Margolin Book

June 10, 2016 | Author: Steve W | Category: N/A
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Margolin Book...


Bruce Margolin is Synonymous With Fighting Weed Busts in California..... The Dean of Weed Defense Attorneys. He has Defended 25,000 Pot Cases and Timothy Leary. -La Weekly “Prop 19: Dreams of Legal Weed” October, 2010/Vol. 32/No.48

“Finally someone has made the Marijuana Laws easy to understand.” “What you don’t know can hurt you. Read this Book.” -Jack Herer, Hemp Advocate and Author, The Emperor Wears No Clothes R.I.P 1939-2010

In our mission to provide quality training, Oaksterdam University utilizes The Margolin Guide as a key component to our curriculum. The Margolin Law Guide offers smart practices to stay compliant with California Law. The entire community will understand their constitutional rights and learn to have successful encounters with law enforcement by following this guide. -Dale Sky Clare, Executive Chancellor, Oaksterdam University.

The Law Office Of

Bruce M. Margolin

State And Federal Criminal Defense Est. 1967 8749 Holloway Drive At The Sunset Strip West Hollywood, CA. 90069 Phone: 310-652-0991 or 1-800-420-LAWS Fax: 310-652-1501 Email: [email protected] Website: WWW.1800420LAWS.COM Watch for Opening of our new office in Nothern CA,

Mr. Margolin is available to represent clients throughout California and in all 50 states (pro hoc vice) 2013 Edition “Copyright Dec 2012” All rights reserved.

From the Author Dear Reader, I am offering my guide in the hopes that the information provided will help everyone stay out of trouble because, “No one belongs in jail for marijuana” SM ! Knowledge of the laws and your rights can be the key to your freedom. I trust you will find my guide easy to read and will make the laws and your rights simple to understand. For over 40 years as a criminal defense attorney, I have successfully defended thousands of clients faced with marijuana related charges and many others accused of all varieties of criminal offenses (please see the partial List of Recent Successes starting on page 34). I have seen that many of those who have been arrested and prosecuted were not only the victims of the unjust marijuana laws, but also due to their lack of knowledge of their constitutional rights and how to invoke them. To help ensure the protection of your constitutional rights including: not to Consent to Search, and the Miranda rights, etc. Please see the Invocation of Rights (wallet sized card) inserted here at the centerfold. Please note that even though one may choose to invoke their rights it is best to be respectful to law enforcement. Unfortunately, convictions of marijuana offenses still can have serious consequences, including jail, prison, probation, loss of professional and driver’s licenses, student aid and even deportation. My Guide includes both medical and non-medical California marijuana laws including many of the recent, and highly important landmark appellate court rulings (pages 18-20). California non-medical marijuana laws are very similar to those throughout the U.S., however there are significantly different punishments in other States as well as in the Federal Courts. California’s medical marijuana laws are unique in that they provide more rights and protections to qualified patients, caregiver, collectives and patient cooperatives. (See the “Federal Sentencing Guidelines”, “Laws in all 50 States”, and “Medical Marijuana” sections of this Guide). This booklet is a guide, not legal advice. I have simplified the laws to make them easier to understand. Not all the marijuana laws are included in this guide, but I have compiled those that are most relevant to typical cases brought for prosecution. Ultimately, only the actual statutes and the case rulings should be relied upon and therefore, I have included statutes and case law citations. I have done my best to be accurate, however, please note that errors can occur, including in the editing or printing process. Finally, be aware that laws change frequently due to appellate court decisions and new legislation. Visit my website for future updated versions of my guide. I am available for phone and office consultation if you, or someone you care about needs help. Call 1 800 420 laws (5297) or 310 276 2231. Sincerely, Bruce Margolin, Esq. You may download a free PDF version of my guide at Just click on the Margolin Guide icon on the home page.



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