Mark Dvoretsky - Maneuvering The Art of Piece Play 2016

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Maneuveri i


Maneuvering The Art of Piece Play

by Mark Dvoretsky


Russell Enterprises, Inc. Mifod, CT USA


Meuvering The A of Piece Play by Mk Dvoretsky ISBN: 978-1-41270370 (print) ISB 97890387 (eBook) © Copyright 2016

M.k Dvoretsky A Rihts Reseed  o par f tis bo book ok may be used, reprdced, stored stor ed iinn a rieva system or ansmited in y maner or fo whatsoever or y any  ms,  m s, e lect lectronic ronic,, electrostatic, electrostat ic, magnet magnetic ic tape, phot photoc ocpyi pying ng recording or otherise theofexpress expr ess writen peissio om the publisher ecept inwithout e case rie rief f -quotations emodie emodied d in critical ticles or reviws Publishe y Publishe Russell Enterprises Inc PO Box  Miford, C 06460 USA  ht //wwssellenterprisescom  info@ssellenterpriss com Cover desin by Fierce Pones nterprises nterprises Brooklyn,   ranslated om e Ru�ian by Boris Glezerov diting d prooeadi  by Peter Kurdorfer _  . .

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Table of Contets

Sgns & Symbos







WaUp: Soluons




Sdes Soluons


The Openng


The Openng: Soluns


The Endae

7 0 


The Endgame Soutons


Quee Qu eeness ness Po Poson sonss


Queeness osions Soluins


Queen and Rooks


Queen and Rooks Souons


Mddlegame Posiions


Mddegamee Po Mddegam Posons: sons: So Sou uons


Ltee Maseeces Lt

3 8

Lie Masteeces Soutions


Exapess wih Addiional Task Exape Taskss


Exam Ex ampes pes wh Addio Addional nal Tas Tasks ks ou o uons


Dcut Exercses Difcu Execises Souions

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Signs and Symbols


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suteus dsplay




he subject of the book you have just opened is one of the most importt apects of positiona skil namey the a ofpaying with pie pieces ces of mane manevei veing ng d nding the the est e st squaes r yur men Just Jus t ke my prev previous ious book book Recogning Your pponent's Res�urces: Developing eventive Thinkng, thi one i a probem sovng practicum a exercise book meant r sef-aining so it is a a organi org of the anized zedofinmeuveing a smil y yae  st considere cons weidered haed then inoduction aann ext extensive ensive in which colect colection dieren di ion erent of exerci exercises t pcts ses om elemeny elemeny to ratµ ratµer er dic dicut ut ones and asty asty soutions to those exercise exercises.s. The inoduction should not be intereted s a theoy ofpi ofpiec ecee pay but ra rathe therr as a prebe to thi theo� We e going to iscuss ony certain cets of our subject in it; beides this discussion wi be rater sketchy d ilusated with only a w expes You wil get a much ceaer and deeper understding of the probem by soving the exercises provided in the book d exining comments to them As this book is orgizd simiary to my previou one much of what I have said in my Foeword to Recognizing Your Opponents Resourc: Developing Preentive Thinkng aso appies  this book Because of this .I will reai om

ingthe to previous nd newreword ords rwith the minimm se ideasaterations nd spy repeat here a aent om Trainng your maneuverin sls wil hep you at ve stage of the ge  which is why among the execises there ae opening middlege d endge poitons d not only those that ae taken om ractica games ut also studies You may aso independenty sove the inoducy exampes om eah chapter and the posions in te dias in the "Soluons in those cases where there is a queson queson mak mak d an indication of wh whoo is to t o pla playy to the it of the dias The comments i te "outions ae quite detaied d ae not imited to giving the only coect sequence of moes or explaiig side vaiations I have  ied to to detail detail the ogic of the seach r a souto soutonn to show ow a pa payr yr can com comee to the it conclusions at he boad. However the reasoning and caculations  

oe tofa om r eveone ikey in my casesof you mage ach acheve eve compulso the aim other way TisMost is to bbe e ex expected, pected, as each us wil has our own head on our shoulders ·and our own approach  decisiomaing  wi aso mention a w techica detais s in a y books d icles quotes incuded in the text ae given in itaics. I the exampes which ae ivestigated i the inoductions to each chapter the moves made by the players ae hiited n bold text I the soutions to the exercises things are dierent: the moves in the main viation of the solution ae hiited egadless of whether or not they occued i the ge. Positions that ce about drng aysis of side vaons and aso positions in he Soutions ae shown in smaer diaams Studies ae oen not given om eir inia posion I that case the ne of the stud studyy co composer mposer is ished wi with th  asteis asteisk. k. The sam samee sym symbo is aso used r prac posions that did not occur in a ge but came about ding its analysis.



The majorty majorty of exa exampes mpes are taken taken om my my ca  ca d ndex of exercises" exerci ses" work on whch has been gong on r decades Obvousy  have aready used my of e success succ ess  expes om my   d ndex ndex n my prevous prevous books books So was t wor wor gvg them here aga agan? n?  made a udgm u dgment ent c c   t the �nd of each ofthe u books books n the the sees Schoo of Chess Exce Ex ceence ence"" there s a thematc ndex a secton of whch s caed Meuverng"  dd not nclude the exercses exerc ses om those books here here and sh shdd you subseue sub seuentl ntlyy decde to contnue contnue worng n ths drecton drecton you can nd n d those d use them as you see se e t Ther T her ae aso no exercse exercse here here om the text ests est s 1 2x8" 2x8" whch can be und n the rs book of t e s e  ess Schoo S choo of Fure Chp Chpons ons" " I h st of 12 ·

drent topcs (each of whch contans eght exercses) you  d Meuveng here ae reevt exam examp es i a a my othe otherr books  too too but t w e ha ha der { coespondn r you you to ex ex act em e m  om om there because of of absence bsen ce o {  coespondn ndexes nde xes So  consdered t possbe to se those exercses here However, thee ae not my  f them -  have not n ot ncuded the ovehemng ovehemng maorty maorty of exple expless n my book bookss bere be re  aso as o ha ha e to t o note that that the the soluon soluonss ve :e ently ently contn not n ot ony a swer r an exr exrcs csee tself ts elf but aso ncude the rest of he g g e To T o get a deeper e  e of postona advtaes enjoyed thas to a pcua decsion t s use to get  c quante quanted d wth   er d d veopents veopents  Besdes Be sdes  the cose cos e of ou as a sss you a e gong to to dscover some nove d nsuctve suatons suatons both postoa posto a (even f havng dect decae ct beang o nonour book an subj sub j ect) d tactca tactca prove your pos  h h penothat workon thsan wl help you to m mprove po stonal tonal  y d sgn mast   s gncanty canty ce ce yo ove ove  playng ss  ll.. A sc nt nt poron ofthe ofthe g g e d : agments gments that  oer oe r r  r your attenton coud bech  acte actezed zed b the te te 'gcomedy" 'gcomedy" (wde (wde used use d r  r the the st  st tm tmee n· my Endgme Manual - as  them one paer thn the oter made cde bunders ctng ths knd of matea was not ntentona but t as not  c dntal dntal ther thert t s  s these k k ds o epsodes whch most mos t oen da d aw the attenton attenton of en en ators ur g a a ays aysss of g es d nd up on the pages pages of magazn magazn s    m  er boo   s a w bste bste  :   er  e mos nterestng of o f the them m get nto nto my cad cad 4e r s a p s  ve ve se t  e demonsaton o  smpe stakes made b gr nd nd at at l becomes ce at at you you c c   ucc ucc s s ly oppose oppose even vey song payers   you progress th your ownypa Andofsnce ths taskanng s hady hady s perco  perco  pc lae t d d but competey asbe mes systematc     makes ses t  t   ak Dvoetsy Dvoetsy Mscow J Jun unee 20  6  .





And what can be suggested  the book ecrets of Potnal Pl: Sch Sc h ool oo l fFutue C ham hampions 4 by Black He acks a itsquare bishop Mark Dvoets and A Yusupov so i is unvoable t him to open the f5? This mov movee iiss met  the aauthos uthos tell o opositiona positiona operations gae with 14  f5? 6f3 f3  o wed bbyy
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