing the das following, I continued to sense the magic of this cleansing popet of the elements, the fiece wind and ain sweeping acoss the moos, the sudden wam sun beaking though, lighting the aw powe and pesence of the stones, woking alchemicall to cleanse and enew, not onl the land, but also mself. 4     !  

                 5             !  $½    a6 7 a b Lawence Gadne. ÀIsis is the eloved of Osiis, both mastes of the alchem of tansmutation though the elements) I was eminded of two visions m fiend Stanle Messenge had man eas ago of Ma Magdalene. Stanle is living in Glastonbu, a wellespected mstic and teache, and even at neal ninet eas old, still activel shaing his wisdom with man. The fist vision he shaed with me was that of seeing Magdalene in the Glastonbu Abbe, whee she was waist deep in the eath with he beasts esting on the gound. He hands wee tuning, woking the soil, as if mixing he awaeness with the eath, an

alchemical blending. When Stanle ealized what she was doing, she tuned and winked at him.

& .$ 3 3#  #               6      &      ÀMic.4:810)

Lion dinking fountain at Chalice Well ÀAlso a smbol of the Lion of Judah and the saced bloodline of the Hol Gail)

On anothe occasion in La Val Dieu ÀValle of God), ance, nea Rennes le Chateau, whee she is said to have lived following the cucifixion, Stanle and a fiend both saw a woman the felt to be Magdalene bending down in a field, tuning the soil and the gound was bleeding. The vision faded, but the had both seen the same image. Once again, she is seen woking he magic in the eath, lad of the elements, tansfoming matte, evealing and maintaining the tuth of the lood Msteies. Sue Palme, a colleague of Stanle's, is known fo he damatic onewoman show 'The Magdalene'. As I spoke to he in Glastonbu last Ma, she said, "itain is the path of love, the path of the saced ites of Ma's knowledge and bloodline, but alwas the path of love. She has a geate capacit fo love²thee is the sto of he joune into the deep cave sstems in ance, whee she is said to have jouneed fo two thousand eas. On emeging out of the cavens, light poued fom he ees like liquid peals."



ÀExcepts fom Hmn To the Etenal eminine b Teilhad de Chadin)

'Unexplained phenomena' captued b the camea of D. Eileen Palme

uhat history tells us about ½agdalene ew biogaphical details about the life of MM can be found in the iblical and Gnostic texts. Howeve, one of the main souces is found in the witings of lessed James of Voagine Àc.12301298), autho of 'The Golden Legend'. Accoding to Voagine, Ma was of oal blood, the daughte of Sus ÀSian) and Euchaia Àfom euchais, gacious, a tem applied to Aphodite). She, he bothe, Lazaus and he siste Matha owned seven castles, in addition to the village of ethan and much of Jeusalem. Gnostic efeences efe to he as the favoed disciple in the inne cicle taveling with Jesus. The following quote spoken b Jesus to Magdalene illustates he exalted ole as a woman among the othe disciples: $  $             7 #   

       2                1 

 om Pistis Sophia ÀAskew Codex), quoted in the book a$$  a b Susan Haskins. The Gnostic Gospel of Philip descibes Magdalene as    #  68        


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 She anointed Jesus twice with he alabaste ja of Nad, once upon his head, and

anothe time at his feet, wiping them aftewads with he long hai. This fagant, sweet smelling ointment is known as Spikenad, which in those das gew high in the Himalaan Mountains. This would have been pat of the saced maiage itual known to the high piestesses of that time. Howeve, fo two millennia, Magdalene has been potaed b the chuch as a sinne and postitute, not as ide. Yet, in the Old Testament's Song of Solomon, a seies of beautiful love canticles between a bidegoom and his bide, this act of anointing is identified as smbolic of espousal. ;   ?@.  @?A? 8 8   a    $$       "    $            8                    8a                    In his book a   2 a, Lawence Gadne follows the influence of Lilith, a Goddess of exteme light and dak, 'black but beautiful', an unusuall fee spiit, and the oiginal femme fatal.           %  8$ 3&    8   8a    $ $  "              

' $$    %      6 )# - @            +BBB   Ma Magdalene was one of the women, along with Jesus' mothe Ma, at the foot of the cucifixion coss, and accoding to the Gospel of John, the fist woman to aive at the gaden and see the Risen Chist. He pesence with Jesus in the gaden not onl eveals he ke position with Him, but places Magdalene at the cente of the Resuection Msteies. —he Pentagram and Venus in ½agdalene's Land: Legends abound egading Magdalene's tenue in southen ance, aiving with he small entouage unde the potective guidance of Joseph of Aimathea in about 42 A.D. Àfollowing the cucifixion). And now, eve ea on the twentfifth of Ma, thongs cowd

into the seapot village of SaintsMaiedelaMe to ca he effig though the steets, with the music of the man gpsies and thei hosedawn cats, who have gatheed fom all ove Euope to celebate Magdalene's aival. In about 1971, a itish wite and schola named Hen Lincoln aived in neab Rennes le Chateau Àueen of the House) to eseach his theoies on the oal bloodline of the House of David, the lineage of Magdalene and Jesus. ÀHe is known fo his book Hol lood, Hol Gail, coauthoed with Michael aigent and Richad Leigh). Rennes is peched on a steep mountaintop, about twentfive miles fom Cacassonne, an impessive medieval walled cit. o centuies, it has been on the ancient Chistian pilgimage oute, which stetched fom nothen Euope to Santiago de Compostela, Spain Àtanslating as land of stas). Paulo Coelho ÀDia of a Magus) and Shile MacLaine ÀThe Camino) have both witten of the mste and magic of thei own long walks along this saced path. A: ezu summit, Àmaps name the spot as Chateau Templie Ruines). : High mountain point aligned with two Templa chuches, Antugnac and Ganes. C: Tou Magdala at Rennes

Magdalene's Pentagam at Rennes om 2#0 b Hen Lincoln

D: lanchefot, uin of an ancient watch towe. E: La Soulane Mountain, visible local high point

Hen Lincoln has dedicated thee decades to decoding Ma's msteies in the land suounding Rennes, and his findings ae documented in his booka2# 0 a. Lincoln also poduced a seies of C documentaies coveing the Rennes msteies, one of which was 'Shadow of the Templas', showing his discoveies of a fivepointed sta in the elationship of the mountains and ke Templa shines aound Rennes, and the sta's hidden image in the old pachments of the Pio of Sion.

Rennes le Chateau's village chuch was consecated to the Magdalene in 1059 and in 1891, the paish piest, eenge Sauniee began chuch estoations, adding new altas honoing the Magdalene. In this pocess, he discoveed old pachments, one dating fom 1244, anothe fom 1644, said to contain genealogies of the oal bloodline. The Pio of Sion was tied with the Knights Templa and claims of the Meovingian kings to be descendents of the Davidic bloodline though the lineage of Ma Magdalene and Jesus. Man of the Paisian elite belonged to this secet societ, including the ench music compose Claude Debuss, listed as Gand Maste of the Pio of Sion.

Meovingian gail watemak with fuit of the vine o oal bloodline of MM

ecause of Magdalene's ole in the Cucifixion and Resuection of Jesus, she was seen b the Gnostics and mstics of the Middleages to be 'The Medium of Secet Revelation.' These same Gnostics also associated he with the planet Venus. In the cultues of Egpt, China, ablon, Duids, Maans and man moe, the movements of the stas and planets detemined ceemonial ccles and the building pattens of megalithic sites and temples. Lincoln states: &            a   1

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