Martiniste VIII

April 2, 2017 | Author: Panchiao | Category: N/A
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Very dear  dear Friend  Friend  W e  were  glad  to  learn  of your  interest  in  our  College. Let  u s  tell  y o u  a  little  about  ourselves. and  d  intellectual  Ou r  main  objective  is the  spiritual, moral  an Our  and  d  indirectly, of  all mankind. development  of o ur  members, an W e  a re  not  a  religion, n o r  a re  w e  interested  in  o ur  members’s  gender. r. The teac teachings  hings  w e  give  will  guide you to  religion, race  or  gende Right  Thinking, Right S peaki peaking ng and Right  Acting;  they  develop  activity th th e  inner faculties into  activity  f aculties which  enable  y o u  to  live  a  life  of  continuous  spiritual  unfoldment  in  a  state  of Health, enjoying  th e  Happiness  that  comes  through  the possession  of  True  and  d  th e  ability  to  u s e  it  effectively. Wisdom  an and  d  In  th the  e  pages  that follow  w e  present some  pertinent  an and  d  as commend it  it  to  you, an important information;  w e  commend  ask  k  y o u  kindly to  give  it your  thoughtful attention.

May you  ever dwell  in  th e  Eternal Light  of Divine  Wisdom.

Yours sincerely, OFFICE  OF  THE  REGISTRAR



T f l= M E



On e of the peculiarities o f  human nature i s that people tend to laugh a t One and teachings designed to almost anyt anything hing they don’t understand uplift mankind a r e no whyy it is silly nott exempt from this general rule. This is wh whyy it is foolish to speak to people about to cast pearls before swine, wh matters they have no whyy there h a s nott been prepared to understand, and wh (exoteri eric) c) teaching. Th The e always been a n inner (esoteric) and a n outer (exot Great Master himself w a s well aware of this and that is wh whyy h e spoke in .



parables. L e t u s get exactly to the point: “Esoteric teachings” a re the heart a n d  soul  of  al all l  religions an d  ph~Iosophy... they a r e no nott weird and obscure dogmas contained somewhere in a dusty tome. essential al stud y they a re essenti .


for everyone wishing to fathom the mysteries of life and walk the path of Self-Improvement. There w a s a time when few people were bold enough to think for they ey wer were e made to believe that the important matters themselves, th concerning life and ititss many problems had to b e thought o ut for them by someone supposedly “wiser” than themselves; they were trained to s it dutifully and b e told what to thini, and what to do do,, and what to believe. While a vestige of this stil stilll remains, remains, there is no now w a great awakening taking place among the peoples of the world, men & women everywhere a r e responding to a n inner urge prompting them to know more, to expand their vision, to b e better educated and improve themselves in every way. unfold old thei theirr innate potential, to develop their latent They wish to unf faculties, to open themselves to the influx of Spiritual Illumination and take their proper place in the Brotherhood of Man. M A R T O N O S T O ~D S T O R ~Y

A IB ~ R D ~ E 1 F O N T R O D U C T O O N

Th e Martinist Order is a n initiatic fraternal brotherhood. ItItss name The commemorates Martinez Pasquales and Louis-Claude d e Saint-Martin, two stewards of the Tradition wh whoo lived in France in the 18th century. Pasquales founded the Order of Elect Priests; Saint-Martin w a s a member of this Order and later of the Order of Unknown Philosophers. Th The e instructions given by these two enlightened brethren is the basis of the Martinist Teachings. In 1888, P a pus, Grandmaster, estab established lished the magazine L’Initiation to communicate information about the Order and the esoteric arcana; this magazine, written in French, continues to this day. In English-speaking countries, growing interest in Martinist Work and the esoteric arcana general generally, ly, call called ed for a n English-language equipollent, MARTIN TINIST IST STUDIES w a s thus the INTERNATIONAL COLLEGE OF MAR founded. We are making available in English a considerable amount of teaching formerly found only in French; this includes a great deal of instruction given by Pasquales, Saint-Martin and the early Martinists, a s well a s teachings emanating from the Rose+Croix, Gnostic Christianity, the Hebrew Kabala, Alchemy, and other traditional streams of mystical philosophy.

Our activities are supported by dues-donations subscribed by members. Since we are not a commercial venture ventureand and have no salaried directorate or share holders, these contributions are minimal.

Postage is

major cost-factor and a s the scope of our Work is worldwide, duesdues-donati donations ons are formulated to take Postal Zones into account. Lessons and lectures are compiled in volumes called Libers, each Liber contains several lectures: Dues for Family Membership, i.e. any two family members: Husband/Wife, Brother/Sister, Mother/Son, etc., is the same a s for individual membership. Members may resign or ‘drop out’ at any time and for any reason. a

Our curriculum h a s been carefully planned with a n emphasis on Our practical instruction relating to philosophical and metaphysical principles for successful living. Meditation and “seeking within” about whic wh ich h th the e public is hearing so much these days, is bu butt one one of th the e useful principles taught; other topics include: Exercises to develop Concentration, Visualization and Memory; Explanation of the Physical and Spiritual Constitution of Man; the inner meaning of Biblical Parables and Events; Understanding and Interpreting Dreams; Mystical Symbo Symbo-lism; the History of the Initiatic Orders; Th The e Fall of Man; T he Planes of Consciousness; etc. etc.

T he Work is given in Planes (or grades) of instruction. Plane One (Apprentice) consists of over 4 0 lectures, contained in 1 0 Libers, sent over a period of seven months, detailing a considerable amount of information and outlining practical principles for successful living. After the new Apprentice completes this work he beconies eligible to contai tained ned in 1 2 advance to Plane Two. T he Work on Plane Two is con Libers sent over a period of eight months. Of Plane Three, nothing can b e said at this time.

DOCTORATE IN DIVINITY In association with the S . L of the ECCLESIA GNOSTICA APOSTOLICA UNIVERSALIS the I.C.O.M.S. offers the honourary degree of Doctor of Divinity to students who complete Plane III and satisfactorily p a s s the prescribed examination.







 Respected Aspiran Aspirant  t   I  join with th the e Registrar In expressing our  pleasure fr frii learning of  your  interest in th the e Work  We are th the e inheritors and custodians of a certain libranj have e been bequeathed  to us from the heritage of esoteric manuscripts which hav of the the Martinists, Rose+Crob, Alchemists. Kabalists and  Gnostics, which detail the authentic and  traditional initiatic teachings.  A great deal  Agreat  deal of this material is writte written n in French and our  particular   particular task  is to translate these’ beautiful teachings and make it all available in English to sincerely ely seek th the e true gnosis and wish to better their lives. Much of  those who sincer hass never appeared this information ha appearedbefo before rein in English

 An analysis of our records shows that  our  membership falls into three clear   An groups: 1 . Supplicants who hav have e nev never  er  undertaken esoteric studies before, wh who o have the e Traditional affiliated with us because they wish to be gui guided  ded in th Teachings.

2. Members of various world  world religions religions including the Buddhisl Christian, who o have been, o r   Jewish  faiths, and sojourners wh   Hindu Hindu Isla Islamic mic and  Jewish areassoc associated  iated  with mys and  d  fraternal organizations such as  presently are mystical tical an Oddfellows, ws, Rosicru Rosicrucians, cians, the Freemasons, Gnostics, Kabalists, Martinists, Oddfello who o are seeking clearer light  and appreciate the ab etc. wh abund undanc ance e of  exclusive info informatio rmation n we are making available. 3.

who o particularly wish to obtain th the e honorang Doctorate. Students wh

 If    If   the e course of  your   you.  you aspire to better  your   your life and  change th  your career, if  you. dear fri friend end,, seek to grow in spiritual wisdom and  understanding.. . you have in  your  hands the key which will unlock th the e door  door to to th the e most  fortuitous circumstance of  your  life. We cordially invite you to complete th the e registration steps to admit  you and  an d  return itso that  the Registrar  maytake the proper   you as  proper steps an Apprentice


Incc Th~ inienia inieniarionaj rionaj College of Mart,nist Srud,es In

Worthingg W 31, Barbados, W est Indies Worthin


Complete the petition o n the opposite page. Print clearly a n d m a k e sure y o u give your full mailing address.


Determine the Postal Zone in which you live and return the petition together with t h e correct dues-donation.

nott accepted your dues-donation will b e If your application is no returned. If your application is accepted you will receive a ll the Work scheduled for Plane One a s described on page 4 under t h e heading T H E WORK. On passing through Plane One successfully y o u will b e eligible to advance to Plane Two. Dues-donations m a y b e paid in cash, b y Postal Order, Bank Draft or Personal Cheque. Make a ll dues-donations payable to “ICOMS Funds.”

Zone “A”

Members in Barbados, the Commonwealth Caribbean, the Netherlands Antilles and Guyana. BarrOne e affiliation and dues-donation: $25.00 Ba Plane On bados or $13.00 U.S. currency.

“B”” Zone “B

Members in the United Kingdom, Canada, Mexico, U.S.A., Hawaii, Puerto Rico and Virgin Islands. (Material sent air mail). Plane One affiliation and dues-donation: $25.00 U.S. currency.

Zone “C”

Members in a ll other countries. (Material sent air mail). affiliation ion and dues-donation: $30.00 U.S. Plane One affiliat currency.

Our quotations are given in U .S . and Barbados dollars and w e prefer whenever possible for dues-donations and contributions to be paid in either U.S. or Barbados dollars because there is a fixed parity between fluctuation tion in value; however these two currencies and therefore no fluctua w e c a n accept any major currency, for example: Australian, Canadian or E as t Caribbean dollars; £ Sterling; Belgian, French or Swiss Franks; Spanish Pesetas; Italian Lires; Deutsche Marks; Dutch Guilders; etc.


Because o f t h e constant fluctuation o f currency values, if remitting currency other than U . S . o r Barbado s dollars dollars,, please consult y o u r bank f o r t h e prese nt exchange and add add t h e equlval~nt o f $1.00 U.S. currency to cover bank charges.

HIS TRUE NATURE A N D MINISTRY by LouisClau Cl aude de de Saint-MartIn. This was Saint-Martin Saint-Martin’s ’s last  major  work and was translated into English by his biographer: B. Penny.


CHRISTIAN TIAN PRI PRINCIPAL NCIPALS S by Rent Cossey. FIVE CHRIS and  d  Teachings of  Martinez  Martinez Pas Detailing the Works an quales, Louis-Claude deSaint-Martin, Jacob Boehme,  Emanue  Ema nuell Swe Swedenb denbo org and  Thomas ~ Kempis.

Vol. 1. The history of  early  Martinism an and  d  French Freemasonry an and  d  an ElusCohen ritual.



 pa~ Vol.2. Various Martinist  pa~ and  d  the Prayers of the Elus-Cohen. ers an

Vol.3. Letters & Numbers by Margaret B . Peeke, Inspectoress General for  the Papus. (ISA under Papus.


V ol 4. A historical review of  and  d  The  Martinism by Past  Master  Jean Bricaud, an  Lectures to the Secret  Degrees of The Knights Beneficent  of th thee Ho Holy ly City.



How w is the Human Vol. 5. Ho  Being Made Lip? byPapus.


Vol.6. Theurgy.

Operative Prayer. INTERNAllONAL COLLEGE OF M A R T I N I S T S T U D I E S Worihing W 3 1 Barbados West Indies —

On the following pages maybe found examples of  typical lectures. The last is incomplete, because of  space constraints.


Dear Dea r Bro Brothe thers rs



Let us V :: the

M ::

begi be gin n to toni nigh ghts ts co conv nven enti ticl cle e

Louis—Claude de

by re retu turn rnin ing g to our Man.

Saint—Martin looking at

sees es th that at He se

condition in wh whic ich h Ma Man n finds hims himself elf prese presents nts hi him m wi with th two

existing features in app appare arent nt con contra tradic dictio tion, n, nevertheless the

fruits of

but both


c o

of wh whic ich h ar are e


Firs Fi rst, t, up upon on introspection and turning his



and de and deep eper er within him himsel self, f, Man discover discovers s within hi hims msel elf f a “S “Sup uper erio ior r Principle.” He observes his thoughts, his will power, all those actions full

of ingenuity

othe ot her r cr crea eatu ture res s

and intelligence which

and an d en endo dow w him

with wit h

distin dis tincti ctive ve

set him apart



and exc exclus lusive ive

signs “Wh “W hy ca can n Ma Man n

fol ollo low w a way way wh whic ich h

is not

that of his

“Why “W hy ha has s he wi will ll po powe wer r wh whic ich h he can set against




of the senses’?” Thes Th ese e ar are e the

questions Saint—Martin asks himself in

Why moral sense which is infalible in its thus, were i t not that Man is singled or Mental es esse senc nce? e? Why Wh y is it that he on ea eart rth? h? ( E . & T.) his hi s bo book ok Of Er Err ror ors s an and d of Truth.



is Man guided by a ma marv rvel elou ous s

prin pr inci cipl ple? e? ou t

Why Wh y sh shou ould ld

through his

is t h e

only onl y




creatu cre ature re thus



first ass assura urance nce as to his destiny comes




realization of self.

from fr om hi his s



our Mas Master.

In hi his

correspondence he adds: let


it b e

by hi his s quality as an intellectual


has over cor corpor poreal eal bei beings ngs the

or me ment ntal al being,

constant const ant advan advantage tage

of fe feel elin ing g an urge WH WHIC ICH H HE CANNOT UNDE UNDERSTA RSTAND.” ND.” Let us come now to the sec Man, whilst he second ond poi point: nt: t h e transcendent ch char arac acte ter r of hi his s Sp Spir irit it (or Mind), sees

recognizes also als o

the sum of

a ll ll


and the havoc that

il ls ls

to him,

realization of hi his s possibilities comes a pai ain n at paradise.

finding findi ng himse himself lf in exile.


most mos t


true tr ue th that at

striki str iking ng way.



nc man man who has


is a state


realization: that suddenly finds

w ij i j i t ur ur n h im


but this


of the





rot ha had d hi his s share

of misfortune

deny that

starting startin g points of Saint—Martin’s realize,

after aft er

self—s sel f—stud tudy, y, the

realizati real ization on brings with it another

sorry st stat ate e an and d predicament in wh whic ich h he

himself. The road  is i n t o a M 4 A 1 OF  DESIRE. +



in a

to u s

of pe perp rpet etua ual l pr priv ivat atio ion n an and d suffering.”

Man is sudde suddenly nly made to

natu na ture re of his soul

the no nost stal algi gia a of a lost

“No “N o man of good good fa fait ith h could

Ther Th ere e we ha have ve t h e philosophy.



Man immediately feels

suffering is brought home

and an d wh who o is without foibles. his corporeal ( E . & T.)


surrounds him.




pe n n o w  o pe


that Louis—Claude de



fo r   the








Saint—Martin found

in Ma Man n

two co—existing features:

(1 )

The realization of a “S “Sup uper erio ior r Pr Prin inci cipl ple” e” within himself;




realization of a state

Let us

now exa examin mine e these


of exi exile le and pri privat vation ion. .

results of

experienced self—

examination, together. “True a s in ou ours rsel elve ves s

it res result ults s

a relationship with the

the th e tr trac aces es of

stud st udy y of Ma Man n that we find

first of


Princi Pri nciple ples s and

less ss tr true ue a glorious origin, it is no le

also al so ho how w mu much ch these

things have

This Th is br brin ings gs us Martin says:

from fro m the


are wholly sentient

become degraded


to the


tha hat t

in us.”


nature of Man.

Beings Bei ngs are exclusively intelligent . .

it reveals

. . .



Saint— others

Man is bo both th an and d he here re lies the key to


riddle.” This Th is do doub uble le as aspe pect ct of Man, or th thou ough ght t po powe wer r of

who uni unites tes the

the purely Spiri Spiritual tual Being Beings s



the sensitive

nature or “feeling powers” of animated creat creatures, ures, gi gives ves rise to a sense of contradistinction and this ver very y oft often en comes between his desire to know

. . .

and the fre freque quent nt fai failur lure e of



our att attemp empts ts at

doing s o .

From the tual ex expe peri rien ence ce

encounter of




and an d th the e se sent ntie ient nt experience

Martinist Mart inist diale dialectics ctics, , because the no obje object ct of reflection i f 


. . .

tragedy of

the wh whol ole e of

our pli plight ght aff afford ords s us

we did’nt  have a mind  to realize

The Th e gr grea eat t sage Aristotle said:



. . .


“Wonder is the beginning

itse self lf can be an interesting subject of WONDER in it In the pro link nk th that at meditation. proces cess s of sel self—s f—stud tudy, y, wonder is t h e li to Man, the object of observation. unites Man, the observer The first wonders at the other. of philosophy.”

. .

Wonder takes us

away aw ay fr from om mat materi eriali alism sm. .

Every Ev erythi thing ng

is a

T h e t r u e m y s t i c h as a n i n f i n i t e c a p a c i t y   t o w o n d e r . subject subjec t of won wonder der. . Wondering abo about ut our oursel selves ves wil will l lead us inevit inevitabl ably y to classifying beings and things in two categories and of a negative principle, a form of evil - .

although subordinate to the

to realizing the existence influence tha t is ver very y pow powerf erful ul

principle of


L E A D TO A N STANDING OF TH E L AW AW S O F NATURE A N D T H E LA LAWS WS OF GOD. The Th e st stu udy of Ma Man n will

If the Martinist of Ma Man’ n’s s duality

. . .





Doctrine rests chiefly on the principle

we see


the cause of


Indeed not.

lines before.

Aristotle af afte ter r Pl Plat ato o kn knew ew quite

of Man,

his soul,



Many Ma ny th thin inke kers rs ha had d fo foll llow owed ed the w el el l

tha t


the essence

was “so “somet methin hing g div divine ine.” .”

Saint—Martin does not try to

innovate inno vate throu throughout ghout his

doctrine. On the contrary he re rejo joic ices es to fin find d himsel himself f in agreement with the traditional tea teachi chings ngs and the discoveries of the philosophers. . . .

Tradition is particularly dear to him. in

He al also so finds himself often

agre ag reem emen ent t wi with th Pa Pasc scal al an and d we recommei.d the

book boo k kno known wn as

ceadin cea ding g of this author’s

the Pensdes



two o starting What are the tw


What happens when the individual


others Saint—Martin says “some Beings are exclusively intelligent, are wholly sentient.” He then observes something particular about Man an.. What did he observe?


In the process of a line


of  Saint—Martin’s


becomes conscious of  this?

the e be best st self—study self— study what is th


in initiating

of enq enquir uiry? y?

Ot~ldguc9ower  Brothers




hope yo ut you u ha have ve be been en carrying o ut



our r re rece cent nt conve convent ntic icle les. s. You Yo u may may ha have ve th thou ough ght t examination sugg~stedin ou exam ampl ple e wi with th wh whic ich h we illustrated our arg argume ument nt last again of  the ex th e ca se , h a v e realized you will undoubtedly week  if  this is . - -

that the position was oversimplified in the example and that the reactions of  the witness wh who o observed the fall of  an apparently drunken person were not just a straight conflict between the heart and head, but that many other factors came into it concerning our individual background,

environment, personal likes



and dislikes, in short:



OF I N BO purpos pose e of t h e example BO R N A N D ACQUIRED EMOTIVE I M PU PU LS LS ES E S . T h e pur our r p a r t , t o make y o u WONDER about w a s mainly to provoke t h o u g h t on you it a n d i n c i t e y o u t o a s k yourselves w h a t y o u would d o i n t h e s a m e or i d e n t i c a l circumstances. . .

w n m a ke k e —u — u p , y ou ou I f y o u h a v e sincerely delved i n t o your o wn will h a v e h a d t o admit t h a t y o u have i n yourself a host o f t e n d e n c i e s , These Thes e exercise exercises s s o m e good a n d s o m e y o u would r a t h e r n ot ot b o a s t a b o u t . make e y o u t u r n over a n d ove over r you your r weaknesses a n d o t d e si s i g ne n e d to mak a r e n ot shortcomings with th you your r own b u t t o c a u s e y o u t o come t o t e r m s wi TRUE TRU E nat nature ure. . l l y o u be i n a position t o c h o o s e your way. Only t h e n w i ll I f y o u pl plan an to jou jour rne ney y f r o m A t o B by car, i t i s a s well t o know vehi hicle cle i n order t h e r o a d a n d t h e possibilities a n d weakness of your ve t o plan accordingly; w h e t h e r , f o r i n s t a n c e , t o t a k e t h e s h or or t r ou ou t e a c r o s s t h e mountains or t h e long roundabout w a y over easier ground. wis sh to attain a certain s t a g e of e v o l u t i o n . I n o u r case, we wi It human an weak weakne ness sses es, , so t h a t u r o wn w n n at a t u r e with i t s hum i s a s well t o know o ur we d o no t proceed uncautiously. . . .

Your self—study s h o u l d h a ve v e a ls l s o revealed t o y o u t h e your r be bein ing g of g e ne presence i n you ne r o us u s a nd n d noble i m p u l s e s , generally spont sp ontane aneous, ous, wh which ich oft often en g ui u i d e s y ou o u or s h o w s y o u t h e w ay a y y ou ou s h o u l d , o r c o u l d , h a v e taken. also o hav have e a n i n n a t e sense o f j u s t i c e , Y o u als This i s called s. ( o r r i g h t a n d wrong), i n r e l a t i o n t o your o w n a c t i o n s. I n a n y s i t u a t i o n , y o u a lw o u r c o n sc s c i e n c e. e. l w a ys ys know what y o u OUGHT t o very ry oft often en f a i l t o do i t . conscience ence although y ou o u m ay a y ve I t i s your consci t h a t i s “ t h e judge, i n f l e x i b l e a n d severe” t o whom y ou o u a re r e responsible. conscien ence ce i s y o u r PERSONAL j u d g e L e t me emphasize t h a t your consci interpreting what i s t h e r ig IT C A N i g h t path f o r y o u t o follow OFFER NO L E A D IN ENABLING Y O U TO JUD JUDGE GE OT OTHER HERS S do,

. . .

. . .

L e t u s t h e n , B r o t h e r s & S i s t e r s , privately p u r s ue u e o ur ur o wn w n s el e l f —s — s t ud u d y. y. L e t u s b e analytical, bearing i n mind t h a t w e cannot u r o wn wn b e t o o d o g m a t i c regarding s u c h t h i n g s a s t h e divisions o f o ur However, the frame beings as there are so many varying factors. purpose ose admirably i f we r e m e m b e r we hav have e sug sugge gest sted ed w i l l s e r v e o u r purp reinf inforce orce wit with h struts t h a t i t i s only a l o os os e f r a m e which w e h a v e t o re

out of  our ow n workshop. 0 0 0 0 0


to the questions:

After s e lf (a) l f — s t u d y, y , m a n c o m e s t o realize t h a t h e h as a soul, he discovers with T h i s realization within in himse himself lf a “Superior P r i n c i p l e ” . brings with i t another realization: ( 2 ) T h a t o f t h e s or o r r y s t at at e a n d predicament i n which M a n i s i n i . e . a s t a t e of e x i l e or p r i v a t i o n . -


He feels

a yearning t h a t



Desir ire. e. h i m i n t o a t r u e M a n of Des

both th an i n t e l li l i g e n t a n d a s e n t i e n t b e i n g which i s i s bo le a s p e ct ct o f M a n g i v e s r i s e t o a t h e k e y t o t h e riddle. T h i s d o u b le very ry often often come comes s between t h e d e s i r e s e n s e o f contradictinction a n d t h i s ve to know a n d t h e f r e q u e n t failure o f o ur u r a t t em e m p t s at doing s o . (c)

That m a n

. .

(d) Wondering. to wonder.

Th e

ability t o wonder.


We should develop o u r capacity





Recent lectures ha hav ve brought some ciples before us and as a result some Compani to ask “Is there really such a thing as Divine propose to examine this question no now w and ask  attention. YOU U a question’ In my turn I should like to ask  YO Have any of  you been among those who, being in Here it is: great tribulation, have turned your thoughts and prayers to the Great Source of  your being and, after praying fervently, have asked ask ed yourselves “Will God hear my prayer?”

If  you have asked this question, why did you? Is it that you doubt God’s ability or willingness to hear you? Is it that you have felt a sense of  unworthiness and intense Was it through lack  of  faith? humility?

who o has not had these Is there one amongst us wh doubts?

asked d yourselves “Will I hear How many of  you have aske Will I understand his reply? God’s answer? Will I be prepared to follow his guidance?”

Are you not apt to be so engulfed within yourself, and with what is tr tro oubling you, that you are blind and deaf  to all guidance and help? you u regard as Divine Guidance? Just what do yo Do you expect and require a miracle to occur as proof  that God has answered your prayer and is giving guidance to your footsteps? Let us examine these problems together, because these But may sound like platitudinous questions. friends think  ! Is it not true that man inclines to blame everyone except himself  and then, when in else for his troubles his despair, he turns to his Crea he reato tor r and prays for help disap appointe inted d but actually blames his God frequently is not only dis because his prayer has seemingly remained unan answ swered? — 






He mistakenly thinks that because the things he has asked for have not materialized, God has not answered his prayer.

forg rgo otten What at’s ’s more re,, he ev even en acc accu uses God of  having fo Then it is that he begins to rationalize that God is so him! own n personal problems are of  no omnipresent and great that his ow interest to his Divine Father. ??? What spiritual folly to believe that because the things we have pra pray yed for have not immediately materialized, our prayer has not been heard!!!


c :~

YOU U LISTENING FOR I ask: WERE YO FOR TH THE E ANSWER? you sure you did not fail to understand the reply?


Have you ever heard a child ask  something of  its parent that would have been awesomely detrimental to it, had the Yet the child felt, at the time, parent responded to the request? that its well being and happiness were dependent upon possessing the thing most wanted just then. The sa sam me law applies to us all. We are children of  God and in our spiritual ignorance we ask  for things that would equ ually detrimen ental tal to us were we to receive them at the time. be eq

PRAYER & DIVINE GUIDANCE You Yo u may say I am confusing prayer with Divine Guidanc nce e and that they are different and apart. But are they? Companions: what is prayer and what is Is not real prayer man’s reaching up to God Divine Guidance? an? ? ivine e Guidance is God’s reaching down to Man while Divin Is it not Div ivin ine e co—operation, working instead of  pulling apart?  — 

When man sincerely seeks Divine guidance and is willing to pay the price for it, he will receive it. Everything in life, whether on earth or in the spiritual world has a price, effort. not in the mone netary tary sense but in the true value of  life Everything that we obta tain in is the result of  effort action; that ein ng. Salvation is is the price of  attainment on any plane of  bei the dearest thing we can possess and requires the greatest exevery ery plane of  being. penditure of  energy on ev — 


Do not overlook  the fact that “price” does not mean It can be the exchange of  anything we monetary exchange! value on any plane of  being.

 Man would  rather part  with any or  aU  hi his s pos posse sess ssion ions s par rt with his deep rooted  prejudices! than pa That is the price he has unconsciously set upon them. Do you question this statement? Well, friends, the world today is in chaos over man • s personal prejudices of  ever ery y ty typ pe and description and it is these pre judices in their many ramifications that are preventing hi him m from becoming conscious of  his great heritage — DIVINE GUIDANCE You have often heard me say “All law is one,” and You “Ass above, so below”. “A Through repetition we possibly may have lost sight of  what this truly implies. If  all law is one law manifesting on different planes of  bei ein ng, then all law is in obed edien ience ce or response to Divine guid idan ance ce,, direc irectio tion n or one power. We could liken this to the ocean. All streams regardless of  size, eventually become from the tiniest brook  to the largest rivers They may have to traverse many thousands of  part of  the ocean. miles to do so but, eventu tua ally they all return to their source. — 

When man is on the spiritual planes of  being before he incarnates, he becomes saturated with truth. Through his spiritual experiences he knows he is under Divine guidance, and is, therefore, a part of  a Divine Plan. He is eager and anxious

then to pursue his life according to divine and spiritual law. him m into the earth life He brings this feeling and purpose with hi how w long he retains the consciousness of  this plan and but ho purpose, plus the consciousness of  his responsibility to his Creator If  he is an is de dep pen ende dent nt upon the age of  his soul. “old soul” his sojours to the spiritual planes have been so frequent that this repetitive experience, the deep seated sense of  to his heavenly Father, and the responsibility, spirituality, consciousness of  his spiritual parentage are etched deeply into his soul qualities to such an extent that noth thin ing g ca can n shake or who o knows through repetitions of  change his attitude. He it is wh personal consciousness that Divine guid idan ance is not a platitude but a way of  life, a way of  living. Guidance implies direction To have Divine guidance and direction implies a path, a way. means to have Divine direction, upon a Divine Pathway, A PATH -




you con ons sti titu tute tes s this th is Path, do ask? Living according to the highest  good  individually, t,ie are each, capable of   Then, does this understanding. imply grades of   goodness, grades of   guidance? It  simply the  NO INDEED!!! indicates measure of   our  capacity to receive and  express that  which is good  and  true. How may we knot,.~ whether  we ar are e ex expr press essing ing the highest  good  of   t,.’hich we are capable of   receiving? By the ai~ays unfailing test  the results, the fruits




Try as we may, there is no other way to prove it. The moment we feel a sense of  guilt, unhappiness, distress or uneasiness over something, we may rest assured that somewhere, The very fact that we somehow, something needs correction. We sense it indicates our personal responsibility in some way. can ca nnot es esca cap pe our conscience, the monitor of  our personal self  and any time th this is in inn ner voice protests at somethin 2g we are doing or planning it is well to heed that voice idan ance is for guid backs cks upon being given and if  we ignore it we are turning our ba the best and finest in us. — 



The truth that has just been stated can be likened unto a man travelling on a road who, on reaching a cross road, tion onally ignores the sign posts that indicate purposely and intenti which road he should take and actually takes the opposite direction. Result? He does not reach his destination and eventually has to come back  and travel the right road. Meantime he has become lost and confused until he retraces his steps and sorrowfully works his way back  to the point of  his wrong turn.

If  we refuse to use our spiritual, mental and physical faculties constructively and for the highest good, can’t you see how, through disuse, th they ey atrophy and gradually disintegrate?


o ’; ’

It is a matter of  natural it is not a matter of  punishment. effect. The more we use a faculty, the stronger it becomes. The more we use a physical muscle the stronger and more co—ordinated it becomes. We need the same mental and spiritual training for Life itoeif   provides this our mental and spiritual muscles.

training if   we wiii Zearn to Zook  upon our  experiences as such use e them aa means of   escape. and  an d  not  seek  to us


How can one stimulate Divine guidance? PRAYER. Prayer in Through the great  source of   aii guidance its real essence is not asking but giving. Whe hen n we truly pray to our Father we are striving to re~LdiEim. We are trying to stretch our in inne ner selv lve es and our consciousness to a higher kvel in an eff ffo ort, th thro rou ugh that at—ane—ment, to receive strength and anno nott rec receiv eive e either of  these unless or until we inspiration. W e can have prep repa ared ourse rselve lves s to receive them by opening up our consciousness through intense spiritual desire to a still higher So, again, “ask, and it shall be given unto you•’ consciousness. takes on a clearer meaning and a new beauty. —

Divine guidance is something that we all have, something to which we all have access to even though we are not Before we can become cons nscio cious of  its possession or privilege. conscio iou us of  either of  these we must not only ask  for them but prepare ourselves to be receptive to them. We must do this by preparing our minds. It may be likened unto a radio. Unless we tune into a given programme all the desire in the world will not enabk  us to hear it. Not until we turn the dial to the proper p~iace. No other place on the dial will do! It must be the right station. So with man, if   he wants Divine guidance he THE STATION must set his spiritual dial on the right station. FOR DIVINE GUIDANCE ON THE SPIRITUAL DIAL IS HE IMPLICIt FAITH W E M US US T PO POSS SSES ESS S IN OU R ABILITY TO BE GUIDED. W e must God. have faith in our heavenly Guide Otherwise our search is fruifless. There is no half  way measure in faith. Either we have faith or we have it not. We cannot have “littl.e faith”. Even Peter fell or sank  because of  that. For if  we have only a “littk  faith’ it really means we have none. There is no half  rea ason is that faith is a divine principl.e way measure and the re and principle is never divisible. It either is, or it is not. —

Let us ass ssu ume we have an unTHE NECESSITY OF FAITH It is ob obvio viou us, through limited solved probl.em on our hands. understanding we have not touched the source or cause of  the otherwise its solution would have been found. If  we problem tru~iy believe we have done all that is humanly possible and are not ignoring any persona~i responsibility that may be causin ing g its existence, then, with true faith in our heart we shotdd ask  for spiritua~i guidance to solve our problem. Believe implicitly that it will be given us, not because belief  has any magica~i qualities or pro rop pertie rties s but because disbelief  closes our minds to higher vibrations and turns off  our spiritual dial to the very inspi— Have strong faith and believe, ration and he~ip we are seeking. and the door will open. Remember: faith can remove mountains (big obstacks). The Great Book  is repkte with in instru struc ction giv iven en —



to us by the Maste ter, r, “to believe,” “have’faith’. indeed it is recorded of him that at one place he could not do “many mighty It is said of  hi him m that he works there because of  their unbelief”. never healed anyone without first asking “Dost thou believe”? It was not the mere belief  but the attitude of  receptivity that belief  produced that enabled him to complete his healing work. The Thus, ~aw of  cause & effect was operated in a tangibk  way. when we ask  for guidance and help, our belief  in its existence enables us to receive it. Divine guidance or plan surrounds us everywhere. The universe is a living testimony of  it, every moment of time. Yet, in our bhnd gropings we dare to question the Plan of  our Creator and his personal interest in his creation. Our Father is far more deeply interested in us, in spite of  his greatness, than This may sound like we are in him in spite of  our smallness. personalizing God but remember Companions God Go d is the consummation of  all personality.

IS GO Man has taken upon himself, as GOD D INTERESTED IN MAN? the price of  his evolution to consciousness, a vast responsibility that he will not be allowed to escape. He is obedient to law and plan and he knows there is law and he knows there is plan. He knows this by reason. Do you suppose that, for one moment, Go God d is not keenly interested, nay anxious, in his creature — Man — made in his own image, as to how that creature performs the work  allotted to him? Let your reason answer you that. If  an universe can be reduced to chaos by the disobedience of  an atom, how ho w much greater damage could man do if  he ran amuck? Oh God d is very deeply concerned and interested in his yes, friends, Go creature, man, forThe is the building block, not of  a material pThnet, but of  a world of  consciousness and the channel of  the power of  the Divin ivine e Mind ind.. The Great Book  says “Are not tw two o sparrows sold for a And An d one of  them shall not fall on the ground without farthing? your Father. But the very hairs of  your head are all numbered. Fear ye not, th there erefo fore, re, ye are of  more value than many spart. This being true, then the man or woman who doubts that rows’ God, cannot or does not interest himsdf  in them, is putting himself  at a tower value than many sparr rro ows. Is that an exalted idea of  ones own worth? Here is where all mans From universe to photon, all obey law and trouble originates! plan although they do not know it, nor are they conscious that Man knows there is law and plan but he there is law or plan. tries to disobey both by interposing his human will against the lely ly for laws and plan of  the Divine Will, the latter exerted sole the good and welfare of  the very beings who seek  to disobey it.

We are assured that God is aware of  the falling of  a sparrow and yet, when we pray to hi him m we frequently say “Lord hear my prayer” as though some prayers were ignored or not heard. Now, as students of  the arcane we know that thoughts have life and a prayer is a th tho ought directed to God. If  we mortals can sense a thought directed toward us, do you believe


iD ~ j

God is less se sens nsitive itive? ? Every time we pray we are using his doe es know it is being used what’s more substance and he do he is aware of  ouFii~ed even more than we ourselves! —

The direction to which I am referring is not that of  a scolding, critical monitor but of  a reservoir of  power to which all mankind has access, in equal measure, as man’s capacity to receive it expands and his need for such a power is awakened ed.. The direction or guidance to which I refer is all nature’s search for jight. Divine guidance is light — on every plane of  being Where there is light there is no darkness whether it be in our mind, heart or surroundings. Divine Guida uidanc nce always manifests through light in It never fails. a gle lea am of  A flash of  intuition, some form. inspiration, the light of  illumination, understanding all are the result of  light in some form of  expression. —

COMPANIONS’ RESPONSIBILITIES From this we can se sens nse that if  we are alive, happy, radiant and overflowing with constructive ideas, we are, consciously or unconsciously, in harmony with ithin in ourselves and in tune with Nature’s Creativ tive e Pla lan n and therefore responding to Divine Guid ida ance. Div ivin ine e Guidance is a state of  consciousness available to us at all times providing we are ready or prepared to rec receiv eive e such guidance. Our ability to respond to uidan ance is de dep pende dent nt upon our sense of  spiritual responDivine guid sibility, not only to our fe fellow llow human beings but what is even we have a spirituai more important, to God. Yes my friends: As our consciousness of  th this is res resp ponsib sibility ility responsibiLity to God. inc in crease ses, s, our ability to respond and to fall in step with God’s This conPlan follows as naturally as the law of  attraction. sciousness affects us in such fashion that our tho thoug ughts respond only to those that are in harmony with constructiv tive, e, crea reative tive results. DIVINE GUIDANCE MUST BE EARNED Every time we allow destructive and negative thinking to possess us, we have placed a barrier of  denser vibration and lower frequency between us and the spiritual guidance we are seeking. Disbelief, prejudice, these are the greatest barriers doubt and hatred in any form Man’s ability to receive we establish between ourselves and God. Divine guida idanc nce is not dependent upon God’s ability to impart it, or on the possibility of  its existence but on our  abiLity to attain Whenever it. Divine guidance is an attainment  we must  earn. God d for the seeming you think  prayers are unanswered blame not Go failure but look  within for  the reason! One On e may feel that God, being all powerf rfu ul, can overcome all obstacles and therefore reach one just the same but, my friends, when you rationalize thus, you are overlooking one thing and that is : G O D NEVER BREAKS HIS O W N LAWS because he IS those laws. And An d it is a scientific fa fac ct that frequencies, toThe heard, must operate on the same levels, otherwise sounds are lost. —

our  r  divine natures, not  in speaks to us through ou words as ordina rdinariLy riLy unde understoo rstood, but  through the Ocean of  Divine Go d 



 Mind  or though ught  t  to which

we aL L

hav ave e ac access. cess.

As so often mentioned, our minds are not our own but a portion of  the Divine Mind we have been given to use to our capacity. Divine guidance or the Divine Plan is in the ocean of  Div ivin ine Mind. Our ability to follow this plan is just the same as our ability to read a blue print here on earth. W e must know Just as we cannot read a blue print unless we know what how. it is a print of, and also know the technicalities involved, so too, in following the Divine Plan we must understand a fe few w basic principles. What would we regard as the fundamentals of  Divine guidance?

idanc nce is a fact Knowledge that Divine guida Desire for Divine guidance. Faith in Divine guidance being available to you.

1. 2. 3.

Companions, you may wonder about my frequent reference to the power of  posi sitiv tive e and negative thinking. The moment you “doubt” something very interesting ta tak kes place from a psychical standpoint. Were you to see yourself, you would find that the astral body would look  confused or “fuzzy” and grey would be a predo predom mina inant nt colour. If  the doubt is real strong and bordering on fear the colour would be still darker and the astral body would become definitely partially dissociated from the etheric. intens nse e fear. This That is why some cannot move under inte produces panic, hysteria and sometimes a complete collapse of  the physical body. This, of  cours rse e, is an extreme illustration but in modified form it shows what happens when we are consumed with doubts, fears and apprehensions. During these periods, no mathow w faithfully we may pray and ask  for guidance, we have ter ho not the efficient equipment in place for that guidance to come through. The astral body has set up an obstruction that does nott permit anything to co no com me through, no matter ho how w eager help there may be for us. However, if  we are fortunate to be able to go to sleep, that enables the astral body to realign itself  and the line for inspiration and help to be opened up. That is why, when you say “I’ll sleep on it and then decide” you have done a very wise thing. —

MIRACLES But what about those who are in desperate straits and who in their bewilderment and despair, ask  for help and guidance and receive it even though they are almost losing consciou iousne sness? It is because, in spite of  all, they do have faith and therefore have sent out a positive spark, not darkness, that can be utilized as a means of  communication and help. This involves such eth etheric eric expla plana nations that I don’t know if  I can make it sufficiently clear. When an individual sends out a prayer on the ethers, backed up by faith, it becomes a stream of  light with vital force that can be utilized not only on the ethers but on the physical plane as well. Frequently this produces results that man in his ignorance calls ‘miracles.’ irac cle le.. Every ryth thin ing g is the There is really no such thing as a mira result  of   a predis posing CAUSE. It is only when we do not always know the source of  those causes that we call the mani —



a “miracle”.

Can you begin to appreciate why it was that Jesus insisted upon belief  before he healed anyone? His frequent questio stion n was “Dost thou belief?” He asked it because it was necessary for the person soliciting help to be in a position to receive what he had to give.

Faith and prayer open the door to Divine guidance and are a practical preparation for the reception of  greater light. Eventually, man will discover that, if  light is of  great importance on the physical plane it is of  tremendous importance on the other planes as well. Light is a transmitter of  spiritual guidance and illumination. I counsel you, brethren: seek  light Strive to on all planes of  being as you would a precious jewel.

and  d  think  an and d you wiLl find  that  you express light  in all you do an will be living in true alig align nmen entt with all that  makes life well worth it its s struggles an and d ap appa parent  rent  disappointments. DISAPPOINTMENTS AR E REVELATIONS Why do I use the term “apparent disappointments?” Because disappointment not only involves things or conditions that are not — but also thing~ are e — and not as we imagined them to be. Therefore, as th they ey ar whenever disappointment sets in, either of  a person or of  a cond nditio ition n, rej rejo oic ice e that you know where and ho how w you stand in a No one given situation, for that is the first step to progress. who has ever accomplished much in li life fe has gone through it without many disappointments for they are the clearing house fo for r further action. DISAPPOINTMENTS A RE REVELATIONS OF THINGS AS When you are disappointed, is it not because you THEY ARE. have aiscovered things as they are and not as you had wished them to be? Take your  disappointments for  they will make of    you a finer  an and  d  better  person, instead  of  the reverse. If  you cannot stand the truth no matter ho how w much it hurts, can you expect to make any real pro rog gre res ss? There re’s ’s that trite remark  making reference to disappointments “He/she cannot take it” received. —

Man in his everyday life is becoming more and more aware that ability to cope with life in all its phases, with faith and confidence, regardless of  disa disapp ppoin ointing ting expe perienc riences es,, is a sign of  strength, and is greatly to be desired. Coping with life in a vital, constructive way, means gaining in courage, strength, faith and understanding as never before and as long as life progresses. Those who allow weaknes ness, s, discouragemen ent, t, fear and doubt to become their guiding attributes have nothing but disappointment in store for them.

DIVINE GUIDANCE /   SPARK WITHIN The reason it is impossib sible le fo for r us mortals to understand God’s Plan except fragmentarily is because we are a part of  that plan and the part can never understand the whole. Likewise, we live and move and have our being according to Divine guidance or that spark  within that is



divine. However, the Divine requires vehicles through which to operate or function and that is where we can conscio iou usly help in Only our disreleasing the Divine guidance that is ever ours. func nctioning. belief  prevents its active fu

THE IN THE INNE NER R ST STRU RUGG GGLE LE Man is forev reve er struggling between his lower and higher self (so called). In reality it is all one and not two separate persons or se But so selve lves s in invo volve lved d in this struggle. intense is the conflict, at times, that one feels as though torn in Why is this? twain. Is it because the various vehicles are in It is because our higher nature is not conflict with each other? usually in agreement with what our lower nature may be planning? Whenever we go through periods of  inner struggle it is because those phases of  our nature expre res ssion and are struggling for ununless the higher overrules the lower happiness and disappointment are in store for us, no matter ho how w rosy the picture may appear at the time.

 It  is at  such times as these that  we  It  out k~ardly turn for  Divine Guidance forgetting that  Divine guidance comes only from within.  If, for  any reason, it  does not  come through, its s are ar e impeding it w e may be sure that  we The most  frequent  expression in some way. obstacle is lack  of  faith. Astrally, faith is seen as light of  such beauty and vitality that no other vibration can substitute for its life—giving quality, is a vibration while its opposite polarity : fear without light that destroys and kills. Man will have to learn to think  for himself  as a part evolu olution tionary ary growth. As man gro of  his ev row ws in evolution, he will Inwardly grow in his understanding of  Divine guidance. he knows it N O W to be a fact but that is inwardly; later he will know it on all planes of  his being, and every perso rson n can hasten that day and hour for himself. —

THE W A Y TO SPIRITUAL INTEGRATION The only way you can spiritually integrate yourself  is by consciously and with intent, replac rep lacin ing g every negativ tive e faculty you possess with its opposite polarity. Strive to give life the beautiful and best that is in The only way anything can exist is thro throu ugh be being ing. Thereyou. fore, be not satisfied in just knowing within yourself  what is everyth rything ing you noble and beautiful but  express these qualities in eve do. THIS DOES N O T SIGNIFY THAT Y O U wn±.(o R SHOULD) B E C O M E SUPERIOR IN YOUR AlTI AlTITUDE TUDE iDWAR iDWARDS DS O T H ER E R S B UT U T JUST T H E C O N T R A R Y , GIVING NG DIGN DIGNITY, ITY, Y O U SHOLU) STRIVE 10 BECOME A T - O N E WITH THEM, B U T GIVI EVERYTHI THING NG IN LIFE, MEANING AN Thus, a friendly word AND D BEAUTY 10 EVERY of   encouragement to every one whom you contact will have the eff ffe ect of  spreading light and cheer and colour in unexpected

,~ J

1 :3

places. On the other hand every time you are grumpy and sour you are shedding distress and so sorr rrow ow whereve rever r you go.

are e your  best  at  all times is the response you ar making to Div ivine ine guidance. Guidance, as has been explained, To


implies a plan and direction. That our mysterious universe, established on law and order, is fu func nctioning under a Divine plan and guida No man presently in the Forest of  idanc nce is obv bvio iou us. Errors will ever know what that plan is, but the more we convibratio rations to higher frequencies on the dial of  sciously raise our vib life, the more we will be able to attune ourselves to the Divine Receiver available to us all.

EXERCISE Incorporate

this exercise into your sc sche hedu dule le of  mystical practices:

Feet on floor and hands in lap, Sit comfortably and relax. unclasped. Breathe easily. Visualize clearly an aura of  pure, brilliant light surrounding you. Expand this light so that it engulfs the entire universe. Pray for enlightenment, or for illumination on any particular prob roblem lem or question you may have. Then empty your mind of  all tho thou ught sit quietly and be receptive. Answers/responses may come visually, audibly, as a They may come immediately, “feeling” or a combination of  these. or you may become aware of  them subsequently. —

ercise ise.. Do not exceed five min inu ute tes s in the execution of  this exerc

-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-oEXAM EX AMINA INATION TION


point of  this lesson?


What is the central


Has this lesson helped to clarify the all import rtan ant Faith, for you?


Why did Jesus insist that the person soliciting belie lieve ve, before he attempted a cure?

 I ~ )

What is the most frequent

subje su bject of 

help first

obstacle me mett in seeking Divine



What is a ‘miracle’?


Do you believe the universe fu func nctions according to a plan? Regarding your answer, either ~ or “no”, what are your reasons for so believing?


Should disappointments


What is Divine Guidance?

be seen as failures?



Dear Comp Compani anions: ons: last Li Libe ber r we ga gave ve the

In ou our r

was the with

whic wh ich h wa was s


speech spe ech made to


in Brussels,

also held

session to



F.U.D.O F.U. D.O.S .S.I. .I., , whi which ch was held at Brussels, We no now w come to the fifth session of the

the fourth session of the Belgi Bel gium um, , in Augus August, t, 1939. F.U.D.O.S.I.

S&r r spee sp eech ch of S&

July 21—22,

take pla place ce aft after er World War I I. the assembly by

Sar Hi~ Hi~rony ronymus, mus,



We be begi gin n Imperat Imp erator or of





OPENING ADDRESS The Imperator Europe

“In opening this Convention wh whic ich, h,

once on ce more,

bring br ings s

toget to gethe her r


Representatives of al l t h e Initiatique Orders of the worl world d asso associat ciated ed with the F.U.D.O.S.I., I want to ex expr pres ess s my fr frat ater erna nal l gr gree eeti ting ngs s an and d to bid welcome to a ll ll t he he Initiates of a ll ll t he he Ord Order ers, s, an and d I pray the

Almighty to all






Hi s of

His Hi s

unto un to

this Assembly and


spread on

profound Wisdom and Co Cosmi smic c Light. all,


those who,

Eter Et erna nal l Pe Peac ace e

bles bl essi sing ngs s


associate to this Convention, in the our last Convention, have been called to



by the Sovereign Master of




Engineer, the Order of the Grand Master of Hermes fo r Chile, Delegate of F.U.D.O.S.I. and mem membe ber r of the Su Supr prem eme e Co Coun unci cil, l, wh who o di died ed in Brussels at the end of October 1939. “Sar

“Sar Pas “Sar Pascal, cal, Relations of the






Hunin, Huni n, F. F.R. R.C. C., , fo form rmer erly ly Archon of th the e Fo Fore reig ign n Order of Hermes, arrested by the Gestapo at Cher—


bourg (France), condemned Neuengam wh wher ere e he died in


deportation and conveyed to

the th e Ca Camp mp of

February 1945.

Nico Nic o Wolf Wolff, f, general Scribe of Hermes fo r Belgium, arrested by the en enem emy y on Ma Marc rch h 5, 1943, condemned to deportation and sent to the Camp of Flossenburg and murdered on Ap Apri ril l 22 , 1945, after “Sir



suffering “Sar “Sa r

incredible incre dible

Apollom Apo llomius ius, ,

the Rose+Cr Rose+Croix oix 1944.



tortur tort ures. es. F.R.C.,

Universitair Univer sitaire e





Fran Fr ance ce, ,


who wh o




Master of




“Sar Eq “Sar Eque ues s Ro Rosa sae e Caritatis, F . ’ . Ge Geor orges ges La Lagr~ gr~ze ze, , Gr Gran and d In Insp spect ector or the F.U. F.U.D.O. D.O.S.I S.I. . who died in Angers (France) in April 1946. “And



Imper Im perat ator or of the



Augustine Chaboseau, of the trious F.. Grand Master Martinist Or Orde der, r, wh who o di died ed in Pa Pari ris, s, on January 2, 1946.

One On e of  Twelve






~7mr~ “Let us collect ourselves, to

our departed brothers

my Br Brot othe hers rs, , an and d pray the Lord the Kingdom of Gl Glor ory y an and d Light.

to open

“After e i gh gh t l o ng ng years the Almighty has granted un unto to ~us ~us the privilege of meeting again so as to proceed with the great plan of renovation of Huma Humankin nkind d whic which h He has entrusted unt nto o us as a sp spec ecia ial l mission,

this gre great at

values which

or plan f or

th e


and harmony of


the Divine Plan.


“Eight ye year ars s ag ago o we were were assembled together



secrecy of


was s living in ar:xiety; and the Message wh Temple, the world wa whic ich h wa was s conveyed to yo you u ha had d be been en received as an inspiration from on High and of announced the imminence the war and practically complete

destruction of


back as 1934, it was in view of this imp impendi ending ng cala calamity mity threat eatenin ening g Huma Humanki nkind nd that the Leaders of already thr our Orders had deemed it absolutely necessary to constitute again a selected body of Initiates, like unto those of ancient times, to combat materialism “As


f ar






the th e do docu cume ment nt we


[the [t he

foll fo llow owin ing g

have ha ve before us

word wo rds s is



ital it alic ics s



are ar e and

manifold  C ? ) to occidental s av e the c i v i l i z a t i o n a n d  t o c o l l a b o r a t e i n t h e Divine a n d  U n i v e r s a l Work o f  Spiritual Restoration. illegible




“The impending peril so soon on wa was s becoming more def defin inite ite Convention that we brought a message during the 1939 prophecies, und under er God’ God’s s insp inspira iration tion. .

and it was and of ominous

“The frightful storm that was to rage up upon on ol old d Eu Euro rope pe, , an and d in fact upon the wh whol ole e wo worl rld, d, ha had d be been en disclosed to us in a flash of Divine Light. Soon the tremendous cataclysm wa was s go goin ing g to burst upon the

Invisible, the violence of the Bl Blac ack k Fo Forc rces, es, of which Nazism was the most inhuman expression, its s struck the splendid cities of Europe, threatening to annihilate it living liv ing civi civiliz lizatio ations; ns; those Sata Satanic nic For Forces ces shook the struct ctu ure of But in the Sacred Orders spiritu spi ritual al val values ues to it s very foun foundat dations ions. . of the F.U.D.O.S.I. in Eu Euro rope pe, , an and d mo more re particularly the Rose+Croix, world.


the vi visi sibl ble, e, as we well ll as

Hermes and bringing to


the Martinist proceeded Order, wit ith h the hei ir mis mi ssion, a di disa sabl bled ed wo worl rld d the hope of a new dawn, and of the

a spi spiri ritu tual al re resto stora rati tion, on, ev even en

possibilities of

victory of



Forces of

“Following the

in ca case se of the dreaded


inscrutable purposes of


Divine Wi Will ll, , wh whic ich h ha had d been communicated unto us i n the Invisible, we persevered to meet togethe tog ether r and to work, th thou ough gh ou our r Orders ha had d be been en condemned and laid under unde r an interdict by the oc occu cupy pyin ing g au auth thor orit itie ies, s, an and d al also so th thou ough gh the F.U.D.O.S.I. was considered as the most dangerous of all Orders by the

enem en emy y wh who o wro wrongl ngly y reg regard arded ed



a Masonic or orga gani niza zati tion on. .

All Al l


t h ei ei r w or or k, Orders and particularly Hermes, carried on holding regular meetings and, under the leadership of our Brother S~ S~r r El Elgi gim, m, all the members we went nt on with with their sacred work. New initiations were granted in the utmost secracy, but wi with th a co cour urag ageo eous us an and d re rema mark rkab able le tenaciousness. Gestapo;


Two of  twelve

Seve Se ven n

S&r r Elgim was in trouble with the times tim es Brother S&


thro th roug ugh h

his hi s









released provisionally an and d

then thre rea atened in his ver ery y life, in August 1944; he received in time a providential warning and thus was able to escape fro from m his enemies. “The

Imperato Impe rator r hims himself elf wor worked ked cov covert ertly ly bec becaus ause e he fel felt t th that at he wa was s

He organized secr constantly spied up upon on an and d th thre reate atene ned. d. secret et meet meetings ings, , granted R+C Ini Initi tiat ation ions, s, rec recei eived ved Belgian and French Brothers, giving

them enlightenments upon the great Orders, at t ha hat t im ime and for the


sacred sac (Missi sio ons?) of the looks [the word here like


future]. “Sir “S ir Ag Agni ni wa was s


trusted tru sted with the

secr se cret et pl plan ans s

of the


and was and was the link between the Impe Imperat rator or and the other Brothers. With Fr.. SSr Lampas he worked for the Resistance an and d bo both th of th them em ha had d the same hi s

behavior; in Huy.

heroic house


em, of th em



ritualistic meetings we were re he held ld


Imper Im perat ator or an and d

t he he

Brother Brot hers~ s~


were wer e


secretly, ag agai ainst nst str stric ict t int inter erdic dicti tion ons, s, an and d in spite of wild of as but a great work spiritu spir itual al Resi Resista stance, nce, dangerous helpful as the civilian Resistance. “Our



Belg Be lgiu ium, m,


Fran Fr ance ce, ,

Pola Po land nd, ,



threats, also




have ha ve

struggle, with wi thou out t ho hope pe of any of expectation comp co mpen ensa sati tion on, , with wi thou out t any an y whatever thankfulness, honors or we weal alth th, , fr from om the wo worl rld, d, an and d they have wor worked ked unse unselfis lfishly hly f or or t he he greater Gl Glor ory y of Ch Chri rist st, , preparing the wa way y fo for r the advent of His Hi s Ki King ngdom dom; ; in this la y their only reward. “Non nobis, no non n no nobi bis s Domin Do mine, e, sed no nomin mini i tuo Dei gloriam”. This has always been the motto hero he roic ical al, ,

dang da nger erou ous s

of the tru true e


and an d

R+C. R+ C.

“The “T hey y ev even en prepared the organizations of Knights


whos wh ose e

hist hi stor oric ical al

a new

sect se ctio ion n





of the this


Convention. “The

Impe Im pera rato tor r







Invisible, had established a plan of ma mate teri rial al an and d mo mora ral l restoration of the world. He addressed the text of t h is is p l an an , translated into to permitted English, it Presi Pre siden dent t Roose Roo sevel velt; t; would have the rehabilitation of Europe, in conditions of prosperity an and d bro broth therl erly y understanding, nations




through no t




it ,



certa ce rtain in


no t

oppo op pose sed d

ta ke n

i n to


“The month of


Ralp Ra lph h

Marc Ma rch, h, as aske ked d us

wonderf wond erful, ul,

towerin tow ering g

Lewi Le wis, s, to

e nt nt er er

flight, the


S&r S& r Va Vali lidi diva var, r,

i nt n to

a union

prayers of



of prayers, continents



and in



up to

the Almighty God, “At

the wo worl rld d ag agai ain, n, an and d

that th at tim time e a ne new w wa war r wa was s im impe peri rili ling ng

danger ha has s be been en

remo re move ved d




the R+C which has been able to Sovereign Master of all things.

“In fact,

Three of  Twelve


as yet,


no t








subl su blim ime e


if the

intervention of

grac gr ace e

are having

from fr om





passing thr through ough hard experiences just

perhaps the

it is



period of


as during

huma hu man n


hist hi story ory. .





such ho such hour urs s of darkness, of Will Wi ll ha has s tr trus uste ted d ag agai ain n Hi His s

crisis, that the Divine Intelligence and sele se lect cted ed ones, Hi His s pro rop phets or Hi His s Magi,

the mission of

way of














and an d of


ligh li ghti ting ng the



Spirit. “Discord is


upo pon n


world ld, ,


hatred an and d se self lfis ishn hnes ess, s, an and d mankind is awaiting Invisible Messengers, to be rebo reborn rn into Light. “It “I t

to accomplish


this thi s gr great eat


that we wa want nt to

a the Imperator fo r America, plan of spreading of Light into the ol old d worl world. d.

“This “Th is pl plan an inc inclu ludes des the protection Christian

union of


cult cu lture ure wh which ich pre prepa pare res s

by the darkness of the coming of God’s


and diffusion way for the

prep pr epare are, , wit with h




spir sp iritu itual al and


reconciliation and

all al l God God’s ’s children.

“The R+C is

not a religion whi which ch cla claim ims s


fo r

to substitute


followers, it is a great Brotherhood of Love, and Spiritual science; it brings to them unk unknow nown n pow powers ers an and d an in incr crea ease se in the g re its s unfoldment i t i s free from re at at L ig igh t of Christ. In it contentions it to but the political and strife, offers great any


its it s

universality of

nati na tion ons s




reco re conc ncil ilia iati tion on. .




in in this spiritual uplifting, this the principle of it s exo exoteri teric c action. action.

brotherhood and feeling of progressive development lies

“If, following a ne new w wo worl rld d wa war r morally as well destructive than previous ones, the threat and







be in of the the materialism and would cast upon world view selfishness of too gr the F.U.D.O.S.I. would gre eat a numbe ber r of men, remain the su supre preme me rec recou ours rse e an and d the last hope of mo mora ral l an and d sp spir irit itua ual l

the Universe.

restoration of “This







o nc nc e

th i s

intensive into the old



spreadi spr eading ng and diffusion into the wo worl rld d an and d particularly In this wa continent. way y we cannot but approve of the pl plan an wh whic ich h

has ha s

been el been elob obor orat ated ed by our Very Illustrious Br Brot othe her, r, Im Impe pera rato tor r of No Nort rth h or t h e spreading of teachings. and an d So Sout uth h Am Amer eric ica, a, Ra Ralp lph h H. Lewis, f or “Our “O ur du duty ty is

dictated to

the Al Almi might ghty, y, and it

us b y

because the


time fo r sp spre readi ading ng the lost Lruth upon the world has co me me th at at we the the the want to kindle Ligh Li ght t up upon on mountai mount ains, ns, an and d like unto time


of ancient

we start with

“Taking up ag agai ain n the words this th is ca call ll

fo r

“In such in

an upset


the cycle

of barbarism,

sacred cry:

“God “G od wa want nts s

the Martinist Message,





period, per iod, whe when n is

incr in crea easi sing ng


bruta br utali lity ty an and d

selfishness of


may repeat


more mo re to

and an d




itidividuals, at


huma hu manki nkind nd fro from m cruelty








rush ru shin ing g ma madl dly, y, no nobl ble e an and d generous souls are greatly needed,

Four of  Twelve


the Initiatique Crusade.

nations and of point


abyss it


that tha t the they y

~1E~ may

infu in fuse sed d wi with th th the e



pure res st



and an d

fearl fea rles essly sly an and d


wisdom and science, ins inspi pire red d wi with th the mos ost t Christian Love, capable of facing




the of

fo r


sacred sac red mis missio sion n


to which they have pledged themselves. “Against horizon must

new ne w


a so soci cial al wo worl rld d



our ou r



utmo ut most st


alwa al ways ys

stressed wit with h for





stre st reng ngth th





“The spiri spiritu tual al harv harvest est wi will ll bc wonderf rfu ul. may co com me la late ter r o n to appraise our work. “This is what we must do and we f or th e Kingdom of the world, Holy destitut dest itute e

earth eart h as well

“Pitf “P itfal alls ls an and d prompt us to



and an d






we and

treason will better



will do it against the the wh whol ole e Spirit must prevail on this






a po powe werf rful ul show to


stim st imul ulus us wh whic ich h world





Him who died on the Cross, on the the valiant, tire ti rele less ss an and d fa fait ithf hful ul


Whom we mu must st be



the high highest est Hea Heaven. ven.


character an and d th the e hi high gh teachings

Calva Cal vary, ry,


demonia dem oniacal cal


th e




Wisdom and Just Justice ice. .



stor st orm m

apostles. “And



the Mystical for sacred sign of Ro se se , t h at at we s h al al l s t a rt rt of be the shall spiri spi ritua tual l con conqu ques est t the world; we vanguard of celes cel estia tial l ar armie mies s whi which ch will them themselv selves es prec precede ede the returning of

the the the

livi li ving ng Chr Chris ist. t. “0 Lord,

“In early ear ly

befo be fore re

We shall

meantime, in Chri Ch risti stian ans s


and an d

sacr sa cred ed




prepare pre pare His Kingdom and we shall

You Yo u ma may y come:


the th e


Cross and

say :

is ,




cata ca taco comb mbs, s,

work wo rk


You” ”! Your Kingdom is waiting for You





our ou r







continue our highly uplifting and spiritual



Templ Tem ples es, ,

sanctification. carr ca rry y



on this



deeper into



Invisib Invi sible le

Powers Pow ers

on th e way of

Initiation, the




has turned asi de de no

more mo re

t he he

li gh gh t

f ro ro m the and the

The time of

without delay,

of the

to realize

for th there ere is




Chri Ch rist st, ,

and an d



spre sp read ad

towa to ward rds s th the e






yielding to materialism



the and



plan pl an of action and

urge ur gency ncy an and d w~ must Revelation is

The Th e La Lamb mb ha has s alrea already dy open opened ed the

2 3  Five of  Twelve

Magi Ma gic, c,

Holy Sc Holy Scri ript ptur ures es of wh whic ich h it power, we shall bring to a

The Th e da day y is no now w cl clos ose e by when we shall L,amb


the world of abyss

tribulations ations announc announced ed in the great tribul

whi wh ich we are now living. seals.




“Bef “B efor ore e Go God d we pledge ourselves realize it


becaus beca use e in the

the selected few invisible understanding of thei their r Myst Mysterie eries. s.





the Su Subli blime me Pat Path h

their forgotten teachings, and an d of lo st Forces Dark Da rkne ness ss and an d reco re cogn gniz izes es


wonder wond erfu ful l se secr cret ets s wh whic ich h we ha have ve in inhe heri rite ted d fr from om the of Illumination of ancient times wh who o ha have ve preceded us

Light Li ght of




Great Masters efful eff ulgen gent t








first firs t

stand before the





thre th ree e throne




servant nts s and because we shall of the Father, this ine ineff ffab able le

forehead like un unt to God od’ ’s oth other accomplished on earth the Will whic wh ich h


reve re veal als s


sain sa ints ts


Christ during the Profound promised the world.”




and an d


too to o








St .

le t

s ha ha ll ll

r ul ule

Will Wi ll with






her ere e


thou th ought ghts s of Dr. Jean Mallinger (Sir El Elgim gim), ), Gra Grand nd Chancellor of the F.U.D.O.S. F.U.D.O .S.I., I., on this conclave:

“Sunday, the 21st of History of Initiation. “It “I t


marked an ep epoc och h





moment that the regu regular lar Ini Initiat tiates es of the European and American continent, gathering in a solem solemn n Congr Congress ess after was wa s

inde in deed ed at


seven seve n ye year ars s of se sepa para rati tion on, , of wa war r an and d di dire re trials, were at last able to cele celebra brate te toge togethe ther r the joys of brotherly un unio ion n an and d the privileges authent hentic ic Ini Initiat tiatiqu ique e of the closest coll collabor aboration ation betwe between en a l l t h e aut Orders.

important meeting wa was s he held ld in Brussels, capital of Belgium, or th e last twelve years, ha he which, f or has s be been en the occult seat of al l t he “This

the continent.

esoteri eso teric c acti activiti vities es of according






that th at “t “the he



accu ac cura rate te

and an d


carried on and enhanced fro from m one nation to th the e ot othe her, r, st star arti ting ng fr from om the East to go Westward, it is also a fa fact ct th thaE aE the F.U F.U.D .D.O. .O.S. S.I. I. ha has s discovered a “If,



center of






shift sh iftin ing g



and an d

and wh and whic ich h constantly


going Northward”. “From the Nile to Lyon Ly on an and d Paris,

Eleus Ele usis, is, fr from om Crotona secret secr et


Initiat Ini tiation ion





now moved on

of the F.U.D.O.S.I. which saw the birth and has regeneration an and d re reno novat vatio ion, n, wi with th in incr creas eased ed vital vitality ity. .

Toulouse to to


Brussels, its it s seen

the Delegates of a l l th e Brussels, regu re gula lar r an and d au auth then enti tic c Orde Or ders rs ga gathe there red d in a solemn International Convention, fe ferve rvent ntly ly an and d rev rever erent ently ly, , f o r t h e fifth time since the far fa r from the profane activities of foundation of the organization, the mu mult ltit itud ude, e, an and d well protected against the po poli liti tica cal l tu turm rmoi oils ls of the day. Cosmi Cos mic c bl bles essin sings gs wer were e gra grant nted ed unto th their eir works. the



The History of “Already in under



the F.U.D.O.S.I 1908,




Initiatique Initiat ique Feder Federation ation a ll ll to



follo fol lower wers s

and an d



Encausse, who is better known to in t ri ri ed ed gather a vast


Pa pu pus ,

t he he

authe au thent ntic ic

adepts the

and an d

regu re gular lar Orders wh who o ga gave ve






(word illegible). “He



Pari Pa ris s

a gr grea eat t

Congress wh wher ere e

Rites ha had d be been en invited.

Six Si x of  Twelve


2 0 

all al l



his Federation

“But work.

1914 191 4 beg began an


was unable to


organ ani ize


f ir ir st st


19 30 ,


th e

S~ r

again t h is is movements.

i de de a He, He ,






carry on such car was wa s mobilized as

Papu Pa pus s

military mili tary doc doctor tor and sudde suddenly nly passe passed d through “In






in 1916.









and to harmoniously federate al l t h e initiatique therefore, opened extensive neg negoti otiati ations ons with the


several Orders and So Socie cieti ties es


successfully 1934, August, he International Intern ational Convention Convention of the



and new ne w


whic wh ich h






Fede Fe derat ratio ion, n,



four fo urte teen en

Orders or So Socie cieti ties es we were re du duly ly rep repre resen sente ted. d. confidential ential Convent Conventions ions were held “Other confid 1939 and in Paris in 1937.



war which

Orders an and d So Soci ciet etie ies s

C?) [da [date te ind indisti istinct nct over erc coming


h av ave

j us us t










from all active work or cooperation ever since from but it is probably 1939], and it is on only ly af afte ter r

mos ost t

unu nus sual obstac acl les and dif di fficul ult ties, and throu oug gh some cont contact act wa was s maintained bet betwee ween n Ame Americ rica a and of Euro Eu rope pe dur durin ing g the long and hard years huma hu man n up uphe heav aval al an and d the enslaving of Europe.

secret means, that


in spite









searches, of the questionings, police raids and sacred and initiatique wo work rk ne neve ver r stopped and the flambea flambeau u reg regular ularly ly passed on in mo from hand to hand, at times most st un unex expe pect cted ed an and d inaccessible places, “It


church to tower wers s and an ancie cient nt cry crypt pts. s.



friendship Orders



between all

wer we re

abl ab le


meet me et


joy jo y

great leaders

agai ag ain n

















organize th their eir work work. . The Aims “Some

and Purposes of pers pe rson ons, s,

whos wh ose e

the F.U.D.O.S.I

mind mi nds s


no t



ye t



have be hav bee en wondering why it was necessary to gather in a Univers Univ ersal al Fed Federa eratio tion n the Initiatique Orders and Societies, which in thei th eir r ow own n fi fiel eld d of wor work, k, and perfect we







C?) [could that

the mo most st ab abso solu lute te an and d com comple plete te fre freedo edom m

auto au tono nomy my] ]





enjoy enj oy


the th e

and an d in inde depe pend nden ence ce. .


great gr eates est t

anything vigilance




and an d

regr re gret et, ,

so—ca so— calle lled d

tyra ty rann nnic ical al

domt do mtna nati tion on, ,

purp pu rpos oses es


t h at at

Initi Ini tiat ates es wh who o the

again ag ainst st no noxi xious ous do doctr ctrin ines es wh whic ich h th they ey

imitators and

Seven of  Twelve

country, such su ch


false fal se







exis ex ist t fo r


many ma ny


selfish self ish and


f al al se se




sinc si ncere ere pe perso rsons ns. .

t h es es e

taug ta ught ht to



and an d





thrust thru st them themselv selves es on , and exploit, gulli gullibl ble e was high time to warn the pu publi blic c aga again inst st


t h er er e

this is


stric str ict t an and d active int interna ernatio tional nal dis discipl cipline ine mus must t

prophets an and d a nu numb mber er of




lead le ader ers s

to It

and an d


its regula lar r Ord rde er kn kno ows was necessary to watch these


clandestine movements, hidden


and an d






oper op erat atin ing, g,

“And “A nd al also so


avo voi id


give tea give teach ching ings s that and Esotericism.



any an y










countries, wherever they be confusion between the regu re gula lar r and and


nothing to

was necessary that


are ar e

do wi with th the


harm ha rmfu ful l



Univer Uni versal sal Tra Tradit dition ion

authentic Orders be

care ca refu ful l


selecting their members and their officers and in maintaining their adepts an and d st stud uden ents ts on the right path of the true doctrines, obliging

rational, si them to follow a strict line of discipline, sinc ncer ere e an and d conscientious work, so as to av avoi oid d ra radi dical cal te teach achin ings gs an and d heter heterodo odoxy xy. . “Th Thi is

imm im mense




inten end ded




against t h ei ei r i nn n n er er an and d ou oute ter r en enem emie ies s ha has s be been en successfully on by the F.U. F.U.D.O D.O.S.I .S.I. . and as now going o n. .. symbolism of

The Th e ar arti ticl cle e we went nt on to explain the F.U.D.O.S.I.

emblem an and d

conc co nclud luded ed und under er

Orders carried


subhe su bhead ading ing Th The e Wo Work rks s of


Convent Conv ention, ion, whic which h told of the appointment of a Co Coun unci cil l of Regency to manage Martinist affairs since Grand Mas Master ter Aug Augusti ustin n the 1946

Chaboseau had passed o n. (Both of th thes ese e to topi pics cs ha have ve be been en covered earlie earl ier) r). . The Th e re rema main inin ing g particulars are as follows:

“All authentic

Orders were

last Convention held

represented at the

in Brussels.




precis pre cise e



Liturg Lit urgy y was



employed when whole



Impe Im perat rator ors, s,

were we re

rece re ceiv ived ed

who wh o with wi th

honour and dignity. Hi~ronymus (Imperator “Succe “Suc cess ssiv ivel ely, y, S~r S~ r Gregiorius, an and d Sa Sar r Validivar (Imperator of A J Y I O R C )

messages of Pea Peace ce Profound an and d br brig ight ht hope “They

unami una mino nousl usly y

agre ag reed ed


to the


Euro rop pe), S~r delivered inspired of






sufferin suffe rings gs imp impos osed ed on humankind during the World War, all Initiates, in all countries, must unite their efforts so as to lead men toward better acco accomplis mplishment hments s an and d al also so to towa ward rd a “b “bet ette ter r sh shee eepf pfol old” d”. . “On the Coun Co unci cil l with


second day, the


F.U. F. U.D. D.O. O.S. S.I. I.

delegates held he ld



secr se cret et






and an d

a view to so solv lvin ing g a fe few w pending questions.”


this th is 19 1946 46

Federation took place,

Conve Con vent nt, ,

two tw o fur furth ther er meetings of the

in September 1947

in Brussels.

i~ight o f  twelve



in Pa Paris ris an and d

in January


I~evote~ to t~e a~va~c a~va~ceme~ eme~tt o l~ M aw ~ .

¼ -



¼  —


R~ver I~oad, IBirHgetow~, ~ibai~os.

Grand  Temple  of  T h e  Martinist  Order  of  Barbados  L’Ordre Martiniste  et  Synarchique  Cathedral  of  th the  e  Universal Gnostic  Church 

Registered  Office  International College  of  Martinist  Studies 


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