Marketing Plan for Housemaid Robot[1]

April 6, 2017 | Author: Nurulhuda Hanas | Category: N/A
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Doing a household chores make us tired and sometimes it becomes a burden to a working person. We can feel fed up when we always doing the same things everyday and at the same time we need to face another problem as well. A modern people tend to use maid to help them doing the household chores. But nowadays it’s difficult to get a housemaid to look after the daily affairs of our house. Our scientists from Tokyo University’s Information have developed a robot to help us do the household chores such as do mopping up, laundry works, cleaning the kitchen and even cooking. When we get up in the morning, the ‘sensible maid’ will be there with us. The robots can also recognize when a job has not been completed properly and move ahead to complete it. The housemaid robots is a human-like machine with arms, leg, a rotating head and it has the capability to see objects in three dimensions (3D) and recognize chore that need to be done. It’s also can be used in situations that are too difficult or dangerous for humans such as cleaning dust at the higher place and take the heat wok at suitable place.

The housemaid robots come with cute and beautiful figure which it can attract people to have one at their house. This robot is friendly and we sure that children and adult will like it. When a house has a housewife robot, they no need to worry about their routine jobs to manage their

house become perfect. These robots will be a people assistant in doing any household jobs. No more conspiracy between maid and employer.


Can we imagine one day our country is full of foreigners everywhere? We will feel that we are at the overseas, not at our own homeland. These situations very hard for us to face it as well as the government. Government has spent a lot of money to send back the illegal foreigners to make sure that our county is safe and clean from any bad element. An information from Kedutaan Besar Republik Indonesia, Kuala Lumpur in about 1.9 million Indonesian came to Malaysia to work. Sixty percent from them work as maid and only 23% are being legal maid. This number will arise from time to time and it’s bad news for us to hear it. Recently we always heard that some children have been abuse by irresponsible maid. Not only children been abused by maid, maid also been abuse by their employer such as sexual and physical harassment. Because of that, we take the responsibility to create a robot to help government and employer who are interested to have a maid in their house. The housewife robots have been created to help us in doing household chores. There are a lot of benefits for us to have a robot in every house. People will spend a lot of money to take a maid and they need to pay salary for every month. Sometime this situation will burden some employer who does not have fix income every month, but they still need an assistant to help them. This new creation will give a good idea to everyone. They can save a lot of money when they have that robot. No need to pay monthly salary anymore and no need to worry if the job not done properly. The wives also will feel safer that their husband not take advantages to maid and no more news about abuse either between employer and maid or between maid and children. When the demand for maid decrease, it will help government to reduce the illegal workers come to our country. Most foreigners came, they work as maid and labor. So when they realize this country not their source to make money they’ll going back to their hometown. As we know, government has spent a lot of money to send them back to their country. The crimes that we heard everyday mostly done by foreigners. Due to those issues, we think the robots will give a big impact to country as well as to us.

TARGET MARKET The primary target market for Megatron Housemaid Robots is working people and housewives. As we know nowadays working people try to balance their time with career and family. They are too busy to do the housework and some of them are did not have maid. They try to manage the time but living in such a busy big city like Kuala Lumpur, the time are just not enough for them to do all the work. For the housewife, they also are facing the same problem. These centuries of housewives are not the same like the old one. Their situations are same. Imagine their ‘working hours’ start early in the morning. They have to prepare a breakfast for their husband and kids, after that send the kids to the school, run back home to do the laundry, clean up the house, cook lunch for the kids, fetch the kids from the school, prepare dinner and so on. Actually they really need a maid to help them. From the situations we know that nowadays we really need a maid to help us. Maybe not to do all the housework but at least it could help us to reduce our pressure when we need to balance the time for career and family. There are career women that still want to cook for their family after the working hours but in the same time they need to do the other house work, so that is why they need the superb assistant like the Megatron housemaid robot. Our target is people that living in a big city like Kuala Lumpur and Shah Alam. We also target people that working at busiest town like Damansara, Bangsar, Subang Jaya and Shah Alam. The ages are around 30 to 45 years old. Usually in these ages, people have settled down, they have a family, strong career and have their own property. All races can use this robot to help them in the house. We don’t have to talk or give the orderThe household size would be 2 to 4 or 5. It is because, the married couple that having kids, they need maid to help them. The robots would be really convenient and suitable for the married people. The businessman or a married man can buy the robots to help their wife who are not working but in the same time busy doing outdoor activity so they need these robots to do the housework. These robots were produce for the people who are able to buy it. Their income size are suppose to be around RM30,000 to RM50,000 per year. It is because the costs to buy the robots are quite expensive but affordable for the services that will provided.

PRICE The price of housemaid robots that we offer could be affordable for everyone. The housemaid robots can be pay through three steps to ensure our customer not burden to pay it. They can pay cash or installment. If customers pay by installment, they can use credit card and they need to settle the payment within 6 or 12 months. For payment of 12 month we will charge them 1.5% of interest. We have done a comparison between hire a maid and buy a housemaid robots. When a person hires a maid it cost higher rather than buy a housemaid robot. Below is the calculation between hire a maid and buy a housemaid robot.

Maid Service payment to agent: Rm 7,000.00 Monthly payment: Rm 600.00 1 year: Rm 7,200.00 Total: RM 7,000.00 + RM 7,200.00 = RM 14,200.00

Housemaid robot

Full payment: RM 10,000.00

From the above calculation costumer will see the profit that they gain will save a lot of their money. Even they pay by credit card and have the interest charge the price still affordable for everyone. No need to pay every month and no others payment to settle such as the medical and the welfare of maid.

For the first year we only sell the robots 80 units to see the market demand. After second year we add it another 50 units, become 130 units. The third year, we add 70 units. For fourth and fifth year, the robots increase to 100 units. Here we attach the estimated cost within 5 years.

Maid Robot Product Concept: Welcome to Housemaid robot. Do you remember Rosie the Robot? This maid robot is a humanoid robot fictional character in The Jepson’s animated television series back in the 1960s. Many domestic robots are used for basic household chores, such as the Roomba vacuum cleaner robot. While most domestic robots are simplistic, some are connected to WiFi home networks or smart environments and are autonomous to a high degree. Today, there are an estimated 5 million service robots in use, which is 5 times as many as industrial robots found in manufacturing applications. Given that in the next two decades robots will be capable of replacing humans in most manufacturing and service jobs, economic development will be primarily determined by the advancement of robotics.

Megatron Robatics Sdn Bhd and South Korean scientists have developed a walking housemaid robot which can recognises people, can turn on microwave ovens, clean a home, washing machines and toasters, and also pick up sandwiches, cups and whatever else it senses as objects.' The process took two years to develop housemaid robot, which is 158 cm tall and weighing 43 kg (including the battery)

The housemaid robot has a human-like body including a rotating head, arms, legs and six fingers plus three-dimensional vision to recognise chores that need to be tackled and interacts with humans using speech recognition and so forth.

The most distinctive strength of housemaid robot is its visual ability to observe objects, recognise the tasks needed to be completed, execute them and the most advanced robot in terms of mimicking human movements.

Attributes Of Maid Robot

Housemaid robot is expected to be useful in the entertainment industry, for device evaluation for humans working as human simulators, and mechanical products to assist human movements by incorporating the following new functions and features: (1) Looks like a human being with a height of 158 cm and body weight of 43 kg (including the battery), and the positions of the joints and dimensions are set to the average values for young females in the "Asian Body Dimension Database 1997 – 98." (2) To closely mimic the movements of humans, there are 3 degrees of freedom in the hip, 3 in the neck and 8 in the face. (3) By adopting the walking control technology developed in HRP and motion-captured human movements for reference, the robot walks and moves very much like a human being. (4) The speech recognition component of RT middleware, which is installed in the computer in the head section, recognizes human speech and the robot can respond in various ways. Although current motion patterns (including walking) of maid robot are limited, they are quite similar to humans. Furthermore, the whole-body control technology used in this robot might be applied in devices that assist human life (power-assisted suits, etc.). Attributes This section lists the attributes used to configure a house maid robot .. Some of the attributes must be set before you start the Robot (with the run() method). These are marked as mandatory in the list below. NAME The name of the Robot. This should be a sequence of alphanumeric characters, and is used to identify your Robot. This is used to set the User-Agent field of HTTP requests, and so will appear in server logs.

VERSION The version number of your Robot. This should be a floating point number, in the format . EMAIL A valid email address which can be used to contact the Robot's owner, for example by someone who wishes to complain about the behavior of your robot. VERBOSE A boolean flag which specifies whether the Robot should display verbose status information as it runs. TRAVERSAL Specifies what traversal style should be adopted by the Robot. Valid values are depth and breadth. breadth. Default: depth IGNORE_TEXT Specifies whether the HTML structure passed to the invoke-on-contents hook function should include the textual content of the page, or just the HTML elements. IGNORE_UNKNOWN Specifies whether the HTML structure passed to the invoke-on-contents hook function should ignore unkonwn HTML elements. CHECK_MIME_TYPES This tells the robot that if it can't easily determine the MIME type of a link from its URL, to issue a HEAD request to check the MIME type directly, before adding the link.

USERAGENT Allows the caller to specify its own user agent to make the HTTP requests.

ACCEPT_LANGUAGE Optionally allows the caller to specify the list of languages that the robot accepts. This is added as an "Accept-Language" header field in the HTTP request. Takes an array reference. DELAY Optionally set the delay between requests for the user agent, in minutes.

Uniqueness Housemaid robot could also work in tandem with its fellow maid robot, the Housemaid robot -Z an earlier Megatron Robatics Sdn Bhd creation that moves on wheels, as both machines can be remote controlled through a computer server. Housemaid robot, robot, for example, can put fruit in a basket and put it on the dinner table, while Housemaid robot-Z, robot-Z, which has the advantage in mobility, can locate the owner and bring him the fruits directly. ”The most distinctive strength of Housemaid robot is its visual ability to observe objects, recognize the tasks needed to be completed, and execute them. It recognizes people, can turn on microwave ovens, washing machines and toasters, and also pick up sandwiches, cups and whatever else its senses as objects. Another strength of Housemaid robot is that it is autonomous, as it can navigate rooms unattended using its visual sensors, and pick things up on the way.

Although similar machines have been created elsewhere, with many of the efforts coming from Japan, You claim Housemaid robot is the most advanced domestic robot yet in terms of

mimicking human movement. Aside from household chores, Housemaid robot can also be used in conditions too difficult or dangerous for humans. The network capabilities of the robot makes it capable of doing jobs in areas that are dangerous, contaminated or previously unvisited, as every movement can be remote controlled.

However, Housemaid robot will be saving people from their tedious household chores any time with those points SPEED – House maid robot work efficiently, without wasting movement or time. Without breaks or hesitation, house maid robot is able to alter productivity by increasing throughput. FLEXIBILITY - Packaging applications can vary. House maid robot is easily reprogrammed. Changes in their end of arm tooling developments and vision technology have expanded the application-specific abilities of packaging robots. SAVINGS - Automated packaging minimizes costs across the board. Not only is output increased, but House maid robot is tireless. There are no labour expenses with House maid robot - no vacation or insurance costs to pay. Life cycles

House maid Robot Life Cycle a fully comprehensive, value-add support program designed to ensure maximum robot performance and return on investment over the life of the asset. We offer our customers a full range of services that can be tailored into a program that meets their specific needs. From offerings like our basic house maid robot extended warranty to our complete Value Plus full-service plan, – whatever your needs are, you can be assured that you will receive measurable value for the service dollars you spend with us.

Housemaid Robot Life Cycle Programs

Plan Feature

System Repair Emergency Repair Preventive Maintenance Service System Audit Web Portal Subscription Telephone

RT middleware


Preventive Full Service Maintenanc Maintenance e Agreement Agreement Plan Plan

Resident Technician

Value Plus

Support Hotline Consultation/Ed ucation Spare Parts Inventory Management Continuous Improvement (1st,2nd,3rd year)


100%,50%, 0%






Parts, repair

100%,100% ,50%






Parts, expendable








100%,0%,0 %






Available anytime

Available anytime

Available anytime

Available anytime

Price based upon equipment models, term

Price based upon equipment models, equipment age, term


Price based upon equipment models, equipment age, term

Included with system purchase Availability/Pric ing

Warranty extension available

Available within first 12 months of ownership

= 100% coverage = select coverage

PRICING Pricing strategy satisfies the following prerequisites:

Optimize the perceived value of androids, thus fostering

market acceptance

Ensure maximum gross margin.

Foster high volume sales.

Keep manufacturing costs low.

Our pricing structure, shown in the following table, is based on the cost of manufacture of each product.

Current Product

Ave. Unit Price

Touch Sensor Board


Animatronics / Robot Eyes


Gyro / Accelerometer Board


Planned Product Complete Android Head

Est. Unit Price $10000

Natural Language Processor


Robot Hands


Robot Knowledge Base SW


Fully functional android


Retail pricing will be approximately three times manufacturing cost and wholesale pricing will be approximately twice the manufacturing cost. Our average gross retail margin in 20xx is estimated at 60% and gross wholesale margin is estimated at 30%. Wholesale pricing will be available at very low volume due to the high cost of our products. Our selling price will not include S&H. This policy is standard practice in most industries. Hence, our policy will be consistent with the customer's expectations. We are confident that our pricing strategy is realistic, for The following reasons: •

No other companies offer similar products to ours and therefore

There is no pricing precedent.

Competitors' prices are far higher for a lower quality product.

We have received strong support for our product from

Prospective customers.

PACKAGING Our android will appear as human as possible. We believe this will foster rapid acceptance of the android as a full member of the family. We plan to offer our customers the option of a customized face. We believe this will be very popular among those people who have recently lost a dearly loved spouse. Our manufacturing associate, David Ng of Hong Kong will handle the manufacturing of the customized heads.


In marketing we have four common marketing channels for consumer goods and services. It also shows the number of levels in each marketing channel, as evidenced by the number of intermediaries between a producer and buyer increases, the channel is viewed as increasing in length. As we refer to the chart above, Megatrone Sdn Bhd choose the marketing channel strategies ( Channel D ), the most indirect channel is employed when they are agent and retailer is used to help coordinate and distribute our company product and deliver to consumer. In this marketing channel, we will act as Agent and main robotic supply distributor at Malaysia. From this side, we will appoint a retailer for each state under us for distributed our product and deliver to consumer. Megatrone Sdn Bhd will make an order through the main factory who manufactured the robots which is based at Tokyo, Japan. This product is the latest technology where Japan produce and the demand on this product are high. Megatrone Sdn Bhd took the opportunity and decided to choose this business which Megatrone Sdn Bhd will make profit on it. The manufacturer will ship the robots to us and Megatrone Sdn Bhd will send to retailer for distribute to consumer. This to ensure that our product can be distributed to consumer through all states and consumer satisfied with our product. The service that also Megatrone Sdn Bhd have, are send the technician direct to consumer home for any services need and warranty also be given. Megatrone Sdn Bhd goals are to be the only one distributor in this country and achieve high profit for this product.


For our main promotion Megatrone Sdn Bhd look on the idea of using the advertising is the main media which are mass media and press media. Mass media that currently entrepreneur use example like television, radio and. From this Megatrone Sdn Bhd will do advertising in all main Malaysia television station and among the popular radio station to introduce the new product and to tell our consumer this robotics product are in the Malaysia right now. Megatrone Sdn Bhd also will use the press media like newspaper, magazine, banner and flyers. Those are good promotion elements because our targeted consumers are from middle class to high class and normally they read the newspaper and magazines. Megatrone Sdn Bhd also will do the banners and flyers which can be distribute to consumer which we write the specs of the robots, price, functional of robots, manufacturer details and to show to consumer who is the main distributor of this product. Public Relationship is a form of communication management seeks to influence the feelings, opinions or belief held by customers, prospective customers, stockholders, suppliers, employees and other publics about a company and its product or services. From those elements many tools Megatrone Sdn Bhd will use it such as special event and press conference. Megatrone Sdn Bhd will do a road show for all states to introduce the new product which just launching at Malaysia and we are the only one main distributor. From the road show, consumer will more closely know about the product and more convenience to them when they see our product in front of their eyes. We will operate the robots and show to our consumer the function that robots have to do all home works. Press conferences also as part of our promotion strategies and from here with make bigger publicity and to announce to all Malaysia citizens were really need the product and this an opportunity to consumer know about Megatrone Sdn Bhd. At the same time of the press conference Megatrone Sdn Bhd have collaboration with the electrical company Samsung (M) Sdn Bhd. As result from this collaboration, Samsung (M) Sdn Bhd give us 1 000 units vacuum as sponsorship that they give to Megatrone Sdn Bhd and sponsorship the electrical voucher worth RM 1,000.00. From there we use another promotional element is sales promotion, a short term inducement of value offered to arouse interest in buying a good or service. Used in

collaboration with Samsung (M) Sdn Bhd, we do a sales promotion like free gift and voucher for our consumer. As for the first step, Megatrone Sdn Bhd will do the free gift to consumer example buy one units of robots consumer get free one unit vacuum and free one coupon voucher worth RM100.00 from Samsung (M) Sdn Bhd. This offer limited to first 1 000 consumers and Megatrone Sdn Bhd hope the promotion will be success and achieve organizations goals


To communicate with customers, a company can use one or more of five promotional alternative either advertising, personal selling, public relations, sales promotion and direct marketing Advertising is the main media which are mass media and press media. Mass media that currently entrepreneur use example like television, radio and. Press media like newspaper, magazine, banner and flyers. The second major promotional alternative is personal selling defined as the two-way flow of the communication between buyer and seller, designed to influence a person’s or group’s purchase decision. Public Relationship is a form of communication management seeks to influence the feelings, opinions or belief held by customers, prospective customers, stockholders, suppliers, employees and other publics about a company and its product or services. Many tools such as special event, lobbying efforts, annual reports, press conference may be used by a public relations department. A fourth promotional element is sales promotion, a short term inducement of value offered to arouse interest in buying a good or service. Used in conjunction with the advertising or personal selling, sales promotions are offered to intermediaries as well as to ultimate consumers. Coupons, rebates, samples and sweepstakes are just a few example of sales promotion. Another promotional alternative, direct marketing uses a direct communication with consumers to generate a response in the form of an order, a request for further information or a visit to retail outlet. The communication can take many forms including face to face selling, direct mail, catalogs, telephone solicitations, direct response advertising and online marketing.

IMPLEMENTATION AND CONTROL Define overall strategy At this point of process, marketing plan has been developed and the product has been launched. As the market changes, the marketing mix can be adjusted to accommodate the changes. We will monitor closely the feedback from customers. Small changes in customer and consumer want will bring significant changes like product redesign or upgrading our product will be needed. Continuous monitoring and adapting is needed to fullfill customer needs consistently over the long term. Plan tactics and implement them We will plan marketing tactics to support the strategy, including detailed pricing and how to publicise the business to the defined target market. Obviously a website and online presence is essential. Because we would be selling ourselves on our ability to reach the media and consumers in innovative way. In particular we will look at ways to exploit the website's blog so as to maximise the possibility of being picked up in internet searches carried out by potential customers. Another key tactic was to identify a series of networking events that would attend to spread the word about the company. We also planned for growth by instigating dialogue with other, noncompetitive PR agencies with a view to partnering with them. We will revisit the marketing plan regularly and monitor our product progress against a set of Key Performance Indicators to keep us focussed. Our objective is that to meet our annual target in the first six months of being in business. From time to time every department will work hand in hand to make the marketing plan success and controlled. Each department should make their schedule and budget easy to monitor progress When it came to implementing the plan, parts of it didn't work as expected and had to be adapted as we went along. Accepting the element of risk and having confidence in our idea at the planning stage is ultimately more useful than striving to produce the 'perfect' plan."

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