The Anytime, Anywhere, Anywhere, on Anybody Phone Mystery Part of the Triple ‘A’ Series of Mentalism by Marc Paul
Background & Credits I have always loved an effect by Ted Annemann called “The Telephone Drama! I first read it in his “"ne Man Mental and Psychic #outine $A boo%let published by &eor'e Armstron' in ()*+, althou'h the individual effects come from the pa'es of The -in., circa ()/0 to ()0(1! The basic plot is that a spectator thin%s of a person and their phone number, the information bein' recorded secretly on a couple of slips of paper! The spectator now dials the number on an imaginary phone! imaginary phone! As soon as this is done the mind reader is able to reveal correctly the number! The The spectator is then as%ed to ima'ine i ma'ine spea%in' to the person the number belon's to, this time the mind m ind reader immediately announces the correct name2 It is a wonderfully direct effect and has been used by a few performers over the years! Most notably was Maurice 3o'el who performed the effect on sta'e and made it a feature of his act! 4is version was published in the 5ew Penta'ram $6olume $6olume (7 5umber + Au'ust ()891! The problem that I found with both of these versions is that the performer at some point 'limpses the phone number and has to memorise it! Most phone numbers today are (( di'its lon' and due to the nature of the 'limpse I didn’t feel I had enou'h time to remember the number! Mnemonics didn’t really help, the time was simply too short! "f course you can use different information li%e a name and a place $see :ob ;assidy Art of Mentalism
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