Mapa Conceptual El Lenguaje
August 20, 2022 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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Gb ebpbeodbd ebpbeodbd dc u` `oòh pbrb ehau`oebr acdob`tc cg gc`iubnc cstâ rcgbeoh`bdb dorcetbac`tc eh` gb dolcrc`eo dolcrc`eobeoõ` b eoõ` dc ghs soi` soi`oeb oebdhs dhs c` su gc`iubnc y eh`eoc`eob.
C` gb cstrueturb scaâ`eb dc ghs vheb vhebfghs fghs cstb cstbfgce fgcecahs cahs u`b dos`eoõ` dos`eoõ` c`trc rclcrc`tc y soi`oebdh dcg aosah ahdh quc dolcrc`eobahs cg `hao`bvh dc u`b pbgbfrb pbgbfrb dc su lu`eoõ` eoõ` soi`oebvb.
Mhrozh`cs - \bghrbr cg gc`iubnc ehah u` o`struac`th dc gb ehau`oebeoõ` y ehah u`b cxprcsoõ` dcg pc`sbaoc`th. - Vclhrzbr gb ebpbeodbd hrbg y gcethrb b trbvïs dc gb ehaprc`soõ` dcg lu`eoh`baoc`th cspceáeh dc ghs eõdoihs dc gb rcbgodbd sheobg.
O`sruac`h dc
Zc`sbaoc`th y pbgbfrb `h cstâ` ehrtbdhs phr cg aosah ahgdc; c` eocrth sc`dh cxostc` c`trc cgghs aâs dolcrc`eobs quc scacnb`zbs. Gbs cxpr cxprcsoh csoh`cs `cs vcrfbgcs vcrfbgcs `h pucdc` surior tht thtbga bgac`tc lhr lhrab abdb dbs, s, so` so`h h quc dc dcfc` fc` dcsbrrhggbrsc c` lhrab irbdubg.
ehau`oebeoõ õ` ` dc quc dosph`c gb muab`odbd
@þegchs caâtehs y prhfgcaâtehs Gb tchráb dc UTCV@ shfrc cg dcsbrrhggh dcg gc`iubnc. Gbs rbáecs ic`ïebs dcg pc`sbaoc`th y cg gc`iubnc Zc`sbaoc`th y pbgbfrb
Zrhecsh dc O`lhrabeoõ` Eh`ecpths y sus oapgoebeoh`cs c` ghs prhecshs dc Ehau`oebeoõ`, õ`, Gc`iubnc y Zc`sbaoc`th quc mb` sodh cstudob bdhs dhs phr go`i÷ostb ostbs, s, psoeõghihs, hihs, `curõghihs `curõghihs y pcdbihihs buthrcs c odc`ebr sus bphrtcs tcõroehs ghs tcabs rcgbeoh`bdhs eh` cg gc`iubnc> Fru`cr, Khcmgcr, Yu`dt, F÷mgcr, _crkcs.
Gb rcgbeoõ` c`trc pc`sbaoc`th y pbgbfrb `h cs u` mcemh, so`h u` prhecsh, u` eh``uh or y vc`or dcg pc`sbaoc`th b gb pbgbfrb y dc gb pbgbfrb bg pc`sbaoc`th, y c` ïg gb rc cgg be be oõ ` c `t rc rc
Gb Tchráb Dc Ucr` Uhfrc Cg Dcsbrrhggh Dcg Gc`iubnc
pc`s pc`sbaoc baoc`th `th y pbgbfrb pbgbfrb sulrc sulrc eb ba af foh ohss
q uc uc
p uc uc dc dc `
Eh`ecpeoõ` o`tcgcetubgostb dcg dcsbrrhggh dcg gc`iubnc o`lb`g cs cg bspceth aâs eh`heodh
Dos`iuc `iuc trcs rbáeecs cs dcg gc`iub gc`iubnc> nc> gb tc`dc`eob dc`eob cxprcs rcsovb ovb,, gb sheobg sheobg y gb
dcg trbfbnh dc Utcr`.
s cr cr
eh`sodcrbdhs ehah dcsbrrhggh c`
Eh`ecpeoõ` actbsoeb dc gb pcrsh`bgodbd, quc dcrovb thdhs ghs prhecshs dc u`b tcgchghiáb pcrsh`bg, trbstheb gbs vcrdbdcrbs rcgbeoh`cs ic`ïebs c`trc gb pcrsh`bgodbd y cg gc`iubnc.
cg sc`dh lu`eoh`bg.
S`b pbgbfrb so` soi`oebdh cs u` sh`odh vbeáh, cg soi`oebdh cs, phr gh tb`th, u` erotcroh dc gb ‗pbgbfrb ‗pbgbfrb‑‑ y su ehaph`c ehaph`c`tc `tc o`dospc`s pc`sbfgc bfgc.. Bg pbrc pbrcecr, ecr, c` cstc ebsh, sc phdráb eh`tcapgbr ehah u` lc`õac`h dcg gc`iubnc.
Gbs Vbáecs Ic`ïtebs Dcg Zc`sbaoc`h _ Cg Gc`iubnc
C` ghs b`oabgcs cg mbfgb y cg pc`sbaoc`th prhvoc`c` dc dos`tbs rbáecs ic`ïebs y sc dcsbrrhggb` b gh gbrih dc gá`cbs dolcrc`tcs. Csth mb sodh eh`rabdh phr ghs cstudohs dc Khcmgcr, _crkcs y htrhs aâs rceoc`tcs shfrc ghs ah`hs.
C g ï xo xo tth h d c g bs bs b ee ee oh` oh`cs cs dc g h hss b`oa b`oabgcs bgcs dcpc`dc dcpc`dc dc eõah pucdb` vcr thdhs ghs cgcac`ths dc u`b sot sotube ubeoõ` oõ` soaugtâ`cbac`tc -ïstc -ïstc cs u` lbethr lbethr d ce ce os ov h dc su ehaphrtbaoc`th.
Cg soi`oebdh dc gb pbgbfrb cs u` lc`õ lc`õac`h ac`h dcg pc`s pc`sbaoc baoc`th `th aoc`trbs ïstc cstï c`ebr`bdh c` cg gc`iubnc, y dcg mbfgb sõgh c` tb`th cstï rcgbeoh rcgbeoh`bdh `bdh eh` cg pc`sbaoc`th c oguao`bdh phr ïg.
Gb scaâ`eb bdhptõ gb tchráb dc gb b ssh h eeob obee oõ oõ ` y eh h` ` ` `u uõ õ eh`sodcrb`dh cg soi`oebdh dc gbs pbgbfrbs pbgbfrbs ehah ehah u` c`gb c`gbec ec c`trc cg sh`odh dc gbs aosabs y su eh`tc`odh.
B gb guz dc gb psoehghiáb dc gb Icstbgt, gb rcgbeoõ` c`trc pc`sbaoc`th y gc`iubnc bpbrcec ehah u`b soapgc b`bghiáb, u`b rcdueeoõ` dc bafhs b u` ehaþ` dc`h dc`hao`b ao`bdhr dhr cstruetu cstrueturbg. Dc beu beucrdh crdh b gbs cxpc cxpcroc`e roc`eobs dc Khcmgcr, gb lhrabeoõ` dc gbs proacrbs pbgbfrbs, soi`oebvbs soi`oebvbs c` u` `oòh sc eh`sodcrbfb soaogbr b gb dc gbs hpcrbeoh`cs o`tcgcetubgcs dc u` emoapb`eï.
Gb hpo`oõ` dc Yu`dt> Ghs icsths o`doebdhrcs, quc eh`stuyc` gb proacrb ctbpb c` cg dcsbrrhggh dcg gc`iubnc muab`h `h bpbrcec thdbváb c` ghs b`oabgcs, pcrh quc bgiu`hs bdcab`cs dc ghs ah`hs sh` u`b lhrab trbdoeoh`bg c`trc cg bsor y cg scòbgbr.
Ghs cstbdhs blcevhs quc prhduec` bfu`db`tcs rcbe rcbeeoh` eoh`cs cs vhe vhebgcs bgcs c` ghs emoapb`eïs emoapb`eïs `h sh` lbvhrbfgcs pbrb cg lu`eoh`baoc`th dc gb o`tcgoic`eob.
Gb eho`eodc`eob dc gb prhdueeoõ` dc sh`odhs eh` icsths blcevhs, cspceobgac`tc `htbfgcs eub`dh ghs emoapb`eïs cstâ` auy cxeotbdhs, `h sc goaotb b ghs b`trhphodcs.
Dcfc mbecrsc mbecrsc mo`ebpoï mo`ebpoï `ucvbac`tc c` quc gb dcsebrib caheoh`bg ehah tbg `h cs gb þ`oeb lu`eoõ` dcg gc`iubnc c` ghs ah`hs. Ehah c` htrhs b`oabgcs y c` cg mhafrc tbafoï` cs u` acdoh dc eh`tbeth psoehgõioeh eh` htrhs dc su cspceoc.
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