ManualeDelphi Inglese

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kiln dryers controller «NOME_PRODOTTO» – r.«REVISIONE»

B EFORE STARTING STARTING ..............................................................8  How to use this manual ........................................................................................ 8  Intended use ......................................................................................................... 8  Safety instructions................................................................................................ 8    Battery................................................................................................................ 10  How to easily insert/remove the battery (Panel version) ................................... 11 How to easily insert/remove the batter batteryy (Desktop version) ............................... 12  Using the menus................................................................................................. 13  Contrast setting .................................................................................................... setting .................................................................................................... 13  LED lamps lamps ............................................................................................................  ............................................................................................................ 13  Locking the keyboard .......................................................................................... keyboard .......................................................................................... 13  INSTALLING INSTALL ING EASY ADVANCED  ADVANCED .........................................14  Parts listing ........................................................................................................... listing ........................................................................................................... 14  tips  ..................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................... 14  Installation tips Connections ..........................................................................................................  .......................................................................................................... 16  Connections Easy advanced CPU (LG28) –  LG39 ................................................................. 16  Dip-switch settings ........................................................................................ 16  Inputs / Outputs description ........................................................................... 17  Relays connection example............................................................................ 20  LG25 Probe amplifiers....................................................................................... 21  LG30 probes amplifiers ..................................................................................... 22  LG35 Probe amplifiers....................................................................................... 24  Connecting several se veral LG25/LG LG25/LG30 30 amplifiers on Kiln Bus ................................... 27  Connecting several LG35 amplifiers oonn Kiln Bus ............................................. 28   Network connection ....................................................................................... 29  PC connection for controller software upgrade ............................................. 30  CONFIGURING CONFIGURIN G EASY ADVA ADVANCED NCED  .....................................30  Menu Service Preferences ......................................................................... Preferences ......................................................................... 30  Close flaps if temp. falls .................................................................................... 30  Sprayers - Flap Flapss enab enabling ling te temperature mperature ............................................................... 31  High temp. alarm delay ...................................................................................... 31  EMC alarm delay ............................................................................................... 31  Save measures every: ......................................................................................... 31  Cooling phase mode ........................................................................................... 31    EMC compensation ............................................................................................ 31 -1-


Timber MC / EMC / Te Temperature mperature calculation mode ......................................... 32  High temperature alarm threshold. .................................................................... 32  EMC alarm threshold ......................................................................................... 32  Phase timer mode ............................................................................................... 32  Variation EMC/hour .......................................................................................... 32  Flaps On/Off activation a ctivation threshold. ..................................................................... 33  Flaps at end of cycle .......................................................................................... 33  MC compensation .............................................................................................. 33  Menu Service  Installation Installation  ............................................................................ .......................................................................... 33  EMC/Temp probes ............................................................................................. 33  Flaps driving mode ............................................................................................ 34  Flaps opening time ............................................................................................. 34  Flaps activation activa tion dela delayy ........................................................................................ 34  Heat. valve driving mode ................................................................................... 34  Heat. valve opening time ................................................................................... 34  Heat. valve ac activation tivation delay ............................................................................... 35  Spray management mode ................................................................................... 35  Spray valve val ve acti activation vation delay dela y .............................................................................. 35  Fans driving mode ............................................................................................. 35 Fans inversion .................................................................................................... 35   Condensation based kiln .................................................................................... 36  Maximum allowed a llowed temperature ......................................................................... 36  Compressor activation delay .............................................................................. 36  Heat Treatment mode (HT) ................................................................................ 37  EMC and a nd T TMC MC measures filter .......................................................................... 37  Extraction fan..................................................................................................... 37  Minimum number n umber of HT probes ........................................................................ 37  Minimum temp. for HT cycle ............................................................................ 38  Heating pump pu mp manageme management nt ............................................................................... 38  Exhaust fan threshold thre shold ........................................................................................ 38  Dehumidifier threshold ...................................................................................... 38  Analog output mode .......................................................................................... 39  Sprayers max. percentage perce ntage .................................................................................. 39  Additional I/O .................................................................................................... 39  Communication  ................................................................... ................................................................... 39  Menu Service  Communication Serial address ..................................................................................................... 39  Baud rate ............................................................................................................ 39  Menu Service  Maintenance Maintenance ........................................................................  ........................................................................ 39  Menu Service  Diagnostic Diagnostic ............................................................................  ............................................................................ 40  Menu Service  Save preferences….............................................................. 40  Menu Service  Load preferences… .............................................................. ............................................................ 40  Menu Service  Software back-up ................................................................ back-up ................................................................ 40  -2-


kiln dryers controller «NOME_PRODOTTO» – r.«REVISIONE»

A DVANCED OVERVIEW EASY ADVANCED OVERVIEW  ...........................................41  Power on ............................................................................................................... on ............................................................................................................... 41  Main screen screen ..........................................................................................................  .......................................................................................................... 41  A) Status Statu s bar ...................................................................................................... 41  B) Measures area ............................................................................................... 42  C) Output status area –  Manual  Man ual commands co mmands ....................................................... 42  D) Information area  –  start,  start, stop, pphase hase selection ............................................. 43  E) Menu bar ....................................................................................................... 43  DRYING A DVANCED  ....................................44  DRYING USING EASY ADVANCED 1) Prelimi Preliminary nary operations ................................................................................... operations  ................................................................................... 44  2) Timber probes positioning .............................................................................. positioning .............................................................................. 45  selection ................................................................................................. 3) Probes selection  ............................................................................................... 47  cycle ...................................................................................  ................................................................................... 48  4) Setting the drying cycle 4.1) Setting bbyy iButto iButtonn ....................................................................................... 48  4.2) Recalling a program from memory ............................................................. 48  4.3) Manual setting ............................................................................................ Menu  Generic ric data ......................................................... 49 49    Drying cycle  Gene Heating speed ............................................................................................. 49  Timber group: ............................................................................................ 49  Inversion interval: ...................................................................................... 49  Menu  Drying  Phases definition ............................................................ 49  Phases parameters –  page 1 ........................................................................ 50  ID number .............................................................................................. 50  Climate ................................................................................................... 50  Condition ............................................................................................... 50  Fans speed .............................................................................................. 51  Phases parameters –  page 2 ........................................................................ 51  Outputs ................................................................................................... 51  Alarms .................................................................................................... 51  HT .......................................................................................................... 52  Cell climate regulation ............................................................................... 52  4.4) Final moisture setting ................................................................................. 52 

HEAT TREATMENT (HT) ......................................................52  TREA TMENT (HT)  Timber core temperature visualization  visualization  ............................................................... ............................................................. 53  procedure  ............................................................. 53  Probe verifying / calibration procedure Probes positioning positioning ................................................................................................  ................................................................................................ 54  Verifying the cycle setting ................................................................................... setting ................................................................................... 55  -3-


 ADDI  ADDITIONAL TIONAL FUNCTIONS FUNCTIONS  ...................................................56  Menu Energy saving saving .......................................................................................  ....................................................................................... 56  Menu  Energy saving  Mode ...................................................................... 56  Menu  Energy saving  Fans ........................................................................ 56  Menu  Energy saving  Heater ..................................................................... 57  Menu Controller options options ................................................................................  ................................................................................ 57    Controller options  Displa Menu   Displayy co contrast ntrast .............................................. 57  Menu   Controller options  Display backlight mode .................................. 57 Menu   Controller options  Backlight timeout ............................................ 57  Menu  Controller options  Day….minutes ................................................. 57  Menu Measures Measures ...............................................................................................  ............................................................................................... 58  Menu Alarms  .................................................................................................. 58  Alarms .................................................................................................... Menu Erase history buffers buffers  ............................................................................. ........................................................................... 58 

 AL ARMS AND FAUL FA ULTS TS MANA MA NAGEMENT GEMENT  ............................ 58  Temperature and EMC alarms alarms ..........................................................................  .......................................................................... 58  Temp. too high ................................................................................................... 59  Temp. too low .................................................................................................... 59  EMC too high .................................................................................................... 59  EMC too low ..................................................................................................... 60  Ice danger d anger .......................................................................................................... 60  errors.................................................................................................. .................................................................................................. 60  Faults and errors EMC x probe shorted ......................................................................................... 60  Temp. x probe p robe opened ....................................................................................... 61  Temp. x probe shorted ....................................................................................... 61  Probes amplifier ................................................................................................. 61  Power supply supp ly ..................................................................................................... 61  EEPROM write error ......................................................................................... 62  System clock: ..................................................................................................... 62 Default data ........................................................................................................ 62   LG30-1 / 2 Amplifier ......................................................................................... 62  Core tem. probes ................................................................................................ 63  Solutions  ............................................................................. ........................................................................... 63  Further problems & Solutions Measurement problems ...................................................................................... 63  Relay outputs ..................................................................................................... 64  Power supply suppl y / Po Power wer on ................................................................................... 64 

SOFTWARE UPGRADING UPGRADING  ................................................... 65  SPECIFICATIONS ICATIONS  ......................................... 66  ELECTRICAL SPECIF -4-


kiln dryers controller «NOME_PRODOTTO» – r.«REVISIONE»

 APPENDIX  ............................................................................67   APPENDIX  1) Wood type/group table .................................................................................... table  .................................................................................... 67  programs ............................................................................................. 68  2) Drying programs ............................................................................................. Limits of the standard pprograms rograms ........................................................................ 68  Easy advanced base programs progra ms ........................................................................... 68  British schedules (British programs) programs).................................................................. .................................................................. 74  drying  ...................................................... 3) Defects and faults associated with drying  ...................................................... 75  conditions .........................................................................  ......................................................................... 78  4) Outputs activation conditions Common problems measuring MC and EMC................................................... EMC ................................................... 79  DISPOSAL PROCEDURE (DIR. 2012/19/UE - WEEE) ................................. WEEE)  ................................. 86 




05/01/2005 Rev. 3


Rev. 4


Rev. 5

05/09/2005 Rev. 6

Added new special parameters for condensation based kilns management Added: - Heat Treatment cycles capability -- New settingsactivation for regulation values calculation mode Compressor interval - Filter for EMC and TMC measures Added: - New details added about how to connect the power supply and about internal fuses - Description of HT related faults Added: - A new charter to underline how to set the final moisture - Description of “Diagnostic” and “Maintenance” functions functions   - “Reload default setting” function moved from “Installation” to “Maintenance” Menu.   The output for fans analog signal was reversed in this manual

03/10/2005 Rev. 7

15/10/2005 Rev. 8

22/11/2005 Rev. 9

06/04/2006 Rev. 10

05/11/2007 Rev. 11

25/02/2008 Rev. 12



Software release 2.5 Added : - New info about wiring for not reversible fans - New function: extraction fan management - New function: HT probes calibration Software release 2.6 The preference parameter to disable the sprayers below a settable temperature now disables the flaps too. Software release 3.6 Added new descriptions for two new installation parameters related to HT pyhitosanitary cycles. Software release 4.6 Added new function for Heating pump management Added : - EMC and MC problems solving chapter - Added LG35 chapter - Added new probes configurations Software release 4.8 Added description for new parameters under “Drying prefe rences” for alarm alar m thresholds setting. 


kiln dryers controller «NOME_PRODOTTO» – r.«REVISIONE»

Rev. 13


Added: - more detailed description for battery replacement - more detailed instruction for internal fuse replacement - connection diagram for LG35 amplifiers - instruction to measure the LG25 reference voltage - new probes configuration (4T,4EMC,12MC)

Rev. 14

Software release 5.5 Added description for 4 new drying preferences parameters

Rev. 15

Fixed the wrong table Connections/Kiln bus connector

21/04/2009   06/07/2009   Rev. 16


Rev. 17


Rev. 18

19/05/2010   Rev. 19

13/09/2010 Rev.20

01/02/2011 Rev.21

22/03/2011 Rev.22

22/10/2012 Rev.23 15/02/14

Software release 5.7 Added a new management mode for condensation kilns and two additional parameters related to the new mode Software release 5.9 Additions to menu “SERVICE  INSTALLATION”:   - New parameter to specify whether the analog output should  be used to drive the fans or the heating hea ting valve. - Maximum activation percentage for sprayers while in pro portional management mode Software release 6.0  New management of sprayers when whe n in On/Off mode: while ON, they are now driven according to the duty cycle specified with “Sprayers max. percentage” setting.   Software release 6.1 - Added new parameter for MC measurement compensation Software release 6.3 - Modified flaps management with temperature priority - Added new capability for additional I/O connection - Additional description about error codes codes (- - - - and xxxx) of the HT probes visualization screen Replaced LG29 unit with LG39 Firmware 6.8: Added management for analog output and AUX2, AUX3 on LG39



B EFORE STARTING STARTING How to use this manual This manual is intended as a reference guide to use «NOME_PRODOTTO». Although it is the possible (and at least time) read it every starting from first page, manual hasadvisable, been written to beone used as to reference time an the information is required about a specific function. For this reason the title of the paragraphs are the same as written in the control system (abbreviations included). The  best way to get most out of this manual is by sitting in front of «NOME_PRODOTTO», exploring it, be curios and searching here the explanations. This manual uses icons that to point out some specific information: This icon points out in-depth information or a peculiarity regarding the specific argument. This icon is used to highlight the operations that, in case of not appro priate use, may cause cause damage or data data loss.

Intended use This product has been designed for the control of timber kiln dryers, in order to  perform drying cycles in automatic, semi-automatic semi -automatic and manual mode mode.. It can also  perform HT cycles according to the ISPM15 ISP M15 requirements.

Safety instructions -  Warning! When using battery-powered instruments, basic safety precautions, including the following, should always be followed to reduce the risk of fire, leaking batteries, personal injury and material damage. -  Read this manual carefully before operating the instrument. -  Retain this manual for future reference.



kiln dryers controller «NOME_PRODOTTO» – r.«REVISIONE»

Consider work area environment

Do not expose the instrument to rain. Do not use the instrument in wet conditions. Keep the work area well lit. Do not use the instrument where there is a risk of causing fire or explosion, e.g. in the presence of flamma flammable ble liquids and gases. 

Keep children away

Do not allow children, visitors or animals to come near the work area or to touch the instrument. 

Stay alert

Watch what you are doing. Use common sense. Do not operate the instrument when you are tired. 

Check for damaged parts

Before use, carefully check the instrument for damage. Ensure that the instrument will operate properlyorand perform  its intended function. Do not use the instrument if any part is damaged defective.


This instrument complies with relevant safety requirements. Repairs should only be carried out by qualified persons using original spare parts; otherwise this may result in considerable danger danger to the th e user  

Use appropriate instrument

The intended use is described in this instruction manual. Warning! The use of any accessory or attachment or performance of any operation with this instrument other than those recommended in this instruction manual may  present a risk risk of personal injury. 

Additional safety instructions for non-rechargeable batteries

- Never attempt to open for any reason. - Do not store in locations where the temperature may exceed 40 °C. - Please disposing the battery in accordance with local regulations. - Do not n ot incinerate the batteries. - Under extreme conditions, battery leakage may occur. When you notice liquid on the t he batteries batteries,, proceed as follows: - Carefully wipe the liquid off using a cloth. - Avoid skin contact. 



Battery If you want to dispose of the instrument yourself, the battery must be removed as described in the next disposed in accordance with localcannot regulations. Place the battery in a chapter suitableand packaging to of ensure that the terminals be short-circuited. Take the batteries to a local recycling station. Battery technical data

IEC* designation System  Nominal voltage  Nominal capacity

CR2032 Litio 3V 210 (mAh)

Permissible temp. range Weight, approx. Dimensions, approx.

-20°C … 60°C (min/max)  3g ø20 x 3,2 mm

* Int  International ernational Electrotechnical Electrotechnical Commission

- 10 -


kiln dryers controller «NOME_PRODOTTO» – r.«REVISIONE»

How to easily insert/remove the battery (Panel version)  REAR view 

 Unplug the “KILN BUS” and “RS232 –   RS485”connectors

from the rear side of the control panel.  Unscrew the 5 screws indicated by the “A” label in the “rear view”, then r emove emove the

metallic cover.

 The

REAR view (internal) 

battery, located as stated in the red rectangle in the “rear view (internal)” is now accessible.

 Insert

a small, flat screwdriver under the battery as indicated by the yellow arrow (B) in “Battery holder detail”,

then lift the battery and slide it out from the battery holder.  To

insert a new battery, gently slide it inside the battery holder, as indicated by the grey arrow (C) in “Battery holder detail”. Pay attention

Battery holder detail 

to thebepositive pole (+) which must faced up.

- 11 -


How to easily insert/remov insert/remove e the battery (Desktop version)  FRONT view 

 Unscrew the 4 screws indicated by the “A” label in the “FRONT view”, then remove

the control panel.  Unplug the “KILN BUS” and “RS232 –   RS485”connectors

from the rear side of the control panel.

 The

battery, located as stated in the red rectangle in the “REAR view (internal)” is

REAR view (internal) 

now accessible.  Insert

a small, flat screwdriver under the battery as indicated by the yellow arrow (B) in “Battery holder detail”,

then lift the battery and slide it out from the battery holder.  To

insert a new battery, gently slide it inside the battery holder, as indicated by the grey arr ow ow (C) in “Battery holder detail”. Pay attention

Battery holder detail 

- 12 -

to the positive pole (+) which must be faced up.


kiln dryers controller «NOME_PRODOTTO» – r.«REVISIONE»

Using the menus A lot of the functions of «NOME_PRODOTTO» are accessible through menu. The menu item currently selected is identified by the white letters on black background; the various items of a menu can be selected through the selection arrows (normally the keys number 3 and 4), the access to the following submenu is made  by the confirmation key (5), while the key 1 (ESC) is normally used to return to the preceding menu. The browsing of the various pages is made through selection menus. In this manual, to point out the path to follow for reaching one determined function, the various menus to select are listed in sequence, beginning from the first level (main menu), divided by the symbol “”. For instance, the function to load a standard program (accessible from main screen by pressing the MENU key, then selec ting “Drying Cycle” and “standard”) will be described as:   Menu Me nu

Drying cycl e

Sta Standard ndard

All thethe pages of «NOME_PRODOTTO» are characterized a status (on the top of screen) and a menu bar (at the bottom). The statusbybar usuallybardescribes the path effected to reach the active page (except in the main page, where it gives different information), while the menu bar, located immediately above the five functions keys, specifies the specific function for every key.

Contrast setting Although it is possible to set the contrast of the display through an addicted menu, a shortcut is available, particularly useful for the first power-on, if the display ap pear completely black. In this case, to set the contrast, press contem contemporarily porarily the key “?” and the key “ ” to darken or “” to clear the screen.

LED lamps «NOME_PRODOTTO» is equipped with two LED indicators. The green lamp, always on, indicates that the controller is powered; the other, red, become visible only if turned on and indicates the presence of an alarm condition. On the front  panel there is another small transparent area, to the right of the “MENU5” key, b ehind which there is the photo resistor used for the automatic power-on of the screen backlight. keyboard Lockin g th e keyboard The keyboard of «NOME_PRODOTTO» has a lock function that can be enabled  by the special iButtons (black keyring). ke yring). Touching the co connector nnector with the ke keyboard yboard - 13 -


lock iButton, the symbol of a key will appear on the top bar of the display. Under such conditions it is not more possible to access to any page or to effect any change on the settings of the controller. The unlocking of the keyboard is made in the same way: touching again the connector with the iButton, the symbol of the key will disappear from the display and the keyboard will take back the normal operation.

Ins Install tallii n g «NO «NOME_ ME_PRO PRODO DOTT TTO» O» Parts listing «NOME_PRODOTTO» control system consists of the following parts: 1 2 3 4 5 6 8 9 10

 Nr. 1  Nr. 1  Nr. 1  Nr. 2  Nr. 6  Nr. 42  Nr. 2  Nr. 3  Nr. 1

Central unit LG28 with screen and keyboard. Relay outputs /analog outputs outpu ts unit LG29 Probes amplifier LG25 Probes box to be installed inside the kiln Timber moisture measurement cables cab les Electrodes for timber moisture measurement (three length lengths) s) Keyboard locking iButton iButton for programs or configuration storage user’s manual  Accessories for installation

1: NOTE 

In the desktop version, the parts 1 and 2 are assembled into a unique case. 2: The quantities listed for the positions from 3 to 6 are referred to the 2 Temperature, 2 EMC, 6 Timber MC probes version.

Installation tips For a proper installation of the controller it is necessary to follow some precautions:   The central unit with screen and keyboard and the relay outputs unit must  be placed into a room having temperature between b etween 0 and 40C.   If «NOME_PRODOTTO» controller (panel version) is installed on a switchboard, it is necessary to pay particular attention to the correct assemblage of the other equipments installed inside the same switchboard, installing, where suggested, all the filters required to reduce the interferences. Especially if a frequency inverter for fans driving is present , it is necessary to follow all the indications of the manufacturer to avoid the - 14 -


kiln dryers controller «NOME_PRODOTTO» – r.«REVISIONE»

generation of interferences that could affect the operation of the control con trol system.   The probes amplifier amplifier must be installed close to the kiln, to maintain the connection cables to the probes boxes as short as possible. Although the LG25 amplifier is furnished in watertight case, it is absolutely advisable to avoid its direct exposure to the rain: a minimum protection constituted  by a simple plate roof should be always provided. The temperature and EMC sensors must be positioned inside the kiln so that to assure a representative measure of the climatic conditions inside it. If the kiln is equipped with reversible fans, the sensors must be placed on  both the sides of the kiln; if the front side is completely occupied by the loading door, the sensor should be positioned on the side wall, close to the door.   The cables for probes box connection and for wood moisture measurement have to be under good conditions. No junction or reparation is admitted, because it could affect the cable insulation characteristic. In the case of insufficient length, it is necessary to replace the whole cable. This



limitation the other of be connection the controller. The probesdoesn't boxes concern connection cablescables have to placed atof30cm minimum from whatever other power cable.

The distance among CPU unit, the power unit and the probes amplifier, can be also very high (< 1,2Km), because the communication among these devices is made through an RS485 line, suitable suitable for long distances. In case of long distances (>100m) or of environments particularly disturbed, it could be necessary to use special cables, especially developed for RS485 transmission; in this case the power supply must be conducted separately, using another cable.

- 15 -



«NOME_PRODOTTO» CPU (LG28) – LG39 «NOME_PRODOTTO» The LG39 is the new input/output unit which may be supplied instead of the LG29 as standard equipment of the control system.

The control panel of the kiln controller must be connected to one of the two KilnBus connectors (CN2 or CN3 - they are internally connected) of the input/output LG39 unit, using the supplied cable (connection 1:1*). The other connector (CN3 or CN2) can be used to connect the next devices on the  bus. (*) Please note that, although the pins number is reversed if compared to the control panel, the functions are on the same pin (1:1 connection).

Dip-switch settings The LG39 is equipped with 8 configuration dip-switches. Use a small sharpen tool to place them. The following table summarizes the function of the dip-switches (Off=0, On=1):

- 16 -


kiln dryers controller «NOME_PRODOTTO» – r.«REVISIONE» Dip-switch number 1 2


Serial address offset











   d   e   d    t   a   l   e   v   b    i    t   a   c   a   n   e   e    d   e   e   d   o    d   o   M   e    M    f   e   a    f    S   a   =    S   1   =    0

000 = Base address + 0 100 = Base address + 1 010 = Base address + 2 110 001 = = Base Base address address + + 34 101 = Base address + 5 011 = Base address + 6 111 = Base address + 7

   d   e   s   u    t   o    N

  n   o    i    t   a   r    k   r    i   u   g   o   w    f   n   =   o   1    C   =    0

   d   e   s   u    t   o    N

  s   s   u   u    B   B    d   o   l   n    i    K    M   =   =    0   1

Factory settings









When the “Safe mode” is enabled, after 4 minutes of inactivity of the serial inte r-

face, all the outputs will be disabled, but the HEATER CLOSE and the FLAPS CLOSE will be activated, in order to set the kiln under a safe condition. When this alarm condition occurs, the DATA ERROR led flashes every second. Under normal conditions, for use with standard controllers, the switches should remain as showed in the “Factory settings” row.   Whatever change on the dip-switches setting will be effective only after a reset of the device.

Inputs / Outputs Outputs description The power supply input and the relay outputs are available on the CN4 and CN7 connectors. The power supply for the whole system must be applied to the pins 1 and 2 of the CN4 connector; these contacts are internally connected to the KILN-BUS plugs through the FUSE 1 (5A) protection, to supply all the peripheral devices. All the common contacts of the relays are connected to the same input (CN7 - 8) that can be connected to whatever voltage from 0 to 250Vac. A protection fuse (FUSE 2.5x20mm  –   5A) is connected in series to this input; the sum of all the loads consumption must not exceed the fuse maximum current rating. The following table summarizes the function for every I/O pin of the LG39: Connector ID


Description Fans inverter ModBus connections (for ModBus controllers only) 3 –  RS485  RS485 Tx/Rx + 2 –  RS485  RS485 Tx/Rx -

 –  Serial 1KilnBus  Serialconnector GND interface - 17 -


Connector ID




1 –  Power  Power supply output L/+ (**) 2 –  Power  Power supply output N/- (**) 3 –  Serial  Serial GND interface 4 –  KilnBus  KilnBus Tx/Rx 5 –  KilnBus  KilnBus Tx/Rx + Inputs connector (clean contacts only) 1 –  Common  Common 2 –  Not   Not Used 3 –  Not  Not Used 4 –  Not  Not Used 5 –  Not  Not Used 0-10V outputs (NOTE: the outputs are not no t mutually insulated: all the commons are referred to the same GND as CN5. This GND is insulatinsula ted from the serial GND GND interface (CN1, CN2 and CN3) and from the  power supply.) 1 –  Common   Common ffan an (- FANS) FANS) 2 –  Fans  Fans 0-10V output (+ FANS) 3 –  Common   Common ffan an (- FLAPS) FLAPS) 45 –    Fans  Fans 0-10V (+ FLAPS)  –  Common Common ffan anoutput (- HEAT) HEAT ) 6 –  Fans  Fans 0-10V output (+ HEAT)




Outputs Led S1 - 18 -

Power supply inputs / Relay outputs 1 –  24Vac/dc  24Vac/dc Power supply input L/+ (**) 2 –  24Vac/dc  24Vac/dc Power supply input N/-(**) 3 –  not  not connected 4 –  AUX3  AUX3 –  Heating  Heating Pump (*) 5 –  Flaps  Flaps Close (FLAPS CLOSE) 6 –  Flaps  Flaps Open (FLAPS OPEN) 7 –  Heater  Heater Closed (HEATER CLOSE) 8 –  Heater  Heater Opened (HEATER OPEN) Relay outputs / Relays common Input 1 –  Fans  Fans counter clock wise output (FANS CCW) or without inversion in version 2 –  Fans  Fans clock wise output (FANS CW) 3 –  Sprayers  Sprayers output (SPRAY) 4 – AUX1 AUX1 output (NC) 5 –  AUX1  AUX1 output (NO) 6 –  AUX2  AUX2 extraction fan (NC) (*) 7 –  AUX2  AUX2 extraction fan (NO) (*) 8 –  Relays  Relays Common input (RELAY COMMON)

Green led (it flashes each time a valid packet has been received) Red led (it flashes when a wrong message has been receive or when there is no communication) Yellow led which signal the activation of the corresponding corr esponding output. For theto0-10V outputs, the duty tional the output voltage (10Vcycle = led(ON fixedtime) ON).of the LED is proporConfiguration Dip switch


kiln dryers controller «NOME_PRODOTTO» – r.«REVISIONE»

Connector ID FUSE 1 FUSE 2


Protection fuse for devices powered through the th e CN2/CN3 connectors (5A) Protection FUSE FUSE for relay outputs (5A –  250V).  250V). The sum of all the output currents from the connectors conn ectors CN4 and CN7 should not exceed the rating of this fuse.

(*) available only fromdirect firmware release 6.8 (**)These Theseoutputs powerare supply signals canstarting be under or alternate current, so that they can be reversed. The outputs from 4 to 8 (CN4) and from 1 to 7 (CN7) are subject to the voltage applied on the relays common input (CN7, pin 8). The analog outputs to drive the fans frequency inverter, the heater and the flaps are electrically insulated from the power supply and from the Kiln Bus interface, but are not insulated each other and from the digital inputs (CN5) In the standard configuration, the functions assigned to the Auxiliary relays are as follows: AUX1 AUX2 AUX3

Alarm (configurable) Extraction Fan Heating Pump

If a relays output is used to drive an inductive load (such as an electro valve), it is recommended to add the supplied spark suppression filters in parallel to the load. NOTE:  the

filter must be installed across the load and not across the relay, to avoid leakage of currents and any consequent malfunctioning.

- 19 -


Relays Re lays connectio c onnectio n example Lg39 RELAYS WIRING WIRINGS S    i   r   o   s   t   y   l   a   a   t    i    l   e   r   n   r   e   v   e   i   w  r   o   o   t   p   t   u   s   r   e   n   a   l   e    F   T

  e   o    d    t   n   e   n   v   s   a    l   e   p   r   a   m   a   r   e   v    l    F   S   a

  g    i   n   d    l   a    t   a   c   s   e   i    H   R

Power supply voltage

24Vac/dc +/-20%, 1A 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

  e    d   u   e    i   r    h   p    C    /    A   e   /   e   s   n   d   o   e   u    l    i    C  p   h   e    O   r    C    /   p   e   A   s   /   o   n    l    C  e   p    O

  e   s    i   o   w   i    k   r   a   c   r   o   i   o    l    t    C  n   r   a   e   o    t   n   s   u   n   o   e    C   S

Neutral Line Maximum allowe voltage: 230Vac    i   r   o    t   a   z   y   z   a   r   u   r   p  p    S    S

  e   m   r   a    l    l   p   a   m  a   a   d    l     a   p   m   r   m   a    l   a    A   L

  o    i   r   e   a   s   r    i   o   w    k   o   c   s   o   n    l   e    C   S




1 2 3 4 5 6



Fans speed controller  (Inverter)

CN6 Esempio di collegamento del filtro su teleruttori, elettrovalvole e  servom otori per apertura/chiusura apertura/chiusura valvole valv ole o serrande Wiring example for filter connection on power relays, electrovalves and servo motors for flaps or valves opening/closing. L

  r   e    t    l    i    F    /   o   r    t    l    i    F

  - 20 -



  r   e    t    l    i    F    /   o   r    t    l    i    F

 Ap  Apre re / Op Open en Chiude / Close   r   e    t    l    i    F    /   o   r    t    l    i    F


  r   e    t    l    i    F    /   o   r    t    l    i    F


kiln dryers controller «NOME_PRODOTTO» – r.«REVISIONE»

LG25 Probe amplifiers

The probe amplifiers model LG25 1.0 are equipped with 5 connectors with the following functions CN1 = factory use CN2 = Timber probe and EMC input CN3 = Connection to self-calibration device CN4 = temperature probe CN5 = KILN BUS The connectors can be accessed by removing the 6 fixing screws of the metal case lid. WARNING: 1)  Make

sure the lid is perfectly closed and tighten the cable holders once the operation is over to prevent dust or water from filtering in. The measure circuits must not be dirty or polluted

2)  fall Payofattention electronic card you and made avoid the the dirt or to bitsnotofdamage copper the wires on it when connections.. The following tables specify the connections related to connectors CN2, CN4 and CN5 (output 1 on each connector is the one nearest to the name of the connector on the printed circuit) CN2 - Timber probe inputs and EMC Connection Description

CN2-1 CN2-2

EMC probe 1 EMC probe 2


Timber probe 1 - 21 -




CN2-4 CN2-5

Timber probe 2 Common for timber probes -EMC probes

CN2-6 CN2-7 CN2-8

Timber probe 3 Timber probe 4 Timber probe 5

CN2-9 CN2-10

Timber probe 6 Common for timber probes -EMC probes

CN4 - Te CN4 Temperature mperature pro be inpu ts Connection Description

Temperature probe 1

CN4-1 CN4-2 CN4-3 CN4-4

Common for temperature probes Temperature probe 2 Common for temperature probes

CN5 - KILN BUS B US Connection


CN5-1 CN5-2 CN5-3 CN5-4

Rx/Tx+ Interface with the KILN BUS sensors Rx/Tx- Interface with the KILN BUS BUS sensors Earth connection Power supply input (24Vac/dc)


Power supply input (0V)

LG30 probes amplifiers The LG30 amplifiers allow to manage up to 8 additional temperature probes. They have three connectors: CN1 = Measuring inputs CN2 = Factory use CN3 = KILN BUS The connectors can be accessed by removing the 6 fixing screws of the metal case lid. WARNING: 3)  Make

sure the lid is perfectly closed and tighten the cable holders once the operation is over to prevent dust or water from filtering in. The measure circuits must not be dirty or  polluted 4)  Pay attention to not damage the electronic card and avoid the fall of dirt or bits of copper wires on it when you made the connections..

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kiln dryers controller «NOME_PRODOTTO» – r.«REVISIONE»

The following tables specify the connections related to connectors CN1 and CN3 (output 1 on each connector is the one nearest to the name of the connector on the  printed circuit)

CN1  – Inputs Connection





Temperature Temperatu re probe 1

CN1-2 CN1-3


Temperature probe 2 Temperature Temperatu re probe 3

CN1-4 CN1-5 CN1-6 CN1-7 CN1-8


Temperature Temperatu re probe Temperature Temperatu re probe Temperature Temperatu re probe Temperature Temperatu re probe Temperature Temperatu re probe

CN1-9 CN1-10


4 5 6 7 8

Temperature probes common Not used

CN3  – KILN BUS Connection Description

CN5-1 CN5-2 CN5-3 CN5-4 CN5-5

Rx/Tx+ Interface with the KILN BUS sensors Rx/Tx- Interface Interface with the KILN BUS BUS sensors Earth connection Power supply input (24Vac/dc) Power supply input (0V)

The KILN BUS most be parallel connected to the other LG25 amplifiers, on the same cable coming from the LG29 unit (panel versions) or directly from the desktop unit.

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LG35 Probe amplifiers The multi sensor sensor LG35 includes all the sensors required for the Kilns management and the electronic to transform the signals in digital information. It should be installed inside the kiln in a position suitable to measure the average climate conditions of the cell. WARNING: LG35 cannot be exposed directly to water spray and to tem peratures higher than 80°C, otherwise other wise serious damage may occur. occur . LG35 is equipped with a new, spring cage type connector, for an easy and faster wiring. To access the connector, unscrew the four screws of the front panel. Remove the front panel CAREFULLY, and temporary fix it at the left side (see  picture) while wiring the connector, in order to avoid any stress to the delicate connections between the front panel and the connection board..

Connect the kiln bus cable to the connector. Two inputs are provided for an easy chain connection: the kiln-bus can be connected to one of the two inputs, while the other is available to connect the next device (if any). For the connection use the following wires:

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kiln dryers controller «NOME_PRODOTTO» – r.«REVISIONE»

SIGNAL KilnBus + KilnBus KilnBus GND 24Vac (dc) – (dc) –  Phase (+) 24Vac (dc) – (dc) – Neutral  Neutral (-)

COLOUR Blue White Can be used to connect the cable shield (not required) Red Black

To perform the connections, simply  peel about 1cm of insulation from the wire, insert a flat screw driver ( 0,6x3,5mm tip) and turn iitt slightly to open the cage, then insert the wire. Pay attention to climp the copper and not the insulation of the wire. The two temperature probes inputs can  be used to connect two NTC type sensors.


Temp1 Temp2

Air Temperature Wood Temperature (optional) WARNING: be sure that that no uninsulated wire (including the shields of theotherwise cables) get touch with thebemetal coverinfluenced. of the measuring measuring circuit, theinmeasures could seriously

On the main connector there is also the measuring circuit ground , which is sup plied connected to the metallic roof of LG35 through a capacitor. cap acitor. The metallic roof should be connected to an earth connection, not shared with other power devices. To get good performances, in most of the applications, it is enough to install LG35 on the metallic walls of the kiln. The missing or insufficient earth connection may cause problems in measuring very low EMC and MC values. If this kind of problem is encountered, the following solutions should be tested: - 25 -


1)  Disconnect the capacitor from the LG35 metallic roof and connect it to a ”clean” (addicted only to the measuring circuit) earth connection.   2)  Leave the “Meas. GND” input of LG35 unconnected.  3)  Connect the Meas.GND pin directly to a clean earth connection. (Warning: this solution could carry to errors in measuring very high timber moisture contents) Observing the the rear side of the ffront ront panel a dip-switch wit 8 positions can be found. For this application their position should be: 8,6: ON, all the others OFF. Usually they are set in factory so there is no need to adjust them.

Looking obliquely into the dip-switch window two LEDS can be seen. In normal operation only the green LED should blink approx. once a second; the red led  blinks at power on or in case of communication co mmunication problems. At the end of the wiring, wiring, before closing the cover, be sure that no wire is is positioned over the connector, because there is no room available between the connector itself and the rear side of the cover. Pay also atte attention ntion to the proper positioning of the sealing gasket.

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kiln dryers controller «NOME_PRODOTTO» – r.«REVISIONE»

Connecting several LG25/LG30 amplifiers amplifiers on Kiln Bus

- 27 -


Connecting several LG35 amplifiers on Kiln Bus

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kiln dryers controller «NOME_PRODOTTO» – r.«REVISIONE»

Serial interface «NOME_PRODOTTO» controller is equipped with a serial interface for the connection to the supervisory PC or to update the controller software. The connector for such interface is a 9 poles DB series (DB9 female) situated on the back panel of the panel unity desktop versions) or of the main control unity (panel versions). The pin out of the connector is: Serial interface (DB9 F) 1 +5V out 2 TxD (RS232) 3 RxD (RS232) 4 Rx/Tx+ (RS485) 5 Rx/Tx- (RS485) 6 n.c. 7 RTS (RS232) 8 CTS (RS232) 9


Network connection «NOME_PRODOTTO» can be connected to a network of kilns managed by a su pervisory Personal Computer, that must be equipped with an interface converter model CV485NG. The connection must be effected as follows: «NOME_PRODOTTO» (DB94 F) 5 Shield   Shield

Rx/Tx+ Rx/Tx-

CV485NG 51 pins, gree green n con nector   Rx/Tx+ 2 Rx/Tx5 GND

Although, for brief distances in not disturbed environments, any telephone single  pair cable could be used, we recommend to use a specific cable for RS485 nets, such as. Belden 9841, Alpha 6412, CEAM CPR6003. The cable shield has to be connected to earth from a single side of the cable(for example, only on pin 5 of CV485NG converter) and left unconnected on the other side.

- 29 -


PC connection con nection for fo r controll contr oller er sof tware upgrade upgr ade To upgrade the software of a «NOME_PRODOTTO» controller not connected to a supervisory PC, a direct connection to the RS232 COM port of the PC can be effected, without need of a CV485NG converter: «NOME_PRODOTTO» (DB9 F) 2 TxD 3 RxD 9 Gnd Use then the AggiCE utility for the upgrade.

PC COM port (DB9 M) 2 RxD 3 TxD 5 Gnd

Configuring «NOME_PRODOTTO» After having installed and connected the controller, before being able to use «NOME_PRODOTTO», «NOME_PRODOTT O», it is necessary to proceed with it itss configuration, to suit it for the characteristics of the specific kiln. The configuration is effected through the addicted “Service only menu.”. Under this menu are grouped all the settings that must normally be set during the controller installation and that hardly will be modified later, during the normal use of the kiln. Following there is a list of the settable parameters for every submenu, together with a description of the meaning for each one.

Menu Service Preferences They are a series of settings related to the management of the drying cycle.

Close flaps if temp. falls It set the priority for conditions theallows flaps to should bemanagement open if the humidity in the the dampers. cell is tooUnder high.normal With particularly cold climate and/or with under dimensioned heating systems, the opening of the flaps could also cause an unwanted diminution of the temperature in the cell. To avoid this, it is possible to set this value on a value different from 0°C. In this way the temperature in the cell has higher priority than the humidity and, if it falls below the ideal values minus this setting (in °C), the flaps are closed, regardless to the moisture in the cell, until the temperature reaches again its ideal value. If this function is not required, set this value to 0°C to exclude it. Default setting: 5°C

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kiln dryers controller «NOME_PRODOTTO» – r.«REVISIONE»

Sprayers - Flaps enabling temperatur temperature e It is the minimum temperature below which the sprayers and the flaps are forced closed (disabled). Default setting:: 20C High temp. alarm delay It is the delay, in minutes, from the identification of an alarm condition for high temperature (10°C higher in comparison to the set-point) and its signalling. Default setting: 20 EMC alarm delay It is the delay, in minutes, from the identification of an EMC alarm condition (+/5,0 in comparison to the set-point) and its signalling. Default setting: 20’  Save measures every: «NOME_PRODOTTO» can preserve a trace of the last 80 effected measures into its memory, included the correspondents ideal values and the state of the timber  probes. This parameter allo allows ws to set the iinterval nterval in hours among two following re re-cordings. Default setting : 8h Cooling phase mode It specifies how the cooling have to be performed. When there is a cooling demand (usually at the end of the cycle) the controller can proceed in two ways: Natural: the heating is turned off, and all the other functions (flaps, sprayers) continue to work in normal the heating is way. turned off and the flaps are opened.  In case of too low Forced: EMC, the sprinklers are also activated;. Only if an alarm for too low EMC occurs, the flaps are closed again, up to the end of the alarm condition. Default setting: Natural

EMC compensation Use this function for fine adjustments on the measures of EMC effected by the controller. The correction of the EMC measure is especially useful when cellulose  plates different from those furnished with the equipment eq uipment or plates made from fro m other materials are used as sensors. The compensation is limited to +/-3,0; the set value is added to the measure detected by the controller.

Default setting: 0.0 - 31 -


Timber MC / EMC / Temperature calculatio calculation n mode They are referred to timber probes, temperature probes and moisture probes and are used to specify how the measures received from the various sensors must be managed. For all the types of probes, you can specify whether the regulation value should be the highest value, at the lowest value or at an arithmetic average of the measured values. The controller is preset to regulate on basis of the average timber moisture and of highest temperature and the lowest EMC measured in the cell (usually the most critical values of all). In some cases, it can be useful to adjust the cycle according to other values; for ex, when the timber is particularly subject to mould stains, an adjustment based on the highest EMC value can be more suitable or in case of timber that requires a minimum temperature to ensure an adequate treatment against parasites, it may be better to adjust the temperature at its lowest value High temperature alarm threshold. Defines the difference between measured and ideal temperatures which enables the countdown for high temperature alarm signalling. Default setting: 10,0 EMC alarm threshold Defines the difference between measured and ideal EMC which enables the countdown for high/low humidity alarm signalling. Default setting: 5,0

Phase timer mode Specifies how to manage the timing of the drying phases, If set to “T_OK” the

countdown begins the temperature required forwhen the phase has been reached. If set to “Start” thewhen countdown begins immediately the phase is started, r ee-gardless of temperature.  NOTE: when the timer for a ddrying rying phase is set to 0 or the phase is marked as HT  phase, the controller will wait for the required temperature before starting the countdown, regardless of the setting of this parameter. Default Setting: “T_OK” 

Variation EMC/hour Defines the hourly variation allowed for the EMC set. If the measured EMC is different by the set EMC required by the program, the required value will be reached according to the specified speed. - 32 -

Default setting: 10,0


kiln dryers controller «NOME_PRODOTTO» – r.«REVISIONE»

Flaps On/Off activation threshold. This parameter is considered only when Flaps management is set to ON/OFF mode, and specifies the threshold above set point for opening the flaps. The flaps will remain opened until the EMC value return to the ideal value. Default setting: 1,2 Flaps at end of cycle Defines whether the flaps should be ON (opened) or OFF (closed) when the cycle has been completed. (end of cycle). Default setting: OFF MC compensation This parameter can be used for fine adjustments on the measures of Timber Moisture performed by the controller, in order to match it with the preferred reference meter of the user. The compensation is limited to +/-3,0; the set value is added to the measure detected by the controller. Default setting: 0.0 Menu

Service  Installation

The installation parameters are used to configure «NOME_PRODOTTO» according to the characteristics of the specific kiln; after the first setting, it shouldn’t  be necessary to modify these parameters, unless mechanical changes are brought to the kiln.

EMC/Temp probes Specifies configurations the number of air available are:temperature, moisture and timber moisture probes. The 6 timber MC probes, 1 EMC and 1 Temperature 6W1E1T (1 LG25 amplifier with single probes box) 6 timber MC probes, 2 EMC and 2 Temperatures 6W2E2T (1 LG25 amplifier with two probes boxes) 12 timber MC probes, 2 EMC and 2 Temperature 12W2E2T (2 LG25 amplifier with single probes box) 8 timber MC probes, 2 EMC and 2 Temperature 8W2E2T (2 LG35 amplifiers) 4 timber MC probes, 1 EMC and 1 Temperature 4W1E1T (1 LG35 amplifier)

- 33 -



12 timber MC probes, 4 EMC and 4 Temperature (2 LG25 amplifier with double probes box) Default setting: “6W2E2T” 

Flaps driving mode Used to specify whether the flaps should be managed by pulses (the controller gives small opening or closing pulses, to move the flaps little by little) or On/Off (the flaps can be only fully opened or closed). When traditional motorized flaps are used, the first solution is warmly advisable, because it allows a better regulation. The On/Off mode should be used only when the proportional mode cannot be applied (for instance: dehumidification by extracting fans only or by condensation) Default setting: Pulse

Flaps opening time The time required for the flaps to open or close completely. It is used only if flaps  pulse mode has been selected. selec ted. Default setting: 80”  Flaps activation delay A delay used during the proportional management, to define the response time of the system. It should be increased if the response is too fast (the real value oscillates around the ideal value) or decreased if the response is too slow. Default setting: 20”  Heat. valve driving mode As for the flaps, allows theThe proportional management of the heating for provided a better temperature regulation. pulse mode should be preferred whenvalve used with a traditional motorized valve, while the On/Off mode should be used only when the pulse mode cannot be applied (such as direct heating with direct burner driving). Default setting: Pulse

Heat. valve opening time The time required for the heating valve to open or close completely. It is used only if heating pulse mode has been selected. Default setting: 80” 

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kiln dryers controller «NOME_PRODOTTO» – r.«REVISIONE»

Heat. valve activation delay A delay used during the heating proportional management, to define the response time of the system. It should be increased if the response is too fast (the real value oscillates around the ideal value) or decreased if the response is too slow. Default setting: 20”  Spray management mode Used to specify whether the spraying must be On/Off or proportional. The proportional management is made keeping the valve open for a variable percentage (duty cycle) of a 30” working time (Pulse Width Modulation Mode)  NOTE: when the On/Off mod modee is selected, the sprayers will be always al ways OFF or aca ctivated according to the max. percentage setting; i.e. if the “Sprayers ma x. percentage” setting is set to 50%, the sprayers can be always OFF or activated with a 50% duty cycle. To drive them in pure On/Off mode, be sure that the “Sprayers max.  percentage” is set to 100%. 

Default setting: PWM

Spray valve activation delay A delay used during the sprayers proportional management, to define the response time of the system. It should be increased if the response is too fast (the real value oscillates around the ideal value) or decreased if the response is too slow. Default setting: 20”  Fans driving mode It indicates the type of fans used in the kiln. You can specify whether they can be set on or off only, or if their speed can be adjusted (INVERTER controlled fans the speed of which is specified by an analogue voltage. Default setting: On/Off Fans inversion Specification if the sense of rotation of the fans has to be inverted periodically (usable only with suitable fans and switchboard).  NOTE: by setting the inversion interval to 0 and restarting the controller, the fans will run for 1 minute (plus pause time) for each direction (useful for testing  purposes) Default setting: Yes

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Condensation based kiln By setting this parameter to “1”, the controller will be configured to manage a condensation kiln (a special drying kiln that uses a dehumidifier system to decrease the air humidity, instead of requiring fresh air from outside like the conventional kilns do). For the condensation kilns, the relay normally used for the flaps is used to drive the refrigerator, and the relay normally used to signal an alarm becomes the overheating relay. These relays are managed as follows: Refrigerator (flaps): Overheating (alarm):

disabled for temperatures below 30C ON when EMC>Set-point +0.8 OFF when EMC Set-point +3.0C OFF when when Temperature
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