Marcos vs Ruiz
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Marcos vs Ruiz...
213 SCRA 177 FACTS: •
After conducting a preliminary investigation, Asst, Fiscal of Tagbilaran City led to RTC !o"ol 2 information against #arcos for violation of !$ 22% #arcos appeared during t"e sc"eduled arraignment but as&ed for resetting because "is la'yer "as (ust 'it"dra'n from t"e case% T"e court granted "is re)uest% *ater, #arcos 'as able to settle "is obligation 'it" t"e complainants and t"e latter e+ecuted an Adavit of -esistance% !ecause of t"at, Asst% City Fiscal led a #otion to -ismiss t"e case because 'it"out t"e testimony of t"e complainants '"o 'it"dre', "e cannot successfully prosecute t"e case% -uring t"e arraignment, #arcos pleaded not guilty% ."en t"e case 'as called for "earin "earing, g, #arcos #arcos and "is la'y la'yer er alre alread ady y left% left% T"e prose prosecut cution ion proce proceede eded d in t"e presentation of its evidence and rested its case% !ecause #arcos did not attend t"e trial, t"e court forfeited "is bail bond% Counsel e+plained t"at "e 'as unable to attend t"e trial because "e "ad attended urgent matter '"ic" needed "is personal attention% /e also e+plained t"at #arcos left in belief t"at t"ere 'ould no presentation of evidence since an Adavit of -esistance 'as already led before t"e court% 0ssentially, 0ssentially, t"e 2 nd information 'as t"e same as t"e 1 st so t"e counsel of t"e accused oere oered d t"at t"at readi reading ng of inform informati ation on is 'aive 'aived d and plea plea of not guilty guilty be direct directly ly entered%
. t"e court erred in in forfeiting t"e petitioner4s bail bond for "is non5appearance during trial% Stated ot"er'ise, '"at are t"e instances '"ere t"e presence of t"e accused during trial is indispensable6 #ay a counsel enter a plea in be"alf of t"e accused6
T"e forfeiture forfeiture of t"e bail bond 'as inappropriate inappropriate%% A bail bond may be forfeited forfeited only in instances '"ere t"e presence of t"e accused is specically re)uired by t"e court of t"e RoC and, despite due notice to t"e bondsmen to produce "im before t"e court on a given date, t"e accused fails to appear in person as so re)uired% nder t"e RoC, t"e accused "as to be present8 1 at t"e arraign arraignment ment pursu pursuant ant to to par% par% 9b:, Section Section 1, Rule Rule 11;< 11;< 2 at t"e t"e promulg promulgatio ation n of (udgmen (udgment, t, e+cept e+cept '"en conviction conviction is for for a lig"t lig"t oen oense se,, in '"ic '"ic" " case case t"e t"e (udg (udgme ment nt may may be pron pronou ounc nced ed in t"e t"e presence of "is counsel or representative pursuant to Section ; of Rule 12=, or unless promulgation in absentia is allo'ed under 3 rd par of said Section< and 3 '"en '"en t"e prosecu prosecutio tion n intends intends to present present 'itne 'itness sses es '"o 'ill 'ill identif identify y t"e accused% T"us, t"e petitioner4s appearance 'as not re)uired re)uired at t"e sub(ect trial% >t is true t"at "e "as t"e rig"t to be present at every stage of t"e proceeding proceeding 9from arraignment to promulgation:, promulgation:, but "e can 'aive "is presence% T"e failure of t"e accused to appear at
t"e trial despite due notice and 'it"out (ustication is deemed an e+press 'aiver of "is rig"t to be present% As suc", t"e trial may proceed in absentia% •
.it" regard to t"e 2 nd information, t"e court made no ruling on t"e manifestation and oer by petitioner4s counsel t"at t"e reading of t"e information is 'aived and a plea of not guilty is entered% T"e petitioner 'as neit"er made to conrm t"e manifestation nor directed to personally ma&e t"e plea% T"ere 'as no valid arraignment as it is re)uired t"at t"e accused 'ould personally enter "is plea%
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