Defining the marketing Mix It is the set of controllable tactical marketing marketing tools of the company-product, place, price, promotion. The marketing mix consist of everything the company can influence the demand for its product.
Product Black Shine:
Enriched with Amla energizer for black hair that lacks luster. With its new pearlier texture
and the goodness of Amla, Sun silk Black Shine nourishes from deep within to reveal blacker, shiner, silkier hair.
Hair Fall Solution: Enriched with Ginseng and Soya energizer for hair that breaks easily. It works on the
weak spot of your hair, so with the hair strand reinforced, your hair grows beautifully long even before you know it.
Soft and Smooth: Enriched with egg and almond oil energizer for hair that feels rough and dry. It
nourishes deep within the hair strands, smoothens out those tangles and brings out the softness you can really feel.
Anti Dandruff : Enriched with citrus cream and ZPTO energizer that drives out dandruff and restores the
natural beauty of hair.
Damage Repair: Enriched with olive oil energizer, Sun silk Damage Repair repairs damaged hair to give
hair that looks healthy and nourished
UNILEVER claims to practice value-based value-based pricing in which the customers’ customers’ perception of the product’s price provides a starting point for developing the marketing mix of the product. The research department determines this price usually by using focus groups. The price of BDT 2 for Sun silk shampoo sachets shows how the price also reflects a concern to make the purchase more convenient, since the taka is denoted in this value. Sunsilk is also available in 200ml bottles for BDT 220 and 400ml bottles for BDT480 keeping in mind the demand and wants of customer segment. The primary importance of this value-based pricing is that the product demand will be much higher if its price is in line with the customer’s perception of its value. One crucial concern for value-based pricing is strict management of cost in order to be able to make a profit at the value-based price. After determining the initial price, UNILEVER uses target costing in order to achieve the required profits. PROMOTION •Build top of the line consumers’ awareness. awareness. •Creating a personality of the brand. Besides having these general objectives, the advertising objectives are set avoiding to the advertising strategy for each product, e.g. Sun silk advertising objectives since it was being re-launched were:
•To increase the usage. •Conditioning benefits. benefits. •Makes the hair appear clean and shiny. shiny. •Imparts a feeling of freshness-due freshness-due to fragrance •Easy to manage, silky, soft hair •Unique shampoo for every hair type type •Effectively communicate brand promise. promise. Promotional strategy
•Sponsored short films that were broadcast during popular television shows. •Media platforms used print media media •Internet rural campaign environment concern ads ads •Music videos videos •Free sample distribution distribution •Demo campaigning campaigning •Billboard •Billboard •Sponsorships •Spons orships PLACE: Sunsilk uses several channel, coverage, assortment, locations and transportation system to make the product available in the market to target consumer. They are one of the largest companies which reached the rural areas of Bangladesh and occupied place in customer’s mind. It can be said that Sunsilk occupies the largest market space among all other companies. The distribution channel of Sunsilk follows the conventional route of marketing. The product is distributed in150 countries. In Bangladesh Sunsilk first introduced the sachets and reached the largest market share.
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