Martin Pring On Market Momentum - Indicadores
August 27, 2022 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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Download Martin Pring On Market Momentum - Indicadores...
McGraw-Hlll 'le"'' Yofk Yofk S..:>n \lh•sllmgcon. D.C. Audlan< Audlan
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tially longer time spa span n will alw always be less sensitive than a simple moving average using a short rte er time f rame rame. method of moving-average calculation is The thir d popular method is the "exponentialaverage "exponential average," ,"com comm monl nly y referred to as an EMA The EMA EMA obttaining a f orm d moving is really a sho short rtcu cutt l o ob orm of a weighte weighted average. It utilizes a smoothing constanl (the alpha sign) that approximattes lhe number of periods (days, weeks or months approxima months)) for a simple moving average.The average.The difference between today's closing priceand yest erday's erday's mov ng average is multiplied by by the exponent g formula: EMA (today)= EMA following or constant accordingto the followin +alph ha sign (today-EMA yesterday). yesterday) +alp {yesterday) involves movingaverage . calculation The5.4 first es thEeM of a of a is simple simple Table isstep a1o-w week A. The result is for a1ofor then placed in column n compared with 2 for the next day.which day.whichin in this tableis Jan. 2. It is the then if erence the closing pricefor the df erence (i.e (i.e.. .. 121 -120 = 1.0) recorded •n column 3.The 3.The next stage is to multiply the result by the exponen exponentt. which for 10 pe per r iods iods is .2. The exponen exponentt will vary based on the period under consideration. under consideration. It It will be the same whether the penod months. or even years. Exponents for some is 10 days. weeks. months selected periods are sho show wn in table 5. 5. The expone exponentially ntially treated difference is then added (or subtracted for a negative number} to evious period and the calculation repeated ad the EMA EMA f or or the pr evious infinitum. Expone Exponents fo iods other than those shown in table 5.5 can for r per be calculated by dividing 2 by the desired time span. For example.
EM A willbe twice as sensitiveas a 1o-day EMA. Therefore, a 5-day EM
Trend Deviation and the MA MACO CO lndicat«
Table 5. 4
Date Date
Col. 4
EUA for Difference Exponent Price Previous Difference Cot.1
Jan2 3
121 124 123 128
120 12 120 0.2 121.0 121 12 1. 4
± Col Col. . 2) +1.0 +3.8 +2.0 +6. 6
0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2
Col. 6
.3 X Col Col. 4 ±
Col . 2 + Col. 5
+. 2 +.8 +.4 +1.3
EMA 120.2 121.0 121 121. 4 121 122.7
Table 5.5 .5
Number of W-ks 5 10 15 15 20 40 80 80
Exponent 0. 4 0 .2 0. 13 0.1 0.05 05 0.025
the exponent 2 divided by 5 (0 (0..4) will be twice as great, since 2 .2.. divided by 10 gives an exponent of 0.2.. Fortunately, most of us do not need to worry about making tedious calculations because the co computer mputer now does it for us. lnterpretatJon
that at th We discovered in chapter 3 th the e magnitude of an ROC oscilla tion is, is,other other things being equal, a function of th the e time span under consideration.In othe other r words, the lo longer nger the greater the the the span, the greater i le applies to trend-deviation swing and vice versa. A A similar princp oscillator s. The big differencehere here is that the time timespan spanis a function longer the the of the length of the moving average. In this case, the longer average, the greater the fluctuation. Since nce the weighted and EMA averages are more sensitive th this is than an a simple mple moving average, th also means that the magnitude of of the oscillations associated with them will be less than a comparab comparable le time span. Moreover , their
Manln Pring on Market Momentum Momentum
greater sensitivity also results in greater timeliness gained, of course. at the expense of more whipsaw signals. Chart 5. 1 shows a simple moving average aver age deviation for a 12- day time frame in the lower paneland a weighted one in the lower box. The subtle differences in scale and volatility are evident.Most futures traders seem to prefer the EMA as opposed to the simple moving ing-average -average deviation. I have never seen any evidence that suggests sugg ests that one is more accurate than the other . This is probably beca cause use a substantial part of the sensitivity benefit offered by true be the EMA approach is offset by the numerous wh1psaws aws II g1ves off . Of course. it is always possible to smooth the exponential average twice (i.e.• use two exponents exponents)) but th this is too becomes counterpr o o ductive. since reliabilityis ga gain ined ed at the expe expense nse of less timely signals. My belief belief Is Is t hat th the e EMA is more popular because it offers "fas "fa ster" ter" signals in the highly leveraged, short-farm-oriented futur es arena. arena . The more com comp plic licated ated math us used ed in its const construct ruction ion also has some appeal. Working on the theory that th has there ere Is no Holy Grail complex. .I have tended to use simpl e and that simple Is superior to complex and moving averages in my work much more ore than exponentially based indicator s. In Indeed, deed, in their book The Encyclopedia of Tech nical nical M ar ket ket Ind ic ic ators. R obe obert rt Colby by and Thomas A. Meyers point out 1980 0 there was rea ly that in the 19 years leading up to 198 no significant difference between simple, weighted, and EMA cross overs when tested for a range of time spans (1-75 cross 1-75 d weeks) using weekly data.During that period the best weighte ted averagec average cros rossover sover (69 weeks) turned in the best points profit, 118 points in the S & P Compos Composite ite. This result compared wit ith h 112 and 111 f or a 42-week EMA and a 45-week simple moving average, respectively. owever , when othe r measures measures such as ie sk/re per trade trade r isk/re ward per andH simple mple averageother return the re was llttle ll ttle mean are considered , th ingfuldifference among the three approaches.We must also bear in mind that even though though it makes sense to search f or or a time span ds Inferior results. It i s doubtful or method of construction that avoids whether the time spen spentt on ultra f ine tu tuning ning or debating the adva advan n tages of simple-versus-exponential calculations will result in sig nificantly greater greater profits profits. Always s use indicators you feel comfort . Alway comfort able with and have confidencein. If you lack confidence In your Indicator will have no staying power when the markets tum against you.
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Mart1n Pnng on Maf1(et Momentum
One of the best ways to gain faith In an indicator is to test it to your own satisfaction.Don't take my word for it, prove It to yourseH first; after all. it is you who will be losing money if you are wrong.If the indicators you use wor1 ·-1''1!':C ...:1!' I
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