Manual Testing Notes

February 16, 2023 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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]Testing Tools

Software Testing : Testing is a process. During this testing

 process tester can measure the quality of a software projects or   products..


Project : It is developed based on user requirements and it is used by single user.


Product.  It is developed based on user universal requirements and it used by multiple user.  user. 

Software Quality : The justification of the requirements of 

users in the project or product as to produce the Customer  satisfaction.

*Quality is defined by User. * Quality is measured by Tester.

* Measuring the quality is depending on three things a) User requirements.


b) Bug free. c) Time.

Importance of Testing :

1. During this this testing testing process Tester Tester can verify verify whet whether her the functionality of an application working properly or not. 2.

This application satisfies the requirement of user or not.

Testing Objectives : 1.

Understanding the functionality of an application.

2. Understandin Understanding g the requirement requirement of an an user.

1. Manual Testing : Testing the application with the help of 

man power is called manual testing. Advantages : 1. We can test any any type of applicatio application. n. 2. We can test any any type of testing. testing. 3. Low Low Cost Cost..

Draw backs : 1. Time consuming consuming procedure. procedure.


2. Low Low accu accura racy cy 3. Low reliab reliabili ility. ty.

Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) :

By using SDLC model to we develop an application. 1. Waterf Waterfall all Model. Model. 2. Protot Prototype ype Model. Model. 3. Iterat Iterative ive Model. Model. 4. Fish Fish Model Model.. 5. V Mode Model. l. *.We can select any SDLC model depending on two things 1. Project Project Size Size i.e., i.e., Small Small or Large Large 2. User Requireme Requirement nt i.e., Constant Constant or Keep on Changing. Changing. We can select any model to common activities are 1.Information Gathering and Analysis. 2. Designing 3. Coding 4.Testing 5.Maintenance


1. Information Gathering and Analysis : In this phase Business Analyst or Domain expert will collect the information from use to prepare Business Requirement Specification (BRS)  (BRS) 

BRS This document specifies Business look of an application 1.

In this phase Sr Analyst can analyze the collected requirements to prepare Software Requirement Specification (SRS) and Functional Requirement Specification (FRS) or Functional Specification Document (FSD). (FSD).

Software Requirement Specification : This document specifies software and hardware components to develop an application.

Functional Requirement Specification : This document specifies total functionality of an application. It is baseline document used by both Developers and Testers.



Collected Requirements

Functional Requirement

Non Functional


Functional Requirement Specifications (FRS)

2. Designing : In this phase Designer can design an application

and also prepare documents such as.

1. LLD (Low Level Designing) 2.HLD (High Level Designing) 1.LDD: This document specifics a) No of screens  b) Data flow diagrams C)er_diagram (entity relation)


3. HLD : This document specifies how to combine all the components together in order to build a system.

3. Coding : Coding should be done by developer to implement

an application.

4. Testing : During this testing process Tester can measure the

quality of a software application.

5. Maintenance : a)Services to the customer b)We can enhance enhan ce

the current application if user come up with new requirements.

1. Waterfall Model :


Requirements IG & Analysis Designing Coding Testing Mainte nance

All the phases in waterfall model are implemented in a sequential manner. One phase output should be the input for next phase. We can select this cycle model if project is small in size and user requirements are constant. It is also called as Classical Life Cycle Model or Linear  Sequential Model.

Draw Backs : It is time consuming process. If any mistake is done in above phase same mistake will be repeated till the end of development process.


It doesn’t allow the new requirements of user in the middle of  our development process.

2. Prototype Model :

Requirement IG &AnalysisBuild PrototypeTest PrototypeUser 

Change in


- Build

Test Prototype User------------

If OK  Requirement


Designing  Coding  Testing  Maintenance We can use this life cycle model to over come the third draw  back of waterfall model. We can select this life cycle model if project is small in size and user requirements are keep on changing.


Draw Back : Time consuming process. If any mistake done in designing phase same mistake will be repeated at the end of development process. It is expensive than waterfall model.

3. Iterative Model : E Seva   -------------
















M1 ------------M2 ------------M3

We can use this life cycle model to develop a project for module wise installation.


We can select this life cycle model if project p roject is large in size and user requirements are keep on changing.

Draw Backs : It is time consuming process. If any mistake done in above phase same mistake will be repeated till end of the development process. It is expensive model.

4. Fish Model :


IG & Analysis








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Test   S/w change STLC

Unit Testing &


Integration Testing (WBT Done by Developers) Syste m Testing & Accep tance Testing (BBT Done by Testers)   We can use this life cycle model to conduct review process at the end of each and every phase. We can select this life cycle model if project is large in size and user requirements keep of changing.

Draw Backs : Time consuming and expensive.

5. V Model :







Requirements collection Requirement Testing IG &Analysis


Plan ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Designing

Unit &

&Coding Integration Testing ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------S/w Build


Testing Acceptance Testing ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Maintenance

Port Testing Test S/w changes


We can use this life cycle model to implement development activities and testing activities simultaneously. We can select this life cycle model if project is large in size and user requirements are keep on changing.

Draw Backs : It is expensive model.


Types of Testing :

Testing divided into two types 1.

White Box Testing


Black Box Testing


Whitee Box Testing Whit Testi ng : Using programming knowledge

validating internal structure of an application “Source Code” is called White Box Testing. In general this testing is performed by programmers using design documents. Unit testing and Integration testing are examples of White Box Testing. This is also known as Structural Testing or  Glass Box Testing. 2.

Black Box Testing : Without having programming

knowledge validating application functionalities with respect to client requirement is called Black Box Testing. System Testing, User Acceptance Test are example of  Black Box Testing. This is also known as Close Box Testing or Behavioral Testing.

Note : The combination of WBT & BBT is called Grey

Box Testing.



Unit Testing :

It is done by developers by using

white box testing technique. During this testing process developers can verify the correctness of single component or module. In this testing process developer can follow below three coverage’s 1.Basic path coverage 2.Control Structure coverage 3.Program Technique coverage.

1.Basic path coverage : In this coverage the programmer  can execute the programme more than one time to cover  all alternative paths of a corresponding programme.

2.Control Coverage : In this coverage the programmer  can verify the correctness of input process and out put of  an application based on designing.

3. Programmer Technique Coverage : In this coverage the programmer 


can calculate the execution speed of a programme.

2. Integration Testing :

It is done by developers by using white box testing process. During this testing process developer can verify whether  the connecting screens are working properly or not.

In Integration Testing, we use two testing techniques. i)

Top Down Approach


Bottom Up Approach

i) Top Down Approach : In this approach the developer  can inter connecting main programme and sub of sub  programmes. Stubs:- while doing top down approach if any modules are not created or Under Construction we will create temp modules it is know as stubs.


ii) Bottom Up Approach : In this approach the developer  can inter connect the sub programmes without presence of main programme. Drivers:- while doing Bottom Up approach if  any modules are not created or Under Construction we will create temp modules it is called drivers. dr ivers.   The Combination of Top Down approach and bottom up approach is called sandwich approach or Hybrid approach.

3. System Testing : It is done by tester by using black box

testing process. During this testing process tester can verify the correctness of a system

During this testing process tester can verify whether the system satisfies the user requirements or not System testing in divided into four types. 1.GUI Testing 2.Functional Testing 3.Performance Testing


4.Security Testing

1. GUI Testing : During this testing process tester can verify the on functional requirement of users. a. Back ground color of screen.  b. Font style and size c. Controls are visible or not d. Alignment of controls e. Verify control should start with initial capital letter 

2.Functional Testing : During this testing process tester can verify the functionl requirements of user by using below testing types.


Functionality Testing Input Domain Testing


Re Testing


Recovery Testing


Compatibility Testing


Configuration Testing


Inter-System Testing




Parallel Testing


Big-Bang Testing


Exploratory Testing


Regression Testing

1. Functionality Testing : During this testing process Tester  can verify the default properties of an application. Ex :Minimization, Maximisation,close

2.Input Domain Testing : During this testing process tester  can verify size or range and type of the input data

Here tester can implement positive testing and negative testing Positive Testing : Testing an application by giving valid data. Negative Testing : Testing an application by giving invalid

data. 3.Re-Testing : During this testing process tester can re execute the test with different sets of input data(Valid & In valid).


4. Recovery Testing or Reliability Testing : During this testing process Tester can verify how well the application changes it status from abnormal state to normal state In general the applications are executed in normal state. The application changes its status from normal state to abnormal state due to power po wer failures, system failures.  Normal  NormalState State   Abnormal State

 Normal State

5.Compatability Testing : During this testing process tester  can run an application under user required platform.

6.Configuration Testing : during this testing process tester  can run an application on different plat forms.


Install/uninstall testing - testing of full,partial, or upgrade all/uninstall processes.

7. Intersystem testing : During this testing process tester  can verify the co existenace of an new application with other applications which are already used.   8. Parallel Testing : During this testing process tester can verify the feature of a new application with features of a similar application which is already used to know the strengths and weaknesses of a new application.

9. Big Bang Testing : Bing Bang or Single level Testing : During this testing process tester can test the functionality of an application at once. When the functionality is easy to understand and when the project is small in size then we go for big bang test.

10 Exploratory Testing  Testing or Level by Level Testing : During this testing process tester can test the functionality of an application at different levels.


11. Regression Testing : During this testing process tester  can re execute the test on modified build application. Reasons to perform Regression :

1. To identify whether all reported defects are resolved  properly or not. 2.To Identify impacted area with coding changes.

3. Performance Testing : Performance means speed of   processing. During this testing process tester can verify how well our application respond to a user request.


Load / Scalability : In this test we verify whether the

application allows customer expected concurrent users on customer expected configuration system and we estimate average response time. ii)

Stress Testing : In this test we estimate peak limit of 

load (at a time concurrent users) to operate application on customer expected configuration system. iii)

Soak Testing : In this test we estimate peak limit load

in terms of no of hours i.e., tester run the application


continuously along period of time to verify the stability of  an application. iv)

Data volume Testing : In this test we verify maximum

storage capacity in application database in terms of records.

4. Security Testing : In this test, we verify the privacy to user operations in terms of authorization and access control. 1. Authorization / Authentication : 2. Access Control : Control of whole system under single  person Ex: Database Administrator. 3. Encryption and Decryption: Change original form in non readable form is Encryption and change non readable for  into readable form is called Decryption 4. Session Time or Page Expiry Time.

5. Acceptance Testing : After completion of system

testing we can conduct user acceptance testing. Here we can implement two types of acceptance testing like lik e Alpha


Testing or Of-site Testing and Beta Testing or On-site Testing.


Alpha Testing : During this testing process tester 

can run an application in development enviroment.  b.

Beta Testing : During this testing process user 

can run a application on their own environment.

Other testing types a).Jump/ Monkey Testing : Due to lack of time we validate main activities of an application. In this approach, we collect high priority test cases those we execute on application.  b) Adhoc Testing : During this testing process tester can test the functionality of an application without proper  documentation.  Note: In general small organizations are using adhoc testing. Some time time large organization also using this testing due to lack of time. Motivation Testing:


Software Testing Life Cycle :

Testing process is common for both manual testing and automation testing

software testing life cycle has following stages. 1.

Test Initiation


Test Plan


Test Case Design


Test Execution


Defect Re Reporting & Tracking


Test Closure.


Test Initiation : In this phase we can prepare required

document that document is called test strategy. Test Strategy : It is organization level document prepared  by quality analyst. This document specifies set of quality standards to be used in the testing process. This document is common for every project. This document is changed when the quality standards are changed.



Test Plan : It is project level document prepared by

Test Lead. This document describes a) b  )

What to test How to test


Who to test


When to test

  Test Plan Document : It provides guidelines to the test engineer to perform testing activities. It contains following components.

Introduction : It describes brief description about test plan document and scope of testing.

Features to be tested : It describes which module and. requirement need to be tested in current application.

Features not to be tested : It describes which modules or  requirements not required to test.


Ex: Those modules may be under construction or already tested that modules

Testing Approach : It describes testing level and techniques which we need to test Ex: Sanity Testing, Functional Testing, Integration Testing, Automation Testing.

Pass/Fail Criteria : It describes when to stop testing activities and when to continue test execution.

Suspension Criteria : When to stop test execution


When the AUT is failed in sanity testing


Whenever there is change request from client

g) Delay in publishing the input documents like FRS, Test Scenarios, Test Data etc., Resumption Criteria : When to continue test execution

a) Testing Testing can be resumed resumed after the patch patch is released released for the rejected Build.  b)

After input documents are published.


Test Deliverables : It describes which document we should  prepare during execution time and which documents we should deliver to client after execution. a)

Test Ex Execution Re Reports


Defect Pr Profile Do Document


Test Summary Reports

Roles & Responsibilities : It describes list of Testing Team who is involved to test the application.

Schedule : It describes time line when to start and complete testing activities.

Resources : It describes test environment or configuration of the system required to test the application. EX: Software, Automation Tools and Hardware requirements.


Risks & Mitigates : It describes possible risks during testing time and remedies to solve those risks like training needs.

3. Test Case Design : Preparation of Test Data Document and Test Case Document is called Test Case Design.

A. Test Data Document : This document specifies input data to be used in the testing process. In order to prepare test data, we should know the size or  range and type of input data. The types can be 1.

Uppercase (A-Z)


Lowercase (a-z)

3. 4.

Special Symbols (@,%,&)……) Digits (0-9)

Testing Techniques or Test Data Techniques : Below are the techniques to find the test data a)

Boun oundary dary Value An Analysis (BV (BVA)


Equalence Class Partition (ECP)


a) Boundary Value Analysis : It is used to find the size or  range of the input data.

 b) Equivalence Class Partition : It is used to find the type of the input data

B. Test Case Document : This document specifies a sequence of actions performed by tester using Test Data.

Test Case Template :  In general we prepare test cases in excel sheets with pre defined components where test case template contains following components. Project Name Module Name Test Name Test Scenario Test Procedure


Test Case





Actual Status Result  /Result


Test Step --

Data --

Result --

#TC2 #TC3




------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Example : 1 Login User Name : Password :

Sign In



Functionality : UN  Given input data should be accept Password  Given input data should be accept Sign In  It should be verify the given UserName and Password if the data is valid it should navigate to next window, else it should display error msg. Cancel  Close the login dialog.

Working : Test Data Table 1 UN BVA


Valid Data >=5 =1 BVA
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