Marketing Mid EXam EXample MBA Itb

September 14, 2022 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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1.Value Proposition of Gucci

Guccii sebagai merk perusahaan Gucc perusahaan fashion fashion premium premium menawakan menawakan produk produk dengan kualit kualitas as terbaik, terbaik, ekslusif, anggun, dan tak lekang oleh waktu. Tidak Tidak hanya itu produk dari Gucci juga di asosiasikan sebagai sebag ai lambang lambang gaya hidup hidup kalangan kalangan atas atau elit. elit. Jika dikaitka dikaitkan n strategi strategi bisnis bisnis dan produk  produk   positioning Gucci sejak lama berhubungan dengan kalangan elit seperti Jackie Kennedy ,Audrey Hepburn yang merupakan fashion fashion icon belum lagi hubungan Gucci dengan pa para ra designer ternama seperti Tom ord membuat perusahaan ini dapat mempertahankan citra sukses di pasar barang mewah. The products positioning, positioning, pricing, presentation presentation,, distribution and packaging along wi with th fine customer ser!ice at their stores creates an e"perience and connection to the brand that distinguishes them from their competitors. 2.Segmenting, Targeting, Targeting, and Positioning of Gucci STP Segmenting

Description Demographic# The main age frame for the target market target is not specifically

mentions but it will be the working people which are around $% years old and abo!e and they will ha!e a high purchasing power. This is because the Gucci&s !ery related with lu"ury fashion branded and definitely the price is e"pensi!e. Psychogra Psyc hographic: phic: 'onsumer that purchases this brand will most probably spend

their the ir time time or ha!e ha!e a lif lifesty estyle le of contin continual ually ly purcha purchasin sing g the goods. goods. or th this is segmentation the consumer&s personality will be those people who need this brand for their status. Geographic : Gucci would target on the cities area more than rural area. T This his is due to the high consum consumpti ption on power power and high standa standard rd li! li!ing ing,, at cas casee Gucci Gucci Targeting

lagship stores established in the premier shopping districts. 'onsumer (ho ha!e high income, enthusiastic with the fashion, recognition of 


high social status. They The y positi positione oned d thems themsel! el!es es as a global global lu"ury lu"ury brand brand which which connec connectt it wit with h e"tra!agance, prestige, and elitism.

3. ar!eting i" of Gucci #$P% & General conditions



)roduct is a main type of marketing mi",   )roducts offered are numerous and !aried, although a !ariety of products offered Gucci but they ha!e character and classy. )roduct line up of Gucci # 

(omen# (o men# Handbags, *hoes, (allets (allets,, +elts, *mall Accessories, Technolo Technology, gy, uggage uggage Tra!el, ifestyle bags, !ening !ening (ear, (ear, /eady to wear, Hat Hat - Glo!es, *car!es - shawls,

ine jewelry, *il!er - fashion jewelry, (atches, *unglasses, fragrance. 0en # *hoes, *hoes, +elts, +elts, (allet allets, s, *mall *mall Ac Acces cessor sories ies,, ug uggag gagee - Tra!e Tra!el, l, Hat - Glo!es Glo!es,, Technology, +ags - +usiness, *unglasses, /eady to wear, *uits - Tailoring, ormal wear,

Ties, *car!es, ine jewelry, *il!er - leather jewelry, ragrance, (atches. Kidd # ashion for baby girl, +aby boy, +aby shoes, +aby accessories, 1iaper bags, accessories for mom, Jewelry Jewelry,, 2ewborn shop, Girls 3456$7, +oys 3456$7, 3456$7, Toddler Toddler *hoes, Kids shoes, Kids Kids accessories, Kids tra!el, Kids fall, fall, Kids ski shop.


Another element of marketing mi" is price. 8The pricing policy that a business chooses is often a reflection of the market at which it is aiming8. aiming8. or instance, in the jacket line up we can find the cheape che apest st one one 396:%5 396:%5 *tretc *tretch h !iscos !iscosee bolero bolero shrug7 shrug7 tha thatt aim for baby segment segment and the most most e"pensi!e one396;%e product control, Gucci terminated or bought5back o!er 6
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