Manual VDA 6.5 - 2020

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Qualitäts Management Center

im Verband der Automobilindustrie


Part 5

Quality Management in the Automotive Industry

Product Audit

Volume 6 Part 5 – Product Audit


3rd, revised edition in March 2020 Dokument wurde bereitgestellt vom VDA-QMC Internetportal am 07.07.2020 um 11:35

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Product Audit Guideline

3rd, revised edition in March 2020 Verband der Automobilindustrie e. V. (VDA)

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Imprint ISSN 0943-9412 Print: 03/2020 Copyright 2020 by Verband der Automobilindustrie e. V. (VDA) Qualitäts Management Center (QMC) Behrenstraße 35, 10117 Berlin Overall Production: Henrich Druck + Medien GmbH Schwanheimer Straße 110, 60528 Frankfurt am Main Printed on chlorine-free bleached paper

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Non-binding VDA recommendation The Association of the German Automotive Industry (VDA) recommends that ­ its members apply the following guideline when establishing and maintaining ­ QM systems.

Exclusion of liability This VDA QMC document is a recommendation that is free for anyone to use. Users are responsible for the correct application of the recommendations from case to case. This document takes account of the state of knowledge and technology prevailing at the time of the respective issue. The use of the guideline does not absolve anyone of responsibility for his/her own actions. In this regard, each one acts on his/her own responsibility. Liability on the part of the VDA/VDA QMC and those involved in the preparation of these recommendations is excluded. Anyone who comes across incorrect information or the possibility of an incorrect interpretation when using these VDA QMC recommendations is requested to notify this immediately to the VDA so that any deficiencies can be eliminated.

Copyright protection This document is protected by copyright. Any use outside the strict limits of the copyright laws without the permission of the VDA is prohibited and punishable by law. This applies in particular to reproductions, translations, microfilming, and storage and processing in electronic systems.

Translations This document will also be published in other languages. Please contact VDA QMC for the most current respective status.

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 Table of contents     05

Table of contents 1 Preface


2 Purpose and area of application


3 Product audit sequence


4 Audit program


4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5

Input criteria for determining the audit program Specifications of the audit program Scope of an audit program Implementation of the audit program Monitoring and evaluation of the audit program

5 Audit plan

16 18 22 22 23


5.1 Inspection characteristics and specifications 5.2 Test equipment and number of parts to be tested 5.3 Specifications for controlling the test parts 5.3.1 Parts removal 5.3.2 Parts labeling 5.3.3 Transport and packaging of parts 5.3.4 Return of products 5.4 Reference documents

25 25 26 26 26 27 27 27

6 Execution of product audits


7 Audit report



Notes on the classification of deviations and their evaluation  Dokument wurde bereitgestellt vom VDA-QMC Internetportal am 07.07.2020 um 11:35

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06      Table of contents

8 Initiation of audit follow-up actions 8.1 8.2

Immediate measures Knowledge transfer

9 Qualification of product auditors 9.1 Product auditor 9.2 Additional roles

33 34 82

35 35 36

10 Reference documents


11 Definition of terms and glossary


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 1 Preface     07

1 Preface Since the second edition was published in 2008, the conditions for automotive manufacturers and suppliers to the automotive industry have changed rapidly. Automotive-specific requirements with international validity, such as IATF 16949, form the basis for action for quality management in the automotive industry. Based on the experience gained during the introduction of the IATF requirements, the differentiation between the terms “product audit” and “layout inspection” allows for various interpretations. This volume provides a recommendation for a differentiation. The new edition is based on the up to date requirements of ISO 19011 „Guidelines for auditing management systems“. The quality of the products is ensured by the consistent implementation of methods of preventive quality planning. For this reason, product audits do not have a quality assurance function in the sense of failure prevention. Mainly is the product audit an additional instrument for quality control („confirmation from the customer‘s perspective“). Increased customer demands, safety requirements, legal and official requirements and the increased use of electronic components and software lead to greater product complexity. The expectations of end customers can no longer be expressed in specifications alone. Automobiles manufacturers and the supplier industry are required to identify these product characteristics independently and to implement them in the products. This approach must also be taken into account when conducting product audits. Product audits should indicate the quality level of internally/externally manufactured products in the process chain.

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08      1 Preface

This third edition of VDA Volume 6 Part 5 – Product Audit – replaces the second edition from 2008. The production process, which consists of numerous individual processes, must take rational and economic aspects into account in order to achieve an optimum in quality, time and costs. In order to support this, the German Automotive Industry Association (VDA) recommends the application of the following quality and audit standards. Quality Standards of the German Automotive Industry (VDA 6)

VDA 6 Certification requirements for VDA 6.1 VDA 6.2 VDA 6.4

VDA 6 Part 1

QM-System Audit

VDA 6 Part 3

Process Audit

VDA 6 Part 5

Product audit

Serial Production

VDA 6 Part 2

QM-System Audit Services

Serial Production and Services

VDA 6 Part 4

QM-System Audit

VDA 6 Part 7

Process Audit

Production Equipment

Production Equipment

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 2  Purpose and area of application     09

2 Purpose and area of application Product audits serve as a management tool for the independent evaluation of products from the customer‘s perspective (both internal and external) and identify any potential for continuous improvement. During product audits, the specified product properties and requirements (e.g. conformity with the parts list, product dimensions, material, functionality, reliability, packaging, marking) as well as known customer expectations are determined in a certain product condition (e.g. packed, ready for delivery, after use). Product audits can be conducted on: • intermediate and/or end products, individual parts e.g. screws, hoses, crankcases • assembly parts e.g. electronic components, control units, transmissions, bodies, complete vehicles Product audits do not serve: • as repetition of in-process tests, • as direct process control and process confirmation, • as substitute for the CoP (Conformity of Production) tests in accordance with approval laws or regulatory requirements, • as the sole evidence of compliance with the customer‘s specification based on layout inspection and functional testing according to IATF 16949, or • as the sole evidence of the effectiveness of the quality management system. Dokument wurde bereitgestellt vom VDA-QMC Internetportal am 07.07.2020 um 11:35

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10      2  Purpose and area of application

The distinction of the product audit from other tests is also shown in the subsequent table 1. This guideline describes the area of application of the product audit and provides suggestions for the management of an audit program. An important prerequisite for the successful execution of systematic and independent product audits is the existence of an appropriate organizational structure. This explains the necessary audit activities and requirements for auditors. Main areas of complaints and quality trends may be identified by regular product audits. If applicable, weak points in the system or process can be traced back and the implementation of further audits, such as process and system audits, can be derived.

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Part of the contract with the customer or as specified within the organization

According to the control plan

According to the control plan

• •

Layout inspection and functional testing of the product: Complete validation of all product approval requirements see also VDA 2 – (PPA) and/or PPAP

Requirement IATF 16949: Complete dimensional6 and function test7 in consideration of the applicable customer requirements for material and function specified in the control plans


Audit report Part of management review

• •

According to the control plan Production order-related

Process control (e.g. process parameters, SPC, tensile strength, torques, material and electrical characteristics, joints, micrograph analyses) Evidence of compliance with specified product characteristics Evidence management of product liability cases

According to customer requirement or as specified within the organization

• •

Layout inspection and functional testing 2

According to internal audit program According to customer requirement

Evidence of packaging and labeling

• •

• Evidence of reliability requirements • Evidence of interplay of product characteristics (functional testing) • Evidence of characteristics that are not covered in the control plan 3 • Evidence of compliance with product characteristics that may influence customer satisfaction 4 • Evidence of product characteristics that are examined in in-process tests by means of equivalents 5

• Requirement of IATF 16949 • Evaluation of product quality according to an internal quality standard that fulfills at least the customer´s requirements • Identification of potential improvements • Assessment of the product from the customer's perspective (internal/external)

The purpose of a product audit may be the following:

In-process tests



Results of the product audit can be used for proof of layout inspection and functional testing. Test parts of a layout inspection and functional testing can be used for a product audit (e.g. reliability test can be carried out of individual components after a measure and function test). Not all product characteristics are examined in the control plan. This may be because there is no requirement from an FMEA or due to a lack of economical test methods. 4 Customer relevance; subjective perception of product specified characteristics 5 For example, a specific characteristic is the volume flow, via the pressure equivalent a test is made in series. 6 Layout inspection according to IATF 16949 is the complete measurement of all product dimensions shown on the design record(s). 7 Functional testing according to IATF 16949 includes testing of customer requirements for function, durability and material characteristics. Note: Scope of layout inspection and functional testing has to be agreed between customer and organization, according to VDA 2 Production Process and Product Approval (PPA).


Frequency of execution


Product audit 1

 2  Purpose and area of application     11

Table 1: Distinction of the product audit from other tests

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12      3  Product audit sequence

3 Product audit sequence This diagram shows the individual steps of a product audit. For better orientation, the chapter covered is marked in yellow on the following pages.

Chap. 4

Audit program

Audit plan 3 Audit plan 2

Chap. 5

Audit plan 1

Chap. 6

Execution of product audits

Chap. 7

Audit report

Chap. 8

Initiation of audit follow-up actions

Figure 1: Overview of the product audit sequence

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 4 Audit program     13

4 Audit program Chap. 4

Audit program

Audit plan 3 Audit plan 2

Chap. 5

Audit plan 1

Chap. 6

Execution of product audits

Chap. 7

Audit report

Chap. 8

Initiation of audit follow-up actions

The audit program of product audits contains all activities that are necessary for planning, organization, and execution in order to carry out the planned audits efficiently and effectively within the given time frame. This also includes the provision of human and testing resources. Responsibility for the audit program lies with the person in charge of quality management. Dokument wurde bereitgestellt vom VDA-QMC Internetportal am 07.07.2020 um 11:35

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14      4 Audit program

Determine the audit program - Determine the products to be audited - Define the associated audit objectives - Define responsible persons - Plan resources - Approve audit program

Input criteria

Implement the audit program Review and improve the audit program

- Communicate the audit program - Provide the necessary resources - Ensure the execution of audits - Record audit activities - Evaluate and confirm audit reports - Ensure the execution of audit follow-up actions

Monitor the audit program - Verify the achievement of the objectives of the product audits and the audit program

Figure 2: Process sequence for the management of an audit program

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Individual parts (e.g. bearing bushes)

Assembly parts (e.g. units)




RA 12 mm series 1212412254



6 transmissions per month, 2 auditors, final function test bench 3 hours per month, audit room building 2 SG


Customer satisfaction report IBT 15, "Trade Press" report M5678AA

Test instruction DAHBA 1

Summary of customer satisfaction survey from previous year


Spec. DH12, drawing

continuous Internal audit plan for manual transmissions



Karl 2 units, 2 person days test facility, 2 days sound measuring chamber, 2 days mobile test bench MAP

Mayer Fulfillment of durability 30 parts, 4 person days test requirements & drawing facility, 100 h test bench 2, 10 h dimensions CMM

Review of customer complaints about excessive noise levels in the full load range and identification of the cause In-process auditing

Created, date: Target date References





Confirmation of required 5 units, 8 person days test durability facility, 800 h test bench AP

Inspection of the interior 3 vehicles, 8 person days comfort functions after development and quality major software update Index D according to Instruction B13

Responsible for Audit objective product

L1234; L1280; Meier L1281


Part number(s)

6-speed manual 6G0 123 A…L Krauß transmissions

2.0 TD 90 kW

1.6 TD 77 kW

Customer end Y Series product (e.g. complete vehicle)

Product designation

Audit Program - Annual Planning

Product groups

 4 Audit program     15

Table 2: Example audit program

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16      4 Audit program

The structure of the audit program must be adapted to the respective product portfolio of the organization, (e.g. individual parts, assembly parts or customer final product).


Input criteria for determining the audit program

The following general input criteria should be considered and may be supplemented by others: • customer requirements (specified) • customer expectations recognized by the company that have a significant effect on customer satisfaction (not specified) • internal specifications • product and process changes • maturity level of product and process • complaints from internal and external customers (e.g. early failures, warranty data, field data) • findings from risk assessments (e.g. FMEA) • results of customer satisfaction surveys • test reports • results, conclusions, and measures from previous product audits • statutory and regulatory requirements on the product • strategic importance of the product, opportunities and risks for the organization

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 4 Audit program     17

In addition, special in-plant conditions/incidents must be considered when preparing and updating the audit program, e.g.: • changes of machines/equipment • staff turnovers, substitutions, shifts • relocations, changes of supplier • deviations that are difficult to detect or concealed • technical characteristics of the product (complexity) • product variants • batch size (large series, small series, individual production) • production line (variance of production processes) • critical manufacturing and measurement processes

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18      4  Audit program

Special customer expectations specified / not specified

Compl. points for planning

Product audit

L1234; L1280; L1281;



Standard product


Some goodwill claims




average risks


Minor defects in ET


Smooth running, sound



12 ppm






1.9 T FDQI




Discontinued model






average risks


No complaints


Smooth running, sound



0 ppm






2.0 TD 90 kW




Quantity carrier


Complaint about running smoothness, consumption


Complaint about running smoothness, consumption


average risks


No complaints


Smooth running, sound


High volume


25 ppm


New suppliers, warehouse





Complaints about comfort functions


Software conversion identified as problematic


Audit not yet carried out


Customer expects impression of maximum quality


High-quality product, low quantities


Completely new line in assembly, machining, and at supplier locations





none yet


average risks


Audit not yet carried out



New machining center




Y Series




Image carrier


RA 12mm series




1st application new generation




* Explanation of Table 3: In the examples shown, all input criteria were rated equally, and prioritization was carried out by adding the ratings. Tab. rating 3: Example a decision to matrix determining the audit program The can beofadapted theforspecific company, or additional input criteria can be integrated. Dokument wurde bereitgestellt vom VDA-QMC Internetportal am 07.07.2020 um 11:35

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3% rejects



New engine design, new materials in valve train


New patent



1.6 TD 77kW


Evaluation 1,3,9



Evaluation 1,3,9


Evaluation 1,3,9


Evaluation 1,3,9


Complete vehicles


Evaluation 1,3,9

Ineffective processes, high measurement uncertainty, difficult to detect / concealed errors

Evaluation 1,3,9

New technology

Evaluation 1,3,9

New process or process changes, changes of supplier

Evaluation 1,3,9

Internal quality

Evaluation 1,3,9

Financial risks

Evaluation 1,3,9

VDA audit results

Evaluation 1,3,9

Findings of risk assessments (e.g. FMEAs)


Failure codes in memory


Field/guarantee feedback, results of customer satisfaction surveys


Bearing bushes BA


Table 3 shows an example of how a matrix can be used to evaluate different criteria and thereby prioritize product audits.

Customer complaints (internal & external)

Person responsible for product

The objectives for the respective product audits derived from the input criteria should be used as input variables for the creation of the audit program and the audit plans, for selecting auditors, for determining the scope of the audit, etc.

Strategic importance

Product range

Part number(s)

Based on the input criteria, the products to be audited and objectives for product audits are derived in the audit program. With a large number of similar products, one way to optimize the number of required product audits is to create product families.

Table 3*: Example of a decision matrix for determining the audit program

Product designation

Specifications of the audit program

Product groups


 4  Audit program     20


Cooperation of hardware & software of comfort functions difficult to test during production process

22      4  Audit program


 4  Audit program     23

Scope of an audit program

In consideration of the input criteria, the following should be specified in the audit program: • products from the product portfolio to be audited.


Monitoring and evaluation of the audit program

The implementation of the audit program must be monitored and evaluated at appropriate intervals and reported to the responsible bodies (e.g. in the management review).

• audit objectives/scope as contents of the audit plan

The evaluation of the audit program should take the following into account:

• responsibilities (e.g. the creator of the audit plan)

• input criteria for the audit program

• resources (e.g. test equipment, auditors)

• results

• start of the first product audit (e.g. preseries phase)

• achievement of targets

• date/frequency of the product audit

• conformity with the audit process (e.g. approved and competent auditors), audit program records

• reporting

• alternative or new audit methods/practices

Taking customer requirements into account, the organization defines targets for product quality and derives on the achievement of these targets a risk-based frequency for product audits (e.g. frequency increase in the start-up phase, product changes).


Implementation of the audit program

When implementing an audit program, it must be ensured that: • The audit program is approved by the responsible authority. • The audit program is announced, and the audits are coordinated and scheduled. • The necessary resources are provided. • The audits are executed according to the audit program. • Records of audit activities are monitored. • Audit reports are evaluated and confirmed. • Audit reports are created, distributed, and archived. • The execution of audit follow-upDokument actions isbereitgestellt initiated.vom wurde VDA-QMC Internetportal am 07.07.2020 um 11:35

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• ensuring the comparability of audit results Results of evaluated audit programs with nonconformance of the organization´s requirements and targets have to lead to corrective and preventive actions and have to be addressed as part of continual improvement.

24      5 Audit plan

5 Audit plan Chap. 4

Audit program

Audit plan 3 Audit plan 2

Chap. 5

Audit plan 1

Chap. 6

Execution of product audits

Chap. 7

Audit report

Chap. 8

Initiation of audit follow-up actions

The audit plan derived from the audit program describes all activities and resources required for the execution of a product audit, as well as the time and sample size. Moreover, the test method and test equipment used to test the product characteristics are determined in the scope of inspection planning. Dokument wurde bereitgestellt vom VDA-QMC Internetportal am 07.07.2020 um 11:35

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 5 Audit plan     25


Inspection characteristics

The inspection characteristics defined in the audit program are specified in the audit plan. These may concern, for example: • material • dimensions • appearance, odor, and haptics • functionality (electric/mechanical) • software quality • connectivity • packaging Other characteristics in the scope of reliability or durability tests include: • corrosion resistance • temperature behavior • static and dynamic behavior • robustness of electronic components


Test equipment and number of parts to be tested

Suitable and effective measuring and testing equipment must be used to conduct product audits. Failure catalogs/limit samples agreed with the customer must be used when inspecting attribute characteristics. In order to keep the standard for evaluation consistent and constant, a regular evaluation comparison must be carried out.

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26      5 Audit plan

The following must be considered when determining the number of parts to be tested in the product audit: • production volume • production complexity • process controllability • process and product maturity


Specifications for controlling the test parts


Parts removal

The product to be audited is removed according to the audit program. If the parts removal is not specified, it can be carried out randomly. In each case, the removal of the product must be initiated by the auditor, independent of the audited area. The designation of a product as a test part must not be recognizable for the production area until it is removed. Products removed for product audits must have passed the planned tests in the process, such as intermediate tests, construction progress tests and final tests, without any faults and therefore be in a condition ready for handover or delivery.


Parts labelling

The removed test parts must be clearly labeled in order to ensure their removal from the production process and to allow the individual measurements to be correlated with the audited product. Logistical processes must be considered.

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 5 Audit plan     27


Transport and packaging of parts

The test parts must be protected against damage during the audit and during transport (e.g. against corrosion, EMC, ESD, mechanical damage). The transport of the parts must not influence the characteristics to be tested.


Return of products

It’s generally allowed to return audited products to the process if their characteristics correspond to those of new parts. The products must be restored to their original state at the time of removal (e.g. corrosion protection, prescribed packaging). It must be ensured that there are no deviations from the approved product. Defective parts must be handled in accordance with internal specifications of the organization.


Reference documents

The following reference documents can be used as a reference basis for the product audit: • legal and statutory requirements • standards • reports of previous product audits • drawings and other specification documents • customer requirements/customer requirement profile • supply agreements (packaging and labeling requirements) • control plan, production flow charts, process descriptions • test specifications • FMEAs • failure catalogs • boundary samples Dokument wurde bereitgestellt vom VDA-QMC Internetportal am 07.07.2020 um 11:35

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28      5 Audit plan

• specifications for methods of analysis • assessment/quality • material data sheets • approved production deviations (special approval) • complaint classification (for example, major defect A, major defect B, minor defect C) with assessment category

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 6 Execution of product audits     29

6 Execution of product audits Chap. 4

Audit program

Audit plan 3 Audit plan 2

Chap. 5

Audit plan 1

Chap. 6

Execution of product audits

Chap. 7

Audit report

Chap. 8

Initiation of audit follow-up actions

Product audits are conducted according to the specifications in the audit plan by specially trained auditors (see Chapter 9 Qualification of product auditors). In an audit, relevant departments are informed about the removal of products to allow the production quantities to be adjusted where necessary. Dokument wurde bereitgestellt vom VDA-QMC Internetportal am 07.07.2020 um 11:35

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30      6 Execution of product audits

In-house checklists related to the products and tests can be used. If the audit is conducted for a current reason (e.g. complaint), the batch from which the parts were removed can be withheld until the audit is completed. If reasons for complaint regarding safety-relevant characteristics are discovered, immediate measures must be taken immediately after their discovery (see also Chapter 8.1 Immediate measures).

Execution of product audits

Chap. 6


Notification of relevant departments


Removal of parts from the production process


Labeling of the parts


Execution of the tests acc. to the audit plan


Documentation of the results

Figure 3: Execution sequence of product audits

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 7 Audit report     31

7 Audit report Chap. 4

Audit program

Audit plan 3 Audit plan 2 Chap. 5

Audit plan 1

Chap. 6

Execution of Product audits

Chap. 7

Audit report

Chap. 8

Initiation of audit follow-up actions

The results of an audit must be documented in a report. Deviations are to be described in an understandable, standardized way and, if necessary, weighted according to complaint categories. The audit report must contain all information necessary for the determination of key indicators for the evaluation of product quality with reference to the audit objectives. In the event of non-conformity, the failure elimination process is initiated based on the audit report. Moreover, a product improvement can be derived from the audit report if necessary. The audit report is to be distributed to the areas defined by the organization and archived according to defined rules. Dokument wurde bereitgestellt vom VDA-QMC Internetportal am 07.07.2020 um 11:35

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32      7 Audit report

The evaluation of the results of product audits is company-specific, varies from product to product, and depends on the use of the product. What is important is that the evaluation type is retained over a longer period of time for the purpose of comparability. In addition, management reports provide a general overview of multiple product audits conducted, for example, at different intervals or for specific main areas of complaints. The key quality indicators should be presented together with the planned objectives.

7.1 Notes on the classification of deviations and their evaluation In order to structure different complaint characteristics and effects, it is recommended to use gradations of complaint categories. This allows deviations identified in the audit to be assigned to a defined complaint category. Example of complaint categories: • major defect A • major defect B • minor defect C

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 8 Initiation of audit follow-up actions     33

8 Initiation of audit follow-up actions Chap. 4

Audit program

Audit plan 3 Audit plan 2 Chap. 5

Audit plan 1

Chap. 6

Execution of Product audits

Chap. 7

Audit report

Chap. 8

Initiation of audit follow-up actions

If deviations are discovered, the implementation of measures must be initiated. Generally, the quality management system should specify the procedures for managing measures for deviations. Dokument wurde bereitgestellt vom VDA-QMC Internetportal am 07.07.2020 um 11:35

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34      8 Initiation of audit follow-up actions


Immediate measures

Immediate actions must be taken depending on the severity of the deviation, for example noncompliance with legal/official requirements or functional restrictions. These can be (for example, a closure with an additional action, and if applicable a risk assessment for products that have already been delivered).


Knowledge transfer

In addition, the findings from product audits form the basis for the auditing of comparable products (at other sites, if necessary).

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 9 Qualification of product auditors     35

9 Qualification of product auditors 9.1

Product auditor

Qualification requirements for product auditors have to be defined by the organization. Auditors with a job profile tailored to the respective audit program are required to conduct product audits. The qualification of the auditors must be geared towards the fulfillment of this job profile. Table 4: Example of product auditor qualification




– training in a specific profession

Specialist requirements

– experience in manufacturing – product, manufacturing, and process knowledge – use of the audited product – testing technology – measuring technology – basic terms of Q-methodology – knowledge about complaints – knowledge about customer requirements on the product – report generation – evaluation of products based on product-specific requirements (evaluation standards) – foreign language skills (if necessary)

Personal qualities

– social skills – objectivity – physical aptitude, e.g. eye test – personal reliability Dokument wurde bereitgestellt vom VDA-QMC Internetportal am 07.07.2020 um 11:35

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36      9 Qualification of product auditors

It must be possible to verify the qualification of the employed product auditors by means of suitable documentation (e.g. qualification matrix, certificates of participation in further training courses). The qualification of auditors must be sustained and extended through regular updates, especially concerning customer requirements and expectations regarding the product to be assessed. The product auditors must also be compared on a regular basis as part of the qualification process. This applies especially in the case of multiple production sites with comparable products within a single organization with regard to the use of failure catalogs/complaint classifications.


Additional roles

The organization must define qualification requirements for other roles responsible for creating audit programs and audit plans. For example, the following requirements must be taken into account: • product and process knowledge • knowledge of test methods • customer requirements for the product (see also ISO 19011)

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 10 Reference documents     37

10 Reference documents This volume takes the requirements from the following documents into account: • ISO 9000, Quality management systems – Fundamentals and vocabulary • ISO 9001 Quality management systems – Requirements • VDA 6.1 QM System Audit: Series Production • IATF 16949 Quality management system requirements for automotive production and relevant service parts organizations • ISO 19011 Guidelines for auditing management systems

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38      11 Definition of terms and glossary

11 Definition of terms and glossary Product In distinction to standard ISO 9000 (Section 3.7.6), this volume treats products in the following product categories: • hardware (e.g. crankshafts, electronic components, assembled circuit boards, seat systems, axles) • software (e.g. for control unit, navigation) • process-engineering products (e.g. lubricants) A product (e.g. complete vehicle) may also comprise a combination of the above components. Audit [Source: EN ISO 9000] A systematic, independent and documented process for obtaining objective evidence and evaluating it objectively to determine the extent to which audit criteria are met. Audit client [Source: ISO 19011] An organization or person that requests an audit. Auditor [Source: ISO 19011] A person who carries out an audit. Audit team [Source: ISO 19011] One or multiple persons who carry out an audit, where necessary with the support of experts.

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 11 Definition of terms and glossary     39

Audit programm [Source: ISO 19011] Specifications for a set of one or multiple audits planned for a specific period and directed towards a specific purpose. Audit plan [Source: ISO 19011] Description of the activities and arrangements for an audit EMV Electromagnetic compatibility ESD Electrostatic discharge CoP CoP is the abbreviation for „Conformity of Production“, i.e. the conformity of production with the legal requirements. Layout inspection and functional testing (see IATF 16949 and FAQ: Execution of a complete dimensional1 and function2 test in consideration of the applicable customer requirements for material and function specified in the control plans.



Layout inspection (IATF 16949) is the complete measurement of all product dimensions shown on the design ­record(s). Functional testing (IATF 16949) includes testing of customer requirements for function, durability and material characteristics. Dokument wurde bereitgestellt vom VDA-QMC Internetportal am 07.07.2020 um 11:35

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Quality Management in the Automotive Industry You can find the current status of the published VDA volumes on Quality Management in the Automotive Industry (QAI) in the Internet at You can also place direct orders at this homepage.

Reference: Verband der Automobilindustrie e.V. (VDA) Qualitäts Management Center (QMC) Behrenstraße 35, 10117 Berlin Telephone +49 (0) 30 8978 42-235, Fax +49 (0) 30 8978 42-605 E-Mail: [email protected], Internet:

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Qualitäts Management Center

im Verband der Automobilindustrie


Part 5

Quality Management in the Automotive Industry

Product Audit

Volume 6 Part 5 – Product Audit


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3rd, revised edition in March 2020

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