February 16, 2023 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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Yhefjzelo por; Yhvjselo por; Eproielo por; @hrhnaje lh @hrhnaje @hnhref Wrhsjlhnaje Qh`urjlel Jnth`ref lh Jn`hnjhrâe


Yhvjsjñn / dhace; 77 . 58/KXN/9771



 JN\YOLXAAJÑN Hf esphato norbetjvo y aontreatuef hn quh sh buhvh hf bunlo berâtjbo y fes têanjaes lhf trensporth, rhprhshnten un evenah noteifh lh fos fo`ros oithnjlos e trevês lh une jnthnse aofeioreajñn hntrh peâshs, elbjnjstrelorhs portuerjos, propjhterjos lh iuquhs, e`hnths nevjhros, jnlustrjefhs nevefhs y aobhrajenths.  Fos pro`rhsos hn fes ljvhrses århes lh fe jnl jnlustrje ustrje berâtj berâtjbe be cen jlo jnthnsjdjaenlo fe aoophreajñn jnthrneajonef, hn fe êpoae eatuef jndfuyhn hn ljdhrhnths århes tefhs aobo; fe rhsponseijfjlel lhf trensportjste, fe repjlhz, rhnteijfjlel y aostos aobperetjvos, rjhs`os, sh`uros, rh`ufeajonhs kurâljaes jnthrneajonefhs lhf aobhrajo, fes phrsones quh jnthrvjhnhn, fos iuquhs, fos aontretos, fos rjhs`os y eaajlhnths. @ren perth lh fos aonvhnjos jnthrneajonefhs, tefhs aobo BEYWOF 01/03, QOFEQ, OWYA, NCQ 9777 y otros, cen sjlo jnaorporelos ânth`rebhnth hn fos orlhnebjhntos jnthrnos lh fos peâshs aon jnthrhshs berâtjbos, lonlh su aubpfjbjhnto hs, aonshauhnthbhnth y prhahptjvo. Hf aobhrajo hxthrjor y hf trensporth son hn hshnaje jnshpereifh= hn hsth åbijto, hf trensporth aobijnelo ce hxphrjbhntelo lurenth fos ûftjbos eõos un hsphateaufer lhserroffo, hsphajefbhnth hn hf trensporth berâtjbo.  Fes ophreajonhs ophreaj onhs lh tolos fos proahsos quh sh len hn hste eat eatjvjlel, jvjlel, eûn lhsaensen hn hf deator cubeno, aobo hfhbhnto iåsjao jnsustjtujifh lh su `ênhsjs= hn aonshauhnaje, lh fe aepeajlel y pothnajefjlelhs lhf shr cubeno lhphnlhrå fe bjnjbjzeajñn lh fos rjhs`os y hf jnarhbhnto lh fe sh`urjlel.  Lh effâ quh fos proahsos lh suphrvjsjñn, aontrof, hvefueajñn y lhserroffo lhf  phrsonef sh aonstjtuyhn hn fe afe afevh vh lhf êxj êxjto to lh auefqu auefqujhr jhr pofâtja pofâtjaee jnlustrjef y aobhrajef hn fe eatuefjlel. Fes ophreajonhs lh efto rjhs`o hn toles sus hsdhres uijaen ef deator cubeno aobo aeuse y hdhato lhf dunajonebjhnto hdjaez lh fe jnlustrje berâtjbe. fesneajonefhs jnjajetjvesh hnaebjneles e rhdorzer fe vj`jfenaje lh bhljles fe jbpfenteajñn lh rh`fes y\oles norbes jnthrneajonefhs y fe aoorljneajñn lh fes elopteles aontre iuquhs u ophreajonhs quh no sh ekusten ef njvhf hstjpufelo lhihn eao`hrsh aon oikhtjvjlel, ye quh deajfjten e fos propjhterjos lh iuquhs, elbjnjstrelorhs portuerjos y e fos luhõos lh aer`e un berao or`enjzetjvo ûtjf epfjaeifh e tolos hf shator. Hf Qjsthbe lh @hstjñn lh Qh`urjlel Jnth`ref pere Ophreajonhs Wortuerjes, auyes sj`fes son QJQHJNOW, hs une `uâe pere fe `hstjñn lh sh`urjlel ophreajonef y  prhvhnajñn lh fe aontebjneajñn, esâ aobo tebijên un bhljo pere hstjbufer hf bhkorebjhnto aontjnuo lh fe aepeajlel lh `hstjñn lh fe jnlustrje berâtjbe y fes ophreajonhs portuerjes. Hf QJQHJNOW, hn sus rhaobhnleajonhs pere fes Elbjnjstreajonhs Wortuerjes, jnvofuare une rhorjhnteajñn eatuefhso arjthrjos lh hn `hstjñn, son  dunlebhntefbhnth rheatjvos y hn no fos proeatjvos prhvhntjvos bethrjefoslhauefhs sh`urjlel




ophreajonef y prhvhnajñn lh fe aontebjneajñn ebijhntef. Fe jbportenaje lhf proifhbe sh  kustjdjae bhljenth fe lhsarj lhsarjpajñn pajñn lhf hsahnerjo y su ufthrjor enåfjsjs, rhvhfenlo e pert pertjr jr lh effâ proahljbjhntos auyo aeråathr dunajonef proeatjvo, puhlhn aontrjiujr ef bhkorebjhnto lh fos njvhfhs lh `hrhnaje lh fe elbjnjstreajñn, esâ aobo tebijên puhlhn hstjbufer fe  pertjajpeajñn hdhatjve llhh fos treiekelorhs y aobunjlelhs hn fe llhdjnjajñn hdjnjajñn y sh`ujbjhnto llhh fes bhljles pere  sefve`uerler y optjbjzer fe seful, fe sh`urjlel hn hf treieko y prhvhnjr hf leõo ef bhljo ebijhnth.  Fos proahljbjhntos jbpfjaen hf bhkorebjhnto aontjnuo lh fos aonoajbjhntos  pråatjaos lh sh`urjlel, prhpereajñn y eljhstrebjhnto pere hndrhnter sjtueajonhs lh hbhr`hnaje y fe prhvhnajñn lh leõos haofñ`jaos quh hstån oaurrjhnlo hn fes århes berjnes y aosthres lhf bunlo, aobo por hkhbpfo, fos lhrrebhs lh phtrñfho, quâbjaos y otros e`hnths aontebjnenths quh aele lâe eubhnten hf ânljah lh haoajljo, sjtueajñn êste quh ebhrjte bhljles phrhntorjes quh `erentjahn fe sh`urjlel ophreajonef y fe prhvhnajñn lh fe aontebjneajñn. Hs jbportenth tober aonajhnaje lh fe rhfhvenaje quh prhshnte hf deator cubeno hn fe prote`onjzeajñn lh fos lhsestrhs o eaajlhnths hn fos berhs, râos y fe`os. Wor fo enthrjorbhnth hxpuhsto hs jnljsphnseifh fe jbpfenteajñn lh unos bhaenjsbos hn fe hstruature or`enjzeajonef lh fe Elbjnjstreajñn Wortuerje, aon fos auefhs, sh efaenzerå un hstånler lhsheifh lh aefjlel jnthrneajonef pere fe @hstjñn lh Qh`urjlel Jnth`ref.


   Fes eatjvjlelhs portuerjes lhserroffen ophreajonhs quh fh son aereathrâstjaes lhntro lh fes aonljajonhs quh fh phrbjte `erentjzer fe jnth`rjlel tento lhf phrsonef  propjo y aontretelo, esâ aobo lh fes jnstefeajonhs y hqujpos, hvjter fe aontebjneajñn lhf bhljo ebijhnth y bjnjbjzer fos rjhs`os e thrahros.

  \olos fos hnths jnvofuarelos y hn hsphajef fos njvhfhs ljrhatjvos, `hrhnajefhs y suphrvjsorjos, tjhnhn fe rhsponseijfjlel lh aubpfjr y ceahr aubpfjr fes norbes y  proahljbjhntos lh prhvhnajñn y aontrof lh rjhs`os quh orj`jnen eaajlhnths=  prhvhnajñn y aontrof aontr of lh jnahnljo, cj`jhnh jnlustrjef y `hst `hstjñn jñn ebijhntef, hn`foi hn`foielos elos aobo un sjsthbe jnth`ref lh fes ophreajonhs hn fos hspeajos eauåtjaos, quh  phrbjten fe rhefjzeajñn lh ophreajonhs aondjeifhs e djn lh hfjbjner o rhluajr fe  proieijfjlel lh fe oaurrhnaje o aurrhnaje lh hvhntos jnlhsheifhs j nlhsheifhs hn sus eat eatjvjlelhs. jvjlelhs.

  Qh lhserrofferån fes eaajonhs nhahserjes, hn tolos fos njvhfhs y hn toles fes århes lh proyhatos ophreajonefhs, e djn lh loter lh fos rhaursos jlñnhos e fes dunajonhs elsarjtes e fe sh`urjlel jnth`ref, pere quh sh puhlen ffhver elhfenth fes feiorhs lh epoyo prodhsjonef, pfenjdjaeajñn, sh`ujbjhnto, aontrof y loaubhnteajñn orjhnteles e phrdhaajoner fe aepeajlel prhvhntjve y lh rhspuhste lh toles fes eatjvjlelhs hn hspeajos portuerjos enth tefhs hvhntuefjlelhs.


  Hn hf åbijto jnthrneajonef, fes eatjvjlelhs portuerjes, fe jnlustrje nevef y 1


hbprhses aontretjstes cen lh aubpfjr aon fes norbes y ljsposjajonhs tento lh fos  peâshs lonlh ophrhn, aobo a obo equhffes epfjaeles unjvhrsefbhnth. •

  Aele hbprhse aontretjste o suiaontretjste, lhih `erentjzer hn fe rhefjzeajñn lh fos treiekos hn fos puhrtos o jnlustrje nevef fe hfjbjneajñn o bjnjbjzeajñn lh fe oaurrhnaje lh hvhntos jnlhsheifhs, tento pere hffos aobo pere fes ophreajonhs y fe or`enjzeajñn aontretenth, hstå oifj`elo e aubpfjr aon fes peutes hsteifhajles hn hsth sjsthbe lh sh`urjlel jnth`ref lh ophreajonhs.

 BJQJÑN @erentjzer hn fe totefjlel lh fes ophreajonhs portuerjes neajonefhs fe jbpfenteajñn y hkhauajñn lhf Qjsthbe lh @hstjñn lh Qh`urjlel Jnth`ref pere Ophreajonhs Wortuerjes aobprhnljhnlo; fe sh`urjlel dâsjae, fe sh`urjlel h cj`jhnh jnlustrjef, fe sh`urjlel aontre jnahnljos, fe `hstjñn ebijhntef y hf aontrof senjterjo= aon hf oikhto lh quh toles fes ophreajonhs hstên ahntreles hn fe prhshrveajñn lh fe seful h jnth`rjlel  dâsjae lh fos treiekelorhs, aontrofenlo fos hhdhatos dhatos lh jnajlhnths o eaaj eaajlhnths lhnths qu quhh puljhsh puljhshnn fhsjoner o aeuser phrljles lh vjles, bethrjefhs y leõos ef bhljo ebijhnth.

TJQJÑN Wrovhhr e fes ophreajonhs portuerjes lh une `uâe eatuefjzele quh hsteifhzae fos fjnhebjhntos y rhqujsjtos quh phrbjte fe elbjnjstreajñn sjsthbåtjae y hdhatjve lh fos  pro`rebes lh sh`urjlel, cj`jhnh y ebijhnth, phrbjtjhnlo `erentjzer fe jnth`rjlel lhf  phrsonef, esâ aobo lh ffes es jn jnstefeajonhs stefeajonhs y hquj hqujpos, pos, pere hvjter fe ao aontebjneajñn ntebjneajñn lhf bhlj bhljoo ebijhnth, y bjnjbjzer fos rjhs`os e thrahros, phrbjtjhnlo hn un duturo ahraeno quh fes jnstefeajonhs y ophreajonhs portuerjes efaenahn fe bhte lh ‖ahro eaajlhnth‒ y shen ophretjvebhnth susthnteifhs bhljenth fe arheajñn lh une aufture prhvhntjve, aubpfjhnlo esâ aon toles fes ljsposjajonhs fh`efhs, norbes y rh`ufeajonhs neajonefhs h jnthrneajonefhs hn bethrje.

OIKH\JTO  Hf Qjsthbe lh @hstjñn lh Qh`urjlel Jnth`ref pere Ophreajonhs Wortuerjes, hs un jnstrubhnto quh hsteifhah fos fjnhebjhntos y rhqujsjtos quh phrbjten fe elbjnjstreajñn sjsthbåtjae y hdhatjve lh fos pfenhs y pro`rebes nhahserjos pere prhvhnjr y aontrofer fos rjhs`os e fe sh`urjlel y seful lh fos treiekelorhs, jnth`rjlel lh fes jnstefeajonhs y hf ebijhnth, esoajelos e sus eatjvjlelhs, proahsos, ophreajonhs, proluatos y shrvjajos.

 EFAENAH   Fos arjthrjos hsteifhajlos hsth Qjsthbeaon lh aeråathr @hstjñn lhoifj`etorjo, Qh`urjlel hn Jnth`ref Ophreajonhs Wortuerjes lhihrånhnjbpfentersh tolespere fes




jnstefeajonhs esâ aobo hn hf ljshõo lh nuhves jnstefeajonhs, ebpfjeajonhs o boljdjaeajonhs lh jnstefeajonhs hxjsthnths y quh ophrhn hn fos hspeajos eauåtjaos h jnsuferhs, tento hn tjhrre djrbh lh fes zones aosthres aobo hn aoste eduhre, hn hsphajef, hn fes auefhs sh proluzaen, proahshn y/o efbeahnhn sustenajes jndfebeifhs, aobiustjifhs, hxpfosjves y/o phfj`roses. Hsth loaubhnto thnlrå epfjaeajñn tebijên hn jnstefeajonhs hxjsthnths.

 FHZHQ= YH@XFEAJONHQ Z AÑLJ@OQ  Fe fjste lh fhyhs y rh`febhntos, rh`ufeajonhs y añlj`os epfjaeifhs e fe sh`urjlel jnth`ref hs iestenth hxthnse y verjeifh lh eauhrlo e fes pertjauferjlelhs lh aele proyhato hsphaâdjao. Hn hsth loaubhnto sh proporajone sofebhnth une rhdhrhnaje soirh fes bås aobunhs, ceajênlosh nhahserjo prhperer un suberjo pertjaufer lh fos rhquhrjbjhntos lh sh`urjlel, cj`jhnh y ebijhnth quh sh jnafujrån hn aele proyhato, jnstefeajñn u ophreajñn hsphaâdjae. E aontjnueajñn sh hnubhren ef`unes lh fes fhyhs y rh`febhntos, rh`ufeajonhs y añlj`os quh son epfjaeifhs hn hsth rh`febhnto;   Fhy Or`ånjae lh fos Hspeajos Eauåtjaos h Jnsuferhs.

  Fhy @hnhref lh Wuhrtos.   Fhy lh [ones Aosthres.

 

  Fhy @hnhref lh Berjnes y Eatjvjlelhs Aonhxes.

  Fhy lh Cjlroaeriuros y su Yh`febhnto.

  Fhy Or`ånjae lh Wrhvhnajñn, Aonljajonhs y Bhljo Ebijhnth lh \reieko.

  Fhy lhf \reieko y su Yh`febhnto lh fes Aonljajonhs lh C Cj`jhnh j`jhnh y Qh`urjlel hn hf \reieko.

  Fhy Or`ånjae lh Qh`urjlel y Lhdhnse.

  Fhy Or`ånjae lhf Ebijhnth.

  Fhy Whnef lhf Ebijhnth.   Lharhtos y Yh`ufeajonhs \êanjaes hbjtjles por fos Bjnjsthrjos lhf Ebijhnth y  Yhaursos Neturefhs, lh Qeful y Lhserroffo Qoajef, lh E`rjaufture y \jhrre, lh fe  Lhdhnse, lhf \reieko, hta. h ta.

  Fhy Or`ånjae lh Orlhnebjhnto lhf \hrrjtorjo y fos Wfenhs lh Orlhnebjhnto  Yh`jonefhs y Foaefhs. Foaefhs .

  Norbes AOTHNJN; -  Qjsthbes lh @hstjñn lh Qh`urjlel h Cj`jhnh Oaupeajonef. -  Qjsthbes lh @hstjñn Ebijhntef.   Añlj`o Hfêatrjao Neajonef.

  Añlj`os Jnthrneajonefhs;

Whtrof hub Jnstjtuth. -   EWJ; Ebhrjaen Whtrofhub Ceze rls. -   Bene`hbhnt od Wroahss Cezerls.




o d Bhacenjaef Hn`jnhhrs. -   EQBH; Ebhrjaen Qoajhty od -  OQCE; Oaaupetjonef Qedhty enl Cheftc E`hnay. - EQ\B; Ebhrjaen Qoajhty dor \hstjn` enl Bethrjefs. - NDWE; Netjonef Djrh Wrothatjon Essoajetjon. - JQO; Jnthrnetjonef Qtenlerls Or`enjzetjon. - JWAQ; Jnthrnetjonef Wro`reb dor Achbjaef Qedhty. - JBL@; Jnthrnetjonef Berjtjbh Len`hrous @ools.    Aonvhnjo DEF - 48; ‖Aonvhnjo pere Deajfjter hf \rådjao Berâtjbo Jnthrneajonef, 5:48‒. Hljajñn 5::3 o posthrjorhs. OBJ - Or`enjzeajñn Berâtjbe Jnthrneajonef. BEYWOF 01/03; ‖ Aonvhnjo Aonvhnjo Jnthrneajonef pere Wrhvhnjr fe Aontebjneajñn por fos    Iuquhs, 5:01 y su dorbe boljdjaele boljd jaele por hf Wrotoao Wrotoaofo fo 5:03‒. Aonvhnjo QOFEQ 0
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