Market Research Results

February 6, 2018 | Author: Dr. Syed Masrur | Category: N/A
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This is an award winning business plan by the European Union, for the Enterprise fellowship scheme. Business Plan by Sye...


ITP Market Research Customer Survey - 1000 Respondents 1. How important is TV in your Life Not at all 40 Little 360 Important 500 Very Important 100 2. Why do you watch TV? Hobby 130 Relaxation 570 Information 200 Other 100 3. How many hours of TV do you watch each day? Less than one 50 Between 2-4 600 Between 4-6 300 More than 6 50

4. With whom do you watch TV most often? None 250 Family 480 Friends 270 5. Who has the main control of your TV remote control?

You Parents Siblings Friends

300 200 100 400

6. What TV medium do you watch TV in?

Terrestrial Sky Digital Cable

450 230 130 190

How important is TV in your life? 500 450 400 350 300 250 200 150 100 50 0 Not at all



Very Important

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