Marshall Stability and Flow Test
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Mixture Testing...
Roll no: 154104046
30th October,2015
+#ter #t 25>?@>F!Th&$ te$t "etho/ (ro&/e$ %&/#'ce *or /eter"&'#t&o' o* the oe' /r. or thoro%h). /r. "#$$ o* the $(ec&"e'! The b%): $(ec&*&c r#&t. &$ c#)c%)#te/ *ro" the$e "#$$e$! The' the /e'$&t. &$ obt#&'e/ b. "%)t&().&' the $(ec&*&c r#&t. o* the $(ec&"e' b. the /e'$&t. o* the +#ter! Apparatus required: 1. Bre#:&' He#/The te$t&' he#/ $h#)) co'$&$t o* %((er #'/ )o+er c.)&'/r&c#) $e"e't$
o* c#$t r#. or /%ct&)e &ro', c#$t $tee), or #''e#)e/ $tee) t%b&'! The )o+er $e"e't $h#)) be "o%'te/ o' # b#$e h#&' t+o (er(e'/&c%)#r %&/e ro/$ or (o$t$ "&'&"%" 1C2 &'! 12!5 ""- &' /"eter- ete'/&' %(+#r/$! %&/e $)eee$ &' the %((er $e"e't $h#)) /&rect the t+o $e"e't$ toether +&tho%t #((recb)e b&'/&' or )oo$e "ot&o' o' the %&/e ro/$! 2! ?o"(re$$&o ?o"(re$$&o' ' Lo#/&' M#ch&'e; M#ch&'e;/e$& /e$&'e/ 'e/ to )o#/ #t # %'&*or" %'&*or" ert&c#) ert&c#) "oe"e't "oe"e't o* 2!00 E 0!15 &'!"&' 50 E 5 """&'-! 3! Lo#/ Me#$%r&' Me#$%r&' De&ce De&ceA$ A$ # "&'&"%", "&'&"%", # c#)&br#te/ c#)&br#te/ 'o"&'#) 'o"&'#) 5000 5000 )b 20 :N:N- r&' /.'#"o"eter +&th # /) &'/&c#tor to "e#$%re r&' / e*)ect&o' *or #(()&e/ )o#/$ &$ re=%&re/! 4! F)o+ "eterT "eterThe he M#r$h#)) M#r$h#)) *)o+ *)o+ "eter co'$&$ co'$&$t$ t$ o* # %&/e %&/e $)eee $)eee #'/ # #e! The The #ct&#t&' (&' o* the #e $h#)) $)&/e &'$&/e the %&/e $)eee +&th "&'&"#) *r&ct&o' #'/ the %&/e $)eee $h#)) $)&/e *ree). oer the %&/e %&/ e (o$t o* the bre#:&' he#/! 5! W#ter B# B#th 6! Oe'#' Oe'#' oe' c#(#b)e c#(#b)e o* "#&'t#&'& "#&'t#&'&' ' the $(ec&*&e $(ec&*&e/ / te$t te"(er#t% te"(er#t%re re E2>F 1>?-! 1>?-! ! A&r B#thThe B#thThe #&r #&r b#th *or "&t%r "&t%re$ e$ co't#&'&' co't#&'&' c%tb#c: c%tb#c: #$(h#)t #$(h#)t b&'/er b&'/er $h#)) $h#)) be ther"o$t#t&c#)). co'tro))e/ #'/ $h#)) "#&'t#&' the #&r te"(er#t%re #t E 2>F 25 E 1>?-! G! Ther Ther"o "o"e "ete terr$ Procedure:
1! A "&'&"%" "&'&"%" o* three three $(ec&"e'$ $(ec&"e'$ o* # &e' "&t%re "&t%re $h#)) be be te$te/! The The $(ec&"e'$ $(ec&"e'$ $ho%)/ $ho%)/ h#e the $#"e #re#te t.(e, =%#)&t., #'/ r#/&'9 the $#"e "&'er#) *&))er t.(e #'/ =%#'t&t.9 #'/ the $#"e b&'/er $o%rce, r#/e #'/ #"o%'t! I' #//&t&o', the $(ec&"e'$ $ho%)/ h#e the $#"e (re(#r#t&o', th#t &$, te"(er#t%re$, coo)&', #'/ co"(#ct&o'! 2! S(ec&"e'$ S(ec&"e'$ $ho%)/ $ho%)/ be coo)e/ coo)e/ to roo" te"(er# te"(er#t%re t%re #*ter #*ter co"(#ct&o'! co"(#ct&o'! D%r&' D%r&' coo)&' coo)&' the. the. $ho%)/ be ()#ce/ o' # $"ooth, *)#t $%r*#ce! B%): $(ec&*&c r#&t. o* e#ch $(ec&"e'$h#)) be /eter"&'e/ b. Te$t Metho/$ D226, D11GG, or D652! The b%): $(ec&*&c r#&t&e$ o*
Roll no: 154104046
30th October,2015
re()&c#te $(ec&"e'$ *or e#ch b&'/er co'te't $h#)) #ree +&th&' E0!020 o* the "e#' #$ 'ote/ &' 7r#ct&ce D626! 3! Me#$%re Me#$%re $(ec&"e' $(ec&"e' th&c:'e$$ th&c:'e$$ #ccor/&' #ccor/&' to Te$t Te$t Metho/ Metho/ D354! D354! 4! S(ec&"e'$ S(ec&"e'$ c#' be co'/&t&o'e/ co'/&t&o'e/ *or *or te$t&' te$t&' #$ $oo' #$ the. re#ch re#ch #"b&e't #"b&e't roo" roo" te"(er#t%re! Te$t&' Te$t&' $h#)) be co"()ete/ +&th&' 24 h #*ter co"(#ct&o'! Br&' $(ec&"e'$ (re(#re/ +&th #$(h#)t ce"e't, t#r, or t#r;r%bber t#r;r%bber to the $(ec&*&e/ te"(er#t%re b. &""er$&o' &' the +#ter b#th 30 to 40 "&', or ()#ce"e't &' the oe' *or 120 to 130 "&'! M#&'t#&' the b#th or oe' te"(er#t%re #t 140 E 2>F 60 E 1>?- *or #$(h#)t ce"e't, 120 E 2>F 4 E 1>?- *or t#r;r%bber $(ec&"e'$, #'/ 100 6 2>F 3G E 1>?- *or t#r $(ec&"e'$! Br&' $(ec&"e'$ (re(#re/ +&th c%tb#c: #$(h#)t to te"(er#t%re b . ()#c&' the" &' the #&r b#th *or 120 to 130 "&'! M#&'t#&' the th e #&r b#th te"(er#t%re #t E 2>F 25 E 1>?-! Thoro%h). c)e#' the %&/e ro/$ #'/ &'$&/e $%r*#ce$ o* the te$t he#/ $e"e't$ • (r&or to co'/%ct&' the te$t! L%br&c#te %&/e ro/$ $o th#t the %((er te$t he#/ $e"e't $)&/e$ *ree). oer the"! The te$t&' he#/ $h#)) be #t # te"(er#t%re o* 0 to 100>F 20 to 40>?-! I* # +#ter b#th &$ %$e/, +&(e ece$$ +#ter *ro" the &'$&/e •
o* the te$t&' he#/ $e"e't$! Re"oe # $(ec&"e' *ro" the +#ter, oe', or #&r co'/&t&o'&' b#th &' the c#$e o* # +#ter b#th re"oe ece$$ ec e$$ +#ter +&th # to+e)- #'/ ()#ce &' the )o+er $e"e't o* the te$t&' he#/! 7)#ce the %((er $e"e't o* the te$t&' he#/ o' the $(ec&"e', #'/ ()#ce the co"()ete #$$e"b). &' (o$&t&o' &' the )o#/&' "#ch&'e! I* %$e/, ()#ce the *)o+"eter &' (o$&t&o' oer o'e o* the %&/e ro/$ #'/ #/%$t the *)o+"eter to
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