Marketing Plan of Airblue

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The Marketing of services

The marketing plan of AIRBLUE

 Ibrahim zaman

Registration No: 17111711-108006, 108006, (BBA 9th ) Submitted to :: SIR. SHAHZAD AHMED




(1) SERVICE ORGANIZATION I have selected the private service organization in airline sector that is AIRBLUE (styled as airblue), whose little description is given as under; Airblue Limited is a private airline with its head office on the 12th floor of the Islamabad Stock Exchange (ISE) Towers in Islamabad, Pakistan. It is Pakistan's Pak istan's second largest airline with over 30% share of the domestic market. Airblue operates scheduled flights operating 30 daily services linking four domesticdestinations and international services to Dubai, Abu Dhabi, Sharjah, Muscat and Manchester. It carried 1.4 million passengers on domestic flights in the 2006–07 200 6–07 fiscal year.Its main base is Jinnah International Airport, Karachi.It started its operations on May 24, 2004. It was the first private

carrier of Pakistan to operate the Airbus A320 when it initially started. Airblue has been expanding rapidly despite experiencing competition from the other three airline operators in Pakistan.




(2) MISSION STATEMENT STATEMENT Air blue will be a cost effective airline aiming to provide affordable and convenient air travel with luxury and elegance. “Enjoy The Difference – Freedom, Flexibility And Savings.”


The vision statement of airblue is given as under: ‘To provide exceptional customer service at low prices.’ 

(4) MARKETING MIX Marketing -mix is the set of all the controllable elements by the organization. Every service marketing organization contains the following seven elements or 7 P’s;










People Physical evidence Processes




I. Pr Prod oduc uct: t: Levels Leve ls of pro produc ducts: ts: The Core Product , which is the most basic level of the product produ ct i.e. the 

 benefit that the product offers, the basic of using the Airblue services are the convenient, fast and high quality mode of traveling. The actual level of product , The actual product is Airblue airlines, and  having the following characteristics:


Quality level: They are maintaining their quality mainly through all the

competitive advantages gaining strategies namely, their product differentiation, service differentiation channel differentiation, image differentiation and people differentiation. ii. The Augmented Level of Product: They provide high service augmentations to their product i.e. product classification, individual product design e.t.c. 

Range Ran ge of se servic rvices: es:

The range of service means the number of services provided. So, Airblue  provides the transport as well as cargo services and  

e-Ticke e-T icketing ting :

AirBlue has introduced the concept of total e-ticketing for the convenience of passenger, first time in Pakistan. E-Ticketing System is an online seat reservation service which facilitates all the travelers that they can reserve their seats and also they can retrieve their seat reservation and they can also also postpone their reservation e-ticketing needs a lot of high tech infrastructure and skilled employees which increases their cost and providing high valued services.  

Product attribut attributes es :

Product attributes like Branding, Packaging, Labeling and product support services. AirBlue aims to focus passenger comfort at prices that offer value for money and that explains its decision to have leather-upholstered seats in the Business class and offering in-flight entertainment not offered by any other airline, including the PIA, on the domestic sector. The airline has also made arrangements with quality q uality caterer outside to serve what it calls "exquisite cuisine" to the travelers.  

Cargo Car go sservi ervices: ces:




Airblue offers more than 70,000 kgs cargo space on more than 18 fleet everyday. Their certified Airblue eCargo Agents  book  book cargo directly on-line, saving time and cutting costs. Airblue is proud to help businesses to ship goods faster and more reliable than ever   before. Pickup and drop-off centers are conveniently located near city airports. To participate as an agent of cargo of o f airblue we have to fill the form on this website address:


Pri rice ce::

Generally price is the amount of money for which the customer is willing to pay. From the marketers’ point of view, an efficient price is a price that is very close to the maximum that customers are prepared to pay. In economic terms, it is a price that shifts most of the consumer surplus to the producer. The effective price is the  price the company receives after accounting for discounts, promotions, and other  incentives.

A. PRICING OBJ OBJECTIVES: ECTIVES: A well chosen price should be planned to achieve some specific objectives; Pricing objectives of airblue are given as under; 1. 2. 3. 4.

Achiev Achievee fi financ nancial ial goal goalss of the the firm firm (i.e (i.e.. profit profitabi abilit lity) y) Fit the rreali ealities ties of the the marketplace marketplace (will (will customer customerss buy at that price? price?)) Support Support positio positioning ning and and be consistent consistent with the other other variables variables in the the marketi marketing ng mix Cos Cost dete deterrmina minattion

1. Achieve financ financial ial goals of th thee firm (i.e. pr profitability) ofitability) AirBlue achieved operational profit in the first two months of its operations. This shows that the differentiation strategy proved to be a great success for AirBlue. AirBlue started operations in May 2004, when the jet fuel price in Pakistan was around Rs .16  per liter, which almost doubled to Rs. 29 a liter within three months, much beyond their cushion  provision for such an exigency. AirBlue, through its operations efficiency, managed to sustain the dramatic increase in jet fuel price, which was over 30 percent of the entire operational cost. It not only gained a substantial market share within a short span of time but also had a profitable load factor of over 90 percent, due to the fact that it was the only 100 percent e-ticketing start-up airline in the world. So despite the fact that AirBlue offered premium quality at premium prices, it has been able to meet the first objective i.e. profitability.




2. Fit th thee realities of the marketplac marketplace: e:

(Will customers buy at that price?):  The prices set by AirBlue targeted the elite class including the business travelers and vacationers. Its differentiated and quality services generated loyal and satisfied customers.

The prices by AirBlue have set keeping view theThe tickets by Air Blue competitive environment andbeen customer buyinginpatterns. pa tterns. are affordable and economical to every ev ery customer and set by them aafter fter analzing their potential customer needs.

3. Supp Support ort po positio sitioning ning :

(Be consistent with the other variables in the marketing mix) As AirBlue aimed to position itself as a high end service provider, it offered  premium prices to the customers. This fit well well with the image the company was trying to portray viz. high quality services at a premium p remium price. This is evident from AirBlue’s consistent success despite its high prices. This shows that the target market of AirBlue is the upper and middle class of the society that can afford luxuries. luxuries .

4. Cost deter determina mination: tion: set athe floor forboth the price company can chargedistribution for its product. company wants toCost charge price that coversthat all the its costs for producing d istribution and The selling the product and delivers a fair rate of return for its effort and risk. A company’s cost may  be an important element in its pricing strategy. The Planes that AirBlue AirBlue is using are all reconditioned so that helps reduce the cost much but on the other hand they have been providing high quality catering and efficient cabin crew with high language skills which tend to increase their costs. Other factor affecting their cost is the e-Ticketing System which is an online and  paperless seat reservation service which needs a lot of high tech infrastructure infrastructure and skilled employees which increases their cost. cost.

B. PRICING STRATEGIES OF AIRBLUE: AirBlue is using the following pricing strategies.

1. Prem Premium ium prici pricing: ng: Premium pricing also called prestige pricing, is the strategy of pricing at, or near, the high end of the possible price range. People will buy a premium priced product because they believe the high price is an indication of good quality. They believe it to be a sign of self worth – “They are worth it.” It authenticates their success and status and acts as a signal of  people’s’ status and success. They require flawless performance performance in this application, the cost of  product malfunction is too high to buy anything but the best. In the airline industry, PIA and AirBlue are offering a premium price as compared to their competitors. AirBlue is a ‘full frill’ service despite its image as the contrary and superior quality of their services is what differentiates them from competitors.

2. Pen Penetr etrati ation on:: IBRAHIM ZAMAN



Penetration pricing is the pricing technique of setting a relatively low initial entry price, a price that is often lower than the eventual market price. The expectation is that the initial low price will secure market acceptance by breaking down existing brand loyalties. Penetration pricing is most commonly associated with a marketing objective of increasing market share or sales volume, rather than short term profit maximization. AirBlue initially offered a penetration price. The ticket fares were relatively low, whereas the quality of services was high when the company entered the market. The prices were then increased as the company established a brand image.

3. Ski Skimm mming ing:: Price skimming is a pricing strategy in which the marketer sets a relatively high price for a product or service at first, and then lowers the price over time. It is a temporal version of price discrimination/yield management. Until a few years back, PIA was offering skimmed prices where the quality of services was not equivalent e quivalent to the price being charged for the tickets. Most of the customers did not receive a value for the money they paid. Now, however, PIA has improved the quality of the services and is offering a premium price. This kind of strategy is usually implemented when an organization position itself in the mind of potential customers.

4. Ec Econ onom omy: y: Economy pricing is a pricing strategy in which a marketer follows low cost strategy. An airline is said to have set economical econo mical prices when they charge low, or almost lowest in the industry, for tickets and offer low quality services. In Pakistani airline industry, Aero Asia is following the low cost strategy where the ticket prices are the lowest and the quality of services is also meager. All the above discussed pricing strategies can be illustrated in the following figure:




C. FACTORS TO T O CONSIDER CONSIDE R WHEN SETTING PRICES: Before setting prices here are some major factors which should be b e considered during setting prices:

1. Internal factors affecting pricing decisions: decisions: The internal factors are;  

Marketing Objectives Marketing Mix Strategy





Organizational consideration

2. External F Factors actors a affecting ffecting P Pricing ricing D Decisions: ecisions: In considering prices we should also considered some external factors which are given as under:   Nature  

of the Market and Demand  Competition  Other External Factors like promotional and special-event pricing

D. AIRBLUE FARES: Airblue Airfares depend on the time you are making your reservation. Earlier  you make the reservation cheaper fare you will get. To get the current fares for the trip of your choice, you will need to provide date and flight details and you have to visit online reservations centre and select flight options to see the available fares. You Save when you buy early: Save 10 to 90% on airblue flights just by  planning ahead and booking in advance.


Percentage discount given to children are shown in the following table


%age of discount



with seat 50% of Adult Full

Lap Infant

Up to 2.5 years

10% of Adult Full

have calculated the fares for all sectors, which are subject For the convenience of customers  customers they have  to change with time and date d ate of flight.





AIRBLUE KARACHI-ISLAMABAD FARE FARE YQ APT CED TOTAL 5,168 2,000 120 1,075 8,363 4,651 2,000 120 998 7,769 4,134 2,000 120 920 7,175 3,618 3,101 2,584 2,067 1,550 1,034


4,420 3,978 3,536 3,094 2,652 2,210 1,768 1,326 884


3,210 2,889 2,568 2,247 1,926 1,605 1,284 963



2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000

120 120 120 120 120 120

843 765 688 610 533 455

6,580 5,986 5,392 4,797 4,203 3,609

FULL 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80%

AIRBLUE KARACH-LAHORE YQ APT CED TOTAL 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000

120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120

963 897 830 764 698 632 565 499 433

7,503 6,995 6,486 5,978 5,470 4,962 4,453 3,945 3,437

AIRBLUE KARACH-FAISALABAD YQ APT CED TOTAL 2,000 120 782 6,112 2,000 120 733 5,742 2,000 120 685 5,373 2,000 120 637 5,004 2,000 120 589 4,635 2,000 120 541 4,266 2,000 120 493 3,897 2,000 120 444 3,527 2,000






FULL 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80%

FULL 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80%







TOTAL 5,399

2,331 2,072 1,813 1,554 1,295 1,036 777 518

2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000

120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120

650 611 572 533 494 455 417 378

5,101 4,803 4,505 4,207 3,909 3,611 3,314 3,016


4,300 3,870 3,440 3,010 2,580 2,150 1,720 1,290 860



2,170 1,953 1,736 1,519 1,302 1,085 868 651 434

FULL 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80%

AIRBLUE KARACH-PESHAWAR YQ APT CED TOTAL 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000

7,365 6,871 6,376 5,882 5,387 4,893 4,398 3,904 3,409

FULL 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80%

AIRBLUE KARACHi-GAWADAR YQ APT CED TOTAL 1,200 120 506 3,996 1,200 120 473 3,746 1,200 120 440 3,496 1,200 120 408 3,247 1,200 120 375 2,997 1,200 120 343 2,748 1,200 120 310 2,498 1,200 120 278 2,249 1,200 120 245 1,999

FULL 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80%


120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120

945 881 816 752 687 623 558 494 429




Pla lace ce :

Place refers to the location of service providers and their accessibility, which is not related to only physical place but it also relates to distribution channels and other means of contact and communications. for example, travel agents and other intermediaries e.t.c.  


Dist Distribu ribution tion channels chan nels::

“A distribution channel is a set of inter dependent depende nt organization involved in the  process of making a product or a service available for consumption by the final consumer.” Like other organizations AirBlue also uses intermediaries (TRAVEL AGENTS) to  bring their products to the market. Running an Airline is a kind of business which also needs a distribution channel.


Numbe r of Channel Number Chann el Levels Lev els::

“A layer of intermediaries that performs some work in bringing the product closer to the final buyer.” AirBlue is using direct Marketing Channels as well as Indirect Marketing Channels. Where direct marketing marketing channel has no intermediary levels but direct relationship of customer and service provider, while indirect marketing channels containing one or more intermediary levels. AirBlue uses an indirect marketing channel to reach its customers. It sells its  products to its consumer directly as well as through Travel Agents in in all the major cities or towns that it is operating in and they expecting some prospects.


Inte rmediary Intermed iary selling sel ling:: A firm should identify the types of channel members available to carry out its

channel work. The following channel alternatives might emerge from management discussion; 1. Company Sales Force  Manufacturers Agency 2. Industrial Distributors 3. AirBlue is a manufacturer’s agency which is independent firms whose sales forces handle related products from many companies in different regions or industries. Because it is giving the travel agents the rights to sell their airline tickets as the travel agents are also selling other airline tickets. So the travel agents are independent firms.


Numberr of interme Numbe intermediar diaries ies::

Companies must also determine the number of channel members to use at each level. Three strategies are available: 1. In Inte tens nsiv ivee Dist Distri ribut butio ion n 2. Ex Excl clus usiv ivee Dist Distri ribu buti tion on IBRAHIM ZAMAN



3. Se Sele lect ctiv ivee Dist Distri ribut butio ion n AirBlue Uses Exclusive Distribution which is, “Giving a limited number of dealers the exclusive rights to distribute the company’s products in their territories.” AirBlue is using Exclusive distribution by giving rights to only those travel agents who are certified by the  the  International Agents Transport Association (IATA). They have also given rights only to IATA agents in  in  other cities of Pakistan where AirBlue is operating. In this case other agents have to book tickets from IATA agents or they will have to contact AirBlue directly for their customer’s ticket.

E. Airb Airblue lue rout routes: es: AirBlue is currently operating in Karachi, Islamabad, Peshawar and Lahore as frequent fleet and also daily fleet to Sukkur, Sukk ur, Faisalabad, Quetta, Gwadar, and Multan and expecting to start its service to Chitral in near future. Excepting domestic fleet, they also have started their regular international fleets since various years to Dubai, Abu Dhabi, Sharjah, Muscat, Manchester, Oman and UK. And planning to start fleet to Saudi Arabia, Qatar e.t.c. The following are the different routes of airblue:  Airblue Domestic Routes: Karachi – Islamabad Karachi – Lahore Karachi – Peshawar  Karachi – Dubai Lahore – Dubai Islamabad – Dubai Peshawar – Dubai Islamabad - Manchester   Airblue International Routes:

Islamabad - Abu Dhabi Islamabad – Sharjah Lahore – Sharjah Lahore - Abu Dhabi Lahore – Muscat The following are the routes of airblue as shown in map graphically; Source: ISLAMABAD Source:  ISLAMABAD









 Source: MUSCAT




 Source: PESHAWAR 


 Source: Dubai & Sharjah








Promo Pr omotio tion: n: This includes various methods of communicating with markets. The major methods of promotion are: 1. Adve Advert rtiising sing 2. Pe Pers rson se sell llin ing 3. Sa Sale les sonal prom pral omot otio ion ng 4. Publicity 5. Publ Public ic re rela lati tion onss Since, airblue uses the following two methods of promotions;

1. Adv Advert ertisi ising: ng: Any paid form of non-personal presentation and promotion of ideas, goods or services by an identified sponsor. There are three major objectives of advertising which are to inform, to persuade and to remind. AirBlue promoted its airline by showing commercials on major television channels like GEO TV, ARY TV which wh ich was for a very short time and extensive advertising in major newspapers like Dawn, The News, and Daily Jang.

2. Sale Saless p prom romotion otion:: Sales promotions are rebates or discount of money during purchasing of services or products. Major sales promotion tools are;  

Cash Refund Offer (Rebates): (Re bates):

Offer to refund part of the purchase price of a product to consumers who send a “proof of purchase” p urchase” to the manufacturer. AirBlue offers a complete cash refund on cancellation canc ellation of tickets  prior to 24 hours of departure; the refund will be shown in full as a separate separate item in passenger sales history report. And within 24 hours of flight departures, a penalty pena lty of Rs. 300 applies.

Advertising Advertis ing specialti specialties: es: Useful article imprinted with an advertiser’s name, given as a gift to


consumers. Airblue gives key chains and toys as souvenirs to their passengers during the flight.  

Patrona Patr onage ge rewards: rewar ds: Cash or other award for the regular use of a certain company’s

 products or services. Airblue offers its Blue Miles Frequent Flier programs, awarding  points for miles traveled that can be turned in for free airline airline trips. For example, on every 10,000 miles traveled, a customer is eligible for a free domestic ticket to any city.


Peo eopl ple: e: Two types of people are included in service organizations which are;  Service producers 

Administration personnel




Airblue utilizes personnel utilities regarding their services as in their organization chart given as under:

It is the first first airlin airlinee to have have employ employees ees traine trained d accordi according ng to intern internati ational onal st standa andards rds.. It is technologically advanced. The organo organo-gr -gram am of the organi organizat zation ion follow follows. s. It shows shows that that the employ employees ees report report to their  their  divisional heads that in turn are answerable to the Chief Executive Officer.





Physica Phy sicall ev eviden idence: ce: This include the following elements like; Physical environment:

Furnishings, colors, layout, noise of airplanes as well as offices are all very best provided by Airblue to position their image in the mind of prospects.


Facilitat Facil itating ing goods: go ods:

It enable the services to be provided like the the food provided, music during flight e.t.c. 

Other tangible tangi ble goods go ods :

It includes packaging, tickets formats e.t.c.





Proc Pr oces ess: s: It includes the following terms;   

Policies and procedures adopted The degree of mechanization Operational management

Airblue control its flight operations by well-trained employees either pilots or other related staff. Airblue uses full-computerized soft wares of sales management and reservation through every customer can buy ticket through 24/7 means twenty four hours through a week.

(5) SWOT A AN NALYSIS The SWOT analysis is the process of analyzing organizations and their environments based on their strengths, weaknesses, opportunitie opportunitiess and threats. This includes the environmental analysis, the process of scanning the business environment for threats and opportunities, which is considered as external factors, and the organizational analysis, the process of analyzing a firm’s strengths and weaknesses as internal factors. IBRAHIM ZAMAN




Strengths :

Strength is an internal characteristic that has the potential of improving the organization’s competitive position. The following are the major strengths of Airblue;

1. Lead Leading ing ma market rket p positi osition: on: AirBlue is one of Pakistan’s leading air carrier, with more than 800 daily flights to 8 destinations. Around 100,000 passengers a month fly on AirBlue, making it one of the major operators in the domestic market in terms of passenger kilometers. Its revenue growth was driven by stronger yields per passenger, up 2.8 percent year-on-year. Its strong market position is driven by consistently low fares as well as reliable service, frequent and convenient flights, use of new technologies like e-ticketing and self  check-in terminals, comfortable cabins and superior customer service.

2. Br Bran and d re reco cogn gnit itio ion: n: Airblue has high brand recall. It is recognized by travelers all over the country. AirBlue commenced operations in 2004, and reached the milestone of serving one million customers within two years. This helps clarify why customers prefer AirBlue to other carriers such as PIA, Aero Asia and Shaheen Airlines. AirBlue earned the number one ranking in customer satisfaction for 2005,  based on least number of complaints per passenger carried as reported to the Civil Aviation Aviation Authority (CAA). This strong market position gives the company a scale advantage and helps it strengthen its brand image.

3. Sup Superi erior or op opera eratin ting g str struct ucture ure:: AirBlue has maintained its position as the low cost carrier for the last two years. It has one of the lowest operating cost structures, being first in the Pakistani market to use the latest technology. Factors contributing to its low cost structure include; single type aircraft (Airbus) and an efficient, high-utilization and point-to- point route structure. Flying one type of aircraft significantly simplifies scheduling, maintenance, flight operations, and training activities. AirBlue has continually achieved high asset utilization and employee efficiency. Superior operating structure serves as the primary competitive advantage of AirBlue.

4. Net etw wor ork k pr preese sen nce ce:: AirBlue enjoys a strong network in key domestic and international destinations. The company’s network includes three the major airports in Pakistan, as well as major international airport such as Dubai International Airport. Having a strong network n etwork means that AirBlue can generate traffic feed for both its domestic and international flights.

5. Eff Effici icien entt us usee of ttech echnol nology ogy:: AirBlue has successfully incorporated latest technology in all its systems, giving it an edge over competitors. As discussed in the case study, AirBlue takes credit for introducing most new technologies to the Pakistani market. It was the first carrier in Pakistan to incorporate the e-ticketing system and the second in South Asia to introduce self check in IBRAHIM ZAMAN



systems at the Jinnah International Airport Karachi. It also has an efficient intranet called “AirBlue EDNET” that helps it successfully maintain a paperless environment, providing managers and employees real time access to information. It has also vertically integrated the intranet incorporating major strategic partners such as American Express.

6. Ti Time me p pun unct ctua ual: l: 98% punctuality of on-time flight departures.

7. Ope Operat ration ional al effic efficien iency: cy: By using efficient technology, it shows all its operations very efficient.

8. La Late test st A Air irbu bus: s: The airblue aircraft are the latest fly-by-wire technology Airbus A320's and A321's. This allows the airline more flexibility and scales of economy in crew planning and maintenance capability, adding directly to bottom-line profitability.

9. Ranking: AirBlue is the first among private sector airlines in South-Asia and second after Emirates in the region to introduce latest self check-in system at Karachi airport. The self check-in system will facilitate the passengers carrying baggage with them, to get boarding card through the new touch screen system without reporting at the counter.

10. Frequent flyer pr program: ogram: Frequent flyer service, which is a promotional strategy in which airblue offer special prices after travel of the given or specified blue-miles. It works in the following way when you attain blue miles:  The trip mileage from each of your you r traveled fares to your BlueMiles account.   Redemption requires a minimum accrual of o f 7,500 Miles.  Use your BlueMiles to purchase economy or business class ticket

11. High quality servi services ces during flight: Good food, good entertainment, spacious seats, most exciting hospitality, elegant and charming hostesses e.t.c.  


Weaknesses : 

Weakness is an internal characteristic that leaves the organization potentially vulnerable to strategic moves by competitors.

1.  High dependence on passenger revenues: Passenger revenues accounted for 78 percent of the AirBlue’s total revenue in 2005. Cargo services allow airlines to generate gene rate additional revenues from existing passenger flights. In addition, cargo revenues are usually counter cyclical to passenger revenues and have lower demand elasticity than passenger business, which allows airlines to pass on fuel price hikes to customers. IBRAHIM ZAMAN



2. De Debt bt:: AirBlue has a significant amount of debt. It has short term financing of Rs. 254 million. Current and future debts could have important consequences for stakeholders of the company. For example, debt could impair AirBlue’s ability to make investments and obtain additional financing for working capital, capital expenditures, acquisitions acqu isitions or general corporate or other purposes. Debts could also put AirBlue at a competitive disadvantage to competitors that have lesser debt and could also increase the company’s vulnerability to interest rate increases.

3. Reli Reliance ance o on n Oil pr prices ices:: AirBlue’s sustainability, sustainability, growth and revenues revenu es directly depend on oil prices. A steep rise in oil prices can seriously damage the long term viability of any airline. Recently many airlines around the world went bankrupt due to rising oil prices. Airlines need to hedge against this risk by taking proper measures. In case of AirBlue, fuel prices also had an impact as fuel cost increased from Rs. 519 million to Rs 1,475 1 ,475 million.

4. Avoi Avoiding ding Car Cargo go serv service ices: s: They are going to enhance the passenger services while they are avoiding the development of cargo services, which is the transportation of baggage from source to destinations by receiving huge amount of revenues.

5. Tech Technica nicall limi limitati tations: ons:  Not having its own repair and maintenance facilities. And having Small fleet of aircrafts. It connects only seven cities in Pakistan. Pak istan. And about five airports outside of country. Very tight schedule of flights, which puts extra burden on pilots, cabin crew and hostesses.

6. No Govt. Go vt. co contra ntracts: cts: They haven’t any flight for Hajj Pilgrims, which could be a major source of income and also having no contracts for transportation of political personalities.  

7. Weak promo promotion tion::

Airblue is promoting only packages and less on the advertising and  promotion of air line i.e., i.e., A320, e.t.c. 8. Un-gu Un-guaran aranteed teed Fares: Far es: The fares on which you make reservations are un-guaranteed. In case you cancel your reservation and need to make it again, you have to start the procedure all over again and will be offered a completely new set of fares in accordance with the flexible fare system. A  person getting a 25% discounted seat may get a 15% discounted seat if he tries to make a rereservation past 5 min of the earlier reservation.

9. High Traffic Traffic – Slow Service Service On On Website: Website: Due to the bandwidth limitations limi tations offered by ISPs in Pakistan, the Airblue’s web site open at a very slow speed and the reservation processing time become slower than usual. There is high traffic on website and with the rate at which the sales are expected to grow, there will wil l be extremely heavy traffic load on the website. This inconvenience i nconvenience sometimes tests the patience of the customers bringing down the customer satisfaction level.




II III. I. Oppo Opport rtun unit itie ies: s: 1. Rout Routee and flee fleett expan expansion sion:: AirBlue is planning to include more domestic do mestic and international destinations in its network in 2005. Expansion plans are already in the pipeline with permission to start flights to SAUDIA ARAB awaiting clearance whilst an application ap plication to start flights to Jordan has been submitted. Other destinations included in their long term plans include further cities in the UK and USA, and India. Route and fleet expansion will positively impact the company’s operations  by increasing revenues and expanding its network.

2. Growing d demand emand for low cost airli airlines nes The growing demand for air travel is driven by lower fares and consumer confidence. A survey by International Aviation Authority showed that ticket price is the number one criterion for passengers when selecting a flight, well ahead of the availability of a non-stop service.

3. Expa Expansion nsion of freig freight ht busin business: ess: Though a late starter, AirBlue’s cargo revenue is developing. Cargo revenue showed an increase of 32 percent, as it touched Rs. 41 million this year up from Rs. 31 million. The current growth in AirBlue’s freight segment is aided by recent introduction of scanning technology, which meets the requirements private courier service providers operating in Pakistan. Equipped with the right technology, AirBlue is now in a position to cash in on increasing demand for freight and reduce its business risk by reducing dependence on  passenger traffic.

4. Custo Customer mer loyal loyalty: ty: AirBlue’s frequent flyer and loyalty programs can help it retain customers. AirBlue’s BlueMiles (frequent flyer program) was established to develop passenger loyalty by offering awards and services to frequent travelers. Such schemes encourage repeat travel on AirBlue, as passengers seek to accrue the benefits given to regular travelers. This enables the airline to retain customers and reduce costs, as it does not have to spend money targeting new customers to replace those lost to other airlines.

5. Shif Shifting ting cu custom stomer er needs needs::

The needs of air passengers are increasingly changing, chang ing, as they are  becoming more and more price sensitive. The effect of this has been that traditional airlines such as PIA have struggled, while low-cost airlines such as AirBlue have experienced significant growth despite a turbulent industry, especially in the short haul market in Pakistan. If AirBlue succeeds in making its prices more competitive, then the company will be able to gain significant market share.

6. Indu Industry stry recov recovery ery Market analysts believe that the global airline industry will experience an upturn in fortunes over the next few years. This represents an opportunity for AirBlue, as it could generate increased revenues and command market share if it cap capitalizes italizes on increases in demand. IBRAHIM ZAMAN



7. Very ffew ew com competi petitors: tors: There are a very few n number umber is existing airlines in Pakistan aviation industry. Though they maintain a monopoly mono poly in Pakistan’s domestic aviation industry but due to the presence of very few airlines in aviation industry there exists a niche in the market for a new airline and Airblue is trying to tap that potential. The state-owned carrier PIA possesses over 75  percent of market share, the rest is held by two private airlines, airlines, Aero Asia and Shaheen Air.

IV. Threats: Threat is an environmental condition that offers significant prospects for undermining an organization’s competitive situation

1. High inte interest rest rrates ates:: The past few years have seen State Bank of Pakistan impose high as well as low interest rates to check inflation and the overheating of Pakistani economy. Inflation in Pakistan may see another raise in the the effective interest rate is about 13 percent. This could depress consumer spending and offset some of the positive trends for AirBlue, in Pakistan.

2. Acc Accide idents nts It is high risk of accidents when flying in air. It has to continuously ensure utmost safety and security of its passengers. Accidents can adversely adv ersely affect customer confidence in AirBlue and result in declined revenues intensifying competition. co mpetition. The accident of Airblue in margalla hills have fall it down their image.




3. Stron Strong g com competi petition tion:: AirBlue is now competing against more credible low cost carriers such as Shaheen Airline, AeroAsia and PIA Express. PIA remains AirBlue’s strongest competitor because of the huge market it has gained over time, strong brand image and customer loyalty. AirBlue also faces competition from PIA’s new low-fares subsidiary, PIA Express. Moreover, major legacy airlines have been focusing on restructuring costs, which has improved their competitiveness. Increasing competition could adversely affect the company’s


4. Interest and foreign ccurrency urrency exch exchange ange rates: Fluctuating foreign currency exchange rates can have a significant impact on AirBlue’s earnings.

5. Decli Decline ne in airli airline ne indus industry: try: A number of factors have caused the current decline in the airline industry. For example, the threat of further terrorist attacks since September 11 1 1 and a fall in the number of business travelers have both bo th caused passenger numbers to fall. These and other factors may continue to affect demand for air travel in the future, which will affect revenues of AirBlue. For example, global problems such as an increased threat of terrorism in response to the coalition’s war on terrorism could have an adverse effect on AirBlue. The threat of terrorism may discourage people from traveling by air and could espeically reduce the number of passengers traveling on international flights. IBRAHIM ZAMAN



(6)) Co (6 Comp mpeti etiti tive ve en envi viro ronm nmen ent( t(an anal alysi ysis) s)

Analyzing an organization’s competitors helps it decide the strategies it will follow in both the short and long term. By looking at competitors, a firm can determine the industry trends and make decisions on crucial issues such as discounts to be offered, quality of services provided, and channel of o f distribution and promotion strategy. A firm can improve its operations and is in a better position to compete by taking into account all these aspects. The airline industry in Pakistan currently has cut throat competition. Passengers, today, are time conscious since time is the only rare commodity in today’s world. The offering of the airlines are continuously changing with changing customer cu stomer needs. The airlines are deploying more eefforts fforts to meet customer requirements and provide superior quality of services. Every organization faces competition and so does Air Blue. Its competitors include PIA, Aero Asia, Emirates airline and Shaheen Airways.



PIA is the flag carrier of Pakistan and the national airline operating  passenger and cargo services around the world. It is the oldest airline in Pakistan, (dating (dating back to the Indo-Pak subcontinent) and has the first mover’s advantage. Its main hubs include Jinnah International Airport, Karachi, Allama Iqbal International Airport, Lahore and Islamabad International Airport, Islamabad. Its current fleet size is 40 and it flies to 82 destinations. de stinations. PIA has a rich history and made through variousups and downs of the economy. It still claims --- percent market share and is the largest airline in the country by all standards (i.e. fleet size, number of  passengers per month, income etc). In December 2003, PIA introduced a revamped its corporate image from changing the outlook of its planes to its logo. The new image was also applied to their first 777-200ER and another newly leased A310A3 10- 300. Under the new style, the tail was IBRAHIM ZAMAN



 painted beige and a flowing Pakistan flag placed on it, PIA acronym was enlarged and moved onto the fuselage. In early 2006, 2006 , PIA unveiled four designs representing the four provinces of of Pakistan to be applied throughout their fleet, these will replace the present flag.



Aero Asia is a private Pakistani airline based at Jinnah International Airport, Karachi and Dubai International Airport, Dubai. Aero Asia was previously owned and operated by the Tabani Group, which sold it to the UK based Regal Group, following the temporary suspension of its flights in the summer of 2006. It was the first low cost airline in Pakistan and operates to destinations in Pakistan and the Gulf states. The fleet size is 10, and it has total of 11 destinations, 7 domestic and 4 international. Aero Asia has already covers the Middle-East and has been granted permission to fly to the United Kingdom and United States from December 2005 by the CAA. However, because of its current restructuring, international flights are expected to commence in 2007. It will start from Manchester, London and Birmingham gradually including New York, Singapore, Copenhagen, Oslo and Bahrain. The latest Boeing and Airbus aircraft are being inducted in the fleet. Within Pakistan it currently  provides services at Karachi, Lahore, Islamabad, Peshawar, Multan, Faisalabad and Sukkur. Internationally, it covers Abu Dhabi, Dubai, Doha, Manchester and Muscat.



Shaheen Airways is the second national airline after PIA. It mainly covers Karachi, Lahore and Islamabad and the Gulf. Its base is Jinnah International Airport, Karachi, with a hub at Islamabad International Airport, Islamabad. Its fleet size is 10 and destinations are 11 which are further divided into 5 domestic and 6 international. This depicts that it is mainly focusing international customers. It currently operates in Islamabad, Karachi, Lahore, Peshawar, Quetta, AbuDhabi, UAE, Doha, UK, Kuwait and Oman.  

(7)Existi ng situat situation ion of AIRBLUE AIRBLUE:: (7) Existing Airblue is an emerging quality career from Pakistan. Airblue started it operation in Pakistan with domestic flight in 2004, AirBlue’s fleet of next-generation nex t-generation Airbus A320 and A321 aircraft started operating with a unique offer of airfares based on time of  booking. This was a unique and innovative idea. Many big airlines of the world had not started online reservation back in 2004 when airblue started sand jacket online airline tickets. IBRAHIM ZAMAN



Soon airblue became second best airline of Pakistan offering quality service at low fares. Now Airblue not necessarily is a low fare airline but it is still a pioneer in  bringing about new technologies in the air ticketing based on the internet. Airblue now offers flights to five international destinations including UAE airports Dubai, Sharjah and Abu Dhabi, Dha bi, as well as Muscat, Oman and Manchester, UK. Led by a team with decades of experience in the industry, Airblue embodies a new era in passenger air travel. Airblue has integrated unique innovations to ensure security and affordability. Among these are complete online reservation systems, online reservation hold/in  person payment at various locations, and mobile airport check in procedures. Airblue besides its innovative eticketing has also achieved following recognition: 

First airline in Pakistan to start e-ticketing.

First airline in Pakistan and only the third carrier in the region after Emirates and Royal Jordanian to introduce self-service check-in facilities.

First private airline in Pakistan to initiate initiate long-haul services on (IslamabadManchester) sector.

Airblue makes a fuel stop at Trabzon in Turkey when flying to and from Manchester. This route is the longest route operated by an Airbus A321 aircraft in the world, and the longest scheduled route operated by an Airbus narrow-body aircraft (excluding the Airbus A319LR).



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