Manual - William Buhlman - Exploring Past Lives.pdf

January 17, 2018 | Author: JESUS | Category: N/A
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Exploring Your Past Lives by William Buhlman This unique 5 CD set contains 4-D technology which is the result of modern scientific research and ancient healing techniques. Precisely tuned sound waves are used to create binaural beats, inducing self initiated and controlled altered states of consciousness. This program will help to transport you to a higher state of mind, opening your consciousness to endless possibilities and realities. In this exciting 5-CD set you will experience guided meditations, hypnosis and instructional discussions, presented in a home workshop format.

*Find out how to receive and trust impressions. *During a powerful regression, trace the source of a current problem. *Examine the core of your current relationships. *Help resolve past life issues. *Explore and connect with your spiritual guide or higher self. *Explore the unseen energies that influence your life. *Experience a progression to a future event or lifetime. *Learn to harness your own innate ability to explore expanded states of consciousness. *Alter negative patterns that were created in the past.

Disk 1: Includes instructions and 7 meditative exercises @192k - 69MB

Disk 2: Relax and enjoy a full length (60-minute) past life exploration hypnosis session @256k - 109MB

Disk 3: Experience a powerful 60 minute regression to the source of a current problem or issue @256k 109MB

Disk 4: Explore and connect with your spiritual guide or higher self @256k - 109MB

Disk 5: Experience a progression to a future event or lifetime @256k - 109MB

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