Margaret Thatcher

December 9, 2018 | Author: Soumen Paul | Category: Yin And Yang, Traditional Chinese Medicine, Wild Boar, Qi, Nature
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Short Description



姓 名Name


時 Hour 

日 Day

劫财 Unfriendly Self 


月 Month

 Year Gender  日Day 月Month 年 Year

年 Year 

Day 七杀 Hostile 正财 Proper  十神 10 Gods Power  Wealth Master   Yang Fire  Yin Wood Wood 天干 Stem  Yin Metal Yang Metal Yang 辛 庚 丙 乙 地支 巳 午 戌 丑 Branch Snake Horse Dog Buffalo Animal Fire

Transforms into

Main Element 十神 10 Gods

藏干 Hidden Roots



丙 丁  Yang Fire  Yin Fire 七杀 Hostile Power  戊  Yang Earth 偏印 Hostile Resource

戊  Yang  Yang Earth

己  Yin Earth

正官 Proper  正印 Proper  Power  偏印 Hostile Resource Resource 己 癸  Yin Earth  Yin Water  Water  辛 正印 Proper  Resource

庚  Yang Metal

 Yin Metal 劫财 Unfriendly Self 

丁  Yin Fire

比肩 Friendly Self 

正官 Proper  Power 

神煞 Symbolic Stars Cosmic ID 玄空大卦 Xuan Kong Da Gua 先天八卦  Early Heaven Ba Gua 易經  Yìjīng

3 7 離 Lí

伤官 Opposing Expression

辛  Yin Metal Metal 劫财 Unfriendly Self 

天德貴人 Benevolent 天乙貴人 桃花 月德貴人  Assistance Romance Kindness 將星 华盖 Commander  华盖 Philosophy Philosophy 8 6 3 9 1 6 震 Zhèn 艮 Gèn 離 Lí

乾 Qián

巽 Xùn

艮 Gèn

震 Zhèn





5 Phases 5 Profiles Family Relationships

比劫  Self  交際型 Connectors

for Man


for Woman



食傷  Expression 創作型 Creators


日 主  Day Master  (Self)

Yang Metal

strength 得令 得地 得勢

strong {'Support of the Roots (Branches)': 'yes', 'Support of the Season': 'yes', 'Support of the Heaven (Stems)': 'yes'}

格局  predominant heavenly influence

正官 Proper Power (Yin Fire) possible favorable/unfavorable elements

用神  yongshen very favorable

正官 Proper Power (Yin Fire)

喜神  xishen favorable

偏财 Extra Wealth (Yang Wood) 正财 Proper Wealth (Yin Wood)

閑神  xianshen neutral

食神 Proper Expression (Yang Water) 伤官 Opposing Expression (Yin Water) 七杀 Hostile Power (Yang Fire)

忌神  jishen unfavorable

比肩 Friendly Self (Yang Metal) 劫财 Unfriendly Self (Yin Metal) 偏印 Hostile Resource (Yang Earth) 正印 Proper Resource (Yin Earth)

財星  Wealth 管理型 Managers

官殺  Power  忠誠型 Supporters

印星  Resource 智慧型 Thinkers

Father, Wife







Suitable Career by the favorable Element academic related and scholarly pursuits, teacher, writer or journalist, fashion and clothing design, preaching, motivating, coaching Wood and essentially helping others to succeed, herbs, vegetables, plants, timber and furniture, development and construction industries  looking good and making others’ beautiful, service line, pilots and air hosts/hostesses, technology technology and science, computers and Fire electronics, astrology and feng shui, petrol, li ghts, and restaurants, opticians  antiques, valuable art and precious stones, real estate and property, building materials, mineral, marble, tiles, farming and Earth gardening  justice and righteousness, banking, finance and other monetary businesses, remisier or broker, machinery, machinery, goldsmithing, metals Metal and automobiles businesses related to movement such as logistics, transportation, shipping, courier and tourism, industries that involve drinks and Water  bars, laundry and hygiene, thinking, innovation, strategic planning and analysis, fishing or rearing fish

1 von 15

大 運 10 Years Luck Cycle 1933 1942

1943 1952

1953 1962

1963 1972

1973 1982

1983 1992

1993 2002

2003 - 2012

2013 2022

2023 2032

8 - 17

18 - 27

28 - 37

38 - 47

48 - 57

58 - 67

68 - 77

78 - 87

88 - 97

98 - 107

正财 Proper  Wealth

七杀 Hostile Power 

正官 Proper  Power 

劫财 伤官 偏印 正印 比肩 食神 Hostile Proper  Friendly Unfriendly Proper  Opposing 偏财 Extra Resource Resource Self  Self  Expression Expression Wealth

 Yang  Yang  Yin Fire Earth 丁 戊 亥 子  Yin  Yang  Yang Water  Water 

 Yin Earth 己 丑  Yin Earth

 Yang Metal 庚 寅  Yang Wood

 Yin Metal 辛 卯  Yin Wood


Boar   Yang  Yang Water 


Tiger  Rabbit Buffalo Dragon  Yin  Yin  Yang  Yin  Yang  Yang  Yang  Yang Water  Earth Wood Wood Earth Fire

食神 正印 伤官 Proper  Opposing Proper  Expression Expression Resource  Yang Wood 偏财 Extra Wealth

 Yin Water  Water  伤官 Opposing Expression  Yin Metal 劫财 Unfriendly Self 

文昌貴人 天乙貴人 天乙貴人 Study  Assistance Assistance 驿馬 华盖 Travel Philosophy

2 von 15

 Yang  Yang  Yin  Yang  Yin Water  Water  Wood Wood 壬 癸 甲 乙 辰 巳 午 未  Yang  Yang  Yin Fire Yang Fire  Yin Earth Earth Wood Fire Snake Horse

偏财 Extra Wealth

偏印 正财 Hostile Proper  Wealth Resource

七杀 Hostile Power 

 Yin Wood Wood  Yang 正财 Earth 偏印 Proper  Wealth Hostile  Yin Water  Water  Resource  Yang 伤官 Metal Opposing 比肩 Expression Friendly Self 

 Yang Fire 七杀 Hostile Power   Yang Earth 偏印 Hostile Resource

桃花 Romance

Ram  Yin Fire  Yin 正官 Proper  Earth Power 

正印 Proper   Yin Earth Resource 正印 Proper  Resource  Yin Fire

2033 2042 108 117

2043 2052 118 127

偏印 Hostile 正官 Proper  Resource  Yang Power 

 Yang Fire  Yin Fire Earth 丙 丁 戊 申 酉 戌  Yang  Yin Metal  Yang Metal Earth Rooster  Metal Monkey Dog  Yang  Yin Metal  Yang 劫财 Metal Earth 比肩 Friendly Self 

 Yang 正官 Water  食神 Proper  Power  Proper   Yin Wood Expression  Yang 正财 Earth Proper  偏印 Wealth Hostile Resource

Unfriendly Self 

偏印 Hostile Resource  Yin Metal 劫财 Unfriendly Self   Yin Fire 正官 Proper  Power 

桃花 天乙貴人 天乙貴人 將星 华盖 Romance  Assistance Assistance Commander Philosophy 將星 天德貴人 羊刃 Commander  Benevolent  Aggression 月德貴人 Kindness 驿馬 Travel 十干禄 Prospect

流 年 10 Years Annual Luck Cycle 2011 86

2012 87

2013 88

2014 89

食神 偏财 Extra Proper  劫财 伤官 Wealth Unfriendly Expression Opposing  Yang  Yang Expression  Yang  Yang Self 

 Yin Water  Metal辛 壬 卯 辰  Yin  Yang  Yang Wood Earth Wood


Dragon  Yin  Yang  Yang Wood Earth 偏印 正财 Hostile Proper  Wealth Resource

2016 91

正财 Proper  Wealth

七杀 Hostile Power 

七杀 Hostile Power 


 Yin Wood 乙 未  Yin Earth

2017 92

2018 93

正印 Proper   Yin Earth Resource 正印 Proper  Resource  Yin Fire

比肩 Friendly Self 

2019 94

偏印 正印 Hostile Proper  正官 Proper  Resource Resource  Yang  Yang  Yin Power 

 Yang  Yin Wood Fire  Yin Fire Earth Water 癸 甲 丙 丁 戊 巳 午 申 酉 戌  Yin Fire  Yang  Yang  Yang  Yin Metal  Yang  Yang Fire Metal Earth Fire Snake Rooster  Metal Horse Monkey Ram Dog  Yang  Yin Fire  Yin  Yang  Yin Metal  Yang  Yang 正官  Proper  劫财 Fire Earth Metal Earth

 Yin Wood  Yang 正财 Earth Proper  偏印 Wealth Hostile  Yin Water  Water  Resource  Yang 伤官 Metal Opposing 比肩 Expression Friendly Self 

桃花 Romance

2015 90

比肩 Friendly Self 

 Yang Metal 庚 子  Yang Water 

2021 96

2022 97

劫财 食神 Unfriendly Proper  Self  Expression

 Yin Metal 辛 丑  Yin Earth

 Yang Water  壬 寅  Yang Wood


Boar   Yang Water 


Tiger  Buffalo  Yin  Yin  Yang Water  Earth Wood

偏印 食神 正印 偏财 Extra 伤官 Hostile Proper  Opposing Proper  Wealth Resource Expression Expression Resource

Unfriendly Self 

 Yang 正官 Water  食神 Proper  Power  Proper   Yin Wood Expression  Yang 正财 Earth Proper  偏印 Wealth Hostile Resource

Earth 己 亥  Yin Water 

2020 95

 Yin Metal  Yang Wood 劫财 Unfriendly 偏财 Extra Self  Wealth  Yin Fire 正官 Proper  Power 

 Yang Fire  Yin Water  Water  七杀 伤官 Hostile Opposing Power  Expression  Yang  Yin Metal Metal Earth 劫财 偏印 Unfriendly Hostile Self  Resource

桃花 天乙貴人 天乙貴人 將星 文昌貴人 天乙貴人 天乙貴人 华盖 Romance  Assistance Assistance Commander Philosophy Study  Assistance Assistance 將星 天德貴人 羊刃 驿馬 华盖 Commander  Benevolent  Aggression Travel Philosophy 月德貴人 Kindness 驿馬 Travel 十干禄 Prospect

Organ Energy Analysis (according to classical chinese medicine stems&branches method) This indicates the strength of your major organs' qi (chi), which affects many aspects of life, mainly your organ health and function and emotions. Note that in Traditional Chinese Medicine a deficiency or excess is regarded as significant or problematic. Values: 0 - indicates deficient energy (although this energy will come into your l ife in time cycles), 1 & 2 - balanced energy, 3 & 4 & more more - high or excess energy. 膽  Gallbladder 0 肝 Liver 2 肺  Lung 3 大腸  Large intestine 2 胃  Stomach 2 脾  Spleen 3 心  Heart and Pericard 4 小腸  Small Intestine and Triple Warmer 2 膀胱  Bladder 0 腎 Kidney 1

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Characte Characteristi ristics cs of your 日主 Day Master  This is a description of your day master's personality traits; however your day masterstrength together with the quantity and quality of the other 4 elements in your natal chart will affect how much of it applies to you. Incoming timely energies will also affect affect your day master. master.

Metal is the contracting energy of Autumn, from the West.  Yang  Yang Metal Day Master’s personality traits: Yang metal is the strong and powerful metal which can be made into a sword or other weapons. It is tough, driven, selfless, righteous, stubborn, direct, sharp, sharp, tenacious, determined, loyal, strong-willed, quick-witted and does not like admitting to failure. Yang metal day masters have en durance and stamina and can tolerate hardship and suffering to achieve their goals, with hands-on methods. methods. They know how to build a team, communicate communicate and analyse a situation They can lack flexibility of thought and attention to detail, and can be hasty in action. They show enthusiasm and determination in whatever they do, but may not always express their inner feelings to others, appearing withdrawn. Their dislike of hypocrisy, unfairness and un-truths means that their remarks can be cuttingly blunt to others, making enemies easily. easily.

Characteristics Characteristics of your Birth Year Animal

Buffalo Positive Traits: Stability, Traits: Stability, Innovation, Integrity, Eloquence, Diligence, Strength of Purpose Shortcomings: Plodding, Stubbornness, Bigotry, Bias, Vindictiveness, Standoffishness In some cultures the Buffalo is seen as hardworking but possessing very little intelligence. Here are some noted names of world r enowned artists famous for their clever creativity: Bach, Handel, and Dvorak in the musical sphere; as well as Vincent Van Gogh, Walt Disney, and Charlie Chaplin. These are extraordinary Buffalos. The danger with citing the famous is that one must also cite the i nfamous: Napoleon Bonaparte Bonaparte and Adolf Hitler were also hardworking and diligent in their perseverance and laboring toward their goals. Buffalos are not known f or being romantic; however, they can be quite affectionate. They are loyal and faithful to a fault. They care deeply for family and close friends. They have self-imposed high standards and expect those in their inner circle to adhere to and meet those lofty expectations. Buffalos are pretty serious beings and like to relax at home. They are not social animals, and you have your work cut out for you if you want to pry them out of the home to go to a party. Buffalos have fiery tempers and are easily provoked. Others can be inspired by the self-confidence demonstrated by Buffalo people. Some people call Buffalos stubborn; it is only because Buffalos are following their way, which they know to be The Way. Buffalo virtues include tranquillity, patience, honesty, modesty, and responsibility. Use the Inner Smile and Six Healing Sounds to transform Buffalo's negativity, negativity, which includes possessiveness, intolerance, materialism, and inflexibility. inflexibility.

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大 運 10 Years Luck Cycle Details 1  Year


1933 - 8 - 17 1942

10 Years Cycle Cycle Pillar

正官 Proper Power 

 Yin Fire 丁 亥  Yin Water  Water  Boar   Yang Water  Water  食神 Proper Expression  Yang Wood Wood 偏财 Extra Wealth

1943 - 18 - 27 1952

偏印 Hostile Resource

 Yang  Yang Earth 戊 子  Yang Water  Water  Rat  Yin Water  Water  伤官 Opposing Expression

1953 - 28 - 37 1962

正印 Proper Resource

 Yin Earth 己 丑  Yin Earth Earth Water  Buffalo  Yin Earth 正印 Proper Resource  Yin Water  Water  伤官 Opposing Expression  Yin Metal 劫财 Unfriendly Self 

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Symbolic Stars 文昌貴人 Study 驿馬 Travel

Branch Interaction

- There is a Clash a  Clash with the Hour Branch. Branch . Parents especially, especially, should be wary of a clash to the Hour Branch as this denotes issues (for example, separation) with one's children. As one's subordinates are also represented here, a clash to the Hour Branch can also denote a turnover in your employees or even the type of work that a person does. Pig (Yin Water) is "clashing in" with Snake (Yin Fire). A Pig/Snake clash is the least severe of the clashes. It is indicative of  problems due to feelings of importance, getting drawn into others problems due to being a busybody or lending help to others when it is not asked for. If Water is your favorable element, you might benefit from this clash. If Water is your unfavorable element - the cure for this clash is the "secret friend" Tiger (Yang Wood) combines with Pig, therefore saving the Snake. 天乙貴人 - There is a Clash a Clash with the Day Branch. Branch . A clash to the Day Branch  Assistance is usually much feared as it typically denotes marital or spousal problems. Rat (Yang Water) Water) is "clashing in" with Horse (Yang Fire).  An Rat/Horse clash clash indicates general lack of peace and instability. instability. If  Water is your favorable element, you might benefit from this clash. If  Water is your unfavorable element, this clash can be explosive. The cure for this clash is the "secret friend" Buffalo (Yin Earth). Buffalo combines with Rat, therefore saving the Horse. - Rat and Buffalo (Year (Year Branch) combines to Earth

天乙貴人  Assistance 华盖 Philosophy

大 運 10 Years Luck Cycle Details 2  Year


1963 - 38 - 47 1972

1973 - 48 - 57 1982

10 Years Cycle Cycle Pillar

Symbolic Stars

比肩 Friendly Self 

- Tiger and Horse (Day Branch) 2/3 Trinity to Fire - Tiger and Dog (Month Branch) and Horse (Day Branch) Trinity to Fire

 Yang  Yang Metal 庚 寅  Yang  Yang Wood Tiger   Yang  Yang Wood 偏财 Extra Wealth  Yang Fire 七杀 Hostile Power   Yang Earth Earth 偏印 Hostile Resource 劫财 Unfriendly Self 

Branch Interaction

桃花 Rom  Romanc ance

- Rab Rabb bit and and Dog Dog (Mo (Mont nth h Br Branc anch) com combine bines s to to Fir Fire e

 Yin Metal 辛 卯  Yin Wood Wood Rabbit  Yin Wood Wood 正财 Proper Wealth

1983 - 58 - 67 1992

食神 Proper Expression

 Yang  Yang Water  壬 辰  Yang  Yang Earth Wood Dragon  Yang Earth 偏印 Hostile Resource  Yin Wood Wood 正财 Proper Wealth  Yin Water  Water  伤官 Opposing Expression

6 von 15

- There is a Clash a Clash with the Month Branch. Branch . The Month Branch is the most important indication of one's key character since it denotes the immediate family environment where one is growing up. Dog (Yang (Yang Earth) is "clashing out" with Dragon (Yang Earth). A Dog/Dragon clash involves changing houses and properties or  moving from one place to another. But "clashing out" is not as serious as "clashing in". The Dragon pairing himself with his "secret friend" Rooster (Yin Metal), will ignore altogether the troublesome encounter with Dog.

大 運 10 Years Luck Cycle Details 3  Year


1993 - 68 - 77 2002

2003 - 78 - 87 2012

10 Years Cycle Pillar

Symbolic Stars

Branch Interaction

伤官 Opposing Expression

 Yin Water  Water  癸 巳  Yin Fire Snake  Yang Fire Fire 七杀 Hostile Power   Yang Earth 偏印 Hostile Resource  Yang Metal Metal 比肩 Friendly Self  偏财 Extra Wealth

 Yang  Yang Wood 甲 午  Yang Fire Fire Horse  Yin Fire

桃花 Romance 將星 Commander 

- Horse and Dog (Month Branch) 2/3 Trinity to Fire

天乙貴人  Assistance

- There is a Clash a Clash with the Year Branch. Branch. As the Year Branch indicates the external-most part of the chart, a clash here indicates a change in the external environment of the person. Ram (Yin Earth) is "clashing in" with Buffalo (Yin Earth). A Ram/Buffalo clash generally signifies obstacles to one's efforts and goals. As Earth is the main element involved in this clash, a person undergoing the clash experiences mental confusion, and perhaps not knowing what he/she really wants. The cure for this clash is the "secret friend" Horse (Yang Fire). Horse combines with Ram, therefore saving the Buffalo. - Ram and Horse (Day Branch) combines to Fire

正官 Proper Power   Yin Earth 正印 Proper Resource

2013 - 88 - 97 2022

正财 Proper Wealth

 Yin Wood Wood 乙 未  Yin Earth Fire Ram  Yin Earth 正印 Proper Resource  Yin Fire 正官 Proper Power   Yin Wood Wood 正财 Proper Wealth

7 von 15

大 運 10 Years Luck Cycle Details 4  Year


10 Years Cycle Cycle Pillar

2023 2032

98 107

七杀 Hostile Power 

2033 - 108 2042 117

 Yang  Yang Fire 丙 申  Yang  Yang Metal Monkey  Yang  Yang Metal 比肩 Friendly Self   Yang Water  Water  食神 Proper Expression  Yang Earth 偏印 Hostile Resource 正官 Proper Power 

 Yin Fire 丁 酉  Yin Metal Rooster   Yin Metal

Symbolic Stars 天乙貴人  Assistance 天德貴人 Benevolent 月德貴人 Kindness 驿馬 Travel 十干禄 Prospect

Branch Interaction - Monkey and Snake (Hour Branch) combines to Water 

將星 Commander  羊刃  Aggression

- Rooster and Buffalo (Year Branch) 2/3 Trinity to Metal - Rooster and Snake (Hour Branch) 2/3 Trinity to Metal - Rooster and Buffalo (Year Branch) and Snake (Hour Branch) Trinity to Metal

华盖 Philosophy

- Dog and Horse (Day Branch) 2/3 Trinity to Fire

劫财 Unfriendly Self 

2043 - 118 2052 127

偏印 Hostile Resource

 Yang  Yang Earth 戊 戌  Yang Earth Metal Dog  Yang  Yang Earth 偏印 Hostile Resource  Yin Metal 劫财 Unfriendly Self   Yin Fire 正官 Proper Power 

8 von 15

流 年 10 Years Annual Luck Cycle Details 1  Year


Annual Pillar



劫财 Unfriendly Self 

Symbolic Stars 桃花 Rom  Romanc ance

Branch Interaction - Rab Rabb bit and and Dog Dog (Mo (Mont nth h Br Branc anch) com combine bines s to to Fir Fire e

 Yin Metal 辛 卯  Yin Wood Wood Rabbit  Yin Wood Wood 正财 Proper Wealth



食神 Proper Expression

 Yang  Yang Water  壬 辰  Yang  Yang Earth Wood Dragon  Yang Earth 偏印 Hostile Resource  Yin Wood Wood 正财 Proper Wealth  Yin Water  Water  伤官 Opposing Expression 2013


伤官 Opposing Expression

 Yin Water  Water  癸 巳  Yin Fire Snake  Yang Fire 七杀 Hostile Power   Yang Earth Earth 偏印 Hostile Resource  Yang Metal Metal 比肩 Friendly Self 

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- There is a Clash a Clash with the Month Branch. Branch . The Month Branch is the most important indication of one's key character since it denotes the immediate family environment where one is growing up. Dog (Yang (Yang Earth) is "clashing out" with Dragon (Yang Earth). A Dog/Dragon clash involves changing houses and properties or  moving from one place to another. But "clashing out" is not as serious as "clashing in". The Dragon pairing himself with his "secret friend" Rooster (Yin Metal), will ignore altogether the troublesome encounter with Dog.

流 年 10 Years Annual Luck Cycle Details 2  Year


Annual Pillar



偏财 Extra Wealth

 Yang  Yang Wood 甲 午  Yang Fire Fire Horse  Yin Fire

Symbolic Stars 桃花 Romance 將星 Commander 

Branch Interaction - Horse and Dog (Month Branch) 2/3 Trinity to Fire

正官 Proper Power   Yin Earth 正印 Proper Resource 2015


正财 Proper Wealth

 Yin Wood Wood 乙 未  Yin Earth Fire Ram  Yin Earth

天乙貴人  Assistance

- There is a Clash a Clash with the Year Branch. Branch. As the Year Branch indicates the external-most part of the chart, a clash here indicates a change in the external environment of the person. Ram (Yin Earth) is "clashing in" with Buffalo (Yin Earth). A Ram/Buffalo clash generally signifies obstacles to one's efforts and goals. As Earth is the main element involved in this clash, a person undergoing the clash experiences mental confusion, and perhaps not knowing what he/she really wants. The cure for this clash is the "secret friend" Horse (Yang Fire). Horse combines with Ram, therefore saving the Buffalo. - Ram and Horse (Day Branch) combines to Fire

天乙貴人  Assistance 天德貴人 Benevolent 月德貴人 Kindness 驿馬 Travel 十干禄 Prospect

- Monkey and Snake (Hour Branch) combines to Water 

正印 Proper Resource  Yin Fire 正官 Proper Power   Yin Wood Wood 正财 Proper Wealth 2016


七杀 Hostile Power 

 Yang Fire Fire 丙 申  Yang  Yang Metal Monkey  Yang  Yang Metal 比肩 Friendly Self   Yang Water  Water  食神 Proper Expression  Yang Earth 偏印 Hostile Resource

10 von 15

流 年 10 Years Annual Luck Cycle Details 3  Year


Annual Pillar



正官 Proper Power 

 Yin Fire 丁 酉  Yin Metal Rooster   Yin Metal

Symbolic Stars 將星 Commander  羊刃  Aggression

Branch Interaction - Rooster and Buffalo (Year Branch) 2/3 Trinity to Metal - Rooster and Snake (Hour Branch) 2/3 Trinity to Metal - Rooster and Buffalo (Year Branch) and Snake (Hour Branch) Trinity to Metal

劫财 Unfriendly Self 



偏印 Hostile Resource

 Yang  Yang Earth 戊 戌  Yang  Yang Earth Metal Dog  Yang  Yang Earth



偏印 Hostile Resource  Yin Metal 劫财 Unfriendly Self   Yin Fire 正官 Proper Power  正印 Proper Resource

 Yin Earth Earth 己 亥  Yin Water  Water  Boar   Yang Water  食神 Proper Expression  Yang Wood Wood 偏财 Extra Wealth

11 von 15

华盖 Philosophy

- Dog and Horse (Day Branch) 2/3 Trinity to Fire

文昌貴人 Study - There is a Clash a Clash with the Hour Branch. Branch . Parents especially, especially, should be wary of a clash to the Hour Branch as this denotes issues 驿馬 Travel (for example, separation) with one's children. As one's subordinates are also represented here, a clash to the Hour Branch can also denote a turnover in your employees or even the type of work that a person does. Pig (Yin Water) is "clashing in" with Snake (Yin Fire).  A Pig/Snake clash is the least severe of the clashes. It is indicative of problems due to feelings of importance, getting drawn into others problems due to being a busybody or lending help to others when it is not asked for. If Water is your favorable element, you might benefit from this clash. If Water is your unfavorable element - the cure for this clash is the "secret friend" Tiger (Yang (Yang Wood) combines with Pig, therefore saving the Snake.

流 年 10 Years Annual Luck Cycle Details 4  Year


Annual Pillar



比肩 Friendly Self 

 Yang Metal 庚 子  Yang  Yang Water  Rat  Yin Water  Water 

Symbolic Stars 天乙貴人  Assistance

伤官 Opposing Expression



劫财 Unfriendly Self 

 Yin Metal 辛 丑  Yin Earth Water  Buffalo  Yin Earth



正印 Proper Resource  Yin Water  Water  伤官 Opposing Expression  Yin Metal 劫财 Unfriendly Self  食神 Proper Expression

 Yang  Yang Water  壬 寅  Yang Wood Tiger   Yang Wood 偏财 Extra Wealth  Yang Fire 七杀 Hostile Power   Yang Earth 偏印 Hostile Resource

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Branch Interaction - There is a Clash a Clash with the Day Branch. Branch . A clash to the Day Branch is usually much feared as it typically denotes marital or spousal problems. Rat (Yang Water) is "clashing in" with Horse (Yang Fire).  An Rat/Horse clash clash indicates general lack of peace and instability. instability. If  Water is your favorable element, you might benefit from this clash. If  Water is your unfavorable element, this clash can be explosive. The cure for this clash is the "secret friend" Buffalo (Yin Earth). Buffalo combines with Rat, therefore saving the Horse. - Rat and Buffalo (Year (Year Branch) combines to Earth

天乙貴人  Assistance 华盖 Philosophy

- Tiger and Horse (Day Branch) 2/3 Trinity to Fire - Tiger and Dog (Month Branch) and Horse (Day Branch) Trinity to Fire

 Alternating chills and fever; fever; lateral Ankle; Axilla Axilla swelling; heavy Epigastric Epigastric pain; Esophageal constriction; constriction; Eyes, outer 

Gallbladder canthus pain; Fearfulness; Flank pain; Foot eversion; Foot hot; Headache, temporal; Herpes zoster; Hip pain; Knee, lateral;


Lung Large Intestine Stomach

Spleen Heart

Legs, outside, pain; Sciatica; Side of body pain; Sleep, inability to turn; Sweating, excessive.  Abdominal distension; Alternate fever-chills; Anger; Arthritis; Back pain, lower; Back sprained; Blurry vision; Dizziness; Edema; Endocrine dysfunction; Epigastric pain; Eye disorders; Facial wrinkles; Fearfulness; Flank pain; Gynecological disorders; Head heavy; Headache; Hearing disorders; Hernia, inguinal; Hives; Hypochondriac pain; Inguinal pain; Irritability; Jaundice; Knee pain; Muscle cramping; Nails; Nausea; Nervous disorders; Prostatitis; Rib distension; Scrotum swelling; Skin disorders (toxins); Sleep, inability to turn ; Tendons; Testicle Testicle disorders; Throat dry; Urinary incontinence; Urinary difficulty; Urinary tract infection; Uterine masses; Vision blurred. Back, upper, pain; Breathing difficulty; Chest discomfort; Complexion pale; Coughing; Cries easily; Flushing; Hearing loss; Hemorrhoids; Ileocecal pain; Irritability; Lightheadedness; Melancholy; Nasal congestion; Numbness of hands; Numbness of skin; Palm heat; Palpitations; Scapular pain; Shoulder pain, tension; Shoulders, pain, stiff; Skin disorders; Sneezing; Supraclavicular pain; Sweating; Throat dry; Urinary dysfunction; Urinary incontinence; Urination, frequent. Body growths or abscesses; Borborygmus; Diarrhea; Epistaxis; Eyes yellow; Mouth dry; Nasal congestion; Nasal discharge; Neck; Nosebleed; Shivering; Shoulders; Skin disorders; Tonsillitis; Tooth Tooth disorders.  Abdominal distension, pain; pain; Alternate fever-chills; fever-chills; Ascites; Belching; Belching; Body anterior cold; cold; Borborygmus; Breast Breast distension, pain; Depression; Digestion, poor; Epigastric pain, distension; Epistaxis; Esophageal spasm; Face swollen; Facial pain or  paralysis; Fearfulness; Flank pain; Foot pain; Forehead pain; Front of body, cold or hot; Head heavy; Headache, frontal; Heart pain; Hunger; Jaw pain; Knee, outer; Leg, outer; Mania; Manic-depression; Mouth lesions; Nasal congestion; Palpitations; Perspiration; Tonsillitis; Toothache.  Abdominal distension, pain; Appetite, loss of; of; Belching; Body heavy; heavy; Borborygmus; Breast distension; Complexion Complexion yellow; Constipation; Diarrhea; Digestion; Edema; Epigastric pain, distension; Esophageal spasm; Fatigue; Flatulence; Foot spasm or cramp; Heart disorders; Hiccough; Inability to eat; Insomnia; Jaundice; Joints, painful; Knee swelling.  Arm, upper; Blood Blood vessels; Body Hair; Hair; Chest pain; Complexion Complexion reddish; Eyes yellow; yellow; Fever; Flank pain; Hair, Body; Body; Heart pain; Interscapular pain; Palms, feverish; Thirst; Throat, dry; Tongue disorders; Vomiting, dry.

Small  Abdominal pain; Cheek swelling; Chin pain; Constipation; Constipation; Diarrhea; Ear disorders; Elbow pain; Eye Eye disorders; Eyes Eyes yellow; Forearm pain; Head heavy; Hearing loss; Jaw pain; Neck immobility; Neck pain; Scapular pain; Shoulder pain. Intestine Bladder 


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 Ankle problems; Ascites; Ascites; Back stiffness stiffness or pain; Calf muscle cramp; Constipation; Epilepsy; Epilepsy; Epistaxis; Eye Eye disorders, pain; Eye tearing; Eyes yellow; Foot pain; Headache, occipital; Headache, vertex; Hearing loss; Hemorrhoids; Hip immobility; Lumbar pain; Mania; Nasal congestion, discharge; Neck pain or stiffness; Nosebleed; Occipital pain; Popliteal tension; Scalp pain; Sciatic pain; Spinal pain; Urinary dysfunction.  Abdominal bloating; Appetite Appetite poor; Assertiveness, Assertiveness, lack; Blood Blood in sputum; Body heavy; Bone disorders; Breathing heavy or  short; Choking sensation; Complexion ashen, blackish; Cough; Dizziness on standing; Ear disorders; Edema; Epigastric pain; Eyes blurry; Fatigue; Fear with surprise; Fearfulness; Feet cold, head hot; Feet, soles burning; Gynecological disorders; Hair loss; Head hot; Headache; Hoarseness; Infertility; Irritability; Jaundice; Limbs cold; Night sweats; Paranoia; Reproductive dysfunction; Restlessness; Spinal pain; Urinary dysfunction; Voice raspy; Weight loss; Wheezing.

Earthly Branches Trinity Combinations 地支三合 san he Water Trinity Combination Fire Trinity Combination Creativity Ambitions

Wood Trinity Combination Family

Metal Trinity Combination Commerce

先天八卦  Early Heaven Ba Gua

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神 煞 Symbolic Stars These exceptional stars are named hereafter their particular character trait potential, which can be potentially positive or negative for the bearer or others who come into contact with them. The effects will always depend depend on the many variables of astrology e.g. quality and quantity of day master and other elements and the time and place in the chart that the star occurs. When they come into the chart as annual year luck (or even monthly or daily) they interact with the natal chart energies during that period. Their position in the natal chart generally shows the area of interaction :  Year branch indicates branch indicates effect on grandparents, parents and the family in the broader sense. Month branch indicates an effect effect on the person person themselves themselves Day branch indicates branch indicates effect on their spouse or the individual's personality Hour branch indicates branch indicates effects on children or on t he individual's senior year 

天乙貴人 Assistance Star In a natal chart, there will be help fr om un-expected sources, thanks to the goddess Tian Yi. Disastrous situations can become become fortunate; fortunate; and if in your your birth chart can enable popularity. popularity. In annual annual luck, it can bring out promotion or more wealth.

华盖 Philosophy Star  Interest  Interest in esoteric esoteric and philosophic philosophic matters. In your natal chart, chart, it adds a hard-working and intelligent energy, energy, although too much of t his can make for conceit. 羊刃 Aggression Star  Gives  Gives an underlying tendency to aggression, but can either be good or bad depending on the other other energies. energies. Often worse worse in a strong strong day master master but gives gives more courag courage e to a weak day master master.. It can affect the person or their relationships.  Reinforces wealth potential, but it can be an overloading force for a strong day master. 十干禄 Prospect Star  Reinforces For a weak day master it is mainly positive assistance.  Characterised by kindness, modesty, stability and down-to earth qualities; it can be 天德貴人 Benevolent Star  Characterised a great boost to potential in a chart.  Reinforces luck in many areas of life for most charts, e.g. marriage prospects, dealing 月德貴人 Kindness Star  Reinforces with difficult events or runs of bad luck.

桃花 Romance Star  or  or Peach Blossom Affects Blossom Affects emotions, desires, charisma, relationships and marriage luck and even career prospects due to the charismatic side. In some charts, it can leave the person frustrated in relationships and more concerned with sexual conquests.  This is an artistic star accompanied by intelligence and often is disinterested in material 文昌貴人 Study Star  This gains. If it reinforces similar characteristics in the chart, it can well indicate excessive, excessive, reclusive reclusive behaviour and is common among monks, nuns and hermits.

驿馬 Horse-Travel Star  The  The Horse star means travel, ( traditionally by horseback) foreign appointments but also movement and change. change. If there are more than one of these stars stars then it could make the person person restless.  This star is about leadership qualities and in the natal chart would show as authority 將星 Commander Star  This and presence. presence. In annual stars it can show as independence independence and enterprising enterprising skills. This InnerAlchemyAstrology-chart InnerAlchemyAstrology-chart is created by Grandmaster Mantak Chia Christine Harkness-Giles Pavlo Maksymenko sponsored by Universal-Tao-Ger Universal-Tao-Germany-Stiftu many-Stiftung ng

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