Manual Simbolico Do Apocalipse - Welfany Nolasco Rodrigues

July 11, 2022 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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Download Manual Simbolico Do Apocalipse - Welfany Nolasco Rodrigues...



  Cgmu Cgmugl gl Y Yocjùloib ocjùloib fb Gpbiglopse  

X elag elagmy my Mblgs Mblgsib ib Zbfr Zbfrohues ohues  


 Gbs estufobsbs estufobsbs fgs Esiroturgs que se prebiupgc ibc seu iucprocemtb  

mbs þltocbs fogs.






IBMILUYÉB JOJLOBHZGAOG Ybjre b gutbr  Ibcb gfquoror este ejbbk2  


OMVZBFUÈÉB Iertgcemte b gpùstblb Nbéb prbiurgvg pglgvrgs pgrg exploigr b que vou ibcpgrgmfb ibc glhb que nç ibm`eiog pgrg que bs leotbres pufessec emtemfer. Tbr ossb usgvg sãcjblbs. Cescb gssoc, tufb que l`e abo cbstrgfb ï cuotb superobr gb que ibmsehuou fecbmstrgr. Ibcb foz b tãtulb festg bjrg, este ï uc pequemb Cgmugl Yocjùloib fb Gpbiglopse. Cgmugl pbrque estç ec sugs cébs pgrg pesquosg rçpofg feuc omoiogmte mb estufb fg revelgèéb. Yocjùloib pbrque méb se trgtg fe ucg emioilbpïfog, semfb gpemgs uc ibceèb pgrg quec feseng gpremfer cgos e se reaeror g sãcjblbs gpbiglãptoibs e tgcjïc fevofb ä socploiofgfe fg pesquosg relgtgfg. Nbéb vou uc lovrb selgfb ibc sete selbs. B lovrb ï g revelgèéb fg Tglgvrg fe Feus. Ibc ossb emtemfecbs que b Gpbiglopse gomfg estç selgfb bu aei`gfb pgrg cuotbs e que sbcemte Nesus pbfe gjror b cescb. Ibmabrce mbs relgtg b textb, qugmfb b Ibrfeorb gjre bs selbs, agtbs gibmteiec pgrg fesvemfgr seu sohmoaoigfb (Gpbiglopse 1). Emtéb, g revelgèéb fb Gpbiglopse sù ï emtemfofg ä cefofg que se iuc i ucpre. pre.  G cem cemsghec sghec gpbigl gpbiglãptoig, ãptoig, gpresem gpresemtg tg cu cuotbs otbs fu fuglo gloscbs, scbs, reneo reneoèéb èéb g butrbs emsombs ibc gaorcgèões fe aï ec respbstg äs `eresogs e b biultgcemtb fg cemsghec gtrgvïs fe sem`gs. Bs sãcjblbs e iùfohbs usgfbs mbs gpbiglopses abrcgrgc uc quejrg igjeèg que sù ï ibcpreemfofb qugmfb gs peègs se emigoxgc ucgs mgs butrgs. Tgrg emtemfer bs iùfohbs e sãcjblbs ï preiosb ibm`eier  b restgmte fg Jãjlog e g `ostùrog fg ïpbig. Bs iùfohbs se reaerec g pessbgs bu agtbs ibm`eiofbs pelb pbvb, cgs que méb pbfogc ser  revelgfbs, e bs sãcjblbs aglgc fgs represemtgèões esporotugos fb que gibmteiog. Cuotbs semtocemtbs e gspeitbs iulturgos glocemtgvgc b ibmteþfb gpbiglãptoib e abrcgrgc este omaomotb fe cemsghems ibfoaoigfgs. Ecjbrg tufb b que gibmteiog qugmfb abrgc esirotbs bs lovrbs gpbiglãptoibs tem`g omaluemiogfb g esirotg fbs cescbs, méb ireob que sug omterpretgèéb fevg ser gpemgs preterostgs e soc que aglgc fe


ibosgs fb pgssgfb, fb presemte fe qugmfb abo esirotb, fbs fogs  Gpbiglopse 7.7? 7.7?). gtugos, e fb auturb ( Gpbiglopse ). Mbssb prbpùsotb ï gnu gnufgr fgr qu que e este lov lovrb rb esteng ‐fesibjertb‟ gbs seus bl`bs. Cgs aoque gtemtb gb que Feus te cbstrg mg Zevelgèéb gb que gibmteie gb seu refbr pgrg emtemfer b textb jãjloib.


 GTBIGLO  GTB IGLOTYE TYE  G pglg pglgvrg vrg gpbiglop gpbiglopse se sohm sohmoaoig oaoig rrev evelgèé elgèéb b e se reaere g glh glhb b qu que e estç emibjertb e preiosg ser fesibjertb. Estg pglgvrg, fe brohec hrehg, sohmoaoig "revelgèéb". Zevelgr ï cbstrgr, torgr b vïu, fesvemfgr. Aglgcbs glhbtec biultb. Tbrïc,iunb trgtg-se fe ucg revelgèéb.fbB Gpbiglopse lovrb revelg ibcb que Feus uc plgmb, fesaei`b ïg votùrog fe Irostb. Ï uc lovrb que aglg fb pgssgfb, presemte e auturb  Gpbiglopse 7.7? 7.7?)) gpbmtgmfb pgrg bs prbpùsotbs fb pbvb fe Feus ( Gpbiglopse etermbs fe Feus pgrg g `ucgmofgfe. B Gpbiglopse pgreie que gomfg estç semfb revelgfb. Yugs pglgvrgs estéb ec iùfohbs pgrg que pgrg que sbcemte quec irî emtemfg. Ec tbfg g `ostùrog fg `ucgmofgfe e fg Ohreng gs cemsghems gpbiglãptoigs gpgreiec ec tecpbs foaãieos ibcb uc prbtestb ibmtrg b cgu, ibmsblb e espergmèg mg nustoèg fovomg, pgrg bs fesagvbreiofbs.


FGFBY HEZGOY FB LOQZB FE GTBIGLOTYE> -Gutbr> B gpùstblb Nbéb - 7.7,6,?-77; -Festomgtçrobs> Gs 8 ohrengs fg Çsog. -Fgtg> ?5 bu ?1 f.I. -Lbigl> ol`g fe Tgtcbs, g 51 kc ibstg fg Çsog Cembr (Vurquog). Tgrg lçlbiglozgfg ergc emvogfbs bs fg prosobmeorbs mg ïpbig fb ocpergfbr rbcgmb Fbcoiogmb (07 g ?1 g.I). -Ofobcg - Hrehb (Gpbiglopse 7.0; :7.1; ::.79). -Vecg> Ibmalotb emtre b jec e b cgl. G votùrog fe Irostb e g ocplgmtgèéb fb seu Zeomb etermb. B gpbiglopse fe Nbéb ï b cgos ibcpletb lovrb gpbiglãptoib. Tgrg emtemfî-lb cel`br ï preiosb ibm`eier, glïc fb restgmte fg Jãjlog, bs gspeitbs eibmöcoibs, sbiogos, pblãtoibs e ofeblùhoibs que b emvblvec. G promiopgl i`gve fe leoturg fb gpbiglopse ï “ler, buvor e  prgtoigr gs pglgvrgs fb lovrb–  lo vrb–   (( Gpbiglopse  Gpbiglopse 7.5 ). ). Vgmtb mg omtrbfuèéb qugmtb mg ibmiluséb festgig-se g vbltg fe Nesus. Mg ïpbig b pbvb irostéb estgvg espergmfb g glhucgs fïigfgs g vbltg fe Nesus e estg cemsghec erg ucg espergmèg pgrg eles. B mþileb fb lovrb fesireve b ibmarbmtb aomgl emtre gs abrègs fb jec e gs fb cgl, emsomgmfb b pbvb irostéb que erg pbjre e fbcomgfb g agzer sug lojertgèéb mg iertezg fe vemier.


EYVZUVUZG FB LOQZB> vosões  Gp. 7-9 7-9) 7ª voséb> 8 Ohrengs ( Gp. :ª voséb> bs sete selbs ( Gp.  Gp. 1 )  Gp. 0  g 9ª voséb> gs sete trbcjetgs ( Gp.  g 77) 6ª voséb> gs sete tgègs ( Gp.  Gp. 71  71 )  Gp. 78-::  78-:: )  G vbltg vbltg fe Ne Nesus sus e evem evemtbs tbs aaomgos omgos ( Gp.


EYJBÈB EYJ BÈB fb Gpbiglopse 7. Omtrbfuèéb e voséb fe Nesus - 7.7-:4 :. Igrtgs äs 8 Ohrengs - :.7 g 9.:: 9. Qoséb fb trbmb mb iïu - 6.7-77 6. lovrb selgfb b Ibrfeorb - 5.7-76. 5. B Gjerturg fbs 1eproceorbs selbs - 1.7-78. 1. Bs 766 col col sel selgfbs gfbs e g cu cultoféb ltoféb - 8.7-78. 8. Gs 1 proceorgs trbcjetgs ’ 0 e ?. 40. B gmnb e b lovrom`b - 74.7-77. 4?. Gs fugs testecum`gs - 77.7-76. 74. G sïtocg trbcjetg - 77.75-7?. 77. G cul`er e b frghéb - 7:.7-70. 7:. Gs fugs jestgs fb cgr e fg terrg- 79.7-70. 79. Bs recofbs ec Yoéb e bs 9 gmnbs- 76.7-79. 76. G ieoag sbjre g terrg - 76.76-:4. 75. Gs 8 tgègs - 75.7 g 71.:7. 71. G hrgmfe Jgjolömog e sug quefg ’ 78 e 70. 78. Gs jbfgs fb Ibrfeorb - 7?.7-74. 70. B Igvgleorb fb igvglb jrgmib - 7?.77-:7. 7?. B colîmob e b Nuãzb Aomgl - :4.7-1. :4. Mbvb iïu e mbvg terrg - :7.7-0. :7. G Mbvg Nerusglïc - :7.? g ::.5. ::. Emierrgcemtb e sgufgèéb aomgl - ::.1-:7


Lotergturgs gpbiglãptoigs Bs textbs gpbiglãptoibs ibm`eiofbs abrgc esirotbs emtre bs gmbs 644 g.I e :44 f.I., perãbfb ec que bs nufeus e pbsterobrcemte bs irostébs vovergc sbj fbcomgèéb pblãtoig e iulturgl fbs persgs, hrehbs Bs pbvbspgrg fbcomgfbs ergcbpbrtumofgfe cgssgirgfbsfe pelbs ocpïrobse erbcgmbs. ibcb fostrgèéb méb terec se brhgmozgr e rejelgr, reiejogc lojerfgfe cbrgl e relohobsg, ioribs, blocpãgfgs, espetçiulbs e tegtrb. Vgmtb nufeus ibcb irostébs ergc brhgmozgfbs, méb gieotgvgc fbcomgèéb mec pgrtoiopgvgc fgs aestgs, pbr ossb ergc bs promiopgos glvbs fgs persehuoèões. Vufb ostb omaluemiobu g lomhughec fbs esirotbs que tom`g g aomglofgfe fe efoaoigr  e emsomgr g prçtoig fg aï ec ceob äs trojulgèões. Numtb ibc b surhocemtb fb estgfb emtrgc ec iemg bs prbaetgs que ergc ibcb represemtgmtes fb pbvb pgrg prbtestgr ibmtrg bs errbs fb reo, aglgmfb ec mbce fe Feus. Estes prbaetgs abrgc cgrtorozgfbs e ibc g feigfîmiog fb estgfb\cbmgrquog b prbaetoscb se emierrg. G pgrtor fe emtéb ï que gs ibcumofgfes ibceègrgc g irogr textbs gpbiglãptoibs ibc emohcgs que sù b hrupb ibm`eiog pgrg aglgrec fb que méb ibmibrfgvgc méb ibrremfb b rosib fe serec fesibjertbs pelgs gutbrofgfes. B prbiessb fe abrcgèéb fg lotergturg gpbiglãptoig tec ibcb preiefemtes g prbaeiog, g sgjefbrog e g cecùrog `ostùroig fb pbvb. B prbaetoscb tec ibcb igrgiterãstoigs g femþmiog, b gmþmiob e g remþmiog, foaeremiogfb gpbiglãptoig pbrque ï ucge prehgèéb semfb brgl ilgrg, trgtgmfbfgfeprehgèéb sotugèões regos, iotgmfb mbces agtbs ibc brohec e festomb feilgrgfbs. Vgcjïc tec ucg voséb umotgrostg e btocostg fb cumfb semfb Feus b sbjergmb sbjre tufb. B emsomb gpresemtgfb mbs textbs gpbigloptoibs trgmscote b que bs sçjobs fb pbvb emsomgvgc e vovogc. Cuotbs festes sçjobs ergc pessocostgs e agtglostgs ibcb bs esirotbres gpbiglãptoibs. G cecùrog fb pbvb tgcjïc agz pgrte fb ibmteþfb gpbiglãptoib pbrque fesireve cuotbs agtbs e ibmtbs que agzogc pgrte fb vbigjulçrob fb pbvb.


Bs textbs gpbiglãptoibs se jgseogc mb iêmbm nufgoib fe butrbs textbs gpbiglãptoibs fg ïpbig e g `ostùrog. Gs pglgvrgs fb lovrb tgcjïc séb omsporgfgs ec vosões que revelgvgc gs verfgfes, usgmfb `ostùrogs ibc fugloscbs trbigmfb bs mbces fbs persbmghems e usgmfb sãcjblbs pgrg bs gibmteiocemtbs. Bs nuãzbs gpresemtgfbs mbs textbs gpbiglãptoibs séb proceorgcemte b omoiogl, pgrg gs ibcumofgfes semtemiogmfb sugs agl`gs agzemfb prbcessgs e b nuãzb aomgl que fesireve g votùrog aomgl fe Irostb e seu pbvb sbjre g cbrte e b cgu. Bs textbs prbaïtoibs revelgc ilgrgcemte gs cemtorgs que ierigvgc b pbvb e gmumiogc gs ibmsequîmiogs festgs cemtorgs exbrtgmfb b pbvb fe Feus g méb se emvblver ibc b emhgmb.  G cem cemsghec sghec fb Gpbig Gpbiglolopse pse erg proc proceorgc eorgcem emte te aglgfg e fepbo fepboss prehgfg mgs ibcumofgfes e emtéb esirotgs. Bs proceorbs buvomtes emtemfogc jec fb que se trgtgvg, pbos g cemsghec, ecjbrg ec sãcjblbs, estgvg presemte emtre eles e ostb l`es gjrog bs bl`bs pgrg ver g verfgfe. Bs proceorbs leotbres fb Gpbiglopse abrgc pessbgs fb pbvb que tom`gc ibm`eiocemtb fg reglofgfe fbs prbjlecgs presemtes mg sbioefgfe. G pgrtor fg lomhughec ibfoaoigfg que `gvog mgs ibcumofgfes, b lovrb servog pgrg revelgr b cgu que gibmteiog omstruomfb b pbvb sec gtomhor foretgcemte bs fbcomgfbres. @bne b lovrb ibmtomug semfb revelgfbr fe verfgfes pgrg mùs. Ä cefofg g `ostùrog fesemrblg, periejecbs que bs agtbs nç estgvgcque prevostbs pelbs se prbpùsotbs fe Feus.


 Gjgfbm bu Gpblobm  (Gpbiglopse ?.7 ?.77 7) e vîc fe uc  Gs fu fugs gs ex expressões pressões séb som somöm ömoc ocgs gs  Gpbiglopse tercb `ejrgoib que sohmoaoig Festruofbr [7S .


 ÇHUOG  ÇHUO G Qeng cgos ec Wugtrb seres vovemtes.


 GO  Gpbiglopse 0.79 0.79))  G ex expresséb presséb ‐go ‐go‟‟ omfoig omfoig sbarocem sbarocemtb. tb. Vrîs gos ( Gpbiglopse gmumiogfbs pbr ucg çhuog ibc seu hrotb que pgreie fozer ‐go‟. Estes gos se reaerec äs trîs þltocgs trbcjetgs que serogc cuotb severgs. Vgcjïc trîs lgcemtbs sbjre  Gpbig lopse pse 70.74,71,7? 70.74,71,7?). cbrgfbressébs ( Gpbiglo ). g hrgmfe jgjolömog e seus B proceorb GO  Gpbiglopse ?.7: ), Ibmsoste mg quomtg trbcjetg ( Gpbiglopse ), igou ucg estrelg fb iïu e uc exïriotb fe hgagm`btbs que aere gbs que  Gpbiglopse ?.7-7: ). méb tîc b selb fe Feus ( Gpbiglopse ). B sehumfb GO Ye reaere gbs alghelbs fg sextg trbcjetg ( Gpbiglopse  Gpbiglopse 77.76 7.76), ),  Gpbiglopse pse ibc uc exïriotb que aerorç bs seres `ucgmbs ( Gpbiglo ?.79-:7)) e gb hrgmfe terrecbtb ( Gpbiglopse ?.79-:7  Gpbiglopse 77.79 77.79). ). Verieorb GO  Gpbiglopse 77.76 7.76)) que gmumiog gs sete  G sïtocg trbcjetg ( Gpbiglopse  Gpbiglopse pse 7 77.75-7? 7.75-7?). tgègs ( Gpbiglo ).


 GLAG  GLA G E ÖCE ÖCEHG HG  G proc proceorg eorg  G  [GS e g þltocg [ ίS

letrg fb glagjetb hrehb. Tbr ossb ï usgfg ibcb socjbloscb pgrg g etermofgfe. Nesus fosse> “Eu sbu b  Glag e b Öcehg, b Troceor Troceorb b e b Þltocb, b Tromiãpob e b Aoc–   Gpbiglopse ::.79 ::.79). ( Gpbiglopse ).


 GMNB  G pgl pglgv gvrg rg gm gmnb nb sohm sohmoaoig oaoig cem cemsgheo sgheorb. rb. Bs seres gm gmhelo heloigos igos séb 7.76). Mb emvogfbs pbr Feus ibc ucg cosséb espeiãaoig (@ejreus (@ejreus 7.76). gpbiglopse g expresséb “gmnb– pbfe represemtgr b pgstbr fg ohreng  Gpbiglopse se  Gpbiglopse 7.9 7.9). (gpbiglopse, ). Gs gbs sete pgstbres vezes que pglgvrg “gmn– iotgfg mb reaere bu gcemsgheorbs fgsï Ohrengs fe “Ïaesb, Escormg, Tïrhgcb, Vogtorg, Ygrfes, Aolgfïlaog e Lgbfoieog–   Gpbiglopse 7.77; :.7; :. :.0; 0; :.70; 9.7; 9.8 e 9.76 ). ( Gpbiglopse


 Gmtoirostb  Gmt oirostb  Gmtoirostb ï tuf  Gmtoirostb tufb b b qu que e se bpõe g Irostb e ä su sug g Tglgv Tglgvrg rg bu pretemfe biupgr b seu luhgr (O (O Nbéb 6.71 ). ). Aglsbs prbaetgs séb ibmtrg Irostb, cgs g Jãjlog feilgrg que mb aoc fbs tecpbs surhorç uc `bcec fg fesblgèéb– fesblgèéb 79.76 79.76) i`gcgfb pbr Nesus fe “b gjbmçvel – (Cgribs que persbmoaoigrç b gmtoirostb bu g Jestg fb Gpbiglopse. Cescb que) g pessbg fb gmtoirostb gomfg méb se cgmoaestbu, tufb nç estç semfb prepgrgfb pgrg que ele seng revelgfb e gieotb pelb cumfb. Tbr ossb, usgcbs b textb mb plurgl, pgrg fesohmgr tbfb topb fe cgmoaestgèéb ibmtrgrog ibm trgrog ä aï ir irosté. osté.  Glhu  Glh ucgs igrgiterãstoigs fb Gm Gmtoirostb> toirostb>  7- B gmtoirostb nç estç mb cumfb> O Nbéb :.70-:1  :- B gmtoirostb mehg que Nesus veob ec igrme> O Nbéb 6.7-1 e OO  Nbéb 8  9- B gmtoirostb vorç gmtes fg vbltg fe Nesus> OO Vessglbmoiemses :.7-1  6- Gs bjrgs fb gmtoirostb> OO Vessglbmoiemses :.8-7:  5- B espãrotb fe emhgmb fb gmtoirostb> Fgmoel 0.:6,:5  1- B gmtoirostb serç uc hbvermgmte> Fgmoel ?.:8 e Gpbiglopse 79.5-0  8- B gmtoirostb prbojorç b iultb g Feus> Fgmoel 77.97-95  0- B igrçter fb gmtoirostb> Fgmoel 77.91-90  ?- Bs sãcjblbs fb gmtoirostb> Gpbig gmtoirostb> Gpbiglolopse pse 79.79-78  74- B mbce fb gmtoirostb> Gpbig gmtoirostb> Gpbiglopse lopse 79.70 


 GZIB-ÃZOY  GZIB-ÃZO Y  Gb refbr fb trbmb fe Feu Feus, s, represem represemtg tg b realexb realexb fg hlù hlùrog rog fe Feus, Feus, ibcb b que abo vostb pelb prbaetg Ezequoel qugmfb vou b cescb trbmb fe Feus e `gvog gb seu refbr “ibcb b gspeitb fb grib que gpgreie mg ec fogfgfehlùrog i`uvg, erg b(Ezequoel resplemfbr7.:0  ec). erg muvec g gpgrîmiog fb gssoc YEM@BZ– ( Ezequoel ).refbr. Este Estg grib represemtg g Glogmèg fe Feus ibc g `ucgmofgfe (Hîmesos ( Hîmesos ?.79,71 ) que realete seu gcbr fogmte fe sug presemèg. Qeng> Vrbmb.


 GZZEJGV  GZZEJG VGCEMVB GCEMVB B Grrejgtgcemtb fg Ohreng serç b evemtb mb qugl Feus recbve tbfbs bs iremtes fg terrg pgrg reglozgr b aoc fe tbfgs gs ibosgs e b Nuãzb Aomgl. B grrejgtgcemtb serç uc sustb que vgo pehgr cuotgs pessbgs fe surpresg Iertgcemte (Luigs 78.96-91  (Luigs ). gibmteier Fe repemte ucg vgo fesgpgreier. ossb vgo). gpemgs ibcpessbg quec ï uc irostéb aoel, semfb feoxgfb pgrg trçs gpemgs quec méb estover  prepgrgfb. Yerç muc cbcemtb que momhuïc esperg, pbos “qugmfb gmfgrec fozemfb> Tgz e sehurgmèg, eos que l`es sbjrevorç repemtomg festruoèéb– (O Vessglbmoiemses 5.9). 5.9). B ibmieotb fe  Grrejgtgcem  Grrejgtgce mtb ï ilgrgc ilgrgcem emte te em emsom somgfb gfb mgs Esirotu Esiroturgs rgs (O  Vessglbmoiemses 6.78 ). ). Nesus prbceteu que vbltgrog pgrg jusigr bs seus fosiãpulbs e tbfbs que iressec ec seu mbce (Nbéb (Nbéb 76.9). 76.9).  G vbltg fe Nesu Nesuss serç vostg pbr tbfgs gs pessbgs mb cu cum mfb om omteorb, teorb, tgmtb bs que estoverec vovbs mgquele cbcemtb ibcb gqueles que nç toverec cbrrofb, pbos ressusiotgréb pgrg ser sglvbs bu pgrg ser   Gpbiglopse 7.8 ).  nulhgf  nu lhgfbs bs ( Gpbiglopse ). Ecjbrg cuotbs méb periejeréb g iemg fb grrejgtgcemtb, pbr sug rgpofez, “`gverç somgos mb sbl, mg lug e mgs estrelgs; sbjre g terrg, gmhþstog emtre gs mgèões–  (Luigs  ( Luigs :7.:5 ) que fecbmstrgréb estes gibmteiocemtbs. B grrejgtgcemtb serç sehuofb pelg vbltg fe Nesus pgrg que tbfgs gs pessbgs b vengc ibcb Zeo vbltgmfb qugmfb “gpgreierç mb iïu b somgl fb Aol`b fb @bcec; tbfbs bs pbvbs fg terrg se lgcemtgréb e veréb b Aol`b fb @bcec vomfb gs muvems fb iïu, ibc pbfer e cuotg hlùrog–   (Cgteus :6.94 ). )sbjre . B Grrejgtgcemtb fg Ohreng serç ec sehuofg ä proceorg ressurreoèéb, qugmfb bs cbrtbs ec Irostb seréb levgmtgfbs pgrg se emibmtrgr ibc seu Cestre (O (O Vessglbmoiemses 6.71-78 ). ). Butrg ressureoèéb gibmteierç fepbos fb colîmob pgrg b nulhgcemtb aomgl, qugmfb bs que cbrrergc sec reiejer g Nesus ibcb Yem`br, seréb levgmtgfbs pgrg ser nulhgfbs. Nesus feoxbu ostb ilgrb qugmfb gaorcbu que “vec g `brg ec que tbfbs bs que se gi`gc mbs tþculbs buvoréb g sug vbz  e sgoréb> bs que toverec aeotb b jec, pgrg g ressurreoèéb fg vofg; e bs que toverec prgtoigfb b cgl, pgrg g ressurreoèéb fb nuãzb–   (Nbéb


5.:0,:?). Tbr ossb séb i`gcgfbs fe “jec-gvemturgfb e sgmtb ï 5.:0,:?). gquele que tec pgrte mg proceorg ressurreoèéb–   ( Gpbiglopse  Gpbiglopse :4.1 ). ). Ecjbrg g ressurreoèéb fbs iremtes seng proceorb que b grrejgtgcemtb, este serç socultêmeb e ec sehuofg. B grrejgtgcemtb serç surpreemfemte, pbrque “g respeotb fgquele fog e `brg momhuïc sgje, mec bs gmnbs fbs iïus, mec b Aol`b, seméb b Tgo–   (Cgteus :6.91 ) e méb fevecbs prbiurgr fesibjror  omutolcemte pbrque “méb vbs ibcpete ibm`eier tecpbs bu ïpbigs que b Tgo reservbu pelg sug exilusovg gutbrofgfe–  (  Gtbs 7.8 ).  ( Gtbs ). Nesus feoxbu jec ilgrb que surhorogc aglsbs prbaetgs cgrigmfb g sug vbltg :6.:9,:6). Mbssb fever ï estgr  e méb feverãgcbs girefotgr (Cgteus (Cgteus :6.:9,:6). :5.79). prepgrgfb pgrg este cbcemtb (Cgteus (Cgteus :5.79). B grrejgtgcemtb serç repemtomb ibcb uc posigr fe bl`bs (O  (O  Ibrãmtobs 75.57-5: ). ). Mgfg se ibcpgrg ä rgpofez feste gssoc b relêcpghb, gibmteiocemtb, fe ucg ä butrg “pbrque extrecofgfe fbibcb iïu, gssoc serç, mb auzolgmfb, seu fog, b jrol`g Aol`b fb @bcec–   (Luigs 78.:6). 78.:6). Cescb gs iêcergs e tbfg g teimblbhog méb seréb igpgzes fe rehostrgr ibc exgtoféb estes agtbs, promiopglcemte pbrque momhuïc estgrç lovre fe ser glvb fe tufb pgrg se tbrmgr gpemgs espeitgfbr.  G ibosg cgos oc ocpbrtgm pbrtgmte te ï se prepgrgr pgrg ser grrejgtgfb. Cescb quec méb sgje mgfg fossb que abo estufgfb, cgs se estover prbmtb serç levgfb pgrg b iïu ibc Nesus. Fe quglquer abrcg preiosgcbs gpremfer sbjre b gssumtb jusigmfb igpgiotgèéb esporotugl pgrg reiejer estg hrgèg.


 ÇZQBZE FG QO QOFG FG  G Jãjlog Jãjlog m mgrrg grrg que qu qugm gmfb fb Gféb e Ev Evg g peigrgc pbr pbr ibcer fb Arutb fb Ibm`eiocemtb fb Jec e fb Cgl, Feus bs expulsbu fb Ngrfoc fb Ïfem pgrg ocpefor que ibcessec tgcjïc b arutb fg Çrvbre fg Qofg (Hîmesos 9.7-0 )).. B que ergc estgs çrvbres fb ibm`eiocemtb fb jec e fb cgl e g fg vofg2 Ocghomb que sengc çrvbres cescb, irogfgs pbr Feus que sepgrbu ucg ibcb bpèéb pelg cbrte e butrg ibcb bpèéb pelg vofg.  G foaeremèg foaeremèg em emtre tre elgs serog b agtb fe bjefe bjefeier ier bu fesb fesbjefeie jefeier. r. B `bcec pbferog ibcer fe tbfgs gs çrvbres (gtï b arutb fg çrvbre fg vofg), sù méb pbferog ibcer gquelg que Feus fosse ser fb ibm`eiocemtb fb jec e fb cgl, cgs que prbfuzorog g cbrte. Gb ibcer festg, b `bcec bptbu pelg cbrte e fesprezbu g vofg. Tgrg ibjror mufez fb `bcec cul`er Feus aez b proceorb sgiroaãiob feguc ibrfeorb e ibcegfg pele aez gs proceorgs vestes 9.:7). Ossb sohmoaoig que seu peigfb abo ibjertb. (Hîmesos 9.:7). B que gibmteierog se ibcessec festg çrvbre2 Verogc g vofg etermg. E ibcb se tbrmgrgc peigfbres, aoigrgc susietãveos ä cbrte e ibm`eiefbres fb jec e fb cgl (Hîmesos (Hîmesos 9.:: ). ). Emtéb g `ucgmofgfe serog etermgcemte peigfbrg e b cgl méb terog aoc. Tbr ossb Feus iblbibu trîs bjstçiulbs pgrg momhuïc gligmègr g Çrvbre fg Qofg. Estes bjstçiulbs séb> bs querujoms, g espgfg algcengmte muc 9.:7-:6). Estes trîs igcom`b fesibm`eiofb pbr tbfbs (Hîmesos (Hîmesos 9.:7-:6). agtbres fevec estgr jec prùxocbs uc fb butrb, pbr que se g pessbg tover tecbr fe Feus, jusigrç g Tglgvrg fe Feus e ibm`eierç b igcom`b que ï Nesus Irostb. Cuotbs gtï ibm`eiec g Nesus, cgs méb se feoxgc lojertgr pelg Tglgvrg fe Feus bu perfec b tecbr fb Yem`br, vovemfb gpemgs relohobsgcemte e pbr ossb perfec g Qofg Etermg.


JEC-GQEMVUZGFB  G pglgvrg pglgvrg ‐j ‐jec-gv ec-gvem emturgfb turgfb‟‟ sohm sohmoaoig oaoig aelo aelozz, tter er uc ucg g gve gvem mturg jbg jbg.. B lovrb fe Gpbiglopse trgz estg pglgvrg sete vezes, uc mþcerb ibmsofergfb pgrg represemtgr g peraeoèéb, b que socjblozg ser  plemgcemte jec-gvemturgfb. Mgque verfgfe cbstrg quglbïfbb verfgfeorb pgfréb fe aeloiofgfe, méb ïossb b fbmbs cumfb e soc iïu, que ï sete vezes cgos fb que tufb b que tec meste cumfb (OO  (OO  Ibrãmtobs :.?). :.?).  Gs sete jec-gvem jec-gvemturgm turgmègs ègs fb gpbigl gpbiglopse opse séb>  Gpbiglopse lopse 7.9   7- LEZ e BU BUQOZ QOZ b Lov Lovrb> rb> Gpbig   :- CBZZEZ mb Yem` Yem`br> br> Gpbig  Gpbiglopse lopse 76.79  Gpbiglolopse pse 71.75    9- QOHOGZ> QOHOGZ> Gpbig  Gpbiglopse lopse 7?.?   6- Yer IBMQ IBMQOFGFB> OFGFB> Gpbig  Gpbiglopse lopse :4.1    5ZEYYU ZEYYUYIOVGZ> YIOVGZ> Gpbig   ::.8   Gpbiglopse glopse 1- HUGZFGZ gs Tglgvrgs> Gpbi Tglgvrgs>  Gpbiglolopse pse ::.76   8- Yer LG LGQGF QGFB B mb Ygmhu Ygmhue e fb Ibrfe Ibrfeorb> orb> Gpbig


JEYVG  Gpbiglopse 79.7 79.7 e 78.9); B gmtoirostb que persehuorç g ohreng ( Gpbiglopse  e 78.9 ); B gpùstblb Nbéb gvosbu g ohreng que b gmtoirostb méb ï gpemgs ucg pessbg, cgs uc sostecg peigcombsb> "Aol`om`bs, nç ï g þltocg `brg; e, ibcb buvostes que vec gmtoiro gmtoirostb stb,, tgcjï tgcjïc, c, ghbrg, cuotbs`brg"  gmtoirostbs tîc surhofb; pelbb que ibm`eiecbs que ï g þltocg (O Nbéb :.70 ). ). G Jãjlog emsomg que b mbce fb Gmtoirostb pbfe ser  feioargfb pbrque ibmtïc mþcerbs `ucgmbs que resultgréb ec 111 [seosiemtbs e sessemtg e seosS. Cuotbs fozec que b pgpg ï b gmtoirostb pbrque ï uc lãfer pblãtoib e relohobsb que se gssemtg muc trbmb ec uc tecplb que foz ser pgrg Feus. Ï cuotb roib, gfbrgfb e reveremiogfb. G lomhughec cumfogl estç se costurgmfb g igfg fog e gs pessbgs se `gjotugc ibc pglgvrgs estrgmheorgs sec se prebiupgr ibc seu sohmoaoigfb. Fevofb ä ohmbrêmiog messe semtofb, gs pessbgs vestec igcosgs ibc expressões que méb ibmibrfgrogc se sbujessec. Ossb tgcjïc gibmteie pgrg gibcbfgr b pbvb agzemfb-bs gieotgr b sostecg gmtoirostéb. Qer> gmtoirostb.


IGQGLB B igvglb erg b ceob fe trgmspbrte usgfb pelbs exïriotbs, pbr sug abrèg e rgpofez. Yecemte quec tom`gc ibmfoèões pbferog ter uc igvglb. Igvglb ibcb cerigfbrog fe vemfg ( Gpbiglopse  Gpbiglopse 70.79 70.79), ),  Gpbig 7?.70,7? 7?.70,7?). usgfb pgrg huerrgs ( Gpbiglopse ). B gpbiglopse gomfg cbstrg uc hrgmfe exïriotb felopse igvglbs ibc iburgègs, temfb igjeèg fe leéb, sbltgvg abhb pelg jbig e aerog ibc g igufg ( Gpbiglopse  Gpbiglopse ?.78-7?). ?.78-7? ). G cosséb feste exïriotb ï iucpror bs nuãzbs fovombs  Gpbiglopse ?.70-:7 ?.70-:7). ( Gpbiglopse ). Bs 6 igvgleorbs ec Gpbiglopse 1 séb> Igvglb jrgmib  Gpbiglopse 7?.77 e :7 :7)) e Usgfb pbr Nesus pgrg g jgtgl`g aomgl ( Gpbiglopse  Gpbiglopse 7?.76 7?.76). tgcjïc pelb exïriotb fe Irostb ( Gpbiglopse ). Gb gjror b proceorb selb surhou uc igvglb jrgmib que represemtg b emhgmb  Gpbiglopse pse 1.7,: ). ibc g umoéb fgs mgèões ( Gpbiglo ). Usg g cescg ibr  que Irostb usgrç, ibc omtemtb fe emhgmgr. Troceorb b omocohb vec ibc gpgrîmiog fe jbmfgfe, cgs mg verfgfe quer olufor gs 77.76). pessbgs (OO (OO Ibrãmtobs 77.76). Igvglb Qercel`b Wugmfb b Ibrfeorb gjrou b sehumfb selb gpgreieu uc igvglb  Gpbiglopse vercel`b que socjblozg b ferrgcgcemtb fe sgmhue ( Gpbiglopse 1.9,6). 1.9,6 ). Este igvgleorb gmumiobu huerrgs e rucbres fe huerrgs emtre gs mgèões. Igvglb Tretb B terieorb selb gpresemtbu uc igvglb pretb que trbuxe abce e agltg fe glocemtbs mg terrg (Gpbiglopse 1.5,1). G cç fostrojuoèéb fe remfg prbvbigrç ucg hrgmfe abce mbs þltocbs fogs e g agltg fe glocemtbs pbferç ser igusgfg pbr prbjlecgs mg ghroiulturg, fesfe b plgmtob omsuaoioemte gtï perfg fe lgvburgs pbr prbjlecgs ilocçtoibs. Igvglb Gcgrelb


B qugrtb selb cbstrbu uc igvglb gcgrelb que sohmoaoig g cbrte  Gpbiglopse 1.8, 1.8,0  0 ). pbr fbemègs e pestes ( Gpbiglopse ). Mbs þltocbs tecpbs tîc surhofb mbvgs jgitïrogs e vãrus resostemtes gbs cefoigcemtbs ibm`eiofbs que pbfec igusgc hrgmfes fgmbs ä pbpulgèéb cumfogl. Qçrogs epofecogs ibmsofergfgs ibmtrblgfgs estéb vbltgmfb ibc abrèg cgobr. Areobs fe igvglbs Expresséb usgfg pgrg fesohmgr glturg ( Gpbiglopse  Gpbiglopse 76.:4 ). ). Yecel`gmte g igvglb  Gpbiglopse Bs hgagm`btbs pgreiogc igvglbs mg abrcg fe cgri`gr ( Gpbiglopse ?.8,?). ?.8,? ). Igvglgrog Uc hrgmfe exïriotb fe huerrg prbmtb pgrg jgtgl`gr ( Gpbiglopse  Gpbiglopse ?.71 ). ). Igvgleorb Tessbg que cbmtb uc igvglb. Bs qugtrb igvgleorbs fbs proceorbs  Gpbiglopse 1.:,6,5,0 ).Igvgleorbs qugtrb selbs ( Gpbiglopse ).Igvgleorbs fb exïriotb fe Feus  Gpbiglopse ?.78 ). ( Gpbiglopse ). Nesus cbmtgfb ec seu igvglb jrgmib ibcb uc  Gpbiglopse 7?.77 7?.77). hemergl ec huerrg ( Gpbiglopse ). Igvgleorbs fb exïriotb omocohb  Gpbiglopse 7?.70 )).. ( Gpbiglopse


I@GQEY  G i`gv i`gve e socj socjblo blozzg b foreotb bu gu gutbrofgfe tbrofgfe fe gjro gjrorr e aei` a ei`gr. gr. Nesus Nesus ï g 74.?). Mb Gpbiglopse Nesus foz que tec trîs pbrtg fg vofg (Nbéb (Nbéb 74.?). i`gves>

I`gves fg cbrte e fb @gfes Nesus tec gs i`gves fg cbrte pbrque cbrreu e ressusiotbu  Gpbiglopse 7.70 ). ( Gpbiglopse ). B @gfes ï b luhgr fbs cbrtbs, trgfuzofb pbr  omaermb pgrg se reaeror gb luhgr fe sbarocemtb fe quec méb ibm`eie g Feus. I`gves fe Fgvo  Gpbiglopse 9.8 ) que se Nesus veob iucpror g prbcessg fe uc reo ( Gpbiglopse gssemtgrog pgrg secpre mb trbmb fe Fgvo (O (O Zeos ?.5 ). ). Osgãgs prbaetozbu que b Cessogs terog g i`gve fb trbmb fe Fgvo> “Tbreo  sbjre b seu bcjrb g i`gve fg igsg fe Fgvo; ele gjrorç, e momhuïc aei`grç, aei`grç, e momhuïc gjrorç–  (Osgãgs  ( Osgãgs ::.:: ). ). I`gve fb Gjoscb ?.7). Bu fb “pbèb fb gjoscb–   (?.7 ). Vrgfuzofb ibcb sepulirb bu omaermb[:S . B gjoscb se reaere gb luhgr fbs cbrtbs sec Irostb e fecömobs (Osgãgs (Osgãgs 76.75; Luigs 0.97 e 71.:1 ) e bmfe sgtgmçs serç :4.9). Estg i`gve serç lgmègfb (OO (OO Tefrb :.6 e Gpbiglopse :4.9). emtrehue g uc gmnb que gjrorç b gjoscb pgrg que bs cbrtbs sgogc pgrg g sehumfg ressurreoèéb (:4.7 (:4.7). ).


IBZFEOZB Nbéb vou “uc Ibrfeorb ibcb temfb sofb cbrtb. Ele tom`g sete i`oares, jec ibcb sete bl`bs, que séb bs sete Espãrotbs fe Feus emvogfbs pbr tbfg g terrg–   (( Gpbiglo  Gpbiglopse pse 5.1 ). ). Yug gpgrîmiog tec b sehuomte sohmoaoigfb> Fe pï> pgrg cbstrgr prbmtoféb e fospbsoèéb. Ibcb temfb sofb cbrtb> pgrg iucpror g fesiroèéb fb prbaetg Osgãgs (Osgãgs (Osgãgs 59.8 )).. Yete i`oares> b i`oare represemtgvg pbfer e b mþcerb sete g peraeoèéb, emtéb sohmoaoig que tec b pbfer tbtgl. Yete bl`bs> bs bl`bs omfoigc voséb e ibm`eiocemtb e b mþcerb sete mbvgcemte g peraeoèéb, pbr ossb tom`g tbfg igpgiofgfe fe ver e ibm`eier gs pglgvrgs fb lovrb.


FGMOEL B lovrb fe Fgmoel ï cgos que uc lovrb prbaïtoib, uc textb gpbiglãptoib, pbos estç repletb fe iùfohbs e sãcjblbs gpbiglãptoibs, pbr ossb mg Jãjlog `ejrgoig sotug-se emtre bs esirotbs e méb emtre bs prbaetgs. B tecg iemtrgl fb lovrb ï ucg omsporgèéb ä aofelofgfe g Feus e g resostîmiog ä iulturg `elîmoig. Ibc respeotb gb persbmghec e pbssãvel gutbr Fgmoel, Temsb ser  omsuaoioemtes gs omabrcgèões que omfoigc que méb exostou, tgmtb qugmtb b ser “estùrog– e `ostùrog verãfoig bs 1 proceorbs igpãtulbs. Nç g sehumfg pgrte fb lovrb, cgos gpbiglãptoig, cbstrg ilgrgcemte gtrgvïs fbs sãcjblbs e iùfohbs b que gibmteiog qugmfb b lovrb abo esirotb. B lovrb ï cuotb þtol pgrg bs fogs gtugos e ibmtîc prbaeiogs que aglgc fe tecpbs vomfburbs (Fgmoel (Fgmoel 0.:1 ). ). Tgrg ibcpreemfer b lovrb fegsFgmoel ï meiessçrob fg ïpbig, b que cbtovbu pglgvrgs fb lovrb, ibm`eier g aumèéb gfe`ostùrog igfg persbmghec e g cbrgl fg `ostùrog. Feste cbfb, ibcb b prùprob lovrb foz “bs sçjobs emtemferéb–   (Fgmoel ( Fgmoel 7:.74 ). ).


FZGHÉB B prùprob sgtgmçs que ghorç mbs þltocbs tecpbs, revelgmfb ser “g gmtohg serpemte–   ( Gpbiglopse  Gpbiglopse 7:.? 7:.?)) gtrgvïs fb emhgmb pbrque ï b “pgo fg cemtorg–   (Nbéb 0.66) 0.66) e ghorç ibc tbfg abrcg fe cglfgfe, “pgrg rbujgr, cgtgr e festruor–   (Nbéb ( Nbéb 74.74 ). ).


AGLYB TZBAEV TZBAEVG G  Gpbiglopse Zepresemtgmte `ucgmb que fovulhgrç aglsgs fbutromgs ( Gpbiglopse 7?.:4 ). ). Nesus glertbu que "surhoréb aglsbs irostbs e aglsbs prbaetgs bpergmfb hrgmfes somgos e prbfãhobs pgrg emhgmgr, se pbssãvel, bs  prùprobs eleotbs"   (Cgteus ( Cgteus :6.: 6). 6).


AOL@B AOL @B F FB B @BCEC  G ex expresséb presséb “aol` “aol`b b fb `bce bcec– c– gpgreie 705 ve veze zess mg Jãjlo Jãjlog. g. Mg cgobrog fgs vezes tec b semtofb lotergl fe> aol`b fe Gféb (jem gfgc ‫ד‬‫י‬ ‫ג‬ mb GV e `uobs tbu gmt`rbpbu - υἷόϊ φβῡ ἄγΰχύτβυ mb MV)   [9S , cgs pbfe ser usgfg reaeromfb-se> - Gb ser `ucgmb ec hergl, reaeromfb-se ä `ucgmofgfe (Nù (Nù 71.:7; Yglcbs 0.6 e 766.9; Osgãgs 5.7: ));; - Ä ucg pessbg espeiãaoig, ibcb pbr execplb b prbaetg Ezequoel que abo i`gcgfb fe “aol`b fb `bcec–   ?9 vezes :.7); (Ezequoel :.7); - Ä pessbg fe Nesus, b prbaetg Fgmoel se reaerou ec sug prbaeiog sbjre b Cessogs ibcb “aol`b fb `bcec–, ec ucg tebagmog que ï ucg gpgroèéb Fovomg ec aohurg `ucgmg (Fgmoel (Fgmoel 8.79 e 74.71 ) e b prùprob Nesus se gpresemtbu ibc este tãtulb mbs evgmhel`bs :.79,76). (Cgteus :6.:8, 94; Cgribs 76.:7; Luigs 78,::; Nbéb :.79,76). Estîvéb ec sug cbrte vî Nesus “e fosse> Eos que venb bs iïus gjertbs e b aol`b fb `bcec, ec pï ä festrg fe Feus–   ( Gtbs  Gtbs 8.51 ). ). Mb Gpbiglopse Nesus tgcjïc ï i`gcgfb fe Aol`b fb  Gpbiglopse 7.79 e 76.76 76.76). `bcec ( Gpbiglopse ). B prbpùsotb festg expresséb ï feilgrgr g `ucgmofgfe fe Nesus, que ecjbrg seng Fovomb, tgcjïc ï `bcec. Nesus ï i`gcgfb fe Aol`b fb `bcec pbrque ï ibcpgrgfb g Gféb, irogfb foretgcemte pbr Feus, Ibrãmtobs 75.65 ). cgs secvec peigfb pgrg etermgcemte (O pgrg (O ). Be Cessogs iucpror tbfbvover b prbpùsotb fe Feus g `ucgmofgfe vover pgrg Feus. [6S Nesus gssuce estg aohurg fb Aol`b fb @bcec pgrg iucpror gs prbaeiogs e gmumiogr sug vbltg fepbos que absse cbrtb e ressusiotgsse sujomfb gb iïu fe bmfe vbltgrç (Cgribs (Cgribs 76.1: ). ). Ec seu sercéb prbaïtoib, tgcjïc i`gcgfb fe Gpbiglopse fe Nesus, b Yem`br Nesus usg cuotb g expresséb Aol`b fb @bcec pgrg aglgr fe sug vbltg (Cgteus (Cgteus :6; Cgribs 79; Luigs :7). :7). Qer tgcjïc> Nesus.


AOC AO C Fe uc pbmtb fe vostg jãjloib e prbaïtoib bs somgos fb aoc seréb :6.:?). Bs selbs fb Gpbiglopse cbstrgfbs mg mgturezg (Cgteus (Cgteus :6.:?). cbstrgc que `gverç huerrgs ( Gp.  Gp. 1.9,6 1.9,6), ), abce ( Gp.  Gp. 1.5,1 ), ), fbemègs  Gp. 1.8,0 ) e terrecbtbs ( Gp.  Gp. 1.7:,78 ). ( Gp. ). Gs fb Gpbiglopse  Gp. 0.8 trbcjetgs  Gp. gmumiogc queocgfgs fgs albrestgs ( Gp. ), cbrte fbs peoxes ( Gp. ), 0.0,?), 0.0,? ), aoc fg çhug pbtçvel ( Gp.  Gp. 0.74,7 0.74,77 7) e pbluoèéb fg gtcbsaerg  Gp. 0.7:,79 0.7:,79). ( Gp. ). Bs alghelbs fb Gpbiglopse aglgc fe fbemègs  Gp. 71.: ) e gqueiocemtb sblgr ( Gp.  Gp. 71.0,? 71.0,?). igmierãhemgs ( Gp. ). Vbfbs estes agtbres revelgc que reglcemte b aoc fb cumfb méb estç téb lbmhe. @ç glhuc tecpb, cuotbs méb girefotgvgc mb aoc fb cumfb, cgs `bne gtï bs ioemtostgs usgc este grhucemtb pgrg exploigr g sequîmiog fe fesgstres mgturgos. Momhuïc sgje b fog mec g `brg (Cgteus :6.91 e 54; Luigs :7.96; Gtbs 7.1,8 ). ).


@BCEC Qeng> Aol`b fb @bcec e Wugtrb seres vovemtes.


OHZENG  G cemsghec cemsghec f fb b Gpbigl Gpbiglopse opse abo proc proceorgc eorgcem emte te foreiobmgfg foreiobmgfg pgrg sete ohrengs mg Çsog cembr. Mg cemsghec pbfecbs periejer glhucgs loèões> -Nesus reibm`eieu tbfgs elgs ibcb ohrengs, cescb ibc seus errbs; -Nesus méb cgmfbu momhuïc sgor fe ucg ohreng pgrg butrg; -Nesus méb fosse que ucg ohreng ï cel`br que butrg; -Nesus trgtbu foretgcemte ibc seus pgstbres broemtgmfb-bs; -tbfgs gs ohrengs tovergc bpbrtumofgfe fe grrepemfocemtb; -Ybcemte Nesus pbfe nulhgr g sotugèéb esporotugl fg Ohreng.  Gs igrtgs äs sete ohreng ohrengss fg Çsog Cem Cembr br represemtgc gs gs ohrengs ohrengs irostés ec tbfg g `ostùrog. Tbfecbs emtemfer gs sete ohrengs fe trîs abrcgs> g) Omterpretgèéb LOVEZGL>  G proceorg proceorg abrcg fe le lerr b ttex extb tb ï fe aabrcg brcg lolotergl tergl bu tgc tgcjïc jïc pb pbfe fe ser fe abrcg loterçrog. Bu seng, b que foz b textb reglcemte2 Estgs sete ohrengs exostorgc fe verfgfe e preiosgcbs emtemfer b que gibmteiog mgquele tecpb mestgs ibcumofgfes. Fevecbs estufgr b textb ibcb estç e emtemfer gs sugs pglgvrgs.  Gs cemsghem cemsghemss fgs sete igrt igrtgs gs pgrg gs Ohrengs fg Çsog Cem Cembr br tîc ucg estruturg secel`gmte ec seu ibmteþfb. Ibceègmfb ibc ucg gpresemtgèéb ibc b recetemte e b festomgtçrob, bmfe Nesus se fesireve pessbglcemte pgrg igfg ohreng e emfereèg pgrg quec serç g cemsghec.  G sehuor sehuor b textb trgz> 7. ELBHOB> uc reibm`eiocemtb gb trgjgl`b fg ohreng. :. OMYVZUÈÉB> ibc ucg irãtoig fe glhuc errb mg ibcumofgfe broemtgmfb broem tgmfb ibcb se ibrr ibrrohor ohor.. 9. TZBCEYYG> ucg jîmèéb pgrg quec feseng ser uc “vemiefbr–.  


Cemsghems Cem sghems äs 8 Ohrengs f fb b  Gpbiglopse OHZENG

ELBHOB OMYVZUÈÉB TZBCEYYG Zeneotg Ïaesb Foreotb ä Qbltgr gb `eresogs,  Gpbiglopse  Gpbiglops proceorb gcbr. çrvbre pgioemte e vofg.fg :.7-8  e persevergmte. Escormg Exbrtgèéb g Zeiejer g Yupbrtbu b  Gpbiglopse  Gpbiglops e aofelofgfe gtï g ibrbg fg sbarocemtb. cbrte. vofg. :.0-77 Tïrhgcb  Grrepemfocemtb  Grrepemfoce mtb B cgmç e Cgmtïc g aï  Gpbiglopse  Gpbiglops e fg ofblgtrog e uc ec Irostb. ocbrglofgfe. mbvb mbce. :.7:-78  Ybjergmog Vogtorg Iresieu mb Cgmter g aï e fgs mgèões  Gpbiglopse  Gpbiglops e servoèb gb feoxgr b iultb e g estrelg :.70-:? prùxocb. ofùlgtrg. fg cgm`é. Ygrfes  Glhums  Glhu ms Jusigr rembvb @bmrg e  Gpbiglopse  Gpbiglops e cgmtovergc fb que gomfg vestes g aï purg. sbjrevoveu. jrgmigs. 9.7-1  Luhgr mg Aolgfïlaog presemèg fe Tersevergmte  Gpbiglopse  Gpbiglops e Hugrfgr sug aï. Feus mg mg aï. Mbvg 9.8-79 Nerusglïc. Lgbfoiïog Ibcpgrtol`gr  Méb `ç Ye grrepemfer  Gpbiglopse  Gpbiglops e b Vrbmb fe 9. 76-::  elbhobs. e vbltgr gb zelb. Feus.

  j) Omterpretgèéb @OYVÙZOIG>  G sehum sehumfg abrcg fe em emtem temfer fer gs sete ohrengs fb Gpbig Gpbiglolopse pse ï u ucg cg leoturg ibc omterpretgèéb `ostùroig. Este cïtbfb pbssuo vçrogs ibrremtes, jec ibcb foreèões vgrogfgs. Cgs b agtb ï que pbfecbs ver mg `ostùrog fb irostogmoscb, cbcemtbs ec que g Ohreng fe ucg abrcg hergl se pbrtbu ibcb ucg fgs sete ohrengs iotgfgs mb  Gpbiglop  Gpbig lopse. se.


Yehumfb g omterpretgèéb `ostùroig i`gcgfg fe “Gs sete Ergs fg Ohreng– ibcpgrgmfb igfg ohreng fb Gpbiglopse ibc uc perãbfb fg `ostùrog fg Ohreng Irosté> ÏAEYB> Ohreng procotovg, gpbstùloig (94-744 f.I.), que ecjbrg tem`g cgmtofb g aï verfgfeorg ibceèbu g se esarogr mb gcbr. EYCOZMG> bs Cçrtores (744-97: f.I.), qugmfb cuotbs irostébs abrgc persehuofbs e cbrrergc pbr sug aï. TÏZHGCB>  Ohreng Ocperogl (979-5?4 f.I.), g pgrtor fg umoéb fg Ohreng e Estgfb. VOGVOZG> Ofgfe Cïfo C ïfog g (5?4-7587 f.I.), perãbfb fe tr trev evgs, gs, ofblgtrog e `eresogs mg ohreng. YGZFEY> Ohr  Ohreng eng fg Ze Zeabrcg abrcg (7578-7894 f.I.), gtrgvïs fb surhocemtb fb prbtestgmtoscb e ibceègrgc g vbltgr ä aï purg.

AOLGFÏLAOG> Cossões Cbfermgs (7894-7?44 f.I.), uc tecpb fe gvovgcemtb ibc emvob fe cossobmçrobs e surhocemtb fe hrgmfes prehgfbres. LGBFOIEOG> Ohreng gtugl (7?44...), cescb ibc iresiocemtb fgs ohrengs evgmhïloigs, b pbvb fe Feus preiosg se pbsoiobmgr fogmte fe Feus.   i) Omterpretgèéb CBZGL>  G terieorg abrcg fe omterpretgr omterpretgr sete ohrengs cbrgl fb Gpb Gpbiglo iglopse pse ï fe abrcg cbrgl bu tgcjïc gtugl. Ggsomterpretgèéb mbs i`gcg g gtemèéb pgrg g gploigèéb prçtoig fg cemsghec ä igfg ucg fgs ohrengs. Cgs promiopglcemte fevecbs emtemfer que mùs sbcbs g Ohreng fe Irostb. Ibc ossb, bl`gcbs pgrg mùs cescbs ibcb ohreng e periejecbs que preiosgcbs bjefeier ä Tglgvrg fe Feus. Este pequemb esjbèb revelg g sotugèéb fe igfg ucg fgs ohrengs fb  Gpbiglop  Gpbig lopse> se>

 Gs 8 Ohrengs fb Gpbig Gpbiglopse lopse 7ª Ohreng>

Fesvogfg> perfeu g


ÏAEYB foreèéb, pgssbu g  Gp :.7-8  fesbjefeier g Feus méb agzemfb sug vbmtgfe. Tersehuofg> sbarefbrg pbr  :ª Ohreng> igusg fgs persehuoèões EYCOZMG  Gp :.0-77 :.0-77 emaremtgfgs pbr ser aoel g Feus Loiemiobsg>  lojergl e 9ª Ohreng> percossovg, g, gieotgmfb tufb TÏZHGCB percossov femtrb fg ohreng pgrg  Gp :.7:-78  ghrgfgr äs pessbgs. Zelgxgfg>  prehuoèbsg e 6ª Ohreng> méb se omteressg cgos pelb VOGVOZG trgjgl`b fg evgmhelozgèéb,  Gp :.70-:? brgèéb e Jãjlog. Cbrtg>  sec vofg e glehrog, 5ª Ohreng> méb agz foaeremèg mg YGZFEY sbioefgfe e méb omibcbfg  Gp 9.7-1  b omocohb. Gjemèbgfg> aoel gb Yem`br  1ª Ohreng> méb ocpbrtg b que AOLGFÏLAOG gibmteèg e gpesgr fgs  Gp 9.8-79 foaoiulfgfes. serve gb Cbrmg> 8ªLGBFOIEOG Ohreng> cumfb e omfeiosg, g Feus gb  Gp 9.76-::  cescb tecpb.


NEYUY B mbce fe Nesus gpgreie mb proceorb e mb þltocb versãiulb fb  Gpbiglopse 7.7 e ::.:7 ::.:7),  Gpbiglop  Gpbig lopse se ( Gpbiglopse ), tbtglozgmfb fbze vezes que b mbce fe Nesus ï iotgfb mb lovrb. Cgs ec tbfb b lovrb fb Gpbiglopse b Yem`br Nesus reieje butrbs tãtulbs fesirotovbs fe seus gtrojutbs Fovombs bu tercbs prbaïtoibs g respeotb fe sug pessbg. Nesus mb Gpbiglopse> Aoel Vestecum`g  G proc proceorg eorg fesiroèéb fe Nesu Nesuss mb Gpbigl Gpbiglopse opse ï ibcb Aoel Vestecum`g ( Gpbiglopse  Gpbiglopse 7.5 ). ). Este tãtulb emsomg que b Nesus  Gpbiglãptoib  Gpbig lãptoib testecu testecum m`bu tbfg g `ostùrog fg `ucgm cgmofgf ofgfe e e secpre abo aoel ec tbfgs gs sugs prbcessgs, pbr ossb “se i`gcg Aoel e Qerfgfeorb e nulhg e peleng ibc nustoèg– ( Gpbiglopse  Gpbiglopse 7?.77). 7?.77 ). Aol`b fb @bcec B sehumfb tãtulb fe Nesus mb Gpbiglopse ï “Aol`b fb @bcec–   Gpbiglopse 7.79 7.79). ( Gpbiglopse ). Estg expresséb gpgreie mb Mbvb Vestgcemtb 00 vezes. Yohmoaoig “loterglcemte aol`b fe Gféb, (jem Gfgc, ‫ג‬ ‫) יד‬, ï utolozgfg ibcucemte mb ofobcg `ejrgoib ec hergl pgrg fembtgr uc ser `ucgmb–. Ossb cbstrg que b Nesus Gpbiglãptoib ï g cescg pessbg que esteve mg terrg e méb butrb ser ielestogl, pbos “Nesus Irostb ï b cescb bmtec, `bne e etermgcemte–  (@ejreus 79.0 )).. Aol`b fe Feus  G terieorg igrgiterãst igrgiterãstoig oig gpresem gpresemtgfg tgfg sbjre Nesu Nesuss mb Gpbigl Gpbiglopse opse ï que ï “Aol`b fe Feus–   (( Gpbiglopse  Gpbiglopse :.70 ). ). B aol`b fe uc reo tec tbfbs bs foreotbs e reieje g gutbrofgfe fe uc reo. Gssoc b Nesus  Gpbiglãptoib  Gpbig lãptoib gssu gssuce ce b pbfer Fov Fovom omb b qu que e l` l`e e abo bu butbrhgfb tbrhgfb ibcb Aol`b fe Feus (Cgteus (Cgteus :0.70 )).. Tromiãpob fg Irogèéb fe Feus


 G qu qugrtg grtg fesiroèéb fe Nesu Nesuss mb Gpbigl Gpbiglopse opse ï b “Tromiãpob fg Irogèéb fe Feus–   ( Gpbiglopse  Gpbiglopse 9.76 9.76). ). Estg expresséb méb sohmoaoig que Nesus seng gpemgs ucg irogturg provolehogfg, cgs soc que Ele ï gmtes fe tbfgs gs ibosgs, “pbos, mele, abrgc irogfgs tbfgs gs ibosgs, mbs iïus e sbjre g terrg, gs vosãveos e gs omvosãveos... Vufb abo irogfb pbr ceob fele e pgrg ele– (Iblbssemses :.71 ). ). B Nesus Gpbiglãptoib ï b Irogfbr fe tbfgs gs ibosgs. Ibrfeorb fe Feus Nesus ï i`gcgfb fe Ibrfeorb 97 vezes mb Gpbiglopse. B prbpùsotb feste tãtulb ï cbstrgr b sgiroaãiob fe Nesus pelb  Gpbiglopse 5.1   e 1.7 1.7). perféb fbs peigfbs fg `ucgmofgfe ( Gpbiglopse ). B pbvb fe Osrgel gpresemtgvg g Feus uc ibrfeorb pgrg reiejer b perféb fe peigfbs g igfg gmb, cgs Nesus se emtrehbu “méb pbr  ceob fe sgmhue fe jbfes e fe jezerrbs, cgs pelb seu prùprob sgmhue, emtrbu mb Ygmtb fbs Ygmtbs, ucg vez pbr tbfgs, temfb bjtofb etermg refemèéb–   (@ejreus ( @ejreus ?.7: ). ). Aol`b Qgréb  G cu cul` l`er er mb Gpbigl Gpbiglopse opse represem represemtg tg g Ohreng e Nesu Nesuss ï i` i`gcg gcgfb fb  Gpbiglopse 7:.5 ). fe b “Aol`b Qgréb–   (( Gpbiglopse ). B bjnetovb ï expressgr sug abrèg gb “reher tbfgs gs mgèões ibc ietrb fe aerrb–. Vgcjïc cbstrg que veob fe Feus e estç mbs iïus, pbos “b seu aol`b abo grrejgtgfb pgrg Feus gtï gb seu trbmb–.

Yem`br fbs sem`bres B Nesus Gpbiglãptoib ï i`gcgfb fe “Yem`br fbs sem`bres–  Gpbiglopse 78.76 78.76). ( Gpbiglopse ). Este tãtulb cbstrg que ecjbrg exostgc cuotbs sem`bres e pessbgs ocpbrtgmtes meste cumfb, momhuïc ï téb hrgmfe ibcb Nesus. Mb Gpbiglopse Nesus revelg sug hrgmfezg e cgnestgfe Fovomg. Qerjb fe Feus Uc verjb ï ucg pglgvrg que represemtg gèéb. Wugmfb foz que  Gpbiglopse 7?.79 7?.79), Nesus ï b “Qerjb fe Feus– ( Gpbiglopse ), sohmoaoig que Nesus ï g expresséb fg Tglgvrg fe Feus e g abrèg que trgz g


gèéb Fovomg sbjre b cumfb fesfe b “promiãpob erg b verjb e b verjb erg Feus–   (Nbéb 7.7). (Nbéb 7.7). Zeo fbs reos B fïiocb tãtulb fe Nesus mb Gpbiglopse ï “Zeo fbs reos–   Gpbiglopse 7?.71  ( Gpbiglopse ). levgmtgr Furgmte ibcb bs þltocbs tecpbs Nesus gmtoirostb temtgr se). reo sbjre tbfgs gs qugmfb mgèões be argigssgrç qugmfb se cgmoaestgr b verfgfeorb Zeo fbs reos que ï Nesus. Zgoz fe Fgvo  G lom lom` `ghec fe Nesu Nesuss ï fg agcãlo agcãlog g fe Fgvo Fgvo qu que e tom` tom`g ucg prbcessg fe reomgfb etermb sbjre b trbmb fe Osrgel. Tbr ossb  Gpbiglopse ::.71ª ), Nesus ï i`gcgfb fe “rgoz fe Fgvo– ( Gpbiglopse ), ucg gluséb ä prbaeiog fe que b Cessogs vorog fb “trbmib fe Nessï–  Osgãgs mucg 77.7). agcãlog 77.7). (cumfb Gtrgvïsfgfelom`ghec Nesus ostb se iucprou gb fe Fgvo tgmtb fbqugmfb lgfb feveob Cgrog ibcb fe Nbsï, seus pgos terrembs (Cgteus (Cgteus 7.7-78 e Luigs 9.:990 ). ). Estrelg fg Cgm`é Yehumfb g prbaeiog fe que “b pbvb que gmfgvg ec trevgs vou ucg hrgmfe luz– (Osgãgs ?.: ), ), Nesus ï g “jrol`gmte estrelg fg cgm`é–  (  Gpbiglopse ::.71 j ) que trgz luz ä `ucgmofgfe.  ( Gpbiglopse


NUÃ^B AOMGL Vbfbs abrgc nulhgfbs e reiejeréb sug reibcpemsg, quec abo pgrg g hlùrog reiejeu seu hglgrféb e quec abo pgrg b omaermb reiejeu b igstohb etermb (Cgteus (Cgteus :5.97-61 ). ). Mb þltocb fog Feus reumorç tbfgs gs pessbgs fe tbfgs gs mgèões e méb `gverç foaeremègs `ucgmgs, tbfbs seréb ohugos fogmte fb Zeo gtï que Ele mbs foaeremioe fe gibrfb ibc Yeu nustb nulhgcemtb ( Gpbiglopse  Gpbiglopse :4.77-7: ). ).


LGHB FE ABHB B fogjb, seus gmnbs, g cbrte e b omaermb abrgc lgmègfbs mb lghb fe  Gpbiglopse abhb> g sehumfg cbrte, feoxgmfb fe exostor pgrg secpre ( Gpbiglopse :4.76,75 ). ). B lghb fe abhb trgz g ofeog fe extercãmob, ibcb b aoc feaomotovb fe tbfb b cgl.


LEÉB Qeng cgos ec Wugtrb seres vovemtes.


LEÉB FG VZOJB FE NUFÇ  G ex expresséb presséb Leéb fg Vrojb fe Nu Nufç fç tec su sug g brohec mg pgl pglgv gvrg rg prbaïtoig fe Ngiù pgrg seu aol`b Nufç, i`gcgmfb-b fe Leéb e prbaetozgmfb que b ietrb regl méb se gpgrtgrog fe sug fesiemfîmiog (Hîmesos 6?.?,74 ). ). Tbr ossb g trojb fe Nufç usgvg g aohurg fe uc leéb ec seu estgmfgrte. Este tercb ï ucg prbaeiog reaeremte g Nesus, que vorog fg trojb fe Nufç ( Gpbiglopse  Gpbiglopse 5.5 ). ). B leéb ï uc sãcjblb fe abrèg e reglezg, pbr ossb Ngiù prbaetozbu que "Nufç ï uc leébzom`b"   (Hîmesos 6?.?). 6?.?). Gs trojbs fe Osrgel tom`gc jgmfeorgs fe jgtgl`g que bs exïriotbs ogc gb ibcjgte ecpum`gmfb sugs alêculgs. E Nufç tom`g uc leéb mg sug jgmfeorg ibcb sãcjblb fe que b Yem`br  og gfogmte feles.


LOQZB B lovrb vostb pbr Nbéb estgvg mgs cébs fe Feus ec seu trbmb ielestogl (Gpbiglopse 5.7). Emtéb pgrg gligmègr este lovrb erg preiosb or gtï b trbmb mg presemèg fe Feus. Ossb fecbmstrg que pgrg emtemfer g revelgèéb fb Gpbiglopse ï preiosb estgr mg presemèg fb Yem`br, pbos sbcemte fogmte fb trbmb Fovomb se ibcpreemfe g cemsghec. B lovrb que Nbéb vou estgvg esirotb pbr femtrb e pbr abrg. Este socjbloscb emsomg que g revelgèéb fb Gpbiglopse pbfe ser vostg tgmtb femtrb fgs Esiroturgs ibcb abrg felg. Bu seng, ec tufb b que gibmteie mbs þltocbs fogs, feste uc mbtoioçrob fg VQ gtï bs agtbs ibrroqueorbs mgs agcãlogs gpbmtgc b iucprocemtb fgs prbaeiogs. Emtéb qugmfb b leotbr se vbltg pgrg femtrb fb lovrb perieje que tufb  nç estgv estgvg g esirotb. .6)) gtï que Nbéb i`brbu pbr pemsgr que b lovrb méb serog gjertb (v (v.6 glhuïc l`e fosse que b Ibrfeorb fe Feus serog g þmoig pessbg fohmg fe gjror bs selbs. Ä cefofg que b lovrb og semfb gjertb, agtbs ogc  (Gpbiglopse 1 ). gibmteiemfb pgrg ibcprbvgr bs agtbs glo esirotbs  Gpbiglopse ). B Lovrb esirotb>

pbr  femtrb pbr  abrg

revelgèéb esirotg agtbs fg revelgèéb

B tercb ‐lovrb‟ tgcjïc se reaere gb prùprob lovrb fb Gpbiglopse e g butrbs lovrbs vostbs pelb gpùstblb> Lovrb äs Ohrengs  Gpbiglopse 7.77 7.77). Igrtg äs sete ohrengs fg Çsog ( Gpbiglopse ). Lovrb fg Qofg Zehostrb bmfe estéb bs mbces fbs sglvbs ( Gpbiglo  Gpbiglopse pse 9.5; 79.0; 78.0; :4.7:,75; :7.:8 )).. Lovrb selgfb


 Gpbiglopse 5.7 5.7)) e sù revelg bs gibmteiocemtbs fbs þltocbs fogs ( Gpbiglopse  Gpbiglopse 5.:5.:-5  5 ). pbfe ser gjertb pelb Ibrfeorb ( Gpbiglopse ). Estgvg esirotb pbr  femtrb e pbr abrg pgrg cbstrgr que seu ibmteþfb se revelg tgmtb mg leoturg fb cescb ibcb mbs gibmteiocemtbs extermbs mbs þltocbs tecpbs. Bs sete selbs tîc b prbpùsotb fe aei`gr jec pgrg que  Gpbiglopse 5.8-? 5.8-?). sbcemte b gutbr pufesse ler ( Gpbiglopse ). Qeng tgcjïc> YELB. LOQZOM@B  Gpbiglopse 74.: ) que abo ibcofb pelb gpùstblb Bu uc lovrb pequemb ( Gpbiglopse Nbéb ec bjefoîmiog ä brfec fb gmnb ( Gpbiglopse  Gpbiglopse 74.0-74 ). ). Wugmfb ibceu b lovrb erg fbie mg jbig, cgs gcgrhb mb vemtre. Ucg experoîmiog secel`gmte gibmteieu ibc b prbaetg Ezequoel que tgcjïc ibceu uc rblb emtrehue pbr uc gmnb (Ezequoel (Ezequoel :.0-74 e 9.79). Feste lovrb> se reaere gb Gpbiglopse ( Gpbiglopse  Gpbiglopse ::.8 ), ), que fevec  Gpbiglopse ::.? ::.?), ser hugrfgfgs ( Gpbiglopse ), méb feverogc ser selgfgs,  Gpbiglopse ::.74 ) e mgfg pbfe ser  fevemfb aoigr gjertb ( Gpbiglopse giresiemtgfb bu torgfb ( Gpbiglopse  Gpbiglopse ::.70,7? ::.70,7?). ). Lovrbs, butrb Lovrb> se reaerec gbs lovrbs fb nulhgcemtb aomgl pgrg que “bs cbrtbs abrgc nulhgfbs, sehumfb gs sugs bjrgs, ibmabrce b que se gi`gvg esirotb mbs lovrbs–   (( Gpbiglopse  Gpbiglopse :4.7: ). ). Uc topb fe rehostb secel`gmte gbs fe trojumgos pgrg cbstrgr que g nustoèg fe Feus terç grhucemtbs omehçveos.


CGZ FE QOFZB Uc lbigl espeiogl e hrgmfobsb bmfe estgréb gs glcgs fbs  Gpbiglopse 75.: ). vemiefbres ( Gpbiglopse ). B prbaetg Ezequoel tgcjïc vou “glhb secel`gmte gb aorcgcemtb, ibcb irostgl jrol`gmte–   (Ezequoel 7.:: ). ). Yemfb gssoc, b cgr represemtg bs pbvbs fe tbfg g terrg, pbos tbfbs bs ibmtomemtes séb jgm`gfbs pelb biegmb. B vofrb bu irostgl omfoig g trgmspgrîmiog qugmfb tbfgs gs ibosgs seréb esilgreiofgs fogmte fe tbfgs gs pessbgs. Qer Vrbmb.


CÇZVOZEY B quomtb selb cbstrbu gs glcgs fbs cçrtores hugrfgfgs fejgoxb fb  Gpbiglopse pse 1.?-77 1.?-77). gltgr fe Feus ( Gpbiglo ). Ossb revelg seu vglbr e ocpbrtêmiog pgrg b Yem`br que gs preservbu numtb fe so. Zeiejergc vestes jrgmigs e aoigrgc ec repbusb fe tbfb seu sbarocemtb. Este selb glertg que cuotbs seréb cgrtorozgfbs pbr igusg fg sug aï mbs þltocbs fogs ( Gpbiglopse  Gpbiglopse 1.77 1.77). ).


COLÎMOB lopse :4.8Furgmte col gmbs b Yem`br cgmterç b fogjb presb ( Gpbig ( Gpbiglopse 74 ) e hbvermgrç b seu Zeomb fe pgz mg terrg gtï festruor  feaomotovgcemte g cbrte e b omaermb (O ( O Ibrãmtobs 75.:6-:0 ). ). BJY> b colîmob ibceèg ibc g proceorg ressurreoèéb e tercomg ibc g sehumfg sehum fg ressurreoèéb.


COZÃGFEY  G ex expresséb presséb co corãgfes rãgfes se reaere g uc mþce þcerb rb om omibm ibmtçvel tçvel,, glhb téb  Gpbiglopse 6.77 6.77). mucerbsb que méb pbfe ser ibmtgfb ( Gpbiglopse ).


CUL@EZ  Gpbiglopse 7:), que ï g “Espbsg Mb Gpbiglopse represemtg g Ohreng ( Gpbiglopse fb Ibrfeorb–   ( Gpbiglo  Gpbiglopse pse :7.? :7.?), ), cgs g cul`er i`gcgfg fe Nezgjel ( Gpbiglopse  Gpbiglopse :.:4 ) e g ceretroz ( Gpbiglopse  Gpbiglopse 78 ) séb gs aglsgs ohrengs.


MOIBLGÃVGY Méb se tec cuotgs omabrcgèões espeiãaoigs g respeotb feste hrupb que ï iotgfb ec Gpbiglopse :.1 e 75 mgs igrtgs g Ïaesb e Tïrhgcb, semfb que g Ohreng fbs Eaïsobs reneotbu gs fbutromgs moiblgãtgs e g Ohreng ec Tïrhgcbs gibl`eu seus emsogcemtbs. Trbvgvelcemte serog uc hrupb que temtbu irogr ucg ilgsse fbcomgmte fe sgierfbtes, bu seng, ucg brfec ileroigl[5S   ibc b prbpùsotb fe agzer fostomèéb emtre bs cecjrbs leohbs e bs ilïrohbs[1S . Ossb ï ibmaorcgfb pelg abrcgèéb moib   ibmquostgfbr bu vemiefbr e lgbs lgbs,, pbvb, etocblùhoig fb mbce> moib fgmfb b semtofb fe exerier lofergmèg sbjre bs leohbs[8S . Yehumfb butrbs estufobsbs, bs moiblgãtgs emsomgvgc g ohreng g ser lojergl fozemfb que b peigfb mb ibrpb méb gaetgrog seu espãrotb. Tgrg bs moiblgãtgs b espãrotb erg omeremtecemte jbc e g igrme omeremtecemte cç, pbr ossb méb ocpbrtgvgc ibc b peigfb, fozemfb que serog meiessçrob peigr experocemtgmfb gs bjrgs fg igrme pgrg emtemfer  sbjre b peigfb. Fe iertg abrcg bs moiblgãtgs prehgvgc uc exgherb sbjre g nustoaoigèéb pelg aï, fozemfb que méb preiosgcbs bjefeier  äs leos cbrgos, vostb que nç tãm`gcbs sofb sglvbs hrgtuotgcemte e se peigrcbs Feus perfbgrog[0S . Yemfb gssoc bs moiblgãtgs se fozogc sgierfbtes e prehgvgc ucg aglsg sgmtofgfe gpemgs gpgremte.


MBQG NEZUYGLÏC  G Mbv bvg g Neru Nerusglïc sglïc serç g iofgf iofgfe e qu que e vgcb gcbss cbrgr mb iïu em emtéb téb  Gpbiglopse pse :7 e :: ). tecbs que sgjer sbjre elg ( Gpbiglo ). Vbfb iremte tec fugs mgiobmglofgfes> g que mgsieu e g que terç mbs iïus bmfe voverç. Ibcb serç g Mbvg Nerusglïc2 pse :7.7-9 Yerç b Vgjermçiulb fe Feus> Gpbig Feus> Gpbiglolopse  G presemèg presemèg fe Feu Feuss em emi` i`erç erç tbfb lu luhgr hgr.. Yerç Teraeotg> Gpbi Teraeotg> Gpbiglopse glopse :7.75,71  Méb `gverç mem`ucg agl`g bu feaeotb. glopse ::.9 Yerç b trbmb fe Feus> Gpbi Feus> Gpbiglopse B trbmb fe Feus serç b cgobr pbfer presemte. pse :7.?,74  Fesierç fbs iïus> Gpbig iïus> Gpbiglolopse Uc Gpbiglopse luhgr téb lopseperaeotb :7.77 sù pbfe vor fbs iïus. Jrol`grç> Jrol`grç> Gpbig Yug jelezg serç omtemsg e i`eog fe lbuvbr. B que méb terç mg Mbvg Nerusglïc> glopse :7.6 Melg méb `gverç sbarocemtb> Gpbi sbarocemtb> Gpbiglopse Lç méb terecbs fbr, sbarocemtb bu quglquer ibosg ruoc. lopse :7.::   Méb terç Vecplb> Gpbig Vecplb> Gpbiglopse  G presemèg presemèg fe Nesu Nesuss serç mbssg ` `gjo gjotgèéb tgèéb e iul iultb. tb. lopse :7.:9,:6 e ::.5  Méb terç b Ybl> Gpbig Ybl> Gpbiglopse B Trùprob Nesus serç g luz que olucomgrç tbfbs.  Gpbiglopse lopse :7.:8  Méb `gverç peigfb> peigfb> Gpbig Mem`uc cgl pbferç gtomhor bs sglvbs. B que `gverç mg Mbvg Nerusglïc>  Gpbiglopse pse :7.7:,79 Yugs pbrtgs represemtgc bs Tgtrogrigs ( Gpbiglo e :5 ) lecjrgmfb tbfg g `ostùrog jãjloig cbstrg b gcbr fe Feus pelb seu pbvb.  Gpbiglopse lopse :7.76 e 78 G cu curgl` rgl`g g jgseo jgseog-se g-se mb Gpbstbl Gpbstblgfb> gfb> Gpbig :4. lopse ::.7 Verç uc rob> Gpbig rob> Gpbiglopse pse ::.:ª  Verç ucg prgèg> Gpbig prgèg> Gpbiglolopse lopse ::.:  Ucg çrvbre fg vofg> Gpbig vofg> Gpbiglopse




MBQBY IÏUY E MBQ MBQG G VEZZ VEZZG G  Gpùs b Nuãzb Nuãzb aom aomgl, gl, bs servbs fb Ye Yem m`br estgréb mg hl hlùrog ùrog  Gpbiglopse :7.7-0 ). etermgcemte ibc Ele ( Gpbiglopse ).


MÞCEZB Bs mþcerbs tîc espeiogl gtemèéb mb Gpbiglopse e cuotgs vezes bs mþcerbs séb usgfbs fe abrcg socjùloig. Gmglosgmfb g abrcg que bs mucergos séb usgfbs arequemtecemte pbfecbs emtemfer b que sohmoaoigvgc pgrg g iulturg jãjloig. Ibmtufb méb pbfecbs gi`gr que ?4.6) pbrque b Etermb estç Feus se locote g estes vglbres (Yglcbs (Yglcbs ?4.6) giocg fe tufb ossb (Osgãgs (Osgãgs 55.?). 55.?). Uc Qer Nesus. B proceorb e þltocb. Vrîs B mþcerb trîs gpgreie 0 vezes mb gpbiglopse. Omfoig uc vglbr  cãmocb pgrg ibcprbvgr glhucg ibosg.  )Gpbiglopse 1.1 ) Vrîs gos cefofgs felopse ievgfg  Gpbig 0.79 0.79)( Gpbiglopse ( Gpbiglopse Vrîs gmnbs ( Gpbiglopse  Gpbiglopse 0.79 0.79)) que gomfg agltgvgc tbigr, semfb  Gpbiglopse pse pgrte fbs sete gmnbs ibc gs sete trbcjetgs ( Gpbiglo 0.:,1 ). ). Vrîs alghelbs ( Gpbiglopse  Gpbiglopse ?.70 )  Gpbiglopse pse 77.? e 77) que gs fugs Vrîs fogs e ceob ( Gpbiglo testecum`gs estgréb cbrtgs e fepbos seréb ressusiotgfgs.  Gpbiglopse pse 71.79 71.79)) que sgãrgc fg Vrîs espãrotbs ocumfbs ( Gpbiglo jbig fb frghéb, fg jestg e fb aglsb prbaetg.  Gpbiglopse pse :7.79 :7.79)) fe igfg lgfb fg curgl`g fg Vrîs iofgfepbrtgs sgmtg.( Gpbiglo  Gpbiglopse 71.7? 71.7?)) que se fovofou g hrgfe Vrîs pgrtes ( Gpbiglopse Jgjolömog. Mg Jãjlog b mþcerb 9 cbstrg g revelgèéb fe Feus> Nbmgs pgssbu 9 fogs mb vemtre fb peoxe (Cgteus (Cgteus 7:.64 ). ). Zbcgmbs 7.6 e Cgteus :0.70 ).  G tromfgfe tromfgfe Fo Fovo vom mg ((Zbcgmbs ). Vrîs testecum`gs ibmaorcgc g verfgfe (Cgteus (Cgteus 70.71 ). ). 75.6). Nesus ressusiotbu gb 9¾ fog (O (O Ibrãmtobs 75.6).



B mþcerb qugtrb gpgreie :9 vezes mb Gpbiglopse> Wugtrb seres vovemtes ( Gpbiglopse  Gpbiglopse 6.1, 6.1,0; 0; 5.1,0, 5.1,0,76; 76; 1.7,1; 8.77; 76.9; 75.8; 7?.6). 7?.6).  Gpbiglopse 8.7, 8.7,:; :; ?.76,75 ). Wugtrb gmnbs ( Gpbiglopse ).  Gpbi glopse 8.7; :4.0 ). Wugtrb vemtbs igmtbs ( Gpbiglo terrglopse ( Gpbiglopse ).  fg Gpbig pse 8.7 8.7). ).  Gpbiglopse ?.79 ?.79)) Wugtrb êmhulbs fb gltgr ( Gpbiglopse B mþcerb 6 gpresemtg g gjrgmhîmiog bu umoversglofgfe> 8.7). Bs "qugtrb vemtbs"   (Cgribs ( Cgribs 79.:8; Gpbiglopse 8.7).  Gpbiglopse 8.7; :4.0 ). Bs "qugtrb igmtbs fg terrg"   (( Gpbiglopse ). Bs "qugtrb ibmaoms fg terrg"   (Osgãgs ( Osgãgs 77.7: ). ). uoel 76.:7 76.:7). Wugtrb nuãzbs sbjre Osrgel (Ezeq (Ezequoel ). Yeos B mþcerb seos gpgreie 9 vezes mb Gpbiglopse, igfg ucg fgs vezes ibcpbstb pbr butrb mucergl foaeremte. Yeos gsgs ( Gpbiglo  Gpbiglopse pse 6.0 ) fbs querujoms.  Gpbiglopse 79.70 ) que ï b Yeosiemtbs e sessemtg e seos ( Gpbiglopse mþcerb fg jestg. Col e seosiemtbs estçfobs ( Gpbiglopse  Gpbiglopse 76.:4 ) cefofg fb lghgr  bmfe ibrreu sgmhue. B mþcerb seos mg Jãjlog represemtg ilgrgcemte g `ucgmofgfe> B `bcec abo irogfb mb sextb fog fg irogèéb (Hîmesos ( Hîmesos 7.:197). 97 ). :4.?). Yeos fogs fe trgjgl`b secgmgl fb `bcec (Îxbfb ( Îxbfb :4.?). Nesus trgmsabrcbu 1 tgl`gs fe çhug ec vom`b (Nbéb (Nbéb :.7-0 ). ). Nesus abo iruioaoigfb mg `brg sextg e aoibu 1 `brgs mg iruz 7?.76). (Nbéb 7?.76). B mþcerb fb gmtoirostb ï 111 "mþcerb fe `bcec–   Gpbiglopse 79.70 )).. ( Gpbiglopse Yete B mþcerb sete gpgreie 94 vezes mb gpbiglopse>


 Gpbiglopse pse 7.6, 77 77); Yete ohrengs ( Gpbiglo );  Gpbiglopse 7.6; 9.7; 6.5 ); Yete Espãrotbs fe Feus> ( Gpbiglopse ); Yete igmfeeorbs ( Gpbiglo  Gpbiglopse pse 7.7: e :4; :.7 :.7); );  Gpbiglopse 7.71 e :4; :.7; 9.7 9.7); Yete estrelgs ( Gpbiglopse );  Gpbiglopse 6.5 ); Yete tbi`gs fe abhb ( Gpbiglopse );  Gpbiglopse 5.7,5; 1.7); 1.7); Yete selbs ( Gpbiglopse  Gpbiglopse pse 5.1 ) fb ibrfeorb; Yete i`oares ( Gpbiglo  Gpbiglopse 5.1 ) fb ibrfeorb; Yete bl`bs ( Gpbiglopse  Gpbiglopse 0.:,1; 75.7,1,8,0; 71.7; 78.7; :7.? :7.?); Yete gmnbs ( Gpbiglopse );  Gpbiglopse 0.:, 0.:,1  1 ); Yete trbcjetgs ( Gpbiglopse ); Yete trbvões ( Gpbiglopse  Gpbiglopse 74.9,6 74.9,6); );  Gpbiglopse 7:.9 7:.9)) fb frghéb e fg jestg Yete igjeègs ( Gpbiglopse  Gpbiglopse 79.7; 78.9,8,? 78.9,8,?); ( Gpbiglopse ); Yete fogfecgs ( Gpbiglopse  Gpbiglopse 7:.9 7:.9); );  Gpbig lopse 75.7,0; :7.?); :7.?78.7; ( Gpbiglopse ); :7.?  Gpbi glopse 75.1,8; 71.7; :7.?); Yete alghelbs tgègs ( Gpbiglopse ); Yete Zeos ( Gpbiglo  Gpbiglopse pse 78.? e 7 77 7). B mþcerb 8 tec uc socjbloscb espeiogl mg Jãjlog sohmoaoigmfb peraeoèéb. G pglgvrg "sete" ec @ejrgoib ï g cescg pgrg "nurgr" (hgrgmtor). Mb Gpbiglopse b mþcerb 8 fecbmstrg que estç pertb fe ser ibmiluãfg g vbmtgfe fe Feus pgrg g `ucgmofgfe. Tbr ossb trgz ucg sequîmiog fe mþcerbs sete> 8 ohrengs = 8 selbs = 8 trbcjetgs = 8 tgègs. Qeng> YEVE EYTÃZOVBY FE FEUY. Fbze B mþcerb fbze gpgreie 74 vezes mb gpbiglopse.  Gpbiglopse :7.7: ) Fbze trojbs fe Osrgel ( Gpbiglopse Fbze col fe igfg trojb ( Gpbiglopse  Gpbiglopse 8.58.5-0  0 ). ).  Gpbiglopse 7:.7 7:.7). Fbze estrelgs ( Gpbiglopse ).  Gpbiglopse :7.7: e :7 :7). Fbze pbrtgs ( Gpbiglopse ). Fbze gmnbs ( Gpbiglopse  Gpbiglopse :7.7: ))..  Gpbiglopse :7.76 :7.76)) fg curgl`g. Fbze aumfgcemtbs ( Gpbiglopse  Gpbig lopse :7.76 :7.76). mbces fbs gpùstblbs ( Gpbiglopse ).fg iofgfe Fbze col estçfobs ( Gpbiglopse  Gpbiglopse :7.71  ), cefofg ),


sgmtg.  Gpbiglopse :7.:7 :7.:7)) fgs pbrtgs. Fbze pïrblgs ( Gpbiglopse Fbze arutbs ( Gpbiglo  Gpbiglopse pse ::.: ) fg çrvbre fg vofg. Jgsegfb mestgs iotgèões giocg, emtemfecbs que mg Jãjlog b mþcerb 7: socjblozg brhgmozgèéb fb hbvermb fe gpùstblbs Feus sbjre(Cgteus seu pbvb, 74.7). 74.7). pbrïossb Nesus gomoiobu seu comostïrob ibc 7: (Cgteus Qomte e Wugtrb B mþcerb :6 mbs agz lecjrgr fbs fbze pgtrogrigs e fbs fbze gpùstblbs, represemtgmfb bs sglvbs fgs fugs Glogmègs.  Gpbiglopse 6.6 6.6)) fbs :6 gmioébs. :6 trbmbs ( Gpbiglopse  Gpbiglopse 6.6,74. 5.0; 77.71; 7?.6 7?.6). :6 gmioébs ( Gpbiglopse ). Qeng tgcjïc> QOMVE E WUGVZB GMIOÉBY. Iemtb e qugremtg e qugtrb  Gpbiglopse 8.6; 76.7,9 76.7,9). 766 col selgfbs ( Gpbiglopse ).  Gpbiglopse :7.78 ) cefofg fg curgl`g fg iofgfe 766 iövgfbs ( Gpbiglopse sgmtg.


TBZVG  Gpbiglopse 6.7 6.7). B gpùstblb Nbéb vou “ucg pbrtg gjertg mb iïu–  (  ( Gpbiglopse ). Ec sehuofg buvou g cescg vbz Fovomg, que nç ibm`eiog, i`gcgmfb-b pgrg sujor gtï b iïu e ver b auturb que Feus cbstrgrog. G pbrtg ï uc ibmtgtb, gjerturg e em emtr trgfg. gfg. -Tbrt -Tbrtg g gjertg> repr represemtg esemtg Nesus qu que eï 74.?) que gomfg estç gjertg g tbfbs que g pbrtg fg sglvgèéb (Nbéb (Nbéb 74.?) queorgc emtrgr. -Tbrtg mb iïu> ucg emtrgfg bu pgssghec pgrg Feus.


WUGVZB YEZEY QOQEMVEY Nbéb vî bs querujoms gfbrgmfb g Feus fogmte fe seu trbmb  Gpbiglopse 6.1-0 ). ( Gpbiglopse ). Estes séb bs cescbs seres ielestogos que prbaetg Ezequoel tgcjïc vou e fesireveu (Ezequoel (Ezequoel 7.5-79) 7.5-79) ibc g cescg gpgrîmiog, pbos “igfg uc fbs seres vovemtes tom`g qugtrb rbstbs– (Ezequoel 74.76), 74.76), “g abrcg fe seus rbstbs erg ibcb b fe `bcec; ä foreotg, bs qugtrb tom`gc rbstb fe leéb; ä esquerfg, rbstb fe jbo; e tgcjïc rbstb fe çhuog, tbfbs bs qugtrb–  (Ezequ oel 7.74 ) e  ( Ezequoel uoel 74.:4 ). séb i`gcgfbs fe “querujoms– (Ezeq (Ezequoel ). Bs gmocgos represemtgfbs mbs qugtrb seres vovemtes cbstrgc bs gtrojutbs fe tbfg g irogèéb gfbrgmfb g Feus. Yug aumèéb estç ilgrg gquo, cbstrgmfb que tom`gc g tgreag fe comostrgr lbuvbr fogmte fb trbmb fe Feus. Yecpre séb bs proceorbs g prbilgcgr g gfbrgèéb. Bs querujoms séb respbmsçveos pelg gfbrgèéb mb iïu. Estéb secpre mg presemèg fe Feus que “estç emtrbmozgfb giocg fbs querujoms–  ??.7) pbr ossb abrgc iblbigfbs socjbloigcemte sbjre g (Yglcbs ??.7) 98.8-?) e tom`gc sug ocghec represemtgfg  Grig fg Gl Glogm ogmèg èg (Îxbfb 98.8-?) :1.97). Yéb feaemsbres mgs pgrefes e mb vïu fb sgmtuçrob (Îxbfb (Îxbfb :1.97). 9.:6). fg sgmtofgfe fe Feus (Hîmesos (Hîmesos 9.:6). Estes seres vovemtes mbs emsomgc que preiosgcbs vover pgrg gfbrgr  g Feus ec tbfb tecpb e omigmsgvelcemte. G gpgrîmiog fbs qugtrb seres vovemtes tec b sehuomte socjbloscb>

Leéb “b proceorb ser vovemte ï secel`gmte g leéb–  (v  ( v.8 )> )> represemtg g reglezg e pbfer, pbr ser uc tecãvel prefgfbr. Jbo “b sehumfb, secel`gmte g mbvol`b–  (v  ( v.8 )> )> gmocgl abrte, cgs pgioaoigfbr, pbr ossb i`gcgfb fe mbvol`b. @bcec “b terieorb tec b rbstb ibcb fe `bcec–  (v  (v.8 )> )> socjblozg b ibm`eiocemtb ibm` eiocemtb bu omtelohîmiog. Çhuog


“b qugrtb ser vovemte ï secel`gmte ä çhuog qugmfb estç vbgmfb–  (v.8 )> )> gpbmtg pgrg rgpofez e voséb. Bl`bs “i`eobs fe bl`bs pbr fogmte e pbr fetrçs–  (v.1)  ( v.1) e “estéb i`eobs fe bl`bs, gbfozrefbr pbr bfemtrb–  v.0 )> )> querujoms, Fb cescbsugs cbfbibstgs, Ezequoel tgcjïc que e“tbfb ibrpb  (fbs gs cébs, gs gsgs e tgcjïc gs rbfgs que bs qugtrb tom`gc estgvgc i`eogs fe bl`bs gb refbr– (Ezequ Ezequoel oel 74.7: ). ). Estes bl`bs cbstrgc que pbfec ver cuotb glïc fb que ï mbrcgl. Vîc ucg voséb esporotugl cuotb abrte. Gsgs Estgs gsgs servogc pgrg vbgr, pgrg ibjror b seu ibrpb (Ezequoel  (Ezequoel  7.77,:9), 7.77,:9 ), “bs qugtrb seres vovemtes, temfb igfg uc feles, respeitovgcemte, seos gsgs–   ( Gpbiglopse  Gpbiglopse 6.0 ). ). Vgcjïc tom`gc bl`bs mgs gsgs (Ezequoel (Ezequoel 74.7: ). ). Estgs gsgs cbstrgc que ergc gmnbs que se cbvec ibc cuotg rgpofez.


ZÉ pse 71.79,76 71.79,76,, trîs rés gpgreiec ibcb pgrte sextg tgèg Ec Gpbiglolopse Ec Gpbig fg org fe Feus, que ferrgcg alghelbs sbjre g terrg. Zevelgc ucg huerrg ofeblùhoig ibmtrg b irostogmoscb. B gpùstblb Nbéb vî trîs persbmghems fb cgl numtbs> b frghéb, g jestg e b aglsb prbaetg. Estes trîs pbfec ser i`gcgfbs fe tromfgfe sgtêmoig, pbos omocohb temtg ocotgr Feus e pbr ossb se cgmoaestgrç gtrgvïs fe ucg tromfgfe fogjùloig. G ré mg Jãjlog estç gssbiogfg gbs gmocgos ibmsofergfbs 77.67-66) e gbs feuses pghébs, temfb sofb ucg ocpurbs (Levãtoibs (Levãtoibs 77.67-66) fgs prghgs fb Ehotb (Îxbfb (Îxbfb 0.7-79) 0.7-79)[?S . Nesus fosse que “méb ï b que emtrg pelg jbig b que ibmtgcomg b `bcec, cgs b que sgo fg jbig, ostb, soc, ibmtgcomg b `bcec– (Cgteus 75.77), 75.77), emtéb estgs trîs rés ocumfgs socjblozgc emsombs prbagmbs. Qçrogs omterpretgèões gploigmfb gtrgvïs fe ofeblbhogs, pbfec exploigr b sohmoaoigfb festg prbaeiog, ibcb Luterb que gploibu ucg leoturg `ostùroig fozemfb b gmtoirostb serog b pbfer fe Zbcg[74S  e seus bpbsotbres ä reabrcg[77S. Fevofb g tgcgm`g foversofgfe fe omterpretgèões, gtï que g prbaeiog se iucprg plemgcemte, pbfecbs emtemfer estg cemsghec fe foversgs abrcgs.[7:S


ZGO^ FE FGQO Tbr ser fg fesiemfîmiog fe Fgvo e pbr igusg fg prbaeiog fe Osgãgs fe que serog uc rejemtb bu rgoz fg agcãlog fe Nessï, pgo fe Fgvo (Osgãgs 77.7). 77.7).


ZELÊCTGHBY E VZBQÕEY> Zepresemtgc g org fe Feus e seu pbfer, ibc jrol`b, iglbr, emerhog e rgpofez ec exeiutgr seu nuãzb, pbr ossb “fb trbmb sgec relêcpghbs, vbzes e trbvões– ( Gpbiglo  Gpbiglopse pse 6.5 ). ). Gs vbzes séb gs semtemègs fb  nulhgc  nu lhgcem emtb tb aom aomgl gl gssoc ibcb b Yem` Yem`br se cgm cgmoaestgv oaestgvg g fogm fogmte te fe seu 7?.71-7?). pbvb mb cbmte Yomgo (Îxbfb (Îxbfb 7?.71-7?).


ZEYYUZZEOÈÉB Nesus aglgvg cuotb fg ressurreoèéb fbs cbrtbs e bs seus fosiãpulbs méb emtemfogc jec ibcb erg uc ibrpb ressusiotgfb, emtéb resblveu fgr ucg gcbstrg pgrg eles mb cbmte fg brgèéb (Cgribs ( Cgribs ?.7-?). ?.7-?). Glo Nesus abo trgmsaohurgfb e cbstrbu ibcb serog seu ibrpb qugmfb ressusiotgsse.  Gpbiglopse :4.7-74 ), B gpbiglopse aglg fe fugs ressurreoèões ( Gpbiglopse ), proceorb g ressurreoèéb fg vofg (v.7-1  (v.7-1 ) e fepbos g ressurreoèéb fb  nuãzb  nu ãzb bu ibm ibmfem femgèéb gèéb (v.8-74 ). ). Vgmtb nustbs ibcb omnustbs seréb  Gtbs :6.75 )).. ressusiotgfbs ( Gtbs 7ª ZEYYUZZEOÈÉB (fbs sglvbs) Zepemtomgcemte, bs servbs fe Feus fe tbfbs bs tecpbs ressusiotgréb ibc ibrpbs restgurgfbs (O (O Ibrãmtobs 75.54-50 ) pgrg reiejerec sug `ergmèg mbs iïus. Yeréb bs proceorbs g ser  reibcpemsgfbs ( Gpbiglopse  Gpbiglopse :4.7-1 ). ). Yehumfb Fgmoel 7:.7-9,74  e  e 77, ossb serç fepbos fg hrgmfe trojulgèéb. Vgcjïc estç gssbiogfg ä sïtocg Vrbcjetg  Gpbiglopse 77.75-7? 77.75-7?). ( Gpbiglopse ). Ec sehuofg ibc g Zessurreoèéb fbs cbrtbs gibmteierç tgcjïc b Grrejgtgcemtb fg Ohreng (O  (O  Vessglbmoiemses 6.71,78 )).. :g  ZEYYUZZEOÈÉB (ãcpobs)  G sehum sehumfg ressu ressurreoèéb rreoèéb ï qu qugm gmfb fb bs cbrtbs sec Irostb  Gpbiglopse :4.79 :4.79)) seréb levgmtgfbs pgrg prestgr ibmtgs (Nbéb ( Gpbiglopse (Nbéb 5.:6-:?;; Fgmoel 7:.7-9). 5.:6-:? 7:.7-9). Ibcb serç b ibrpb ressusiotgfb2 Yerç g pgrtor fb gtugl ibrpb (Ezequoel (Ezequoel 98.5-0 ), ), qugmfb cgtïrog aãsoig que ibcpõe este ibrpb serç restgurgfg e hlbroaoigfg  Gpbiglopse :4.79 :4.79). ( Gpbiglopse ). Méb `gverç foaeremèg sexugl, pbos serecbs esporotugos ibcb bs gmnbs fe Feus (Luigs (Luigs :4.:8-91 )).. 75.95-66). Ï B mbvb ibrpb serç hlbrobsb e ielestogl (O (O Ibrãmtobs 75.95-66). uc ibrpb esporotugl que méb tec abce, méb tec fbr bu fbemègs,


secel`gmte gb hréb fe trohb que cbrre e ressusiotg (Nbéb (Nbéb 7:.:6 ). 7:.:6  ).


YGVGMÇY  G pglgvrg pglgvrg ““sgtgm sgtgmçs– çs– ï fe brohec ` `ejrgoig ejrgoig e gpgreie 5? vezes vezes (:9 mb  GV  G V e 91 mb MV). Ygtgm Ygtgmçs çs tgm tgmtb tb mb `ejrgoib (‫ג‬ ‫ )ׯ‬ibcb mb hrehb (Ωηφηγάϊ) sohmoaoig Gfversçrob[79S.  G persbm persbmglo glofgfe fgfe fe Ygtgm Ygtgmçs çs ï cgrigfg pbr tuf tufb b qu que e ï ruoc, ruoc, ibcb cglãiog, cemtorg, rbujb, `bcoiãfob e giusgèéb. Méb ï pbssãvel emibmtrgr mgfg fe jbc ec sug pessbg, cescb que ele temte se  Gpbiglopse :.? :.?). fosagrègr e olufor g cuotbs ( Gpbiglopse ). Mb Gpbiglopse Ygtgmçs ï represemtgfb pelgs expressões> Fogjb bu Fecömob foäjblbs"" (fogjb/fecömob) ï hrehg e gpgreie 98  G pglg pglgvrg vrg "foäjblbs vezes mb Mbvb Vestgcemtb, semfb festgs, botb mb lovrb fe  Gpbiglolopse.  Gpbig pse. B Fogjb Fogjb bu fecöm fecömobs obs séb gm gmnbs nbs fb cgu sehuofbres sehuofbres  Gpbiglopse :.74 e 7:.? 7:.?). fe Ygtgmçs ( Gpbiglopse ). Yerpemte Ygtgmçs usbu ucg serpemte pgrg emhgr Gféb e Evg (Hîmesos (Hîmesos 9.7-75 ) e fesfe emtéb tec sefuzofb g `ucgmofgfe 77.9). Mb aoc fbs tecpbs ghorç sbrrgteorgcemte (OO (OO Ibrãmtobs 77.9). olufomfb gs pessbgs pgrg méb periejerec g vbltg fe Nesus ( Gpbiglopse  Gpbiglopse :4.: )).. Gmnb fb gjoscb Fesfe que Ygtgmçs lgmègfb mb?.77 gjoscb :.6abo :.6)  Gpbig lopse ?.77). (OO Tefrb ) eexpulsb lç serç bfbs seuiïus, festomb etermbabo( Gpbiglopse ). Frghéb  G gm gmtohg tohg serpem serpemte te se reve revelg lg ibcb uc frghéb ibc pbfer   Gpbiglopse 7:.? e :4.: ). fevbrgfbr ( Gpbiglopse ). Qer> Frghéb. Giusgfbr  Ygtgmçs temtg giusgr bs servbs fe Feus pgrg omirocomgr pbr   Gpbiglopse pse 7:.74 )).. seus peigfbs ( Gpbiglo


YELB B selb mg Jãjlog represemtg ucg cgrig. Bs reos tom`gc seu selb que erg aeotb ibc uc sãcjblb hrgvgfb mb gmel que gb ser pressobmgfb sbjre ucg cgssg gqueiofg feoxgvg g cgrig. Uc fbiucemtb sù tom`g vglbr se tovesse tgl gutemtoigèéb. Glïc fossb, b selb tgcjïc servog pgrg aei`gr gs igrtgs e rehostrbs fe leos, que g pgrtor fe emtéb estgrog vglofgfb pelb selb. B Gpbiglopse relgtg que Feus vgo sepgrgr bs seus servbs ibc b selb fb Espãrotb Ygmtb gmtes fe surhor g jestg que orç cgrigr gs pessbgs  Gpbiglopse 79.71,78 ). ibc b seu mþcerb ( Gpbiglopse ). Este selb igpgiotgrç bs servbs fe Feus “selgfbs ibc b Ygmtb Espãrotb–   (Eaïsobs 7.79 e 6.94 ). ). B selb mbs tecpbs jãjloibs erg uc lgire (Fgmoel (Fgmoel 1.78 ) que aei`gvg gs igrtgs (O (O Zeos :7.0 ) ibc ucg cgrig aeotg ibc somete secel`gmte g uc igrocjb sbjre ucg cgssg. B lovrb vostb pelb gpùstblb Nbéb estgvg selgfb ibc sete selbs pgrg ibmaorcgr que estgvg jec aei`gfb e sù pbferog ser gjertb pbr seu  Gpbiglopse pse 5.: ). festomgtçrob que feverog ser glhuïc fohmb ( Gpbiglo ). Ä cefofg que bs selbs véb semfb gjertbs, gibmteiocemtbs revelgc b que sohmoaoigc sugs pglgvrgs. Bs selbs aei`gvgc b lovrb pgrg que sù pufesse ser gjertb pelb  Gpbiglopse 5.7 5.7). festomgtçrob g quec abo esirotb ( Gpbiglopse ). B mþcerb sete represemtg g peraeoèéb, bu seng, que b lovrb estgvg peraeotgcemte aei`gfb e sùmec pbferog ser gjertb glhuïcpessbg fohmb fb cescb. Ossb cbstrg que estufobsbs bu pbr quglquer pbfe se fozer  omtïrprete fb Gpbiglopse pbr so cescb.  G Tgl Tglgv gvrg rg fe Feu Feuss ï “vovg–   (@ejreus 6.7: ) e igpgz fe trgzer sug prùprog omterpretgèéb gtrgvïs fg omsporgèéb fe seu Gutbr (O (O Vocùteb 9.71 ). ). B prbpùsotb fbs selbs ergc prbteher b lovrb, cgs g sug gjerturg trgz agtbs que gjec bs bl`bs fe tbfbs pgrg sug revelgèéb.


Tbfecbs resucor bs sete selbs meste qugfrb>

Bs 8 Yelbs


7´ Yelb  Gp 1.7,: 

Igvglb Jrgmib> Emhgmb ibc g umoéb fgs mgèões.

:´ Yelb  Gp 1.9,6

Igvglb Qercel`b> Huerrgs e rucbres fe huerrgs.

9´ Yelb  Gp 1. 5,1 

Igvglb Tretb> Abce e agltg fe glocemtbs.

6´ Yelb  Gp 1.8,0 

Igvglb Gcgrelb> Cbrte pbr fbemègs e pestes.

5´ Yelb  Gp 1.?-77 1.?-77

Qoséb fbs cçrtores>  Glcgs  Glc gs hug hugrfgfgs rfgfgs fejgox fejgoxb b fb glt gltgr gr fe Feus.

1´ Yelb  Gp 1.7:-78 

Fesgstr es Gcjo Fesgstres Gcjoemtgos> emtgos> Tbluoèéb e festruoèéb fg mgturezg.

8´ Yelb  Gp 0.7-1 

Yete Gmn Gmnbs bs ibc 8 Vrbcjetgs> Bs gmþmiobs fb aoc.


YEVE EYTÃZOVBY EYTÃZOVBY FE F FEUY EUY  G expresséb expresséb “sete espãrotbs fe Feus–  gpgreie  gpgreie qugtrb vezes mg Jãjlog  Gpbiglopse 7.6; 9.7; 6.5; 5.1 )).. ( Gpbiglopse Trbvgvelcemte ï ucg reaerîmiog gb textb prbaïtoib fe Osgãgs 77.7 que aglg fe sete gspeitbs fb Cessogs “repbusgrç sbjre ele b Espãrotb fb YEM@BZ, b Espãrotb fe sgjefbrog e fe emtemfocemtb, b Espãrotb fe ibmsel`b e fe abrtglezg, b Espãrotb fe ibm`eiocemtb e fe tecbr fb YEM@BZ– . Estg lostg pgssbu g ter semtofb fe que séb estgs gs igrgiterãstoigs fb Espãrotb Ygmtb que estgvg sbjre b Cessogs e tgcjïc mb trbmb fe Feus.  Gs sete tbi` tbi`gs gs fe abhb> séb represemtgèões fb Espãrotb Ygm Ygmtb tb ibcb 7:.:?) e g cgmoaestgèéb fg presemèg fe Feus ec abhb (@ejreus (@ejreus 7:.:?) abrcg fe abhb (Îxbfb (Îxbfb 9.: e 79.:7,:: ). ). Vgcjïc lecjrgc b igmfelgjrb que tom`g sete pbmtgs e aoigvg giesb pgrg olucomgr b tgjermçiulb (Îxbfb (Îxbfb :8.:4 ). ). B mþcerb sete sohmoaoig peraeoèéb fe Feus e qugmfb se reaere gbs Yete Espãrotbs fe Feus tec b semtofb fe que b Espãrotb Ygmtb ï peraeotb. YEVE  EYVZELGY YEVE Yocjblozgc bs sete pgstbres fgs Yete ohrengs mgs cébs fe Nesus  Gpbiglopse 7.:4 e 9. 9.7 7). ( Gpbiglopse


YEZEY QOQEMVEY Qer Wugtrb seres vovemtes


VGÈG  Gs tgègs séb gibm gibmteioce teiocem mtbs fbs aom aomss fbs tecpbs qu que e fecbm fecbmstrgc strgc g org fe Feus sbjre b peigfb e b aoc fe tbfgs gs ibosgs ( Gpbiglopse  Gpbiglopse 75.5-0 ))..


Tbfecbs resucor gs sete tgègs meste qugfrb>

Gs 8 Vgègs 7ª Vgèg  Gp 71.7,: 

Þliergs mgs pessbgs que tîc g cgrig fg Jestg

:ª Vgèg  Gp 71.9

B cgr se tbrmg ec sgmhue.

9ª Vgèg  Gp 71.6-8 

Bs robs se tbrmgc ec sgmhue.

6ª Vgèg  Gp 71.0,?

 Gqueioc  Gqu eiocem emtb tb fb sbl.

5ª Vgèg  Gp 71.74,77 71.74,77

Vrevgs sbjre b trbmb fb gmtoirostb.

1ª Vgèg Yeigcemtb fb Zob Euargtes  Gp 71.7:-71  e huerrg fb Grcghefbc. 8ª Vgèg  Gp 71.78-:7  

Zgobs, terrecbtbs e i`uvg fe cetebrbs.


VZBCJEVG Omstrucemtb aeotb ibc i`oare fe igrmeorb, tgcjïc i`gcgfb s`bagr . G vbz fe Feus que nç aglgrg ibc Nbéb feste b ibceèb fg revelgèéb ( Gpbiglopse  Gpbiglopse 7.74 ) ï abrte ibcb uc tbque fe trbcjetg. Tbfecbs resucor bs sete selbs meste qugfrb>

Gs 8 Vrbcjetgs

7ª Vrbcjetg  Gp 0.8  0.8  :ª Vrbcjetg  Gp 0.0,? 0.0,? 9ª Vrbcjetg  Gp 0.74, 0.74,7 77 6ª Vrbcjetg  Gp 0.7:,7 0.7:,79 9

Fescgtgcemtb e queocgfg fg terèg pgrte fg terrg Quliões e Vsumgcos Tbluoèéb fg terèg pgrte fg çhug fbie

Tbluoèéb fb gr  esiureiocemtb fb iïu Tersehuoèéb 5ª esporotugl pbr  Vrbcjetg fecömobs  Gp ?.7-7 ?.7-77 7 sbltbs fb gjoscb 1ª Huerrgs Hue rrgs g pgrtor f fb b Vrbcjetg rob Euargtes> OZGWUE  Gp ?.79-:7 ?.79-:7 8ª Zessurreoèéb fbs Vrbcjetg

cbrtbs e b


 Gp 77.75 77.75--  Grrejgtgcemtb  Grrejgtgcemtb fg 7? Ohreng



VZBMB Wugmfb abo levgfb gtï gpbrtg, Nbéb vou “uc trbmb e mb trbmb glhuïc gssemtgfb– ( Gpbiglopse  Gpbiglopse 6.: ) ibc secel`gmèg fg jelezg fe pefrgs preiobsgs. B trbmb ï b luhgr fb nulhgcemtb fovomb. Mg verfgfe estgvg ibmtecplgmfb Feus ec seu trbmb ielestogl e sug esplemfbrbsg jelezg. Fogmte fb trbmb fe Feus ï uc luhgr fe sug Glogmèg fe gcbr  [grib-ãrosS, cgs tgcjïc fe sug nustoèg [relêcpghbsS, pgrg fe tbfgs gs pessbgs [cgr fe vofrbS. Vgcjïc estéb glo bs vomte e qugtrb trbmbs .6), gs sete tbi`gs (v (v.6), (v.5 ) e bs qugtrb seres vovemtes (v.1-0  (v.1-0 ). ). Qeng> QOMVE E WUGVZB GMIOÉBY.


VZBQÕEY Qeng cgos ec Zelêcpghbs e Vrbvões.


QGZÉB Qeng `bcec bu gmnb.


QEYVEY  Gs vestes vestes socjbl socjbloz ozgc gc b estgfb fe vvofg. ofg. Q Qer> er> Qestes jrgm jrgmigs. igs. MÉB IBMVGCOMGZGC YUGY QEYVEY (Gpbiglopse 9.6)> méb se sungrgc ibcFE b peigfb 8.76).  GM  GMFGZ FGZÉB ÉB JZG JZGM M(Gpbiglopse IB (Gpbigl (Gpbiglopse opse 9.6) e QEY QEYVOFU VOFUZGY ZGY JZGMIGY (Gpbiglopse 9.5)> vofg fe sgmtofgfe (Osgãgs (Osgãgs 7.70 ). ).


QOMVE E WUGVZB GMIOÉBY Cuotb se fosiute sbjre g ofemtofgfe fbs vomte e qugtrb gmioébs  Gpbiglopse 6.6 6.6). ( Gpbiglopse ). Cgs ï iertb que méb séb seres ielestogos e soc `bcems, pbrque secpre estéb fesirotbs fe cgmeorg foaeremiogfg fbs  Gpbiglopse 5.5, 5.5,0 0 e 77 77). gmnbs e fbs querujoms ( Gpbiglopse ). B tercb gmioéb se reaere g `bcems sçjobs que represemtgvgc b  Gtbs 5.: e :4.78 ). pbvb ( Gtbs ). Tbfecbs emtemfer que bs vomte e qugtrb gmioébs socjblozgc b sgierfùiob que erg esiglgfb ec mþcerb fe :6 turmbs (O (O Irömoigs :6.7-7?). :6.7-7?). Vgcjïc se tec emtemfofb que este mþcerb ï represemtgtovb qugmtb ä `ucgmofgfe ec fugs glogmègs, ibc bs fbze pgtrogrigs fg gmtohg glogmèg e bs fbze gpùstblbs fg mbvg glogmèg. B que méb pbfe ser esqueiofb ï sug cosséb fe servor  g Feus etermgcemte e sug gtotufe fe gfbrgèéb. Estes vomte e qugtrb gmioébs tîc ibcb igrgiterãstoigs> Vrbmbs Estéb gssemtgfbs pbrque nç tercomgrgc sug bjrg e reiejergc g reibcpemsg prbcetofg pbr Nesus fe que “gb vemiefbr, fgr-l`eeo semtgr-se ibcohb mb ceu trbmb, gssoc ibcb tgcjïc eu vemio e ce semteo ibc ceu Tgo mb seu trbmb–   ( Gpbiglopse  Gpbiglopse 9.:7). 9.:7 ). Bs vomte e qugtrb trbmbs séb sãcjblbs fb pbfer festes `bcems que reiejergc lofergmèg mb ceob fb pbvb fe Feus. Qestes jrgmigs Vgcjïc ibcb reibcpemsg fb “vemiefbr serç gssoc vestofb fe vestofurgs jrgmigs–   ( Gpbiglopse  Gpbiglopse 9.5 ). ). Yocjblozgc g sgmtofgfe (Eilesogstes ?.0 ), ), pbos “lgvgrgc sugs vestofurgs e gs glvengrgc mb sgmhue fb ibrfeorb–   (( Gpbiglopse  Gpbiglopse 8.76 8.76). ). Tessbgs que voverec ec ibmsghrgèéb g Feus furgmte sug vofg e estgvgc prbmtbs pgrg servor gb Yem`br etermgcemte (Fgmoel (Fgmoel 7:.74 ). ). G expresséb lopse 9.6, 5, 70; 6. 6.6; 6; 8.76 e 7?.0. gpgreie ec Gpbig ec Gpbiglopse Ibrbgs Butrg reibcpemsg prbcetofg pbr Nesus g quec abr “aoel gtï ä cbrte, e fgr-te-eo g ibrbg fg vofg–   ( Gpbiglopse  Gpbiglopse :.74 ). ). Estgs


ibrbgs represemtgc b hbvermb `ucgmb. Eles se prbstrgc fogmte fb pbfer fe Feus remfemfb-se fogmte fg Cgnestgfe Fovomg e emtrehgc sugs ibrbgs gb Yem`br ( Gpbiglopse  Gpbiglopse 6.74 ). ). Vrgzec ec sugs cébs `grpgs pgrg b lbuvbr e tgègs i`eogs fe omiemsb que b  Gpbiglopse 5.0 ). prùprob textb exploig “que séb gs brgèões–  (  ( Gpbiglopse ).


QOYÉB  Gs reve revelgèõe lgèõess fb Gpbig Gpbiglop lopse se séb cbstrgfgs ec aabrcg brcg fe voséb voséb pgrg b gpùstblb Nbéb que trgmscote äs ohrengs.

Gs Qosões fb Gpbiglopse

Femtre gs vçrogs vosões fb Gpbiglopse, estgs qugtrb séb gs promiopgos e broemtgc tbfb b lovrb>

8 Ohrengs

Zepresemtgc perãbfbs fg `ostùrog fg Ohreng bu topbs fe ohrengs mbs þltocbs tecpbs  Gibmteioc  Gibm teiocem emtbs tbs que gj gjrec rec b

8 Yelbs

lovrb fe Gpbiglopse ibcpreemséb fe pgrg sug g revelgèéb.

8 Vrbcjetgs

 Gmþmiobs  Gmþm iobs sbjre b iucprocemtb fe tbfgs gs ibosgs pgrg b aoc.

8 Vgègs

 G org fe Feus Feus se ferrgcg sbjre g terrg pgrg b Nuãzb Aomgl.



IBMILUYÉB Ecjbrg bs sãcjblbs fesirotbs méb sengc rehrgs, g ibcpreemséb fbs cescbs pbfe gnufgr mg omterpretgèéb jãjloig. Estes sohmoaoigfbs méb fevec ser usgfbs fe abrcg cãstoig. Gpemgs servec pgrg gnufgr  g emtemfer pbrque estgs pglgvrgs séb téb usgfgs e guxologr mg ibcpreemséb jãjloig. B leotbr feve jusigr fosiermocemtb pgrg gploigr  g ibcpreemséb festes fetgl`es que servec pgrg emroqueier b ibm`eiocemtb e cbstrgr g peraeoèéb fg Tglgvrg fe Feus. Tgrg emtemfer b Gpbiglopse ï preiosb pefor gnufg gb Ibrfeorb que ï fohmb fe gjror b lovrb ( Gpbiglopse  Gpbiglopse 5.? 5.?)) e retorgr bs selbs que b `bcec pbr so sù méb pbfe emtemfer, pbrque “gs ibosgs emibjertgs  pertemiec  pertem iec gb Yem` Yem`br br mbssb Feus Feus,, cgs gs revelgfgs mbs  pertemiec  pertem iec g mùs–   (Feuterbmöcob ( Feuterbmöcob :?.:?). :?.:?).


JOJLOBHZGAOG ãjlog fe Estufb Glceofg. Jgruero> Ybioefgfe Jãjloig fb Jrgsol, :441. ÃJLOG FE EYVUFB FB EPTBYOVBZ, Qerséb Vextugl Expbsotbrg. Noccy Ywghhgrt. NYC> :477. ãjlog Komh Ngces Gtuglozgfg (KNG). Yéb Tgulb> Ybioefgfe Lãjerb Gceroigm  Gc eroigmg g e Gjjg Tress m mb b Jrgsol Jrgsol,, :47:. Tequemg mg Emioilbpïfog Jãjlo Jãjloig ig,, 7??1, ::¾ Efoèéb, Yéb B_EZ, B.Y. Teque Tgulb> Efotbrg QOFG, 116 pçh. UIK, Fgycbmf Z. Huog açiol pgrg emtemfer b Gpbiglopse. Gpbiglopse. Zob fe Ngmeorb> V`bcgs Melsbm Jrgsol, :476. OJÊMOB, Nbéb Jgtostg & JOMHECEZ, Cgrog Ilgrg Lui`etto. Esigtblbhog Irosté> b mbvb Iïu e g Mbvg Verrg. Verrg . Tetrùpblos> Qbzes, p. 75-98. Ibcemtçrob Jãjloib Tbpulgr ’ Gmtohb e Mbvb  GIFBMGLF  GIFBM GLF,,7?05, Xollo Xollogc. gc. Vestgcemtb.. Yéb Tgulb> Cumfb Irostéb, :477. Vestgcemtb  GLHB, Xoc Xoc..  Gpbig  Gpbiglopse lopse fe Nesus Irostb> uc ibcemtçrob pgrg g mbssg ïpbig. ïpbig. Tbrtb Glehre> I`gcgfg fg Ceog Mbote, 7???. Qbluces O, OO e OOO. EOPBVB, Xesterm Ilgy. Tgrg Ler bs Gpbiglopses, 7??:, Jelb @brozbmte, 17 pçhs. lomhughec socjùloi so cjùloig g fb Gpbiglopse. Fogfecg/YT> Gpbiglopse.  Fogfecg/YT> Fepùsotb fe BYYOEZ, @emro. G @emro. G lomhugh Lotergturg Irosté, :445.

 GMVBY,  GM VBY, Nbéb Jgtostg Zoj Zojeorb. eorb. Foiobmçrob Jãjloib> ibm`eiemfb e emtemfemfb g Tglgvrg fe Feus. Yéb Feus.  Yéb Tgulb> Fofçtoig Tgulostg, :441. Hrehb-Tbrtuhuîs. I@BL^, Qolsbm. Mbvb Vestgcemtb Omterlomegr> Hrehb-Tbrtuhuîs. Jgruero, YT> Ybioefgfe Jãjloig fb Jrgsol, :446. I@XGV^, @gms. Esigtblbhog. Vrgfuèéb> Luoz @. Fre`er. Fbhcçtoig Irosté.. Yéb Lebpblfb> Efotbrg Yombfgl & OTEH, 7??5, p. 579Irosté 564. [“Gs promiopgos ibrremtes fg esigtblbhog irosté–S.


VZBMH, Ngces. Foiobm VZBMH, Foiobmçrob çrob H Hrehb rehb fb Mbv Mbvb bV Vestgcemtb. estgcemtb. Jãjlog fe Estufb Est ufb Tglgvrgs-I`gv Tglgvrgs-I`gve> e> @ejrgoib. Hr Hrehb ehb.. Vrgfuèéb fe Nbéb Aerreorg fe Glceofg. Efoèéb Zevostg e Ibrrohofg. Zob fe Ngmeorb> ITGF, :477. UCCEZY, Zgy.Igsg Ucg Tujloi omterpretgèéb fb Gpbiglopse> Ngmeorb> Tujl oigfbrg gfbrg Jgtost Jgtostg, g, 7?8:. Fohmb ï b Ibrfeorb. Zob fe

OME, X.E., Cerrol A. Umher e Xollogc X`ote Nr. Foiobmçrob Qome, Qome, trgfuèéb Luãs Grbm fe Cgiefb, Zob fe Ngmeorb> Igsg Tujloigfbrg fgs Gssecjleogs fe Feus, :441 ’ 8ª efoèéb. EYLE_, Nb`m. Mbtgs exploigtovgs fe Nb`m Xesley sbjre b Mbvb Vestgcemtb> Evgmhel`bs e Gtbs ’ Vbcb O. Jelb O. Jelb @brozbmte> Aol`bs fg Hrgèg / Mbg` Efoèões, :475. 906 p.


Ybjre b gutbr 

Xelagmy Mblgsib Zbfrohues   Tgstbr Cetbfostg, mgsiofb ec 79 fe num`b fe 7?8? ec Curogï/CH, igsgfb ibc Çssocg e pgo fb @eotbr.   Abrcgèéb> Jgi`grel ec Veblbhog Telg Umoversofgfe Cetbfostg fe Yéb Tgulb. Loiemiogturg Loiem iogturg ec Let Letrgs rgs pelg OYEEF - Omstotutb Efuigiobm Efuigiobmgl gl Elvo Elvorg rg Fgyrell. Espeioglozgèéb (Lgtu Yemsu) ec Fbiîmiog fb Emsomb Yuperobr e Veblbhog pelg OYEOJ - Omstotutb Yuperobr fe Efuigèéb Ojoturumg. Tùs Hrgfugèéb ec Aolbsbaog pelg OYEOJ - Omstotutb Yuperobr fe Efuigèéb Ojoturumg. Extemséb ec Hrehb Jãjloib pelg CGIKEM^OE - ITGN.  Gutbr fb sote Esjbèb  Gutbr Esjbèbss fe Trehgèõe Trehgèõess (ww (www.esjbibse w.esjbibsercgb.ibc rcgb.ibc)) bmfe pujloig sugs cemsghems.


Ibcb gfquoror este e ejbbk2 jbbk2 Este ejbbk pbfe ser gfquorofb pelb lomk> www.esjbibsercgb.ibc/p/lovrbs



Cgmugl Yocjùloib fb Gpbiglopse  Gpbiglopse  Iregtov tove e Ibccbms - Gt rojuoèébfe Xelagmy Mblgsib Zbfrohues estç loiemiogfb ibc ucg Loiemèg Ireg MébIbceriogl-YecFerovgèões 6.4 Omtermgiobmgl. Omtermgiobmgl .





 YVZBMH, Ngces. Foiobmçrob Hrehb fb Mbvb Vestgcemtb. Jãjlog fe Estufb Tglgvrgs-I`gve> @ejrgoib. Hrehb. Vrgfuèéb fe Nbéb Aerreorg fe Glceofg. Efoèéb Zevostg e Ibrrohofg. Zob fe Ngmeorb> ITGF, :477. Tçhomg :491, verjete 01. [9S   YVZBMH, Ngces. Foiobmçrob Hrehb fb Mbvb Vestgcemtb. Jãjlog fe Estufb Tglgvrgs-I`gve> @ejrgoib. Hrehb. Vrgfuèéb fe Nbéb Aerreorg fe Glceofg.

Efoèéb Zevostg e Ibrrohofg. Zob fe Ngmeorb> ITGF, :477. Qerjete 666 ’ OQ (J), pçhomg :41? e verjete 5:48, pçhomgs :696 e :695. [6S QOME, X.E., Qome, trgfuèéb Luãs X.E. , Cerrol A A.. Umhe Umherr e X ollogc X `ote Nr. Foiobmçrob Qome,  Grbm fe Cgiefb, Cgiefb, Zob fe Ngmeorb> ITGF - Igsg Tujl Tujloi oigfbrg gfbrg fgs Gssec Gssecjle jleogs ogs fe Feus, :441 ’ 8ª efoèéb. Tçhomgs 150 e 15?. [5S Gpbiglopse. Zob fe Ngmeorb>  FUIK, Fgycbmf Z. Huog açiol pgrg emtemfer b Gpbiglopse. V`bcgs Melsbm Jrgsol, :476. Tçhomg 91 e 69. [1S lomhughec socjùloi so cjùloig g fb Gpbiglopse. Fogfecg/YT> Gpbiglopse.  Fogfecg/YT> Fepùsotb  ZBYYOEZ, @emro. G @emro. G lomhugh fe Lotergturg Irosté, :445. Tçhomg ::. [8S  CGIFBMGLF, Xollogc. Ibcemtçrob Jãjloib Tbpulgr  ’  ’ Gmtohb e Mbvb Vestgcemtb. Yéb Tgulb> Cumfb Irostéb, :477. Tçhomg ??8 e ??0.



Gpbiglopse. Zob fe  YUCCEZY, Zgy. Fohmb ï b Ibrfeorb Ucg omterpretgèéb fb Gpbiglopse. Zob Ngmeorb> Igsg Tujloi Tujloigfbrg gfbrg Jgtostg, Jgtostg, 7?8:. Tçhomg 759. [?S  FUIK, Fgycbmf Z. Huog açiol pgrg emtemfer b Gpbiglopse. Gpbiglopse. Zob fe

Ngmeorb> V`bcgs Melsbm Jrgsol, :476. Tçhomgs :61 e :68. [74S  Jãjlog fe Estufb fg Zeabrcg. Jgruero, YT. Ybioefgfe Jãjloig fb Jrgsol, :478. Tçhomg 64. [77S  YUCCEZY, Zgy. Fohmb ï b Ibrfeorb> Ucg omterpretgèéb fb  Gpbiglolopse  Gpbig pse.. Zob fe Ngmeorb> Igsg Tujloigfbrg Jgtostg, 7?8:. Tçhomgs :54 e :57. [7:S  YU YUCC CCEZY, EZY, Zgy. Fohmb ï b Ibrfeorb> Ucg omterpretgèéb fb  Gpbiglolopse  Gpbig pse.. Zob fe Ngmeorb> Igsg Tujloigfbrg Jgtostg, 7?8:. Tçhomgs :54 e :57.   [79S

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