MapInfo to Google earth 1. Tool>run map basic program>mapinfo2google.mbx or for shortcut press Ctrl+U and select mapinfo2google.mbx 2. To convert all the site locations, zoom out and make sure that all the sites are within the current window. 3. From Mapinfo2Google menu, click on “convert map window to .kml file”. If an error message “Map window must not be minimized or maximized” appear, then just restore down the tab window. Click again on “convert map window to .kml file”. Show the location where you want to save the output file. 4. If you want to see the site location with site ID, antenna azimuth & antenna beam direction, you need to convert three different .tab files into .kml files. Antenna BW:‐ Make a .tab file by using “make sector.mbx” and convert it to .kml file Azimuth:‐ Make a .tab file by using Piano_30.mbx and convert it to .kml file Site ID:‐ Make a .tab file and locate the sites by using any symbol (from table>create points). Label the sites from layer control. Then convert it to .kml file Open all three .kml file from google earth.
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