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Marketing Plan for Salon Praba 2011


Marketing Plan for Salon Praba 2011

Table of Content Page No. 


Table of Content



Executive Summery






Historical Background of the Salon



Mission Statement



Situation analysis

6 - 17

5.1 Market Analysis


5.2 Customer Analysis

10 - 11

5.3 Financial Analysis


5.4 Competitor Analysis

13 - 14

5.5 SWOT Analysis

15 - 16

5.6 PEST Analysis 6



Strategies Development

17 18 19 - 42

7.1 STP

20 - 30

7.2 Marketing Mix

31 - 42


Budget Forecasting


Control & Implementation





43 - 44


47 - 54


Marketing Plan for Salon Praba 2011

1. Executive Summary Salon Praba is one of major salon in Katubedda. It was established in 2008 & still operates their business very successfully. Katubedda is one of urban city which consists of 10,257 populations. Not only that but also there are so many Public & Private Firms (Water Board, Telekom, Media Industry), & Educational & Tuition Centers (University of Moratuwa, German Tec, Other Private Tuition Centers & etc). By considering above things it will generate more opportunities to Salon Praba. But there are three beauty salons & one Auyrvedic Herbal Spa with skin specialist brings more threats to survival of salon. After considering all these factors our group decided to make marketing Plan for Salon Praba to enhance their sales with satisfied customers & to provide better quality service than competitors. As an initial step in marketing plan we tried to identify the background of the salon Praba. By analyzing product life cycle we identified that they are still in growth stage. They have big competition from surrounding & have to implement various marketing strategies for survival. They have already caught 35% of market share & 7% growth in sales when comparing with the previous year 2009. They have segmented their market in to four aspects like children, teens, young ladies & adult women to provide various services like hair cutting, hair decoration, dressing, skin treatments & so on with the purpose of treating their customers in better manner. They have higher demand from Young Ladies & adult women when comparing to other segments. Within next year they hope to enhance their sales by 8% & retain existing customers & attract more customers. According to this situation we make following recommendation to achieve their objectives in effective manner. 

Introduce new services at affordable prices.

Use new technical instruments.

Always aware about changes in beauty cultural field.

Increase the flexibility & quality of services.

Changed the Salon Name. 1

Marketing Plan for Salon Praba 2011 

Introduce a new logo for the salon.

Open the services to gents also.

Open new salon in other urban city.

Use more promotion campaigns.

Design their own web site for salon.

Create good relationship among employees.

Improve the effectiveness of telephone operator & receptionist.

Elegant dress code for staff.

Use book keeping method.

Increase the internal capacity.

Arrange & keep cosmetics & instruments in proper way.

Changing the building layout, interior and office furniture colors.

Provide piped music inside the salon.

So if they could reduce their mistakes and apply above changes we believe that they can solve their problems & it will help to achieve their objectives in an easy manner.


Marketing Plan for Salon Praba 2011

2. Introduction

This Marketing Plan for Salon Praba was carried out to enhance their current status by significantly increasing profit through providing valuable services to their existing & newly joined customers. So in here first we analyzed current situation of Salon Praba while conducting market, customer & financial analysis. Not only that but also we tried to identify the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities & trends by doing PEST & SWOT analysis. Secondly we set some marketing objectives for Salon Praba which will be achieved within next year. After that we developed strategies by using STP & 7Ps’ to achieve those objectives that are previously set. Finally for the control part we forecasted budget for year 2011 & it’ll give direction to how to manage finance for modifications which needed for the proper implementation of this marketing plan.


Marketing Plan for Salon Praba 2011

3. Historical Background of the Salon

 Name


Salon Praba

 Location


Katubedda, Moratuwa.

 Founded Year



 Owner


Miss.Prabhani Senadheera

 Initial Capital


Rs: 500000/=


Marketing Plan for Salon Praba 2011

4. Mission Statement


MISSION Upgrade the living standard of customers by providing high quality services to affordable price & enhance the strong relationship among customers by treating them in friendly manner to get their loyalty.


Marketing Plan for Salon Praba 2011


Marketing Plan for Salon Praba 2011

5.1 Market Analysis Evaluating the current market situation is most helpful to understand specific needs & wants of potential customers, how to serve them, how to attract more market share & the leverage situation of Salon Praba.

Target Markets:

Sales - 2010 Children


Young Ladies

Adult Women

1% 14% 26%


Target Market Forecast Potential

Growth Rate

Customers Children (3-12 years) Teens (13-19 years) Young Ladies (20-30 years) Adult Women (30 above)




















55. 5%













Marketing Plan for Salon Praba 2011

Market Demographic: The profile for Salon Praba consists of following geographic, demographic and behavioral factors:

Geographic: 

The immediate geographic target is the city of Katubedda & the surrounding communities with a total population of 10,257.

They have spread only around 10 miles of geographic radius.

The total target population is 4500 per year.

Demographic: 

Children, Teens, Young Ladies & Adult women.

Age Vs Demand 3-12 Years


13-19 Years


20-30 Years


30 Above


Mainly provide service to the ladies.

The Young Ladies & Adult women who employed & engaged in higher education pay more attention about their beauty, but are unwilling to pay the exorbitant charges associated with it.

Teens also consider more about new fashion methods, reasonable prices, & convenient.

The children do not have any major preferences other than having toys to play while they are waiting.

Individual income of working women is at least Rs. 15000.


Marketing Plan for Salon Praba 2011 Behavioral Factors: 

Always looking for convenience factors in regards to service providers.

Attempt to provide all family needs at the same time if possible.

Market Needs: Salon Praba is providing wide range of services like, 

Dressing (Bridal, Functional with Make Up)

Threading (Eye Brows, Vexing)

Hair Dressing (Hair Styles, Hair Cutting, Rebounding, Perming, Coloring…)

Skin Treatment (Facials, Clean Up, Scrub…)

Salon Praba seeks to provide following benefits that are important for its customers: 

Convenience: Salon Praba is situated in a centrally located area.

Customer Service: Serving the customers with superior attention by providing quality service.

Competitive Pricing: It offers pricing bit less than other competitive salons.

Market Trends: 

Increasing the number of working women.

Increasing the number of students who are doing higher education.

Increasing the competition among other salons.

Rapid change in technology & fashions.

Pay more attention to personnel beauty.

Market Growth: For the last three years the Salon Praba has grown steadily at 5% a year. It is generally unaffected by economic upturns or downturns. While in upturns, women are more likely to purchase extra services such as hair coloring, perms, newly introduced facial methods although generally the consumption pattern is unchanged.


Marketing Plan for Salon Praba 2011

5.2 Customer Analysis Target Customers: 

Children (3-12 years)

Teens (13-19 years)

Young Ladies (20-30 years)

Adult Women (30 above)

Where are the Customers 

Residents in Katubedda area.

Employees work in Public & Private firms.

Students from University of Moratuwa & other Educational Institutes.

When do the Customers buy? 

Normal Days: Morning & Evening time period have more demand.

Seasonal Period: Especially in Wedding (March, May, June, and November) & Christmas period Salon Praba has more sales.

What do they expect? 

To enhance their beauty (Skin fairness, Pimple removing)

Quality Dressing

Get flexible service for needed time.

Free instructions.

Pay more attention to customer needs & wants.

Affordable price & convenience.

Attractive environment.

Additional Service. (Selling Cosmetics)


Marketing Plan for Salon Praba 2011

Customers’ Decision Process: Around 50% of women consider about their beauty due to changes in society. Educational level, income, social class, occupation, relationship & feelings most affect to women to pay more attention on their beauty.


Marketing Plan for Salon Praba 2011

5.3 Financial Analysis




Annual Income (Rs.)




Annual Cost (Rs.)




Annul Profit (Rs.)






1500000 Annul Profit (Rs.) Annual Cost (Rs.) Annual Income (Rs.)



0 2008




Marketing Plan for Salon Praba 2011

5.4 Competitor Analysis Competitors around the Salon Praba 

Nature Secrets Beauty Spa

Chandani Bandara Salon

Jayangani Dikkubura Salon

Skin Specialist (Dr. D.N Samarathungha)

Chamway Herbal Beauty Spa

Competitors’ Product Summary 

Nature secrets Beauty Spa Facials (Bridal, Normal), pimple treatment, skin whiting treatments, cleanup

Chandani Bandara Salon Bridal dressing, occasional dressing , facials (bridal facials, aroma facials & normal facials) cleanups, pimple treatments , skin whiting treatments , nail arts, hair cutting (Male, Female)

Jayangani Dikkumbura salon Bridle Dressing, Normal Dressing, facials, pimple treatments, Hair cutting

Skin Specialist Facials, pimple treatments, whitening treatments, cleanups, stretch marks treatments

Chamway Herbal Beauty Spa Facials, pimple treatments, cleanups


Marketing Plan for Salon Praba 2011

Competitors’ Strength & Weaknesses Strengths


 Use Herbal Products

Higher Prices for services.

 Qualified Employees

Contacting owner might be difficult

 Use Technical Instruments

Lower Customer Loyalty

 Location

Close on holidays

 Provide high quality service

Takes more time per customer

 Strong goodwill

Not providing online services

 Attractive work place

Lower relationship among employees

Competitors Strategies 

Providing new university packages in lower prices.

Introduce attractive prices for skin treatments.

Introduce attractive discounts for daily customers.

Introduce online services

Use media coverage for the salons (e.g.: Subasiri)

Use new technological instruments.

Introduce Nail Arts, Mehendi & tattoo service as new service.


Marketing Plan for Salon Praba 2011

5.5 SWOT Analysis



Good relationship among employers.

Good relationship with customers.

Flexibility for new services.

Attractive prices.

Employer has more than 5 year work experience.

Use new electronic instruments for treatments like hair iron, head massages, steamers etc…

Customers can easy to reach that place.

Good customer loyalty.

They have strong goodwill within Katubedda area.



Cannot find any developing strategies.

Higher current bill.

Poor promotion campaigns.

Minimum number of employees.

Take more times for one customer.

Not going outside for dressing except bridal dressing.

It’s difficult to get services in early morning.


Marketing Plan for Salon Praba 2011

O 

pportunities: There are some bridal competitions or fashion show competitions to get more publicity to the salon.

The wedding exhibitions.

There are more beauty cultural programmes can be seen in TV programmers like Nugasevana, Sirasa Dolosmahe Pahana.

University of Moratuwa is located near to the university.

Increasing ladies employment.

Increasing older population. (they like to protect their younger looking as a result of increase demand for salons)

Most of beauty salons are not focusing on male market.

Near to the high way.



Lower prices of competitors.

Increasing government income taxes.

Increasing cost of cosmetics & other equipments.

Increasing new taxes for beauty salons publishing banners.

There is a technical movements & salon has to use new technology instruments & methods.

Should be prepared for each & every traditional & cultural occasions

Some traditional & technological beauty culture methods are expired.

Increasing market demand for Auyrvedic treatments.

Some famous beauty salons are using online website facilities for their business activities.


Marketing Plan for Salon Praba 2011

5.6 PEST Analysis

Political Environment: 

Changing government rules & regulations for businesses.

Introduce new loans for small scale businesses.

Introduce new instruction programmes for beauty cultural field through youth center.

Government introduces higher taxes for businesses & some taxes for cutouts, and banners. It is very badly affected to businesses.

Economic Environment 

Decreasing interest rates for business loans.

Increasing cost of cosmetics.

Decreasing personal income of people.

Increasing price of beauty cultural technical instruments.

Social Environment 

There are so many Christian people around the salon Praba.

Increasing more sales in Christmas & New Year seasons.

Higher demand for Indian fashions.

Some times in wedding seasons most parents need traditional dressing for their young daughters.

Technological Environment 

Use laser treatments for pimples.

Use galvanic tools for facial treatments.

Use head massages, hair iron for hair dressing.

Use new skin whitening creams & technical machines.

Use internet to promote salon & give opportunities for customers to get appointments through online.


Marketing Plan for Salon Praba 2011

6. Objectives 

Increase profits by 4% on next year through increasing sales by 8%.

Maintain positive, steady growth in each month.

Retain existing customers.

Win new customers.


Marketing Plan for Salon Praba 2011


Marketing Plan for Salon Praba 2011

7.1 S T P


egmentation There are several strategies can be followed to divide the market into segments.

Those are presented as follows. 1. Geographic segmentation 2. Demographic segmentation 3. Psychographic segmentation 4. Behavioral segmentation We had an interview with the owner of the Salon Praba. We got details of their current market & customer situation. (Nature of the markets, customer preferences, customer loyalty, and growth of market segments, geographic/demographic & behavioral factors, market trends, etc.) By analyzing facts have been collected, we came to a conclusion that the best segmentation technique for this salon is Demographic Segmentation. There are several criteria used to divide the market under Demographic Segmentation. Those are, 1. Age 2. Gender 3. Family size 4. Family life cycle 5. Income 6. Occupation 7. Education


Marketing Plan for Salon Praba 2011 The market is segmented based on age and gender. Because customers can be easily satisfied in different age groups in different ways. And customers under same age group may response in a similar way & other age groups respond in different ways for same services provided by the saloon. Most salons don’t consider the male market. Therefore the market is also categorized according to the gender because different services can be introduced for males as well. The market of salon Praba is segmented according to age & gender. Thus the Multi Attribute Demographic Segmentation is used to segment the market. This is the way the market is segmented.

Profiling the Market segments



1. From 3 to 12 years

2. From 3 to 12 Years

3. Above 13 years

4. From 13 to 19 years


5. From 20 to 30 Years


6. Above 30 years


Marketing Plan for Salon Praba 2011



Targeting is the next step of target marketing process. In order to select appropriate segment or segments to serve following steps must be followed. 1. Evaluating attractiveness of each segment. 2. Deciding how many and what segments to target.

Evaluating attractiveness of each segment Saloon Praba is situated at Katubedda area. It is an urban area in Colombo district. Therefore we can see there is an adequate population in that area. 

Females & males – From 3 to 12 years old 

Segment size and growth - As this is an urban area we can see lot of schools situated in that area. There are lots of school children in that area. We can serve them by providing children packages like hair cutting.

Structural attractiveness  Threat of intense segment rivalry - This service is provided by not only beauty salons but also other hair cutting saloons. Therefore we can find more competition in this market. But other beauty salons rarely provide this service. Therefore we can attract more customers by offering attractive children hair cutting packages than other salons.  Threat of new entrance - There is a possibility to attract new competitors in children hair cutting. Because it is easy to start hair cutting salons as it required law capital.  Threat of substitute products - Customers can cut children’s hair at home. Therefore no need to go salon always because it is easy to cut children’s haircuts.  Threat of growing bargaining power of buyers - Buyers can bargain to reduce the price as there is more competition.


Marketing Plan for Salon Praba 2011

Company objectives and resources - The main objective of this saloon is to become the leading part of the beauty salon market in this area. Children hair cutting is not a relevant service for hair salons. It is an additional service. But in order to diversify services they provide we can introduce children’s hair cutting as well.

Females - from 12 to 19 years old 

Segment size and growth - This is the young school market. There are lots of teenage school students in this area because there are many schools and extra classes can be seen. Therefore large enough to serve.

Structural attractiveness  Threat of intense segment rivalry – We can provide many beauty culture services for teenagers. There are many beauty salons around this area to serve theses customers. Therefore the competition is high.  Threat of new entrance - New saloons can be opened because there is an adequate market for this.  Threat of substitute product - There are many products in the market that teenagers can use themselves without consultation of a saloon.  Threat of growing bargaining power of buyers - If the chargers are high than others there is a possibility to shift to another saloon. Therefore bargaining power is high.  Threat of growing bargaining power of suppliers - They must buy various products such as face wash, cleanses, scrubs, packs, etc. the demand for this product is high. Therefore supplier’s bargaining power is also high.

Company objectives and resources – There are enough resources to satisfy this segment and their objectives are match with needs of this segment.


Marketing Plan for Salon Praba 2011 

Females - from 20 to 30 years old 

Segment size and growth - This market includes women who are working, university students and women who hope to marry. This segment is the most important segment to serve. Because there is a huge demand in this market for beauty salons.

Structural attractiveness  Threat of intense segment rivalry – There is high competition in this market segment because there are many saloons in this area. Also most customers prefer to get service from famous beauticians for their weddings. Therefore this saloon faces the competition from saloons surrounding Katubedda area as well as famous beauticians.  Threat of new entrants – So many new saloons may enter into the market as bridal dressing & facials become more popular & it has become a trend. Ladies follow beauty cultural courses most probably.  Threat of substitute products – Most customers consults doctors for their problems such as pimples. Some people do facials at home using natural things. There are some saloons which use which use herbal products other than artificial treatments. There are Auyrvedic products for skin treatments.  Threat of growing bargaining power of buyers – As there is high competition in this segment buyers bargaining power is high. Buyers can find alternatives at lower cost. Also some buyers seek for high quality service other than considering cost.  Threat of growing bargaining power of suppliers – Saloon needs suppliers like bridal dressing, flower arranging, jewelry suppliers & other facial cosmetics. Nowadays we can see increasing demand for these kinds of products. Therefore suppliers bargaining power is increasing.


Marketing Plan for Salon Praba 2011 

Company objectives and resources – This segment is contributing a lot in order to achieve company objectives. By offering effective marketing strategies for this segment the profit & the market share can be enhanced.

Females - above 30 

Size and growth – This segment include middle and old age women. Some are working, some are retired & some are house wives. As it’s a trend that elderly people are increasing this segment has growing characteristics.

Structural attractiveness  Threat of intense segment rivalry – There is less competition and less demand can be seen in this segment for beauty cultural products.  Threat of new entrants – As the demand is law new entrants are rarely can be found because there are fewer stimuli for new entries in this market.  Threat of substitute products – Elder women consults doctors instead off salons for their problems. They prefer herbal products than artificial products.  Threat of growing bargaining power of buyers – As there is no big competition & no big demand buyers bargaining power is low.

Company objectives and resources – Company objective is to maximize profit. As this segment has less demand there is less profit.

Males – above 20 

Segment size and growth – As this is an urban area, huge density of males can be seen. If they can provide beauty treatments for males they can attract adequate market.

Structural attractiveness  Threat of intense segment rivalry – The target of many beauty salons is females market. Therefore there is less competition among beauty salons for male market.


Marketing Plan for Salon Praba 2011  Threat of new entrance – If one salon start to provide beauty cultural services for males other salons may also start to provide this service.  Threat of substitute products – There are cosmetic products for males in market nowadays.  Threat of growing bargaining power of buyers – As there is less competition bargaining power is law for male market.


Marketing Plan for Salon Praba 2011

Selecting the Market Segments There are several patterns of target market selection. For this salon we choose Selective specialization method.





From 13 to 19

From 20 to 30

Above 30

Above 20

Clean up Eyebrow making Hair treatment Pimple treatment Tattoos Bridal dressing Facials Hair cuts Pimple treatments Special university package Facials for adults Skin treatments Hair dyeing

Facials for male Hair cutting tattoos Hair cuts



Marketing Plan for Salon Praba 2011



Differentiation is the act of designing a set of meaningful differences to distinguish the company’s offer from competitors’ offer. There are four basic dimensions to differentiate the marketing offer of a company. 1. Product differentiation 2. Service differentiation 3. Personal differentiation 4. Image differentiation As this salon is a service providing business we can’t differentiate only one thing. Because whole process must be differentiated in order distinguish the value placed in customer mind. Therefore we use all four bases to differentiate this service.

Product differentiation  

    

Use high quality cosmetics for cleanups, facials & other treatments Introduce new packages for bridles as well as other customers to make their services exactly match with customer wants  E.g.:- Have a previous discussion with customers & provide what they want as much as they can Always adopt new technologies to give better service & improve consumer satisfaction Awareness of latest trends in beauty cultural fields & include those to make their service more attractive Introduce new packages with attractive prices for special segments such as campus students Recruit competence employees & give enough training in beauty cultural area to provide high quality service Follow new trends in bridal dressing & always try to match their services with customer needs


Marketing Plan for Salon Praba 2011

Service differentiation   

Get feedbacks from customers about the service Give free offers for customers E.g.:- Give free cleanup for one facial Go customers place to provide services such as bridal dressing. Because it’s inconvenience for customers to come to the salon for dressing

Personal differentiation  

 

Recruit well competent supporters Train employees to give friendly services & always care about customer convenience E.g.:- Have a friendly discussion with customers Introduce a dress code to employees to attract customers Train employees from reputable beauty academy

Image positioning 

Change salon name as “Salon Flora” & give prestigious value to this name by promoting all differentiated values with this name


Marketing Plan for Salon Praba 2011



Positioning is the act of designing the company’s offer & image so that it occupies a distinct & valued place in the target customers’ mind. (Kotler) Our strategy for positioning is Image Positioning. We achieve this by promoting the brand name we suggested which is “Salon Flora” with other differentiated values & make prestigious value in customer’s mind. In order to promote the brand name we suggest following strategies.

     

Distribute leaflets to general public by mentioning their new packages with prices & attractive discounts. Distribute leaflets to campus students to make them aware about special packages at lower prices Maintain good relationship with TV channels & give participation to beauty cultural programmes on television such as Nugasewana, Subasiri, etc. Give contribution to dress models for paper covers & magazines Put paper advertisements by promoting brand name with their valuable services Participate wedding & beauty cultural exhibitions & competitions


Marketing Plan for Salon Praba 2011

7.2 Marketing Mix 7.2.1

Product Strategy:

1. Increase Quality of Service 

Discuss with customers & identify what they need e.g.-: What kind of trends & fashions they like. (Dresses, haircuts, hair styles, etc.)

Read & use new fashion magazines to get better understand about new fashions, trends & other beauty cultural things. e.g.-: new haircuts, new cosmetics, and new fashionable dresses

Salon owner can follow advanced new fashions & beauty cultural courses it will give more benefits to the salon. e.g.-: Courses of City & guild company

2. Flexibility for New Services 

Introduce new beauty cultural services. 

Read books regarding to beauty cultural field.

Get experience to provide these services.

Enhance knowledge regarding how to use technical instruments.

Communicate special benefits & other important facts to customers which related with the new services & existing services. 

Using verbal communication


Always try to get customer ideas about new services before introduce it.

Maintain good communication system to get knowledge about changes in Business environment. e.g.-: Business to customer, customer to customer, business to business. 31

Marketing Plan for Salon Praba 2011

3. Use New Electronic Instrument. 

Get good knowledge about how to use new technological instruments.

Before using instruments, employees are required to ensure those instruments are suitable for customer.

Use high quality, branded cosmetics.  Consider about number of stars in a label.

4. Introduce New Services. 

Go customer place to facilitate bridal dressing. e.g.-: At customer’s house or work place.

According to development of wedding culture they can introduce lot of new services. 

They can introduce bridle packages 

Level of family background [High, Middle & lower families]

The way they like to dress [Kandian, Indian, western]

How many days do they like to get services? [Wedding day only, both wedding & home coming day]

How many people like to get service?

What type of services they need. [Dressing only, dressing with/saris, jewelry /bouquets]

 Provide variety of services which engaged in wedding. For this following services can be added. 

Build connection with wedding planers.

Build connection with tailors.

Build connection with flower suppliers.

Build connection with photo grapes.

Build connection with cake suppliers.

Build connection with wedding cards designers, etc


Marketing Plan for Salon Praba 2011

 They can introduce special treatments for brides.

Pimples treatments

Facials [2000/= to 2500/=]

Food planning program.

Introduce NAIL Art service to the salon. 

In order to introduce this service they have to appoint an employee to this job who has good knowledge & education about nail art.

Introduce family packages.

Provide beauty cultural services for males. [Because now males are considering more about their beauty] e.g.-: haircuts, hair coloring, facials and skin treatments

Introduce new package to middle age ladies. Like haircuts & dying, eyebrows threading, Manicure, Pedicure.

Introduce services for older population. 

Higher demand for INDIAN fashions Get better knowledge about – Indian dress, fashions , hair styles

Sell beauty cultural cosmetics & other products like face wash, scrubs, herbal packs, tonners, etc.  They can use salon place for it. [If they can give some discounts like 5% for loyal customers & Who are purchasing more than three products?]

Maintaining prices of cosmetics & other equipments at lower level.  Salon can choose one supplier for all cosmetics as a result they can get some good discount for a deal.  They can directly contact with cosmetics importers. [With out Middlemen]  Join with two or more salons in Katubedda & purchase Cosmetics in together. 33

Marketing Plan for Salon Praba 2011

Salon can provide services for all types of cultural/religious occasions.  Therefore salon employees must learn & get training of Beauty Cultural uses for every type of cultural occasions. e.g.-: brides-: Sinhala, Tamil, and Muslim

Some trends & technological things can be expired.  Salon has to always pay attention about new trends & technology come to the field.  Learn about those trends & technology  Do some experiments before apply those things to salon. e.g.-: use model & dress new designs or do new haircuts. If the experiments get success then you can apply it to the salon.

Increase demand for Auyrvedic treatments. So salon PRABA can introduce following services; 

Provide services using herbal cosmetics.

Get experience about How to do treatments.

5. Change the name of salon. They have to use appropriate salon name to get attract more customers & place salon name in their mind. It’ll help to promote salon as well as the loyalty of customers. Recommended Name: “SALON RUU”.


Marketing Plan for Salon Praba 2011

Recommended Newly Designed Logo


Marketing Plan for Salon Praba 2011

7.2.2 Price Strategy: They can use following price strategies to their salon. 1. Objectives of Pricing. 


Maximizing sales of salon at seasonal &non seasonal time.

2. Suitable strategies for pricing. 

Competitive pricing strategy.

Pricing adjustment strategy. e.g.-: promotional pricing.

3. Suitable method for pricing. 

Value pricing.

Going rate price.

1. Attractive prices. 

University student packages.(lower price) -Dressing [450/= to 500/=] -Eye brows [80/= to 100/=] -Haircuts [300/= to 350/=] -Facials [1000/= to1200/=]

Office workers packages. -Eye brows [100/= to 110/=] -Haircuts [400/= to 450/=] -Facials [1300/= to 1600/=]

Before & after the seasonal situation salon doesn’t have higher demand. so at that time they can introduce some kind of service for lower price within some period of time.[like week or two weeks] e.g.-: Special Facials [750/= to 1000/=] Haircuts [250/=]


Marketing Plan for Salon Praba 2011

2. Discounts. Give some discount to loyal customers. Specially  Dressing – 5%  Haircuts – 3%  Facials

– 3%

3. Competitors lower prices. Always try to get awareness about the competitor’s prices & do adjustment for their prices to be competitive.  Set lower prices than competitive prices.  Make discount than their discounts.

7.2.3 Place Strategy: 1. Can open another salon in other urban city to enhance & spread their businesses. 2. Arrange car parking facilities. 

There is no car parking facility. It will be more convenient for customers & it will lead to attract more customers who have high status of living condition.


Marketing Plan for Salon Praba 2011


Promotion Strategy:

1. Public relation. Build a good relationship with customer.  Always have a friendly chat with customers before provide the service.

2. Use more promotion programs. As promotion now they use, 

Dress models for paper cover pages & fashion pages.

Customers to customer communication. Except above promotion tools they can do following things.  Advertisement method.  Printing & Electronics media ads.  Internet Business advertisements.  Face book advertisements.  Telephone rainbow pages advertisements.  Paper advertisements.  Participate to the beauty cultural TV program. e.g.-: Nugasevana, Vivaha  Sales promotion methods.  Participate to the beauty cultural exhibitions e.g.-: My wedding, the bridle show  Participate to the beauty cultural contest.  Distribute hand bills including their new salon name & logo as we suggested above.  They can give small ads for school or other comities souvenir books.[Patronage awards]


Marketing Plan for Salon Praba 2011

 Some of TV channels are near to the salon place like Sirasa TV, TV Lanka , MAX TV, Swarnavahini  First they have to contact those media channels & keep good relationship with them  They can get opportunity to present their fashion knowledge in this channels beauty cultural program.  

They can conduct free trials to develop promotion of salon.

Develop own web site for salon. They can display following things in web site; 

Available packages in salon & prices.

Available services in salon & prices.

Special offers of salon.

They can update photos of their bridle dressing dressing.


& other

Marketing Plan for Salon Praba 2011


People Mix:

1. Create Good Relationship Among Employees. 

Increase the salary & other incentives of an employee.  They normally pay 18,000/= salary per month but in seasonal situation they can pay more than 18,000/=  They can also increase other incentives in this time period. e.g.-: Early morning work 150/= per hour. At night work

200/= per hour.

Give some basic authority to them. e.g.-: Can be given to handle some work according to the workers independence preference.

Give opportunity to learn. Give opportunity to learn which related with beauty culture.

Minimum employees. In non seasonal situation this problem does not much effect to the salon but in seasonal situation salon has higher demand as a result they can’t do lot of work with one employee.  They can get temporary employees for salon at seasonal time period. [2 or 3 employees they need]  First get list of suitable employees. [Who are like to join to the salon as a temporary worker.]  Then select & appoint suitable person for the job.


Marketing Plan for Salon Praba 2011


Process strategy:

1. Handling Telephone Calls. 

Get separate & appropriate employees as a telephone operators.

Talk very friendly & polite manner with customers.

2. Use a book keeping system to salon. 

They can appoint a book keeper or use an accounting package to record transactions.  Accounting packages -: ACCpac, Myob, etc.

3. Customer complaint handling.  Use suggestion/ complaint handling box or book to get the customers’ feedbacks.


Marketing Plan for Salon Praba 2011

7.2.7 

Physical Evidence:

Service supply environment The environment not much bad but some time salon reception place does not have enough space. As a result of that customers are not that much facilitated by the receptionist. 

Salon owner must consider about this problem & modify that place attractively. e.g.-: Use pictures which are related to beauty culture. Use photos of brides, models who are dress at this salon.

Front side of salon place is not attractive. They can make it more attractive by providing an attractive name board with the brand name and logo we suggested. It will help make a good image in customers’ mind. e.g.-: make a new name board to salon. Use new models & bridal pictures.

Buy a television to salon. Then customers can watch TV while waiting to get the service.

Play some piped music in salon.

Introduce elegant dress code for employees.

Create a visiting card & distribute it among customers.


Marketing Plan for Salon Praba 2011

8. Budget Forecasting Salon Praba Budget Forecasting Plan for Year ended 31st, December 2011 Rs:



Rate %







(- cost) Tele. Bill


Current Bill


-7.8% -8%

Water Bill



















Technical Equipment

















Total Cost





Profit Before Tax





(-) Tax 10%





Profit After Tax









Marketing Plan for Salon Praba 2011

Compare the Performance of Financial Figures:




Income (%)




Cost (%)




PBT (%)





Marketing Plan for Salon Praba 2011

9.Control & Implementation 

Gauge performance.  Revenue : monthly & annual  Expenses : monthly & annual  Customer satisfaction  New product development

Implementation. The following milestones identify the key marketing programs. It is important to accomplish each one time and on budget.

Marketing organization. Stan blade will be responsible for the marketing activities.

Contingency planning. 

Difficulties and Risks. -

Problems generating visibility, a function of being an internet – based start – up organization.


An entry into the market by an already – established market competitor.

Worst – case Risks. -

Determining that the business cannot support itself on an ongoing basis.


Having to liquidate equipment or intellectual capital to cover liabilities.


Marketing Plan for Salon Praba 2011

10. References  Kotle Phillip, “Marketing Management”, 13th Edition, Prentice Hall of India, 2002, Page 40 - 60

 Madanayake Ranjan, “Study Kit of Preliminary Certificate in Marketing”, Tharanjee Prints in Maharagama, Page 84 – 87  Madanayake Ranjan, “Strategic Marketing Plan”, 1st Edition, Vishava Lekha of Sri Lanka, 2002, Page 103 – 172  Payne Adrian, “The Essence of Services Marketing” Prentice Hall of India, 2003, Page 122 – 177 


Marketing Plan for Salon Praba 2011



Marketing Plan for Salon Praba 2011


Marketing Plan for Salon Praba 2011


Marketing Plan for Salon Praba 2011


Marketing Plan for Salon Praba 2011


Marketing Plan for Salon Praba 2011


Marketing Plan for Salon Praba 2011


Marketing Plan for Salon Praba 2011


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