Mark-VIe Logic Block

March 24, 2017 | Author: Muhammad Usman | Category: N/A
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from the engineering department...

Mark VIe logic block Posted by N.V.Q on 28 July, 2014 - 10:43 pm

Anyone who understand the Mark VIe control system please support. I am new to study the Mark VIe logic. It is writing in the block ladder logic. Some block likes timer_sec is black box to me. It is block with 3 inputs name is: log_in; pu_del; do_del and out put is: log_out. log_in they connect to signal Boolean 1 or 0; pu_del connect with time I guess like 5sec. I just want to know this is timer block ON delay; Off delay or pulse block? Any body make clear of this basic block would be highly appreciate.

Posted by CS A

on 29 July, 2014 - 12:38 pm

N.V.Q, In the case you described, this is a timer block, with a pick-up delay (time delay to energize, or time delay to pick up). When the log_in (logic input) is true (logic "1"; energized; picked-up) for the specified period of time on the pu_del input the log_out (logic output) will be a logic "1" and will remain a logic "1" as long as the log_in remains a logic "1". As soon as the log_in goes to a logic "0", the log_out will go to a logic "0". It is not a "one-shot" or a "pulse" timer; it is simply a time delay on energization (or, time delay to pick-up) timer block. Had the time value been applied to the do_del instead of the pu_del then it would have been a time delay on de-energization, or time delay to drop out, timer block. In ToolboxST you can right-click on a block and a small pop-up menu will appear, with a 'Block Help' selection. If you click on 'Block Help' a .pdf file with some information will pop up in separate window--IF a block help function was written for the block you are looking at. Unfortunately, GE uses a lot of "macros" these days for functions that used to be done with "blocks", and usually there is NO help for macros--which can be a real pain at times. Most "blocks", however, do have 'Help' which can be very useful (most times....) to understand how the blocks work. Hope this helps!

Posted by N.V.Q on 30 July, 2014 - 10:59 pm

Thank you very much for your answer. This is basic block, using many where so understand it is important.

You're right, It is not show in the block help. Very bad GE. the pu_del input was signal name: KBPM1Z, it constant was set = 5. But I recognize it when the log_in continues ON "1" It is not 5sec the log_out will be ON "1" but around 90sec or something. I wonder if KBPM1Z constant = 5?? in what unit? why so longer than 5sec than output signal ON??? I looking forward to your answer. thanks

Posted by CSA

on 31 July, 2014 - 9:04 am

N.V.Q, I refer you to the first response: "When the log_in (logic input) is true (logic "1"; energized; picked-up) for the specified period of time on the pu_del input the log_out (logic output) will be a logic "1" and will remain a logic "1" as long as the log_in remains a logic "1". As soon as the log_in goes to a logic "0", the log_out will go to a logic "0"." This is the function of a time delay on pick-up function--when the logic input to the timer goes to a logic "1" the logic output of the timer will go to a logic "1" some time AFTER the input goes to a logic "1"--and the logic output will remain a logic "1" as long as the logic input remains a logic "1". However, as soon as the logic input to the timer reverts to logic "1", the logic output will also immediately revert to logic "1". The pu_delay specifies the "some time after" value, and for this block TIMER_SEC, the time delay is specified in seconds.

Posted by CSA

on 31 July, 2014 - 2:33 pm

N.V.Q, Here's a logic diagram for the TIMER_SEC block which might help: 1

-------------------------- - - -


| 0---------1

------------- - - -


| 0-----------------------

The TIMER_SEC block delays when a logic signal transitions to a logic "1", but after the pu_del as long as the log_in remains a logic "1" the log_out will remain a logic "1". As soon as the log_in reverts to logic "0" log_out

will revert to logic "0".

Posted by N.V.Q on 2 August, 2014 - 8:37 pm

It is very clear Thank you very much CSA. >Here's a logic diagram for the TIMER_SEC block which might help: > 1 >-------------------------- - - >log_in | > 0---------> > 1 >------------- - - >log_out | > 0-----------------------

>The TIMER_SEC block delays when a logic signal transitions to a logic "1", but >after the pu_del as long as the log_in remains a logic "1" the log_out will >remain a logic "1". As soon as the log_in reverts to logic "0" log_out will >revert to logic "0".

Posted by N.V.Q on 31 July, 2014 - 5:10 am

Dear Sir CSA. One more block of Mark VI need your help. The block name is PLUSE, with two input was TRIG and Width (Trig was connect to signal and Width was set to number like 6000 or something else). Out put side have OUT and CWIDTH. I saw OUT connect to output signal and CWIDTH was not connect to anything. I guess this is Pluse block, when ever TRIG signal ON "1" (ON in short time) the OUT will ON "1" and keep WIDTH time (sec) and OFF. IF input signal TRIG still ON, the Out will not OFF. Understand above is correct or not sirs? I am waiting for your help and more explain if any.

Posted by CSA

on 31 July, 2014 - 9:29 am

N.V.Q, PULSE block. No Block Help for this block either, eh? Very bad GE. When the TRIG input logic goes to a logic "1" the logic output OUT will go to a logic "1" for the period specified by the WIDTH (usually expressed in thousandths of a second; a value of 6000 would represent 6.000 seconds) as long as the TRIG input logic remains a logic "1".. At the end of the WIDTH period the OUT logic will go to logic "0"--even if the TRIG input logic remains at logic "1". In other words, when the TRIG logic input goes to a logic "1" the OUT logic will go to a logic "1" for a period of 6.000 seconds (in this example) and then revert back to a logic "0". There will only one, single transition of the OUT logic signal, for a period of 6.000 seconds (in this example) when TRIG goes from logic "0" to logic "1" no matter how long TRIG remains a logic "1". This is the definition of a pulse signal--a short duration signal, in this case, 6 seconds long. To re-initiate the OUT logic signal, it is necessary to "toggle" the input logic signal TRIG from "1" to "0" to "1", and the OUT logic signal will then transition from "0" to "1" for the specified period of time as long as the TRIG input logic remains a logic "1". Here's a logic diagram which might help: 1 TRIG

-------------------------- - - -

| 0---------1


OUT 0----------

--------- - - -

WIDTH is expressed in thousandths of a second for the PULSE block.

Posted by N.V.Q on 2 August, 2014 - 8:43 pm

The output will be ON "1" in specific of time WIDTH (thousand of second) as long as input TRIG ON. It is also meaning that the output was OFF before time WIDTH in case TRIG change from ON to OFF before time WIDTH? Thank you very much. Thank you very much sirs, >PULSE block. >

>No Block Help for this block either, eh? Very bad GE. > >When the TRIG input logic goes to a logic "1" the logic output OUT will go >to a logic "1" for the period specified by the WIDTH (usually expressed in > thousandths of a second; a value of 6000 would represent 6.000 seconds) as > long as the TRIG input logic remains a logic "1".. At the end of the WIDTH >period the OUT logic will go to logic "0"--even if the TRIG input logic >remains at logic "1". In other words, when the TRIG logic input goes to a >logic "1" the OUT logic will go to a logic "1" for a period of 6.000 seconds >(in this example) and then revert back to a logic "0". There will only one, >single transition of the OUT logic signal, for a period of 6.000 seconds >(in this example) when TRIG goes from logic "0" to logic "1" no matter how >long TRIG remains a logic "1". > >This is the definition of a pulse signal--a short duration signal, in this >case, 6 seconds long. To re-initiate the OUT logic signal, it is necessary to >"toggle" the input logic signal TRIG from "1" to "0" to "1", and the OUT >logic signal will then transition from "0" to "1" for the specified period of >time as long as the TRIG input logic remains a logic "1". > >Here's a logic diagram which might help: > 1 >-------------------------- - - >TRIG | > 0---------> > 1 --------------> OUT || > 0--------->--------- - - -

>WIDTH is expressed in thousandths of a second for the PULSE block.

Posted by CS A

on 3 August, 2014 - 1:32 pm

N.V.Q, I don't understand the question, and it's not clear from the question if you have studied the response and comprehend the logic diagram. The output can't be a logic "1" unless and until the input transitions to logic "1", and then the output will go to logic "1" for the time period specified. If the WIDTH is 5000 then the length of the output PULSE will be (5000/1000) seconds-- or, five (5) seconds. And then the output will transition back to logic "0". If at any time during the WIDTH period if the logic input transitions back logic "0" then the output will transition back to logic "0". Except for the last statement (statement) the logic diagram should have been clear (it's hard to "draw" logic diagrams in ASCII text, so you have to use some visualization skills to "connect the lines").

Posted by N.V.Q on 4 August, 2014 - 8:19 pm

I total agree with your explanation. thank you very much. Your use of this site is subject to the terms and conditions set forth under Legal Notices and the Privacy Policy. Please read those terms and conditions carefully. Subject to the rights expressly reserved to others under Legal Notices, the content of this site and the compilation thereof is © 1999-2014 Nerds in Control, LLC. All rights reserved. Users of this site are benefiting from open source technologies, including PHP, MySQL and Apache. Be happy. Fortune Gnagloot, n.: A person who leaves all his ski passes on his jacket just to impress people. -- Rich Hall, "Sniglets"

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