Marketing Management MCQ question paper.docx

January 12, 2019 | Author: downloads149 | Category: Marketing, Customer Relationship Management, Business Economics, Business, Market (Economics)
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Institute of Science, Poona’s


MCQ TEST Subject  –  (201) Marketing Management

Date: 22/03/2014 22/03/20 14 Marks:30

Q 1. Which of the following is central to any

Q 5. When marketers set low expectations

definition of marketing? marketing?

for a market offering, they run the risk of

a. Demand management


 b. Making a sale

a. Disappointing loyal customers

c. Customer relationships

 b. Decreasing customer satisfaction

d. Making a profit

c. Failing to attract enough customers

Q 2. At home, at school, at work, and at the

d. Incorrectly identifying a target market

local supermarket, Europeans see _____

Q 6. In addition to attracting attracting new customers customers

almost everywhere they go.

and creating transactions, the goal of

a. Marketing

marketing is to ________ customers and

 b. Social marketing campaigns

grows their business

c. Demand management

a. Recognize

d. Brand experiences

 b. Retain

Q 3. According to the simple five-step model

c. Educate

of the marketing process, a company needs to

d. Entertain

 _____ before before designing a customer-driven customer-driven

Q 7. Consumer research, product

marketing strategy.

development, development, communication, communication, distribution,

a. Build profitable relationships with

pricing, and service are all core ____

customers  b. Understand the marketplace and customer needs and wants c. Construct key components of a marketing  program


a. Customer relationship management  b. Exchange c. Marketing d. Management

d. Determine how to deliver superior value

Q 8. In the case of excess demand, ________

Q 4. When backed by buying power, wants

may be required to reduce the number of

become ________.

customers or to shift demand temporarily or

a. Exchanges


 b. Demands

a. Marketing

c. Physical needs

 b. Surplusing

d. Self-esteem needs

c. Demarketing d.  Negotiating

Q 9. Selecting which segments of a

Q 14. Which of the following reflects the

population of customers to serve is called

marketing concept philosophy?


a. "When it's profits versus customers' needs,

a. Customization

 profits will always win out."

 b. Target marketing

 b. "You won't find a better deal anywhere."

c. Market segmentation

c. "We're in the business of making and selling

d. Positioning Q 10. ________ is the set of benefits a company promises to deliver its consumers to

superior products." d. "We don't have a marketing department, we have a customer department."

satisfy their needs.

Q 15. When customers don't know what they

a. An attribute

want or don't even know what's possible, the

 b. A value proposition

most effective strategy is ________

c. Good customer service


d. A money-back guarantee

a. Production

Q 11. Which of the following marketing

 b. Customer-driving

management concepts is most likely to lead

c. Societal

to marketing myopia?

d. Product

a. Customer-driving marketing

Q 16. The ________ concept holds that firms

 b. Selling

must strive to deliver value to customers in a

c. Societal marketing

way that maintains or improves both the

d. Production

consumer's and society's well being.

Q 12. The product concept says that a

a. Societal marketing

company should ________.

 b. Selling

a. Devote its energy to making continuous

c. Equity

 product improvements  b. Market only those products with high

d. Marketing

c. Make promoting products the top priority

Q 17. The set of marketing tools a firm uses to implement its marketing strategy is called the ________. a. Marketing mix

d. Improve marketing of its best products

 b. Promotion mix

Q 13. The ________ concept holds that achieving organizational goals depends on knowing the needs and wants of target markets and delivering the desired satisfaction better than competitors do. a. Marketing

c. Marketing effort

customer appeal

 b. Product c. Selling d. Production

d. Product mix Q 18. Building, keeping, and growing profitable value-laden relationships with all customers of a company is called ________. a. Customer perceived value

 b. Database marketing c. Societal marketing d. Customer relationship management

Q 19. To capture the full essence of customer

Q 24. Greater consumer control means that

relationship management, which of the

companies must rely more on marketing by

following should a marketing manager take

 ________ than by ________.

into consideration?

a. Interruption; involvement

a. Capturing a customer's lifetime value

 b. Socialization; information

 b. Building overall customer equity

c. Inspiration; competition

c. Owning customers for life

d. Interaction; intrusion

d. All of the above

Q 25. Through ________, many companies

Q 20. Customers buy from stores and firms

today are strengthening their connections to

that offer the highest ________.

all partners, from providers of raw materials

a. Value for the dollar

to components to final products that are

 b. Company image

carried to final buyers.

c. Customer perceived value

a. Partnership relationship marketing

d. Concern for society's interests

 b. Supply chain management

Q 21. Which of the following is the term for

c. Direct marketing

customers who make repeat purchases and

d. Deviated marketing

tell others about their positive experiences

Q 26. When an airline goes after a "share of

with a product or service?

travel" from its customers, it is attempting to

a. Social customers

increase ________.

 b. Customer evangelists

a. Customer loyalty

c. Full partners

 b. Customer lifetime value

d. Satisfied customers

c. Share of customer

Q 22. Frequent flyer programs offered by

d. Customer ownership

airlines are an example of a ________.

Q 27. The ultimate aim of customer

a. Basic customer relationship

relationship management is to produce

 b. Structural benefit provided for top



a. Market share

c. Frequency marketing program

 b. Profits

d. Club marketing program

c. Customer equity

Q 23. Which of the following has not

d. A reliable database

contributed to the deeper, more interactive

Q 28. Which of the following is currently the

nature of today's customer relationships?

fastest-growing form of marketing?

a. E-mail

a. Word-of-mouth marketing

 b. Traditional advertising

 b. Consumer-generated marketing

c. Web sites

c. Online marketing

d. Video sharing

d. Social marketing

Q 29. As part of the rapid globalization of

Q 30. Gianfranco Brown now has the buying

today's economy, companies are selling more

power to purchase the computer system he

locally produced goods in international

has wanted for the last six months.

markets and ________.

Gianfranco's want now has become a

a. Competing solely in traditional


marketplaces  b. Downplaying concerns for social responsibility c. Purchasing more supplies abroad d. Reducing competition within their industry

a.  Need  b. Demand c.  Necessity d. Satisfier

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