Mark Cunningham - Marknosis

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Mark Cunningham - Marknosis...


Marknosis In Taos

-- Adventures In ThoughtCrime! Or,

Designing And Imprinting Your OWN Belief Systems

March 16 -18, 2001

All contents copyright © Trucor, 2001 All rights reserved -1-

Belief: Conviction of the truth of some statement, or reality of a fact. Conviction: Brought by argument to assent. --Webster's

Belief: A temporary, useful assertion of fact. Conviction: Beliefs held below conscious examination.

--Mark Cunningham Step 1 Preparation for trance Round robin inductions for relaxation and adventure Exercise: Demonstrate eye's-open somnambulism, partial regression

All contents copyright © Trucor, 2001 All rights reserved -2-

Step 2 What do I believe? Exercise: list beliefs We are here for a purpose - it is to become Fully Human. What you were doing before isn't working for you now. Enlightenment is attainable - but it almost certainly isn't what you thought. Moments of absolute clarity are altered states. There are gateways into altered states of perception. What is created within an altered state becomes manifest throughout your life Reality is a Really Good Illusion. Personality and behavior are constructs. We have the power to program ourselves. Power is neutral. The primary challenge is raising and controlling energy. The primary obstacle is fear. Hypnosis is how we learn. Learning/Healing takes place on many levels. Unfettered sexuality is necessary for healthy mind in a healthy body We must use the energy of all our passions -without attempting to suppress or condemn them -for spiritual growth. Once you understand, you have an obligation to share. Instant enlightenment takes practice. You must complete the program. The program keeps going

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Step 3 Levels of belief: Certainty vs. possibility Remove vs. Proximity Core vs. periphery Global vs. situation specific Exercise: List beliefs by category

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Step 4 Components of belief:

Initial Sensitizing Event Contexts Explicit content Frameworks Manifestations Primary Gain Secondary Gain

Exercise: For each belief, list components

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Step 5 Sources of imprints Exercise: List beliefs from parents, school, church, media, friends… List original discoveries

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Step 6 Identifying Convictions What would have to be TRUE in order to "believe" X

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Step 7 What are your current limiting beliefs? What are you willing to give up? What are you willing to forgo in order to give them up?

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Step 8 What would you prefer to believe? Exercise: List new beliefs Rank order by importance Exercise:

Compelling Future

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Step 9 Creating safe conditions for change ideomotor signals to obtain consent Exercise: Building a workshop Mark's Temple Silva Office Ritual

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Step 10 Build and test Build component that manages change Build one belief and test Automatic or triggered? Build second and test Compatible? Opposition?

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Step 11 Exercise:

Future pacing Change personal history

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Step 12 Building Change as a Constant Holding Incompatible Beliefs Exercise: Exercise: Building Personal Flexibility in Belief Flexible Beliefs as aspects of "personality"

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Step 13 Extra Credit: Design Master of the Universe Compelling Future Build and Test

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Step 14 Extra Credit: After enlightenment, what? Balanced life within a spiritual model

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