Marcel Vogel Crystals

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THE POWER OF CRYSTALS: THE LEGACY OF MARCEL VOGEL Based on an interview with his friend and associate Rumi Da

There are a myriad of sources, in books and on the Internet, where you may learn about healing with crystals. Their focus and complexity, like the crystals themselves, come in many assorted flavors. Mainly, this data consists of sincere teachings by alternative therapists. But if you research the subject, you also will find reams of other material about crystals – claims, sometimes hyperbolic, of those who sell them; texts so technical that they are virtually unreadable by the layman; and channeled discourses of Ascended Masters and other Extra-Terrestrial informants – to name a few. In all of this plethora of information, one source, one man, stands above the rest. His name is Marcel Vogel. In this article, we will refer to him, as his friends did, as Marcel – to distinguish him from the Vogel, or ''Vogel-cut® crystal,'' which was his legacy. We spoke with Rumi Da, Marcel's protégé, close friend, and the steward of Marcel's crystal technology, who told us this revealing story:

The last time I was with Marcel, it was his 49th wedding anniversary and he was 72 years old. We were looking in his notebook, and then he closed it, with a really deep sigh, and he said, ''You know, sometimes I think I should stop this work because it's so potentially dangerous.'' A month later, he was gone. At Marcel's funeral, in 1991, the eulogy, delivered by a medical doctor, includes a description of the man and his accomplishments: Those of us who are scientists or physicians and who worked with Marcel Vogel were well aware of his scientific achievements: his extraordinary work with phosphors, bioluminescence, luminescent paints, and the design of magnetic-disc coatings in computers. He was one of the most prolific scientists in IBM history, with over 100 patents in his name. Yet, until his recent honorary Ph.D., he possessed no official university degree. He made his mark because of the brilliance of his mind, his prolific ideas, and his seemingly limitless creativity. (Eulogy by Dr. Bernard McGinty ) Rumi Da admits that, although Marcel was a scientist's scientist who normally chose to interact with officialdom from that model, he was really a shaman, pure and simple. ''Marcel often held workshops for people in the medical profession,'' Rumi Da said. ''They would walk in as MD's, and walk out wearing feathers.'' The Vogel Crystal: Marcel's Legacy Not to minimize Marcel Vogel's 100-plus patents and his awesome vision, he made two overwhelmingly important contributions to building the necessary bridge between science and Spirit. The first is central to this article: He developed a way of cutting quartz crystals in order to magnify their power exponentially for healing purposes. The second contribution is equally important, and we will discuss that in its place. We asked Rumi Da (also known as Ron Carson), how he ended up devoting so much of his own life-work to crystal technology. According to his answer, apparently it was Destiny. ''When I was between five and eight years old,'' he said,'' I was watching TV and this strange character named Elmer Fudd – you remember Elmer Fudd? – came on dressed up like a swami, wearing a turban, and staring into a crystal ball. And I remember looking at him and saying to myself, ''That's what I want to be when I grow up.'' It was not until he was nearly 30 years old, however, that the Vogel crystals emerged into Rumi Da's life, in the form of an audiotape series by their inventor. Stuck in San Diego with nothing to do for a couple of days, he bought the whole set and ''held a Marcel-a-thon.'' After that, ''I called him. I organized a seminar for him, then I went to his lab and – well, I became his associate. Eventually, we became more friends than associates.'' Marcel was not only famous, but also somewhat notorious, Rumi Da said. ''This basically came out of the work that he'd done on human-plant communication,'' which made its way into the now-famous book The Secret Life of Plants.[†] ''This was all new, and it was a challenge to science.'' But it led, finally, to Marcel's work with crystals. ''The plants could not handle all the psychic energy he was focusing on them in his experiments. They were dying, OD'd on energy. So Marcel turned to quartz crystals, instead. ''And he found that the unfaceted ones were very limited in what they could do. But the real problem was, they were all different, so they all gave different results. That kind of thing is a nightmare for science, because it means you can't duplicate an experiment. So Marcel cut the crystals in order to have repeatable experiments.'' 1

Marcel tried many different shapes for cutting crystals – six-sided, single terminated, double terminated, and so on. But he had had a vision of the Kabbalistic Tree of Life. And although he didn't know what that meant at the time, he kept returning to this shape. Eventually, it became the four-sided underlying pattern for what is now known as the Vogel-cut® crystal. Why Use Vogel Crystals for Healing Crystals, as Marcel knew, can both store and recover information. A group of Stanford scientists proved this in concrete terms when they succeeded in putting a 3-dimensional image of the Mona Lisa into a quartz crystal and then retrieving it (Newsweek, September 1994). We also know that crystals can broadcast information; early radios, in fact, were called ''crystal sets.'' And crystal or silicon technology is the basis of computers. The purpose of using a Vogel crystal is to amplify and cohere the thought and energy that you wish to direct into your body/mind or that of another person. Amplification we can understand, but coherence is a somewhat difficult concept in physics terms. Simply put, however, at least where light is concerned, coherence is the property exhibited by lasers. If you take ordinary light and make it coherent, what you end up with is a laser beam! So the thought and energy we put into a Vogel crystal not only becomes amplified, but incredibly concentrated and focused. Literally, a Vogel crystal adds to our intent the power of a laser beam. We can begin to understand why Marcel Vogel might have seen danger in this technology. Why Not All ''Vogels'' are Vogels In order to measure the energy that a crystal was putting out, Marcel developed a radionic device known as the Omega 5. The benchmark ''rate'' on this device for a Vogel crystal is 454. Even very powerful uncut crystals might have only a 333 rating. Other shapes, he found, have different, mostly lesser values, and all are different from authentic Vogels. There are many crystals that Rumi Da calls ''Vogel like.'' In other words, they have been cut into the characteristic shape, with the broad end cut at an approximate 51-degree angle (like the Cheops pyramid) and the other, ''firing'' end cut at a more acute angle in relationship to it. Most of these, he says, are machine made and imprecise. ''With a true Vogel, if you hold the crystal between thumb and forefinger and twirl it, you can see that the girdle – the place where the tip facets joins the body of the crystal – is perfectly straight. With most counterfeits, the line moves up and down, like a roller coaster.'' But even master stonecutters cannot reproduce a true Vogel, because the shaping of the crystal is done ''in a sacred manner,'' holding in mind the person who is going to be using it, and it is then programmed in such a way that the crystal cannot be used for harm. If you try to do something potentially harmful with a Vogel, the tip will break off, or worse [we always would recommend ''getting permission'' before involving yourself in any work of this kind--ed]. Rumi Da said: I'll tell you a story to illustrate this. It happened to me. I was in a restaurant and found myself sitting at a table beside two people who had a little 7-day-old baby that was a cocaine addict. I happened to have with me a 6-sided smokey Vogel, and smokey quartz is kind of an energetic sponge, it will absorb toxicity. So I said I wanted to see if I could help the baby. And I put the crystal on the child's chest. After about 30 seconds, this gorgeous crystal just exploded. It broke into about 6 pieces, and those fell onto the floor and broke into more pieces. I asked Marcel about it, and he said, ''Never put the crystal on the body of a child.'' And he explained to me that a baby's etheric body is not yet fully formed, and the crystal's power was too strong for it. So either the crystal had to break or the baby had to break, and because the crystal had been programmed not to do harm, it shattered. Ruefully, Rumi Da added that he wished Marcel had told him this before his $500 crystal ended up in pieces on the floor. But Marcel liked people to learn by doing. ''He wasn't the kind of person who would rob you of your own experience. He would give you just enough to go on, and then let you find out for yourself. But he was always interested to hear what you had discovered.'' Another way in which a Vogel can break is if its rightful owner achieves a major spiritual break-through. ''A person's vibration changes when this happens, but the crystal can't change. So what happens is that the point will break off. You have to send it back to be recut to resonate with your new vibration.'' A crystal must be faceted not only with geometrical precision along the ''C'' or growth axis, Rumi Da tells us, but must also be worked with right attitude, understanding, and consciousness. It is not simply a matter of mechanically cutting the same general shape. If a Vogel Isn't Made for You, Does that Mean It Won't Work? ''We give workshops,'' Rumi Da answered, ''and bring Vogels with us for people to practice with. And sometimes, someone in the workshop will find a crystal that they resonate with.'' And sometimes, he admitted, he has seen counterfeit Vogel-like crystals that are very powerful. ''If you happen to find one that has a high vibration and also resonates with your energy, you may have good experiences using it,'' he said. 2

But there are some things that a genuine Vogel can do that the counterfeit cannot. For example, faceted quartz crystals can structure water. ''But when you remove the crystal, you can tell through the Omega-5 device that the structuring of the water begins to decay. It only lasts for a couple of days. With Vogels, the structuring is permanent. And with some, after you take the crystal out, the vibration actually continues to go higher for about half an hour.'' The Aaah Factor I wondered whether it made a difference how big your crystal was, and Rumi Da said, ''Only if you need the awe factor.'' Or that's what I thought he said, but he explained it this way. ''You are doing a lecture, and you take out this little one-inch Vogel, and nobody is impressed. So you take out a 9-inch Vogel, everyone in the room goes 'Aaaah!' Sometimes, the Aaah Factor makes a big difference. ''There was one time when Marcel worked with a woman and he talked to her for a long time, and then at the end he used the crystal, and she left, and she was healed. And he asked me if I'd noticed anything different about this session. The answer was, he hadn't cleared or charged the crystal. The woman didn't need it. But if Marcel had not pretended to use the crystal, she would have been disappointed and she would have undone everything that they'd accomplished.'' So, if the Aaah Factor makes a difference, then, yes, the size matters. But in reality, a one-inch Vogel is just as powerful as any other size. Working With Your Crystal Cleansing Because Marcel used scientific instruments to measure his results, he was able to develop an entire technology in the handling, clearing, and programming of crystals. Rumi Da has shared some of this with us, and we include this information for those of you who would like to try to incorporate it into your work – whether for self-healing or in helping others. Many texts say that you should use salt, or salt water to cleanse most crystals. Marcel felt otherwise. Dry salt, he claimed, can scratch the surface, or finish, where some of the programming is stored. And salt water leaves a film. Marcel also tested other forms of clearing, such as smudging with sage or cedar. These things, according to Rumi Da, did not work. Here's how Marcel says to clear a crystal:

 

Take a slow, deep breath as you focus on the crystal with the intent to clear it. Then, pulse out your breath, in a burst through the nostrils.

You can do this from anywhere. In workshops, people learn to clear their crystals first while holding them, then at a distance, and then from the next room. This way, they learn through experience that the distance doesn't matter. Charging You are going to be putting Love and well-being into your crystal. It helps to recall a real, physical experience of love. Rumi Da says that sometimes he even thinks about his Schnauzer licking him on the face. ''Just pure love.'' The technique is pretty much the same as for clearing:

  

Breathe in the Love and well-being. Hold your breath and focus and concentrate this feeling. Pulse your breath out, this time mentally directing the Love and well-being into the crystal.

Programming If you have done this correctly and with loving intent, Rumi Da said, you can hold your breath and you will feel your body resonate with the crystal, and it will vibrate in your hand. For some people it takes practice to feel this and others feel it right away. You may feel a reality shift. Once it has been cleansed and charged, you mentally put into the crystal whatever else it is you want to work with. But, again, the foundation is Love, Rumi Da said. ''That is an absolute requirement. Will is not enough.'' I asked why we can't simply learn to do these things ourselves. Since we are simply energy, anyway, why do we need the crystal? ''Marcel and I used to have this conversation a lot,'' Rumi Da answered. ''Why can't you just point your finger? ''Basically, I think what Marcel would say is that the crystal amplifies and coheres whatever you put into it. So wherever you are, the crystal is going to amplify and cohere that.'' Healing with Vogel Crystals Because the crystal holds whatever pattern you put into it, and then broadcasts that pattern wherever you want it to go, as long as what you are doing is lawful you can change the functioning of glands and organs in the body. With diabetics, for example, they've done work using the crystals to duplicate the work of a healthy pancreas. Rumi Da told of a case where one man was able to stop using insulin completely through the agency of working with a Vogel crystal. 3

''Now don't go out and do something stupid,'' he said, ''because this kind of work is experimental. You need to do it under the supervision of an M.D. But many people have been able to decrease their insulin needs by three-fourths, or even completely.''

But The Greatest of These Is Love We said that we would talk about Marcel Vogel's second main legacy. And it was this: He absolutely proved, using scientific, double-blind experiments in his laboratory, that the power, the matrix, the whole web of All That Is consists of Love. At Marcel's funeral, the same Dr. McGinty we quoted earlier had this to say: I was one of a group of 16 physicians privileged to work with him over a number of years with body energies, especially the capacity to focus healing energies with crystals in the treatment of illness. All of us had an extensive background in acupuncture and appreciated the ability to manipulate body energies. Under Marcel's guidance, some of us began to learn the process of transmitting thought, especially loving thoughts, unconditionally, to our patients. It brought us an even greater capacity to appreciate the power of the mind to influence illness, the power both to heal and exacerbate disease. And, most important of all, to appreciate the incredible presence of unconditional Love and its capacity to trigger transformative shifts in a patient's psyche. .... [I]t is for his work with Spirit, his great spiritual strength, his wonderful capacity to love that I will always remember Marcel. ''Marcel always said that Love is the glue of the universe,'' affirms Rumi Da. ''All healing is a consequence of loving.'' † Tompkins, Peter, and Bird, Christopher O. (Harper & Row, NY, 1973). You may find a wealth of information on Marcel Vogel and his crystals at the Lifestream Associates website, . Rumi Da's website is . FUENTE :



April 14, 1917 San Francisco, California


1991 San Jose, California


United States




Chemistry Physics


Vogel Luminescence IBM

Known for

Luminescence Liquid crystal system


Magnetics Marcel Joseph Vogel (1917–1991) was a research scientist working at the IBM San Jose Advanced Systems Development Division Los Gatos Lab (actually located in San Jose) for some 27 years. He is sometimes referred to as Dr. Vogel, this title was an honorary doctoral degree, Ph.D.. It is claimed that Vogel started his research into luminescence while he was still in his teens. This research eventually led him to publish his thesis,Luminescence in Liquids and Solids and Their Practical Application, in collaboration with Chicago University's Dr. Peter Pringsheim in 1943. Two years after the publication, Vogel incorporated his own company, Vogel Luminescence, in San Francisco. For the next decade the firm developed a variety of new products: fluorescent crayons, tags for insecticides, a black light inspection kit to determine the secret trackways of rodents in cellars from their urine and the psychedelic colors popular in "new age" posters. In 1957, Vogel Luminescence was sold to Ultra Violet Products and Vogel joined IBM as a full-time research scientist. [citation needed] He received numerous patents for his inventions. Among these was the magnetic coating for the 24‖ hard disk drive systems still in use. His areas of expertise, besides luminescence, were phosphor technology, magnetics and liquid crystal systems. He also designed the vogel crystal, which allegedly focuses "universal life force" by concentrating it to a higher level. Vogel crystals are cut to the exact angle of 51 degrees 51 minutes and 51 seconds, the exact angle of the Great Pyramid of Giza. The crystal is designed after the geometry of the Tree of Lifesymbol. Its design is said to have come to him in a dream (See pyramid power). Vogel examined a metal sample which was allegedly given to Billy Meier by extraterrestrials and marveled at its unusual [citation needed] properties (Vogel stated it contained the element thulium) ; however, it is worthwhile to note that Vogel was a chemist rather than a metallurgist. An investigator with theIndependent Investigations Group found that the element detected by Vogel [1] was in fact Aluminum and not Thulium . Vogel was featured in the first episode of In Search Of hosted by Leonard Nimoy, called "Other Voices". He gave his theories [2] regarding the possibility ofcommunication between plants. References  The Secret Life of Plants, by Peter Tompkins and Christopher Bird, Harper Paperbacks, ISBN 0-06-091587-0  1. ^ 2. ^ Confusion between thallium and thulium External links  Vogel Crystals

The Legacy of Marcel Vogel

Marcel Joseph Vogel (1917 - 1991) was a research scientist for IBM‘s San Jose facility for 27 years. He received numerous patents for his inventions during this time. Among these was the magnetic coating for the 24‖ hard disc drive systems still in use. His areas of expertise were phosphor technology, liquid crystal systems, luminescence, and magnetics. In the 1970‘s Marcel did pioneering work in man-plant communication experiments. This led him to the study of quartz crystals and the creation of a faceted crystal that is now known as the Vogel-cut® crystal. The Vogel-cut® crystal is an instrument that serves to store, amplify, convert, and cohere subtle energies. Marcel‘s research into the therapeutic application of quartz crystals led him to the investigation of the relationship between crystals and water. He discovered that he could structure water by spinning it around a tuned crystal, altering many of the characteristics of the water and converting it into an information storage system 1: Introduction This article presents an overview of the work of Marcel Vogel. It is not a technical paper, but rather a presentation of possibilities as demonstrated in the life and work of one man. Marcel spent the last 17 years of his life doing pioneering research into the relationship between quartz crystals and water. In retrospect it seems that his entire life brought him to this work. In 1984, after almost 27 years as an IBM senior research scientist, Marcel retired and created his own laboratory, Psychic Research, Inc. The lab was dedicated to the study of subtle forces and energies that radiate from the body of living forms. It was his intent to quantify these forces and build a systematic language of identification for these energies which have most often been labeled and dismissed as ―metaphysical‖. Among his projects were: 1) the structuring of water for purification purposes 2) the structuring of wines to rapidly age them 3) the measurement of energy fields around a crystal 4) the therapeutic application of crystals and crystal devices 5

When visiting his laboratory in San Jose, California, one would find some rather sophisticated scientific equipment inside of what seemed to be a rather ordinary industrial and office complex. In one room there was an electron scanning microscope. Another room was virtually filled with a Zeiss Ultraphot microscope. It had over two hundred accompanying objectives and many applications – dark field, light field, interference microscopy, the use of a contrasting chamber and polarized light microscopy. All of this was attached to a camera, computer, and video display system. The Zeiss, which Marcel assembled during his 27 years at IBM, was used to detect (among other things) magnetic defects and errors. This was more than $500,000. worth of equipment donated by IBM to Marcel at the time of his retirement. In another room of the laboratory was a Cary Model 15 spectrophotometer and other incidental equipment. Some was donated by the Stanford Research Institute while others were obtained through grants from the Arthritis Foundation. In yet another room one could find a radionic instrument known as the Omega 5. This device was used to study the fields seemingly undetectable by the otherwise impressive standard scientific equipment. Through his research Marcel hoped to prove that science and metaphysics are intrinsically compatible. How did he come to this work and what did he discover? 2: Background Marcel Vogel was born April 14, 1917, in San Francisco. As a child he suffered from respiratory difficulties and at the age of six had a near death experience -- he was officially pronounced dead of double lobar pneumonia. So profound was the impact of this experience that it was very difficult for the young Marcel to return to the so called ―normalcy‖ of childhood. In fact, he never did. He claimed that at this time he experienced a light and a sense of love and well being that was overwhelming. Physical plane life seemed pale in comparison leaving him, even at such a young age, to question the meaning of life. From the age of six he became increasingly interested in the study of the gloe worms that he saw in his back yard of his family's vacation property. He wanted to know how this little insect could emit such a light. He applied this insatiable curiosity to himself as well. Each day he would walk to early morning Mass and in the quietness of prayer ask the question ―Why am I here? What is the purpose of my life?‖ After six years he heard a voice in his mind say ―You will be a phosphor chemist. You will do pioneering work in luminescence. You will write a book and create your own business.‖ Quite a tall order for a young man of eleven years! He and his father, Joseph, built a laboratory in the back of their home and young Marcel set about attempting to duplicate the chemical that made the fireflies in his backyard glow. At the age of twelve he had synthesized the chemical compound 3-aminophthalaz-1-4 dione. This compound, when mixed in water with potassium ferro-cyanide and hydrogen peroxide, produces a chemi- luminescence that matches the light of the firefly. He continued to try to make a set of phosphors that would produce light in a tubular form. This was before the advent of fluorescent lights, but Marcel had seen a white powder of phosphor, in a tube, that would convert the ultra-violet radiation in the tube into a visible form – visible light. This was his main area of interest and even as a grammar school student he visited the Mechanics Institute and translated, from the German, original articles on phosphor chemistry. He then set about duplicating the outlined experiments in his own amateur laboratory. Marcel had synthesized and manufactured a set of phosphors before he was fifteen years old. His vision, at this early age, was that the proper phosphor system would be a rare earth phosphor. The cation, or positively charged ion would be composed of a rare earth compound like Europium, and the anion, or negatively charged ion would consist of a tungstate or silicate structure. These ideas came from the translated scientific papers that were published in the ―Analan der Physik‖ and other German scientific publications of the time. His objective before going to college, based on the answer to his years of prayer from the ages of six to twelve, was to become of phosphor chemist. He was able to see the blending of chemistry and physics that would bring about the advent of solid state physics. As was the case throughout his life, Marcel wanted to be on the forefront of what, in his vision, was the science of the future. Throughout his high school and college years Marcel systematically researched all the existing publications and papers in the field of luminescence. There were no courses available so he had to teach himself. He majored in chemistry and physics at the University of San Francisco, working at night to fund his education Unfortunately, due to deteriorating health, he was unable to graduate with his class. From 1940 his education was completed privately with Doctor Peter Pringsheim. The two met when Doctor Pringsheim, a German refugee professor, was attempting to find information about luminescence at the university library. The librarian referred him to a young student, Marcel Vogel, who had apparently read everything in the library on the subject and would be of more value to him than the librarian. Two years later the two men jointly published The Luminescence of Liquids and Solids and their Practical Application (Wiley Interscience-1943). This book has since gone through three editions and was translated into German in 1953. It is currently out of print. After the publication of the book, Vogel Luminescence Corporation was formed. From 1944 to 1957 Marcel pioneered in the manufacture of fluorescent bulletin paints for outdoor signs and billboards. He created a complete set of artist media fluorescents including fluorescent oil colors, phosphorescent paints, fluorescent chalk, crayons, tempers (day-glo) colors, bulletin paints, invisible ink, tracing and tagging powders used with insecticides detectable with portable black lights, black lights being another Vogel creation. Black light kits were also created for the detection of cancer, rodent contamination, and milk inspection. With Ralph Benson, Marcel then published a paper entitled Vulvar Fluorescents: The Early Detection of Pregnancy and the Advent of Carcinoma. Vogel Luminescence also patented an egg candler that combined both ultraviolet and visible light to detect the Pseudomonis fluorescence bacteria that are present in eggs laid by chickens contaminated with the bacteria. During this time with Vogel Luminescence Marcel also did part-time consulting work for IBM. With Ralph Flores and Don Johnson he developed a magnetic coating formulation that is still in use today on IBM hard disks. It was a stable, adhesive coating of magnetic materials for a 24 inch diameter hard disk that demanded a completely new composition of matter. It should be noted that this magnetic coating did not come about by normal linear science. For many unsuccessful weeks, formula upon formula were created with horrifying results. The coating would fly off the aluminum disk when the drive was turned on or it would bubble up like some pox ridden biological specimen. Finally, at the point of total exhaustion in his 18 to 20 hour workday, Marcel collapsed into sleep at his tiny laboratory. Later, as he groggily awoke, he was in the midst of a dream – a can of molasses floated in the space before him with the words ―infinite viscosity‖ resounding in his ears. He knew immediately what needed to be done. Two supposedly incompatible chemical agents were brought together, the results of which we still use today. In 1957 Vogel Luminescence was sold to Ultra Violet Products and Marcel joined IBM as a full time research scientist. He was one of the ―Big Blue‘s‖ few non-lettered scientists. Such creativity and genius could not be allowed loose on the streets, despite the lack of a diploma. He became one of the most prolific new patent inventors in IBM‘s Data Products Division history. Included among the many inventions are patents in the field of magnetic recording media, liquid crystals, and the 6

creation and development of rare earth phosphors. Marcel also was granted many patents in the field of Opto Electronics. This was for work on photo-relays for analog to digital converters, as well as work with rare earth phosphors, which resulted in the development of the red hue for color televisions. His work with liquid crystals helped realize their emergence into everyday life in the form of digital displays on everything from watches to radios. He also received patents for the degassification of liquids, Dark Field Microscopy and its use in surface analysis, organic and inorganic photoconduction and more. In 1969 Marcel gave a course in creativity for engineers at IBM. It was at this time that he read an article in Argosy magazine entitled ―Do Plants Have Emotions?‖ about the work of polygraph expert Cleve Backster into the responsiveness of plants to human interaction. Despite initial rejection of the concept of human-plant communication, he decided to explore these strange claims. He was able to duplicate the Backster effect of using plants as transducers for bio-energetic fields that the human mind releases, demonstrating that plants respond to thought. He used split leaf philodendrons connected to a Wheatstone Bridge that would compare a known resistance to an unknown resistance. He learned that when he released his breath slowly there was virtually no response from the plant. When he pulsed his breath through the nostrils, as he held a thought in mind, the plant would respond dramatically. It was also found that these fields, linked to the action of breath and thought, do not have a significant time domain to them. The responsiveness of the plants to thought was also the same whether eight inches away, eight feet, or eight thousand miles! Based on the results of the experiments the inverse square law does not apply to thought. This was the beginning of Marcel‘s transformation from being a purely rational scientist to becoming a spiritual or mystical scientist. Basically it was found that plants respond more to the thought of being cut, burned, or torn than to the actual act. He discovered that if he tore a leaf from one plant a second plant would respond, but only if he was paying attention to it. The plants seemed to be mirroring his own mental responses. He concluded that the plants were acting like batteries, storing the energy of his thoughts and intentions. He said of these experiments: ―I learned that there is energy connected with 1 thought. Thought can be pulsed and the energy connected with it becomes coherent and has a laser-like power.‖ Marcel discovered that the greatest cohering agent is love. This, of course, set him apart from his fellow scientists. At a time when many still don‘t acknowledge that an observer affects what they are observing, the notion of love was a totally unscientific idea. Even when cloaked in the garb of a term like resonance it was unacceptable. To Marcel, love was (and is) a pure force. Certainly we experience it as an emotion, but this is our experience of something that is beyond emotion. He likened it to gravity, an attracting and cohering force present at every level of existence. Without this relationship an important aspect of scientific investigation is missing, preventing us from discovering and exploring the more, perhaps most, subtle aspects of life. This is one reason why certain scientific investigations in the area of subtle energies cannot be readily replicated. It is not always a matter of scientific protocol, but a matter of relationship. Unfortunately many scientists would consider this to be some kind of inessential and perhaps bothersome epiphenomena. Although such individuals are scientists, to Marcel, they were technicians attempting to prove what they already thought was true. The true scientist is one who attempts to discover with childlike curiosity. Too often we, all of us, only want to confirm what we already believe. The details of the work with plants can be found in the books The Secret Life of Plants by Peter Tompkins and Christopher Bird and Psychic Exploration: A Challenge to Science edited by Edgar Mitchell. During this time period, 1974, Marcel gave many lectures about his work with plants and at one of these presentations, at the First Church of Religious Science in Los Angeles, he was approached by Dr. McKistry who told him about quartz crystals that she had with her. Apparently these crystals had the peculiarity of vibrating when held in the hand. Marcel‘s ambivalent response to this was ―So what?‖ Although he too experienced the vibration of the crystals in his own hand, Marcel was unimpressed with them. Nonetheless he accepted her gift of a small quartz point. 3: Crystals What is a crystal? The word crystal comes from the Greek word ―krystallos‖, meaning frozen light. A crystal is generally considered to be a systematic, orderly and repetitious patterning of molecules or energies. From a more metaphysical point of view, some consider that Light is stepped down through many levels of density before the physical form of the crystal manifests through the dynamics we understand in crystallography and geology. It is the forming aspect of Light that patterns the highly ordered array of energies we call a crystal. Should this light pre-form be altered in any way, the completed crystal will be altered from its original ―intended‖ form. In fact, while viewing the growth of a liquid crystal, Marcel was able to alter its final form. Instead of maintaining the normal shape that an oleate of cholesterol would take, the outcome was a configuration clearly recognizable as the Madonna. Marcel had been focusing on an image of the Blessed Virgin in his mind‘s eye while viewing the growth of the crystal under the microscope, uninterrupted, for one solid hour! Marcel witnessed and photographed the precipitation of Light into crystal in his IBM laboratory while growing liquid crystals and subsequently wrote: ―When cool, if a liquid crystal state exists, the melt goes into a birefringent state under polarized light which can be readily seen under a polarizing microscope. From this state the sample will then crystallize into the solid state. ―In the course of the study of this state under the microscope I noticed a remarkable event, namely that before the melt went into the liquid crystal state, a blue flash of light took place and then immediately after that, the sample transcended into the liquid crystal state. ―This state was videotaped and, after one year of effort, a picture was taken at the moment of transition. What appeared on the film was the prefiguring in space of the crystallographic form the system was to assume. The blue flash contained information which formed into a geometric form. This geometric form was the source of the crystallographic form from which the 2 crystal grew and developed The flash of blue light witnessed through the microscope was the transfer of information from the level of light-coding to the physical plane. This is discussed in metaphysical literature, but had never before been witnessed and photographed. 4: Intelligence matrix Quartz crystal begins its life deep within the earth from a hot vapor, a supersaturated solution of silicon dioxide (SiO2). As this source cools within subterranean space, a unit cell of seed cell of quartz forms around a nucleating site in much the same way as an oyster forms a pearl around an irritant. It is likely that each new atom is laid down where the possible bonding sites are the most plentiful. These areas contain the greatest energy. The molecules adhere to a silica based matrix such as granite or sandstone. This unit cell is a tetrahedron shaped molecule composed of four atoms of oxygen with one silicon atom suspended within.


The primary unit cell acts as an attractor for other silicon dioxide molecules, ions, and so forth. Over time, trillions of these cells link together and, through a spiraling motion, layer upon layer of quartz is put down until the crystal is complete. The primary unit cell contains all the information needed to generate the ultimate form - the hexagonal or six-sided form we know as a quartz crystal. According to Marcel, once the crystal has ceased growing, the intelligence matrix of the crystal disappears and the form of the quartz is basically an empty shell until we interact with it and enliven it with our own energy. This is accomplished by the transfer of thought (energy) via the pulsed breath. At this time Marcel knew intellectually what a crystal was, but his exploration of the world of quartz was only just beginning. One morning, at IBM, co-worker Chuck Mignosa approached Marcel with complaints of back pain from a weekend of skiing. Prompted by intuition he took the crystal from his lab coat pocket, looked at it and pulsed his breath. This sent a charge through the crystal, a crystal that happened to be pointing at his friend Chuck. Immediately Mignosa‘s head went back and he entered into an altered state of consciousness as he fell to he floor. As he helped his friend up, Marcel thought that this was total nonsense and wanted nothing to do with it. Chuck, however, was thankful that his back pain was gone. Despite his initial reluctance, Marcel eventually began his 17 years of research into the application of quartz crystals. He very quickly found the limitations of natural quartz. They had the capacity to store, amplify, and transfer information, but they could not adequately cohere the energies emitted by the body and mind of an individual. Raw crystals have varying fundamental fields depending upon where and how they were mined as well as their variation in shape due to the distortions caused by stressors present during its growth. Some crystals have very high fundamental fields while others are found to have a minimal field. Synthetic quartz was found to have virtually no fundamental field. The ability of crystals to store information is widely known. According to the September 4, 1994, issue of Newsweek, Stanford University physicists have demonstrated the first fully digital model of a device that stores information as a hologram within the subatomic structure of a crystal. The scientists were able to store and retrieve a holographic image of the Mona Lisa. The particular crystal held only 163 kilobytes of memory, but it is expected that these holographic units could store up to one million megabytes. The short article says that crystals store information in three dimensions and could be ten times faster than the fastest systems currently available. 5: Faceting a quantum converter Because the raw quartz crystals Marcel was studying did not cohere the energies with which he was working, the idea of faceting the crystal came to him. Rubies and other types of crystal are faceted to make them useful for laser applications. Aluminum oxide chromium, natural ruby, is a rather unimpressive stone until it is faceted into a cylinder with booster windows so that light can be pumped into it and reflected internally so as to produce a coherent light – a laser. Just as light pumped through a faceted ruby can produce coherent energy, Marcel speculated that perhaps thought pumped through a specifically faceted quartz could produce a coherent energy. As happened in his study of luminescence, he found the published technical literature sorely lacking. One morning, in 1974, he awoke with a pattern in his mind‘s eye: the Tree of Life as shown in the Kabbalistic teachings. This was a teaching and a pattern with which Marcel was unfamiliar. At the time he saw only the pattern of a rectangle with a triangle at each termination. For an entire year he spent most of his lunch hours at the IBM glass shop attempting to facet raw quartz into this configuration. As he found out more about the geometry of the Tree of Life he was able to grind the quartz with greater specificity into the shape suggested by his vision. Various other shapes were also tried: single terminated, double terminated, four-sided, six-sided, six-sided with four-sided terminations, eight-sided with four-sided terminations and so on. From continual experimentation came the first fundamental instrument for storing, amplifying, transferring and cohering the energies of the bodymind of an individual: a four sided quartz crystal with pyramidal terminations. One tip was more acute than the other. The more acute termination is called the ―firing tip‖ as this is the end of the crystal from which the coherent field is emitted. The faceted crystal was a three dimensional representation of the Tree of Life. These crystals have come to be known as Vogel-cut® crystals. A crystal must be faceted not only with geometrical precision along the ―C‖ or growth axis, but must also be worked with right attitude, understanding, and consciousness. It is not simply a matter of mechanically cutting the same general shape. Some of the reputedly best crystal and diamond cutters in Germany have attempted to reproduce the Vogel-cut® crystals with no success. Despite the similarity of appearance, the energetic measurement taken with the Omega 5, an instrument discussed later in this paper, indicated that these crystals were not the same. When I presented these findings to Marcel he laughed saying: ―You see, I‘ve told you before that you can try to copy these crystals, but you can‘t do it. Now you know for yourself! There‘s 3 much more involved than just cutting crystals into a certain shape.‖ The structural change in cutting quartz into the shape identified as Vogel-cut® is to tune it to be a coherent information transfer device. The form geometry of such a crystal creates a coherent field of energy that can act as a carrier wave of information, whereas raw quartz does not. Why is this important? According to Marcel: ―This ‗carrier wave‘ must have a coherency to it so as not to mingle with the radiations emitted from the target material but act 4 now as the differentiating transport vehicle. The quartz crystal cut in the dipyramidal shape provides such an instrument.‖ In the case of offering healing service to another individual, radiations emitted from the target material refers to the difficulty or distress experienced by the client. The coherent light emitted from the Vogel® crystal is able to penetrate the often disparate radiant fields within and around a distressed individual. An incoherent energy is often dissipated if not completely absorbed by the chaotic field generated by the distress. Beyond this the most profound effect of the faceted crystal has to do with its relationship and resonance to water. Because more than 75% of the physical body is water, the Vogel® crystal, with its resonance with water, is the perfect delivery mechanism for the introduction of subtle energies to an individual. Marcel also felt that the various subtle energy bodies described in metaphysical literature are gradations of a field that is anchored to the physical body via the water molecule. During the initial years of his work with crystals, Marcel developed a protocol for removing unwanted vibrations or thoughtforms from an individual in distress. He found that the crystal could act almost as an energetic scalpel in what amounted to an energetic or etheric surgery. Over the years he developed various methods for proximate, remote, and self healing using the Vogel-cut® crystals. The crystal is a quantum converter that is able to transmit energy in a form that has discreet biological effects. This is most likely a resonant effect. The human body, on an energetic level, is an array of oscillating points that are layered and have a 8

definite symmetry and structure. This crystallinity is apparent on both a subtle energetic or quantum level as well as the macro level. The bones, tissues, cells, and fluids of the body have a definite crystallinity about them. The structure of the fluids, cells, and tissues of the body tends to become unstructured or incoherent when dis-ease or distress is present. The physical body is comprised of liquid crystal systems in the cell membranes, intercellular fluids, as well as larger structures such as the fatty tissues, muscular and nervous systems, lymph, blood, and so on. Through the use of an appropriately tuned crystal to which these structures are responsive, balance and coherence can be restored by delivering the necessary ―information‖ or energetic nutrients needed. As a dramatic example of the capability of these crystals to convert energy, Marcel once created a circuit with one of his Vogel-cut® instruments as a ―power source‖. He told me in conversation that: ―I have made electricity with the crystal…up to 75 volts. Using a crystal like this (a Vogel-cut®). It‘s an induced voltage…a direct current voltage. I put the crystal in the middle of a box ( a hexagonal mahogany box) and then I made a coil of copper wire and then silver-tin wire wrapped 250 times. I had another coil on the outside made of nickel wire. There were primary and secondary wires that came out to a voltmeter. I drew my breath in and pulsed the breath and out came voltage from the crystal. I tried this with an uncut crystal as well, but it didn‘t work. I have the equipment in my lab to make greater voltage, but I 5 haven‘t gone into this. There is so much else to do and those who saw me do this became very disturbed.‖ Marcel went on to tell me that he did this also with a light bulb in the place of the voltmeter and was able to cause the bulb to illuminate. 6: Measuring subtle energies Initially, there was a difficulty in measuring the energies in and around these crystals. Readings from a milli gauss- meter showed 0.07 milli-gauss: a charge of apparently no significance. Undaunted by this, Marcel asked, in prayer, to be shown some way to measure this new instrument he had developed. Six weeks later a man showed up at his home with such an instrument. This instrument was the Omega 1 and since, four subsequent incarnations of the Omega were created with the final version, the Omega 5 being used for much of the fundamental research at Marcel‘s laboratory. The Omega 5 is a radionic type of instrument that measures energies beyond the capacity of standardized scientific equipment. In fact, the energies measured are yet to be acknowledged by mainstream science, although the effects are often clearly visible and demonstrable. Although the exact nature of these energies may be unknown, they can be quantified by a numerical value ascertained by radionic instrumentation, a value known simply as the rate. This value is obtained by placing the item to be studied in what is known as the witness or sample well. The second finger of the right hand is used to stroke a flat area on the instrument called the ―stick plate‖ while the left hand slowly rotates one of several dials until a ―stick‖ is obtained with the rubbing hand. The stick is a phenomenon in which the finger rubbing the plate feels as if it is immobilized or ―stuck‖ on the surface of the designated area of the instrument. This stick represents a numerical value as shown by the dial being turned. On the Omega 5 a total of nine dials is used giving a series of three 3 digit rates for the sample being studied. A pendulum can also be used to detect the correct values. Both methods utilize the dowsing process. The Omega 5 presents us with a rate for: 1) a signature for the information band or identity value of the sample being studied 2) the energetic fields within the sample 3) the energetic fields surrounding or radiating around the sample Marcel referred to these fields measured with the Omega 5 as the information band. Although a subjective type of instrument, the Omega 5 produced data that could be used to indicate how to proceed in the use of standard scientific measurement. Sometimes information isn‘t discovered because one simply doesn‘t know where to look. The Omega could give clues as to where to look. The data obtained radionically might have some more physical or chemically based correlates. 7: Information band Marcel found that this information band measured by the Omega 5 exists in and around all matter. This band is a record keeper of the events that have gone into bringing an object into being, and the response of this object to the actions on it, whether light, sound, heat, or electrical forces. The combination of these forces builds a series of patterns or codes which characterize or identify the substance in the same way we characterize each element in the periodic table by its atomic weight and the protons and neutrons which are in the nucleus of the atom. No atom is static; it is in a state of motion. This motion generates a field. The composite of these fields is the ground state of the information band. It is different from the excited state of the electron which goes into the conduction band and drops down into the ground state. These perturbations form an energy cloud around the substance. This is the mind of the atom. In the case of metal, for example, the aggregate atoms are responsive to light, pressure, rubbing, and scratching of the surface. There is a rhythmic nature to this field. There is a periodicity to the information band. It will expand and contract in accordance with its relationship to planetary influences. Marcel took a clue from occult writer Alice Bailey: ―We have seen that the atom of chemistry, for instance, demonstrates the quality of intelligence; it shows symptoms of discriminative mind and the rudiments of selective capacity. Thus the tiny life within the atomic form is demonstrating a psychic quality – take the atom that goes to the building of form in the mineral kingdom; it shows not only discriminative selective mind, 6 but elasticity.‖ ―Let us endeavor to realize that there is no such thing as inorganic matter, but that every atom is a life. Let us realize that all 7 forms are living forms, and that each is but the vehicle of expression for some indwelling entity.‖ Sir Jagadis Chandra Bose found that metals exhibited fatigue in much the same way as do muscles. Just as muscles recover after a period of rest, so too do metals. Bose was able to show this fatigue in metals subjected to long continued stimulation. He then subjected the metals to a stimulating agent (a solution of sodium carbonate) which gave an increase in activity to the metal. He then found that a minute dose of poison enhanced the responsiveness of the metal and a large dose abolished the responsiveness. These are similar reactions observed in organic or living systems. What is the connection? Marcel‘s contention was that there is communication through the information band. As long as there is integrity in the system, the object holds itself together and one can obtain the rate for the information band that is releasing the fields into the space of the form geometry of the object. 9

If we impact a substance, such as a coin, all other coins of the same metal will be impacted. It was found that if we took two quarters and subjected one to measurement in the Omega 5, any work done to the other coin would present itself in the measured coin. A quarter was taken to another room in the laboratory and scratched. The coin in the sample well of the Omega showed a dramatic response at the moment of the scratching. This is similar to the work demonstrated with plants and cells as done earlier by Marcel Vogel, Cleve Backster, and others. Inorganic systems seem to demonstrate the same responsiveness as organic systems. The information band is an energetic communication band between all substances, between all life. 8: Water research Water is one of the prime solvents from which life has evolved. It is also the basis of many of the chemical compounds that are on the earth. From measurements made with the Omega 5, we obtain a measurement for water, in the pure state, of 454. The water used was triple distilled. The value of 454 represents the signature, or the fundamental numerical identity of the information band of the water itself. The water can then be contaminated with impurities such as salts, chlorine, toxic vibrations, etc., and it can be seen that there is a decrease in the dimension of this band. Purifying the water by distillation or filtration will bring the water back to its original value of 454. It should be noted that the signature radionic measurement of a Vogel-cut® crystal is also 454, indicating some connection between these crystals and water. This connection or resonance is not found in unfaceted quartz. In the study of wines, it is remarkable that when the information band was measured and a specific field applied to the wine by circulating it around a Vogel-cut® crystal programmed with that specific field, there was an abrupt and immediate change in the wine that brought it to completion. This is the transfer of information to the wine in a quantum form, a form which brings about the finishing of the wine. The field applied to the wine was the intent of love. 9: Water and wine magnetic fields One of the primary areas of investigations at the Psychic Research laboratory was the relationship between water and quartz crystals. It has been found that by circulating water around a charged Vogel-cut® quartz crystal many changes occur in the water. These changes are referred to as structuring. As we know, water consists of one oxygen atom and two hydrogen atoms that are held together in a covalent bond This is an actual physical force, much like gravity, that holds these atoms together. Structured water can be thought of as water that has a greater degree of bonding between adjacent water molecules than does unstructured water. Structured water also forms a crystalline-like structure consisting of elongated chains of molecules that can be differentiated from the surrounding water molecules by qualities that are consistent with qualities found in liquid crystals such as increased birefringence and a lowering of the freezing point. A microstate is the angular, geometrical alignments that water molecules have when they are in the structured state. Quartz crystal shows a microstate but not a mesophase, as it is a permanent state solid rather than a transitional state or semi solid. When the various angles of the quartz molecule are investigated, a possible basis for its resonance with the water molecule is found. The fundamental geometrical pattern of quartz and water is the tetrahedron. Water molecules, bound together, form tetrahedrons in tilted or puckered rings. This tilting happens because of the bonding angle that exists between any three water molecules. This angle is 109.5 degrees. The normal flat hexagon has angles of 120 degrees. Water molecules with smaller angles, if they are to be formed into a hexagon, must have an uneven structure that is not in a flat plane but is instead a three dimensional object. This uneven structure is formed by what is called the bending angle or angle of tilt. This angle can be between 20 degrees and 60 degrees, but the most common is 26 degrees. This is where the intermolecular bond is the strongest and it happens to be half of the interlattice angle of quartz. The second most common bending angle for water is 54 degrees which is quite close to the interlattice angle of quartz as well. The interlattice angle of a crystal is related to the basal angle. The basal angle is ½ of the angle of the tip of the crystal. The interlattice angle of quartz is 90 degrees minus the basal angle which is 38 degrees. Therefore the interlattice angle is 52 degrees. This is also the angle of the Cheops pyramid. The intermolecular bonding angle for the water molecule is 104.5 degrees. This is the angle that exists between the hydrogen atoms of each water molecule. It is virtually double that of the interlattice angle for quartz. It is possible that there is a compatible harmonic between water and quartz because of the similarity of these angles. This would allow a resonant transfer of the energies that are imputed to the crystal to a significant group of water molecules in any given sample. The structure of quartz can replicate itself in water because of this resonant transfer based upon structure. The geometric structure produces frequency patterns, harmonics, that can transfer into water. Very small amounts of energy are required for this transfer. The nature of resonant systems is such that a minimal input can achieve a maximal output. Resonance transfer occurs because the energy waveforms coming out of a vibrating substance have nearly identical waveforms. The phase relationships of a resonating system can be defined in terms of the angular separation that exists between adjacent molecules. The six molecules that form one hexagonal ring, when in resonance, will vibrate or broadcast its energy on a wave that has a particular frequency. The first molecule will vibrate influencing the second molecule; the second will affect the third, and so on. The time intervals between successive broadcasts will result in a phase delay which can be converted into a phase angle. Successive waves coming from an oscillating system have successive phase angles that equal the angular separation that exists between members of the system. The phase angle within the vibrating ring of water molecules is 60 degrees (360 divided by 6). If there were 7 molecules in the ring the phase angle would be 360/7 or 51.43 degrees. This is the principle phase angle of quartz. Most of the internal angles of water and quartz are either fractions of this angle or multiples of it. It is the interlattice resonance between the quartz microstate and the lyotropic mesophase that is the determining factor in the formation of the lyotropic mesophase in water. It is the reason that water can be structured by spinning it around a Vogelcut® quartz crystal. It does not require large amounts of energy to accomplish this. As an example of resonant transfer, one can imagine a series of dominoes being placed across the United States. from San Francisco to Washington. Each successive domino would be slightly larger and heavier than the previous piece. By the time we reached Washington, the final domino might be as large as the Washington monument. By applying a slight push to the first domino, less than one pennyweight, each domino would be knocked over until the final piece was toppled. Through the introduction of a very small energy to a system the result is the production of enough energy to knock over the final very large and heavy domino.


The structuring of water around a Vogel-cut® quartz crystal is dependent upon the program that is imprinted into the crystal. It is the program that brings about the abrupt change in state. A fundamental program that can bring about dramatic changes in water is that of unconditional love. In the structuring of water and wines the question was whether there was a field created in space when the water was spun around a crystal. A GE magnetometer was attached to the inside of the structuring chamber and a series of readings were taken when the water was spun around a charged crystal. Within the chamber was housed a stainless steel coil, the tubing being ¾ inch in diameter and with seven right hand turns. The diameter of the coil was approximately six inches. The programmed Vogelcut® crystal was placed, with firing tip (the more acute termination) downwards, in a specially designed holder so that it was in place within the coil. The chamber or enclosure for the coil and crystal was made from pine and finished with shellac. The magneto- meter was mounted on the side of the chamber with the probe placed in the space between the crystal and the coil. The temperature was kept at 70 degrees F with the chamber sealed. 1000cc of water was used at all times. For each pass around the crystal, a 50cc sample was taken for an analysis with the Omega 5, a 50cc sample was taken for pH and conductivity measurements, and a cuvette sample was taken for infra-red and ultra-violet spectro- photometry. The results of these experiments showed that: 1) water spinning in a coil generates a weak, but measurable field 2) crystals of quartz can be charged with ―information‖ and tuned to the fields generated by spinning water 3) a critical charge is required for ―information transfer‖ to occur (i.e. 1 - 4 passes around the crystal) 4) this number of passes can be modified by the programming of the crystals 5) more than one operator is possible 6) the program transfer is a resonance transfer with no loss in the original program after hundreds of experiments have been done with the system 7) water is made to be a permanent magnet. This field remains constant after the water stops spinning and can be removed by the application of a bulk demagnetizer. The basic changes noted in water after being spun around an appropriately charged Vogel- cut® crystal were as follows: 1) decreased surface tension 2) the appearance of two new bands of light in the infra- red and ultra-violet spectrum indicating a stretching of molecular bonding of the water. This is indicative of more energy and a new information in the water 3) the conductivity of the water increases 4) the pH of the water can be altered up to 3 points, an increase in acidity or alkalinity 5) the freezing point of the water could drop to as low as -30 degrees C 6) a significant number of the molecules would become aligned in micro-clusters or molecular chains; orderly, systematic and repeating patterns. The water has become a liquid crystal system capable of storing information According to Marcel: ―This structuring is best assayed with a UV spectro-photometer where one finds an increase in UV absorption due to an increase in the water bonding from the water forming chains on itself. The magnetic moment of this structured water is increased by 0.07 gauss and there is also an increase in the pH and dielectric conductivity. Boiling of the water after structuring shows no change in the UV spectrum, so one can conclude that a permanent chemical change has taken place. When a drop of this structured silica water is dried on a slide and compared with untreated silica water, the photomicrographs show the formation of needle-like silica crystals in the structured water drop while the untreated water dried to an amorphous mass of 8 silica gel. This shows that the process of structuring water produces a structuring or ordering effect on the solutes in solution.‖ The crystal, in this case was programmed with the intent of unconditional love. The water could be programmed with specific information depending upon the nature of the information programmed into the crystal. If, for example, the crystal was programmed with a sedative, the water would take on this characteristic or vibration. Drinking the water would induce sleep or deep relaxation. Practical applications of this process include agriculture, the preservation of foods, as well as potential uses for healing. The energetic patterns of a fertilizing agent can be stored in a crystal and then transferred into water. The water is then used to irrigate plants. We have found on a small scale experimentation that plants treated in this way show significant growth increase compared to untreated plants. Although in most cases it was found that water generated a weak magnetic field, on one occasion a different effect was noted. Normally the effects noted above were attained by circulating water through a Pyrex glass tube coiled seven clockwise turns, around a Vogel-cut® crystal. By reversing the position of the crystal so that the firing tip was pointed upwards, an energy was released that lifted Marcel off the floor and flung him to the wall. He was standing approximately three feet away from the apparatus when this happened. Afterwards his eyes were burned as if from intense radiation. Water is an unknown because of its familiarity. We have yet to discover the power inherent in this plentiful fluid. When water is circulated and spun around a charged crystal, enormous charge can be released from it. Further research is needed to determine the nature of this energy. It is quite likely that although there is a measurable magnetic field present, it is, in reality, only an effect of something more fundamental in nature than EM fields. It should be noted, however, that the fields present in both the crystal and liquid when charged, whatever the nature of that field, can be cleared by a bulk de-magnetizer. Dr. Glen Rein has called these energies a quantum field or non-Hertzian energy. Dr. Rein has stated that quantum fields are independent of time and distance. This correlates with the observations made by Marcel not only in his work with water, but in 9 his early work with plants as well. His observation is that thought seems to overcome the inverse square law. The term ―information transfer‖ is used to refer to an energetic phenomenon that is not in the traditionally accepted electromagnetic spectrum. Although somewhat vague, the term ―information‖ indicates that there is some kind of discreet coding and not just an unqualified energy. When an information transfer takes place from a Vogel-cut® crystal to water, wine, juice, or even milk, there is an abrupt, immediate change in the physical properties of the fluid. For example, in 1986 I was given two bottles of wine. One was a prize winning 1983 Chardonnay from the Sycamore Creek Vineyards. The second bottle was a 1986 Chardonnay from the same vineyard, newly bottled. There was a remarkable difference between the two in regard to body, bouquet, flavor, and even color. I took a sample of the 1986 wine and obtained measurements from the Omega 5 in all three parameters: signature value, internal field, and external field. I then used the Omega 5 to program a Vogel- cut® crystal with this information. Having done this I placed the crystal within a coil of Pyrex glass tubing. The coil was housed within a wooden box. I then poured the 1986


wine through the tubing so that it circulated around the crystal. I did this seven times, so that sample one passed around the crystal once, sample two passed around the crystal twice, sample three, three times, and so on. I also kept a control sample. It was found that sample four perfectly matched the 1983 Chardonnay in body, bouquet, flavor, and color. The remaining six samples did not match the ‗83 wine in any way and, in fact, samples 5 through 7 were bitter and almost undrinkable. The fourth sample was then taken to the Omega and measured. The value obtained was then transferred into a Vogelcut® crystal. The crystal was placed back into the apparatus and the remainder of the 1986 Chardonnay was circulated around it. In subjective taste testing by all of us present in the laboratory (including the vintners) the 1986 wine seemed to be a duplicate of the 1983 wine. According to Marcel: 1) A crystal (Vogel-cut®) tuned to water (454) is programmed with information so that a wine will be brought to completion with all of the reactions that are potential in the chemistry. 2) The wine is then spun around the crystal 1 - 5 times 3) The wine is then measured with the Omega 5 after each spin. 4) A decision is made as to which wine is best. 5) The information is transferred to a master crystal and the wine is run in production with the master crystal. When the information becomes critical (at 4x), an abrupt change in the state of the wine takes place in much the same manner as we have seen with the liquid crystals. ― I believe we are seeing in the wine a critical transfer of information which can then cause abrupt changes in the chemistry of 10 the system. ―We have found that we can transfer a program for a laboratory unit to a larger industrial unit and then treat the wine in line with no loss of speed for the bottling operation. The structuring that we achieved in the winery was not dissipated by the filtering of the wine or the bottling apparatus. We found that the structured wine is more resistant to rapid breakdown when exposed to 11 the atmosphere and will hold its flavor for extended periods of time.‖ The procedure of circulating a fluid around a programmed Vogel-cut® crystal has been done not only with water and wines, but with juices and milk as well. In the case of juices, the following experiment was done by Marcel and Dr. Brian O‘Leary. Seven cups of orange juice were used in this experiment. One cup was designated as the control. Cup one contained juice that had been spun around the crystal once. Cup two contained juice that had been spun around the crystal twice. Cup three contained juice that had been spun around the crystal three times and so on to include all six remaining cups. Each cup was then injected with mold. The crystal was programmed with the intent of unconditional love. The following results were observed after one month: 1) control cup: completely moldy and slimy 2) cup 1: very similar to control cup 3) cup 2: slightly less moldy that cup 1 4) cup 3: even less mold than cup 2 5) cup 4: somewhat dark but no growth of mold at all 6) cup 5: somewhat dark and extensive mold growth 7) cup 6: extensive mold growth The results observed here are in keeping with the observations in the wine and water experiments. The fourth pass around the crystal seemed to be the most effective in regard to information transfer and attaining the optimal results. Prior to the fourth pass there seemed to be insufficient information transferred to the wine, water, or juice, and after the fourth pass there appeared to be an excess of information. Once the optimal level of energetic transfer was achieved, a rapid breakdown or degeneration occurred in the medium being used exceeding even that of the control sample. Speculation is there‘s a learning curve involved. Just as an individual reaches a saturation point in taking in new information, so too fluids have an overload point. Beyond this, the chemistry of the fluid begins to deteriorate with great rapidity. As more information is added, the deterioration becomes greater and greater. Wines treated by this process once opened can be left for weeks without any detriment to the wine. This is the case for milk also. The chemical breakdown seems to be minimal. 10: Marcel’s legacy The purpose of this paper was to provide a fitting review of possibilities as demonstrated in the life and work of one man, Marcel Vogel. As a summary, one could not improve upon the eulogy for Marcel presented by Dr. Bernard McGinity at Marcel‘s funeral on Valentine‘s Day, 1991, at St. Leo‘s Catholic Church, in San Jose, California. The following is the text of his eulogy. By Dr. Bernard McGinty: Those of us who are scientists or physicians and who worked with Marcel Vogel were well aware of his scientific achievements: his extraordinary work with phosphors, bioluminescence, luminescent paints and the design of magnetic disc coatings in computers. He was one of the most prolific scientists in IBM history with over 100 patents in his name. Yet, until his recent honorary Ph.D., he possessed no official university degree. He made his mark because of the brilliance of his mind, his prolific ideas, and his seemingly limitless creativity. But it is not his scientific work that I want to talk about. For it is for his work with Spirit, his great spiritual strength, his wonderful capacity to love that I will always remember Marcel. I was one of a group of 16 physicians privileged to work with him over a number of years with body energies, especially the capacity to focus healing energies with crystals in the treatment of illness. All of us had an extensive background in acupuncture and appreciated the ability to manipulate body energies. Under Marcel‘s guidance, some of us began to learn the process of transmitting thought, especially loving thoughts, unconditionally, to our patients. It brought us an even greater capacity to appreciate the power of the mind to influence illness, the power both to heal and exacerbate disease. And, most important all, to appreciate the incredible presence of unconditional love and it‘s capacity to trigger transformative shifts in a patient‘s psyche. Marcel served for me as a spiritual mentor. He was a truly devout, yet iconoclast Catholic with a passionate love for Christ, and whose devotion was part of his very breathing. Yet he embraced with a deep understanding the teaching the Eastern religions with an especial love and admiration for the Lord Buddha. He possessed the ability to see beyond the confines and formal structure of church teaching to appreciate the underlying principles in all devout religions. Marcel would have been just as comfortable in a Tibetan monastery as he was in this Church. And just as comfortable and compatible in the presence of the Dalai Lama as he would in the presence of the Pope. Marcel emphasized the power of meditation to heal and guide our lives. I would like to invite you to join with me now in a meditation prayer to, for and with Marcel. 12

Please sit comfortably in your chairs, take some deep breaths and in a true ecumenical spirit rest with your palms turned upward and the tips of your thumb and forefinger joined together. First of all visualize Marcel. See him clearly; that big teddy bear of a man with his great capacity to love. Ask yourself, what lessons did he teach you? How did he serve as an example to you? In what way did he influence your life? Now send Marcel your true appreciation of what he did for you and what he meant to you. It is said that all great teachers pass on their energy, their knowledge, and their wisdom. Ask Marcel to pass on to you whatever energy, knowledge or wisdom you need from him. Finally, let us all join together in sending him a wave of love. Thank him for being part of our lives. And send him on to his highest spiritual evolution with our blessings and with all our love.

I would like to close with a prayer of St. Francis of Assisi – a prayer that embodies the essential purpose of Marcel Vogel‘s life. Lord, make me an instrument of Thy Peace; where there is hatred, let me sow love; Where there is injury, pardon; Where there is doubt, Faith; Where there is despair, Hope; Where there is darkness, Light; Where there is sadness, Joy. Lord, grant that I may not seek to be consoled as to console; To be understood as to understand; To be loved as to love. For it is in giving that we receive; It is in pardoning that we are pardoned; And it is in dying that we are born to eternal life. Footnotes: 1. Personal communication 2. PRI Newsletter: 1989 vol 6.1 3. Personal communication 4. PRI Newsletter: 1990 vol 7.4 5. Personal communication 6. Bailey, Alice. The Consciousness of the Atom. NY, NY: Lucis Publishing Co. p :68 7. Bailey, Alice. The Consciousness of the Atom. NY, NY: Lucis Publishing Co. p :74 8. PRI Newsletter: 1986 vol. 3.2 9. Laskow, Leonard. Healing With Love. Harper San Francisco. Appendix A. 10. PRI Newsletter: 1989 vol. 6.1 11. PRI Newsletter: 1988 vol 5.1 This is a transcript of a paper presented at the 1996 2nd Annual Advanced Water Sciences Symposium and the 1998 United States Psychotronics Association Conference. FUENTE :


FUENTE : Con este artículo pretendo abrir una vía de investigación práctica realmente interesante relacionando el mundo de las gemas, de las piedras y de los cristales con el mundo de la geobiología. Al abrir esta vía, aunque podemos ( y debemos) apoyarnos en todo el saber, la literatura y lo conocido en estas áreas no olvidaremos nunca la aplicación de la radiestesia como eje central de nuestro trabaja. El "resentir" nos permite el acceso a un conocimiento global en torno a estos temas que serán corroborados siempre por tos resultados prácticos en cada una de las experiencias, más allá de que estemos en condiciones de explicarlas o no. No se trata tanto de mostrar respuestas cerradas, sería una impostura y no tenemos además para nada dichas respuestas, sino por el contrario de poder abrir puertas que nos puedan llevar a caminos realmente interesantes en distintos aspectos de nuestro trabajo. Aunque llevamos varios años realizando experiencias en este área, especialmente en lo que concierne a la armonización, hay que tomarlas de una en una y no podemos en absoluto pensar en generalizar resultados, pues como hemos comentado en otras ocasiones al referirnos a la armonización de los lugares, son probablemente muchos los parámetros que intervienen en estas cuestiones y que desconocemos. El mundo de las piedras es realmente fascinante y en él confluyen desde los aspectos creativos más interesantes de nuestra moderna tecnología, al uso más oculto y escondido realizado por algunos grupos que se denominan a sí mismo esotéricos. Desde los avances más interesantes conseguidos en el área de la sanación, al uso importantísimo en la medicina actual. Desde las distintas Tradiciones de los saberes ancestrales de la humanidad insertados en cualquier espacio -tiempo en nuestro planeta, al auge en el tiempo presente de toda una búsqueda personal y espiritual con el apoyo de los mismo. Al profundizar en las gemas, piedras y cristales nos llevaremos la sorpresa de que existen múltiples sistemas, diferentes autores, opiniones diversas que aunque algunas veces se ponen de acuerdo en torno a las propiedades y efectos de algunos cristales y piedras (por ejemplo el cuarzo transparente, el cuarzo amatista, o algunas de las turmalinas) mencionan propiedades diferentes, cuando no totalmente distintas para otras. Todo ello puede producir mucha confusión si lo tomamos al pie de la letra; nosotros vamos a realizar una síntesis en base a alguna de las obras que considero fundamentales (1) y que iremos viendo a lo largo del trabajo. No tiene porqué ser ni la única, ni la mejor, aunque si he procurado testar y resentir que las energías mencionadas de las piedras se encuentran en el tiempo presente. Pues muchas de las dificultades de esta confusión está en relación a sistemas de otras culturas (animistas, hinduistas `ayuverda', de medio oriente, etc...), o en distintos tiempos al actual. En todo caso no debemos olvidar que nosotros vamos a "resentir‖, es decir utilizar nuestro encuadre práctico radiestésico, donde acercándonos lo más posible al vacío mental vamos a saber cuál es la piedra más adecuada en una situación dada para un fin preciso; nuestro péndulo, nuestra varilla, las manos o nuestro corazón nos lo harán saber por los medios que utilizamos normalmente. Por eso no está de más leer, estudiar, empaparnos de todo lo posible de todas y cada una de las piedras desde los aspectos más mineralógicos, a los físicos, a los energéticos, para que en el momento radiestésico nos olvidemos por un instante de todo para ser capaces de encontrar lo que necesitamos. Es fundamental posicionarnos en está ética radiestésica para alejarnos en nuestra práctica de los diccionarios que nos puedan imponer cualquier significación por adelantado. No podemos separar nuestro estudio de los cristales en esta relación con la práctica de la geobiología de toda una visión holística del ser, de la persona, donde el cuerpo físico aparece solo como uno de los elementos conocidos. Este punto marca realmente la diferencia de lo que podríamos llamar una concepción mecánica de la geobiología (donde aplicamos recetas a cada una de las situaciones que nos encontramos, con todo lo que esto implica) a una verdadera relación profunda de nuestra interacción como seres globales y completos, energéticos con las energías cosmotelúricas del planeta en su dimensión no solo física, sino sobre todo energética y espiritual. Acercarnos a los cristales requiere la consciencia de que estamos trabajando con seres evolucionados dentro del mundo mineral. No estamos tratando con elementos mecánicos que al igual que una receta cumplen una función determinada, sino que ellos van a interaccionar con nosotros, en todas las áreas de nuestra vida: energética, emocional, mental, etc... y por tanto una de las claves que pueden ayudarnos a funcionar con los cristales aunque pueda producir la risa de algunos, es trabajar y utilizarlos con verdadero amor, esto además no lo digo yo, es el propio Vogel, el científico investigador de IBM, del que hablaremos después, y que sacó adelante las pantallas de cristal liquido el que nos afirma que la interacción con los cristales para que funcionen en todo su potencial, requieren de nuestra intención mental y de todo nuestro amor. En función de nuestra posición obtendremos por tanto los retornos, es decir los resultados. Leonard Laskow, doctor en medicina nos afirma refiriéndose a Vogel (2) ..‖ Marcel Vogel advirtió algo notable mientras trabajaba con cristales líquidos bajo diversas condiciones de temperatura y presión. Mientras observaba cristales líquidas a través de un microscopio de alta potencia, descubrió que cuando proyectaba un cierto pensamiento en el cristal justo antes de volverse sólido, tomaba la forma de una tosca aproximación al objeto que había visualizado". Y ahora bien, ¿porqué relacionar hoy los cristales con la Geobiología?, por dos motivos muy claros; primero la intuición nos ha llevado a una práctica que no estamos en condiciones de explicar al menos por ahora, pero que no por ello nos ha impedido obtener algunos resultados muy interesantes; segundo, sabemos por la física y la geología, como se forman los cristales en base a criterios de fuerzas de la tierra, presión , calor, maceración, etc... a lo largo de miles de años; son las mismas fuerzas que están incidiendo en lo poquito que conocemos de la Geobiología, y es muy probable que podamos encontrar claves conscientes que nos permitan avanzar en el terreno de la armonización y no solo en este. El reino mineral es el primer reino de la creación, está formado por las fuerzas más potentes de la naturaleza, por ello el mineral lleva en sí la impronta de la creación universal... Tomemos consciencia de que la Materia no puede estar animada si no está habitada por la Luz, y por otro lado, la Luz no tiene ninguna razón de existir si no hay materia que animar. Las cristales son el testimonio energético de la presencía de las fuerzas de la Luz en la Materia.


Las fuerzas de la Luz empujan el cristal a crecer según un esquema y una representación precisa, en armonía con el telurismo subyacente... " (3). Para que nos demos cuenta de la importancia del uso de los cristales podremos recurrir a nombrar de la mano de R. Gerber (4) algunos de los avances obtenidos en las últimas décadas con los cristales en nuestra vida cotidiana, es interesante poder pensar que muchas de las propiedades que los cristales muestran en su utilización tecnológica son las mismas propiedades que nos pueden ayudar en el campo de la geobiología. Sabemos por un lado que el desarrollo de todos los sistemas informáticos actuales está basado en la tecnología del silicio; su capacidad de almacenar datos (Es el único cristal programable, y esto nos puede traer consecuencias interesantísimas para el área de la geobiología) le han hecho apto para las memorias cada vez más pequeñas y más potentes, y para la creación de circuitos integrados. En el año 1983, los laboratorios de investigación de la Phillips en Hamburgo presentaron una película holográfica de demostración que se había registrado en un cristal de niobato de bario. Mientras, otros trabajos sobre los cristales de niobato en los Oak Ridge National Laboratories de Tennessee han revelado la posibilidad de almacenar miles de imágenes tridimensionales en un monocristal. Una ligera rotación del cristal basta para abrir espacio a un nuevo registro... las posibilidades que nos abre son increíbles como la de grabar en unos cristales de niobato todos los datos de la Seguridad social estadounidense o bibliotecas técnicas o literarias enteras. En medicina contamos por ejemplo con los láseres médicos y quirúrgicos, existe la laserpuntura; el láser se utiliza también en telecomunicaciones, pudiendo transmitir a mucha distancia cantidades muy grandes de información. Se está trabajando en cromoterapia y en acupuntura con la utilización de cristales. Tenemos los cristales líquidos que están detrás de todas las pantallas nuevas de ordenadores portátiles, televisores, calculadoras, etc... El efecto piezoeléctrico (5) de cristales específicos como el cuarzo permiten el uso sincronizado de relojes de precisión y se está investigando ahora en biología... incluso se están cultivando los cristales, lo que permite algunos de gran pureza para su uso por ejemplo actualmente en la tecnología alternativa de placas solares... (hoy día aunque no estén todavía en el mercado es posible el uso de automóviles por el uso directo o combinado de la energía solar gracias al silicio). a) Desde el punto de vista personal y del radiestesista. • Apoyo de piedras a la hora de realizar un testing, para afinar los resultados tanto sobre el terreno, como a distancia. • Apoyo de piedras en la realización del vacío mental. • Programación de cuarzos en las direcciones antes mencionada. • Creación de ambientes neutros con cuarzos para que no existan interferencias en el trabajo radiestésico. b) Antes de la Construcción de una vivienda. • Estudio radiestésico de las piedras que pueden venir bien para un objetivo concreto (armonía, paz, prosperidad, espiritualidad, etc...) en la interacción personas que van a realizar la casa, energías del terreno, no solo a nivel telúrico (fuerzas, campo magnético, estructuras geológicas), sino también en función del mundo vegetal y animal y de planos más sutiles. • Creación de Ondas de Forma protectoras, equilibradoras, o potenciadoras con piedras y cristales. - Por ejemplo, una estrella de 8 puntas de esferas de cuarzo rosa, orientada correctamente en los cimientos). - Colocar esmeraldas u otras piedras testadas radiestésicamente en las esquinas de la vivienda en la construcción. - Introducir con fines precisos en la propia construcción cristales. d) Después de la Construcción de una Vivienda. • Creación de ambientes específicos a nivel familiar potenciados con las gemas: - Zona de niños. - Área de la Sabiduría. - Rincón de trabajo. - Armonía Familiar. - etc... Un capítulo aparte merece la armonización de lugares alterados telúricamente. e) Armonización de Lugares Alterados Telúricamente. 15

e. l Terrenos. Cuando no existe más remedio podemos encontrar junto con el apoyo de los árboles, combinaciones de piedras (geodas, drusas, cuarzos, etc...) que nos pueden ayudar a armonizar un sitio. e.2 Construcciones ya realizadas. Es posible encontrar combinaciones de piedras que parcial o totalmente permitan la armonización de un lugar. Los criterios de funcionamiento de cómo sucede esto no están claros, y no sabemos porqué en distintas experiencias sucede que dicha armonización a veces se consigue de un modo permanente con seguimientos en los lugares cada dos meses, y en otros no se logra. Aunque empezamos a barajar algunas hipótesis f) Armonización de Lugares Sutilmente alterados. f. l Por dificultades de las propias personas. Los diferentes tipos de cuarzo pueden ser elementos muy armonizadores de ambientes cargados y tensos. Sola necesitamos testar cuál es el apropiado en función de las personas involucradas en un lugar. £2 Por dificultades debido a entidades. Existen piedras específicas como el jade por ejemplo, que cumplen una función específica en este sentido de alejar entidades de un lugar. f.3 Por dificultades de "Negatividad de todo tipo‖ También existen piedras específicas como la Turmalina Negra que cumplen una función de protección y de alejamiento de toda negatividad u oscuridad en nuestra vida. g) Armonización desde claves del Feng Shui. g. Equilibrio de excesos energéticos. Desde la perspectiva del Feng Shui, nos vamos a encontrar rincones de los terrenos, de las casas, con un exceso determinado de energía, por ejemplo la energía del fuego; encontraremos piedras que se relacionan con las energías del agua que nos ayudarán a equilibrar el lugar, del mismo modo podremos crear ambientes de equilibrio con las gemas siempre que podamos utilizar piedras resonantes con las energías opuestas para crear equilibrio. De la misma manera que antes equilibrábamos los excesos, ahora podremos potenciar "defectos" energéticos con piedras específicas para el caso. Por ejemplo una falta en la estructura de la vivienda de la energía del fuego puede ser muy bien compensada con el rubí; mientras que una falta de agua podría ser compensada con el "aguamarina".

Un defecto o falta serla en la zona de tierra (Por ejemplo un servicio en la zona central de una vivienda) podría ser compensada con un topacio imperial (que lleva en su propia estructura la "memoria' del planeta).

Es muy importante saber que equilibrar los excesos o defectos energéticos no se relacionan únicamente con el Feng shui, sino que probablemente esté en la base de la relación que existe entre las fuerzas, los elementos y el telurismo del lugar donde se enclava la vivienda. Y por tanto es algo que puede ir mucho más allá. El Feng Shui, al igual que el Vaastu, son solo algunas de las disciplinas que encuadran desde su perspectiva cultura, religiosa e histórica estos aspectos.

g.3 Potenciador.

En un momento determinado podemos necesitar potenciar un rincón especifico, por ejemplo la geoda de amatista puede ser estupenda en una de sus facetas para potenciar el área de la fortuna.

Podemos potenciar todas aquellas áreas de nuestra casa (en resonancia total entre el lugar que habitamos cuando nos referimos al edificio en el que vivimos y el lugar que habitamos cuando nos referimos al cuerpo físico que contiene nuestro ser) que necesitemos en cualquiera de las facetas que se nos presentan en la vida. Trabajar en este sentido con el resentir es muy importante, pues son muchas las piedras que pueden compartir características determinadas de color por ejemplo, o de estructuras energéticas, hay quién las relaciona con signos astrológicos o con otro tipo de influencias comunes. Piedras en relación con tos distintos elementos y fuerzas existen muchas y distintas, pero seguro que radiestésicamente vamos a encontrar una, o un conjunto de ellas (la mayoría de las veces) que es la específica que necesitamos en un momento dado. La lógica nos puede indicar unas, y el resentír otras.

En el Feng Shui, al igual que en la Geobiología en general y en todas las facetas de la vida, lo que se está produciendo es una verdadera interacción con las personas que habitan el sitio y con todas sus energías. Esto significa que el mismo lugar sometido a las mismas fuerzas, en relación con los mismos elementos y con la misma estructura de edificio puede dar lugar al uso de piedras muy distintas según lo testemos para distintas personas que puedan habitarlo, o para un conjunto de personas en particular como es una familia. Todo esto que desde la perspectiva de la lógica se nos podría escapar en todos sus parámetros independientes, nuestro corazón, es capaz de captarlo de un solo golpe utilizando el resentir. 16

h) Armonización en el Exterior.

También con las gemas y las piedras podremos crear estupendos ambientes armónicos y saludables en relación a nuestras plantas y árboles.

f) Limpieza.

Algunos cristales de roca bien programados y dirigidos nos pueden ayudar a limpiar los lugares cuando entramos en un sitio por primera vez o ha sido habitado anteriormente por otras personas.

Algunos Cristales. Como interaccionar personalmente con ellos y en qué nos pueden servir para la Geobiologia

Alejándonos de todo intento de diccionario, intentamos dar algunas claves que desde la práctica nos ha servido en combinación con datos aportados por las obras mencionadas. Pero no olvidemos lo que he reiterado permanentemente, todo esto es a probar en cada ocasión, en cada lugar y contrastando los resultados. Sería realmente estupendo poder contrastar los resultados de distintas experiencias en lugares diferentes y por equipos de geobiología y expertos en gemas.

Dos son las piedras fundamentales en las que todos los autores se ponen prácticamente de acuerdo y que nos pueden servir de un modo excepcional en las distintas áreas de la Geobiología. Una es el Cuarzo Transparente, o cristal de Roca, y la otra es el Cuarzo Amatista.


El nombre en griego de la piedra, tiene por significado "que no está borracho, y es una piedra a la que se suponía que protegía contra los efectos del alcohol. Es una piedra que incita al espíritu y se la asocia con la protección. Las drusas de amatista y muy especialmente las geodas se han revelado muy interesantes colocadas en las viviendas cuando existen alteraciones telúricas.

Cuando se dan estas circunstancias podremos colocar varias geodas de amatista en puntos estratégicos de la casa que habremos de testar. Podremos investigar también radiestésicamente el número de kilos adecuados en cada punto. Suelen salir normalmente entre 1 y 3 geodas, aunque en ocasiones en lugares con muchas dificultades han llegado a aparecer hasta 5. Si el resentir ha sido correcto nos vamos a sorprender de los efectos que pueden llegar a producirse; es como si entre las piedras a nivel del suelo se estableciera una especie de filtro de los efectos de las alteraciones, por explicarlo de alguna manera. Es obvio que no sabemos el porqué se produce dicho efecto. Por supuesto será necesario comprobar rigurosamente si queremos llegar a conclusiones efectivas si este efecto de armonización es duradero o no, teniendo en cuenta las lunas llenas y nuevas, las distintas estaciones del año... Para establecer que en el conjunto del lugar se ha establecido la armonización adecuada hemos de comprobar que efectivamente a lo largo del tiempo encontramos cambios y que se no se trata de efectos pasajeros, especialmente en torno a los síntomas que las personas presentan y que sospechamos se encuentran en una relación directa con las alteraciones telúricas.

Hemos comprobado que las geodas de amatista afectan a las líneas del Campo Magnético, especialmente las Curry, pudiendo desplazar una línea que nos está afectando directamente sobre una cama, por ejemplo, o en un lugar de trabajo, a base de girar la piedra sobre sí misma, una vez que hemos encontrado el punto adecuado donde colocarla. Es interesante , además en esta experiencia que no se produce ninguna modificación sustancial ni serla de la linea del Campo Magnético, (lo cuál podría estar incidiendo sin saberlo de un modo negativo en otros edificios, casas, etc...), el estiramiento, alargamiento, o desviación de la línea se reduce a 1a zona en la que estamos incidiendo con la piedra.

Esta piedra además contiene en sí misma el programa (por decirlo de algún modo) de la sabiduría, es realmente espiritual y un verdadero placer para la vista. Su sola presencia introduce verdaderas energías de serenidad, profundidad y belleza allí donde se encuentra ubicada. Es un verdadero regalo para la vista y para las personas que habitan un sitio tener en un rincón de la casa una geoda de amatista.

El único punto difícil de las geodas son su precio. De todos modos buscando adecuadamente y alejándonos de las geodas de joyería o de las tiendas especializadas de coleccionistas, yendo directamente a los importadores o mayoristas, las encontraremos a precios muy razonables. Las diferencias de precio que he encontrado entre las geodas de uno y otro lugar pueden ser de hasta 5 y 6 veces más barato el kilo. Merece la pena hacer el esfuerzo y buscar bien.



Ya hemos mencionado anteriormente algunos de los usos de los cristales de cuarzo en la tecnología actual y la ciencia moderna, que incluso los cultivan con un grado alto de pureza mezclándolos con elementos que permiten claves de mayor conductividad eléctrica, óptica, térmica, etc... logrando cristales sumamente especializados. Nosotros también podemos utilizar estos cuarzos en la investigación radiestésica y Geobiológica.

Quizás la propiedad fundamental del cristal de cuarzo sea referida a su capacidad para poder ser programado y desprogramado, para captar y almacenar energía en su interior si podemos canalizarla. según R. Berger los cristales de cuarzo "pueden emplearse de muchas maneras para procesar esas variedades de la energía, dando lugar a numerosas funciones: recepción, reflexión, refracción, aumento, transducción, amplificación, concentración, transmutación, transferencia, transformación, almacenamiento, capacitancia, estabilización, modulación, equilibrado y transmitanciá".

Diane y David Metz (6) muchos de los diversos minerales de cuarzo (no sería solo el cristal de roca) pueden realizar la función de equilibrar, eliminando el estrés y la tensión y relajándonos. Permiten reequilibrarnos sobre todo si estamos sometidos a lugares muy alterados por campos electromagnéticos. La energía aparece en todos los niveles: físico, mental, emocional y espiritual.

Uno de los puntos de vista más interesantes sobre los cristales de cuarzo, nos lo da Vogel, científico investigador de IBM durante 27 años, especializado en el estudio de cristales, gracias al cuál salieron adelante en su momento las pantallas de cristal líquido y que ha creado una fundación en los EE.UU. para la investigación de los cristales, habiendo desarrollado un tipo de cristal cultivado óptimo para la curación y la sanación.

El cristal es un objeto neutro cuya estructura interna muestra un estado de perfección y equilibrio. Tallado en la forma adecuada, y cuando la mente humana entre en relación con esa plenitud estructural, el cristal emite una vibración que prolonga y amplifica los poderes mentales del usuario. Como el láser; irradia energía en una forma coherente y muy concentrada, y esa energía puede transmitirse a las objetas o a las personas según convenga".

Las cuestiones claves que nos introduce a este investigador están en la interacción que se produce entre las posibilidades que nos da el cristal, en función de su capacidad de almacenamiento, de su talla, y de su capacidad para focalizar de un modo coherente y concentrado las energías, con nuestros propios patrones mentales, emocionales y energéticos con una intención precisa.

Tenemos por tanto la posibilidad sin tener que llegar a tan alto grado de especialización de poder investigar con los cristales de cuarzo en lugares física o sutilmente alterados; nuestro trabajo aquí es doble por un lado deberemos una vez elegido el cristal en la armonía que pueda presentar con nosotros, buscar radiestésicamente el lugar más adecuado para colocarlo y además añadir con las técnicas de programación (Y esto es importantísimo) el uso adecuado que le queremos darle. A partir de este momento entramos en interacción con el cristal a través de nuestra voluntad consciente para lograr un objetivo claro, sanación, transmutación de energías negativas, desviación de energías verticales u horizontales que nos afectan, neutralización de emisiones Verde Eléctrico Negativo. Tenemos todas las posibilidades para probar.

Estos cristales están siendo utilizados en la sanación energética, medicina vibratoria, etc... Según Dael Warker "Los cristales de cuarzo son amplificadores de las energías mentales y operan en el plano de las energías magnetoeléctricas"... se han encontrado además resonancias entre el cristal de cuarzo y aquellos sistemas cristalinos de las células que comparten sus propiedades...

Para los que queráis investigar en las posibilidades que nos da el Cristal de Roca, os recomiendo la obra de Katrina Raphaell, y muy especialmente su primer libro: "La Iluminación por los Cristales" (7)

Tres Piedras que Siempre conviene tener en nuestra casa


Es la piedra que resuena con el amor en todas sus facetas, Las esferas de cuarzo rosa, y los cuencos llenos de cantos rodados unen a las formas suaves de sus curvas los efectos de la propia piedra con la proyección de la forma esférica.

En un cuarto de matrimonio, en la habitación de los hijos, en los lugares comunes, en los rincones simbólicos de las relaciones el cuarzo rosa siempre es una piedra protectora, que se relaciona con la armonía (es una de las piedras en que veremos que la gran mayoría de textos, autores e investigadores se ponen de acuerdo, pertenezcan a la cultura a la que pertenezcan).


Cuando han existido discusiones o ambientes difíciles producidas por tensiones emocionales, el cuarzo rosa puede ser un apoyo interesante para reequilibrar el ambiente del lugar,

Verdadera piedra del corazón es grata a la vista, está en armonía además con la creatividad. Aleja las energías negativas relacionadas con el corazón, atrayendo las positivas.


Piedra excepcional con usos múltiples en Oriente y especialmente en China, tiene la propiedad de alejar las entidades. Ha sido considerada la piedra de la inmortalidad.

Si estamos inmersos en ambientes telúricamente difíciles o en lugares vibratoriamente pobres, o con energías ambientales que pueden atraer a nivel sutil energías no deseadas, el jade es una piedra que ayudará a que las entidades no arraiguen en los rincones de nuestra casa. Protege el sueño cerca de la cama y ayuda cuando a nivel personal necesitamos recentrarnos.


Es una piedra tremendamente protectora de las energías más negativas y entidades más bajas; si existe miedo deinfluencias negativas de odio, los llamados males de ojo, o de haber podido sufrir directamente influencias de magia negra la formalina negra es la piedra protectora.

Dentro de las alteraciones telúricas sería muy interesante investigar cuando no hay más remedio que dormir sobre una zona alterada, la combinación de piedras de formalina negra con drusas de cuarzo transparente debajo y a los lados de la cama; o en los rincones de la habitación; intuitivamente es posible que haya posibilidades de cierta neutralización, pero es algo vuelvo a reiterar a demostrar y probar en cada caso.

Algunas personas colocan turmalinas negras cerca de los aparatos que emiten fuertes campos electromagnéticos como protección. Pero no conozco por ahora ninguna investigación seria, ni técnica, ni radiestésica que pueda avalar dicha conclusión.

Otras piedras que pueden ser utilizadas

Indicamos solo algunas de las múltiples posibilidades.


Símbolo de amor y espiritualidad: invita a la calma y la serenidad.

Al yin le permite vivir la más alta feminidad y al yang le permite integrar el yín universal y reconocer la energía madre - mujer.


Ayuda a cumplir con los proyectos más ambiciosos. De un azul intenso y profundo nos comunica con los planos más sutiles de un modo consciente

CALCEDONIA Procura energía tanto a nivel deportivo como intelectual.

CUARZO. CITRINO Nos pone en correspondencia con el astral y los animales. Durante el sueño permite aprehender los planos del astral con nuestro subconsciente.


DIAMANTE El que lleva un diamante, está protegido del fuego, del veneno, de los ladrones, las serpientes y los malos espíritus (texto indio). Es muy positiva llevar esta piedra encima, ayuda a prosperar en el camino de la espiritualidad. Desde la perspectiva que manejamos es una piedra muy interesante para colocarla en el umbral de la entrada de nuestra casa (siempre mirando hacia la parte interior de la casa y previo testing radiestésico pata confirmar en cada caso). En algunas ocasiones al testar en vez del diamante aparecen otras piedras como el rubí, o el zafiro... Es la piedra más evolucionada dentro del mundo mineral, con la energía más pura y su energía además de activar las áreas simbólicas en función del lugar de la entrada, va a ser la primera que a nivel sutil nos va a recibir cuando volvemos a nuestra casa, y la última que nos encontramos al salir.

ESMERALDA Nos pone en contacto con la fuerza interior.

JACINTO DE COMPOSTELA Consejo y Potencia a los constructores; es una piedra de suerte, ayuda positivamente en el trabajo interior. Ayuda a obtener victorias en las acciones que emprendemos. ASPE Cuando uno necesita ver claro en sí mismo. LAPISLÁZULI Vibra con el amor divino, llevarlo cuando uno hace una oración intensa, o una meditación profunda. OBSIDIANA Permite ver más claro dentro de uno, desarrolla la clarividencia, nos ayuda a conocer los lugares más ocultos dentro de nosotros. ÓPALO Favorece el Sueño Reparador, y facilita el trabajo del inconsciente con sueños productivos, aparta las fuerzas negativas. Permite el desarrollo del tercer ojo y la premonición. PIEDRA DE LUNA En armonía con la luna y el Inconsciente colectivo del planeta., facilita el sueño reparador, participa en la reactualización del pasado. PIEDRA DEL SOL Encarna la potencia, ayuda en el trabajo dirigido al colectivo. Perla Energía de creación al alcance de todos, símbolo de feminidad, belleza, en armonía con el mar y el aguamarina. Relación con la pureza y la belleza en el trabajo sobre una mismo. RUBI Está en correspondencia con el fuego. En la vivienda nos puede servir para equilibrar los excesos de agua, faltas simbólicas en las áreas del fuego; por su cercanía al diamante y su poder vibratorio, junto con el zafiro, se convierten en un trío poderoso de piedras para activar o contrarrestar energías en los distintos lugares de la vivienda. TOPACIO IMPERIAL Amarillo como el sol, soporta la identidad vibratoria de la tierra. Personalmente nos permite el rehacer una construcción y sólida. Es una piedra que puede venir muy bien para activar lugares con falta de tierra, para anclar a las personas cuando no tienen "los pies sobre la tierra"; nos puede servir cuando encontramos fugas energéticas en las casas en las zonas centrales de la misma (por ejemplo un servicio importante y de uso en el área central de una casa). Cuando no hay más remedio un topacio imperial puede ayudar a armonizar las energías del lugar. TURMALINA MULTICOLOR Ayuda con los miedos y las inhibiciones; romper con los hábitos establecidos, ayuda a tomar consciencia. Ayuda a obtener claridad emocional y objetividad. Eleva los ánimos, adecuada contra la depresión.

TURMALINA VERDE Abre el corazón; para Baggott y Morningstar transforma la energía negativa en energía positiva, y por ello se suele colocar en habitaciones de enfermos o en lugares en los que reina la confusión y la tensión. Es una piedra muy interesante para investigar junto con las demás turmalinas en los lugares alterados. Katrina Raphaell nos dice de las turmalinas (9) en general. "Tiene la capacidad innata de elevar las vibraciones de cuanto la rodea. En la turmalina aparecen largas estrías perfectas y paralelas. Las líneas canalizan rayos eléctricos de luz que transforman inmediatamente las vibraciones más densas en corrientes positivas de energía. Sirve en cualquier momento y en cualquier lugar para Incrementar la fuerza luminosa. Puede colocarse en altares, en puntos de chakras, en el cuarto de los niños, en el entorno de las plantas, en templos, e iglesias, o conformar preciosas joyas. También para disponer entre chakra y chakra, para conectar unas energías con otras. Se emplea junto con la


rodocrosita y la malaquita en el plexo solar. Genera un campo protector alrededor del cuerpo. Expresa el equilibrio interno y externo. ZAFIRO Piedra del cielo, da protección, amor y fecundidad. Está en relación con la belleza. Testada radiestésicamente en la vivienda aparece muchas veces en las áreas de agua (¿Quizás por su color azul profundo?). Aporta claridad e inspiración. El denominado zafiro estrella nos enseña que en cada situación negativa hay una energía positiva que encontrar, una lección que aprender y un tipo de sabiduría que adquirir. A la hora de adquirir piedras es muy importante ser cuidadosos para no realizar un dispendio innecesario, pues para el trabajo que realizamos no necesitamos las piedras más puras, mejor talladas, las más hermosas o transparentes. Por el contrario cualquier piedra incluso en estado bruto nos puede servir. Está claro que cuando una piedra es más profunda de color, con una mayor talla y calidad siempre los resultados serán mejores, pero no necesitamos piedras caras de joyería, ni tampoco de coleccionista, donde distintos factores pueden encarecer la gema o el cristal. Nos interesa la energía de la piedra y en todo caso lo más importante sería resentir si la piedra elegida está en armonía con uno mismo si es que la vamos a utilizar nosotros, o con las personas que habitan una casa en función del uso que la queremos dar. Cuando trabajamos con las piedras hemos de olvidarnos de cualquier tipo de proceso lógico en el sentido de voy a colocar esta piedra aquí porque sirve para tal función, o tiene tal propiedad. Muy al contrario, como todo en el verdadero proceso radiestésico, es el vacío mental (o por lo menos el silencio en el momento del resentir) el que ha de ocupar su lugar y nos llevaremos verdaderas sorpresas. Fiémonos de nuestra intuición, pues aunque toque conocemos de las piedras nonos encaje de un modo mental, veremos que cumplen su cometido en la interacción que se produce entre unas piedras y otras. Tampoco hemos de olvidar que también radiestésicamentenos podemos equivocar y que todo lo que hacemos es poner a prueba cada vez para contrastar los efectos y resultados.

Las piedras hay que limpiarlas de vez en cuando con la luz del sol, pero esto no es una regla fija y absoluta para todas las gemas y cristales. El cuarzo amatista por ejemplo perderá su bella coloración violeta profunda si lo colocamos demasiado tiempo a la luz del sol, con lo cuál será mejor limpiarla a la luz de la luna llena, y si lo ponemos al sol, solo deberá ser unos minutos. Según Baggott y Morningstar (1) se consideran piedras masculinas (emiten energía hacía el exterior, buenas para enviar energía curativa, para proyectar deseos, para dar confianza, etc...) y por tanto para ser limpiadas con el sol) las ágatas ribeteadas y rojas, la Cornalina, circón, citrino, el cuarzo transparente, diamante, granate, hematites, jaspe rojo, lágrima de apache, obsidiana, ónice, ópalo de fuego, pedernal, piedra de sangre, piedra de sol (heliodoro), rodocrosita, topacio. Se consideran piedras femeninas (para eliminar tensiones, fertilidad, para el amor y desarrollo del corazón, para la sabiduría y el discernimiento, potenciar la meditación, aspiraciones espirituales, desarrollo psíquico y trabajo intuitivo.) y que pueden ser limpiadas por la luna, el ágata musgosa, aguamarina, amatista, azabache, azurita, berilo, calcedonia, calcita azul y rosa, celestina, crisocola, crisoprasa, cuarzo ahumado, azul, rosado, transparente, esmeralda, fósiles, jade, jaspe verde, lapislázuli, madera fósil, malaquita, nácar, ópalo pálido, perla, piedra lunar, sugilita, turmalina negra y verde, turquesa, y zafiro. $e recomienda en varios lugares sumergir los cristales en agua con sal para que sean limpiados, sin embargo también aquí pueden existir dificultades pues hay minerales que rechazan el agua. En opinión de n. y D. Metz (2) los minerales hidrofóbicos serian la malaquita, baritá, crisocola en bruto, aragonito, turquesa sin tratar, azurita, selenita, rodocrosita, lapislázuli, adamita, smithsonita, calcita, algunos ónices, la mayor parte de los fósiles, el apatito y la covelita, Mi consejo en este sentido es introducir la piedra dentro de sal gorda marina durante unas horas. En el ayuverda se aconseja además limpiar los cristales con incienso y pasarlos por la influencia de la llama de una vela. Esto estarla más en consonancia probablemente con una limpieza por todos los elementos. Los indios de Norteamérica también entierran los cristales durante unas horas, y Katrina Raphaell recomienda colocar los cuarzos en agua corriente de manantial. Nuevamente el proceso radiestésico también nos ayuda a mejorar nuestra intuición y encontrar el mejor modo de poner un cristal en óptimas condiciones para poder trabajar con él. $i queremos programar un cristal de cuarzo, en los libros especializados (En cualquiera de los citados en este texto por ejemplo) vais a encontrar múltiples maneras de poder hacerlo según la experiencia y el encuadre de cada uno de los autores. Todos ellos los podríamos integrar en dos claves, la propia intención con la que queremos cargar la piedra y la energía localizada y concentrada a través de nuestra mente, nuestro corazón y nuestras manos para cargar la piedra. Unas técnicas u otras, estarán más en resonancia con nuestra manera de ser. Pero tener simplemente el cuarzo en nuestras manos con una concentración clara y dirigida de lo que queremos imprimir en él durante unos minutos será más que suficiente para poder cargar un cristal.

Es evidente que nos dejamos muchísimas cosas en el tintero, pero solo tratamos de abrir una puerta; lugar con los cuarzos, os puedo asegurar que es una experiencia maravillosa, y para los más osados serla muy interesante intentar ver en qué nos 21

pueden ayudar los cristales. Están ahí esperando entrar en armonía y resonancia con nosotros. Os puedo asegurar que hay una utilidad profunda y maravillosa, incluso cuando no los utilizamos para nada. La belleza, y la dignidad de los cristales a nuestro alrededor nos abre a verdaderas dimensiones profundas de nuestro ser. Y además nos pueden servir para reequilibrar los lugares alterados en el planeta y dentro de nuestro corazón... ¿Alguna vez seremos conscientes de que no existe ninguna diferencia entre el territorio que habitamos exteriormente y el que habitamos interiormente?. Mientras llega ese momento maravilloso y mágico en el sentido más vital y poderoso del término los cristales están ahí para recordárnoslo e ir haciendo el puente. ""Aunque son muchas les obras tete existen en torno a estos temas, y todas muy interesantes, hay tres ejes en la cuentes que roa parecen clavas a destacar por su Importancia. Por un lado la obra de Katrina RAPHAEL publicada en la editorial Neo Person, con tres tomos que llevan por titulo: la liluminación por los Cristales", la Curación por los Cristales", y la Transmisión por los Cristales". Es una obra creo tele re(~] y de hecho la veremos incluida en la bibliografia de la mayoria de los textos cure se han publicado sobre este tema con cierta seriedad Otro de los Trabajos publicados en Robin Book, que me han parecido muy importantes es la obra que lleva por titulo "Los Cristales", con un recorrido precien de múltiples autores en una integración perfecta del uso de los mismos que va del chamanismo de los indios norteamericanos al uso mas tecnológico y experimental actual, desde la sanación y curación que podríamos mencionar como mas oculta al uso y apoyo en las terapéuticas y medicinas más aewale!~ no solo a nivel médico oficial sino también en la llamada medicina vibratoria y psicoterapia. "" REFERENCIAS ""1 BAGOTT A., 8 MORNIN6STAR, °ts Ssóidur6B de los lA SABIDURIA DE LOS CRISTALES ed., de Vecchi. Barcelona, 7001. 2 cera citada, pp., 80 Por otro lado el tercer eje que nos ayuda en d apoyo teórico viene constituido por la obra de Didier, D., en este caso "lado Cruz Lado Cara, Tratado de las Ciencias Enero", y "El Tarot Iniciatico de los Maestros", ambas en la ed., Ekoforum de Vitoria Gasteiz donde se nos aporten verdaderas perlas en torno a la relación de los ~es con el ser humano en su condición más holistica y actual. 2 LASKOW, L, "Medicina Trarisformacional, en Los Cristales", ed, Robin Book, barcelona, 1993 3 DIDIER D, "Lado Cruz lado Cara, Tratado de Geodas Energéticas", Ekoforum, Vrtoxia, pp. 105. 4 GERBER R, "Los Cristales y el Sistema Energético " Humano", re descubrimiento de un ancestral arte de la curación, en lit Curación Energética", ed., Roen Book, Barcelona, 1993. 5 Cuando se somete un cristal de cuarzo a una presión mecánica, se produce una tensión electrice cuantifiables; inversamente al aplicar la corriente eléctrica a un cristal tendremos un movimiento mecánico 6 MET7, D., EA, "El Espectro de los Cristales", en "Los Cristales", ed, Robín Book, Bancefona,1993 7 RAPHAELL K.. la Iluminación por los Cristales. Las Propiedades Transformadoras de Cristales y Reas Curativas", vol. 1, ed, Neo Person,1993 B obra citada, pp., 64 9 RAPMELL, K., la Iluminación por los Cristales. Las Propiedades Transformadoras de Cristales y Piedras Curativas", vol. 1, ed., Neo Person.1993 GEA. n° 37. Invierno 2002 Búsquedas relacionadas: Acontecimientos origen vida Resumen origen vida oparin Espiral vida Aspectos vida social que influyen en vida humana Bibliografia trabajo equipo en aula Conclusiones estilos vida Bibliografia trabajo en equipo en aula Bibliografia martha stone wiske Vision vida

Resumen La vida se basa en una extraordinaria variedad de moléculas con esqueletos de átomos alineados en forma de cadenas lineales, ramificadas, anulares o en jaula, que van desde las 100 uma (unidades de masa atómica) de algunos glúcidos a los millones de muchas proteínas y de los ácidos nucleicos. Sólo ese tipo de moléculas parece permitir lo que llamamos vida. En la Tierra, todas esas moléculas se basan en el carbono. ¿Es una casualidad? Artículos relacionados con 'el origen de la vida': Alexandr Ivánovich Oparin Bioquímico soviético, pionero en el desarrollo de teorías bioquímicas sobre del origen de la vida.... Más » El origen del hombre Artículo que aborda el origen del hombre y su evolución. Más » El origen de la lengua japonesa La mayor parte de las lenguas de nuestro planeta tienen un origen más o menos... Más » Incienso y Sahumerios El fuego como energía vibratoria es principio de vida, generador de fuerza, poder del espíritu,... Más » La vida del universo Todas las culturas han elaborado mitos donde se describe el origen del Universo, cómo ha... Más » Los Elementos en el Ritual de la Vida - Los acontecimientos hablan por nosotros Saber como concepcion mundo Origen inteligencia emocional corporal


ALEXANDR IVANOVICH OPARIN (Uglic, Jaroslav, 1894 - Moscú, 1980) Bioquímico soviético, pionero en el desarrollo de teorías bioquímicas sobre del origen de la vida. Tras estudiar en Moscú, donde más tarde enseñó fitofisiología y bioquímica, en 1935 organizó con Bakh el Instituto Bioquímico de la Academia de Ciencias de la URSS, que dirigió desde 1946 hasta su muerte. Se hizo notar por sus estudios sobre el origen de la vida, que explicó mediante el paso de las proteínas simples a los agregados orgánicos por afinidad funcional. Oparin subrayó el hecho de que en los primeros momentos de la historia de la Tierra, la atmósfera no contenía oxígeno (que fue generado después, gracias a la fotosíntesis vegetal). Antes de la aparición de la vida podían haber existido substancias orgánicas simples en una especie de caldo primitivo. Añadió que los primeros organismos fueron, probablemente, heterótrofos, esto es, que utilizaban como alimento sustancias orgánicas y no poseían la capacidad, como los autótrofos actuales, de nutrirse de sustancias inorgánicas. Para Oparin, las características clave de la vida son su organización e integración, y los procesos que conducen a tal vida deberían ser susceptibles de especulación razonable y de experimentación. Sus teorías se enfrentaron inicialmente a una fuerte oposición, pero con el paso del tiempo han recibido respaldo experimental y han sido aceptadas como hipótesis legítimas por la comunidad científica. Así, muchas de sus ideas fueron corroboradas en 1952 por los experimentos de S.L. Miller. Sus obras sobre este tema han sido traducidas a los principales idiomas y estimulado en gran manera la investigación. Algunos títulos de traducciones inglesas son The Origin of Life on Earth (3.ª ed., 1957), Life: Its Nature, Origin and Development (1961) y Evolutionary Development of Life (1968).

LOS ELEMENTOS EN EL RITUAL DE LA VIDA Los acontecimientos hablan por nosotros A lo largo de nuestra existencia, todos hemos comprobado alguna vez cómo determinados sucesos han provocado algún cambio en nuestra vida, y sin embargo, no le hemos dado mucha importancia y los hemos bautizado con el nombre de ―mala racha‖, o hemos echado la culpa a los demás, sin investigar que es lo que estaba ocurriendo detrás de estos hechos. Sin embargo, nuestra mente nos envía constantemente unos mensajes a través de los sueños y de los acontecimientos diarios para advertirnos sobre la manera en que estamos encauzando nuestra vida. No hablamos de premoniciones sin a hechos concretos. Más bien se trata de cosas tales como el que todos los electrodomésticos de la casa por ejemplo, en determinados momentos sufran averías (a todos nos ha ocurrido en algún momento), o a gastos imprevistos por deterioro de algún elemento de la casa, o retrasos en acontecimientos previsto, entre otras mil posibilidades, y es importante aprender a encontrar ese lenguaje simbólico que vincula el mundo exterior con nuestro subconsciente a través de esos acontecimientos diarios, en lugar de considerarlos como situaciones diferenciadas. Dice el axioma hermético ―Lo que está afuera es como lo que está adentro y lo que está Arriba es como lo que esta abajo, Todo es Uno‖, y esa unidad indica una sincronización, una vinculación de acontecimientos que actúan como espejos polares: afuera-adentro, arriba-abajo, masculino-femenino, blanco-negro, luz –oscuridad, y asi seguiríamos la enumeración hasta el infinito. En el plano externo la energía se rige por unos elementos que configuran la materia, constituyente del mundo visible a nuestros ojos: Agua, Fuego, Aire (metal) y Tierra, y por dos polos positivo y negativo, no en el sentido de bueno o malo, sino de exterior o interior, de masculino/femenino, activo-receptivo. Las culturas Asiáticas agregan la Madera a los 4 elementos anteriores. Nuestro cuerpo es energía igualmente constituida por una materia que a su vez participa de la misma correspondencia. Aquí entra la primera curiosidad. Los elementos que construyen el entorno terráqueo, dirigen o alimentan a nivel energético los órganos internos del hombre. Una vez mas el interior y exterior no son sino las dos caras de una misma moneda. La Tierra es el Hogar temporal del hombre Aquí se desarrollan todas nuestras experiencias evolutivas. Es la base donde materializamos la vida y la casa es el mundo interior del ser humano, es la imagen del Universo, al igual que la ciudad y el templo. Así esta reconocido desde ciencia del psicoanálisis hasta las religiones y filosofías más antiguas. El Budismo la identifica con el cuerpo humano y añade 6 ventanas que son sentidos. Pongamos por un momento la atención en esta estructura: Básicamente la casa tiene cuatro lados que se corresponderían con los 4 puntos cardinales y asi pues las estaciones, que además están regidos por 4 elementos, al que se añade una salida de humos hacia el espacio que vincularía el cielo y la tierra el exterior el interior. Es también un símbolo femenino, en el sentido de refugio, madre, protección y seno materno. Las técnicas de interpretación de sueños aplican a la casa diferentes significados según las habitaciones representadas, que corresponden a diferentes ámbitos de la mente. La fachada es la máscara o apariencia externa individual. El techo es la cabeza y el espíritu: el control de la conciencia; la cocina simboliza el lugar de las transformaciones alquímicas, es decir el momento de evolución interior. Los dormitorios, el inconsciente y los instintos. La casa está asentada sobre unos cimientos y vigas, y creada a con unos materiales de tierra (el solar, los ladrillos), agua (liquido que mueve energías mediante tuberías), fuego (soldaduras, la cocina, el calor la calefacción o chimenea), aire/metal (espacio huecos como habitaciones y cañerías), madera (estructura interna como puertas, armarios, muebles). 23

Hablamos de hogar familiar como centro de protección grupal, pero en realidad, en sus orígenes era el espacio donde ardía la lumbre y en torno a cual se reunían los miembros de una familia o clan, para cocinar, comer y calentarse en las noches frías de invierno mientras relataban las historias de los antepasados o compartían las inquietudes de presente. En nuestros días la llegada de la calefacción ha roto aquel encanto y el hogar se ha convertido en todo el recinto familiar donde el grupo convive, pero sin embargo, ha conservado el sentido privado de espacio donde podemos ser nosotros mismos, ver a nuestros hijos crecer, recibir a nuestros amigos y sentir nuestra magia. Es el lugar de protección del exterior, el sitio donde nos manifestamos más auténticamente y por supuesto donde las relaciones suelen ser más conflictivas. En casa descansamos, dormimos, soñamos, nos alimentamos, y proyectamos nuestra vida en sociedad. Allí educamos a nuestros hijos, cultivamos nuestras aficiones, creamos y desarrollamos nuestras relaciones más íntimas. Es lógico pues que representemos al hogar como el mundo interior del ser humano. Y por consiguiente es nuestro centro mágico. La casa tiene que ser lo más confortable posible para nuestro trabajo interior, porque es la base de todas las funciones mágicas de la vida. Podremos crear centros mágicos en otros lugares, pero las raíces de la magia comienzan en casa. Allí descansamos, meditamos, y en ella nos preparamos para realizar cualquier tipo de trabajo que deseemos desarrollar. Asi pues la casa debe ser el reflejo de nuestro propio espíritu a fin de que no haya escisiones entre el exterior e interior a la hora de realizar la obra magica. La magia del hogar y los elementos Si deseamos que la magia forme parte de nosotros deberá asi mismo estar entronizada en nuestro hogar. Debemos dedicar un espacio a ella un lugar donde la magia pueda florecer, desarrollarse e incorporase a nuestros actos. Cada habitación puede ser convertida en una fuente de la que fluyan distintos tipos de magia. Así pues desde este prisma podremos aceptar que todo aquello que ocurre en la vida no es más que la manifestación externa de los acontecimientos que se están produciendo en nuestro propio interior, ya sea a nivel de cuerpo físico, mental o emocional. El elemento Tierra en nuestra vida: se corresponde con la estructura externa, a las pautas de educación y conducta que se establecen en la sociedad, en la familia, y por consiguiente a la madre como base en la que la familia crece y se desarrolla. Es energía femenina (Ying o interiorizadota), su dirección centro ya que es aquello que está más profundamente arraigado en nosotros. Y la estación que le corresponde es la canícula (húmedo). El elemento Tierra, simboliza la base donde fructifica la semilla, es el cuerpo humano, es el deseo terrenal. Es nuestra mente consciente y su capacidad de superarse. Es el dinero y la forma de manejarlo. So orienta en el centro porque sobre la tierra se eleva la vida, su máxima plenitud es el verano, cuando se produce los frutos de la siembra. La energía Tierra controla las funciones del estomago y el Bazo/Páncreas, asi como los huesos y la estructura ósea. Si estos órganos son los encargados de ―digerir y transmutar alimentos en energía util para el cuerpo‖, en el plano sutil y muy sutil se corresponderán con la ―buena o mala asimilación de las experiencias‖, de ahí que decimos que los ―nervios se agarran al estomago‖, o que el estrés afecta al sistema digestivo. Hay culturas africanas que echan un puñado de tierra sobre el acuerdo comercial (apretón de manos) como garantía de cumplimiento, y las mujeres embarazadas comen tierra para que el nuevo ser fructifique plenamente. En las culturas occidentales las casas avalan los créditos bancarios. El elemento Agua: Es el símbolo de Vida, medio de purificación y centro de regeneración. Simboliza la sabiduría, la generosidad, las energías inconscientes, las posibilidades del alma, las motivaciones secretas y desconocidas y la parte femenina de todos los seres humanos ya sean hombres o mujeres. En todos los rituales orientales y cristianos se interpreta el Agua como elemento de purificación, fertilidad, y origen de la Creación. Se orienta hacia el Norte (frío) y regula el invierno; El cuerpo humano está compuesto de más de un 80% de agua. Es el elemento en el que nos desarrollamos desde el momento de la concepción (líquido amniótico) hasta nuestra muerte. En le cuerpo humano se corresponde con el Riñón y la Vejiga, centros de acumulación y eliminación de nuestras aguas residuales, y en el plano sutil se acumula el miedo y la inseguridad, la madre, como agua primordial fecundada. En la manera en que eliminamos los líquidos tendremos el control de nuestros miedos asegurado.

El elemento Aire/metal, trabaja el espíritu. Está simbólicamente asociado con el viento y el aliento. En simbología, se interpreta como la vía de la comunicación entre el Cielo y la Tierra, entre lo exterior y lo interior. Representa el objetivo Universal y purificador. Es el símbolo sensible de la vida invisible. En la vida es nuestra forma de conectar nuestro plano mental con el físico y comunicarnos con nuestros semejantes. Es un elemento masculino (Yang) y activo, se orienta hacia el Oeste lugar por donde se pone el sol ocaso) y controla la estación del Otoño (seco). Todo aquello que desarrollamos en las habitaciones (aulas, oficinas, etc.) son elemento Aire. Las habitaciones son espacios donde acumulamos conocimiento, experiencias, recuerdos, sueños, ilusiones, según el destino de la habitación. Lo mismo ocurre con nuestra mente. Físicamente se corresponderían con pulmones (acumulan aire) y Intestino grueso (detritus excedente de un proceso de asimilación). La piel es la frontera entre nosotros y nuestros congéneres, en realidad seria la pared de nuestra casa interior. De nuestra relación con el entorno dependerá nuestra tersura de piel. El elemento Fuego, está considerado como el espíritu de la creatividad, la voluntad, la agresividad, la actividad, el tono vital, la pasión y el amor. Es el Padre y por consiguiente nuestra personalidad. Su energía es masculina (yang) con dirección Sur y la estación es el verano (calor). Para los alquimistas este elemento es el camino de la purificación fecundación y la transformación. Es la Iluminación interior. La función sanguínea, el corazón y la reproducción. En nuestra vida, cocinamos unos proyectos, y empezamos a investigar sobre la posibilidad de llevarlos a cabo, desmenuzamos la problemática, analizamos las formas de actuación a fin de eliminar los riesgos. Desechamos lo superfluo y una vez ―digerida‖ la idea, ponemos toda nuestra voluntad y nuestro empeño en obtener el éxito. Planificamos; hacemos las gestiones necesarias y la sacamos a la luz. Hemos Creado nuestra Obra. Si todo el proceso mental se ha realizado con esmero y de una forma positiva la digestión será perfecta y la obra se materializará. 24

En Ásia que en su origen eran panteístas utilizan la Madera como quinto elemento; de ahí los meridianos de acupuntura. Es un elemento masculino y activa (Yang); dirección Este (ventoso); su estación es la Primavera, comienzo de vida. Utilizamos la madera, en las puertas, los armarios y los muebles, para guardar nuestras propiedades, nuestra memoria del mundo externo. Acumulamos recuerdos físicos de la misma manera que conservamos nuestra sabiduría y una ciencia que va más allá de lo que se ve físicamente y de lo que se puede percibir en nuestro consciente.. ¡Cuantas veces hemos descubierto en nuestros armarios, en los maleteros, objetos que teníamos completamente olvidados y que al recuperarlos nos han venido a la memoria situaciones del pasado, comprendiendo en ese momento con toda claridad qué ocurrió y por qué!... Es nuestra sabiduría, nuestra memoria trascendental acumulada en nuestro interior. Estos 5 elementos son la base del discernimiento anímico que nos muestra el mensaje de los acontecimientos como un reflejo de nuestro mundo interior. Con ellos descubriremos que la solución de nuestros problemas está en nosotros mismos y el ―Gran Espacio‖ de nuestra mente, contiene un enorme potencial puesto a nuestra disposición y listo para ser utilizado, aquí y ahora. No hay nada nuevo en lo que hemos expuesto, pero si lo importante que es que nos acostumbremos a vincular estos simbolismos en nuestra vida porque eso nos conectada con nuestro poder creador que el fin de cuentas es lo mágico. El hogar magico El hogar nos da siempre referencias de nuestras actuaciones, basta con que relacionemos los hecho y reflexionemos sobre ello y descubriremos que por ejemplo ―casualmente‖ cuando hemos tenido perdidas de agua por roturas de cañería ha sido una época en la que sin saber como porque se han producido gastos extraordinarios en el hogar que no ha sido para resolver nada sino mas bien de despilfarro inútil. Cuando hacemos limpieza de ropa o de armarios surgen de esos desechos un sinfín de recuerdos que teníamos acumulado en esos objetos y revivimos épocas que muchas veces no fueron precisamente gloriosas. Si tomamos conciencia y desechamos ―física y mentalmente esas experiencias, estaremos limpiando no solo las estancias de la casa sino nuestro subconsciente y se producirán cambios en nuestra vida, las cosas fluirán de otra manera a partir de ese momento. No digamos las fotos que conservan la vibración del momento. Si al tubo de la aspiradora le ponemos un imán pegado, cuando hagamos la limpieza domestica estaremos absorbiendo la negatividad o tensiones a cumuladas de la misma forma que el polvo, y quiza a si se nos haga mas llevadero el trabajo domestico porque le estamos dando un sentido mas trascendental. En la cocina trasmutamos la energía material en alimento energético para e cuerpo, si incorporamos la magia del sentido amoroso con que lo hacemos, estaremos realizando una obra alquimia, cuando nos lavamos la cabeza, nos duchamos o ponemos lavadoras estaremos `purificando nuestra imagen y nuestras ideas, o nuestro aura y en ese sentido duplicaremos el beneficio. Mientras limpiamos y damos brillo a nuestros zapatos, estamos abriendo los caminos y dando más luz a nuestros pasos, nos encauzaremos hacia mejores formas de vida. Si además en cada zapato llevamos incrustada una moneda o un billete de dólar o euro, nuestros pasos irán encaminados hacia un fin económico. Si nos vestimos con los colores del planeta del dia estaremos sintonizando con las vibraciones cósmicas y no puedo asegurar que nos beneficie en conseguir nuestros objetivos, pero si en lograr fluir mas con la energía que el planeta depara en el momento. Las flores y la plantas puestas e en el hogar también tienen su simbolismo y los electrodomésticos no lo son menos, ya que sus funciones físicas son equiparables a simbolismos mágicos. El hielo enfría, la clara de huevo aclara, la cocina cuece, el congelador mantiene estático, conserva y congela emociones, en fin, todo es un reflejo, todo tiene una correspondencia y como hemos visto hay miles de simbolismos que podremos aplicar en magia a nuestra vida diaria sin necesidad de recurrir a cosas ―raras‖. Eso es lo que pretendemos hacer en esta magia casera. Daremos trucos correspondencias y símbolos para aplicar. Hablaremos de la magia escrita, de la magia de la forma en los elementos y daremos un aire mágico a nuestras vidas. El ritual de la vida ""En la magia como en la vida dice el proverbio que ―la intención es lo que cuenta‖, asi pues en todo lo que hagamos, si tomamos conciencia de nuestro propósito y si este es el firme deseo de beneficiar a los demás, no solo habremos mejorado nosotros sino que a demás estaremos apoyando en la evolución colectiva humana. Comprobaremos que si tomamos esta decisión, la vida ―cambia de color‖ por el simple hecho de formular la intención conscientemente. Cada hábito establecido es un ritual. Puede que no nos hayamos percatado de ello pero solo repasemos someramente nuestros hábitos y veremos, que el bañarnos o lavarnos corresponde al ritual de las abluciones previas a una celebración, desayunamos casi siempre de la misma forma y con los mismos alimentos y nos preparamos para enfrentarnos a trabajo diario, y esto es un nivel mas físico de otro mas espiritual: el que realizamos ―conectando con la energía y cargándonos de fuerza para realiza la obra magica. Nos vestimos para una ocasión determinada para estar agradables y para protegernos del frío y eso es un ritual; con el hecho de peinarnos ordenamos ideas, y asi podríamos continuar con lavarnos los dientes, poner el coche en marcha y sacar la basura al contenedor, da igual lo que se haga, lo que importa es la intención y el esfuerzo. Toda las acción tengan correspondencia o no con la magia, y que se realice repetidamente para logra un objetivo es un ritual. La única variedad es que si tomamos conciencia de ello, podemos ―proyectar‖ un resultado visualizando unos efectos que reforzará nuestra creatividad y si encima de todo esto ponemos la firme intención de beneficiar, el paso evolutivo que habremos dado será gigantesco. Puede que al principio nos resulte complicado, pero después, el ritual de dedicar el dia en beneficio de todos lo seres será algo mas a añadir a los trabajos mágicos de mejorarnos a nosotros mismos para ayudar a los otros, da igual que pertenezcamos a una religión o a ninguna. No es necesario pertenecer a n grupo para evolucionar. Puede que a simple vista parezca pura superstición, pero puedo asegurar que en cualquiera de los campos que hablemos todas aquellas personas que han destacado a lo largo de la historia de la Humanidad, comenzaron por esto, por la firme determinación de dar un sentido a su vida. Nuestra recomendación será siempre la misma: Pruébalo, si te vale utilizalo si no te es util olvídalo; la magia la haces tú, la fuerza que pongas en tus actos será el logro que obtengas, la intención con que realices tu magia será beneficiosa o perjudicial para ti y para los demás. 25

Nuestro deseo es que los meritos que generen estos apuntes beneficien al máximo posible de seres y les ayude a descubrir su camino.

EL FUEGO, PRINCIPIO DE VIDA El día que el hombre primitivo descubrió que al chocar dos piedras brotaba una chispa se asustó. Más tarde se dio cuenta que de esa chispa podía surgir una llama, y con esa llama hacer un fuego que les calentaba; podría protegerse de los animales feroces, y el hombre primitivo comprendió que a partir de ahí la vida sería diferente; había conseguido hacer lo que ninga de las otras especies que habitaban el planeta y fue el rey de la Creación. El fuego marcó el límite entre la inteligencia racional y la irracional. A partir de ese momento, el humano tomó conciencia de la energía calórica que cambiaría el rumbo de su vida, y le rindió pleitesía como a dios-elemento FUEGO. Para comprender cómo actúa el fuego en la magia, debemos conocer su trayectoria a lo largo de las civilizaciones a fin entender la fuerza del significado simbólico del elemento en nuestra vida. Conocer su poder para poder utilizarlo correctamente es el principio alquímico "cognitio". Hablaremos de este elemento en sus vertientes, material, emocional, mental, que unidas constituyen la vibración ágnica, para entrar después en su poder mágico y forma de uso. Cuando comenzamos con el libro de las sombras dijimos que no se trata de separar la magia y la vida sino al contrario de unificar todos los aspectos con el fin de obtener un ser armónico, coherente y completo llamado Hombre. Así comenzamos con la vibración del Agua en la vida y en la magia y de la misma forma estamos continuando con el resto de los elementos. El principio El fuego como energía vibratoria es principio de vida, generador de fuerza, poder del espíritu, y purificador de materia. Es en todas las creencias desde el origen de los tiempos la mejor imagen de Dios, la menos imperfecta de todas sus manifestaciones. El conocimiento mas antiguo que tenemos viene de los libros Vedas . Para los hindúes el Agni o fuego sagrado se compone de Agni, Indra y Surya correspondiéndose con los mundos celestial, intermedio y terreno, es decir el fuego ordinario, el rayo y el sol, y además el de penetración o absorción y el de destrucción.. Estos dos últimos conceptos son aceptados desde oriente a occidente en todas las civilizaciones. Muchos siglos después Moisés recibe visita de Dios que se le presenta en una Zarza ardiente que nunca se consume y le hace entrega de las tablas de la ley hebrea. Para griegos y romanos las vestales se encargaban de mantener el fuego sagrado del templo como si con ello mantuvieran permanentemente hilo directo de comunicación celestial. Nuestros antepasados celtas conmemoraban la noche del dios fuego para festejar el solsticio de verano, tradición que aún permanece entre nosotros, y el 31 de Octubre encendían antorchas para rememorar a los espíritus de los familiares muertos; nosotros siguiendo esa tradición hacemos procesiones de difuntos con velas para representar el camino del alma hasta encontrarse con la luz, que es su origen y ludicamente festejamos la fiesta de halloween encendiendo velas dentro de calabazas huecas rememorando la misma creencia celta que el alma residia en el cerebro. Se bendice el fuego en la noche de Sábado Santo momento que se celebra la resurrección de Cristo con la famosa frase: "Lumen Xto" (Luz de Cristo) y los feligreses se van pasando de unos a otros la Luz que les conducirá al despertar crístico que iluminará el mundo. Por otro lado mucho más lejanos en tiempo y espacio tenemos a los taoístas que equiparan el fuego con el principio de vida. Los sintoístas japoneses celebran la llegada del Año Nuevo con Fuego iniciático y los tibetanos cuyos rituales tienen siempre fuego lo invocan a principios de febrero en la festividad del Losar, el año nuevo tibetano. Para completar el recorrido vayamos a América central y nos encontramos con la historia de los gemelos de Popol-Vu, dejándose sacrificar en la pira por sus enemigos con el fin de reencarnar convertidos en nuevos brotes de maíz para su pueblo. Así pues el Elemento Fuego en su concepto espiritual ha sido a lo largo de la historia la representación del despertar del alma, de la fuerza y el aliento vital, de la chispa divina, que dará un nuevo concepto a nuestro sentido de la vida, a nuestros actos, en resumen, a nosotros mismos. Pero aún hay más. Cuando hablamos de emociones no importa que se trate de pasiones como la rabia, la envida, odio o tristeza, o sentimientos tiernos, lo relacionamos con el fuego. La creatividad, la intuición, la energía vital y por supuesto el sexo también corresponde a este elemento. En astrología los signos Aries, Leo y Sagitario, pertenecen a este elemento y son los más inquietos, activos, inconstantes, pasionales, explosivos, e extrovertidos del zodiaco, y en resumen, todo aquello que representamos como vibración superior de deseo lo relacionamos con el fuego. En nuestro cuerpo físico el fuego actúa en el sistema de circulación sanguínea y en los órganos corazón e intestino delgado. El fuego es como decían los vedas destructor y purificador porque quema o consume todo lo sucio, viejo y caduco; es el acto trasmutador por excelencia, es el polvo que regresa al polvo comenzando así el nuevo ciclo material.

Pedimos Luz encendiendo el pabilo de la vela. Llamamos a nuestros guías o espíritus protectores con el humo del incienso y la luz de la llama; encendemos una vela por cada año que cumplimos y cuando deseamos la atención de la pareja, alumbramos


la cena con la luz tenue del fuego incitante que invita a la intimidad, a la comunicación del alma, a la atracción de los opuestos. En la magia, el Fuego es el poder y la fuerza de todo lo que deseamos conseguir, lo mismo que en la vida. La Magia del Fuego. Quemas

Decíamos que el fuego tiene dos aspectos básicos, que son el de destrucción y el de absorción. En la obra mágica, el proceso destructivo se completa con la incineración o purificación de la materia; quemamos para purificar para transformar algo viejo y caduco y dar paso a una nueva energía, a una nueva creación. La quema o limpieza sería la técnica a aplicar en este capítulo, ya que para que algo se genere siempre hay una previa eliminación de lo viejo, de la misma forma que no pondremos nuevos muebles en una habitación sin sacar antes los viejos reemplazados.

A veces por razones diversas las personas o las casas se cargan de tensión, bien sea a causa de problemas familiares, por enfermedad o las mil razones que provocan desacuerdos en el entorno. Podríamos hablar de otras causas más complejas como mal de ojo, o trabajos, o "acompañante", pero eso lo dejamos para los especialistas. ¿Que es una quema ? Pues prácticamente es un sahumerio que tiene como única finalidad destruir o eliminar aquello que impide que la energía fluya correctamente, ya sea por suciedad, trabajo, o muerto adherido. Explicaremos lo que es cada una de estas cosas para qué sirve y como se hace. Facilitaremos recetas y las hierbas más adecuadas. Solo hay que seguir los pasos. ¿Como sabremos si esa es la verdadera causa del problema ? Cuando en la vida cotidiana se producen situaciones de esas que parecen tontas pero que se van complicando cada vez más y sin sentido hasta convertirse en una bola de angustias múltiples; cuando las personas comienzan con molestias no habituales como un dolor de cabeza o espalda sin razón aparente, y eso en vez de desaparecer es persisten y progresivo; cuando la tristeza se presenta de improviso y sin razón e incluso, a veces un aporte de mareos o vómitos aparecen en escena, significa que algo no esta funcionando correctamente. Estos últimos datos ya son casos más serios que un dolor de cabeza, pero una limpieza energética puede resolver la crisis, aunque probablemente no, si hay vómitos y mareos, en cuyo caso yo recomiendo buscar un especialista serio. Se entiende por especialista a un santer@, mago, o curandero "capacitado para ello " (no todos lo están). El equipo que redacta este trabajo recomienda que : siempre, siempre en estos casos, si con las instrucciones de limpieza que aquí damos, no se produce una mejoría radical en 7 días, conviene acudir a un profesional garantizado de confianza. No intentemos nunca ir más allá de nuestras capacidades porque el riesgo puede ser alto. Proceso de la Quema Vamos a dar paso a paso el proceso de la quema. Para ello necesitamos : Utensilios : Cazuela de barro pequeña . 1 puñado de tierra para curir la base de la azuela ( sirve la tierra de macetas) Tenazas. Pañuelo o trapo blanco para cubrir la cabeza Guantes y a ser posible calcetines blancos . Carboncillo Cerillas de madera Un vaso con agua y una vela blanca. Primer paso : Preparar la cazuela cubriendo el fondo con tierra. Sirven las anguleras por ejemplo , o platos de barro de macetas . Colocar el carboncillo en el centro y prender fuego con las cerillas, dejar que chisporrotee hasta que ya esta encendido. También se puede usar el carbón de barbacoa envuelto en servilleta de papel pero es más lento ya que tiene que esperar a que el carbon se convierta en brasa. Añadir poco a poco y en pequeñas cantidades las hierbas. Cuando veamos que se van consumiendo, agregar una gota de aceite. Esto producirá un humo más denso que favorece la limpieza. Colocar un vaso con agua pidiendo que: "esta agua recoja el impedimento que hubiere para que se realice la limpieza a…..". Al otro lado poner una vela blanca encendida pidiendo que: "esta vela de fuerza a la limpieza que se va a realizar a…..". Segundo paso : Si la limpieza es personal:


Colocar la cazuela en el suelo con un salvamanteles debajo para evitar quemar o deteriorar el suelo. Cuanta menos ropa llevemos en esta situación mejor . Ir cogiendo el humo con las manos como si fuera agua y frotando nuestro cuerpo como si se tratara de jabón. Pasar por encima de la cazuela para que el cuerpo se impregne bien de humo. A ser posible coger la cazuela y pasarla en torno a nuestro cuerpo desde los pies a la cabeza regresandode nuevo a los piés. Actuar con el humo, de la misma forma que haríamos con el jabón si estuviéramos en la ducha jabonándonos y nos fuéramos a lavar la cabeza allí. En todo ese tiempo iremos añadiendo hierbas y esporádicamente una gota de aceite conforme veamos que la cantidad de humo baja y las hierbas se han quemado. Mientras tanto se pueden repetir mantras, jaculatorias, o imaginar un rayo de luz blanca que penetra y limpia todo el ser, o simplemente no hacer nada más que tomar consciencia del acto que realizamos por qué y para qué. Este proceso puede durar unos 20 minutos más o menos… Creyente o no creyente esto produce un estado anímico en las personas diferente al que se comenzó, así pues una vez calmada la mente se habrá terminado el proceso de quema. Finalizado esto conviene salpicar todo el cuerpo con un chorro de agua de colonia sin frotar y dejarlo secar sin toalla. Durante 24 horas no se debe utilizar baño de agua, ni ducha, ni lavado de cabeza. El lugar adecuado para hacer esto es el baño siempre que haya una ventana al exterior. En caso contrario el otro sitio idóneo suele ser la cocina porque en muchas de ellas acostumbra a haber puerta de salida a un balcón o terraza y es más fácil dar salida al humo . Durante el proceso la puerta al resto de la casa debe estar siempre bien cerrada para evitar contaminar otras dependencias. " Importante, siempre dejar que la vela se consuma sola y tirar los restos a la basura. El vaso de agua vaciarlo en el inodoro y dejarlo boca abajo detrás de la puerta del lugar donde hayamos hecho la quema.. " Abrir la ventana y cerrar la puerta para que salga al exterior y no se quede nada en casa . " Salpicar con agua de colonia el lugar donde se ha realizado la limpieza una vez terminado. Si la limpieza es de lugar ( local comercial o domicilio): La preparación es la misma con la diferencia que la persona que la haga deberá cubrirse la cabeza con el pañuelo o trapo blanco procurando que el pelo quede completamente cubierto por la tela. Las manos con guantes y los pies con calcetín blanco o de lo contrario todo lo que se recoja del local irá a parar a nosotros, haciendo inútil el trabajo realizado. Es muy importante tener en cuenta lo siguiente : Antes de comenzar las ventanas deben estar bien cerradas.

Empezar siempre desde la habitacion o la zona mas lejana a la puerta de entrada de la casa o local y avanzando en el mismo sentido para terminar en la misma puerta . Debemos pasar la cazuela primero por paredes y rincones e ir añadiendo hierbas conforme veamos que el humo baja de cantidad o según nos parezca a nosotros . Cuando veamos que la habitacion ya esta impregnada de humo, cerramos la puerta y salir llevando la cazuela a la siguiente habitación y asi hasta el final, que debera ser la puerta de salida de nuestra casa. Una vez terminado este proceso. Dejar en la entrada que se termine de consumir el preparado y abrir las ventanas de toda la casa en el mismo orden por espacio de unos 10 minutos para que el humo salga. Con el sale todo lo que haya absorbido de negativo de las habitaciones. Dejar que la vela se consuma hasta el final. Agua del vaso debe ser vaciado en el inodoro (wc) y este lo dejamos boca abajo detrás de la puerta del baño o la cocina hasta el dia siguiente que lo lavaremos y podremos usar como habitualmente. Conviene una vez terminada la quema que la persona se de una ducha normal y se rocie con agua de colonia el cuerpo sacudiendo bien las manos y pies. HIERBAS RECOMENDADAS PARA LIMPIEZAS : Limpieza personal : Artemisa Ruda Albahaca Perejil Romero Limpieza domestica : Bayas enhebro Angelica Toronjil Cardo corredor



Spirit of Ma'at Vol 1 Mar 2001

"Alternative Healing"


EDITORIAL: Medicine & Alternative Healing: Can This Marriage Be Saved? It's about preserving our right to choose.


Helikunst: Homeopathy and the Art of Salvation You may be astonished at the information in this article, which was given to us by the Dean of the Hahnemann Center. This is a must read!


Healing with Crystals: The Legacy of Marcel Vogel Rumi Da.

Rumi Da

Color Therapy: An Overview and light for healing.

Based on an interview with his friend and associate

Amira Sravesh describes the many and various therapies that use color Sravesh

Healing With Light, Healing With Life: An Interview with Jacob Liberman Dan Millman calls him ''one of that rare breed of eclectic people who have tapped into deep wisdom.'' Liberman shares with us some of that wonderful wisdom.


You Are the Colors You Choose An introduction to Aura-Soma therapy, a fascinating self-healing approach that originated in England.


Divination and Diagnosis How is it that truth – even the truth of what may be ailing a healer's patients – may be ''scryed'' in the patterns of seemingly unrelated objects and events.


Communicating with the Soul: The Power of Sacred Objects Mongolian-American shaman Jade Wah'oo Grigori offers us a sacred teaching about power objects and Egg Doctoring. First, you might want to read Drunvalo's article on divination, above.

Jade Wah'oo

Tom Kenyon: Sound Transformations – Opening the Windows of Perception Tom Kenyon shares his own life and research, and his experiences with sound as a healing tool: how it works and what it means. Fascinating!


Cymatics and the New Age of Miracles According to Dr. Sir Peter Guy Manners, who developed Cymatic or Bioresonance Therapy, it not only heals but will reverse the aging process.


Dr. Bob Beck: His ZAPPER Offers Hope for AIDS anything else that ails you.


It also seems to help with cancer, and just about

Flower Essences and Dr. Edward Bach — PLUS — excerpt from the Perelandra book The man who created Rescue Remedy with an overview of the remedies PLUS "What Are These Things Called Flower Essences" by Perelandra's Machaelle Small Wright


Exploring the Mystery of Aromatherapy and author Marcy Foley.


An overview of this healing modality by naturopathic physician

Effortless Exercise: It Doesn't Get Much Easier Than This The chi ''swing'' machine is new, but initial scientific tests seem positive, and the subjective experience is undeniably delicious.


A List of Other Alternative Healing Resources These websites have been carefully researched to help you find out about many other forms of alternative healing tools.


Ayuda de Wikilearning - Cómo funciona Wikilearning


HEILKUNST: Homeopathy and the Art of Salvation Homeopathy and the Art of Salvation  Does the assurance of an effective cure for your illness, without side effects, seem too good to be true?  What if the medicine is low-cost and easy to find and take?  And what if continuing this treatment guided you into a totally new spiritual experience of life itself? Sound like a fairy tale? Then you haven't tried Heilkunst. Heilkunst is what Samuel Hahnemann called his complete system of healing, of which ''homeopathy'' is but one feature. Homeopathic treatment involves giving an ill person the identical substance that would cause that same illness in a healthy person. Heilkunst, or ''The Art of Salvation,'' is the more comprehensive and systematic medical science developed by Samuel Hahnemann (1755-1843), and explicated in his definitive book, The Organon of Rational Healing. Heilkunst includes homeopathy, but goes beyond it. The Spirit of Ma'at recently talked with Rudi Verspoor, dean of the Hahnemann Center for Homeopathy andHeilkunst, and chairperson of the Department of Philosophy, in Ottawa, Canada. We thought we knew a lot about homeopathy before we talked to Rudi Verspoor. We were wrong.

Q: Can we discuss the potencies of homeopathic remedies? Many critics use the fact that the remedies are so dilute to relegate their effectiveness to the placebo effect. Rudi Verspoor: Some remedies are simply a ''mother tincture,'' a standard herbal preparation made from mineral, plant or animal sources, with no dilution. Then there are various dilutions that are vigorously shaken (successed), which we call potencies, as this process progressively releases the dynamic energy of a medicine. There are three potency scales, or ''scales of dilution.'' A dilution of 1 in 10 has the letter X or D after it. So a 3X would be a dilution of 1 in 1000. A dilution of 1 in 100 is termed the C or centesimal scale. In energetic terms, we're getting into a very powerful, rarefied energy in the higher potencies, such as 1000C (often called 1M) and above, that is able to penetrate into our being at a very deep level. The final scale of dilution is 1 in 50,000, called the LM or Q scale. -24

In a 24X or 12C potency – both are a 10 concentration – there is theoretically no more material substance left in that solution. The liquid remedies are structured water – the water has been structured due to its sympathetic resonance with the substance that was in the original solution. However, it's not the potency that necessarily makes the remedy homeopathic; it's the degree of similarity between the medicine and the disease. Homeopathic remedies have been shown in double-blind clinical trials to be effective way beyond 24X potencies, with no side effects.[1, 2, 3] Medical scientists and doctors have difficulty accepting this, because it overturns the orthodoxy of biochemistry in medicine. We can show something works even though there's no biochemistry there. For instance, The Lancet published a review of homeopathic clinical trials.[4] They could not fault the research; yet in the editorials they still couldn't accept the findings.[5, 6] These studies were using homeopathy only, and compared to Heilkunst, homeopathy only scratches the surface of what can be done and what can be treated. Used without Dr. Hahnemann's complete system of healing, the success rate of homeopathy is only about 15-20% at the most. But it still works wonderfully compared to allopathic medicine.

Heilkunst Dr. Hahnemann didn't call his complete system ''homeopathy.'' He gave it the German term Heilkunst, which is very difficult to translate into English, but essentially means ''the art of salvation'' [literally, ''the art of holiness'']. It's a way of making people whole, so that they end up fulfilling their spiritual purpose in life. Homeopathy, as Dr. Hahnemann meant it normally, is simply one form of prescribing on the basis of the Law of Similars. It is not the whole of his medical system. Homeopathy is one aspect of Heilkunst. He also included diet, nutrition, energy medicine, essential oils, and energy healing. All the approaches normally associated with the natural health movement.

The Sustentative and Generative Forces of Life 30

Dr. Hahnemann made a fundamental distinction, which we find almost nowhere else, between the two aspects of our Living Principle: the generative power, and the sustentativepower. The sustentative side is what maintains our system in a state of health. It's what keeps us healthy. It digests our food, and protects us against disease in setting up the immune system. But once we actually are impregnated by a disease, this condition invokes the other aspect of the Life Force, which is the generative power. This is the part of us that has the capacity to actually create. And it is creative at all levels. It is the power we need to think a thought, to make another human being; the power we need in order for our cells to divide. When we get sick, it is this generative aspect of the Life Force that becomes impregnated with the disease. Disease for Dr. Hahnemann had a spiritual component. To him, a disease agent was not some mechanical microbe or physical agent, but a living, breathing spirit which interacted with our living power. The interaction of that spirit with our power is, quite literally, a generative act that gives rise to the birth of a disease spirit inside of us that Hahnemann called a wesen. The diseasewesen growing in us is a bit like a pregnancy. We cannot alter the fact that we are pregnant simply by changing our diet or exercising more or reading different books or changing our lifestyle. The fact that we are pregnant through a generative act can only be changed by re-invoking, at a spiritual level, the generative power. So we have people who do all the right exercises, they eat all the right foods, they look after themselves in terms of lifestyle choices, yet they still end up dying of a heart attack or cancer or a lung problem or whatever. All of those good things we do for ourselves don't in any way destroy the disease in our system. Q: So then the question becomes, what can destroy the disease? RV: For Dr. Hahnemann, there was a fundamental difference between cure and healing. The two of them together made up a complete whole, or heil, in the spiritual sense. So the curative action is what the medicine or physician's intervention undertakes to accomplish, and this is the destruction of the disease wesen. Healing is what individuals themselves undertake, through the laws of nature, to restore balance once the disease is removed. So it's not enough to heal. Healing simply strengthens our own innate Life Force. It doesn't cure. It doesn't remove the disease. This is where the power of the remedies comes in. They are artificial disease agents, which we control by virtue of the dose. They disturb and alter the generative force. It's a bit like hiring a mercenary to get rid of somebody terrorizing a town. Since the original disease and the artificial disease create the same symptoms, they cancel each other out. Both ''diseases'' are wave energies; when they come together, like two sine waves 180° out of phase, they neutralize each other. In homeopathy we nullify the disease's energetic frequency, the disturbed resonance that is producing the symptoms, so that the physical body and emotional body no longer reflect this disturbance. Our physical state, which includes our material and our mental/emotional states, is a mirror of what's going on at the spiritual or energetic level. If we cancel out the disturbance at the energetic level we no longer have the disturbance taking place at the physical level. A simple example of this would be if you hit your thumb with a hammer. Normally, most people would expect pain, swelling, and a bruise. But if we take a homeopathic remedy of the right potency and frequency, and if we do this right away, we will not see these things. There will be no reaction; the thumb will look and feel normal. Most people find this difficult to understand, because they assume that when they hit their thumbs this is a physical event that must show up physically. They cannot see that the larger reality is pure energy, and that the physical can be influenced at the energetic level. Before anything can show up and have reality at the physical level it first has to register at the energetic level. If we can go in and erase the ''register,'' as it were, then there's nothing to reflect back on the physical level. The physical level acts as if the event never happened. It's seamless. It's like overwriting corrupted computer code, reinstalling software. Once it's corrected, your computer runs fine. By destroying disease with a remedy, we allow the Life Force, through its sustentative, healing power, to restore balance. What we have as a result of that cure, that profoundly generative act, is a change in our state of mind. This is where the whole concept of salvation comes in, because patients cannot go through a treatment of this nature without profoundly changing the way they look at themselves and the world. Q: So from a more traditional medical viewpoint, the altered state of mind is a side effect of curing the physical illness that was the presenting complaint. RV: Yes, except, from Dr. Hahnemann's view, the state of mind caused the physical illness. This is the whole concept ofheil, or wholeness. Health becomes a profoundly different state from the states of whatever disease the person was afflicted by. The next step is to find out why we hit our thumb in the first place. We have to go deeper and deeper because the way in which our life unfolds – that we never have a satisfying job, or we're always out of time, or we never seem to have enough money, and so on – all of these things that we consider to be objective are, frankly, simply reflections of our state of mind. If that state of mind is diseased or disturbed in some way, it's going to be reflected in disturbances in the way our life pans out.

Disease as an Agent of Evolution If everything were fine, we generally wouldn't change. So the impetus to change for most people, in terms of changing their lives, comes when they get sick. It forces them to reevaluate their life, their values, etc. We see this fundamentally in all the literature of people who have been profoundly sick through cancer, for example. If we can take the meaning of the disease and transform it, we then come through transformed ourselves, and we reap the benefit of that disease. But if we keep resisting 31

change, or if we simply suppress the disease, of course we simply get sicker and sicker. Q: So when the flu comes around there's the possibility that if we make the changes in ourselves, whatever shift is necessary, then we may not come down with the physical illness because we've made the shift that it was geared to create in us? RV: Absolutely. This is where the whole preventive side of this treatment comes in. Dr. Hahnemann showed us how to make an identification of potential physical diseases in an individual and treat for them, long before nature would ever invoke them naturally. So once we are healthy, we are no longer susceptible to the normal types of diseases that nature sends around. Once we achieve physical health, we get into the whole realm of spiritual diseases. We spend our lives confronting these deeper issues so that we can evolve even more deeply and more profoundly. The process never really ends. Nature is very persistent in guiding us and teaching us to follow a particular path. Of course we have the right of free choice not to do so. But the price we pay is to become sick. Dr. Hahnemann also taught that what is going on in the patient's life, in terms of relationships, work, accidents, and so on, is all part and parcel of the state of mind, the state of disease of that patient. So if people are having heavy difficulty in relationships, or losing their jobs all the time, or always banging their knee into something, these are things that need to be taken into account in determining and diagnosing the disease they're suffering from. Because there are no coincidences. Heilkunst moves us forward in a very conscious way, which promotes evolution and keeps us centered. We have a very powerful system for identifying all these diseases in a patient. We know fairly accurately the path that they have to follow – until we get into the spiritual domain, which is pretty well unmapped so far. Knowing certain facts, a true practitioner, what the founder called a Heilkunstler, can lay out the whole series of diseases we will have to go through in order to become whole. And the beauty of it is, we don't have to wait for nature to take us through it – which is a very crude and slow process. Instead, we're working on issues that we brought into this life, karma, but we're doing it on a speeded-up scale. We can literally die and reincarnate artificially many, many times through this process. That's why it's so powerful. Because each time we take a remedy, we're no longer the same person we were before. Things we used to think were correct turn out not to be. And this is what our patients find during the treatment process. Q: You mentioned karma. So we can treat past-life issues? RV: By the treatment process, we are fundamentally dealing with past-life issues. And incidentally, we've found that most of what people believe about their past lives is incorrect. But we don't need to know specific details, anyway, because this treatment is based on archetypes. Cure Changes Our Perceptions Dr. Hahnemann's method is not a matter of changing how we think in a sustentative way. It's a function of going in and altering the disease state – generatively, qualitatively, so that we slip into a new state which requires no effort of will to carry out. It becomes our natural state. So, with Heilkunst, when we're in a crisis we deal with it in a way that is much more productive. One aspect of this new state is that it frees up more time, because it enables us to discover that time is actually a very plastic thing. Time is actually fluid. It is a function of our state of mind. We literally are the author of our own creation; we live in our own universe. The universe we live in is only a reflection of our state of mind. So to change the world in any radical way, we have to change our state of mind. Most systems of medicine and therapy don't do that. Instead, they quantitatively alter the circumstances. And by dint of will, we can alter some aspects. But once we slip up, the old state of mind reasserts itself.

Why Affirmations Fall Short Q: What about affirmations changing the way we think? RV: Affirmations require continual effort. They operate on the basis of the Law of Opposites. There's nothing wrong with that, but it does not fundamentally alter the state of mind. To do that we have to use the Law of Similars. If we have a delusion that no one loves us, we can go around affirming, ''I'm lovable,'' and, ''Everyone loves me.'' But what we want, literally, is an energy which contains the thoughtform ''I am not loved,'' in order to nullify the energy of the feeling inside that ''I am not loved.'' When you put the two together, by the Law of Similars the one destroys the other, creating a new balance. And this balance exists in a whole new world, a new world in which ''I am not loved'' simply does not exist! There has been a shift of consciousness. We cannot go back to where we were before. It's like the movie The Matrix. Once you take the red pill, you are no longer in the same world — or, rather, state of mind.

Spiritual Healing with Homeopathy Spiritual healing is all about generative change – stepping outside the illusion which is disease. This is the road of discovering our Selves. We don't usually want to look inside, because we're afraid of what we're going to find. So most people busy themselves with an external life in this world, and never really want to delve deep into that interior life. Yet that's ultimately what we have to do in order to conquer disease. We cannot make ourselves healthy without changing fundamentally in some form. That's why Heilkunst in it's true meaning is the art of salvation, because it's what saves us from the disease and the prison that disease creates. It also moves us forward into the state of consciousness that is our intended destiny. What most people discover after homeopathic treatment is that the way they have been looking at the world, and the world itself, were not real. So they may realize, perhaps, that their work was a deadening kind of work and was killing them. They may realize that many relationships they had were not healthful or loving. They discover aspects of themselves they once knew but 32

had forgotten. People use words like ''I'm more balanced,'' ''I'm lighter,'' ''I feel more joyful,'' ''I feel more grounded.'' They feel centered, more sure of themselves. They feel very solid at the core, and that all the insanity is going on around them, but it's not pulling them in like a tornado. They're in the eye of the storm, where it's still. They have a sense of being, as opposed to an endless becoming. They feel they're able to experience the moment. They have a sense of contentment and an acceptance of the way things are going. They have a sense that the world has meaning. Previously they would say things like ''I don't know who I am,'' ''I don't know why I 'm here,'' ''I don't know what the purpose of life is.'' Partway through the treatment, they no longer say that. They know exactly who they are, why they're here, what the purpose of life is. They're actually engaged in a fundamental, participatory, creative way of living. They're taking back their power, the power that the disease took away. They are fundamentally changed; they are not the same people who came in the door.

Two Case Histories 1. Crohn's disease. I had a patient with Crohn's disease, a debilitating intestinal condition. She was about 16 when I saw her. Previously, she had tried the standard drug treatment for that, and that didn't work. Then she went to a naturopath who put her on a good regimen of diet, nutritional supplements, exercise, and so on. And all her symptoms disappeared! But then, about eight months later, she received an emotional shock, and all her symptoms came back, only worse. And now the regimen of diet and nutritional supplements and everything no longer worked. The doctors recommended surgery, which was unacceptable to her and to her parents. So the family came to me. She was very weak, constantly hemorrhaging, could not keep any food down; there was almost no nutrition going into her body. It took me six months to stabilize her with fairly classical acute treatment. And then we started the process of digging at the origins and roots of her condition. And it turned out to be a combination of emotional shocks, vaccination shocks, and inherited factors. Then we had to get into some deep false beliefs about herself. She didn't think she was very lovable, she didn't think she was valuable, she didn't think she could do anything in life. This unfolded in a process of about five to seven years; in the latter years I saw her only about every six months. And finally, at age 24, this young woman had an insight into life that we normally only find in people who are 60 or 70 years old. This woman is aware that the disease accelerated her spiritual growth, and she is thankful for it. 2. Infertility I had a patient come in who could not get pregnant. She could have done all the fertility treatments, which have about a 20% success rate, but someone suggested that she see me instead. I advised her to try homeopathy before resorting to drugs. I gave her my opinion that as long as there was nothing structurally blocking the process – and she had been assured by her doctors that this was the case – the homeopathic treatment would probably succeed. It became clear as we discussed the case – and this is typical of women who have trouble getting pregnant – that she was desperate to conceive. I told her that the only way she could conceive, frankly, was to let go of her desperation about it. This is not psychobabble, by the way. If she's not relaxed when she's having sex, physically and psychologically, the sperm will have a very hard time. Stress produces all sorts of acids, imbalances, blockages, and so on, that make it very difficult to conceive. So I treated her with remedies designed to deal with her emotional issues around conceiving, the fear she had about not being able to do so, and the fact that she didn't consider herself of any value unless somehow she was able to have a baby. And there were other complex emotional issues involved. Six months later, after several consultations, she came in and told me that she still wasn't pregnant, but she said, ''You know, it doesn't really matter anymore if I get pregnant or not.'' I remember telling my wife that she probably would be very soon, and three months later this prediction came true. Homeopathy did nothing to physically aid the process. It was just a question of removing the energetic blockages that were having an impact at the physiological level. Of course, it is difficult to prove in a ''scientific'' way that the homeopathy achieved this result. But knowing how it operates, and knowing the fundamental impact of the mental/emotional state on the physical body, it's not very difficult to see why it worked. And I see this pattern over and over again. Initially, I was quite impressed by these kinds of results. But we see them so often that we lose a certain amount of wonder. It becomes so commonplace. At first, people tend to spin their wheels a lot, but when they start making changes everything starts to shift. People who decide to sell their house sell it within forty-eight hours. Because when they are moving forward, everything moves forward. The universe just lines up, as it were, to make things possible, once we're moving in the direction we were meant to move. What is important is that the treatment be done within a coherent system, otherwise it's a bit hit-or-miss. If we know what to do, we can actually speed up the natural evolutionary process. It doesn't have to take long. We can take someone who normally in their lifetime might have arrived at a certain insight by age 80, and we can get them to that in six short years, and at the same time help them to be healthy. And therefore the rest of their life now is going to unfold at a pace and depth that would never have been possible before. We get to a state where we almost look forward to these shifts, because of the spiritual joy that comes out of it.


So these two cases were examples of how we heal ourselves by letting go of illusions and spiritual beliefs – I don't mean religious beliefs, but spiritual beliefs, beliefs about ourselves at an energetic level – in order to be able to fulfill our potential. It's the fear of letting go that prevents people from doing things in life. We have to confront that fear and deal with it. Homeopathic remedies allow us to do that. And once we let go, what we discover is the opening up of a whole different world. Q: By ''letting go,'' do you mean the nonattachment that Eastern mystics talk about? RV: Exactly. Let go of the idea that we can control the outcome. It's not just an intellectual letting go. It is a very deep fundamental letting go. Many tell me ''I've done ten or fifteen years of psychotherapy and I've worked through this and I've done that, I've really dealt with my emotions.'' But at a deeper level, they are only deluding themselves into thinking they've let go. It's just another ruse that the mind uses in order to maintain control. By destroying the illusion, the remedies allow people to see that they have previously been living an illusion. Until we fundamentally alter our state of mind by invoking the generative power, nothing has really changed. The pattern of our relationships, whether with work or family or intimate partner, is not going to change until we change. Once we are healed, we see the world functionally, not as separate or split, or good or bad, not as a polarity but as a unified dualism. We see distinction, but not separation. And that is Heilkunst. The art of salvation. Footnotes: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Kleijnen, J., Knipschild, P. and ter Riet, G. ''Clinical trials of homeopathy,'' British Medical Journal, Feb. 9, 1991, vol. 302: 316-23. Kleijnen, J., Knipschild, P. and ter Riet, G. ''Trials of homeopathy,'' British Medical Journal, Feb. 9, 1991; vol. 302: 960. Reilly, David, Morag A Taylor, Neil G M Beattie, Jim H Campbell, Charles McSharry, Tom C Aitchison, Roger Carter, Robin D Stevenson. ''Is evidence for homeopathy reproducible?'' The Lancet, December 10, 1994, vol. 344: 1601-06. Linde K, Clausius N, Ramirez G, Melchart D, Eitel F, Hedges LV, et al. ''Are the clinical effects of homeopathy placebo effects? A meta-analysis of placebo-controlled trials,'' The Lancet, Sept. 20, 1997, vol. 350: 834-43. Vandenbroucke, J.P. ''Homeopathy trials: going nowhere,'' The Lancet, Sept. 20, 1997, vol. 350: 824. Langman, MJS. ''Homeopathy trial: reason for good ones but are they warranted?'' The Lancet, Sept. 20, 1997, vol. 350: 825.

References: 1. Fischbacher, Elise McCrea, ''The Medical Science of Homeopathy,'' 2. Verspoor, Rudi, Hahnemann Center for Homeopathy and Heilkunst. 3. Verspoor, Rudi, What Is Heilkunst?. 4. Ullman, Dana, ''A Condensed History of Homeopathy,'' excerpted from Discovering Homeopathy: Medicine for the 21st Century, Dana Ullman, Berkeley, CA, North Atlantic, 1991, FUENTE :

HEALING WITH LIGHT, HEALING WITH LIFE An interview with Jacob Liberman, OD, PhD Dr. Jacob Liberman is considered a pioneer in the therapeutic use of light and color and the art of mind/body integration. He has written Light: Medicine of the Future (Bear & Company Publishing, 1991) and Take Off Your Glasses and See: A Mind/Body Approach to Expanding Your Eyesight and Insight (Crown Publishing, Paperback Reissue Edition February 1996). His newest book, Wisdom from an Empty Mind (Empty Mind Publications) will be out by May 1, 2001. You may visit his website at In addition to his extensive lecture and seminar schedule, he is a therapist and educator. He lives in Hawaii with his wife, Claudia. When we interview scientists and other authorities in behalf of our readers, we normally send them a list of questions. But Jacob Liberman wanted our talk simply to flow like a river, taking whatever direction it wanted to take. No list! So I threw my list away, but I still asked him the first question: ''What was it that caused you to devote your life to color therapy?'' ''It's not therapy,'' Jacob insisted. ''It's not about fixing anything. It's about learning how to embrace our lives more fully.'' Then he told me his story of how it all began: In 1976, I had a profound healing experience. I was a practicing optometrist and had worn glasses for 9 to 10 years. Without them, I could not see the Big E on the charts. Then one day, in one of my meditations, I had an out-of-body experience. I saw myself in the room, and what I was observing was absolutely crystal, crystal clear. But the most profound 34

aspect was that I realized I was observing myself holographically – from every point in the room. I was ''seeing'' all aspects of myself at once. And when I came out of the meditation and opened my eyes, my physical vision was just as clear as it had been in the out-of-body experience. Totally clear. I could see license plates, street signs, billboards. So I went to my office and gave myself an eye examination, thinking my prescription must have lessened. I was doing research at the time on a new technology, and in connection with this I had an automated projector that showed so many visual acuity charts, I could never have memorized them. And on all of them, I could see right down to the bottom of the chart. So then I went through the procedure an optometrist uses to determine one's correct prescription — all the lens changes and so on. And when I was through, the prescription I came up with was the exact same one I had with my glasses. I asked myself, How could this be? And the answer came to me like a revelation. First, let me add that I've never had a pair of glasses on my face since then, yet I recently had my eyes examined, and the prescription is still almost the same as it was twenty-five years ago. The revelation I'd had was this: We don't see with our eyes. I felt so expansive. I felt as though I had become the sky. It was the opening of the concert of my life. The Concert of Life: A Little Light Music Jacob Liberman went on to describe how his revelation affected him over the next years. I began to see things that I hadn't even known existed. I saw auras around everything that had a life source in it, not just people, but mountains, trees, water. And I started seeing this Light that seemed to surround and connect all entities that were breathing with Life. I spent the next years observing this Light, and I ''saw'' something I had never heard of before. Everybody says, ''The body gives off an aura,'' but I saw that it's the opposite. It is the aura that gives rise to the body. I saw that this subtle, energetic emanation was the very Web of Life, the physical body's interconnectedness with All Things. I began to realize the relationship between Light and Life, and specifically within the human system. It's not just plants that take in light and ''digest it'' for nourishment through photosynthesis. This thing we call Light, I saw, has the same relationship with all Life as with plants. It is our own, formless Source. How We Become De-Lighted Jacob described how his experiences of seeing Light and auras eventually led to his work. ''I saw that this Light was sometimes very big, very bright,'' he said, ''and sometimes, it was small and dull. Sometimes it even seemed to disappear.'' I spent years sitting with people, quietly observing, and I saw that every time we ''think,'' this light diminishes to almost nothing. This light around us is our precognitive aspect, it tells us what is about to arrive. It is our in-touchness with Life. And as soon as we go into the intellect, it disappears. So I got introduced to Syntonics, which is the therapeutic application of different frequencies of light by way of the eyes. My idea was to use this for diagnosis, then try to fix whatever was revealed. But after working with thousands of people, somewhere in my journey, my ideas dropped off. I stopped thinking I knew what people needed. Instead, I allowed them to share with me their experiences as they looked at colors. What I discovered is that everyone sees something different. Color is not an objective thing, it is a subjective experience created within the consciousness. So as people looked at colors, I would ask them how they felt. And everyone responded, but each response was individualized. With almost everyone, they were receptive to some colors, which seemed to give a pleasant feeling, and unreceptive or even allergic to others. With the allergic responses, people would recoil and show other signs of bodily stress. Subjectively, ''It doesn't feel good.'' Allergies and Addictions Come to Light Jacob Liberman began using biofeedback equipment like that used in a lie detector test to monitor the body's responses. Using this instrumentation... I saw that, even when they were not aware of it consciously, people were definitely receptive to some colors and ''allergic'' to others. Now, here's where all this is leading. When we experience unreceptiveness, or body perturbation – when we encounter something in life that we have never fully assimilated – we avoid it by going into the intellect! This behavior, I believe, is the cause of everything we refer to as ''addiction.'' Addictions are behaviors and substances we use to avoid having this ''it doesn't feel good'' experience. But with color, we can relive the experiences subconsciously, Jacob explained to me, because color bypasses the conscious mind. The conscious mind has no defense for color, so it goes right to the heart of the matter. People would look at certain colors that triggered these kinds of avoidance responses, and sometimes they would 35

break out in a cold sweat, shaking. But if we introduced the colors slowly and gently, they could begin to have memories. Some of these memories were from earlier experiences in this life. Some were from past lives. So I saw that the colors, or frequencies of energy, that people are unreceptive to possess the same energetic makeup as their unresolved past experiences. How is this possible? Jacob says... It's because the relationship between ourselves and what we call light is a mirror image of our owninternal makeup. When the physicist looks at a photon, he notices that it behaves as we have always described God: it is omniscient, omnipotent, and omnipresent! Quantum physics states that nothing exists without the observer, and the form of what is observed is dependent on the observer's point of view. In other words, our life experiences are a mirror image of our present view of the world. So what we see, for example in another person or situation, is a mirror of our own makeup. We are each other's homeopathic remedies. Continuously attracting into our lives an exact mirror image of what we are putting out. So Light is Nature's perfect homeopathic remedy, because it is the formless expression of what we experience as form. As the renowned physicist Dr. David Boehm said: ''All matter is frozen light.'' Reliving the Movie of Your Life In neurolinguistic programming there is a technique known as the Trauma Cure. Using this technique, the writer has watched scores of clients totally disappear phobic responses in as little as 10 minutes. The Trauma Cure is based upon having clients watch a movie of the original traumatic experience. They do this from what NLP refers to as ''double dissociation'' – imagining that they are watching themselves watching the movie. So it doesn't even matter if the conscious mind remembers the experience or not. I have even found that the Trauma Cure, used over and over, is effective with post-traumatic stress syndrome in Vietnam veterans. Jacobs approach is a similar – and much simpler – technique of ''watching the movie'': When the intellect sees something it recognizes and fears, it runs. And where it runs to is wherever we have found that helps us to avoid the feared experience. We may run to overwork, alcohol, cigarettes, meaningless talking, anger – whatever it is that helps us avoid the fear. When people re-experience unresolved events that are ''stuck'' in their energy fields, and they do this in a safe space, they feel as if it's for the first time. Because they are doing it in an environment that is safe and caring. So they gain an authentic security about their ability to survive the situation. In Jacob's approach, instead of the movie, you view colors, energies. And since some of these colors duplicate the energetic form of the experiences we have been running away from, the experiences we have failed to assimilate, our reaction to them is the same as though we were re-experiencing the original trauma – but with a difference. When we use color correctly, the conscious mind does not block out the experience. It does not need to run away. So we use this application of color safely, gradually, building up slowly over time, until the habitual reactivity begins to dissipate, and dis-ease becomes ease. If we can get comfortable with what used to make us uncomfortable, our whole life changes. And because color is noninvasive, it helps us to desensitize to the unresolved issues in our life. Facilitation 101: How Can We Help? The key to how desensitization works, Jacob said, is that although we are, in a sense, re-living the traumatic experiences that have become the limits of our personal growth, we are re-living them in a totally different space. We are not all alone, this time. We are not helpless this time. This time, there is no real danger. And in that safe space... Our own inner Self knows how to heal us. The facilitator's job is not to heal, but to be. Just to be with the other person. For – by the very nature of reality – whatever our clients are going through is something we also need to experience. So when people are going through things, I close my eyes and just allow myself to be there, noticing what is going on inside me. Not interfering. When we truly succeed at just being Present, healing takes place by itself and we experience our own strength. All of us are connected. Therefore, when a person in one of my workshops is touched, he or she becomes the light machine or remedy for the group. I don't try to explain to people how this all works, why they are experiencing whatever they are experiencing. I prefer to let them tell me. In so doing, they experience the revelation that each of us is observing and experiencing something totally unique. After experiencing the colors, people share, and the sharing goes wherever it needs to go. It's about ''seeing the Light''


– seeing something about ourselves. By embracing a spectrum of light we previously avoided, we find ourselves embracing more of Life. Light Checks In, But It Also Checks Out Everyone thinks that we see by virtue of light that enters our eyes. But just as the aura creates the body, and not the other way around, we create our visual experience by projecting light out of our eyes. ''It's true,'' Jacob said, ''that 98% of the light that enters our bodies goes in through the eyes. But the actual experience of vision is mostly projective.'' In his book Light: Medicine of the Future, Jacob shares his experiments demonstrating that light is emitted from the eyes, not just ingested by them. He discovered that each person emits a signature of light from his or her eyes, little slivers of energy. He feels that the colors that are being emitted seem to have something to do with the experiences that person attracts into their life. Here are two examples of what has just been said: If someone has been keeping something inside that needs to be said, you might see a lot of blue light coming out of their eyes. Blue is the color of the throat chakra, the color of ''speaking your piece.''  Similarly, with someone who has spent a lot of time creating balance, and who is not avoiding things, you might see a soft, full-spectrum light coming from their eyes — a kind of pastel rainbow. Liberman's Approach: The Nuts and Bolts In his programs, Jacob said, people work in groups. He feels that this is extremely important, because it creates the ''safe space'' we talked about earlier. So people are experiencing what the colors bring up for them with the support of knowing that they are not alone in the world. We show all the colors very briefly, one at a time, and then we do it over and over again, each time for a slightly longer duration per color. We go very slowly. I have found that this is the most important piece of the puzzle, to go slowly. So basically, people come together once a week, to share this experience with color and and see where it takes them. And the facilitator's job is just to be there, to allow. This is what creates the safety, the space for people to allow their own feelings to surface and dissipate. The heart of this work, of my work, is Presence and non-doing. Life as Light Machine: Practicing Presence A light machine that projects colors of a preset sequence and duration, such as the instruments Jacob Liberman uses in his work, can ''catalyze our experience of life,'' as he says. But at a certain point, Life itself becomes our light machine. As we allow ourselves to be present with all of Life, selfhealing occurs. Light can assist us in developing this state of Presence so that eventually we embrace what we previously avoided, and in this experience Life becomes our healer. We become our own Light, and subtle revelations start to happen. Mystical experiences. Just last night, I was out with my wife. We'd seen a movie, and I was sharing with her about the movie. And I had a sudden experience of realizing how much I love my present state. That no matter what happens, I can access this state in my life every day. So light, color, is a beautiful tool, helping us to open up. But once we become more aware, awareness itself is curative. Enlightenment and the Process of Growth It's common knowledge now that a child who is physically abused may thrive, whereas a child who is not touched at all becomes stunted or even dies. When growth stops, Life stops. And to grow, we need perturbation, stimulation. If we think that we are enlightened, are we not simply saying that nothing touches us, nothing perturbs us? And all this means is that we are no longer growing. Life is growth. Experience is change. As we have said, Jacob Liberman feels very strongly that the facilitator's job is simply to allow, to be present, to empower others to access the healer that lives within each of us. The goal is not to become a guru, to become a being that people look up to because we are so enlightened. When we are truly clear, we have the humility to recognize that we are not ever ''enlightened.'' We have moments of clarity, moments of enlightenment. The goal is humility and ordinariness. The goal is to allow in the perturbation that causes our growth. ''Practice being Present with Life as it shows up,'' Jacob said, ''and Life itself becomes the healer.'' FUENTE :

Color Therapy by Amira Sravesh


Syntonics: Light Therapy Is About Balance Syntony means ''to bring into balance.'' Dr. Harry Riley Spitler, the light-therapy pioneer who developed Syntonics, coined the term to affirm that what we are doing in healing with light and color is bringing the various energetic systems of the body into balance and equilibrium. Syntonics has become more or less respectable as an alternative therapy because it is used by mainstream optometrists. Its methodology is the application of light and color directly through the eyes. The ability to continue to live, said Spitler, depends upon syntony of the autonomic nervous system in both acute and chronic illnesses, and the attainment of this syntony may be aided by light frequency into the eye. The application of color through gels, lights, lenses, etc., was his means of directing color energy into the body. The optic nerve converts light and its components, color, into electricity, which then traverses the meridians and nervous systems to direct bodily functions. Color thus applied causes cellular and hormonal changes to occur, bringing the cells into synchronization or balance. Spitler said that there was a relationship, in some cases a closely predictable one, between light frequency incident into the eyes and many other phenomena, including:  the rate of growth of cells and tissues  their rate of cell division  the physical development of the individual  the mass body potential  the development of the biotype, modifying the hereditary tendency  the functioning power of the pituitary gland  the reproductive rate of any species  the dynamic tension between the two divisions of the autonomic nervous system  the secretion of hormones by all of the coacting as well as antagonistic endocrine glands, with the pituitary as the "master gland"  the restoration of health following departures from the normal  the degree of nerve cell irritability (thus modifying reflexes)  the state of tension in the autonomic nervous system  the eye's vitamin A content, or the degree of its adaptation  the perception of pain  the relative responses of both striped and smooth muscle  bodily health A Rainbow of Color Therapies The application of light and color as therapeutic devices manifests in many ways and on many levels. Colored gels with projections of magnified light penetrate and stimulate the body's meridians, which correspond to traditional Asian acupuncture systems. Also, they access and incorporate the axiational lines mentioned in J.J. Hurtak's Keys of Enoch[1] The sun's rays may be used as light therapy, sometimes projected through colored ''glass'' or other laser-like applications. Colored light can be applied directly to the eyes, as in Syntonics, and the work of Jacob Liberman. (See also[2].) And the use of crystals or crystal rods, with or without an exterior light source, allows color to penetrate into the body through the auric field, transmitting light to the acupuncture points or to the axiational lines described by Hurtak. Further use of color is made in the environment, with colored light bulbs, painted walls in a room, carpeting, furniture, artwork, crystals, clothing, and so on — all of which directly impacts the body-mind-spirit through the biomagnetic or auric fields and the senses. Sunlight, used especially for Seasonal Affectation Disorder or SAD, and colored lighting also can be applied to various areas of the body. Another color therapy involves the use of colored lenses in both prescription and non-prescription eyeglasses to alter and adjust the body's bioenergetics, including hormonal and nervous systems. And Cymatics, which works primarily with sound frequencies rather than color, has one instrument which delivers color that has been imprinted with sound. Practitioners do indeed vary in their applications of these modalities.

Light Therapy Old and New All ancient cultures extensively used the healing power of the sun, in the belief that it would strengthen the body on Earth. Hippocrates, the father of Western medicine, was an adherent of heliotherapy, which simply means treating disease with sunlight. These ancient civilizations held that the healing power of light is found in its component parts, that is, color. Documented use of color and light therapy exists in the cultures of ancient Egypt, Greece, Rome, India, China, and Tibet. In 1903, the founder of modern phototherapy, the Danish physician Niels Ryberg Finsen was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for his research on light and color in the treatment of disease, and in 1904 the award was given to A. Rollier for his continuing work in phototherapy. Modern allopathic medicine employs color therapeutically, such as in the treatment of cancer, but uses only the colors at the extremes of the light spectrum: infrared, and infra-violet. And light is, by definition, employed therapeutically in laser surgery. However, until recently, little therapeutic use had been made of the colors of visible light — those that lie in between the ends of the spectrum.


An FDA Roadblock to Color Therapy Edwin Babbitt, whose work in India in the 1870s has been well documented, used colored lights applied to areas of the body. Aspects of the Babbitt's technique were then popularized in the United States beginning in the early 1900s by his brightest protégé, Dinshah Ghadiali, known simply as Dinshah, and later by the latter's son. Treatment, known as ''tonations,'' was conducted via specially-constructed colored light instruments that focused a beam of light through a single colored glass filter onto one of the 22 body areas outlined by Dinshah. This was done for a prescribed duration and number of days. In the years that patients in hospitals and clinics were treated in this way, primarily throughout the Northeastern United States, thousands of cases of recovery from serious illnesses were documented. But in the 1950s, Dinshah was forced by the FDA to halt the thousands of color therapy applications taking place. Although he was a medical doctor in India, they charged, he was not licensed in the United States. The use of tonations continued, but has declined in the past two decades, replaced by Colorpuncture — a form of acupuncture with light — and other forms of color therapy.

Forms of Colorpuncture Since the 1970s, many therapists have worked with John Ott's light therapy contributions, in which he modifies and expands the therapeutic use of color and light. Ott's work includes the use of full-spectrum lighting, and the use of lights and colored gels applied to the body's energy points, as is done in Colorpuncture. Treatment is applied preventively, to neutralize imbalances before they develop into an illness, as well as for healing illnesses that have already taken hold. Formally, Colorpuncture involves the concentration of a small beam of light through a high-strength penlight and/or quartz rod onto a colored gel, which is aimed directly at the body's acupuncture points. In this way, the therapy is a form of ''acupuncture without needles.'' Colorpuncture theoretically reintroduces the correct informative energy into the mind/body to trigger harmonizing and healing impulses in the physical and energy spheres or zones of the body. In the 1990s, the German color therapist Peter Mandel popularized the use of Colorpuncture through teaching the concepts outlined in The Practical Compendium of Colorpuncture[3\, his internationally-read textbook. Mandel's system includes the use of seven circular ''switching stations'' on the skin which are called ''transmitter relays.'' One relay governs the immune system, another the survival and sexual drives, and four others involve ''the spirit within the cells.'' A seventh, the relay of memory, is what some refer to as the Akashic record. Mandel states that every change, every instant of our lives, is recorded; that our life program is an incarnational blueprint, inscribed at the moment of conception, and that the information it carries is activated by our birth. Decompression of all this information from these seven ''switching stations,'' Mandel believes, and from the meridians connected to them, unfolds throughout our lives. The application of colored light on specific points to affect mind/body functions is precisely indicated by the system of Colorpuncture. The healing power of color is further enhanced in these systems by the sensitivity of the individual client and practitioner. The impulse of color from the within to the without, and vice-versa, is apparent in the results experienced by individuals undergoing this therapy. In addition to the acupuncture points and meridians, the body may be further aligned along its axiational lines, as referred to earlier. Axial lines exist in parallel to acupuncture lines in the physical body, and, according to Hurtak, they connect to indigenous resonating star systems and populations. The body, then, is seen as a grid of magnetic domains which move between the pattern angles of the human organs and the primary blueprint of the Overself. And the body's renewing functions may be controlled through the open-ended axial lines. These axial lines, Hurtak says, are themselves controlled by biochemical clocks, which are in turn controlled by electromagnetic resonance factors. All lines may be aligned through the noise/temperature calibrations, which include the therapeutic use of color, light and light frequencies, magnetics, and the pairing of color and tonal frequencies. The application of appropriate sonic and ultrasonic frequencies effectively generates light and, therefore, biochemical regeneration. Colorpuncture has gained even broader use recently, especially in North America, since the appearance of Jack Allanach's book, Colourpuncture: A New Medicine of Light[4].

Amira Amarah Sravesh, MS, DD, works in person in Florida to facilitate the movement of her clients into complete health and the highest levels of Divinity. She uses herbs, psychological and nutritional counseling, healing touch, and color and light therapy. Her work in Tibetan medicine is paramount in her approach. Amira also assists spas, health clinics, educators, and practitioners in setting up course or therapy work for their companies and clients. You may contact her at Box 1717, Alachua FL 32616, phone 904-418-1054, or visit her website at Herbalchemy.


REFERENCES: 1. Hurtak, J. J. The Keys of Enoch. Los Gatos, CA: The Academy for Future Science, 1977. 2. Liberman, Jacob. Light: Medicine of The Future. Sante Fe, NM: Bear & Company, 1991. 3. Mandel, Peter. The Practical Compendium of Colorpuncture. Bruchsal, W. Germany: Energetik Verlag, 1986. 4. Allanach, Jack. Colourpuncture: A New Medicine of Light. Rockport, MA: Element Books, 1998. FUENTE :

YOU ARE THE COLORS YOU CHOOSE An Introduction to Aura-Soma Therapy by Cristina Bacciotti Choose four Equilibrium bottles from among the existing 102. In simply making this choice, the colors will begin to reveal to you who you are, where you are coming from, what your mission and goals are in this life, and what the resources are with which you may greet them. Gradually, the colors help you to blossom – to be more aware of the Inner Life which many of us so often forget. And in the process, your physical body heals. For when soul, body, and mind communicate and move in the same direction, we rediscover that inner harmony which is the essence of health. What is Aura-Soma Aura-Soma is a natural healing method that makes use of the vibrational powers of colour, crystals, and natural aromas combined with light in order to harmonize body, mind, and spirit. Aura-Soma healing came out of England in the beginning of the 1980s. Aura-Soma and the Equilibrium bottles were created by Vicky Wall, a healer and herbalist who had dedicated her life to spiritual research and the treatment of illnesses with plants. Like her father before her, Vicky Wall was endowed with ''second sight''; in other words, she could see the aura that surrounds all human beings. Her father belonged to the deeply religious Hebraic group known as Hassidin, and was very interested in the mystical aspects of the Bible. He was a Master of Kabbalah and Zohar, traditions from which he inherited knowledge of the medicinal and therapeutic uses of herbs and other plants. In the early 1980s, Vicky became completely blind. After this, she began to ''feel'' a voice inside her, inviting her to create these magical bottles, which divide the watery from the oily essence of various plants.[†] Vicky used to say that ''antique memories'' came back to life as the colors of the bottles took shape in her mind. How Aura-Soma Works This holistic therapy is strictly connected to the concept of color, which has therapeutic uses going back to ancient times. Every color is a wavelength of light whose specific energetic quality can influence the whole range of human emotions through the chakras. Today, we all recognize that the chakras — whorls of energy that rotate in our etheric body — are made of a number of colors, but that one color dominates in each chakra. Aura-Soma means "etheric body-physical body." The etheric body, or aura, is an electromagnetic field that clairvoyants see as colored rays emanating from the spine. As we know, colors are simply wavelengths of light. But we also know that we are actually made of light ourselves. As such, our own true vibration is mirrored in various frequencies of color. When we choose colors from among the Equilibrium bottles, we do so because those particular colors ''speak'' to us, and we are seeking to understand what it is they want to tell us. By bringing into our etheric body the colors we have chosen from the Equilibrium bottles, we are reestablishing the aura to its natural rainbow, bringing balance to the aura and to the even-more-refined bodies that make up the totality of our lightbodies. So the Equilibrium colors are simply bringing us into the light of our own ''true colors.'' How the Colors Heal In alternative healing, imbalances are understood to have been caused by the way we respond to emotions — with thoughts and decisions that have altered our deepest essence. When we use colors through the Equilibrium bottles, we synchronize their wavelengths to the ones of the body's electromagnetic field, harmonizing these imbalances. Unlike most therapies, in which the healing substance is chosen by the therapist, Aura-Soma is totally and almost uniquely nonintrusive. For it is the person person who seeks healing who chooses his or her own colors. This is important, for it strengthens our bond to the Great Healer we carry inside ourselves. When we can stop the chattering of the conscious mind and go into the Silence, this inner healer, our Higher Self, knows the right thing for us, and chooses wisely. We can truly say that Aura-Soma is a method of Self Healing. Aura-Soma Diagnosis Although diagnosis using the Equilibrium bottles was not discussed in this article, I will give a simple summary to enrich your understanding of Aura-Soma.


When I was in England I had the opportunity to speak with people close to the Aura-Soma method. They told me how the patient in the very beginning of the healing process was asked to choose a single Equilibrium bottle/colors, and then to hold the bottle for a period of time. Then the bottle was completely shaken up and set in front of the patient. As the two liquids settled, the Aura-Soma therapist could ''read'' the way they recombined; this would tell the therapist what was out of balance with the patient – not only physically, but emotionally, mentally, and spiritually. Once the problem was seen clearly, the patient would proceed to use the colors to heal themselves. - Drunvalo What the Aura-Soma Colors Mean: Red: Energy, grounding, survival issues and the material side of life. Coral: Unrequited love. Orange: Independence/dependency. Shock. Trauma. Deep insight and bliss. Gold: Wisdom and intense fear Yellow: Acquired knowledge Olive: Creating a space for clarity and wisdom. Green: Space. Search for truth. Panoramic consciousness. Turquoise: Mass media/group communication. Creative communication (art). Blue: Peace and communication. Royal blue: Knowing why one is here. Violet: Spirituality. Healing. Serving others. Magenta: Love for the little things in daily life. Pink: Unconditional love. Caring. Clear (white): Suffering and the understanding of suffering. † ''What is up is like what is down; you will divide the raw from the subtle to everything of One." —Hermes Trismegistus

COMMUNICATING WITH THE SOUL: THE POWER OF SACRED OBJECTS An interview with Mongolian-American Shaman Jade Wah'oo Grigori

Diane: Jade, why are ceremonial objects powerful? Jade Wah'oo: There is a Spirit which resides within sacred implements, and Spirit requires the embodied presence of Power as it expresses itself in the world. Power is life-force collected and concentrated. We ourselves are a charge of life-force, therefore Spirit can be present and express through us. A counterexample of this is when people suffer sudden and severe trauma, such as getting hit by a truck, or they suffer long, debilitating, degenerative conditions of health such as cancer or something of that nature. When a person's life-force goes below the critical threshold required to sustain the presence and expression of Spirit in that person's body, the Spirit then dis-anchors — leaves — and that person dies. So here we see that Spirit is present as a direct relationship to the Power present within the body. That's in the human domain. In the non-human domain, we consider that sacred objects are equally alive — a drum, or a feather, a staff, a rattle, or whatever it may be. In the creation of a sacred object, as we give our attention through our intent, Power is flowing into that object. As we then further utilize applications of Power — our breathing, tobacco, or whatever it may be — we prepare the ground for Spirit to come into full presence in that object. When we have an actual relationship established — not a figment of the imagination, but an actual relationship, whether it be with Eagle, or the spirits of the ancestors — and we provide a physical body 41

empowered in the form of the ceremonial object, we can then draw or call that Spirit into that object, and then have a living being. This action requires that we then take care of the Spirit that lives within the ceremonial object. We must continue to empower it and give it expression and interaction. A drum, for instance, that is filled with Power and the Spirit of Horse, will allow us to ride through the realms and domains of consciousness, carrying our awareness with it. If we take a balloon, fresh out of a package, and place it on the table, lean over it, and sing a high-pitched tone, that balloon will just lie there flat. Nothing will happen. But if we blow that balloon up taut with air, and then we sing a high-pitched tone, the balloon will resonate with that tone and continue to resonate even after we've stopped singing. When we as living beings are embodied with an intense charge of life-force, we are then like that balloon, and the frequency of whatever we have established a relationship with — Eagle, Bear, Star, or Ancestor — begins to resonate within us, stimulating and activating very specific forms of awareness. We then extend Power into an object — drum, rattle, feather — and anchor the established frequency through ourselves into that object. That object then begins to resonate with the frequency of that animal, that star, that ancestor, or whatever we have created a relationship with. So a ceremonial object imbued with Power, activated with Spirit, has a life of its own. In ceremony, we can interface this field presence of Power from the object with the field of the client, intensifying their life-force with the frequency that the object is carrying. That then stimulates change in consciousness at a cellular level. So utilizing the full range of objects, spirits, and empowerments, we can activate very specific and intended results within the client. The intended result could be a healing, or a state of compassion — whatever may be required. Diane: There is a healing method called Egg Doctoring where the healer utilizes an egg to clear the patient of emotional and physical blockages. How does this work? Jade: The same principles are involved with Egg Doctoring as with Power objects, except in reverse. When I am using this method, because of the principle of Power — that less dense will flow towards that which is more dense — the traumatic or stagnant field of Power that is causing disturbance within the individual is drawn out and flows toward me. What I do is intercept it with the egg. So there is an actual transfer of congested life-force. Because the egg is a proto-lifeform — its not alive but its not not- alive — the life-force charge of that trauma or condition is held within the egg. The egg begins to take on the form and characteristics of the general condition of the client. And when I break that egg open into a glass of water, I can physically see the expressions of that debilitation being formulated within the egg. The white and the yoke of the egg begin to change character visibly and show the specific attributes of the condition that had been within the client. It's both a form of post diagnosis and a removal of the condition which has been diagnosed. Diane: From a shamanic standpoint, what has to be present in order for healing to take place? Jade: In order for healing to occur within the client the client's soul must be engaged. Things which communicate to the soul that there is actuality occurring are the senses — taste, touch, scent, sight, hearing, things of this nature. It is through the senses that the soul receives communications from the outside world. And so in ceremony, with the burning of the incenses, the splashing of holy water, the glide of a feather across the body, the resonant tones of the drum, the theater of dance that is performed with the colors, and all of these put together in a harmonious manner, this communicates to the soul of the client that there is actuality present. This engages the soul into cooperation. If the soul isn't receiving messages that there is anything real going on, it's going to lie in dormancy — kind of "ho-hum." You can talk to yourself all you want, but that is not necessarily going to engage the soul. The more senses that can be engaged and brought into play, the more the soul can be engaged. Its not really a matter of belief, but of the effective degree to which we are connecting with the soul of the client and drawing it forth. It is from within the soul that the healing occurs and then is expressed through the body and the mind. Let me utilize a verbal example. In ceremony, I'll ask the client their name, and I'll ask them to state their condition as they know it to be. Then I'll ask the individual to state their heart-of-hearts desire as a choice. When a person responds, "I want to be healthy," the soul residing within that individual goes, "Yeah, well, when you're ready just let me know." Because whenever we express a want there is no commitment. And when we express "I want to be," emphasizing the words "to be," that indicates some other time, somewhere in the future. There is nothing there verbally to engage the soul into actuality. Were the person to say instead, "I choose radiant, vibrant health," then the soul goes, "I have a job!" Because that is a statement of commitment. It is a vow by the individual. The soul is engaged and immediately sets itself to bringing about the fulfillment of that vow. This is an example of the engagement of but one of the senses — that of verbal communication. Equally all the other senses can be engaged. Diane: Does a person have to be a shaman to engage the soul of the person they are working with? Jade: Absolutely not. In fact, the very nature of shamanism is that it is the birthright of every single person on this planet. Anyone can use these principles and methodologies effectively. The more aware they are of the principles and how to apply them, then the more affective they will be. 42

Diane: It sounds as if it would be a good idea for healers to treat their tools of healing in a ceremonial way, and useful to engage the senses of the person that they are working with. Jade: Yes. And equally important is for the practitioner to move beyond belief and move into the acceptance of the inherent sacredness of these things. That is, when we acknowledge the empowerment and the Spirit that we have drawn into these objects, then we are engaging our own soul. When we seek to transfer a quantum of Power through these objects into a client, we are in actual communication with their soul. Our own soul is engaged in that experience or process as well, so there is a direct and actual transfer of Power, of lifeforce, from our soul through the object into the client. If we are just sitting in an imaginative belief system, we are not engaging our soul in actuality. The danger there is that we are going to dispense our own bodily life-force through the object into the client, and we will end up being debilitated in the process. We can't pretend. Waving a chicken feather as if it were an eagle feather, for example, won't work because a chicken feather can't hold the Spirit of an eagle no matter how hard we try. The resonant frequencies of a chicken feather are not concurrent with the frequencies of the eagle. We might fill that feather with Power, but there can be no transfer of the frequency pattern of the eagle into the client. Diane: Thank you Jade, for sharing your wisdom. Jade Wah'oo Grigori conducts camps to assist people in the construction of their own drums, staffs, rattles and sacred implements. During these camps, these objects will be consecrated and empowered by Spirit. Jade also provides training in the use of these objects for healing and shamanic journeying. To learn more, you may visit Jade Wah'oo's website FUENTE :

CYMATICS AND THE NEW AGE OF MIRACLES Including an interview with Sir Peter Guy Manners, M.D.

A Re-Soundingly Successful Experiment Recently, in Germany, researchers took the DNA of a 17-year-old boy, recorded its sound frequencies, and saved them. The boy was accidentally killed, but the scientists still had his DNA frequency patterns. Later, the DNA frequencies of the 17-year-old were transmitted into the body of a man in his late thirties. And the man almost became the young boy. His skin became youthful, he became slim, his hair went back to its natural color. Today he's in his forties and he still looks like a much younger man. –Sir Peter Guy Manning, M.D. Cymatics As Science In the early 18th century, the German physicist Ernst Chladni, the ''father of acoustics,'' covered plates with thin layers of sand, set them vibrating, and observed the patterns that were made in response to different sound stimuli. In 1967, nearly three hundred years later, Hans Jenny, a Swiss doctor, artist, and researcher, published Cymatics – The Structure and Dynamics of Waves and Vibrations. In this book, published in both German and English, Jenny, like his precursor, showed what happens when one takes various materials like sand, water, or iron filings, and places them on vibrating metal surfaces. When this is done, shapes and motion-patterns appear. Some of these patterns are nearly perfectly ordered and are stationary. Others develop in a turbulent, organic fashion, and are 43

constantly in motion. Jenny used crystal oscillators, and invented what he called a ''tonoscope'' to set his plates and membranes vibrating. One of the most fascinating discoveries he made was that the vowels of Hebrew and Sanskrit, when toned into his media, formed the actual patterns of the letters themselves! Modern languages did not have this effect. All of which leads to the speculation that there may be some truth in the concept of a ''sacred language'' — an actual, physical reason why the recitation of sacred mantras and texts may have real healing properties. Jenny thought that evolution was a result of vibrations, with the vibrations of one level of organization, such as that of cells, each one unique, combining to create glands and organs and so on, each new level being a harmonic of the previous one. Jenny saw that we could heal the body with sound by understanding how different frequencies influence the genes, cells, and organs of the body. Out of Jenny's work, and that of other scientists in the late fifties, came the reality of using sound to transmute diseased cells into their healthy counterparts.

Enter the Age of Miracles It was Sir Peter Guy Manners, British medical doctor, who collated the work that had been done in cymatics research and developed from it the therapy of Cymatics. Stated most simply, Cymatics therapy uses a toning device to transmit into diseased areas of the body the signature vibrations of healthy organs and tissues. We called Dr. Manners at his academy in Bretforton, England. He told us that he had started off in ordinary medicine, but that a couple years into his training he'd reached a startling realization. As part of my training, I and my fellow students would observe doctors in the process of treating their patients. And so we are sitting there with this doctor, and some patient comes in with a headache, and the doctor says, 'Take these two tablets.' And the patient goes off. But he comes back in a fortnight or so, a couple weeks, and he says, 'Those tablets did the trick, but now I've got a little tummy upset.' And we watch the doctor give him some different tablets, and he goes off. And then later this same patient is back again, 'Oh, those tablets were wonderful, but now I've got a bit of diarrhea, you see.' ''And I realized, we started out with one patient, and now we've got three!'' Knowing that there had to be a better way of healing than what was taught to him in medical school, Dr. Manners traveled all over the world seeking to find out what other options existed for treating patients. He spent time studying with scientists in Germany (''I liked the kind of research they were doing''), Russia, and the United States. Somewhere in his travels, Manners met up with Hans Jenny. ''He was interested in making forms and shapes with sound, and these coincided with the forms and shapes of anatomy and physiology,'' Dr. Manners said. Out of this observation came Cymatics, or Bioresonance, therapy – the use of sound to transform diseased tissue into its healthy counterpart. Cymatics probes are used to transmit bioresonance energy, in the form of electronic pulses, from the Cymatics instrument directly to human tissue. Another method of application is through fluids. Water or a homeopathic preparation is placed on a Bioresonance Energizer, which imprints the bioenergetic patterns into the solution. Also, there are units which can transmit bioenergy patterns into a bathtub or hydrotherapy unit. Yet another unit combines bioenergetic frequencies with color. You can see how all of this works by realizing that there is no difference between the energetic pattern of an object and the object itself. We are made of energy. If we transmit a healthy frequency into diseased tissue, we cause it to take on the frequency — and thus, the actuality — of healthy tissue. When asked what brings people to Cymatics therapy, Dr. Manners said, ''They choose it because a tremendous percentage want to move out of the drug scene.'' And he stresses that, at least in the U.K., Cymatics has earned scientific recognition. "Scientists like it because its techniques can be explained and quantified, and the results are predictable. We know scientifically what will happen,'' Manners said, ''if we transmit a certain combination of frequencies into the tissue.'' The instrument that is used to transmit sound vibrations into the human body is currently known as the Mark VI. It has replaced Mark I through V. ''This instrument,'' Dr. Manners says, ''holds up to 390 commutations of frequencies, sounds which will regenerate organs and tissues in the body.'' Cymatics and the Fountain of Youth Perhaps the most exciting possible application of Cymatics, as we indicate in the story that leads off this article, is its potential to reverse the aging process. ''When you're born,'' Dr. Manners said, ''every cell multiplies. Then, at puberty, the frequency patterns of the cells change, and instead of multiplying, cell replaces cell. As we age, cells still replace each other, but the tempo slows down. ''Within a few years of time we will be able to prevent this slowing down of cell replacement. And this can all be done with sound. If we take a frequency sample of your DNA at age 18, and save it, then later, if we transmit this frequency to your cells, they will rejuvenate.'' The Future of Advanced Medicine Sir Peter Guy Manners is an M.D. ''But I don't administer drugs,'' he says. Drugs, he claims, are destructive. The type of medicine he practices is constructive. And although in the United States constructive healing modalities go under the name of 44

''alternative therapy,'' in the United Kingdom they are referred to as Advanced Medicine. And the doctors who practice Advanced Medicine, instead of being hounded by professional and governmental organizations, may even aspire to knighthood. ''It used to be, when doctors didn't know how to heal an arm or a leg, they just amputated it,'' Manners said. ''By the year 2010, medicine as it's known today will be as out of date as chopping off limbs. Prepare to accept the wonders of technology as established, scientific fact. Miracles will become the natural thing. ''Miracles,'' concludes Dr. Manners, ''were simply things people didn't understand. Today, we can explain miracles. Miracles fit right in with advanced technology.'' There are Cymatics clinics in many countries, and more Cymatics therapists are needed. If you would personally like to pursue Cymatics therapy, as a subject or as a career, Dr. Manners invites you to call or write to him. His contact information, biography, and more information about Cymatics can be found at

FLOWER ESSENCES AND DR. EDWARD BACH See also ''What Are These Things Called Flower Essences?" excerpted from the book by Perelandra's Machaelle Small Wright. In flower essences we are dealing with geometric forms which are the precursors for the formation of matter. These codes are absorbed by the etheric body and translated into stimulating vibrational frequencies. —Dr. Marcel Vogel[1] Health is our heritage, our right. It is the complete and full union between soul, mind and body.

—Dr. Edward Bach[2]

Dr. Edward Bach Dr. Edward Bach was a remarkable man. After qualifying as a doctor in 1912, he said, as he received his diploma, "It will take me five years to forget all I have been taught." In fact it took longer than that. It was eighteen years before he smashed the glassware in his laboratory and abandoned his career as a successful mainstream physician, leaving London in search of the cures for illness he believed would be found in Nature. Before he left the mainstream world, Bach was not only a general practitioner, but also a bacteriologist and pathologist working on vaccines. He became fascinated by the connection between a person's colon flora and their health, and discovered that a vaccine made from a patient's intestinal bacteria and injected into the bloodstream gave excellent results, especially in chronic diseases. When Bach discovered homeopathy and the work of Dr. Hahnemann, he modified his method and developed homeopathic preparations known as "nosodes" (remedies made from pathological tissue). He classified these nosodes into seven categories which are known today as Bach's Seven Nosodes. Early on in his practice, Bach noticed that a patient's personality and temperament played an important part for him in deciding what medicine would be most effective to help in healing. Soon he noticed that there seemed to be seven major personality types which seemed to correlate with the seven categories of nosodes he had developed. With a great deal of success, he began prescribing totally on the basis of personality type rather than biological testing, and thus confirmed his belief that it was more important to treat the person's individual nature than the disease. Although Bach had great respect for Dr. Hahnemann and his work, he disagreed with the premise of homeopathy that like cures like. ''It is obviously fundamentally wrong to say that 'like cures like''' Bach commented. ''... Like may strengthen like, like may repel like, but, in the true healing sense like cannot cure like. ... [A]nd so in true healing, and so in spiritual advancement, we must always seek good to drive out evil, love to conquer hate, and light to dispel darkness. Thus must we avoid all poisons, all harmful things, and use only the beneficent and beautiful.''[3] Just as he had abandoned his practice in London, he now abandoned the scientific methods he had used until then. He was inspired by his work with homeopathy, but he wanted to find remedies that would be purer and less reliant on the products of disease. He left London and went in search of a system that he was sure could be found in Nature. The first two plants he used in his practice were impatiens and mimulus. The third was clematis. Bach was very particular in his selection of flowers. Because of his sensitive nature he could feel the vibration of the plant and where it was grown, and thus sought only those of the highest vibratory pattern. Thirty-nine of the essences he eventually developed are from plants, trees, and bushes. One remedy, Rock Water, is from a special spring. The 39th, known as Rescue Remedy, is a combination of several remedies and probably the most well known today. Bach's research and his life followed the seasons. In the spring and summer, he looked for and prepared the remedies. Winter was spent treating those that would come to him for assistance. As he focused on the personalities and feelings of his patients, their physical maladies would be relieved as their bodies' natural healing potential was unblocked and allowed to work freely. The discovery of the 38 remedies took five years. During this period, he continually suffered the symptoms and mental agonies that his patients were going through. In finding his last 19 remedies, for example, he was known to have endured the 19 mental states for which he needed them. Only when he found the right plant was his suffering alleviated.


In the early days Dr. Bach worked in several hospitals and was well aware of their negative affect on the human spirit. He dreamed of a different kind of hospital where people would go freely to find themselves and learn the lessons that life was teaching them. He dreamed of doctors who would treat their patients as individuals, studying their nature rather than the results of tests. He imagined patients taking charge of their own health, accepting the needs of the Spirit rather than dealing with the physical body alone. Dr. Bach passed away peacefully in 1936 at the age of 50. He knew that the 38 essences he had discovered would cover every possible area of need and had declared the system complete. He had found all the remedies he needed: 38 individual preparations which could be blended into nearly 293 million combinations – yet so simple to make that anyone could do it! How to Make the Mother Tincture The natural substances used to make Bach essences are initially extracted either by boiling or by leaving them in the sun. Most of the more delicate flowers are tinctured using the sun method, where the petals are floated in pure water for a number of hours. Woody plants, or flowers which bloom when the sun is weak, are prepared by boiling them for half an hour. In both cases, full strength, 80-proof brandy is then used as a preservative, mixed 50/50 with the prepared tincture. Finally, drops from this preserved Mother Tincture are further diluted in brandy to make the stock bottles that can be purchase in stores today. It's a simple process and does not require special preparation or special abilities. All that is needed is sunshine, water, brandy, bottles — and the right plant on the right day. Dr. Bach had the gift of healing by laying on hands, but he understood that this gift was not universal. He felt that the remedies, and the simple methods of working with them, would place the same power of healing in the hands of all. Thus, he did not patent his recipes. They can be had by reading his book The Twelve Healers.

How Are Remedies Chosen? By being aware of one's own mental, emotional, or spiritual state, one can select the remedy that may be useful for onesself. In his book The Seven Healers, Bach suggests looking for the positive, uplifting aspects, or the opposite of the person's current state of being. For instance, if a person is discouraged, this might indicate a need for Gentian, which restores hope. Remedies are available in most health food stores and can sometimes be found in local grocery stores, as well. They may also be purchased online at

The Seven Healers Dr. Bach placed the flower essences into seven main categories 1.


    

Aspen – Vague, unexplainable fears/anxieties Cherry Plum – Fear of reason giving way, mind being over-strained Mimulus – Fear of known things, everyday fears the person bears quietly Red Chestnut – Fearful/worrying about others Rock Rose – Emergency remedy for fear, terror, panic


Over-concern for the welfare of others  Beech – Over critical of others and of surroundings  Chicory – Over-caring or controlling of others  Rock Water – Strict lifestyle due to high ideals  Vervain – Strong opinions, and wanting to impress these on others  Vine – Strong-willed leaders


Loneliness  Heather – Don't like being alone  Impatiens – Prefer to work alone. Quick in thought and action  Water Violet – Independent, self-reliant, prefer to be alone. Also for grief


Not sufficient interest in present circumstances  Chestnut Bud – For those who take a long time to learn from experience  Clematis – Dreamy quiet people, dreaming of a happier future  Honeysuckle – Nostalgia, homesick or dreaming fondly of the past 46

   

Mustard – 'Dark clouds' of gloom or despair Olive – Sapped vitality, no strength to go on White Chestnut – Persistent thoughts or worries circling in the mind Wild Rose – Loss of enthusiasm for life, resignation


Oversensitive to ideas or influences  Agrimony – Want to keep peace at any price, easily disturbed by quarrels  Centaury – Difficulty saying No to others. May neglect their own life purpose  Holly – Anger and vexations of the heart  Walnut – Protection from all outside influences in daily life and transitions


Uncertainty  Cerato – Lack of self-confidence in making decisions, always asking advice  Gentian – Easily discouraged  Gorse – Great hopelessness  Hornbeam – Feeling of insufficient strength to meet the demands of life  Scleranthus – Unable to decide between two things  Wild Oat – Deciding on a life path, when many choices look exciting


Despondency or despair  Crab Apple – Feeling dirty, shameful, contaminated  Elm – Overwhelmed  Larch – Capable people who lack self-confidence  Oak – Strength to go on without loss of hope or effort  Pine – Apologetic, unable to accept compliments, self-blaming  Sweet Chestnut – When one feels they have reached the limits of endurance  Star of Bethlehem – Comfort in times of great distress  Willow – Resentment, feeling life has been unfair

Rescue Remedy Composed of five essences formulated for use in acute or emergency situations, Rescue Remedy is used to assist in calming, clearing, and restoring harmony. Footnotes 1. Earth, p.2 2. Collected Writings, p.91 3. Collected Writings, p.113 4. See Collected Writings for more information Recommended reading on Bach's and other flower essences: Bach Flower Essences 1. Collected Writings of Edward Bach, edited by Julian Barnard, 1987. Excellent reading. Philosophy and practical information on the remedies 2. The Healing Herbs of Edward Bach: An Illustrated Guide to the Flower Remedies, Julian and Martine Barnard, 1988. A beautiful and informative book. One of my favorites 3. Patterns of Life Force: A Review of the life and work of Dr Edward Bach and his discovery of the Bach Flower Remedies, Julian Barnard, 1987. 4. The Medical Discoveries of Edward Bach, Physician, Nora Weeks, 1973, Keats Publishing. The book about Bach's life and work 5. Bach Flower Therapy: Theory and Practice, Mechthild Scheffer, 1986, Thorsons Publishing Group Limited. Great book for information on choosing remedies 6. The Bach Flower Remedies: Illustrations and Preparations, Nora Weeks and Victor Bullen, 1990, The Dr Edward Bach Centre Other Flower Essence Books 1. Seven Herbs: Plants as Teachers, Matthew Wood, 1986, North Atlantic Books. Highly recommended 2. Flower Essence Repertory, published by The Flower Essence Society. A flower-essences materia medica, so to speak. Very well done 3. Flower Essences: Reordering Our Understanding and Approach to Illness and Health, Machaelle Small Wright, 1988, Perelandra, Ltd 4. Vibrational Medicine: New Choices for Healing Ourselves, Richard Gerber, MD, 1988, Bear and Company

WHAT ARE THESE THINGS CALLED FLOWER ESSENCES? A book excerpt from Reordering Our Understanding and Approach to Illness and Health by Machaelle Small Wright I have learned from the nature intelligences I work with that specific healing and balancing patterns that are vital to humans have been incorporated into the makeup of plant life. These patterns are usually found in the flower petals of the plant. When the petals are placed in water and allowed to sit in the sun for a period of about three hours, that specific healing and balancing 47

pattern is released into the water in a highly condensed form. The water is now what can be called a ''tincture.'' The tincture is diluted, preserved — usually in brandy — and is then ready to be taken orally a few drops at a time whenever needed. How does this link in with the human body? We humans borrow from the three kingdoms in nature what is needed for an appropriate physical form. It stands to reason. Everything that is of form on Earth is derived from nature. We draw from the animal kingdom for our physical form and from the mineral kingdom for the building and stabilizing process in our cells. And for our central nervous system, we draw from the plant kingdom. Because of their close relationship, the central nervous system responds easily and favorably to input from the plant kingdom. Hence the wisdom of making healing and balancing patterns available to us through plants. It's like a direct telephone linkup. From one direction you have the direct link with healing and balancing patterns as a result of the plant/central nervous system relationship. And from the other direction, because the disorder and dysfunction we experience first impact our bodies within the central nervous system, you have the early warning system. The two — the easy accessibility to the healing patterns held within plants and the early warning when the body dysfunctions — meet right at the central nervous system. One result of disorder and dysfunction is that the corresponding electrical circuitry along the spinal column breaks, short-circuits. If nothing is done to rectify the situation, the related network of nerves receives weakened electrical impulses rather than the usual strong impulses. These weakened impulses travel through the nerves to their related areas of the body, especially the endocrine system. Immediately, there is physical weakness in that area which, if not addressed, results in illness or disease. Another result causes what can best be described as ''system overload.'' Disorder and dysfunction impact the central nervous system along the spinal column, causing the electrical circuitry to unbalance in such a way that the normal flow of electrical impulses dramatically increases. If the overload is not addressed, the body will physically respond with symptoms such as hyperactivity and twitching. Because of the unique relationship between the plant kingdom and the central nervous system, flower essences, in a most efficient and dramatic manner, are able to reconnect the broken circuitry and rebalance the electrical overload along the spine. This, in turn, stops the weakening domino effect that ultimately leads to illness. If a person is too late in using the essences, and illness has already set in, the essences still reconnect and balance the circuitry and hold that balance while the body heals. Reprinted with permission from the book Flower Essences: Reordering Our Understanding and Approach to Illness and Health by Machaelle Small Wright. ©1988 Machaelle Small Wright. All Rights Reserved. Machaelle Small Wright's website is at

EXPLORING THE MYSTERY OF AROMATHERAPY By Dr. Marcy Foley Davidsson Aromatherapy, certainly the "in" buzzword these days, is far removed from the artificially-scented shampoos and bath products so familiar to mainstream America. It is actually our oldest form of medicine, recorded as early as 2500 B.C. in Egyptian papyri. The holy anointing with sacred or blessed essential oils — frankincense, myrrh, galbanum, and others — is amply portrayed in the Bible.

Although aromatherapy, as the term implies, is based upon smell, the oils may be used in a variety of ways. Deeply inhaling an essential oil is the most common method of use, either through simply smelling oils as they are rubbed onto the body or through essential oil diffusers that waft the aroma through an entire room. In France, for example, where the term ''aromatherapy'' was coined, it is common to ingest certain essential oils for treating digestive and other disturbances — although this should never be done without professional guidance. Also, these oils are often used in conjunction with massage and foot reflexology. There is even a specialized process involving the outer ear canal — and again, this should only be done by someone with proper training, as the oils can burn a hole in the ear drum! As you can see, essential oils are serious healing tools. However we must use certain precautions. It is important that we receive proper instruction in their therapeutic application. 48

It also is important to make sure that your source is a company that performs scientific testing to ensure the purity of its products. Adulteration of essential oils is very common, and the fact that you purchased your oils at the local health food store is no guarantee of their quality or purity. How Do These Oils Work? Unfortunately, because of so many inferior products, many of us in America have never smelled pure, unadulterated, therapeutic oils — oils that have been processed at the correct temperature and pressure for that particular oil, and for the correct length of time. When we do, it can be a magical, intoxicating, mystical experience. Each essential oil has from 2 to 800 chemical constituents which work in a synergistic manner to produce a wide variety of responses in the human body. These constituents are the chemical properties within the oil which are responsible for its effects. For instance:

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Ketones dissolve mucus and are found in eucalyptus. Chamazulene, contained in chamomile, is anti-inflammatory. The esters found in lavender are responsible for its calming and soothing properties. Phenols found in oregano and thyme help in clearing the body's receptor sites of petrochemicals.

Some of the most interesting chemical constituents are sesquiterpenes, which have the ability to cross the blood-brain barrier and oxygenate the brain, suggesting many exciting possibilities in working with neurological conditions. Sesquiterpenes are contained in frankincense, sandalwood, myrrh, and even lemon essential oils. How Essential Oils Affect the Emotions While we have mentioned oils that focus their attention on the physical level, many have a higher frequency for emotional and spiritual applications. I believe all emotions are beautiful, dynamic aspects of ourselves. Emotions are important teachers that provide richness to our daily life experiences. However, when we do not accept or give expression to them their patterns are stored in the body, causing damage. This storage of emotional patterns can be compared to static electricity in certain parts of the body which blocks or repels nutrients and healing energies. One of the reasons some people never seem to be able to heal has to do with this emotional blocking. Thus, the use of therapeutic quality essential oils together with hypnotherapy or other emotional healing work is invaluable. The oils won't "do it to you" — not without your active participation. It's difficult to heal what you can't see or detect, especially repressed emotions. Here, essential oils can help by bringing emotions to the surface where we can work with them more easily. Essential oils bring up emotions because when they are inhaled (or placed under the tongue) they go directly to the amygdala gland within the limbic system of the brain, stimulating nerve receptors there. This, in turn, can trigger stored trauma to be brought up, where it may be cleared. Essential Oils and Mental Clarity The use of therapeutic quality essential oils is one of the best ways to clear up brain fog and endocrine imbalances, conditions often due to toxic residues in our bodies. These toxins are introduced to our systems by our environment, by residues from the drugs we take, and by the food we eat, including pesticides, and the drugs and hormones given to animals. Essential oils such as oregano help to clear off our endocrine system's receptors, so that we can make use of the enzymes and hormones that we produce in our bodies. By having these residues out of the brain, we can think more clearly and in some cases even improve our memory and concentration.

How Essential Oils Detoxify What keeps us physically healthy is a series of important chemical reactions which occur within the trillions of cells in our bodies. However, when the oxygen level in the body drops as little as one percent, the cell membranes thicken. This causes us to retain toxins, and prevents nutrients from reaching the inside of the cell. It is imperative to have the best diet and to digest all that we eat. Equally important, however, is that the nutrients get from the blood serum into our cells. Essential oils deliver oxygen, and they bond to the cell membranes so that toxins can pass out of the cell and life-giving nutrients can go inside where they are needed. This is why we may begin to feel better immediately when we use essential oils. By increasing the oxygen level within our bodies, aromatherapy may help give us immunity to certain anaerobic diseases. These oils are so delightful to use because they work easily and quickly. Whether they are placed on the feet, the back, the earlobes, or the chakras, essential oils are some of the most effective oils our Creator gave to us. These oils are so delightful to use because they work so quickly. Even if the oils are only placed on the exterior of the body, studies show that they can travel from the feet to the brain in as little as one to three seconds.[†] Depending on the size of the body, essential oils can be in every cell of the body within 20 minutes, performing their transformational healing miracles. What Kind of Results to Expect Though the substances of essential oils are not cumulative in the body, their effects are. The more we use essential oils in our daily lives, the more positive effects are seen.


It is common to clear out parasites and metal residues with essential oils. I've also seen amazing changes in people's attitudes and spiritual outlook on life with regular essential oil use. Sometimes aromatherapy is the crucial difference in why one person heals and another one doesn't. Remember: We are more not ''just a physical body.'' We are a collection of energies, and we have mental, emotional, and spiritual bodies as well as the physical one. All of these energies intermingle with each other, contributing in each moment to our total state of spirit-mind-body awareness. When we use the beautiful, natural essential oils which our Creator gave to us, I believe we have the best chance of reprogramming our bodies to work together in harmony, producing in each of us a symphony of delights. Let us be wise stewards and use them sparingly, with a loving intention, and watch as they perform their transformational healing miracles. † D. Gary Young, N.D., Aromatologist, Aromatherapy: The Essential Beginning (Essential Press Publishing, Salt Lake City, UT) 1995 p.37. Dr. Marcy Foley is a chiropractor, naturopathic physician, and aromatherapist who has also studied nutrition, homeopathy, and herbology. She designs personalized wellness programs using cleansing fasts, lifestyle changes, and natural remedies to assist those who are drawn to work with her. Through her seminars and books, she teaches aromatherapy, ''Emotional Ownership,'' subtle body attunement, and balancing.

She is the author of five books on many facets of natural healing. Her most popular book is Embraced by the Essence, a naturopathic textbook on healing with essential oils. You may visit Dr. Foley's website at, or contact her via email at [email protected]. FUENTE :

A LIST OF OTHER ALTERNATIVE HEALING RESOURCES Here is a sampling of other forms of alternative healing that may interest you and be of value. 1.

Herbs a. b. c. Teaching A directory of Herbs Knowledge of Medicinal Plants and Herbs


Dolphins and Whales a. Information b. Underwater birthing c. Dolphin Links d. Dolphin Healing e. Dr. Betsy A. Smith and Healing of Autistic Children f. Dr. Betsy A. Smith (Info)


Ayurveda Oils and Therapies a. Information


Biofeedback Machines a. Biofeedback Machines b. Biofeedback Machines



Rife Machines a. Rife Machines b. Rife Machines


Radionics a. Information


Chaos Therapy a. Information


Geobiology Tools a. Direct from Slim Spurling


12 Cell Salts a. b. To Purchase Information

10. Ozone Generators Note that these are for internal use only—do not breathe ozone! a. Information b. List of Generators 11. InfraSound Therapy Machines a. One machine b. More 12. Acupuncture a. Information 13. Electro Acupuncture a. Information 14. Reiki a. b. Reiki Information Reiki Information

15. Earth (Mud Therapies) a. a href=" Information 16. CMO (for Arthritis) a. Information b. More information 17. QXCI Computer Healing a. Information b. More Information c. More Information 18. Urine Therapy a. Information b. More Information 51



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