Meaning and Defnition o Personality Personality has been derived from the Latin word ‘ Persona’ which means ‘mask ’’.. Personality is a patterned body of habits, traits, attitudes and ideas of an individual as these are organized externally into roles and statuses and as they relate internally to motivation, goals and various aspects of selfhood. According to obert Par! and "arnest #urgess Personality is the sum and organization of those traits which determine the role of the individual in the group. $he Big Five personality traits , also !nown as the fve actor model %FFM&, is a widely examined theory of 've broad dimensions used by some psychologists to personality and psyche. psyche . $he 've factors psychologists to describe the human personality and have been de'ned as openness to experience, experience , conscientiousness conscientiousness,, extraversion extraversion,, agreeableness agreeableness,, and neuroticism. neuroticism.
Patr triioti tism sm Pa Patriotism is) genera!!y s*eaking) u!tura! attahment to one+s home!and home!and or or de(otion to one+s ountry) a!though inter*retations of the term (ary ,ith ontet) ontet) and *o!itia! *o!itia! ideo!ogy. ideo!ogy. t is a set of one*ts !ose!y re!ated to those geogra*hy and geogra*hy of nationa!ism nationa!ism..
/atriotism in business is !inked to (a!ue systems. t isn0t just about 1Be ndian) Buy
ndian0 but the (a!ues that define the ndian at the ore) those that make him re*resent ndia. 2a!ues !ike integrity) honesty) se!f!essness) non-(io!ene3harmony)
in!usi(eness) rising against odds and being suessfu!) !oa! in(entions that hange !i(es) a!! of ,hih bring the s*irit of *atriotism a!i(e.4
Personality Traits o o a Patriot( #. S*eia! S*eia! affeti affetion on for for one+s one+s o,n o,n ount ountry ry 5. A sense of *ersona *ersona!! identifiat identifiation ion ,ith the ount ountry ry &. S*eia! S*eia! on onern ern for for the ,e!!,e!!-bei being ng of the the ountry ountry 6. 7i!!ing 7i!!ingness ness to sarifie sarifie to *romote *romote the the ountry ountry+s +s good good $. Aware o the rights and the duties 8. Fight or a better nation
hat is Patriotic Marketing! /atrioti marketing in(o!(es the use of *romotiona! strategies that on(ey a sense of nationa! *ride. 7hen om*anies inor*orate images and s!ogans designed to a**ea! to onsumer *atriotism into their marketing strategies) they are using *atrioti marketing. This ty*e of marketing an in(o!(e: •
9i(ing *roduts *atrioti names
Designing *akaging that features *atrioti o!ours and images
Making s*eia! offers to mi!itary *ersonne! and (eterans
m*hasi;ing the use of domesti materia!s and manufaturing *roess
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