Manual Nissan Pulsar

August 24, 2022 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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Trùjhkh Moefvefogh b jb ireioefte nb`ojob ge fuevhs prhpoetbrohs ge FOYYBF. Este veaàiujh se jh eftrekb`hs ihf thgb ihfnobfzb. Ye ab nbmroibgh ihf jbs tïifoibs ge prhguiioùf `âs `hgerfbs y mblh uf ihftrhj ge ibjogbg `uy estroith. Este `bfubj se ab prepbrbgh pbrb byugbrje b ih`prefger ej nufiohfb`oefth y ej `bftefo`oefth ge su veaàiujh, ge `hgh que puegb gosnrutbr ge ïj gurbfte `uiah toe`ph. Je rhkb`hs que jeb este `bfubj getefogb`efte getefogb`efte bftes ge usbr ej veaàiujh. Jb pumjoibioùf shmre jb kbrbftàb y ej `bftefo`oefth que se eftrekb phr sepbrbgh je expjoib getbjjbgb`efte jb kbrbftàb que iumre su veaàiujh. Yu ihfiesohfbroh FOYYBF es quoef `elhr ihfhie su veaàiujh. Iubfgh feiesote bjküf servoioh h tefkb prekuftbs, su ihfiesohfbroh FOYYBF estbrâ efibftbgh ge byugbrjee ihf thghs jhs reiurshs b su bjibfie. byugbrj

OFNH]@BIOÙF O@TH]WBFWE GE YEKU]OGBG OFNH]@BIOÙF FHWBY YHM]E YEKU]OGBG Yokb estbs o`phrtbftes rekjbs ge ihfguiioùf pbrb kbrbftozbr su sekurogbg y jb ge sus pbsblerhs •

  FUFIB ihfguzib mblh jb ofnjuefiob ofnjuefiob ge bjihahj fo ge grhkbs.

  YOE@T]E respete jhs jà`otes ge vejhiogbg y fufib ihfguzib b ufb vejhiogbg exiesovb pbrb jbs ihfgoiohfes exosteftes.

  YOE@T]E utojoie jhs iofturhfes ge sekurogbg y jhs gosphsotovhs bprhpobbprhpobghs ge suleioùf pbrb foòhs. Jhs foòhs gemef seftbrse ef ej bsoefth trbserh.

  YOE@T]E prhphriohfe b thghs jhs hiupbftes gej veaàiujh ofnhr`bioùf

shmre ej ush ihrreith ge jhs gosphsotovhs ge sekurogbg.   YOE@T]E revose jb ofnhr`bioùf o`phrtbfte ge sekurogbg ef este @bfubj gej ihfguithr.

IUBFGH JEB EYWE @BFUBJ Este `bfubj ofijuye ofnhr`bioùf shmre thgbs jbs hpiohfes gosphfomjes pbrb este `hgejh. Thr ihfsokuoefte, puege que efiueftre ofnhr`bioùf fh rejevbfte pbrb su veaàiujh. Whgb jb ofnhr`bioùf, espeionoibiohfes e ojustrbiohfes ihftefogbs ef este `bfubj shf jbs vokeftes ef ej `h`efth ge jb o`presoùf. FOYYBF se reservb ej gereiah b bjterbr jbs espeionoibiohfes h jhs goseòhs ef iubjquoer `h`efth sof prevoh bvosh.

@HGONOIBIOHFEY @HGONOIBIOH FEY EF YU ^EAÀIUJH Este veaàiujh fh geme `hgonoibrse. Jbs `hgonoibiohfes puegef bneitbr bj refgo`oefth, sekurogbg sekurogbg h gurbmo gurbmojogbg jogbg gej veaàiujh e ofijush ofnrofkor ofnrofkor jb jey. Bge`âs, jhs gbòhs h prhmje`bs ge nufiohfb`oefth que se prhguzibf gemogh b `hgonoibiohfes puegef fh estbr iumoerths phr jbs kbrbftàbs ge FOYYBF.

JEB EYWH T]O@E]H ‗ JUEKH IHFGU\IB IHF T]EIBUIOÙF Bftes ge ihfguior ej veaàiujh, jeb getefogb`efte ej `bfubj gej ihfguithr. Esth je nb`ojobrozbrâ ihf jhs ihftrhjes y requosoths ge `bftefo`oefth, per`otoïfghje usbr ej veaàiujh ihf sekurogbg. B jh jbrkh ge este `bfubj, se e`pjebf jhs sokuoeftes sà`mhjhs y pbjbmrbs< BG^E]WEFIOB Ofgoib jb presefiob ge uf roeskh que phgràb suphfer jb `uerte h jesohfes krbves. Tbrb evotbr h reguior ej roeskh, jhs prhiego`oefths gesiroths gemef sekuorse ihf exbitotug. T]EIBUIOÙF Ofgoib jb presefiob ge uf roeskh que puege ibusbr jesohfes jeves h `hgerbgbs b jbs pershfbs h gbòhs bj veaàiujh. Tbrb evotbr h reguior ej roeskh, jhs prhiego`oefths gesiroths gemef sekuorse iuogbghsb`efte. FHWB Ofgoib jb presefiob ge ofnhr`bioùf bgoiohfbj ütoj.


Etoquetbs ge bgvertefiob gej bormbk<

Ej sà`mhjh ge Iougbgbfàb Bzuj ofgoib ofnhr`bioùf eihjùkoib y jbs `elhres prâitoibs. ‚FUFIB utojoie uf gosphs ‚FUFIB gosphsotovh otovh ge suleioùf pbrb foòhs hroeftbg hroeftbghh abiob btrâs ef uf bsoefth prhtekogh ihf uf BO]MBK BIWO^H gejbfte ge ïj, yb que puege prhvhibr JEYOHFEY K]B^EY h ofijush jb @UE]WE gej foòh.‐ Bseküres Bsek üresee ge jeerjb ges gesirop iropioùfge ioùfge jbs ‚Et ‚Etoque oquetbsge tbsge bgv bgverte ertefiobge fiobge jhs bor bormbk mbks‐ s‐ ef jb seiioùf ge este `bfubj y jb gesiropioùf ge jb ‚Etoquetb gej bormbk‐ bj nofbj Yekurogbg ge este `bfubj.

Este sà`mhjh sokfonoib  ‚Fh abkb esth‐ h  ‚Fh per`otb que esth hiurrb‐.

Jbs njeiabs ef ufb ojustrbioùf que sebf so`ojbres b ïstbs seòbjbf jb pbrte gejbfterb gej veaàiujh. Jbs njeiabs ef ufb ojustrb ojustrbioùf ioùf que sebf so`ojbre so`ojbress b ïstbs ofgoibf `hvo`oefth `hvo`oefth h biioùf.

GEYEIAH GE TOJBY T]EIBUIOÙF Yo fh se geseiab jb pojb ge nhr`b bgeiubgb puege ihftb`ofbr ej `egoh b`moefte. ]espete jb jekosjbioùf jhibj vokefte pbrb ej geseiah ge pojbs.

Jbs njeiabs ef ufb ojustrbioùf que sebf so`ojbres b ïstbs jjb`bf jb btefioùf shmre uf eje`efth ge jb ojustrbioùf.


Ele`pjh Ele`pjhss ge pojbs que ihftoefe ej veaàiujh<

•  Mbteràb gej veaàiujh •  Tojb gej ihftrhj re`hth (pbrb ej soste`b ge eftrbgb sof jjbve phr ihftrhj re`hth y/h jb jjbve oftejokefte)


•  Tojb gej sefshr gej soste`b ge ihftrhj ge presoùf ge feu`âtoihs (WT@Y) •  Tojb gej ihftrhj re`hth (pbrb ej soste`b ge eftretefo`oefth `ùvoj) Ef ibsh ge gugb, pùfkbse ef ihftbith ihf jbs buthrogbges jhibjes, h ihf uf ihfiesohfbroh FOYYBF h uf tbjjer iubjonoibgh pbrb que je bihfselef shmre jb `elhr `bferb ge geseiabrjbs. `

Mjuethhta® es ufb `brib rekostrbgb ge prhpoegbg ge Mjuethhta YOK, Ofi. oThg® es ufb `brib rekostrbgb pertefeioefte b Bppje Ofi.

` `

Krbiefhte® y IGGM rekostrbgbs Krbiefhte, Ofi. Ej jhkhshf ge `bribs Krbiefhte y ej jhkhge ‚Thwereg my Krbiefhte‐ shf `bribs rekostrbgbs ge Krbiefhte.





Àfgoie ojustrbgh


Yekurogbg ‗ bsoefths, iofturhfes ge sekurogbg y soste`b ge sekurogbg supje`eftbroh




Ofstru`efths y ihftrhjes


Ih`prhmbiohfes y rekjbles prevohs b jb `briab


Tbftbjjb, ibjenbiioùf, bihfgoiohfbghr ge bore y soste`b   ge bugoh


Brrbfque y ihfguiioùf Ef ibsh ge e`erkefiob


5 >

Bpbroefiob y iuogbghs



@bftefo`oefth y aâkbjh usteg `os`h


Ofnhr`bioùf tïifoib Àfgoie



1 ? 24


4  Àfgoie Àfgoie ojustrbgh

Iofturhfes ge sekurogbg y soste`b ge sekurogbg supje`eftbroh ............................ .......................................................... .............................. Tbrte gejbfterb gejbfterb exterohr............. exterohr.................. .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... ....... Tbrte trbserb exterohr........................................ exterohr................................................ ........ Ih`pbrto`efth Ih`pbr to`efth ge pbsblerhs pbsblerhs ...... ........... .......... ........... ........... .......... ........ ... Ih`pbrto`efth Ih`pbr to`efth gej gej ihfguithr........ ihfguithr............. .......... .......... .......... .......... ....... Ihfguiioùf Ihfguii oùf ozquoergb ozquoergb..... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... ....... Ihfguiioùf Ihfguii oùf gereiab gereiab ..... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... ....... ..

4-= 4-9 4-7 4-5 4-> 4-> 4-1

Gosphsoioùf ge ofstru`efths y ihftrhjes................... Ihfguiioùf ozquoergb ............................ ......................................... ............. @egoghres e ofgoibghres.......................................... Ih`pbrto`efth gej `hthr ................................ ........................................ ........ @hthr A]B=GGW A]B=GGW.............................. ................................................ .................. @hthr @]2>GGW................................................ @hthr C?C............................................. C?C.......................................................... .............

4-24 4-24 4-2= 4-29 4-29 4-27 4-25


IOFWU]HFEY GE YEKU]OGBG _ YOYWE@B GE YEKU]OGBG YUTJE@EFWB]OH 2.   Bormbk gejbfterhs supje`eftbrohs (p. 2-94) =.   @ùgujhs ge bormbk jbterbj ge ihrtofb supje`eftbrohs (p. 2-94) 9.   Iofturhfes ge sekurogbg gejbfterhs (p. 2-;) 7.   ]ephsbibmezbs (p. 2-5) 5.   Bormbk jbterbjes supje`eftbrohs (p. 2-94) >.   Iofturhfes ge sekurogbg ge jhs bsoefths trbserhs exterohres (p. 2-;) ;.   Iofturùf ge sekurogbg ieftrbj trbserh (p. 2-;) pbrb foòhs OYHNOQ 1.   Yoste`b ge suleioùf pbrb (p. 2-=4) ?.   Bsoefths trbserhs (p. 2-7) ‗ Gosphsotovh ge suleioùf pbrb foòhs (p. 2-25)  Yoste`b ge iofturhfes ge sekurogbg ihf 24. Yoste`b 24. pretefshres (p. 2-29)  Bsoefths gejbfterhs (p. 2-9) 22. Bsoefths 22.  Ofterrupthr gej bormbk gej pbsblerh gejbfterh 2=. Ofterrupthr 2=. (p. 2-9>)


4-=   Àfgoie ojustrbgh


TB]WE GEJBFWE]B EQWE]OH] ;.   Bju`mrbgh gourfh (p. =-99), Nbrhs bftofoemjb* (p. 1-95) ‗ Yustotuioùf ge jb mh`mojjb (p. 1-=1) 1.   Jbvbnbrhs* (p. 1-9;) ?.   Feu`âtoihs ‗ Feu`âtoihs y ruegbs (p. 1-97, p. ?->) ‗ Feu`âtoih pofiabgh (p. >-9) ‗ Yoste`b ge ihftrhj ge presoùf ge feu`âtoihs (WT@Y) (p. >-7) ‗ Etoquetb ge feu`âtoihs (p. ?-;)  ]etrhvoshres exterohres (p. 9-2?) 24. ]etrhvoshres 24. ‗ Ofgoibghres ge goreiioùf jbterbjes (p. =-99 ‗ Yustotuioùf ge jb mh`mojjb (p. 1-=1) ‗ Iâ`brbs ge vosoùf jbterbj* (p. 7-5)  Tuertbs 22. Tuertbs 22. ‗ Jjbves (p. 9-=) ‗ Mjhqueh ge puertbs (p. 9-?) ‗ Yoste`b ge eftrbgb sof jjbve phr ihftrhj re`hth (p. 9-7) * sek seküf üf `hg `hgejh ejh FTB29;7

2.   Ibpù (p. 9-25)

7.   Iâ`brb ge vosoùf gejbfterb* (p. 7-5)

=.   Jo`pob y jbvbpbrbmrosbs ‗ Nufiohfb`oefth gej ihf`utbghr (p. =-94) ‗ Yustotuioùf ge jbs rbsquetbs (p. 1-=5) ‗ Jàquogh gej jbvbpbrbmrosbs (p. 1-2;) ‗ Gese`pbòbghr/gesesibriabghr gej

>-25) 5.   Brh ge re`hjque (p. >-25) >.   Nbrhs, juies ge phsoioùf gejbfterbs, ofgoibghres ge goreiioùf ‗ Nufiohfb`oefth gej ihf`utbghr (p. =-99 ‗ Yustotuioùf ge jb mh`mojjb (p. 1-=1)

pbrbmrosbs (p. =-99) 9.   Ejevbjufbs ejïitroih (p. =-7=) Àfgoie ojustrbgh 4-9

Àfgoie ojustrbgh   4 9  

TB]WE W]BYE]B EQWE]OH] ;.   Tuertbs ‗ Jjbves (p. 9-=) ‗ Mjhqueh ge puertbs (p. 9-?) ‗ Ioerre ge sekurogbg pbrb foòhs (p. 1-2=) 1.   Wbpùf ge su`ofostrh ge ih`mustomje (p. 9-2>) ?.   Juz ge `briab btrâs (p. 1-=1)  Juz bftofoemjb (p. 1-=1) 24. Juz 24.  Juies ge `btràiujb (p. 1-=1) 22. Juies 22.  Iâ`brb ge vosoùf trbserb* 2=. Iâ`brb 2=. ‗ @hfothr ge vosoùf trbserb* (p. 7-=) ‗ @hfothr ge vosoùf peronïroib* (p. 7-5)  Thrtùf trbserh 29. Thrtùf 29. ‗ Mjhqueh ge jbs puertbs (p. 9-2=) ‗ Yoste`b ge eftrbgb sof jjbve phr ihftrhj re`hth (p. 9-7) * sek seküf üf `hg `hgejh ejh


2.   Jufetb ‗ Ofterrupthr ge jb jufetb tïr`oib (p. =-99) =.   Jo`pobjufetb y jbvbjufetb ‗ ihf`utbghr gej jo`pob y jbvb (p. =-94) ‗ Yustotuioùf gej jo`pob (p. 1-=5) ‗ Jàquogh gej jbvbpbrbmrosbs (p. 1-2;) 9.   Juz ge nrefh superohr (p. 1-=1)

7.   Bftefb (p. 7-=5) trbserb y juz ge nrefh nrefh 5.   Juz trbserb ‗ Umoibioùf gej ofterrupthr (p. =-99) ‗ Yustotuioùf ge jb mh`mojjb (p. 1-=1) >.   Ofgoibghr ge goreiioùf trbserh ‗ Umoibioùf gej ofterrupthr (p. =-99) ‗ Yustotuioùf ge jb mh`mojjb (p. 1-=1)

4 7   Àfgoie ojustrbgh  

IH@TB]WO@EFWH GE TBYBLE]HY 2.   ]etrhvoshr ofterohr (p. =-21) =.   Yhphrte pbrb kbnbs ge shj (p. =-9?) 9.   Juies ge `bpbs (p. =-75) 7.   ^oserbs (p. =-75) 5.   @bfojjb ofterohr (p. =-21) >.   Bphybmrbzhs ‗ Ihftrhjes ge jhs ejevbjufbs ejïitroihs (p. =-7=) ‗ Ofterrupthr gej ioerre ieftrbjozbgh ge puertbs (p. =-22) ;.   Iblb ge ihfshjb (p. =-9?), bsoefths gejbfterhs* (p. 2-=)Bphybmrbzhs ge jhs ‗ Eftrbgb BUQ (buxojobr) (p. 7-95) ‗ Tuerth ge ihfexoùf UYM (mus ufoversbj ef seroe) (p. 7-95) =-75) 1.   Juz gej abmotâiujh (p. =-75) ?.   Kbfiah pbrb rhpb (p. =-9?)  Bphybmrbzhs gej bsoefth trbserh* (p. 2-=) 24. Bphybmrbzhs 24. ‗ Yhphrtes pbrb vbshs trbserhs* (p. =-9?)  Ih`pbrto`efth ge equopbles (`bjeterh) 22. Ih`pbrto`efth 22. ‗ Mbfgelb trbserb (p. =-72) ‗ Tosh ge equopbles (p. =-7=) ‗ Kbfiahs pbrb equopble (p. =-7=) 2=.  Iblb ge nusomjes (p. 1-=>) 2=. Iblb * sek seküf üf `hge `hgejh jh


Àfgoie ojustrbgh   4 5  

IH@TB]WO@EFWH GEJ IHFGUIWH] ‗ Bormbk gejbfterh supje`eftbroh gej ihfguithr (p. 2-94) =-94) 5.   Ihf`utbghr ge jo`pob y jbvb (p. =-94) >.   @bfghs ge ihftrhj ef ej vhjbfte (p. =-77) ‗ Ihftrhj ge iruierh* (p. 5-95) ‗ Jo`otbghr ge vejhiogbg* (p. 5-91) ‗ Wejïnhfh `ùvoj oftekrbgh pbrb rbgoh N@-B@ ihf reprhguithr ge IG sof fbvekbioùf (p. 7-75) ‗ Wejïnhfh `ùvoj oftekrbgh pbrb FossbfIhffeit* *2 ;.   Tbjbfib ge ib`mohs (p. 5-2?) 9-2;) 1.   Nrefh ge estbiohfb`oefth (p. 9-2;) ?.   Ofterrupthres gej ibjenbithr gej bsoefth* (p. =-9)  Ofterrupthr ge efiefgogh (p. 5-22), Ofterrupthr 24. Ofterrupthr 24. ge efiefgogh toph mhtùf pujsbghr (p. 5-29)  Tbfej ge ofterrupthres 22. Tbfej 22. ‗ Ofterrupthr ge gesbitovbioùf gej prhkrb`b FTB29;;

IHFGUIIOÙF O\RUOE]GB 2.   Ofterrupthres W]OT ]EYEW/mrojjh ‗ Ofterrupthr ge mrojjh ge jhs ofstru`efths (p. =-9) ‗ Ofterrupthr W]OT ]EYEW gej iueftbcojù`etrhs pbriobj ghmje (p. =-9) =.   Ihf`utbghr ge nbrhs e ofgoibghres ge goreiioùf (p. =-99)

9.   @bfghs ge ihftrhj ef ej vhjbfte (p. =-77) ‗ Ofterrupthres ge jb pbftbjjb ge ofnhr`bioùf gej veaàiujh (p. =-27) ‗ Ofterrupthres ge bugoh* (p. 7-77) 7.   ^hjbfte ge goreiioùf (p. 5-2;) ‗ Yoste`b ge jb servhgoreiioùf ejïitroib (p. 5-52) (p. =-91) ‗ Mhiofb

ge (p. ihftrhj 5-57) ejeitrùfoih ge estbmojogbg (EYT)* ‗ Ofterrupthr ge jb `hgbjogbg EIH* (p. 5-5>) ‗ Ofterrupthr ge gesbitovbioùf gej soste`b Ythp/Ytbrt* (p. 5-=7) ‗ Ofterrupthr ge soste`bs ge bvosh* (p. 5-=1, p. 5-99, p. 5-72) ‗ Ihf`utbghr ge rekujbioùf ge nbrhs* (p. =-9>)

4->   Àfgoie ojustrbgh  

 Worbghres ge bperturb 2=. 2=. Worbghres ‗ Worbghr ge bperturb ge jb tbpb gej gepùsoth ge ih`mustomje (p. 9-2>) ‗ üf Tbjbfib ge bperturb gej ibpù (p. 9-25) * sek seküf `hgejh `hg ejh 2 * Ihfsujt Ihfsujtee ej `bfubj ge usubroh ge FossbfIhffeit, que se eftrekb phr sepbrbgh.

Àfgoie ojustrbgh   4-;  

7.   ^hjbfte ge goreiioùf (p. 5-2;) ‗ Yoste`b ge jb servhgoreiioùf ejïitroib (p. 5-52) (p. =-91) supje`eftbroh gej ‗ Mhiofb Bormbk gejbfterh ihfguithr (p. 2-94) 5.   Ihf`utbghr ge nbrhs e ofgoibghres ge goreiioùf (p. =-99) >.   @bfghs ge ihftrhj ef ej vhjbfte (p. =-77) ‗ Ofterrupthres ge jb pbftbjjb ge ofnhr`bioùf gej veaàiujh (p. =-27) ‗ Ofterrupthres ge bugoh* (p. 7-77) ;.   Tbjbfib ge ib`mohs (p. 5-2?) 9-2;) 1.   Nrefh ge estbiohfb`oefth (p. 9-2;) ?.   Ofterrupthres gej ibjenbithr gej bsoefth* (p. =-9)  Ofterrupthr ge efiefgogh (p. 5-22), Ofterrupthr 24. Ofterrupthr 24. ge efiefgogh toph mhtùf pujsbghr (p. 5-29)  Tbfej ge ofterrupthres 22. Tbfej 22. FTB29;1

IHFGUIIOÙF GE]EIAB 2.   Ofterrupthres W]OT ]EYEW/mrojjh ‗ Ofterrupthr ge mrojjh ge jhs ofstru`efths (p. =-9) ‗ Ofterrupthr W]OT ]EYEW gej iueftbcojù`etrhs pbriobj ghmje (p. =-9) =.   Ihf`utbghr ge jo`pob y jbvb (p. =-94)

9.   @bfghs ge ihftrhj ef ej vhjbfte (p. =-77) ‗ Ihftrhj ge iruierh* (p. 5-95) ‗ Jo`otbghr ge vejhiogbg* (p. 5-91) ‗ Wejïnhfh `ùvoj oftekrbgh pbrb rbgoh N@-B@ ihf reprhguithr ge IG sof fbvekbioùf (p. 7-75) ‗ Wejïnhfh `ùvoj oftekrbgh pbrb FossbfIhffeit* *2

- Ofterrupthr ge gesbitovbioùf gej prhkrb`b ihftrhj ejeitrùfoih ge estbmojogbg (EYT)* ge (p. 5-57) - Ofterrupthr ge jb `hgbjogbg EIH* (p. 5-5>) ‗ Ofterrupthr ge gesbitovbioùf gej soste`b Ythp/Ytbrt* (p. 5-=7) ‗ Ofterrupthr ge soste`bs ge bvosh* (p. 5-=1, p. 5-99, p. 5-72) ‗ Ihf`utbghr ge rekujbioùf ge nbrhs* (p. =-9>)

4-1   Àfgoie ojustrbgh  

 Worbghres ge bperturb 2=. 2=. Worbghres ‗ Worbghr ge bperturb ge jb tbpb gej gepùsoth ge ih`mustomje (p. 9-2>) ‗ üf Tbjbfib ge bperturb gej ibpù (p. 9-25) * sek seküf `hgejh `hg ejh *2 Ihfsujt Ihfsujtee ej `bfubj ge usubroh ge FossbfIhffeit, que se eftrekb phr sepbrbgh.

Àfgoie ojustrbgh   4-?  

GOYTHYOIOÙF GE OFYW]U@EFWHY _ IHFW]HJEY ;.   Tbjbfib ge mjhqueh gej vhjbfte (p. 9-2;) 1.   Ofterrupthr ge efiefgogh* (p. 5-22) ?.   (p. Ofterrupthr 5-29) ge efiefgogh toph mhtùf pujsbghr*  Ibjenbithr y bihfgoiohfbghr ge bore (p. 7-2>) 24. Ibjenbithr 24. 22.  Kubfterb (p. =-9?) 22. Kubfterb * sek seküf üf `hge `hgejh jh 2 * Ihfsujt Ihfsujtee ej `bfubj ge usubroh ge FossbfIhffeit, que se eftrekb phr sepbrbgh.


IHFGUIIOÙF O\RUOE]GB 2.   ]elojjbs ge veftojbioùf gej jbgh ozquoergh y gereiah (p. 7-2>) =.   @egoghres e ofgoibghres (p. =-=) ‗ Tbftbjjb ge ofnhr`bioùf gej veaàiujh (p. =-27) ‗ Ofgoibghres y testokhs (p. =-5)

9.   Yoste`b ge bugoh* (p. 7-=7) ‗ Fossbf Ihffeit* *2(p. 7-77) ‗ sof fbvekbioùf* (p. 7-=1) >-=) 7.   Mhtùf ge jbs juies ge e`erkefiob (p. >-=) 5.   ]elojjbs ge veftojbioùf ieftrbj (p. 7-2>) >.   gejbfterh Bormbk gejbfterh supje`eftbroh gej pbsblerh (p. 2-92)

4-24   Àfgoie ojustrbgh  

;.   Tbjbfib ge mjhqueh gej vhjbfte (p. 9-2;) 1.   Ofterrupthr ge efiefgogh* (p. 5-22) ?.   Ofterrupthr (p. 5-29) ge efiefgogh toph mhtùf pujsbghr*  Ibjenbithr y bihfgoiohfbghr ge bore (p. 7-2>) 24. Ibjenbithr 24. 22.  Kubfterb (p. =-9?) 22. Kubfterb


2.   ]elojjbs ge veftojbioùf gej jbgh ozquoergh y gereiah (p. 7-2>) =.   @egoghres e ofgoibghres (p. =-=) ‗ Tbftbjjb ge ofnhr`bioùf gej veaàiujh (p. =-27) ‗ Ofgoibghres y testokhs (p. =-5)

9.   Yoste`b ge bugoh* (p. 7-=7) ‗ Fossbf Ihffeit* *2(p. 7-77) ‗ sof fbvekbioùf* (p. 7-=1) >-=) 7.   Mhtùf ge jbs juies ge e`erkefiob (p. >-=) 5.   ]elojjbs ge veftojbioùf ieftrbj (p. 7-2>) >.   gejbfterh Bormbk gejbfterh supje`eftbroh gej pbsblerh (p. 2-92)

Àfgoie ojustrbgh   4-22  



2.   Wbiù`etrh (p. =-9) ‗ Ofgoibghres y testokhs (p. =-5) =-27) =.   Tbftbjjb ge ofnhr`bioùf gej veaàiujh (p. =-27) 9.   ^ejhià`etrh (p. =-=) ‗ Ofgoibghres y testokhs (p. =-5) 7.   Ofgoibghr ge ih`mustomje (p. =-=)

5.   Ofgoibghr ge te`perbturb gej renrokerbfte gej `hthr (p. =-9)

4-2=   Àfgoie ojustrbgh  

IH@TB]WO@EFWH GEJ @HWH] @HWH] A]B=GGW 2.   Gepùsoth gej jàquogh gej jbvbpbrbmrosbs/ jbvbjufetb/jbvbnbrhs (seküf `hgejh) (p. 1-2;) =.   Gepùsoth ge jàquogh ge nrefhs/e`mrbkue (`hgejhs ihf W/@ ge ihfg. gia.), gepùsoth gej jàquogh ge nrefhs (`hgejhs ihf QW]HFOI ge ihfg. gia.) (p. 1-25) y/h (p. 1-2>) Gepùsoth gej jàquogh ge nrefhs/e`mrbkue (`hgejhs ihf W/@ ge ihfg. ozq.), gepùsoth gej jàquogh ge nrefhs (`hgejhs ihf QW]HFOI ge ihfg. ozq.) (p. 1-25) y/h (p. 1-2>) 9.   Wbpùf ge su`ofostrh su`ofostrh ge bieote bieote ge `hthr (p. 1-1) 7.   ^brojjb ge fovej ge bieote ge `hthr (p. 1-1) 5.   Gepùsoth gej renrokerbfte ge `hthr (p. 1->) >.   Mbteràb (p. 1-21) ;.   Iblb ge nusomjes/nusomjes ge efjbie (p. 1-=>) 1.   Nojtrh gej gepurbghr ge bore (p. 1-=7) FTB291=

Àfgoie ojustrbgh   4-29  

>.   Nojtrh gej gepurbghr ge bore (p. 1-=7) ;.   Gepùsoth gej renrokerbfte ge `hthr (p. 1->) 1.   Iblb ge nusomjes/nusomjes ge efjbie (p. 1-=>) ?.   Mbteràb (p. 1-21) ‗ Brrbfque ihf mbteràb buxojobr (p. >-24)


@HWH] @]2>GGW 2.   Gepùsoth gej jàquogh gej jbvbpbrbmrosbs/ jbvbjufetb/jbvbnbrhs (seküf `hgejh) (p. 1-2;) =.   Gepùsoth gej jàquogh ge nrefhs/e`mrbkue (`hgejhs ihf W/@ (ihfg. gia.)) (p. 1-25) y (p. 1-2>)

Gepùsoth gej jàquogh ge nrefhs/e`mrbkue (`hgejhs ihf W/@ (ihfg. ozq.)) (p. 1-25) y (p. 1-2>) fovej ge bieote ge `hthr `hthr (p. 1-1) 9.   ^brojjb ge fovej 7.   Wbpùf ge su`ofostrh ge bieote ge `hthr (p. 1-1) 5.   Wbpùf gej rbgobghr (p. 1->)

4-27   Àfgoie ojustrbgh  

@HWH] C?C 2.   Gepùsoth gej jàquogh gej jbvbpbrbmrosbs/ jbvbjufetb/jbvbnbrhs (seküf `hgejh) (p. 1-2;) Gepùsoth gej renrokerbfte ge `hthr (p. 1->) =.   Gepùsoth gej jàquogh ge nrefhs/e`mrbkue (`hgejhs ihf W/@ (ihfg. gia.)), (p. 1-25) y (p. 1-2>) Gepùsoth gej jàquogh ge nrefhs/e`mrbkue (`hgejhs ihf W/@ (ihfg. ozq.)), (p. 1-25) y (p. 1-2>) 9.   (p. Wbpùf su`ofostrh ge bieote bieote ge `hthr 1-1)ge su`ofostrh ^brojjb ge fovej ge bieote ge `hthr (p. 1-1) 7.   Gepùsoth gej renrokerbfte ge `hthr (p. 1->) 5.   Mbteràb (p. 1-21) >.   Iblb ge nusomjes/nusomjes ge efjbie (p. 1-=>) ;.   Nojtrh gej gepurbghr ge bore (p. 1-=7) FTB2919

Àfgoie ojustrbgh   4-25  


4-2>   Àfgoie ojustrbgh  

2   Yekurogbg Yekurogbg ‗ bsoefths, bsoefths, iofturhfes iofturhfes ge sekurogbg ysekurogbg soste`b ge y soste`b sekurogbg ge sekurogbg supje`eftbroh supje`eftbroh Bsoefths ............................... ............................................................... ................................... ... Bsoefthss gejbfterhs Bsoefth gejbfterhs ..... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... ........... ........... ........ ... Ibjenbithr Ibjenbi thr gej bsoefth (seküf `hgejh)........ `hgejh).............. ........ .. Bsoefths trbserhs trbserhs............................. ................................................ ................... Bphybmrbzhs Bphybm rbzhs (seküf (seküf `hgejh)...... `hgejh)........... ........... ........... .......... ........ ... ]ephsbibmezbs ............................... ....................................................... ........................ Ih`phfeftes Ih`phfe ftes gej gej rephsbibme rephsbibmezbs zbs blustbmj blustbmje..... e......... .... Ih`phfeftes Ih`phfe ftes gej rephsbi rephsbibmezbs bmezbs fh blustbmje... blustbmje..... Ges`hftble ................................ ........................................................ ........................ @hftble ................................ .............................................................. .............................. Bluste.............................. Bluste .............................................................. ................................... ... Iofturhfes ge sekurogbg....................................... sekurogbg.......................................... ... Treibuiohfes ge ush ge jhs iofturhfes ge sekurogbg ............................. ........................................................... .............................. Yekurogbg pbrb foòhs.......................................... @uleres e`mbrbzbgbs e`mbrbzbgbs........................... ......................................... ..............

2-= 2-9 2-9 2-7 2-5 2-5 2-5 2-> 2-> 2-> 2-; 2-;

Tershfbs jesohfbgbs ........................................... ............................. Westokhs Westok hs ge jhs iofturhfes ge sekurogbg sekurogbg.............. ........... ..... ........ .. Iofturhfes ge sekurogbg ge tres pufths ge bfijble............................. bfijble ............................................................. ................................... ... @bftefo`oefth @bftefo` oefth ge jhs iofturhfes iofturhfes ge sekurogbg.... Yoste`b gej pretefshr pretefshr gej iofturùf iofturùf ge sekurogbg...... Yekurogbg pbrb foòhs foòhs............................ ............................................... ...................


2-;; 22-? 2-?

2-24 2-2= 2-29 2-27

Memïs ................................... ................................................................ ............................. Foòhs pequeòhs ............................... ................................................. .................. Foòhs `byhres.................................................... ]equosoths jekbjes............................................... Gosphsotovhs ge suleioùf pbrb foòhs foòhs.......................... .......................... Treibuiohfes ge ush ge gosphsotovhs ge suleioùf pbrb foòhs ................................ ............................................. ............. Gosphsotovhs ufoversbjes ge suleioùf pbrb foòhs ef ej bsoefth gejbfterh gejbfterh y jhs bsoefths trbserhs (Eurhpb)................................................ Yoste`b ge suleioùf suleioùf pbrb foòhs OYHNOQ OYHNOQ ..... .......... ......... .... Bfijble gej gosphsotovh ge suleioùf pbrb foòhs (seküf `hgejh)...................................... `hgejh)................................................... ............. @hftble gej gosphsotovh ge suleioùf pbrb foòhs utojozbfgh OYHNOQ............................................. OYHNOQ................................................ ... @hftble gej gosphsotovh ge suleioùf pbrb foòhs

2-27 2-27 2-25 2-25 2-25

utojozbfgh iofturùf ge sekurogbg toph tres pufths geuf bfijble ....................... ............................................... ........................ Yoste`b ge sekurogbg sekurogbg supje`eftbro supje`eftbrohh (Y]Y) ...... ........... ....... .. Treibuiohfes pbrb ej soste`b ge sekurogbg supje`eftbroh (Y]Y)......................................... (Y]Y)............................................. Yoste`bs ge bormbk supje`eftbrohs ..................... Trhiego`oefth Trhiego `oefth ge repbrbioùf y sustotuioùf ........ .......... ..

2-=> 2-94

2-25 2-2> 2-=4 2-== 2-=9

2-94 2-97 2-9;


BYOEFWHY gefte h nrefbgb mrusib. Bj jomerbr ej respbjgh gej bsoefth, `uïvbjh ge uf jbgh b htrh pbrb ih`prhmbr que estâ mjhquebgh. Iubfgh Iubfg h ej vea veaàiu àiujh jh se est estï ï uto utojoz jozbfg bfgh h pbr pbrb b jje jje-•   vbribrkb vbribrkb,, bse bsekur kure e thg thgb b jb ibr ibrkb kb ihr ihrrei reitb` tb`efef-


Yoïftese erkuogh y moef bphybgh ef ej respbjgh

• •

BG^E]WEFIOB  Fh se geme voblbr ef ej veaàiujh ihf ej respbjgh gej bsoefth reijofbgh. Tuege ser pejokrhsh. Jb ihrreb gej ah`mrh fh estbrâ sotubgb ef ihftbith ihf ej iuerph. Ef ibsh ge biiogefte, phgràb sbjor gespegogh ihftrb ïste y sunror gbòhs ef ej iuejjh h iubjquoer htrh toph ge jesohfes ge ihfsogerbioùf. Wb`moïf phgràb resmbjbr mblh jb pbrte ofnerohr gej iofturùf y sunror o`phrtbftes jesohfes ofterfbs.

iubfgh ej veaà•   Tbrb jb prhteiioùf `âs enoibz iubfgh

iujh estï ef `hvo`oefth, ej bsoefth geme estbr ef phsoi phsoioùf oùf vertoi vertoibj. bj. Yoïft Yoïftese ese soe`p soe`pre re bphybgh ef ej respbjgh gej bsoefth ihf jhs ghs poes ef ej suejh y bluste ihrreitb`efte ej bsoefth. ^eb ‚Treibuiohfes ge ush ge jhs iofturhfes ge sekurogbg‐ `âs bgejbfte ef estb seiioùf.

 Fh bluste ej bsoefth gej ihfguithr `oeftrbs ihfguie. Ej bsoefth phgràb `hverse repeftofb`efte y prhvhibr jb pïrgogb ge ihftrhj gej veaàiujh.

mbjbfiïese subve`ef•   Gespuïs ge blustbrjh, mbjbfiïese te ef ej bsoefth pbrb ih`prhmbr que estâ ih`pjetb`efte mjhquebgh.

 Fufib reijofe ej respbjgh `âs ge jh feiesbroh pbrb seftorse iù`hgh. Jhs iofturhfes ge sekurogbg shf `âs enoibies iubfgh ej pbsb lerh estâ erkuogh y bphybgh ef ej respbjgh. Yo ej bsoefth estâ reijofbgh, bu`eftb ej roeskh ge gesjozbrse mblh ej iofturùf y ge sunror jesohfes.

•   Iubfgh vuejvb b phfer jhs respbjghs ef phsoioùf vertoibj, bsekürese ge que estïf nor`e`efte bsekurbghs ef su phsoioùf hrokofbj. Yo fh estâf nor`e`efte bsekurbghs, jhs pbsblerhs puegef resujtbr aeroghs ef ibsh ge biio-

te pbrb evotbr que se gesjoie h se gespjbie. Fh ihjhque ibrkbs que shmrepbsef jb bjturb ge jhs respbjghs. Yo jb ibrkb fh estâ moef bsekurbgb, puege prhvhibr jesohfes ef ibsh ge biiogefte h nrefbgb mrusib. per` r`ot otb b qu que e fb fbgo goe e vo vobl ble e ef jb zh zhfbge fbge eq equo uo-•   Fh pe pble h ef ej bsoefth trbserh iubfgh estï bmbtogh. Jb utojozbioùf ge esths espbiohs phr pbrte ge pbsblerhs sof jb suleioùf bgeiubgb puege ibusbr jesohfes krbves ef ibsh ge que se prhguzib uf biiogefte h ufb pbrbgb mrusib. T]EIBUIOÙF Iubfgh blu Iubfgh bluste ste jbs phs phsoio oiohfe hfess gej bso bsoeft efth, h, bse bsekükürese ge fh thibr fofkufb poezb que se `uevb pbrb evotbr phsomjes jesohfes y/h gbòhs.

iofturhfes ge sekurogbg y soste`b ge sekurogbg sekurogbg supje`eftbroh 2-=   Yekurogbg ‗ bsoefths, iofturhfes  



BYOEFWHY GEJBFWE]HY Bluste `bfubj gej bsoefth Abiob gejbfte y abiob btrâs<

Wore ge jb pbjbfib l 2 abiob brromb brromb y `bftïfkbjb `bftïfkbjb ef esb phsoioùf `oeftrbs gespjbzb ej bsoefth abiob gejbfte h abiob btrâs abstb jb phsoioùf gesebgb. Yuejte jb pbjbfib pbrb mjhquebr ej bsoefth ef esb phsoioùf. ]eijofbioùf<

Tbrb reijofbr ej respbjgh gej bsoefth, tore y `bftefkb jb pbjbfib l = abio abiobb brromb, brromb, `bftefoefg `bftefoefghh jb pbjbfib ih`pjetb`efte ejevbgb y reijàfese abiob btrâs. Tbrb ejevbr ge fuevh ej respbjgh gej bsoefth, tore y `bftefk `bftefkbb jb pbjbfib abiob brromb, `bftefoef`bftefoefgh jb pbjbfib ih`pjetb`efte ejevbgb y reijàfese abiob gejbfte. @bftefkb jb pbjbfib ih`pjetb`efte ejevbgb `oeftrbs `oeftrbs blustb ej respbjgh gej bsoefth. Jomere jb pbjbfib iubfgh ej respbjgh estï nolh y ef jb phsoioùf ge reijofbioùf gesebgb.

Jb nufioùf ge reijofbioùf per`ote ej bluste gej respbjghh pbr pbjg pbrbb hiup hiupbfte bftess ge gos gostoft tofthh tb` tb`bòh,ofire`e bòh,ofire`efftbfgh jb ih`hgogbg y byugbfgh b ihfsekuor ej `e lhr bluste bl uste gej iofturùf ge sekurogbg, ihfsujte ‚Treibuiohfes ge ush ge jhs iofturhfes ge sekurogbg‐ `âs bgejbfte ef estb seiioùf. Bge`âs, ej respbjgh gej bsoefth puege reijofbrse pbrb per`otor b jhs hiupbftes gesibfsbr iubfgh ej veaàiujh estâ pbrbgh y ef jb phsoioùf T (estbiohfb`oefth) h F (pufth `uerth) ihf ej nrefh ge estbiohfb`oefth bpjoibgh. Ejevbghr gej bsoefth<

Yumb h mble ej ofterrupthr ge bluste l 9 rep repetog etogbs bs veies pbrb blustbr jb bjturb gej bsoefth b jb phsoioùf gesebgb. ]ephsbibmezbs<

@bftefkb pujsbgh ej mhtùf ge mjhqueh l 7 pb pbrb rb ges`hftbr, `hftbr y (seküf ihrresphfgb) blustbr jhs rephsbibmezbs. Tbrb rebjozbr ej bluste ihrreith, ihfsujte ‚]ephsbibmezbs‐ `âs bgejbfte ef estb seiioùf.



•  Ihf ej ofterrupthr ge efiefgogh ef jb phso-

ioùf HF, jb mbteràb puege bkhtbrse so se bitovb ej ibjenbithr gej bsoefth iubfgh ej `hthr fh estâ ef `briab.

•   Evote usbr ej ibjenbithr gej bsoefth gurbfte

`âs toe`ph ge jh que seb feiesbroh, h iubfgh ej bsoefgh fh estâ hiupbgh.

•   Fh ihjhque ef ej bsoefth fbgb que puegb bosjbr ej ibjhr, ih`h ufb `bftb, uf ihlàf, ufb nufgb pbrb ej bsoefth, eti. Ge jh ihftrbroh, ej bsoefth puege shmreibjeftbrse.

ihjhqu hque e hml hmleth ethss gur gurhs hs fo pes pesbgh bghss shm shmre re ej •   Fh ihj bsoefth fo jh bkuleree ihf uf bjnojer h uf hmleth so`ojbr. Esth phgràb prhvhibr gbòhs ef jb ibjenbiioùf gej bsoefth.

Yekurogbg ‗ bsoefths, iofturhfes ge sekurogbg y soste`b ge sekurogbg supje`eftbroh   2-9  

gerrb`bgh shmre ej bsoefth •   Iubjquoer jàquogh gerrb`bgh geme jo`pobrse of`egobtb`efte ihf uf pbòh seih.

Uf ter`hstbth ihftrhjb jb ibjenbiioùf, efiefgoïfghjb y bpbkâfghjb buth`âtoib`efte. Ej ofgoibghr per`bfeierâ efiefgogh efiefgogh `oeftrbs ej ofte-

utojoie kbshjofb, goshjvefte h uf prh•  Fufib guith so`ojbr pbrb jo`pobr ej bsoefth. •  Yo hmservb iubjquoer bveràb h so ej bsoefth fh

rrupthr estï bitovbgh. Iubfgh ej ofterohr gej veaàiujh se abyb ibjeftbgh h iubfgh se gosphf gosphfkb kb b bmbfghfbr ej `os`h, bsekürese ge bpbkbr ej ofterrupthr.

nufiohfb, bpâkuejh y abkb revosbr ej soste`b ef su ihfiesohfbroh FOYYBF h tbjjer iubjonoibgh.


ioùf, vuejvb b mjhquebr ej bsoefth.


Bsekürese soe`pre ge que ej iofturùf ge sekurogbg fh quegb btrbpbgh ef jb pbjbfib ge gesmjhqueh h ef fofkufb htrb pbrte gej veaàiujh.

2. Brrbfque ej `hthr. =. Yejeiiohf Yejeiiohfee ej fovej ge ibjenbiioùf. pujse ej jbgh ‚AO‐ •   Tbrb ufb ibjenbiioùf bjtb, pujse

• •

9. Tbrb gesbitovbr ej ibjenbithr, pujse ej jbgh ‚AO‐ h ‚JH‐ pbrb gevhjver ej ofterrupthr b jb phsoioùf ge fovej. Bsekürese ge que ej ofgoibghr se bpbkb.

2. Bsekürese ge que jhs iofturhfes ge sekurogbg fh se ofterphfef ef ej `eibfos`h ge mjhqueh gej bsoefth.

9. Yo estâ vosomje jb `brib rhlb, ej bsoefth fh se ab mjhque mjh quebgh bgh ihrr ihrreitb eitb`eft `eftee ‗ jome jomere re y, b ihft ihftofub ofub--

Jhs bsoefths se puegef ibjeftbr `egobfte ufhs ibjenbithres ibjenbit hres oftekrb oftekrbghs. ghs. Jhs ofterrup ofterrupthres thres estâf estâfumoumoibghs ef jb ihfshjb ieftrbj (bsoefths gejbfterhs) gejbfterhs) y puegef `bfelbrse ofgepefgoefte`efte.

  Tbrb ufb ibjenbiioùf mblb, pujse ej jbgh ‚JH‐ (mblb) gej ofterrupthr l =.   Ej ofgoibghr se oju`ofbrâ iubfgh se sejeiiohfe jb phsoioùf bjtb h mblb.

Tbrb vhjver b ihjhibr ej bsoefth ef su phsoioùf vertoibj<

=. Jevbfte Jevbfte ej respbjgh gej bsoefth y presoùfejh presoùfejh ihf nor`ezb pbrb mjhquebrjh.

Bsoefth ibjenbitbgh

(bjtb) gej ofterrupthr l 2.

7. Bsekürese Bsekürese ge que ej iofturùf ge sekurogbg estï ihrreitb`efte reihkogh.


Bmbto`oefth Jb ibpbiogbg ge ibrkb gej ih`pbrto`efth ge equopble puege bu`eftbr bmbtoefgh jhs bsoefths trbserhs abiob gejbfte. Tbrb bmbtor ej bsoefth<

2. Bsekürese Bsekürese ge que jhs rephsbibmezbs rephsbibmezbs estâf gemogb`efte kubrgbghs, ihfsujte ‚]ephsbibmezbs‐ `âs bgejbfte ef estb seiioùf. =. Jomere ej mjhqueh gej respbjgh gej bsoefth pujsbfgh ej mjhqueh. 9. Bmbtb ej bsoefth abiob abiob gejbfte.

iofturhfes ge sekurogbg y soste`b ge sekurogbg sekurogbg supje`eftbroh 2-7   Yekurogbg ‗ bsoefths, iofturhfes  


BG^E]WEFIOB Jhs rephsbibmezbs ihfstotuyef uf ih`pje`ef-


2. Bphybmrbzhs gejbfterh l B Jb tbpb ge jb iblb ge ihfshjb puege utojozbrse ih`h bphybmrbzhs. =. Bphybm Bphybmrbzhs rbzhs trbserh trbserh l M Ef ej bsoefth trbserh, tore ge jb pbrte superohr gej bphybmrbzhs y pùfkbjh ef phsoioùf ahrozhftbj.

th pbrb ejTrhphriohfbf resth ge soste`bs ge sekurogbg gej veaàiujh. prhteiioùf ihftrb jesohfes ef geter`ofbghs tophs ge ihjosohfes trbserbs. Bluste ihrrei ihrreitb`ef tb`efte te jhs rephs rephsbibm bibmezbs ezbs ih`h se ges gesiro irome me ef est estb b sei seiioù ioùf. f. Ih` Ih`pru prueme eme que estâf gemogb`efte blustbghs gespuïs ge que htrb pershfb abyb usbgh ej bsoefth. Fh nole fbgb ef jhs aoerrhs ge shphrte gej rephsbibmezbs fo ges`hfte goiahs rephsbibmezbs. Fh utojoie ej bsoefth so ej rephsbibmezbs se ab ges`hftbgh. Yo ej rephsbibmezbs se ab ges`hftbgh, vuejvb b `hftbrjh y blüstejh ihrreitb`efte bftes ge que ej pbsblerh hiupe ej bsoefth. Yo fh se sokuef estbs ofstruiiohfes, jb enoibiob ge jhs rephsbibmezbs puege verse reguiogb. Tuege bu`eftbr ej roeskh ge jesohfes krbves h ofijush jb `uerte ef ibsh ge ihjosoùf.

•  Ej veaàiujh estâ equopbgh ihf rephsbibmezbs.

Ef jhs bso bsoefth efthss gejb gejbfte fterhs,esths rhs,esths shf reku rekujbm jbmjes. jes. Ef jhs bsoefths trbserhs, seküf `hgejh, fh se puegef rekujbr, rekujbr, perh toefef ufb phsoioùf ge bj`biefb`oefth `âs mblb.

•   Bluste ihrreith< ’ Yo shfgej totoph ph re reku kujbm jbmje,bjof je,bjofee ee ej re resp sphs hsbib bib-mezbs ge nhr`b que ej ieftrh ge su hrelb quege bj `os`h fovej bprhxo bprhxo`bgb`ef `bgb`efte te que ej ieftrh gej rephsbibmezbs. ’ Yo jb phsoioù phsoioùff ge sus hrelbs hrelbs estâ estâ büf phr efio`b gej bjofeb`oefth reih`efgbgh, ihjhque ej rephsbibmezbs ef su phsoioùf `âs bjtb. ’ Ef jhs rep rephsbi hsbibme bmezbs zbs fh rek rekujbm ujbmjes,sümbjh jes,sümbjhss gejb ph phso soio ioùf ùf ge mj mjhq hque uehh bf bfte tess gesu us ush. h. Ej bsoefth fh se geme hiupbr so ej rephsbibmezbss se efi zb efiuef ueftr trbb ef jb ph phsoi soioùfge oùfge bj` bj`bi biefb efb-`oefth `âs mblb. ges`hftbgh bgh ej rephsbibmezbs, rephsbibmezbs, bsekü•   Yo se ab ges`hft rese ge que se ab vuejth b `hftbr y mjhquebr ef jb phsoioùf gej bsoefth gesokfbgb bftes ge ofoiobr jb ihfguiioùf.


•   Jhs rephsbibmezbs blustbmjes gosphfef ge `üjtopjes `uesibs ef ej aoerrh ge shphrte pbrb mjhquebrjbs ef jb phsoioùf ge bluste gesebgb.

•  Jhs rephsbibmezbs fh rekujbmjes toefef ufb `uesib üfoib que jhs nolb bj mbstoghr gej bsoefth.


Yekurogbg ‗ bsoefths, iofturhfes ge sekurogbg y soste`b ge sekurogbg supje`eftbroh   2-5  


2. ]ephsbibmezbs ges`hftbmje


=. @üjtopjes `uesibs 9. @bfgh ge mjhqueh 7. Aoerrhs ge ge shphrte



Utojoie ej prhiego`oefth sokuoefte pbrb ges`hftbr ej rephsbibmezbs. 2. Wore abiob brromb gej rephsbibmez rephsbibmezbs bs abstb jb phsoioùf `âs bjtb. FTB2794

=. @bftefk @bftefkbb pujsbgh ej mhtùf ge mjhqueh. mjhqueh. 9. Ges`hft Ges`hftee ej rephsb rephsbibmezbs ibmezbs gej bsoefth. bsoefth.


2. Bjofee jhs aoerrhs ge shphrte gej rephsbibmezbs rephsbibmezbs ihf jhs hronoiohs ef ej bsoefth. Bsekürese ge que ej rephsbibmezbs rephsbibmezbs estâ hroeftb hroeftbgh gh ef jb goreiioùf ihrreitb. ihrreit b. Ej aoerrh ge shphrt shphrtee ihf jb `uesib ge bluste l 2 geme estbr estbr `hftbgh `hftbgh ef ej hronoioh ihf ihf ej mhtùf ge mjhqueh l =.

7. Kubrge ej rephsbibmezbs ihrreitb`efte ef uf

=. @bftefkb pujsbgh ej mhtùf ge mjhqueh y e`pule ej rephsbibmezbs abiob bmblh.

9. @bfgh ge mjhqueh

jukbrveaàiujh. sekurh, ge `hgh que fh se `uevb geftrh gej

9. que Bluste Blu ste ihrreitb eitb`eft `efte e ej ej rephsbi rep hsbibme bmezbs zbs bft bftes es ge ufihrr pbsblerh hiupe bsoefth.

7. Aoerrhs ge ge shphrte

5. ^uejvb b `hftbr y bluste ihrreitb`eft ihrreitb`eftee ej rephsbibmezbs bftes ge que uf pbsblerh hiupe ej bsoefth.

2. ]ephsbibmezbs ges`hftbmje =. Üfoib `uesib

iofturhfes ge sekurogbg y soste`b ge sekurogbg sekurogbg supje`eftbroh 2->   Yekurogbg ‗ bsoefths, iofturhfes  


’   Ef ush< Ej rephsbibmezbs se ejevb y se mjhqueb ef jb `uesib. Estb es jb phsoioùf que geme utojozbrse `oeftrbs ej bsoefth estâ hiupbgh.



Yo jjevb puesth yy estâ blustbgh ihrreitb`efte iofturùf ge sekurogbg seftbgh erkuogh y ejmoef bphybgh yb gh ef ej re resp spbjg bjghh ge gejj bs bsoef oefth th,, jb jbss ph phso somo mojog jogbg bges es ge sunror jesohfes h ofijush `hror ef uf biiogefte y/h jb krbvegbg ge jhs gbòhs se puegef reguior ihfsogerbmje`efte. FOYYBF reih`oefgb efibreiogb`efte que usteg y jhs ge`âs hiupbftes jjevef ej iofturùf ge sekurogbg bmrhiabgh, ofgepefgoefte`efte ge que ej bsoefth jjeve h fh uf bormbk supje`eftbroh ofihrphrbgh.


Tbrb ej rephsbibmezbs blustbmje gejbfterh

Bluste jhs rephsbibmezbs ge nhr`b que ej ieftrh estï bj `os`h fovej que jbs hrelbs. Yo jb phsoioùf ge sus hrelbs estâ büf phr efio`b gej bjofeb`oefth reih`efgbgh, ihjhque ej rephsbibmezbs ef su phsoioùf `âs bjtb.


Tbrb sumor ej rephsbibmezbs, tore ge ïj abiob brromb.


]ephsbibmezbs fh blustbmje

Bsekürese ge que ej rephsbibmezbs estâ sotubgh ef ufb phsoioùf ef jb que ej `bfgh ge mjhqueh quegb efkbfiabgh ef jb `uesib ge jb phsoioùf gej bsoefth gesokfbgb bftes ge ofoiobr jb ihfguiioùf.


Yoïftese erkuogh y moef bphybgh ef ej respbjgh

Jhs rephsbibmezbs rephsbibmezbs ge jhs bsoefths trbserhs toefef shjb`efte ghs phsoiohfes< ’   ]eihkogb< Jb phsoioùf ge reihkogb ihf ej rephsbibmezbs ef jb phsoioùf `âs mblb ihftrb jb pbrte superohr gej respbjgh geme utojozbrse shjb`efte iubfgh ej bsoefth fh estï hiupbgh.


Tbrb mblbrjh, `bftefkb pujsbgh ej mhtùf ge mjhqueh y e`pule ej rephsbibmezbs abiob bmblh.

Yekurogbg ‗ bsoefths, iofturhfes ge sekurogbg y soste`b ge sekurogbg supje`eftbroh   2-;  

Ihjùqu ùquesesoe`p esesoe`pre re ej iof ioftur turùf ùf phrefio` phrefio`b b gej jefkúetb gej iofturùf ge •   Ihj •   Bsekürese ge que jb jefkúetb ah`mrh y shmre ej peiah. Fufib phfkb jb ihrreb getrâs ge jb espbjgb, gemblh gej mrbzh

sekurogbg estâ moef efiblbgb ef jb aemojjb bgeiubgb.

h bjregeghr gej iuejjh. Ej iofturùf geme estbr jelhs ge jb ibrb y gej iuejjh, perh `bftefoïfghse shmre ej ah`mrh.

jjeve ej iofturùf ge sekurogbg ihjhibgh ihjhibgh bj •   Fh revïs rev ïs h ret rethri hriogh ogh.. Esth phg phgràb ràb reg reguio uiorr su ene eneii-

ihjhibrse •   Jb ihrreb ofnerohr gej iofturùf geme ihjhibrse


Yoïftese erkuogh y moef bphybgh ef ej respbjgh

blustbgb ge nhr`b iù`hgb BJ]EGEGH] GE JB TB]WE @ÂY MBLB GE JBY IBGE]BY, FH GE JB IOFWU]B. Yo jb ihrreb ofnerohr gej iofturùf se jjevb ge`bsobgh bjtb puege bu`eftbr ej roeskh ge sunror jesohfes ofterfbs ef ib-

BG^E]WEFIOB Bsekürese ge tefer ef iueftb jbs sokuoeftes bgvertefiobs bj usbr jhs iofturhfes ge sekurogbg. Fh abierjh phgràb bu`eftbr ej roeskh y jb krbvegbg ge jbs jesohfes ef uf biiogefte.

  Ibgb pershfb que ihfguie h voblb ef este veaàiujh geme utojozbr uf iofturùf ge sekurogbg ef thgh `h`efth. Jhs foòhs gemef or seftbghs ef ej bsoefth trbserh ihrreitb`efte suleths y, sopbrb ihrresphfge, ef uf gosphsotovh ge suleioùf foòhs.

•  Ej iofturùf ge sekurogbg geme ihjhibrse ih-

rreitb`efte pbrb uf `elhr bluste. Ge jh ihftrbroh se reguiorâ jb eneitovogbg gej soste`b ge sekurogbg efterh y bu`eftbrâf jbs phsomojogbges ge sunror jesohfes h jb krbvegbg ge estbs ef ibsh ge biiogefte. Tuegef prhguiorse jesohfes krbves h `hrtbjes so ej iofturùf ge sekurogbg fh se ihjhib bgeiubgb`efte.

sh ge biiogefte.

goseòbghs •   Jhs iofturhfes ge sekurogbg estâf goseòbghs pbrb ihjhibrjhs shmre jb estruiturb ùseb gej iuerph y gemef phferse iruzbghs shmre jb pbrte gejbfterb ge jb pejvos, h shmre jb pejvos, ej peiah y jhs ah`mrhs. Geme evotbrse ihjhibr jb ihrreb gej iofturùf shmre jb zhfb bmgh`ofbj.

•  Ej usubroh fh geme `hgonoibr fo bòbgor fbgb que o`pogb que jhsih gosphsotovhs gepogb bluste ioft io ftur urùf ùf te tefs fsef ef jb ihrre rreb, b, h qu que e o` o`po gb qu que egej ej ihflufth gej iofturùf ge sekurogbg se puegb blustbr pbrb tefsbr jb ihrreb.

•  Jhs iofturhfes ge sekurogbg gemef blustbrse


•   Fh per`otb que vbrobs pershfbs utojoief ej `os`h iofturùf ge sekurogbg.

•  Fh jjeve fufib `âs pbsblerhs ef ej veaàiujh

ge jhs que puegbf jjevbr iofturùf ge sekurogbg.

iofturùf geme utojozbrjh uf üfoih hiu•  Ibgb pbfte3 es pejokrhsh phfer uf iofturùf bjregeghr ge uf foòh que vbyb ef mrbzhs ge uf hiupbfte.

•   Yo ej testokh gej iofturùf ge sekurogbg se efioefge ihfstbfte`efte iubfgh ej ofterrupthr ge efiefgogh estâ ef phsoioùf HF ihf thgbs jb puertbs ierrbgbs y thghs jhs iofturhfes ge sekurogbg bmrhiabghs, puege estbr ofgoibf-

gh ufb bveràb ef ej hsoste`b. Biugb b uf ihfiesohfbroh FOYYBF tbjjer iubjonoibgh pbrb jb revosoùf gej soste`b.

•  Fh se gemef rebjozbr ib`mohs ef ej soste`b

bj `âxo`h, `bftefoefgh jb ih`hgogbg, pbrb bsà prh prhphr phrioh iohfbr fbr jb prh prhtei teiioù ioùf f pbr pbrb b jb que abf sogh goseòbghs. Uf iofturùf njhlh reguie ihfsogerbmje`efte jb prhteiioùf ge quoef jh jje-

ge jhs iofturhfes ge sekurogbg. Thr ele`pjh, fh `hgonoque ej iofturùf ge sekurogbg, bòbgb `bterobj `bter obj h `hfte gosphsotovhs gosphsotovhs que puegb puegbf f ib`mobr jb ihjhibioùf h jb tefsoùf gej iofturùf. Yo jh abie, phgràb bneitbr ej nufiohfb-


`oefth gej soste`b ge jhs iofturhfes ge se-

iofturhfes ge sekurogbg y soste`b ge sekurogbg sekurogbg supje`eftbroh 2-1   Yekurogbg ‗ bsoefths, iofturhfes  

kurogbg. Jb `hgonoibioùf h jb `bfopujbioùf gej soste`b ge jhs iofturhfes ge sekurogbg puege ibusbr jesohfes krbves.

  Ej pre pretef tefshr shr gej iofturùf iofturùf ge sek sekuro urogbg gbg fh puege vhjver b utojozbrse gespuïs ge abmerse bitovb bit ovbgh gh y gem geme e sus sustot totuor uorse se luf lufth th ihfej ret retrbi rbi-thr. Ihfsujte ihf uf ihfiesohfbroh FOYYBF h tbjjer iubjonoibgh.

•  Ej `hftble y ges`hftble gej soste`b gej iof-

turùf ge sekurogbg ihf pretefshr geme rebjozbrse ef uf ihfiesohfbroh FOYYBF h tbjjer iubjonoibgh.

ibfte. Yustotuyb jhs gosphsotovhs ge suleioùf pbrb foòhs ef ibsh ge estbr gbòbghs.

•  Es feiesbroh sustotuor thgh ej ihflufth ge jhs iofturhfes que se jjevbmbf puesths gurbfte ufb ihjosoùf krbve, bufque jhs gbòhs ef goiah ihflufth fh sebf evogeftes.

bibfte su veaàiujh y sekuoryjbs ofstruiiohfes gej nbmropbrb su `hftble ush.

iuogbgh ge fh efsui efsuiobr obr jb ih•   Aby que tefer iuogbgh

Jhs foòhs que shf ge`bsobgh krbfges pbrb soste`bs ge suleioùf pbrb foòhs gemef seftbrse seftbrse y ihjhibrse jhs iofturhfes ge sekurogbg gej veaàiujh.

rreb ihf bmrojjbftbghres, bieotes, prhguiths quà`oihs y, ef espeiobj, ihf âiogh ge jb mbteràb. Ye puege jo`pobr ihf lbmùf subve y bkub. Ye geme sustotuor ej iofturùf so jb ihrreb estâ gesaojbiabgb, suiob h gbòbgb.

jhs ihflufths ge jhs iofturhfes ge seYEKU]OGBG TB]B FOÒHY •   Whghs kurogbg, kurog bg, ofij ofijuoghs uoghs jhs retrb retrbithre ithress y ge`â ge`âss

•  Wrbs ufb ihjosoùf, gemef revosbrse thghs jhs

gosphsotovhs ge suleioùf pbrb foòhs y ih`phfeftes rejbiohfbghs. Tbrb jb ofspeiioùf y jb sustotuioùf gej gosphsotovh, sokb soe`pre jbs ofstruiiohfes y reih`efgbiohfes gej nbmro-


Yo jb phsoioùf gej foòh ef ej bsoefth abie que jb ihrreb estï `uy ierib ge jb ibrb h gej iuejjh, utojoie uf bsoefth ejevbghr efbghr ej r`eribgh) quer je byug byuge e b evo evotbrj tbrjh. h. Ej(gosphfomje bsoefth bsoe fth ejev ejevbgh gemee jev gem jevbftb bftbr bj foòh ge `bferb que jb ihrreb gej ah`mrh iruie ihrreitb`efte jb pbrte `egob superohr gej ah`mrh y jb ihrr ihrreb eb ofn ofneroh erohrr se sotü sotüee shm shmre re jbs ibg ibgerbs erbs.. Ej bso bsoefefth ejevbghr geme efiblbr ef ej bsoefth gej veaàiujh. Iubfgh ej foòh abyb ireiogh y jb ihrreb fh je rhie jb ibr ibrbb fo ej iu iuejj ejjh, h, ph phgr grââ ut utojo ojozb zbrr ej io ioftu fturùfge rùfge se seku ku-rogbg sof ej bsoefth ejevbghr.

ih`phfeftes, gemef revosbrse ef uf ihfiesohfbroh FOYYBF h tbjjer iubjonoibgh trbs iubjquoer ihjosoùf. FOYYBF reih`oefgb jb sustotuioùf ge thghs jhs ihflufths ge jhs iofturhfes ge sek sekuro urogbgque gbgque est estbmb bmbf f usâ usâfgh fghse se ef ej `h`efth ge jb ihjosoùf, b `efhs que goiab ihjosoùf nuerb ge phib o`phrtbfiob y jhs iofturhfes fh tefkbf seòbjes ge gbòhs y sokbf nufiohfbfgh ihrreitb`efte. Jhs iofturhfes ge sekurogbg que fh se utojozbrhf ef jb ihjosoùf tb`moïf tb`mo ïf gemefrevosbrsey sustot sustotuorseso uorseso `uestrbf gbòhs h uf nufiohfb`oefth ofihrreith.

que iubfgh vbf ef ej bsoefth gejbfterh. ^eb ‚Gosphsotovhs ge suleioùf pbrb foòhs‐ `âs bgejbfte ef estb seiioùf. Geme ejekor uf soste`b que se bgbpte


Memïs h foòhs pequeòhs FOYYBF reih`oefgb que jhs foòhs pequeòhs h memïs vbybf seftbghs ef uf gosphsotovh ge suleioùf pbrb foòhs ef jhs bsoefths trbserhs, so se gosphfe ge ïj. Yeküf jbs estbgàstoibs estbgàstoibs shmre biiogeftes, jhs foòhs estâf `âs sekurhs iubfgh vbf ef ej bsoefth trbserh ihf uf gosphsotovh ge suleioùf bgeiubgh

BG^E]WEFIOB Fufib per`otb que jhs foòhs se phfkbf ge poe h ge rhgojjbs ef ej bsoefth fo que vbybf ef jbs zhfbs ge ibrkb `oeftrbs ej veaàiujh estï ef `hvo`oefth.

@ULE]EY E@MB]B\BGBY FOYYBF reih`oefgb que jbs `uleres e`mbrbzbgbs utojoief ej iofturùf ge sekurogbg. Jb ihrreb gej iofturùf geme ihjhibrse blustbgb ge nhr`b iù`hgb y soe`pre jh `âs mblb phsomje bjregeghr ge jbs ibge-

Yekurogbg ‗ bsoefths, iofturhfes ge sekurogbg y soste`b ge sekurogbg supje`eftbroh   2-?  

sà`mhjh bpjoibmje sà`mhjh bpjoibmje bj bsoefth que fh tefkb bmrhiabgh ej iofturùf ge sekurogbg gurbfte htrhs 95 sekufghs.

rbs, fh ge jb iofturb. Ihjùquese ej iofturùf phr efio`b gej ah`mrh y shmre ej peiah. Fufib ihjhque jb ihrreb ge ibgerb/ah`mrh shmre jb zhfb bm-

Gepefgoefgh ge jbs espeionoibiohfes gej veaàiujh ej testokh gej iofturùf ge sekurogbg, sotubgh ef ej ihftrhj gej tbmjerh ge ofstru`efths<

gh`ofbj. Ihfsujteespeiànoibs. ihf su `ïgoih pbrb que je gï reih`efgbiohfes

shjb`efte bj ihfguithr ge que su ioftu  Ej testokh gej iofturùf ge sekurogbg gej pbsbpbsb•   Bvosbrâ rùfge sek sekuro urogb gbgg fh se ab bm bmrhi rhiabg abghh ge `bf `bferb erb •  lerh gejbfterh fh se efiefgerâ so ej bsoefth



FOYYBF reih`oefgb que jbs pershfbs jesohfbgbs utojoief ej iofturùf ge sekurogbg, gepefgoefgh gej toph ge jesoùf. Ihfsujte ihf su `ïgoih pbrb que je gï reih`efgbiohfes espeiànoibs.


•   Bvosbrâ bj ihfguithr y/h bj pbsblerh gejbfterh so •   Yuefb ufb seòbj biüstoib b `efhs que ej iofej iofturùf ge sekurogbg fh se ab bmrhiabgh ihrreitb`efte.

Tbsblerhs trbserhs Ej test testokh okh gej ioft iofturùf urùf ge sek sekurog urogbg bg gej pbs pbsbler blerhh trb trb-serh (seküf `hgejh) l 2 bpbreie ef jb pbftbjjb pbftbjjb ge ofnhr`bioùf gej veaàiujh, ihfsujte ‚Tbftbjjb ge ofnhr`bioùf gej veaàiujh‐ ef jb seiioùf ‚=. Ofstru`efths y ihftrhjes‐. Ej testokh gej iofturùf gej sekurogbg bvosb bj ihfguithr y/h pbsblerh gejbfterh gejbfterh so uf iofturùf ge sekurogbg (trbserh) fh estâ ihrreitb`efte bmrhiabgh. Ej testokh gej iofturùf ge sekurogbg `uestrb uf iàriujh rejjefh bj phfer ej ofterru ofterrupthr pthr ge efiefgogh


Ihfguithr y pbsblerh gejbfterh Jhs testokhs gej iofturùf ge sekurogbg l 2 , sotubghs ef ej tbmjerh ge ofstru`efths, se efiefgerâf so ej ihfguithr y/h ej pbsblerh gejbfterh fh se abf bmrhiabgh ej iofturùf ge sekurogbg. ^eb ‚Westokhs, ofgoibghres y seòbjes biüstoibs‐ ef jb seiioùf ‚=. Ofstru`efths y ihftrhjes‐ pbrb hmtefer `âs getbjjes.

fh estâ hiupbgh.

ef phsoioùf HF y uf iàriujh vbiàh iubfgh ej iofturùf ge sekurogbg ihrresphfgoefte se ab bmrhiabgh ihrreitb`efte, h bprhxo`bgb`efte 95 sekufghs trbs brrbfibr ej `hthr, h moef iubfgh ej ihfguithr pujsb ej `bfgh ge ihftrhj gej vhjbfte ge goreiioùf :EFWE]6 (seküf `hgejh). FHWB iof•   Yo se prhguie uf ib`moh ef ej estbgh gej iof-

turùf ge sekurogbg trbserh `oeftrbs estï utojozbfg joz bfgh h su vea veaàiu àiujh, jh, se efi efiefg efgerâ erâ ge fue fuevh vh ej

turùf ge sekurogbg gej pbsblerh gejbfterh estï bmrhiabgh ge `bferb sekurb iubfgh ej veaàiujh shmrepbsb jb vejhiogbg ge =5 c`/a (25 `pa). Jb seòbj biüstoib se getefgrâ ef bprhxo`bgb`efte ?4 sekufghs.


•  Fh se geme voblbr ef ej veaàiujh ihf ej respbjgh gej bsoefth reijofbgh. Tuege ser pejokrhsh. Jb ihrreb gej ah`mrh fh estbrâ sotubgb ef ihftbith ihf ej iuerph. Ef ibsh ge

biiogefte, phgràb gespegogh ihftrb ïste y sunror gbòhs ef sbjor ej iuejjh h iubjquoer htrh toph ge jesohfes ge ihfsogerbioùf. Wb`moïf phgràb resmbjbr mblh jb pbrte ofnerohr gej iofturùf y sunror o`phrtbftes jesohfes ofterfbs. iubfgh ej veaà•   Tbrb jb prhteiioùf `âs enoibz iubfgh

iujh estï ef `hvo`oefth, ej bsoefth geme estbr ef phsoi phsoioùf oùf vertoi vertoibj. bj. Yoïft Yoïftese ese soe`p soe`pre re bphybgh ef ej respbjgh gej bsoefth ihf jhs ghs poes ej suejh y bluste ej iofturùf ge sekurogbgef bgeiubgb`efte.

iofturhfes ge sekurogbg y soste`b ge sekurogbg sekurogbg supje`eftbroh 2-24   Yekurogbg ‗ bsoefths, iofturhfes  

Tbrb bmrhiabr jhs iofturhfes ge sekurogbg

9. Ihjhque jb ihrreb ofnerohr ofnerohr gej iofturùf blustbgb y mblb shmre jbs ibgerbs , ih`h se `uestrb ef jb ojustrbioùf

Tbrb gesbmrhiabr jhs iofturhfes ge sekurogbg

2. `efte Bluste ef ej bsoefth. (Ihfsujte ‚Bsoefths‐ ‚Bsoefths‐ bfterohrestb seiioùf). =. Wore jeftb`efte gej iofturùf ge sekurogbg pbrb sbibrjh gej retrbithr e ofserte jb jefkúetb ef jb aemojjb abstb que hokb y fhte que ej ioerre ab efiblbgh.

YYY49=>\ YYY4=?4\

7. Wore ge jb ihrreb gej ah`mrh abiob ej retrbithr pbrb tefsbrjb. Bsekürese ge que jb ihrreb gej ah`mrh gej iofturùf pbsb phr efio`b gej ah`mrh y shmre ej peiah. YYY4=?=\

pbrb mjhquebrse •   Ej retrbithr estâ goseòbgh pbrb ef nrefbgbsge mrusibs h o`pbiths. Yo seïste torb jeftb`efte jb ihrreb gej iofturùf, se `hverâ y je per`otorâ tefer ioertb jomertbg ge `hvo`oefth ef ej bsoefth. pueg ege e ex extr trbe berr ej io ioft ftur urùf ùf ge se seku ku-•   Yo fh se pu rogbg iubfgh estâ thtbj`efte retrbàgh, tore ge jb ihrreb ihf nuerzb pbrb jomerbrjh. B ihftofubioùf, tore ge jb ihrreb ihf subvogbg pbrb sbibrjb gej retrbithr.

Tbrb gesbmrhiabr ej iofturùf ge sekurogbg, pujse ej mhtùf ge jb aemojjb. Ej iofturùf ge sekurogbg se reihke buth`âtoib`efte.

Ih`prhmbioùf gej nufiohfb`oefth ge jhs iofturhfes ge sekurogbg Jhs retrbithres gej iofturùf ge sekurogbg estâf goseòbghs pbrb mjhquebr ej `hvo`oefth gej iofturùf ef ghs ioriufstbfiobs gonereftes<  Iubfgh se sbib râpogb`efte jb ihrreb gej retrbithr.

reguie râpogb`efte râpogb`efte jb vejh•   Iubfgh ej veaàiujh reguie iogbg.

Tbrb bu`eftbr su ihfnobfzb ef jhs iofturhfes ge sekurogbg, jjeve b ibmh jb sokuoefte ih`prhmbioùf<

  Bkbrre jb ihrreb gej ah`mrh y tore ge ejjb mrusib`efte abiob gejbfte. Ej retrbit retrbithr hr gemerâ mjhquebrse y evotbr ej `hvo`oefth ge jb ihrreb.

Yekurogbg ‗ bsoefths, iofturhfes ge sekurogbg y soste`b ge sekurogbg supje`eftbroh   2-22  

Yo ej retrbithr fh se mjhqueb gurbfte goiab ih`prhmbioùf h so toefe gugbs bierib gej nufiohfb`oefth gej iofturùf ge sekurogbg, ihfsujte ihf uf ihfiesohfbroh FOYYBF h tbjjer iubjonoibgh.

Bluste ge jb bjturb ge jb ihrreb gej ah`mrh (seküf `hgejh)


•  Gespuïs gej bluste, suejte ej mhtùf ge bluste y `uevb ej bfijble ge jb ihrreb gej ah`mrh abiob brromb y abiob bmblh pbrb bsekurbrse ge que estâ nolbgh nor`e`efte ef su phsoioùf.

•  Jb bjturb gej bfijble ge jb ihrreb gej ah`mrh

gemerâ blustbrse b jb phsoioùf `âs bgeiubgb pbrb pbr b ust usteg.Ge eg.Ge jh ihf ihftrb trbrohse rohse reg reguio uiorâ râ jb ene eneiitovogbg gej soste`b ge sekurogbg efterh y bu`eftbrâf jbs phsomojogbges ge sunror jesohfes h jb krbvegbg ge estbs ef ibsh ge biiogefte.

Ieftrh gej bsoefth trbserh

@BFWEFO@OEFWH GE JHY @BFWEFO@OEFWH IOFWU]HFEY GE YEKU]OGBG jo`pobrufjblbmùf ihrreb gej hiofturùf sekurogbg, utojoie subve iubjquoergeprhguith •  Tbrb reih`efgbgh pbrb jo`pobr tbpoieràbs h bjnh`-

mrbs. B ihftofubioùf, jà`poejbs ihf uf pbòh y gele que jhs iofturhfes ge sekurogbg se sequef b jb sh`mrb. Fh per`otb que jhs iofturhfes ge sekurogbg se reihlbf abstb que fh estïf ih`pjetb`efte seihs.

•   Yo jb suioegbg se biu`ujb ef jb kuàb ge jb

ihrreb gej ah`mrh  ge jhs bfijbles gej iofturùf

ge sekurogbg, ej iofturùf puege reihkerse `âs gespbioh. Jo`poe jb kuàb ihf uf pbòh jo`poh y seih.

•  ]evose peroùgoib`efte ej iofturùf ge sekuro-


gbg y sus ih` ih`phf phfeft eftes es `et `etâjo âjoihs ihs,, ih`h aem aemo-o-

Jb bjt bjtur urbb ge gejj bf bfijb ijble le ge jb ih ihrre rrebb ge gejj ah ah`m `mrh rh ge geme merâ râ blustbrse b jb phsoioùf `âs bgeiubgb pbrb usteg. (Ihfsujtee ‚Treibuiohfes ge ush ge jhs iofturhfes (Ihfsujt ge sekurogbg‐ bfterohr`efte ef estb seiioùf). Tbrb ej bluste, tore gej mhtùf ge bluste l 2 y, b ihfihftofubioùf, `uevb (gesjoie) jb ihrreb gej ah`mrh abiob brromb h abiob bmblh b jb phsoioùf gesebgb l =, ge `hgh que jb ihrreb pbse phr ej ieftrh gej ah`mrh. mr h. Ej io ioftu fturùfgemeestb rùfgemeestbrr je jelhsge lhsge jb ibr ibrbb y ge gejj iue iue-jjh, perh `bftefoïfghse shmre ej ah`mrh. Yuejte ej mhtùf ge bluste pbrb mjhquebr ej bfijble ge jb ihrreb gej ah`mrh ef su phsoioùf.


Yejeiioùf ge jb aemojjb gej iofturùf ge sekurogbg ihrreitb<

Jb aemojjb gej iofturùf ge sekurogbg ieftrbj se ogeftonoib `egobfte jb `brib IEFWE] l B . Jb jefkúetb gej iofturùf ieftrbj shjh se geme bmrhiabr ef jb aemojjb gej iofturùf ge sekurogbg ieftrbj.

jjbs, jefkúetbs, retrbithres, bjb`mres njexomjes y bfijbles, pbrb ih`prhmbr que nufiohfbf ihrreitb`efte. Yo efiueftrb poezbs suejtbs, geterohrbgbs h so jbs ihrrebs preseftbf ihrtes h estâf gbòbgbs, gemerâ sustotuor thgh ej ihflufth gej iofturùf ge sekurogbg.

iofturhfes ge sekurogbg y soste`b ge sekurogbg sekurogbg supje`eftbroh 2-2=   Yekurogbg ‗ bsoefths, iofturhfes  


•   Ej iofturùf ge sekurogbg ihf pretefshr fh

uf ihfiesohfbroh buthrozbgh FOYYBF h tbjjer iubjonoibg iubjo noibgh. h. Jhs prhie prhiego`oe go`oefths fths ihrre ihrreiths iths pbrb ej geseiah ge jhs pretefshres se expjoibf

tb`efte. Yo se prhguie bjkufb ge jbs sokuoeftes ioriufstbfiobs, iufstbfi obs, ej bormbk y/h ej iofturùf ge sekurog sekurogbg bg ihf pretefshr feiesotbrâf ufb revosoùf phr jh que

puege vhjver b utojozbrse gespuïs ge abmerse bitovbgh. Geme sustotuorse lufth ihf ej retrbithr ih`h uf ihflufth.

ef `bfubj ge tbjjer FOYYBF bgeiubgh. Yekuorejuf prhiego`oefth ofihrreith pbrb geseiabrjh puege ibusbr jesohfes.

gem gemerâ jjevbr jjev br ej vea veaàiuj àiujh h bj ihfi ihfiesoh esohfbro fbrohh FOY FOYYBF YBF h tbjjererâ iubjonoibgh `âs ieribfh.

efvuejth jth ef ufb ihjosoùf •   Yo ej veaàiujh se ve efvue

Ej soste`b ge iofturhfes ge sekurogbg gejbfterhs ihf pretefshres se bitovb lufth ihf ej soste`b gej bormbk gejbfterh. Esth byugb b tefsbr ej iofturùf iubfgh ej veaàiujh se ve efvuejth ef ioerth toph ge ihjosohfes,, suletbfgh b jhs hiupbftes ge jhs bsoefihjosohfes ths krbiobs bj retrbithr gej iofturùf ge sekurogbg.


nrhftbj perh fh se bitovb ej pretefshr, abkb revosbr ej soste`b y, so es feiesbroh, sustotüybjh ef su ihfiesohfbroh FOYYBF h tbjjer iubjonoibgh.

•   Fh se gemef rebjozbr ib`mohs sof buthrozbioùf ef jhs ih`phfeftes h ej ibmjebgh gej soste`b ge iofturhfes ge sekurogbg ihf pretefshres. Ej `htovh es evotbr jb retrbiioùf biiogeftbj ge jhs pretefshres h bveràbs ef ej nufiohfb`oefth gej `os`h. Jb `bfopujbioùf ofgemogb gej soste`b ge iofturhfes ge sekurogbg ihf pretefshres puege ibusbr jesohfes krbves.

•   Whgbs jbs hperbiohfes que gembf rebjozbrse ef ej soste`b ge pretefshres y ef sus bjregeghres gemef jjevbrse b ibmh ef uf ihfiesohfbroh FOYYBF h tbjjer iubjonoibgh. Ej `hftble ge jhs equophs ejïitroihs tb`moïf geme rebjozbrse ef uf ihfie ihfiesohfb sohfbroh roh buthr buthrozbghFOYYBF ozbghFOYYBF h tbjjer iubjonoibgh. Fh se gemef usbr gosphsotovhs ejïitroihs ge pruemb y shfgeh fh buthrozbghs ef ej soste`b ge iofturhfes ge sekurogbg ihf pretefshres. feiesotb geseiabr jhs pretefshres h ges•  Yokubzbr ej veaàiujh, pùfkbse ef ihftbith ihf

Ej pretefshr estâ ofijuogh ef ej retrbithr gej iofturùf ge sekurogbg. Esths iofturhfes ge sekurogbg se utojozbf gej `os`h `hgh que jhs ihfvefioh ihfvefiohfbjes. fbjes. Bge`âs, ej sost Bge`âs, soste`b e`b ge ioft iofturùf urùf ge sek sekurog urogbg bg gej gejbfbfterh ihf pretefshr gej jbgh gej ihfguithr tb`moïf toefe toe fe uf pr pret etefs efshr hr ge ib ibge gerb.Wbft rb.Wbfthh ej pr pret etef efshr shr ge gejj retrbithr retrbit hr ih`h ej pretefshr ge ibgerb hnreief ufb prhteiioùf o`phrtbfte ihftrb jesohfes ef ibsh ge biiogefte y bu`eftbf jbs prestbiohfes ge sekurogbg ge su veaàiujh. Iubfgh se bitovb ej soste`b ge iofturhfes ge sekurogbg ihf pretefshres, se prhguie uf ruogh mbstbfte nuerte y ufb e`osoùf ge au`h. Este au`h es ofhnefsovh, sof e`mbrkh, evote ofabjbrjh phrque puege prhguior orrotbioùf y bsnoxob. Iubfgh ej ofterrupthr ge efiefgogh estâ ef phsoioùf HF h YWB]W, ej testokh gej bormbk gej soste`b ge sekurogbg supje`eftbroh supje`eftbroh (Y]Y) se efioefge. Ej testokh gej bormbk gej Y]Y se bpbkb trbs bprhxo`bgb`efte ; sekufghs, so ej soste`b nufiohfb ihrrei-

•  Ej testokh gej bormbk ihftofüb efiefgogh trbs ; sekufghs bprhxo`bgb`efte.

•  Ej testokh gej bormbk pbrpbgeb ofter`otefte`efte.

bormbk fh se efioefge. •   Ej testokh gej bormbk B fh ser que se revosef y repbref, ej soste`b ge sekurogbg supje`eftbroh (Y]Y) y/h ej iofturùf ge sekurogbg ihf pretefshr puegef fh nufiohfbr ihrreitb`efte. Geme revosbrse y repbrbrse. Yo vefge su veaàiujh, ofnhr`e bj ih`prbghr shmre ej soste`b ge iofturhfes ge sekurog sekurogbg bg ihf pretefs pretefshhres e ofgàqueje jbs seiiohfes ihrresphfgoeftes ef este `bfubj gej ihfguithr.

Yekurogbg ‗ bsoefths, iofturhfes ge sekurogbg y soste`b ge sekurogbg supje`eftbroh   2-29  

YEKU]OGBG TB]B FOÒHY Geme tefer ef iueftb que jhs foòhs preiosbf ufb prhteiioùf espeiobj.

sobgh ierib ge jb ibrb h ej iuejjh. Jb ihrreb gej rekbzh puege fh blustbrse ihrreitb`efte shmre sus pequeòbs ibgerbs. Ef ibsh ge biiogefte, uf

sotovh ge suleioùf pbrb foòhs que se bgbpte b su veaàiujh y sekuor jbs ofstruiiohfes gej nbmroibfte pbrb su `hftble y ush.

Bpbrte ge jb ofnhr`bioùf keferbj que se prhphriohfb ef este `bfubj, puege hmtefer ofnhr`bioùf rejbtovbb b jb sekurogbg pbrb foòhs b trbvïs ge goverrejbtov sbs nueftes, ih`h `ïgoihs, `bestrhs, ofstotuiohfes kumerfb`eftbjes pbrb jb sekurogbg vobj y eftogbges shiobjes. Jbs ibrbiteràstoibs ge ibgb foòh vbràbf ihfsogerbmje`efte3 ejolb ej `ïthgh que `elhr se bgbpte b sus feiesogbges.

ioftu iofturùf rùfibusbr ge sekur sekurogbg ogbg krbves nolbgh nolbg h eofih ofihrreitb rreitb`efte `efte puege jesohfes ofijush `hrtbjes. Utojoie soe`pre uf gosphsotovh ge suleioùf pbrb foòhs bgeiubgh.


Trofiopbj`efte, exostef ghs tophs ge gosphsotovhs ge suleioùf pbrb foòhs<

tefer ofnhr`bioùf bgoiohfbj.

Es feiesbroh que vbybf ihrreitb`efte suleths.

•  Gosphsotovhs ge suleioùf pbrb foòhs hroeftbghs abiob btrâs

•  Gosphsotovhs ge suleioùf pbrb foòhs hroeftbghs abiob gejbfte

Jb sul suleioù eioùff bge bgeiubg iubgbb gep gepefg efgee gej tb` tb`bòh bòh gej foòh foòh.. Keferbj`efte, Keferbj` efte, jhs memïs (ge abstb 2 bòh y `efhs ge ? ck) gemef or seftbghs ef uf gosphsotovh ge suleioùf hroeftbgh abiob btrâs. Jhs gosphsotovhs gosphsotovhs ge suleioùf hroeftbghs hroeftbghs abiob gejbfte estâf goseòbg goseòbghs hs pbrb foòhs ge bj `efhs 2 bòh que superbf jbs `egogbs estbmjeiogbs pbrb ej ush gej gosphsotovh ge suleioùf hroeftbgh abiob btrâs. BG^E]WEFIOB Jhs foòhs pequeòhs y memïs feiesotbf ufb prhteiioùf teii oùf espei espeiobj.Jhs obj.Jhs ioftu iofturhfesge rhfesge sekuro sekurogbg gbg gej veaàiujh veaài ujh puege puegef f fh resuj resujtbr tbr bgei bgeiubghs ubghs pbrb ejjhs. Jb ihrreb gej ah`mrh puege quegbr ge`b-

Ej gosphsotovh ge suleioùf pbrb foòhs geme or bsekurbgh ef ej veaàiujh `egobfte ej soste`b ge suleioùf pbrb foòhs OYHNOQ h ihf jhs iofturhfes ge sekurogbg gej veaàiujh, ihfsujte ‚Gosphsotovhs ge suleioùf pbrb foòhs‐ `âs bgejbfte ef estb seiioùf pbrb hmFOYYBF reih`oefgb que jhs prebghjesieftes y jhs foòhs vbybf seftbghs ef ej bsoefth trbserh ihrreitb`ef ihrrei tb`efte te sulet suleths. hs. Yeküf jbs estbg estbgàstoi àstoibs bs shmre biiogeftes, biiogeftes, jhs foòhs estâf `âs sekurh sekurhss iubfgh vbf ef ej bsoefth trbserh ihf uf gosphsotovh ge suleioùf bgeiubgh que iubfgh vbf ef ej bsoefth gejbfterh. Esth es espeiobj`efte rejevbfte phrque su veaàiujh iueftb ihf uf soste`b ge sekurogbg supje`eftbroh (soste`b ge bormbk) pbrb ej pbsblerh gejbfterh. (Ihfsujte ‚Yoste`b ge sekurogbg supje`eftbroh (Y]Y)‐ `âs bgejbfte ef estb seiioùf).

MEMÏY Jhs memïs gemef or seftbghs ef uf gosphsotovh ge suleioùf pbrb foòhs hroeftbgh abiob btrâs abstb que tefkbf uf bòh ih`h `àfo`h. Geme ejekor uf gosph-

Jhs foòhs ge `âs ge uf bòh y uf pesh ge bj `efhs ? ck puegef or seftbghs ef uf gosphsotovh ge suleioùf pbrb foòhs hroeftbgh abiob gejbfte. Ihfsujte jbs ofstruiiohfes gej nbmroibfte shmre jb bjturb y pesh `àfo`hs y `âxo`hs reih`efgbghs. Geme ejekor uf gosphsotovh ge suleioùf pbrb foòhs que se bgbpte b su veaàiujh y sekuor jbs ofstruiiohfes gej nbmroibfte pbrb su `hftble y ush.

FOÒHY @B_H]EY Jhs foòhs que shf ge`bsobgh krbfges pbrb jhs gosphsotovhs ge suleioùf pbrb foòhs gemef seftbrse y ihjhibrse jhs iofturhfes ge sekurogbg nbiojotbghs. Yo jb ihrreb gej ah`mrh se efiueftrb ge`bsobgh ierib ge jb ibrb h gej iuejjh gej foòh bj seftbrse, es phsomje utojozbr uf bsoefth ejevbghr (gosphfomje ef ej `eribgh)) que byuge b evotbrjh. Ej bsoefth ejevbghr `eribgh ejevbghr geme jevbftbr foòh ge `bferb que jb ihrreb gej ah`mrh iruie bj ihrreitb`efte jb pbrte `egob superohr gej ah`mrh y jb ihrreb ofnerohr se sotüe shmre jbs ibgerbs ibg erbs.. Ej bsoe bsoefth fth ejev ejevbgh bghrr gem gemee blus blustbr tbrse se bj bsoe bsoeffth gej veaàiujh. Iubfgh ej foòh abyb ireiogh y jb ihrreb fh je rhie jb ibrb fo ej iuejjh, phgrâ utojozbr ej iofturùf ge sekurogbg sof ej bsoefth ejevbghr. Bge`âs, exostef govershs tophs ge soste`bs ge suleioùf pbrb foòhs `byhres que gemef utojozbrse pbrb kbrbftozbr jb `âxo`b prhteiioùf.

iofturhfes ge sekurogbg y soste`b ge sekurogbg sekurogbg supje`eftbroh 2-27   Yekurogbg ‗ bsoefths, iofturhfes  

GOYTHYOWO^HY GE YULEIOÙF TB]B FOÒHY ]ERUOYOWHY JEKBJEY Ih`prueme iuâjes shf jhs requosoths jekbjes ge


ef ej bsoefth trbserh ihf uf gosphsotovh ge suleio sul eioùf ùf bge bgeiub iubgh gh que iub iubfgh fgh vbf ef ej bsoefth gejbfterh. `hftble h ush ofihrreith gej gosphsotovh •  Uf ge suleioùf pbrb foòhs puege bu`eftbr ej

bp bpjoi joibio bioùf ùf hmjokbthroh ef su um umoib oibioù ioùf. f. Threle` Threle`pj h, effoòhs ej ]e ]eofh ofh Ufogh es usbr suleioùf pjh, pbrb ef nufioùf ge jb bjturb y jb egbg, ihfsujte ‚Gosphsotovhs ge suleioùf pbrb foòhs‐ `âs bgejbfte ef estb seiioùfpbrb hmtefer ofnhr`bioùf bgoiohfbj

roeskh ge sunror jesohfes krbves, tbfth pbrb ej foòh ih`h pbrb jhs ge`âs hiupbftes gej veaàiujh.

•   Tbrb ej `hftble y ush gej gosphsotovh, sokb YYY44??\


•  Gurbfte jb `briab gej veaàiujh jhs foòhs pe-

queòhs y memïs gemef or seftbghs ef uf gosphsoto phs otovh vh ge sul suleio eioùf ùf pbr pbrb b foò foòhs hs bge bgeiub iubgh.Jbs gh.Jbs ihfseiuefiobs ge fh utojozbr uf gosphsotovh ge suleioùf pbrb foòhs puegef ser krbves jesohfes e ofijush jb `uerte.

pequeòhs h memïs ef ej •   Fh jjeve fufib foòhs pequeòhs

thgbs jbs ofstruiiohfes gej nbmroibfte. Iubfgh bgquoerb uf gosphsotovh ge suleioùf pbrb foòhs, bsekürese ge sejeiiohfbr ufh que seb ih`pbtomje ihf ej foòh y ej veaàiujh. Tuege que fh seb phsomje `hftbr bgeiubgb`efte bjkufhs gosphsotovhs ge suleioùf pbrb foòhs ef su veaàiujh.

•  Jb goreiioùf gej gosphsotovh ge suleioùf pbrb

foòhs (hroef foòhs (hroeftbgh tbgh abio abiob b gejb gejbfte fte u hroef hroeftbgh tbgh abiob btrâs) gepefge gej toph ge gosphsotovh ge suleioùf pbrb foòhs y gej tb`bòh gej foòh. Ihfsujte jbs ofstruiiohfes gej nbmroibfte gej gosphsotovh ge suleioùf pbrb foòhs pbrb hmtefer `âs getbjjes.

rekbzh. Fo soquoerb ej bgujth `âs nuerte phgràb resostor jb nuerzb ge uf biiogefte krbve. Ej foò foòh h phg phgràb ràb que quegbr gbr btr btrbpb bpbgh gh eft eftre re ej bgu bgujth jth y pbrtes gej veaàiujh. Fufib utojoie ej `os`h iofturùf ge sekurogbg pbrb usteg y ej foòh.

•  Ges`hfte y kubrge IH]]EIWB@EFWE ej re-

•  FOYYBF reih`oefgb que jhs gosphsotovhs ge

•  Jhs respbjghs blustbmjes gemef bgbptbrse bj

suleioùf pbrb foòhs se `hftef ef ej bsoefth trbserh. trbser h. Yeküfjbs estbg estbgàstoi àstoibs bs shmrebiiogeftes, jhs foòhs estâf `âs sekurhs iubfgh vbf

phsbibmezbs ges`hftbgh bftes ge `hftbr ej gosphsotovh ge suleioùf pbrb foòhs, ef jb umoibioùf ge `hftble gej gosphsotovh ge suleioùf pbrb foòhs. gosphsotovh ge suleioùf pbrb foòhs. ^eb ‚@hftble gej gosphsotovh ge suleioùf pbrb foòhs utojozbfgh OYHNOQ‐ `âs bgejbfte ef estb sei-

Yekurogbg ‗ bsoefths, iofturhfes ge sekurogbg y soste`b ge sekurogbg supje`eftbroh   2-25  

ioùf y ‚@hftble gej gosphsotovh ge suleioùf pbrb foòhs utojozbfgh uf iofturùf ge sekurogbg top toph h tre tress puf pufths ths ge bfi bfijbl jble‐ e‐ `âs bge bgejbf jbfte te

bsoefth ghfge •   Yo ej iofturùf ge sekurogbg gej bsoefth

•  Ihjhque bj foòh ef ej gosphsotovh ge suleioùf y

ef estb seiioùf.   Gespuïs ge abmer nolbgh uf uf gosphsotovh ge su leioùf pbrb foòhs, abkb ufb pruemb bftes ge seftbr ef ïj bj foòh. Tresohfe ge uf jbgh b htrh e oftefte gespjbzbrjh abiob gejbfte pbrb ih`prh ih` prhmbr mbr que se `bf `bftoe toefe fe ge `bf `bferb erb sek sekuurb ef su jukbr. Ej gosphsotovh ge suleioùf pbrb foòhs fh geme `hverse `âs ge =5 `` (2 pujk.). Yo ej gosphsotovh ge suleioùf fh es se-

jozb, se puege puegef f prhgu prhguior ior jesohfes gemogbs bj bj gespjbzb`oefth gej gosphsotovh ge suleioùf nrefbr y th`br jbs iurvbs gurbfte jb ihfguiioùf.

pre jhs prhiego`oefths reih`efgbghs.   Ih`prueme que ej gosphsotovh ge suleioùf es ih`pbtomje ih`pbt omje ihf ej soste` soste`bb ge iofturhfe iofturhfess ge sekurogbg gej veaàiujh.

kurh, ej iofturùf tbfthef ih`h feie-y sbroh htefse `hfte ej gosphsotovh htrhseb bsoefth vuejvb b rebjozbr jbs ih`prhmbiohfes.

 Iubfgh fh utojoie ej gosphsotovh ge suleioùf pbrb foòhs, bsekürejh ihf uf soste`b ge su leioùf pbrb foòhs OYHNOQ h ihf uf iofturùf ge sekurogbg pbrb evotbr que sbjkb gespegogh so se prhguie ufb pbrbgb mrusib h uf biiogefte.

`hfte fufib uf gosphsotovh ge suleioùf •  Fh pbrb foòhs hroeftbgh abiob btrâs ef ej bsoefth gej pbsblerh gejbfterh so ej bormbk gej pbsb lerh gejbfterh estâ bitovbgh. Jhs bormbk gejbfterhs supje`eftbrohs se ofnjbf ihf krbf nuerzb. Jhs bormbk gejbfterhs supje`eftbrohs phgràbf khjpebr ej gosphsotovh ge suleioùf pbrb foò foòhs hs hro hroeft eftbgh bgh abi abiob ob btr btrâs âs ef ibs ibsh h ge ihj ihjoosoùf, y ih`h ihfseiuefiob ibusbr jesohfes krbves h ofijush jb `uerte gej foòh.

estâ `hftbgh ej gosphsotovh ge suleioùf pbrb foòhs feiesotb uf ijop ge mjhqueh, y fh se uto-

T]EIBUIOÙF Wefkb presefte que so gelb ej gosphsotovh ge su leioùf geftrh ge uf veaàiujh ierrbgh, puege ibjeftbrse `uiah. Ih`prueme jb supernoioe y jbs aemojjbs gej bsoefth bftes ge ihjhibr bj foòh ef ej gosphsotovh ge suleioùf pbrb foòhs.

FOYYBF reih`oefgb que jhs memïs y foòhs ge ihrtb egbg utojoief gosphsotovhs ge suleioùf pbrb foòhs. Geme ejekor uf gosphsotovh ge suleioùf pbrb foòhs que se bgbpte b su veaàiujh y sekuor jbs ofstruiiohfes gej nbmroibfte pbrb su `hftble y ush. Bge`âs, exostef govershs tophs ge gosphsotovhs ge suleioùf pbrb foòhs `byhres que gemef utojozbrse pbrb kbrbftozbr jb `âxo`b prhteiioùf.

GOYTHYOWO^HY UFO^E]YBJEY GE YULEIOÙF TB]B FOÒHY EF EJ BYOEFWH GEJBFWE]H _ JHY BYOEFWHY W]BYE]HY (Eurhpb) Bj ejekor ufh ge esths gosphsotovhs, tefkb ef iueftb jh sokuoefte<

•  Ejolb uf gosphsotovh ge suleioùf pbrb foòhs que iu`pjb ihf ej üjto`h estâfgbr eurhpeh ge sekurogbg, ]ekjb`efth EIE 77.47.

ih`prueme jhs blustes pbrb ieriohrbrse ge que ih`prueme ej gosphsotovh es ej bgeiubgh pbrb ïj. Yokb soe`-

Ihfsu fsujtjtee jbstbmj jbstbmjbs bs qu quee se hn hnrei reief ef `â `âss bg bgej ejbft bftee •   Ih ef estb seiioùf pbrb jb jostb ge phsoiohfes ge nolbioù nol bioùff reih reih`efg `efgbgb bgbss y gos gosphs phsoto otovhs vhs ge sul suleioù eioùff pbrb foòhs bprhmbghs pbrb su veaàiujh.

Kruph ge `bsb gej bsoefth pbrb foòhs Kruph ge `bsb Tesh gej foòh Kruph 4 Kruph 4+ Kruph O Kruph OO Kruph OOO

abstb 24 ck abstb 29 ck Ge ? b 21 c k Ge 25 b =5 ck Ge == b 9> ck

iofturhfes ge sekurogbg y soste`b ge sekurogbg sekurogbg supje`eftbroh 2-2>   Yekurogbg ‗ bsoefths, iofturhfes  

Ele`pjhs ge tophs ge bsoefths pbrb foòhs<

L^]49;9Q\ L^]49;2Q\

Ibtekhràbs 4 y 4+ ge sekurogbg ge jhs bsoefths pbrb foòhs


Ibtekhràbs 4 y O ge sekurogbg ge jhs bsoefths pbrb foòhs

Ibtekhràbs OO y OOO ge sekurogbg ge jhs bsoefths pbrb foòhs

Yekurogbg ‗ bsoefths, iofturhfes ge sekurogbg y soste`b ge sekurogbg supje`eftbroh   2-2;  

2) @hftble gej gosphsotovh ge suleioùf pbrb foòhs utojozbfgh ej iofturùf ge sekurogbg Ef jb sokuoefte tbmjb ge rekujbioùf se ofgoibf jbs phsoiohfes ge bsoefth ih`pbtomjes ihf jhs iofturhfes ge sekurogbg y gosphsotovhs ge suleioùf pbrb foòhs bprhmbghs ufoversbj`efte. Thsoioùf gej bsoefth*2 Bormbk gej Bormbk gej pbsblerh Kruph ge `bsb Bsoefth trbserh pbsblerhgejbfterh gejbfterh exterohr bitovbgh gesbitovbgh 4 : 24 ck Q J *= U 4+ : 29 ck Q J *= U O ? ’ 21 ck Q J *9 *7 U OOOOO

=2=5 ’’ 9=>5 cckk


JJ **99 **55


Bsoefth trbserh ieftrbj

Yo `hftb uf gosphsotovh ge suleioùf pbrb foòhs ef ej bsoefth gej pbsblerh gejbfterh y htrh ef ej bsoefth trbserh ge getrâs, bluste ej gesjozbghr gej bsoefth (ihfsujte ‚Bsoefths gejbfterhs‐ bfterohr`efte ef estb seiioùf) gej `hgh ihrresphfgoefte pbrb `hftbr jhs gosphs gosphsotovhs otovhs ge suleioùf pbrb foòhs bgeiubgb`efte, ge `hgh que fh exostb ihftbith ihf jbs poerfbs gej foòh y ej ofterohr gej veaàiujh.



Bgeiubgh pbrb jhs gosphsotovh Bgeiubgh gosphsotovhss ge suleioùf ge jb ibtekhràb ibtekhràb ‚ufoversbj‐, ‚ufoversbj‐, hroeftbghs hroeftbghs abiob abiob gejbfte y abiob btrâs, bprhmbghs pbrb este kruph ge `bsb.   Bgeiubgh pbrb jhs gosphsotovhs ge suleioùf ge jb ibtekhràb ‚ufoversbj‐ hroeftbghs abiob gejbfte UN< bprhmbghs pbrb este kruph ge `bsb. Bgeiubgh pbrb geter`ofbghs gosphsotovhs ge suleioùf pbrb foòhs ofijuoghs ef jb pâkofb wem gej J< nbmroibfte gej gosphsotovh ge suleioùf pbrb foòhs h ge jb ibtekhràb ‚se`o-ufoversbj‐. Jbs reih`efgbiohfes ge FOYYBF, so jbs aby, se ofgoibf ef jb tbmjb sokuoefte =). Q< Jb phsoioùf phsoioùf gej bsoefth fh fh es jb bgeiubgb bgeiubgb pbrb pbrb foòhs ef este kruph kruph ge `bsb. *2< Ges`hft Ges`hftee y kubrge IH]]EIWB@EF IH]]EIWB@EFWE WE ej rephsbibmezbs rephsbibmezbs ges`hftbg ges`hftbgh. h. *=< Bluste ej blustbghr blustbghr ge bjturb bjturb gej iofturùf iofturùf ge sekurogbg sekurogbg ef jb phsoioùf `âs mblb. mblb. *9< Bluste ej blustbghr blustbghr ge bjturb bjturb gej iofturùf iofturùf ge sekurogbg sekurogbg ef jb phsoioùf `âs bjtb. bjtb.   Gesjoie ej bsoefth abiob btrâs jh sunoioefte ih`h pbrb kbrbftozbr jb ahjkurb gesge jbs poerfbs gej *7< foòh abstb ej sbjpoibgerh gej veaàiujh.   Bluste ej âfkujh gej respbjgh respbjgh gej bsoefth pbrb pbrb que quege ef uf âfkujh ge 6?4´ respeith bj *5< gosphsotovh ge suleioùf pbrb foòhs (so ihrresphfge).


iofturhfes ge sekurogbg y soste`b ge sekurogbg sekurogbg supje`eftbroh 2-21   Yekurogbg ‗ bsoefths, iofturhfes  

=) Jostb ge gosphsotovhs ge suleioùf pbrb foòhs reih`efgbghs phr FOYYBF, bsekurbghs utojozbfgh iofturhfes ge sekurogbg ge tres pufths ge bfijble Jeb getefogb`efte ej `bfubj ge `hftble que se prhphriohfb ihf ej gosphsotovh ge suleioùf pbrb foòhs. Thsoioùf gej bsoefth Kruph ge `bsb

Bormbk gej pbsblerh gejbfterh  gesbitovbgh Ibrbiteràstoibs gej gosphsotovh ge suleioùf pbrb foòhs


: 24 ck


: 29 ck

@bxo Ihso Ibmrohnox


? ’ 21 ck

]þ`er Cofk Tjus


25 ’ =5 ck

]þ`er CogNox


== ’ 9> ck

]þ`er CogNox

‗ Ihf iofturùf Hroeftbgh abiob btrâs Ihf iofturùf Hroeftbgh abiob gejbfte Ihf iofturùf Hroeftbgh abiob gejbfte Ihf iofturùf Hroeftbgh abiob gejbfte


Bsoe oeft fthh trb rbsserh exter eroohr   Ibrbiteràstoibs gej gosphsotovh ge suleioùf pbrb foòhs ‗ @bxo Ihso Ibmrohnox ]þ`er Guh+ ]þ`er CogNox ]þ`er CogNox


Ihf iofturùf Hroeftbgh abiob btrâs Ihf iofturùf Hroeftbgh abiob gejbfte Ihf iofturùf Hroeftbgh abiob gejbfte Ihf iofturùf Hroeftbgh abiob gejbfte

Bsoef eftth trbse serrh ie iefftrbj Ibrbiteràstoibs gej gosphsotovh ge suleioùf pbrb foòhs ‗ ‗  

Yekurogbg ‗ bsoefths, iofturhfes ge sekurogbg y soste`b ge sekurogbg supje`eftbroh   2-2?  

YOYWE@B GE YULEIOÙF TB]B FOÒHY OYHNOQ 9) @hftble gej gosphsotovh ge suleioùf pbrb foòhs utojozbfgh OYHNOQ Ef jb sokuoefte tbmjb ge rekujbioùf se ofgoibf vbrobs phsoiohfes ge bsoefth bprhmbgbs pbrb jhs gosphsotovhs ge suleioùf pbrb foòhs bprhmbghs ufoversbj OYHNOQ y se`o-ufoversbj OYHNOQ.

Kruph ge `bsb



Wb`bòh   Ijbse  


Bormbk gej pbsblerh gejbfterh bitovbgh

Thsoioùf gej bsoefth*2 Bormbk gej pbsblerh Bsoeft efthh trb trbser serhh ext extero erohr* hr*== gejbfterh gesbitovbgh   Bso

Bsoefth e fth trb trbser serhh ief ieftrb trbjj














: 2 4 ck


OYH/]2 OYH/]2






: 2 9 ck












































? - 21 ck


2 5 - = 5 ck






= = - 9 > ck






Thsoioùf ge bsoefth bsoefth fh fh bgeiubgb bgeiubgb pbrb ej `hftble `hftble ge gosphs gosphsotovhs otovhs ge suleioùf suleioùf pbrb foòhs (I]Y) (I]Y) OYHNOQ OYHNOQ.. Bgeiubghh pbrb I]Y OYHNOQ Bgeiubg OYHNOQ hroeftbghs hroeftbghs abiob gejbfte gejbfte ge jb ibtekhràb ‚ufoversb ‚ufoversbj‐ j‐ bprhmbghs bprhmbghs pbrb este este kruph ge `bsb. Bgeiubghh pbrb geter`ofbg Bgeiubg geter`ofbghs hs I]Y OYHNOQ OYHNOQ ef jb pâkofb pâkofb wem gej gej nbmroibfte nbmroibfte ge I]Y h pbrb pbrb jbs ibtekhràbs ibtekhràbs ‚se`o-ufo ‚se`o-ufoversbj‐ versbj‐.. Jbs reih`efgbiohf reih`efgbiohfes es ge FOYYBF, so jbs aby, se prhphriohfbf ef jb tbmjb 7).

*2< *=<

Ges`hft Ges`hfte kubrge IH]]EIWB@EFW IH]]EI WB@EFWE ej rephsbi rephsbibmezbs ges`hftbgh. ges`hft @uevb ejebsoefth bsyoefth gejb gejbfterh fterh abiob gejbfteE ge gejbfte `bferb bmezbs `bferb que abyb abyb sunoioebgh. sunoioefte fte espbioh espbioh pbrb ej gosphsoto gosphsotovh vh ge suleioùf suleioùf pbrb foòhs foòhs y jbs poerfbs poerfbs gej foòh.

iofturhfes ge sekurogbg y soste`b ge sekurogbg sekurogbg supje`eftbroh 2-=4   Yekurogbg ‗ bsoefths, iofturhfes  

7) Jostb ge gosphsotovhs ge suleioùf pbrb foòhs reih`efgbghs phr FOYYBF, bsekurbghs utojozbfgh OYHNOQ Jeb getefogb`efte ej `bfubj ge `hftble que se prhphriohfb ihf ej gosphsotovh ge suleioùf pbrb foòhs. Thsoioùf gej bsoefth Kruph ge `bsb


: 24 ck


: 29 ck

Bormbk gej pbsblerh gejbfterh  gesbitovbgh Ibrbiteràstoibs gej gosphsotovh ge   suleioùf pbrb foòhs ‗ ‗   ‗ ‗


Bsoefth trbserh exterohr

Ibrbiteràstoibs gej gosphsotovh ge suleioùf pbrb foòhs ‗ ]þ`er MbmyYbne

‗ OYHNOQ y poe ge bphyh

+OYHNOQ mbse

Hroeftbgh abiob btrâs OYHNOQ y ihrreb ge suleioùf superohr Hroeftbgh abiob gejbfte Ihf iofturùf e OYHNOQ Hroeftbgh abiob gejbfte Ihf iofturùf e OYHNOQ


? ’ 21 ck

]þ`er Guh+


25 ’ =5 ck

]þ`er CogNox


== ’ 9> ck

]þ`er CogNox

Hroeftbgh gejbfte abiob

Bsoefth trbserh ieftrbj  

Ibrbiteràstoibs gej gosphsotovh ge suleioùf pbrb foòhs ‗ ‗  

Yekurogbg ‗ bsoefths, iofturhfes ge sekurogbg y soste`b ge sekurogbg supje`eftbroh   2-=2  

ibfhs b jbs veftbfojjbs.  Fh `hfte uf gosphsotovh ge suleioùf pbrb foòhs ef jb phsoioùf ieftrbj utojozbfgh bfijbles OYHNOQ.

Jhs bfijbles OYHNOQ estâf sotubghs ef jb pbrte trbserb gej ihlàf gej bsoefth, ierib gej respbjgh. Jb pbjbmrb pbjb mrb OYH OYHNOQ NOQ ef ibgb ium iumoert oertbb ogef ogefton tonoib oib ge `hg `hghh ijbrh jbs umoibiohfes ge jhs bfijbles OYHNOQ.


Jhibjozbioùf ge jhs pufths ge bfijble OYHNOQ

Jhs pufths ge bfijble OYHNOQ se efiueftrbf mblh iumoertbs etoquetbgbs OYHNOQ, ef jb pbrte ofnerohr ge jhs ihlofes gej bsoefth trbserh. Tbrb biieger b uf pufth ge bfijble OYHNOQ, OYHNOQ, oftrhguzib ej gegh ef jb iumoertb y tore pbrb quotbrjb. T]EIBUIOÙF Kubrge jbs iumoertbs OYHNOQ ges`hftbgbs pbrb evotbr pergerjbs ef bjküf jukbr ef ej que fh se gbòef, phr ele`pjh, ef jb iblb ge ihfshjb, ihfsujte ‚Iblb ge ihfshjb‐ ef jb seiioùf ‚=. Ofstru`efths y ihftrhjes‐.


Jhs gosphsotovhs ge suleioùf OYHNOQ ofijuyef bfijbles ràkoghs que puegef ihfeitbrse b ghsghs bfijbles jhibjozbghs ef ej bsoefth. Ihf este soste`b, usteg fh toefe que utojozb utojozbrr jhs iofturhfe iofturhfess ge sekurogbg ge su veaàiujh pbrb bsekurbr jhs gosphsotovhs ge suleioùf pbrb foòhs. Ih`prueme Ih`prueme que ef su gosphsotovh ge suleioùf pbrb foòhs exostb ufb etoquetb que kbrbftoie que es ih`pbto ih`pbtomje mje ihf ej gosphsotovh ge suleioùf pbrb foòhs OYHNOQ. Es phsomje que tb`moïf efiueftre estb ofnhr`bioùf ef ej `bfubj ge ofstrui ofst ruiiohf iohfes es gej gos gosphs phsoto otovh vh ge sule suleioùf ioùf pbr pbrbb foòh foòhs. s. Jhs gosphsotovhs ge suleioùf pbrb foòhs OYHNOQ requoeref, phr jh keferbj, jb utojozbioùf ge ufb ihrreb ge suleioùf superohr u htrhs gosphsotovhs bfto-rhtbioùf ih`h pbtbs ge shphrte. Iubfgh vbyb b `hftbr ej gosphsotovh ge suleioùf pbrb foòhs OYHNOQ, jeb y sokb bteftb`efte jbs ofstruiiohfes ge este `bfubj y jbs que se prhphriohfbf lufth ihf ej gosphsotovh. (Ihfsujte ‚@hftble gej gosphsotovh ge suleioùf pbrb foòhs ioùf). utojozbfgh OYHNOQ‐ `âs bgejbfte ef estb sei-

Ges`hftble ge jb iumoertb OYHNOQ

Jhibjozbioùf ge jhs pufths ge bfijble ofnerohres OYHNOQ


Yu veaàiujh estâ equopbgh ihf pufths espeiobjes ge bfijble pbrb utojozbr ihf gosphsotovhs ge suleioùf pbrb foòhs OYHNOQ. YYY4>77\

Jhs pufths ge bfijble OYHNOQ se prhphriohfbf pbrb phger `hftbr jhs gosphsotovhs ge suleioùf pbrb foòhs shjb`efte ef jhs bsoefths trbserhs `âs ier-

Yuleiohfes ge bfijble gej gosphsotovh ge suleioùf pbrb foòhs OYHNOQ

Yuleioùf ge bfijble

Yu veaàiujh estâ goseòbgh pbrb bjhlbr gosphsotovhs ge suleioùf pbrb foòhs ef ej bsoefth trbserh. trbserh. Iubfgh vbyb b `hftbr ej gosphsotovh ge suleioùf pbrb foòhs,`bfubj jeb y sokb jbsiohfbf ofstruiiohfes este y jbsbteftb`efte que se prhphr prhphriohfbf lufth ihfge ej gosphsotovh.

iofturhfes ge sekurogbg y soste`b ge sekurogbg sekurogbg supje`eftbroh 2-==   Yekurogbg ‗ bsoefths, iofturhfes  

BG^E]WEFIOB Jhs bfijbles ge suleioùf superohr estâf goseòbghs pbrb resostor shjb`efte bquejjbs ibrkbs sotubgbs ef gosphsotovhs ge suleioùf pbrb foòhs `hftbghs ihrreitb`efte. Mblh fofkufb ioriufstbfiob estâf goseòbghs pbrb ser utojozbghs ih`h iofturhfes ge sekurogbg pbrb bgujths, brfeses h pbrb bsekurbr htrhs eje`efths h equopb`oefth bj veaàiujh.



•   Nole jhs gosphsotovhs ge suleioùf pbrb foòhs

OYHNOQ üfoib`efte ef jhs jukbres ofgoibghs. Tbrb hmtefer ofnhr`bioùf shmre jb umoibioùf ge jhs bfij bfijbles bles ofnerohres ofnerohres OYHNO OYHNOQ, Q, ihfsu ihfsujte jte ‚Jhibj ‚Jh ibjozb ozbioù ioùf f ge jhs puf pufths ths ge bfi bfijbl jble e ofn ofnero erohhres OYHNOQ‐ bfterohr`efte ef estb seiioùf. Uf gosphsotovh gosphsotovh ge suleioùf pbrb foòhs `bj `hftbgh phgràb hibsohfbr jesohfes krbves h ofijush jb `uerte ef ibsh ge biiogefte.

suleioùf pbrb foòhs •   Fh `hfte gosphsotovhs ge suleioùf


que requoerbf ej ush ge ufb ihrreb ge suleioùf superohr pbrb jbs phsoiohfes ge bsoefth que fh tefkbf uf bfijble ge suleioùf superohr.

gosphsotov sotovh h ge sulei suleioùf oùf pbrb foòhs •   Fh nole uf gosph

Umoibioùf gej bfijble ge suleioùf superohr Jhs pufths ge bfijble estâf sotubghs ef ej ihlàf gej bsoefth trbs jhs bsoefths trbserhs exterohres.

ef jb phsoioùf ieftrbj gej bsoefth trbserh utojozbfgh jhs bfijbles ofnerohres OYHNOQ. Ej gosphsotovh ge suleioùf fh estbràb bsekurbgh ge `bferb bprhpobgb. Ih`prueme ueme jhs bfij bfijbles bles oftrh oftrhguio guioefgh efgh jhs ge•   Ih`pr ghs ef jb zhfb ge bfijble pbrb bsekurbrse ge que fh exoste fbgb que puegb hmstruor ej gosphsotovh ge bfijble OYHNOQ, ih`h jb ihrreb gej iof ioftur turùf ùf h `bt `btero erobj bj gejihlàf gejbsoef gejbsoefth. th. Ej gosphsotovh ge suleioùf fh estbràb bsekurbgh ge `bferb bprhpobgb so ej gosphsotovh ge bfijble OYHNOQ estuvoese hmstruogh.

•  Jhs bfijbles gej gosphsotovh ge suleioùf pbrb

foòhs estâf goseòbghs pbrb resostor shjb`efte bqu bquejj ejjbs bs ib ibrkb rkbss sot sotubg ubgbs bs ef gos gosphs phsoto otovhs vhs ge suleioùf pbrb foòhs `hftbghs ihrreitb`efte. Mblh fofkufb ioriufstbfiob estâf goseòbghs pbrb ser utojozbghs ih`h iofturhfes ge sekurogbg pbrb bgujths, brfeses h pbrb bsekurbr htrhs eje`efths h equopb`oefth bj veaàiujh. Thgràb gbòbr jhs bfijbles gej gosphsotovh ge suleioùf pbrb foòhs. Ej gosphsotovh ge suleioùf pbrb foòhs fh se `hftbrâ ihrreitb`efte usbfgh ej bfijble gbòbgh y ej foòh phgràb resujtbr krbve`efte aerogh h `hror ef uf biiogefte.

Yekurogbg ‗ bsoefths, iofturhfes ge sekurogbg y soste`b ge sekurogbg supje`eftbroh   2-=9  

@hftble ef jhs bsoefths exterohres

Bsekürese ge vhjver b `hftbr ej rephsbibmezbs iubfgh abyb ges`hftbgh ej gosphsotovh ge suleioùf pbrb foòhs   (ihfsujte

Hroeftbgh abiob gejbfte<

Bsekürese ge sekuor jbs ofstruiiohfes gej nbmroibfte pbrb usbr ihrreitb`efte su gosphsotovh ge suleioùf pbrb foòhs. Yokb esths pbshs pbrb `hftbr uf gosphsotovh ge suleioùf pbrb foòhs hroeftbgh abiob gejbfte gej bfte ef jhs bsoe bsoefthstrbser fthstrbserhs hs ext exteroh erohres res uto utojozb jozbfgh fgh OYHNOQ<

‚]ephsb ‚]ep hsbib ibme mezb zbs‐ s‐ seiioùf).

bfter bf terohr ohr`e `eft ftee


estbb est


Tbsh >


Tbshs 9, 7 y 5


Tbshs 2 y =

2. Jb pbrte trbserb gej gosphsotovh gosphsotovh ge suleioùf pbrb foòhs bsekurbrse nor`e`efte ihftrb ej respbjgh geme gej bsoefth gej veaàiujh. =. Ges`hfte Ges`hfte ej rephsbib rephsbibmezbs mezbs l = pbrb ihfsekuo ihfsekuorr ej bluste ihrreith gej gosphsotovh ge suleioùf pbrb foòhs. Ufb vez ges`hft ges`hftbgh, bgh, bj`biefe ej rephsbi rephsbibmebmezbs ef uf jukbr sekurh.

9. Ef jb umoibioùf gej gosphsotovh ge suleioùf pbrb foòhs, presohfe jbs aemojjbs gej iofturùf ge sekurogbg ef jb phsoioùf `âs mblb ef jhs espbiohs ge bj`biefb`oefth l 9. Bj `hftbr uf bsoefth ejevbghr usbfgh ej iofturùf ge sekurogbg, bsekürese ge que jb aemojjb gej iofturùf ioft urùf ge sek sekurog urogbg bg usbg usbgbb se sbi sbibb gej esp espbioh bioh ge bj`biefb`oefth bj`biefb`oefth pbrb per`otor ej biiesh tbj y ih`h se `uestrb l 9b. 9b. 7. Ihjhque ej gosphsotovh gosphsotovh ge suleioùf pbrb pbrb foòhs ef ej bsoefth l 7. 5. Bs Bsekur ekuree jbs sule suleiohf iohfes es ge bfij bfijble ble gej gos gosphs phsoto otovh vh ge suleioùf pbrb foòhs b jhs bfijbles ofnerohres OYHNOQ l 5.

>. Bihrte ej bfijble ràkogh pbrb phger bkbrrbr nor`e`efte ej gosphsotovh ge suleioùf pbrb foòhs. Tbrb ih`pro`or ej ihlàf y ej respbjgh gej bsoefth gej veaàiujh,, presohf veaàiujh presohfee nor`e`e nor`e`efte fte abiob bmblh l > y abiob btrâs l > b ef ej ieftrh gej gosphsotovh ge >b suleioùf pbrb foòhs ihf jb rhgojjb. Yo ej go gosp sphs hsoto otovh vh ge su sulei leioùfpbrb oùfpbrb foò foòhs hs est estââ eq equo uo-pbgh ihf ufb ihrreb ge suleioùf superohr, kuoe jb ihrreb b trbvïs gej gosphsotovh ge suleioùf y bsekürejb ef ej pufth ge bfijble ge suleioùf, ihfsujte ‚Bfijble gej gosphsotovh ge suleioùf pbrb foòhs (seküf `hgejh)‐ bfterohr`efte bfterohr`efte ef estb seiioùf. Yo ej go gosp sphs hsoto otovh vh ge su sulei leioùfpbrb oùfpbrb foò foòhs hs est estââ eq equo uo-pbgh ihf htrhs gosphsotovhs bftorrhtbioùf ih`h pbtbs ge shphrte, utojàiejhs ef vez ge (h lufth ihf) jb ihrreb ge suleioùf superohr, sokuoefgh jbs ofstruiiohfes gej nbmroibfte gej gosphsotovh ge suleioùf pbrb foòhs.

iofturhfes ge sekurogbg y soste`b ge sekurogbg sekurogbg supje`eftbroh 2-=7   Yekurogbg ‗ bsoefths, iofturhfes  

gosphsotovh ge suleioùf pbrb foòhs hroeftbgh abiob btrâs ef jhs bsoefths trbserhs exterohres utojozbfgh OYHNOQ<

9. Bs Bseku ekure re jbs sule suleiohf iohfes es ge bfij bfijble ble gej gos gosphs phsotov otovhh ge suleioùf pbrb foòhs b jhs bfijbles ofnerohres OYHNOQ l 9.


Tbsh ;

;. Trueme ej gosphsotovh gosphsotovh ge suleioùf pbrb foòhs bftes ge ihjhibr bj foòh l ; . Tresohfe ge uf jbgh b htrh ej gosphsotovh ge suleioùf pbrb foòhs e oftefte ges gespjb pjbzbr zbrjh jh abio abiobb gej gejbfte bfte pbr pbrbb ih`p ih`prhm rhmbr br que se `bftoefe ge `bferb sekurb ef su jukbr. 1. Ih`p Ih`pru ruem emee bft bftes es ge ibg ibgbb ushque ej go gosp sphso hsototovh vh ge suleioùf estâ perneitb`efte bsekurbgh. Yo ej gosphsotovh ge suleioùf pbrb foòhs estâ suejth, repotb gej pbsh 2 bj pbsh ;.



Tbsh 2

Tbsh 7

2. Ef jb umoibioùf gej gosphsotovh ge suleioùf pbrb foòhs, presohfe jbs aemojjbs gej iofturùf ge sekurogbg ef jb phsoioùf `âs mblb ef jhs espbiohs ge bj`biefb`oefth l 2.

7. Bihrte ej bfijble ràkogh pbrb phger bkbrrbr nor`e`efte ej gosphsotovh ge suleioùf pbrb foòhs. Tbrb ih`pro`or ej respbjgh gej bsoefth y ej ihlàf gej bsoefth gej veaàiujh veaàiujh,, presohf presohfee nor`e`e nor`e`efte fte abiob bmblh l 7 y abiob abiob btrâs btrâs l 7b ef ej ieftrh gej gosph7b sotovh ge suleioùf pbrb foòhs ihf jb `bfh. Yo ej go gosp sphso hsototovh vh ge su sulei leioùfpbrb oùfpbrb foò foòhs hs est estââ eq equo uo-pbgh ihf htrhs gosphsotovhs bftorrhtbioùf ih`h pbtbs ge shphrte, utojàiejhs sokuoefgh jbs ofstruiiohfes gej nbmroibfte gej gosphsotovh ge suleioùf pbrb foòhs.

Hroeftbgh abiob btrâs<

Bsekürese ge sekuor jbs ofstruiiohfes gej nbmroibfte pbrb usbr ihrreitb`efte ej gosphsotovh ge suleioùf pbrb foòhs. Yokb esths pbshs pbrb `hftbr uf


Tbshs = y 9

=. Ihjhque ej gosphsotovh gosphsotovh ge suleioùf pbrb pbrb foòhs ef ej bsoefth l =.

Yekurogbg ‗ bsoefths, iofturhfes ge sekurogbg y soste`b ge sekurogbg supje`eftbroh   2-=5  

gejbfte ef jhs bsoe gejbfte bsoefths fths trb trbserh serhss ext extero erohres hres utoj utojozb ozbfgh fgh uf iofturùf ge sekurogbg toph tres pufths ge bfijble sof `hgbjogbg ge mjhqueh buth`âtoih<



Tbsh 5

5. Trueme ej gosphsotovh gosphsotovh ge suleioùf pbrb foòhs bftes ge ihjhibr bj foòh l 5 . Tresohfe ge uf jbgh b htrh ej gosphsotovh ge suleioùf pbrb foòhs e oftefte ges gespjb pjbzbr zbrjh jh abio abiobb gej gejbfte bfte pbr pbrbb ih`p ih`prhm rhmbr br que se `bftoefe ge `bferb sekurb ef su jukbr. >. Ih`p Ih`pru ruem emee bft bftes es ge ibg ibgbb ushque ej go gosp sphso hsototovh vh ge suleioùf estâ perneitb`efte bsekurbgh. Yo ej gosphsotovh ge suleioùf pbrb foòhs estâ suejth, repotb gej pbsh 2 bj pbsh 5.


Bsekürese ge sekuor jbs ofstruiiohfes gej nbmroibfte pbrb usbr ihrreitb`efte su gosphsotovh ge suleioùf pbrb foòhs. Yokb esths pbshs pbrb `hftbr uf gosphsotovh ge suleioùf pbrb foòhs hroeftbgh abiob

Tbsh = FTB29??

Tbsh 2

2. Ihjhque ej gosphsotovh gosphsotovh ge suleioùf pbrb pbrb foòhs ef ej bsoefth l 2 . Yo se prhguie iubjquoer ihftbith eftre ej gosphsotovh ge suleioùf pbrb foòhs y ej bsoefth gejbfterh, gesjoie ej bsoefth gejbfterh abiob gejbfte abstb que gelef ge estbr ef ihftbith.

=. Tbse jb jefkúetb gej iofturùf ge sekurogbg b trbvïs gej soste`b ge suleioùf pbrb foòhs e ofsïrtejb ef jb aemojjb l 7 abstb que que hokb uf ijoi y fhte fhte que ej nolbghr se ab efkbfiabgh. Tbrb evotbr que jb ihrreb gej iofturùf ge sekurogbg quege njhlb, gemef utojozbrse jhs gosphsotovhs ge mjhqueh nolbghs bj gosphsotovh ge suleioùf pbrb foòhs (seküf `hgejh) pbrb nolbr ef su jukbr ej iofturùf ge sekurogbg.

Ges`hfte ej rephsbi Ges`hfte rephsbibmezbs bmezbs l = pbr pbrbb ihfsekuo ihfsekuorr ej bluste ihrreith gej gosphsotovh ge suleioùf pbrb foòhs. Ufb vez ges`hftbgh, bj`biefe ej rephsbibmezbs ef uf jukbr sekurh. sekurh. Bsekürese ge vhjver b `hftbr ej rephsbibmezbs iubfgh abyb ges`hftbgh ej gosphsotovh ge suleioùf pbrb foòhs   (ihfsujte ‚]ephsbibmezbs‐ bfte-

rohr`eftee ef estb seiioùf). rohr`eft FTB2742

Tbsh 9

iofturhfes ge sekurogbg y soste`b ge sekurogbg sekurogbg supje`eftbroh 2-=>   Yekurogbg ‗ bsoefths, iofturhfes  

ih`pro`or ej respbjgh gej bsoefth y ej ihlàf 9. Tbrb ih`pro`or gej bsoe bsoefth fth gej vea veaàiuj àiujh, h, pre presohf sohfee nor nor`e`e `e`efte fte abiob bmb bmblh lh l > y ab abiobbtrâ iobbtrâss l > b ef ej ief >b ieftr trhh ge gejj go gossphsotovh ge suleioùf pbrb foòhs ihf jb rhgojjb, `oeftrbss torb abiob brromb gej iofturùf ge sekuro`oeftrb gbg.

btrâs ef jhs bsoefths trbserhs utojozbfgh uf iofturùf ge sekurogbg toph tres pufths ge bfijble sof `hgbjogbg ge mjhqueh buth`âtoih<


Tbsh 9 FTB2749

Tbsh 2 FTB274=

Tbsh 7

2. Ihjhque ej gosphsotovh gosphsotovh ge suleioùf pbrb pbrb foòhs ef ej bsoefth l 2.

7. Trueme ej gosphsotovh gosphsotovh ge suleioùf pbrb foòhs bftes ge ihjhibr bj foòh l 7 . Tresohfe ge uf jbgh b htrh ej gosphsotovh ge suleioùf pbrb foòhs e oftefte ges gespjb pjbzbr zbrjh jh abio abiobb gej gejbfte bfte pbr pbrbb ih`p ih`prhm rhmbr br que

7. Ih`p Ih`pru ruem emee bft bftes es ge ib ibgb gb us ushh qu quee ej go gosp sphs hsoto otovh vh ge suleioùf estâ perneitb`efte bsekurbgh. Yo ej gosphsotovh ge suleioùf pbrb foòhs estâ suejth, repotb gej pbsh 2 bj pbsh 9.

se `bftoefe ge `bferb sekurb ef su jukbr. 5. Ih`p Ih`pru ruem emee bft bftes es ge ibg ibgbb ushque ej go gosp sphso hsototovh vh ge suleioùf estâ perneitb`efte bsekurbgh. Yo ej gosphsotovh ge suleioùf pbrb foòhs estâ suejth, repotb gej pbsh 2 bj pbsh 7. Hroeftbgh abiob btrâs<

Bsekürese ge sekuor jbs ofstruiiohfes gej nbmroibfte pbrb usbr ihrreitb`efte ej gosphsotovh ge suleioùf pbrb foòhs. Yokb esths pbshs pbrb `hftbr uf gosphsotovh ge suleioùf pbrb foòhs hroeftbgh abiob

9. Tbrb evotbr que jb ihrreb gej iofturùf iofturùf ge sekurogbg quege njhlb, ih`pro`b ih`pro`b ej ihlàf y ej respbjg respbjghh gej bsoefth gej veaàiujh `oeftrbs torb abiob brromb gej iofturùf. Tresohfe ge uf jbgh b htrh ej gosphsotovh sot ovh ge sule suleioùfpbrb ioùfpbrb foòh foòhss e ofte oftefte fte ges gespjb pjbzbrj zbrjhh abiob gejbfte pbrb ih`prhmbr que se `bftoefe ge `bferb sekurb ef su jukbr.


Tbsh =

=. Tbse ej iofturùf ge sekurogbg sekurogbg phr phr efio`b y bjregegh ge ghrr ge gejj go gosp sphso hsototovh vh ge sul suleio eioùf ùf ih` ih`hh se `u `uesestrb e ofsïrtejh ef jb aemojjb abstb que hokb y fhte que ej nolbghr se ab efkbfiabgh.

Yekurogbg ‗ bsoefths, iofturhfes ge sekurogbg y soste`b ge sekurogbg supje`eftbroh   2-=;  


@hftble gejbfterhef ej bsoefth gej pbsblerh BG^E]WEFIOB

•  Fh `hfte fufib uf gosphsotovh ge suleioùf

pbrb foòhs hroeftbgh abiob btrâs ef ej bsoefth gej pbsblerh gejbfterh so ej bormbk gej pbsb lerh gejbfterh estâ bitovbgh. Jhs bormbk gejbfterhs supje`eftbrohs se ofnjbf ihf krbf nuerzb. bormbk phgràbfJhs khjpebr ej gejbfterhs gosphsotovh supje`eftbrohs ge suleioùf pbrb foò foòhs hs hro hroeft eftbgh bgh abi abiob ob btr btrâs âs ef ibs ibsh h ge ihj ihjoosoùf, y ih`h ihfseiuefiob ibusbr jesohfes krbves h ofijush jb `uerte gej foòh.

•  Fh `hfte fufib uf gosphsotovh ge suleioùf pbrb foòhs ihf ufb ihrreb ge suleioùf superohr ef ej bsoefth gejbfterh.

•  FOYYBF reih`oefgb que jhs gosphsotovhs ge suleioùf pbrb foòhs se `hftef ef ej bsoefth trbser trb serh. h. Yof e`mbrkh, e`mbrkh, so se ve hmj hmjokb okbgh gh b

`hftbr uf gosphsotovh ge suleioùf pbrb foòhs ef ej bsoefth gej pbsblerh gejbfterh, gespjbie ej bsoef bsoefth th gej pbsblerh gejbfterh gejbfterh abiob btrâs tbfth ih`h seb phsomje.

•  Jhs gosphsotovhs ge suleioùf pbrb foòhs ge-

mefutojozbrse mefutojozbr se hro hroeft eftbgh bghss abi abiob ob btr btrâs âs y phr tbf tbf-th fh se gemef utojozbr ef ej bsoefth gej pbsb lerh gejbfterh iubfgh ej bormbk estï bitovbgh. bitovbgh.


l B   Ofterrupthr gej bormbk l M   @hgejhs ge ihfguiioùf ozquoergb l I   @hgejhs ge ihfguiioùf gereiab Ej bormbk gej pbsblerh gejbfterh se puege bpbkbr ihf ej ofterrup ofterrupthr thr gej bormbk gej pbsblerh gejbfterh l B sotubgh ef jb kubfterb. kubfterb.

Hroeftbgh abiob gejbfte<

Bsekürese ge sekuor jbs ofstruiiohfes gej nbmroibfte pbrb usbr ihrreitb`efte su gosphsotovh ge suleioùf pbrb foòhs. Yokb esths pbshs pbrb `hftbr uf gosphsotovh ge suleioùf pbrb foòhs hroeftbgh abiob gejbfte ef ej bsoefth gej pbsblerh gejbfterh utojozbfgh uf iofturùf ge sekurogbg toph 9 pufths ge bfijble sof `hgbjogbg ge mjhqueh buth`âtoih< Yo geme `hftbr uf gosphsotovh ge suleioùf pbrb foòhs hroeftbgh abiob gejbfte ef ej bsoefth gejbfterh, jjeve b ibmh jhs sokuoeftes pbshs<


2. Gesbitove Gesbit ovejbejjjbve bormbk pbsblerh gejbfterh gejbfterh oftrhguioefgh gegej e`erkefiob/`eiâfoib ef ej ofterrupthr gej bormbk gej pbsblerh gejbfterh l B,

iofturhfes ge sekurogbg y soste`b ge sekurogbg sekurogbg supje`eftbroh 2-=1   Yekurogbg ‗ bsoefths, iofturhfes  

ihfsujte ‚Jjbve `eiâfoib/ge e`erkefiob (`hgejhs ihf jjbve oftejokefte)‐ `âs bgejbfte ef estb seiioùf y ‚Juz ge estbgh gej bormbk ge pbsb lerh gejbfterh‐ `âs bgejbfte ef estb seiioùf. Ihjhque ej ofterrupthr ge efiefgogh ef jb phsoioùf HF y bsekürese ge que jb juz ge estbgh gej borm bo rmbk bk ge gejb jbfte fterh rh ef jb ihf ihfshj shjbb ief ieftr trbj bj se efioefge. FOI=7=?


Tbshs = y 9

=. Gesjoie ej bsoefth abiob btrâs tbfth ih`h seb phsomje l =. 9. Ges`hfte ej rephsbibmezbs bj `hftbr uf gosphsotovh ge suleioùf pbrb foòhs hroeftbgh abiob gejbfte l 9.


Tbshs 7 y 5

Tbsh >

7. ej Ihjhque gosphs otovh ge suleioùf pbrb pbrb foòhs ef bsoefthejl 7gosphsotovh .

>. gej Tbrbbsoe ih`pro ih`pro`or `orveaà ej respbjgh gej bsoefth y ej bsoefth fth gej veaàiujh iujh,, pre presohf sohfe e nor nor`e`e `e`efte fteihlàf abiob bmb bmblh lh l > y abi abiob ob bt btrâ râss l > b ef ej ief >b ieftr trhh ge gejj go gossphsotovh ge suleioùf pbrb foòhs ihf jb rhgojjb, `oeftrbss torb abiob brromb gej iofturùf ge sekuro`oeftrb gbg.

5. Tbse jb jefkúetb gej iofturùf ge sekurogbg b trbvïs gej soste`b ge suleioùf pbrb foòhs e ofsïrtejb ef jb aemojjb l 5 abstb que que hokb uf ijoi ijoi y fhte fhte que ej nolbghr se ab efkbfiabgh. Tbrb evotbr que jb ihrreb gej iofturùf ge sekurogbg quege njhlb, gemef utojozbrse jhs gosphsotovhs ge mjhqueh nolbghs bj gosphsotovh ge suleioùf pbrb foòhs (seküf `hgejh) pbrb nolbr ef su jukbr ej iofturùf ge sekurogbg.

Kubrge ej rephsbibmezbs ef uf jukbr sekurh. Bsekürese ge vhjver b `hftbr ej rephsbibmezbs iubfgh abyb ges`hftbgh ej gosphsotovh ge suleioùf pbrb foòhs   (ihfsujte

‚]ep ‚] ephs hsbib bibme mezb zbs‐ s‐ seiioùf).

bfter bft erohr ohr`ef `efte te


estb es tb


Tbsh ;

;. Trueme ej gosphsotovh gosphsotovh ge suleioùf pbrb foòhs bftes ge ihjhibr bj foòh l ; . Tresohfe ge uf jbgh b

Yekurogbg ‗ bsoefths, iofturhfes ge sekurogbg y soste`b ge sekurogbg supje`eftbroh   2-=?  

YOYWE@B GE YEKU]OGBG YUTJE@EFWB]OH (Y]Y) htrh ej gosphsotovh ge suleioùf pbrb foòhs e oftefte ges gespjb pjbzbr zbrjh jh abio abiobb gej gejbfte bfte pbr pbrbb ih`p ih`prhm rhmbr br que se `bftoefe ge `bferb sekurb ef su jukbr. 1. Ih`p Ih`pru ruem emee bft bftes es ge ibg ibgbb ushque ej go gosp sphso hsototovh vh ge suleioùf estâ perneitb`efte bsekurbgh. Yo ej gosphsotovh ge suleioùf pbrb foòhs estâ suejth, repotb gej pbsh 2 bj pbsh ;.


Yoste`b ge bormbk jbterbj ge ihrtofb supje`eftbroh `hftbgh ef ej teiah

(Y]Y) Estb seiioùf gej soste`b ge sekurogbg supje`eftb-

Este soste`b reguior jb pbsblerhs nuerzb ge o`pbith ef jb ibmezb gej puege ihfguithr y jhs gej bsoefth gejbfterh y jhs bsoefths trbserhs `âs ieribfhs b jb veftbfojjb ef bjkufhs iahques jbterbjes. Ej bormbk jbterbj ge ihrtofb supje`eftbroh `hftbgh ef ej teiah estâ goseòbgh pbrb gespjekbrse ef ej jbterbj ghfge ej veaàiujh abyb sunrogh ej o`pbith.

roh (Y]Y (Y]Y)) ihft ihftoefe oefe ofn ofnhr`b hr`bioùf ioùf o`p o`phrtb hrtbfte fte shmr shmree jhs bormbk gejbfterhs supje`eftbrohs gej ihfguithr y gej pbsblerh, jhs bormbk jbterbjes supje`eftbrohs `hftbghs ef ej bsoefth gejbfterh, jhs bormbk jbterbjes ge ihrtofb supje`eftbrohs `hftbghs ef ej teiah y jhs iofturhfes ge sekurogbg ihf pretefshres.

Yoste`b ge bormbk gejbfterh supje`eftbroh

Este soste`b puege reguior jb nuerzb ge o`pbith ef jb ibmezb y ej peiah gej ihfguithr y/h gej pbsblerh gejbfterh ef bjkufhs iahques nrhftbjes. Ej bormbk gejbfter gejb fterhh sup supje`e je`eftb ftbroh roh est estââ gos goseòbg eòbghh pbr pbrbb gesp gespjejekbrse ef jb pbrte gejbfterb ghfge ej veaàiujh abyb sunrogh ej o`pbith.

Yoste`b ge bormbk jbterbjes supje`eftbrohs `hftbghs ef ej bsoefth gejbfterh Este soste`b puege reguior jb nuerzb ge o`pbith ef ej pe peia iahh y ef jb zh zhfb fb gejb pe pejv jvos os ge gejj ih ihfg fgui uith thrr y ge gejj pbsblerh gejbfterh ef bjkufhs iahques jbterbjes. Ej bormbk jbterbj supje`eftbroh supje`eftbroh `hftbgh ef ej bsoefth gejbfterhh estâ goseòbg gejbfter goseòbghh pbrb gespjek gespjekbrse brse ef ej jbterbj ghfge ej veaàiujh abyb sunrog sunroghh ej o`pbit o`pbith. h.

Ej Y] Y]Y Y es estâ tâ go gose seòbg òbghh pb pbrb rb ih`pjetbr jb prhteii prhteiioùf oùf que hnreief jhs iofturhfes ge sekurogbg gej ihfguithr y gej pbsblerh gejbfterh ef ibsh gege biiogefte,  fh pbrb sustotuorjhs . Jhs iofturhfes sekurogb kur ogbgg gem gemef ef blu blustbr stbrse se soe` soe`pre pre ihrr ihrreit eitb`ef b`efte te y ej ihfguithr y ej pbsblerh gejbfterh gemef seftbrse b ufb gostbfiob bgeiubgb gej vhjbfte ge goreiioùf, ej tbmjerh ge ofstru`efths y jhs bibmbghs ge jbs puertbs. Tbrb hmtefer `âs ofnhr`bioùf, veb ‚Iofturhfes ge sekurogbg‐ bfterohr`efte ef estb seiioùf. Gespuïs ge phfer ej ofterrupthr ge efiefgogh ef jb phsoioùf HF h YWB]W, ej testokh gej bormbk se efio efioefge.Yo efge.Yo ej soste` soste`b b nufio nufiohfb hfb ihrre ihrreitb`e itb`effte, ej tes testok tokh h se bpb bpbkb kb trb trbfsi fsiurro urroghs ghs bpr bprhxo hxo`bg `bgbb`efte ; sekufghs. ^eb ‚Westokhs, ofgoibghres y seòbjes biüstoibs‐ ef jb seiioùf ‚=. Ofstru`efths y ihftrhjes‐ pbrb hmtefer `âs getbjjes. Ej bormbk shjb`efte nufiohfbrâ iubfgh ej ofterrupth rru pthrr ge efi efiefg efgogh ogh estï ef phs phsoio oioùf ùf HF h YWB]W.

iofturhfes ge sekurogbg y soste`b ge sekurogbg sekurogbg supje`eftbroh 2-94   Yekurogbg ‗ bsoefths, iofturhfes  

bormbk gejbfterh supje`eftbroh iubfgh ïste se gespjoekb. Yoïftese soe`pre moef bphybgh ef ej respbjgh y tbf jelhs gej vhjbfte ih`h seb phsomje. Utojoie soe`pre jhs iofturhfes ge sekurogbg.

Fufib b per`otb que jhs foòhs vbybf sof sule•   Fufi ioùf fo que sbquef jbs `bfhs h jb ibmezb phr jb veftbfojjb. Fh oftefte trbfsphrtbrjhs ef mrbzhs h ef ej rekbzh. Bormbk jbterbjes y ge ihrtofb< BG^E]WEFIOB

•  Jhs bormbk jbterbjes supje`eftbrohs `hftbFTB?=>\

Thsoiohfes (trbserbs) ihrreitbs

Bormbk gej ihfguithr y gej pbsblerh gejbfterh< BG^E]WEFIOB YYY4244\

•  Jhs bormbk gejbfterhs supje`eftbrohs fh se

suejef ofnjbr ef uf iahque jbterbj h trbserh, ef ibsh ge vuejih, fo ef iahques nrhftbjes ge phib o`phrtbfiob. Jjeve soe`pre jhs iofturhfes ge sekurogbg bmrhiabghs pbrb reguior ej roeskh h jb krbvegbg ge jbs jesohfes ef ibsh ge biiogefte.

•  Jhs iofturhfes ge sekurogbg y jhs bormbk ge-

jbfterhs supje jbfterhs supje`eft `eftbrohs brohs shf `âs enoib enoibies ies iubfgh jhs hiupbftes estâf erkuoghs y moef bphybghs ef ej respbjgh. Jhs bormbk gejbfterhs supje`eftbrohs se gespjoekbf ihf krbf nuerzb. Yo fh estâ moef suleth, estâ ofijofbgh abiob gejbfte, seftbgh ge jbgh h ef ufb phsoioùf ofihrreitb, ihrre ej roeskh ge sunror jesohfes h ofijush `hror so se prhguie uf biiogefte. Ye puegef sunror jesohfes krbves h ofijus ofi jush h `hr `hrtbj tbjes es so est estâ â bph bphybg ybgh h shm shmre re ej


•   Fh `hfte fufib uf soste`b ge suleioùf pbrb foòhs ef ej bsoefth gejbfterh. Yo ej bormbk se gespjoekb gemogh b uf o`pbith gejbfterh, ej foòh phgràb sunror jesohfes krbves e ofijush `hrtbjes (ihfsujte ‚Etoquetbs ge bgvertefiob gej bormbk‐ `âs bgejbfte ef estb seiioùf).

•   Jhs foòhs puegef sunror jesohfes krbves h

`hrtbjes so fh estâf moef suleths iubfgh se gespjoekbf jhs bormbk, ihfsujte ‚Gosphsotovhs ge suleioùf pbrb foòhs‐ bfterohr`efte ef estb seiioùf.

ghs ef ej bsoefth gejbfterh y jhs bormbk jbterbjes ge ihrtofb supje`eftbrohs `hftbghs ef ej te teia iah h fh se su suej ejef ef of ofnj njbr br ef uf ia iahq hque ue jb jbte te-rbj h trbserh, ef ibsh ge vuejih, fo ef iahques nrhftbjes ge phib o`phrtbfiob. o`phrtbfiob. Jjeve soe`pre soe`p re jhs ioftu iofturhfes rhfes ge sekuro sekurogbg gbg bmrhi bmrhiababghss pb gh pbrb rb re regu guio iorr ej ro roes eskh kh h jb kr krbv bveg egbg bg ge jb jbss jesohfes ef ibsh ge biiogefte.

•  Jhs iofturhfes ge sekurogbg, jhs bormbk jbterbjes supje`eftbrohs `hftbghs ef ej bsoefth gejbfterh y jhs bormbk jbterbjes ge ihrtofb supje`eftbrohs `hftbghs ef ej teiah shf `âs enoibies iubfgh jhs hiupbftes estâf bphybghs ef ej respbjgh y erkuoghs ef ej bsoefth. Jhs bormbk jbterbjes supje`eftbrohs `hftbghs ef ej bsoefth gejbfterh y jhs bormbk jbterbjes ge ihrtofb supje`eftbrohs `hftbghs ef ej teiah se ofnjbf ihf krbf nuerzb. Yo usteg h jhs pbsblerhs fh estâf moef suleths, estâf ofijofbghs abiob gejbfte, seftbghs ge jbgh h ef ufb phsoioùf ofihrreitb, ihrref ej roeskh ge sunror jesohfes h ofijush `hror ef ibsh ge biiogefte.

Yekurogbg ‗ bsoefths, iofturhfes ge sekurogbg y soste`b ge sekurogbg supje`eftbroh   2-92  

•  Fh per`otb que fbgoe phfkb jbs `bfhs, jbs

poerfbs h jb ibrb ierib ge jhs bormbk jbterbjes supje`eftbrohs `hftbghs ef ej bsoefth gejbfterh y jhs bormbk jbterbjes ge ihrtofb supje`eftbrohs `hftbghs ef ej teiah sotubghs b jhs jbghs gej respbjgh ge jhs bsoefths gejbfterhs h ierib ge jhs ibrrojes jbterbjes gej teiah. Fh per`otb que fofkufh ge jhs pbsblerhs gej bsoefth gejbfterh h jhs extre`hs gej bsoefth trbserh sbquef jb `bfh phr jb veftbfojjb h se bphyef ef jb puertb.

bsoefths trbse•   Jhs pbsblerhs seftbghs ef jhs bsoefths rhs fh gemef bkbrrbrse bj respbjgh ge jhs bsoeft bso efths hs gej gejbft bfterh erhs. s. Yo jhs bor bormbkjbter mbkjbterbje bjess supje`eftbrohs `hftbghs ef ej bsoefth gejbfterh y jhs bormbk jbterbjes ge ihrtofb supje`eftbrohs `hftbghs ef ej teiah se ofnjbsef, phgràb resujtbr krbve`efte aerogh. Yeb espeiobj`efte iuogbghsh ihf jhs foòhs y fh per`otb que vbybf sof suleioùf.

Yoste`b gej pretefshr gej iofturùf ge sekurogbg Ej gej iofturùf ge sekurogbg ihfsupje`efpretefshr se soste`b bitovb lufth ihf ej soste`b ge bormbk supje` eftbroh ef geter`ofbghs tophs ge ihjosohfes. Ej retrbithr gej iofturùf ge sekurogbg y ej bfijble byugbf b tefsbr ej iofturùf ef ej `os`h ofstbfte ef que ej veaàiujh se ve efvuejth ef ioerth toph ge iahque, prhtekoefgh bsà b jhs hiupbftes ge jhs bsoefths gejbfterhs. ^eb ‚Yoste`b gej pretefshr gej iofturùf ge sekurogbg‐ bfterohr`efte ef estb seiioùf.

Bormbk gej pbsblerh gejbfterh gej Y]Y<

Etoquetbs ge bgvertefiob gej bormbk

koghpuege ihf ufprhvhibr BO]MBKJEYOHFEY BIWO^H gejbfte yb que K]B^EYgeh ïj, ofijush jb @UE]WE gej foòh.‐

•  Fh utojoie nufgbs pbrb respbjgh ef jhs bsoefths gejbfterhs. Thgràbf ihf ej`hfgespjoekue gej bormbk jbterbjofterneror supje`eftbroh tbgh ef ej bsoefth gejbfterh. FHWB Tbrb ufb vosoùf keferbj, ihfsujte ‚Iofturhfes ge sekurogbg y soste`b ge sekurogbg supje`eftbroh‐ ef jb seiioùf ‚4. Àfgoie ojustrbgh‐.

bgvertefiob gej bormbk bormbk jbterbj l 9   Etoquetb ge bgvertefiob gej Y]Y.   Tretefshr exterfh ge ibgerb (jbgh gej ihfguithr) ;.   Iofturùf ge sekurogbg ihf pretefshres

buthrozbioùf ef ej sos•   Fh rebjoie ib`mohs sof buthrozbioùf te`b ejï te`b ejïitr itroihgej oihgej vea veaàiu àiujh,ej jh,ej sos soste` te`b b ge sus sus-pefsoùf h jb estruiturb gejbfterb. Esth phgràb bneitbr bj ihrreith nufiohfb`oefth ge jhs soste`bs ge bormbk supje`eftbrohs.

ofgemogb ge jhs soste`bs ge •   Jb `bfopujbioùf ofgemogb bormbk supje bormbk supje`eftb `eftbrohs rohs puegehibsohfbr jesoh jesoh-fes krbves. Jb `bfopujbioùf ofijuye ib`mohs ef ej vhjbfte ge goreiioùf ihjhibfgh bjküf `bterobj shmre h efio`b ge jb pbrte ieftrbj

iofturhfes ge sekurogbg y soste`b ge sekurogbg sekurogbg supje`eftbroh 2-97   Yekurogbg ‗ bsoefths, iofturhfes  

gej vhjbfte ge goreiioùf h `hftble ge `bterobjess ge kubrf robje kubrfoioù oioùf f bgoi bgoiohfb ohfbjj bjreg bjregeghr eghr ge jhs soste`bs ge bormbk su`pje`eftbrohs. jbs hperbiohfes que abyb que rebjozbr •  Whgbs ef jhs soste`bs ge bormbk supje`eftbrohs gemef jjevbrse jjevbrse b ibm ibmh h ef uf ihf ihfies iesohf ohfbro broh h FOYYBF h tbjjer iubjonoibgh. Jhs ibmjes gej Y]Y fh gemef `hgonoibrse fo gesihfeitbrse. Fh se gemef usbr ef jhs soste`bs ge bormbk supje`eftb supje `eftbrohs rohs gosph gosphsotovh sotovhss ejïi ejïitroihs troihs ge pruemb y shfgeh fh buthrozbghs.

  Jhs ihfeithres ge jb ofstbjbioùf ofstbjbioùf gej Y]Y shf ge ihjhr b`brojjh y/h fbrbflb, pbrb nbiojotbr su ogeftonoibioùf.

Iubfgh se gespjoekbf jhs bormbk, se prhguie uf ruogh mbstbfte nuerte sekuogh ge ufb e`osoùf ge au`h. Este au`h es ofhnefsovh y fh ofgoib que se abyb prhguiogh uf ofiefgoh. Yof e`mbrkh, evote ofabjbrjhh phrque puege prhguior orrotbioùf y bsnoxo ofabjbrj bsnoxob. b. Jbs pershfbs que tefkbf prhmje`bs resporbthrohs, resporbthrohs, ih`h bs`b, gemeràbf resporbr bore jo`poh jh bftes phsomje. Jhs bormbk supje`eftbrohs, lufth ihf ej ush ge jhs iofturhfes iofturhf es ge sekurog sekurogbg, bg, sorvef pbrb b`hrtok b`hrtokubr ubr jb nuerzb ge o`pbith shmre ej peiah ge jhs pbsblerhs gejbfterhs. gejbfte rhs. Jhs bormbk ge ihrtofb byugbf b reguior jb nuerzb ge o`pbith ef jb ibmezb ge jhs hiupbftes seftbghs `âs ierib ge jbs veftbfojjbs. Tuegef byugbr b sbjvbr vogbs y reguior jb krbvegbg ge jbs jesohfes. Yof e`mbrkh, ej gespjoekue gej bormbk jbterbj y ge ihrtofb puege prhguior bmrbsoùf u htrh toph ge

jesohfes. Jhs bormbk jbterbjes y ge ihrtofb supje`eftbrohs fh hnreief prhteiioùf b jb pbrte ofnerohr gej iuerph.

Yoste`b ge bormbk gejbfterh supje`eftbroh

Ej bormbk gej pbsblerh gejbfterh se ab goseòbgh pbrb que se puegb gesbitovbr ihf ej ofterrupthr gej bormbk gej pbsblerh gejbfterh, shjh so nuerb bmshjutb`efte feiesbroh. Juz ge estbgh gej bormbk ge pbsblerh gejbfterh<

Ej bormbk gejbfterh supje`eftbroh gej ihfguithr estâ sotubgh ef ej ieftrh gej vhjbfte ge goreiioùf. Ej bormbk gejbfterh supje`eftbroh gej pbsblerh estâ sotubgh ef ej tbmjerh ge ofstru`efths efio`b ge jb kubfterb. Ej soste`b ge bormbk gejbfterh supje`eftbroh estâ goseòbgh pbrb gespjekbrse so se prhguie uf iahque nrhftbj ge krbf krbvegbg, krbvegbg, perh tb`moïf puege gespjekbrse so jhs o`pbiths reiomoghs ef htrh toph ge ihj ihjos osoùf oùf shfpbre shfpbreiog ioghs hs b jhsge uf iah iahqu quee nr nrhft hftbj bj ge krbvegbg. Tuege fh gespjekbrse ef bjkufhs ibshsge iah iahqu quee nr nrhft hftbj bj.. Rueej ve veaài aàiujh ujh re resuj sujte te gb gbòbòbgh (hfh),fh soe soe`p `preofgo reofgoib ib qu quee ej sos soste te`bge `bge bo borm rmbk bk gejbfterh supje`eftbroh nufiohfe ihrreitb`efte. BG^E]WEFIOB Fh `hfte fufib uf gosphsotovh ge suleioùf pbrb foòhs hroeftbgh abiob btrâs ef ej bsoefth gej pbsblerh gejbfterh sof abmer gesbitovbgh bftes ej bormbk gej pbsblerh ihf ej ofterrupthr gej bormbk gej pbsblerh gejbfterh, ihfsujte ‚Ofterrupthr gej bormbk gej pbsblerh gejbfterh‐ `âs bgejbfte ef estb seiioùf. Ef ibsh ge ihjosoùf nrhftbj, jhs bormbk gejbfterhs supje`eftbrohs se ofnjbf ihf krbf kr bf nu nuer erzb zb.. Yo ej bo borm rmbk bk se ge gesp spjo joek ekb b ge gemo mogh gh b uf o`pbith gejbfterh, ej foòh phgràb sunror jesohfes



•  Yo ej veaàiujh estâ prhvosth ge bormbk gej pb-

sblerh gejbfterh, fh `hfte fufib uf gosphsotovh ge suleioùf pbrb foòhs hroeftbgh abiob btrâs ef ej bsoefth gej pbsblerh gejbfterh, b `efhs que ej bormbk gej `os`h estï gesbitovbgh.

•  Fh nole uf gosphsotovh ge suleioùf pbrb foòhs

hroeftbgh abiob btrâs ef ej bsoefth gej pbsb lerh gejbfterh so ej soste`b ge bitovbioùf/ gesbitovbioùf gej bormbk estâ bverobgh3 ef este ibsh, jjeve of`egobtb`efte su veaàiujh b uf ihfiesohfbroh FOYYBF h tbjjer iubjonoibgh.

krbves e ofijush `hrtbjes.

Yekurogbg ‗ bsoefths, iofturhfes ge sekurogbg y soste`b ge sekurogbg supje`eftbroh   2-95  

Jb juz ge estbgh gej bormbk gej pbsblerh gejbfterh estâ umoibgb ef ej tbmjerh ge ofstru`efths, ef jb ihfshjb ieftrbj, shmre jb pbjbfib ge ib`mohs.

Ofterrupthr gej bormbk gej pbsblerh gejbfterh<

Iubfgh ej ofterrupthr ge efiefgogh estâ ef jb phsoioùf HF, jb juz ge estbgh gej bormbk gej pbsblerh gejbfterh se efioefge y, b ihftofubioùf, se bpbkb h per`bfeie efiefgogb gepefgoefgh gej estbgh gej bormbk borm bk gej pbs pbsbler blerhh gejb gejbfte fterh. rh. Iubf Iubfgh gh ej oft ofterru errupth pthrr ge efiefgogh estâ ef jb phsoioùf HF y ej bormbk gej pbsblerh gejbfterh estâ<

ihf ej ofterru ofterrupthr gej bormbk gej pbsbler pbsblerhh gejbfterh l B sotubg sotubgh h efpthr jb kubfterb. ku bfterb.

Ej bormbk gej pbsblerh gejbfterh se puege bpbkbr

2. Ihjhque ej ofterrupthr ge efiefgogh ef jb phsoioùf ‚HNN‐. =. Bmrb jb kubfterb kubfterb e ofserte jb jjbve ef ej ofterrupthr gej bormbk gej pbsblerh gejbfterh.

•   Bitovbgh   Yekurogbg ‗ bsoefths, iofturhfes  

jbterbj ge krbf krbvegbg, perh tb`moïf puege gespjekbrse so jhs o`pbiths reiomoghs ef htrh toph ge ihjosoùf shf pbreioghs b jhs ge uf iahque jbterbj ge krbvegbg. Tuege fh gespjekbrse ef bjkufhs ibshs ge iah iahqu quee jbt jbter erbj.Rue bj.Rue ej ve veaài aàiujhresu ujhresujtjtee gb gbòbg òbghh (h fh),, fh soe fh) soe`p `pre re of ofgo goib ib qu quee ej sos soste te`b `b ge bor bormb mbkk jb jbteterbj supje`eftbroh nufiohfe ihrreitb`efte. Jhs iofturhfes ge sekurogbg gemef blustbrse ihrreitb`efte y ej ihfguithr y ej pbsblerh gejbfterh gemef seftbrse seftbrse ef phsoioùf erkuogb erkuogb y b ufb gostbfiob bgeiubgb gej bormbk jbterbj. Jhs bormbk jbterbjes se ofn ofnjbf jbf râp râpogb ogb`eft `eftee pbr pbrbb prh prhtek teker er b jhs hiup hiupbfte bftess gejbfterhs. Thr estb rbzùf, jb nuerzb ge gespjoekue ge jhs bormbk puege bu`eftbr ej roeskh ge jesohfes so ej hiupbft hiupbftee estâ ge`bsobgh ierib h bphybg bphybghh ef jhs `ùgujhs ge bormbk `oeftrbs `oeftrbs se ofnjbf. Ej bormbk jbterbj se gesofnjbrâ râpogb`efte râpogb`efte gespuïs gej iahque.

Yoste`b ge bormbk ge ihrtofb jbterbj supje`eftbroh Ej ge ihrtofb jbterbj supje`eftbroh estâ sotubghbormbk ef jb kubrfoioùf gej teiah. Ej soste`b ge bormbk ge ihrtofb jbterbj supje`e supje`eftbftbroh estâ goseòbgh pbrb gespjekbrse so se prhguie uf iahque jbterbj ge krbf krbvegbg, perh tb`moïf puege pue ge gesp gespjekb jekbrse rse so jhs o`p o`pbit biths hs rei reiomog omoghs hs ef htr htrhh toph ge ihjosoùf shf pbreioghs b jhs ge uf iahque jbterbj ge krbvegbg. Tuege fh gespjekbrse ef bjkufhs ibshs ge iahque jbterbj. Rue ej veaàiujh resujte gbòbgh (h fh), fh soe`pre ofgoib que ej soste`b ge bormbk ge ihrtofb jbterbj supje`eftbroh supje`eftbroh nufiohfe

Jhs iofturhfes ge sekurog sekurogbg bg gemef usbrse ihrreitb`efte y jhs pbsblerhs gej bsoefth trbserh gemef seftbrse jh `âs jelhs phsomje ge jhs bibmbghs ge jb puertb y jhs ibrrojes jbterbjes jbterbjes gej teiah. Jhs bormbk ge ihrtofb se ofnjbf râpogb`efte pbrb prhteker b jhs hiupbftess gejbfterhs y trbserh hiupbfte trbserhs. s. Thr estb rbzùf, jb nuerzb ge gespjoekue ge jhs bormbk ge ihrtofb puege bu`eftbr ej roeskh ge jesohfes so ej hiupbfte estâ ge`bsobgh ierib h bphybgh ef jhs `ùgujhs ge bormbk `oeftrbs se ofnjbf. Ej bormbk ge ihrtofb se gesofnjbrâ râpogb`efte gespuïs gej iahque. BG^E]WEFIOB

Of`egobtb`e btb`efte fte gespu gespuïs ïs ge ofnjb ofnjbrse, rse, bjku bjkufbs fbs •   Of`ego pbrtes gej bormbk puegef estbr ibjoeftes. Fh jbs thque3 phgràb sunror krbves que`bgurbs.

•   Fh se gemef rebjozbr ib`mohs sof buthrozb-

ioùf ef jhs ih`phfeftes fo ef ej ibmjebgh gej soste`b ge bormbk. Ej hmletovh es evotbr ej gespjoekue biiogeftbj gej bormbk h jhs gbòhs bj soste`b.

`bfopujbioùf ofgemogb ge esths soste`bs •   Jb puege prhvhibr krbves jesohfes. Jb `bfopujbioùf ofijuye jhs ib`mohs ef ej vhjbfte y ef ej ihflufth gej tbmjerh ge ofstru`efths, ihjhibfgh bjküf `bterobj shmre jb pbrte ieftrbj gej vhjbfte y efio`b gej sbjpoibgerh, h `hftbfgh kubrfoioùf bgoiohfbj bjregeghr gej soste`b ge bormbk.

•  Fh nole fofküf hmleth ef jb pbrte ieftrbj gej vhjbft vhj bfte e h ef ej tbm tbmjer jerh h ge ofs ofstru tru`ef `efths ths.. Est Esths hs

hmleths puege hmleths puegef f ihfve ihfvertorse rtorse ef prhye prhyeitoje itojess pejokrhshs y prhguior jesohfes so se ofnjb ej bormbk.

•   Whgbs jbs hperbiohfes que gembf rebjozbrse

ef jhs soste`bs gej bormbk y ef sus of`egobiohfes gemef jjevbrse b ibmh ef uf ihfiesohfbroh FOYYBF h tbjjer iubjonoibgh. Ej `hftble ge jhs equophs ejïitroihs geme rebjozbrse ef uf ihfiesohfbroh FOYYBF h tbjjer iubjonoibgh. Jhsibmjess b`b Jhsibmje b`broj rojjhsge jhsge jb ofs ofstbj tbjbio bioùf ùf gejY]Y* fh gemef `hgonoibrse fo gesihfeitbrse. Fh se gemef usbr ef ej soste`b ge bormbk gosph-

sotovhss ejï sotovh ejïitr itroih oihss ge pru pruemb emb y shf shfgeh geh fh but buthhrozbghs. * Jhs ibmje ibmjess ge jb ofstbjbi ofstbjbioùf oùf gej gej Y]Y estâf estâf reiumo rei umoert erths hs ihf bos bosjbf jbfte te b`b b`broj rojjh, jh, yb seb lus lusth th bftes ge jhs ihfei ihfeithres thres h ef thgb jb ofstb ofstbjbjbioùf, pbrb nbiojotbr su ogeftonoibioùf.


•  Ufb vez que jhs bormbk se abf gespjekbgh,

jhs `ù jhs `ùgu gujh jhss ge bo borm rmbk bk fh se bi bito tovb vbrâ râf f ge fu fueevh y es feiesbroh sustotuorjhs. Jhs `ùgujhs gej bormbk gemef sustotuorse ef uf ihfiesohfbroh FOYYBF h tbjjer iubjonoibgh. Fh se puegef rep repbrb brbrr jhs `ùg `ùgujh ujhss gejbormb gejbormbk k iub iubfgh fgh se abf gespjekbgh.

soste` sos te`bs bs ge bor bormbk mbk gemef gem ef ofs ofspei peiioh iohfbr fbrse se ef uf ihfiesohfbroh FOYYBF h tbjjer iubjono•   Jhs

ihrreitb`efte. Yekurogbg ‗ bsoefths, iofturhfes ge sekurogbg y soste`b ge sekurogbg supje`eftbroh   2-9;  

ibgh, ef ibsh ge que se abyb prhguiogh bjküf gbòh ef jb pbrte gejbfterb gej veaàiujh. vefge su veaàiujh, rhkb`hs ofnhr`e shmre ejjesoste`b geque bormbk y je •   bjYo ih`prbghr `uestre jbs seiiohfes rejbtovbs bj soste`b ef este @bfubj gej Ihfguithr.

•  Yo feiesotb geseiabr ej Y]Y h geskubzbr ej

veaàiujh, pùfkbse ef ihftbith ihf uf ihfiesohfbroh FOYYBF h tbjjer iubjonoibgh. Ej prhiego`oefth ihrreith pbrb ej geseiah se expjoib ef ej `bf `bfubj ubj ge tbj tbjjer jer FOY FOYYBF YBF ihr ihrresp resphfg hfgoef oef-te. Yekuo Yekuorr uf prhie prhiego`o go`oefth efth ofihrreith ofihrreith pbrb geseiabrjh puege ibusbr jesohfes.

Jhs bormbk y jhs pretefshres ge jhs iofturhfes ge sekurogbg sekurog bg estâf goseòbg goseòbghs hs pbrb bitovbr bitovbrse se ufb shjb vez. B fh ser que ej testokh gej bormbk gej Y]Y estï bverobgh, este per`bfeie oju`ofbgh ih`h reihrgbthroh gespuïs ge que se abyb prhguiogh ej gespjoekue ge bjküf bormbk. Jb repbrbioùf y sustotuioùf gej Y]Y geme abierse shjb`efte ef uf ihfiesohfbroh FOYYBF h tbjjer iubjonoibgh. Iubfgh seb feiesbroh rebjozbr tbrebs ge `bftefo`oefth ef ej veaàiujh, abmrâ que ofnhr`br b jb pershfb que rebjoie ej `bftefo`oefth bierib ge jhs bormbk, jhs pretefshres ge jhs iofturhfes ge sekurogbg y jhs ih`phfeftes rejbiohfbghs. Ej ofterrupthr ge efiefgogh toefe que estbr soe`pre ef phsoioùf JHIC `oeftrbs se trbmblb mblh ej ibpù h geftrh gej veaàiujh.

iofturhfes ge sekurogbg y soste`b ge sekurogbg sekurogbg supje`eftbroh 2-91   Yekurogbg ‗ bsoefths, iofturhfes  


Yekurogbg ‗ bsoefths, iofturhfes ge sekurogbg y soste`b ge sekurogbg supje`eftbroh   2-9?


=  Ofstru`efths Ofstru`efths y ihftrhjes

@egoghres e ofgoibghres.......................................... ^ejhià`etrh ................................ ........................................................ ........................ Ofgoibghr Ofgoib ghr ge ih`mustomje...... ih`mustomje........... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... ..... Iueftbcojù`etrhs................................................ Wbiù`etrh ............................ .......................................................... .............................. Ofgoibghr ge te`perbturb gej renrokerbfte gej

=-= =-= =-= =-= =-9

Jufetb ............................. ............................................................. ................................... ... Ofterrupthr ge jb jufetb tïr`oib................................. Jufetb tïr`oib tïr`oib............................ .................................................... ........................ ]etrhvoshr ]etrhvo shr exterohr ibjenbitbg ibjenbitbghh (seküf `hgejh)... Ihf`utbghr Ihf`utb ghr ge nbrhs e ofgoibghres ofgoibghres ge goreiioùf goreiioùf ..... Ihf`utbghr ge nbrhs..........................................

=-9= =-99 =-99 =-99 =-99 =-99

`hthr.................................... `hthr.................................................................. .............................. Ihftrhj ge oftefsogbg ge jb oju`ofbioùf gej tbmjerh ge ofstru`efths .............................. ...................................... ........ We`perbturb We`per bturb extero exterohr hr (seküf (seküf `hgejh)....... `hgejh)............ .......... ....... Ofgoibghr ge jb pbjbfib ge ib`mohs (seküf `hgejh) ................................ .............................................................. .............................. Ihfnokurbioùf gej soste`b ge ihftrhj ge presoùf ge feu`âtoihs feu`âtoihs (WT@Y)..... (WT@Y).......... .......... .......... .......... ....... .. Westokhs, Westok hs, ofgoibgh ofgoibghres res y seòbjes biüstoib biüstoibss ..... .......... .......... ....... Ih`prhmbioùf Ih`prh mbioùf ge mh`mojjb mh`mojjbss ..... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... ....... Westokhs ............................... ............................................................. .............................. Ofgoibghres ..................................... ........................................................ ................... Yeòbjes biüstoibs biüstoibs............................ ............................................... ................... Tbftbjjb ge ofnhr`bioùf gej veaàiujh ......................... Iù`h usbr jb pbftbjjb ge ofnhr`bioùf gej veaàiujh ................................ .............................................................. .............................. Tbftbjjb ge brrbfque ............................. ........................................... .............. Blustes ............................ ............................................................ ................................... ... Bvoshs e ofgoibghres ge jb pbftbjjb ge

=-9 =-9 =-7

Ihf`utbghr Ihf`utb jhs ofgoibghres ge..... goreiioùf ...... ...... Ihf`utb Ihf`utbghr ghrghr gej ge bju`mrbgh bju`mrb gh bftofoemjb .......... .......... .......... ....... .. Nbrh bftofoemjb (seküf `hgejh) ........................... Juz bftofoemjb (seküf `hgejh)............................. ]ekujbioùf ge nbrhs ............................... ................................................. .................. Ihf`utbghr ge rekujbioùf ge nbrhs (seküf `hgejh) ........................... ........................................................... ................................... ... ]ekujbioùf buth`âtoib ge jhs nbrhs (nbrhs JEG)........................................................... JEG)........................... ........................................ ........ Jbvbnbrhs (seküf `hgejh) `hgejh)................................ ........................................ ........ Mhiofb............................. Mhiofb ............................................................. ........................................ ........ Wh`b ge ihrroefte................................................. ihrroefte.................................................... ... Bj`biefb`oefth .............................. ...................................................... ........................ Mbfgelbs ge bj`biefb`oefth.............................. Kubfterb ............................... ............................................................ ............................. Iblb ge ihfshjb................................................ ihfshjb.................................................... Yhphrte pbrb kbnbs ge shj................................... Yhphrtes pbrb pbrb vbshs........................................... vbshs........................................... Yhphrte pbrb mhtejjbs................................... mhtejjbs.......................................... .......

=-95 =-95 =-95 =-9> =-9>

=-7 =-7 =-5 =-> =-> =-22 =-29 =-27 =-25 =-25 =-25

ofnhr`bioùf ge gejbveaàiujh...................................... =-== Hrgefbghr mhrgh................................ mhrgh ........................................ ........ =-=;

=-9> =-9; =-9; =-91 =-91 =-9? =-9? =-9? =-9? =-74 =-74 =-74

Kbfiahspbrb pbrb`bpbs bmrokhs ........................................ ................................ ........ =-72 =-74 Mhjsojjh (seküf `hgejh)....................

S]ejhlP y SWe`perbturb exterohrP........................... =-94 Ihf`utbghr gej jo`pob y jbvb ................................... ................................... =-94 Tbrbmrosbs ............................ .......................................................... .............................. =-94 =-94

Mhjsojjhs gej bsoefth ............................... ............................................ ............. =-72 Mbfgelb........................... Mbfgelb ........................................................... ................................... ... =-72 Ih`pbrto`efth ge equopble .............................. .................................. =-7=

pbrb equopble....................................... Kbfiahs pbrb ^eftbfojjbs ............................ ............................................................ ................................... ... Ejevbjufbs ejïitroih .............................. ............................................ .............. Juies gej abmotâiujh ............................. ................................................ ................... Ofterrupthres ge ihftrhj ge jb juz gej abmotâiujh............................. abmotâiujh ........................................................... ..............................

Juz ge `bpbs (seküf `hgejh) ..... .......... .......... ........... ........... ....... .. Juz gej abmotâiujh trbserb/jeiturb (seküf `hgejh) ........................... ........................................................... ................................... ... Juz gej ih`pbrto`efth ge equopble..................... Juz gej espelh ge ihrtesàb ihrtesàb (seküf `hgejh) `hgejh) ......... .........


=-7= =-7= =-7= =-77 =-77

=-75 =-75 =-7> =-7>




Tbrb ufb vosoùf keferbj ge jhs ofstru`efths y

Ej ofgoibghr ge ih`mustomje se bitovb iubfgh ej

ihftr ihftrhjes, hjes, ihfsu ihfsujte jte ‚@ego ‚@egoghres ghres e ofgoi ofgoibghre bghres‐ s‐ ef jb seiioùf ‚4. Àfgoie ojustrbgh‐.

ofterrupthr ge efiefgogh estâ ef phsoioùf HF. Jb bkulb puege `hverse jokerb`efte bj nrefbr, korbr, biejerbr, h bj sumor h mblbr iuestbs.

Jhs ofgoibghres ge bkulbs se puegef `hver jokerb`efte rb`ef te trbs phfer ej ofter ofterrupthr rupthr ge efie efiefgogh fgogh ef jb ph phso soio ioùf ùf ‚H ‚HNN NN‐‐ h JH JHIC IC.. Es Esth th fh es uf ufb b bv bveeràb. T]EIBUIOÙF Fh utojoie prhguiths quà`oihs pbrb jo`pobr jhs `egoghres. FHWB Jbs pbf pbftbj tbjjbsque jbsque se ofg ofgoib oibf f ef est estb b sei seiioù ioùf f pue pue-gef ser jokerb`efte gostoftbs seküf ej `hgejh.


Ej sà`mhjh   i ofgoib que jb tbpb gej gepùsoth ge ih`mustomje se sotüb ef ej jbgh gereiah gej veaàiujh. FHWB Ej testokh ge fovej mblh ge ih`mustomje se efioefge ef jb pbftbjjb ge ofnhr`bioùf gej veaàiujh iubfgh iub fgh ej fov fovej ej ge ih` ih`mus mustom tomje je est estâ â mbl mblh. h. ]ep ]ephshste iubfgh seb ihfvefoefte. Iubfgh jb bkulb gej `egoghr ge ih`mustomje bjibfzb ej fovej ge gepùsoth vbiàh büf geme quegbr ufb pequeòb reservb ge ih`mustomje ef ej gepùsoth. Jb buthfh`àb gosphfomje y jb gostbfiob abstb vbiobr ej gepùsoth se `uestrbf per`bfefte`efte ef jb pbrte ofnerohr ge jb pbftbjjb ge ofnhr`bioùf gej veaàiujh, ihfsujte ‚Tbftbjjb ge ofnhr`bioùf gej veaàiujh‐ `âs bgejbfte ef estb seiioùf.


Ej vejhià`etrh ofgoib jb vejhiogbg gej veaàiujh (c`/a h `pa).



@hgejhs ge ihfguiioùf gereiab (ef jhs `hgejhs ge ihfguiioùf ozquoergb, jb gosphsoioùf serâ jb hpuestb)

Iueftbcojù`etrhs thtbjozbghr y Iueftbcojù`etrhs iueftbcojù`etrhs iueftbcojù `etrhs pbriobj ghmje Ej iueftbco iueftbcojù`etrhs jù`etrhs thtbjozbghr/pbri thtbjozbghr/pbriobj obj ghmje se `uestrb ef jb pbftbjjb ge ofnhr`bioùf gej veaàiujh iubfgh ej ofterrupthr ge efiefgogh estâ ef jb phsoioùf HF. Ej iueftbc iueftbcojù`etrh ojù`etrhss thtbjoz thtbjozbghr bghr l 2 `ues `uestrb trb jb gosgostbfiob thtbj que ab reihrrogh ej veaàiujh.


Ej iueftbcojù`etrhs pbriobj ghmje l = `uestrb jb gosgostbfiob ge vobles ofgovogubjes.

]ejjefe ej gepùsoth ge ih`mustomje bftes ge que jb buthfh`àb `uestre ‟4‟ h ‟---‟ y ge que ej `egoghr ofgoque vbiàh.

Jbs pbftbjjbs ofgoibgbs puegef ser jokerb`efte gostoftbs seküf ej `hgejh.

=-=   Ofstru`efths y ihftrhjes  

Ib`moh ge jb pbftbjjb gej iueftbcojù`etrhs pbriobj ghmje<



l Tujs Tujse ofterrup ofte rrupthr thr W]OT T ]EY ]EYEW EW ofstru`efths 9 efej jb jbghger ghgereeiah eh ejozquoergh gejW]O iubgrh ge pbrb ib`mobr jb pbftbjjb ih`h se ofgoib b ihftofubioùf<

Este ofgoibghr `uestrb jb te`perbturb gej renrokerbfte gej `hthr. Jb te`perbturb gej renrokerbfte gej `hthr geme per`bfeier geftrh gej oftervbjh fhr`bj l =.




]ebluste gej iueftbcojù`etrhs pbriobj ghmje<

Tujse ej ofte Tujse ofterrup rrupthr thr W]O W]OT T ]EYE ]EYEWW l 9 gu gurb rbft ftee `âsge 2 sekufgh pbrb vhjver b phfer ej iueftbc iueftbcojù`etrh ojù`etrhss pbriobj b ierh.

Jb te`perbturb gej renrokerbfte gej `hthr vbràb ef nufioùf ge jb te`perbturb gej bore exterohr y jbs ihfgoiohfes ge ihfguiioùf. T]EIBUIOÙF Yo jbefkb bkul bk b es estâ tâàiujh phr ph r ef efio `bfth ge jb zhfb zh fb fh fhr` r`bj bj,, getefk bulb ej veaàiu vea jh efio`b iubfth iub seb phsomj phs omje e ab•   get


ierjh ihf sekurogbg. Yo ej `hthr se ab shmreibjeftbgh ibje ftbgh,, ej ush ihft ihftofubg ofubgh h gej veaài veaàiujh ujh puege gbòbr krbve`efte ej `hthr. ^eb ‚Yhmreibjeftb mreib jeftb`oeft `oefth h gej `hthr‐ ef jb seiio seiioùf ùf ‚>. Ef ibsh ge e`erkefiob‐ pbrb ihfsujtbr jbs `egogbs b sekuor.


Ej tbiù`etrh ofgoib jb vejhiogbg gej `hthr ef revhjuiohfes phr `ofuth (rp`).  Fh revhjuiohfe ej `hthr abstb bjibfzbr jb zhfb rhlb l 2. Jb zhfb rhlb es gonerefte seküf ej `hgejh.


@hgejhs ge ihfguiioùf gereiab (ef jhs `hgejhs ge ihfguiioùf ozquoergb, jb gosphsoioùf serâ jb hpuestb)

•  Yo ej ofgoibghr seòbjb que jb te`perbturb gej

Ej `bfgh ge ihftrhj ge oftefsogbg ge jb oju`ofbioùf ge jhs ofstru`efths puege utojozbrse iubfgh ej ofterrup rr upth thrr ge efi efief efgo gogh gh es estâ tâ ef jb ph phso soioù ioùff HF HF.. Iub Iubffgh se biiohfb ej `bfgh, jb `hgbjogbg `hgbjogbg ge bluste ge oftefsogbg oftefsog bg ge jb oju`ofbio oju`ofbioùf ùf bpbreie ef jb pbrte ofnerohr ge jb pbftbjjb ge ofnhr`bioùf gej veaàiujh.

renrokerbfte gej `hthr estâ prùxo`b `âxo`h gej oftervbjh fhr`bj, reguzib bj jb vbjhr vejhiogbg gej veaàiujh pbrb ihfsekuor que jb te`perbturb gesioefgb.

Tujse ej jbgh + gej ofterrupthr ofterrupthr l = pbrb bu`eftb bu`eftbrr jb oju`ofbioùf gej tbmjerh ge ofstru`efths. Jb pbjbfib l 2 se `ueve `ueve bj jbgh jbgh +.

BG^E]WEFIOB Gele que ej `hthr se efnràe bftes ge ges`hftbr ej tbpùf gej rbgobghr pbrb evotbr ej pejokrh ge sunror que`bgurbs.

Tujse ej jbgh - gej ofterrupthr l = pbrb subvoz subvozbr br jbs juies. Jb pbjbfib l 2 se `ueve `ueve bj jbgh jbgh ∝. Iubfgh fh se biiohfb ej ihftrhj ge oftefsogbg ge jb oju`ofbioùf ge jhs ofstru`efths gurbfte ufhs sekufghs, jb `hgbjogbg ge bluste ge oftefsogbg ge jb oju`ofbioùf gelb ge bpbreier.

Ofstru`efths y ihftrhjes   =-9  

WE@TE]BWU]B EQWE]OH] (seküf `hgejh)

l b   Ofgoibghr WT@Y l m   Ofgoibghr ge umoibioùf gej feu`âtoih gej

Jb te`perbturb exterohr se vosubjozb ef ´I h ´N. Iubfgh jb te`perbturb gej bore exterohr es ge 9´I (9;´N) h `efhs jb pbftbjjb ge te`perbturb ge bore exterohr pbrpbgeb pbrb gbr uf bvosh.

WT@Y Tbrb hmtefer ofnhr`bioùf bgoiohfbj, ihfsujte ‚Yoste`b ge ihftrhj ge presoùf ge feu`âtoihs (WT@Y)‐ ef jb seiioùf ‚5. Brrbfque y ihfguiioùf‐.

Jb pbftbjjb gelbrâ ge pbrpbgebr trbs 2 `ofuth h iubfgh jb te`perbturb gej bore exterohr bjibfie jhs 7´I (9?´N) h ufb te`perbturb superohr.


Tbrb hmtefer ofnhr`b ofnhr`bioùf ioùf bgoiohf bgoiohfbj, bj, ihfsujte ‚Ofgo ‚Ofgo-ibghr ibg hr ge jb pb pbjbf jbfib ib ge ib ib`m `mohs(sek ohs(seküf üf `h `hge gejh) jh)‐‐ ef jb seiioùf ‚5. Brrbfque y ihfguiioùf‐.



=-7   Ofstru`efths y ihftrhjes  


Westokh gej soste`b ge nrefhs bftomjhqueh (BMY)


Westokh ge jb servhgoreiioùf

Westokh gej nrefh (rhlh) Westokh ge ibrkb


Westokh gej soste`b ge nrefbgh ge e`erkefiob phr bjibfie*  

Westokh ge presoùf ge feu`âtoihs mblb* Westokh ge bveràb (rhlh)* Ofgoibghr ge bveràb (fbrbflb)


Westokh ge jhs iofturhfes ge sekurogbg (ihfguithr y pbsblerh gejbfterh) Westokh gej bormbk gej soste`b ge sekurogbg supje`eftbroh (Y]Y) Juz ge estbgh gej bormbk gej pbsblerh gejbfterh* Westokhh ge bkub ef ej nojtrh ge Westok   ih`mustomje* Ofgoibghr ge juz ge iruie

Westokh `bestrh

Ofgoibghr ge mjhqueh ge puertb*

Westokh ge sekurogbg gej FBWY

Ofgoibghr ge gesbitovbioùf gej Trhkrb`b ge ihftrhj ejeitrùfoih ge estbmojogbg (EYT)

West We stok okhh ge gejj nr nref efhh ge es estb tbio iohf hfb` b`oe oeft fthh

Ofgo Of goib ibgghr ge jh jhss nb nbrh rhss bf bftotofo foem emjb jb


Ofgoibghr ge mulàbs ge ofibfgesiefiob* (`hthr goïsej) Ofgoibghr ge juies ge ibrreterb  

Ofgoibghr ge jb juz bftofoemjb* Ofgoibghres ge jb juz ge phsoioùf y Ofgoibghres ge nbrhs Ofgoibghr ge gesjozb`oefth Ofgoibghr ge goreiioùf gej re`hjque


Ofgoibghres ge goreiioùf/juies ge e`erkefiob

*< Ye Yekküf `h `hge gejh jh

Ofstru`efths y ihftrhjes   =-5  

IH@T]HMBIOÙF GE MH@MOJJBY Ihf thgbs jbs puertbs ierrbgbs, bpjoque ej nrefh ge estbiohfb`oefth, bmrùiaese ej iofturùf ge sekurogbg y kore ej ofterrup ofterrupthr thr ge efiefgogh b jb phsoioùf HF sof brrbfibr ej `hthr. Jbs sokuoeftes juies (seküf `hgejh) se efiefgerâf `h`eftâfeb`efte y juekh se bpbkbrâf< ,

, ,

, ,

, ,




Yo bjkufh ge ejjhs fh se efioefge, puege ofgoibr que aby ufb mh`mojjb nufgogb h uf ioriuoth bmoerth ef ej soste`b ejïitroih. Biugb b uf ihfiesohfbroh FOYYBF h tbjjer iubjonoibgh pbrb que ih`pruemef ej soste`b y jh repbref of`egobtb`efte.

Yo ej testokh gej BMY se efioefge iubfgh ej `hthr estâ ef `briab h gurbfte jb ihfguiioùf, esth puege ofgoibr que ej BMY fh nufiohfb ihrreitb`efte. Biugb b uf ihfiesohfbroh FOYYBF h tbjjer iubjonoibgh pbrb jb revosoùf gej soste`b. Yo aby ufb bveràb ef ej BMY, jb nufioùf bftomjhqueh bftomjhqueh se bpbkb. Ef este ibsh, ej soste`b ge nrefhs nufiohfb fhr`bj`efte, perh sof bsostefiob bftomjhqueh (ihfsu (ih fsujtjtee ‚Y ‚Yos oste` te`bb ge nr nrefh efhs‐ s‐ ef jb sei seiioù ioùff ‚5. Brrbfque y ihfguiioùf‐). Tbrb hmtefer `âs ofnhr`bioùf, veb ‚Yoste`b ge nrebftomjhqueh (BMY)‐ ef jb seiioùf ‚5. Brrbfque yfhs ihfguiioùf‐.

Westokh gej nrefh (rhlh)

Bjkufhs ofgoibghres y testokhs se vosubjozbf tb`moïf ef jb pbftbjjb ge ofnhr`bioùf gej veaàiujh eftre ej vejhià`etrh y ej tbiù`etrh, ihfsujte ‚Tbftbjjb ge ofnhr`bioùf gej veaàiujh‐ `âs bgejbfte ef estb seiioùf.

Iubfgh se ihjhib ej ofterrupthr ge efiefgogh ef phsoioùf HF, ej testokh per`bfeie efiefgogh ufhs sekufghs. Yo se efioefge ej testokh ef iubjquoer htrb hibsoùf, puege que ofgoque uf nufiohfb`oefth ofihrreith gej soste`b gej nrefh. Yo ej testokh gej


nrefh se efioefge, veaàiujh of`egobtb`efte y pùfkbse efgetefkb ihftbithejihf uf ihfiesohfbroh FOYYBF h tbjjer iubjonoibgh.

Bge`âs, ihfs Bge`âs, ihfsujt ujtee ‚Tb ‚Tbftb ftbjjb jjb ge ofn ofnhr`b hr`bioùf ioùf gej veaàiujh‐ `âs bgejbfte ef estb seiioùf.

Westokh ge fovej ge jàquogh ge nrefhs mblh<

Iubfgh ej ofterrupthr ge efiefgogh estâ ef jb phsoioùf HF, ej testokh gej soste`b ge nrefhs bftomjh-

Iubfgh ej ofterrupthr ge efiefgogh estâ ef jb phsoioùf HF, jb juz bvosb ge que ej fovej gej jàquogh ge nrefh nr efhss es mb mblh lh.. Yo ej tes testotokh kh se efi efioef oefge ge,, tb tb`m `moïfse oïfse efiefgerâf ej testokh gej prhkrb`b ge ihftrhj ejeitrùfoih ge estbmojogbg (EYT) y ej testokh gej soste`b

queh efioefge y gespuïs se bpbkb. Esth ofgoib(BMY) que ejse BMY nufiohfb.

ge nrefhs (b`brojjh). Yo se efioefge jb juz iubfgh ej

Westokh gej soste`b ge nrefhs bftomjhqueh (BMY)

ofterrupthr ge efiefgogh estâ ef phsoioùf HF ihf ej nrefh ge estbiohfb`oefth sof bpjoibr, getefkb ej veaàiujh y rebjoie jh sokuoefte< 2. Ih`prueme ej fovej ge jàquogh ge nrefhs. Yo ej fovej ge jàquogh ge nrefh es mblh, bòbgb jàquogh y abkb que revosef ej soste`b ge nrefhs ef uf ihfiesohfbroh iesohfbr oh FOYYBF h tbjjer iubjonoibgh. iubjonoibgh. ^eb ‚Jàquogh gej e`mrbkue (seküf `hgejh)‐ ef jb seiioùf ‚1. @bftefo`oefth y aâkbjh usteg `os`h‐ y/h ‚Jàquogh ge nrefhs‐ ef jb seiioùf ‚1. @bftefo`oefth y aâkbjh usteg `os`h‐. =. bYouf ej fovej ge jàquoghFOYYBF ge nrefh es ihrreiubjonoibgh ihrreith, ith, biugb ihfiesohfbroh h tbjjer pbrb que revosef ej soste`b ge bvoshs. BG^E]WEFIOB

•  Es phsomje que ej soste`b ge nrefhs fh estï nufiohfbfgh ihrreitb`efte so ej testokh se efiueftrb efiefgogh. Ihfguior ef estbs ioriufstbfiobs puege ser pejokrhsh. Yo ihfsoge-

rb queihf ej soste`b nrefhs es sekurh, ihfguzib iuogbghge abstb jb estbioùf ge servoioh `âs ieribfb pbrb que revosef ej soste`b. Ge jh ihftrbroh, abkb que re`hjquef su veaàiujh, yb que ihfguiorjh phgràb ser pejokrhsh.

•   Ej posbr ej pegbj gej nrefh iubfgh ej ofterrupthr ge efiefgogh fh estâ ef phsoioùf HF y/h iubfgh ej fovej gej jàquogh ge nrefh es mblh puege abier que jb gostbfiob ge nrefbgh bu`efte y que ej nrefbgh requoerb ufb `byhr nuerzb y uf `byhr reihrrogh gej pegbj.

=->   Ofstru`efths y ihftrhjes  

vejj es estâ tâ ph phrr ge gemb mblh lh ge jb `b `bri rib b ge fo fove vejj •   Yo ej fofove

`àfo`h h @OF gej gepùsoth ge jàquogh ge nrefhs,, fh ihf fhs ihfguz guzib ib abs abstb tb que uf ihf ihfies iesohf ohfbro broh h FOYYBF h tbjjer iubjonoibgh abyb ih`prhmbgh ej soste`b ge nrefhs.

Westokh ge ibrkb Iubfgh ej ofterrupthr ge efiefgogh estâ ef jb phsoioùf HF, ej testokh ge ibrkb se efioefge. Wrbs brrbfibr ej `hthr, ej testokh ge ibrkb se bpbkb. Esth ofgoib que ej soste`b ge ibrkb nufiohfb. Yo se efioefge testokh ge ibrkb ge jbembteràb `oeftrbs `oeftrb s ej `hthrejestâ ef `briab h gurbft gurbfte jb ihfguiioùf, puege que ej soste`b ge ibrkb fh nufiohfe ihrreitb`efte y feiesote ufb repbrbioùf. Yo ej testokh ge ibrkb ge jb mbteràb se efioefge gurbfte jb ihfguiioùf, pbre ej veaàiujh ge nhr`b sekurb ef iubfth seb phsomje. Tbre ej `hthr y ih`prueme jb ihrreb gej bjterfbghr. Yo jb ihrreb gej bjterfbghr estâ njhlb, rhtb h se ab pergogh, es feiesbroh gej repbrbr ej soste`b ge ibrkb (ihfsujteoefth ‚Ih-y rrebs `hthr‐ ef jb seiioùf ‚1. @bftefo`oefth @bftefo` aâkbjh usteg `os`h‐). Yo bpb bpbreft refte`e e`efte fte ej nuf nufiohf iohfb`oe b`oefth fth ge jb ihrr ihrreb eb gej bjterfbghr es ihrreith perh ej testokh ge ibrkb ge jb mbteràb per`bfeie oju`ofbgh, abkb que se ih`prueme ef sekuogb ej soste`b ge ibrkb ef uf ihfiesohfbroh FOYYBF h tbjjer iubjonoibgh. T]EIBUIOÙF Fh sokb ihfguioefgh so jb ihrreb gej bjterfbghr

Westokh gej soste`b ge nrefbgh ge e`erkefiob phr bjibfie

Bvosh ge presoùf ge feu`âtoihs mblb<

(seküf `hgejh)

`âtoihs ej testokh se efiefgerâ. Bpbreie uf bvosh es ge mblb, presoùf ge feu`âtoihs mblb (phr ele`pjh, STresoùf ge feu`âtoihs mblb.P) tb`moïf ef jb pbftbjjb ge ofnhr`bioùf gej veaàiujh.

Este te Este test stok okhh se efi efioe oefg fgee iu iubfg bfghh se ge gesbi sbitotovb vb ej so sosste`b ge nrefbgh ge e`erkefiob phr bjibfie ef jb pbftbjjb ofnerohr. Yo se efioefge ej testokh iubfgh ej soste`b ge nrefbghge e`er e`erkef kefiob iob phr bjib bjibfie fie estâbitovb estâbitovbgh, gh, pue pue-ge sokfonoibr que ej soste`b fh estâ gosphfomje. ^eb ‚Yoste`b ge nrefbgh ge e`erkefiob phr bjibfie (seküf `hgejh)‐ `hgejh)‐ ef jb seiioùf ‚5. Brrbfque y ihfguiioùf‐ pbrb hmtefer ofnhr`bioùf bgoiohfbj.

Westokh ge presoùf ge feu`âtoihs mblb (seküf `hgejh) Yu veaàiujh estâ equopbgh ihf uf soste`b ge ihftrhj ge presoùf ge feu`âtoihs (WT@Y) que ihftrhjb jb presoùf ge thghs jhs feu`âtoihs exiepth ej ge repuesth. Ej testokh ge presoùf ge feu`âtoihs mblb ofgoib que jb presoùf ge jhs feu`âtoihs es mblb h moef que ej WT@Y fh nufiohfb ihrreitb`efte. Iubfgh se phfe ej ofterrupthr ge efiefgogh ef phsoioùf HF, este testokh se efioefge gurbfte 2 sekufgh bprhxo`bgb`efte y, b ihftofubioùf, se bpbkb.

Yo se ihf ihfgu guie ie ej vea veaàiu àiujh jh iub iubfg fghh jb pr pres esoùf oùf ge feu feu--

Iubfgh se efioefgb ej testokh ge presoùf ge feu`âtoihs mblb, pbre ej veaàiujh y bluste jb presoùf ge jhs 7 feu`âtoihs b jb presoùf reih`efgbgb reih`efgbgb ef nràh (IHJG) que se `uestrb ef jb etoquetb ge jb pjbib gej feu`âtoih sotubgb ef ej jbgh gej ihfguithr gej `hftbftee ieftrbj `hftbft ieftrbj,, ihfsujte‚Etoquetb ihfsujte‚Etoquetbge ge feu`âtoi feu`âtoihs‐ hs‐ ef jb seiioùf ‚?. Ofnhr`bioùf tïifoib‐. Ej testokh ge presoùf ge feu`âtoihs mblb fh se bpbkb buth`âtoib`efte iubfgh se blustb jb presoùf gej feu`âtoih. Gespuïs ge ofnjbr ej feu`âtoih abstb ihfsekuor jb presoùf reih`efgbgb, aby que ihfguior ej veaàiujh b vejhiogbges superohres superohres b =5 c`/a (2> `pa) pbrb bitovbr ej WT@Y y que se bpbkue ej testokh ge presoùf ge feu`âtoihs mblb. Use uf `bfù`etrh pbrb ih`prhmbr jb presoùf gej feu`âtoih. Ej bvosh ge presoùf ge jhs feu`âtoihs mblb (phr ele`pjh ele` pjh,, STr STresoù esoùff ge feu` feu`âto âtoihs ihs mbl mblb.P)bpbrei b.P)bpbreiee ibgb vez que se ihjhib ej ofterrupthr ge efiefgogh ef jb phsoioùf HF `oeftrbs que per`bfezib efiefgogh ej testokh ge presoùf ge feu`âtoihs mblb. Ej reofoioh gej WT@Y geme rebjozbrse bftes ge sustotuor uf feu`âtoih h ufb ruegb, h ge per`utbr jbs ruegbs. Ef nufioùf ge jhs te`perbturb exterohr, ej testokh ge ib`mohs presoùf ge jb feu`âtoihs mblb se

estâ njhlb, rhtb h se ab pergogh.

puege oju`ofbr bufque jb presoùf ge jhs feu`âtoihs Ofstru`efths y ihftrhjes   =-;


estï moef blustbgb. Iubfgh jhs feu`âtoihs estïf nràhs, bluste htrb vez jb presoùf ge jhs feu`âtoihs abstb jb reih`efgbgb ef nràh (IHJG) y reofoioe ej WT@Y. Yo gespuïs ge jb hperbioùf ge reofoioh ihftofüb oju`ofâfghse ej testokh ge presoùf ge feu`âtoihs mblb, puege ofgoibr que ej WT@Y fh nufiohfb ihrreitb`efte. rreitb` efte. Biugb b uf ihfiesohfbroh FOYYBF h tbjjer iubjonoibgh pbrb jb revosoùf gej soste`b. Tbrb hmtefer `âs ofnhr`bioùf, veb ‚Tbftbjjb ‚Tbftbjjb ge ofnhr`bioùf gej veaàiujh‐ `âs bgejbfte ef estb seiioùf y ‚Yoste`b ihftrhj ge ihs (WT@Y)‐ ef ge jb seiioùf ‚5.presoùf Brrbfquge Brrbfque e y feu`âtoihfguiioùf‐. Bveràb gej WT@Y<

Yo ej WT@Y fh nufiohfb ihrreitb`efte, ej testokh ge presoùf ge feu`âtoihs mblb pbrpbgeb gurbfte 2 `ofuth iubfgh ej ofterrupthr ge efiefgogh se phfe ef jb phsoioùf HF. Jb juz per`bfeie efiefgogb gespuïs ge 2 `ofuth. Biugb b uf ihfiesohfbroh FOYYBF tbjjerge iubjonoibg iubjonoibgh pbrb jb revosoùfmblb gej soste`b. Ej hbvosh presoùfhge feu`âtoihs fh bpbreie so ej testokh ge presoùf ge feu`âtoihs mblb se efioefge pbrb ofgoibr ufb bveràb gej WT@Y. Tbrb hmtefer `âs ofnhr`bioùf, veb ‚Yoste`b ge ihftrhj ge presoùf ge feu`âtoihs (WT@Y)‐ ef jb seiioùf ‚5. Brrbfque y ihfguiioùf‐. BG^E]WEFIOB  Jbs hfgbs ge rbgoh puegef bneitbr ge nhr`b

usteg jjevb `bribpbshs, pùfkbse ef ihftbith ihf ej nbmroibfte gej equoph `ïgoih pbrb ofnhr`brse ge jhs phsomjes eneiths bftes ge utojozbr jb jjbve oftejokefte.   Yo jb juz fh se efioefge bj phfer ej ofterrupthr ge efiefgogh ef jb phsoioùf HF, biugb b uf ihfiesohfbroh FOYYBF h b uf tbjjer iubjonoibgh jh bftes phsomje.

test stok okh h ge pr pres esoù oùf f ge fe feu` u`ât âtoi oihs hs mb mblb lb se •   Yo ej te efioefge bj ihfguior, evote `bfohmrbr h nrefbr mrusib`efte, reguzib jb vejhiogbg, sbjkb

ge jb ibrreterb y pbre ej veaàiujh tbf prhfth ih`h seb phsomje. Ihfguior ihf jhs feu`âtoihs gesofnjbghs puege prhvhibr gbòhs per`bfeftes ef jhs feu`âtoihs y bu`eftbr jb prhmbmojogbg ge uf nbjjh ge ïsths. Ye puegef prhgui prh guior or gbò gbòhs hs ef ej vea veaàiu àiujh jh y prh prhvhi vhibr br bii biioogeftes h jesohfes krbves. Ih`prueme jb presoùf ge jhs iubtrh feu`âtoihs. Bluste jb presoùf ge jhs feu`âtoihs b jb presoùf reih`efgbgb ef nràh que se `uestrb ef jb etoquetb ge jb pjbib gej feu`âtoih sotubgb ef ej jbgh gej ihfguithr gej `hftbfte ieftrbj pbrb bpbkbr ej testokh ge presoùf ge feu`âtoihs mblb. Yo ej tes testok tokh h se efi efioef oefge ge bj ihf ihfgui guior or ges gespuï puïss ge abmer blustbgh jb presoùf, es phsomje que uf feu`âtoih estï pofiabgh. Yo toefe uf feu`âtoih pofiabgh, repârejh ihf ej cot ge e`erkefiob pbrb repbrbioùf ge pofiabzhs ge feu`âtoihs (seküf `hgejh) h sustotüybjh phr uf feu`ât feu `âtoih oih ge rep repues uesth th (se (seküf küf `hg `hgejh ejh)) jh bftes phsomje.

•  Gespuïs ge blustbr jb presoùf ge jhs feu`â-

toihs, bsekürese ge reofoiobr ej WT@Y. B `efhs que se rebjoie ej reofoioh, ej WT@Y fh bvosbrâ ihrreitb`efte ge jb presoùf ge feu`âtoihs mblb.

•  Iubfgh se `hftb uf feu`âtoih ge repuesth

h se sustotuye ufb ruegb, ej soste`b ge ihftrhj ge presoùf ge feu`âtoihs fh nufiohfb y ej testokh ge presoùf ge feu`âtoihs mblb pbrpbgebrâ gurbfte 2 `ofuth bprhxo`bgb`efte. Jb juz per`bfeie efiefgogb gespuïs ge 2 `ofuth `of uth.. Ihf Ihftbi tbite te ihf uf ihf ihfies iesohf ohfbro broh h FOYYBF h tbjjer iubjonoibgh jh bftes phsomje pbrb que sustotuybf ej feu`âtoih y/h reblustef ej soste`b.

•  Ej ush ge feu`âtoihs fh reih`efgbghs phr

FOYYBF phgràb bneitbr bj nufiohfb`oefth gej soste` sos te`b b ge ihf ihftrh trhjj ge pre presoù soùf f ge feu feu`ât `âtoih oihs. s.


•  Ej WT@Y fh es uf sustotuth ge jb ih`prhmbioùf jb presoùf jhs feu`âtoihs peroùgoib. ge Bsekürese gege ih`prhmbr jb presoùf ge jhs feu`âtoihs peroùgoib`efte.

•   Yo se ihfguie ej veaàiujh b ufb vejhiogbg ofnerohr b =5 c`/a (2> `pa), es phsomje que ej WT@Y fh nufiohfe ihrreitb`efte.

ihrreitb`efte jhs feu•   Bsekürese ge ofstbjbr ihrreitb`efte `âtoihs gej tb`bòh espeionoibgh ef jbs iubtrh ruegbs.

fekbtovb b jhs equophs `ïgoihs ejïitroihs. Yo

=-1   Ofstru`efths y ihftrhjes  

Westokh ge bveràb (rhlh) (seküf `hgejh) Iubfgh ej ofterrupthr ge efiefgogh se phfe ef jb phsoioùf HF, ej testokh ge bveràb se efioefge. Esth sokfonoib que ej soste`b nufiohfb. ^eb ‚Ofgoibghr ge bveràb (fbrbflb)‐ `âs bgejbfte ef estb seiioùf pbrb hmtefer `âs getbjjes shmre ej ofgoibghr ge bveràb ge ihjhr fbrbflb. Yo ej testokh ge bveràb rhlh per`bfeie efiefgogh `oeftrbs ej `hthr estâ ef `briab, puege ofgoibr uf prhmje`b ef ej soste`b ge ihftrhj gej `hthr. Biugb b uf ihfiesohfbroh FOYYBF h tbjjer iubjonoibgh pbrb que revosef ej veaàiujh. Fh es feiesbroh que re`hjque ej veaàiujh abstb ej ihfiesohfbroh. T]EIBUIOÙF Ej ush ihftofubgh gej veaàiujh sof rebjozbr jb ih`prhmbioùf y repbrbioùf gej soste`b ge ihftrhj gej `hthr gemogb`efte puege jjevbr b uf e`pehrb`oefth ge jbs ihfgoiohfes ge ihfguiioùf, ufb reguiioùf ef ej bahrrh ge ih`mustomje y b phsomjes gbòhs ef ej soste`b ge ihftrhj gej `hthr, jh iubj phgràb bneitbr b jb ihmerturb ge jb kbrbftàb gej veaàiujh.

Uf bluste ofihrreith gej soste`b ge ihftrhj gej `hthr puege prhvhibr ej ofiu`pjo`oefth ge jbs jeyes y rekujbiohfes jhibjes y fbiohfbjes shmre e`osohfes.

Westokh `bestrh Iubfgh ge efiefgogh estâ phsoioùff HF ioù HF,,ejejofterrupthr test te stok okhh `b `best estrh rh se efi efioef oefge ge soefsejb`ue `uesstrb ef jb pbftbjjb ge ofnhr`bioùf gej veaàiujh iubjquoerb ge jhs sokuoeftes `efsbles (ihfsujte ‚Tbftbjjb ge ofnhr`bioùf gej veaàiujh‐ `âs bgejbfte ef estb seiioùf)<

•  Bgvertefiob fh aby jjbve •   Bgvertefiob ge iùgokh ge ogeftonoibioùf ge jb jjbve ofihrreith

•  Bvosh ge fovej ge jàquogh gej jbvbpbrbmrosbs mblh •   Bvosh ge jomerbioùf gej nrefh ge estbiohfb`oefth •  Bvosh ge `bjeterh/puertbs bmoertbs •  Bvosh ge presoùf ge feu`âtoihs mblb •  Bvosh gej soste`b ge jjbve oftejokefte Yo bpbreief bvoshs gej soste`b ge bsostefiob bj ihfguithr (seküf `hgejh) ef jb pbftbjjb ge ofnhr`bioùf gej veaàiujh, tb`moïf se efioefge ej testok testokhh `bestrh. tr h. ^e ^ebb ‚Y ‚Yos oste te`b `b ge bvo bvosh sh ge âfk âfkujh`uer ujh`uerth th (M (MY[ Y[)) (seküf (se küf `hgejh)‐ `hgejh)‐ ef jb seii seiioùf oùf ‚5. Brrb Brrbfqu fquee y ihfguiioùf‐, ‚Yoste`b ge bvosh ge gesvàh ge ibrroj (JG[) (seküf `hgejh)‐ ef jb seiioùf ‚5. Brrbfque y ihfguiioùf‐, y/h ‚Yoste`b ge nrefbgh ge e`erkefiob phr bjibfie (seküf `hgejh)‐ ef jb seiioùf ‚5. Brrbfque y ihfguiioùf‐.

Westokh ge sekurogbg gej FBWY Jb juz pbrpbgeb ej ofterrupthr efiefgogh estâ ef jbsoe`pre phsoioùfque JHIC, ‚HNN‐ hge BII. Estb nufioùf ofgoib que ej veaàiujh estâ equopbgh ihf ej Yoste`b bftorrhmh FOYYBF (FBWY)*. Yo ej FBWY estâ bverobgh, ej ofgoibghr per`bfeierâ efiefgogh `oeftrbs ej ofterrupthr ge efiefgogh estâ ef jb phsoioùf HF. Tbrb hmtefer `âs ofnhr`bioùf, veb ‚Yoste`b ge sekurogbg‐ `âs bgejbfte ef estb seiioùf. * Of`hvojozbghr

Westokh gej nrefh ge estbiohfb`oefth Iubfgh ej ofterrupthr ge efiefgogh estâ ef jb phsoioùf HF, ej ofgoibghr ef ej iubgrh ge ofstru`efths se efioefge (rhlh) bj bpjoibr ej nrefh ge estbiohfb`oefth. Westokh ge fovej ge jàquogh ge nrefhs mblh<

Iubfgh ej ofterrupthr ge efiefgogh estâ ef jb phsoioùf HF, jb juz bvosb ge que ej fovej gej jàquogh ge nrefh nr efhss es mb mblh.Yo lh.Yo ej te test stok okhh se efi efioef oefge ge,, tb tb`m `moïfse oïfse efiefgerâf ej testokh gej prhkrb`b ge ihftrhj ejeitrùfoih ge estbmojogbg (EYT) y ej testokh gej soste`b ge nrefhs (b`brojjh). Yo se efioefge jb juz iubfgh ej ofterrupthr ge efiefgogh estâ ef phsoioùf HF ihf ej nrefh ge estbiohfb`oefth sof bpjoibr, getefkb ej veaàiujh y rebjoie jh sokuoefte< 2. Ih`prueme ej fovej ge jàquogh ge nrefhs. Yo ej

fovej ge jàquogh ge nrefh es mblh, bòbgb jàquogh y Ofstru`efths y ihftrhjes   =-?  

abkb que revosef ej soste`b ge nrefhs ef uf ihfiesohfbroh iesohfbr oh FOYYBF h tbjjer iubjonoibgh. iubjonoibgh. ^eb ‚Jàquogh ge nrefhs‐ ef jb seiioùf ‚1. @bftefo`oefth y aâk aâkbjhuste bjhustegg `o `os` s`h‐ h‐ y/ y/hh ‚J ‚Jàq àquo uogh gh ge gejj e` e`mr mrbbkue (seküf `hgejh)‐ ef jb seiioùf ‚1. @bftefo`oefth y aâkbjh usteg `os`h‐. =. Yo ej fovej ge jàquogh ge nrefh es ihrreith, ihrreith, biugb b uf ihfiesohfbroh FOYYBF h tbjjer iubjonoibgh pbrb que revosef ej soste`b ge bvoshs. BG^E]WEFIOB

Tbrb hmtefer `âs ofnhr`bioùf shmre ej nufiohfb`oefth gej nrefh ge estbiohfb`oefth, ihfsujte ‚Nrefh ge estbiohf estbiohfb`oefth‐ b`oefth‐ ef jb seiioùf ‚1. Ih`prhmbiohfes y rekjbles prevohs b jb `briab‐ `briab‐..

Westokh ge jb servhgoreiioùf BG^E]WEFIOB

•  Yo ej `hthr fh estâ nufiohfbfgh h se bpbkb

gurbfte jb ihfguiioùf, jb servhgoreiioùf fh nufiohfbrâ. Fhtbrâ `uiah `âs gurb jb goreiioùf.

phsomje que ej soste`b ge so nrefhs fh estï nufiohfbfgh ihrreitb`efte ej testokh se •  Es

•   Yo ej testokh ge jb servhgoreiioùf se efioefge

posbr ej pegbj gej iubfgh ej ofterrupge efiefgogh fh nrefh estâ ef phsoioùf HF y/h •   Ejthr iubfgh ej fovej gej jàquogh ge nrefh es mblh

Iubfgh ej ofterrupthr ge efiefgogh se ihjhib ef jb phsoioùf HF, ej testokh ge jb servhgoreiioùf se efioefge. Wrbs brrbfibr ej `hthr, ej testokh ge jb servhgoreiioùf se bpbkb. Esth ofgoib que ej soste`b ge jb goreiio goreiioùf ùf ejïitroib estâ ef nufiohfb`oefth.

efiueftrb efiefgogh. Ihfguior ef estbs ioriufstbfiobs puege ser pejokrhsh. Yo ihfsogerb que ej soste`b ge nrefhs es sekurh, ihfguzib ihf iuogbgh abstb jb estbioùf ge servoioh `âs ieribfb pbrb que revosef ej soste`b. Ge jh ihftrbroh, abkb que re`hjquef su veaàiujh, yb que ihfguiorjh phgràb ser pejokrhsh.

puege abier que jb gostbfiob ge nrefbgh bu`efte y que ej nrefbgh requoerb ufb `byhr nuerzb y uf `byhr reihrrogh gej pegbj. vejj es estâ tâ ph phrr ge gemb mblh lh ge jb `b `bri rib b ge fo fove vejj •   Yo ej fofove

`àfo`h h @OF gej gepùsoth ge jàquogh ge nrefhs,, fh ihf fhs ihfguz guzib ib abs abstb tb que uf ihf ihfies iesohf ohfbro broh h FOYYBF h tbjjer iubjonoibgh abyb ih`prhmbgh ej soste`b ge nrefhs.

ihf ej `hthr ef nufiohfb`oefth, jb servhgoreiioùf gelbrâ ge nufiohfbr. Whgbvàb tefgrâ ihftrhj gej veaàiujh, perh jb goreiioùf serâ `âs gonàioj ge `bfelbr. Biugb b uf ihfiesohfbroh FOYYBF h tbjjer iubjonoibgh pbrb que revosef ej soste`b ge jb servhgoreiioùf.

Yo ej testokh ge jb servhgoreiioùf se efioefge `oeftrbs tr bs ej `ht `hthr hr es estâ tâ ef `b `bria riab, b, es ph phso somj mjee qu quee of ofgo goqu quee que ej soste`b ge jb servhgoreiioùf fh nufiohfb ihrreitb`efte y que puege ser feiesbrob ufb repbrbioùf. Biugb b uf ihfiesohfbroh FOYYBF h tbjjer iubjonoibgh pbrb que revosef ej soste`b ge jb servh-

goreiioùf ejïitro goreiioùf ejïitroib. ib. ^eb ‚Yoste` ‚Yoste`bb ge jb servhgoreiioùf ejïitroib‐ ef jb seiioùf ‚5. Brrbfque y ihfguiioùf‐.

Westokh ge jhs iofturhfes ge sekurogbg (ihfguithr y pbsblerh gejbfterh) Ej testokh gej iofturùf ge sekurogbg je reiuergb que toefe que bmrhiabrse ej iofturùf. Ej testokh se efioefge iubfgh ej ofterrupthr ge efiefgogh estâ ihjhibgh ef jb phsoioù phsoioùff HF h YWB]W y per`bfe per`bfeierâ ierâ efiefgogh abstb que ej iofturùf ge sekurogbg gej ihfguithr ihfguit hr h gej pbsblerh se efiueftr efiueftree bmrhiabgh. Bj `os`h toe`ph, jb seòbj biüstoib suefb gurbfte > sekufghs bprhxo`bgb`efte b `efhs que ej iofturùf ge sekurogbg gej ihfguithr h gej pbsblerh estï bmrhiabgh bmrhiab gh ihrreitb ihrreitb`efte, `efte, ihfsujte ‚Yeòbj biüstoib ge bvosh gej iofturùf ge sekurogbg‐ `âs bgejbfte ef estb seiioùf. Ej testokh gej iofturùf ge sekurogbg puege efiefgerse so ej iofturùf gej pbsbler sb lerhh ge gejb jbfte fterh rh fh es estâ tâ bm bmrh rhiab iabgh gh y ej bs bsoef oefth th es estâ tâ hiupbgh. Gurbfte ; sekufghs gespuïs ge que ej ofterrupthr ge efiefgogh se phfkb ef jb phsoioùf HF, ej soste`b fh bitovb ej testokh gej pbsblerh gejbfterh. ^eb ‚Iofturhfes ge sekurogbg‐ ef jb seiioùf ‚2. Yekurogbg ‗ bsoefths, iofturhfes ge sekurogbg y soste`b ge sekurogbg supje`eftbroh‐ pbrb hmtefer ofnhr`bioùf shmre jbs preibuiohfes ge ush ge jhs iofturhfes ge sekurogbg.

=-24   Ofstru`efths y ihftrhjes  

Westokh gej bormbk gej soste`b ge sekurogbg supje`eftbroh

testok tokhh gej bor bormbk mbk sup supje`e je`eftb ftbroh roh fh se efio efioefef•   Ej tes


B fh ser se revose repbre, ej soste`b bormbk Y]Y y/h que ej iofturùf gey sekurogbg ihf pretefshr puegef fh nufiohfbr ihrreitb`efte.

BG^E]WEFIOB Yo ej testokh gej bormbk supje`eftbroh se efioefge, puege sokfonoibr que jhs soste`bs ge bormbk gejbfterh, bormbk jbterbjes (seküf `hgejh), bormbk ge ihrtofb (seküf `hgejh) y/h pretefshres fh nufiohfbrâf ef ibsh ge biiogefte. Tbrb evotbr jesohfes tbfth suybs ih`h ge htrhs pbsblerhs, biugb ihfiesohfbroh FOYYBF h tbjjer iubjonoibgh bjhuf bftes phsomje pbrb jb revosoùf ge su veaàiujh.


Tbrb hmtefer ofnhr`b ofnhr`bioùf ioùf bgoiohfbj, ihfsujte ‚Westokh gej bormbk gej Y]Y‐ ef jb seiioùf ‚2. Yekurogbg ‗ bsoefths, iofturhfes ge sekurogbg y soste`b ge sekurogbg supje`eftbroh‐.

Juz ge estbgh gej bormbk gej pbsblerh gejbfterh (seküf `hgejh)

Westokh ge bkub ef ej nojtrh ge ih`mustomje (seküf `hgejh) Yo ej testokh per`bfeie efiefgogh h pbrpbgeb ge uf `hg `hghh or orrek rekujb ujbrr `o `oeft eftrb rbss ej `h `hth thrr est estââ ef `b `bria riab, b, puege que abyb bkub ef ej nojtrh ge ih`mustomje. Yo esthh suie est suiegoe goerb, rb, pùf pùfkbs kbsee ef ihft ihftbith bith ihf uf ihfi ihfieesohfbroh FOYYBF h tbjjer iubjonoibgh. T]EIBUIOÙF Yo fh se grefb ej bkub gej nojtrh ge ih`mustomje, se pue puegefibusb gefibusbrr gbò gbòhs hs krb krbvesef vesef ej `ht `hthr. hr. Tùf Tùf-kbse ef ihftbith ihf uf ihfiesohfbroh FOYYBF h tbjjer iubjonoibgh jh bftes phsomje.

Iubfgh ej ofterrupthr ge efiefgogh estâ ef phsoioùf HF h YWB]W, ej testokh gej bormbk gej soste`b ge sekurogbg supje`eftbroh (Y]Y) se efioefge gurbfte bprhxo`bgb`efte ; sekufghs y, b ihftofubioùf, se bpbkb pbrb ofgoibr que ej soste`b estâ hperbtovh.

Jb juz ge estbgh gej bormbk gej pbsblerh gejbfterh ( ), sot sotubg ubgbb ef jb ihf ihfshj shjbb ieft ieftrbj rbj efi efio`b o`b ge jb jb pbjbf pb jbfib ib ge ib ib`m `mohs ohs,, se efi efioef oefge ge iub iubfg fghh se ge gesb sbiitovb ej bormbk gej pbsblerh gejbfterh ihf ej ofterrupthr gej bormbk gej pbsblerh gejbfterh. Iubfgh se bitovb ej bormbk gej pbsblerh gejbfterh, se efioefge mreve`efte jb juz ge estbgh gej bormbk gej pbsblerh gejbfterh y, b ihftofubioùf, se bpbkb.

OFGOIBGH]EY Ofgoibghr ge juz ge iruie

Yo se prh prhgui guiee bjk bjkufb ufb ge jbs ihfg ihfgoioh oiohfes fes sok sokuoef uoeftes, tes, jhs soste`bs gej bormbk y pretefshr ge sekurogbg feiesot feie sotbf bf `bft `bftefo` efo`oeft oefth, h, y gem gemee jjev jjevbr br ej veaà veaàiujh iujh bj ihfiesohfbroh FOYYBF h tbjjer iubjonoibgh `âs ieribfh<

Tbrb hmtefer ofnhr`bioùf bgoiohfbj, ihfsujte ‚Juz ge estbgh gej bormbk ge pbsblerh gejbfterh‐ ef jb seiioùf ‚2. Yekurogbg ‗ bsoefths, iofturhfes ge sekurogbg y soste`b ge sekurogbg supje`eftbroh‐.


Este ofgoibghr se efioefge bj phfer ej ihf`utb ihf`utbghr ghr ef jb phsoioùf   . Jhs Jhs nbrhs nbrhs se se efioefg efioefgef ef y jbs jbs juies ge phsoioùf gejbfterb, jbs trbserbs, jbs ge `btràiujb y jbs gej pbfej ge ofstru` ofstru`efths efths per`bfeief

Ofgoibghr ge mjhqueh ge puertb (seküf `hgejh)

iefgogh gespuïs ge ; sekufghs bprhxo`bgb`efte.

Ej ofgoibghr ge mjhqueh ge puertb, sotubgh ef ej tbmjer tbm jerhh ge ofst ofstru`e ru`efths fths,, se efio efioefg efgee iubf iubfgh gh se mjh mjh-quebf thgbs jbs puertbs ihf ej ofterrupthr ge efiefgogh ef jb phsoioùf HF.

 Ej testokh gej bormbk supje`eftbroh pbrpbgeb ofter`otefte`efte.

thr gej ioerre ieftrbjozbgh ge puertbs, se efioef-

•  Ej testokh gej bormbk supje`eftbroh ihftofüb ef-

•   Iubfgh se mjhquebf jbs puertbs ihf ej ofterrup-

ge ej ofgoibghr ge mjhqueh ge puertb gurbfte 94 `ofuths. Ofstru`efths y ihftrhjes   =-22


•   Iubfgh se mjhquebf jbs puertbs pujsbfgh ej mhtùf ge mjhqueh ge jb jjbve oftejokefte h iubjquoer ofterrupthr ge shjoiotug (seküf `hgejh), ej ofgoibghr ge mjhqueh ge puertb se efioefge gurbfte 2 `ofuth.

•   Ej ofgoibghr ge mjhqueh ge puertb se bpbkb iubfgh iubjquoer puertb se gesmjhqueb.

Tbrb mjhquebr h gesmjhq gesmjhquebr uebr jbs puertbs puertbs,, ihfsujte ‚Mjhqueh ge puertbs‐ ef jb seiioùf ‚9. Ih`prhmbiohfes y rekjbles prevohs b jb `briab‐.

Ofgoibghr gej prhkrb`b ge ihftrhj ejeitrùfoih ge estbmojogbg (EYT) gesbitovbgh (seküf `hgejh) Ej ofgoibghr se efioefge iubfgh ej mhtùf ge gesbitovbioùff gej prhkrb tovbioù prhkrb`b `b ge ihftrhj ejeitrùfoih ejeitrùfoih ge estbmojogbg tbmojog bg (EYT) estâ ef phsoioùf ge bpbkbg bpbkbgh. h. Esth ofgoib que ej soste`b EYT fh estâ nufiohfb nufiohfbfgh. fgh. Jb juz tb`moïf se efioefge mreve`efte iubfgh ej ofterrupthr ge efiefgogh se korb abstb jb phsoioùf HF. Ej ofgoibghr se bpbkb trbfsiurrogh bprhxo`bgb`efte 2 sekufgh so ej soste`b EYT nufiohfb ihrreitb`efte. Iubfgh ej ofgoibghr ge gesbitovbioùf gesbitovbioùf gej EYT y ej ofgoibghr ge gesjozb`oefth (ihfsujte ‚Ofgoibghr ge gesjozb`oefth (seküf `hgejh)‐ `âs bgejbfte ef estb seiioùf) se efioefgef ihf ej soste`b EYT bitovbgh, esth bjertb bj ihfguithr ge que jb `hgbjog `hgbjogbg bg ge buthprhteiioùf gej soste`b estâ bitovbgb. Esth

tb`efte. Biugb b uf ihfiesohfbroh FOYYBF h tbjjer iubjonoibgh pbrb que revosef ej soste`b. Yo se prhguiegej bjkufb bfh`bjàb ef ibfiejb, ej soste`b,perh ej nufiohfb`oefth soste`b EYT se se puege sekuor ihfguioefgh ej veaàiujh. Tbrb hmtefer `âs ofnhr`bioùf, veb ‚Yoste`b gej prhkrb`b ge ihftrhj ihft rhj ejei ejeitrù trùfoih foih ge est estbmo bmojogb jogbgg (EYT (EYT)) (se (seküf küf `hgejh)‐ ef jb seiioùf ‚5. Brrbfque y ihfguiioùf‐.

Ofgoibghr ge jhs nbrhs bftofoemjb

Yo ej ofgoibghr ge bveràb fbrbflb per`bfeie efiefgogh h pbrpbg pbrpbgeb eb (seküf `hgejh) `oeftrbs ej `hthr estâ ef `briab, es phsomje que ofgoque ufb bveràb gej soste`b ge ihftrhj gej `hthr. ^eb ‚Westokh ge bveràb (rhlh) (seküf `hgejh)‐ bfterohr`efte ef estb seiioùf pbrb hmtefer `âs getbjjes shmre ej testok testokhh ge bveràb rhlh (seküf `hgejh). Efiefgogh (fbrbflb)<

Ej ofgoibghr se efioefge iubfgh se efioefgef jhs

Ye ab geteitbgh ufb bveràb ef ej `hthr. Biugb b uf ihfiesohfbroh FOYYBF h tbjjer iubjonoibgh pbrb que revosef ej veaàiujh. Fh es feiesbroh que re`hjque

nbrhs ‚Ihf`utbghr gej bju`mrbgh bftofoemjb bftofoemjb‐(ihfsujte `âs bgejbfte ef estb seiioùf).

ej veaàiujh abstb ej ihfiesohfbroh.

Ofgoibghr ge mulàbs ge ofibfgesiefiob ofibfgesie fiob (`hthres goïsej) Este ofgoibghr se efioefge iubfgh ej ofterrupthr ge efiefgogh se phfe ef phsoioùf HF y se bpbkb iubfgh se abf preibjeftbgh jbs mulàbs ge ofibfgesiefiob. Iubfgh ej `hthr estâ nràh, ej toe`ph ge preibjeftb`oefth ge jbs mulàbs es `âs prhjhfkbgh.

Ofgoibghr ge juies ge ibrreterb Ye efioefge bj sejeiiohfbr jbs juies ge ibrrete ibrreterb rb y se bpbkb bj ib`mobr b jbs juies ge iruie.

Ofgoibghr ge bveràb (fbrbflb)

Tbrpbgeh (fbrbflb) (seküf `hgejh)<

Ye ab geteit geteitbgh bgh uf nbjjh ge efiefgo efiefgogh gh ef ej `hthr que puege gbòbr ej soste`b ge ihftrhj gej `hthr. Tbrb evotbr h reguior gbòhs ef ej `hthr<

•   Fh ihfguzib b vejhiogbges superohres b jhs ;4 c`/a (79 `pa).

 Evote biejerbr h gesbiejerbr mrusib`efte.

•  Evote sumor iuestbs `uy prhfufiobgbs. •   Yo es phsomje, reguzib jb ibrkb ef ej veaàiujh h ef ej re`hjque.

Es phsomje que ej ofgoibghr ge bveràb gele ge pbrpbgebr y per`bfezib efiefgogh.

Iubfgh ej ofterrupthr ge efiefgogh se phfe ef phsoioùf HF, ej ofgoibghr ge bveràb fbrbflb se efioef-

Biugb b uf ihfiesohfbroh FOYYBF h tbjjer iubjonoibgh pbrb que revosef ej veaàiujh. Fh es feiesbroh

ge. Esth ofgoib que ej soste`b estâ nufiohfbfgh.

que re`hjque ej veaàiujh abstb ej ihfiesohfbroh.

sokfonoib que ej soste`b puege fh nufiohfbr ihrrei-

=-2=   Ofstru`efths y ihftrhjes  

T]EIBUIOÙF Ej ush ihftofubgh gej veaàiujh sof rebjozbr jb

Ej ofgoibghr ihftofubrâ pbrpbgebfgh gurbfte ufhs sekufghss gespuïs ge que ej soste`b EYT gele ge sekufgh jo`otbr ej korh ge jb ruegb.

ih`prhmbioùf repbrbioùf gej soste`b ge bihftrhj gej `hthr ygemogb`efte puege jjevbr uf e`pehrb`oefth ge jbs ihfgoiohfes ge ihfguiioùf, ufb reguiioùf ef ej bahrrh ge ih`mustomje y b phsomjes gbòhs ef ej soste`b ge ihftrhj gej `hthr, jh iubj phgràb bneitbr b jb ihmerturb ge jb kbrbftàb gej veaàiujh.

Tbrb hmtefer ofnhr`bi ofnhr`bioùf oùf bgoiohfb bgoiohfbj,j, ihfsujt ihfsujtee ‚Ofgoibghr gej prhkrb`b ge ihftrhj ejeitrùfoih ejeitrùfoih ge estbmojogbg (EYT) gesbitovbgh (seküf `hgejh)‐ bfterohr`efte ef estb seiioùf y ‚Yoste`b gej prhkrb`b ge ihftrhj ejeitrùf ejeitrùfoih oih ge estbmoj estbmojogbg ogbg (EYT) (seküf `hgejh)‐ ef jb seiioùf ‚5. Brrbfque y ihfguiioùf‐.

Ofgoibghr ge juies bftofoemjb (seküf `hgejh)

Ofgoibghr ge goreiioùf gej re`hjque

Este ofgoibghr se efioefge iubfgh se efioefgef jbs juies bftofoemjb (ihfsujte ‚Juz bftofoemjb (seküf `hgejh)‐ `âs bgejbfte ef estb seiioùf).

Jb juz se efioefge soe`pre soe`pre que ej soste`b gej ofgoibghr ge goreiioùf geteitb ufb ibrkb ejïitroib bgoiohfbj.

Ofgoibghres ge jb juz ge phsoioùf y ge nbrhs

Tbrb hmtefer `âs ofnhr`bioùf, veb ‚Ihfguiioùf ihf re`hjque‐ ef jb seiioùf ‚5. Brrbfque y ihfguiioùf‐.

Este ofgoibghr se efioefge iubfgh se sejeiioh sejeiiohfbf fbf jbs juies ge phsoioùf h jhs nbrhs, ihfsujte ‚Ihf`utbghr ge nbrhs e ofgoibghres ge goreiioùf‐ `âs bgejbfte ef estb seiioùf pbrb hmtefer `âs getbjjes.

Ofgoibghr ge gesjozb`oef gesjozb`oefth th (seküf `hgejh)

Ej ofgoibghr ge gesjozb`oefth pbrpbgeb iubfgh ej prhkrb prh krb`b `b ge ihft ihftrhj rhj ejei ejeitrù trùfoih foih ge est estbmo bmojogb jogbgg (EYT) estâ nufiohfbfgh, bjertbfgh bj `os`h toe`ph bj ihfguithr ge que jb supern supernoioe oioe ge jb ibrreter ibrreterbb es resmbjbgozb y ge que ej veaàiujh estâ ierib ge su jà`ote ge trbiioùf.

Ofgoibghres ge goreiioùf/ e`erkefiob Jhs ofg ofgoibg oibghres hres ge gor goreiio eiioùf ùf pbr pbrpbg pbgebf ebf bj biio biiohfbr hfbr ej mhtùf ge jbs juies ge e`erkefiob h ej ihf`utbghr ge jhs ofgoibghres ge goreiioùf. ^eb ‚Ihf`utbghr ge nbrhs e ofgoibghres ge goreiioùf‐ `âs bgejbfte ef estb seiioùf y ihfsujte ‚Mhtùf ge jbs juies ge e`erkefiob‐ ef jb seiioùf ‚>. Ef ibsh ge e`erkefiob‐ pbrb hmtefer `âs getbjjes.

YEÒBJEY BIÜYWOIBY Yeòbj biüstoib ge bvosh ge puertbs bmoertbs Ye horâ ufb seòbj biüstoib so ufb ge jbs puertbs que fh seb jb gej ihfguithr se gelb bmoertb y se pujsb ej ofterrupthr gej ioerre ieftrbjozbgh ge puertbs. @hgejhs ihf jjbve oftejokefte<  ej zu`mbghr exter-

fh shfbrâ so ej veaàiujh se mjhqueb ihf ej ihftrhj re`hth h ihf uf mhtùf exterfh ge mjhqueh ge puertbs iubfgh iubjquoerb ge jbs puertbs estâ bmoertb.

\u`mbghr gej nrefh ge estbiohfb`oefth

Yhfbrâ uf zu`mbghr so ej veaàiujh se ihfguie sof abmer jomerbgh bftes ej nrefh ge estbiohfb`oefth. Tbre ej veaàiujh y jomere ej nrefh ge estbiohf estbiohfb`oefb`oefth.

Yeòbj biüstoib ge bvosh ge juies efiefgogbs Gurbfte 24 sekufgh Gurbfte sekufghss se horâ ufb seòbj biüstoib bj bmroror jb puer bmr puertb tb gej ihfg ihfguith uithrr `oef `oeftrbsjbs trbsjbs juie juiess ext exteerohres estâf efiefgogbs y ej ofterrupthr ge efiefgogh estâ ef phsoioùf ‚HNN‐ h ef phsoioùf JHIC. ^eb ‚I ^eb ‚Ihf` hf`ut utbg bghr hr ge nb nbrhs rhs e ofg ofgoib oibgh ghres res ge goreiioùf‐ `âs bgejbfte ef estb seiioùf pbrb hmtefer `âs getbjjes shmre ej nufiohfb`oefth ge jbs juies.

Es phsomje que se esiuiae h soeftb que ej soste`b estâ nufiohfbgh3 esth es fhr`bj. Ofstru`efths y ihftrhjes   =-29  

TBFWBJJB GE OFNH]@BIOÙF GEJ ^EAÀIUJH Yeòbj biüstoib ge bvosh ge juz bftofoemjb Ye horâ ufb seòbj biüstoib so ej ofterrupthr ge efiefgogh se korb b jb phsoioùf ‚HNN‐ h JHIC ihf ej ihf`utbghr ge nbrhs ef phsoioùf BUWH (seküf `hgejh) y jbs juies bftofoemjb efiefgogbs. ^eb ‚Ihf`utbghr gej bju`mrbgh bftofoemjb‐ `âs bgejbft bge jbftee ef estb seii seiioùf oùf pbr pbrbb hmt hmtefer efer `âs get getbjje bjjes. s.

Yeòbj biüstoib ge bvosh gej iofturùf ge sekurogbg Ufb seòbj biüstoib shfbrâ gurbfte ?4 sekufghs bprhxo`bgb`efte so jb vejhiogbg gej veaàiujh exiege jhs 25 c`/a (? `pa) y ej iofturùf ge sekurogbg gej ihfguithr h ej iofturùf ge sekurogbg gej pbsb lerh, so ej bsoefth se efiueftrb hiupbgh (seküf `hgejh) fh se ab bmrhiabgh ge `bferb sekurb. ^eb ‚West ‚W estok okhs hs ge jh jhss iof ioftur turhfe hfess ge se seku kurog rogbg bg‐‐ ef jb se seiiioùf ‚2. Yekurogbg ‗ bsoefths, iofturhfes ge sekurogbg y soste`b ge sekurogbg supje`eftbroh‐.

\u`mbghr ge bvosh ge jjbve (`hgejhs ihf jjbve oftejokefte) Uf zu`mbghr exterfh shfbrâ 9 veies so<

•   Ye sbib jb jjbve oftejokefte gej veaàiujh `oeftrbs

ej ofterrupthr ge efiefgogh fh estâ ef phsoioùf JHIC.

ihftrhj re`hth h uto•   Ej veaàiujh se mjhqueb phr ihftrhj jozbfgh uf mhtùf exterohr ge mjhqueh ge puertbs y se ab gelbgh jb jjbve oftejokefte oftejokefte ef ej ofterohr ofterohr..

Yeòbj biüstoib ge bvosh ge estbiohfb`oefth estbiohfb`oef th (seküf `hgejh) Ye horâ ufb seòbj biüstoib so ej ofterrupthr ge efiefgogh se ihjhib b jb phsoioùf JHIC y jb pbjbfib ge ib`mohs fh estâ ef jb phsoioùf T (estbiohfb`oefth).

\u`mbghr ge bvosh gej soste`b Ythp/Ytbrt (seküf `hgejh) Ej `hthr ib`mob bj estbgh ge pbrbgb fhr`bj so se jjevb b ibmh bjkufb ge jbs sokuoeftes hperbiohfes gurbfte bitovbioùf gej soste`bsuefb Ythp/Ytbrt y ej zu`mbghrjb gej soste`b Ythp/Ytbrt so< ’ Ej iof ioftu turù rùff ge sek sekuro urogb gbgg ge gejj ihf ihfgu guit ithr hr est estââ ge gessbmrhiabgh y jb puertb gej ihfguithr estâ bmoertb (`hgejhs ihf W/@) ’ Ej ibpù ibpù gej veaàiujh estâ bmoerth. bmoerth. Iubfgh bjkufb ge jbs ihfgoiohfes bfterohres se reprhguie reprhgu ie gurbfte `âs ge 9 `ofuths `ofuths,, ej zu`mbg zu`mbghr hr gejj so ge sost ste`bYthp e`bYthp/Y /Ytb tbrt suefb sue b oft ofter vbjhsge jhsge 5 brkue `ofu`o fuths ih`h reihrgb reih rgbthro throh hrt pbr pbrb bfbevot evotbr br ervb que se gesi gesibrk ue jb mbteràb. Bpbkue ej `hthr usbfgh ej ofterrupthr ge efiefgogh. Ioerre ej ibpù h jb puertb gej ihfguithr h bmrùiaese ej iofturùf ge sekurogbg y, b ihftofubioùf, vuejvb b brrbfibr ej `hthr ihf ej ofterrupthr ge efiefgogh. Tbrb Tb rb

hmte hm tefe ferr

`âss `â

ofnh of nhr` r`bi bioù oùf, f,

ihfs ih fsuj ujte te

‚SYthp/YtbrtP‐ ef jb seiioùf ‚5. Ofstru`efths y ihf-


Jb pbftbjjb ofnhr`bioùf ofnhr`bi oùfy gej veaàiujh l 2y `uestrb estââ soest sotubgb eftre ge ej vejhià`etrh ej tbiù`etrh, jhs sokuoeftes eje`efths<

•  Blustes gej veaàiujh •  Ofnhr`bioùf gej hrgefbghr ge b mhrgh •  Bsostefiob bj ihfguithr (seküf `hgejh) •   Ofnhr`bioùf gej jo`otbghr ge vejhiogbg (seküf `hgejh)

gej soste`b ge ihftrhj ge iruierh •  Ofnhr`bioùf (seküf `hgejh) Ofnhr`bioùf bioùf ge nufiohfb`oefth nufiohfb`oefth ge jb jjbve oftejo•   Ofnhr` kefte (seküf `hgejh)

•  Ofnhr`bioùf ge bugoh (seküf `hgejh) •  Fbvekbioùf - korh b korh (seküf `hgejh) •  Ofgoibghres y bvoshs  Ofnhr`bioùf ge presoùf ge jhs feu`âtoihs (se-

trhjes y Yoste`b Ythp/Ytbrt (seküf `hgejh) ef jb seiioùf ‚5. Brrbfque y ihfguiioùf‐.

küf `hgejh)

=-27   Ofstru`efths y ihftrhjes  

•   Htrb ofnhr`bioùf

•  Ofnhr`bioùf ge presoùf ge jhs feu`âtoihs •  S]est. vbjhres nâmroibP SBsost. bj ihfguithrP (seküf `hgejh) •  Ihfsu`h ge ih`mustomje Use ej ofterrupthr   l M y ej mhtùf mhtùf :EFWE] :EFWE]6 6 •   Bvoshs pbrb ib`mobr ej estbgh, jhs bvoshs h pbrb bitovbr h •   We`perbturb exterohr gesbitovbr iubjquoerb ge jhs soste`bs/bvoshs que se Iueftbcojù`etrhs thtbjoz thtbjozbghr/iu bghr/iueftbcoj eftbcojù`etrhs ù`etrhs `uestrb •   Iueftbcojù`etrhs `uestrbff ef ej `efü SBsost. bj ihfguithrP. Ye pue-


pbriobj ghmje


Jb pbftbjjb ge ofnhr`bioùf gej veaàiujh puege utojozbrs zb rsee utojo utojozb zbfg fghh jhs jhs ofter ofterru rupt pthr hres es , ej mh mhtùf tùf :EFWE]6 l M y ej mhtùf mhtùf MBIC MBIC l B sot sotubg ubghh ef ej jbgh ozquoergh gej vhjbfte ge goreiioùf. l B‗ - vu vuejv ejvbb b jb pb pbft ftbjj bjjbb h `ef `efüü bft bftero erohr, hr, h ibfieje jb sejeiioùf so fh ab nofbjoz nofbjozbgh bgh l M‗ - ge gesp spjâ jâie iese se ph phrr jh jhss ej eje` e`ef efth thss ge jb pbftbjjb ge ofnhr`bioùf gej veaàiujh. Tujsee :EF Tujs :EFWE] WE]6 6 pbr pbrbb seje sejeiioh iiohfbr fbr uf eje` eje`efefth,, ut th utojo ojoie ie pbrb pb rb ge gesp spjb jbzb zbrs rsee ph phrr jbs hp hp-iohfes ge `efü bshiobgbs

TBFWBJJB GE B]]BFRUE Iubfgh ej efiefgogh efiefgogh se phfe ef jb phsoioùf HF h BII, jbs pbftbjjbs que se `uestrbf ofijuyef< Estbgh gej soste`b bitovh (seküf `hgejh)

Jhs bvoshs shjh bpbreierâf ef ibsh ge que abyb bjkufh3 pbrb `âs ofnhr`bioùf shmre jhs bvoshs e ofgoibghres, ihfsujte ‚Bvoshs e ofgoibghres ge jb pbftbjjbb ge ofnhr`bioùf gej veaàiujh‐ `âs bgejbfte pbftbjj ef estb seiioùf. Tbrb ihftrhjbr quï eje`efths bpbreief ef jb pbftbjjb ge ofnhr`bioùf gej veaàiujh, ihfsujte ‚Blustes‐ `âs bgejbfte ef estb seiioùf.

BLUYWEY Jb `hgbjogbg ge bluste je per`ote ib`mobr jb ofnhr`bioùf que se `uestrb ef jb pbftbjjb ge ofnhr`bioùf gej veaàiujh veaàiujh   Ofstru`efths y ihftrhjes  

’ Ej toe`ph toe`ph que ej `hthr ab estbgh estbgh pbrbgh pbrbgh `egobfte ej soste`b SYthp/YtbrtP. FHWB Jhs vbjhres ge SBahrrh IH= thtbjP y toe`ph ge pbrbgb gej `hthr thtbj fh se puegef reofoiobr y `hstrbr jb ofnhr`bioùf gej soste`b te` b SYt SYthp/ hp/Ytb YtbrtP rtP bi biu`u u`ujbg jbgb b b pbr pbrtor tor ge jb nbmroibioùf gej veaàiujh. SOfnhr`e Eih GroveP<

Tuege Tue ge ej ejek ekor or so ge gese sebb qu quee se `ue `uest stre re jb of ofnh nhr`b r`bioù ioùff EIH pbftbjjb ge veaàiujh bj phferef ej jb ofterrupthr geofnhr`bioùf efiefgogh gej ef jb phsoioùf HF. Gesge jb sejeiioùf gej `efü profiopbj, sejeiiohfe SOfnhr`e EIH GroveP pbrb `hstrbr jb ofnhr`bioùf que se `uestrb bj phfer ej ofterrupthr ge efiefgogh ef jb phsoioùf HF.

jb phsoioùf BII (seküf `hgejh) h ef jb phsoioùf HF. Wb`moïf puege ejekor jhs sokuoeftes eje`efths pbrb ihfnokurbr jb pbftbjjb ge moefvefogb<


•  SIubgrbfte y pufterhP •   SEneith pbftbjjbP

fes<  SJuz ge moefvefogbP< se puege bitovbr h gesbitovbr jb juz ge moefvefogb. Ef ej `efü ge SOju`ofbioùfP, sejeiiohfe SJuz moefvefogbP. Use ej mhtùf :EFWE]6 pbrb bitovbr h gesbitovbr estb nufioùf. Iubfgh estï bitovbgb, jbs juies gejbfterbs y trbserbs per`bfeierâf efiefgogbs gurbfte 94 sekufgh sekufghss gespuïs gej gesmjhqueh. Ter`bfeierâf efiefgo-

Tbrb bito bitovbr vbr/ges /gesbit bitovbr ovbr jb pbf pbftbj tbjjb jb ge moef moefvefo vefogb gb y jb nhr`b ef jb que bpbreie< 2. Use ej oft ofterru errupth pthrr   l M pbr pbrbb sejeiiohfb sejeiiohfbrr SIhfnokurbioùfP y pujse ej mhtùf :EFWE]6 l M. =. Yejeiiohfe Yejeiiohfe SEneiths ge moefvefogbP moefvefogbP utojozbfgh ej ofterrupthr   l M y pujse ej mhtùf mhtùf :EFWE]6 :EFWE]6 l M pbrb sejeiiohfbr sejeiiohfbr este `efü. Utojoie Utojoie ej ofterrupthr   l M pbrb fbvekbr fbvekbr eftre jbs jbs hpiohfes gej `efü y pujse ej mhtùf :EFWE]6 l M pb pbrb rb bitovbr h gesbitovbr ibgb nufioùf.

SBlustes veaàiujhP

Yejeiiohfe Yejeiioh fe ef STbf STbftbjj tbjjbP bP jbs hpi hpiohfe ohfess Hf u Hnn pbr pbrbb `hstrbr jb ofnhr`bioùf bj phfer ej ofterrupthr ge ef-

Use ej ofterrupthr   l M y ej mhtùf mhtùf :EFWE]6 :EFWE]6 l M pbrb ib`mobr ej estbgh, jhs bvoshs h pbrb bitovbr h

iefgogh ef jb phsoioùf HF. Ej Ofnhr`e ge Eih Grove se vosubjozb iubfgh ej ofterrupthr ge efiefgogh estâ ef jb phsoioùf ‚HNN‐.

gesbitovbref iubjquoerb jhs soste`bs/bvoshs quegosse `uestrbf ej `efü ge SBlustes veaàiujhP. Estâf veaàiujhP. phfomjesjbs phfo mjesjbs soku sokuoeft oeftes es hpi hpiohfe ohfess ge `efü `efü,, ibg ibgbb ufb ge ejjbs ihf `efüs seiufgbrohs<

Wb`moïf puege ver ej aosthrobj gej ofnhr`e ge Eih Grove. SEneith moefvefogbP<

Tuege ejekor so geseb que se `uestre jb pbftbjjb ge moefvefogb moefvef ogb bj phfer ej ofterrup ofterrupthr thr ge efiefgog efiefgoghh ef

•   SOju`ofbioùfP •   SOfter`otefteP •   SGesmjhquehP •   SJo`pobsP

Ej `efü ge SOju`ofbioùfP toefe jbs sokuoeftes hpioh-

gbs gurbfte 24 sekufghs gespuïs gej mjhqueh.

•  SJuz oft. buthP<

se puege bitovbr h gesbitovbr ej te`phrozbghr ge jb juz ofterohr. Ef ej `efü SOju`ofbioùfP, sejeiiohfe SJuz oft. buthP. Use ej mhtùf :EFWE]6 pbrb bitovbr h gesbitovbr estb nufioùf.

•   SYefsomojogbg juzP<

se puege blustbr jb sefsomojogbg ge jb oju`ofbioùf buth`âtoib. buth`ât oib. Ef ej `efü ge SOju`ofbioùfP, SOju`ofbioùfP, sejeiiohfe ySYefsomojogbg juzP.sejeiiohf Use jhs br ofterrupthres :EFWE]6 pbrb sejeiiohfbr jb sefsomoj sefsomojo-ogbg gesebgb. Estâf gosphfomjes jbs sokuoeftes hpiohfes< ’ Efi Efiefg. efg. `âs râp râpogh ogh ’ Efi Efiefgo efgogh gh râp râpogh ogh ’ Es Estâ tâfg fgbr br ’ Efi Efiefgo efgogh gh `âs tbr tbrge ge

Ofstru`efths y ihftrhjes   =-2;  



Ye puege bitovbr h gesbitovbr jb nufioùf ge S9 ju-

•  SJ trbs sek `-btrP

iesP pbrb bgejbftb`oefths. ej `efü blustes gej veaàiujh, sejeiiohfe Gesge S9 juiesP. Use ejgemhtùf :EFWE]6 pbrb bitovbr h gesbitovbr estb nufioùf. SGesmjhquehP<

Aby ghs hpiohfes (seküf `hgejh) ef ej `efü SGesmjhquehP<

•  SMjhq. Tuertb O-CeyP (seküf `hgejh)

Iubfgh estb hpioùf estâ bitovbgb, se bitovb ej ofterrupthr ge shjoiotug ge jb puertb. Gesge ej `efü SGesmjhquehP, sejeiiohfe SMjhqueh ge puertbs pue rtbs jjbv jjbvee ofte oftej.P j.P.. Use ej mht mhtùf ùf :EF :EFWE] WE]6 6 pbr pbrbb bitovbr h gesbitovbr estb nufioùf.

Tueg Tuege e`oeft bitovbr bito vbrse sej jo` h ges gesbit jbriab nufioùf nufi oùf geEf nufiohfb ioh fb`oe fth h ge gej jo`po pobbbitovbr ihfovbrse ih f jbse `bria `b b bt btrâ râs. s. ej `efü SJo`pobpbrbmrosbsP, sejeiiohfe SJo`p. trbserh butP. Use ej mhtùf :EFWE]6 pbrb bitovbr h gesbitovbr estb nufioùf.

•   SJ bftokhtehP

Ye puege bitovbr h gesbitovbr jb nufioùf ge SJ bftokhtehP. Ef ej `efü SJo`pobpbrbmrosbsP, sejeii je iioh ohfe fe SN SNuf uf.. Bf Bftotokh khte tehP hP.. Us Usee ej mh mhtù tùff :EFWE] :EF WE]6 6 pbr pbrbb bit bitovbrh ovbrh ges gesbit bitovbrestb ovbrestb nuf nufioùf ioùf..

•   SGesmjhq. sejeit.P

Iubfgh se sejeiiohfb estb hpioùf, y se pujsb ej ofterrupthr ge shjoiotug ge jb `bfojjb ge jb puertb gejihfguithrh gejihfgui thrh gejpbsble gejpbsblerh,shjh rh,shjh se ges gesmjhq mjhqueb ueb jb puertb ihrresphfgoefte. Whgbs jbs puertbs se pueg pu egef ef ge gesm smjhq jhque uebr br so se pu pujs jsbb ge fue fuevh vh ej of ofteterrupthr ge shjoiotug ge jb `bfojjb ge jb puertb bftes ge que trbfsiurrb 2 `ofuth. Iubfgh se gesbitovb estb hpioùf, thgbs jbs puertbs se gesmjhquebf bj pujsbr ufb vez ej ofterrupthr ge shjoiotug ge jb `bfojjb ge jb puertb gej ihfguithr. Gesge ej `efü SGesmjhquehP, sejeiiohfe SGesmjhq. sejeit.P. Use ej mhtùf :EFWE]6 pbrb bitovbr h gesbitovbr estb nufioùf.


@bftefo`oefth 2. Ofgoibghr ge sustotuioùf gej nojtrh y bieote ge `hthr<

Este ofgo Este ofgoibg ibghr hr bpb bpbreie reie iubf iubfgh gh jjek jjekbb ej `h`e `h`efth fth ge ib`mobr ej nojtrh y bieote ge `hthr seküf ej bluste

rebjozbgh phrib`moh ej ijoefte. blustbrgeh `hthr. reofoiobr jb gostbfiob ge gej Tuege nojtrh y bieote

=-21   Ofstru`efths y ihftrhjes  

FHWB Jhs `hg `hgejh ejhss goï goïsej sej ihf `ht `hthre hress goï goïsej sej uto utojoz jozbf bf jb nufioùf ge jb supervosoùf gej estbgh gej bieote (HIY). Jhs `hthres ge kbshjofb gosphfef ge uf reihrgbthroh ge `bftefo`oefth mâsoih.

2. Us Usee ej oft ofter errup rupthr thr pbrb pb rb sej sejeii eiiohf ohfbr br SI SIhfn hfno-okurbioùfP y pujse :EFWE]6. =. Yejeiiohfe S@bftefo`oefthP, y SBieote y nojtrhP ihff jh ih jhss of ofte terr rrup upth thre ress y :E :EFW FWE] E]6. 6. Ef ej `efü SBieote y nojtrhP, use ej ofterrupthr pbrb gespjbzbrse gespjbzbrse eftre jbs hpiohfes gej `efü y pujse :EFWE]6 pbrb sejeiiohfbr h reblustbr jb gostbfiob ge ib`moh gej bieote ge `hthr. 9. (Yhjh `hgejhs goïsej) Yejeiiohfe S@bftefo`oefthP hP,, y SN SNojojtr trhP hP ih ihff jh jhss of ofte terr rrup upth thre ress y :EFWE]6. Ef ej `efü SNojtrhP, use ej ofterrupthr pbrb gespjbzbrse eftre jbs hpiohfes gej `efü y pujse :EFWE]6 pbrb sejeiiohfbr h reblustbr jb gostbfiob ge grefble gej nojtrh ge ih`mustomje goïsej. Tbrb ihfhier jhs oftervb oftervbjhs jhs y eje`efth eje`efthss ge `bftefo`oefth peroùgoih, ihfsujte jb Kuàb ge `bftefo`oefth y repbrbioùf ge FOYYBF. =. Ofgoibghr ge sustotuioùf ge feu`âtoih<

Este ofg Este ofgoibg oibghr hr bpb bpbreie reie iubf iubfgh gh jjek jjekbb ej `h` `h`efth efth ge sustotuor jhs feu`âtoihs seküf ej bluste rebjozbgh phr ej ijoefte. Tuege blustbr h reofoiobr jb gostbfiob ge sustotuioùf ge feu`âtoihs.

=. Yejeiioh Yejeiiohfe fe S@bf S@bftefo tefo`oef `oefthP,y thP,y SFe SFeu`ât u`âtoihs oihsPP ihf jhs oft ofter errup rupth thre ress y :EF :EFWE WE]6 ]6.. Ef ej `ef `efüü SFeu SF eu`ât `âtoi oihsP hsP,, us usee ej oft ofter errup rupthr thr pbrb pb rb ge gesspjbzbrse eftre jbs hpiohfes gej `efü y pujse :EFWE]6 pbrb sejeiiohfbr h reblustbr jb gostbfiob ge sustotuioùf ge jhs feu`âtoihs. BG^E]WEFIOB Ej ofgoibghr ge sustotuioùf ge feu`âtoihs fh es uf sustotuth ge jb ih`prhmbioùf peroùgoib ge jhs feu`âtoihs, ofijuogb jb presoùf. ^eb ‚Feu`âtoihs y ruegbs‐ ef jb seiioùf ‚1. @bftefo`oefth y aâkbjh aâk bjh ust usteg eg `os `os`h‐ `h‐.. Ej ges geskbs kbste te ge jhs feu feu`â`âtoihs se ve bneitbgh phr fu`erhshs nbithres, tbjes ih`h ej ofnjbgh, ej bjofeb`oefth, jhs aâmoths ge ihfguiioùf y jbs ihfgoiohfes ge jb ibrreterb, que ofnjuyef ef ej `h`efth ge sustotuioùf. Blustbr ej ofgoibghr ge sustotuioùf ge jhs feu`âtoihs b ufb gostbfiob ge ihfguiioùf geter`ofbgb fh kbrbftozb jb gurbioùf ge jhs feu`âtoihs. Utojoie ej ofgoibghr ge sustotuioùf ge jhs feu`âtoihs üfo üfoib` efte embiohf ih`h ih` h es renere ren erefio fiob boibs. y s. jjeve jje vefh b ibm ibmh h soe soe`preib`eft ih`prh ih` prhmbi ohfes peroùg per oùgoib Yo se jje jjevbf vbf`b ibmh ih`prhmbiohfes peroùgoibs ge jhs feu`âtoihs, toi hs, ofi ofijuo juogb gb jb ih` ih`prh prhmbi mbioùf oùf ge jb pre presoù soùf, f, phgràbf grà bf prh prhgui guiors orse e nbj nbjjhs jhs ef jhs feu feu`ât `âtoih oihs. s. Ye phgràbf grà bf prh prhgui guior or krb krbves ves gbò gbòhs hs ef ej vea veaàiu àiujh jh y prhvhi prh vhibr br bii biioge ogefte ftes, s, jes jesohf ohfes es krb krbves ves h ofi ofijus jush h jb `uerte. 9. Ofgoibghr HW]HY<

ej bluste rebjozbgh phr ej ijoefte. Tuege blustbr h reofoiobr jb gostbfiob ge sustotuioùf ge jhs eje`efths.

SBjertbP Tuege espeionoibr que ufb bjertb toefe jukbr pbrb fhtonoi fhto noibr br bj ihfg ihfguith uithrr que ab suie suiegog goghh ioer ioerth th aeia aeiah. h. Tuege ihfnokurbr bjertbs pbrb jhs sokuoeftes eje`efths<

•   SWe`phrozbghrP •  SFbvekbioùfP (seküf `hgejh) •   SWejïnhfhP •  SIhrrehP (seküf `hgejh) Tbrb ihfnokurbr ufb bjertb< 2. U Use se ej oft ofter errup rupthr thr pbrb pb rb se sejei jeiioh iohfb fbrr ej eje eje-`efth gesebgh y pujse :EFWE]6. =. Ef ej ibsh ge SWejïnhfhP, SFbvekbioùfP h SIhrrehP, use ej mhtùf :EFWE]6 pbrb bjterfbr eftre YÀ y FH. Ef ejejibsh te`phrozbghrP, pbrb ib`mobr vbjhrge gejSBjertb te`phrozbghr, use ej ofterru oft errupth pthrr y ej mht mhtùf ùf :EF :EFWE] WE]6 6 pbr pbrbb kub kubrrgbr ej toe`ph sejeiiohfbgh.

STresoùf ge ruegbsP Jhs blustes gej `efü STresoùf feu`ât.P estâf thghs rejbiohfbghs ihf ej soste`b ge ihftrhj ge presoùf ge feu`âtoihs WT@Y (ihfsujte ‚Yoste`b ge ihftrhj ge presoùf ge feu`âtoihs (WT@Y)‐ ef jb seiioùf

2. Us Usee ej oft ofter errup rupthr thr pbrb pb rb sej sejeii eiiohf ohfbr br SI SIhfn hfno-okurbioùfP y pujse :EFWE]6.

Est Este e ofg ofgoibg oibghr bpbreie bpb reie iubf iubfgh gh jjek jjekb b ejbieote `h`efth `h`e fth`hge sustotuor htrhshreje`efths gostofths gej ge thr, ej nojtrh ge ih`must ih`mustomje omje y jhs feu`âto feu`âtoihs ihs seküf

5. Brrbfque y ihfguiioùf ).

•   SHmletovh gejbfterhP

Ofstru`efths y ihftrhjes   =-2?  

•   SHmletovh trbserhP •  SUfogbg ge presoùf ge jhs feu`âtoihsP •   SIbjomrbrP SHmletovh gejbfterhP<

Jb presoùf Shmletovh gejbfterhP gejbfterhP gej feu`âtoi feu`âtoihh es jb presoùf espeionoibgb pbrb jhs feu`âtoihs gejbfterhs ef jb eto etoquet quetbb ge feu` feu`âtoi âtoihs hs (ihf (ihfsujt sujtee ‚Et ‚Etoque oquetb tb ge feu`âtoihs‐ ef jb seiioùf ‚?. Ofnhr`bioùf tïifoib‐ y ‚Yoste`b ge ihftrhj ge presoùf ge feu`âtoihs (WT@Y)‐ ef jb seiioùf ‚5. Brrbfque Brrbfque y ihfguiioùf‐). Use y ej oft ofterr errup upth thrr :E :EFW FWE] E]6 6 pb pbrb rb se sejei jeiioh ioh-fbr y ib`mobr ej vbjhr ge jb presoùf gej feu`âtoih SWbrket nrhftbjP. SHmletovh trbserhP<

Jb presoùf Shmletovh trbserhP gej feu`âtoih es jb presoùf espeionoibgb espeionoibgb pbrb jhs feu`âtoihs trbserhs ef jb etoquetb ge feu`âtoihs (ihfsujte ‚Etoquetb ge feu`âtoihs‐ ef jb seiioùf ‚?. Ofnhr`bioùf tïifoib‐ y ‚Yoste`b ge ihftrhj ge presoùf ge feu`âtoihs (WT@Y)‐ef (WT @Y)‐ef jb seii seiioùf oùf ‚5.Brrbfq ‚5.Brrbfque ue y ihfg ihfguiio uiioùf‐) ùf‐).. Use Use y ej oft ofterr errup upth thrr :E :EFW FWE] E]6 6 pb pbrb rb se sejei jeiioh ioh-fbr y ib`mobr ej vbjhr ge jb presoùf gej feu`âtoih SWbrket trbserhP.

cTb =44

pso =?

mbr = ,4

ckn/i`= =,4

=24 ==4 =94 =74 =54 =54 =>4 =;4 =14

94 9= 99 95 9> 9> 91 9? 72

= ,2 = ,= = ,9 = ,7 = ,5 = ,5 = ,> = ,; = ,1

=,2 =,= =,9 =,7 =,5 =,5 =,> =,; =,1

=9?444 924 9=4 994 974

77=7 75 7> 71 7?

=9,,?4 9 ,2 9 ,= 9 ,9 9 ,7

=9,,?4 9,2 9,= 9,9 9,7


Jb presoùf gej feu`âtoih se ve bneitbgb phr jb te`perbturbb gej feu`âto perbtur feu`âtoih3 ih3 jb te`per te`perbturb bturb gej feu`âtoih bu`eftb iubfgh se ihfguie ej veaàiujh. Ej soste`b WT@Y utojozb sefshres ge te`per te`perbturb bturb ef jhs feu`âtoihs pbrb ih`pefsbr jhs ib`mohs ge te`perbturb ihf ej nof ge evotbr nbjshs nbjshs bvoshs gej WT@Y. Jb nufioùf SIBJOM]B]P reofoiob reofoiob ej vbjhr ge te`perbturbprevob rbturb prevob`efte `efte bj`biefb bj`biefbgh. gh. Ye reih`oef reih`oefgb gb que se jjeve b ibmh estb nufioùf gespuïs ge blustbr jb presoùf ge jhs feu`âtoihs.

Use Use y ej oft ofterr errup upth thrr :EF :EFWE WE]6 ]6 pb pbrb rb ofo ofoiob iobrr h ibfiejbr ej prhiesh ge ibjomrbioùf. @oeftrbs ej prhiesh ge ibjomrbioùf estâ bitovh, se `hstrbrâ ej `efsble S]eofoiobfgh Yost. Tresoùf Feu`âtoihsP.


•   SGostbfiob/Ih`mustomjeP •  STresoùf ge ruegbsP •   SWe`perbturbP SGostbfiob/Ih`mustomjeP<

Jb ufogbg jb gostbfiob ihfsu`h ih`mustomje que segevosubjozbf ef yjbejpbftbjj pbftbjjb b ge ge ofnhr`bioùf ofnhr`bi oùf gej veaàiujh puege ib`mobrse b<

•   `ojjbs, `pk •   c`, c`/j •  c`, j/244c` Use Use y ej oft ofterr errup upth thrr :E :EFW FWE]6 E]6 pb pbrb rb se sejei jeiioh ioh-fbr y ib`mobr jb ufogbg. STresoùf ge ruegbsP<

Jb ufogbg ge presoùf ge jhs feu`âtoihs que bpbreie ef jb pbftbjjb ge ofnhr`bioùf gej veaàiujh se puege ib`mobr eftre<

•   ckn/i`= •   cTb •   mbr

^eb Yoste`b ihftrhj‚5.geBrrbfque presoùf ge feu`âtoihs (WT@Y)‐ ef jb ge seiioùf y ihfguiioùf‐

=-=4   Ofstru`efths y ihftrhjes  

Us Usee y ej oft ofterr errup upth thrr :E :EFW FWE] E]6 6 pb pbrb rb se sejei jeiioh ioh-fbr y ib`mobr jb ufogbg.

S]est. vbjhres nâmroibP


Jhs blustes ge jb pbftbjjb ge ofnhr`bioùf gej veaàiujh se puegef restbmjeier b jhs vbjhres ge nâmroib. Tbrb restbmjeier jb pbftbjjb ge ofnhr`bioùf gej veaàiujh<

•   ´I (Iejsous) •   ´N (Nbarefaeot)

2. Us Usee ej of ofter terru rupt pthr hr pbrb pb rb se sejei jeiioh iohfbr fbr SI SIhfn hfno-okurbioùfP y pujse ej mhtùf :EFWE]6

Jb te`perbturb que bpbreie ef jb pbftbjjb ge ofnhr`bioùf gej veaàiujh se puege ib`mobr eftre<

Use ej mhtùf :EFWE]6 pbrb bjterfbr eftre jbs hpiohfes.

SOgoh`bP Ej SOgoh`bP ge jb pbftbjjb ge ofnhr`bioùf gej veaàiujh puege ihfnokurbrse b<

•   SOfkjïsP •   SNrbfiïsP •   SBje`âfP •   SOtbjobfhP ••    SThrtukuïsP SAhjbfgïsP •   SEspbòhjP •   SWurihP •   S]ushP Utojoie Utojo ie y ej oft ofterr errup upth thrr :E :EFW FWE] E]6 6 pb pbrb rb se sejei jei-iohfbr y ib`mobr ej ogoh`b ge jb pbftbjjb ge ofnhr`b-

=. Yejeiiohfe S]est. vbjhres nâmroibP utojozbfgh ej ofter oft errup rupthr thr y pujs pujsee ej mh mhtù tùff :EF :EFWE WE]6 ]6 9. Yejeiiohf Yejeiiohfee SYÀP pbrb restbmjeier thghs jhs blustes ge nâmroib pujsbfgh ej mhtùf :EFWE]6

•   pso

ioùf gej veaàiujh.

Ofstru`efths y ihftrhjes   =-=2  



=-==   Ofstru`efths y ihftrhjes  

2. Ofgoibghr ge nufiohfb`oefth gej brrbfque gej `hthr (`hgejhs ihf trbfs`osoùf QW]HFOI)

Este ofgoibghr bpbreie bpbreie iubfgh jb pbjbfib ge ib`mohs estâ ef jb phsoioùf T (estbiohfb`oefth). Este ofgoibghr ofgoib que ej `hthr se brrbfib pujsbfgh ej ofterrupthr ge efiefgogh ihf ej pegbj gej nrefh posbgh.

=. Ofgoibghr ge nufiohfb`oefth gej brrbfque gej `hthr (`hgejhs ihf trbfs`osoùf `bfubj (W/@)) Este ofgoibghr ofgoib que ej `hthr se brrbfib pujsbfgh ej ofterrupthr ge efiefgogh ihf ej pegbj gej e`mrbkue posbgh. Wb`moïf puege brrbfib Wb`moïf brrbfibrr ej `hthr pujsbfgh ej ofterrupthr ge efiefgogh efiefgogh ihf ej pegbj gej nrefh posbgh `oeftrbs jb pbjbfib estâ ef jb phsoioùf F (pufth `uerth).

9. Bvosh SJjbve fh geteitbgbP

Estb bgv Estb bgvert ertefio efiobb bpb bpbreie reie iubf iubfgh gh jb pue puertb rtb se ioer ioerrb rb ihf jb jjbve oftejokefte nuerb gej veaàiujh y ej ofterrupthr ge efiefgogh ef jb phsoioùf BII u HF. Bsek Bs eküre ürese se ge qu quee jb jjb jjbve ve oft oftejo ejoke keft ftee es estâ tâ ge geft ftrh rh ge gejj veaàiujh. ^eb ‚Yoste`b ge jjbve oftejokefte (seküf `hgejh)‐ ef jb seiioùf ‚9. Ih`prhmbiohfes y rekjbles prevohs b jb `briab‐ pbrb hmtefer ofnhr`bioùf bgoioh-

7. Bvosh SNbjjh gej soste`b ge jjbveP Este bvosh bpbreie so exoste ufb bveràb ef ej soste`b ge jb jjbve oftejokefte. Yo bpbreie este bvosh `oeftrbs ej `hthr estâ getefogh, fh se puege brrbfibr ej `hthr. Yo bpbreie este bvosh `oeftrbs ej `hthr estâ nufiohfbfgh, puege sekuor ihfguioefgh. Yof e`mbrkh, pùfkbse ef ihftbithihf ihft bithihf uf ihfi ihfiesoh esohfbro fbrohh FOY FOYYBF YBF h tbj tbjjer jer iubjonoibgh jh bftes phsomje pbrb ufb repbrbioùf.

5. Ofgoibghr STojb ge jjbve kbstbgbP Este ofgoibghr bpbreie iubfgh jb pojb ge jb jjbve oftejokefte estâ gesibrkbgb. Yo se efioefge este ofgoibghr, sustotuyb jb pojb phr ufbfuevb. ufbfuev b. (I (Ihfs hfsujt ujtee ‚Y ‚Yus ustototui tuioùfge oùfge jb po pojb jb ge gejj ih ihfftrhj re`hth oftekrbgh ef jjbve/ge jb jjbve oftejokefte‐ ef jb seiioùf ‚1. @bftefo`oefth y aâkbjh usteg `os`h‐).

>. Bvosh ge SOgeftonoibioùf ge jjbve

;. Ofgoibghr ge nufiohfb`oefth gej brrbfque gej `hthr gej soste`b ge jjbve oftejokefte

Este ofgoibghr bpbreie iubfgh jb pojb ge jb jjbve oftejokefte oftejok efte se estâ bkhtbfgh y jb ih`ufoibi ih`ufoibioùf oùf eftre ej soste`b ge jjbve oftejokefte y ej veaàiujh fh nufiohfb ihf fhr`bjogbg. Yo se efioefge este ofgoibghr, thque ej ofterrupthr ge efiefgogh ihf jb jjbve oftejokefte `oeftrbs posb ej pegbj gej nrefh. (Ihfsujte ‚Ofterrupthr ge efiefgogh toph mhtùf pujsbghr (seküf `hgejh)‐ ef jb seiioùf ‚5. Brrbfque y ihfguiioùf‐).

1. Bvosh SYuejte ej nrefh ge `bfhP Estb bgvertefiob bpbreie iubfgh jb vejhiogbg gej veaàiujh es superohr superohr b ; c`/a (7 `pa) y ej nrefh ge estbiohfb`oefth estâ bpjoibgh. Tbre ej veaàiujh y jomere jom ere ej nre nrefh fh ge estb estbiohf iohfb`oe b`oefth.Este fth.Este bvos bvoshh pue puege ge e`otorse so ej ihfguithr ofteftù jomerbr ej nrefh ge estbiohfb`oefth ge nhr`b buth`âtoib perh fh se

ofihrreitbP Estb bgvertefiob bpbreie iubfgh ej ofterrupthr ge


efiefgogh se `ueve ge jb phsoioùf JHIC y ej sosefiefgogh te`b fh reihfhie jb jjbve oftejokefte. Fh puege brrbfibr ej `hthr ihf jb byugb ge jb jjbve fh rekostrbgb. trbg b. Utoj Utojoie oie jb jjbv jjbvee ofte oftejok jokefte efte reko rekostr strbgb bgb.. ^eb ‚Yo ‚Yosste`b ge jjbve oftejokefte (seküf `hgejh)‐ ef jb seiioùf ‚9. Ih`prhmbiohfes y rekjbles prevohs b jb `briab‐.

Este bvosh bpbreie iubfgh ej fovej ge ih`mustomje ih`mustomje ef ej gepùsoth es mblh. ]ephste iubfgh seb ihfvefoefte, foef te, pren prenerom eromje`e je`efte fte bft bftes es ge que ej ofg ofgoibg oibghr hr ge ih`mustomje bjibfie jb phsoioùf ge vbiàh (4).

?. Bvosh ge fovej mblh ge ih`mustomje (SButhfh`àbP)

Iubfgh ej ofgoibghr ge ih`mustomje jjekb b jb

phsoioùf vbiàh (4), büf quegb ufb pequeòb reservb gegeih`mustomje ef ej gepùsoth.


Ofstru`efths y ihftrhjes   =-=9  

24. Bvosh SFovej mblh ge jàquogh jo`pobpbrbmrosbsP

29. Bvosh S^hjtble ge Mbteràb mblh Ibrkue jb mbteràbP

2>. Bvosh STresoùf bieote mblb. Getefkb ej veaàiujhP

Estb bg Estb bgve vert rtefi efiob ob se `ue `uest strb rb iub iubfg fghh ej fov fovej ej ge jàq jàquouogh ef ej ge gepùs pùsotothh ge gejj jb jbvb vb es mb mblh.Bòbg lh.Bòbgbb jb ib ibfto ftogb gbgg feiesbrob ge jàquogh gej jbvb. (Ihfsujte ‚Jàquogh gej jbvbpbrbmrosbs/jbvbjufetb/jbvbnbrhs (seküf `hgejh) ‐ ef jb seiioùf ‚1. @bftefo`oefth y aâkbjh usteg `os`h‐).

Este bv Este bvos oshh bp bpbr breieiubfg eieiubfghh ej vhj vhjtb tble le ge jb mb mbter teràb àb es mblh y se geme ibrkbr jb mbteràb.

Este bvosh bpbreie ef ej âreb ge `efsbles ef jb pbftbjjb ge ofnhr`bioùf gej veaàiujh so se geteitb que aby ufb presoùf mblb ge bieote. Este ofgoibghr fh es estâ tâ go goseò seòbg bghh pb pbrb rb of ofgo goibrej ibrej fov fovej ej mb mblh lh ge bi bieot eote. e. Ej bvosh ge presoùf ge bieote mblb fh estâ goseòbgh pbrb ofgoibr so ej fovej gej bieote es mblh. Use jb vbrojjb ge fovej pbrb ih`prhmbr ej fovej ge bieote. ^eb ‚Bieote ge `hthr‐ ef jb seiioùf ‚1. @bftefo`oefth @bftefo`oefth y aâkbjh usteg `os`h‐).

22. Bvosh ge `bjeterh/puertbs bmoertbs Este bvosh se `uestrb so ufb ge jbs puertbs trbserbs hnhr`b ej `bjeterh bmoerths h fh estâf ierrbghs ge sekurb.estâf Ej oihfh gej veaàiujh ofgoib ef jb pbftbjjb ej `bjeterh h jb puertb que estâ bmoert bmoertb. b.

2=. Bvosh SIb`mobr b phsoioùf TP (`hgejhs ihf trbfs`osoùf QW]HFOI) Estb bgvertefiob se `uestrb iubfgh se presohfb ej ofterrupthr ge efiefgogh pbrb pbrbr ej `hthr ihf jb pbjbfib ge ib`mohs ef ufb phsoioùf gostoftb ge jb phsoioùf T (estbiohfb`oefth). Yo se efioefge este testokh, `uevb jb pbjbfib ge ib`mohs b jb phsoioùf T (estbiohfb`oefth) h ihjhque ej ofterrupthr ge efiefgogh ef jb phsoioùf HF. Wb`moïf shfbrâ ufb seòbj biüstoib ge bgverte Wb`moïf bgvertefiob fiob ofterohr. (Ihfsujte ‚Ofterrupthr ge efiefgogh toph mhtùf mht ùf puj pujsbg sbghr hr (se (seküf küf `hg `hgejh) ejh)‐‐ ef jb seii seiioùf oùf ‚5. Brrbfque y ihfguiioùf‐).

27. Bvosh STose ej pegbj ge nrefhP Este bvosh bpbreie pbrb reihrgbrje que geme posbr ej pegbj gej nrefh bftes ge phger jomerbr ej nrefh ge estbiohfb`oefth. Este bvosh tb`moïf puege `hstrbrse so ej nrefh ge estbiohfb`oefth estâ bitovbgh perh ej veaàiujh büf estâ gesjozâfghse abiob btrâs.

25. Bvosh STresoùf ge feu`âtoihs mblb.P Este bvosh (STresoùf ge feu`âtoihs mblb.P y ej oihfh gej veaàiujh - seküf `hgejh) bpbreie iubfgh se efioefge ej testokh ge presoùf ge feu`âtoihs mblb ef ej iubgrh y se geteitb jb presoùf ge feu`âtoihs feu`âtoihs mblb. Ej bvosh bpbreie ibgb vez que se ihjhib ej ofterrupthr ge efiefgogh ef jb phsoioùf HF `oeftrbs que per`bfezib efiefgogh ej testokh ge presoùf ge feu`âtoihs mblb. Yo bpbreie este bvosh, getefkb ej veaàiujh y bluste jb presoùf b jb presoùf ge feu`âtoihs ef nràh reih`efgbgb que se ofgoib ef jb etoquetb gej feu`âtoih. (Ihfsujte ‚ Westokh ge presoùf ge feu`âtoihs mblb (seküf `hgejh)‐ bfterohr`efte ef estb seiioùf y ‚Yoste`b ge ihftrhj ge presoùf pres oùf ge feu` feu`âto âtoihs ihs (WT (WT@Y)‐ @Y)‐ ef jb seii seiioùf oùf ‚5. Brrbfque y ihfguiioùf‐).

T]EIBUIOÙF Ej fovejge bieo bieote te geme ih`p ih`prhmbrs rhmbrse e rekuj rekujbr`ef br`ef-te uto utojoz jozbfg bfgh h jb vbr vbrojj ojjb b ge fov fovej. ej. Ej ush gej vea veaàiu àiujh jh ihf bieote ofsunoioefte puege ibusbr gbòhs ef ej `hthr que fh iumre jb kbrbftàb.

2;. Bvosh SFovej mblh ge bieoteP Este bvosh bpbreie ef ej âreb ge `efsbles ge jb pbftbjjb ge ofnhr`bioùf gej veaàiujh so ej fovej ge bieote fh es sunoioefte pbrb ihfguior. Estbiohfe ej veaàiujh ef uf jukbr sekurh jh bftes phsomje y utojoie jb vbrojjb ge fovej pbrb ih`prhmbr ej fovej ge bieote. ^eb ‚Bieote ge `hthr‐ ef jb seiioùf ‚1. @bftefo`oeft `o efthh y aâ aâkb kbjh jh us uste tegg `o `os` s`h‐ h‐Yo Yo ej fov fovej ej ge bie bieototee fh es sunoioefte pbrb ihfguior, rejjefe ej bieote ge `hthr ihf ej bieote ge `hthr reih`efgbgh. ‚Bieote ge `hthr‐ ef jb seiioùf ‚1. @bftefo`oefth y aâkbjh usteg `os`h‐).

=-=7   Ofstru`efths y ihftrhjes  

Ej fovejge bieot bieote e geme ih`pr ih`prhmbrs hmbrse e rekuj rekujbr`ef br`ef--

ge jbs phsoiohfes BII, ‚HNN‐ h JHIC. Ihjhque ej ofterrupthr ge jhs nbrhs ef jb phsoioùf ‚HNN‐ h

=5. Ofgoibghr ge phsoioùf ge jb pbjbfib ge ib`mohs

te uto utojoz jozbfg bfgh h jb vbr vbrojj ojjb b ge fov fovej. ej. Ej ush gej vea veaàiu àiujh jh ihf bieote ofsunoioefte puege ibusbr gbòhs ef ej `hthr que fh iumre jb kbrbftàb.

‚BUWH‐. ge Tbrb hmtefer `âs ofnhr`bioùf, veb ‚Ihf`utbghr nbrhs e ofgoibghres ge goreiioùf‐ `âs bgejbfte ef estb seiioùf.

Este ofgoibghr `uestrb jb phsoioùf ge jb pbjbfib ge ib`mohs.

==. Bvosh SWe`perbturb exterohr mblbP

^eb ‚Ofgoibghr ge jb pbjbfib ge ib`mohs (seküf `hgejh)‐ ef jb seiioùf ‚5. Brrbfque y ihfguiioùf‐ pbrb hmtefer `âs getbjjes.


21. Bvosh S@hgh trbfsphrte bitovbgh. Tresohfe nusomje ge bj`biefb`oef bj`biefb`oefthP thP Este bv Este bvos oshh pu pueg egee bp bpbre breierso ierso fh se pu pujs jsbb ej oft ofter errup rup-thr ge nusomjes ge bj`biefb`oefth prhjhfkbgh (efiefgogh). Iubfgh bpbreie este bvosh, pujse (ef-

Estb bgvertefiob se `uestrb iubfgh jb te`perbturb exterohr es ofnerohr b 9´I (9;´N). Ye puege gesbitovbr est estbb bgv bgvert ertefio efiob. b. (Ihf (Ihfsujt sujtee ‚S] ‚S]ejhl ejhlPP y SWe` SWe`per perbbturb exterohrP‐ `âs bgejbfte ef estb seiioùf h ej `bfubj ge usubroh ge Fossbf Ihffeit, que se ef-

=>. Bvosh SNbjjh gej Yoste`b ge Tresoùf ge Feu`âtoihsP

Este ofgoibghr `uestrb ej estbgh gej soste`b ge ihftrhj ge iruierh. Ej estbgh se `uestrb phr `egoh gej ihjhr.

Este bvosh se efioefge iubfgh aby uf prhmje`b ef ej soste`b ge ihftrhj ge presoùf ge feu`âtoihs (WT@Y). Yo este bvosh se efioefge, biugb b uf ihfiesohfbroh iesohfbr oh FOYYBF h tbjjer iubjonoibgh iubjonoibgh pbrb jb revosoùf gej soste`b. ^eb ‚Yoste`b ge ihftrhj ge presoùfgefeu`âtoihs(WT@Y)‐efjbseiioùf‚5.Brrbfque y ihfguiioùf‐ pbrb hmtefer `âs getbjjes.

Este bvosh bpbreie trbs uf perohgh ge toe`ph so jb pbjbfib ge ib`mohs fh se ab `hvogh ge jb phsoioùf T (estbiohfb`oefth) (estbiohfb`oefth) `oeftrbs ej efiefgog efiefgoghh estâ ef jb phsoioùf HF gurbfte uf toe`ph.

^eb ‚Ihftrhj ge iruierh (seküf `hgejh)‐ ef jb seiioùf ‚5. Brrbfque y ihfguiioùf‐ pbrb hmtefer ofnhr`bioùf bgoiohfbj.

=;. Ofgoibghr S]eofoiobfgh Yost. Tresoùf Feu`âtoihsP

=4. Bvosh SBjo`eftbio SBjo`eftbioùf ùf gesihfeitbgb pbrb bahrrbr mbteràbP

=7. Ofgoibghr gej jo`otbghr ge vejhiogbg Este ofgoibghr `uestrb ej estbgh gej soste`b gej jo`otbghr ge vejhiogbg. Yo ej soste`b estâ bitovbgh y ef ush, se `uestrb bso`os`h jb vejhiogbg b jb que se ab prhkrb`bgh ej jo`otbghr ge vejhiogbg.

Este bvosh segej efioefge iubfgh jb ibjomrbioùf ge jb te`perbturb WT@Y estâ ef iursh. ^eb ‚Ibjomrbioùff ge te` ioù te`pe perb rbtu turb rb ge WT WT@Y‐ @Y‐ ef jb se seiio iioùf ùf ‚5. Brrbfque y ihfguiioùf‐ pbrb hmtefer `âs getbjjes.

ioefgb)ej ioef gb)ej ofte ofterrup rrupthr thr ge nus nusomj es geTbrb bj`bief bj` biefb`o b`oefth efth prhjhfkbgh pbrb bpbkbr ej omjes bvosh. hmtefer `âs ofnhr`b ofnh r`bioùf ioùf,, ihfs ihfsujt ujtee ‚Nu ‚Nusom somjes‐ jes‐ ef jb seii seiioùf oùf ‚1. @bftefo`oefth y aâkbjh usteg `os`h‐.

2?. Bvosh SYe gesihfeitbrâ jb bjo`eftbioùf pbrb bahrrbr mbteràbP

Este bvosh bpbreie gespuïs ge bpbkbr buth`âtoib`efte ej ofterrupthr ge efiefgogh pbrb bahrrbr mbteràb.

=2. Bvosh SBpbkue jbs juiesP

trekb phr sepbrbgh).

=9. Ofgoibghr ge ihftrhj ge iruierh

^eb ‚Jo`otbghr ‚Jo`otbghr ge vejhiog vejhiogbg bg (seküf `hgejh)‐ ef jb seiioùf ‚5. Brrbfque y ihfguiioùf‐ pbrb hmtefer ofnhr`bioùf bgoiohfbj.

=1. Bvosh SYhmreibjeftb`oefth gej veaàiujh. Getefkb ej veaàiujhP Este bvosh se efioefge so jb te`perbturb gej renrokerbfte gej `hthr es ge`bsobgh bjtb, ofgoibfgh que ej

Este bvosh bpbreie iubfghr ge sejhs bmre jb puertb gej ihfguithr ihfguit hr ihf ej ofterrupthr ofterrupth nbrhs ef jb phsoioùf HF y ej ofterrupthr ge efiefgogh ef iubjquoerb

`hthr `ht hr se est estââ shm shmreib reibjeft jeftbfg bfgh. h. ^eb ‚Yh ‚Yhmre mreibje ibjeftb ftb--

Ofstru`efths y ihftrhjes   =-=5  

`oefth gej `hthr‐ ef jb seiioùf ‚>. Ef ibsh ge e`erkefiob‐ pbrb hmtefer `âs getbjjes.

9?. Bvosh STujse ej mhtùf ge efiefgogh pbrb BTBKB]P

=?. Bvosh SNbjjh gej soste`b I^WP (seküf `hgejh)

Este bvosh se efiefgerâ bj ihjhibr ej ofterrupthr ge efiefg efi efgog oghh ef ph phso soioù ioùff BI BII I ih ihff jb pb pbjb jbfibge fibge ib ib``mohs ef phsoioù phsoioùff T (estbioh (estbiohfb`oefth fb`oefth). ). Tbrb bpbkbr este bvosh, ihjhque ej ofterrupthr ge efiefgogh ef phsoioùf HF y, b ihftofubioùf, ef phsoioùf JHIC.

Este bvosh se efioefge iubfgh aby uf prhmje`b ef ej soste`b ge jb trbfs`osoùf QW]HFOI (I^W). Yo este bvosh se efioefge, biugb b uf ihfiesohfbroh FOYYBF h tbjjer iubjonoibgh iubjonoibgh pbrb jb revosoù revosoùff gej soste`b.

74. Bvosh SEjolb Byugb b jb ihfguiioùf ef `efü ihfnok.P (seküf `hgejh)

94. Bvosh SNbjjh gej soste`b ge juiesP

Este bvosh se vosubjozb so jhs eje`efths ge jb byugb

(seküf `hgejh)

bestâf jb ihfguiio ihfguiioùf ùf fh estâf gosphfo gosphfomjes mjes gemogh b que bpbkbghs ef ej `efü ge ihfnokurbioùf

Este bvosh se efioefge iubfgh gemef sustotuorse jhs nbrhs JEG. Yo este bvosh se efioefge, biugb b uf ihfiesohfbroh FOYYBF h tbjjer iubjonoibgh pbrb jb rev revosoù osoùff gej soste`b. soste`b. ^eb ‚Nbrh JEG (sek (seküf üf `hgejh)‐ `âs bgejbfte ef estb seiioùf pbrb hmtefer `âs getbjjes.

92’9;. Yoste`b SYthp/YtbrtP Esths ofgoibghres estbgh gejt soste`b Ythp Yt hp/Yt /Ytbr brt. t. ^e ^ebb `uestrbf ‚Yost ‚Y oste` e`bb ej Yth Ythp/ p/Yt Ytbr brt (sek (s eküf üf `hgejh)‐ ef jb seiioùf ‚5. Brrbfque y ihfguiioùf‐ pbrb hmtefer `âs getbjjes.

91. Ofgoibghr SYejeiiohfe 2 h `âs hpiohfesP Este `efsble bpbreie iubfgh se efiueftrb ef ej `efü profiopbj ge jb pbftbjjb ge ofnhr`bioùf gej veaàiujh pbrb reihrgbrje que sejeiiohfe bj `efhs ufb

72. Bvosh SNbjjh gej soste`bP (seküf `hgejh) Este bv Este bvos oshh bp bpbr breie eie iub iubfg fghh ej bv bvos oshh ge âf âfku kujh jh `ue `uerrth (MY[) y/h ge gesvàh ge ibrroj (JG[) fh nufiohfbf ihrreitb`efte ihrreitb`efte (ihfsujte ‚Yoste`b ge bvosh ge âfkujh `uerth (MY[) (seküf `hgejh)‐ ef jb seiioùf ‚5.Brrbfq ‚5.Brrbfque ue y ihfg ihfguiio uiioùf‐ ùf‐), ), y/h ihfs ihfsujt ujtee ‚Yo ‚Yosste`b ge bvosh ge gesvàh ge ibrroj (JG[) (seküf `hgejh) `hg ejh)‐‐ ef jb seii seiioùf oùf ‚5.Brrbfq ‚5.Brrbfque ue y ihfg ihfguiio uiioùf‐ ùf‐). ).

7=. Bvosh SNbjjh gej soste`bP (seküf `hgejh) Este bvosh bpbreie iubfgh ej bvosh ge gesvàh ge ibrrojoj fh nufi ibrr nufiohfb ohfb ihrr ihrreit eitb`ef b`efte te (ihf (ihfsuj sujte te ‚Yos ‚Yoste` te`bb ge bvosh ge gesvàh ge ibrroj (JG[) (seküf `hgejh)‐ ef jb seiioùf ‚5. Brrbfque y ihfguiioùf‐). ihfguiioùf‐).

hpioùf. FOI=52>

=-=>   Ofstru`efths y ihftrhjes  

79. Bvosh SNbjjh gej soste`bP (seküf `hgejh) Este bv Este bvos oshh bp bpbr breie eie iub iubfg fghh ej bv bvos oshh ge âf âfku kujh jh `ue `uerrth fh nuf nufiohf iohfbb ihrr ihrreitb eitb`eft `eftee (ih (ihfsuj fsujte te ‚Yo ‚Yoste ste`b `b ge bvosh ge âfkujh `uerth (MY[) (seküf `hgejh)‐ ef jb seiioùf ‚5. Brrbfque y ihfguiioùf‐).

77. Bvosh SFh gosphfomje Jo`pobr iâ`brb trbserbP (seküf `hgejh) Este bvosh bpbreie so se biu`ujb suioegbg, jjuvob h foeve ef jb iâ`brb trbserb y fh se puege ejo`ofbr ihf jbvbbvosh buth`âtoih buth`ât y ej shpjbghr (ihfsujt(seküf (ihfsujte e ‚Yoste`bejge ge oih âfkujh `uerth (MY[) `hgejh) `hg ejh)‐‐ ef jb seii seiioùf oùf ‚5.Brrbfq ‚5.Brrbfque ue y ihfg ihfguiio uiioùf‐) ùf‐),, y/h ihfsujte ‚Yoste`b ge bvosh ge gesvàh ge ibrroj (JG[) (seküf `hgejh)‐ ef jb seiioùf ‚5. Brrbfque y ihfguiioùf‐).

75. Bvosh SFh gosphfomje Jo`pobr iâ`brb trbserbP (seküf `hgejh) Este bvosh bpbreie so se biu`ujb suioegbg, jjuvob h foeve ef jb iâ`brb trbserb y fh se puege ejo`ofbr ihf ej jbvb buth`ât buth`âtoih oih y ej shpjbghr (ihfsujte (ihfsujte ‚Yoste`b ge bvosh ge âfkujh `uerth (MY[) (seküf `hgejh) `hg ejh)‐‐ ef jb seii seiioùf oùf ‚5.Brrbfq ‚5.Brrbfque ue y ihfg ihfguiio uiioùf‐) ùf‐)..



Ofstru`efths y ihftrhjes   =-=;  

2. SBahrrh ih`mus.P (j (jotrhs)/244 c`, c`/j (jotrh) h `pk) Ihfsu`h bitubj ge ih`mustomje<

Jb `hgbjogbg ge ihfsu`h bitubj ge ih`mustomje `uestrb ej ihfsu`h bitubj ge ih`mustomje. Ihfsu`h `egoh ge ih`mustomje<


Jhs mhthfes gej hrgefbghr ge b mhrgh estâf sotubghs ef ej jbgh ozquoergh gej vhjbfte y ef ej pbfej ge ofterrupthres l 2 . Tbrb phfer ef nufiohfb`oefth ej hrgefbghr ge b mhrgh, pujse jhs mhthfes ih`h se `uestrb brromb. Ibgb vez que se pujsb ej ofterrupthr pbftbjjb ib`mob.


l M , jb

Jb `hgbjogbg ge gostbf gostbfiob iob abstb vbiobr ej gepùsot gepùsothh hnreie ufb esto`bioùf ge jb gostbfiob que puege reihrrerse bftes ge rephstbr. Jb gostbfiob abstb vbiobr ej gepùsot gepùsothh se ibjiujb ihfstbfte`efte, ihfstbfte`efte, mbsâfghse ef jb ibftogbg ge ih`mustomje que aby ef ej gepùsoth y ej ihfsu`h rebj ge ih`mustomje.

Jb `hgbjogbg ge ihfsu`h `egoh ge ih`mustomje `uestrb `ues trb ej ihfs ihfsu`h u`h `eg `egoh oh ge ih`m ih`musto ustomje mje ges gesge ge ej üjto`h reofoioh. Tujse ej ofterrupthr :EFWE]6 l M gurbf gu rbfte te `â `âss ge 2 sek sekuf ufgh gh pb pbrb rb bii biieg eger er bj `e `efü fü ge

Jb pbftbjjb se bitubjozb ibgb 94 sekufghs.

reofoioh. Jb pbftbjjb se bitubjozb ibgb 94 sekufghs. Ef jhs pro`erhs 544 ` (2/9 `ojjbs) gespuïs gej reofoioh, jb pbftbjjb `uestrb ‚‗‗‐.

bgvertefiob se vosubjozb ef jb pbftbjjb. Iubfgh ej fovej ge ih`mustomje mblb büf `âs, jb vosubjozbioùf ge jb gostbfiob abstb vbiobr ej gepùsoth ib`mob b ‚‗‗‐.

Tujse :EF Tujse :EFWE] WE]6 6 mre mreve`e ve`efte fte pbr pbrbb `hst `hstrbr rbr jb sek sekufufgb pâkofb ge bahrrh ge ih`mustomje.


9. SButhfh`àbP (c` h `ojjbs)

Estb `hgbjogbg ofijuye ufb nufioùf ge bvosh ge phih bjibfie. Yo ej fovej ge ih`mustomje es mblh, jb

ibftogb ogbgg ge ih`m ih`musto ustomje mje bòb bòbgog gogbb es peq pequeue•   Yo jb ibft

=. S^ejhiogbgP y S^ejhiogbg `egobP (c`/a h `pa)

òb, es phsomje que se sokb vosubjozbfgh jb ofnhr`bioùf que bpbreiàb ef jb pbftbjjb bftes ge pujsbr ej ofterrupthr ge efiefgogh abstb jb phsoioùf ‚HNN‐.

Jb vejhiogbg (gokotbj) (gokotbj) `uestrb jb vejhiog vejhiogbg bg bitubj b jb que se gespjbz gespjbzbb ej veaàiujh.

ihfguior iuestb brromb h phr iurvbs ierrbgbs, •   Bjej ih`mustomje ih`mustomje que aby ef ej gepùsot gepùsothh se `hve-

Estb `hgbjogbg `uestrb `uestrb jb vejhiogb vejhiogbgg `egob gej veaàiujh gesge jb üjto`b vez que se reofoioù. Tujse ej ofterrupthr :EFWE]6 gurbfte `âs ge 2 sekufgh pbrb biieger bj `efü ge reofoioh.

7. SWoe`phP trbfsiurrogh y SGostbfiob ge reihrroghP (c` h `ojjbs)

Jb pbftbjjb se bitubjozb ibgb 94 sekufghs. Gurbfte jhs pro`erhs 94 sekufghs gespuïs ge reofoiobr, jb

râ, jh iubj puege abier que ib`moe jb ofgoibioùf `h`eftâfeb`efte.

SWoe`phP trbfsiurrogh<

Jb `hgbjogbg ge toe`ph trbfsiurrogh `uestrb ej

pbftbjjb `uestrb ‚‗‗‐.

toe`ph que ab pbsbgh gesge ej üjto`h reofoioh. Tujse ej of ofte terru rrupt pthr hr :E :EFW FWE]6gurb E]6gurbft ftee `âsge 2 se seku kuff-

gh pbrb biieger bj `efü ge reofoioh. (Ej iueftbcojù`etrhs pbriobj tb`moïf se reofoiob bj `os`h toe`ph).

•  Bvosh ge âfkujh `uerth (MY[) •  Nrefbgh ge e`erkefiob phr bjibfie

SBahrrh IH= pbriobjP y toe`ph ge pbrbgb gej `hthr gurbfte ej voble<

SGostbfiob ge reihrroghP<

Tbrb hmtefer ofnhr`bioùf bgoiohfbj, ihfsujte ‚Yoste`b ge bvosh ge âfkujh `uerth (MY[) (seküf `hgejh)‐ ef jb seiioùf ‚5. Brrbfque y ihfguiioùf‐, ‚Yoste`b ge bvosh ge gesvàh ge ibrroj (JG[) (seküf `hgejh)‐ ef jb seiioùf ‚5. Brrbfque y ihfguiioùf‐, y/h ‚Yo ‚Yoste ste`b `b ge nre nrefbgh fbgh ge e`er e`erkefi kefiob ob phr bjib bjibfie fie (seküf `hgejh)‐ `hgejh)‐ ef jb seiioùf ‚5. Brrbfque y ihfguiioùf‐.

Ej `hgh IH=ejbahrrbgh y toe`ph gebahrrbgh pbrbgb ygej `hthr gurbfte voble `uestrb ej IH= ej toe`ph ge pbrbgb gej `hthr gesge jb üjto`b vez que se ab reofoiobgh.

1. STresoùf ge feu`ât.P (seküf `hgejh)`uesJb `hgbjogbg presoùf ge jhs feu`âtoihs

Ej IH= bahrrbgh y ej toe`ph ge pbrbgb gej `hthr thtbj `uestrb<

=-=1   Ofstru`efths y ihftrhjes  

Jb `hgbjogbg gej iueftbcojù`etrhs pbriobj `uestrb jb gostbfiob thtbj que ej veaàiujh ab reihrrogh gesge ej üjto`h reofoioh. Tujse ej ofterrupthr :EFWE]6 gurbfte `âs ge 2 sekufgh pbrb biieger bj `efü ge reofoioh reof oioh.. (Ej toe toe`ph `ph pbr pbriobj iobj tb` tb`moï moïff se reof reofoiob oiob bj `os `os-`h toe`ph).

5. Fbvekbioùf (seküf `hgejh) Iubfgh se blustb ej kuobgh efjbejofnhr`bioùf soste`b ge gej fbvekbioùf, este eje`efth `uestrb otoferbroh ge fbvekbioùf. Tbrb hmtefer `âs getbjjes, ihfsujte ej `bfubj ge usubroh ge Fossbf Ihffeit que se eftrekb phr sepbrbgh.

>. Bugoh Ej `hgh ge bugoh `uestrb ej estbgh ge jb ofnhr`bioùf ge bugoh. Tbrb hmt hmtefer efer ofn ofnhr`b hr`bioùf ioùf bgo bgoiohf iohfbj, bj, ihfs ihfsujte ujte ‚]b ‚]bgoh goh N@ B@ ihf reprhguithr ge IG (seküf `hgejh)‐ ef jb seiioùf ‚7. Tbftbjjb, ibjenbiioùf, bihfgoiohfbghr ge bore y soste`b ge bugoh‐ h ej `bfubj ge usubroh ge Fossbf Ihffeit, que se eftrekb phr sepbrbgh.

;. SByugb ihfguiioùfP (seküf `hgejh) Ej `hgh ge byugb b jb ihfguiioùf `uestrb `uestrb ej estb-

trb jb presoùf ge jhs iubtrh feu`âtoihs. Jhs vbjhres `hstrbghs estâf shjb`efte gosphfomjes gurbfte jb ihfguiioùf. Iubfgh bpbreie ej bvosh STresoùf ge feu`âtoihs mblb.P, jb pbftbjjb puege ib`mobrse b jb `hgbjogbg ge presoùf ge jhs feu`âtoihs pujsbfgh ej ofterrupthr :EFWE]6 pbrb bsà phger vosubjozbr ofnhr`bioùf

Ej IH= bahrrbgh y toe`ph ge pbrbgb gej `hthr gurbfte ej voble se puege reofoiobr pujsbfgh ej mhtùf :EFWE]6 gurbfte `âs ge 2 sekufgh. SBahrrh IH= thtbjP y toe`ph ge pbrbgb gej `hthr thtbj<

reguiio uiioùf ùf bpr bprhxo hxo`bg `bgbb ge e`os e`osohfe ohfess ge IH= IH=.. •   Jb reg •   Ej toe`ph que ej `hthr ab estbgh pbrbgh `egobfte ej soste`b Ythp/Ytbrt.

FHWB Jhs vbjhres ge IH= bahrrbgh y toe`ph ge pbrbgb

bgoiohfbj shmre ej bvosh `hstrbgh.

gej `hthr thtbj gej fh se puegef reofoiobr ybiu`ujb`hstrbr jb ofnhr`bioùf soste`b Ythp/Ytbrt gb b pbrtor ge jb nbmroibioùf gej veaàiujh.

Ej soste`b Ythp/Ytbrt `uestrb ej IH= bahrrbgh y ej toe`ph ge getefioùf gej `hthr. (Ihfsujte ‚Yoste`b Ythp/Ytbrt (seküf `hgejh)‐ ef jb seiioùf ‚5. Brrbfque y ihfguiioùf‐).

24. Ih`prhmbioùf ge bgvertefiobs

?. Yoste`b SYthp/YtbrtP (seküf `hgejh)

Ye `uestrbf jhs bvoshs bitubjes. Yo fh aby fofküf bvosh presefte, fh se `uestrbf bvoshs.

gh ge nufiohfb`oefth ge jhs sokuoeftes soste`bs.  Bvosh ge gesvàh ge ibrroj (JG[)

Ofstru`efths y ihftrhjes   =-=?  


ioùf. Jb pbftbjjb puege `hstrbr ufb te`perbturb gonerefte b jb te`perbturb rebj h b jb ofgoibgb ef seòbjes h ibrtejes ibrtejes..

BG^E]WEFIOB B te`perbturbs `uyihfkejbr mblbs, ej ef jàquogh gej jbvbpb-y rbmrosbs se puege ej pbrbmrosbs gos`ofuor jb vosomojogbg. Bftes ge jbvbr ej jbvbpbrbmrosbs, ibjoïftejh ihf ej gese`pbòbghr. T]EIBUIOÙF iubfgh jhs mrbzhs gej •   Fh bmrb/ioerre ej ibpù iubfgh jo`pobpbrbmrosbs estïf jevbftbghs.

•  Fh abkb nufiohfbr ej jbvb ge nhr`b ihftofub gurbfte `âs ge 25 sekufghs.


Ej rejhl l 2 y jb te`perbturb te`perbturb gej bore exterohr exterohr l = se `uestrbf ef ej jbgh superohr ge jb pbftbjjb ge ofnhr`bioùf gej veaàiujh.

•  Fh bitove ej jbvb so ej gepùsoth estâ vbiàh h ihfkejbgh.


S]ejhlP Tbrb ofnhr`bioùf ofnhr`bioùf shmre ej `hgh ge bluste gej rejhl, ihfsujte ihfs ujte ‚Bl ‚Bluste uste gej rejh rejhl‐ l‐ ef jb sei seiioùf ioùf ‚7. Tbft Tbftbjjb bjjb,, ibjenbiioùf, bihfgoiohfbghr y soste`b ge bugoh‐ h ej `bfubj ge usubrohge ge bore Fossbf Ihffeit, que se eftrekb phr sepbrbgh.

SWe`perbturb exterohrP (´I h ´N) Jb SWe`perbturb exterohrP se vosubjozb ef ´I h ´N, geft ge ftrh rh ge gejj oft ofterv ervbj bjhh eft eftre re ∝7 ∝744 y >4 >4´I ´I (∝7 (∝744 y 27 274´ 4´N) N).. Ej sefshr ge te`perbturb exterohr se jhibjozb ef jb pbrte gejbfterb gej rbgobghr. Ej sefshr puege verse


Woph B (sof `hgbjogbg BUWH)

bneitbghh phr bneitbg ibjhru ge jb ibrreter ibrreterb b h gej jb goreiioùf gej ej voefth htrbs ihfgoiohfes ge`hthr, ihfgui-

=-94   Ofstru`efths y ihftrhjes  

•   l= <   Jefth (

)  ’ pbrb nufiohfb`oefth ihftofuh b mblb vejhiogbg

Tbrb vhjver b ihjhibr ej mrbzh gej jo`pob ef jb phsoioùf fhr`bj, ihjhque ej mrbzh gej jo`pob ef jb phso-


@hgejhs ihf bihfgoiohfbghr ge bore buth`âtoih (seküf `hgejh)

l B   Bitovbioùf/gesbitovbioùf ge jb jufetb tïr`oib Tbrbgese`pbòb Tbrbgese`p bòbr/g r/geses esesibri ibriabr abr ej iros irostbj tbj ge jb jufe jufe-tb, brrbfque ej `hthr y pujse ej ofterrupthr ge jb jufetb tïr`oib l B . Ej ofgoibghr se efioefge. ^uejvb b pujsbr ej ofterrupthr pbrb gesihfeitbr jb jufetb tïr`oib. Ej gese`pbòbghr se gesbitovbrâ ge nhr`b buth`âtoib gespuïs ge uf perohgh ge 25 `ofuths ‗ so jb jufetb se gese`pbòb bftes ge este toe`ph, pujse ge fuevh ej ofterru ofterrupthr pthr pbrb bpbkbr ej gese`pb gese`pbòbòbghr. Tbrb hmtefer `âs ofnhr`bioùf, ihfsujte ‚Nufiohfb`oefth `oef th ge jb ibje ibjenbi nbiioùfy ioùfy ej bihf bihfgoi goiohfb ohfbghrge ghrge bore bore‐‐ ef jb seii seiioùf oùf ‚7. Tbf Tbftbjj tbjjb, b, ibje ibjenbi nbiioùf ioùf,, bihf bihfgoi goiohfb ohfb-ghr ge bore y soste`b ge bugoh‐. T]EIBUIOÙF


Oju`ofbioùf Kore ej ihf`utbghr b jb phsoioùf `   < `

Ye efioefgef jbs juies ge phsoioùf gejbfterbs, trbserbs, ge `btràiujb y ge ofstru`efths. Ye efioefge ej ofgoibghr `

  gej tbmjerh ge ofstru`efths.

Kore ej ihf`utbghr b jb phsoioùf `   < `

Ye efioefgef jhs nbrhs y jbs juies restbftes ihftofübf efiefgogbs.

T]EIBUIOÙF Fh gele ej ihf`utbghr ge nbrhs ihfeitbgh gurbfte rbf te uf per perohg ohgh h ge toe toe`ph `ph jbr jbrkh kh `oe `oeftr ftrbs bs ej `hthr estï pbrbgh.

Iubfgh jo`poe ej jbgh ofterohr ge jb jufetb, tefkb iuogbgh ge fh brbòbr fo gbòbr jhs ihfguithres ejïitroihs.

Ofstru`efths y ihftrhjes   =-99  

Yoste`b ge bju`mrbgh gourfh (seküf `hgejh) Ofijush ihf ej ihf`utbghr ge nbrhs ef phsoioùf ge bpbkbgh, bpbkbg h, ej bju`mrb bju`mrbgh gh gourfh gejbfterh se efiefgerâ iubfgh ej `hthr estï ef `briab.

Tbrb bitovbr ej soste`b ge juies buth`âtoih<

‚Juz ge bih`pbòb`oefth‐

2. Kore ej ihf`utbghr ge nbrhs abstb jb phsoioùf BUWH. =. Kore ej ofterrupthr ge efiefgogh b jb phsoioùf HF.

Jb nufioùf que hnreie jb ‚juz ge bih`pbòb`oefth‐ es ge krbf utojogbg. Je per`ote bju`mrbr gesge ej veaàiujh iubfgh ej ofterrupthr ge efiefgogh se ab korbgh abstb jb phsoioùf JHIC y ej ihf`utb ihf`utbghr ghr ge nbrhs estâ ef jb phsoioùf HNN h BUWH (seküf `hgejh). Bj torbr gej ihf`utbghr ge nbrhs ufb vez abiob usteg se efiefgerâf jhs nbrhs gurbfte bprhxo`bgb`efte 94 sekufghs. Wrbs ese perohgh ge toe`ph, se bpbkbrâf buth`âtoib`efte.

Iubfgh ej ihf`utbghr ge bju`mrbgh se korb abstb jb phsoio ioùf ùf h , ej bju` u`mmrbg bghh gourf rfhh se bpbkb.

Tbrb gesbitovbr ej soste`b ge juies buth`âtoih<

Yoste`b ge juies buth`âtoih (BUWH ‗ seküf `hgejh)

Yejeiioùf gej nbrh gejbfterh

Thfkb ej ofterrupthr ge efiefgogh ef jb phsoioùf ‚HNN‐, ,h .

Es phsomje torbr gej ihf`utbghr ge nbrhs abstb iubtrh veies sekuogbs, ofire`eftbfgh ej perohgh ge oju`ofbioùf abstb ghs `ofuths. FHWB Jb nufioùf ge jb ‚juz ge bih`pbòb`oefth‐ se puege ibfiejbr korbfgh fuevb`efte ej ofterrupthr ge efiefgogh b jb phsoioùf Bii u HF.

Nufioùf ge bahrrh ge mbteràb FOI=2=4 FOI=2;5

Ej soste`b ge juies buth`âtoih per`ote blustbr jhs nbrhs ge nhr`b que se efioefgbf y bpbkuef buth`âtoib`efte. `âtoib` efte. Iubfgh ej soste`b ge juies buth`âtoih se efiueftrb bitovbgh<

•  Ye efioefgef buth`âtoib`efte jhs nbrhs, jbs ju-

ies ge phsoioùf gejbfterbs, gejbfterbs, jbs trbserbs, jbs ge

sejeiiohfbr jb juz ge ibrreterb ibrreterb gesge jb l 2   Tbrb sejeiiohfbr phso ph soioù ioùff , `ue `uevb vb jb pb pbjbf jbfib ib ab abiob iob gejbfte. Jbs juies ge ibrreterb se efioefgef y se ojoju` u`of ofbb ej of ofgo goib ibgh ghrr . pbjbfib abiob usteg pbrb pbrb vhjver b jb l =   Wore ge jb pbjbfib juzz ge ir ju irui uiee (p (phs hsoi oioù oùff ). 9   Bj torbr ge fuevh ge jb pbjbfib abiob usteg, se

Jb nufioùf ge mbteràb evotbefiefgogbs que jb mbteràb gej veaàiujhge sebahrrh gesibrkue trbs gelbr jbs juies exterohres, exterohres, ge `bpbs h gej abmotâ abmotâiujh iujh bj sbjor gej veaàiujh. Esth suiege iubfgh ej ofterrupthr ge efiefgoghh h ej mhtùf ge brrbfque estâf ef jb phsoefiefgog ioùf ‚HNN‐ h JHIC gespuïs ge abmer brrbfibgh ej `hthr. FHWB Jb prùxo`b vez que se brrbfque ej `hthr, jbs

jb `btràiujb y jbs gej tbmjerh ge ofstru`efths iubfgh hsiureie.

•  Ye bpbkbf thgbs jbs juies iubfgh aby juz.

l bitovb jb juz ge rânbkbs, bufque ej ihf`utbghr ge nbrhs estï bpbkbgh.

juies exterohres, ge `bpbs h gej abmotâiujh se vhjverâf b efiefger.

=-97   Ofstru`efths y ihftrhjes  

IHF@UWBGH] GEJ BJU@M]BGH BFWOFOEMJB Nufioùf ge bahrrh ge mbteràb pbrb jbs juies exterohres<

Yo se korb ej ofterrupthr ge efiefgogh b jb phsoioùf ‚HNN‐ gespuïs ge jb ihfguiioùf perh jbs juies exterohres se quegbf efiefgogbs biiogeftbj`efte, se bpbkbrâf buth`âtoib`efte tbf prhfth ih`h jb puertb gej ihfguithr se bmrb.

Yeòbj ge ib`moh ge ibrroj @uevb jb pbjbfib shjb`efte uf phih abiob h abiob bmblh l 2 pbrb seòbjbr seòbjbr uf ib`moh ge ibrroj (gereiab (gereiab h ozquoer ozquoergb). gb). Jhs ofgoibg ofgoibghres hres pbrpbgebrâf tres veies bftes ge ibfiejbrse buth`âtoib`efte. FHWB

Ye puegef gelbr efiefgogbs ge nhr`b per`bfefte ib`mobfgh ej ihf`utbghr ge nbrhs `oeftrbs ej ofterrupthr ge efiefgogh büf estâ ef phsoioùf JHIC u ‚HNN‐.. Ef este ibsh, jb seòbj biüstoib ge bvosh ge ‚HNN‐

Estb ibrbiteràstoib shjh nufiohfb so se ab bitovbgh ej bluste ge 9 pbrpbgehs ge jhs ofgoibghres ge goreiioùf ef ej `efü ge blustes gej veaàiujh ef jb pbftbjjb ge ofnhr`bioùf gej veaàiujh (ihf-

juies guithrefiefgogbs se bmrb. shfbrâ iubfgh jb puertb gej ihf-

sujte ‚SBlustes veaàiujhP‐ bfterohr`efte ef estb seiioùf).

Nufioùf ge bahrrh ge mbteràb pbrb jb juz gej abmotâiujh<

Ofgoibghr ge goreiioùf

Jb juz gej abmotâiujh se bpbkbrâ buth`âtoib`efte trbs uf peràhgh ge toe`ph so se ab gelbgh efiefgogb biiogeftbj`efte.

NB]H BFWOFOEMJB (seküf `hgejh)


Woph B< shjb`efte jb juz bftofoemjb

@uevb jb pb @uevb pbjb jbfib fib ab abiob iob br brrom rombb h ab abiob iob bm bmblh blh l = pbrb ofgoibr gereiab h ozquoergb. Iubfgh se ih`pjetb ej korh, jhs ofgoibghres ge goreiioùf se ibfiejbf buth`âtoib`efte.


Woph M< tbfth jhs nbrhs bftofoemjb ih`h jbs juies bftofoemjb

Yhjb`efte se gemef efiefger jhs nbrhs bftofoemjb iubfgh jb vosomojogbg seb `uy reguiogb ’ keferbj`efte, b `efhs ge 244 `etrhs (9=1 poes). Tbrb efiefger jhs nbrhs bftofoemjb, kore ej ihf`utbghrr ge nbr gh brhs hs ab abio iobb jb ph phso soio ioùf ùf h h BU BUWH WH

(seküf y, bbftof ihftofubioùf, ihftofub ej ihf`utb ihf`utbghr gej `hgejh) bju`mrb bju` mrbgh gh bftofoemj oemjbb ioùf, b jb phsoi pkore hsoioùf oùf . Jhs Jhsnbrhs bftofoemjb y ej ofgoibghr se efioefgef. Ej ihf-


Ofstru`efths y ihftrhjes   =-95  

]EKUJBIOÙF GE NB]HY `utbghr gej bju`mrbgh bftofoemjb bftofoemjb vhjverâ b jb phsoioùf ge bpbkbgh (‗). Tbrb hmtefer `âs ofnhr`b-

Tbrb bpbkbr jb juz bftofoemjb, phfkb ej ihf`utbghr gej bju` bju`mrb mrbgh gh bft bftofoe ofoemjb mjb ef phs phsoioù oioùff ge fuev fuevh. h.

io ioùf ùf,, ve vebb bfterohr`efte ‚Wes ‚W estotokh khs, s, ef ofgo of goib ibgh ghre ress y se seòb òbje jess biüstoibs‐ estb seiioùf.

FHWB Yo ej ih ihf` f`ut utbg bghr hr ge nb nbrh rhss se `u `uev eve e b jb ph phso soio ioùf ùf ge bpbkbgh (‗), jbs juies bftofoemjb se bpbkbf buth`âtoib`efte.

Tbrb bpbkbr jhs nbrhs bftofoemjb, phfkb ej ihf`utbghrr ge gh gejj bj bju`m u`mrbg rbghh bf bftotofoe foemj mjbb ef ph phsoi soioùf oùf ge fue fue-vh. Jhs nbrhs bftofoemjb y ej ofgoibghr se bpbkbf. Ej ihf`utbghr gej bju`mrbgh bftofoemjb vhjverâ b jb phsoioùf ge bpbkbgh.


FHWB Yo ihf` ih f`ut utbg bghr hr ge nbrh nb rhssbftofoemjb se `u `uev eve ese b jb phso ph soio ioùf ùf geej bpbkbgh (‗), ej nbrh bpbkb buth`âtoib`efte.


@hgejhs ge ihfg. ozq.

JU\ BFWOFOEMJB (seküf `hgejh) Yhjb`efte se geme efiefger jb juz bftofoemjb iubfgh jb vosomo vosomojogbg jogbg seb `uy reguiog reguiogbb ’ keferbj` keferbj`efte, efte, b `efhs ge 244 `etrhs (9=1 poes). Tbrb efiefger jb juz bftofoemjb, kore ej ihf`utbg ihf`utbghr hr ge nbrhs abiob jb phsoioùf h h BUWH (seküf `hgejh) y, b ihftofubioùf, kore ej ihf`utbghr gej bju` bju`mrb mrbgh gh bftof bftofoemj oemjbb b jb jb phsoio phsoioùf ùf . Jbs Jbs juies bftofoemjb y ej ofgoibghr se efiefgerâf. Ej ihf`utbghr gej bju`mrbgh bftofoemjb vhjverâ b jb phsoioùf ge bpbkbgh (‗). Tbrb hmtefer `âs ofnhr`bioùf, `bio ùf, veb ‚We ‚Westok stokhs, hs, ofg ofgoibg oibghres hres y seòb seòbjes jes biüstoibs‐ bfterohr`efte ef estb seiioùf. Yo jhs nbrhs bftofoemjb (seküf `hgejh) yb se abf efiefgogh ihf ej ofterrupthr ge jhs nbrhs ef jb phso-


@hgejhs ge ihfg. gia.

Ej âfkujh ge prhyeiioùf ge jhs nbrhs puege estbr `âs bjth gemogh bj fü`erh ge hiupbftes y bj pesh ge jb ibrkb. Yo se ihfguie phr ufb ibrreterb ihf nuertes pefgoeftes, puege que jhs nbrhs se renjelef ef ej retrhvoshr gej veaàiujh que vb gejbfte h ef ej

ioùf , pueg puegee efie efiefger fger jb juz bft bftofoe ofoemjb mjb sof phfer pro`erh ej ihf`utbghr ge jhs nbrhs ef jb phsoioùff ioù h ef jb ph phso soioù ioùff BUW BUWH H (s (sek eküf üf `hg `hgejh ejh). ).

pbrbmrosbs gej veaàiujh que voefe ef goreiioùf ihftrbrob. Ye puege mblbr ej âfkujh ge prhyeiioùf utojo-

=-9>   Ofstru`efths y ihftrhjes  

JB^BNB]HY (seküf `hgejh) zbfgh ej ihf`utbghr que se efiueftrb ef ej jbgh gej ihfguithr gej tbmjerh ge ofstru`efths, prùxo`h

jbvbghr so ej gepùsoth ge •   Fh abkb nufiohfbr ej jbvbghr

bj vhjbfte ge goreiioùf. Iubfth `byhr seb ej fü`erh ofgoibgh ef ej ihf`utbghr, `âs mblh serâ ej âfkujh.

^eb ‚Jàqu ‚Jàquogh ogh gej jbvbpbr jbvbpbrbmrosb bmrosbs/jbvbju s/jbvbjufetb/jb fetb/jbvbnbrhs vbnbrhs (seküf `hgejh)‐ `hgejh)‐ ef jb seiioùf ‚1. @bftefo` @bftefo`oefth oefth y aâkbjh usteg `os`h‐ pbrb hmtefer `âs ofnhr`bioùf rejbtovb b jb hperbioùf ge rejjefh gej gepùsoth.

jàquogh gej jbvb estâ vbiàh h ihfkejbgh.

Iubfgh ihfguzib ihfguzib sof ufb ibrkb pesbgb h phr ufb ibrreterb jjbfb, sejeiiohfe jb phsoioùf 4.



Jhs veaàiujhs ihf nbrhs JEG estâf equopbghs ihf uf soste`b ge fovejbioùf buth`âtoih. Ej ele ge jb juz se ihftrhjb buth`âtoib`efte.

Ej soste`b gej jbvbnbrhs shjb`efte se bitovb iubfgh<

FOYYBF reih`oefgb que ihfsujte jbs jekosjbiohfes jhibjes shmre ej ush ge jbs juies.

’ ej ofterrupthr ofterrupthr ge ge efiefgogh efiefgogh estâ ef jb phsoioùf phsoioùf HF. ’ iubfgh ej ej ihf`utbghr ihf`utbghr ge ge nbrhs estâ ef ef phsoioùf phsoioùf . ’ torbfgh ge jb pbjbfib ufb vez abiob usteg. usteg. FHWB Ibgb vez que se ihjhque ej ofterrupthr ge efiefgogh ef phsoioùf HF h se phfkb ej ihf`utbgh `ut bghrr ge nbr nbrhs hs ef jb phs phsoio oioùf ùf , se bit bitoovbrâ vbr â ej jbv jbvbnb bnbrhs rhs.. Wrb Wrbss jb pro pro`er `erb b hpe hperbi rbioùf oùf,, ej jbvbnbrhs jbvbn brhs nufio nufiohfbrâ hfbrâ buth` buth`âtoib âtoib`efte `efte ufb vez ibgb vez que se biiohfe iofih veies ej ihf`utbghr gej jo`pob y jbvb. T]EIBUIOÙF

abkb nufiohfbr ej jbvbnbrhs ge nhr`b ihf•  Fh tofub gurbfte `âs ge 25 sekufghs.

Ofstru`efths y ihftrhjes   =-9;  


WH@B GE IH]]OEFWE Iubfgh fgh fh se est estï ï usb usbfgh fgh,, bse bsekür kürese ese ge que •   Iub jb tbpb estï ierrbgb. Fh per`otb que jb th`b eftre ef ihftbith ihf bkub.

•  Bftes ge ofsertbr h extrber uf efiaune, bse-

kürese ge gesihfeitbr ej ofterrupthr gej gosphsoto phs otovh vh ejï ejïitr itroihque oihque est estï ï uto utojoz jozbfg bfgh h h ext extrbe rberr jb jjbve gej efiefgogh pbrb gesihfeitbr ej su`ofostrh BII gej veaàiujh.

•   Ofserte ej efiaune abstb ej nhfgh. Yo fh se FOI=2?1


Bphybmrbzhs gejbfterh

2 Tbrb abier shfbr jb mhiofb, pujse jb bj`habgojjb l que aby ef ej ieftrh gej vhjbfte.

estbmjeie uf muef ihftbith, phgràb shmreibjeftbrse ej efiaune h nufgorse ej nusomje ge te`perbturb ofterfb.

BG^E]WEFIOB Wefkb iuogbgh, yb que jb th`b ge ihrroefte y ej efiaune phgràbf estbr ibjoeftes gurbfte h of`egobtb`efte gespuïs ge su ush. T]EIBUIOÙF

•   Estb th`b ge ihrroefte fh estâ goseòbgb pbrb ser utojozbgb ihf ufb ufogbg ge efiefgeghr ge iokbrrojjhs.

•  Fh utojoie biieshrohs que requoerbf ufb ph-

tefiob superohr b 2= vhjtohs, 2=4 [ (24 B). Fh utojoie bgbptbghres ghmjes fo ihfeite `âs ge uf biieshroh ejïitroih.

•  Utojoie jb th`b ge ihrroefte ihf ej `hthr ef

`briab (fh jb utojoie gurbfte uf perohgh jbrkh ge toe`ph ihf ej `hthr pbrbgh h bj rbjeftà).

su ush iubfgh ej bihfgoiohfbghr ge bo•  Evote re, jhs nbrhs h jb jufetb tïr`oib estïf nufiohfbfgh.

=-91   Ofstru`efths y ihftrhjes  

BJ@BIEFB@OEFWH MBFGELBY GE BJ@BIEFB@OEFWH BG^E]WEFIOB Tbrb evotbr jesohfes ef ibsh ge biiogefte h nrefbgb mrusib, fh ihjhque hmleths pufzbftes ef jbs mbfgelbs.




BG^E]WEFIOB @bftefkb jb tbpb ge jb kubfterb ierrbgb bj ihfguior pbrb evotbr jesohfes ef ibsh ge biiogefte h ge pbrbgb mrusib.

Tbrb bmror jb kubfterb, jevbfte ej ioerre y mble jb tbpb. Ef jb pbrte trbserb ge jb kubfterb, se puege utojozbr ufb iuergb ejâstoib pbrb suletbr ej pbquete gej @bfubj gej ihfguithr.

Fh uto utojoi joie e jb ibl iblb b ge ihf ihfshj shjb b ief ieftrb trbjj `oe `oeftr ftrbs bs ihf ihf-guie pbrb phger prestbr jb `âxo`b btefioùf b jb ihfguiioùf.

Tbrb ierrbrjb, e`pule jb tbpb abiob bmblh abstb que ej sekurh efible. Jb tbpb ge jb iblb ge jb ihfshjb ihftoefe ârebs ge bj`biefb`oefth espeiobjes, phr ele`pjh, pbrb IG, `hfegbs h tbrletbs.

]bfurbs ge jhs ibmjes

Es phsomje gesjozbr jb tbpb ge jb iblb ge jb ihfshjb abiobb gej abio gejbfte bfte ih`h uf bph bphybm ybmrbz rbzhs, hs, ihfs ihfsujte ujte ‚Bp ‚Bphhybmrbzhs (seküf `hgejh)‐ seiioùf ‚2. Yekurogbg ‗ bsoefths, iofturhfesefgejbsekurogbg y soste`b ge sekurogbg supje`eftbroh‐. Tbrb bmror jb tbpb ge jb iblb ge ihfshjb, tore ge jb pbjbfib l 2 hl = y sumb sumb jb tbpb. Bj torbr ge jb pbjbfib l 2 gej jbgh jbgh gereiah, gereiah, ej ih`pbrto`efth superohr estâ gosphfomje pbrb bj`biefbr hmleths pequeòhs. Bj torbr ge jb pbjbfib l = gej jbg jbghh ozquoergh, jb pbrte ofnerohr gej ih`pbrto`efth estâ


gosphfomje pbrb bj`biefbr hmleths `âs krbfges.

Jb iblb ge jb ihfshjb ihftoefe ufb bperturb ef jb pbrte gejbfte gejbfterb rb l 2 pbr pbrbb pb pbsb sbrr jh jhss ibm ibmje jess b tr trbv bvïs ïs ge jb tbpb ge jb iblb ge jb ihfshjb. Tbrb hmtefer `âs Ofstru`efths y ihftrhjes   =-9?


ofnhr`bioùf, ihfsujte ‚Wh`b ge ihrroefte‐ bfterohr`eftee ef est `eft estbb seii seiioùf oùf y ‚Ef ‚Eftrb trbgbB gbBUQ UQ (bux (buxojob ojobr)‐`âs r)‐`âs



bgejbftee ef estb seiioùf bgejbft





Jhs shphrtes pbrb vbshs fh gemef usbrse gurbfte jb ihfguiioùf pbrb phger prestbr thtbj btefioùf bj `bfelh gej veaàiujh.



•  Fh utojoie ej shphrte pbrb mhtejjbs pbrb fof-

küf htrh hmleth que puegb sbjor gespegogh y jesohfbr b jbs pershfbs gurbfte uf nrefbgb mrusib h uf biiogefte.

@bftefkb ej shphrte pbrb kbnbs ge shj ierrbgh `oeftrbs ihfguie pbrb evotbr uf biiogefte.

Tbrb tefer biiesh bj shphrte pbrb vbshs trbserh (seküf `hgejh), mble ej bphybmrbzhs ieftrbj.



•  Fh utojoie este shphrte pbrb fofkufb htrb ih-

KBFIAHY TB]B BM]OKHY brrbfq bfque ue fo nre nrefe fe mru mrusib sib`ef `efte te iub iubfghutofghuto•   Fh brr


•   Fh gele kbnbs ge shj ef este shphrte iubfgh estbiohfe ej veaàiujh bj shj. Ej ibjhr puege gbòbrjbs.

Tbrb bmror ej shphrte pbrb kbnbs ge shj l 2 , pujse y suejte. Bj`biefe shjb`efte ufbs kbnbs ge shj ef ej shphrte.

joie ej shphrte pbrb vbshs pbrb evotbr que se gerrb`e ej ihftefogh. Yo ej ihftefogh estuvoerb ibjoefte, usteg h jhs pbsblerhs phgràbf que`brse.

mjbfghs ef ej sh•   Use üfoib`efte reiopoeftes mjbfghs

phrte pbrb vbshs. Jhs hmleths gurhs puegef prhvhibr jesohfes ef ibsh ge biiogefte.

•  Fh utojoie ej shphrte pbrb mhtejjbs pbrb efvbses ge jàquoghs bmoerths.


=-74   Ofstru`efths y ihftrhjes  

gele e jb mbf mbfgel gelb b `hf `hftbg tbgb b iub iubfgh fgh est estï ï ges ges-•   Fh gel



efkbfiabgb gej shphrte ge nolbioùf.

Fh bpjoque ufb ibrkb superohr b 2 ck (= jm) ef jhs kbfiahs.

moef thgb jb ibrkb pbrb evotbr que se •   Bsekure gesjoie h se `uevb. Fh ihjhque ibrkbs que

Jhs kbfiahs pbrb bmrokhs estâf umoibghs efio`b ge jbs veftbfojjbs jbterbjes trbserbs.

shmrepbsef jb bjturb ge jhs respbjghs. Yo ej equopble fh estâ moef bsekurbgh puege prhvhibr jesohfes ef ibsh ge ihjosoùf h nrefbgb mrusib.

MHJYOJJH TB]B @BTBY (seküf `hgejh)

•   Jb ihrreb superohr gej soste`b ge suleioùf

Jhs mh Jhs mhjs jsojj ojjhs hs pb pbrb rb `b `bpb pbss es estâ tâff sot sotubg ubghs hs ef jbspuer jbspuer-tbs.

pbrb foò pbrb foòhs hs pue puege ge gbò gbòbrs brse e phr ej ihf ihftbi tbith th ihf jb mbfgelb h ihf hmleths gephsotbghs ef jb


zhfb gej ih`p ih`pbrto` brto`efth efth ge equop equopble. ble. Ges`hfte jb mbfgelb gej veaàiujh h kuârgejb ef su jukbr ge bj`biefb`oefth. Bge`âs, sulete moef iubjquoer hmleth que estï suejth ef ej ih`pbr ih` pbrto` to`eft efth h ge equ equopb opble. le. Ej foò foòh h phg phgràb ràb resujtbr krbve`efte aerogh h `hror ef uf biiogefte so se gbòb jb ihrreb superohr.

Ges`hftble 2. Bmrb ej phrtùf trbserh (ihfsujte ‚Mjhqueh gej phrtùf trbserh‐ ef jb seiioùf ‚=. Ih`prhmbiohfes y rekjble rekjbless prevohs b jb `briab‐).


Mhjsojjh gej bsoefth (seküf `hgejh)

Ef jb pbrte phsterohr gej bsoefth gej ihfguithr y gej pbsbler pbs blerhh gej gejbfte bfterh rh aby umo umoibg ibghh uf mhj mhjsojj sojjhh gej bsoe bsoeffth.


BG^E]WEFIOB mbfgelb, fh o`•   Fufib ihjhque fbgb shmre jb mbfgelb, phrtb su tb`bòh. Iubjquoer hmleth ihjhibgh

=. Yepbre jhs ghs ihrghfes (ozquoergh y gereiah) l 2 gesge ej ofterohr ofterohr gej phrtùf phrtùf trbserh. 9. Yepbre jb mbfgelb torbfgh ge ejjb abiob brromb y abiob btrâs b trbvïs ge jb bperturb gej phrtùf trbserh.

ef jb iumoertb phgràb ibusbr jesohfes ef ibsh ge biiogefte h nrefbgb mrusib.

Ofstru`efths y ihftrhjes   =-72  

^EFWBFOJJBY T]EIBUIOÙF Bsekürese ge que jb mbfgelb se kubrgb ihf iuogbgh iubfgh fh estï ef ush pbrb bsà evotbr gbòhs.

Ef ufb ihjosoùf, es `âs prhmbmje que jbs pershfbs que voblef ef esb zhfb sunrbf jesohfes

@hftble 2. Bmrb ej phrtùf phrtùf trbserh. =. Oftrhguzib jb mbfgelb e`pulâfghjb abiob gejbfte thgh jh phsomje b trbvïs ge jb bperturb gej phrtùf trbserh y abiob bmblh ef jbs ijbvolbs.

krbves h `hrtbjes.   Yhjb`efte se puegef utojozbr ghs pufths ge bfijble ogeftonoibghs phr jbs etoquetbs ge jbs ihrrebs ge suleioùf superohr pbrb ej bfijble ge goiabs ihrrebs. Mblh fofkufb ioriufstbfiob gemef utojozbrse jhs kbfiahs pbrb ibrkb ih`h bfijble ge jb ihrreb ge suleioùf superohr.


Bsekürese ese ge que thg thghs hs jhs pbs pbsble blerhs rhs tef tefkbf kbf •   Bsekür jbs `bfhs, eti., geftrh gej veaàiujh bftes ge biiohfbr ej ejevbjufbs ejïitroih.

•  Ye reih`oefgb ofnhr`br b thghs jhs pbsble-


rhs shmre iù`h utojozbr jhs ejevbjufbs ejïitroihs ge `bferb sekurb, espeiobj`efte pbrb ihftrhjbr b jhs foòhs y prhphriohfbrjes seku-

BG^E]WEFIOB thgb ihfh iuergbs h Fh ioftbs pbrb evotbr quejbseibrkb gesjoie se `uevb. ihjhque •  Nole ibrkbs que shmrepbsef jb bjturb ge jhs res-


Jhs kbfiahs pbrb equopble puegef efihftrbrse ef ej ih`pbrto`efth ge equopble y estâf ogebghs pbrb mhjsbs ge jb ih`prb, eti.

•   Fh ihjhque hmleths que pesef `âs ge 54 ck per` r`ot otb b qu que e fb fbgo goe e vb vbyb yb ef jb zh zhfb fb ge eq equo uo-•   Fh pe


htrhs. Thgràbf bitovbr ofvhjuftbrob`efte jhs ofterr oft errupt upthre hress h ihf ihftrh trhjes jes y ver verse se efv efvuej uejths ths ef uf biiogefte krbve.

7. Ioerre ej phrtùf trbserh (ihfsujte ‚Mjhqueh gej phrtùf trbserh‐ ef jb seiioùf ‚=. Ih`prhmbiohfes y rekjble rekjbless prevohs b jb `briab‐).

(224 jm) ef jb supernoioe ge ibrkb.

Jhs ofterrupthres gej ejevbjufbs ejïitroih estâf sotubghs ef jhs pbfejes ge jb puertb y shjb`efte nufiohfbf iubfgh ej ofterru ofterrupthr pthr ge efiefgogh estâ ef phsoioùf HF.

shjhs ef ejteveaàiujh foòhs h bgujth bgu jthssgele que fhr fhr`bj `bj`ef `efte feieso fei esotef tefbbyu byugb gb ge •   Fufib

9. Nole ihrresphfgoeftes l 2 b ibg ibgbb jbghjhs gejihrghfes phrtùf trbserh.

pbjghs. Yo jb ibrkb fh estâ moef bsekurbgb, puege prhvhibr jesohfes ef ibsh ge biiogefte h nrefbgb mrusib.



 Fh bpjoque ufb ibrkb que su`e uf thtbj ge


Jhs ejev ejevbjuf bjufbs bs ejïi ejïitro troihs ihs nufi nufiohfb ohfbff shjb shjb`eft `eftee iubfgh ej ofterrupthr ge efiefgogh estâ ef jb phsoioùf HF. Tbrb bmror ufb veftbfojjb, pujse abiob bmblh ej ofterrupthr gej ejevbjufbs ejïitroih. Tbrb ierrbr ufb veftbfojjb, tore abiob brromb gej ofterrupthr gej ejevbjufbs ejïitroih.

pble. Es `uy pejokrhsh jjevbr b bjkuoef ef jb zhfb ge equopble gej ofterohr ge uf veaàiujh.

`âs ge 9 ck (; jm) bj kbfiah.

=-7=   Ofstru`efths y ihftrhjes  

Ofterrupthr profiopbj gej ejevbjufbs gej jbgh gej ihfguithr

Ofterrupthr ge jb veftbfojjb gej pbsblerh


Nufiohfb`oefth Nufiohfb`oe fth buth`âtoih



Ej ofterrupthr gej ihfguithr, que es ej ofterrupthr profiopbj, ihftrhjb thgbs jbs veftbfojjbs. Mjhqueh ge jbs veftbfojjbs ge jhs pbsblerhs<

Iubfgh se pujsb ej mhtùf ge mjhqueh l 2 fh es es phsomje biiohfbr jbs veftbfojjbs ge jhs pbsblerhs. Tbrb ibfiejbr ej mjhqueh ge jbs veftbfojjbs ge jhs pbsblerhs, pujse ge fuevh ej mhtùf ge mjhqueh l 2.

Ej ofterrupthr ge ibgb pbsblerh ihftrhjb jb veftbfojjb ihrresphfgoefte. Iubfgh se pujsb ej mhtùf ge mjhqueh ge jbs veftbfojjbs ge pbsblerhs sotubgh ef ej ofterrupthr gej jbgh gej ihfguithr, ej ofterrupthr gej jbgh gej pbsblerh fh se puege biiohfbr.

Ej nufiohfb`oefth buth`âtoih buth`âtoih estâ gosphfomje gosphfomje ef ej ofterr oft errup upth thrr qu quee totoefe efe jb `b `brib rib ef su supern superno-oioe. Ej nufiohfb`oefth buth`âtoih per`ote bmror h ierrbr ih`pjetb`efte ih`pjet b`efte ufb veftbfo veftbfojjb jjb sof `bftefer ej ofterrupthr pujsbgh abiob brromb h bmblh. Tbrb bmror ih`pjetb`efte jb veftbfojjb, pujse ej ofterrupthr gejthpe ejevbjufbs ejïitroih abiobTbrb bmblh abstbphr ej sekufgh y gespuïs suïjtejh. ierrbr ih`pjeth jb veftbfojjb, tore gej ofterrupthr gej ejevbjufbs ejïitroih abiob brromb abstb ej sekufgh thpe y gespuïs suïjtejh. Fh es feiesbroh `bftefer pujsbgh ej ofterrupthr gurbfte ej nufiohfb`oefth gej ejevbjufbs. Tbrb getefer jb bperturb/ioerre ge jb veftbfojjb gurbfte ej nufiohfb`oefth buth`âtoih, buth`âtoih, pujse h tore gej

ofterrupthr ef jb goreiioùf ihftrbrob.

Ofstru`efths y ihftrhjes   =-79  

JUIEY GEJ ABMOWÂIUJH Nufioùf ge `briab btrâs buth`âtoib<

BG^E]WEFIOB   Exoste ufb pequeòb gostbfiob lusth bftes ge jb phsoioùf ge ioerre que fh se puege geteitbr. Bsekürese ge que thghs jhs pbsblerhs tefkbf jbs `bfhs, eti. geftrh gej veaàiujh bftes ge ierrbr jbs veftbfojjbs.

•   Jb nufioùf ge `briab btrâs buth`âtoib fh nufiohfb iubfgh jb veftbfojjb se ioerrb `bfubj`efte (`bftefoefgh ej ofterrupthr ef jb phsoioùf ge ioerre).

Jb nufioùf ge `briab btrâs buth`âtoib per`ote que jb veftbfojjb mble buth`âtoib`efte ef ibsh ge que bjkh quege btrbpbgh ef jb veftbfojjb `oeftrbs ïstb se ioerrb gemogh b jb nufioùf buth`âtoib. Iubfgh jb ufogbg ge ihftrhj geteitb uf hmstâiujh, jb veftbfojjb se mblb of`egobtb`efte. Gepefgoefgh ge jbs ihfgoiohfes b`moeftbjes Gepefgoefgh b`moeftbjes h ge ihfguiioùf, jb nufioùf ge `briab btrâs buth`âtoib puege bitovbrse phr uf o`pbith h ibrkb so`ojbr b uf hmleth btrbpbgh ef jb veftbfojjb.

Trhiego`oefth ge reofoioh gespuïs ge vhjver b ihfeitbr jb mbteràb Bjkufbs nufiohfes gej ejevbjufbs ejïitroih (nufioùf ge ioerre buth`âtoih y nufioùf ge `briab btrâs buth`âtoib) th`âtoi b) fh nufiohfbf ih`h se gesirome trbs gesihfeitbr ej ibmje ge jb mbteràb h ofterru`por ej su`o-

2. Ihjhque ej ofterrupthr ge efiefgogh ef jb phsoioùf ‚HF‐. =. Yo se ioerrb jb veftbfojjb gej ihfguithr, âmrbjb phr ih`p ih`pjet jethh biio biiohfbf hfbfgh gh ej oft ofterru errupth pthrr ge jb veftbfojjb gej ihfguithr. 9. Wore gej ofterrupthr ge jb veftbfojjb gej jbgh gej ihfguithr y `bftïfkbjh ef estb phsoioùf pbrb ierrbr jb veftbfojjb gej ihfguithr. @bftefkb pujsbgh ej ofterrupthr gurbfte bprhxo`bgb`efte 5 sekufghs gespuïs ge que jb veftbfojjb se abyb ierrbgh phr ih`pjeth y, b ihftofubioùf, jomïrejh. 7. Ih`prueme Ih`prueme so jbs nufiohfes gej ejevbjufbs ejïitroih nufiohfbf ihrreitb`efte.

T]EIBUIOÙF Fh jbs utojoie gurbfte uf perohgh jbrkh ge toe`ph ihf ej `hthr pbrbgh. Thgràb gesibrkbrse jb mbteràb. FHWB Jbs juies gej abmotâiujh se bpbkbrâf gespuïs ge uf peràhgh ge toe`ph, b fh ser que ej ofterrupthr ge efiefgogh estï ef phsoioùf BII u HF.


Yo bmre h ioerrb ej ejevbjufbs ejïitroih ihftofub`efte, puege prhvhibr que ej ejevbjufbs ejïitroih fh nufiohfe ihrreitb`efte. ]ebjoie ej prhiego`oefth bfterohr. Yo jbs nufiohfes gej ejevbjufbs ejïitroih fh nufiohfbf ihrreitb`efte gespuïs ge rebjozbr ej prhiego prhiego-`oefth bfterohr, repotb jhs Tùfkbse ihftbith ihf uf ihfiesohf ihfiesohfbroh brohpbshs. FOYYBF h tbjjeref iubjonoibgh,, ef ibshfeiesb ibgh ibshfeiesbroh,pbrb roh,pbrb ih` ih`prhm prhmbr br ej sos soste` te`bb gej ejevbjufbs ejïitroih.


Ej ofterrupthr ofterrupthr ge ihftrhj ge jb juz gej abmotâiujh toefe tres phsoiohfes< HF l 2 , GHH] l = y HNN HNN..

HF Mhtùf Iubfgh se pujsb ej mhtùf HF l 2 , jb juz gej abmotâ-

ihfeitbr ej ibmje ge jb mbteràb h ofterru`por ej su`o

iujh se efioefg efioefge. e.

fostrh ejïitroih. Jjeve b ibmh ej sokuoefte prhiego`oefth `oef th pbr pbrbb ofoi ofoiobr obr jbs nufi nufiohfe ohfess gej ejev ejevbjuf bjufbs bs ejïitroih.

Bj vh vhjv jver er b pu pujs jsbr br se efi efiefg efgerâ erâ jb ju juzz ge gejj abm abmototâi âiujh ujh..

=-77   Ofstru`efths y ihftrhjes  

GHH] Mhtùf

JU\ GE @BTBY (seküf `hgejh)


Iubfghh se pu Iubfg pujsbej jsbej mh mhtù tùff GH GHH] H] = , jbjuz ge gejj ab abmo mo-tâiujh se efioefge ibgb vez que l se bmre ufb puertb. Bj vh vhjv jver er b pu pujs jsbr br se efi efiefg efger erââ jb ju juzz ge gejj abm abmototâi âiujh ujh..

HNN Thsoioùf Iubfgh b`mhs mhthfes estâf ef jb phsoioùf HNN, jb juz fh se efiefgerâ, ofgepefgoefte`efte ge so aby ufb puertb bmoertb h fh FOI=542

WE@TH]O\BGH] GE JB JU\ GEJ ABMOWÂIUJH (seküf `hgejh) Jb juz gej abmotâiujh per`bfeierâ efiefgogb gurbfte uf peràhgh ge toe`ph iubfgh<

  Ej ofterrupthr ge efiefgogh se phfe ef phsoioùf ‚HNN‐.

 Ye gesmjhquebf jbs puertbs.   Ye bmre ufb puertb y, b ihftofubioùf, ihftofubioùf, se ioerrb.

Ej te`phrozbghr se getoefe y jb juz gej abmotâiujh se bpbkb iubfgh<

•  Ye mjhquebf jbs puertbs. •  Ej ofterrupthr ge efiefgogh se ihjhib ef phsoioùf HF.


Biiohfe ej mhtùf ge jb juz ge `bpbs pbrb efiefger h bpbkbr jb juz ge `bpbs.

l 2 < Mhtùf ge jb juz ge `bpbs gej jbgh ozquoergh = < Mhtùf ge jb juz ge `bpbs gej jbgh gereiah gereiah l

Ej ofterrupthr ge ihftrhj ge jb juz gej abmotâiujh trbserb/jeiturb l 2 toef toefee tres phsoiohf phsoiohfes< es< HF, HNN HNN y ieftrbj.

HF Thsoioùf Iubfgh ej ofterrupthr estâ ef jb phsoioùf HF, jb juz se efioefge.

HNN Thsoioùf Iubfghh ej of Iubfg ofte terru rrupt pthr hr es estâ tâ ef jb ph phso soioù ioùff HNN HNN,, jb ju juzz fh se efioefge, ofgepefgoefte`efte gej estbgh.

GHH] Thsoioùf Iubfgh ej ofterrupthr estâ ef jb phsoioùf GHH], jb juz se efioefge iubfgh se bmre ufb puertb

Ofstru`efths y ihftrhjes   =-75  

JU\ GEJ IH@TB]WO@EFWH GE ERUOTBLE Jb juz se efioefge buth`âtoib`ef buth`âtoib`efte te bj bmror ej phrtùf trbserh. Bj ierrbr ej phrtùf trbserh, jb juz se bpbkb.

JU\ GEJ EYTELH GE IH]WEYÀB (seküf `hgejh)


Jb juz gej espelh ge ihrtesàb se efioefge bj bmror su iumoertb.

=-7>   Ofstru`efths y ihftrhjes  

Ih`prhmbio Ih`pr hmbiohfes hfes y rekjbles prevohs prevohs b jb 9   Ih`prhmbiohfes `briab Jjbves...................................................................... Jjbves...................................................................... Jjbve gej soste`b soste`b bftorrhm bftorrhmhh FOYYBF FOYYBF (FBWY)* (FBWY)* ..... Jjbve oftejok oftejokefte efte (seküf (seküf `hgejh)......... `hgejh).............. .......... .......... ....... Fü`erh ge jjbve............................................... jjbve.................................................. ... Jjbves fuevbs ............................. ..................................................... ........................ Jjbve `eiâfoib/ge e`erkefiob (`hgejhs ihf jjbve oftejokefte) ............................... .................................................. ................... Yoste`b ge ihftrhj re`hth ge mjhqueh ge puertbs (oftekrbgh ef jjbve) ............................... .................................................. ................... Ib`moh ge jb `hgbjogbg ihfvefiohfbj b jb `hgbjogbg `hgbjog bg bftoseiuest bftoseiuestrh rh (seküf (seküf `hgejh) `hgejh) ..... .......... ....... .. Ush gej soste`b ge eftrbgb sof jjbve phr ihftrhj re`hth re`hth ..... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... ....... .. Mjhquehh ge jbs puertbs Mjhque puertbs..... .......... .......... .......... ........... ........... .......... ........ ... Gesmjhqueh Gesmjh queh ge jbs puertbs puertbs ......... .............. ........... ........... .......... ........ ...

9-= 9-= 9-= 9-9 9-9

Nbjjh ge gej jjbve nbve ufiohfb`oefth oefth gejküf gej ihft`hgejh) ihftrhj re`hth....... re`hth.. ....... .. Yoste`b jjnufiohfb` oftejokefte oftejokeft e (seküf (se `rhj hgejh) ........... ..... ........ .. Âreb ge nufiohfb`oe nufiohfb`oefth fth ge ge jb jjbve oftejok oftejokefte.... efte...... .. Utojozbioùf Utojozb ioùf gej gej soste`b soste`b ge jjbve oftejokef oftejokefte..... te.......... ....... .. Mjhqueh/gesmjhqueh............................................. Mjhqueh/gesmjhqueh......................................... Brrbfque Brrbfq ue gej `hthr ihf jjbve jjbve oftejokeft oftejokeftee ..... .......... ......... .... Mjhqueh ge puertbs .............................. ................................................. ................... Yoste`b ge supermjhqueh (`hgejhs ge ihfg. gia.)................................................................ gia.)................................ ................................... ...

9-> 9-> 9-> 9-; 9-; 9-? 9-?

9-9 9-7 9-5 9-5 9-5 9-5


Mjhqueh/gesmjhqueh ihf jb jjbve (mbteràb gej veaàiujh gesibrkbgb).......................................... @bfojjb ofterohr ............................ .................................................... ........................ Ofterrupthr Ofterr upthr gej ioerre ieftrbjozbgh ieftrbjozbgh ge puertbs ...... ...... Ioerre ge sekurogbg pbrb foòhs ‗ puertbs trbserbs ........................... ........................................................... ................................... ... Mjhqueh gej phrtùf phrtùf trbserh ............................... ................................... Yoste`b ge sekurogbg ............................ .............................................. .................. Yoste`b ge bjbr`b (seküf (seküf `hgejh) ..... .......... .......... .......... ....... Yoste`b bftorrhmh FOYYBF (FBWY)..................... Bperturb gej ibpù ............................ .................................................... ........................ Wbpb gej gepùsoth ge ih`mustomje............................ Tbjbfib ge bperturb ge jb tbpb gej gepùsoth ge ih`mustomje................................ ih`mustomje ........................................................ ........................ Wbpùf gej gepùsoth ge ih`mustomje..................... Nrefh ........................................ ................................ ........ ^hjbftegegeestbiohfb`oefth goreiioùf .............................. ................................................ .................. ^oserbs ............................ ............................................................ ........................................ ........ ]etrhvoshres ............................... ............................................................ ............................. ]etrhvoshr ofterohr ............................. ............................................... .................. ]etrhvoshr ofterohr ihf bftogesju`mrb`oefth buth`âtoih (seküf `hgejh) ............................... ................................... ]etrhvoshres exterohres ............................... ....................................... ........ Espelh ge ihrtesàb ............................ .............................................. ..................

9-24 9-24 9-22 9-2= 9-2= 9-29 9-29 9-27 9-25 9-2> 9-2> 9-2> 9-2; 9-2; 9-21 9-21 9-21 9-21 9-2? 9-=4




Ihftrhj re`hth oftekrbgh y jjbve

2.   Jjbve FBWY ge jb jjbve jjbve =.   Tjbib gej fü`erh ge


Jjbve oftejokefte ihf jjbve `eiâfoib/ge e`erkefiob

2.   Jjbve oftejokefte =.   Jjbve `eiâfoib/ge e`erkefiob (geftrh ge jb jjbve oftejokefte), ihfsujte ‚Jjbve `eiâfoib/ge


gosphsotovh ge preiosoùf ihf uf trbfs`oshr oftekrbgh. Tbrb evotbr gbòbrjb, sokb jbs sokuoef-

Yu veaàiujh shjb`efte puege ihfguiorse ihf jbs jjbves espeiànoibs pbrb ïj. Yhjb`efte puegef utojozbrse ef su veaàiujh jjbves gej Yoste`b bftorrhmh FOYYBF FOY YBF (FB (FBWY) WY)** (ihf (ihfsuj sujte te ‚Yo ‚Yoste` ste`bb ge sek sekurog urogbg‐ bg‐ `âs bgejbfte ef estb seiioùf).

tes ofstruiiohfes. ’ Jb jjbve oftejo oftejokefte kefte es resostefte resostefte bj bkub, bkub, perh puege gbòbrse so se `hlb. Yo jb jjbve oftejokeft oftej okefte e se `hlb `hlb,, jà`p jà`poejb oejb of`eg of`egobtbobtb`efte abstb que se seque phr ih`pjeth.

JJB^E OFWEJOKEFWE (seküf `hgejh)

’ Fh per`otb per`otb que jb jjbve jjbve oftejokefte oftejokefte eftre eftre ef ihftbith ihf bkub, yb que ej soste`b phgràb verse bneitbgh.

Yu veaàiujh shjb`efte puege ihfguiorse ihf jbs jjbves oftejokeftes, rekostrbgbs ef jhs ih`phfeftes gej soste`b ge jjbve oftejokefte y gej soste`b bftorrhmh FOYYBF (FBWY*) ge su veaàiujh. Ye puegef rekostrbr y utojozbr abstb 7 jjbves oftejokeftes ef uf veaàiujh. Jbs jjbves fuevbs gemef rekostrbrse ef uf ihfiesohfbroh FOYYBF h tbjjer iubjonoibgh bftes ge utojozbrse ihf ej soste`b ge jjbve oftejokefte y FBWY gej veaàiujh. Gbgh que, bj rekostrbr jbs fuevbs jjbves, ej prhiesh ge rekostrh requoere mhrrbr thgb jb `e`hrob ge jhs ih`phfeftes ge jb jjbve oftejokefte, bsekürese ge nbiojotbr thgbs jbs jjbves oftejokeftes ge jbs que gosphfe bj ihfiesohfbroh FOYYBF h tbjjer iubjonoibgh. *< Of`hvojozbghr T]EIBUIOÙF Bsekürese e ge quejjevb jb jjb jjbve ve oft oftejo ejokef kefte te ihf •   Bseküres usteg. Yo sbje gej veaàiujh, fh gele jb jjbve oftejokefte geftrh.

’ th. Fh jb ghmje, ghmje, tore h khjpee khjpee ihftr ihftrb b htrh hmlehmle’ Fh gele jb jb jbve oftejok oftejokefte efte gurbfte gurbfte uf uf perohgh prhjhfkbgh ef uf jukbr ghfge jbs te`perbturbs superef jhs >4´I (274´N). ’ Fh ib`moe ib`moe h `hgonoque `hgonoque jb jb jjbve jjbve oftejokefte. oftejokefte. ’ Fh utojoie utojoie uf jjbverh jjbverh `bkfït `bkfïtoih. oih. ’ Fh phfkb phfkb jb jjbve jjbve oftejoke oftejokefte fte ierib ierib ge fofküf quejbprhguzib `bkfïtoih,equoph tbj ih`h tejevosoùf,ib`ph uf equoph ge bugoh h uf hrgefbghr.

•   Yo

poer po erge ge h je rh rhmb mbf f jb jj jjbv bve e of ofte tejo joke keft fte, e, FOYYBF reih`oefgb que se mhrre ej iùgokh ge ogeftonoibioùf ge esb jjbve oftejokefte. Esth evotbrâ ej ush fh buthrozbgh ge jb jjbve oftejokefte pbrb gesmjhquebr ej veaàiujh. Tbrb hmtefer `âs ofnhr`bioùf shmre ej prhiego`oef-

e`erkefiob (`hgejhs ihf jjbve oftejokefte) `âs bgejbfte ef estb seiioùf ge jb jjbve jjbve 9.   Tjbib gej fü`erh ge

Bsekü e ge quejjevb jb jjb jjbve ve oft oftejo ejokef kefte te usteg rese bj ihfguior. Jb jjbve oftejokefte esihf uf •   Bseküres

th pbrb mhrrbr,FOYYBF pùfkbse ef ihftbith ihf uf ihfiesohfbroh h tbjjer iubjonoibgh.

rekjbles prevohs b jb `briab 9-=   Ih`prhmbiohfes y rekjbles  



Ye su`ofostrb ufb pjbib ihf ej fü`erh ge jjbve l 9  lufth ihf jb `os`b.

Ej fü`erh ge jjbve shjb`efte es feiesbroh so ab pergog per gogh h thg thgbs bs sus jjb jjbves ves y fh gos gosphf phfe e ge fof fofkuf kufb b pbrb gupjoibr. Yo thgbvàb toefe ufb jjbve, uf ihfiesohfbroh FOYYBF puege gupjoibrjb.

Bfhte ej fü`erh ge jjbve ge jb pâkofb ‚Ofnhr`bioùf ge sekurogbg‐ bj nofbj ge este `bfubj, y kuârgejh ef uf jukbr sekurh3  fh geftrh gej veaàiujh. Jb jjbve üfoib`efte se puege gupjoibr usbfgh ufb jjbve hrokofbj h ej fü`erh ge jjbve hrokofbj. Ej fü`erh ge jjbve shjb`efte es feiesbroh so ab pergogh thgbs jbs jjbves y fh toefe jb jjbve hrokofbj pbrb abier uf gupjoibgh. Yo poerge jb jjbve, h feiesotb jjbves bgoiohfbjes, prhphriohfe ufb jjbve hrokofbj h ej fü`erh ge jjbve b su ihfiesohfbroh FOYYBF h tbjjer iubjonoibgh. FOYYBF fh rekostrb jhs fü`erhs ge jjbve phr jh que es `uy o`phrtbfte que tefkb bpuftbgh ej fü`erh ge jjbve.


ef sotubiohfes ge e`erkefiob (phr ele`pjh, iubfgh jb jjbve oftejokefte tefkb jb pojb kbstbgb). Ihftrhj re`hth oftekrbgh y jjbve<

•  Tbrb usbr jb jjbve `eiâfoib, pujse ej mhtùf ge

jomerbioùf umoibgh ef jb pbrte superohr ge jb jjbjomerbioùf ve.. Jb jjb ve jjbve ve se ge gesp spje jekb kbrâ râ ge su bj bjhlb hlb`oe `oeft fthh ab absstb que quege mjhquebgb.

JJB^E @EIÂFOIB @EIÂFOIB/GE /GE E@E]KEFI E@E]KEFIOB OB (`hgejhs ihf jjbve oftejokefte oftejokefte))

Jjbve oftejokefte<

•   Tbrb extrber jb jjbve `eiâfoib, jomere ej mhtùf ge • FTB294=

mjhqueh ge jb pbrte trbserb ge jb jjbve oftejokefoftejokefte.   Tbrb `hftbr jb jjbve `eiâfoib, oftrhgüzibjb oftrhgüzibjb ihf nor`ezbb ef jb jjbve oftejokefte abstb que ej mhtùf nor`ez ge mjhqueh vuejvb b jb phsoioùf ge mjhqueh.

Utojoie jb jjbve `eiâfoib pbrb mjhquebr h gesmjhquebr jbs puertbs. (Ihfsujte ‚Mjhqueh ge puertbs‐ `âs bgejbfte ef estb seiioùf).

Tuegef rekostrbrse y utojozbrse abstb iubtrh jjbves FBWY ef uf `os`h veaàiujh. Uf ihfiesohfbroh FOYYBF gemerâ rekostrbr jb fuevb jjbve lufth ihf jhs ih`phfeftes FBWY ge su veaàiujh.

Tbrb hmtefer `âs getbjjes getbjjes shmre ej biiesh y ej ush

Iubfgh rekostre ufb fuevb jjbve ef uf ihfiesohfbroh FOYYBF, se je pegorâ que trbokb ihfsokh thgbs jjbves FBWY. Esth es feiesbroh phrque ej prhiesh ge rekostrh mhrrbrâ y vhjverâ b prhkrb`br jb `e`hrob ge jhs ih`phfeftes FBWY gej veaàiujh.


ge jb jjbve ge e`erkefiob, e`erkef iob, ihfsujte ‚Ofterrup ‚Ofterrupthr thr ge efiefgogh (seküf `hgejh)‐ ef jb seiioùf ‚5. Brrbfque y ihfguiioùf‐. Ef jb puertb gej jbgh gej ihfguithr, es fhr`bj que jb jjbve fh eftre phr ih`pjeth geftrh gej iojofgrh ge jjbve.


Ye puege utojozbr jb jjbve ge e`erkefiob pbrb gesmjhquebr mjhq uebr jb pue puertb rtb gej ihfg ihfguit uithr hr y brr brrbfib bfibrr ej `ht `hthr hr Ih`prhmbiohfes y rekjbles prevohs b jb `briab   9-9    

YOYWE@B GE IHFW]HJ ]E@HWH GE MJHRUEH GE TUE]WBY (OFWEK]BGH EF JJB^E) puege utojozbrse b ufb gostbfiob gej veaàiujh ge 5 ` (25 poe poes) s) bpr bprhxo hxo`bg `bgb`ef b`efte te (jb gos gostbf tbfiob iob ene eneitov itovbb ge-


Jjbve ihf ihftrhj re`hth oftekrbgh

pefge ge jbsge ioriufstbfiobs que rhgebf y gej estbgh jb pojb gej ihftrhj re`hth)ej. veaàiujh re`hth). Ye puegef utojozbr abstb 5 `bfghs ge ihftrhj re`hth ef uf veaà veaàiujh iujh.. Tbrb `âs ofnh ofnhr`bi r`bioùf oùf rejb rejbiohf iohfbgb bgb ihf jb bgquosoioùf y utojozbioùf ge ihftrhjes re`hths bgoiohfbjes, pùfkbse ef ihftbith ihf uf ihfiesohfbroh FOYYBF h tbjjer iubjonoibgh. Ej ihftrhj re`hth oftekrbgh ef jjbve fh nufiohfbrâ ef jbs sokuoeftes ihfgoiohfes<

BG^E]WEFIOB Biiohfe ej mhtùf ge mjhqueh gej ihftrhj re`hth oftekrbgh ef jjbve üfoib`efte iubfgh veb ej veaàiujh ihf ijbrogbg pbrb evotbr que bjkuoef quege btrbpbgh geftrh. T]EIBUIOÙF

•  Bj mjhquebr jbs puertbs usbfgh ej ihftrhj re-

`hth oftekrbgh ef jjbve, bsekürese ge fh ge lbr jb jjbve geftrh gej veaàiujh.

gostbfiob eftre ejsuperb ihftrhj5 re`hth oftesoe`pre jb jjbve h jbbftes jjbve krbgh efjbjjbve y ej veaàiujh ` (25 poes) oftejokefte, ioerre thgbsgejbsihftbith veftbfojjbs •  ]etore •   Iubfgh bprhxo`bgb`efte.

•   Iubfgh jb mbteràb gej ihftrhj re`hth oftekrbgh ef jjbve estâ gesibrkbgb.

ofterrupthr ge efief•   Iubfgh jb jjbve estâ ef ej ofterrupthr gogh.


Jjbve oftejokefte

B   Mhtùf ge jomerbioùf gej teijbgh l l M   JEG gej ofgoibghr ge estbgh Mhtùf ge mjhqueh Mhtùf ge gesmjhqueh

Whgbs jbs puertbs puegef mjhquebrse h gesmjhquebrse gesge ej exterohr pujsbfgh ej mhtùf ge mjhqueh qu eh h ge gesm smjhq jhqueh ueh ge gejj ihf ihftr trhj hj re` re`ht hthh of oftetekrbgh. Yhjb`efte pbrb `hgejhs ihf soste`b ge supermjhqueh< Iubfgh Iubfg h ej veaài veaàiujh ujh estï hiup hiupbgh, bgh, fufibmjhquee jbs puertbs ihf ej ihftrhj re`hth. Jhs hiupbftes gej veaàiujh se quegbràbf btrbpbghs, yb que ej Yoste`b Yoste` b ge supermjhqueh supermjhqueh o`pog o`poge e que jbs puer-

ge bitovbr ej soste`b ge mjhqueh ge puertbs phr ihftrhj re`hth.

•  Tbrb que ej soste`b ge mjhqueh ge puertbs

phr ihftrhj re`hth oftekrbgh ef jjbve nufiohfe ihrreitb`efte, bsekürese ge que jb puertb gej ihfguithr estï moef ierrbgb bftes ge bitovbrjh.

per`otb que ej ihftrhj re`hth oftekrbgh •  Fh ef jjbve, que ihftoefe ih`phfeftes ejïitroihs, eftre ef ihftbith ihf bkub. Esth phgràb bneitbr bj nufiohfb`oefth gej soste`b. ihftrhj re`hth. •   Fh gele iber ej ihftrhj •  Fh khjpee ej ihftrhj re`hth ihftrb htrhs hm leths.

Ej soste`b ge eftrbgb sof jjbve phr ihftrhj re`hth puege bitovbr thghs jhs mjhquehs ge puertb (ofijuogh ej phrtùf trbserh) usbfgh ej ihftrhj re`hth oftekrbgh ef jjbve. Ej ihftrhj re`hth oftekrbgh oftekrbgh ef jjbve

tbs puegbf bmrorse gesge ej ofterohr gej veaàiujh.

re`hth gurbfte uf perohgh •   Fh gele ej ihftrhj re`hth prhjhfkbgh jukbr ghfge jbs te`perbturbs superef ef jhsuf >4´I (274´N).

rekjbles prevohs b jb `briab 9-7   Ih`prhmbiohfes y rekjbles  

oftekrbgh ef Yo poerge h je rhmbf ej ihftrhj re`hth oftekrbgh jjbve, FOYYBF bihfselb bihfselb que se mhrre ej iùgokh ge ogefton ogeftonoibioùf goiahre`hth ihftrhjoftekrbgh re`hth. Esth evotbrâ que seoibioùf use ej ge ihftrhj ef jjbve ge nhr`b fh buthrozbgb pbrb gesmjhquebr ej veaàiujh. Tbrbhmtefer Tbrbhmtef er `âsofnhr` `âsofnhr`bioù bioùff shmr shmree ej prhi prhiego ego`oef `oef-th pbrb mhrrbr ej iùgokh iùgokh,, pùfkbse ef ihftbith ihf uf ihfiesohfbroh FOYYBF h tbjjer iubjonoibgh. Tbrb hmtefer ofnhr`bioùf ofnhr`bioùf shmre jb sustot sustotuioùf uioùf ge jb pojb, ihfsujte ‚Yustotuioùf ge jb pojb gej ihftrhj re`hth oftekrbgh ef jjbve/ge jb jjbve oftejokefte‐ ef jb seiioùf ‚1. @bftefo`oefth y aâkbjh usteg `os`h‐.

Ib`moh ge jb `hgbjogbg ihfvefiohfbj b jb `hgbjogbg bftoseiuestrh (YEKÜF @HGEJH) Ej gesmjhqueh sejeitovh h `hgbjogbg ‚bftoseiuestrh‐‐ (sek trh (seküf üf `hg `hgejh)je ejh)je per per`ot `otee ges gesmjh mjhque quebr br phrihftrhj re`hth üfoib`efte jb puertb gej ihfguithr pbrb o`pegor que uf bkreshr eftre phr ufb puertb ge pbsblerh gesmjhquebgb. Thr geneith, jb `hgbjogbg ge gesmjhqueh se blustbrâ ef jb `hgbjogbg ihfvefiohfbj (thgbs jbs puertbs se gesmjhquebrâf). Yokb jbs ofstruiiohfes ge ‚Tbftbjjb ge ofnhr`bioùf gej veaàiujh‐ `âs bgejbfte ef estb seiioùf.

UYH GEJ YOYWE@B GE EFW]BGB YOF JJB^E TH] IHFW]HJ ]E@HWH BG^E]WEFIOB @hgejhs equop @hgejhs equopbghs bghs ihf soste soste`b `b ge superm supermjhjhqueh< Yo fh se hmserv hmservbf bf jbs sokuoeftes sokuoeftes preib preibuiohf uiohfes, es, se phgràbf gbr sotubiohfes pejokrhsbs. Bsekürese ge que jb bitovbioùf gej soste`b ge supermjhqueh se rebjozb ihrreitb`efte. veaàiujh estï hiupbgh, fufiboftemjhquee jbsejpuertbs ihf ej ihftrhj re`hth •   Iubfgh krbgh ef jjbve. Jhs hiupbftes gej veaàiujh se quegbràbf btrbpbghs, yb que ej Yoste`b ge supermjhqueh o`poge que jbs puertbs puegbf bmrorse gesge ej ofterohr gej veaàiujh.

gej ihfguithr estâ •   Ih`prueme que jb puertb gej moef ierrbgb.

Tujse ej mhtù Tujse mhtùff ge mj mjhq hqueh ueh oftekrbgh ef jjbve.

gejj ihft ge ihftrhj rhj re re`ht `hthh

’ Whgbs jbs puertbs se mjhquebf. mjhquebf. ’ Jhsofgoib Jhsofgoibghr ghres es ge gor goreiio eiioùf ùf pbr pbrpbg pbgebfufb ebfufb vez vez.. Yo se se pujsb pujsb ej mht mhtùf ùf ge ge mjhq mjhqueh ueh ihff thgb ih thgbss jbs jbs puertbs mjhquebgbs, jhs ofgoibghres ge goreiioùf pbrpbgebrâf pbrpbg ebrâf ufb vez pbrb reihrgbrje reihrgbrje que jbs puertbs yb estâf mjhquebgbs.

GEYMJHRUEH GE JBY TUE]WBY Iubfgh reiomb su veaàiujh fuevh, jb `hgbjog `hgbjogbg bg ge gesmjh ges mjhqueh queh ge pue puertb rtbss est estbrâ brâ ihfn ihfnoku okurbg rbgbb ge `hg `hghh que thgbs jbs puertbs se gesmjhqueef bj pujsbr ufb vezz ej mh ve mhtùf tùf ge ge gesm smjhq jhque uehh .

Utojoie oie ej mht mhtùf ùf ge mjh mjhque queh h gej ihf ihftrh trhjj re` re`hth hth •   Utoj @hgbjogbg ihfvefioh ihfvefiohfbj fbj oftekrbgh ef jjbve shjb`efte iubfgh veb ej veaàiujh ihf ijbro veaàiujh ijbrogbg.Esth gbg.Esth evotb evotbrâ râ que bjkuo bjkuoef ef quege btrbpbgh geftrh gej veaàiujh b ibusb ge jb bit bitovb ovbioù ioùf f gej sos soste` te`b b ge sup superm ermjhq jhqueh ueh.. Tbrb hmtefer getbjjes bgoiohfbjes shmre ej Yoste`b ge superm supermjhque jhqueh, h, veb ‚Mjh ‚Mjhqueh queh ge puertb puertbs‐ s‐ `âs bgejbfte ef estb seiioùf.


Gesmjhquee thgbs jbs puertbs pujsbfgh ej mhtùf vez. Blusteufb jb `hgbjogbg ihfvefiohfbj usbfgh ej `efü SIhfnokurbioùfP ef jb pbftbjjb ge ofnhr`bioùf (Yejeiiohfe jb teijb gej `efü SGesmjhquehP). Ihfsujt Ihfs ujtee tb` tb`moï moïff ‚Tb ‚Tbftb ftbjjb jjb ge ofn ofnhr`b hr`bioùf ioùf gej veaàiujh‐ ef jb seiioùf ‚=. Ofstru`efths y ihftrhjes‐.

Bftes ge utojozbr ej ihftrhj re`hth oftekrbgh ef jjbve<   Extrbokb jb jjbve ge ihftbith h jb jjbve ge ihftbith gej veaàiujh y ioerre jbs veftbfojjbs.

Ih`prhmbiohfes y rekjbles prevohs b jb `briab   9-5  

YOYWE@B GE JJB^E OFWEJOKEFWE (seküf `hgejh) @hgbjogbg bftoseiuestrh (YEKÜF @HGEJH) Gesmjhquee shjh jb puertb gej ihfguithr pujsbfgh Gesmjhquee ej mht htùf ùf ufb vez. Tujse Tuj se ej mh mhtùf tùf ghss ve gh veies ies pb pbrb rb bm bmror ror th thgb gbss jb jbss puertbs.

`h‐ pbrb hmtefer `âs ofstruiiohfes shmre jb sustotuioùf sustotu ioùf ge jb pojb gej ihftrhj re`hth oftekrboftekrbgh y ej toph ge pojb que se feiesotb feiesotb..

•  Ye utojozb ihftofub`efte ej soste`b ge mjhqueh/gesmjhqueh.

Uf soste`b que o`poge ej bmush gej mjhqueh, evotbrâ que jhs `hthres ge mjhqueh se shmreibjoeftef y gesbitovbrâ ej nufiohfb`oefth ge mjhqueh gej ihftrhj re`hth gurbfte uf perohgh ge toe`p toe `phh ihr ihrth th so se usbej sos soste te`b `b ih ihfto ftofub fub`e `efte fte..

Bluste jb `hgbjogbg bftoseiuestrh usbfgh ej `efü SIhfnokurbioùfP ef jb pbftbjjb ge ofnhr`bioùf (Yejeiiohfe jb teijb gej `efü SGesmjhquehP). Yejeiiohfe jb hpioùf ge gesbitovbioùf ef SGesmjhq. sejeit.P. @âs ofnhr`bioùf ef ‚Tbftbjjb ge ofnhr`bioùf gej veaàiujh‐ ef jb seiioùf ‚=. Ofstru`efths y ihftrhjes‐. Mjhqueh buth`âtoih (seküf `hgejh)<

• •

  Ye torb ge jb `bfojjb ge jb puertb bj `os`h toe`ph que se bitovb ej ihftrhj re`hth.  Jb mbteràb gej veaàiujh estâ bkhtbgb.


Thih gespuïs gej gesmjhqueh thtbj h pbriobj ge jbs puertbs,, se bitovbr puertbs bitovbrââ jb nufioùf ge mjhqueh buth`âtoih, so fh se jjevb b ibmh fofkufb htrb biioùf. Ej mjhqueh buth`âtoih se ibfiejbrâ so se bmre iubj-

^eb jb ofnhr`bioùf shmre ej bvosh SJjbve fh geteitbgbP, teitb gbP, ej ofgo ofgoibghr ibghr STojb ge jjbve kbstbgbP, kbstbgbP, ej bvosh SOgeftonoibioùf ge jjbve ofihrreitbP h ej bvosh gej soste`b ge jb jjbve oftejokefte ef ‚Tbftbjjb ge ofn ofnhr` hr`bio bioùf ùf gejveaài gejveaàiujh ujh‐‐ ef jb sei seiioù ioùf f ‚=.Ofs-

quoer puertb h se ofsertb jb jjbve ef ej ihftbith.

tru`efths y ihftrhjes‐ pbrb hmtefer ofnhr`bioùf bgoiohfbj.

NBJJH GEJ NUFIOHFB@OEFWH GEJ IHFW]HJ ]E@HWH Ej ihftrhj re`hth phgràb fh nufiohfbr ihrreitb`efte so< oftekrbgh toefe ph•   Jb pojb gej ihftrhj re`hth oftekrbgh ib ibrkb.


Ej soste`b ge jb jjbve oftejokefte es uf gosphsotovh ge eftrbgb sof jjbve que je per`ote utojozbr su veaàiujh sof jb jjbve prhpob`efte goiab. BG^E]WEFIOB Jbs hfgbs ge rbgoh puegef bneitbr ge nhr`b fekbtovb b jhs equophs `ïgoihs ejïitroihs. Yo usteg jjevb `bribpbshs, pùfkbse ef ihftbith ihf ej nbmroibfte gej equoph `ïgoih pbrb ofnhr`brse ge jhs phsomjes eneiths bftes ge utojozbr jb jjbve oftejokefte.

Â]EB GE NUFIOHFB@OEFWH GE JB JJB^E OFWEJOKEFWE Jbs nufiohfes ge jb jjbve oftejokefte shjb`efte se puegef utojozbr iubfgh jb jjbve oftejokefte oftejokefte estâ geftrh gej âreb ge nufiohfb`oefth gej mhtùf ge shjoio-

Ihfsujte Yustotuioùf ge jb pojb gej ihftrhj re

tug (mjhqueh/gesmjhqueh) l 2.

`ht `hth h ofte oftekrb gh ef jjbv jjbve/ge e/ge jb jjbv jjbve e ofte oftejok efte‐ ‐ efjb seii seiioùf oùfkrbgh ‚1.@bftefo`oef ‚1.@bftefo `oefth th y aâkb aâkbjh jh jokefte usteg ust eg `os `os-

Iubfgh jbostef pojb gegbs jbs ge jjbve oftejokefte estâ gesibrkbgb kb gb h ex exost ef hf hfgb rbgo rb goh h `u `uyy nu nuert ertes es ier ierib ib ge gejj âreb ge nufiohfb` nufiohfb`oefth, oefth, ej âreb ge nufiohfb`oefth nufiohfb`oefth

rekjbles prevohs b jb `briab 9->   Ih`prhmbiohfes y rekjbles  

se reguie y puege que jb jjbve oftejokefte fh nufiohfe ihrreitb`efte.

•   Iubfgh jb jjbve oftejokefte fh estâ geftrh gej

•   Fh tore ge jb `bfojjb ge jb puertb bftes ge pujsbr

Ej âreb ge nufiohfb`oefth estâ ef uf rbgoh ge 14 i` (92,54 pujk.) ge ibgb ofterrupthr ge shjoiotug l 2. Yo jb jjbve oftejokefte estâ ge`bsobgh ierib gej irostbj ge jb puertb, ge jb `bfojjb h gej pbrbiahques trbserh, es phsomje que jhs ofterrupthres ge shjoiotug fh nufiohfef. Yo jb jjbve oftejokefte se efiueftrb geftrh gej âreb ge nufiohfb`oefth, iubjquoer pershfb, ofijush bjkuoef que fh jjeve ihfsokh jb jjbve oftejok oftejokefte, efte, puege presohfbr ej ofterrupthr ge shjoiotug pbrb mjhquebr/gesmjhquebr jbs puertbs, ofijuogh ej phrtùf trbserh.

bjkufb ge jbs puertbs estâ bmoertb bjkufb bmoertb h fh •   Iubfgh estâ moef ierrbgb Iubfg fghh jb po pojb jb ge jb jjb jjbve ve oft oftejo ejoke keft ftee est estââ ge gesi sibrbr•   Iub

Jb puertb se gesmjhquebrâ perh fh se bmrorâ. Yuejte jb `bfojjb ge jb puertb ufb vez y vuejvb b torbr ge ejjb pbrb bmror jb puertb.


âreb ge nufiohfb`oefth



ej mhtùf ge shjoiotug ge jb `bfojjb ge jb puertb.




•   Fh pujse ej mhtùf ge shjoiotug ge jb `bfojjb ge jb puertb suletbfgh jb jjbve oftejokefte ih`h se

`ue `uest strb rbge efjbjbpuertb ojust oju strb rbioù ioùf. f. Ufbgost Ufbgostbfi bfiob ob ihr ihrtb b jb `bfojjb abrâ que ej soste`b getbjjbve oftejokefte tefkb prhmje`bs pbrb geteitbr que jb jjbve oftejokefte estâ nuerb gej veaàiujh. utojozbfgh ej ofterru ofterrupp•   Wrbs mjhquebr jbs puertbs utojozbfgh FTB2911

thr ge shjoiotug ge jb `bfojjb ge jb puertb, bsekürese ge que jbs puertbs se abf mjhquebgh ihrreitb`efte ih`prhmbfgh jbs `bfojjbs ge jbs puertbs.


Ej mhtùf ge shjoiotug fh nufiohfbrâ ef jbs sokuoeftes ihfgoiohfes<   Iubfgh jb jjbve oftejokefte oftejokefte se quegb geftrh gej veaàiujh

evotbr que jb jjbve oftejokefte se quege gef•   Tbrb trh gej veaàiujh, bsekürese ge jjevbrjb ihf usteg y, b ihftofubioùf, mjhquee jbs puertbs.

Ej soste`b gejb jjbve oftejokefte per`ote gesmjhquebr puertb gej ihfguithr, jbs mjhquebr puertbs gey pbsblerhs h ej phrtùf trbserh sof bitovbr ej mhtùf

Ih`prhmbiohfes y rekjbles prevohs b jb `briab   9-;  

ge jb jb jjbve jjbve oft oftejok ejokefte efte h utojoz utojozbfg bfghh jb jjbv jjbvee ge h e`erkefiob (iojofgrh ge jjbve ge jb puertb gej ihfguithr). Iubfgh jb jjbve oftejokefte estâ ierib gej veaàiujh, se puegef mjhquebr y gesmjhquebr jbs puertbs pujsbfgh pujsbfgh ej mhtùf ge shjoiotug ge jb puertb gej ihfguithr, ge jb puertb gej pbsblerh h gej phrtùf trb trbser serh. h. Jhs ofgo ofgoibg ibghres hres ge gor goreiio eiioùf ùf pbr pbrpbg pbgebebrâf b `hgh ge ihfnor`bioùf.

Mjhqueh ge jbs puertbs 2. Bsekürese Bsekürese ge que jjevb jb jjbve oftejokefte iubfgh sbjkb gej veaàiujh. =. Ioerre thgbs thgbs jbs puertbs. 9. Tujse iubjquoerb ge jhs mhthfes ge shjoiotug (puertbs gejbfterbs h phrtùf trbserh).

FHWB Yo gelb jb jjbve oftejokefte ef ej veaàiujh y pujsb ej mhtùf ge shjoiotug ge jb puertb/phrtùf trbserh, shfbrâ ufb seòbj biüstoib pbrb ofgoibr que jb jjbve oftejokefte sokue geftrh.

Gesmjhqueh ge jbs puertbs Tbrbhmtefer ofn Tbrbhmtefer ofnhr`b hr`bioùf ioùf shm shmre re jb `hg `hgbjog bjogbg bg bft bftoseoseiuestrh (seküf `hgejh) h jhs blustes ge `hgbjogbg ihfvefiohfbj, ihfsujte ‚Ib`moh ge jb `hgbjogbg ihfvefiohfbj b jb `hgbjogbg bftoseiuestrh (seküf `h `hge gejh jh)‐ )‐ bf bfte tero rohr hr`e `eft e ef ‚=. estb estb seii se iioù oùff hy ‚SGesmjhquehP‐ ef jb fte seiioùf Ofstru`efths ihftrhjes‐. @hgbjogbg ihfvefiohfbj<

=. ^uejvb b pujsbr ej mhtùf ge shjoiotug bftes ge que trbfsiurrbf 5 sekufghs. ’ Whgbs jbs puertbs puertbs y ej phrtùf trbserh se gesmjhgesmjhquebrâf. ’ Jhs ofgoibghres ofgoibghres ge goreiioùf goreiioùf pbrpbge pbrpbgebf bf ghs veies. FHWB

•   Ioertbs ofternerefiobs exterfbs puegef ibu-

sbr prhmje`bs ef ej nufiohfb`oefth ge jb jjbve oftejokefte. Ef este ibsh, utojoie jb jjbve ge e`erkefiob sotubgb ef ej ihftrhj re`hth oftekrbgh ef jb jjbve oftejokefte. ^eb ‚Mjhqueh ge puertbs‐ puert bs‐ `âs bgej bgejbfte bfte ef estb seiioùf pbrb hmtefer `âs getbjjes.

gesmjhquebgh y fh se bmre •   Yo ej veaàiujh estâ gesmjhquebgh

’ Whgbs jbs jbs puertbs puertbs y ej phrtùf phrtùf trbserh trbserh se mjhquebrâf.

Tujse ej mhtùf ge shjoiotug ge jb puertb/phrtùf trbserh.

’ Jhs ofgoibghre ofgoibghress ge goreiioùf goreiioùf pbrpbge pbrpbgebf bf ufb vez.

’ Whgbs jbs jbs puertbs puertbs y ej phrtùf trbserh trbserh se se gesmjhgesmjhquebrâf.


’   @hgejhs ihf Yoste`b ge supermjhqueh< supermjhqueh4=\

Ofsert ertbfg bfghh jb jjbv jjbvee ef ej ofte ofterrup rrupthr thr ge efie efiefgo fgogh gh •   Ofs


Tbrb gesmjhquebr y bmror ufb puertb, tore ge jb `bfojjb ofterohr tbj ih`h se `uestrb ef jb ojustrb ojustrbioùf. ioùf.

@hgejhs ihf soste`b ge supermjhqueh (seküf `hgejh) Iubfgh ej soste`b ge supermjhqueh estâ bitovbgh,

fh es phsomje bmror jb puertb.

BG^E]WEFIOB   Iubfgh sbjkb gej veaàiujh, fh gele jb jjbve geftrh.

rekjbles prevohs b jb `briab 9-24   Ih`prhmbiohfes y rekjbles  


Ej ofte ofterrup rrupthr thr gej ioer ioerre re ieft ieftrbjo rbjozbg zbghh ge pue puertb rtbs, s, umo umo-ibgh ef jb kubrfoioùf ge jb puertb, se puege usbr pbrb mjhquebr l 2 h gesmjhqu gesmjhquebr ebr l = thgbs jbs puerpuertbs so`ujtâfeb`efte gesge geftrh gej veaàiujh. Ej ofg ofgoibg oibghr hr gej ioer ioerre re ieft ieftrbjo rbjozbg zbghh ge puer puertbs tbs ( ) se efio efioefg efgee ef jb ihfs ihfshjb hjb ieft ieftrbj rbj iubf iubfgh gh jbs puertbs estâf mjhquebgbs. FHWB


Ofgoibghr gej ioerre ieftrbjozbgh ge puertbs

@hgejhs sof soste`b ge supermjhqueh< so se bmre ufb puertb `bfu `bfubj`ef bj`efte te gesge ej ofter ofterohr ohr gespuïs ge abmer pujsbgh ej mhtùf ge mjhqueh gej ihftrhjj re`hth ihftrh re`hth oftekrbgh oftekrbgh ef jjbve jjbve ( ). Ej resujresujtbgh es ej gesmjhqueh ge jb puertb y ej bpbkbgh gej ofgoibghr gej ioerre ieftrbjozbgh ge puertbs ( ).

Mjhqueh ge jbs puertbs iubfgh sbjkb gej veaàiujh (seküf `hgejh) Es phsomje mjhquebr thgbs jbs puertbs ihf ej ofterrupthr gej ioerre ieftrbjozbgh iubfgh sbjkb gej ve-


l 2   Tujse pbrb mjhquebr l =   Tujse pbrb gesmjhquebr

aàiujh< 2. Bmrb jb puertb gej ihfguithr ihfguithr y sbque jb jjbve gej iojofgrh h jb jjbve oftejokefte oftejokefte (seküf `hgejh) gej ih`pbrto`efth ge pbsblerhs. =. Tujse ej jbgh gej ofterrup ofterrupthr thr gej ioerre ieftrbjozbgh ge puertbs l 2. ’ Ye mjhquebf mjhquebf thgbs thgbs jbs puertbs puertbs exiepth exiepth jb puertb puertb

’ Ej ofg ofgoib oibgh ghrr trbj.

se ef efioe ioefg fgee ef ef jb jb ihfs ihfshjb hjb ief ief--

’   @hgejhs ihf soste`b ge supermjhqueh

l B   @hgejhs ge ihfg. ozq. l M   @hgejhs ge ihfg. gia.

2. Wore ge jb pbjbfib ge bperturb gej ibpù l 2 sotub-


gb gej tbmjerh gej jbgh gej gemblh ihfguithr3 ej ibpùge se ofstru`efths ejevbrâ jokerb`efte.

Ih`prhmbiohfes y rekjbles prevohs b jb `briab   9-25  


•   Ef ibsh ge sustotuioùf, utojoie shjb`efte ufb


tbpb tbp b hro hrokof kofbj bj FOY FOYYBF YBF h uf equ equovb ovbjef jefte te exb exbith ith..

Estb tbpb estâ prhvostb ge ufb vâjvujb ge sekurogbg feiesbrob pbrb ej nufiohfb`oefth ihrreith gej soste`b ge ih`mustomje y gej soste`b ge ihftrhj ge e`osohfes. Ufb tbpb ofbgeiub bge iubgb gb pue puege ge ibu ibusbr sbr bve bveràb ràbss krb krbves ves y phsomjes jesohfes. T]EIBUIOÙF

FTB19=\ FTB2=;2

l B   @hgejhs ge ihfg. ozq. l M   @hgejhs ge ihfg. gia. Tbrb bmror jb tbpb gej gepùsoth ge ih`must ih`mustomje, omje, tore ge jb pbjbfib ge bperturb sotubgb mblh ej tbmjerh ge ofstru` ofst ru`efth efthss gej jbg jbghh gej ihfg ihfguit uithr. hr. Tbr Tbrbb mjhq mjhquebr uebr-jb, ioerre jb tbpb ihf nor`ezb.

Ej tbpùf gej gepùsoth ge ih`mustomje es ge ioerre b rhsib. Bproete jb tbpb efrhsiâfghjb abiob jb gereiab abstb que se hokb uf iabsquogh. Ihjhque ej tbpùf ge su`ofos su`ofostrh trh ge ih`must ih`mustomje omje ef ej shphrte, ih`h se `uestrb ef jb ojustrbioùf, `oeftrbs rephstb. BG^E]WEFIOB

•   Ej ih`mustomje es su`b`efte ofnjb`bmje y

bjtb`efte expjhsovh ef geter`ofbgbs ihfgoiohfes. Tbre soe`pre ej `hthr y fh nu`e fo bierque jjb`bs fo iaospbs bj veaàiujh iubfgh estï rephstbfgh.

  Ej ih`mustomje puege abjjbrse mblh presoùf.

Yo sbjpoib ih`mustomje shmre jb ibrrhieràb gej veaàiujh, jo`poe jb supernoioe ihf bkub pbrb evotbr que se gbòe jb pofturb.

Kore jb tbpb `egob vuejtb y espere abstb que iese iubjquoer ruogh sojmbfte, pbrb evotbr que ej ih`mustomje sbjpoque y puegb ibusbr jesohfes.

rekjbles prevohs b jb `briab 9-2>   Ih`prhmbiohfes y rekjbles  


BG^E]WEFIOB ihfguzib ej veaàiujh ihf ej nrefh ge estbestb•   Fh iohfb`oefth bpjoibgh. Ej nrefh se puege shmreibjeftbr y gelbr ge nufiohfbr, jh que puege ibusbr uf biiogefte. Fufib ib jom jomere ere ej nre nrefh fh ge est estbio biohfb hfb`oe `oefthgesfthges•   Fuf ge ej exterohr gej veaàiujh. Yo ej veaàiujh se phfe ef `hvo`oefth, es o`phsomje posbr ej pegbj gej nrefh y se puege prhguior uf biiogefte.

utoj ut ojoi oie e fu fufi fib b jb pb pbjb jbfi fib b ge ib ib`m `moh ohss ef ve vezz •   Fh gej nrefh ge estbiohfb`oefth. Iubfgh estbiohfe, bsekürese ge que ej nrefh ge estbiohfb`oefth estâ bpjoibgh ih`pjetb`efte. bgujths •   Fh gele shjhs ef ej veaàiujh b foòhs h bgujths

que fhr`bj`efte feiesotef byugb ge htrhs. Thgràbf jomerbr ej nrefh ge estbiohfb`oefth y verse ofvhjuirbghs ef uf biiogefte krbve.

^HJBFWE GE GO]EIIOÙF Tbrb bpjoibr ej nrefh ge estbiohfb`oefth, tore ge jb pbjbfib gej nrefh ge estbiohfb`oefth abiob brromb l 2. Tbrb jomerbr ej nrefh ge estbiohfb`oefth, `bftefkb posbgh b nhfgh ej pegbj gej nrefh ge servoioh. Wore jokerb`efte ge jb pbjbfib gej nrefh ge estbiohfb`oefth abiob brromb, pujse ej mhtùf l = y mâlejb mâlejb ih`pjetb`efte l 9. Bftes ge ihfguior, bsekürese ge que ej testokh gej nrefh se ab bpbkbgh.


BG^E]WEFIOB Fh bluste ej vhjbfte ge goreiioùf `oeftrbs ihfguie. Thgràb perger ej ihftrhj gej veaàiujh y prhvhibr uf biiogefte.

Jomere jb pbjbfib ge mjhqueh, tbj ih`h `uestrb jb ojustrbioùf, y bluste ej vhjbfte ge goreiioùf b jb phsoioùf gesebgb (brromb h bmblh, abiob gejbfte h abiob btrâs). E`pule jb pbjbfib ge mjhqueh ihf nor`ezb pbrb gevhjverjb ge fuevh b su jukbr y bsà mjhquebr ej vhjbfte ge goreiioùf.


Ih`prhmbiohfes y rekjbles prevohs b jb `briab   9-2;  




FTB19?\ FTB1>=\

T]EIBUIOÙF Fh kubrge jb voserb bftes ge vhjver b ihjhibrjb ef su phsoioùf hrokofbj.

fhiae l 2   Thsoioùf ge fhiae gàb l =   Thsoioùf ge gàb

2. Tbrb evotbr ej respjbfghr ef jb pbrte gejbfterb, `uevb jb voserb profiopbj abiob bmblh.

l B   Tbrte gejbfterb gej veaàiujh Jb phsoioùf ge fhiae l 2 regu reguie ie ej renjelh renjelh ge jhs nbrhs ge jhs veaàiujh veaàiujhss que ioriujbf getrâs getrâs gej suyh gurbfte jb fhiae.

=. Tbrb evotbr ej respjbfghr ef ej jbterbj, quote jb voserb profiopbj gej `hftbfte ieftrbj y `uïvbjb abiob ej jbterbj.

BG^E]WEFIOB Utojoie jb phsoioùf ge fhiae l 2 shjb` shjb`efte efte iubfiubfgh seb fei feiesb esbroh roh,, yb queregui quereguie e jb vos vosomo omojog jogbg bg trb trb-serb.


Ej retrhvoshr ofterohr estâ goseòbgh pbrb que ej renje lh se bluste buth`âtoib`efte gepefgoefgh ge jb oftefsogbg ge jhs nbrhs gej veaàiujh que je sokue shmre ej sefshr l B. Ej retrhvoshr ofterohr bftogesju`mrb`oefth buth`âtoih iubfgh ofterrupthr ofterrup thr ge efiefgog efiefgoghh estïnufiohfbrâ ef jb phsoioùf Bii eju HF. T]EIBUIOÙF Fh iumrb ej sefshr, fo iuejkue fofküf hmleth gej retrhvoshr fo utojoie jo`pobirostbjes goreitb`efte shmre ïj. Bj abierjh, puege reguior jb sefsomojogbg gej sefshr, prhvhibfgh uf nufiohfb`oefth


rekjbles prevohs b jb `briab 9-21   Ih`prhmbiohfes y rekjbles  


Bmbto`oefth‗ Ihftrhj `bfubj


Bmbtb ej retrhvoshr exterohr `hvoïfghjh abiob jb pbrte trbserb gej veaàiujh.

•  Ih`prueme jb phsoioùf ge thghs jhs retrhvo-

shres bftes ge ih`efzbr b ihfguior. Ej bluste ge su phsoioùf `oeftrbs estâ ihfguioefgh puege gostrber su btefioùf.

hmleths que se vef ef ej retrhvoshr exteexte•   Jhs hmleths rohr estâf `âs ierib ge jh que pbreie.


Fufib ib thq thque ue jhs ret retrhv rhvosh oshres res ext extero erohre hress `oe `oeff•   Fuf trbs estâf ef `hvo`oefth. Thgràb pejjozibrse jhs geghs h gbòbr ej espelh. Fufib ib ihf ihfguz guzib ib ej vea veaàiu àiujh jh ihfjhs ret retrhv rhvosh osh-•   Fuf res bmbtoghs. ]eguie jb vosomojogbg trbserb y puege prhvhibr uf biiogefte.

Bluste ‗ Ihftrhj re`hth l B   @hgejhs ge ihfg. ozq. l M   @hgejhs ge ihfg. gia. Gesjoie ej ihftrhj abiob jb ozquoergb l J h abio abiobb jb gereiab l ] pbrb sejeiiohfbr sejeiiohfbr ej retrhvoshr retrhvoshr gej jbgh ozquoergh h gereiah y, b ihftofubioùf, bluste ej retrhvoshr b jb phsoioùf gesebgb `hvoefgh ej ihftrhj ih`h se `uestrb ef jb ojustrbioùf 2 . l


B   @hgejhs ge ihfg. ozq. l l M   @hgejhs ge ihfg. gia.

Bmbto`oefth‗ Ihftrhj re`hth (seküf `hgejh) Jhs retrhvoshres exterohres se bmbtef buth`âtoib`efte iubfgh se pujsb ej mhtùf ge bmbto` bmbto`oefth oefth gej retrhvoshr l 2 . Tbrb gespjekbrjhs, gespjekbrjhs, vuejvb b pujsbr ej mhtùf. FHWB Yo ej retrhvoshr se `ueve ge su phsoioùf, utojoie ej sokuo sokuoefte efte prhiego`oefth prhiego`oefth pbrb ihjh ihjhibrjh ibrjh ge

fuevh ef su phsoioùf ihrreitb< FTB2=;1

2. Bmbtb jhs retrhvoshres retrhvoshres ejeitrùfoib`efte ejeitrùfoib`efte usbfgh ej mhtùf ge bmbto`oefth gej retrhvoshr exterohr.

Ih`prhmbiohfes y rekjbles prevohs b jb `briab   9-2?  

=. Espere abstb que ej retrhvoshr e`otb uf ruogh nuerte3 este shfogh ofgoib que ej retrhvoshr se ab ihjhibgh ihrreitb`efte. 9. Gespjoeku Gespjoekuee jhs retrhvo retrhvoshres shres ejeitrùf ejeitrùfoib`efte oib`efte usbfgh ej mhtùf ge bmbto`oefth gej retrhvoshr exterohr.


7. Bluste ej retrhvoshr retrhvoshr ef ej âfkujh ihrreith pbrb jb ihfguiioùf utojozbfgh ej ihftrhj re`hth, ihfsujte ‚Bluste ‗ Ihftrhj re`hth‐ bfterohr`efte ef estb seiioùf. FTB17=\

Ihfguiioùf ozquoergb


Ihfguiioùf gereiab

Tbrb utojozbr ej espelh ge ihrtesàb gejbfterh, tore abiob bmblh ge jb voserb y jevbfte jb iumoertb.

rekjbles prevohs b jb `briab 9-=4   Ih`prhmbiohfes y rekjbles


7  Tbftbjjb, Tbftbjjb, ibjenbiioùf, bihfgoiohfbghr ge bore y soste`b ge bugoh Treibuiohfes ge sekurogbg...................................... @hfothr ge vosoùf vosoùf trbserb trbserb (seküf (seküf `hgejh)......... `hgejh).............. ........ ... Iù`h ofterpr ofterpretbr etbr jbs jàfebs vosubjo vosubjozbgbs zbgbs ..... .......... ......... .... Bluste gej `hfothr `hfothr ge ge vosoùf vosoùf trbserb........ trbserb............. .......... ........ ... Ihfselhs ge ush ............................. ................................................ ...................

7-= 7-= 7-9 7-9 7-7

]bgoh N@ B@ ihf reprhguithr ge IG (seküf `hgejh) ................................ ................................................................ ................................... ... Nufiohfes profiopbjes ge bugoh bugoh........................... ........................... Nufiohfb`oefth ge jb rbgoh ............................... ................................... Mhtùf YEWUT YEWUT............................. ..................................................... ........................

@hfothr ge vosoùf vosoùf peronïroib peronïr oib.......... (seküf (seküf `hgejh) ........... ..... ........ .. Nufiohfb`oefth Nufiohfb `oefth..... .......... .......... ........... ........... .......... ........... ........... ........ ... Jàfebs kuàb ........................... ......................................................... .............................. Gonerefiob eftre gostbfiob prevostb y gostbfiob rebj............................ rebj ............................................................ ......................................... ......... Geteiioùf Geteiio ùf ge hmleths ef `hvo`oefth `hvo`oefth (@HG) (@HG) ..... ....... .. Iù`h blustbr jb vostb vostb ge jb pbftbjjb ..... .......... .......... .......... ....... Ihfnokurbioùf Ihfnok urbioùf gej `hfothr `hfothr ge vosoùf peronïroib peronïroib ..... Ihfselhs ge ush ............................. ................................................ ................... ]elojjbs ge veftojbioùf ............................ ............................................... ................... Nufiohfb`oefth ge jb ibjenbiioùf y ej bihfgoiohfbghr ge bore ............................. ........................................................... .............................. Ibjenbiioùf y bihfgoiohfbghr ge bore `bfubj (seküf `hgejh)........................................... `hgejh)................................................... ........ Bihfgoiohfbghr ge bore ge zhfb ghmje buth`âtoih (seküf `hgejh) .............................. ................................. ... Yoste`b ge bugoh ............................. ..................................................... ........................ Treibuiohfes Treibuio hfes ge ush gej bugoh ..... .......... .......... .......... .......... ....... ..

7-5 7-; 7-1

Nufiohfb`oefth gej reprhguithr ge gosihs ih`pbiths (IG) (IG)............................... ................................................. .................. EftrbgbBUQ (buxojobr) ............................. .......................................... ............. Tuerth ge ihfexoùfUYM (mus ufoversbj ef seroe) (seküf `hgejh) ............................ ......................................... ............. Nufiohfb`oefth gej reprhguithr oThg (seküf `hgejh) ........................... ........................................................... ................................... ... Nufiohfb`oefth ge Mjuethhta® Mjuethhta®........................... ........................... Fossbf Ihffeit (seküf `hgejh) ............................ ................................ @bfgh gej ihftrhj ge bugoh gej vhjbfte ge goreiioùf (seküf `hgejh)......................................... Ihftrhj ge bugoh................................................. Mhthfes ge ihftrhj gej tejïnhfh .......................... Wejïnhfh `ùvoj oftekrbgh pbrb rbgoh N@ B@ ihf reprhguithr ge IG (seküf `hgejh) ......................... ......................... Ihfexoùff Mjuethhta® Ihfexoù Mjuethhta® ihf uf tejïnhfh `ùvoj `ùvoj ..... ........ ... Ihftrhj gej tejïnhfh tejïnhfh ihf `bfhs jomres............... jomres................. .. @bfghs ge ihftrhj ef ej vhjbfte (seküf

7-24 7-29 7-27 7-25 7-25 7-2> 7-2> 7-2; 7-=4 7-=7 7-=7

7-=1 7-=? 7-=? 7-94 7-9= 7-95 7-95 7-9> 7-9; 7-77 7-77 7-77 7-75 7-75 7-75 7-71

Bftefb................................................................ 7-=5 Bftefb................................................................ Iuogbghs y jo`poezb ge IG/ufogbg ge `e`hrob UYM ............................. ..................................................... ........................ 7-=>



`hgejh) ........................... ........................................................... ................................... ... 7-52 ]bgoh IM h tejïnhfh pbrb ej ihiae .......................... .......................... 7-5=

@HFOWH] GE ^OYO @HFOWH] ^OYOÙF ÙF W]BYE W]BYE]B ]B (seküf `hgejh)

•   Ej `hfothr ge vosoùf trbserb es ütoj perh ge


fofküf `hgh puege ser uf sustotuth ge jhs prhiego`o prhie go`oefths efths bgeiu bgeiubghs bghs pbrb ihfg ihfguior uior `briab btrâs. Kore jb ibmezb y `ore soe`pre phr jbs veftbfojjbs y ih`prueme jhs retrhvoshres pbrb `hverse ihf sekurogbg bftes ge phfer ef `briab ej veaàiujh. Yoe`pre que ihfguzib `briab btrâs, aâkbjh gespbioh.

bluste jhs ihftrhjes ge jb ibjenbiioùf, ej •  Fh bihfgoiohfbghr ge bore h ej soste`b ge bugoh `oeftrbs ihfguie pbrb phger prestbr jb `âxo`b btefioùf bj nufiohfb`oefth gej veaàiujh.

•   Yo periome hmleths extrbòhs ef ej abrgwbre

gej soste`b, se ab gerrb`bgh jàquogh shmre ej `os`h, sbjef ge ïj au`hs h kbses, h so se hmservb iubjquoer htrh sàfth`b ofusubj, gele ge utojozbr of`egobtb`efte ej soste`b y pùfkbse kb se ef ih ihft ftbi bith th ih ihf f ej ih ihfi fies esoh ohfb fbro roh h FOYYBF h tbjjer iubjonoibgh `âs ieribfh. Fh prestbr btefioùf b esths sàfth`bs puege prhvhibr uf biiogefte, uf ofiefgoh h ufb gesibrkb ejïitroib.

`hgonoque este soste`b. soste`b. Yo jh •   Fh gesbr`e fo `hgonoque

abie, puege prhguiorse uf biiogefte, uf ofiefgoh h ufb gesibrkb ejïitroib.

T]EIBUIOÙF Fh utojoie ej soste`b iubfgh ej `hthr fh estï ef nufiohfb`oefth gurbfte `uiah toe`ph pbrb evotbr que se gesibrkue jb mbteràb.

•   Ej soste`b estâ goseòbgh pbrb byugbr bj ihfFBB25>?

l 2   Tbftbjjb l =   Iâ`brb Iubfgh jb pbjbfib ge ib`mohs se ib`mob b jb phsoioùf ] (`b (`briab riab btr btrâs) âs),, ej `hfo `hfothr thr (pb (pbftbj ftbjjb jb ge Fos Fossbf sbf Ihffeit) `uestrb jb vostb gesge jb pbrte trbserb gej veaàiujh. Ej soste`b estâ goseòbgh pbrb byugbr bj ihfguit ihfguithr hr b geteitbr hmleths of`ùvojes ge krbf tb`bòh. Jb nofbjogbg gej soste`bgbòhs es byugbr ihfguithr b evotbr que se prhguzibf ef ej bjveaàiujh bj ihfguior `briab btrâs. Fh hmstbfte, ej soste`b fh geteitbrâ hmleths pequeòhs mblh ej pbrbiahques y es phsomje que tb`phih geteite hmleths ieribfhs bj pbrbiahques h sotubghs ef ej suejh. BG^E]WEFIOB

guithr `hstrbfgh hmleths of`ùvojes ge krbf tb`bòh goreitb`efte getrâs gej veaàiujh pb-

rb bsà evotbr gbòhs ef ej `os`h. soste` sos te`b b fh pue puege ge ejo ejo`of `ofbr br jhs âfk âfkujh ujhss `uerths phr ih`pjeth y es phsomje que fh `uestre thghs jhs hmleths.

•   Ej

•  Jb zhfb ofnerohr gej pbrbiahques y jhs extre-

`hs gej pbrbiahques fh se vosubjozbf ef ej `hfothr ge vosoùf trbserb gemogh b su bjibfie jo`otbgh. Ej soste`b fh `hstrbrâ hmleths pequeòhs mblh ej pbrbiahques y es phsomje que tb`phih `uestre hmleths ieribfhs bj pbrbiahques h sotubghs ef ej suejh.

vosubjozbghs ef ej •   Jb gostbfiob ge jhs hmleths vosubjozbghs `hfothr ge vosoùf trbserb es gonerefte ge jb gostbfiob rebj, yb que se utojozb ufb jefte krbf bfkujbr.

•   Ef ej `hfothr ge vosoùf trbserb jhs hmleths

bpbreierâ bpbrei erâf f ef ufb phs phsoio oioùf ùf vos vosubj ubj`ef `efte te hpuestb b jhs que se hmservbf ihf ej retrhvoshr ofterohr y retrhvoshres exterohres.

Yo fh se sokuef jbs bgvertefiobs e ofstruiiohfes pbrb bgeiubgh gej `hfothr geves vosoùf trbserb,, ej serb seush phgràb phg ràbf f prh prhgui guior or jes jesohf ohfes es krb krbves h ofi ofijujush jb `uerte.

bore y soste`b ge bugoh 7-=   Tbftbjjb, ibjenbiioùf, bihfgoiohfbghr ge bore  

moef •   Bsekürese ge que ej phrtùf trbserh estâ moef


iâ`brb ge vosoùf trb•   Fh phfkb fbgb shmre jb iâ`brb


ierrbgh bj gbr `briab btrâs.

serb. Jb iâ`brb ge vosoùf trbserb estâ `hftbgb efio`b ge jb `btràiujb.

•  Bj ihfguior `briab btrâs ef ufb pefgoefte

bsiefgefte, jhs hmleths que se vosubjozbf ef ej `hfothr estâf `âs jelhs ge jh que pbreie. Bj ihfguior `briab btrâs ef ufb pefgoefte gesief ges iefgef gefte, te, jhs hml hmleth ethss quese vos vosubj ubjozb ozbf f ef ej `hfothr estâf `âs ierib ge jh que pbreie. Utojoie ej retrhvoshr ofterohr h `ore phr efio`b gej ah`mrh pbrb ibjiujbr jb gostbfiob que aby respeith b jhs ge`âs hmleths.

•  Bj jbvbr ej veaàiujh ihf bkub b presoùf, bse-

kürese ge fh bpjoibrjb bjregeghr ge jb iâ`brb. Yo jh aoioese, phgràb eftrbr bkub ef jb ufogbg ge jb iâ`brb y ibusbr jb ihfgefsbioùf ge bkub ef jbs jeftes, ufb bveràb, nuekh h ufb gesibrkb ejïitroib.

Jbs jàfebs que se `uestrbf ef ej `hfothr ofgoibf ofgoibf ej espbioh jomre pbrb ej veaàiujh y jb gostbfiob eftre ej

•  Fh khjpee jb iâ`brb. Es uf ofstru`efth ge

preiosoùf preios oùf.. Yo jh aoi aoioes oese, e, se phg phgràbprhgui ràbprhguior or ufb bveràb h gbòh y prhvhibr nuekh h ufb gesibrkb ejïitroib.

T]EIBUIOÙF Exoste ufb iumoertb trbfspbrefte shmre jb jefte ge jb iâ`brb. Fh rbye jb iumoertb bj jo`pobr jb suioegbg h jb foeve.



•   Utojoie jbs jàfebs vosubjozbgbs ih`h reneref-

iob. Jbs jàfebs gepefgef ef krbf `egogb gej fü`erh fü`er h ge hiupbftes, hiupbftes, ej fovej ge ih`m ih`mustoustomje, jb phsoioùf gej veaàiujh, ej estbgh ge jb ibrreterb y ej toph ge ibrreterb. Iubfgh ihf-

hmstâiujh y ej pbrbiahques l B. Estbs jàfebs ofgoibf jb gostbfiob eftre ej hmstâiujh y ej pbrbiahques ih`h se `uestrb b ihftofubioùf<

l 2 4,5 ` (2,5 (2,5 poes) poes) ’ rhlh rhlh l = 2 ` (9 poes) poes) ’ b`brojjh b`brojjh l 9 = ` (; poes) poes) ’ verge verge l 7 9 ` (24 poes) ’ verge

guzib `briab btrâs, `ore goreitb`efte bjregeghr gej veaàiujh pbrb ih`prhmbr que fh aby fbgb fo fbgoe.

FHWB  Jbs jàfebs ge espbioh jomre gej veaàiujh shf `âs b`pjobs que ej espbioh jomre rebj.

•   Jb jàfeb ge kuàb ge gostbfiob y jb jàfeb ge

•   Jbs jàfebs se `uestrbf ih`h gostbfiob ge re-

bfiaurb gej veaàiujh gemef usbrse ih`h renerefiob shjb`efte iubfgh ej veaàiujh se efiueftrb estbiohfbgh ef ufb supernoioe pjbfb

nerefiob abstb jhs hmstâiujhs.


pbvo`eftbgb. Jb gostbfiob que se vosubjozb ef ej `hf `hfoth othrr shj shjb`e b`efte fte es ufb ren renere erefio fiob b y pue pue-ge goneror ge jbrepreseftbghs. gostbfiob rebj eftre ej veaàiujh y jhs hmleths

W]BYE]B Tbrb hmtefer `âs getbjjes, ihfsujte ej `bfubj ge usubroh ge Fossbf Ihffeit que se eftrekb phr sepbrbgh.

Tbftbjjb, ibjenbiioùf, bihfgoiohfbghr ge bore y soste`b ge bugoh   7-9  

IHFYELHY GE UYH pbjbfib btrâs), ge ib`mohs se `ueve b jb phsoioùf jb ] (`briab jb pbftbjjb ge Fossbf •   Iubfgh

Ihffeit Ihffe it ib` ib`mo mobb ge nhr nhr`b `b but buth` h`ât âtoib oib b jb `h `hgb gb-jogbg ge `hfothr ge vosoùf trbserb.

•   Iubfgh se ihjhib jb pbjbfib ge ib`mohs ef ufb phsoioùf gostoftb b ] (`briab btrâs), puegef pbsbr bjkufhs ofstbftes abstb que ib`moe jb pbftbjjb. Jhs hmleths puegef bpbreier genhr`bghs ef jb pbftbjj pbftbjjbb abstb que se vosubjoief ih`pjetbih`pjetb-

`efte.  Iubfgh jb te`perbturb es extre`bgb`efte bjtb h mblb, es phsomje que fh se vosubjoief ijbrb`efte jhs hmleths. Esth fh es ufb bveràb.

•   Iubfgh ofioge juz oftefsb goreitb`efte ef jb jefte ge jb iâ`brb, es phsomje que fh se vosubjoief jhs hmleths ihf jb `os`b fotogez. Esth fh es ufb bveràb.

 Tuegef verse jàfebs vertoibjes ef jhs hmleths `hstrbghs ef jb pbftbjjb. Esth se geme bj renjelh ge juzofte juzoftefsbef fsbef ej pb pbrbi rbiahq ahques ues.. Es Esth th fh es ufb bveràb.

phso somj mjee qu quee jb pb pbft ftbj bjjb jb pb pbrp rpbg bgee ee mb mblh lh juznjuh juznjuh-•   Es ph resiefte. Esth fh es ufb bveràb.

hmleths gej `hfothr ge vosoùf •   Jhs ihjhres ge jhs hmleths trbserb gonoeref ge jhs ihjhres rebjes gej hmleth.

jhs hmleths ef ej `hfothr ge vosoùf trbserb trbserb fh se vosubjoief ihf ijbrogbg. Jo`poe jb iumoertb trbfspbrefte ge jb iâ`brb.   Fh utojoie bjihahj, mefiofb h goshjveftes pbrb jo`pobr jb iumoertb trbfspbrefte ge jb iâ`brb. Esth ibusbràb geihjhrbioùf. Tbrb jo`pobr jb iumoertb trbfspbrefte ge jb iâ`brb, utojoie uf pbòh au`egeiogh ihf uf bkefte jo`pobghr subve gojuogh y, b ihftofubioùf, sïquejb ihf uf pbòh seih.   Fh gbòe jb iumoertb trbfspbrefte trbfspbrefte ge jb iâ`brb, yb que puege bneitbr ge nhr`b fekbtovb b jb pbftbjjb ge Fossbf Ihffeit.

• •  Fh bpjoque ierb pbrb ibrrhieràb ef jb iumoertb trbfspbrefte ge jb iâ`brb. Jo`poe jhs resths ge ierb ihf uf pbòh jo`poh au`egeiogh ihf geterkefte subve gosuejth ef bkub.

kbrr hs hsiu iurh rh h ph phrr jbfhia jbfhiaee esphs esphsom omjeque jeque •   Efuf jujukb

jhs hmleths fh se vosubjoief ijbrb`efte.  Yo se bgaoere b jb iumoertb trbfspbrefte ge jb iâ`brb suioegbg, suioegbg, jjuvob h foeve, es phsomje que

bore y soste`b ge bugoh 7-7   Tbftbjjb, ibjenbiioùf, bihfgoiohfbghr ge bore  

@HFOWH] GE ^OYOÙF TE]ONÏ]OIB (seküf `hgejh) FHWB Bj ih`efzbrefb ihjhr nufiohfbr, jbs jàfebs ge9esquofb pbrpbgebf b`brojjh gurbfte sekufghs. Fh se trbtb ge ufb bveràb sofh uf reihrgbthroh ge preibuioùf. ^ostbs gosphfomjes<

•   ^ostb bïreb ^ostb bjregeghr gej veaàiujh

•  ^ostb jbterbj gejbfterb ^ostb bjregeghr y gejbfte ge jb ruegb gej jbgh gej pbsblerh gejbfterh.

•   ^ostb gejbfterb ^ostb ge jb pbrte gejbfterb gej veaàiujh

•   ^ostb trbserb ^ostb ge jb pbrte trbserb gej veaàiujh

•  ^ostb trbserb ef pbftbjjb ih`pjetb FBB29==

l B   Ihfguiioùf ozquoergb l M   Ihfguiioùf gereiab

l 5   ^ostb bïreb h vostb jbterbj gejbfterb l >   ^ostb gejbfterb h trbserb

^ostb ge jb pbrte trbserb gej veaàiujh (que es uf phih `âs bfiab que jb vostb trbserb estâfgbr) Ej soste`b estâ goseòbgh pbrb byugbr bj ihfguith ihfguithrr ef sotubiohfes tbjes ih`h bpbribr.

l ;   Mhtùf :IB@E]B6

bvosh l 2   @efsble ge bvosh l =   Ofgoibghr ge vostb gejbfterb h trbserb esquofb ge vostb vostb bïreb 9   Jàfebs ge esquofb l l 7   Ofgoibghr jbterbj ge vostb bïreb

Tbftbjjb, ibjenbiioùf, bihfgoiohfbghr ge bore y soste`b ge bugoh   7-5  

BG^E]WEFIOB `hfothr ge vosoùf peronïroib estâ prevosth •  Ejpbrb ush gourfh. Fh use ej soste`b ef ihfgoiohfes ge phib juz.

•  Jb nufioùf gej `hfothr ge vosoùf peronïroib es

ge kr krbf bf ut utoj ojog ogbg bg.. Fh es uf su sust stot otut uth h ge jh jhss pr prhhieshs bgeiubghs pbrb bpbribr, yb que aby zhfbs ef jbs que fh se vef jhs hmleths. Ef ihfireth, ihfi reth, jbs iubt iubtrh rh esquo esquofbs fbs gej veaài veaàiujh ujh shf âfkujhs `uerths ef jhs que fh se puegef ver jhs hmleths `egobfte jb vostb bïreb, gejbfterb h trbserb. @ore soe`pre phr jbs veftbfojjbs y ih`prueme que es sekurh `hverse. Ej ihfguithrr es soe`p guith soe`pre re resphfsbmje resphfsbmje ge jb sekuro sekuro-gbg `oeftrbs rebjozb jb `bfohmrb ge estbiohfb`oefth y htrbs `bfohmrbs.

`hfothr hr ge vosoù vosoùf f peronïroib peronïroib ihf ej •   Fh use ej `hfot retrhvoshr exterohr pjekbgh y bsekü retrhvoshr bsekürese rese ge que ej phrtùf trbserh estâ moef ierrbgh iubf-

gh phfkb ef `briab ej veaàiujh usbfgh ej `hfothr ge vosoùf peronïroib. FBB25>1

Aby bjkufbs zhfbs ef jbs que ej soste`b fh `hstrbrâ jhs hmleths y ej soste`b fh bvosb ge jhs hmleths ef `hv `hvo`oe o`oefth. fth. Uf hmle hmleth th gem gemblh blh gej pbr pbrbiah biahques ques h

gost stbf bfio iob b ef eftr tre e jh jhss hm hmle leth thss qu que e se ve vef f ef ej •   Jb go `hfothr ge vosoùf peronïroib gonoere ge jb gostbfiob rebj.

•  Jbs iâ`brbs estâf `hftbgbs ef jb relojjb gejbfterb, ej espelh retrhvoshr y efio`b ge jb

gbg ge jb iâ`brb y ibusbr jb ihfgefsbioùf ge bkub ef jbs jeftes, ufb bveràb, nuekh h ufb gesibrkb ejïitroib.   Fh khjpee jbs iâ`brbs. iâ`brbs. Yhf ofstru`efths ge preiosoùf. preio soùf. Khjp Khjpebrjb ebrjbss phgrà phgràb b prhgu prhguior ior ufb bveràb h gbòh y prhvhibr nuekh h ufb gesibrkb ejïitroib.

T]EIBUIOÙF Fh rbye jbs jeftes iubfgh jo`poe jb suioegbg h jb foeve ge jb pbrte gejbfterb ge jb iâ`brb. FHWB Ej ihjhr ge jb vostb ef jb pbftbjjb gej `hfothr ge vosoùf peronïroib es gostofth gej rebj gemogh b que ej soste`b usb iâ`brbs ofnrbrrhlbs.

shmre ej suejh fh se `uestrb ef jb pbftbj pbftbjjb jb ge vostb gejbfterb h vostb trbserb l 2 . Bj utojozbr jb vostb bïreb,

pjbib ge `btràiujb trbserb. Fh phfkb fbgb shmre jbs iâ`brbs.

uf krbfge bjturb ierib ge jb jàfeb ge ufoùf l 9 hmleth ge jbsge zhfbs vosubjozbioù vosubjoz bioùf f ge jb iâ`brb iâ`br b fh bpbreie ef ej `hfothr l =.

•  Bj jbvbr ej veaàiujh ihf bkub b presoùf, bsekürese ge fh bpjoibrjb bjregeghr ge jbs iâ`brbs. Yo jh aoioese, phgràb eftrbr bkub ef jb ufo-

bore y soste`b ge bugoh 7->   Tbftbjjb, ibjenbiioùf, bihfgoiohfbghr ge bore  

NUFIOHFB@OEFWH Jb pbftbjjb `hfothrgejbfterb, ge vosoùftrbserb, peronïroib se ih`-y phfe ge jbsgej pbftbjjbs ozquoergb gereiab. Ye puege ver ufb ih`mofbioùf ge jbs gostoftbs vostbs, tbj y ih`h se `uestrb ef jb ojustrbioùf.

l B < Tbftbjjb ge bugoh h ge fbvekbioùf bftes ge biiohfbr ej `hfothr ge vosoùf peronïroib. l 2 < ^ostb gejbfterb y vostb bïreb l = < ^ostb trbserb y vostb bïreb l 9 < ^ostb gejbfterb y vostb jbterbj gejbfterb 7 < ^ostb trbserb y vostb jbterbj gejbfterb l l 5 < ^ostb trbserb trbserb < Tbjbfib ge ib`mohs ef phsoioùf ] (`briab btrâs) < Tbjbfib ge ib`mohs ef phsoioùf gonerefte ge ] (`briab btrâs) < Tujse ej mhtùf  :IB@E]B6 Aby ghs nhr`bs ge ih`efzbr b usbr ej `hfothr ge vosoùf peronïroib< ’ Yejeiioh Yejeiiohfe fe jb phsoioùf phsoioùf ] (`briab (`briab btrâs) btrâs) ef jb pbjbfib sejeithrb ’ Tujs Tujsee ej mht mhtùf ùf :IB@E]B6


Ele`pjh ge `hgejhs ge ihfguiioùf ozquoergb, ef jhs `hgejhs ge ihfguiioùf gereiab, jb gosphsoioùf ge jb pbftbjjb serâ jb hpuestb.

Tbftbjjb, ibjenbiioùf, bihfgoiohfbghr ge bore y soste`b ge bugoh   7-;  

Biiohfb`oefth `egobfte jb pbjbfib ge ib`mohs •  Iubfgh se phfe jb pbjbfib ge ib`mohs ef jb

phsoioùf ] (`briab btrâs), ej `hfothr ge vosoùf peronïroib brrbfib buth`âtoib`efte y se `uestrb jb vostb trbserb y jb vostb bïreb l =.

l 9 , jb vostb ge jb pbftbjjb gej jbgh gej pbsblerh ib`mob b jb vostb jbterbj gejbfterb. Yo se pujsb ge fuevh ej mhtùf  :IB@E]B6 se bpbkb ej `hfothr ge vosoùf peronïroib. eftre jb vostb gejbfterb y jb vostb trbserb, use jb pbjbfib ge ib`mohs.

fothr ib`mob ge jb pbftbj pbftbjjb jb gej `hfothr ge vosoùf pero pe ronïr nïroi oibb b jb pb pbftb ftbjjbge jjbge bu bugo gohh h ge fbv fbvek ekbi bioùf oùf..

phsoioùf] phsoi oùf] (` (`br briabbtrâ iabbtrâs) s) y jb ve vejhi jhiog ogbg bg ge gejj ve veaàaàiujh bu`eftb phr efio`b ge bprhxo`bgb`efte

jb phsoioùf ] (`briab btrâs), se `uestrbf `uestrbf jb •   Ef vostb trbserb y jb vostb bïreb l = . Jb vostb gej jbgh

24 c`/a (>othr `pa), ej oùfperonï `hfothrnïroi ib`mob jb pbftbjjbgej `hfot `hf hr ge vos vosoùfpero roibb b jbge pbft pb ftbj bjjb jb ge bugoh h ge fbvekbi fbvekbioùf. oùf.

^uejvb b pujsbr ej mhtùf :IB@E]B6 pbrb ib`mobr b jb vostb trbserb l 5 . Iubfgh se ihjhib jb pbjbfib ge ib`mohs ef ufb phsoioù phsoioùff gostoftb ge ] (`briab btrâs), jb pbftbjjb ib`mob b jb pbftbjjb ge `briab btrâs bfterohr. Tujse ej mhtùf  :IB@E]B6 ge l 5 pbr pbrbb vhjver vhjver b jb vostb trbserb y jb vostb bïreb l =.

Ofoioh ihf ej nufiohfb`oefth gej mhtùf IB@E]B

•  Iubfgh se presohfb ej mhtùf   :IB@E]B6, ej

`âtoihs ge tb`bòh gonerefte, es phsomje que jb jàfeb ge trbyeith prevosth y jb vostb bïreb fh se vosubjoief ihrreitb`efte.

pbftbjjb gej jbgh gej ihfguithr bsiefgefte, jhs •   Bj ihfguior ef ufb pefgoefte bsiefgefte, •   Tbrb ib`mobr jb pbftbjjb

•   Iubfgh se ihjhib jb pbjbfib ge ib`mohs ef ufb •  Iubfgh jb pbjbfib ge ib`mohs fh estâ ef jb phsoioùf gostoftb ge ] (`briab btrâs) l B , ej `h-

gej pbsblerh ef ej `hfothr ib`mob b jb vostb jbterbj gejbfter gejbfterbb   l 7 iu iubf bfgh gh se pu pujs jsbb ej mhtùf mhtùf :IB@E]B6.

feu`ât `âtoih oihss se sust sustotu otuyef yef phr ufh ufhss feu feu-•   YoYo jhs feu


hmleths que se vosubjozbf ef ej `hfothr estâf `âs jelhs ge jh que pbreie. Bj ihfguior ef ufb pefgoefte gesiefgefte, jhs hmleths que se vosubjozbf ef ej `hfothr estâf `âs ierib ge jh que pbreie. Utojoie jhs retrhvoshres h `ore abiob bnuerb pbrb ibjiujbr jbs gostbfiobs eftre ej veaàiujh y htrhs hmleths.

Jbs jàfebs ge bfiaurb y trbyeith prevosth gej veaàiujh shf `âs b`pjobs que jb bfiaurb y trbyeith rebjes.


•   Jb jàfeb kuàb ge gostbfiob y jb jàfeb ge bfiaurb gej vea veaàiu àiujh jh gem gemef ef usb usbrse rse ih` ih`h h ren renere erefio fiob b shjb`efte iubfgh ej veaàiujh se efiueftrb

estbiohfbgh estbiohfbg h ef ufb super supernoioepjbfb noioepjbfb pbvo` pbvo`efeftbgb. Jb gostbfiob que se vosubjozb ef ej `hfothr shjb`efte es ufb renerefiob y puege goneror ge jb gostbfiob rebj eftre ej veaàiujh y jhs hmleths represeftbghs.

•  Utojoie jbs jàfebs vosubjozbgbs y jb vostb bïreb

ih`h renerefiob. Jbs jàfebs y jb vostb bïreb se


^ostb gejbfterb

`hfothr ge vosoùf peronïroib se phfe ef nufiohfb`oefth y se vosubjozbf jb vostb gejbfterb y jb vostb bïreb l 2.   Ye `uestrb jb vostb gejbfterb y jb vostb bïreb l 2. Iubfgh se vuejve b pujsbr ej mhtùf :IB@E]B6

vef ihfsogerbmje`efte bneitbgbs phr ej fü`erh ge hiupbftes, ej fovej ge ih`mustomje, jb phsoioùfy gej veaàiujh, jbs ihfgoiohfes ge jb ibrreterb ej toph ge ibrreterb.

bore y soste`b ge bugoh 7-1   Tbftbjjb, ibjenbiioùf, bihfgoiohfbghr ge bore  


^ostb trbserb

Jàfebs kuàb Jbs jàfebs kuàb, que ofgoibf jb bfiaurb gej veaàiujh y jbs gostbfiobs ihf htrhs hmleths ihf respeith b jb jàfeb ge ibrrhieràb gej veaàiujh l B , se vosubjozbf ef ej `hfothr. Jàfebs kuàb ge gostbfiob<

Ofgoibf jbs gostbfiobs gesge jb ibrrhieràb gej veaàiujh.  l 2 Jàfeb rhlb< bprhx. bprhx. 4,5 ` (2,5 (2,5 poes)

• b`brojjb< bprhx. bprhx. 2 ` (9 poes) •   l= Jàfeb b`brojjb< verge< bprhx. bprhx. = ` (; poes) poes) •   l9 Jàfeb verge< verge< bprhx. bprhx. 9 ` (24 poes) poes) •   l7 Jàfeb verge<

Jbs jàfebs estâtoibs ge bfiaurb y trbyeith pre-

Jàfebs gofâ`oibs ge trbyeith prevosth l ><


Jbs trbyeith trbyeit h prevosth se vosubjozbfjàfebs ef ej gofâ`oibs `hfothr bj ge korbr ej vhjbfte ge goreiioùf. Jbs jàfebs ge trbyeith se `uevef gepefgoefgh ge iuâfth se kore ej vhjbfte ge goreiioùf, y fh se vosubjozbf vosubjoz bf iubfgh ej vhjbfte ge goreiioùf estâ ef jb phsoioùf reitb.

Iub Iubfgh se vos vosubj ubjozb jb vos vostb tb gej gejbft erb?4 efkrbghs ej `hf `hfoothr yfgh ej vhjbfte geozb goreiioùf sebfterb korb h `efhs gesge jb phsoioùf reitb, se vosubjozbf jbs jàfebs l > gerei gereiab ab e ozquoergb ozquoergb ge trbyeith preprevosth. Iubfgh ej vhjbfte ge goreiioùf se korb ?4 krbghs h `âs, se vosubjozb ufb jàfeb shjb`efte ef ej jbgh hpuesth bj korh.

Jb vostb gejbfterb fh se vosubjozb iubfgh jb vejhiogbg gej veaàiujh es superohr b 24 c`/a (> `pa) bprhxo`bgb`efte. BG^E]WEFIOB gostbfiob eftre jhs hmlet hmleths hs que se vosub vosubjojo•   Jb gostbfiob

^ostb bïreb BG^E]WEFIOB

•  Jhs hmleths ef jb vostb bïreb bpbreief `âs

jelhs ge jh que estâf ef jb rebjogbg phrque jb vostb bïreb es ufb o`bkef que se prhiesb ih`mofbfgh jbs vostbs ge jbs iâ`brbs ef jhs retrhvoshres exterohres, jb pbrte gejbfterb y jb pbrte trbserb gej veaàiujh.

zbf ef jb vostb trbserb es gonerefte ge jb gostbfiob rebj, yb que se utojozb ufb jefte krbf bfkujbr.

•   Jhs hmleths ef ej `hfothr bpbreief ef ufb phsoioùf vosubj`efte hpuestb b jb que se hmservb ihf jb vostb trbserb y jhs retrhvoshres exterohres.

mhrgojjh h uf •   Jhs hmleths bjths, tbjes ih`h uf mhrgojjh

ibrreterb resmbjbgozb h •   Yo ihfguie shmre ufb ibrreterb • ihf foeve, es phsomje que abyb gonerefiobs eftre jb jàfeb ge trbyeith prevosth y jb jàfeb ge trbyeith rebj.

veaàiujh, puegef estbr gesbjofebghs h fh vosubjozbrse ef jb jàfeb ge ufoùf ge jbs vostbs.   Jhs hmleths que estâf shmre jb iâ`brb fh se vosubjozbf.

•  Jb vostb bïreb puege estbr fh bjofebgb iubfgh ib`mob jb phsoioùf ge jb iâ`brb.

•   Jbs jàfebs vosubjozbgbs ef jb vostb trbserb bpb- •   Ufb jàfeb ef ej suejh puege fh estbr bjofebgb reief jokerb`efte gespjbzbgbs b jb gereiab

vosth gej veaàiujh l 5<

Ofgoibf btrâs. jb bfiaurb gej veaàiujh bj ihfguior `briab

gemogh b que jb iâ`brb ge vosoùf trbserb fh estâ `hftbgb ef ej ieftrh ge jb pbrte trbserb gej veaàiujh.

y fhver fhverserei sereitbef tbef jbjàf jbjàfebge ebge uf ufoù oùf f gejbsvos gejbsvos-tbs. Jbs jàfebs puegef pbreier estbr `efhs bjofebgbs b `egogb que bu`eftb jb gostbfiob ihf ej veaàiujh.

Tbftbjjb, ibjenbiioùf, bihfgoiohfbghr ge bore y soste`b ge bugoh   7-?  

gej oihfh gej veaàiujh ih`h reihrgbthroh ge preibuioùf. Esth fh es ufb bveràb.

Jàfebs kuàb< T]EIBUIOÙF Jb gostbfiob rebj ge jhs hmleths puege goneror ge jb gostbfiob ofgoibgb.

Jbs jàfebs kuàb que ofgoibf jb bfiaurb y ej extre`h gejbfterh gej veaàiujh se vosubjozbf ef ej `hfothr. Jb jàfeb gejbfte gejbfterb rb gej veaàiujh l 2 `uestrb jb pbrte pbrte gejbfterb gej veaàiujh. FBB2=9>

Jb vostb bïreb `uestrb ufb vostb gesge jh bjth gej veaàiujh, jh iubj byugb b ihfnor`br jb phsoioùf gej veaàiujh y ej trbyeit trbyeithh prevosth b jb pjbzb ge estbiohfb`oefth.

Jb jàfeb jbterbj gej veaàiujh l = `uestrb jb bfiaurb bfiaurb FBB2971

^ostb gejbfterb, `hgejhs ge ihfguiioùf ozquoergb*


Ej oihfh gej veaàiujh l 2 `ues `uestrb trb jb phsoioù phsoioùff gej veaàiujh. FHWB


Ej tb tb`b `bòh òh ge gej j oi oihf hfh hrebj gejj gej ge veaà ve aàiu iujh jh ef jb vo vost stb b bï bïre reb b gonoere gej tb`bòh veaàiujh.

Bj ih`efzbr b nufiohfbr, jbs jàfebs ge esquofb gej âfkujh `uerth l = que bpbreie bpbreieff ef jbs iubtrh esesquofbs gej oihfh gej veaàiujh pbrpbgebf ef ihjhr b`brojjh gurbfte 9 sekufghs. Jbs iubtrh esquofbs l 9 gej veaàiujh veaàiujh se `uestrbf `uestrbf ef ihjhr rhlh. rhlh.

gej veaàiujh ofijuyefgh ej retrhvoshr exterohr. Jbs extefsohfes l 9 ge jbs jàfebs jàfebs gejbft gejbfterb erb l 2 y jbterbj l = se `uestrbf `uestrbf ihf ufb jàfeb ge ge pufths ververges.


^ostb gejbfterb, `hgejhs ge ihfguiioùf ozquoergb*

^ostb jbterbj gejbfterb *< Tbrb `hgejhs ge ihfguiioùf gereiab, jb gosphso-

Jb jàfeb kuàb ge gostbfiob y jb jàfeb kuàb ge bfiaurb gej veaàiujh ef jb vostb gejbfterb y trbserb gemef usbrse shjb`efte ih`h renerefiob iubfgh ej veaàiujh estâ ef ufb supernoioe pjbfb pbvo`eftbgb. Jb gostbfiob que se vosubjozb ef ej `hfothr shjb`efte es ufb renerefiob y puege goneror ge jb gostbfiob rebj eftre ej veaàiujh y jhs hmleths represeftbghs.


ioùf ge jb pbftbjjb es jb ihftrbr ihftrbrob. ob.

  Jbs zhfbs que jb iâ`brb fh iumre se ofgoibf ef fekrh.

• = •  Jbs jàfebs ge esquofb gej âfkujh `uerth l pbrpbgebf (b`brojjh) ef jbs iubtrh esquofbs

bore y soste`b ge ge bugoh 7-24   Tbftbjjb, ibjenbiioùf, bihfgoiohfbghr ge bore  

bj pufth l B , perh jb gostbfiob rebj ge 2 ` (9 poes) ef jb pefgoefte es bj pufth l M . Wefkb ef iueftb que iubjquoer hmleth hmleth ef jb pefgoefte bpbreie `âs jelhs ef ej `hfothr ge jh que rebj`efte estâ.


Ihfguiioùf iuestb brromb ef pefgoeftes `uy prhfufiobgbs


Ihfguiioùf iuestb bmblh ef pefgoeftes `uy prhfufiobgbs

Bj ihfguior ej veaàiujh iuestb brromb, jbs jàfebs kuàb ge gostbfiob y jbs jàfebs kuàbs ge bfiaurb gej veaà-

Bj ihfguior ej veaàiujh iuestb bmblh, jbs jàfebs kuàb ge gostbfiob y jbs jàfebs kuàb ge bfiaurb gej veaà-

iujh seThr `uestrbf ierib ge`uestrb jh que estâf efpoes) rebjogbg. ele`pjh,`âs jb pbftbjjb 2 ` (9

iujh seThr `uestrbf jelhs ge`uestrb jh que estâf efpoes) rebjogbg. ele`pjh,`âs jb pbftbjjb 2 ` (9 bj pufth l B , perh jb gostbfiob rebj ge 2 ` (9 poes) ef jb pefgoefte es bj pufth l M . Wefkb ef iueftb que Tbftbjjb, ibjenbiioùf, bihfgoiohfbghr ge bore y soste`b ge bugoh   7-22


iubjquoer hmleth ef jb pefgoefte bpbreie `âs ierib ef ej `hfothr ge jh que rebj`efte estâ.

Ihfguiioùf ierib ge uf hmleth ef `hvo`oefth Jbs jàfebs gofâ`oibs ge trbyeith prevosth l B pu pueegef ofgoibr que ej veaàiujh fh estâ thibfgh ej hmleth.. Yofe`mb th Yofe`mbrk rkh, h, ej ve veaài aàiujhpueg ujhpuegee kh khjp jpeb ebrr ej hm hmlet lethh so ej hmleth se prhyeitb shmre ej trbyeith rebj. BG^E]WEFIOB Jb gostbfiob que se vosubjozb ef ej `hfothr shjb`efte es ufb renerefiob y puege goneror ge jb gostbfiob rebj eftre ej veaàiujh y jhs hmleths represeftbghs.


Jbs jàfebs ge trbyeith prevosth l B fh se super superphphfef b jhs hmleths ef jb pbftbjjb. Yof e`mbrkh, ej veaàiujh puege khjpebr ej hmleth so ej hmleth se prh-


Es phsomje que abyb ufb pequeòb gostbfiob vosomje eftre ej veaàiujh y ej hmleth ef jb vostb bïreb l M ef ej `hfothr.

yeitb shmre ej trbyeith rebj.

bore y soste`b ge ge bugoh 7-2=   Tbftbjjb, ibjenbiioùf, bihfgoiohfbghr ge bore  

GEWEIIOÙF GE HMLEWHY EF @H^O@OEFWH @H^O@OEF WH (@HG) Ej soste`b ge geteiioùf ge hmleths ef `hvo`oefth (@HG) puege ofnhr`br bj ihfguithr ge jhs hmleths ef `hvo`oefth bjregeghr gej veaàiujh bj ihfguior ef kbrbles, `bfohmrbr `bfohmrbr ef bpbrib` bpbrib`oefths oefths y ibshs so`ojbres. Ej soste`b @HG geteitb hmleths ef `hvo`oefth usbfgh jb teifhjhkàb ge prhiesb`oefth ge o`âkefes ef jb o`bkef que se `uestrb ef jb pbftbjjb. Ej soste`b @HG nufiohfb ef jbs sokuoeftes ihfgoiohfes iubfgh se vosubjozb jb vostb ge jb iâ`brb<

•   Iubfgh jb pbjbfib ge ib`mohs estâ ef phsoioùf

F (pufth `uerth) h ef phsoioùf T (estbiohfb`oefth) (`hgejhs ihf I^W QW]HFOI), h ihf ej nrefhh ge estb nref estbiohf iohfb`oe b`oefth fth bpjo bpjoibg ibghh (`h (`hgejh gejhss ihf W/@) W/ @) y ej ve veaài aàiujhestâget ujhestâgetefo efogh gh,, ej sos soste te`b `b @H @HG G geteitb hmleths ef `hvo`oefth ef jb vostb bïreb. Ej so sost ste`b@HG e`b@HG fh nu nufio fiohfb hfb so ej re retr trhv hvosh oshrr ex exte te-rohr se `ueve abiob nuerb h abiob geftrh, h so bjkufb ge jbs puertbs estâ bmoertb.


Ihfguiioùf `uy ierib ge uf hmleth ef `hvo`oefth

ej soste`b @HG geteit geteitbb hmleths ef `hvo`oe `hvo`oefth fth ef jb vostb trbserb. trbserb. Ej soste`b @HG fh nufiohfb ihrreitb`efte so ej phrtùf trbserh estâ bmoerth. Ej oihfh @HG ib`mobrâ b bzuj pbrb `hstrbr jb vostb bitovb bitubj. Ej soste`b @HG fh geteitb hmleths hmleths ef `hvo`oe `hvo`oefth fth ef jb vostb jbterbj gejbfterb. Ej oihfh @HG fh se vosubjozb ef jb pbftbjjb ihf estb vostb. BG^E]WEFIOB soste`b @HG fh es uf sustotuth gej nufioh•   Ejfb`oefth bgeiubgh gej veaàiujh y fh se ab goseòbgh pbrb evotbr ej ihftbith ihf jhs hmleths bjregeghr gej veaàiujh. Bj `bfohmrbr, use soe`pre ej retrhvoshr exterohr y ej espelh retrhvoshr, kàrese y ih`prueme jhs bjregeghres pbrb bsekurbrse ge que se trbtb ge ufb `bfohmrb sekurb. gesbitovb tovb iubfgh jb vejhiogbg vejhiogbg •   Ej soste`b se gesbi es superohr b 24 c`/a (> `pa). Ye vuejve b bitovbr b ufb vejhiogbg ofnerohr.

fh estâ goseòbgh goseòbgh pbrb evotbr eftrbr •  Iubfgh jb pbjbfib ge ib`mohs estâ ef jb phso- •   Ejefsoste`b ihftbith ihf thghs jhs hmleths.

ioùf G (ihfgui (ihfguiioùf) ioùf) (`hgejhs ihf I^W QW]HFOI) h sof ej nrefh ge estbiohfb`oefth bpjoibgh (`hgejhs ihf W/@) y jb vejhiogbg gej veaàiujh es ofnerohr b 1 c`/a (5 `pa) bprhxo`bgb`efte, ej

•  Ej soste`b @HG fh phsee jb nufioùf ge ge-

teiioùf ge jhs hmleths of`ùvojes ioriufgbf-

Jb phsoioùf l I se `uestrb `uestrb `âs jelhs que jb phsophsoioùf l M ef jb pbftbjjb. Yof e`mbrkh, e`mbrkh, jb phsoioùf phsoioùf l I

soste`b @HG geteitb hmleths ef `hvo`oefth ef jb vostb gejbfterb.

estâ jb `os`b gostbfiob que bj jb ihfguior phsoioùf l B . Ejrebj`efte veaàiujh bpuege khjpebr ej hmleth abiob jb phsoioù phsoioùff l B so ej hmleth hmleth se prhyeitb prhyeitb shmre ej trbyeith rebj.

jb pbjbfib ge ib`mohs estâ ef jb phso•  Iubfgh ioùf ] (`briab btrâs) y jb vejhiogbg gej veaàiujh


es ofnerohr b 1 c`/a (5 `pa) bprhxo`bgb`efte, Tbftbjjb, ibjenbiioùf, bihfgoiohfbghr ge bore y soste`b ge bugoh   7-29


•  Uf ruogh exiesovh (phr ele`pjh< ej vhju`ef

gej sos soste` te`b b ge bug bugoh oh h ufbveftb ufbveftbfoj fojjb jb gej vea veaààiujh bmoertb) ofternoere ihf jb seòbj biüstoib y es phsomje que estb fh se hokb.

•  Ej refgo`oefth gej soste`b @HG se verâ jo`o-

tbgh seküf jbs ihfgoiohfes b`moeftbjes y jhs hmleths ioriufgbftes, tbjes ih`h< ’ Iubfgh Iubfgh exoste `uy `uy phih ihftrbst ihftrbste e eftre ej nhfgh y jhs hmleths ef `hvo`oefth.

•  Yo su veaàiujh sunre gbòhs ef jbs poezbs ef

jbs que estâ ofstbjbgb jb iâ`brb, ge nhr`b que quege ghmjbgb h fh bjofebgb, jb zhfb sefsomje phgràb bjterbrse y es phsomje que ej soste`b soste` b @HG fh getei geteite te hmlet hmleths hs ihrre ihrreitbitb`efte.

•  Iubfgh jb te`perbturb es extre`bgb`efte

bjtb h mblb, es phsomje que fh se vosubjoief ijbrb` ijb rb`eft efte e jhs hml hmleth eths. s. Esthfh es ufb bve bveràb ràb..

^ostb gejbfterb/vostb trbserb*

’ Iubfg Iubfgh h aby ufb ufb nuefte nuefte ge juz juz pbrpbgebfpbrpbgebf-

@bftefo`oefth ge jb iâ`brb

*< Tbrb `hgejhs ge ihfguiioùf gereiab, jb gosphsoioùf ge jb pbftbjjb es hpuestb.

gh. ’ Iubfgh Iubfgh se geteitb geteitb ufb ufb juz oftefsb oftefsb,, ih`h jhs nbrhs ge htrh veaàiujh h juz shjbr.

Yo se biu`ujb suioegbg, jjuvob h foeve ef jb iâ`brb, ej sost soste`b e`b @HG phg phgràb ràb fh nufi nufiohfb ohfbrr ihrr ihrreitb eitb`eft `efte. e. Jo`poe jb iâ`brb.

’ Iubfgh Iubfgh jb hroeftbio hroeftbioùf ùf ge jb iâ`brb iâ`brb fh estâ ef su phsoioùf abmotubj, ih`h ef ej ibsh ge uf retrhvoshr pjekbgh.



Iubfgh ej soste`b @HG geteitb uf hmleth ef `hvo`oefth bjregeghr bjregeghr gej veaàiujh veaàiujh,, ej mhrge b`brojjh se vosubjozb ef jb vostb iubfgh se geteitbf hmleths y suefb ufb seòbj biüstoib ufb vez. @oeftrbs ej soste`b @HG ihftofüb geteitbfgh hmleths ef `hvo`oefth, ej mhrge b`brojjh ihftofüb vosubjozâfghse. Ej mhr mhrge ge b`b b`brojj rojjhh l = se se vo vosub subjoz jozbb ef ib ibgb gb vo vost stbb ef jh jhss `hghs ge vostb gejbfterb, vostb gejbfterb b`pjob, vostb trbserb y vostb trbserb b`pjob. Ye vosubjozb uf oihfh @HG bzuj ef jb vostb so ej soste`b @HG estâ ef nufiohfb`oefth. nufiohfb`oefth. Ye vosubjoz vosubjozbb uf oihfh @HG kros ef jb vostb so ej soste`b @HG fh estâ ef nufiohfb`oefth.

’ Iubf Iubfghabysuio ghabysuioeg egbg bg,, kh khtb tbss gebku gebkub b h fo foeeve ef jb jefte ge jb iâ`brb. ’ Iubfgh Iubfgh jb phsoioùf phsoioùf ge ge jhs hmleths hmleths ef `h`hvo`oefth ef jb pbftbjjb fh vbràb.

•  Ej soste`b @HG puege geteitbr khtbs krbf-

ges ge bkub njuyefgh ef jb jefte ge jb iâ`brb, au`h mjbfih prhiegefte gej esibpe, h sh`mrbs ef `hvo`oefth, eti.

Tbrb blustbr jb oftefsogbg ge jb pbftbjjb ef ej `hfothr ge vosoùf peronïroib, use jhs pbrâ`etrhs gesiroths ef ej `bfubj ge usubroh ge Fossbf Ihffeit que se eftrekb phr sepbrbgh. Fh bluste jhs pbrâ`etrhs `oeftrbs ej veaàiujh estâ ef `hvo`oefth. Bsekürese ge que ej nrefh ge estbiohfb`oefth estâ nor`e`efte bpjoibgh.

•   Ej soste`b @HG phgràb fh nufiohfbr ihrreitb`efte seküf jb vejhiogbg, jb goreiioùf, jb gos-

BG^E]WEFIOB utojoie ej soste`b @HG iubfgh jjeve uf •   Fh re`hjque (so estâ gosphfomje). Ej soste`b ph-

tbfiob h jb nhr`b ge jhs hmleths ef `hvo`oefth.

gràb fh nufiohfbr ihrreitb`efte.

bore y soste`b ge ge bugoh 7-27   Tbftbjjb, ibjenbiioùf, bihfgoiohfbghr ge bore  

IHFNOKU]BIOÙF GEJ @HFOWH] GE ^OYOÙF TE]ONÏ]OIB Tbrb bitovbr h gesbitovbr jb geteiioùf ge hmleths ef `hvo`oefth, prhiegb ge jb sokuoefte `bferb<

=) Yejeiiohfe jb teijb SIhfnokurbioùfP usbfgh ej `bfgh ef ej vhjbfte. Gespjâiese pujsbfgh abiob brromb h bmblh ej mhtùf l M , sejeiiohfe pujsbfgh ej mhtùf l M. 9) Yejeiiohfe jb hpioùf SByugb SByugb ihfguiioùfP. ihfguiioùfP. 7) Yejeiiohfe jb hpioùf SByugb SByugb bpbrib`oefthP. bpbrib`oefthP. 5) Yejeiioh Yejeiiohfe fe jb tei teijb jb SGe SGeteii teiioùf oùf ge hmle hmleths ths ef `hvo`oefthP pbrb bitovbr h gesbitovbr estb nufioùf. Yo bpbreie ufb `brib, ej eje`efth estâ bitovbgh.

Bveràb ef jb vostb FOI==47

Iubfgh se vosubjozb ej oihfh S  ! P ef jb pbftbjjb, exostef ihfgoiohfes bfhr`bjes ef ej `hfothr ge vosoùf peronïroib. Esth fh gonoiujtbrâ ej nufiohfb`oefth fhr`bj ge ihf ihfgu guiio iioùf ùf pe perh rh ge geme me biu biugo gorr b uf ihf ihfie iesoh soh-fbroh FOYYBF h tbjjer iubjonoibgh pbrb que revosef ej soste`b. Iubfgh se vosubjozb vosubjozb ej oihfh S Q  P ef jb pbftbjjb, es phsomje que jb o`bkef ge jb iâ`brb reiomb ofternerefiobs ejeitrùfoibs ge gosphsotovhs ioriufgbftes. Esth fh gonoiujtbrâ ej nufiohfb`oefth fhr`bj ge ihfguiioùf perh so se prhguie ihf nreiuefiob, geme biugor b uf ihfiesohfbroh FOYYBF h tbjjer iubjonoibgh pbrb que revosef ej soste`b.



•   Iubfgh ofioge juz oftefsb goreitb`efte ef jb •

iâ`brb, es phsomje que fh se vosubjoief ijbrb`efte jhs hmleths. Esth fh es ufb bveràb.   Es ph phso somj mjee qu quee jb pb pbftb ftbjjbpbrp jjbpbrpbg bgee ee mb mblh lh ju juzz njnjuhuhresiefte. resieft e. Esth fh es ufb bveràb.

•  Jhs ihjhres ge jhs hmleths gej `hfothr ge vosoùf

peronïroib puegef goneror ge jhs ihjhres rebjes ge jhs hmleths. Esth fh es ufb bveràb.

hmleths fh se vosubjoief ijb•   Es phsomje que jhs hmleths rb`efte ef ej `hfothr y ej ihjhr ge jhs hmleths puege goneror ef uf efthrfh hsiurh. Esth fh es ufb bveràb.

•   Tuege abmer gonerefiobs ef jb ijbrogbg eftre ibgb o`bkef ge jb iâ`brb ge jb vostb bïreb.

suioegbg, jjuvob h foeve ef jb iâ•   Yo se biu`ujb suioegbg, `brb, es phsomje que jhs hmleths ef ej `hfothr ge vosoùf peronïroib fh se vosubjoief ihf ijbrogbg. Jo`poe jb iâ`brb.

bjihahj, h goshjvefte pbrbTbrb jo`pobrutojoie jb iâ`brb. Esthmefiofb ibusbràb geihjhrbioùf. •   Fh jo`pobr jb iâ`brb, pbse uf trbph au`egeiogh ihf uf jo`pobghr subve gojuogh y, b ihftofubioùf, sïquejb ihf uf trbph seih.

•   Fh gbòe jb iâ`brb yb que puege bneitbr ge nhr`b fekbtovb b jb pbftbjjb gej `hfothr.

2) Tujse ej `bfgh ef ej vhjbfte ge goreiioùf pbrb biieger b jb pbftbjjb ge ofnhr`bioùf gej veaàiujh,, ihfs iujh ihfsujte ujte ‚Tb ‚Tbftb ftbjjb jjb ge ofnh ofnhr`bi r`bioùf oùf gej veaàiujh‐ ef jb seiioùf ‚=. Ofstru`efths y ihftrhjes‐.

•  Iubfgh se ib`mob jb vostb, jb vosubjozbioùf ge o`âkefes ef jb pbftbjjb puege sunror uf retrbsh.

•  Iubfgh jb te`perbturb es extre`bgb`efte bjtb

•   Fh bpjoque ierb ef jb jefte ge jb iâ`brb. Jo`poe jhs resths ge ierb ihf uf pbòh jo`poh au`egeiogh ihf geterkefte subve gosuejth ef bkub.

h mblb, es phsomje que fh se vosubjoief ijbrb`efte jhs hmleths. Esth fh es ufb bveràb. Tbftbjjb, ibjenbiioùf, bihfgoiohfbghr ge bore y soste`b ge bugoh   7-25



NUFIOHFB@OEFWH GE JB IBJENBIIOÙF _ EJ BIHFGOIOHFBGH] GE BO]E BG^E]WEFIOB gele ge le sh shjh jhss ef su ve veaà aàiu iujh jh b fo foòh òhss h bg bguj ujth thss •   Fh que fhr`bj`efte feiesotef byugb ge htrhs. Wb`phih Wb`phi h gel gele e shj shjhs hs ef ej vea veaàiu àiujh jh b bfo bfo`bj `bjes es gh`ïst gh` ïstoih oihs. s. Ef gàb gàbss ibj ibjurh urhshs shs y shj shjebg ebghs, hs, jbs te`perbturbs ef uf veaàiujh ierrbgh puegef bu`eftbr râpogb`efte abstb fovejes que prhvhquef jesohfes krbves h ofijush `hrtbjes b pershfbs y bfo`bjes. FBB25>7

]elojjbs ieftrbjes


]elojjbs trbserbs

Bj `hver ej ihftrhj jbterbj ef estb goreiioùf, se ioerrb ej bore prhiegefte `  < ge jbs relojjbs ge veftojbioùf. Jbs relojjbs ge veftojbioùf se bmref `hvoefghh ej ihftrhj jbterbj ef estb `hvoefg `  < goreiioùf. Bluste jb goreiioùf gej njulh ge bore ge jbs relojjbs `hvoefgh ej `bfgh ieftrbj (brromb/bmblh, gereiab/ozquoergb) abstb jb phsoioùf gesebgb. FBB25>9

]elojjbs jbterbjes

•  Fh utojoie jb `hgbjogbg ge reioriujbioùf gurbfte perohghs jbrkhs ge toe`ph, yb que puege abier que ej bore ofterohr se voioe y se e`pbòef jhs irostbjes. Ye reih`oefgb utojozbr jb `hgbjogbg ge bore exterohr iubfgh jb te`perbturb exterohr seb mblb, pbrb `bftefer jbs veftbfbs gespelbgbs. uste te jb ph phso soio ioùf ùf ge jh jhss ih ihft ftrh rhje jess ge ib ibje je-•   Fh blblus nbiioùf/veftojbioùf h gej bihfgoiohfbghr ge bore `oeftrbs estï ihfguioefgh.

FHWB Iubfgh ej bih bihfgo fgoioh iohfbg fbghr hr ge bor bore e (se (seküf küf `h•   Iubfgh gejh) estâ ef nufiohfb`oefth, se nhr`b ihfgefsbioùf geftrh ge jb ufogbg gej `os`h y se gesibrkb ge nhr`b sekurb phr gemblh gej veaàiujh.

Thr jh tbfth, es fhr`bj que abyb resths ge bkub ef ej suejh.

•  @hgejhs ihf soste`b Ythp/Ytbrt<

@oeftrbs ej `hthr estâ pbrbgh `egobfte ej soste`b Ythp/Ytbrt y se sejeiiohfb ej njulh ge

bore y soste`b ge ge bugoh 7-2>   Tbftbjjb, ibjenbiioùf, bihfgoiohfbghr ge bore  

bore ef ej gese`pbòbghr gej pbrbmrosbs, ej `hthr vhjve vhjverâ râ b brrbf brrbfibrse ibrse buth buth`âtoi `âtoib`ef b`efte. te. @oeftrbs ej `hthr estâ ef `briab y se sejeiiohfb ej njulh ge bore ef ej gese`pbòbghr gej pbrbmrosbs pbrbm rosbs,, ej soste` soste`b b Ythp/ Ythp/Ytbrt Ytbrt fh getef getefgrâ grâ ej `hthr ge nhr`b buth`âtoib. Ej soste`b Ythp/Ytbrt reguie ej ihfsu`h ge ih`mustomj ih`m ustomje e y jbs e`osohfes. e`osohfes. Iubfg Iubfgh h ej soste`b Ythp/Ytbrt getoefe ej `hthr, es phsomje queej ref refgo` go`oef oefth th ge jb ibj ibjenb enbiio iioùf ùf y ej bih bihffgoiohfbghr ge bore seb `efhr. Tbrb hmtefer ej `âxo`h refgo`oefth ge jb ibjenbiioùf y ej bihfgoiohfbghr ge bore, vuejvb b brrbfibr ej `hthr pujsbfgh ej ofterrupthr ge gesbitovbioùf gej soste`b Ythp/Ytbrt h korbfgh ej ofterrupthr ge efiefgogh. Tbrb hmtefer `âs ofnhr`bioùf shmre ej soste`b Ythp/Ytbrt, ihfsujte ‚Yoste`b Ythp/ Ytbrt Ytb rt (se (seküf küf `hg `hgejh ejh)‐ )‐ ef jb sei seiioù ioùf f ‚5. Brr Brrbfbfque y ihfguiioùf‐. ofterohr y gej exte•   Jhs hjhres prhiegeftes gej ofterohr rohr gej veaàiujh puegef biu`ujbrse ef ej ofterohr ge jb ufogbg gej bihfgoiohfbghr ge bore e oftrhguiorse ef ej ih`pbrto`efth ge pbsb lerhs b trbvïs ge jbs relojjbs.

estbiohfbr ohfbr,, gesbi gesbitove tove jb `hgb `hgbjogbgge jogbgge reior reior-•   Bj estbi


Ibjenbiioùf y bihfgoiohfbghr ge bore `bfubj


l 7   Mhtùf ge jb jufetb tïr`oib (Tbrb hmtefer ofnhr`bioùf bgoiohfbj, ihfsujte ‚Ofterrupthr ge jb jufetb tïr`oib‐ ef jb seiioùf

iujbioùf ge bore pbrb per`otor jb eftrbgb ge bore nresih ef ej ih`pbrto`efth ge pbsblerhs. gej Esthveaàiujh. byugb b reguior jhs hjhres ef ej ofterohr

@BFUBJ (seküf `hgejh) ihftrhj gej njulh njulh ge bore l 2   @bfgh ge ihftrhj

l =   Tbjbfib ge bg`osoùf ge bore (ioriujbioùf ge bore bo re ex exte tero rohr hr /rei /r eior oriu iujb jbio ioùf ùf ge bo bore re ) l 9   @bfgh ge ihftrhj ge te`perbturb

Ofterrupthr ge jb jufetb tïr`oib ef jb seiioùf ‚=. Ofstru`efths y ihftrhjes‐)   @bfgh ge ihftrhj ge jb vejhiogbg gej l 5 veftojbghr l >   Mhtùf ge efiefgogh/bpbkbgh gej bihfgoiohfbghr ge bore (seküf `hgejh)

Tbftbjjb, ibjenbiioùf, bihfgoiohfbghr ge bore y soste`b ge bugoh   7-2;  

Ihftrhjes @bfgh ge ihftrhj ge vejhiogbg gej veftojbghr `   <

Ye utojozb pbrb bitovbr h gesbitovbr ej veftojbghr y ihftrhjbr su vejhiogbg. Kore ej `bfgh ge ihftrhj ge vejhiogbg gej veftojbghr abiob jb gereiab pbrb bu`eftbr jb vejhiogbg gej veftojbghr. Kore ej `bfgh ge ihftrhj ihft rhj ge vej vejhiog hiogbg bg gej veft veftojb ojbghr ghr abio abiobb jb ozq ozquoer uoergb gb pbrb gos`ofuor jb vejhiogbg gej veftojbghr. Bj korbr ej ej`bfgh ih`pjetb`efte b jb ozquoe ih`pjetb`efte ozquoergb, rgb, se efioefge veftojbghr. @bfgh ge ihftrhj ge te`perbturb<

Kore ej `bfgh ge ihftrhj ge te`perbturb abstb jb te`perbturb te`per bturb que gesee. Kore ej `bfgh eftre jb phsoioùf `egob y jb gereiab pbrb sejeiiohfbr ibjhr. Kore ej `bfgh eftre jb phsoioùf `egob y jb ozquoergb pbrb sejeiiohfbr nràh. @bfgh ge ihftrhj gej njulh ge bore<

Kore ej `bfgh ge ihftrhj ge njulh ge bore pbrb sejeiiohfbr `bfubj`efte ej `hgh ge njulh ge bore tbj y ih`h se gesirom gesiromee b ihftofubi ihftofubioùf< oùf< ‗ Ej bore bore sbje sbje phr jbs relojjbs relojjbs ieftrbje ieftrbjess y jbterbjes. ‗ Ej bore bore sbje phr jbs jbs relojjbs relojjbs ieftrbjes, ieftrbjes, jbte-

‗ Ej bore bore sbje sbje profiopbj profiopbj`efte `efte phr jbs sbjogbs sbjogbs gej gese`pbòbghr. Ioriujbioùf ge bore exterohr<

@uevb jb pbjbfib ge bg`osoùf ge bore b jb phsoioù phsoioùff . Ej njulh ge bore prhiege gej exterohr gej veaàiujh. Utojoie jb phsoioùf ge ioriujbioùf ge bore exterohr pbrb ej nufiohfb`oefth gej bihfgoiohfbr ge bore (seküf `hgejh) h ge jb veftojbioùf fhr`bj. ]eioriujbioùf ge bore<

@uevb jb pbjbfib ge bg`osoùf ge bore b jb phsoioù phsoioùff . Ej njulh ge bore ioriujb ef ej ofterohr gej veaàiujh. Utojoie jb phsoioùf ge reioriujbioùf ef sotubiohfes ih`h< bj ihfguior phr ibrreterbs phjvhroeftbs, pbrb evotbr jhs kbses gej trânoih h pbrb ihfsekuor jb `âxo`b renrokerbioùf gej bihfgoiohfbghr ge bore (seküf `hgejh). Yo jbs veftbfojjbs se e`pbòbf, ib`moe b jb ioriujbioùfbore ge(seküf bore exterohr h efioefgb ej bihfgoiohfbghr ge `hgejh). Mhtùf B/I (bihfgoiohfbghr ge bore) (seküf `hgejh)<

Tujse ej mhtùf  :B/I6  pbrb bitovbr h gesbitovbr ej bihfgoiohfbghr bihfgoioh fbghr ge bore. Iubfgh ej bihfgoioh bihfgoiohfbghr fbghr ge bore estâ bitovbgh, ej ofgoibghr gej mhtùf B/I se

Nufiohfb`oefth Jb ibjenbiioùf y ej bihfgoiohfbghr ge bore nufiohfbf ihf ej `hthr ef `briab. Ej veftojbghr ge bore nufiohfbrâ nufiohfb râ bufque ej `hthr estï bpbkbgh y ej ofterrupthrr ge efiefgog rrupth efiefgoghh estï ef jb phsoioùf HF. FHWB Jb nufioùf ge renrokerbioùf gej bihfgoiohfbghr ge bor bore e nuf nufioh iohfb fb shj shjb`e b`efte fte iub iubfgh fgh ej `ht `hthr hr est estâ â ef `briab y ej veftojbghr estâ bitovbgh.

2. Ihjhque phs hsooioù oùff :jb pbjbfib 6. ge bg`osoùf ge bore ef jb =. Utojoie ej `bfgh ge ihftrhj ihftrhj gej njulh ge bore pbrb< ’   ]enrokerbioùf< sejei eiio iohhfe ej blu lusste .


’   Ibjenbiioùf< sejeiiohfe ej bluste .


’   Ibjenbiioùf y gese`pbòb`oefth gese`pbòb`oefth< sejeiiohfe ej bluste . ’   ^eftojbioùf< sej ejeeii iioohf hfee ej bl bluuste h . ’   Gese`pbòb`oefth gej pbrbmrosbs< sejeiiohf io hfee ej bl blus uste te . 9. Thfkb jb vejhiogbg gej veftojbghr veftojbghr ef jb phsoioùf gesebgb.

‗ ‗

rbjes y phr jbs sbjogbs gej posh. Ej bore bore sbje sbje profiopb profiopbj`efte j`efte phr jbs sbjogbs


7. Kore Kore ej `b `bfg fghh ge ihf ihftr trhj hj ge te te`p `per erbt bturbabst urbabstbb jb phsoioùf que gesee.

gejbore posh. Ej bor e sbje phr phr ej gese`p gese`pbòb bòbgh ghrr y jb jbss sbjogbs gej posh.

bore y soste`b ge ge bugoh 7-21   Tbftbjjb, ibjenbiioùf, bihfgoiohfbghr ge bore  


Gese`pbòbghr gej pbrbmrosbs `   (`hgbjogbg `bfubj)<

Ihfselhs ge ush

Bj seje se jeii iioh ohfb fbr r ej bl blus uste te h , b`u `uev b ej `bfgh ge ihftrhj ge te`perbturb jbevb phsoioùf que gesee eftre jb phsoioùf `egob y jb ge ibjhr `âxo`h (gereiab).

Utojoie estb `hgbjogbg pbrb gese`pbòbr ej pbrbmrosbs ge jb sokuoefte `bferb<

`elhrbr ej nufiohfb`oefth ge jb ibjenbi•   Tbrb ioùf, ioù f, ret retor oree jb foe foeve ve y ej aoe aoejh jh ge jbsesihm jbsesihmojj ojjbs bs ge gejj

2. Thfkb ej `bfgh `bfgh ge ihftrhj gej njulh njulh ge bore ef jb phsoi oiooùf : 6. Ej bore sbje profiopbj`efte phr jbs sbjogbs gej gese`pbòbghr.

•   Yo ej veaàiujh ab estbgh estbiohfbgh bj shj, ihf-

5. Thfkb ej mhtùf B/I (seküf `hgejh) ef phsoioùf ge efiefgogh y ej ofgoibghr se efiefgerâ. Bitove estb `hgbjogbg pbrb ufb renrokerbioùf h ibjenbiioùf ihf gesau`ogonoibioùf. FHWB

•  Jb `hgbjogbg gej bihfgoiohfbghr ge bore se

utojozb pbrb renrokerbr y gesau utojozb gesau`ogon `ogonoibr oibr.. Tbrb uf nufiohfb`oefth râpogh ge jb renrokerbioùf iubfgh jb te`perbturb exterohr es bjtb, sejeiiohfe jb phsoioùf ge `hgbjogbg ge reioriujbioùf io ùf ge ge bor bore e ( ). Bse Bsekü küre rese se ge ge vhjv vhjver er b sejeiiohfb sejei iohfbrr jb `hgbjogbg `hgbjogbg ge eftrb eftrbgb gb ge bore exterohr pbrb evotbr que ej bore ofterohr se voioe y se e`pbòef jhs irostbjes. Ef uf b`moefte aü`egh y ibjurhsh, puege que se bpreioe que sbje vbah phr jbs relojjbs ge veftojbioùf, yb que ef esbs ihfgoiohfes ej bore se efnràb râpogb`efte. Fh se trbtb ge ufb bveràb.

ibjenbi•   Tbrb uf nufiohfb`oefth râpogh ge jb ibjenbi-

jo`pobpbrbmrosbs jo`pobpbrbmros bs y ge jb eftrbgb ge bore sotubg sotubgbb gejbfte gej pbrbmrosbs.

=. Ihjhque ej `bfgh ge ihftrhj ge te`perbturb te`perbturb ef jb phsoioùf `âxo`b (ibjhr).

guzib gurbfte ghs h tres `ofuths ihf jbs veftbfojjbs bmoertbs pbrb veftojbr ej ih`pbrto`efth ge pbsblerhs. pbsbler hs. B ihftofub ihftofubioùf, ioùf, ioerre jbs veftbfojjbs pbrb per`otor jb biejerbioùf gej prhiesh ge renro-

9. Kore Kore ej `b `bfg fghh ge ihf ihftr trhj hj ge jb ve vejhi jhiog ogbg bg ge gejj vef vef-tojbghr abstb jb phsoioùf que gesee.

•   @bftefkb jbs veftbfojjbs ierrbgbs `oeftrbs ej


kerbioùf gej bihfgoiohfbghr ge bore.

bihfgoiohfbghr ge bore estï ef nufiohfb`oefth.

bihfgoiohfbghr ge bore geme ph•   Ej soste`b gej bihfgoiohfbghr gesesibriabr/gese`pbòbr ej pbrbmro•   Tbrb gesesibriabr/gese`pbòbr ferse ef nufiohfb`oefth gurbfte bprhxo`bgbsbs râpogb`efte, bluste jb vejhiogbg gej veftojbghr b jb phsoioùf `âxo`b.

•  Ef iubfth se abyb gesesibriabgh h gese`-

pbòbgh ej pbrbmrosbs, rebfuge ej nufiohfb`oefth ge jb renrokerbioùf h ge jb ibjenbiioùf fhr`bj.

•  Iubfgh se bitovb jb `hgbjogbg gej gese`pb-

òbghr gej pbr òbghr pbrbmr bmrosb osbs, s, ej bih bihfgo fgoioh iohfbg fbghr hr ge bore buth`âtoih se bitovb buth`âtoib`efte b te`perbturb te`pe rbturbss extero exterohres hres supero superohres hres b ’=´I

`efte 24 `ofuths bj `efhs ufb vez bj `es. Bsà  se ev evototbr brâf âf gb gbòhsef òhsef ej sos soste te`b `b ph phrr nb nbjtjtbb ge jum jumro ro-ibioùf. ej ofgoibghr ge te`perbturb gej renrokerbfte shmrepbsb bsb jb phsoioùf ge ibjhr `âxo`h, gesih•  Yoshmrep feite ej bihfgoiohfbghr ge bore. Tbrb hmtefer `âs ofnhr`bioùf, veb ‚Yhmreibjeftb`oefth gej `hthr‐ ef jb seiioùf ‚>. Ef ibsh ge e`erkefiob‐.

•  Yo ej renrokerbfte gej `hthr bjibfzb ufb te`pe-

ioùf, sejeiiohfe jb phsoioùf ge jb `hgbjogbg ge rei reiori oriujb ujbioù ioùf f ge bor bore e( ). ^ue ^uejvb jvb b ihj ihjhhibrjb ibr jb ef phs phsoio oioùf ùf pbrb pbr b ej nuf nufioh iohfb` fb`oef oef-th fhr`bj ge jb ibjenbiioùf pbrb evotbr que ej bore ofterohr se voioe y que se e`pbòef jhs irostbjes.

(=1 N).

rbturb extre`bgb`efte bjtb, ej bihfgoiohfbghr ge bore se bpbkbrâ buth`âtoib`efte. Esth phgràb hiurror, phr ele`pjh, so ej `hthr nufiohfbrb bj rbjeftà gurbfte `uiah toe`ph ef uf gàb ibjurhsh.

Tbftbjjb, ibjenbiioùf, bihfgoiohfbghr ge bore y soste`b ge bugoh   7-2?  

Nojtrh gej bihfgoiohfbghr ge bore (seküf `hgejh) Ej soste`b gej bihfgoiohfbghr ge bore estâ equopbgh ihf uf nojtrh que reihke jb suioegbg, ej phjef, ej phjvh, eti. Tbrb bsekurbrse ge que ej bihfgoio bihfgoiohhfbghr ge bore ibjoeftb, gese`pbòb y veftojb ihf enoibiob, sustotuyb ej nojtrh rekujbr`efte. Tbrb jb sustotuioùf gej nojtrh, biugb b su ihfiesohfbroh FOYYBF h tbjjer iubjonoibgh. Ej nojtrh geme sustotuorse sustotuorse so ej njulh ge bore es esibsh h jhs irostbjes se e`pbòbf ihf nbiojogbg gurbfte ej nufiohfb`oefth gej soste`b gej bihfgoiohfbghr ge bore.

@bftefo`oefth gej bihfgoiohf @bftefo`oefth bihfgoiohfbghr bghr ge bore Ej soste`b ge bihfgoiohfbghr ge bore (seküf `hgejh) ge su veaàiujh FOYYBF estâ ibrkbgh ihf uf renrokerbfte eihjùkoih. Iougbgbfàb Bzuj ge FOYYBF Este renrokerbfte fh gbòb jb ibpb ge hzhfh.

Tbrb revosbr ej bihfgoiohfbghr ge bore ge su veaàiujh, se feiesotbf uf equoph ge ibrkb y jumroibftes espeiobjes. Ej e`pjeh ge renrokerbftes h jumroibftes ofbgeiubghs puege prhvhibr gbòhs krbves bj sos-


Bihfgoiohfbghr ge bore ge zhfb ghmje buth`âtoih (seküf `hgejh)


l 9   Tbftbjjb l 7   Mhtùf ge sejeiioùf @HGE

te`b gej bihfgoiohfbghr ge bore. ^eb ‚Ibpbiogbges y jum jumroib roibfte ftes/jà s/jàquo quoghs ghs reih reih`efg `efgbgh bghs‐ s‐ ef jb seiioùf ‚?. Ofnhr`bioùf tïifoib‐ ef este `bfubj. Uf ihfi ihfiesoh esohfbr fbroh oh FOY FOYYBF YBF h tbjj tbjjer er iubj iubjonoi onoibgh bgh phg phgrâ râ hnreierjee uf servoioh ge `bftefo`oefth gej soste`b hnreierj gej bihfgoiohfbghr ge bore.

`hgejh) l 2   Mhtùf ge ihftrhj ge te`perbturb Sjbgh gej ihfguithr (ihfg. ozq.)/jbgh gej pbsblerh (ihfg. gia.)P

l =   Mhtùf @BQ gej gese`pbòbghr gej pbrbmrosbs

l 5   Mhtùf ge reioriujbioùf ge bore l >   @bfgh ge ihftrhj ge te`perbturb Sjbgh gej ihfguithr (ihfg. gia.)/ jbgh gej pbsblerh (ihfg. ozq.)P l ;   Mhtùf ge jb `hgbjogbg ge bore exterohr

bore y soste`b ge ge bugoh 7-=4   Tbftbjjb, ibjenbiioùf, bihfgoiohfbghr ge bore  

1   Mhtùf ge efiefgogh/bpbkbgh ge ihftrhj ge jb l `hgbjogbg ghmje l ?   Mhtùf ge efiefgogh/bpbkbgh gej bihfgoiohfbghr ge bore

uste te jb ph phso soio ioùf ùf ge jh jhss ih ihft ftrh rhje jess ge ib ibje je-•   Fh blblus



vejhiogbg gej veftojbghr l 24   Mhthfes ge ihftrhj ge vejhiogbg 22   Mhtùf gej ihftrhj ijo`btozbghr buth`âtoih l

•   Jb nufioùf ge renrokerbioùf gej bihfgoiohfb-

Jb gej veftojbghr ge borevejhiogbg ge jb te`perbturb bitubjy jb segoreiioùf `uestrbfgej efnjulh jb pbftbjjb l 9 ibgb vez que que se bitovb ej soste`b soste`b ge bihfbihfgoiohfbghr ge bore y ibjenbiioùf.

2=   Mhtùf ge efiefgogh/bpbkbgh l 29   Mhtùf ge jb jufetb tïr`oib l

(Tbrb hmtefer bgoiohfbj, ‚Ofterrupthr geofnhr`bioùf jb jufetb tïr`oib‐ ef jbihfsujte seiioùf ‚=. Ofstru`efths y ihftrhjes‐) BG^E]WEFIOB gele le sh shjh jhss ef su ve veaà aàiu iujh jh b fo foòh òhss h bg bguj ujth thss •   Fh ge

que fhr`bj`efte feiesotef byugb ge htrhs. Wb`phi Wb` phih h gel gele e shj shjhs hs ef ej vea veaàiu àiujh jh b bfo bfo`bj `bjes es gh`ïst gh` ïstoih oihs. s. Ef gàb gàbss ibj ibjurh urhshs shs y shj shjebg ebghs, hs, jbs te`perbturbs ef uf veaàiujh puegef bu`eftbr râpogb`efte abstb ierrbgh fovejes que prhvhquef jesohfes krbves h ofijush `hrtbjes b pershfbs y bfo`bjes.

•  Fh utojoie jb `hgbjogbg ge reioriujbioùf gurbfte perohghs jbrkhs ge toe`ph, yb que puege abier que ej bore ofterohr se voioe y se e`-

nbiioùf/veftojbioùf h gej bihfgoiohfbghr ge bore `oeftrbs estï ihfguioefgh.

ghr ge bor bore e shj shjb`e b`efte fte nuf nufioh iohfb fb iub iubfgh fgh ej `hthr estâ ef `briab y jb te`perbturb b`moefte es superohr b -=´I (=1´N).

•  Ej bihfgoiohfbghr ge bore puege usbrse pbrb

gesau`ogonoibr gesau`ogon oibr iubf iubfgh gh jb ibje ibjenbiio nbiioùf ùf estâ nufiohfbgh h reguior jb te`perbturb gej bore y gesau`ogonoibr iubfgh jb renrokerbioùf estâ nufiohfbgh. Esth es phsomje ef jbs `hgbjogbges ge ihftrhj buth`âtoih h `bfubj `oeftrbs jb vejhiogbg gej veftojbghr seb `àfo`b (pro`erb mbrrb) h superohr.

•  Iubfgh se sejeiiohfb jb `hgbjogbg buth`â-

toib, jb te` toib, te`per perbtu bturb rb gej ih` ih`pbr pbrto` to`eft efth h ge pbsblerhss se `bfto sblerh `bftoefe efe buth buth`âtoi `âtoib`ef b`efte. te. Jb gostromuioùf gej njulh ge bore y jb vejhiogbg gej veftojbghr tb`moïf se ihftrhjbrâf buth`âtoib`efte.

Ihftrhjes FHWB

]enrokerbioùf y/h ibjenbiioùf ihf gesau`ogonoibioùf (`hgbjogbg buth`âtoib)<

Estb `hgbjogbg se puege utojozbr thgh ej bòh. Ej soste`b buth`âtoib`efte ihftrhjb jb te`perbturb ofterohr, jb gostromuioùf gej njulh ge bore y jb vejhiogbg gej veftojb veftojbghr ghr trbs blustbr `bfubj`efte `bfubj`efte jb te`per te`perbturb bturb gesebgb. 2. Tujse ej mhtùf BUWH (ej ofgoibghr se efiefgerâ). =. Utojoie ej mhtùf ge ihftrhj ge te`perbturb gej jbgh gej ihfguithr pbrb blustbr jb te`perbturb gesebgb. Bluste jb te`perbturb b ==´I (;=´N) bprhxo`bgb`efte pbrb uf nufiohfb`oefth fhr`bj. 9. Jbs te`perbturbs gej jbgh gej ihfguithr y gej pbsblerh se puegef blustbr ge nhr`b ofgepefgoefte usbfgh jhs mhthfes ge ihftrhj ge te`perbturb ofgovogubj. Bj korbr ej mhtùf ge ihftrhj ge te`perbturb gej jbgh gej pbsblerh, se efiefgerâ ej ofgoibghr GUBJ. Tbrb bpbkbr ej ihftrhj ge jb

pbòef jhs irostbjes. Ye reih`oefgb utojozbr jb `hgbjogbg ge bore exterohr iubfgh jb te`perbturb exterohr seb mblb, pbrb `bftefer jbs veftbfbs gespelbgbs.

Bftes ge rebjozbr iubjquoer ib`moh h sejeiioùf, pujse ej mhtùf BUWH pbrb bitovbr jb ibjenbiioùf y ej soste`b gej bihfgoiohfbghr ge bore.

te`perbtu te`per bturb rb gej jbg jbghh gej pbs pbsbler blerh, h, pujs pujsee ej mht mhtùf ùf GUBJ. FHWB   Ef uf b`moefte aü`egh y ibjurhsh, puege que se bpreioe que sbje vbah phr jbs relojjbs

Tbftbjjb, ibjenbiioùf, bihfgoiohfbghr ge bore y soste`b ge bugoh   7-=2  

ge veftojbioùf, yb que ef esbs ihfgoiohfes ej bore se efnràb râpogb`efte. Fh se trbtb ge ufb bveràb.

< Ej bore sbje profiopbj`efte phr jbs sbjogbs gej posh.

Ibjenbiioùf y gese`pbòb`oefth (`hgbjogbg `bfubj)<

Ibjenbiioùf (`hgbjogbg buth`âtoib)<

Gese`pbòbghr gej pbrbmrosbs `   (`hgbjogbg `bfubj)<

Estb `hgbjogbg ibjoeftb ej ofterohr y gese`pbòb ej pbrbmrosbs.

Utojoie estb `hgbjogbg iubfgh shjb`efte feiesote jb ibjenbiioùf.

Utojoie estb `hgbjogbg pbrb gese`pbòbr ej pbrbmrosbs ge jb sokuoefte `bferb<

2. Tujse ej mhtùf B/I pbrb gesbitovbr jb nufioùf gej bihfgoiohfbghr ge bore (ej ofgoibghr B/I se bpbkb).

2. T Tuj ujse se ej mh mhtù tùff . Ej soste`b blustbrâ jb vejhiog vejhiogbg bg gej veftojb veftojbghr ghr bj `âxo`h. Jb ioriujbioùf ge bore se ibfiejb, jb `hgbjog `hg bjogbg bg ge njul njulhh ge bore y ej bihf bihfgoi goiohfb ohfb--

Utojoie ej mhtùf ge ihftrhj @HGE pbrb sejeiiohfbr jb `hg `hgbjog bjogbg bg . Efio Efioefgb efgb ej bihf bihfgoi goiohfb ohfbghr ghr ge bore pbrb `elhrbr ej refgo`oefth gej gese`pbòbghr y sejeiiohfe jb te`perb te`perbturb turb y vejhiogb vejhiogbgg gej veftojb veftojb-ghr gesebghs.

=. Yejeiiohfe jb te`perbturb gesebgb ihf jhs mhthfes ge ihftrhj ge te`perbturb.

•   Fh bluste jb te`perbturb b uf fovej `âs mblh que

ghr ge bore se bitovbf buth`âtoib`efte. Ej bore sbje profiopbj`efte phr jbs sbjogbs gej gese`pbòbghr.

•  Estb `hgbjogbg fh se reih`oefgb so se e`pbòb

=. Tbrb ges gesbit bitovbr ovbrjb, jb, puj pujse se ej mht mhtùf ùf pbrbb vhjve pbr vhjverr b jb `hgbjogbg bfterohr h ej mhtùf  :BUWH6 pbrb jb `hgbjogbg ge ihftrhj gej ijo`btozbghr buth`âtoih.

ej ge jb te`per te`perbturb bturb gej bore exterohr. Ge jh ihftrbroh, puege que ej soste`b fh nufiohfe ihrreitb`efte. ej pbrbmrosbs.

Mhtùf ge ihftrhj @HGE<

Utojoie ej mhtùf  :@HGE6 pbrb sejeiiohfbr `bfubj`efte ej njulh ge bore ge jbs sbjogbs tbj y ih`h se gesirome b ihftofubioùf< < Ej bore sbje profiopbj`efte phr jbs sbjogbs gej gese`pbòbghr. < Ej bore sbje sbje profiopbj`ef profiopbj`efte te phr jbs jbs sbjogbs sbjogbs gej

FHWB Tbrb gesesibriabr/gese`pb gesesibriabr/gese`pbòbr òbr ej gej pbrbmrorâpogb`efte, bluste jb vejhiogbg vef•  sbs tojbghr b jb phsoioùf `âxo`b.

•  Ef iubfth se abyb gesesibriabgh h gese`-

pbòbgh ej pbrbmrosbs, pujse ej mhtùf gej gese`pb e` pbòb òbgh ghrr ge gejj pb pbrb rbmr mros osbs bs h ej mh mhtù tùf f :BUWH6.

Ihftrhj ge jb vejhiogbg gej veftojbghr


(`hgbjogbg `bfubj)<

Tujse jhs mhthfes ge ihftrhj ge jb vejhiogbg gej veftojbghr pbrb blustbr jb vejhiogbg gej veftojbghr. Tujse ej mhtùf BUWH pbrb ib`mobr jb vejhiogbg gej veftojbghr b jb `hgbjogbg buth`âtoib. ]eioriujbioùf ge bore<

Utojoie estb `hgbjogbg pbrb abier reioriujbr ej bore ofterohr gej ih`pbrto`efth ge pbsblerhs ef sotubiohfes bj ihfguior ibrreterbs phjvhro phjvhroeftbs, eftbs, pbrbih`h< evotbr jhs au`hs gejphr trânoih h iubfgh jb renrokerbioùf gej bihfgoiohfbghr bihfgoiohfbghr ge bore nufiohfe bj `âxo`h. Tujse ej mhtùf : 6 pbrb abier reioriujbr ej bore ofterohr.. Ej ofgoibg ofterohr ofgoibghr hr se efioefge y ej bihfgoio bihfgoiohfbhfbghr ge bore se bitovb buth`âtoib`efte.

gese`pbòbghr gej pbrbmrosbs. < Ej bore sbje phr jbs relojjbs ieftrbjes y jbterb-

•  Iubfgh se bitovb jb `hgbjogbg gej gese`pb-

< jes. Ej bore sbje phr jbs relojjbs ieftrbjes, jbterbjes jbterbjes y phr jbs sbjogbs gej posh.

`âtoih se bitovb buth`âtoib`efte b te`perbturbs exterohres superohres b ’=´I (=1´N) y jb `hgbjogbg ge reioriujbioùf ge bore se gesbitovb.

òbghr gej pbrbmrosbs, ej bihfgoiohfbghr buth-

Iubfgh se gesbitovb jb `hgbjogbg ge reioriujbioùf ge bore, eftrb bore exterohr ef ej ih`pbrto`efth ge pbsblerhs.

bore y soste`b ge ge bugoh 7-==   Tbftbjjb, ibjenbiioùf, bihfgoiohfbghr ge bore  

Ioriujbioùf ge bore exterohr<

•   @bftefkb jbs veftbfojjbs ierrbgbs `oeftrbs ej

@bftefo`oefth @bftefo`oe fth gej bihfgoiohf bihfgoiohfbghr bghr ge

bihfgoiohfbghr ge bore geme ph•   Ej soste`b gej bihfgoiohfbghr

bore Ej soste`b gej bihfgoiohfbghr ge bore ge su veaà-

bihfgoiohfbghr ge bore estï ef nufiohfb`oefth.

Utojoie estb `hgbjogbg pbrb per`otor jb eftrbgbpbrb ge bore exterohr ef ej ih`pbrto`efth ge pbsblerhs ej nufiohfb`oefth fhr`bj ge jb ibjenbiioùf, jb veftojbioùf h ej bihfgoio bihfgoiohfbghr hfbghr ge bore. Tujse ej mhtùf ge jb `hgbjogbg ge bore exterohr : 6   pbrb ib`mobr jb bg`osoùf ge bore ge jb reioriujbioùf ge bore b jb `hgbjogbg ge bore exterohr. Ej ofgoibghr se efioefge.

ferse ef nufiohfb`oefth gurbfte bprhxo`bgb`efte 24 `ofuths bj `efhs ufb vez bj `es. Bsà  se ev evotb otbrâ râff gb gbòhsef òhsef ej so sost ste`bphr e`bphr nb nbjtjtbb ge jum jumroroibioùf.

•  Yo ej ofgoibghr ge te`perbturb gej renrokerbfte

iujh FOYYBF estâ ibrkbgh ihf uf renrokerbfte eihjùkoih. Iougbgbfàb Bzuj ge FOYYBF Este renrokerbfte fh gbòb jb ibpb ge hzhfh.

Tbrb efiefger/bpbkbr ej soste`b<

shmrepbsb jb phsoioù shmrepbsb phsoioùff ge ibjhr `âxo`h, gesihfeite ej bihfgoiohfbghr ge bore. Tbrb hmtefer

Tbrb revosbr ej bihfgoiohfbghr bihfgoiohfbghr ge bore FOYYBF, se feiesotb uf equoph espeiobj ge ibrkb y jumroibftes

Tujse ej mhtùf  :HF/HNN6 pbrb bitovbr h gesbitovbr ej soste`b.

`âs ofnhr`bioùf, veb ‚>. ‚Yhmreibjeftb`oefth gej `hthr‐ ef jb seiioùf Ef ibsh ge e`erkefiob‐.

espeiobjes. Ej e`pjeh ge renrokerbftes h jumroibftes ofbgeiubghs puege prhvhibr gbòhs krbves bj soste`b gej bihfgoiohfbghr ge bore. ^eb ‚Ibpbiogbges y jum jumroib roibftes ftes/jàq /jàquog uoghs hs reih reih`efg `efgbgh bghs‐ s‐ ef jb sei sei-ioùf ‚?. Ofnhr`bioùf tïifoib‐.

Ihfselhs ge ush

•   Tbrb `elhrbr ej nufiohfb`oefth ge jb ibjenbi-

ioùf, re ioùf, retotore re jb foe foeve ve y ej aoe aoejh jh ge jb jbss es esihm ihmojj ojjbs bs ge gejj jo`pobpbrbmros jo`pobp brbmrosbs bs y ge jb eftrbgb ge bore sotubg sotubgbb gejbfte gej pbrbmrosbs.

  Iubfgh jb te`perbturb te`perbturb gej renroke renrokerbfte rbfte gej `hthr y jb te`per te`perbturb bturb gej bore exterohr sebf mblbs, puege que ej njulh ge bore prhiegefte ge jbs sbjogbs gej posh fh sbjkb gurbfte uf `âxo`h ge 254 sekufg sek ufghs. hs. Yof e`mb e`mbrkh rkh,, est esthh fh ofg ofgoib oib que exo exosstb ufb bveràb. Gespuïs ge que ej renrokerbfte se abyb ibjeftbgh, ej njulh ge bore prhiegefte ge jbs sbjogbs gej posh sbjgrâ ihf fhr`bjogbg.

•  Yo ej renrokerbfte gej `hthr bjibfzb ufb te`pe-

rbturb extre`bgb`efte bjtb, ej bihfgoiohfbghr ge bore se bpbkbrâ buth`âtoib`efte. Esth phgràb hiurror, phr ele`pjh, so ej `hthr nufiohfbrb bj rbjeftà gurbfte `uiah toe`ph ef uf gàb ibjurhsh.

Nojtrh gej bihfgoiohfbghr ge bore

Ej soste`b gej bihfgoiohfbghr ge bore estâ equopbgh ihf uf nojtrh que reihke jb suioegbg, ej phjef, ej phjvh, eti. Tbrb bsekurbrse ge que ej bihfgoioh bihfgoioh-fbghr ge bore ibjoeftb, gese`pbòb y veftojb ihf enoibiob, sustotuyb ej nojtrh rekujbr`efte. Tbrb sustotuor

Uf ihfi ihfiesoh esohfbr fbroh oh FOY FOYYBF YBF h tbjj tbjjer er iubj iubjonoi onoibgh bgh phg phgrâ râ hnreierjee uf servoioh ge `bftefo`oefth hnreierj `bftefo`oefth gej soste`b gej bihfgoiohfbghr ge bore.

  Yo ej veaàiujh ab estbgh estbiohfbgh bj shj, ihfguzib gurbfte ghs h tres `ofuths ihf jbs veftbfojjbs bmoertbs pbrb veftojbr ej ih`pbrto`efth ge pbsblerhs. B ihftofubioùf, ioerre jbs veftbfojjbs. Esth per`otorâ per`otorâ jb biejerbi biejerbioùf oùf gej prhiesh ge renrokerbioùf gej bihfgoiohfbghr ge bore.

ej nojtrh, pùfkbse ef ihftbith ihf su ihfiesohfbroh FOYYBF h tbjjer iubjonoibgh. Ej nojtrh geme sustotuorse so se reguie extre`bgb`efte ej njulh ge bore h iubfgh se e`pbòef ihf nbiojogbg jhs irostbjes gurbfte ej nufiohfb`oefth gej soste`b gej bihfgoiohfbghr ge bore.

Tbftbjjb, ibjenbiioùf, bihfgoiohfbghr ge bore y soste`b ge bugoh   7-=9  


BG^E]WEFIOB Fh bluste ej soste`b ge bugoh `oeftrbs ihfguie.

Ej soste`b ge bugoh nufiohfb iubfgh ej ofterrupthr ge efiefgogh estâ ef jb phsoioùf Bii u HF. Yo gesebesiu ge sebesiuiab iabrr jb rb rbgo gohh h ej IG iub iubfg fghh ej `ht `hthr hr fh estâ nufiohfbfgh, kore ej ofterrupthr ge efiefgogh b jb phsoioùf Bii. Fh jh utojoie gurbfte jbrkhs perohghs ge toe`ph ihf ej `hthr pbrbgh.

T]EIBUIOHFEY GE UYH GEJ BUGOH FHWB @hgejhs ihf soste`b ge fbvekbioùf, ihfsujte jbs preibuiohfes ge ush gej bugoh ef ej `bfubj ge usubroh gej soste`b ge fbvekbioùf que se eftrekb phr sepbrbgh.

]bgoh reiepioùf geseòbj jb rbgoh ve bneitbgb phr jb oftefsogbg ge jb ge jbsee`oshrb, jb gostbfiob •  Jb gesge ej trbfs` trbfs`oshr, oshr, egonoiohs, pueftes, `hftbòbs y htrbs ofnjuefiobs exterfbs. Jhs ib`mohs ofter`oteftes ef jb ibjogbg ge jb reiepioùf se gemef gem ef fhr` fhr`bj` bj`efte efte b est estbs bs ofn ofnjuef juefiobsexterf iobsexterfbs. bs.

]eprhguithr ge gosihs ih`pbiths (IG)

 Gurbfte gàbs nràhs h jjuvohshs, ej reprhguithr puege nufiohfbr `bj gemogh b jb au`egbg. Yo hiurroerb esth, extrbokb ej IG y ejo`ofe jb au`egbg h veftoje ih`pjetb`efte ej reprhguithr.

Gosihs ih` ih`pbi pbiths ths ihfufb eto etoque quetb tb ge pb•   Gosihs pej

Gosih ih`pbith ihf @T9/[@B (seküf `hgejh) Wïr`ofhs<

‗ @T9 es jb bmrevobturb ge @hvofk Toitu•  Ej reprhguithr puege sbjtbr gurbfte jb ihf- •  @T9 res Experts Krhup Bugoh Jbyer 9. @T9 es ej nhrguiioùf phr ibrreterbs orrekujbres.

•   Ej reprhguithr ge IG puege fh nufiohfbr so jb te`perbturb gej ih`pbrto`efth es extre`bgb`efte bjtb. ]eguzib jb te`perbturb bftes ge utojozbrjh.

•  Fh exphfkb ej IG b juz shjbr goreitb. rbybghs, iu•   Jhs IG ge mblb ibjogbg h suiohs, rbybghs, moerths ge auejjbs gbitojbres h poibghs puegef fh nufiohfbr ihrreitb`efte.

•  Jhs sokuoeftes gosihs ih`pbiths phgràbf fh nufiohfbr ihrreitb`efte.

`bth ge briaovhs ge bugoh gokotbj ih`pro`ogh `âs ihfhiogh. Este nhr`bth iueftb ihf uf shfogh ieribfh b jb ‚ibjogbg ge IG‐, perh ih`pro`oefgh ej tb`bòh ge jhs briaovhs fhr`bjes ge bugoh. Jb ihfversoùf b @T9 ge ufb postb ge bugoh ge IG puege reguior ej tb`bòh gej briaovh bprhxo`bgb`efte ef ufb rejbioùf 24\


l B   Ibrpetb rbàz l M Ibrpetb

Ges`hftble ge jb bftefb Tbrb ges`hftbr jb bftefb, sulete jb pbrte ofnerohr y kàrejb abiob jb ozquoergb.

l M   Ibrpetb l I   @T9/[@B


Hrgef ge jb reprhguiioùf<

vbr ej bftefb ihiae ef uf tüfej ge jbvbgh. Yo fh jh aoioerb, jb phgràb resujtbr gbòbgb.

Bsekürese ge ges`hftbr jb bftefb bftes ge jb-

Ej hrgef ge reprhguiioùf gej IG ihf briaovhs @T9/[@B es ej ofgoibgh bfterohr`efte.

Tbftbjjb, ibjenbiioùf, bihfgoiohfbghr ge bore y soste`b ge bugoh   7-=5  


@e`hrob UYM (seküf `hgejh)


thque jb pbrte ge jhs ter`ofbjes ter`ofbjes ge jb ufogbg •   Fh ge `e`hrob UYM. •  Fh ihjhque hmleths pesbghs efio`b ge jb ufogbg ge `e`hrob UYM.

•  Fh kubrge jb ufogbg ge `e`hrob UYM ef jukbres aü`eghs.

•  Fh exphfkb jb ufogbg ge `e`hrob UYM b juz shjbr goreitb.

gerrb ge rrb`e `e jàq jàquo uogh ghss shm shmre re jb uf ufog ogbg bg ge `e` `e`hr hrob ob •   Fh UYM. YBB4752\

•   Ihlb ej gosih phr jhs mhrges. Fh thque fufib jb supernoioe gej gosih. Fh ghmje ej gosih.

•   Ihjhque soe`pre jhs gosihs ef ufb iblb iubfgh fh se utojoief utojoief..

jo`pobr uf gosih, jo`poe jb supernoioe gesge •  Tbrb ej ieftrh abiob ej mhrge exterohr usbfgh uf trbph jo`poh y subve. Fh jo`poe ej gosih usbfgh uf `hvo`oefth ioriujbr. Fh use uf jo`pobghr ihfvefiohfbj fo bjihahj pbrb ush ofgustrobj.

Ihfsujte Ihfsuj te ej `bf `bfubjge ubjge ofs ofstr truii uiiohf ohfes es ge jb ufo ufogb gbgg ge `e`hrob UYM pbrb hmtefer `âs ofnhr`bioùf.

•   Uf gosih fuevh puege ser âsperh ef jhs mhrges

ofterohres y exterohres. Ejo`ofe jbs bsperezbs nrhtbfgh jhs mhrges ofterohres y exterohres ihf ej jbgh ge uf mhjàkrbnh h jâpoz, tbj y ih`h se `uestrb ef jb ojustrbioùf.

bore y soste`b ge ge bugoh 7-=>   Tbftbjjb, ibjenbiioùf, bihfgoiohfbghr ge bore  

Tbftbjjb, ibjenbiioùf, bihfgoiohfbghr ge bore y soste`b ge bugoh   7-=;  

]BGOH N@ B@ IHF ]ET]HGUIWH] GE IG (seküf `hgejh) 7.   Mhtùf ge expujsoùf ge IG 5.   Mhtùf @EGOB Ib`mobr eftre jbs nueftes ge bugoh (IG, UYM, BUQ, bugoh MW) (so estâ ihfeitbgh) gej tejïnhfh >.   Mhtùf gej ;.   @hgbjogbg ge rbgoh< `bfgh ge softhfozbioùf @hgbjogbg ge ufogbg ge bugoh< `bfgh @EFU Mhtùf ge ihfnor`bioùf (EFWE]) 1.   Mhtùf Btrâs ?.   @hgbjogbg ge rbgoh< mhtùf ge presejeiioùf @hgbjogbg ge UYM/IG @T9/oThg h tejïnhfh< mhtùf ge müsquegb râpogb  Mhtùf YEWUT 24. Mhtùf 24.  @hgbjogbg ge rbgoh< mhthfes ge presejeiioùf 22. @hgbjogbg 22.  Mhthfes ge bvbfie râpogh/postb sokuoefte y 2=. Mhthfes 2=. ]etrhiesh râpogh/postb bfterohr 29.  @hgbjogbg ge rbgoh< mhtùf ge prhkrb`bioùf 29. @hgbjogbg @hgbjogbg ge bugoh IG/oThg/UYM/Mjuethhta< mhtùf reprhguiioùf bjebthrob (@OQ) FBB25;5


  Mhtùf (Gàb/Fhiae) (Mhtùf ge oftefsogbg ge oju`ofbioùf ge jb

btefüb buth`âtoib`efte. Tujse ej mhtùf pbrb ib`mobr jhs fovejes ge jb oftefsogbg ge jb

 Mhtùf ge ofnhr`bioùf ge trânoih (WB) 27. Mhtùf 27.  @hgbjogbg ge rbgoh< mhtùf ge prhkrb`bioùf 25. @hgbjogbg 25. @hgbjogbg ge bugoh IG/oThg/UYM/Mjuethhta<

pbftbjjb (`hgbjogbg ge gàb/fhiae)) Kore ej mhtùf @EFU pbrb blustbr jb oftefsogbg ge oju`ofbioùf ge jb pbftbjjb Ej fovej ge oftefsogbg ge jb oju`ofbioùf estâ vofiujbgb bj ihf`utbghr ge nbrhs. Iubfgh jhs nbrhs estâf efiefgoghs, jb oftefsogbg se

oju`ofbioùf eftre jb ihfnokurbioùf gourfb y fhiturfb ofgepefgoefte`efte gej estbgh ge jhs nbrhs.

mhtùf repetoioùf (]TW) 2>.  Mhtùf ge ihfexoùf/`bfgh ge ihftrhj ge 2>. Mhtùf vhju`ef (^HJ)

IG =.   ]bfurb ge IG 9.   Tbftbjjb

bore y soste`b ge ge bugoh 7-=1   Tbftbjjb, ibjenbiioùf, bihfgoiohfbghr ge bore  

 Mhtùf GOYT (pbftbjjb) 2;. 2;. Mhtùf Trhphriohfb ofnhr`bioùf pbftbjjb]GY, iubfgh estï gosphfomje (etoquetbsefgejb`üsoib, eti.)  Mhtùf ]BGOH 21. Mhtùf 21.

NUFIOHFEY T]OFIOTBJEY GE BUGOH Jb ufogbg ge bugoh nufiohfb iubfgh ej ofterrupthr ge efiefgogh estâ ef jb phsoioùf Bii u HF. `

  Mhtùf ge ihfexoùf

iogbg gej veaàiujh. Tbrb hmtefer `âs ofnhr`bioùf,

shrbs prhkrb`bgbs prhkrb`bgbs (2 b >) ge jb mbfgb. Gurbfte jb

ihfsujte ‚@efü S^hju`efP‐ `âs bgejbfte ef estb seiioùf.

müsquegb, müsque bpbreiey se uf sojefiob `efsbleejSBitubjozbfgh SBitubjozb fgh jostb N@P ef gb, jb pbftbjjb shfogh abstb que se ih`pjetb jb hperbioùf. Ufb vez nofbjoz nofbjozbgb, bgb, jb rbgoh rekresb b jb üjto`b e`oshrb ge rbgoh sejeiiohfbgb.

NUFIOHFB@OEFWH NUFIOHFB@OE FWH GE JB ]BGOH Iubfgh se puj Iubfgh pujsb sb ej mht mhtùf ùf (ihfexo (ihf exoùf), ùf), jb ufog ufogbg bg ge bugoh se efioefge ef jb üjto`b e`oshrb softhfozbgb, ef ibsh ge que jb ufogbg ge bugoh se abyb bpbkbgh prevob`efte ef jb `hgbjogbg ge rbgoh. Jb rbgoh puege reiomor `üjtopjes tophs ge trbfs`osohfes ge bugoh< ’ N@

Tujseej mh Tujseej mhtù tùff pbrbefief pb rbefiefge gerr jb ufo ufogb gbgg gebugo gebugoh. h. Yo jb ufogbg ge bugoh se bpbkù `egobfte ej ofterrupthr ge efiefgogh, tb`moïf puege efiefgerse ihf ej ofterrupthr ge efiefgogh. Jb nuefte que estbmb ef ush of`egob of`egobtb`efte tb`efte bftes ge que se bpbkbr bpbkbrbb jb ufogbg ih`oefzb ih`oefzb b nufiohfb nufiohfbrr y ej vhju`ef se blustb bj fovej bfterohr.

’ B@

Tbrb bpb bpbkbr kbr jb ufogb ufogbgg ge ge bugoh bugoh,, pujse pujse , h phf phfkb kb ej ofterrupthr ge efiefgogh ef phsoioùf ‚HNN‐ h JHIC.

Iubfgh seefpujsb ej mhtùf   :]BGOH6 , jb rbgoh efioefge jb üjto`b e`oshrb softhfozbgb. Yo se yb estâreprhguioe estâreprhg uioefgh fgh ej bug bugoh oh uto utojozb jozbfgh fgh iubj iubjquo quoer er htrb nuefte ge eftrbgb (oThg, Mjuethhta, IG, UYM, BUQof), bj pujsbr ej mhtùf  :]BGOH6, jb `hgbjogbg ge reprhguiioùf se gesbitovb y jb rbgoh sejeiiohfb jb üjto`b e`oshrb softhfozbgb.

Ihftrhj ge fovej ge vhju`ef (^HJ)

Mhthfes sejeithres ge mbfgb ge rbgoh Tujse ej mhtùf  :]BGOH6 pbrb ib`mobr jb nuefte ge trbfs`osoùf ge bugoh ge jb sokuoefte `bferb< N@2 ↝ N@= ↝ B@ ↝ N@2

Yofthfozbioùf Yofthfozbi oùf `bfubj Tbrb blustbr jb nreiuefiob ge jb e`oshrb ge nhr`b `bfubj, biiegb b jb SJostb N@P y kore ej `bfgh :@EFU6

 abstb softhfozbr jb e`oshrb gesebgb. Jb nreiuefiob bu`eftb h gos`ofuye ef pbshs ge 244 cAz ef jb mbfgb N@ y ? cAz ef jb mbfgb B@. BG^E]WEFIOB Fh gem geme e sof softhf thfozb ozbrr jb rbg rbgoh oh `oe `oeftr ftrbs bs ihf ihfgui guie e pbrb phger ihfieftrbr thgb su btefioùf ef jb ihfguiioùf.

Mhthfes gege müsquegb buth`âtoib nreiuefiob YEEC @hgbjogbg N@< Tujs Tu jsee ej mh mhtù tùff h pbrb pb rb of ofoi oiob obrr jb `h `hgb gbjojogb gbgg ge softhfozbioùf. Yo se pujsb mreve`efte ej mhtùf,

Kore ej `bfgh  :^HJ6  abiob jb gereiab h abiob jb ozquoergb pbrb blustbr ej fovej ge vhju`ef. Jb ufogbg ge bugoh estâ equopbg equopbgbb ihf ufb nufioùf ge ihftrhj ge vhju`ef gepefgoefte ge jb vejhiogbg, jh que sokfonoib que ej soste`b ge bugoh blustbrâ buth`âtoib`efte ej vhju`ef ef nufioùf ge jb vejh-

Bluste ge e`oshrbs prhkrb`bgbs Buthrejjefh ge jb SJostb N@P<

Iubfgh se pujsb ej mhtùf  :]BGOH6  gurbfte `âs ge 2,5 sekufghs, jbs seos e`oshrbs ihf jb seòbj `âs phtefte se bj`biefbf ef jhs mhthfes ge e`o-

bu`eftbrâ h se reguiorâ jb nreiuefiob ihf uf üfoih bu`eftbrâ pbsh. Tujsbfgh ej mhtùf gurbfte `âs toe`ph, se bitovb jb `hgbjogbg ge müsquegb. Ej softhfozbghr ge rbgoh musib geefmblbs b bjtbs nreiuefiobs y voieversb y se getoefe jb sokuoefte e`oshrb. Gurbfte jb `hgbjogbg ge müsquegb buth`âtoib ge nreiuefiob,

Tbftbjjb, ibjenbiioùf, bihfgoiohfbghr ge bore y soste`b ge bugoh   7-=?  

se so sojef jefiob iob jb sbj sbjog ogbb ge bug bugoh.Yo oh.Yo fh se pu pueg egee ef efihf ihf--


trbr se fofkufb bj ih`pjetbr gb, vuejvee`oshrb b jb nreiuefiob ofoiobj.uf ioijh ge mbf-

Ef bjkufhs pbàses h rekohfes, bjkufhs ge esths servoiohs fh estâf gosphfomjes.

Mhthfes ge presejeiioù presejeiioùff l 2l =l 9l 7l 5l >

@hgbjogbg ge nreiuefiob bjterfbtovb (BN)<

Tujse uf mhtùf ge e`oshrbs prhkrb`bgbs gurbfte `efhs ge = sekufgh sekufghss pbrb sejeiiohf sejeiiohfbr br jb e`oshrb ge rbgoh `e`hrozbgb.

Jb nufioùf BN nufiohfb ef jb `hgbjogbg ge N@ (rbgoh).

•  Jb nufioùf BN se bitovb ef jbs `hgbjogbges ge

Yo pujsb ej mhtùf ge prhkrb`bioùf prhkrb`bioùf gurbfte `âs ge

N@ (rbgoh), BUQ y IG (so jb `hgbjogbg ge N@ se abmàbb seje abmà sejeiioh iiohfbg fbghh pre prevob` vob`eft eftee ef jb `hg `hgbjog bjogbg bg

= sekufghs jb pbftbjjb SJostb N@P h jb pbftbjjb profiopbj ge jbefrbgoh, jb e`oshrb softhfozbgb ef eshs `h`efths se kubrgb ef jb `e`hrob ge ese mhtùf.

phtefiob ge jbs seòb•   Jb nufioùf BN ih`pbrb jb phtefiob

puegef gef bj` bj`bief biefbr br ghie e`os e`oshrbs hrbs (so exos exostef tef)) •   Ye pue ef jbs mbfgbs N@. (Yeos phr ibgb mbfgb N@2 y N@=).

•  Ye puegef prhkrb`br seos e`oshrbs (so exostef) ef jb mbfgb B@.

Yo jb mbteràb se gesihfeitb, h so ej nusomje se nufge, jb `e`hrob ge jb rbgoh se mhrrb. Ef ese ibsh, vuejvb b `e`hrozbr jbs e`oshrbs gesebgbs trbs ihfeitbr jb mbteràb h sustotuor ej nusomje.

Nufiohfb`oefth ge gej soste`b ge gbths ge rbgoh (]GY) (seküf `hgejh)

ge rbgoh).

jes y sejeiiohfb jb e`oshrb ihf jbs `elhres ihfgoiohfes ge reiepioùf pbrb jb e`oshrb softhfozbgb ef ese `h`efth.

Nufiohfes ]GY Nufioùf ge servoioh ge prhkrb`b (TY) (nufioùf ge vosubjozbioùf gej fh`mre ge jb e`oshrb)<

’ Iubfgh N@ < se softhfozb ufb e`oshrb ]GY ihf jb softhfozbioùf phr müsquegb buth`âtoib h `bfubj, se reiomef jhs gbths ]GY y se `uestrb ej fh`mre TY.

WB Ofnhr`bioùf ge trânoih

•  Bj pujsbr ej mhtùf  :WB6, se sejeiiohfb jb `hgbjogbg WB.jbEjnufioùf ofgoibghr WB bpbreie iubfgh WB estâ bitovbgb.ef jb pbftbjjb Iubfgh se vu vuejv ejvee b pu pujs jsbr br :WB6. se ge gesbi sbitotovb vb jb •   Iubfgh `hgbjogbg y gesbpbreie ge jb pbftbjjb ej ofgoibghr WB.

Nufioùf ge ofterrupioùf phr ofnhr`bioùf ge trânoih<

Iubfgh se reiome ofnhr`bioùf ge trânoih, se softhfozb jb ofnhr`bioùf y bpbreie uf `efsble ef jb pbftbjjb ihf ej fh`mre ge jb e`oshrb, p.el. SWB< ]bgoh 2P. Ufbvez bib bibmb mbgb gb jb ofn ofnhr hr`b `bioù ioùff ge tr trân ânoih oih,, jb ufo ufogb gbgg vuejve b jb nufioùf que estbmb bitovb bftes ge jb reiepioùf ge goiab ofnhr`bioùf. Yo se pujsb  :WB6 gurbfte jb ofnhr`bioùf ge trânoih, se ibfiejb jb `hgbjogbg ge ofterrupioùf phr ofnhr`bioùf ge trânoih. Jb nufioùf WB vuejve b jb `hgbjogbg ef esperb y jb ufogbg ge bugoh vuejve b jb nufioùf bfterohr.


Ej ]GY es uf soste`b b trbvïs gej iubj se trbfs`ote ofnhr`bioùf gokotbj ihgonoibgb bge`âs ge jb e`oshrb ge rbgoh N@ fhr`bj. Ej ]GY prhphriohfb servoiohs servoiohs ge ofnhr`bioùf tbjesej ih`h ofnhr`bioùf shmre trânoihejhfh`mre jb e`oshrb,

Estb nufioùf se bitovb ef jb `hgbjogbg N@ (rbgoh). Jb nufioùf estbrâ büf bitovbgb ef ej nhfgh so se sejeiiohfb uf shphrte (`hgbjogbg ge IG, UYM h @EGOB).

Tbrb ihfnokurbr jhs blustes ge SBugohP, S]ejhlP, S]bgohP e SOgoh`bP, jjeve b ibmh ej sokuoefte prhiego`oefth< 2. Tujse ej mhtùf  :YEWUT6.

bore y soste`b ge ge bugoh 7-94   Tbftbjjb, ibjenbiioùf, bihfgoiohfbghr ge bore  

=. Kor Koree ej `b `bfg fghh :@EFU6 ab abiobjb iobjb ge gerei reiab ab h ab abiob iob

Utojoie Uto joie este ihft ihftrhj rhj pbr pbrbb b`p b`pjobr jobr h

’ S@ S@eg egohP ohP ’ SB SBjtjthP hP

@efüs seiufgbrohs gej `efü ge shfogh<

btefubr jhs bkughs. Kore ej `bfgh  :@EFU6 abiob jb gereiab h abiob jb ozquoergb pbrb blustbr jhs fovejes ge bkughs y pujse :EFWE]6 pbrb ihfnor`br. Utojoie Uto joie este ihft ihftrhj rhj pbr pbrbb blus blustbr tbr ej mbjbfie gej vhju`ef eftre jhs bjtbvhies ozquoergh y gereiah. Kore ej `bfgh  :@EFU6 abiob jb gereiab h abiob jb ozquoergb pbrb blustbr ej mbjbfie ozquoergh/ gereiah y pujse  :EFWE]6 pbrb ihfnor`br. Utojojoie Ut oie est estee ihf ihftr trhj hj pb pbrb rb bl blust ustbr br ej mbjbfie gej vhju`ef eftre jhs bjtbvhies gejbfterhs y trbserhs. Kore ej `bfgh  :@EFU6 abiob jb gereiab h abiob jb ozquoergb pbrb blustbr ej mbjbfie gejbfterh/

SMblh SM blhsP sP

trbserh y pujse  :EFWE]6 pbrb ihfnor`br.

pefgoefte ge jb vejhiogbg se gesbitovb. Yo se bu`eftb ej bluste gej vhju`ef gepefgoefte ge jb vejhiogbg, ej vhju`ef bu`eftbrâ `âs râpogb`efte ge biuergh biue rgh ihf jb vejh vejhiogb iogbgg gej veaà veaàiujh iujh.. Wrb Wrbss ene eneitub itubrr jb sejeiioùf, pujse  :EFWE]6 pbrb kubrgbr ej bluste.

SBkughs SBk ughsPP

jb ozquoergb3 ej `efsble ge jb pbftbjjb ib`mob ef ej sokuoefte hrgef< SBugohP ⇗ S]ejhlP ⇗ S]bgohP ⇗ SOgoh`bP Gespuïs ge bjibfzbr jhs fovejes gesebghs, pujse moef mo ef ej mh mhtù tùff (Btr (B trâs âs)) re repe petotogb gbss ve veie ies, s, h ej mhtùf  :YEWUT6.

SMbjbfi SMb jbfieP eP

Blustes ge bugoh 2. Tujse ej mhtùf  :YEWUT6 pbrb biieger bj `efü ge ihfnokurbioùf y gespuïs sejeiiohfe SBugohP. =. Kor Koree ej `b `bfg fghh :@EFU6 ab abiobjb iobjb ge gerei reiab ab h ab abiob iob jb ozquoergb3 ej `efsble ge jb pbftbjjb ib`mob ef ej sokuoefte hrgef< SYhfoghP ↝ SEftrb SEftrbgb gb BUQP ↝ S^hju`efP ↝ S]en. krbvesP ↝ SBugoh preg.P @efü SYhfoghP<

Utojoie Utojo ie es este te ihf ihftr trhj hj pb pbrb rb b` b`pj pjobr obr h btefubr ej shfogh ge jb respuestb ge krbves. Kore ej `bfgh :@EFU6 abiob jb gereiab h abiob jb ozquoergb pbrb blustbr jhs fovejes ge krbves y

SNbg SN bgerP erP

@efü SE. BUQP<

Utojoie este ihftrhj pbrb blustbr ej vhju`ef ge sbjogb gesge jb nuefte buxojobr. Kore ej `bfgh  :@EFU6 abiob jb gereiab h abiob jb

@efü S^hju`efP<

Ihfnokure ej soste`b ge bugoh pbrb que bluste buth`âtoib`efte `âtoib` efte ej vhju`ef ef nufioùf ge jb vejhiogbg gej veaàiujh. Kore ej `bfgh  :@EFU6 abiob jb gereiab h abiob jb ozquoergb pbrb blustbr ej vhju`ef3 uf `byhr fü`erh ge mbrrbs sokfonoib que ej fovej ge vhju`ef ib`mob ef prhphr prhphrioùf ioùf rejbtovb`efte `byhr seküf bu`eftb h go gos` s`of ofuye uye jb ve vejhi jhiog ogbg bg ge gejj vea veaàiu àiujh. jh. Tu Tujse jse :EFWE]6 pbrb ihfnor`br. Estb `hgbjogbg ihftrhjb buth`âtoib`efte ej vhju`ef ge sbjogb gesge jhs bjtbvhies ef nufioùf ge jb vejhiogbg gej veaàiujh. Iubfgh Iubf gh se `ues `uestrb trb S^hju`efP S^hju`efP,, kor koree ej `bfg `bfghh :@EFU6 abiob jb gereiab h abiob jb ozquoergb pbrb blustbr ej fovej ge vhju`ef. Yo se phfe b ‚4‐ (ierh), jb nufioùf ge vhju`ef ge-

pujse  :EFWE]6 pbrb ihfnor`br.

ozquoergb ozquoer gb pbr pbrbb seje sejeiioh iiohfbr fbr jb `hg `hgbjog bjogbg bg SMb SMblhP,S@elhP,S@egohP, h SBjthP y pujse  :EFWE]6 pbrb ihfnor`br.

@efü S]en. krbvesP<

Bluste gej vhj Bluste vhju`ef u`ef ge eftr eftrbgb bgb BUQ BUQ.. Yeje Yejeiioh iiohfe fe ufh ge jhs `efüs seiufgbrohs seiufgbrohs gej `efü SE. BUQP<

@efü SBugoh preg.P<

’ SM SMbl blhP hP

Ofterrupthr S]en. krbvesP SBIW.P h SGEY.P Jb ufogbg ge bugoh toefe ufhs blustes pregenofoghs pregenofoghs ih`h blustes pregeter`ofbghs ge nâmroib. Yejeiiohfe SYàP pbrb vhjver b estbmjeier thghs jhs blustes

Tbftbjjb, ibjenbiioùf, bihfgoiohfbghr ge bore y soste`b ge bugoh   7-92  

preget pregeter`ofbg er`ofbghs hs ge nâmroib. Yejeiiohfe SFhP pbrb

Yo se sejeiiohfb SEfiP, ej rejhl se `uestrb iubfgh

Blustes gej ogoh`b

sbjor gej `efü ihfservbfgh jhs blustes bitubjes.

Bluste gej rejhl

se gesbit ges jberrupth ufogbg ufog bg bugoh h fgogh pujsbfg pujs h phsoioù ph-f phfoefgh foef ghbitovb ejovboft ofterru pthr r ge bugo efiefgo efie ghbfgh ef phshoioùf ‚HNN‐.

Jb pbftbjjb ge `efü gej rejhl bpbreie bj sejeiiohfbr S]ejhlP ef ej `efü ge ihfnokurbioùf.


Yejeiiohfe ej ogoh`b bgeiubgh y pujse ej mhtùf :EFWE]6. Ge Gesp spuïsge uïsge nonofbj fbjoz ozbr,jb br,jb pb pbft ftbj bjjb jb se `h `hgo go-noibrâ buth`âtoib`efte seküf ej ogoh`b sejeiiohfbgh.

SBlustbr ahrbP<

Ib`moe jb vosubjozbioùf gej rejhl eftre jb `hgbjogbg ge =7 ahrbs y jb ge 2= ahrbs.

Yejeiiohfe SBlustbr ahrbP y bluste ej rejhl ge jb sokuoefte `bferb<

@efü S]bgohP

2. Jb vosubjozbioùf ge jbs ahrbs e`poezb b pbrpbgebr. Kore ej `bfgh   :@EFU6   pbrb blustbr jb ahrb.

Tbrb hmtefer getbjjes shmre jb bitovbioùf h gesbito-

=. Tujse ej mhtùf :EFWE]6. Jb vosubjozbioùf ge jhs `ofuths e`poezb b pbrpbgebr. 9. Kore ej `bfgh  :@EFU6 pbrb blustbr ej `ofuth. 7. Tujse :EFWE]6 pbrb nofbjozbr ej bluste gej rejhl. SEfi/BpbkP<

Bitove h gesbitove jb vosubjozbioùf jb ufogbg ge bugoh estâ bpbkbgb. gej rejhl iubfgh

vbioùf, ihfsujte ‚Mhtùf YEWUT‐ bfterohr`efte ef estb seiioùf. SWBP SW BP Usee es Us estte ih ihft ftrh rhjj pb pbrb rb bi bitotovb vbrr h gesbitovbr jb ofnhr`bioùf ge trânoih bj efiefger jb ufogbg. Kore ej `bfgh  :@EFU6 abiob jb gereiab h abiob jb ozquoergb pbrb sejeiiohfbr y pujse  :EFWE]6 pbrb ihfnor`br. S]en. Jostb Bitubjoie `bfubj`efte jb jostb ge N@P e`oshrbs N@ Tujse  :EFWE]6 pbrb ih`efzbr jb müsquegb ge e`oshrbs. Bpbreie ej texth SBitubjozbfgh...P. Jbs e`oshrbss se bitubjoz e`oshrb bitubjozbf bf ef uf mreve perohgh ge toe`ph y

•   SIaofhP •   SIaofh so`pjonoibghP •   SGeutsiaP   SEspbòhjP

•   SNrbfëbosP •   SIhrebfhP •   SOtbjobfhP •   SFegerjbfgsP •   SThjscoP •   SThrtukuìsP SWúrcëeP •    SOfkjïs mrotâfoihP • •   SфщттмбпP NUFIOHFB@OEFWH GEJ NUFIOHFB@OEFWH ]ET]HGUIWH] GE GOYIHY

ih`oefzb b reprhguiorse jb üjto`b e`oshrb (so nuerb phsomje).

IH@TBIWHY (IG) Ej reprhguithr ge IG puege reprhguior jb `üsoib ge ufIG, IG puege h uf IG @T9/[@B esiuiab eshs bpbreier texthy,ef`oeftrbs jb pbftbjjb (ofnhr-

bore y soste`b ge ge bugoh 7-9=   Tbftbjjb, ibjenbiioùf, bihfgoiohfbghr ge bore  

`bioùf shmre jb postb y ej brtostb) (so ej IG que se

•   Yo se oftrhguie uf toph ge gosih ofihrreith

estâ reprhguioefgh ab sogh krbmbgh ihf ofnhr`bioùf bierib gej gosih).

(p.el. G^G) h ejuf reprhguithr fherrhr. puege jeer ej IG, bpbreierâ `efsble ge Extrbokb ej gosih e oftrhguzib htrh.

Tujse ej mh Tujse mhtùf tùf :@EGOB6 y e`p e`pezb ezbrâ râ b repr reprhgu hguiors iorsee ej IG (so aby bjkufh ibrkbgh). Iubfgh se pujsb  :@EGOB6 `oeftrbs jb rbgoh u htrb `hgbjogbg estâ nufiohfbfgh, jb nuefte ge reprhguiioùf se gesbitovb buth`âtoib`efte y ih`oefzb jb `hgbjogbg ge reprhguiioùf ge IG. T]EIBUIOÙF oftrhguzib ej IG ef jb rbfurb b jb nuerzb nuerzb.. •   Fh oftrhguzib Thgràb gbòbr ej reprhguithr.

(9,2 pujk.). •   Fh use gosihs ge 1 i` (9,2

Ofserioùf ge IG (reprhguithr ge IG) Ofserte ej IG ef jb rbfurb ihf jb ibrb ge jb etoquetb abiob brromb. Ej gosih se oftrhguiorâ buth`âtoib`efte ef jb rbfurb y ih`efzbrâ b reprhguiorse. Wrbs abmer ibrkbgh ej gosih, se `hstrbr `hstrbrââ jb ofnhr`bi ofnhr`bioùf oùf ge postb. FHWB

•  Ej reprhguithr ge IG es ih`pbtomje ihf IG

ge bugoh fhr`bj h IG ihf briaovhs @T9/ [@B.

@EGOB Mhtùf Ibrkue uf IG. Gespuïs ge uf mreve perohgh ge toe`ph, ej IG ih`oefzb b reprhguiorse. Yo ej gosih yb estbmb ibrkbgh< Tujse ej mhtùf  :@EGOB6  (`üjtopjes veies gepefgoefgh ge jbs restbftes nueftes ge bugoh ihfeitbgbs) pbrb sejeiiohfbr ej IG. Jb reprhguiioùf ih`oefzb gesge jb postb gej IG que se estbmb reprhguioe gu ioefg fghh iub iubfg fghh se bp bpbk bkùù jb re repr prhg hguii uiioùf oùf ge gejj IG IG..

Nufiohfes profiopbjes ge bugoh ^osubjozbioùf ge jostb<

@oeftrbs se reprhguie ufb postb, pujse  :EFWE]6 h kore ej `bfgh  :@EFU6  pbrb vosubjozbr jbs postbs gosphfomjes ef nhr`b ge jostb. Tbrb sejeiiohfbr ufb postb ge jb jostb, h jb postb ef jb que ofoiobr jb reprhguiioùf, guii oùf, kor koree ej `bf `bfgh gh :@EFU6 y pu pujse jse :EFWE]6. Tujse Tuj se ej mh mhtù tùff pbrb pb rb rek rekres resbr br b jb ibf ibfioù ioùf. f. Mhthfes ge bvbfie râpogh/retrhiesh râpogh<

Yo se `bft `bftoefe oefe puj pujsbg sbghh ej mht mhtùf ùf

(bvbfie (bv bfie râp râpo-o-

Mhthfes ge rbstreh bsiefgefte/gesiefgefte<

Yo se pujsb ej mhtùf h ufb vez, se bvbfzbrâ abstb jb postb sokuoefte h se retrhiegerâ bj profiopoh ge jb po post stbb bi bitu tubj bj.. Tu Tujs jsee ej mh mhtù tùff h vbro vb robs bs veies pbrb gespjbzbrse phr jbs postbs. Expjhrbioùf ge ibrpetbs<

Yo ej gosphs gosphsotovh otovh ihftoefe ibrpetbs ibrpetbs ihf briaovhs ge `üso `ü soib ib,, bj pu pujs jsbr br h se re repr prhg hgui uief ef jb jbss po posstbs ge ibgb ibrpetb ef hrgef. Tbrb sejeiiohfbr jb ibrpetb gesebgb< 2. Tujs Tujsee ej mhtù mhtùff   :EFWE]6   h ko kore re ej `b `bfg fghh :@EFU6  y se vosubjozb ufb jostb ge jbs postbs que ihftoefe jb ibrpetb bitubj. =. Kore ej `bfgh  :@EFU6 abstb jb ibrpetb gesebgb. 9. Tujse :EFWE]6 pb pbrb rb bii biieg eger er b jb ibr ibrpe petb tb.. ^ue ^uej-jvb b pujsbr :EFWE]6 pbrb reprhguior jb pro`erb post po stbb h ko kore re ej `b `bfg fghh :@EFU6 y puj pujse se :EFWE]6 pbrb sejeiiohfbr htrb postb. Yo jb ibrpetb sejeiiohfbgb ihftoefe sumibrpetbs, pujse  :EFWE]6  pbrb vosubjozbr ufb pbftbjjb ihf jb jostb ge sumibrpetbs. Kore ej `bfgh :@EFU6 abstb jb sumibrpetb gesebgb y pujse  :EFWE]6  pbrb se-

•   Yo

se oftrhguie oftrhguie uf IG ihf bri briaov aovhs hs @T9 @T9// [@B,, jb ufo [@B ufogbgge gbgge bug bugoh oh jh get geteit eitbrâbuth` brâbuth`ââ-

gh) h (retrhi (re trhiesh esh râp râpogh ogh), ), jb pos postb tb se rep reprhgu rhguie ie b bjtb vejhiogbg. Iubfgh se suejtb ej mhtùf, jb postb vuejve b jb vejhiogbg ge reprhguiioùf fhr`bj.

toib`efte y se `hstrbrâ S@T9IGP.

jeiiohfbr. Yejeiiohfe jb ibrpetb S]hhtP so aby ibfiohfes ef jb ibrpetb rbàz. Tbrb Tb rb vh vhjv er b jb pb pbft ftbjj bjjbb ge jb ibr ibrpe petb tb bft bfter erohr ohr,, pu pujse jse . jver

Tbftbjjb, ibjenbiioùf, bihfgoiohfbghr ge bore y soste`b ge bugoh   7-99  

Mhtùf ge repetoioùf<

Tujse ej mhtùf   l 2 pbrb reprhguior reprhguior ihftofub ihftofub-`efte jb postb bitubj. Mhtùf<

Getbjjes ge jb postb<

Expujsoùf gej IG (ihf ej ofterrupthr ge efiefgogh ef phsoioùf ‚HNN‐ h JHIC)<

  l Yo se `bftoefe pujsbgh ej mhtùf 5 se vosubjozbrâ ufb jostb ge getbjjes y trbs ufhs sekufghs se vhjverâ b jb pbftbjjb profiopbj, h moef pujsbfgh   l 5 mreve` mreve`efte. efte.

Iubfgh ej ofterrupthr ge efiefgogh estâ ef jb phsoioùf ‚HNN‐ h JHIC, es phsomje expujsbr ej IG bitubj. Yof e`mbrkh, jb ufogbg ge bugoh fh se bitovb.

Tujse ej mhtùf   l = y se reprhguiorâf reprhguiorâf thgbs thgbs jbs post po stbs bs ge jb ib ibrp rpet etbb bit bitub ubjj (I (IG G @T @T9/ 9/UY UYM) M) h jojost stbb ge reprhguiioùf (oThg) ef hrgef bjebthroh. Ufb vez se ab reprhguiogh thgb jb ibrpetb/jostb ibrpetb/jostb ge reprhguiioùf, ej soste`b b reprhguior jb sokuoefte ibrpetb/jostb geih`efzbrâ reprhguiioùf. Mhtùf<

Yo se reprhguie uf IG ihf etoquetbs ge ofnhr`bioùf ge `üsoib (IG ihf texth/OG9), se `uestrb ej tàtujh ge jb postb que se estâ reprhguioefgh. Yo fh estâ gosphfomje gosphfomje jb ofnhr`b ofnhr`bioùf ioùf ge tàtujh, se `uestrb STostbP.

l Iubfgh se vosubjozbr pujsb vbrobs veies ej mhtùf 5 se puegef gostofths gbths shmre  jb postb  lufth ihf ej tàtujh ge jb sokuoefte `bferb< `bfer b< IG< Gurbioùf ge jb postb ↝ Fh`mre gej brtostb ↝ Wàtujh gej âjmu` ↝ Gurbioùf ge jb postb

Tujse ej mhtùf   y se expujsb ej IG. FHWB Müsquegb râpogb<

expu pujs jsb b ejIG yfh seext seextrb rbe e ef1 se seku kuff•   Yose ex ghs, se oftrhguie ge fuevh ef jb rbfurb pbrb su prhteiioùf.

Yo se reprhguie uf IG @T9 ihf etoquetbs ge ofnhr`bioùf ge `üsoib (OG9) ge ufb `hgbjogbg ge vosubjozbioùf ge jostb, se puege rebjozbr ufb müsquegb râpogb pbrb abjjbr ufb postb ef jb jostb.

bpbr brei eie e uf `e `efs fsbl ble e ge er errh rhrr ef jb pb pbft ftbj bjjb jb,, •   Yo bp

Tujse ej mhtùf :B-\/l > 6 y kore ej `bfgh  :@EFU6 abstb ej pro`er ibrâiter gej tàtujh ge jb postb y pujse :EFWE]6. Wrbs jb müsquegb, bpbreierâ ufb jostb ihf jbs postbs gosphfomjes. Iubfgh fh aby fofküf

Jbs eftrbgbs BUQ y UYM estâf umoibgbs ef jb ihfshjb ieftrbj gemblh gej bphybmrbzhs.

resujtbgh (jb ej pbftbjjb `uestrb SFofküf resujtbghP) se `hstrbrâ sokuoefte eje`efth. Yejeiiohfe jb postb gesebgb y pujse :EFWE]6.

Mhtùf ge expujsoùf ge IG ]eprhguithr ge IG<

pujse pujse pbrb pbr b extr extrber ber ej IG gen geneit eituhs uhsh h e ofserte htrh, h ih`prueme que ej IG fh estbmb ofsertbgh bj revïs.

IG ihf @T9/[@B<

Tujsee ej mht Tujs mhtùf ùf

(expuj (ex pujsoùf soùf)) y se exp expujsb ujsb ej IG.

Gurbioù Gurb ioùff ge jb po post stbb ↝ Brtostb ↝ Wàt Wàtujh ujh gej âjm âjmu` u` ↝ ↝ Fh`mre ge jb ibrpetb Gurbioùf ge jb postb Yoe`pre se vosubjozb ej fh`mre ge jb postb.


l 2   UYM l =   BUQ

bore y soste`b ge ge bugoh 7-97   Tbftbjjb, ibjenbiioùf, bihfgoiohfbghr ge bore  


Bsekürese ge que jb `brib estâ hroeftbgb ef

Nufiohfes profiopbjes ge bugoh

jb goreiioùf ihrreitb bftes ge oftrhguior ej gosphsotovh.)

Bmrb jb tbpb ge jb ihfshjb y ihfeite jb ijbvolb BUQ ge uf reprhguithr ih`pbtomje (p.el. uf reprhguithr ge @T9) b jb eftrbgb l =. Tujse ej mhtùf :@EGOB6 pbrb sejeiiohfbr jb `hgbjogbg BUQ. Use jb `hgbjogbg ge reprhguiioùf gej gosphsotovh pbrb reprhguior ej bugoh.

TUE]WH GEseroe) IHFEQOÙFUYM (mus ufoversbj ef (seküf `hgejh) Ihfexoùf ge ufb ufogbg ge `e`hrob UYM Bmrb jb tbpb ge jb ihfshjb y ihfeite uf gosphsotovh gosphsotovh ge `e`hrob UYM u htrh gosphsotovh UYM. Jb pbftbjjb `hstrbrâ ej `efsble ge bvosh SUYM geteitbgh. Espere phr nbvhr...P gurbfte uf pbr ge sekufghs, `oeftrbs jee jhs gbths. Yo ej sos soste te`b `b ge bug bugoh oh se ab ge gesi sihfe hfeit itbg bghh `o `oeft eftrb rbss se reprhguie jb `e`hrob UYM, ej pujsbr   se ofoiob ej nufiohfb`oefth gej gosphsotovh UYM. T]EIBUIOÙF

•  Fh oftrhguzib b jb nuerzb ej gosphsotovh UYM

•   Fh ihjhque hmleths ierib gej gosphsotovh UYM pbrb o`pegor que se bphyef shmre ej puerth y ej gosphsotovh UYM. Jb presoùf keferbgb phr jhs hmleths phgràb gbòbr ej puerth y ej gosphsotovh UYM.

@EGOB  Mhtùf Tbrb abier que nufiohfe ej gosphsotovh UYM, pujse ej mhtùf   :@EGOB6   ufb vez h ge nhr`b repetogb abstb que estï gosphfomje SUYMP.

Nufiohfes profiopbjes ge bugoh Jbs sokuoeftes nufiohfes shf ogïftoibs b jbs nufiohfes profiopbjes ge bugoh pbrb gosihs ih`pbiths (IG). (IG ). Tbrbhmtefe Tbrbhmteferr `âs ofn ofnhr`b hr`bioùf ioùf,, ihfs ihfsujt ujtee ‚Nu ‚Nuffiohfb`oefth iohfb`oef th gej reprhgu reprhguithr ithr ge gosihs ih`pbiths (IG)‐ bfterohr`efte ef estb seiioùf.

• • •   , •   @OQ (reprhguiioùf bjebthrob)   ^osubjozbioùf ge jostb   Müsquegb râpogb

Müsquegb râpogb<

Yo se reprhguie uf gosphsotovh UYM ihf etoquetbs ge ofnhr`bioùf ge `üsoib (OG9) ge ufb `hgbjogbg ge vosubjozbioùf ge jostb, se puege rebjozbr ufb müsquegb râpogb pbrb efihftrbr efihftrbr ufb postb ef jb jostb. Tujse ej mhtùf  :B-\/ > 6  :@EFU6 l gej  y kore `bfgh abstb ej pro`er ibrâiter tàtujhejge jb postb y pujse :EFWE]6. Wrbs jb müsquegb, bpbreierâ ufb jostb ihf jbs postbs gosphfomjes. Iubfgh fh aby fofküf resujtbgh (jb pbftbjjb `uestrb SFofküf resujtbghP) se `hstrbrâ ej sokuoefte eje`efth. Yejeiiohfe jb postb gesebgb y pujse  :EFWE]6.

l 5 Mhtùf Yo se reprhguie ufb postb ihf etoquetbs ge ofnhr`bioùf ge `üsoib (OG9), se `uestrb ej tàtujh ge jb postb que se estâ reprhguioefgh. Yo fh aby etoquetbs gosphfomjes, bpbreie uf `efsble ge bvosh. Iubfgh se pujsb vbrobs veies ej mhtùf   l 5 se puegef vosubjozbr gostofths gbths shmre jb postb

ef ej puerth. Yo ej gosphsotovh UYM se oftrhguie ef ej puerth ofijofbgh h mhibmblh, tbfth ej gosphsotovh UYM ih`h ej puerth phgràbf

•  ]TW (repetor postb) •  Expjhrbioùf ge ibrpetbs

 lufth ihf ej tàtujh ge jb sokuoefte `bferb< `bferb < Gurbioù Gurb ioùff ge jb po post stbb ↝ Brtostb ↝ Wàt Wàtujh ujh gej âjm âjmu` u` ↝ Gurbioùf ge jb postb

gbò gbòbrs e.eftre Bsekür Bse küresege esege queej gosphs gos phsoto otovh vh UYM se brse. efiueftre efiu ihfeitbg ihfeitbgh h ihrre ihrreitb`e itb`efte fte bj puerth UYM. (Bjkufhs gosphsotovhs UYM puegef ofi ofijuo juorr ufb `br `brib ib ih`h ih` h ren renere erefio fiob. b.

Tbftbjjb, ibjenbiioùf, bihfgoiohfbghr ge bore y soste`b ge bugoh   7-95  

Getbjjes ge jb postb<

Bsekürese ge que jb `brib estâ hroeftbgb

@EGOB Mhtùf

  l Yo se `bftoefe pujsbgh ej mhtùf 5 se vosubjozbrâ ufb jostb ge getbjjes y trbs ufhs sekufghs se vhjverâ b jb pbftbjjb profiopbj, h moef pujsbfgh   l 5 mreve`e mreve`efte. fte.

efibmje jb goreiioùf ihrreitb bftes ge oftrhguior ej gej oThg.)

Tbrb abier que nufiohfe ej oThg, pujse ej mhtùf :@EGOB6  ufb vez h ge nhr`b repetogb abstb que estï gosphfomje SoThg :Fb`e6P.

NUFIOHFB@OEFWH GEJ NUFIOHFB@OEFWH ]ET]HGUIWH] oThg (seküf `hgejh) Ihfexoùf gej oThg Bmrb jb tbpb ge jb ihfshjb y ihfeite ej ibmje gej oThg bj ihfeithr UYM. Jb mbteràb gej oThg se ibrkb `oeftrbs estâ ihfeitbgh bj veaàiujh. Jb pbftbjjb `uestrb ej `efsble ge bvosh SoThg :Fb`e6 Geteitbgh...P gurbfte ufhs sekufghs, `oeftrbs jee jhs gbths. Yo se bpbkb ej soste`b ge bugoh `oeftrbs se estâ reprhg rep rhguioe uioefgh fgh ges gesge ge ej oThg oThg,, puj pujse se pbrbb ofoi pbr ofoiobr obr ej nufiohfb`oefth gej oThg. @oeftrbs estâ ihfeitbgh, ej oThg shjb`efte se puege `bfelbr ihf jhs ihftrhjes ge bugoh. * oThg y oTahfe shf `bribs rekostrbgbs rekostrbgbs ef EE.UU. phr Bppje Ofi. phr Bppje Ofi. T]EIBUIOÙF gej oThg pbrb oftrhguiorjh •   Fh nuerie ej ibmje gej

ibmje gej oThg •   Fh ihjhque hmleths ierib gej ibmje pbrb o`pegor que se bphyef shmre ej puerth y ej ibmje gej oThg. Jb presoùf keferbgb phr jhs hmleths phgràb gbòbr ej puerth y ej ibmje gej oThg.

Ih`pbtomojogbg< FHWB

•  Ef ej `h`efth ge estb pumjoibioùf, este sos-

te`bge bu te`bge bugo goh h se pr prhm hmù ù ih ihf f jh jhss üj üjto to`h `hss re repr prhhguithres oThg/oTahfe gosphfomjes. Gemogh b jbs bitub bitubjozbi jozbiohfes ohfes nreiu nreiueftes eftes ge gosph gosphsotovh sotovhss ih`h reprhguithres @T9, FOYYBF fh puege bsekurbr bseku rbr que thghs jhs oThg/ oThg/oTahf oTahfe e fuevh fuevhss gosphfomjes sebf ih`pbtomjes ihf este soste`b ge bugoh.

Tuegeque Tue geque bjkufb bjk ufbss geihf jbsnufiohf jbsnufi es gejoThg gejoThg® ® estïf gosphfomjes esteohfes soste`b. •   fh •  Bsekürese ge que ej nor`wbre gej oThg/oTahfe estâ bitubjozbgh.

•  Ej oThg Yaunnje y ej oThg `ofo fh se puegef utojozbr ihf este soste`b.

Nufiohfes profiopbjes ge bugoh Ofternbz<

Jb ofternbz pbrb ej `bfelh gej oThg que bpbreie ef jb pbftbjjb gej soste`b ge bugoh es pbreiogb b jb ofternbz gej oThg. Use ej `bfgh  :@EFU6 y ej mhtùf :EFWE]6 pbrb reprhguior ufb postb gej oThg. Tuege sejeiiohfbr jhs sokuoeftes eje`efths ge jb pbftbjjb ge jb jostb ge `efü.

•   SJostbsP •   SOftïrpretesP •   SÂjmu`esP •   STostbsP •   S@âs...P

ef ej puerth UYM. Yo ej ibmje gej oThg se oftrhguie ofijofbgh ef ej puerth h mhibmblh, tbfth ej ibmje gej oThg ih`h ej puerth phgràbf gbòbrse. Bsekürese geihfeitbgh que ej ibmje gej oThg estï ihrreitb`efte ef ej pue puerth rth UYM UYM.. (Bj (Bjkuf kufhs hs ibm ibmjes jes ge oTh oThg g pue pue-gef ofi ofijuo juorr ufb `br `brib ib ih`h ih` h ren renere erefio fiob. b.

•   Jb

pjefb pjef b nu nufi fioh ohfb fbjo jogb gbg g ge gejj bu bugo goh h UY UYM M y Mjuethhta ge oTahfe puege fh estbr gosphfomje pbrb ej usubroh so ej `os`h gosphsotovh estâ ihfeitbgh phr `egoh ge UYM y Mjuethhta ge nhr`b so`ujtâfeb.

•   SButhresP •   SKïferhP •

  SThgibstsP Tbrb hmtefer `âs ofnhr`b ofnhr`bioùf ioùf shmre ibgb eje`efth, ihfsujte ej `bfubj ge ofstruiiohfes gej oThg.

bore y soste`b ge ge bugoh 7-9>   Tbftbjjb, ibjenbiioùf, bihfgoiohfbghr ge bore  


Jbs sokuoeftes nufiohfes shf ogïftoibs b jbs nufiohfes ge `âs bugoh pbrb gosihs ih`pbiths (IG). (IG ).profiopbjes Tbrbb hmt Tbr hmtefer efer ofnhr`bi ofnh r`bioùf,ihfsujt oùf,ihfsujte e ‚Nu ‚Nuffiohfb`oefth iohfb`oef th gej reprhguithr ge gosihs ih`pbiths (IG)‐ bfterohr`efte ef estb seiioùf.


•  ^osubjozbioùf ge jostb •   , •   @OQ (reprhguiioùf bjebthrob) •  ]TW (repetor postb) •  Expjhrbioùf ge ibrpetbs

Tbrb bshiobr uf gosphsotovh, bsekürese ge que estï bitovbgh ej Mjuethhta y use jb teijb SMusibr gosp.P h SIhfeitbr tej.P. Tbrb hmtefer `âs getbjjes, ihfsujte FBB29?=

*< uf gosphsotovh ihf nufiohfes Mjuethhta

Yo se reprhguie ufb postb ihf etoquetbs ge ofnhr`bioùf ge `üsoib (OG9), se `uestrb ej tàtujh ge jb postb que se estâ reprhguioefgh. Yo fh aby etoquetbs gosphfomjes, bpbreie uf `efsble ge bvosh.


l 5

se puegef shmre  lufth ihf ejvosubjozbr tàtujh ge jbgostofths sokuoeftegbths `bfer `bferb< b< jb postb Gurbioù Gurb ioùff ge jb po post stbb ↝ Brtostb ↝ Wàt Wàtujh ujh gej âjm âjmu` u` ↝ Gurbioùf ge jb postb Getbjjes ge jb postb<

Ej soste`b ge bugoh shjb`efte es ih`pbtomje ihf gosphsotovhs Mjuethhta® ihf B^]IT (pernoj ge ihftrhj re`hth ge bugoh/vàgeh) versoùf 2.7 h bfterohr.

Ihfnokurbioùf ge MJUEWHHWA®

l 5 Mhtùf

Iubfgh se pujsb vbrobs veies ej mhtùf


Ofnhr`bioùf ge rekujbioùf `

Mjuethhta® es ufb `brib rekost ko strb rbgb gb pe pert rtef efei eioe oeft ftee b Mjuethhta YOK, Ofi.

Iertonoibioùf IE _bfnefk ^ostehf Buth`htove Ejeitrhfois Ih., Jtg. geijbrb que este soste`b pbrb buth`ùvojes iu`pje jhs requosoths mâsoihs y prhvos prhvosohfes ohfes pertofeftes ge jb Goreitovb 2???/5/EI.

‚SMusibr gosp.P‐ `âs bgejbfte ef estb seiioùf. Ye puegef ihfeitbr abstb 5 gosphsotovhs Mjuethhta gonereftes. Yof e`mbrkh, shjb`efte puege usbrse uf gosphsotovh ibgb vez. Yo yb se abf rekostrbgh 5 gosphsotovhs Mjuethhta gonereftes, bj rekostrbr ufh fuevh abmrâ que ree`pjbzbr ufh ge jhs 5 exosteftes. Use jb teijb SEjo`ofbr gosp.P pbrb mhrrbr ufh ge jhs gosphsotovhs bshiobghs exosteftes. Tbrb hmtefer `âs ofnhr`bioùf, ihfsujte ‚SEjo`ofbr gosp.P‐ `âs bgejbfte ef estb seiioùf. Yo ej rekostrh se jjevb b ibmh ihf ïxoth, bpbreierâ uf `efsble ge bvosh y jb pbftbjj pbftbjjbb gej soste`b ge bugoh vhjverâ b `hstrbr jb nuefte ge bugoh bitubj. Gurbfte jb ihfexoùf, se `hstrbrâf jhs sokuoeftes oihfhs ge estbgh (pbrte superohr ozquoergb ozquoergb ge jb pbftbjjb)< oftefsogbg ge jb seòbj ( ), estbgh ge jb mbterà mbteràb* b*

Yo se `bftoefe pujsbgh ej mhtùf   l 5 jb pbftbjjb `uestrb ej tàtujh ge jb ibfioùf, brtostb y fh`mre gej âjmu`. Wrbs ufhs sekufghs vuejve b jb pbftbjjb profiopbj, h moef pujsbfgh mreve`efte   l 5.


tefsogbg ge jb seòbj (   ), estbgh ge jb mbterà mbteràbb ( ) y Mju juet ethh hhta ta bi bitotovvbg bghh ( ). *< Yo bp bpbr breieuf eieuf `e `efsb fsble le ge mb mbte teràbmblb ràbmblb,, se serâ râ fei feieesbroh reibrkbr prhfth ej gosphsotovh Mjuethhta®. Ej prhiego`oefth ge bshiobioùf puege vbrobr ef nufioùf gej toph ge gosphsotovh y jb ih`pbtomojogbg. Tbrb hmtefer hmt efer `âs ofnh ofnhr`bi r`bioùf, oùf, ihfs ihfsujt ujtee ej `bfu `bfubj bj ge ofs ofs-truiiohfes gej Mjuethhta®.

Tbftbjjb, ibjenbiioùf, bihfgoiohfbghr ge bore y soste`b ge bugoh   7-9;  

FHWB hmtefer ofnhr`bioùf shmre ej gosphsoto•   Tbrb vh, ihfsujte ej `bfubj ge ofstruiiohfes gej tejïnhfh `ùvoj/bugoh. tejï•   Yo feiesotb byugb pbrb jb oftekrbioùf gej tejïnhfh `ùvoj/bugoh ihf Mjuethhta®, biugb b su ihfiesohfbroh FOYYBF.

Tbrb ihfnokurbr ej soste`b Mjuethhta ihf uf gosphsotovh, gosphfe ge jhs sokuoeftes eje`efths<

•   SMjuethhtaP Yo se gesbitovb estb hpioùf, jb ihfexoùf eftre jhs gosphsotovhs Mjuethhta y ej `ùgujh Mjuethhta gej veaàiujh se ibfiejb. SMusibr gosp.P<

2) Tujse Tujse ej ej mht mhtùf ùf . Yeje Yejeiioh iiohfe fe SMu SMusibr sibr gos gosp.P p.P Jb ufogbg ge bugoh musib gosphsotovhs Mjuethhta y `uestrb thghs jhs gosphsotovhs vosomjes. Bseküresee ge que ej gosphs Bseküres gosphsotovh otovh Mjuethhta Mjuethhta estâ vosomje. =) Yejeiiohfe ej gosphsotovh gosphsotovh que quoere quoere bshiobr. Use ej `bfgh  :@EFU6  y pujse pbrb sejeiiohfbr.

•   SMusibr gosp.P Jhs gosphsotovhs Mjuethhta puegef rekostrbrse ef ej soste`b. Es phsomje rekostrbr uf `âxo`h ge 5 gosphsotovhs Mjuethhta.

9) Ej prhiego`oefth prhiego`oefth ge bshiobioùf bshiobioùf vbràb ef nufioùf gej gosphsotovh que geseb ihfeitbr< 2) Gosphs Gosphsotovh otovh sof iùgokh iùgokh TOF< Jb ihfexoùf Mjuethhta se prhguie buth`âtobuth`âto-

tej.P •   SIhfeitbr Jhs gosphsotovhs Mjuethhta puegef rekostrbrse

ib`efte, sof feiesogbg ge rebjozbr `âs pbshs.

ef ej soste`b. Es phsomje rekostrbr uf `âxo`h ge 5 gosphsotovhs Mjuethhta.

=) Gosphsotovh Gosphsotovh ihf iùgokh iùgokh TOF< aby ghs nhr`bs gonereftes ge rebjozbr jb bshiobioùf ef nufioùf gej gosphsotovh<

•   SYej. gosp.P

’ Wo Woph ph M< se `hstrbrâihftrbseòbP ej `efsble SYhjoiotug SIhfnor`br lufth ihf e`pbr.P ej iùgokh ge > gàkoths. Ej gosphsotovh geme `hstrbr ej iùgokh ogïftoih y üfoih. Yo ej iùgokh es ogïftoih, ihfnàr`ejh ef ej gosphsotovh. Ye rebjozbrâ jb ihfexoùf ge Mjuethhta. SIhfeitbr tej.P<

•  Efioefgb ej Mjuethhta® ge jb ufogbg ge bugoh. Ihfsujte jb gesiropioùf ge SMjuethhtaP.

•  Use jb ufogbg ge bugoh pbrb rebjozbr jb bshiob-

ioùf< Tujsee ej Tujs ej mhtùf mhtùf . Yejei Yejeiiohf iohfee jb jb teijb teijb SIhf SIhfeieitbr tej.P. Ej prhi prhiego ego`oef `oefth th ge bshi bshiobio obioùf ùf gep gepefg efgee gej gos gos-phsotovh Mjuethhta® que geseb ihfeitbr< 2) Gosphs Gosphsotovh otovh sof iùgokh iùgokh TOF< Jb ihfexoùfsofMjuethhta® toib`efte, feiesogbgse geprhguie rebjozbr buth`â`âs pbshs. =) Gosphsotovh Gosphsotovh ihf iùgokh iùgokh TOF< aby ghs nhr`bs gonereftes ge rebjozbr jb bshiobioùf ef nufioùf gej gosphsotovh, ihfsujte jb

’ Woph Woph B< se `hstrbrâ ej `efsble STbrb ihfeitP Softrhg. TOFP 4444. Ihfnor`e ej iùgokh TOF ef ej gosphsotovh. Ye rebjozbrâ jb ihfexoùf Mjuethhta.

Ye puege ejekor quï gosphsotovh ihfeitbr ge jb jostb ge gosphsotovhs rekostrbghs.

•   SEjo`ofbr gosp.P Ye puegef mhrrbr gosphsotovhs Mjuethhta Mjuethhta rekostrbghs.

ofnhr`bioùf shmre ej prhiego`oefth ihrreith ef ‚SMusibr gosp.P‐ bfterohr`efte ef estb seiioùf.

•  Use ej gosphsotovh ge tejïnhfh `ùvoj/bugoh

bore y soste`b ge ge bugoh 7-91   Tbftbjjb, ibjenbiioùf, bihfgoiohfbghr ge bore  

Mjuethhta® que gesee bshiobr< 2) Yokb jbs ofstruiiohfes ofstruiiohfes ef ej `bfubj ge usubroh pbrb que ej gosphsotovh ihf Mjuethhta® musque jb ufogbg ge bugoh. Yo ej `hgh ge müsquegb efiueftrb jb ufogbg ge bugoh, bpbreierâ ef jb pbftbjjb gej gosphsotovh. =) Yejeiiohfe jb ufogbg ge bugoh que bpbreie ih`h S@o ihiaeP. 9) Yokb jbs ofstruiiohfes ofstruiiohfes gej `bfubj `bfubj ge usubroh gej gosphsotovh ihf Mjuethhta® pbrb estbmjeier ufb ihfexoùf ihf jb ufogbg ge bugoh. 7) Oftrhguzib Oftrhguzib ej iùgokh TOF que que se `uestrb ef ej gosphsotovh ihrresphfgoefte, usbfgh ej teijbgh gej `os`h, y pujse ej mhtùf ge ihfnor`bioùf gej gosphsotovh. Tbrb hmtefer `âs ofnhr`bioùf, ihfsujte ej `bfubj `bfu bj ge ofs ofstrui truiiohf iohfes es gej gos gosphso phsotov tovhh Mjuethhta® ihrresphfgoefte.

  < Wrbfs`osoù Wrbfs`osoùff ge bugoh (B=GT (B=GT-- pernoj pernoj ge ge gos-

Mjuethhta®, pujse ej mhtùf   :

tromuioùf ge bugoh bvbfzbgb)

fuevh jb trbfs`osoùf ge bugoh phr Mjuethhta®.

SEjo`ofbr gosp.P<

6   pbrb ofoiobr ge

@EGOB Mhtùf<

Es phsomje ejo`ofbr gosphsotovhs rekostrbghs ef ej soste`b ge bugoh Mjuethhta. Yejeiiohfe uf gosphsotovh rekostrbgh rekostrbgh y pujse  :EFWE]6 pbrb ihfnor`br jb ejo`ofbioùf. SMjuethhtaP<

Yo ej Mjuethhta® se ab gesbitovbgh, bpbreie uf `efs `efsble bvoshh SBI bvos SBIW./ W./GEY GEY.P .P(pujse bj sej sejeiio eiiohfbr SMjueuethhtaPble efge ej `efü gej tejïnhfh ).hfbr TbrbSMj bitovbr jb seòbj Mjuethhta®, pujse :EFWE]6 y se `hstrbrâ trb râ jb sok sokuoef uoefte te pbf pbftbjj tbjjb. b. Yeje Yejeiioh iiohfe fe SBI SBIW.P W.P y puj pujse se :EFWE]6   pbrb vosubjozbr jb pbftbjjb gej `efü ge ihfnokurbioùf Mjuethhta®.

Tbrb bi Tbrb biio iohf hfbr br jb tr trbf bfs` s`os osoù oùff ge bu bugo gohh ph phrr Mjuethhta®, utojoie ej `ïthgh sokuoefte<

•   Tujse   :@EGOB6  ge nhr`b repetogb abstb que bpbrezib SMW BugohP.

Ej toph ge pbftbjjb, l B hl M , que se `uestrb ef ej soste`b ge bugoh vbràb ef nufioùf ge jb versoùf ge Mjuethhta® gej gosphsotovh.

Mhthfes ge bvbfie râpogh/retrhiesh râpogh<

Yo se `bf `bftoef toefee pujs pujsbgh bgh ej mht mhtùf ùf (bvbfie (bvb fie râp râpo-ogh) h (retrhie (ret rhiesh sh râp râpogh ogh), ), jb pos postb tb se rep reprhg rhguie uie b bjtb vejhiogbg. Iubfgh se suejtb ej mhtùf, jb postb vuejve b jb vejhiogbg ge reprhguiioùf fhr`bj. Mhthfes ge rbstreh bsiefgefte/gesiefgefte<

Yo se pujsb ej mhtùf h ufb vez, se bvbfzbrâ abstb jb postb sokuoefte h se retrhiegerâ bj profiopoh ge jb po post stbb bi bitu tubj bj.. Tu Tujs jsee ej mh mhtù tùff h vbro vb robs bs veies pbrb gespjbzbrse phr jbs postbs.

SYej. gosp.P<

Jb jostb ge gosphsotovhs rekostrbghs `uestrb jhs tejïnhfh nh fhss `ù `ùvo voje jess h go gosp sphs hsototov ovhs hs ge bu bugo gohh ih ihff Mjuet Mj uethht hhta® a® rek rekost ostrb rbgh ghss ef ej so sost ste` e`bb ge bug bugoh oh.. Yo jb jostb ihftoefe vbrohs gosphsotovhs, sejeiiohfe ej gosFBB2519


phsotovh que geseb ihfeitbr bj soste`b ge bugoh Mjuethhta®. Jhs sokuoeftes sà`mhjhs (seküf `hgejh) ofgoibf jb

Nufiohfes profiopbjes ge jb trbfs`osoùf

ibpbiogbg gej gosphsotovh rekostrbgh<   < Wejïnhfh `ùvoj oftekrbgh

ge bugoh phr Mjuethhta Kore ej ofterrupthr ge efiefgogh abstb jb phsoioùf


Yo jb ibfioùf reprhguiogb reprhguiogb ihftoefe etoquetbs ge ofnhr`bioùf nhr`bio ùf ge `üsoib (OG9), se `hstrbrâ ej tàtujh ge jb ibfioùf. Yo fh aby etoquetbs gosphfomjes gosphfomjes,, jb pbftbjjb fh `hstrbrâ fofküf `efsble.

Bii u HF. Yo ej soste`b se ab bpbkbgh gurbfte jb repr re prhg hgui uiio ioùf ùf ge uf gos osph phso sototovvh ge bu bugo gohh Tbftbjjb, ibjenbiioùf, bihfgoiohfbghr ge bore y soste`b ge bugoh   7-9?


Iu Iubf bfgh gh se pu pujs jsbb ej mh mhtù tùff

vbro vb robs bs ve veie ies, s, se

vosubjozbf ej tàtujh. gostofths gbths shmre jb ibfioùf lufth ihf Bj `b `bft ftef efer er pu pujs jsbg bghh se vo vosu subj bjoz ozbr brââ uf ufbb jojosstb ge getbjjes y trbs ufhs sekufghs se vhjverâ b jb pbft pb ftbj bjjb jb pr prof ofio iopb pbj,j, h mo moef ef pu pujs jsbf bfgh gh mrev mr evee`efte.

Ihfexoùf Mjuethhta® ihf uf tejïnhfh `ùvoj Este soste`b hnreie ge `bfhs pbrb su tejïnhfh `ùvojufb ihf nufioùf Mjuethhta®, ihf ej jomres nof ge bu`eftbr bu`e ftbr jb sek sekurog urogbg bg y ih`h ih`hgog gogbg bg bj ihfg ihfguior uior.. Tbrb hmtefer `âs ofnhr`bioùf, ihfsujte ‚Wejïnhfh `ùvoj oftekrbgh pbrb rbgoh N@ B@ ihf reprhguithr ge IG (seküf `hgejh)‐ `âs bgejbfte ef estb seiioùf.

bore y soste`b ge ge bugoh 7-74   Tbftbjjb, ibjenbiioùf, bihfgoiohfbghr ge bore  

Tbftbjjb, ibjenbiioùf, bihfgoiohfbghr ge bore y soste`b ge bugoh   7-72  

espeionoibiohfes hfes Wbmjb ge espeionoibio Wophs ge shphrte ih`pbtomjes Wb`bòh gej IG Yosste`bs ge br Yo briiaov ovhh ih` h`ppbt btom omje jess pbrb IG

Yoste`bs ge briaovh ih`pbtomjes pbrb UYM ^ersohfes ih`pbtomjes @T9 *2

[@B *9


Ofnhr`bioùf ef etoquetb (tàtujh ge jb ibfioùf, fh`mre gej brtostb y gej âjmu`)

^ersoùf @ues @u estr treh eh ge nr nrei eiue uefi fiob ob Wbsb Wb sb ge mo mots ts

IG-], IG-]H@, IG-][, UYM =.4 @YI 2= i` ge goâ`etrh. abstb 2,? `` ge krhshr OYH?>>4 fovej 2, OYH?>>4 fo fovvej =, ]h` h`eeh, Lhjoe oett * OYH?>>4 fovej 9 (esiroturb ef pbquetes) fh es ih`pbtomje. * Ej briaovhs kubrgbghs utojozbfgh ej ih`phfefte Jove Noje Yyste` (ef uf hrgefbghr ihf soste`b hperbtovh [ofghws ^ostb) fh estâ gosphfomje. NBW-2>, NBW-9=

^ersoùf @uest @ue stre rehh ge nr nreiu eiuef efiob iob Wbs bsbb ge mot otss ^ersoùf

@TEK2, Jbyer 9 9= cA cAzz - 77 77,2 ,2 cA cAzz - 71 cA cAzz 9=,, 74 9= 74,, 71 71,, 5> 5>,, >7 >7,, 14 14,, ?> ?>,, 22 22=, =, 2= 2=1, 1, 27 277, 7, 2> 2>4, 4, 2? 2?=, =, == ==7, 7, =5 =5>, >, =1 =11, 1, 9= 9=4, 4, Cm Cmps ps,, ^M] *7 [@B;, [@B1, [@B? 2> cA cAz, z, == ==,4 ,455 cA cAz, z, 9= cA cAz, z, 77 77,2 ,2 cA cAz, z, 71 cA cAzz 71, >7, 14, ?>, 2=1, 2>4, 2?=, =5>, 9=4, ^M] cmps *7 @TEK-7, BBI

@uestre @uest rehh ge nr nreiu eiuef efiob iob Wbsb ge mots IG @T9 [@B

1, 22 22.4 .4=5 =5,, 2> 2>,, == ==.4 .45, 5, 9= 9=,, 77 77.2 .2,, 71 cA cAzz 9=, 71, >7, 14, ?>, 2=1, 2>4, 2?= Cmps, ^M] *7 IGGB Etoquetb OG9 ver. 2.4, 2.2, =.=, =.7 Etoquetb [@B

BBI Ih`pbtomojogbg ge postbs/briaovhs

Etoquetb BBI IGGB ‗ ?? postbs @T9/[@B/BBI ef IG ‗ ??? briaovhs UYM ‗ 94444 briaovhs

bore y soste`b ge ge bugoh 7-7=   Tbftbjjb, ibjenbiioùf, bihfgoiohfbghr ge bore  

Ih`pbtomojogbg ge ibrpetbs

244 ibrpetbs ef IG =544 ibrpetbs ef UYM Trhnufgogbg< abstb 1, ibrpetbs ihf `byhr prhnufgogbg serâf ofnerohres b 1, ihfnhr`e bj `âxo`h. Ih`p Ih `pbt btom omojojog ogbg bg ge jojost stbs bs ge re repprh rhggui uiio ioùf ùf ef UY UYM M @9U, @9 U, [TJ TJ,, TJ TJY Y ‗ 24 2444 44 jojost stbs bs ge re repr prhg hgui uiio ioùf ùf.. Ih`pbtomojogb Ih`pbt omojogbgg ge ibrbiteres ibrbiteres ge ge texth Jhfkot Jhfkotug ug ge ibrbiteres ibrbiteres vbrobm vbrobmjes, jes, Fh`mre gej briaovh< 22 ibrbiteres ih`h `àf. (94 ibrbiteres ih`h `âx.), gepefgoefgh gej ihftefogh ge etoquetb OG9< =7 ibrbiteres ih`h `àf. (@âx. >4 ibrbiteres) *5 jhs `egohs. ^osubjozbioùf ge iùgokhs ge ibrâiter Ufoihge, OYH115?’25(Nrefia), 42 MH@ Mok Efgobf), 47< UFOIHGE (UWN-2> Fif-MH@ Mok KM21494’=444(Iaofese), MOK- Efgobf), 45< UFOIHGE(UWN-1), 4> MH@ Jottje Efgobf), 5(Wbowbfese), CYQ2442’ 4;< YAONW-LOY, KM21494’=444(Iaofese), MOK-5(Wbowbfese), CYQ2442’ =44=(Chrebf) =44=(Chrebf) Expjhrbioùf Expjhrbioùf ge briaovhs/ibrpetbs pbrb IG/@T9, UYM *2 *= *9 *7

Jhs briaovhs irebghs ihf ufb ih`mofbioùf ih`mofbioùf ge uf `uestreh ge nreiuefiob nreiuefiob 71 cAz y ufb tbsb ge mots ge >7 Cmps fh se puegef reprhguior. Jhs iùgokhs gosphfomjes gosphfomjes gepefgef gej toph ge shphrte, versoùf ùf e ofnhr`bioùf que se vb b vosubjozbr. Jhs briaovhs [@B prhtekoghs prhtekoghs (G]@) (G]@) fh se puegef reprhguior. reprhguior. Iubfgh se reprhguief reprhguief briaovhs ^M], es phsomje que fh se `uestre ge nhr`b ihrreitb ihrreitb ej toe`ph ge reprhguiioùf. reprhguiioùf. [@B; y [@B1 fh utojozbf ^M].

*5 Ih`pbtomje ihf 2=1 mytes, mytes, seküf ej bfiah ge jb pbftbjjb y ej toph ge ibrbiteres.

Tbftbjjb, ibjenbiioùf, bihfgoiohfbghr ge bore y soste`b ge bugoh   7-79  

FOYYBF IHFFEIW (seküf `hgejh)


•   Yofthfozbioùf YEEC (`hgbjogbg ge rbgoh) ‗ se-


küf `hgejh Tujse ej mhtùf ge gespjbzb`oefth brromb/bmblh ( h ) gurbfte `âs ge 2,5 sekufghs pbrb pb rb mu musib sibrr jb e` e`osh oshrb rb ge rb rbgo gohh so soku kuoef oefte te h bf bfte te-rohr. Müsquegb gb ge postb (IG, oThg, `e`hrob UYM h •   Müsque

`hgbjogbg ge bugoh* Mjuethhta) ‗ *< seküf `hgejh


FOYYBF Ihffeitℭ, soste`b ge bugoh ihf fbvekbioùf

Tbrb hmtefer `âs getbjjes, ihfsujte ej `bfubj ge usubroh ge Fossbf Ihffeit que se eftrekb phr sepbrbgh.


l 2   Mhthfes ggee softhfozbioùf ge vhju`ef l =   Mhthfes ge

Mhtùf ge sejeiioùf ge postbs/softhfozbioùf Tujse ej ofterrupthr pbrb sejeiiohfbr uf ibfbj h ufb postb.

•  Ib`moh ge jb e`oshrb prhkrb`bgb (`hgbjogbg ge rbgoh)

Tujse ej mhtùf ge gespjbzb`oefth brromb/bmblh ( h ) gur urbf bfte te `e `efh fhss ge 2,5 se seku kufg fghs hs pbrb sejeiiohfbr ufb ge jbs e`oshrbs ge rbgoh

’ bmblh Tujsee (ej ihft Tujs ihftrhj gespjb oefth brromb brromb/   hrhj ge) gespjbzb` gurb gu rbft ftezb`oeft e `e `efh fhshs ge 2,55/ 2, sekufghs pbrb sejeiiohfbr jb sokuoefte postb h vhjver bj ofoioh ge jb postb bitubj. Tujse vbrobs veies (brromb/bmblh) pbrb retrhieger h bvbfzbr phr jbs postbs. ’ Tujse Tujse ej ihft ihftrhj rhj ge gespjbzb` gespjbzb`oeft oefthh brromb/ brromb/ bmblh ( h ) gurbf bftte `â `âss ge 2,5 sekufghs pbrb sejeiiohfbr jb sokuoefte ibrpetb h jb bfterohr bfterohr..

Mhthfes ge ihftrhj ge vhju`ef Tujse ej mhtùf ge ihftrhj gej vhju`ef (+  h  ∝ ) pbrb bu`eftbr h gos`ofuor ej vhju`ef.


bore y soste`b ge ge bugoh 7-77   Tbftbjjb, ibjenbiioùf, bihfgoiohfbghr ge bore




Fh pbr pbrbb `hge `hgejhs jhs ihf sost soste`b e`b Fos Fossbf sbf Ihff Ihffeit,ihfeit,ihf-

Mhthfes gej tejïnhfh<

Jhs mhthfes :

6 h :

6l 9 yl 7 je per`ot per`otef< ef<

•  Bieptbr ufb jjb`bgb eftrbfte pujsbfgh ej mhtùf :


eftrbfte pujsbfgh ej mh•   ]eiabzbr ufb jjb`bgb eftrbfte

sujte rbgh. ej `bfubj ge usubroh que se eftrekb phr sepb-


tùf  : 6 `oeftrbs se estâ reiomoefgh ufb jjb`bgb eftrbfte.

Nofbjozbrr ufb jjb`bgb bitovb pujsbfgh pujsbfgh ufb vez ej •   Nofbjozb mhtùf  :


l 2   Mhtùf ge mblbgb gej vhju`ef l =   Mhtùf ge sumogb gej vhju`ef l 9   Mhtùf ge bieptbr jjb`bgb 7   Mhtùf ge reiabzbr jjb`bgb l

Mhthfes vhjbfte ge ihftrhj gej tejïnhfh ef ej Jb `hgbjogbg ge `bfhs jomres puege nufiohfbr utojozbfg joz bfghh jhs ih ihftr ftrhj hjes es sot sotubg ubghs hs ef ej vh vhjb jbftege ftege go gore reiiioùf.


b jjb`br bj üjto`h fü`erh `bribgh puj•   ^hjver sbfgh ej mhtùf  : 6 gurbfte `âs ge = sekufghs. FBB25;>

BG^E]WEFIOB Utojozbr ej tejïnhfh `ùvoj gurbfte jb ihfguiioùf es ext extre` re`bgb bgb`ef `efte te pej pejokr okrhsh hsh,, yb que pue puege ge gon gonooiujtbr sokfonoibtovb`efte jb ihfieftrbioùf, gos`ofuor jb ibpbiogbg ge rebiioùf gej ihfguithr b jb ahrb ge efnreftbrse b ib`mohs repeftofhs ef jb ibrreterb y, bge`âs, puege prhvhibr uf biiogefte. Esth es bpjoibmje b thgbs jbs sotubiohfes

Mhthfes ge ihftrhj ge vhju`ef<

ef jbs que se estï utojozbfgh ej tejïnhfh `ùvoj, ih`h ih` h bj rei reiomo omorr ufb jjb jjb`bg `bgb, b, gur gurbft bfte e ufb ihf ihfver ver-sbioùf tejenùfoib, iubfgh estï jjb`bfgh b pbrtor ge su bkefgb tejenùfoib, eti.

Jhs mhthfes ge ihftrhj ge vhju`ef je per`otorâf blustbr ej vhju`ef ge jhs bjtbvhies pujsbfgh jhs mhthfes  :+6 h  :∝6 l 2 yl =.

Tbftbjjb, ibjenbiioùf, bihfgoiohfbghr ge bore y soste`b ge bugoh   7-75  


UYM, bugoh Mjuethhta h BUQ se sojefiobrâ y per`b-

Ef bjkufhs jukbres, jbs jeyes prhaàmef ej ush ge tejïnhfhs `ùvojes ef ej veaàiujh sof nufioùf ge `bfhs jomres.

feierâ zbgh. bsà abstb que jb jjb`bgb bitovb abyb nofbjo-

Este ibpàtujh je hnreie ofnhr`bioùf shmre ej soste`b ge `bfhs jomres pbrb tejïnhfhs `ùvojes ge FOYYBF utojozbfgh ufb ihfexoùf Mjuethhta ®.

Es phsomje que ej soste`b Mjuethhta ® fh puegb ihfeitbrse ihf ej tejïnhfh `ùvoj gemogh b jbs sokuoeftes rbzhfes<

•  Ej tejïnhfh `ùvoj estâ ge`bsobgh bjelbgh gej veaàiujh.

Mjuethhta es uf estâfgb estâfgbrr ofbjâ`mroih ge ih`ufoibioùf ibio ùf ge rbg rbgoh. oh. Est Estee sos soste` te`bb hnr hnreie eie ufb ofst ofstbjbi bjbioùf oùf

•  Jb `hgbjogbg Mjuethhta

ge `bfhs jbjomres pbrb su bj tejïnhfh `ùvoj ihf ej nof ge bu`eftbr ih`hgogbg ihfguior.

se ab bitovbg bitovbgh. h. Yu tejïnhfh `ùvoj fh se ab rekostrbgh ef ej gos•   fh


Tbrb utojozbr su tejïnhfh `ùvoj ihf ej Mjuethhta® gej soste`b ge bugoh, se geme ihfnokurbr pro`erh ej tejïnhfh `ùvoj. Tbrb hmtefer ofnhr`bioùf ofnhr`bioùf bgoiohfb bgoiohfbj,j, ihfsujte ‚Ihfnokurbioùf ge MJUEWHHWA®‐ `âs bgejbftee ef estb seiioùf. Ufb vez que se ab ihfnobgejbft kurbgh ej tejïnhfh, jb `hgbjogbg ge `bfhs jomres se bitovb buth`âtoib`efte ef ej tejïnhfh `ùvoj rekostrbgh (phr `egoh gej Mjuethhta®) iubfgh se geteitb. Bpbreie uf `efsble ef jb pbftbjjb gej soste`b ge bugoh gej veaàiujh tbfth bj ihfeitbr ej tejïnhfh ih`h bj reiomor jjb`bgbs jjb`bgbs h bj rebjozbrjbs. Iubfgh aby ufb jjb`bgb bitovb, se usbf ej soste`b


ge su tejïnhfh `ùvoj

phsotovh Mjuethhta® ge jb ufogbg ge bugoh.

•   Ej tejïnhfh `ùvoj fh iueftb ihf teifhjhkàb Mjuethhta® (MW Ihre v=.4).


•  Tbrb `hgejhs ihf Fossbf Ihffeit (soste`b

ge bugoh ihf fbvekbioùf), veb ej `bfubj ge


l 2   Mhtùf ge tejïnhfh l =   Mhtùf  :@EFU6 h  :EFWE]6 (kore y pujse pbrb sejeiiohfbr) (btrâs) l 9   Mhtùf l 7   Mhtùf ge müsquegb râpogb ef jb bkefgb tejenùfoib  B-\

usu usubro broh h gej soste` sos te`b b ge fbv fbvekb ekbioù ioùf f que se eftrekb phr sepbrbgh.

Ihfnokurbioùf MJUEWHHWA® Biiegb bj `efü gege ihfnokurbioùf gej tejïnhfh b trb-

•   Tbrb hmtefer `âs getbjjes, ihfsujte ej `b-

vïs ge vïs gejj mh mhtùf tùf (tej (t ejïnh ïnhfh) fh),, sej sejeii eiiohf ohfee jb te teijb ijb SMjuethhtaP y, b ihftofubioùf, ih`prueme so ej Mjuethhta estâ bitovbgh (ihfnokurbioùf phr geneith bitovbgb, pujse ej mhtùf  :EFWE]6 ef ibsh ihftrbroh).

fubj gej usubroh ge su tejïnhfh `ùvoj.

•  Yo feiesotb byugb pbrb jb ihfnokurbioùf gej

tejïnhfh `ùvoj oftek tejïnhfh oftekrbgh, rbgh, biugb b su ihfi ihfieesohfbroh FOYYBF.

ge bugoh, ej `oirùnhfh (sotubgh ef ej teiah gejbfte gej espelh retrhvoshr) retrhvoshr) y jhs `bfghs ge ihftrhj ef ej vhjbfte ge goreiioùf pbrb ih`ufoibrse ihf ej gosphsotovh ge `bfhs jomres. Yo ef ese `h`efth se estâ utojozbfgh ej soste`b ge bugoh, jb `hgbjogbg ge rbgoh, ge IG, oThg, bugoh

Tbrb ihfnokurbr ej soste`b Mjuethhta y bshiobr (ihfeitbr h rekost rekostrbr) rbr) su tejïnhfh `ùvoj prenerogh, prenerogh, sokb ej prhiego`oefth sokuoefte. Tbrb bshiobr uf gosphsotovh, use jb teijb SMusibr gosp.P h jb teijb SIhfeitbr tej.P. Ye puegef ihfeitbr abstb 5 gosphsotovhs Mjuethhta gonereftes. Yof e`mbrkh, shjb`efte puege usbrse uf gosphsotovh ibgb vez. Yo yb se abf rekostrbgh 5

bore y soste`b ge ge bugoh 7-7>   Tbftbjjb, ibjenbiioùf, bihfgoiohfbghr ge bore  

gosphsotovhs Mjuethhta gonereftes, bj rekostrbr ufh fuevh abmrâ queSEjo`ofbr ree`pjbzbr ufh ge mhrrbr jhs 5 exosteftes. Use jb teijb gosp.P pbrb ufh ge jhs gosphsotovhs bshiobghs exosteftes. Tbrb hmtefer `âs ofnhr`bioùf, ihfsujte ‚SEjo`ofbr gosp.P‐ `âs bgejbftee ef estb seiioùf. bgejbft Yo ej rekostrh se jjevb b ibmh ihf ïxoth, bpbreierâ uf `efsble ge bvosh y jb pbftbjj pbftbjjbb gej soste`b ge bugoh vhjverâ b `hstrbr jb nuefte ge bugoh bitubj. Gurbfte jb ihfexoùf, se `hstrbrâf jhs sokuoeftes oihfhs ge estbgh ozquoerg btbgh ge oftefso te fsogb gbgg(pbrte ge jbsuperohr ge seòbj se òbj ( ozquoergb ), es estb ghjbge gepbftbjjb)< jb mb mbte terà ràb* b* ( ) y Mju juet ethh hhta ta bi bittov ovbg bghh ( ). *< Yo bp bpbr breieuf eieuf `e `efsb fsble le ge mb mbte teràbmblb ràbmblb,, ser serââ fei feieesbroh reibrkbr prhfth ej gosphsotovh Mjuethhta®. Ej prhiego`oefth ge bshiobioùf puege vbrobr ef nufioùf gej toph ge gosphsotovh y jb ih`pbtomojogbg. Tbrb hmtefer hmt efer `âs ofnh ofnhr`bi r`bioùf, oùf, ihfs ihfsujt ujtee ej `bfu `bfubj bj ge ofs ofs-truiiohfes gej Mjuethhta®. FHWB

•   Tbrb hmtefer ofnhr`bioùf shmre ej gosphsoto-

vh, ihfsujte ej `bfubj ge ofstruiiohfes gej tejïnhfh `ùvoj/bugoh.

tejï•   Yo feiesotb byugb pbrb jb oftekrbioùf gej tejï-

=) Yejeiiohf Yejeiiohfee ej gosphsotovh gosphsotovh que quoere bshiobr. Use fbr. ej `bfgh  :@EFU6  y pujse pbrb sejeiioh-

  SMusibr gosp.P @uestrb thg @uestrb thghs hs jhs gos gosphs phsotov otovhs hs Mju Mjueth ethhta hta vos vosomj omjes es y gosphfomjes, e ofoiob jb ihfexoùf Mjuethhta gesge jb ufogbg ge bugoh.

•   SIhfeitbr tej.P Ofoiob jb ihfexoùf Mjuethhta gesge ej gosphsotovh `ùvoj.

•   SYej. gosp.P Ye puege ejekor quï gosphsotovh ihfeitbr ge jb jostb ge gosphsotovhs rekostrbghs.

•   SEjo`ofbr gosp.P Ye puegef mhrrbr gosphsotovhs gosphsotovhs Mjueth Mjuethhta hta rekostrbghs.

•   SMjuethhtaP Yo se gesbitovb estb hpioùf, jb ihfexoùf eftre jhs gosphsotovhs Mjuethhta y ej `ùgujh Mjuethhta gej veaàiujh se ibfiejb.

9) Ej prhiego`oefth prhiego`oefth ge bshiobioùf bshiobioùf vbràb ef nufioùf gej gosphsotovh que se vbyb b ihfeitbr< 2) Gosphs Gosphsotovh otovh sof iùgokh iùgokh TOF< Jb ihfexoùf Mjuethhta se prhguie buth`âtoib`efte, sof feiesogbg ge rebjozbr `âs pbshs. =) Gosphsotovh Gosphsotovh ihf iùgokh iùgokh TOF< aby ghs nhr`bs gonereftes ge rebjozbr jb bshiobioùf ef nufioùf gej gosphsotovh< ’ Woph Woph B< Ye vosubjozb ej `efsble STbrb ihfeitP Softrhg. trh g. TOF TOFPP 444 44444 y ej te` te`phr phrozbg ozbghr hr ge iueftb btrâs. Ihfnor`e ej iùgokh TOF ef ej gosphsotovh Ye rebjozbrâ jb ihfexoùf Mjuethhta. Yo ej te`phro te`phrozbghr zbghr ge iueftb btrâs bjibfzb 4, se ibfiejbrâ ej oftefth ge bshiobr jhs gosphsotovhs. ’ Woph Woph M< se `hstrbrâ ej `efsble SYhjoiotug e`pbr.P

nhfh `ùvoj/bugoh ihf Mjuethhta®, biugb b su ihfiesohfbroh FOYYBF.

•  Tuegef bshiobrse uf `âxo`h ge 5 gosphsoto-

2) Tujs Tujsee ej mht mhtùf ùf . Yeje Yejeiioh iiohfe fe SMu SMusib sibrr gos gosp.P p.P Jb ufogbg ge bugoh musib gosphsotovhs Mjuethhta

Tbrb ihfnokurbr ej soste`b Mjuethhta ihf uf gosphsotovh, gosphfe ge jhs sokuoeftes eje`efths<

y `uestrb thghs jhs gosphsotovhs vosomjes. Yo puj pujsb sb ej mht mhtùf ùf , jb müs müsque quegb gb se ibfi ibfiejb. ejb.

vhs Mjuethhta ihf ej soste`b.

SIhfnor`br ihftrbseòbP lufth ihf ej iùgokh ge > gàkoths. Ej gosphsotovh geme `hstrbr ej iùgokh ogïftoih y üfoih. Yo ej iùgokh es ogïftoih, ihfnàr`ejh ef ej gosphsotovh. Ye rebjozbrâ jb ihfexoùf ge Mjuethhta.

SMusibr gosp.P<

Tbftbjjb, ibjenbiioùf, bihfgoiohfbghr ge bore y soste`b ge bugoh   7-7;  

SIhfeitbr tej.P<

ej teijbgh gej `os`h, y pujse ej mhtùf ge

ej Mjuethhta ge jb ufogbg ge bugoh. •  Efioefgb Ihfsujte jb gesiropioùf ge SMjuethhtaP. •  Use jb ufogbg ge bugoh pbrb rebjozbr jb bshiob-

ihfnor`bioùf gosphsotovh. Tbrb hmtefergej `âs ofnhr`bioùf, ihfsujte ej `bfubj `bfu bj ge ofst ofstrui ruiiohf iohfes es gej gos gosphs phsotov otovhh Mjuethhta® ihrresphfgoefte.

ioùf< Tujsee ej mht Tujs mhtùf ùf . Yeje Yejeiioh iiohfe fe jb hpio hpioùf ùf SUfo SUforr gosphsP. Jb ufogbg ge bugoh esperbrâ b jb shjoiotug ge ufb ihfexoùf gesge ej gosphsotovh `ùvoj. Ej prh prhieg iego`oe o`oefth fth ge bsh bshiobi iobioùf oùf gep gepefg efgee gej gosphsotovh Mjuethhta< 2) Gosphs Gosphsotovh otovh sof iùgokh iùgokh TOF<

SYej. gosp.P<

Jb `hgbjogbg ge `bfhs jomres puege utojozb utojozbrse rse ihf ej mh mhtù tùff ge gejj te tejï jïnhf nhfhh gejj so ge sost ste` e`bb ge bu bugo gohh h gejj vh ge vhjbf jbfte te ge go gorei reiioù ioùff (sek (s eküf üf `h `hge gejh) jh)..

Jb jostb ge gosphsotovhs rekostrbghs `uestrb jhs tejïnhfh nh fhss `ù `ùvo voje jess h go gosp sphs hsototov ovhs hs ge bu bugo gohh ih ihff Mjuet Mj uethht hhta® a® re reko kost strb rbgh ghss ef ej sos soste te`b `b ge bug bugoh.Yo oh.Yo jb jostb ihftoefe vbrohs gosphs gosphsotovhs, otovhs, sejeiiohfe sejeiiohfe ej gosphsotovh que geseb ihfeitbr bj soste`b ge bugoh Mjuethhta®.

Jb ihfexoùf Mjuethhta se prhguie buth`âtoib`efte, sof feiesogbg ge rebjozbr `âs pbshs.

Jhs sokuoeftes sà`mhjhs (seküf `hgejh) ofgoibf jb ibpbiogbg gej gosphsotovh rekostrbgh<

=) Gosphsotovh Gosphsotovh ihf iùgokh iùgokh TOF< Aby ghs nhr`bs gonereftes ge rebjozbr jb bshiobioùf ef nufioùf gej gosphsotovh, ihfsujte jb gesiropioùf ef SMusibr gosp.P.

  < Wrbfs`osoù Wrbfs`osoùff ge bugoh (B=GT (B=GT-- pernoj pernoj ge ge gostromuioùf ge bugoh bvbfzbgb)

Use ej go Use gosp sphs hsoto otovh vh ge te tejïn jïnhf hfhh •   Mjuethhta® que gesee bshiobr<


`ùvoj/ `ùv oj/bug bugoh oh

2) Bitove ej `hgh ge müsquegb müsquegb ge gosphsotovhs gosphsotovhs Mjuethhta® ef ej gosphsotovh `ùvoj. Yo ej `hgh ge müsquegb efiueftrb jb ufogbg

• •


< Wejïnhfh `ùvoj oftekrbgh

SEjo`ofbr gosp.P<

Es phsomje ejo`ofbr gosphsotovhs rekostrbghs ef ej soste`b ge bugoh Mjuethhta. Yejeiiohfe uf gosphsotovh rekostrbgh rekostrbgh y pujse  :EFWE]6 pbrb ihfnor`br jb ejo`ofbioùf. SMjuethhtaP<

]eiomor ufb jjb`bgb Bj reiomor ufb jjb`bgb eftrbfte, eftrbfte, jb pbftbjj pbftbjjbb `uestrb ej fü`erh ge tejïnhfh ge jb pershfb que jjb`b (h uf `efsble ge bvosh ofgoibfgh ofgoibfgh que ej fü`erh ge tejïnhfh ge jb pershfb que jjb`b fh puege `hstrbrse) y tres oihfhs ge nufiohfb`oefth. 2. Ihftestbr y gurbfte jb jjb`bgb< Ihfteste jb jjb`bgb pujsbfgh  :EFWE]6 (se `brib

). Tujse :EFWE]6 pbrb sejeiiohfbr jbs sokuoeftes hpiohfes<

ge bugoh, bpbreierâ ef jb pbftbjjb gej gosphsotovh. =) Yejeiiohfe jb ufogbg ge bugoh que bpbreie ih`h S@o ihiaeP. 9) Oftrhguzib Oftrhguzib ej iùgokh fu`ïroih fu`ïroih que se `uestrb ef ej gosphsotovh ihrresphfgoefte, usbfgh

Yo ej Mjuethhta® se ab gesbitovbgh, bpbreie uf `efsble `efs ble ge bvo bvosh sh SBI SBIW./ W./GEY GEY.P .P bj seje sejeiioh iiohfbr fbr SMjue SM jueth thhta htaPP ef ej `e `efü fü ge gejj te tejïn jïnhfh hfh (p (puj ujse se ). Tbrb bitovbr seòbj Mjuethhta®, pujse  :EFWE]6  y se `hs `hstrbr trbrââ jb sok sokuoef uoefte te pbf pbftbj tbjjb. jb. Yeje Yejeiioh iiohfe fe SBI SBIW.P W.P y pujse :EFWE]6 pbrb vosubjozbr jb pbftbjjb gej `efü ge ihfnokurbioùf Mjuethhta®.

Nofbjo bjoie ie jb jjb jjb`b `bgb gb se sejei jeiioh iohfbf fbfgh gh •   Nof

y pu pujse jse


sejeiiohfbfgh •   Thfkb jb jjb`bgb ef esperb sejeiiohfbfgh y pujse :EFWE]6.

bore y soste`b ge ge bugoh 7-71   Tbftbjjb, ibjenbiioùf, bihfgoiohfbghr ge bore  

• S


Uto Utojoie joie estb hpioùf hpi oùfgej(tr (trbfs bfsnero nerorr geter ter`ofb `ofbj)j)bj pbr pbrb trbfsneror jb jjb`bgb soste`b bugoh tejï-b nhfh `ùvoj. Tbrb Tb rb tr trbf bfsn snero erorr ht htrb rb vezjb jjb jjb`b `bgb gb bj `bf `bfhs hs jom jomre ress b trbvïs trbvïs gej soste` soste`bb ge ge bugoh, bugoh, sejeiioh sejeiiohfe fe S P.

  S#2=9P Utojoie estb hpioùf pbrb oftrhguior fü`erhs gurbfte ufb jjb`bgb. Thr ele`pjh, iubfgh uf soste`b ge tejïnhfh buth`btozbgh je ofgoque que gemebshiobgh `bribr ufb soste`b efvàb thfh ihfextefsoùf, ej fü`erhejsejeiiohfb sejeiiohfbgh. gh. uf

=. Thfer ufb jjb`bgb ef esperb.<

Kore ej `bfgh  :@EFU6 abstb que se `brque y pujse :EFWE]6. Jb jjb`bgb se phfgrâ ef esperb. Tujse   :EFWE]6  pbrb bieptbr jb jjb`bgb, kore ej `bfgh :@EFU6 abi abiob ob jb ge gerei reiab ab y pu pujse jse :EFWE]6 pbrb reiabzbr jb jjb`bgb. 9. ]eiabzbr ufb jjb`bgb<

Kore ej `bfgh :@EFU6 abstb que se `brque y pujse :EFWE]6. Ye reiabzb jb jjb`bgb jjb`bgb..

’ ]ebjozbr jjb`bgb jjb`bgbss ge nhr`b `bfubj ’ ^hjver ^hjver b `bri `bribr br ’ Usbr ej aosthr aosthrobj obj ge jjb`bgb jjb`bgbss (`efü ge jostb jostb ge jjb`bgbs)

•   Efvobgbs •   ]eiomogbs •   Tergogb

7. Jb sokuoefte pbftbjjb `uestrb ej fü`erh b `bribr. es ihrreith, vuejvb b pujsbr  :EFWE]6 pbrb Yo `bribr ej fü`erh. Yo ej ihftbith toefe `âs fü`erhs bsokfbghs pbrb (gh` (g h`oi oiojojoh oh), ), (`ùv (` ùvojoj)) u (hnonoio (h iofb fb), ), ge gesspjbie y sejeiiohfe ej fü`erh ihrreith b `bribr.

]ebjozbr ufb jjb`bgb gesge jb bkefgb ge tejïnhfhs<

Ufb vez que se rebjozb jb ihfexoùf Mjuethhta® eftre ej tejïnhfh `ùvoj rekostrbgh y ej soste`b ge bugoh, jhs gbths ge jb bkefgb ge tejïnhfhs se trbfsnoeref buth`âtoib`efte bj soste`b ge bugoh. Jb trbfsnerefiob puege tbrgbr ef nofbjozbr. FHWB Jhs gbths ge jb bkefgb ge tejïnhfhs se mhrrbf iubfgh<  Ye ib`mob b htrh tejïnhfh `ùvoj rekostrbgh.

• •  Ej tejïnhfh `ùvoj estâ gesihfeitbgh. `ùvoj rekostrbgh rekostrbgh se mhrrb gej sos•   Ej tejïnhfh `ùvoj te`b ge bugoh.

Ih`h bjterfbtovb, jb `hgbjogbg ge müsquegb râpogb puege utojozbrse ge jb sokuoefte `bferb< 2. Ef jb pbftbjjb ge jb bkefgb tejenùfoib, pujse :B-\/l > 6. =. Kore ej `bfgh   :@EFU6   pbrb jb pro`erb jetrb fu`ïroib h bjnbmïtoib gej fh`mre gej ihftbith. Ufb vez `bribgb, pujse  :EFWE]6  pbrb sejeiiohfbr jb jetrb. 9. Jb pbftbjjb `uestrb ej fh`mre gej ihftbith ihrresphfgoefte. Yo es feiesbroh, vuejvb b utojozbr ej `bfgh  :@EFU6  pbrb gespjbzbrse `âs bgejbfte pbrb musibr ej fh`mre gej ihftbith bgeiubgh pbrb jjb`br.

2. Tujse :


Ofoioh ge ufb jjb`bgb

=. Kore ej `bfgh  :@EFU6, gespjâiese abiob bmb lh abstb SGor. Wejen.P y pujse  :EFWE]6.

Ye rebjozbr ufb jjb`bgb phr `egoh ge ufh ge jhs puege sokuoeftes `ïthghs<

9. Gespjbie Gespjbie jb jostb abiob bmblh, sejeiiohfe ej fh`mre gej ihftbith bgeiubgh (`bribgh) y pujse :EFWE]6.

’ ]ebjozbr ufb jjb`bgb jjb`bgb gesge gesge jb bkefgb bkefgb ge tejïnhtejïnhfhs

7. Jb sokuoefte pbftbjjb `uestrb ej fü`erh b `bribr. Yo es ihrreith, vuejvb b pujsbr  :EFWE]6 pbrb `bribr ej fü`erh.

Tbftbjjb, ibjenbiioùf, bihfgoiohfbghr ge bore y soste`b ge bugoh   7-7?  

7. Wrb Wrbss oftr oftrhgu hguior ior ej üjto üjto`h `h fü`e fü`erh,gespjâ rh,gespjâieseabsieseabs-

=. Kore ej `bfgh  :@EFU6 pbrb gespjbzbrse abstb

y pujse :EFWE]6 pbrb `br-

ufb jb. hpioùf y pujse  :EFWE]6 pbrb sejeiiohfbr-

tibr b eej j sfü`erh. à`mhjh ]ejjb`br<

Tbrb vhjver b `bribr h rebjozbr ufb jjb`bgb bj üjto`h fü`erh fü` erh `br `brib ibgh gh,, pu pujse jse gurb gu rbft ftee `â `âss ge = sekufghs.

9. Gespjâiese Gespjâiese abstb ej fü`erh ge tejïnhfh gesebgesebgh y pujse  :EFWE]6  h pujse pbrb `brib ibrr ej fü`erh.

]ebjozbr jjb`bgbs ge nhr`b `bfubj< BG^E]WEFIOB Estbiohfe ej veaàiujh ef uf jukbr sekurh y bpjoque ej nrefh ge estbiohfb`oefth bftes ge rebjozbr ufb jjb`bgb.

Tbrb rebjozbr ufb jjb`bgb ge nhr`b `bfubj b uf fü`erh fü`e rh ge tej tejïnhf ïnhfh, h, utoj utojoie oie jb pbf pbftbj tbjjb jb gej sost soste`b e`b ge bugoh (teijbgh vortubj) ge jb sokuoefte `bferb< 2. Tujs Tujsee y ko kore re ej `b `bfg fghh  :@EFU6 pbrb `bribr SFü` ge jjb`bgbP. =. Tujse  :EFWE]6  pbrb sejeiiohfbr SFü` ge jjb`bgbP. 9. Kore ej `bfgh  :@EFU6 pbrb gespjbzbrse gespjbzbrse y se-

Usbr ej aosthrobj ge jjb`bgbs (`efü ge jostb ge jjb`bgbs)<

Wb`moïf puege utojozbrse uf fü`erh ge jb jostb ge fü`erhs `bribghs, reiomoghs h jjb`bgbs pergogbs pbrb rebjozbr ufb jjb`bgb.

•   SEfvobgbsP Utojoie jbufb `hgbjogbg jjb`bgbs pbrb rebjozbr jjb`bgbge b pbrtor ge jbrebjozbgbs jostb ge jjb`bgbs rebjozbgbs (`bribgbs).

•   S]eiomogbsP Utojoie jb `hgbjog `hgbjogbg bg ge jjb`bgb jjb`bgbss reiomogbs pbrb

Yekufgb jjb`bgb eftrbfte Iubfgh aby ufb sek Iubfgh sekufg ufgbb jjb` jjb`bgb bgb eft eftrbft rbfte, e, se `uestrb ef jb pbftbjjb. Yo se sejeiiohfb ej oihfh , se bieptb jb jjb`bgb y jb jjb`bgb bitubj se phfe ef esperb. Yeje Ye jeii iioh ohfe fe korb ko rbfg fghh ej `b `bfg fghh :@EFU6 y pujse  :EFWE]6  pbrb sekufgbjbjjb`bgb eftrbfte. Iubfgh se reiabzbr abie esthjb gurbfte ihfversbioùf, se nofbjozb jb jjb`bgb. Yejeiioh Yeje iiohfe fe jb teij teijbb usbfgh usbf gh ej `bfg `bfghh  :@EFU6 y pujse jhs `bfghs :EFWE]6 eftre b`mbs ihfversbiohfes ge tejïnhfh.

jeiiohfe ibgb fü`erh gej tejïnhfh. Ufb vez `bribgh, pujse  :EFWE]6 trbs jb sejeiioùf ge ibgb fü`erh. Tbrb mhrrbr ej üjto`h fü`erh oftrhguiogh, gespjâiese abstb ej sà`mhjh S↔P (retrhiesh) y ufb vez `bribgh pujse :EFWE]6. Ye mhrrb ej üjto`h fü`erh. Tujsbr  :EFWE]6   repetogb`efte mhrrb ibgb fü`erh.

rebjozbr ufb jjb`bgb b pbrtor ge jb jostb ge jjb`bgbs reiomogbs.

•   STergogbsP

(Tbrb jbs restbftes sejeiiohfes, ihfsujte ]ebjozbr ufbjjb`bg ufbjjb` bgbb ge gesg sgee jb bk bkefg efgbb te tejen jenùfo ùfoib ib ef est estbb `o `oss`b sejeiioùf)

Utojoie `hgbjogbg jjb`bgbs pbrb rebjozbrjbufb jjb`bgb bgepbrtor ge jb pergogbs jostb ge jjb`bgbs pergogbs. 2. Tujs Tujsee

, y se sejei jeiioh iohfe fe SJ SJos ostb tb jjjjb`. b`.P. P.

bore y soste`b ge ge bugoh 7-54   Tbftbjjb, ibjenbiioùf, bihfgoiohfbghr ge bore  

@BFGHY GE IHFW]HJ EF EJ ^HJBFWE (seküf `hgejh)

Mhtùf gej tejïnhfh Ej mh mhtù tùff

•   Bieptbr ufb jjb`bgb eftrbfte pujsbfgh ufb vez. •   ^hjver b jjb`br bj üjto`h fü`erh `bribgh puj-

Blustes keferbjes

sbfgh ej mhtùf gurbfte `âs ge = sekufghs.

Ef ej `efü gej tejïnhfh, sejeiiohfe SIhfnokurbioùfP Ye puege blustbr ej vhju`ef y gesibrkbr `bfubj`efte jb bkefgb ihf este `efü. Ush gej `efü< Tujse  :EFWE]6  pbrb sejeiiohfbr, korbr ej `bfgh :@EFU6 pbrb bu`eftbr h reguior ej vhju`ef. Tujse  :EFWE]6 pbrb ihfnor`br. Eje`efths gej `efü<

•   S^hj.P ’ SWhf SWhfhP hP Blustb ej vhju`ef gej thfh gej tejïnhfh

’ SJjb SJjb`. `.PP Blustb Blus tb ej vhju vhju`ef `ef ge jb ihfv ihfvers ersbioù bioùff gur gurbfte bfte ufb jjb`bgb.   SWhfh jjb`.P ’ SIhia SIhiaeP eP Ejolb ej thfh ge jjb`bgb gej ihiae.

ge te tejïn jïnhfh hfh je pe per`o r`ote te

fbjoie oie ufb jjjjb`b b`bgb gb bit bitov ovbb pu pujsb jsbfg fghh •   NoNofbj vez.

l 2   Mhtùf ge mblbgb gej vhju`ef l =   Mhtùf ge sumogb gej vhju`ef l 9   Mhtùf gej tejïnhfh 7   Mhtùf ge nof/reiabzh ge jjb`bgb l Jb `bfhsefjomres puege utojozbrse utojozbrse ihf jhs `hgbjogbg `bfghs gege ihftrhj ej vhjbfte.

Mhtùf ge mblbgb gej vhju`ef Tujse ej mhtùf ge mblbgb gej vhju`ef pbrb reguior ej vhju`ef ge jhs bjtbvhies.


’ SWej SWejïn ïn.P .P Ejolb ej thfh ge jjb`bgb gej tejïnhfh.

•   SGes. bkefgbP

Gesibrkb jb bkefgb gej gosphsotovh `ùvoj b jb ufogbg ge bugoh `bfubj`efte.

Mhtùf ge sumogb gej vhju`ef Tujse ej mhtùf ge sumogb gej vhju`ef pbrb sumor ej vhju`ef ge jhs bjtbvhies.

Tbftbjjb, ibjenbiioùf, bihfgoiohfbghr ge bore y soste`b ge bugoh   7-52  

]BGOH IM H WEJÏNHFH TB]B EJ IHIAE Bj `hftbr uf equoph ofbjâ`mroih ge krbf ibpbiogbg hrese uf ge tejïnhfh tejïnhf h pbrb ej ihiae ef jbs su FOYYBF, bsekütefer ef iueftb thgbs preibuiohf preibuiohfes es sokuoeftes yb que, ge fh abierjh, ej fuevh equoph phgràb bneitbr fekbtovb`efte fekbtovb`efte bj soste` soste`bb ge ihftrhj gej `hthr y b htrhs ih`phfeftes ejeitrùfoihs gepefgoefgh ge su jhibjozbioùf ge `hftble. T]EIBUIOÙF

•  @bftefkb jb bftefb jh `âs jelhs phsomje gej `ùgujh ge ihftrhj ejïitroih.

ej ibmje ge jb bftefb b `âs ge =4 •  @bftefkb i` (1 pujk.) ge jb ofstbjbioùf ge jb ofyeiioùf ejeitrùfoib. Fh phfkb ej ibmje ge jb bftefb  lufth b fofkufb htrb ofstbjbioùf.

•  Bluste jb rejbioùf ge hfgb estbiohfbrob ge jb bftefb seküf jbs reih`efgbiohfes gej nbmroibfte.

•   Ihfeite ej ibmje ge `bsb gej iabsos ge jb rbgoh b jb ibrrhieràb. FHWB Tbrb hmtefer `âs ofnhr`bioùf, vosote ej sotoh wem ge FOYYBF< www.fossbf-eurhpe.ih`. Yejeiiohfe su pbàs ef jb jostb y vbyb bj `efü ‚YE]^O-

IOHY‐. Yo jb ofnhr`bioùf fh estâ gosphfomje ef ej sotoh wem, pùfkbse ef ihftbith ihf uf ihfiesohfbroh FOYYBF h tbjjer iubjonoibgh.

bore y soste`b ge ge bugoh 7-5=   Tbftbjjb, ibjenbiioùf, bihfgoiohfbghr ge bore  


Tbftbjjb, ibjenbiioùf, bihfgoiohfbghr ge bore y soste`b ge bugoh   7-59


5  Brrbfque Brrbfque y ihfguiioùf

Trhkrb`b ge rhgble ..... Trhkrb`b .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... ........... ........... ........ ... Bftes ge brrbfibr brrbfibr ej `hthr.......... `hthr............... .......... .......... ........... ........... ........ ... Treibuiohfes Treibuio hfes bj bj brrbfibr brrbfibr ej veaàiujh y ihfguiorjh..... ihfguiorjh..... Kbses ge esibpe (`hfùxog (`hfùxoghh ge ibrmhfh)....... ibrmhfh)........... ....

5-= 5-= 5-9 5-9

Yoste`b bftorrhmh FOYYBF (FBWY) (seküf `hgejh) ........................... ........................................................... ................................... ... 5-2= Ofterrupthr ge efiefgogh toph mhtùf pujsbghr (seküf `hgejh)................................................ `hgejh)........................................................ ........ 5-29

Yoste`b ge ihftrhj ge presoùf ge.............................. feu`âtoihs (WT@Y).................................................................... (WT@Y)...................................... Ofnhr`bioùf gej `egoghr ............................. ..................................... ........ Bitovbioùf........................................................... Bitovbioùf........................................................ ... Gbths gej sefshr gej WT@Y y reihfhio`oefth ge jb phsoioùf ..... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... ........ ... Bluste ge jb presoùf hmletov hmletovhh ge WT@Y........ WT@Y.............. ........ .. Ufogbges Ufogbg es ge presoùf presoùf ge feu`âtoi feu`âtoihs hs ........ ............. .......... ....... @efsble SIh`pr SIh`prueme ueme feu` feu` nràhP....... nràhP............ .......... .......... ........ ... Ibjomrbioùf Ibjomr bioùf ge te`perb te`perbturb turb ge WT@Y WT@Y ..... .......... .......... ....... ..

5-7 5-; 5-;

Treibuiohfes ej nufiohfb`oefth gej hr ..... ofterrupthr ofterru pthr ge pbrb efiefgog efiefgogh h toph mhtùf pujsbghr pujsbg ....... Yoste`b ge ge jjbve oftejokefte ............................... ................................... Thsoiohfes gej ofterrupthr ge efiefgogh ............. Bpbkbgh ge e`erkefiob gej `hthr ..................... Mjhqueh ge jb goreiioùf .............................. ...................................... ........ Gesibrkbb ge jb pojb ge jb jjbve oftejokefte Gesibrk oftejokefte ..... .......... ....... .. Brrbfque gej `hthr ................................ .................................................. .................. @hgejhs ihf soste`b ge jjbve oftejokefte...... oftejokefte........... ....... .. @hgejhs sof soste`b soste`b ge jjbve oftejokefte oftejokefte ..... .......... ......... ....

5-29 5-29 5-27 5-25 5-25 5-25 5-2> 5-2> 5-2;

Ibtbjozbghr ge tres vàbs (`hgejhs ihf `hthr ge ... kbshjofb)............................... kbshjofb) ............................................................... ................................... Tbrb evotbr gbòhs gbòhs............................. ................................................ ................... Yoste`b gej turmhih`preshr (`hgejhs ihf `hthr goïsej) ....................................... ..................................................................... .............................. Treibuiohfes gurbfte jb ihfguiioùf ihfguiioùf........................ ........................

5-? 5-?

Ihfguiioùf gejihf veaàiujh............................. veaàiujh .......................................... ............. Ihfguiioùf Ihfguii oùf trbfs`osoùf trbfs`o soùf `bfubj............. `bfubj........ .......... ....... Ihfguiioùf Ihfguii oùf ihf trbfs`osoùf QW]HFOI QW]HFOI (I^W).... (I^W).... Yoste`b Ythp/Ytbrt (seküf `hgejh) ......................... ......................... Nufiohfb`oefth fhr`bj fhr`bj............................... ....................................... ........ Treibuiohfes...................................................... Treibuiohfes................................................... ...

5-2? 5-2? 5-=4 5-=7 5-=5 5-=;

5-; 5-1 5-1 5-1 5-?

5-24 5-24

Terohgh ge brrbfque brrbfque ihf ej `hthr nràh ..... .......... .......... ....... .. Ibrkb gej veaàiujh veaàiujh........................... .............................................. ................... Ihfguiioùf ef ibrreterbs `hlbgbs..................... Ihfguiioùf Ihfguii oùf ef ihfgoiohfes ofverfbjes ofverfbjes ..... .......... .......... ..... Ofterrupthr ge efiefgogh (seküf `hgejh)................. Wrbfs`osoùf `bfubj .............................. ............................................ .............. Wrbfs`osoùf QW]HFOI (I^W) ............................. Mjhqueh ge jb goreiioùf .............................. ...................................... ........ Thsoiohfes ge jb jjbve.......................................... jjbve..........................................

5-24 5-24 5-24 5-22 5-22 5-22 5-22 5-2= 5-2=

Ofterrupthr ge gesbitovbioùf gej soste`b Ythp/Ytbrt .................................. .......................................................... ........................ Bahrrh `egohb`moeftbj ............................... ....................................... ........ Yoste`b ge bvosh ge âfkujh `uerth (MY[) (seküf `hgejh)................................................ `hgejh)........................................................ ........ Nufiohfb`oefth gej soste`b MY[ ...................... Yotubiohfes ge ihfguiioùf ge MY[................... Estbgh ge gesbitovbioùf gesbitovbioùf te`phrbj te`phrbj gej MY[........ MY[........ Gesbitovbioùf buth`âtoib gej MY[ .................... Bveràb gej gej MY[.................................................. MY[..................................................

5-=; 5-=1 5-=1 5-=? 5-92 5-9= 5-9= 5-9=


@bftefo`oefth ge jb ufogbg ge iâ`brb ge

Nrefhs gej re`hjque re`hjque.............................. ........................................... ............. 5-7?

MY[............................... MY[ ............................................................... ... Yoste`b ge bvosh ge gesvàh ge................................... ibrroj (JG[) (seküf `hgejh)............................................... `hgejh)........................................................ ......... Nufiohfb`oefth gej soste`b JG[....................... JG[....................... Estbghh ge gesbitovbioùf Estbg gesbitovbioùf te`phrbj gej JG[........ JG[........ Gesbitovbioùf buth`âtoib gej JG[..................... Bveràb gej JG[ ............................... .................................................. ................... @bftefo`oefth ge jb ufogbg ge jb iâ`brb ge JG[ ............................... ............................................................... ................................... ... Ihftrhj ge iruierh (seküf `hgejh).......................... `hgejh).......................... Treibuiohfes Treibuio hfes pbrb ej ihftrhj ge iruierh............ iruierh.............. Nufiohfb`oefth gej soste`b ge ihftrhj ge iruierh............................................................... iruierh................................................. .............. Jo`otbghr Jo`otb ghr ge vejhiog vejhiogbg bg (seküf `hgejh) ..... .......... .......... .......... ..... Nufiohfes gej jo`otbghr ge vejhiogbg................... Yoste`b ge nrefbgh ge e`erkefiob phr bjibfie (seküf `hgejh)............................................... `hgejh)........................................................ ......... Nufiohfb`oefth gej soste`b ............................. ................................ ... Estbiohfb`oefth ................................... ...................................................... ...................


5-95 5-95 5-9>

Ihfguiioùf ihf re`hjque ....................................... ............................... ........ Treibuiohfes ge nufiohfb`oefth......................... Tresoùf ge feu`âtoihs ....................................... ....................................... Ibgefbs ge sekurogbg ....................................... .......................................

5-71 5-7? 5-7?

5-99 5-99 5-97 5-95 5-95

5-9> 5-91 5-9? 5-72 5-7= 5-7>

Geteiio Geteiioùf ùfùfgegere`hjque (seküf `hgejh)....... Ihjhibioùf Ihjhibio uf gosphso gosphsotovh tovh ge`hgejh)............ efkbfiae ........ .......... ......... Yekurogbg gej veaàiujh............................................. veaàiujh............................................. Yoste`b ge jb servhgoreiioùf ejïitroib ..................... Yoste`b ge nrefhs.................................................... Treibuiohfes Treibuio hfes pbrb ej nrefh ..... .......... .......... .......... .......... ........... ........ .. Bsostefiob b jb nrefbgb ........................... ........................................ ............. Yoste`b ge nrefhs bftomjhqueh (BMY)....................... (BMY)....................... Ush gej soste`b ................................ .................................................. .................. Buthgobkfùstoih.................................................. Nufiohfb`oefth fhr`bj fhr`bj............................... ....................................... ........ Yoste`b gej prhkrb`b ge ihftrhj ejeitrùfoih ge estbmojogbg (EYT) (seküf `hgejh) ............................ Ofterrupthr EYT (prhkrb`b ge ihftrhj ejeitrùfoih ge estbmojogbg) HNN .......................... Yoste`b ge jb `hgbjogbg `hgbjogbg EIH EIH (seküf `hgejh) `hgejh) ..... ........ ... Ihfguiioùf Ihfguiio ùf ihf te`perbturbs te`perbturbs mblbs ef ej exterohr ... ... Mbteràb................................................................ Mbteràb................................... ............................. ]enrokerbfte gej `hthr ................................ ........................................ ........

5-7? 5-7? 5-54 5-52 5-5= 5-5= 5-5= 5-59 5-59 5-59 5-57 5-57 5-55 5-5> 5-5; 5-5; 5-5;

Equoph ge feu`âtoihs ........... ........................................ ............................. espeiobj ge ofvoerfh ................... ................................ ............. 5-5; 5-51 Trhteiioùf ihftrb jb ihrrhsoùf ............................ ............................ 5-51




•  Bmrùiaese ej iofturùf ge sekurogbg y pogb b jhs

Gurbfte jhs pro`erhs 2.>44 c` (2.444 `ojjbs), sokb estbs reih`efgbio reih`efgbiohfes hfes pbrb `elhrbr nobmojogbg nobmojo gbg refgo`oefth ge su fuevh veaàiujh ef ejjbnuturh. Yo fhy sokue estbs reih`efgbiohfes, reih`efgbiohfes, puege bihrtbr jb vogb gej `hthr y reguior su refgo`oefth.

•  Evote ihfguior gurbfte perohghs ge toe`ph jbrkhs b vejhiogbg ihfstbfte, yb seb bjtb h mblb.

BG^E]WEFIOB Jbs ib ibrbi rbiter teràst àstoib oibss ge ihf ihfgui guiioù ioùf f ge su vea veaàiu àiujh jh puegefib`m pue gefib`mobr`uiahb obr`uiahb ibu ibusb sb ge iub iubjqu jquoeribroeribrkb bgoiohfbj y ge su gostromuioùf, bsà ih`h phr jhs equophs bgoiohfbjes (efkbfiaes ge re`hjque, phrtbequopble ge teiah, eti.). Yu estojh ge ihfguiioùf y jb vejhiogbg gemerâf bgbptbrse b estbs ihfgoiohfes. Espeiobj`efte iubfgh jjeve ibrkbs pesbgbs, gemerâ reguior jb vejhiogbg prhphriohfbj`efte.

`briab. •   Fh biejere b nhfgh ef fofkufb `briab. •  Evote jhs brrbfques mrusihs. nrefbr mrusib`efte ef jb `egogb ge jh ph•   Evote •  Bsekürese ge que ef jb zhfb ge bjregeghr gej somje. veaàiujh fh aby hmstâiujhs. •   Fh jjeve re`hjques gurbfte jhs pro`erhs 144 c` •  ]evose jhs fovejes gej bieote ge `hthr, renroke(544 `ojjbs). FHWB Jhs `hgejhs ihf `hthr goïsej C?C bjibfzbrâf su `âxo` `âxo`h h refgo refgo`oeft `oefth h shjb` shjb`efte efte gespuïs ge bprhxo`bgb`efte 5.444 c` (9.444 `ojjbs).

rbfte, jàquogh ge nrefhs y gej e`mrbkue y jàquogh gej jbvbpbrbmrosbs/jbvbjufetb ihf tbftb nreiuefiobih`h se sebb ph phso somj mje3 e3 ih` ih`hh `à `àfo` fo`hh so soe`p e`pre re qu quee rephste.

•  Ofspeiiohfe vosubj`efte ej bspeith y estbgh ge jhs feu`âtoihs. Ih`prueme tb`moïf so jb presoùf ge jhs feu`âto feu`âtoihs ihs es ihrreitb ihrreitb.. `bftefo`oefth ge jb seiioùf •   Jhs eje`efths ge `bftefo`oefth ‚1. @bftefo`oefth y aâkbjh usteg `os`h‐ gemeràbf ih`prhmbrse peroùgoib`efte.

pbsblerhs que abkbf jh `os`h.

•  Ih`prueme ej nufiohfb`oefth ge jhs ofgoibgh-

res y testokhs iubfgh phfkb ej ofterrupthr ge efiefgogh ef phsoioùf HF.

•   Fh ihjhque hmleths gurhs h pesbghs ef ej sbjpo-

ibgerh h ef jb mbfgelb trbserb pbrb evotbr jesohfes ef ej ibsh ge que se prhguzib ufb pbrbgb mrusib.

•   Ih`prueme que thgbs jbs veftbfojjbs y juies estïf jo`pobs.

Ih`prueme me que thgbs jbs puertbs estïf ierrb•   Ih`prue gbs.  Ihjhque ej bsoefth y bluste jhs rephsbibmezbs.

• •  Bluste jhs retrhvoshres gej ofterohr y gej exterohr. 5-=   Brrbfque y ihfguiioùf  

T]EIBUIOHFEY BJ B]]BFIB] EJ ^EAÀIUJH _ IHFGUIO]JH Ej `hfùxogh ge ibrmhfh es uf kbs pejokrhsh BG^E]WEFIOB

gele le sh shjh jhss ef su ve veaà aàiu iujh jh b fo foòh òhss h bg bguj ujth thss •   Fh ge

y puege ibusbr ofihfsioef ofihfsioefiob iob h ofij ofijush ush jb `uerte.

que fhr`bj`efte feiesotef byugb ge htrhs. Wb`phi Wb` phih h gel gele e shj shjhs hs ef ej vea veaàiu àiujh jh b bfo bfo`bj `bjes es gh`ïstoihs. Thgràbf jesohfbrse h jesohfbr b htrhs bj phfer ef nufiohfb`oefth ej veaàiujh ofvhjuftbrob`efte. Bge`âs, ef gàbs ibjurhshs y shjebghs, jbs te`perbturbs geftrh ge uf veaài veaàiujh ujh ierrb ierrbgh gh phgràb phgràbf f bu`ef bu`eftbr tbr râpog râpogbb`efte abstb fovejes que prhvhquef jesohfes krbves h ofijush `hrtbjes b pershfbs y bfo`bjes.

•  Yo iree que estâf eftrbfgh kbses ge esibpe

  Tbrb evotbr que jhs pbquetes h equopble se vbybf abiob gejbfte bj nrefbr, fh phfkb fbgb ef jb zhfb ge ibrkb que shmrepbse jb bjturb ge jhs respbjghs ge jhs bsoefths.

•  @bftefkb ej phrtùf trbserh ierrbgh gurbfte

•  Nole thgb jb ibrkb ihf iuergbs h ioftbs pbrb evotbr que se gesjoie h se `uevb.

fh se sokuef jbs ofstruiiohfes bgeiubgbs •  Yo(ihfsujte ‚Bsoefths‐ ef jb seiioùf ‚2. Yekurogbg ‗ bsoefths, iofturhfes ge sekurogbg y soste`b soste` b ge sekuro sekurogbg gbg supje supje`eftb `eftbroh‐) roh‐),, se puegef sunror jesohfes krbves ef ibsh ge bi-

geftrh gej veaàiujh, ihfguzib ihf thgbs jbs veftbfojjbs ih`pjetb`efte bmoertbs y jjeve b revosbr ej veaàiujh of`egobtb`efte.

•   Fh phfkb ef `briab ej veaàiujh geftrh ge reiofths ierrbghs, ih`h kbrbles, `âs toe`ph gej estroitb`efte feiesbroh.

•   Fh estbiohfe ej veaàiujh ihf ej `hthr rf `briab gurbfte uf perohgh ge toe`ph jbrkh.

jb ihfguiioùf3 ge fh ser bsà, jhs kbses ge esibpe puegef oftrhguiorse ef ej ih`pbrto`efth ge pbsblerhs. Yo toefe que ihfguior bsà  phr bjkufb rbzùf, sokb esths pbshs< 2) Bmrb thgbs jbs jbs veftbfojjbs. =) Gesbitove Gesbitove jb `hgb `hgbjogb jogbg g ge reior reioriujb iujbioùfge ioùfge bore ( ). 9) Bluste jb vejhiogbg gej veftojbghr ef jb jb phsoioùf `âxo`b pbrb abier ioriujbr ej bore.

jbrkh perohgh ge toe`ph, bitove ej veftojbghr pbrb que ej bore exterohr eftre ef ej veaàiujh.

•  Ej soste`b ge esibpe y jb ibrrhieràb gemef

ih`prhmbrse ef uf ihfiesohfbroh FOYYBF h tbjjer iubjonoibgh soe`pre que< ’ ejev ejeve e ej ve veaà aàiu iujh jh ef uf ufb b pj pjbt btbn bnhr hr`b `b pb pbrb rb jb revosoùf. ’ shspeiae shspeiae que estâf estâf eftrbfgh eftrbfgh au`hs au`hs ge esibpe ef ej ih`pbrto`efth ge pbsblerhs. ’ fhte fhte ib`mohs ib`mohs ef ej ruogh ruogh gej soste`b soste`b ge esibpe. ’ abyb tefogh tefogh uf biioge biiogefte fte ef ej que abyb abyb resujtbgh gbòbgh ej soste`b ge esibpe, jb pbrte ofnerohr ge jb ibrrhieràb h jb pbrte trbserb gej veaàiujh.

ibmjeb jebgh gh ejï ejïitr itroih oih u htr htrbs bs ihf ihfexo exohfe hfess ge •   Yo ej ibm

iogefte h pbrbgb mrusib.

KBYEY GE EYIBTE (`hfùxogh ge ibrmhfh) BG^E]WEFIOB

ibmje toefef que pbsbr b uf re`hjque b trbvïs ge jb luftb ge jb ibrrhieràb, sokb jbs reih`efgbiohfes gej nbmroibfte pbrb evotbr que ej `hfùxogh ge ibrmhfh eftre ef ej veaàiujh.

•   Fh ofabje kbses ge esibpe3 ihftoefef `h-

fùxogh fùx ogh ge ibr ibrmhf mhfh, h, que es ofi ofihjh hjhrh rh e ofh ofhghr ghrh. h.

estbiohfbgh bj •   Iubfgh uf veaàiujh ab estbgh estbiohfbgh bore jomre ihf ej `hthr ef `briab gurbfte uf

Brrbfque y ihfguiioùf   5-9  

YOYWE@B GE IHFW]HJ GE T]EYOÙF GE FEU@ÂWOIHY (WT@Y) umoibioùf rekostrbgb ge ibgb ruegb y efvàb jhs gbths ge presoùf y te`per te`perbturb bturb b trbvïs ge hfgbs ge rbgoh b uf reiepthr que se efiueftrb ef ej ofterohr gej veaàiujh.


l b   Ofgoibghr WT@Y l m   Ofgoibghr ge umoibioùf gej feu`âtoih gej WT@Y

Iubfgh jbs te`perbturbs shf nràbs, se geme ih`prhmbr ibgb feu`âtoih, ofijuyefgh ofijuyefgh jb ruegb ge repuesth (seküf `hgejh), ibgb `es e ofnjbrj ofnjbrjhs hs abstb bjibfzbr jb presoùf reih`efgbgb phr ej nbmroibfte gej veaàiujh esirotb ef jb etoquetb gej veaàiujh h ef jb etoquetb ge jb presoùf ge ofnjbgh gej feu`âtoih. (Yo su veaàiujh feu`âtoihs ge tb`bòh gostofth bj ofgoibgh ef jbtoefe etoquetb gej veaàiujh h jb etoquetb ge jb presoùf ge ofnjbgh ge jb ruegb, se geme geter`ofbr jb presoùf ge ofnjbgh gej feu`âtoih bgeiubgb pbrb esths feu`âtoihs).


Yo pujsb bahrb ej ofterrupthr :EFWE]6 ef ej vhjbfte ge goreiioùf, bpbreie ufb fuevb pbftbjjb que je ofgoib jb presoùf ge thghs jhs feu`âtoihs.

Ej soste`b ge ihftrhj ge presoùf ge feu`âtoihs (WT@Y) ihftrhjb ej ofgoibghr WT@Y l b , que se efioefge iubfgh abyb ufh h vbrohs feu`âtoihs gesofnjbghs ihfsoge ihfsogerbmje`ef rbmje`efte. te. Bpbreie Bpbreierâ râ bso`os`h ufb bgvertefiob bgverte ofgoibghr umoibioùfgej gej feu`âtoih l m fiob ef jby ej pbftbjjb ge ge ofnhr`bioùf ofnhr`bioùf ge j veaàiujh pbrb phger ogeftonoibr ej feu`âtoih h feu`âtoihs ihf mblb presoùf. FOI===5


Thr jh tbfth, iubfgh ej ofgoibg ofgoibghr hr WT@Y se efioefgb, getefkb ej veaàiujh ef uf jukbr sekurh, ih`prueme jhs feu`âtoihs jh bftes phsomje e ofnje jhs feu`âtoihs abstb bjibfzbr jb presoùf bgeiubgb. Ihfguior Ihfg uior ihf uf feu` feu`âtoi âtoihh ihfs ihfsoge ogerbm rbmje`e je`efte fte gesofnjbgh prhvhib uf shmreibjeftb`oefth gej feu`âtoih y puege prhguior uf nbjjh. Wb`moïf se regu-

l B   ^âjvujb gej feu`âtoih ihf sefshr Ej sos soste te`b `b ge ihf ihftr trhj hj ge pr preso esoùf ùf ge feu feu`â `âtotoihsihfihsihftrhjb jb presoùf ge jbs iubtrh ruegbs iubfgh ej veaàiujh estâ ef `hvo`oefth. Ef ibsh ge pïrgogb ge presoùf, ej soste`b bjertbrâ bj ihfguithr `egobfte uf bvosh vosubj. Ibgb sefshr gej WT@Y l B toefe jb

5-7   Brrbfque y ihfguiioùf  

ie jb enoibiob gej ih`mustomje, jb gurbioùf ge jhs

c`/a (2> `pa). Bge`âs, puege ser que este

’ sbjkb ge jb ibrrete ibrreterb rb abstb abstb uf jukbr jukbr sekuseku-

feu`âtoihs, jh que phgràb bneitbr bj `bfelh y jb ibpbiogbg ge nrefbgh gej veaàiujh.

soste`b fh geteite ufb mblbgb repeftofb ge jb presoùf pres oùf ge feu` feu`âtoi âtoihs hs (phr ele` ele`pjh pjh uf pofi pofiabz abzhh bj ihfguior).

rh ’ pbre ej veaàiujh tbf prhfth ih`h seb phsomje

FHWB Ej WT@Y fh es uf sustotuth gej `bftefo`oefth bgeiubgh ge jhs feu`âtoihs. Es resphfsbmojogbg gej ihfguithr `bftefer ufb presoùf ge feu`âtoihs bgeiubgb, ofijush so fh se ab bjibfzbgh ej fovej ge gesofnjbgh que abie que se efioefgb ej ofgoibghr WT@Y l b.

Ej ofgoibghr WT@Y pbrpbgeb gurbfte uf peràhgh ihrth ge toe`ph y, b ihftofubioùf, per`bfeie efiefgogh so ej soste`b fh nufiohfb ihrreitb`efte. Estb seiuefiob se prhguiorâ ibgb vez que se brrbfque ej feu`âtoih `oeftrbs exostb jb bveràb (sefshr gej WT@Y geneituhsh h busefte h bveràb ef ej soste`b WT@Y). Iubfgh ej testokh ge bveràb se efioefgb, puege que ej soste`b fh geteite h seòbje ufb presoùf ge feu`âtoihs mblb. Jbs bveràbs gej WT@Y puegef hiurror phr goversbs rbzhfes, phr ele`pjh, ej `hftble ge repuesths h ej bjterfe ge feu`âtoihs h ruegbs que puegef abier que ej WT@Y fh nufiohfe bgeiubgb`efte. Ih`prueme soe`pre soe` pre ej ofgo ofgoibg ibghr hr WT@ WT@Y Y ges gespuï puïss ge sust sustotuo otuorr ufh

•   Es phsomje que ej ofgoibghr WT@Y fh se bpbkue •   Ihfgui Ihfguior or buth`âtoib`efte iubfgh se blustb jb presoùf ge

ihf jhs feu`â feu`âtoihs toihs gesof gesofnjbgh njbghss puege prhvhibr gbòhs per`bfeftes ef jhs feu`âtoihs y bu`eftbr jb prhmbmojogbg ge uf nbjjh ge ïsths. Ye puegef prhguior gbòhs ef ej veaàiujh, jh que phgràb prhvhibr biiogeftes h jesohfes krbves.

jhs feu`âto feu`âtoihs. ihs.  Gespuïs ge ofnjbr ej feu`âtoih b jb presoùf ge feu`âtoih ef nràh reih`efgbgb, ihfguzib ej veaàiujh b vejhiogbges

superohres b =5 c`/a (2> `pa) pbrb bitovbr ej WT@Y. ^ebge ‚Gbths gej sefshr WT@Y ef y reihfhio`oefth jb phsoioùf‐ `âsgej bgejbfte estb seiioùf

jhs iubtrh feu`âto•   Ih`prueme jb presoùf ge jhs

ihs. Bluste jb presoùf gej feu`âtoih b jb presoùf gej feu`âtoih ef nràh reih`efgbgb ofgoibgb ef jb etoquetb ge feu`âtoihs pbrb bsà  bpbkbr ej ofgoibghr WT@Y. Yo toefe uf feu`âtoih pofiabgh, sustotüybjh phr ej feu`âtoih ge repuesth tbf prhfth ih`h seb phsomje. (Ihfsujte ‚Feu`âtoih pofiabgh‐ ef jb seiioùf ‚>. Ef ibsh ge e`erkefiob‐ pbrb ib`-

prhguio guiorse rse uf ib` ib`moh moh ef jb te` te`per perbtur bturbb ext extee•   Ge prh rohr, es phsomje que ej ofgoibghr WT@Y se efioefgb ofijush so se ab blustbgh jb presoùf ge feu`âtoihs ihrreitb`efte. Iubfgh jhs feu`âtoihs estïf nràhs, bluste htrb vez jb presoùf ge jhs feu`âtoihs abstb jb reih`efgbgb ef nràh y reofo-

ioe ej hmtefer WT@Y. `âs ofnhr`bioùf, ihfsujte ‚@efTbrb sble SIh`pruem SIh`pruemee feu` nràhP‐ nràhP‐ ef jb seii seiioùf oùf ‚=. Brrbfque y ihfguiioùf‐. BG^E]WEFIOB

mobr uf feu`âtoih pofiabgh).  Iubfgh se `hftb uf feu`âtoih h ufb ruegb ge repuesth, ej WT@Y fh nufiohfbrâ y ej ofgoibghrr WT@Y pbrpbgebrâ ibgh pbrpbgebrâ gurbf gurbfte te 2 `ofu `ofuth th bprhxo`bgb`efte. Jb juz per`bfeie efief-

h `âs ge jhs feu`âtoihs h ruegbs gej veaàiujh pbrb bsekurbrse ge que ej soste`b nufiohfb ihrreitb`efte trbs jb sustotuioùf h per`utb ge jhs feu`âto feu`âto-ihs h ruegbs.


gogb gespuïs ge 2 `ofuth. Bsekürese ge sekuor thgbs jbs ofstruiiohfes pbrb jb sustotuioùf ge ufb ruegb y `hfte ej soste`b WT@Y ihrreitb`efte.

•  Yo ej ofgoibghr WT@Y se efioefge gurbfte jb ihfguiioùf<

’ evote `bfo `bfohmrbr hmrbr ge ge `bferb `bferb mrusib mrusib

WT@Y WT @Y fh ih ihftr ftrhjbjb hjbjb pr pres esoùfgej oùfgej feu feu`ât `âtoihge oihge •   Ejrepuesth. •   Ej WT@Y se bitovb shjb`efte iubfgh se ihf-

’ evote nrefb nrefbrr mrusib mrusib`efte `efte ’ reguzi reguzib b jb vejhi vejhiogbg ogbg

ush ge feu`âtoihs fh reih`efgbghs phr •  EjFOYYBF phgràb bneitbr bj nufiohfb`oefth gej soste` sos te`b b ge ihf ihftrh trhjj ge pre presoù soùf f ge feu feu`ât `âtoih oihs. s.

guie ej veaàiujh b vejhiogbges superohres b =5

Brrbfque y ihfguiioùf   5-5  

•  Ye puege utojozbr ej sejjbghr ge feu`âtoihs

`oefth gej WT@Y y puegef prhvhibr que ej

ge e`erkefiob hrokofbj FOYYBF h equovbjefte pbrb ufb repbrbioùf te`phrbj ge uf feu`âtoih. Fh ofyeite fofküf htrh jàquogh pbrb feu`âtoihs fo sejjbghr ge feu`âtoihs ef berhshj geftrh ge jbs ruegbs, yb que puege prhvhibr ufb uf b bv bver eràb àb ef jh jhss se sefs fshr hres es ge pr pres esoù oùf f ge fe feuu`âtoihs.

ofgoibghr WT@Y se efioefgb. Bjkufhs ele`pjhs shf<

•  FOYYBF reih`oefgb utojozbr shjb`efte ej sejjbghr ge feu`âtoihs hrokofbj FOYYBF su`o-

fostrbgh ihf su veaàiujh. sejjbghres geh feu`ât feu `âtoih oihs s pue puegef gef gbò gbòbr brHtrhs ej sej sejjh jh gej vâs vâstbk tbkh ge jb vâjvujb, jh que puege prhvhibr ufb pïrgogb ge presoùf ge bore gej feu`âtoih. Biugb b uf ihfiesohfbroh FOYYBF h tbjjer iubjonoibgh jh bftes phsomje trbs utojozbr ej sejjbghr ge feu`â feu`âtoihsge toihsge e`erk e`erkefiob(`hgejhsequoefiob(`hgejhsequopbghs ihf cot ge e`erkefiob pbrb repbrbioùf ge pofiabzhs ge feu`âtoihs). T]EIBUIOÙF   Ej WT@Y fh nufiohfb ihrreitb`efte iubfgh jbs rue ruegbs gbs est estâf âf equ equopb opbgbs gbs ihf ib ibgef gefbs bs pbr pbrb b feu`âtoihs h estâf aufgogbs ef jb foeve.

•  Fh ihjhque pbpej `etbjozbgh fo fofkufb poe-

`etâjoihs. •   Fh utojoie tbphfes ge vâjvujb `etâjoihs. jhs tbphfes ge vâjvujb ihrreitb`efihrreitb`ef•   Ihjhque te. Yof jhs tbphfes ge vâjvujb, es phsomje que

’ Yo aby ofs ofstbj tbjbio biohfe hfess h gos gosphs phsoto otovhs vhs que usbf jb `os`b nreiuefiob ge rbgoh ierib gej veaàiujh.

’ Yo se usb uf trbfs`o trbfs`oshr shr blustb blustbgh gh b nreiuefio iue fiobs bs so` so`ojb ojbres res gef geftrh trh h ier ierib ib gej vea veaààiujh.

’ Yo us uf hrgefbgh hrgefbghr r (h ufgeftrh equoph equop hhso`oso`o jbr)seh usb ufbihfvertoghr GI/BI ier-ib gej veaàiujh. ’ Yo se ihf ihfeit eitbf bf gos gosphs phsoto otovhs vhs quee`ote quee`otef f ruo ruo-gh ejïitroih ef ej su`ofostrh ejïitroih ge 2= ^ gej veaàiujh.

•  Bj ofnjbr jhs feu`âtoihs y ih`prhmbr jb presoùf ge jhs `os`hs, fh ghmje jbs vâjvujbs.

  Ye abf equopbgh vâjvujbs ge bju`ofoh espeiobjes pbrb phger `hftbr jhs sefshres gej WT@Y ef jbs ruegbs. Ej sefshr gej WT@Y estâ nolbgh b jb ruegb ihf ufb tuerib. Es feiesbroh `hftbr jb tuerib b uf pbr ge bproete espeiànoih ge ;,5 ² 4,5 F•`. Yo se bproetb ej sefshr

jb vâjvujb y jhs sefshres ge ihftrhj ge presoùf ge feu`âtoihs se gbòef.  Fh gbòe jbs vâjvujbs y jhs sefshres bj bj`biefbr ief br jbs rue ruegbs gbs h bj `hf `hftbr tbr feu feu`ât `âtoih oihss gon goneereftes.   Yustot Yustotuyb uyb ej hlbj gej sefshr y jb brbfgejb brbfgejb gurbfte ej ib`moh ge uf feu`âtoih. Ufb vez que se abybf extrbàgh, ej hlbj gej sefshr y jb brbfgejb fh puegef vhjver b utojozbrse y gemef sustotuorse. Jhs sefshres gej WT@Y puegef vhjver b utojozbrse.   Wefkb iuogbgh iubfgh use equoph equoph ge ofnjbgh ge feu`âtoihs ihf uf tumh ge su`ofostrh ge bore ràkogh, yb que jb pbjbfib que bpjoib jb thmerb `âs jbrkb puege gbòbr ej vâstbkh ge jb vâjvujb.

Ej soste`b ge ihftrhj ge presoùf ge feu`âtoihs (WT@ (W T@Y) Y) ihf ihftr trhjbjb hjbjb pr pres esoùfge oùfge jhsfeu` jhsfeu`ât âtoih oihss ge jb jbss iubtrh ruegbs, exieptubfgh jb ruegb (seküf `hgejh). Iubfgh ej ofgoibghr WT@Y se efioefge lufth ihf ej ofgoibghr ge umoibioùf gej feu`âtoih gej

zb `etâ `etâjoib joib (bftefb, eti.) ef jbs veftb veftbfojjb fojjbs. s. Esth puege hibsohfbr ufb reiepioùf phmre ge jbs seòbjes ge jhs sefshres ge presoùf ge feu`âtoihs y prhvhibr uf `bj nufiohfb`oef-

gej WT@Y superbfgh ej jà`ote, exoste jb phsomojo mo jogb gbg g ge qu que e ej hl hlbj bj ge gejj se sefs fshr hr se gb gbòe òe.. Yo se bproetb ej sefshr phr gemblh gej jà`ote, exoste jb phsomojogbg ge que se prhguzib ufb pïr-

WT@Y (ef ej iubgrh ge ofstru`efths), aby ufh h vbrohs feu`âtoi feu`âtoihs hs ihfsoge ihfsogerbmje`e rbmje`efte fte gesofnj gesofnjbghs. bghs. Yo se ihfguie ej veaàiujh ihf jb presoùf ge feu`âtoihs mblb, ej WT@Y se bitovbrâ y ej ofgoibghr WT@Y

th gej WT@Y. Bjkufhs gosphsotovhs y trbfs`oshres puegef ofterneror ofter neror te`ph te`phrbj`e rbj`efte fte ihf ej nufio nufiohfbhfb-

•  Utojoie tbphfes ge vâjvujb hrokofbjes FOYYBF

gogb ge bore.

 lufth ihf ej ofgoibghr geefiefgoghs. umoibioùf gej feu`âtoih gej WT@Y per`bfeierâf Este soste`b se gesbitovbrâ shjb`efte iubfgh se ihrrolb jb presoùf ge jhs feu`âtoihs y se ihfguzi ihfguzibb ej veaàiujh b vejhiogbges superohres ge =5 c`/a (2> `pa).

que iu`pjbf ihf jbs espeionoibiohfes ge jhs tbphfes ge vâjvujb equopbghs ge seroe.

5->   Brrbfque y ihfguiioùf  

OFNH]@BIOÙF GEJ @EGOGH] Ofgoibghr(es) WT@Y


Ihf ej ofterrupthr ge efiefgogh ef phsoioùf HF. Ef iubfth ej veaàiujh e`poezb b `hverse, se ihftrhjb jb presoùf ge jhs feu`âtoihs.

Ibusb phsomje Tresoùf ge feu`âtoihs mblb

Biioùf reih`efgbgb

FHWB Abmotubj`efte, jb presoùf ge jhs feu`âtoihs gos`ofuye ge nhr`b fbturbj.

Ofnje jhs feu`âtoihs abstb bjibfzbr jb presoùf ihrreitb


Ih`prhmbr que jhs sefshres gej WT@Y estâf `hftbghs.

Ye reih`oefgb que uf ihfiesohfbroh FOYYBF jjeve b ibmh ej rekostrh ge uf sefshr gej WT@Y fuevh h jb umoibioùf gej sefshr. Wb`moïff puege rekost Wb`moï rekostrbr rbr ej sefshr usteg `os`h sokuoefgh ej prhiego`oefth sokuoefte<

Fh se geteitb ej sefshr gej WT@Y



hrokofbj FOYYBF ef ufb h `âs ruegbs

Yo fh aby fofküf sefshr, `hftbr uf sefshr gej WT@Y hrokofbj FOYYBF

Ofternerefiob ef jb ih`ufoibioùf ge rbgoh gej WT@Y eftre ej sefshr ge ruegb gej WT@Y y ej reiepthr gej WT@Y gemogh b nueftes exterfbs.

Bjïlese ge jb zhfb ihf ofternerefiobs

Bveràb ge jbs poezbs gej WT@Y

Yo ej prhmje`b persoste, pùfkbse ef ihftbith ihf uf ihfiesohfbroh FOYYBF h tbjjer iubjonoibgh

2. Ib`moe jb phsoioùf gej feu`âtoih h `hfte ej fuevh sefshr gej WT@Y. =. Ihfguzib ej veaàiujh gurbfte vbrohs `ofuths eftre =5 c`/a (2> `pa) y 244 c`/a (>7 `pa). Ej iùgokh ge ogeftonoibioùf y jb phsoioùf gej sefshr gej WT@Y se geteitbrâf buth`âtoib`efte. FHWB Ej WT@Y phgràb fh sofirhfozbrse so se iu`pje bjkufb ge jbs sokuoeftes ihfgoiohfes<

•  @bj estbgh ge jb ibrreterb •  Jb ufogbg gej WT@Y fh reiome jhs gbths ih-

rreithss ge jhs sef rreith sefshr shres es ge pre presoù soùf f ge feu feu`â`âtoihs

Ihfg fgui uiio ioùf ùf •   Ih

b ve vejh jhio iogb gbge gess of ofne nero rohr hres es b =5 c`/a (2> `pa)

Brrbfque y ihfguiioùf   5-;  

Ihfgui guiioù ioùf f •   Ihf

b vej vejhio hiogbg gbges es sup supero erohre hress b

244 c`/a (>7 `pa)

etoquetb gej feu`âtoih. ^eb ‚Blustes‐ ef jb seiioùf

•  Biejerbioùf mrusib •  Gesbiejerbioùf mrusib pbrbgbs nreiueftes h trânoih •   Ihfguiioùf ihf pbrbgbs

‚=. Ofstru`efths y ihftrhjes‐. Tbrb blustbr jb presoùf hmletovh, use jhs `bfghs gej vhjbfte pbrb sejeiiohfbr ej `efü ge SIhfnokurbioùfP, y gespuïs STresoùf ge ruegbsP. Yejeiiohfe SHmletovh gejbfterhP y SHmletovh trbserhP y blustbr jb presoùf ge feu`âtoihs gesebgb.


Jbs presohfes hmletovh hmletovh gej WT@Y bpbreierâf bpbreierâf ef ej ieftrh gej ele gejbfterh y gej ele trbserh ef jb pbftbjjb gej WT@Y ef jb pbftbjjb ge ofnhr`bioùf gej




UFOGBGEY GE T]EYOÙF GE FEU@ÂWOIHY Jbs ufogbges que `uestrb ej soste`b WT@Y puegef sejeiiohfbrse usbfgh jb pbftbjjb ge ofnhr`bioùf gej veaàiujh. Yejeiiohfe ej `efü SIhfnokurbioùfP, y gespuïs STresoùf ge ruegbsP. Yejeiiohfe SUfogbg ge presoùfP y ejolb jb ufogbg que gesee. FOI===;


Yo jb presoùf gej feu`âtoih es sokfonoibtovb`efte `âs ejevbgb que jb presoùf hmletovh hmletovh gurbfte uf estbgh ge presoùf ge feu`âtoihs mblb, bpbreierâ ej `efsble SIh`prueme feu` nràhP ef jb pbftbjjb ge ofnhr`bioùf gej veaàiujh (ihfsujte ‚Blustes‐ ef jb seiioùf ‚=. Ofstru`efths y ihftrhjes‐). FHWB

l B   Tresoùf ge feu`âtoihs l M   Ufogbges ge presoùf ge feu`âtoihs

Bufque jb presoùf seb superohr b jb presoùf hmletovh pregenofogb, ej ihjhr b`brojjh gej bvosh ge presoùf ge feu`âtoihs sokfonoib que jb presoùf

l I   Tresoùf hmletovh gejbfterb l G   Tresoùf hmletovh trbserb

gej feu`âtoih es ge`bsobgh mblb ef ese `h`efth. Jb presoùf gej feu`âtoih bu`eftb gurbfte jb ihfguiioùf. Ih`prueme jb presoùf gej feu`âtoih iubfgh ej feu`âtoih estï nràh.

Yo usb su veaàiujh ihf `uiab ibrkb, jhs feu`âtoihs gemef ofnjbrse b jbs presohfes `hstrbgbs ef jb etoquetb gej feu`âtoih ih`h ‟Tresoùf ihf ibrkb‟. Ej soste`b WT@Y puege blustbrse ef jb pbftbjj pbftbjjbb ge ofnhr`bioùf gej veaàiujh pbrb blustbr jb presoùf hm letovh b jb ‟Tresoùf ihf ibrkb‟ que se `uestrb ef jb

5-1   Brrbfque y ihfguiioùf  

IBWBJO\BGH] GE W]EY ^ÀBY (`hgejhs ihf `hthr ge kbshjofb) IBJOM]BIOÙF GE WE@TE]BWU]B GE WT@Y Jb presoùf gej feu`âtoih se ve bneitbgb phr jb te`perbturbb gej feu`âtoi perbtur feu`âtoih3 h3 jb te`per te`perbturb bturb gej feu`âtoih bu`eftb iubfgh se ihfguie ej veaàiujh. Tbrb phger ihftrhjbr ge nhr`b preiosb jb pïrgogb ge bore gej feu`âtoih e o`pegor que bpbrezibf bvoshs nbjshs ge WT@Y gemogh b jbs reguiiohfes ge te`perbturb, ej soste`b WT@Y usb sefshres ge te`perbturb ef jhs feu`âtoi feu`âtoihs hs pbrb rebjozbr jhs iâjiujhs ge ih`pefsbioùf ge te`perbturb. Ef geter` geter`ofbgbs ofbgbs sotubiohfes, puege ser feiesbro feiesbrohh reibjomrbr reibjom rbr jb te`perb te`perbturb turb ge renerefi renerefiob ob gej soste`b WT@Y usbfgh jb pbftbjjb ge ofnhr`bioùf gej veaàiujh. ^eb ‚Blustes‐ ef jb seiioùf ‚=. Ofstru`efths y ihftrhjes‐. Estb hperbioùf shjh se geme rebjozbr iubfgh se ab blustbgh jb presoùf rebj gej feu`âtoih, `oeftrbs jb te`perbturb b`moefte bitubj es sokfonoibtovb`efte gostoftb ge jb te`perbturb ge ibjomrbioùf bitubj. Tbrb ofoiobr jb ibjomrbioùf ge te`perbturb WT@Y, use jhs `bfghs gej vhjbfte pbrb sejeiiohfbr sejeiiohfbr ej `efü ge SIhfnokurbioùfP, y gespuïs STresoùf ge ruegbsP. gbs P. Yeje Yejeiioh iiohfe fe SIbj SIbjomr omrbrP brP y ges gespuïsSOfoio puïsSOfoiohP. hP. @oef @oef--

Iougbgbfàb Bzuj ge FOYYBF Uf ibtbjozbghr ge tres vàbs es uf gosphsotovh ge ihftrhj ge e`osohfes, `hftbgh ef ej soste`b ge esibpe. Ef ej ihfvert ihfvertoghr, oghr, jhs kbses ge esibpe se que`bf b bjtbs te`perbturbs pbrb byugbr b reguior ej fovej ge bkeftes ihftb`ofbftes. T]EIBUIOÙF soste`b b ge esib esibpe pe •   Jhs kbses ge esibpe y ej soste`

Jhs gepùsoths ge kbshjofb ihf pjh`h gos`ofuyef `uiah jb ibpbiogbg gej ibtbjozbghr ge tres vàbs pbrb reguior jhs ihftb`ofbftes ge esibpe.

•   @bftefkb ej `hthr b pufth. Jbs bveràbs ef ej efiefgogh, ofyeiioùf ge ih`mustomje h soste`bs ejïitroihs puegef prhvhibr uf njulh ge ih`mustomj ih`m ustomje e exie exiesovb` sovb`efte efte roih ef ej ihfve ihfverrtoghr, abioefgh que se shmreibjoefte.

estâf `uy ibjoeftes. @oeftrbs ej `hthr estï

mblh ge ih`•   Evote ihfguior ihf uf fovej `uy mblh

ef `bftefkb b gej pershfbs h esibpe. `bterobjes `briab, ofnjb`bmjes bjelbghs tumh ge

mustomje. Yo ej ih`mustomje se bkhtb, phgràb prhvhibrse uf nbjjh ge efiefgogh gej `hthr y gbòbr ej ibtbjozbghr ge tres vàbs.

•  Fh pbre h estbiohfe ej veaàiujh shmre `bterobjes ofnjb`bmjes, ih`h aoermb seib, pbpej h trbphs, yb que puegef brger nâioj`efte.

•  Bj estbiohfbr ej veaàiujh, bsekürese ge que

fh aby`bter aby`bterobj objes es ofn ofnjb` jb`bmj bmjes es h per pershf shfbs bs ier ier-ib gej tumh ge esibpe.



ef ihfireth jb reih`efgbgb. Tbrb hmtefer

kb ih ihfg fgui uioe oefg fgh h so ej `h `hth thrr nb nbjj jjb b h so fh fhtb tb •   Fh sosokb ufb pïrgogb ihfsogerbmje ge phtefiob u htrbs ihfgoiohfes ge nufiohfb`oefth phih ih`ufes.. Biu fes Biugb gb of` of`ego egobtb btb`ef `efte te b uf ihf ihfies iesohf ohfbbroh FOYYBF h tbjj tbjjer er iubj iubjonoib onoibgh gh pbrb que ofspeiiohfef ej veaàiujh.

•   Fh biejere ej `hthr `oeftrbs jh ibjoeftb. •  Fh e`pule fo re`hjque su veaàiujh pbrb phfer ef `briab ej `hthr.

trbs ej prh trbs prhieshge ieshge ibjo ibjomrb mrbioùfestâ ioùfestâ bit bitovh,bpbrei ovh,bpbreierâ erâ ej `efsble S]eofoioh gej soste`b ge presoùf ge feu`âtoihsP ef jb pbftbjjb ge ofnhr`bioùf gej veaàiujh.

`âs ofnhr ofnhr`bio `bioùf, ùf, ihfsu ihfsujte jte Ibp Ibpbiog biogbges bges y jumroibfte jumro ibftes/jàq s/jàquoghs uoghs reih` reih`efgbg efgbghs‐ hs‐ ef jb seiioùf ‚?. Ofnhr`bioùf tïifoib‐. utojoi joie e kbs kbshjo hjofb fb ihfpjh`h ihfpjh`h.. Jb kbs kbshjo hjofb fb ihf •   Fh uto pjh`h gbòb serob`efte ej ibtbjozbghr ge tres vàbs.

Brrbfque y ihfguiioùf   5-?  

YOYW YO YWE@ E@B B GE GEJJ WU WU]M ]MHI HIH@ H@T] T]EY EYH] H] (` (`hg hgej ejhs hs ih ihff `h `hth thrr go goïs ïsej ej)) Ej soste`b gej turmhih`preshr utojozb bieote ge `hthrr pb th pbrb rb jb ju jumr mroib oibioù ioùff y re renr nrok okerb erbioù ioùff ge su suss ih ih`p `phhfeftes korbthrohs. Jb turmofb gej turmhih`preshr korb b vejhiogbges extre`bgb`efte bjtbs y puege bjibfzbr ufb te`perbturb `uy ejevbgb. Es esefiobj `bftefer uf su`ofostrh ihftofuh ge bieote jo`poh ef ej sos soste`b te`b gej turm turmhih` hih`pre preshr shr.. Ufb ofte ofterrup rrupioùf ioùf sümotb gej su`ofostrh ge bieote puege ibusbr ufb bveràb ef ej turmhih`preshr.

ge`bsobgbs rp` of`e•   Fh biejere ej `hthr b ge`bsobgbs gobtb`efte gespuïs ge phferjh ef `briab.

T]EIBU T]EI BUIO IOHF HFEY EY GU GU]B ]BFW FWE E JB IHFGUIIOÙF Ihfguior ej veaàiujh seküf jbs ioriufstbfiobs es esefiobj pbrb su sekurogbg y ih`hgogbg. Ef ibjogbg ge ihfguithr, usteg es quoef `elhr sbme iù`h ihfguior seküf jbs ioriufstbfiobs gej `h`efth.


Tbrb bsekurbr ufb jbrkb gurbioùf y uf refgo`oefth

Iubfgh ej `hthr estâ nràh jbs vejhiogb vejhiogbges ges shf `âs bjtbs, phr jh que se geme tefer `uiab preibuioùf b jb ahrb ge sejeiiohfbr ufb `briab gurbfte ej peroh-

ùpto`h gej ofstruiiohfes turmhih`preshr, es esefiobj iu`pjor jbs sokuoeftes ge `bftefo`oefth<

gh ge ibjeftb`oefth trbs brrbfibr ej `hthr.


Jbs ibrkbs, su gostromuioùf y jb nolbioùf ge equoph (gosphsotovhs ge efkbfiae, phrtbequopble ge teiah, eti.) ib`mobr ib`mobrâf âf sokfono sokfonoibtovb` ibtovb`efte efte jbs ibrbiter ibrbiteràstoàstoibs ge ihfguiioùf gej veaàiujh. Yu estojh ge ihfguiioùf y jb vejhiogbg gemerâf bgbptbrse ih`h ihrresphfgb.

Es phs phsomj omje e que ej oft ofterv ervbjhge bjhge `bf `bftef tefo`o o`oeft efth h gos gos-`ofuyb `âs râpogb`efte ef geter`ofbgbs ihfgoiohfes ge ihfguiioùf, espeiobj`efte bj ihfguior phr iougbg b vejhiogbges mblbs. T]EIBUIOÙF ej bieote gej `hthr goïsej ihf turmh•  Ib`moe ih`preshr ih`h se ofgoib. Ihfsujte jb Ofnhr`bioùf shmre jb kbrbftàb y ej `bftefo`oefth, que se eftrekb phr sepbrbgh, pbrb hmtefer `âs ofnhr`bioùf.



•  Evote brrbfibr, biejerbr y nrefbr mrusib`efte. •  Evote th`br iurvbs `uy ierrbgbs h ib`mobr ge

ibrroj mrusib`efte.

•   Use shjb`efte ej bieote ge `hthr reih`ef-

•  Geme `bftefer ufb gostbfiob ge sekurogbg `b-

gbgh. ^eb ‚Ibpbiogbges y jumroibftes/jàquoghs reih`efgbghs‐ ef jb seiioùf ‚?. Ofnhr`bioùf tïifoib‐.

yhr que jb abmotubj ihf ej veaàiujh que ioriujb gejbfte.

ej `hthr ab estbgh nufiohfbfgh b `uiabs `uiabs •   Yo revhjuiohfes phr `ofuth (rp`) gurbfte uf pe-

ej bkub iumre jb supernoioe supernoioe ge jb ibrre•   Iubfgh terbb ihf iabr ter iabrihs,pequeò ihs,pequeòbs bs ihrr ihrroeft oeftes, es, eti. eti.,, ]EGU\IB JB ^EJHIOGBG pbrb evotbr ej eneith

rohgh prhjhfkbgh ge toe`ph, gïlejh bj rbjeftà  ufhs `ofuths bftes ge bpbkbrjh.

5-24   Brrbfque y ihfguiioùf  


ge bqubpjbfofk, que ibusb gerrbpes y pïrgogb ge ihftrhj gej veaàiujh. Jhs feu`âtoihs geskbstbghs bu`eftbf este roeskh.

Tbrb mjhquebr ej vhjbfte ge goreiioùf, kore ej ofterrupthrr ge efiefgog rrupth efiefgoghh b jb phsoioùf JHIC, extrbokb jb jjbve gej ofterrupthr ge efiefgogh y, b ihftofubioùf, kore ej vhjbfte abiob jb gereiab. Tbrb gesmjhquebr ej vhjbfte ge goreiioùf, oftrhguzib jb jjbve y kàrejb subve`efte `oeftrbs `ueve ej vhjbfte ge goreiioùf jokerb`efte b jb gereiab y b jb ozquoergb.


•  Ihfguzib ge `bferb sekurb. •  Evote brrbfibr, biejerbr h nrefbr mrusib`efte. •  Evote th`br iurvbs `uy ierrbgbs h ib`mobr ge ibrroj mrusib`efte. `hvo`oefths mrusihs bj vhjbfte. •  Evote •  Geme `bftefer ufb gostbfiob ge sekurogbg `b-

yhr que jb abmotubj ihf ej veaàiujh que ioriujb gejbfte.


l 2   HNN BG^E]WEFIOB Fh quote fufib jb jjbve fo kore ej ofterrupthr ge efiefgogh efief gogh b jb phsoi phsoioùf oùf JHIC `oef `oeftrbs trbs ihfguie. Ej vhjbfte ge goreiioùf se mjhquebrâ y phgràb perger ej ihftrhj gej veaàiujh. Esth phgràb prhvhibr gbòhs ef ej veaàiujh h jesohfes krbves. T]EIBUIOÙF Utojoie Utojoi e bii biiesh eshroh rohss ejï ejïitr itroih oihss ihfej `ht `hthr hr ef `br `br-iab pbrb evotbr jb gesibrkb ge jb mbteràb gej veaàiujh. Yo toefe que utojozbr biieshrohs `oeftrbs ej

Jb jjbve ge ihftbith shjb`efte se puege extrber iubfgh ej ofterrupthr se efiueftrb ef jb phsoioùf JHIC (phsoioùf fhr`bj ge estbiohfb`oefth) (4).

W]BFY@OYOÙF W]BFY@OYO ÙF QW]HFOI (I^W) Ej mjhqueh ge efiefgogh se ab goseòbgh ge tbj `hgh que fh se puege korbr jb jjbve abiob JHIC fo sbibrjb abstb que jb pbjbfib ge ib`mohs fh estï ef jb phsoioùf T (estbiohfb`oefth). Iubfgh se sbque jb jjbve ge jb phsoioùf JHIC gej ofterrupthr ofterru pthr ge efiefgog efiefgogh, h, bsekürese ge que jb pbjbfib ge ib`mohs estï ef jb phsoioù phsoioùff T (estbio (estbiohfbhfb`oefth). Yhjb`efte se puege ib`mobr jb pbjbfib ge ib`mohs ge jb phsoioùf T (estbiohfb`oefth) iubfgh ej

iujh. Yo toefe que utojozbr biieshrohs `oeftrbs ej `hthr fh estâ ef `briab, fh jhs use gurbfte jbrkhs peràhghs ge toe`ph y fh use vbrohs biieshrohs ejïitroihs bj `os`h toe`ph.

ofterrupthr ge efiefgogh estâ ef phsoioùf HF y ej pegbj gej nrefh estâ posbgh.

Ej ofte ofterrup rrupthr thr ofij ofijuye uye uf gos gosphso phsotov tovhh bft bftorrh orrhmh mh ge mjh mjh-queh ge jb goreiioù goreiioùf. f.

2. @uevb jb pbjbfib ge ib`mohs b jb phsoioùf T (estbiohfb`oefth). =. Kore jb jjbve abiob abiob jb phsoioùf JHIC. JHIC.

Tbrb retorbr jb jjbve gej ofterrupthr ge efiefgogh<

9. ]etore jb jjbve gej ofterrupthr ofterrupthr ge efiefgogh. Brrbfque y ihfguiioùf   5-22  

Yo se sbib jb jjbve gej ofterrupthr ge efiefgogh, efiefgogh, fh se phgrâ `hver jb pbjbfib ge ib`mohs ge jb phsoioùf T (estbiohfb`oefth). Iubfgh fh se puegb korbr jb jjbve abiob jb phsoioùf JHIC, prhiegb ge jb sokuoef sokuoefte te `bferb pbrb sbibr jb jjbve<

THYOIOHFEY GE JB JJB^E JHIC (phsoioùf fhr`bj ge estbiohfb`oefth) estbiohfb`oef th) (4) Jb jjbve ge ihftbith puege sbibrse shjb`efte ef estb phsoioùf.

2. @uevb jb pbjbfib ge ib`mohs b jb phsoioùf T (estbiohfb`oefth).

Ej mjhqueh ge jb goreiioùf shjb`efte puege rebjozbrse ef estb phsoioù phsoioùf. f.

=. Kore jb jjbve jokerb`efte ef goreiioùf b jb phso-

‚HNN‐/BII (biieshrohs) (2)

ioùf HF. 9. Kore jb jjbve abiob abiob jb phsoioùf JHIC. JHIC.

Ej `hthr se bpbkb sof mjhquebr ej vhjbfte ge goreiioùf. Ihf jb jjbve ef estb phsoioùf se bitovbf biieshrohs ejïitroihs, ih`h jb rbgoh, iubfgh ej `hthr fh estâ nufiohfbfgh.

7. ]etore jb jjbve.

MJHRUEH GE JB GO]EIIOÙF Tbrb mjhquebr ej vhjbfte 2. Kore jb jjbve abiob abiob jb phsoioùf JHIC. JHIC. =. ]etore jb jjbve gej ofterrupthr ofterrupthr ge efiefgogh. 9. Kore ej vhjbfte ge goreiioùf 2/> ge vuejtb abiob jb gereiab gesge jb phsoioùf reitb.

Tbrb gesmjhquebr ej vhjbfte

HF (phsoioùf fhr`bj ge nufiohfb`oefth) (=) Ef est estbb ph phso soioù ioùff se bi bitov tovbf bf ej sos soste te`b `b ge efi efiefg efgog oghh y jhs biieshro biieshrohs hs ejïitroihs.

YWB]W (9) Ef estb phsoioùf se bitovb ej brrbfque que phfe ef `briab ej `hthr. Ef iubfth ej `hthr abyb brrbfibgh, suejte jb jjbve of`egobtb`efte. ^hjverâ b jb

Bj nofbjozbr ej voble, phfkb ej ofterrupthr ge efiefgogh ef phsoioùf HNN pbrb evotbr que se gesibrkue jb mbteràb. Ej soste`b Ythp/Ytbrt fh phfe ej ofterrupthr ge efiefgogh ef phsoioùf HNN buth`âtoib`efte.

YOYWE@B BFWO]]HMH FOYYBF (FBWY) (seküf `hgejh) Ej soste`b bftorrhmh ge FOYYBF (FBWY)* pbrbrâ ej `hthr so bjkuoef ofteftb brrbfibrjh sof jb jjbve FBWY rekostrbgb. * Of`hvojozbghr Yo fh puege brrbfibr ej `hthr ihf jb jjbve ge FBWY, kore ej mhtùf ge brrbfq brrbfque ue abstb jb phsoioù phsoioùff JHIC, espere iofih sekufghs y kore ge fuevh ej mhtùf b jb phsoioùf YWB]W pbrb brrbfibr ej `hthr. Tbrb hmt Tbrb hmtefer`âs efer`âs ofnh ofnhr`bi r`bioùf,veb oùf,veb ‚Yo ‚Yoste ste`b `b bft bftorrh orrh-mh FOYYBF (FBWY)‐ ef jb seiioùf ‚9. Ih`prhmbIh`prhmbiohfes y rekjbles prevohs b jb `briab‐.

2. Oftrhguzib jb jjbve ef ej ofterrupthr ge efiefgogh.

phsoioùf HF.

=. Kore subve`efte jb jjbve `oeftrbs `ueve ej vhjbfte ge goreiioùf jokerb`efte b jb gereiab y b jb

^eaàiujhs ihf soste`b Ythp/Ytbrt<



Bufque se getefkb buth`âtoib`efte `egobf `eg obfte teejej`hthr soste` sos te`b b Yth Ythp/Y p/Ytbr tbrt, t, sok sokue ue soe soefghphfghphsomje utojozbr ej ofterrupthr ge efiefgogh ge jb `bferb abmotubj.

5-2=   Brrbfque y ihfguiioùf  

OFWE]]UTWH] GE EFIEFGOGH WOTH MHWÙF TUJYBGH] (seküf `hgejh) T]EIBUIOHFEY Y TB]B EJ T]EIBUIOHFE NUFIOHFB@OEFWH NUFIOHFB@O EFWH GEJ OFWE]]UTWH] GE EFIEFGOGH WOTH MHWÙF TUJYBGH] BG^E]WEFIOB Fh abkb nufiohfbr ej ofterrupthr ge efiefgogh toph mhtùf pujsbghr `oeftrbs estï ihfguioefgh exiepth ef ibsh ge e`erkefiob. (Ej `hthr se pbrbrâ iubfgh se pujse ej ofterrupthr ge efiefgogh 9 veies ihfseiutovbs ef râpogb suiesoùf h se `bftefkb pujsbgh gurbfte `âs ge = sekufghs). Yo ej `hthr se pbrb gurbfte jb ihfguiioùf, se phgràb prhguior uf biiogefte y ibusbr jesohfes krbves.

Bftes ge utojozbr ej ofterrupthr ge efiefgogh toph mhtùf pujsbghr<

•  @uevb jb pbjbfib ge ib`mohs b jb phsoioùf F (pufth `uerth) h pose ej pegbj gej e`mrbkue (`hgejhs ihf trbfs`osoùf `bfubj (W/@)).

•  @uevb jb pbjbfib ge ib`mohs b jb phsoioùf T

(estbio (es tbiohfb` hfb`oeft oefth) h) (`hg (`hgejhs ejhs ihf trb trbfs`o fs`osoùf soùf

T]EIBUIOÙF Bsekürese e ge quejjevb jb jjb jjbve ve oft oftejo ejokef kefte te ihf •   Bseküres usteg iubfgh abkb ush gej veaàiujh. Iubfgh sbj sbjkb kb gej vea veaàiu àiujh, jh, fuf fufib ib gel gele e jb jjb jjbve ve •   Iubfgh oftejokefte geftrh.

jjbve ve oft oftejo ejokef kefte te est estâ â ge` ge`bso bsobghjelhs bghjelhs gej •   Yo jb jjb ihfguithr ihfgui thr,, es phs phsomj omje e que ej vea veaàiu àiujh jh fh brrbfque.

•   Yo se gesibrkb jb mbteràb gej veaàiujh, ej ofterrupthr ge efiefgogh fh puege ib`mobrse ge jb phsoioùf JHIC y so ej mjhqueh ge goreiioùf estâ efkrbfbgh, ej vhjbfte ge goreiioùf fh se puege `hver. Ibrkue jb mbteràb iubfth bftes (ihfsu (ih fsujte jte ‚Br ‚Brrbf rbfque que ihf mbt mbterà eràb b bux buxojo ojobr‐ br‐ ef jb seiioùf ‚>. Ef ibsh ge e`erkefiob‐).

Âreb ge nufiohfb`oe nufiohfb`oefth fth

Iubfgh jb pojb ge jb jjbve oftejokefte estâ ibso gesibrkbgb h exostef hfgbs ge rbgoh `uy phteftes ierib gej âreb ge nufiohfb`oefth, estb âreb se reguie y puege que jb jjbve oftejokefte fh nufiohfe ihrreitb`efte. Yo jb jjbve oftejokefte se efiueftrb geftrh ge su âreb ge nufiohfb`oefth, iubjquoer pershfb, ofijush bjkuoef que fh tefkb ihfsokh jb jjbve oftejok oftejokefte, efte, phgrâ pujsbr ej ofterrupthr ge efiefgogh y brrbfibr ej `hthr. zhfb gej ih`pbrto`efth ge equopble fh eftrb •   Jb geftrh gef trh gej âreb ge nuf nufiohf iohfb`o b`oefth efth33 sof e`m e`mbrk brkh, h, jb jjbve oftejokefte puege que nufiohfe geftrh ge jb `os`b.

•   Yo jb jjbve oftejokefte se ihjhib shmre ej tbmjerh ge ofstru`efths, geftrh ge jb kubfterb, gej mhjsojjh ge jb puertb h ej rofiùf gej ih`pbrto`efth ofterohr, puege que fh nufiohfe.

se ihjhib ef ej exterohr veaàiuj h ierib gee jbpuert rtbb h gejb veft ve ftbf bfb,jh b,jhgej `âssveaàiujh `â prhm pr hmbm bmjees jees qu que •   Yojbpue jb jjbve oftejokefte nufiohfe.


YOYWE@B GE JJB^E OFWEJOKEFWE Ej soste`b ge jjbve oftejokefte puege phfer ef nufiohfb`oefth ej ofterrupthr ge efiefgogh sof feiesogbg sbibr jb jjbvegegej mhjsojjh h mhjsh. Ej b`moefte y/hgeihfgoiohfes nufiohfb`oefth puegef bneitbr bj nufi nufiohfb ohfb`oe `oefth fth gej sos soste`bge te`bge jjbv jjbvee ofte oftejoke jokefte fte..


Jbs nufiohfes ge jb jjbve oftejokefte shjb`efte se puegef utojozbr pbrb brrbfibr ej `hthr iubfgh jb jjbve oftejokefte estâ geftrh ge su âreb ge nufiohfb`oefth l 2 ih`h se `uestrb `uestrb ef jb ojustrbioùf. ojustrbioùf. Brrbfque y ihfguiioùf   5-29



HF Thsoioùf (phsoioùf fhr`bj ge nufiohfb`oefth) Ef est estbb ph phso soioù ioùff se bi bitov tovbf bf ej sos soste te`b `b ge efi efiefg efgog oghh y jhs biieshro biieshrohs hs ejïitroihs.


Iubfgh ej ofterrupthr ge efiefgogh se pujsb sof posbr ej pegbj gej nrefh, se efioefge ej ofterrupthr ge efiefgogh< Tujse ej ieftrh gej ofterrupthr ge efiefgogh<

• •  Ghs veies pbrb ib`mobr b jb phsoioùf ‚HNN‐.  Ufb vez pbrb ib`mobr b jb phsoioùf HF.

Ej ofterrupthr ge efiefgogh vhjverâ buth`âtoib`efte b jb phsoioùf JHIC iubfgh se bmrb h ioerre iubjquoerpuer qu oerpuertb tb ihf ej oft ofter errup rupth thrr ef jb ph phsoi soioùf oùf ‚H ‚HNN NN‐. ‐.

gej veaàiujh. Yo toefe que utojozbr biieshrohs `oeftrbs ej `hthr fh estâ ef `briab, fh jhs use gurbfte jbrkhs peràhghs ge toe`ph y fh use vbrohs biie biieshrohs shrohs ejïitroihs ejïitroihs bj `os`h toe`ph.

Jb phsoioùf HF toefe ufb ibrbiteràstoib ge bahrrh ge mbteràb que phfgrâ ej ofterrupthr ge efiefgogh ef jb phsoioùf ‚HNN‐ so ej veaàiujh fh estâ ef `briab, gespuïs ge que pbse ioerth toe`ph ef jbs sokuoeftes ihfgoiohfes<

JHIC Thsoioùf (phsoioùf fhr`bj ge estbiohfb`oefth)

ioerrbf thgbs jbs puertbs •  Ye •  Jb pbjbfib ge ib`mohs estâ ef jb phsoioùf T

ioùf. Ej ofterrupthr ge efiefgogh se mjhqueb iubfgh se bmre h ioerrb iubjquoer puertb ihf ej ofterrup ofterrupthr thr ge efiefgogh gesihfeitbgh.

(estbiohfb`o (estbioh fb`oefth efth)) (`hg (`hgejhs ejhs ihf trb trbfs` fs`osoù osoùff QW]HFOI).

Jb ibrbiteràstoib ibrbiteràstoib ge bahrrh ge mbteràb se bfujbrâ so suiege iubjquoerb ge jh sokuoefte<

•  Ye bmre iubjquoer puertb. • •

 Jb pbjbfib ge ib`moh se `ueve ge jb phsoioùf T (estbiohfb`oefth).  Ej mhtùf ge jbs juies ge e`erkefiob estâ bitovbgh.

Ej ofterrupthr ge efiefgogh y ej mjhqueh ge goreiioùf shjb`efte se puegef mjhquebr ef estb phso-

Wrbfs`osoùf QW]HFOI<

Ej mjhqueh gej efiefgogh estâ goseòbgh pbrb que ej ofterrupthr ofterru pthr ge efiefgogh fh se puegb ib`mobr ib`mobr b jb phsoioùf JHIC abstb que jb pbjbfib sejeithrb se phfkb ef jb phsoioùf T (estbio (estbiohfb`oeft hfb`oefth). h). Iubfgh pujse ej ofterrupthr ge efiefgogh abstb jb phsoioùf ‚HNN‐, bsekürese ge que jb pbjbfib ge ib`mohs estï ef jb phsoioùf T (estbio (estbiohfb`oeft hfb`oefth). h). Iubfgh fh puegb ib`mobr ej ofterrup ofterrupthr thr ge efief-

  Ej ofterrupthr ge efiefgogh ib`mob ge phsoioùf. Bjkufhs ofgoibghres y testokhs ge nufiohfb`oefth se vosubjozbf ef jb pbftbjj pbftbjjbb ge ofnhr`b ofnhr`bioùf ioùf gej veaàiujh. ^eb ‚Tbftbjjb ge ofnhr`bioùf gej veaàiujh‐ ef jb seiioùf ‚=. Ofstru`efths y ihftrhjes‐.


•  Fh gele ej veaàiujh gurbfte peràhghs jbrkhs

gogh b jb phsoioùf JHIC< 2. @uevb jb pbjbfib ge ib`mohs b jb phsoioùf T (estbiohfb`oefth).

ge toe toe`phiubfg `phiubfgh h ej oft ofterr errupt upthr hr ge efi efiefg efgogh ogh

=. Tujse ej ofterrupthr ge efiefgogh. Jb phsoioùf

estâ ef jb phsoioùf HF y ej `hthr fh estâ nufiohfbfgh. Thgràb gesibrkbrse jb pojb.

gej ofterrupthr ge efiefgogh ib`mobrâ b jb phsoioùf HF.

•  Utojoie biieshrohs ejïitroihs ihf ej `hthr ef

`briab pbrb evotbr jb gesibrkb ge jb mbteràb

9. ^uejvb b phfer ej ofterrupthr ofterrupthr ge efiefgogh efiefgogh ef jb phsoioùf JHIC.

5-27   Brrbfque y ihfguiioùf  

Jb pbjbfib ge ib`mohs puege `hverse ge jb phsoioùf T (estbiohfb`oefth) so ej ofterrupthr ge efiefgogh estâ ef jb phsoioùf HF y ej pegbj gej nrefh estâ posbgh. Yo jb mbteràb gej veaàiujh estâ gesibrkbgb, ej ofterrupthr rrup thr ge efie efiefgo fgogh gh top tophh mht mhtùf ùf puj pujsbg sbghr hr fh se pue pue-ge ib`mobr ge jb phsoioùf JHIC.

HNN Thsoioùf Ej ofterrupthr ge efiefgogh estâ ef jb phsoioùf ‚HNN‐ iubfgh se bpbkb ej `hthr usbfgh ej ofterrupthr ge efiefgogh. Fh se efioefgef jbs juies gej ofterrupthr ge efiefgogh.

BII buth`âtoib Thsoioùf Ihf ej veaàiujh ef jb phsoioùf T (estbio (estbiohfb`oeft hfb`oefth), h), jb jjbve oftejokefte ihf usteg y ib`mobfgh ej ofterrupthr ge efiefgogh ge HF b ‚HNN‐, se phgrâ usbr jb rbgoh büf gurbfte uf perohgh ge toe`ph, h abstb que se bmrb jb puertb gej ihfguithr. Wrbs uf pe Wrbs pero rohg hghh ge totoe` e`ph,nufi ph,nufiohf ohfes es ih` ih`hh jb rb rbgo goh, h, jb fbvekbioùf y ej soste`b ge tejïnhfh ge `bfhs jomres jom res ihf Mju Mjuethh ethhta® ta® pue puege ge reof reofoiob oiobrse rse pujs pujsbfg bfghh ej mhtùf ge ihfexoùf/`bfgh ge ihftrhj ge vhju`ef

BTBKBGH GE E@E]KEFIOB GEJ @HWH] Tbrb bp Tbrb bpbk bkbr br ej `ht `hthr hr ef ibs ibshh ge e` e`erk erkefi efiob ob gu gurb rbffte jb ihfguiioùf, jjeve b ibmh ej prhiego`oefth sokuoefte<

Tbrb gesmjhquebr ej vhjbfte Tujse ej ofterrupthr ge efiefgogh y ej vhjbfte ge goreiioùf se gesmjhquebrâ buth`âtoib`efte. T]EIBUIOÙF

 Yo jb mbteràb gej veaàiujh estâ gesibrkbgb, ej •  Tujse râpogb`efte ej ofterrupthr ge efiefgogh • ofterrupthr ge efiefgogh ge toph mhtùf pujsb-

toph mht toph mhtùf ùf puj pujsbg sbghr hr 9 veie veiess ihfs ihfseiut eiutovbsef ovbsef `efhs ge 2,5 sekufghs, h

ghrfh se pue puege ge ib` ib`mob mobrr ge jb phs phsoio oioùf ùf JHI JHIC. C.

tophh mh top mhtù tùff pu pujsb jsbgh ghrr gu gurb rbfte`âs fte`âs ge = sek sekufg ufghs hs..

`oeftrbs korb ej vhjbfte ge goreiioùf jokerb`efte b jb gereiab y b jb ozquoergb.

  Yo fh se puege quotbr ej ofterrupthr ofterrupthr ge efief•  @bftefkb pujsbgh ej ofterrupthr ge efiefgogh • gogh ge jb phsoioùf JHIC, püjsejh ge fuevh

MJHRUEH GE JB GO]EIIOÙF Ej ofterrupthr ge efiefgogh estâ equopbgh ihf uf gosphsotovh bftorrhmh ge mjhqueh ge goreiioùf.

Tbrb mjhquebr ej vhjbfte 2. Tujse ej ofterrupthr ge efiefgogh abstb jb phsoioùf ‚HNN‐3 ej ofgoibghr ge phsoioùf gej ofterrupthr ge efiefgogh fh se efiefgerâ. =. Bmrb h ioerre jb puertb. Ej ofterrupthr ge efiefgogh ib`mob b jb phsoioùf JHIC. 9. Kore ej vhjbfte ge goreiioùf 2/> ge vuejtb abiob


(ihfsujte ‚Tbftbjjb, ibjenbiioùf, bihfgoiohfbghr ge bore y soste`b ge bugoh‐ ef este `bfubj) h ihf ej mhtùf ge gesmjhq gesmjhqueh ueh gej ihftrhj re`hth oftekrbgh ef jjbve fh pujsbgh gurbfte 94 `ofuths.

jb gereiab h jb ozquoergb gesge jb phsoioùf reitb. YYG41>4\

Yo jb pojb ge jb jjbve oftejokefte estâ gesibrkbgb, h jbs ihfgoiohfes b`moeftbjes puegef ofterneror ofterneror ef ej

Brrbfque y ihfguiioùf   5-25  

B]]BFRUE GEJ @HWH] nufiohfb`oefth ge jb jjbve oftejokefte, brrbfque ej `hthr `egobfte ej sokuoefte prhiego`oefth< 2. @uevb jb pbjbfib ge ib`mohs b jb phsoioùf T (estbio (es tbiohfb` hfb`oeft oefth) h) (`h (`hgejh gejhss ihf trb trbfs`o fs`osoùf soùf QW]HF QW ]HFOI OI)) h b jb ph phsoi soioùfF oùfF (p (puf ufth th `u `uert erth) h) (` (`hhgejhs ihf W/@). =. Tose nor`e`efte nor`e`efte ej nrefh. 9. Tose ej pegbj gej e`mrbkue b nhfgh (`hgejhs ihf W/@) 7. Whque ej ofterrupthr ge efiefgogh ihf jb jjbve oftejokefte ih`h se `uestrb ef jb ojustrbioùf (se geme esiuiabr ufb seòbj biüstoib). 5. Tujse ej ofterrupthr ge efiefgogh `oeftrbs posb ej pegbj gej nrefh bftes ge que trbfsiurrbf 24 sekufghs gesge jb seòbj biüstoib. Ej `hthr se phfe ef `briab. Wrbs rebjozbr ej pbsh 7, iubfgh ej ofterrupthr ge efiefgogh pujsb sofge posbr ej pegbjgeme gej nrefh, jb phsoioùf gejse ofterrupthr efiefgogh ib`mobr b Buth-BII. FHWB

ufb bveràb. Tbrb que ej testokh gele ge pbrpbgebr, vuejvb b thibr ej ofterrupthr ge efiefgogh ihf jb jjbve oftejokefte.

•  Yo ej testokh gej soste`b ge jjbve oftejokefte

gej iubgrh ge ofstru`efths pbrpbgeb ef verge,, su ge sust stot otuy uyb b jb po pojb jb tb tbf f pr prhf hfth th ih ih`h `h se seb b ph phso so-mje. (Ihfsujte ‚Yustotuioùf ge jb pojb gej ihftrhjj re` trh re`hth hth oft oftekr ekrbgh bgh ef jjb jjbve/ ve/ge ge jb jjb jjbve ve oftejokefte‐ ef jb seiioùf ‚1. @bftefo`oefth y aâkbjh usteg `os`h‐).

@HGEJHY IHF YOYWE@B GE JJB^E OFWEJOKEFWE 2. Bpjoque Bpjoque ej nrefh ge estbioh estbiohfb`oefth fb`oefth.. Tbrb hmtefer `âs ofn fnhhr`bi biooùf ùf,, veb ‚Nref efhh ge estbiohfb`oefth‐ ef jb seiioùf ‚9. Ih`prhmbiohfes y rekjbles prevohs b jb `briab‐ `briab‐.. =.  @hgejhs ihf trbfs`osoùf `bfubj< @uevb jb pbjbfib ge ib`mohs b jb phsoioùf F (pufth `uerth) y pose ej pegbj gej e`mrbkue b nhfgh `oeftrbs brrbfib ej `hthr. @hgejhs ihf trbfs`osoùf QW]HFOI (I^W)<

@uevb jb pbjbfib ge ib`mohs b jb phsoioùf T (estbiohfb`oefth) h F (pufth `uerth). (prenerefte`efte, jb phsoioùf T). Ej `hthr ge brrbfque estâ goseòbgh pbrb nufiohfbr shjb`efte iubfgh jb pbjbfib ge ib`mohs estâ ef jb phsoioùf ihrreitb. Jb jjbve oftejokefte (seküf `hgejh) geme jjevbrse ihfsokh geftrh gej veaàiujh iubfgh se biiohfe ej ofterrupthr ge efiefgogh.

9. Tbrb brrbfibr brrbfibr ej `hthr<

•  Iubfgh ej ofterrupthr ge efiefgogh se phfe

•   @hgejhs ihf W/@ ’ @bftefkb ej pegbj gej

ef jb phsoioùf HF h se brrbfib ej `hthr `egobfte jhs prhiego`oefths bfterohres, puege que ej testokh gej soste`b ge jjbve oftejokefte pbrpbgee ef b`brojjh (ef ej iubgrh ge ofstru-

e`mrbkue posbgh y/h pose ej pegbj gej nrefh3 b ihftofubioùf, ihjhque ej ofterru ofterrupthr pthr ge efiefgogh ef jb phsoioùf HF.

`efths), bufque jb jjbve oftejokefte se efiueftre ef ej ofterohr gej veaàiujh. Esth fh es

ihf trbfs`osoùf QW]HFOI ’ Tose ej •   @hgejhs pegbj gej nrefh y, b ihftofub ihftofubioùf, ioùf, ihjhque ej ofterrupthr ge efiefgogh ef phsoioùf HF.

5-2>   Brrbfque y ihfguiioùf  

FHWB brrbfibr ej `hthr of`egobtb`efte, •   Tbrb pujse y jomere ej ofterrupthr ge efiefgogh `oeftrbs posb ej pegbj gej nrefh h ej pegbj gej e`mrbkue ihf ej ofterrupthr ge efiefgogh ef iubjquoer phsoioùf. te`•   @hgejhs ihf `hthr goïsej< iubfgh jb te`-

perbturb seb mblb, es phsomje que se prhguzib uf retrbsh ge vbrohs sekufghs bftess geque ej`hth te ej`hthrr br brrb rbfq fque ue.. Es Esthse thse ge geme me bj ibjeftb`oefth ge jbs mulàbs ge ofibfgesief ges iefiob iob pbr pbrb b bse bsekur kurbr br uf est estbgh bgh ge brrbfque gej `hthr bgeiubgh. Ej ofgoibghrr ge gh ge ofi ofibf bfge gesi sief efio iob b ( ) se se efi efief ef-gerâ gurbfte este retrbsh y, b ihftofubioùf, ej `hthr brrbfibrâ.

7. Yuejte of`egobtb`efte ej ofterrupthr ge efiefgogh go gh iu iubfg bfghh ej `ht `hthr hr brr brrbf bfqu que. e. Yo ej `h `hth thrr brr brrbf bf-ib perh fh se phfe ef `briab, repotb jhs prhiego`oefths bfterohres. FHWB @hgejhs ihf `hthr ge kbshjofb<

•  Yo es `uy gonàioj brrbfibr ej `hthr phrque estâ bahkbgh, pose b nhfgh ej pegbj gej biejer bie jerbgh bghrr y fh jh sue suejte jte.. Bii Biiohf ohfe e ej brr brrbfbfque gej `hthr gurbfte 5-> sekufghs. Wrbs biiohfbr ej brrbfque gej `hthr, suejte ej pegbj gej biejerbghr. Thfkb ef `briab ej `hthr sof posbr ej pegbj gej biejerbghr korbfgh ej ofterrupthr ge efiefgogh abiob jb phsoio phs oioùf ùf YWB YWB]W. ]W. Yue Yuejte jte ej oft ofterr errupt upthr hr iubfgh iub fgh ej `ht `hthr hr brr brrbfq bfque. ue. Yo ej `ht `hthr hr brrbfib perh fh se phfe ef `briab, repotb ej prhiego`oefth bfterohr. T]EIBUIOÙF Wbf prh prhfth fth ih` ih`h h ej `ht `hthr hr aby abyb b brrb brrbfib fibgh, gh, •   Wbf suejte of`egobtb`ef of`egobtb`efte te ej ofter ofterrupth rupthrr ge efiefgogh.

•  Fh abkb nufiohfbr ej `hthr ge brrbfque

gurbfte `âs ge 25 sekufghs ibgb vez. Yo ej `hthr fh brrbfib, kore ej ofterrupthr ge efiefgogh abstb jb phsoioùf ‚HNN‐ y espere 24 sekufghs (`hgejhs ihf `hthr ge kbshjofb) kbshj ofb) h =4 sekufghs (`hgejhs ihf `hthr goïsej) bftes ge vhjver b ofteftbrjh.

5. Gespuïs Gespuïs ge brrbfibr, gele ej `hthr bj rbjeftà rbjeftà gurbfte bj `efhs 94 sekufghs pbrb que se ibjoefte. Ihfguzib pro`erh b vejhiogbg `hgerbgb gurbfte ufb gostbfiob ihrtb, espeiobj`efte ihf toe`ph nràh. T]EIBUIOÙF Fh gele ej veaàiujh gesbtefgogh `oeftrbs se estâ ibjeftbfgh ej `hthr.

>. Tbrb getefer getefer ej `hthr< ’ @hgejhs ihf ihf trbfs`osoùf trbfs`osoùf `bfubj< `bfubj< bpjoque bpjoque ej nrefh ge estbiohfb`oefth y ihjhque ej ofterrupthr ge efiefgogh ef phsoioùf ‚HNN‐. ’ @hgejhs ihf ihf trbfs`osoùf trbfs`osoùf QW]HFOI QW]HFOI. Ef ibsh ge e`erkefiob‐.

Brrbfque y ihfguiioùf   5-2;  

=.  @hgejhs ihf trbfs`osoùf `bfubj< @uevb jb pbjbfib ge ib`mohs b jb phsoioùf F (pufth `uerth) y pose ej pegbj gej e`mrbkue b nhfgh `oeftrbs brrbfib ej `hthr. @hgejhs ihf trbfs`osoùf QW]HFOI (I^W)<

@uevb jb pbjbfib ge ib`mohs b jb phsoioùf T (estbiohfb`oefth) h F (pufth `uerth). (prenerefte`efte, jb phsoioùf T). Ej `hthr ge brrbfque estâ goseòbgh pbrb nufiohfbr shjb`efte iubfgh jb pbjbfib ge ib`mohs estâ ef jb phsoioùf ihrreitb.

9. Kore ej vhjbfte ge goreiioùf ge ozquoergb ozquoergb b gereiab pbrb jomerbr ej mjhqueh ge efiefgogh `oeftrbs ihjhib ej ofterrupthr ge efiefgogh ef jb phsoioùf HF. 7. @hgejhs ihf `hthr goïsej< espere abstb que ej ofgoibg ofg oibghr hr ge ofib ofibfges fgesiefi iefiob ob ( ) se bpbk bpbkue. ue.

gbj gej biejerbghr jokerb`efte (b 2/9 ge gostbfiob gostb fiob gej suejh bprhxo`bgb`ef bprhxo`bgb`efte) te) y `bftïfkbj `bftï fkbjh h posbg posbgh h `oef `oeftrbs trbs biio biiohfb hfb ej brrbfque gej `hthr. Yuejte ej ofterrupthr ge efiefgogh y ej pegbj gej biejerbghr iubfgh ej `hthr brrbfque.

•  Yo es `uy gonàioj brrbfibr ej `hthr phrque

estâ bahkbgh, pose b nhfgh ej pegbj gej biejer bie jerbgh bghrr y fh jh sue suejte jte.. Bii Biiohf ohfe e ej brr brrbfbfque gej `hthr gurbfte 5-> sekufghs. Wrbs biiohfbr ej brrbfque gej `hthr, suejte ej pegbj gej biejerbghr. Thfkb ef `briab ej `hthr sof posbr ej pegbj gej biejerbghr korbfgh ej ofterrupthr ge efiefgogh abiob jb phsoio phs oioùf ùf YWB YWB]W. ]W. Yue Yuejte jte ej oft ofterr errupt upthr hr iubfgh iub fgh ej `ht `hthr hr brr brrbfq bfque. ue. Yo ej `ht `hthr hr brrbfib perh fh se phfe ef `briab, repotb ej prhiego`oefth bfterohr.


5. Tosbfg Tosbfghh ej pegbj gej nrefh, fh ej pegbj gej biejerbghr, brrbfque ej `hthr phfoefgh ej ofterrupthr ge efiefgogh ef YWB]W.

Wbf prh Wbf prhfth fth ih` ih`h h ej `ht `hthr hr aby abyb b brrb brrbfib fibgh, gh, •   suejte of`egobtb`efte of`egobtb`ef te ej ofter ofterrupth rupthrr ge

>. Yuejte of`egobtb`efte ej ofterrupthr ge efief-

•  Fh abkb nufiohfbr ej `hthr ge brrbfque


•  Yo nuese feiesbroh brrbfibr ej `hthr ihf ufb mbteràb buxojobr y ihf ibmjes puefte, sokb ihf iuogb iuogbgh gh jbs ofstr ofstruiio uiiohfes hfes y preibuiohfes ofijuogbs ef jb seiioùf ‚>. Ef ibsh ge e`erkefiob‐.

;. Gespuïs Gespuïs ge brrbfibr, gele ej `hthr bj rbjeftà rbjeftà gurbfte bj `efhs 94 sekufghs pbrb que se ibjoefte. Ihfguzib pro`erh b vejhiogbg `hgerbgb gurbfte ufb gostbfiob ihrtb, espeiobj`efte ihf toe`ph nràh. T]EIBUIOÙF Fh gele ej veaàiujh gesbtefgogh `oeftrbs se estâ ibjeftbfgh ej `hthr.

1. Tbrb getefer getefer ej `hthr< ’ @hgejhs ihf ihf trbfs`osoùf trbfs`osoùf `bfubj< `bfubj< bpjoque bpjoque ej nrefh ge estbiohfb`oefth estbiohfb`oefth y ihjhque h kore ej ofterrupthr ge efiefgogh ef phsoioùf ‚HNN‐. ’ jb @hgejhs ihf trbfs`osoùf trbfs`osoùf Qphsoioùf W]HFOI

W/@ ge > vejhiogbges (seküf `hgejh)

Ib`moh ge `briab l B   @hgejhs ge ihfg. gia. l M   @hgejhs ge ihfg. ozq. pbjbfib ge ib`mohs ib`mohs l 2   Bfojjb ge jb pbjbfib Tbrb ib`mobr ge `briab, pose b nhfgh ej pegbj gej e`mrbkue, e`mrbku e, ib`moe b jb `briab bgeiubgb bgeiubgb y, b ihftofubioùf, suejte ej e`mrbkue jeftb y subve`efte. Tbrb bsekurbrse ge ib`mobr ge `briab subve`efte, pose b nhfgh ej pegbj gej e`mrbkue bftes ge biiohfbr jb pbjbfib ge ib`mohs. Yo ej pegbj gej e`-

Ofgoibghr ge jb pbjbfib ge ib`mohs (seküf `hgejh)<

Ej ofgoibghr ge jb pbjbfib ge ib`mohs l B , sotubgh ef jb pbrte ofnerohr ge jb pbftbjjb ge ofnhr`bioùf gej veaàiujh byugb b ihfsekuor ufb ihfguiioùf `âs eihjùkoib. Ib`mobr b ufb `briab superohr (h ofnerohr) sokuoefgh abiobge brromb (h abiob bmblh) gej bofgoibghrjbgenjeiab jb pbjbfib ib`mohs puege byugbr reguior ej ihfsu`h ge ih`mustomje Ufb njeiab abiob brromb ofgoib que es bihfselbmje

b ufb`bria ufb`briab b ofn ofnero erohr hr ge nhr nhr`b `b rep repeft eftofbpueofbpuege abier que jbs ruegbs gerrbpef y que se poergb ej ihftrhj gej veaàiujh.

mrbkue fh estâ posbgh b nhfgh bftes ge ib`mobr ge `briab, puege que se hokb uf ruogh iaorrobfte. Esth phgràb ibusbr gbòhs ef jb trbfs`osoùf. Thfkb ef `briab ej veaàiujh ef 2ª `briab y vbyb ib`mobfgh ge `briab ef hrgef bsiefgefte h gesiefgefte, seküf jb vejhiogbg gej veaàiujh.

ib`mobr b ufb `briab superohr3 ufb njeiab abiob bmblh reih`oefgb ej ib`moh b ufb `briab ofnerohr. Yof e`mbrkh, es resphfsbmojogbg gej ihfguithr geiogor iuâj es jb `briab `âs bgeiubgb pbrb jbs ihfgoiohfes gej veaàiujh, gej trânoih y ge jb ibrreterb.

Brrbfque y ihfguiioùf   5-2?  

FHWB Es phsomje que jbs njeiabs fh se vosubjoief ef bjkufbs ioriufstbfiobs, ih`h phr ele`pjh< ’ Iubfgh Iubfgh jb `briab `briab bitubj bitubj ihofioge ihofioge ihf ihf jb reih`efgbgb ’ Jb vejhiog vejhiogbg bg gej veaàiuj veaàiujh h es bprhxo` bprhxo`bgb bgb.. 4 c`/a @briab btrâs<

Tbrb ihfguior uior `br `briab iab btrâs trbfs`o trb fs`osoùf soùf `bf `bfubj ubj ge > ihfg vejhiogbges, sokbbtrâ estes ihf prhiego`oefth< 2) Tbre ej veaàiujh. =) @uevb jb pbjbfib ge ib`mohs b jb phsoioùf F (pufth `uerth).

küf `hgejh)‐ ef jb seiioùf ‚7. Tbftbjjb, ibjenbiioùf, bihfgoiohfbghr ge bore y soste`b ge bugoh‐, h ihfsujt ihfs ujtee ‚@h ‚@hfot fothr hr ge vos vosoùf oùf per peronïr onïroib oib (se (seküf küf `hgejh)‐ ef jb seiioùf ‚7. Tbftbjjb, ibjenbiioùf, bihfg bih fgoi oiohf ohfbg bghr hr ge bor boree y sos soste te`b `b ge bu bugo goh‐ h‐.. Yo nu nuer erbb gonàioj `hver jb pbjbfib ge ib`mohs b ] (`briab btrâs) h b 2ª. ib`moe b F (pufth `uerth) y, b ihftofubioùf, suejte ej pegbj gej e`mrbkue3 Tose ge fuevh b nhfgh ej pegbj gej e`mrbkue y ib`moe b ] (`briab btrâs) btrâs) h b 2ª.

fb`oefth) h F (pufth `uerth). Ej `hthr fh brrbfi brr bfibrâso brâso jb pbj pbjbfi bfib b ge ib ib`mo `mohs hs se efi efiuef uef-trb ef htrb phsoioùf. Ge jh ihftrbroh, biugb b uf ihfiesohfbroh FOYYBF h tbjjer iubjonoibgh pbrb que revosef ej veaàiujh. Fh pos pose e ej peg pegbj bj gejbieje gejbiejerbg rbghr hr `oe `oeftr ftrbs bs ib ib``•   Fh mob ge jb phsoioùf T (estbiohfb`oefth) h F (pufth`uert (pu fth`uerth) h) b jb phs phsoio oioùf ùf ] (`b (`bria riab b btr btrâs) âs),, G (ihfguiioùf) h jb phsoioùf ge `hgbjogbges


•  Jb vejhiogbg ge rbjeftà gej `hthr nràh es bjtb,

9) Wore ge jb bfojjb ge jb pbjbfib ge ib`mohs l 2 abiob brromb y `bftïfkbjb ef esb phsoioùf.

bsà que tefkb iuogbgh bj ib`mobr b ufb `briab ge bvbfie h `briab btrâs bftes ge que ej `hthr se abyb ibjeftbgh.

7) @uevb jb pbjbfib ge ib`mohs b jb phsoioùf ]

•   Evote revhjuiohfbr ej `hthr `oeftrbs ej veaà-

(`briab btrâs). 5) Jomere jb bfojjb bfojjb ge jb pbjbfib ge ib`mohs ib`mohs y ihfguzib ej veaàiujh abiob btrâs ihf preibuioùf.

iujh est iujh estâ â pbr pbrbgh bgh.. Est Esth h phg phgràbprhvh ràbprhvhibruf ibruf `hvo`oefth ofesperbgh gej veaàiujh.

Jb bfojjb ge jb pbjbfib ge ib`mohs vuejve b su

Brrbfque ue ej `hthr ef jb phsoi phsoioùf oùf T (estb (estbiohioh•   Brrbfq

Treibuiohfess gurbfte jb ihfguiioùf Treibuiohfe

ge ib`moh `bfubj. Tose soe`pre ej pegbj gej nrefh abstb que se abyb ih`pjetbgh ej ib`moh. iuestb stbs, s, fh ret retefk efkb b ej vea veaàiu àiujh jh pos posbfbf•   Bjsumor iue gh ej biejerbghr. Ef esths ibshs se geme utojozbr ej nrefh ge servoioh, pbrb bsà `bftefer ej ihftrhj gej veaàiujh y evotbr ej shmreibjeftb`oefth ge jb trbfs`osoùf.

 Ib`moe b jb phsoioùf T (estbiohfb`oefth) y bpjoque ej nrefh ge estbiohfb`oefth iubfgh gele estbiohfbgh ej veaàiujh gurbfte uf perohgh ge toe`ph superohr b ufb esperb ihrtb.

@bftefkb b •   @bftefk

ej `ht `hthr hr b vej vejhio hiogbg gbg ge rbj rbjeft eftà à 

phsoioùf hrokofbj iubfgh se `ueve jb pbjbfib ge ib`mohs b jb phsoioùf F (pufth `uerth). Iubfgh jb pbjbfib ge ib`mohs estï ef jb phsoioùf ] (`briab btrâs), se bitovbr bitovbrââ ej `hfothr ge FossbfIhffeit (seküf `hgejh), `hfothr ge vosoùf trbserb h ej `hfothr ge vosoùf ej peronïr peronïroib oib (seküf `hgejh). Tbrb hmtefer `âs getbjjes, ihfsujte ej `bfubj ge usubroh ge FossbfIhffeit que se eftrekb phr sepbrbgh, h ihfsujte ‚@hfothr ge vosoùf trbserb (se-

 Fh ib`moe fufib b jb phsoioùf T (estbiohfb `oefth) h ] (`briab btrâs) iubfgh ej veaàiujh estâ ef `briab, yb que jb trbfs`osoùf phgràb resujtbr gbòbgb.

`oeftrbs `oeftr bs ib` ib`mob mob ge jb phs phsoio oioùf ùf F (pu (pufth fth `uerth) b iubjquoer phsoioùf ge ihfguiioùf. T]EIBUIOÙF (bj brrbfibr ej veaàiujh)<

ib`moe b •   Exiepth ef ibsh ge e`erkefiob, fh ib`moe •  TOYE EJ TEGBJ GEJ N]EFH jb phsoioùf F (pufth `uerth) sof gurbfte guiioùf. Gesjozbr ej veaàiujh jjevbr jb ej ihf`hthr ef `briab ihf jb trbfs`osoùf ef jb phsoioùf F (pufth `uerth) phgràb prhvhibr gbòhs krbves ef jb trbfs`osoùf.

Iubfgh ej `hthr estâ ef `briab, bj ib`mobr jb pbjbfib ge ib`mohs b jb phsoioùf ] (`briab btrâs), G (ihfguiioùf) h b jb ge jb `hgbjogbg ge ib`moh `bfubj sof posbr ej pegbj gej

5-=4   Brrbfque y ihfguiioùf    

nrefh, ej veaàiujh se `ueve jeftb`efte. Bsekürese ge que posb b nhfgh ej pegbj gej nrefh y ej veaàiujh se getoefe bftes ge ib`mobr jb pbjbfib ge ib`mohs.


Bsekürese ge que jb pbjbfib ge ib`mohs se efiueftrb ef jb phsoioùf gesebgb. Utojoie jb phsoioùf G (ihfguiioùf) h jb `hgbjogbg ge ib`moh `bfubj pbrb ihfguior abiob gejbfte h jb phsoioùf ] (`briab btrâs) pbrb ihfguior abiob abi ob btr btrâs. âs. Yue Yuejte jte ej nre nrefh fh ge est estbi biohf ohfb`o b`oefefth y ej pegbj gej nrefh ge servoioh3 b ihftofubioùf, pose ej pegbj gej biejerbghr pbrb phfer ef `briab ej veaàiujh e ofihrphrbrse bj trânoih (evote brrbfibr y korbr jbs ruegbs mrusib`efte).

•   Evote revhjuiohfbr ej `hthr `oeftrbs ej veaà-

iujh est iujh estâ â pbr pbrbgh bgh,, est esth h phg phgràb ràb prh prhvhi vhibr br uf `hvo`oefth ofesperbgh gej veaàiujh Sso jb pbjbfib ge ib`mohs estâ ef jb phsoioùf ] (`briab btrâs), G (ihfguiioùf) h ef jb phsoioùf ge `hgbjogbg ge ib`moh `bfubjP h gbòbr ej `h-

•  EYWBIOHFB@OEFWH GEJ ^EAÀIUJH Tose b nhfgh ej pegbj gej nrefh ge servoioh y, ufb vez getefogh ej veaàiujh, jjeve jb pbjbfib ge ib`mohs b jb phsoioùf T (estbiohfb`oefth), bpjoque ej nrefh ge estbiohfb`oefth y jomere ej pegbj gej nrefh ge servoioh.

Brrbfque gej veaàiujh 2. Gespuïs ge brrbfibr ej `hthr, pose b nhfgh ej pegbj gej nrefh bftes ge ib`mobr jb pbjbfib ge ib`mohs ge jb phsoioùf T (estbiohfb`oefth) (estbiohfb`oefth) b jb phsoioùf ] (`briab btrâs), G (ihfguiioùf) h b jb `hgbjogbg ge ib`moh `bfubj. =. @bftefkb ej pegbj gej nrefh ge servoioh posbgh y pujse ej mhtùf ge jb pbjbfib ge ib`mohs pbrb ib`mobr b ufb phsoioù phsoioùff ge ihfguiioù ihfguiioùf. f. 9. Yuejte ej nrefh ge estbiohfb`oefth estbiohfb`oefth y ej nrefh ge servoioh y phfkb ej veaàiujh ef `briab krbgubj`efte posbfgh ej pegbj gej biejerbghr. Jb trbfs`osoùf QW]HFOI estâ goseòbgb pbrb que se  GEMB  posbr ej pegbj gej nrefh ge servoioh bftes ge ib`mobr ge jb phsoioùf T (estbiohfb`oefth) b iubjquoer phsoioùf ge ihfguiioùf `oeftrbs ej ofte-


Ib`moh ge `briab l B   @hgejhs ge ihfg. ozq. l M   @hgejhs ge ihfg. gia. Tbrb `hver jb pbjbfib ge ib`mohs< Tujse ej mhtùf `oeftrbs posb ej pegbj ` gej nrefh. ` `

Tujse ej mhtùf pbrb ib`mobr ge phsoioùf. Yo`pje`efte `uevb jb pbjbfib ge ib`mohs.

thr Sso jb pbjbfib ge ib`mohs estâ ef jb phsoioùf F (pufth `uerth) h T (estbiohfb`oefth)P.

rrupthr ge efiefgogh estâ ef jb phsoioùf HF.


Tujse ej mhtùf pbrb ib`mobr b T (estbiohfb`oefth) (estbiohfb`oefth) h ] (`briab btrâs). btrâs). Jbs ge`âs phsoiohfes phsoiohfes se puegef sejeiiohfbr sof pujsbr ej mhtùf. T (estbiohfb`oefth)<

Geme tefer `uiah iuogbgh bj ge ib`mobr jbioùf pb-f jbf jbfib ib ge ib`moh ib` mohss b jb phsoio phs oioùf ùf ihfgui ihf guiioù of`egobtb`efte gespuïs ge brrbfibr ej `hthr, gemogh b jbs bjtbs vejhiogbges ge rbjeftà  iubfgh ej `hthr estâ nràh.

Use phsoioùf iubfgh ej ej `hthr. veaàiujhBsekürese estï estbiohfbghestb h iubfgh brrbfque ef thgh `h`efth ge que su veaàiujh estâ ih`pjetb`efte pbrbgh bftes ge `hver jb pbjbfib ge ib`-

Brrbfque y ihfguiioùf   5-=2  

mohs b jb phsoioùf T (estbiohfb`oefth). Tbrb jb `âxo`b sekurogbg, geme posbrse ej pegbj gej nrefh bftes ge `hver jb pbjbfib ge ib`mohs b jb phsoioùf T (estbiohfb`oefth). Utojoie estb phsoioùf lufth ihf ej nrefh nre fh ge est estbioh biohfb` fb`oeft oefth. h. Iubf Iubfgh gh estb estbiohf iohfee ef ufb pefgoefte, pefgoef te, pose ej pegbj gej nrefh ge servoio servoioh, h, bpjoque ej nrefh ge estbiohfb`oefth y ib`moe b jb phsoioùf T (estbiohfb`oefth).

ib`mobr b jb phsoioùf F y vhjver b brrbfibr ej `hthr so se ab ibjbgh gurbfte gurbfte jb ihfguiio ihfguiioùf. ùf. G (ihfguiioùf fhr`bj)<

Utojoie estb phsoioùf pbrb thgbs jbs `hgbjogbges ge ihfguiioùf fhr`bj abiob gejbfte.

] (`briab btrâs)<

trbfs`osoùf eftrb ef jb `hgbjogbg Gs (ihfguiioùf gephrt gep hrtovb ovb). ). Jb `hgb `hgbjog jogbg bg Gs prh prhphr phriohf iohfbb ufb `byh `byhrr respuestb ge biejerbioùf y nrefh `hthr. @hver jb pbjbfib abiob gejbfte y abiob btrâs per`ote per`ote ej ib`moh `bfubj. Ef jb `hgbjogbg ge ib`moh `bfubj, jb `briab sejeiiohfbgb se `uestrb ef ej ofgoibghr ge phsoioùf gej iubgrh ge ofstru`efths.


Jbs `briabs bu`eftbf h gesioefgef ge ufb b htrb ge jb `bferb sokuoefte<

Ib`moe b estb phsoioùf shjb`efte gespuïs ge abmer getefogh ih`pjetb`efte ej veaàiujh.

2ª ⇗ =ª ⇗ 9ª ⇗ 7ª ⇗ 5ª ⇗ >ª ⇗ ;ª

•  Tbrb bu`eftbr jb `briab, gespjbie jb pbjbfib

Utojoie estb phsoioùf pbrb abier ioriujbr ej veaàiujh `briab btrâs. Iubfgh jb pbjbfib ge ib`mohs estï ef jb phsoioùf ] (`briab btrâs), se bitovbr bitovbrââ ej `hfothr ge FossbfIhffeit (seküf `hgejh), ej `hfothr ge vosoùf trbserb h ej `hfothr ge vosoùf peronïroib peronïroib (seküf `hgejh). Tbrb hmtefer `âs getbjjes, ihfsujte ej `bfubj ge usubroh ge FossbfIhffeit que se eftrekb phr sepbrbgh, h ihfsujte ‚@hfothr ge vosoùf trbserb (seküf `hgejh)‐ ef jb seiioùf ‚7. Tbftbjjb, ibjenbi-

ge ib`mohs abiob ej jbgh + (brromb). (se ib`mob b ufb `briab `âs bjtb).


Ofgoibghr ge jb pbjbfib ge ib`mohs<

Ej ofgoibghr ge jb pbjbfib ge ib`mohs l B , sotubg sotubghh ef jb pbrte ofnerohr ge jb pbftbjjb ge ofnhr`b ofnhr`bioùf ioùf gej veaàiujh, `uestrb jb phsoioùf bitubj ge jb trbfs`osoùf. @uestrb jhs `hghs T, ], F y G iubfgh jb trbfs`o-

•   Tbrb ib`mobr b ufb `briab ofnerohr, `uevb jb

pbjbfib ge ib`mohs abiob ej jbgh ’ (bmblh). (se ib`mob b ufb `briab `âs mblb).

`hverjbgh jb pbjbfib ge ib`mohs râpogb`e râpogb`efte fte bj ghs veies, bu`eftbrâ ghs veies •   Bj`os`h sekuogbs jb `briab.

•   Utojoie jb 2ª phsoioùf iubfgh sumb jeftb`efte

ioùf, bihfgoiohfbghr ge bore y soste`b ge bugoh , h ihfsuj ihf sujte te ‚@ ‚@hfo hfoth thrr ge vos vosoù oùff pe pero ronï nïroi roibb (se (sekü küff `hgejh)‐ ef jb seiioùf ‚7. Tbftbjjb, ibjenbiioùf, bihfgoiohfbghr ge bore y soste`b ge bugoh‐. F (pufth `uerth)<

Jb pb pbjbf jbfib ib sej sejeit eithr hrbb fh es estâ tâ ef ph phso soioù ioùff ge `b `bria riabb btrâs fo ef fofkufb ge jbs phsoiohf phsoiohfes es ge bvbfie. Ej `hthr se puege brrbfibr ef estb phsoioùf. Tuege

soùf estâ ef jb `hgbjogbg buth`âtoib h jb phsoioùf gej ib`moh iubfgh jb trbfs`osoùf estâ ef jb `hgbjogbg `bfubj.

Gs (ihfguiioùf gephrtovb) y `hgbjogbg

iuestbs prhfufiobgbs h ihfguzib jeftb`efte b trbvïs ge zhfbs ihf `uiab foeve, brefb h mbrrh, h pbrb jb utojozbioùf `âxo`b gej nrefh `hthr bj gesiefger iuestbs prhfufiobgbs.

•   Utojoie jb =ª, 9ª ù 7ª phsoioùf iubfgh sumb iues-

ge ib`moh `bfubj Iubfgh se ib`mob jb pbjbfib ge ib`mohs ge jb

tbs prhfufiobgbs h iubfgh utojoie ej nrefh `hthr bj gesiefger phr pefgoeftes prhfufiobgbs.

phsoioùf G (ihfguiioùf) b jb eftrbgb ge ib`moh `bfubj ihf ej veaàiujh getefogh h ef `briab, jb

•   Utojoie jb 5ª h >ª phsoioùf pbrb sumor h mblbr phr pefgoeftes jbrkbs.

5-==   Brrbfque y ihfguiioùf  

•   Utojoie jb ;ª phsoioùf pbrb thgbs jbs `hgbjogbges

=. Bpjoqu Bpjoquee ej nrefh ge estbiohfb`oefth. estbiohfb`oefth.

ge ihfguiioùf fhr`bj abiob gejbfte. Yof e`mbrkh, es feiesbroh que ib`moe b ufb `briab `efhr iubfgh biejere h bgejbft bgejbftee b htrh veaàiujh.

9. Tujs Tujsee ej mh mhtù tùff ge jojome merbi rbioùfgej oùfgej mj mjhq hquehgej uehgej ib ib``moh l B . Utojoie ufb aerrb`oeftb bgeiubgb.

•  Tbrb ibfiejbr jb `hgbjogbg ge ib`moh `bfubj,

7. @bftefkb pujsbgh ej mhtùf ge jb pbjbfib ge ib`mohs y `uïvbjb b jb phsoioùf F (pufth `uerth) `oeftrbs `bftoefe pujsbgh ej mhtùf ge jomerbioùf gej mjhqueh gej ib`moh.

`hgbjo bjogbg gbg ge ib` ib`moh moh `bf `bfubj ubj es phs phsomj omje e •   Ef jb `hg

Thfkb ej ofterrupthr ge efiefgogh ef jb phsoioùf HF pbrb gesmjhquebr ej vhjbfte ge goreiioùf. Ef-

jjeve ge fuevh jb pbjbfib ge ib`mohs b jb phsoioùf G (ihfgui (ihfguiioùf). ioùf). Jb trbfs`osoùf vuejve b jb `hgbjogbg ge ihfguiioùf fhr`bj. que,ef geter geter`ofbg `ofbgbs bs iori ioriufstb ufstbfiob fiobs, s, jb trbfs trbfs-`osoùf fh ib`moe b jb `briab sejeiiohfbgb. Esth byugb b `bftefer ej refgo`oefth ge jb ihfguiioùf y reguie jbs phsomojogbges ge que ej veaàiujh sunrb gbòhs h se poergb ej ihftrhj gej `os`h.

abstb ufb •   Yo ej `hthr se estâ revhjuiohfbfgh abstb vejhiogbg pejokrhsb ef jb `hgbjogbg ge ib`moh `bfubj, jb trbfs`osoùf ib`mobrâ buth`âtoib`efte b ufb `briab superohr. Bj reguior jb vejhiogbg gej veaàiujh, jb trbfs`osoùf ib`mobrâ buth`âtoib`efte b jb 2ª `briab bftes ge geteferse.


Jomerbioùf gej mjhqueh gej ib`moh l 2   @hgejhs ge ihfg. ozq. l =   @hgejhs ge ihfg. gia. mjhqueh gej ib`moh l B   Mhtùf ge jomerbioùf gej mjhqueh Yo jb mbteràb toefe phib ibrkb h estâ gesibrkbgb, es phsomje que fh se puegb `hver jb pbjbfib ge ib`mohs ge jb phsoioùf T (estbiohfb`oefth) bufque se pose ej pegbj gej nrefh y se pujse ej mhtùf ge jb pbjbfib ge ib`mohs. Tbrb `hver jb pbjbfib ge ib`mohs, rebjoie ej so-

thfies se phgrâ `hver ej veaàiujh abstb jb umoibioùf gesebgb. Tbrb `hgejhs ihf soste`b ge jjbve oftejokefte< Yo jb mbteràb se ab gesibrkbgh phr ih`pjeth, ej vhjbfte ge go gore reiio iioùf ùf fh se pu pueg egee ge gesm smjhq jhque uebr.Fh br.Fh `u `uevbej evbej veaàiujh ihf ej vhjbfte ge goreiioùf mjhquebgh. Yo fh se puege ib`mobr jb pbjbfib ge ib`mohs b ufb phs phsoioù oioùff gos gostoft toftbb b T (est (estbioh biohfb` fb`oeft oefth), h), biug biugbb b uf ihfiesohfbroh FOYYBF h tbjjer iubjonoibgh pbrb que revosef ej soste`b QW]HFOI jh bftes phsomje. BG^E]WEFIOB

Ib`moh gesiefgefte gej biejerbghr Ef jb phsoioùf G (ihfguiioùf) y Gs (ihfguiioùf gephrtovb)

kuoefte prhiego`oefth< 2.  @hgejhs ihf soste`b ge jjbve oftejokefte<

Tbrb bgejbftbr h ihfguior iuestb brromb, pose b nhfgh ej pegbj gej biejerbghr. Esth abrâ que jb trbfs-

Ihjhque ej ofterrupthr ge efiefgogh ef jb phsoioùf ‚HNN‐ h JHIC.

`osoùf ib`moe b ufb `briab ofnerohr ofnerohr,, gepefgoefgh ge jb vejhiogb vejhiogbgg gej veaàiujh.

@hgejhs sof soste`b ge jjbve oftejokefte<

Yo jb pbjbfib ge ib`mohs fh se puege `hver ge jb phsoioùf T (estbiohfb`oefth) `oeftrbs ej `hthr estâ ef nufiohfb`oefth y ej pegbj gej nrefh estâ posbgh, es phsomje que jbs juies ge nrefh fh nufiohfef. Ufb bveràb ef jbs juies ge nrefh phgràb ibusbr bjküf biiogefte ef ej que usteg y htrbs pershfbs phgràbf resujtbr aeroghs.

Ihjhque ej ofterrupthr ge efiefgogh ef jb phsoioùf JHIC y extrbokb jb jjbve so estâ oftrhguiogb.

Brrbfque y ihfguiioùf   5-=9  

YOYWE@B YWHT/YWB]W (seküf `hgejh) @hgbjogbg ge prhteiioùf ge te`perbturb ge njuogh bjtb Estb trbfs`osoùf iueftb ihf ufb `hgbjogbg ge prhteiioùf ge te`perbturb ge njuogh bjtb. Yo jb te`perbturb gej njuogh sume ge`bsobgh (phr ele`pjh, iubfgh se sumef pefgoeftes esibrpbgbs b bjtbs te`perbturbs ihf ibrkbs pesbgbs, h iubfgh se jjevb uf re`hjque), jb phtefiob gej `hthr y, ef bjkufbs ihfgoiohfes,, jb vejhiog goiohfes vejhiogbg bg gej veaàiujh se reguiorâf buth`âtoib`efte pbrb gos`ofuor jbs phsomojogbges ge que jb trbfs`osoùf sunrb gbòhs. Jb vejhiogbg gej veaàiujh se phgrâ ihftrhjbr ihf ej pegbj gej biejerbgh rb ghr, r, so soff e` e`mb mbrk rkh, h, jb ve vejhi jhiog ogbg bg ge gejj ve veaài aàiujhy ujhy jb ge gejj `hthr puege que se vebf jo`otbgbs.

Buthprhteiioùf Iubfgh se bitovb jb `hgbjog `hgbjogbg bg ge buthprh buthprhteiioùf, teiioùf, jb vejhiogbg gej veaàiujh se reguie buth`âtoib`efte pbrb evotbr que jb trbfs`osoùf resujte gbòbgb. Jb vejhiogbg gej veaàiujh perh se puege ihftrhjbr ej pegbj gej biejerbghr, jb phtefiob gej ihf `hthr puege que quege jo`otbgb. Biugb b uf ihfiesohfbroh FOYYBF h tbjjer iubjonoibgh iubjonoibgh pbrb que ih`pruemef y repbref jb trbfs`osoùf. trbfs`osoùf.

râ vhjver b nufiohfbr ihf fhr`bjogbg. Yo esth fh hiurre hiu rre,, jje jjeve ve su vea veaàiu àiujh jh b uf ihf ihfies iesohf ohfbro broh h FOYYBF h tbjjer iubjonoibgh pbrb que ih`pruemef jb trbfs` trbfs`osoùf osoùf y so nuerb feiesbroh, feiesbroh, jb repbref. BG^E]WEFIOB Iubfgh se bitovb jb `hgbjogbg ge buthprhteiioùf, jb vejhiogbg puege ser ofnerohr b jb ge jhs htrhs veaàiujhs, jh que ofire`eftb jbs phsomojogbges ge sunror ufb ihjosoùf. Yeb espeiobj`efte iuogbghsh bj ihfguior ef este toph ge sotubiohfes. Yo nuerb feiesbroh, sâjkbse ge jb ibrreterb ef uf jukbr sekurh y bjelbgh gej trânoih pbrb per`otor que jb trbfs`osoùf vuejvb b nufiohfbr ihf fhr`bjogbg, h shjoiote jb repbrbioùf ge jb trbfs`osoùf ef su ihfiesohfbroh FOYYBF h tbjjer iubjonoibgh.

Ej soste`b Ythp/Ytbrt estâ goseòbgh pbrb reguior ej ihfsu`h ge ih`mustomje, jbs e`osohfes ge esibpe y ej ruogh gurbfte jb ihfguiioùf<

•  Iubfgh getoefe ej veaàiujh ihf ej pegbj gej nre-

fh posbgh (trbfs`osoùf QW]HFOI) h ihf jb pbjbfib ge ib`mohs ef phsoioùf F (pufth `uerth) y ej pegbj gej e`mrbkue jomerbgh (W/@), ej `hthr se bpbkb buth`âtoib`efte.

(trbfs`osoùf QW]H•   Bj jomerbr ej pegbj gej nrefh (trbfs`osoùf FOI) hbrrbfib bj posbrbuth`âtoib`efte. ej pegbj gej e`mrbkue (W/@), ej `hthr T]EIBUIOÙF Bj nofbj gej reihrrogh, ej `hthr geme pbrbrse y ej ofterrupthr ge efiefgogh geme phferse ef jb phsoioùf ‚HNN‐. Mjhquee ej veaàiujh gej `hgh abmotubj. Bj phfer ej ofterrupthr ge efiefgogh ef jb phsoioùf ‚HNN‐, se bpbkbf thghs jhs soste`bs ejïitroihs. Ge jh ihftrbroh, puege gesibrkbrse jb mbteràb.

Yo se ihfguie ej veaàiujh ef ihfgoiohfes extre`bs, tbjes ih`h ej korh exiesovh ge jbs ruegbs y ihfseiueftes nrefbgbs mrusibs, puege bitovbrse ej soste`b ge buthprhteiioùf. Esth hiurrorâ ofijush iubfgh thghs jhs ioriuoths ejïitroihs estïf nufio nufiohfbf hfbfgh gh ihrre ihrreitb`e itb`efte. fte. Ef tbj ibsh ibsh,, phfkb ej ofterrupthr ge efiefgogh ef phsoioùf ‚HNN‐ y espere goez sekufghs. B ihftofubioùf, kore ge fuevh jb jjbve b jb phsoioùf HF. Ej veaàiujh geme-

5-=7   Brrbfque y ihfguiioùf  


• •

  Iubfgh se bmre ej ibpù gej `hthr ihf ej `hthr ef `briab.   Iubfgh se brrbfib ej `hthr ihf ej ibpù gej `hthr bmoerth.

Ej soste`b Ythp/Ytbrt ab pbrbgh ej `hthr y jh vuejve b brrbfibr buth`âtoib`efte. Ej sà`mhjh gej soste`b Ythp/Ytbrt se `uestrb ef jb pbftbjjb ge ofnhr`bioùf gej veaàiujh. FHWB Ej soste`b Ythp/Ytbrt fh se bitovbrâ ef jbs sokuoeftes ihfgoiohfes<

•   Iubfgh se `bftoefe ej `hthr b rbjeftà sof abmer ihfguiogh trbs ej brrbfque gej `hthr.

posbgh ih`•   Iubfgh ej pegbj gej nrefh fh estâ posbgh

fh estâ bmrhiabgh.

pjetb`efte (`hgejhs ihf trbfs`o pjetb`efte trbfs`osoùf soùf QW]HFOI).

jhs ihf trbfs`osoùf QW]HFOI).

b =444 ` (>5>= poes) (`hgejhs ihf W/@).

ihfguithr •   Iubfgh ej iofturùf ge sekurogbg gej ihfguithr


ge nrefhs bftomjhqueh (BMY) h ej testokh gej prhkrb`b krb `b ge ihft ihftrhj rhj ejei ejeitrù trùfoih foih ge est estbmo bmojog jogbg bg (EYT).

•   Iubfgh se getoefe ej veaàiujh ef ibrreterbs ihf •  Iubfgh jb puertb gej ihfguithr estâ bmoertb. pefgoeftes prhfufiobgbs (`hgejhs ihf trbfs`o Iubfgh se biiohfe ej vhjbfte ge goreiioùf. soùf QW]HFOI). • ej ofgoibghr gej soste`b Ythp/Ytbrt pbrej ihfsu`h ge su`ofostrh ejïitroih es •  Iubfgh •  Iubfgh pbgeb b mblb vejhiogbg. ejevbgh. (`hgeIubfgh fgh ej vea veaàiuj àiujhh iori ioriujb ujb b bjt bjtotug otuges es sup superoh erohres res •   Iubfgh se posb ej pegbj gej biejerbghr (`hge•   Iub Iubfgh fgh ej vea veaàiuj àiujhh iori ioriujb ujb b bjt bjtotug otuges es sup superoh erohres res •  Iubfgh jb pbjbfib ge ib`mohs estâ ef jb phso- •   Iub ioùf ] (`briab btrâs). btrâs).

veftojbghr •   Ej `bfgh ge ihftrhj ge vejhiogbg gej veftojbghr

b 2544 ` (7?== poes) (`hgejhs ihf trbfs`osoùf QW]HFOI).

estâ ef iubjquoer phsoioùf que fh seb bpbkbgh


(4) ej `bfgh ihftrhj ge njulh bore estâ`oeftrbs ef jb phsoioùf ge ge gese`pbòbghr gejgepbrbmrosbs (bihfgoiohfbghr ge bore `bfubj).

Es phsomje que ej soste`b Ythp/Ytbrt tbrge uf phih ef bitovbrse ef jbs sokuoeftes ihfgoiohfes<

•   Iubfgh ej ofterrupthr gej gese`pbòbghr gej pb- •  Iubfgh jb mbteràb estâ gesibrkbgb.

te`perbturb gej renroke renrokerbfte rbfte gej `h•   Iubfgh jb te`perbturb

rbmrosbs estâ efiefgogh (bihfgoiohfbghr ge bore `bfubj).

thr es mblb.

•  Iubfgh jb ibpbiogbg ge jb mbteràb es mblb. •  Iubfgh ej ofterrupthr ge gesbitovbioùf gej soste`b Ythp/Ytbrt estâ efiefgogh. •   Iubfgh jb te`perbturb ge jb mbteràb es extre`bgb`efte mblb h bjtb.   Iubfgh se efioefge ej testokh gej soste`b ge jb • servhgoreiioùf ejïitroib, ej testokh gej soste`b `ueve ej veaàiujh. •   Iubfgh se `ueve •  Iubfgh ej vbiàh gej servhnrefh gos`ofuye.

•  Iubfgh jb te`perbturb exterohr es mblb. Iubfg bfghh se su sust stototuy uyee jb mb mbter teràb àb h se ge gesi sihfe hfeitb itbff •   Iu jhs mhrfes ge jb mbteràb gurbfte uf jbrkh peràhgh ge toe`ph y se vuejvef b ihfeitbr.

Brrbfque y ihfguiioùf   5-=5


FHWB Ej `hthr fh vhjverâ b brrbfibr ofijush jomerbfgh ej pegbj gej nrefh (trbfs`osoùf QW]HFOI) h posbfgh ej pegbj gej e`mrbkue (W/@) ihf ej soste`b Ythp/Ytbrt bitovbgh ef jbs sokuoeftes ihfgoiohfes<

  Iubfgh jb pbjbfib ge ib`mohs estï ef jb phsoioùf T (estbiohfb`oefth) (`hgejhs ihf trbfs`osoùf QW]HFOI).


 Iubfgh ej ibpù gej `hthr estï bmoerth.  Yo ej iofturùf ge sekurogbg gej ihfguithr estâ gesbmrhiabgh y jb puertb gej ihfguithr bmoertb (`hgejhs ihf W/@).

  Iubfgh ej ofterrupthr gej gese`pbòbghr gej pbrbmrosbs estâ efiefgogh (bihfgoiohfbghr ge bore `bfubj).

• •  Iubfgh se posb ej pegbj gej biejerbghr. (@hgejhs ihf trbfs`osoùf QW]HFOI)

•   Iubfgh se biiohfe ej vhjbfte ge goreiioùf. (@hgejhs ihf trbfs`osoùf QW]HFOI)

ibpbiogbg ge jb mbteràb es mblb. •   Iubfgh jb ibpbiogbg  Iubfgh ej ihfsu`h ge su`ofostrh ejïitroih es ejevbgh.

• •  Iubfgh se jomere ej pegbj gej nrefh ef ibrreterbs ihf pefgoeftes y ej veaàiujh se `uevb.

se reguie jb nuerzb gej pegbj pegbj gej nrefh •  Iubfgh jb pbjbfib ge ib`mohs fh estï ef jb •   Iubfgh y jb pb pbjbf jbfib ib ge ib` ib`mo mohs hs es estâ tâ ef ph phso soioù ioùff G (i (ihfhfphsoioùf ge pufth `uerth. (@hgejhs ihf W/@)

guiioùf) h F (pu guiioùf) (pufth fth `ue `uerth) rth).. (@hg (@hgejhs ejhs ihf trbfs`osoùf QW]HFOI)

FHWB Ej `hthr vhjverâ b brrbfibr ofijush jomerbfgh ej pegbj gej nrefh (`hgejhs ihf trbfs`osoùf QW]HQ W]HFOI) h sof posbr ej pegbj gej e`mrbkue (`hgejhs ihf W/@) ihf ej soste`b Ythp/Ytbrt bitovbgh ef jbs sokuoeftes ihfgoiohfes<

 Iubfgh se ib`mob jb pbjbfib ge ib`mohs b jb phsoioùf J (mblb), G (ihfguiioùf) h ] (`briab btrâs) gesge jb phsoioùf F h T. (@hgejhs ihf trbfs`osoùf QW]HFOI) Iubfgh ej vbiàh gej servhnrefh es ofsunoioefte

khs peràhghs ge toe`ph, bpbkue ej `hthr. Iubfgh ej ibpù gej `hthr estâ bmoerth ihf ej soste`b Ythp/Ytbrt bitovbgh, ej `hthr per`bfeierâ ef ej estbgh ge pbrbgb fhr`bj y shfbrâ ej zu`mbghr. Ef ese ibsh, vuejvb b brrbfibr ej `hthr ihf ej ofterrupthr ge efiefgogh. Iubfgh ej soste`b Ythp/Ytbrt getoefe getoefe ej `hthr, jbs nufiohfess ge ibjenbiioùf, renrokerbioùf nufiohfe renrokerbioùf y gesau`o gesau`o-gonoibioùf gonoibi oùf se gesbit gesbitovbrâf. ovbrâf. Tbrb evotbr que se gesbitovef jbs nufiohfes gej bihfgoiohfbghr ge bore, gesbitove soste`b Ythp/Ytbrt pujsbfgh ej ofterrupthr ge ej gesbitovbioùf gej soste`b Ythp/Ytbrt. Ej soste`b Ythp/Ytbrt estâ soe`pre bitovbgh bj ofoioh ge jb ihfguiioùf (ufb vez brrbfibgh ej `hthr). Ej `hthr `ht hr se pbr pbrbb y brr brrbfib bfib buth buth`ât `âtoib` oib`efte efte gurb gurbfte fte jb ihfguiioùf so jbs ihfgoiohfes shf jbs bgeiubgbs. Iubfgh se pbrb ej `hthr, se `uestrb jb sokuoefte ofnhr`bioùf gurbfte ufhs sekufghs. Ihfsujtee ‚Tbftbj Ihfsujt ‚Tbftbjjb jb ge ofnhr`b ofnhr`bioùf ioùf gej veaàiujh veaàiujh‐‐ ef jb seiioùf ‚=. Ofstru`efths y ihftrhjes‐ pbrb hmtefer ofnhr`bioùf shmre jb pbftbjjb. FHWB Es phsomje vhjver b

•  Iubfgh se pujse ej ofterrupthr ge gesbitovbioùf gej soste`b Ythp/Ytbrt.

 Iubfgh ej vbiàh gej servhnrefh es ofsunoioefte ih`h ihfseiuefiob ge abmer posbgh ej pegbj gej nrefh vbrobs veies.

ej iofturùf ge sekurogbg gej bsoefth gej •  Ej `bfgh ge ihftrhj ge vejhiogbg gej veftojbghr •   Iubfgh ihfguithr estâ gesbmrhiabgh h jb puertb gej estâ ef iubjquoer phsoioùf que fh seb bpbkbgh (4) `oeftrbs ej `bfgh ihftrhj ge njulh bore estâ ef jb phsoioùf ge ge gese`pbòbghr gejgepbrbmrosbs (bihfgoiohfbghr ge bore `bfubj).

ihfguithr estâ bmoertb. (@hgejhs ihf trbfs`osoùf QW]HFOI) Utojoie este soste`b `oeftrbs esperb ef uf se`ânhrh, eti. Iubfgh se getoefe ej veaàiujh gurbfte jbr-


brrbfibr ej `hthr buth`âtoib`efte so ej sà`mhjh gej soste`b Ythp/Ytbrt se efioefge ef jb pbrte ofnerohr ge jb pbftbjjb.

@oeftrbs ej `hthr estâ pbrbgh, jb pbftbjjb ge ofnhr`bioùf gej veaàiujh `uestrb jb ibftogbg biu`ujbgb

5-=>   Brrbfque y ihfguiioùf  


(esto`bgb) ge e`osohfes ge esibpe ge goùxogh ge ibrmhfh (seküf `hgejh) que reguie ej soste`b Ythp/Ytbrt.


Ej SIH= bahrrbghP puege reofoiobrse ef ej `efü ge blustes3 ihfsujte ‚Tbftbjjb ge ofnhr`bioùf gej veaàiujh‐ ef jb seiioùf ‚=. Ofstru`efths y ihftrhjes‐.

Ye puegepujsbfgh mhrrbr ejej `efsble mhtùf EFWE] gej vhjbfte ge goreiioùf



FHWB Ej sà`mhjh gej soste`b Ythp/Ytbrt ge jb pbrte ofnerohr ge jb pbftbjjb pbrpbgeb `oeftrbs per`bfeie ej estbgh ge bveràb. FYG7?=

Iubfgh fh es phsomje vhjver b brrbfibr ej `hthr buth`âtoib`efte buth`ât oib`efte,, se `uestrb jb sokuoeft sokuoeftee ofnhr`b ofnhr`b-ioùf. Ej `hthr se geme brrbfibr korbfgh ej ofterrupthr ge efiefgogh. Ye puege mhrrbr ej `efsble pujsbfgh ej

l mhtùf o gej vhjbfte vhj bftebge goreiioùf, vhjvoefgh brrbfibr ej `hthr h phfoefgh ej ofterrupthr ge

Ihfguiioùf gereiab


efiefgogh ef jb phsoioùf ‚HNN‐.


Ihfguiioùf ozquoergb

Ej soste`b se puege gesbitovbr te`phrbj`efte pujsbfgh ej ofterrupthr ge gesbitovbioùf gej soste`b Ythp/Ytbrt. Bj pujsbr ej mhtùf phr sekufgb vez, ej

T]EIBUIOHFEY Yo se prhgui prhguiee bjkufb bfh`bjàb ef ej soste`b Ythp/ Ytbrt, `uestrb `efsble sokuoefte. Yeh reih`oefgbsebiugor b ufejihfiesohfbroh FOYYBF tbjjer iubjonoibgh pbrb que revosef ej soste`b.

soste`b Ythp/Ytbrt se vuejve b bitovbr.  Bj gesbitovbr ej soste`b Ythp/Ytbrt ihf ej `hthr ef `briab, se evotb que ej `hthr se pbre buth`âtoib`efte.

Brrbfque y ihfguiioùf   5-=;  

YOYWE@B GE B^OYH GE ÂFKUJH @UE]WH (MY[) (seküf `hgejh)


 Iubfgh se gesbitovb ej soste`b Ythp/Ytbrt gespuïs ge que abyb pbrbgh ej `hthr, ïste vuejve b brrbfib brr bfibrr of` of`egob egobtb` tb`efteso efteso se pres preseft eftbf bf jbsihfgoiohfes bgeiubgbs, tbj y ih`h se gesirome ef NUFIOHFB@OEFWH FH]@BJ. B pbrtor ge ese `h`ef `h `efth th,, se evo evotb tb qu quee ej `h `hth thrr se pb pbre re ge `h `hgh gh buth`âtoih gurbfte ej `os`h reihrrogh.

•  Iubfgh se gesbitovb ej soste`b Ythp/Ytbrt, ej ofgoibghr gej ofterrupthr ge gesbitovbioùf ge goiah soste`b se efioefge. Ef ese ibsh, ej soste`b Ythp/Ytbrt fh puege reguior ej ihfsu`h ge ih`mustomje, jbs e`osohfes ge esibpe h ej ruogh gurbfte jb ihfguiioùf.

BAH]]H Jb pbftbjjb ge@EGOHB@MOEFWBJ ofnhr`bioùf gej veaàiujh `bftoefe uf rekostrh gej bahrrh ge IH= que se puege ihfsujtbr b trbvïs gej `efü SIhfnokurbioùfP. ^eb ‚Tb ‚Tbftbj ftbjjb jb ge ofnh ofnhr`b r`bioùf ioùf gej vea veaàiuj àiujh‐ h‐ ef jb seiioùf ‚=. Ofstru`efths y ihftrhjes‐ pbrb hmtefer ofnhr`bioùf shmre jb pbftbjjb. Jb ofnhr`bioùf que se puege vosubjozbr ofijuye< S]eguiioùf ùf ef ^obleP •   S]eguiio E`osohfes ge esibpe ge IH= reguiogbs gesge ej üjto`h reblust rebluste. e.



Ye puegef `hstrbr jhs sokuoeftes `efsbles gurbfte ufhs sekufghs ef jb pbftbjjb ge ofnhr`bioùf gej veaàiujh iubfgh se pujsb ej ofterrupthr ge gesbitovbioùf gej soste`b Ythp/Ytbrt.

Ej vbjhr ge S]eguiioùf ef ^obleP ihofioge ihf jb ofnhr`bioùf que se `uestrb iubfgh ej soste`b Ythp/Ytbrt pbrb ej `hthr buth`âtoib`efte.

Yoste`b Ythp/Ytbrt gesbitovbgh

Yoste`b bitovbgh Ythp/Ytbrt ge fuevh

Gurbft Gurb ftee jb ihf ihfgu guiio iioùf,ej ùf,ej sos soste te`b `b ge bv bvoshge oshge âf âfku ku-jh `uerth (MY[) byugb b bjertbr bj ihfguithr ge jb presefiob ge htrhs veaàiujhs ef jhs ibrrojes ihftokuhs.

  SWhtbj ]eguioghP ’ Ibftogb Ibftogbgg esto`bgb esto`bgb ge e`osohfes e`osohfes ge esibpe esibpe ge IH= reguiogbs.


Ej soste`b MY[ usb jb ufogbg ge jb iâ`brb gej `hfothr ge vosoùf trbserb l 2. BG^E]WEFIOB prhiego•   Ej soste`b MY[ fh sustotuye b ufhs prhiego`oefths ge ihfguiioùf bgeiubghs y fh ab sogh goseòbgh pbrb evotbr ej ihftbith ihf ve-

’ Woe`ph Woe`ph que ej `hthr `hthr ab estbgh estbgh pbrbgh pbrbgh `egobfte ej soste`b Ythp/Ytbrt. FHWB

` `

Tuege hmtefer `âs ofnhr`bioùf bierib gej soste`b Ythp/Ytbrt utojozbfgh ej `efü SIhfnokurbioùfP (ihfsujte Ofstru`efths y ihftrhjes)

Fh se puegef reblustbr jhs vbjhres ge SWhtbj ]eguioghP y `hstrbr jb ofnhr`bioùf gej soste`b Ythp/Ytbrt biu`ujbgb b pbrtor ge jb nbmroibioùf gej veaàiujh.

aàiujhs u hmleths. Gurbfte jb ihfguiioùf, uto joie soe`pre jhs retrhvoshres exterohres e ofterohr, kàrese jb ibmezb y `ore abiob jb goreiioùf ef jb que se vb b `hver ej veaàiujh pbrb bsekurbrse ge que ej ib`moh ge ibrroj puege rebjozbrse jozbr se ihf sekur sekurogbg. ogbg. Fufib ihfn ihfnàe àe üfoib üfoib-`efte ef ej soste`b MY[.

5-=1   Brrbfque y ihfguiioùf  

nuf•   Es phsomje que jb ufogbg ge jb iâ`brb fh nufiohfe ihrreitb`efte ef jbs sokuoeftes ihfgoiohfes<


’ Iubf Iubfgh gh jjeve jjeve uf re`hjq re`hjque. ue. ’ Iubfgh Iubfgh jb ufogbg ufogbg ge jb iâ`br iâ`brb b estâ expuestb b juz oftefsb. (phr ele`pjh, jb juz ofioge goreitb`efte shmre jb pbrte trbserb gej veaàiujh bj b`bfeier h bj btbrgeier.)

Ej ofgoibghr gej âfkujh `uerth ihftofüb pbrpbgebfgh abstb que ej veaàiujh geteitbgh bmbfghfb jb zhfb ge geteiioùf.

’ Iubf Iubfgh gh jb oftefsogb oftefsogbg g ge jb juz b`moefte b`moefte ib`mob ge repefte. (phr ele`pjh, iubfgh ej veaàiujh eftrb h sbje ge uf tüfej h pbsb mblh uf puefte.)

•  Yo jb jefte ge jb iâ`brb estâ exiesovb`efte

Iubfgh jb ufogbg ge jb iâ`brb geteitb uf veaàiujh ef jb zhfb ge geteiioùf, se efiefgerâ ej ofgoibghr gej âfkujh `uerth umoibgh ef jb esquofb gejbfterb ge jb vef veftb tbfoj fojjb jb ge jb pu puert ertbb (e (eff jhsretr jhsretrhv hvos oshre hress ex exte te-rohres). Yo se bitovb ej ofgoibghr ge goreiioùf, ej soste`b biiohfbrâ jb seòbj biüstoib (ghs veies) y ej ofgoibghr gej âfkujh `uerth pbrpbgeb pbrb bjertbr bj ihfguithr.


\hfb ge geteiioùf

Ofgoibghr gej âfkujh `uerth ef ej ofterohr ge jhs retrhvoshres

suiob, es phsomje que ej jbvb buth`âtoih fh puegb pue gb jo` jo`pob pobrr jb jef jefte te phrih`pj phrih`pjeth eth.. Est Esth h pue pue-ge prhvhibr que jb iâ`brb fh geteite jhs veaàiujhs h jbs `bribs ge ibrroj.

 Uf ruogh exiesovh (phr ele`pjh, ej vhju`ef gej soste`b ge bugoh, jb veftbfojjb gej veaàiujh bmoertb) ofternoere ihf jb seòbj biüstoib y es phsomje que estb fh se hokb.



Ofgoibghr MY[ ef jb pbftbjjb ge ofnhr`bioùf gej veaàiujh

Ej soste`b MY[ nufiohfb phr efio`b ge bprhxo`bgb`efte 9= c`/a (=4 `pa). Ej ofgoibghr MY[ bpbreie ef jb pbftbjjb ge ofnhr`bioùf veaàiujh so estâ bitovh ej soste`b ge bvosh gegej âfkujh `uerth. Tbrbb bi Tbr bitotovb vbrr y ge gesbi sbitotovb vbrr ej so sost ste`b e`b,, ihf ihfsuj sujte te jb ge gessiropioùf b ihftofubioùf ef estb seiioùf.

Jb ufogbg ge jb iâ`brb puege geteitbr veaàiujhs b b`mhs jbghs ge su veaàiujh iubfgh pbrte ge htrh veaàiujh se efiueftrb geftrh ge jb zhfb ge geteiioùf, tbj y ih`h se ofgoib ef jb ojustrbioùf. Jb zhfb ge geteiio geteiioùf ùf ih`oefzb fhr`bj`efte fhr`bj`efte ef ej retrhvoshr exterohr gej veaàiujh y se extoefge bprhxo`bgb`efte 9 ` (24 poes) getrâs gej pbrbiahques trbserh, y bprhxo`bgb`efte 9 ` (24 poes) abiob jhs jbghs. Brrbfque y ihfguiioùf   5-=?




Ej ofgoibghr gej âfkujh `uerth se efiefgerâ gurbfte vbrohs sekufghs iubfgh ej ofterrupthr ge efiefgogh estï ef phsoioùf HF.

Ej ofgoibghr MY[ umoibgh ef jb pbftbjjb ge ofnhr`bioùf gej veaàiujh se efiefgerâ.

’ ^eaàiujhs ^eaàiujhs ih`h `hthioijetb `hthioijetbs, s, veaàiujhs veaàiujhs mblhs mbl hs h vea veaàiu àiujhs jhs ihf ufb krb krbf f sep sepbrb brbioù ioùf f gej suejh.


’ ^eaài ^eaàiujhs ujhs ef ef goreiioùf goreiioùf ihftr ihftrbrob. brob.

Jb oftefsogbg ge jhs ofgoibghres gej âfkujh `uerth se blustb ge nhr`b buth`âtoib seküf jb oftefsogbg ge jb juz b`moefte.

Ej ofgoibghr MY[ umoibgh ef jb pbftbjjb ge ofnhr`bioùf gej veaàiujh se bpbkbrâ.

’ Uf veaàiujh que se bprhxo`b bprhxo`b râpogb`efte phr get getrâs râs.. (Ih (Ihfsu fsujte jte ‚Yo ‚Yotub tubioh iohfes fes ge ihf ihf-guiioùf ge MY[‐ `âs bgejbfte ef estb seiioùf).

Ufb seòbj biüstoib shfbrâ so jb ufogbg ge jb iâ`brb yb ab geteitbgh veaàiujhs iubfgh ej ihfguithr bitovb ej ofgoibghr ge goreiioùf. Yo eftrb uf veaàiujh ef jb zhfb ge geteiioùf gespuïs ge que ej ihfguithr bitove ej ofgoibg ofgoibghr hr ge goreiioù goreiioùf, f, shjb`efte pbrpbgeb ej ofgoibghr gej âfkujh `uerth y fh suefb fofkufb seòbj biüstoi biüstoib. b. (Ihfsujte ‚Yotub ‚Yotubiohfes iohfes ge ihfguiioùf ge MY[‐ `âs bgejbfte ef estb seiioùf).

Bitovbioùf/gesbitovbioùf gej soste`b Bitovbioùf/gesbitovbioùf MY[ Ej soste`b MY[ puege bitovbrse h gesbitovbrse utojozbfgh ej `efü SIhfnokurbioùfP ge jb pbftbjjb ge ofnhr`bioùf ofnhr`b ioùf gej veaàiujh. Tbrb hmtefer ofnhr`bioùf

’ Uf veaàiujh veaàiujh bj bj que bgejbftb bgejbftb râpog râpogb`eft b`efte. e. (Ihfsujte ‚Yotubiohfes ge ihfguiioùf ge MY[‐ `âs bgejbfte ef estb seiioùf). ’ Uf veaàiujh veaàiujh que que se ofihrphrb ofihrphrb h que que ib`ib`mob ge ibrroj râpogb`efte y se sotüb goreitb`efte ierib ge su veaàiujh. YYG225>\

Ej oft ofterr errup upth thrr ge jhssost jhssoste`b e`bss ge bv bvoshse oshse ut utojo ojozb zb pb pbrb rb gesbito gesb itovbrte`phr vbrte`phrbj` bj`eftejhs eftejhs sost soste`b e`bss ge bvo bvosh sh (sos (sos-te`b ge bvosh ge gesvàh ge ibrroj (JG[) y soste`b ge bvosh ge âfkujh `uerth (MY[)) que se bitovbf utojozbfgh jb pbftbjjb ge ofnhr`bioùf gej veaàiujh.

•   Es phsomje que jb ufogbg ge jb iâ`brb fh geteite ihrreitb`efte iubfgh uf veaàiujh ioriujb lufth b jb zhfb ofter`egob ge uf veaàiujh ihf ufb gostbfiob eftre eles jbrkb (phr ele`pjh, uf ib`oùf, uf se`orre`hjque h uf trbithr).

•   Jb zhfb ge geteiioùf ge jb iâ`brb estâ gose-

bgoiohfbj. bgoiohf bj. veb Tb Tbftbj ftbjjb jb ge ofnh ofnhr`bi r`bioùf oùf gej veaà veaàiujh iujh ef jb seiioùf ‚=. Ofstru`efths y ihftrhjes‐. Ef ej `efü SIhfnokurbioùfP, sejeiiohfe jb teijb SBsost. bj ihfguithrP. B ihftofubioùf, sejeiiohfe SByugb ihfguiioùfP. Yejeiiohfe jb hpioùf SBvosh ge âfkujh `uerthP pujsbfgh  :EFWE]6. Ufb `brib ge ihfnor`bioùf bj jbgh ge SBvosh pufth ioekhP ofgoib que ej soste`b estâ bitovbgh.

BG^E]WEFIOB phso somj mje e qu que e jb uf ufog ogbg bg ge jb iâ iâ`b `brb rb fh pu puee•   Es ph gb geteitbr jb presefiob ge ioerths hmleths, tbjes ih`h< ’ Tebth Tebthfes, fes, moioi moioijetbs jetbs,, bfo`bjes bfo`bjes..

òbgb se òbgb sekü küf f ej bf bfia iah h ge uf ufb b jà jàfe feb b es estâ tâfg fgbr br.. Bj ihfguior phr uf ibrroj `âs bfiah, es phsomje que jb ufogbg ge jb iâ`brb fh geteite veaàiujhs ef ej ibrroj ihftokuh. Bj ihfguior phr uf ibrroj `âs estreiah, jb ufogbg ge jb iâ`brb puege pue ge get geteit eitbr br vea veaàiu àiujhsque jhsque ior ioriuj iujbf bf ghsibrrojes `âs jelhs.  Jb ufogbg ge jb iâ`brb estâ goseòbgb pbrb okfhrbr jb `byhràb ge jhs hmleths of`ùvojes3 sof e`mbrkh, hmleths tbjes ih`h vbjjbs ge se-

5-94   Brrbfque y ihfguiioùf  

kurogbg, `urhs, nhjjble y veaàiujhs estbiohfbghs se puegef geteitbr ge nhr`b hibsohfbj. Este es uf estbgh ge nufiohfb`oefth fhr`bj.

•  Jb ufogbg ge jb iâ`brb puege geteitbr ufb

Utojoie soe`pre jhs retrhvoshres, retrhvoshres, kàrese y `ore ef jb gorei go reiioù ioùff ab abiobjb iobjb qu quee ej vea veaàiu àiujh jh se vb b `hv `hver er pb pbrb rb bsekurbrse ge que ej ib`moh ge ibrroj puege rebjozbrse ihf sekurogbg.

Bgejbftb`oefth Bgejbftb`oef th b htrhs veaàiujhs

o`bkef renjelbgb ge veaàiujhs u hmleths ef jb ibrreterb que fh estâf rebj`efte ef jb zhfb ge getei geteiioùf ioùf,, espei espeiobj` obj`efte efte iubf iubfgh gh jb ibrre ibrre-terb estâ `hlbgb.

YOWUBIOHFEY GE IHFGUIIOÙF GE MY[ Htrh veaàiujh bprhxo`âfghse phr getrâs



Yo ej ihfguithr bitovb ej ofgoibghr ge goreiioùf, ej ofgoibghr ofgoibg hr gej âfkujh `uerth pbrpbgeb pbrpbgeb y suefb ufb seòbj biüstoib ghs veies.


FHWB Yo ej ihfguithr ihfguithr bitov bitovb b ej ofgo ofgoibghr ibghr ge gorei goreiioùf ioùf bftes ge que ej veaàiujh eftre ef jb zhfb ge geteiioùf, ej ofgoibghr gej âfkujh `uerth pbrpb-

Ej ofgoibghr gej âfkujh `uerth se efioefge so bgejbftb b uf veaàiujh y goiah veaàiujh per`bfeie ef jb zhfb ge geteiioùf gurbfte 9 sekufghs bprhxo`bgb`efte. Jb ufo ufogb gbgg ge jb iâ iâ`br `brbb pu pueg egee fh ge gete teitb itbrr ve veaài aàiujh ujhss que ioriujbf b ufb vejhiogbg ofnerohr so se jes bgejbftb râpogb`efte.

Ej ofgoibghr gej âfkujh `uerth se efioefge so ej veaàiujh eftrb ef jb zhfb ge geteiioùf phr jb pbrte trbserb ef uf ibrroj ihftokuh. ihftokuh.

geb perh fh suefb fofkufb seòbj biüstoib iubfgh se geteitb ej htrh veaàiujh.

Yof e`mbrkh, so ej veaàiujh que bgejbftb ioriujb `uiah râpogh que ej efioefgb veaàiujh prhpoh, prhpoh esque phsomje que`âs ej ofgoibghr fh se bftes ,ge ej veaàiujh geteitbgh estï bj jbgh gej veaàiujh prhpoh.


Brrbfque y ihfguiioùf   5-92  

Yo ej ihfguithr bitovb ej ofgoibghr ge goreiioùf `oeftrbs htrh veaàiujh estâ geftrh ge jb zhfb ge geteiioùf, ej ofgoibghr gej âfkujh `uerth pbrpbgeb y suefb ufb seòbj biüstoib ghs veies.

B^E]ÀB GEJ MY[ Yo ej soste`b MY[ estï bverobgh, se gesbitovbrâ


Ruï abier<

Ef jbs sokuoeftes ihfgoiohfes, ej soste`b MY[ se gesbitovb te`phrbj`efte y ej ofgoibghr MY[ pbrpbgeb iubfgh<

•  Ej phrtùf trbserh estâ bmoerth. •  Jb jefte ge jb iâ`brb trbserb estâ suiob. Iubfgh se superbf jbs ihfgoiohfes bfterohres, ej soste`b MY[ se rebfugbrâ buth`âtoib`efte.

GEYBIWO^BIOÙF BUWH@ÂWOIB GEJ GEYBIWO^BIOÙF MY[ Iubfgh se biu`ujb suioegbg, jjuvob h foeve ef jb iâ`brb, soste`b MY[ MY[ ih`efzbrâ se bpbkbrâb buth`âtoib`efte. Ejejofgoibghr pbrpbgebr. Ruï abier<

buth`âtoib`efte y ej ofgoibghr MY[ (fbrbflb) se efiefgerâ. Getefkb ej veaàiujh ef uf jukbr sekurh, bpbkue ej `hthr y vuejvb b brrbfibrjh. Yo ej ofgoibghr MY[ (fbrbflb) per`bfeie efiefgogh, abkb que revosef ej soste`b MY[ ef su ihfiesohfbroh FOYYBF h tbjjer iubjonoibgh.


jo`pobr jb jefte. Tbrb `bftefer ej nufiohfb`oefth ihrre ihr reithgej ithgej sos soste te`b `b MY MY[ [ y ev evototbr br qu quee ej so sost ste` e`bb se bveràe, tefkb ef iueftb jh sokuoefte<

•  @bftefkb jb ufogbg ge jb iâ`brb jo`pob ef thgh `h`efth. Bsekürese ge fh gbòbr jb thmerb gej `h`efth. jbvbghr y shpjbghr buth`âtoih.

renjelef •   Fh nole biieshrohs pbrb jb `btràiujb que renjelef jb juz.

•   Fh khjpee fo gbòe jbs zhfbs bjregeghr ge jb ufogbg ge iâ`brb ge ibrroj.

Yo bpbreie ej `efsble, estbiohfe ej veaàiujh ef uf jukbr sekurh, jo`poe jb ufogbg ge jb iâ`brb y/h ej pbrbmrosbs ihf uf pbòh subve. B ihftofubioùf, bpbkue y vuejvb b brrbfibr ej `hthr.


Jb ufo ufogb gbgg ge jb iâ` iâ`br brbb tr trbse bserb rb l 2 ge gejj so sost ste` e`bb MY MY[ [ estâ umoibgb shmre jb pjbib ge `btràiujb trbserb y iueftb ihf uf jbvbghr y shpjbghr buth`âtoih pbrb

5-9=   Brrbfque y ihfguiioùf  

YOYWE@B GE B^OYH GE GEY^ÀH GE IB]]OJ (JG[) (seküf `hgejh) Ej soste`b ge bvosh ge gesvàh ge ibrroj (JG[) bjertb bj ihfguithr iubfgh ej veaàiujh se bierib bj jbgh ozquoergh ozquoer gh h gereiah ge uf ibrroj.

gej ihfg ihfguithr uithr per`b per`bfeie feierr bjert bjertb, b, ihfg ihfguior uior ge nhr`b nhr `b sek sekurb urb,, `bf `bftef tefer er ej vea veaàiu àiujh jh gef geftrhgej trhgej ibrroj ibr roj ge ior ioriuj iujbi bioùf oùf y tef tefer er ej ihf ihftrh trhjj gej vea veaààiujh ef thgh `h`efth.


•   Es phsomje que jb ufogbg ge jb iâ`brb fh nufiohfe ihrreitb`efte ef jbs sokuoeftes ihfgoiohfes< ’ Iubfg Iubfgh h jjeve jjeve uf re`hjqu re`hjque. e.


Ej soste`b JG[ usb jb ufogbg ge jb iâ`brb gej `hfothr ge vosoùf trbserb l 2. BG^E]WEFIOB

 Ej soste`b ih`h gosphsotovh geJG[ bvoshsorve pbrbüfoib`efte ofnhr`br bj ihfguithr shmre uf phsomje bmbfghfh ofvhjuftbroh gej ibrroj. Fh ihftrhjb jb goreiioùf gej veaàiujh fo

’ Iubfgh Iubfgh jb ufogb ufogbg g ge jb iâ`brb iâ`brb estâ expuestb b juz oftefsb (phr ele`pjh, jb juz ofioge goreitb`efte shmre jb pbrte trbserb gej veaàiujh bj b`bfeier h bj btbrgeier). ’ Iubfgh Iubfgh jb oftefsogbg oftefsogbg ge ge jb juz b`moefte b`moefte ib`mob ge repefte. (phr ele`pjh, iubfgh ej veaàiujh eftrb h sbje ge uf tüfej h pbsb mblh uf puefte.)

•  Uf ruogh exiesovh (phr ele`pjh, ej vhju`ef gej soste`b ge bugoh, jb veftbfojjb gej veaàiujh bmoertb) ofternoere ihf jb seòbj biüstoib y es phsomje que estb fh se hokb.


evotb pïrgogbs ge ihftrhj. Es resphfsbmojogbg gej ihfgu ihfguithr ithr per`b per`bfeie feierr bjert bjertb, b, ihfgu ihfguior ior ge nhr`b nhr `b sek sekurb urb,, `bf `bftef tefer er ej vea veaàiu àiujh jh gef geftrhgej trhgej ibrroj ibr roj ge ior ioriuj iujbio bioùf ùf y tef tefer er ej ihf ihftrh trhjj gej vea veaààiujh ef thgh `h`efth.

Ej soste`b JG[ nufiohfb phr efio`b ge bprhxo`bgb`efte >4 c`/a (9; `pa).

 Ej soste`b ih`h gosphsotovh geJG[ bvoshsorve pbrbüfoib`efte ofnhr`br bj ihfguithr shmre uf phsomje bmbfghfh ofvhjuftbroh gej ibrroj. Fh ihftrhjb jb goreiioùf gej veaàiujh fo evotb pïrgogbs ge ihftrhj. Es resphfsbmojogbg

Iubfgh ej veaàiujh se bprhxo` bprhxo`bb bj jbgh ozquoergh ozquoergh h gereiah gej ibrroj ge ioriujbioùf, ej soste`b JG[ bitovbrâ jb seòbj biüstoib y ej ofgoibghr JG[ (fbrbflb) ge jb pbftbjjb ge ofnhr`bioùf gej veaàiujh pbrpbgebrâ pbrb bjertbr bj ihfguithr.


Ofgoibghr JG[

Brrbfque y ihfguiioùf   5-99  

Ej soste`b JG[ fh estâ goseòbgh pbrb nufiohfbr ef jbs ihfgoiohfes sokuoeftes<   Iubfgh se biiohfb jb seòbj ge ib`moh ge ibrroj y ej veaàiujh se gespjbzb ef jb goreiioùf ge jb seòbj. (Ej soste`b JG[ se rebfugbrâ bprhxo`bgb`eftee = sekufg gb`eft sekufghs hs gespuïs ge bpbkbr jb seòbj ge ib`moh ge ibrroj).


Ej ofg ofgoib oibgh ghrr JG JG[ [ um umoi oibg bghh ef jb pb pbft ftbj bjjb jb ge ofn ofnhr` hr`bbioùf gej veaàiujh se bpbkbr bpbkbrâ. â.

c`/a (9; `pa) bprhxo`bgb`efte.

Bitovbioùf h gesbitovbioùf gej soste`b JG[

Ef ej `efü SIhfnokurbioùfP, sejeiiohfe jb teijb SBsost. bj ihfguithrP. B ihftofubi ihftofubioùf, oùf, sejeiiohfe SByugb ihfguiioùfP. Yejeiiohfe jb hpioùf SGeteiioùf ge ibrrojP pujsbfgh :EFWE]6.

’ Ef ibrreter ibrreterbs bs ihf iurvb iurvbss ierrbgbs. ierrbgbs. ’ Ef ibrreterbs ibrreterbs ihf ihf hmleths hmleths que preseftbf preseftbf `uiah ihftrbste, ih`h sh`mrbs, foeve, bkub, surihs ge feu`âtoihs, vetbs h `bribs ge hmrbs ef jb ibrreterb. (Ej soste`b JG[ phgrà phgràb b ihfnu ihfnufgoresths fgoresths eje`e eje`efthsihf fthsihf `bribs ge ibrroj.)

•   Iubfgh jb vejhiogbg gej veaàiujh es ofnerohr b >4

Ej soste`b JG[ puege bitovbrse h gesbitovbrse utojozbfgh ej `efü SIhfnokurbioùfP ge jb pbftbjjb ge ofnhr`b ofnh r`bioùf ioùf gej veaà veaàiujh iujh.. Tbr Tbrbb hmt hmtefer efer `âs ofnh ofnhr`b r`b-ioùf,, ihfs ioùf ihfsujt ujtee ‚Tb ‚Tbftbj ftbjjb jb ge ofnh ofnhr`bi r`bioùf oùf gej veaà veaàiujh iujh‐‐ ef jb seiioùf ‚=. Ofstru`efths y ihftrhjes‐.

’ Ef ibrreterb ibrreterbss ef jbs que que se puegef puegef geteigeteitbr `bribs ge ibrroj bftokubs.

’ Ef ibrreterbs ibrreterbs ghfge ghfge jhs ibrrojes ibrrojes ge ge ioriuioriujbioùf se luftbf h se govogef. YYG225>\

Ofterrupthr ge soste`bs ge bvosh

Ej oft ofterr errup upth thrr ge jhssost jhssoste`b e`bss ge bv bvoshse oshse ut utojo ojozb zb pb pbrb rb gesbito gesb itovbrte`phr vbrte`phrbj` bj`eftejhs eftejhs sost soste`b e`bss ge bvo bvosh sh (sos (sos-te`b ge bvosh ge gesvàh ge ibrroj (JG[) y soste`b ge bvosh ge âfkujh `uerth (MY[)) que se bitovbf utojozbfgh jb pbftbjjb ge ofnhr`bioùf gej veaàiujh. BG^E]WEFIOB

•   Es phsomje que jb ufogbg ge jb iâ`brb fh reb-

’ Iubfgh Iubfgh jb goreiio goreiioùf ùf ef jb que ioriujb ioriujb ej veaàiujh fh ihrresphfge ihf jb `brib ge ibrroj. ’ Iubfghjb Iubfghjb sup supern ernoio oioe e gejb ibr ibrret reterbes erbes `uy hsiurb gemogh b que jb juz b`moefte es gïmoj h b geneiths ef jhs nbrhs. ’ Bj ihfgui guior or phr ibr ibrret s sof sofuhs uhsbs, bs, ej bvoshihf se prhguiorâ efreterb jberbs pbrte exterohr gebvo jbiurvb.

Ufb `brib ge ihfnor`bioùf bj jbgh ge SGeteiioùf ge ibrrojP ofgoib que ej soste`b estâ bitovbgh. YOYWE@B BIWO^BGH<

Ej of ofgo goibg ibghr hr JG JG[ [ um umoib oibgh gh ef jb pb pbft ftbjj bjjbb ge ofn ofnhr hr`b `b-ioùf gej veaàiujh se efiefger efiefgerâ. â.

joie jb ge joie gete teii iioù oùf f ih ihrre rreit itb` b`ef efte te ef jb jbss sokuoeftes ihfgoiohfes< ’ Ef ibrreterbs ibrreterbs ihf ihf vbrobs vbrobs `bribs `bribs ge ibrroj ibrroj pbrbjejbs3 `bribs ge ibrroj mhrrbgbs h fh poftbg pof tbgbs bs ijb ijbrb` rb`eft efte3 e3 `br `bribs ibs ge ibr ibrroj roj b`brojjbs3 `bribs ge ibrroj fh ihfvefiohfbjes h iumoertbs ge bkub, suioegbg, foeve, eti.

EYWBGH GE GEYBIWO^B GEYBIWO^BIOÙF IOÙF WE@TH]BJ GEJ JG[ Ej soste`b JG[ se gesbitovb te`phrbj`efte y ej ofgoibghr ofgoibg hr JG[ ih`efzbrâ b pbrpbg pbrpbgebr ebr iubfgh se bgaoerb jjuvob, foeve h suioegbg b jb ufogbg ge jb iâ`brb. Iubfgh su estbgh seb ej bgeiubgh, ej soste`b JG[ vhjverâ b bitovbrse buth`âtoib`efte.

5-97   Brrbfque y ihfguiioùf  



Iubfgh se biu`ujb suioegbg, jjuvob h foeve ef jb iâ`brb, ej soste`b JG[ se bpbkbrâ buth`âtoib`efte. Ej ofgoibghr JG[ (verge) pbrpbgebrâ.

BG^E]WEFIOB soste` te`b b ge ihf ihftrh trhjj ge iru iruier ierh h YHJ YHJB@E B@EFWE FWE •   Ej sos

Ruï abier<

`bftoefe ufb vejhi `bftoefe vejhiogbg ogbg gej veaài veaàiujh ujh ihfst ihfstbfbfte, fh sustotuye bj ihfguithr.

Yo bpbreie ej `efsble, estbiohfe ej veaàiujh ef uf jukbr sekurh, jo`poe jb ufogbg ge jb iâ`brb ihf uf pbòh subve. B ihftofubioùf, bpbkue y vuejvb b brrbfibr ej `hthr.

B^E]ÀB GEJ JG[ Iubfgh ej soste`b JG[ estï bverobgh, se gesbitovbrâ buth`âtoib`efte y ej ofgoibghr JG[ (fbrbflb) se efiefgerâ. Ruï abier< Getefkb ej veaàiujh ef uf jukbr sekurh, bpbkue ej `hthr y vuejvb b brrbfibrjh. Yo ejabkb ofgoibghr JG[ (fbrbflb) per`bfeie efiefgogh, que revosef ej soste`b JG[ ef su ihfiesohfbroh FOYYBF h tbjjer iubjonoibgh.

Ej soste`b ge ihftrhj ge iruierh per`ote ihfguior b vejhiogbges ihfstbftes sof `bftefer ej poe ef ej pegbj gej biejerbghr.

•  ]espete soe`pre jbs seòbjes que ofgoibf jhs jà`otes ge vejhiogbg y fh prhkrb`e ufb vejhiogbg superohr b esths jà`otes. FBB27=?

Jb ufo ufogb gbgg ge jb iâ` iâ`br brbb tr trbse bserb rb l 2 ge gejj sos soste te`b `b JG JG[ [ estâ umoibgb shmre jb pjbib ge `btràiujb trbserb y iueftb ihf uf jbvbghr y shpjbghr buth`âtoih pbrb jo`pobr jb jefte. Tbrb `bftefer ej nufiohfb`oefth ihrreith gej soste`b JG[ y evotbr que ej soste`b se bveràe, tefkb ef iueftb jh sokuoefte<

•  @bftefkb jb ufogbg ge jb iâ`brb jo`pob ef thgh

`h`efth. Bsekürese Bsekürese ge fh gbòbr jb thmerb gej jbvbghr y shpjbghr buth`âtoih.

•   Fh utojoie ej soste`b ge ihftrhj ge iruierh

iubfgh ihfguzib ef jbs sokuoeftes ihfgoiohfes. Yo se utojozb ef esbs ioriufstbfiobs se puege perger ej ihftrhj gej veaàiujh y prhvhibr uf biiogefte. ’ Iubfgh Iubfgh fh seb phsomje phsomje `bftefe `bfteferr ej veaàiujh b ufb vejhiogbg ihfstbfte ’ Iubf Iubfgh gh ihfguzib ihfguzib ihf `uiah `uiah trânoih trânoih ’ Iubfgh Iubfgh ihf ihfguz guzib ib ihftrânoi ihftrânoih h ge vej vejhio hiogbg gbg vbrobmje

renjelef •   Fh nole biieshrohs pbrb jb `btràiujb que renjelef

’ Iubfgh Iubfgh ihfguz ihfguzib ib ef zhf zhfbs bs ihf `uiah `uiah voefth

zhfbs bjregeghr ge jb ufo•   Fh khjpee fo gbòe jbs zhfbs

’ Iubfgh Iubfgh ihfguzib ihfguzib phr ibrreterb ibrreterbss ihf iuriurvbs h gesfovejes

jb juz.

gbg ge iâ`brb ge ibrroj.

’ Iubfgh Iubf ihf ihfguzib guzibfoeve, phr ibrreterbs phr ibrre terbs resmbjb-gozbsgh (ihf jjuvob, aoejh, eti.)resmbjb

Brrbfque y ihfguiioùf   5-95  

T]EIBUIOÙF Ef jhs `hg `hgejh ejhss ihftrbfs` ihftrbfs`oso osoùf ùf `bf `bfubj ubj,, fh ib` ib`-moe b F (pufth `uerth) sof posbr ej pegbj gej e`mrbkue iubfgh se abyb blustbgh ej ihftrhj ge iruierh. Yo esth hiurroerb, pose ej pegbj gej e`mrbkue y phfkb ej mhtùf profiopbj gej ihftrhj ge iruierh ef phsoioùf ge bpbkbgh of`egobtb`efte. Yo fh jh aoioe aoioese, se, phgràb ibusbr ufb bveràb ef ej `hthr.


l 9   Mhtùf ge efiefgogh/bpbkbgh profiopbj gej jo`otbghr ge vejhiogbg (pbrb hmtefer ofnhr`bioùf bgoiohfbj, ihfsujte ‚Jo`otbghr ge vejhiogbg (seküf `hgejh)‐ `âs bgejbfte ef estb seiioùf) (seküf `hgejh)

Iubfgh ej soste`bgegevejhiogbg ihftrhj ge vbgh, ej jo`otbghr fh iruierh nufiohfb.estâ bitoJhs mhthfes ge nufiohfb`oefth gej soste`b ge ihftrhj ge iruierh estâf sotubghs ef ej vhjbfte ge goreiioùf (jbgh gereiah). Ej estbgh ge nufiohfb`oefth gej soste`b ge ihftrhj ge iruierh se `uestrb ef jb pbftbjjb ge ofnhr`bioùf gej veaàiujh.


•  Ej soste`b ge ihftrhj ge iruierh se ibfiejbrâ buth`âtoib`efte so aby ufb bveràb gej soste`b.


@hgejhs ihf jo`otbghr ge vejhiogbg (seküf `hgejh) FBB2792

ge ihftrhj ge iruierh iruierh l 7   Yà`mhjh ge l 5   ^bjhr ge jb vejhiogbg prhkrb`bgb

Bitovbioùf gej soste`b ge ihftrhj ge iruierh Tujseej Tu jseej mh mhtùfprof tùfprofiop iopbj bj ge ih ihftr ftrhj hj ge iru iruier ierhh l = .Ej

Biugb b uf ihfiesohf ihfiesohfbroh broh FOYYBF h tbjjer iubjonoibgh pbrb jb revosoùf gej soste`b. bgeiubgb`eftee ej soste`b ge ihf•   Tbrb blustbr bgeiubgb`eft trhj ge iruierh, jjeve b ibmh jhs pbshs gesiroths ef ‚Bluste ge jb vejhiogbg ge iruierh‐ `âs bgejbfte ef estb seiioùf.


@hgejhs sof jo`otbghr ge vejhiogbg

l 2   Mhtùf IBFIEJ l B   Mhtùf ]EY/+ (rebfugbr) l M   Mhtùf YEW/‗ =   Mhtùf ge efiefgogh/bpbkbgh profiopbj ge l ihftrhj ge iruierh

sà`mhjh ge ihftrhj ge iruierh l 7 bpb bpbreie reie lufth lufth bj bj üjto`h üjt o`h vb vbjh jhrr ge jb vej vejhio hiogb gbgg pr prhk hkrb rb`bg `bgbb (h ‗ ‗ ‗) l 5 ef jb pb pbrt rtee sup supero erohr hr ge jb pb pbftb ftbjjjjbb ge ofn ofnhr hr`bi `bioùf oùf gej veaàiujh.

Bluste ge jb vejhiogbg ge iruierh 2. Biejere abstb bjibfzbr jb vejhiogbg ge iruierh gesebgb. =. Tujse ej mhtùf YEW l M abiob bmblh bmblh y suïjtejh. suïjtejh.

5-9>   Brrbfque y ihfguiioùf  

7 bp bpbr breie eie 9. Ej sà`mhjh ge ihftrhj ge iruierh l  lufth bj vbjhr ge jb vejhiogbg prhkrb`bgb (vejhiogbg ge iruierh gesebgb) l 5 ef jb pbrte superohr ge jb pbftbjjb ge ofnhr`bioùf gej veaàiujh. 7. Jevbft Jevbftee ej poe gej pegbj gej biejerbghr. Ej veaàiujh `bftoefe jb vejhiogbg prhkrb`bgb. Yo jb vejhiogbg gej veaàiujh es ofnerohr b jb vejhiogbg `àfo`b prhkrb`bgb, fh es phsomje ihfnokurbr ej soste`b ge ihftrhj ge iruierh.

Ib`moh ge ufb vejhiogbg ge iruierh Utojoie ufh ge jhs sokuoeftes `ïthghs pbrb ib`mobr jb vejhiogbg ge iruierh.

•  ]eguzib jb vejhiogbg gej veaàiujh ge `hgh fhr-

`bj ihf ej pegbj gej nrefh ge servoioh. Iubfgh ej veaàiujh bjibfie jb vejhiogbg ge iruierh gesebgb, pujse y jomere ej mhtùf YEW l M abiob bmblh. Ej fuevhefvbjhr ge vejhiogbg se ge vosubjozb jb pbrte superohrprhkrb`bgb ge jb pbftbjjb ofnhr`bioùf gej veaàiujh.

 Tose ej pegbj gej biejerbghr.

Ej fuevh vbjhr ge vejhiogbg prhkrb`bgb se vosubjozb ef jb pbrte superohr ge jb pbftbjjb ge ofnhr`bioùf gej veaàiujh. pujsbgh ej mhtùf ]EY (rebfugbr) l B •   @bftefkb pujsbgh abiob brromb h ej mhtùf YEW l M abiob bmblh. bmblh. Jb Jb vejhiogbg gej veaàiujh bu`eftbrâ h gos`ofuorâ b jb fuevb vejhiogbg prhkrb`bgb. Ej fuevh vbjhr ge vejhiogbg prhkrb`bgb se vosubjozb ef jb pbftbjjb ge ofnhr`bioùf gej veaàiujh.

Tbrb bgejbftbr b htrh veaàiujh Tose ej pegbj gej biejerbghr pbrb biejerbr. Gespuïs ge shjtbr ej pegbj gej biejerbghr, ej veaàiujh vhjverâ b jb vejhiogbg prhkrb`bgb prevob`efte. Ej vbjhr ge jb vejhiogbg prhkrb`bgb l 5 pbr pbrpbg pbgeb eb abstb que ej veaàiujh vuejve b jb bfterohr vejhiogbg vejhiogbg prhkrb`bgb.

Ibfiejbioùf gej soste`b ge ihftrhj ge iruierh Tbrb ibfiejbr ej jà`ote ge vejhiogbg prhkrb`bgh, pujse ej mhtùf IBFIEJ l 2.

  @hvoefgh jb pbjbfib ge ib`mohs b jb phsoioùf F (pufth `uerth). Jb pro`erb vez que se posb ej pegbj ge e`mrbkue

• prhg hguieuf uieuf ge gesi siefs efshh ge ve vejhi jhiog ogbg bg ge `â `âss •   Yose pr ge 2= c`/a (1 `pa) phr gemblh ge jb vejhiogbg prhkrb`bgb.

]ebfugbioùf ge ufb vejhiogbg ge iruierh bfterohr Yo se ab ibfiejbgh jb vejhiogbg ge iruierh, se bj`biefbrâ ej üjto`h vbjhr ge vejhiog vejhiogbg bg prhkrb`bgb ef jb `e`hrob gej soste`b ge ihftrhj ge iruierh. Estb vejhiogbg ge iruierh puege vhjver b bitovbrse pujsbfgh ej mhtùf ]EY (rebfugbr) l B abiob brromb. Yo jb vejhiogbg gej veaàiujh es ofnerohr b jb vejhiogbg `àfo`b prhkrb`bgb, fh es phsomje rebfugbr jb vejhiogbg ge iruierh. Tujse ej ofterrupthr IBFIEJ pbrb o`pegor que se rebfuge jb vejhiogbg ge iruierh bfterohr.

Gesbitovbioùf gej soste`b ge ihftrhj ge iruierh Ej soste`b ge ihftrhj ge iruierh se gesbitovb iubf-

Iubfgh ej veaàiujh bjibfie jb vejhiogbg ge iruierh gesebgb, pujse y jomere ej mhtùf YEW l M abiob bmblh. Ej fuevh vbjhr ge vejhiogbg prhkrb`bgb se vosubjozb ef jb pbrte superohr ge jb pbftbjjb ge ofnhr`bioùf gej veaàiujh.

Ej sà`mhjh ge ihftrhj ge iruierh l 7 y ej vbjh vbjhrr ge vejhiogbg prhkrb`bgb l 5 gesbpb gesbpbreief reief ge jb pbrte pbrte superohr ge jb pbftbjjb ge ofnhr`bioùf gej veaàiujh. Ej soste`b ge ihftrhj ge iruierh tb`moïf se ibfiejb buth`âtoib`efte `egobfte iubjquoerb ge jbs sokuoeftes hperbiohfes<

nrefh ge servoioh. B abiob •   Tosbfgh ej pegbj gej nrefh •  Tujse y jomere ej mhtùf ]EY (rebfugbr) l brromb h ej mhtùf YEW l M abio abiobb bmblh h gos`ogos`o•  Tosbfgh ej pegbj gej e`mrbkue. fuyb jb vejhiogbg prhkrb`bgb ef pbshs ge 2 c`/a (2 `pa).

gh se rebjozb ufb ge jbs sokuoeft sokuoeftes es hperbiohfes<

•   Bj pujsbr ej mhtùf ge efiefgogh/bpbkbgh profiopbj gej ihftrhj ge iruierh l = . Ej sà`mhjh ge ihftrhj ge iruierh l 7 y ej vbjhr vbjhr ge vejhiog vejhiogbg bg prhkrb`bgb l 5 se bpbkbrâ bpbkbrâff ef jb pbf pbftbjj tbjjbb gej iubgrh ge ofstru`efths

•   Bj pujsbr ej mhtùf ge efiefgogh/bpbkbgh profio-

pbj gej jo`o jo`otbg tbghr hr ge vej vejhiog hiogbg bg l 9 . Jb ofnh ofnhr`bi r`bioùf oùf gej soste`b ge ihftrhj ge iruierh ef ej iubgrh Brrbfque y ihfguiioùf   5-9;


JO@OWBGH] GE ^EJHIOGBG (seküf `hgejh) ge ofstru`efths se sustotuye ihf jb ofnhr`bioùf gej jo`otbghr ge vejhiogbg. Tbrb hmtefer `âs getbjjes, tbj jes, veb ‚Jo ‚Jo`ot `otbgh bghrr ge vejh vejhiogb iogbgg (sek (seküf üf `hgejh)‐ `âs bgejbfte ef estb seiioùf.

 Bj pbrbr ej veaàiujh y bj phfer ej ofterrupthr ge efiefgogh ef jb phsoioùf ‚HNN‐.

Jb gesbitovbioùf gej soste`b ge ihftrhj ge iruierh mhrrb jb `e`hrob gej soste`b ge ihftrhj ge iruierh.

Ej jo`otbghr ge vejhiogbg je per`ote prhkrb`br ej jà`ote gesebgh ge vejhiogb vejhiogbgg gej veaàiujh veaàiujh.. @oeftrbs ej jo`o jo`otbg tbghr hr ge vejh vejhiogb iogbgg estâ bit bitovbg ovbgh, h, pueg puegee nre nrefbr fbr y biejerbr perh ej veaàiujh fh shmrepbsbrâ jb vejhiogbg prhkrb`bgb. Iubfgh ej veaàiujh bjibfzb ej jà`ote ge vejhiogbg prhkrb`bgb h so ej jà`ote ge vejhiogbg prhkrb`bgb es of ofner nerohrb ohrb jb ve vejhi jhiog ogbg bg bi bitub tubjj ge gejj ve veaài aàiujh ujh,, ej pe pegb gbjj gej biejerbghr fh nufiohfb abstb que jb vejhiogbg gej veaàiujh seb ofnerohr b goiah jà`ote. Iubfgh jb vejhiogbg rebj gej veaàiujh superb jb vejhiogbg prhkrb`bgb, se hye ufb seòbj biüstoib trbs uf mreve peràhgh ge toe`ph gespuïs ge abmer superbgh jb vejhiogbg prhkrb`bgb prhkrb`bgb y ge fh abmer geteitbgh jb oftervefioùf gej ihfguithr. Iubfgh ej jo`otbghr ge vejhiogbg estâ bitovbgh, ej soste`b ge ihftrhj ge iruierh fh nufiohfb. BG^E]WEFIOB

fh nrefbrâ buth`âto•   Ej jo`otbghr ge vejhiogbg fh ib`eft ib` efte e ej vea veaàiu àiujh jh bj jà` jà`otege otege vej vejhio hiogbgprhgbgprh-

prhkrb`bgh pbrb kbrbftozbr que ej soste`b puegb pue gb jo` jo`otb otbrr jb vej vejhio hiogbg gbg gejveaài gejveaàiujhihrrei ujhihrrei-tb`efte. bgoiohfbjes, bse•   Bj usbr bjnh`mrojjbs gej posh bgoiohfbjes,

kürese ge que estâf nolbgbs ihrreitb`efte y que fh ofternoeref ihf ej pegbj gej biejerbghr. Ej ush ge bjnh`mrojjbs que fh se bgbptef bj veaài veaàiujh, ujh, puege prhvh prhvhibr ibr uf nufio nufiohfb` hfb`oefoefth ofihrreith gej jo`otbghr ge vejhiogbg.

Jhs mhthfes nufiohfb`oefth gej jo`otbghr ge vejhiogbg estâfgesotubghs ef ej vhjbfte ge goreiioùf (jbgh gereiah). Jbs ihfgoiohfes ge nufiohfb`oefth gej jo`otbghr ge vejhiogbg se vosubjozbf ef jb pbrte superohr ge jb pbftbjjb ge ofnhr`bioùf gej veaàiujh. Tbrb hmtefer `âs ofnhr`bioùf, ihfsujte ‚Tbftbjjb ge ofnhr`bioùf gej veaàiujh‐ ef jb seiioùf ‚=. Ofstru`efths Ofstru`efths y ihftrhjes‐.


•  ]espete soe`pre jhs jà`otes ge vejhiogbg. Fh

prhkrb`e prhkrb `e ufbvejhi ufbvejhiogb ogbg g sup supero erohr hr b est esths hs jà` jà`ootes.

prhkrb`bioùf •   Ihfnor`e soe`pre ej estbgh ge prhkrb`bioùf gej jo`otbghr ge vejhiogbg ef jb pbftbjjb ge ofnhr`bioùf gej veaàiujh.

•   Bj prhkrb`br ej jo`otbghr ge vejhiogbg, evote

biejerbr mrusib`efte pbrb bjibfzbr ej jà`ote

5-91   Brrbfque y ihfguiioùf  

Bj ihfguior b ufb vejhiogbg ofnerohr b 94 c`/a (=4 `pa), ej jo`otbghr ge vejhiogbg se prhkrb`b b jb `àfo`b vejhiogbg prhkrb`bgb phsomje ge 94 c`/a (=4 `pa).


•   Bluste ej jo`otbghr ge vejhiogbg `oeftrbs ihf-

guie b uf guie ufbb ve vejhi jhiog ogbg bg su supe peroh rohrr b 94 c` c`/a /a (=4 `pa).

Iubfgh se prhkrb`b ej jà`ote ge vejhiog vejhiogbg, bg, ej sà`mhjh gej jo`otbghr ge vejhiogbg l 7 y ej vbjhr vbjhr ge vejhFBB2794


l 2   Mhtùf IBFIEJ l B   Mhtùf ]EY + (rebfugbr) l M   Mhtùf YEW ’ (prhkrb`br) =   Mhtùf ge efiefgogh/bpbkbgh profiopbj ge l ihftrhj ge iruierh. (Tbrb hmtefer ofnhr`bioùf bgoiohfbj, ihfsujte ‚Ihftrhj ge iruierh (seküf `hgejh)‐ bfterohr`efte ef estb seiioùf)

l 7   Yà`mhjh gej jo`otbghr ge vejhiogbg l 5   ^bjhr ge jb vejhiogbg prhkrb`bgb

Bitovbioùf gej jo`otbghr ge vejhiogbg Ej jo`otbghr ge vejhiogbg puege bitovbrse trbs brrbfibr ej `hthr h bj ihfguior. Bj pujsbr ej mhtùf ge efiefgogh/bpbkbgh efiefgogh/bpbkbgh profiopbj gej jo`otbghr ge vejhiogbg l 9. Ej sà`m sà`mhjh hjh gej jo`o jo`otbg tbghr hr ge vej vejhiog hiogbg bg l 7 yejvbjhrge jb vejhiog vejhiogbg bg prhkr prhkrb`bgb b`bgb l 5 seefioefgefefjbpbf-

l iogbg prhkrb`bgb 5 se efioefge efio f efgejjbjo`otbghr pbftbjjb pbftbjjb ge ofnhr`bioùf gej veaàiujh. Ej efgef sà`mhjh se phfe ge ihjhr verge.

Ib`moh gej jà`ote ge vejhiogbg Yokb iubjquoerb ge jhs sokuoeftes prhiego`oefths pbrb ib`mobr ej jà`ote ge vejhiogbg bitovb< B abiob •  Tujse y jomere ej mhtùf ]EY (rebfugbr) l brromb h ej mhtùf YEW l M abiob bmblh. Ibgb vez

que jjeve hb gos`ofuye ibmh esth,2jbc`/a vejhiogbg prhkrb`bgb prhkrb`bgb bu`eftb (2 `pa). @bftefkbb pujsbgh ej mhtùf ]EY (rebfug (rebfugbr) br) l B •   @bftefk abiob brromb h ej mhtùf YEW l M abiob bmblh. bmblh. Jb Jb

l 9   Mhtùf ge bitovbioùf/gesbitovbioùf profiopbj gej jo`otbghr ge vejhiogbg

tbjjb ge ofnhr`bioùf gej veaàiujh.

Bluste gej jà`ote ge vejhiogbg Tujse ej mhtùf YEW l M (abiob bmblh). Gepefgoefgh gej `hgejh< jà`ote ge vejhiogbg se prhkrb`b b jb vejhiogbg •   Ejbitubj.

abiob brromb h ej mhtùf YEW l M abiob bmblh. bmblh. Jb Jb vejhiogbg prhkrb`bgb bu`eftb h gos`ofuye bj `üjtopjh sokuoefte ge 5 c`/a (5 `pa) y, b ihftofubioùf, ef pbshs ge 5 c`/a (5 `pa). Ej fuevh vbjhr gej jà`ote ge vejhiogbg prhkrb`bgb l 5 se vosubjozb vosubjozb ef jb pbft pbftbjjb bjjb ge ofnhr`bio ofnhr`bioùf ùf gej veaàiujh. Iubfgh jb vejhiogbg rebj gej veaàiujh superb jb vejhiogbg prhkrb`bgb, se hye ufb seòbj biüstoib trbs

Brrbfque y ihfguiioùf   5-9?  

uf mreve peràhgh ge toe`ph gespuïs ge abmer superbgh jb vejhiogbg prhkrb`bgb prhkrb`bgb y ge fh abmer geteitbgh jb oftervefioùf gej ihfguithr.

Ibfiejbioùf gej jà`ote ge vejhiogbg Tbrb ibfiejbr ej jà`ote ge vejhiogbg prhkrb`bgb, pujse puj se ej mht mhtùf ùf IBF IBFIEJ IEJ l 2 . Ej sà` sà`mh mhjh jh ge gejj jo` jo`ototbg bghr hr ge vejhiogbg l 7 y ej vbjhr ge vejhiogbg prhkrb`bgb l 5 ef jb pbftbjjb pbftbjjb ge ofnhr`bioù ofnhr`bioùff gej veaàiujh veaàiujh se bpbkbf. Wb`moïf es phsomje gesbitovbr Wb`moïf gesbitovbr ej jo`otbg jo`otbghr hr ge vejhiogbg iog bg po posb sbfg fghh ab abst stbb ej nh nhfg fghh ej pe pegb gbjj ge gejj bie biejer jerbg bghr hr `âs bjjâ gej pufth ge resostefiob. BG^E]WEFIOB iubfgh se •   Es phsomje que ej veaàiujh biejere iubfgh ibfiejb ej jo`otbghr ge vejhiogbg.

bgoiohfbjes, bse•   Bj usbr bjnh`mrojjbs gej posh bgoiohfbjes, kürese que estâf nolbgbs ihrreitb`efte que fh ge ofternoeref ihf ej pegbj gej biejerb-y ghr. Ej ush ge bjnh`mrojjbs que fh se bgbptef bj veaài veaàiujh, ujh, puege prhvh prhvhibr ibr uf nufio nufiohfb` hfb`oefoef-

]ebfugbioùfbfterohr ge ufb vejhiogbg prhkrb`bgb

ioùf ge ihftrhj ge iruierh. Tbrb hmtefer `âs getb ge tbjje jjes, s, ve vebb ‚I ‚Ihf hftr trhj hj ge ir iruie uierh rh (s (sek eküf üf `hgejh)‐ bfterohr`efte ef estb seiioùf.

Yo se ab ibfiejbgh ej jà`ote ge vejhiogbg prhkrb`bgb, jb vejhiogbg prhkrb`bgb se bj`biefb ef jb `e`hrob gej jo`otbghr ge vejhiogbg.

•  Bj pbrbr ej veaàiujh y bj phfer ej ofterrupthr ge

Este jà`ote ge vejhiogbg puege vhjver b bitovbrse pujsbfgh ej mhtùf ]EY (rebfugbr) l B abiob brromb<

Bj gesbitovbr ej jo`otbghr ge vejhiogbg se mhrrb jb `e`hrob gej jà`ote ge vejhiogbg prhkrb`bgb.

Yo jb vejhiogbg bitubj gej veaàiujh es superohr b jb

Bveràb ef ej jo`otbghr ge vejhiogbg

bfterohr bfte rohrnufiohfb vejhiog vejh iogbg bgy prh prhkrb krb`bg `bgb, pegbj peg bj gej biej biejerberbghr fh ej vbjhr geb,jbejvejhiogbg prhkrb`bgb l 5 pbrpbg pbrpbgeb eb abstb que jb vejhiogbg vejhiogbg gej veaàveaàiujh es ofnerohr bj jà`ote ge vejhiogbg prhkrb`bgb.

Yo se prhguie bveràb jo`otbghr ge ej sà`mhjh gej ufb jo`otbghr jo`otbg hr gegejvejhiog vejhiogbg bg l 7 vejhiogbg, ge jb jb pbfpbftbjjb ge ofnhr`bioùf gej veaàiujh ih`oefzb b pbrpbgebr.

Iubfgh jb vejhiogbg rebj gej veaàiujh superb jb vejhiogbg prhkrb`bgb, se hye ufb seòbj biüstoib trbs uf mreve peràhgh ge toe`ph gespuïs ge abmer superbgh jb vejhiogbg prhkrb`bgb prhkrb`bgb y ge fh abmer geteitbgh jb oftervefioùf gej ihfguithr.

Gesbitove ej jo`otbghr ge vejhiogbg pujsbfgh ej mhtùf ge bitovbioùf/gesbitovbioùf profiopbj gej jo`otbghr ge vejhiogbg l 9 y pùfkbse pùfkbse ef ihftbith ihftbith ihf uf ihfiesohfbroh FOYYBF h tbjjer iubjonoibgh pbrb que revosef ej soste`b.

Gesbitovbioùf gej jo`otbghr ge vejhiogbg

Ej soste`b gej jo`otbghr ge vejhiogbg se gesbitovb iubfgh se rebjozb ufb ge jbs sokuoeftes hperbioh-

efiefgogh ef jb phsoioùf ‚HNN‐.

th ofihrreith gej jo`otbghr ge vejhiogbg.

Tose b nhfgh ej pegbj gej biejerbghr `âs bjjâ gej pufth ge resostefiob. Ej jo`otbghr ge vejhiogbg se gesbitovb pbrb per`otor ufb vejhiogbg ge ihfguiioùf superohr b jb vejhiogbg prhkrb`bgb. Ej vbjhr ge jb vejhiogbg prhkrb`bgb 5gepbrpbg pbrpbgeb eb ysesuefb sue fb ufb seòbj biüstoib. Ej jo`otbghrl vejhiogbg rebfugb buth`âtoib`efte iubfgh jb vejhiogbg gej veaàiujh es ofnerohr bj jà`ote ge vejhiogbg prhkrb`bgb.


•   Bj pujsbr ej mhtùf ge efiefgogh/bpbkbgh profio-

pbj gej jo`otbghr ge vejhiogbg l 9 . Ej sà`mhjh gej jo`otbghr ge vejhiogbg l 7 y ej vbjhr vbjhr ge vejhiogb vejhiogbgg prhkrb`bgb l 5 ef jb pbftbjjb pbftbjjb ge ofnhr`bioùf ofnhr`bioùf gej gej veaàiujh se bpbkbf.

ej mhtùf ge efiefgogh/bpbkbgh profio•   Bjpbjpujsbr gej ihftrhj ge iruierh l = . Jb ofnhr`bioùf gej jo`otbghr ge vejhiogbg ef jb pbftbjjb ge ofnhr`bioùf gej veaàiujh se sustotuye ihf jb ofnhr`b-

5-74   Brrbfque y ihfguiioùf  

YOYWE@B GE N]EFBGH GE E@E]KEFIOB TH] BJIBFIE (seküf `hgejh) Ej soste`b ge nrefbgh ge e`erkefiob phr bjibfie puege bsostor bj ihfguithr iubfgh exoste uf roeskh ge ihjosoùf phr bjibfie ihf ej veaàiujh ge gejbfte ef ej ibrroj phr ej que ioriujb ej veaàiujh.

 Ej soste`b ge nrefbgh ge e`erkefiob phr bjibfie fh nufiohfb ef thgbs jbs ihfgoiohfes ge ihfguiioùf, trânoih, `etehrhjhkàb h ge jb ibrreterb.

Ej soste`b ge nrefbgh ge e`erkefiob phr bjibfie nufiohfb iubfgh ihfguie ej veaàiujh b vejhiogbges okubjes h superohres b 5 c`/a (9 `pa).


Ej soste`b ge nrefbgh ge e`erkefiob phr bjibfie utojozb uf sefshr ge rbgbr l B sotu sotubgh bgh ef jb pbrte pbrte gejbfterb gej veaàiujh pbrb `egor jb gostbfiob ihf ej veaàiujh ge gejbfte ef ej ibrroj phr ej que ioriujb ej veaàiujh. BG^E]WEFIOB

•  Ej soste`b ge nrefbgh ge e`erkefiob phr bj-

ibfie es ufb byugb bgoiohfbj pbrb ej ihfguithr. Fh sustotuye ef fofküf ibsh jb btefioùf gej ihfguithr bj estbgh gej trânoih fo su resphfsbmojogbg ge ihfguior ihf sekurogbg. Fh puege o`pegor jhs biiogeftes gemoghs b jb ihfguiioùf gesiuogbgb h pejokrhsb.

Brrbfque y ihfguiioùf   5-72  



Tro`er bvosh

Yekufgh bvosh


` `


Yeòbj shfhrb


Yeòbj shfhrb bkugb

Yo se geteitb uf roeskh ge ihjosoùf phr bjibfie, ej soste`b ge nrefbgh ge e`erkefiob phr bjibfie rebjozbrâ ej pro`er bvosh bj ihfguithr abioefgh pbrpbgebr ej testokh ge ihjosoùf phr bjibfie (fbrbflb) y e`otoefgh uf bvosh shfhrh. Yo ej ihfguithr bpjoib jhs nrefhs ihf rbpogez y nuerzb tr trbs bs ej bv bvos osh, h, y ej so sost ste`bge e`bge nr nrefb efbgh gh ge e` e`erk erkef ef-iob phr bjibfie geteitb ej que exostebu`eftbrâ ufb phsomojogbg ge ihjosoùf phr bjibfie, soste`b buth`âtoib`efte jb nuerzb ge nrefbgh.

5-7=   Brrbfque y ihfguiioùf  

Yo ej ihf ihfgu guith ithrr `bf `bfelbej elbej vh vhjbf jbfte te,, bie biejer jerbb h nr nrefb efb,, ej soste`b ge nrefbgh ge e`erkefiob phr bjibfie nufiohfbrâ `âs tbrge h fh nufiohfbrâ ef bmshjuth.

  Es phsomje que ej sefshr ge rbgbr fh geteite uf veaàiujh gejbfte ef jbs sokuoeftes sotubiohfes<

Ej nrefbgh buth`âtoih iesbrâ ef jbs sokuoeftes sotubiohfes<

’ Yuioegbg, Yuioegbg, aoejh, aoejh, foeve foeve u htrhs `bterobjes `bterobjes que iumrbf ej sefshr ge rbgbr.

•  Iubfgh se korb ej vhjbfte ge goreiioùf jh suno-

’ Ofter Ofterneref nerefiobs iobs ihf ihf htrbs htrbs nueftes nueftes ge rbgbr. rbgbr.

•  Iubfgh se posb ej pegbj gej biejerbghr.

’ Foeve Foeve h rhi rhiobg obghr hr pbr pbrb b ibr ibrret reterb erbss prh prhieg iegefefte ge htrhs veaàiujhs ef `hvo`oefth.

ioefte pbrb evotbr jb ihjosoùf.


Yo ej ihfguithr fh rebjozb fbgb, ej soste`b ge nrefbgh ge e`erkefiob phr bjibfie e`ote ej sekufgh bvosh vosubj (rhlh) y ufb seòbj biüstoib. Yo ej ihfguithr jevbftb ej poe gej pegbj, ej soste`b bpjoib uf nrefbgh pbriobj. Yo ej roeskh ge ihjosoùf es of`ofefte, ej soste`b ge nrefbgh ge e`erkefiob phr bjibfie bpjoib uf nrefbgh `âs nuerte ge nhr`b buth`âtoib. FHWB

Jbs juies ge nrefh gej veaàiujh se efioefgef

yb fh se geteite uf veaàiujh gejbfte. gejbfte. •Yo  ejIubfgh soste`b ge nrefbgh ge e`erkefiob phr bjibf-

’ ele`pjh, Yo ej veaàiujh veaài ujh`hthioijetb). gejbfte gejbft e es est estrei reiah ah (phr ufb

ie, ej veaà veaàiujh iujh per per`bfe `bfeierâ ierâ get getefog efoghh gur gurbft bftee bprhxo`bgb`efte = sekufghs bftes ge que se jomeref jhs nrefhs.

’ Iubfgh Iubfgh se ihfguie ihfguie ef pef pefgoe goefte ftess `uy prhfufiobgbs h ef iurvbs `uy ierrbgbs.


•  Ej sefshr ge rbgbr fh geteitb jhs sokuoeftes hmleths<

’ Tebthfes, Tebthfes, bfo`bj bfo`bjes es u hmstâiuj hmstâiujhs hs ef jb ibrreterb

’ Iubf Iubfgh gh jjeve jjeve uf re`hjq re`hjque. ue.

•   Ef bjkufbs ihfgoiohfes ge trânoih h ge jbs

ibrreterbs, ej soste`b ge nrefbgh ge e`erkefiob phr bjibfie phgràb biiohfbr ofesperbgb`efte ej nrefbgh pbriobj. Iubfgh es feiesbroh rebjo rebjozbr zbr jb biej biejerbio erbioùf, ùf, ihfto ihftofüe füe posbf posbfgh gh ej pegbj gej biejerbghr pbrb ibfiejbr ej soste`b.

iubfghej sost iubfghej soste`bge e`bge nre nrefbg fbgh h ge e`e e`erke rkefio fiob b phr bjibfie rebjozb ej nrefbgh.

Gepefgoefgh ge jb vejhiogbg gej veaàiujh y ge jb gostbfiob bj veaàiujh ge gejbfte, bsà ih`h ge jbs ihfgoiohfes ge jb ibrreterb y ge jb ihfguiioùf, ej soste`b byugbr bj ihfguithr evotbr ufb ihjosoùf phrpuege bjibfie h puege byugbr bb`otokbr jbs ihfseiuefiobs ge ufb ihjosoùf ef ibsh ge que nuerb ofevotbmje.

’ ^eaài ^eaàiujhs ujhs ef ef goreiioù goreiioùf f ihftrbrob ihftrbrob

Jbsgostbfio fiobs bs ge nre nrefbg fbgh h bu` bu`eft eftbf bf shm shmre re su•   Jbsgostb

’ ^eaài ^eaàiujhs ujhs que iruzb iruzbf f

•  Ej sefshr ge rbgbr toefe jbs sokuoeftes jo`otb-

iohfes ge refgo`oefth. Yo aby uf veaàiujh estbiohf tbi ohfbghef bghef jb trb trbyei yeithr throb ob gejveaài gejveaàiujh ujh,, ej sos sos-te`b ge nrefb nrefbgh gh ge e`erk e`erkefio efiob b fh nufio nufiohfbrâ hfbrâ iubfgh se ihfguie ej veaàiujh b vejhiogbges superohres b 14 c`/a (54 `pa) bprhxo`bgb`efte.

pernoioes gesjozbftes.

•  Uf ruogh exiesovh puege ofterneror ihf ej sh-

fogh ge jb seòbj biüstoib y es phsomje que estb fh se hokb.

soste`b estâ goseòbgh pbrb pbrb ih`prhmbr bu•   Ejth`âtoib`efte jb nufiohfbjogbg gej sefshr, geftrh ge geter`ofbgbs jo`otbiohfes. Ej soste`b phgrà phgràb b fh getei geteitbr tbr geter` geter`ofbgb ofbgbss nhr`b nhr`bss

Brrbfque y ihfguiioùf   5-79  

ge hmstruiioùf ge jb zhfb gej sefshr gej pbrbiahques gejbfterh ih`h phr ele`pjh, aoejh, foeve, bgaesovhs. Ef esths ibshs, es phsomje que ej soste`b fh bjerte ihrreitb`efte bj ihfguithr. ihfg uithr. Bsekürese Bsekürese ge revosb revosbrr y jo`po jo`pobr br jb zhfb gej sefshr ef ej pbrbiahques gejbfterh ihf rekujbrogbg

Ihfgoioùf M<

Tbrb bitovbr y gesbitovbr ej soste`b ge nrefbgh ge e`erkefiob phr bjibfie FYG55>

]ebjoie jhs sokuoeftes pbshs pbrb bitovbr h gesbitovbr ej soste`b ge nrefbgh ge e`erkefiob phr bjibfie. 2. U Use se jh jhss oft ofterr errup upth thres res h y ej mh mhtù tùff EF EFWE WE] ] gej jbgh ozquoergh gej vhjbfte ge goreiioùf, sejeiiohfe ej `efü ge blustes ef jb pbftbjjb ge ofnhr`bioùf gej veaàiujh. (Ihfsujte ‚Blustes‐ ef jb seiioùf ‚=. Ofstru`efths y ihftrhjes‐ =. Us Usee jhs oft ofter errup rupthr thres es h y ej mh mhtù tùff EF EFWE WE], ], eftre ef ej `efü SBsost. bj ihfguithrP sekuogh gej `efü SByugb ihfguiioùfP. 9. Ef ej `efü SByugb ihfguiioùfP, sejeiiohfe ej

Iubfgh se ges Iubfgh gesbito bitovb vb ej sos soste`bge te`bge nre nrefbg fbghh ge e`er e`er-kefiob phr bjibfie, ej testokh gej soste`b ge nrefbgh ge e`erkefiob phr bjibfie (fbrbflb) se efioefge.

Iubfgh jb zhfb gej sefshr gej pbrbiah pbrbiahques ques gejbfterh estâ iumoertb phr suioegbg h estâ hmstruogb, jh que abie que seb o`phsomje geteitbr uf veaàiujh gejbfte, ej soste`b ge nrefbgh ge e`erkefiob phr bjibfie se gesbitovb buth`âtoib`efte. Ej testokh gej soste`b ge nrefbgh ge e`erkefi e`erkefiob ob phr bjibfie (fbrbflb) y ej testokh ge ihjosoùf phr bjibfie (fbrbf lb) se efioefgef efio efgef y ej `efsble ge bgvertefiob b gvertefiob ‚Hmstruiioùf gej rbgbr gejbfterh‐ bpbreierâ ef jb pbftbjjb ge ofnhr`bioùf gej veaàiujh. Ruï abier<

Ihfgoioùf B<

Yo se efioefge ej testokh (fbrbflb), estbiohfe ej veaàiujh ef uf jukbr sekurh y bpbkue ej `hthr. Ih`prueme so jb zhfb gej sefshr ef ej pbrbiahques gejbfterh estâ mjhquebgb. Yo jb zhfb gej sefshr gej pbrbiah pbr biahquesgejbft quesgejbfterh erh estâmjhque estâmjhquebgb bgb,, reto retore re ej `bterobj que prhvhib este mjhqueh mjhqueh.. ^uejvb b brrbfibr

Iubfgh rbgbr ge htrb nuefte ge rbgbr,ejque je reiome o`pogeofternerefiobs geteitbr uf veaàiujh geteitbr gejbfte, ej soste`b ge nrefbgh ge e`erkefiob e`erkefiob phr bjibfie se gesbitovb buth`âtoib`efte. Ej testokh gej sos-

`hthr. Yo ej fbroh testokh per`bfeie efiefgogh, biugb bejuf ihfiesoh ihfi esohfbr oh FOY FOYYBF YBF h tbjj tbjjer er iubjonoi iubj onoibgh bgh pbrbb pbr que revosef ej soste`b ge nrefbgh ge e`erkefiob phr bjibfie.

Yoste`b te`phrbj`efte fh gosphfomje

9. Ef ej `efü SByugb ihfguiioùfP, sejeiiohfe ej eje`efthh SNrefh e`erk.P y use ej mhtùf EFWE] eje`eft pbrb bjterfbr eftre HF (bitovbgh) y HNN (gesbitovbgh).

ie se gesbitovb buth`âtoib`efte. Ej testokh gej sos te`b ge nre nrefbg fbghh ge e`er e`erkefi kefiob ob phr bjib bjibfie fie (fbr (fbrbfbf lb) y ej e j testokh ge ihjosoùf phr bjibfie (fbrbflb) se efioefgef. Ruï abier<

Iubfgh jbs ihfgoiohfes bfterohres gelbf ge prhguiorse, ej soste`b ge nrefbgh ge e`erkefiob phr bjibfie se rebfugb buth`âtoib`efte.

Bveràb gej soste`b Yo ej so sost ste`bge e`bge nr nrefb efbgh gh ge e` e`erk erkefi efiob ob ph phrr bj bjibf ibfie ie fh nufiohfb ihrreitb`efte, se gesbitovbrâ buth`âtoib`efte, se horâ ufb seòbj biüstoib, ej testokh gej soste`b ge nrefbgh ge e`erkefiob phr bjibfie (fbrbflb) y ej testokh ge ihjosoùf phr bjibfie (fbrbflb) se efiefgerâf y ej `efsble ge bgvertefiob SBveràbP bpbreierâ ef jb pbftbjjb ge ofnhr`bioùf gej veaàiujh.

5-77   Brrbfque y ihfguiioùf  

Ruï abier<

Yo se efioefge ej testokh (fbrbflb), (fbrbflb), estbiohfe ej veaàiujh ef uf jukbr sekurh, bpbkue ej `hthr y vuejvb b brrbfibrjh. Yo ej testokh per`bfeie efiefgogh, biugb b uf ihfiesohfbroh FOYYBF h tbjjer iubjonoibgh pbrb que revosef ej soste`b ge nrefbgh ge e`erkefiob phr bjibfie.


Yof `brih


Ge toph `brih

Tùfkbse ef ihftbith ihf uf ihfiesohfbroh FOYYBF h tbjjer iubjonoibgh pbrb que je bihfselef bj respeith.

BG^E]WEFIOB reih`oefgbutojozbr oefgbutojozbr shjb` shjb`efte efte shphr•   FOYYBF reih` tes ge pjbib ge `btràiujb sof `brih

soste`b ge nrefbgh ge e`erkefiob phr bj•  Ejibf ibfie ie phg phgràb ràb fh nuf nufioh iohfbr fbr ihr ihrrei reitb` tb`eft efte e so jb

Ej se sefsh fshrr ge gejj sos soste te`b `b ge nr nref efbg bghh ge e` e`erk erkef efiobphr iobphr bjibfie l B estâ umoibgh umoibgh getrâs ge jb relojjb ofnerohr ofnerohr gej pbrbiahques gejbfterh.

pjbib ge `btràiujb se ihjhib ef uf `brih, tbj y ih`h se ofgoib.

Brrbfque y ihfguiioùf   5-75  

EYWBIOHFB@OEFWH  @hgejhs ihf trbfs`osoùf `bfubj<

ihrreith nufiohfb`oefth gejbsesosTbrb te`b `bftefer ge nrefbghejge e`erkefiob phr bjibfie, kürese ge jh sokuoefte< @bftefkbb soe`pre jo`pob jb zhfb gej sefshr gej •   @bftefk pbrbiahques gejbfterh.

BG^E]WEFIOB  Fh estbiohfe ej veaàiujh shmre `bterobjes ofnjb`bmjes, njb`b mjes, ih`h aoermb seib, pbpej pbpejes es h trbphs. Tuegef brger y prhvhibr uf ofiefgoh.

•  Tbrb que ej veaàiujh quege estbiohfbgh ge bjregeghr gej sef•   Fh khjpee fo gbòe jbs zhfbs bjregeghr nhr`b sekurb< shr.

so`ojb•   Fh iumrb fo ihjhque pekbtofbs u hmleths so`ojb-

res ef ej pbrbiah pbrbiahques ques gejbfterh gejbfterh ierib ge jb zhfb gej sefshr. Esth phgràb prhvhibr uf nbjjh h bveràb.

•   Fh nole hmleths `etâjoihs ierib ge jb zhfb gej sefshr (iumoertb gej iepojjh, eti.). Esth phgràb prhvhibr uf nbjjh h bveràb.

`hgonoque, retore h pofte ej pbrbiahques ge•   Fh `hgonoque, jbfterh. Bftes ge pershfbjozbr h restburbr ej pbrbiahquess gejbfte rbiahque gejbfterh, rh, pùfkbse ef ihftbith ihf

’ Ej nre nrefh fh ge est estbio biohfb hfb`oe `oefth fth est estâ â bpj bpjoib oibgh. gh. ’ Jb pbjbfib pbjbfib ge ib`mo ib`mohs hs se sotüb ef ufb `briab bprhpobgb pbrb jhs `hgejhs ihf trbfs`osoùf `bfubj. ’ Jb pbjbfib pbjbfib ge ib`m ib`mohs ohs se ihjhib ihjhib ef ef jb phsoioùf T (estbiohfb`oefth) pbrb jhs `hgejhs ihf trbfs`osoùf QW]HFOI (I^W). Yo fh se sokuef estbs reih`efgbiohfes, ej veaàiujh phgràb `hverse ge nhr`b ofesperbgb h gespjbzbrse y prhvhibr uf biio-

ihfiesohfbroh FOYYBF h tbjjer iubjonoibgh. gefte. Fh ihjhque jb pjbib ge `btràiujb ef uf shphrte. •   uf `briab iubfgh fh •   Fh gele fufib ej `hthr ef `briab estï ef ej veaàiujh.

Tose ej pegbj gej e`mrbkue y ihjhque jb pbjbfib ge ib`mohs ef phsoioùf ] (`briab btrâs). Iubfgh estbiohfe iuestb brromb, phfkb jb pbjbfib ge ib`mohs ef 2ª phsoioùf (`briab mblb).

•  @hgejhs ihf trbfs`osoùf QW]HFOI< Tose b nhfgh ej pegbj gej nrefh y `uevb jb pbjbfib ge ib`mohs b jb phsoioùf T (estbiohfb`oefth). BG^E]WEFIOB Bsekürese ge e`pulbr jb pbjbfib ge ib`mohs abiob gejbfte abstb ej thpe y que fh puegb `hverse sof pujsbr ej mhtùf gej torbghr ge jb pbjbfib ge ib`mohs.

geleshjh leshjhss ef su ve veaà aàiu iujh jh b fo foòh òhss h bg bguj ujth thss •   Fh ge

que fhr`bj`efte feiesotef byugb ge htrhs. Wb`phi Wb` phih h gel gele e shj shjhs hs ef ej vea veaàiu àiujh jh b bfo bfo`bj `bjes es gh`ïst gh` ïstoih oihs. s. Ef gàb gàbss ibj ibjurh urhshs shs y shj shjebg ebghs, hs, jbs te`perbturbs ef uf veaàiujh ierrbgh puegef bu`eftbr râpogb`efte abstb fovejes que prhvhquef jesohfes krbves h ofijush `hrtbjes b pershfbs y bfo`bjes.

5-7>   Brrbfque y ihfguiioùf  

estbiohfe ufb iuestb, kore jbs ruegbs ge nhr`b que ejef veaàiujh fh mjhquee jb ibjje •  Iubfgh ef ibsh ge que se `uevb. •  IUEYWB BMBLH< l2 Kore jbs ruegbs abiob ej mhrgojjh y gele que ej veaàiujh se `uevb abiob gejbfte abstb que jb ruegb gej jbgh gej mhrgojjh jh rhie jokerb`efte. B ihftofubioùf, bpjoque ihrreitb`efte ej nrefh ge estbiohfb`oefth.

•   IUEYWB B]]OMB< l=

Kore jbs ruegbs abiob ej jbgh hpuesth bj mhrgojjh y gele que ej veaàiujh se `uevb abiob btrâs abstb que jb ruegb gej jbgh gej mhrgojjh jh rhie jokerb`efte. B ihftofubioùf, bpjoque ihrreitb`efte ej nrefh ge estbiohfb`oefth.


Kore jbs ruegbs abiob ej jbterbj ge jb ibjzbgb, ge `hgh que ej veaàiujh fh mjhquee jb ibrrete ibrreterb rb so se `ueve. B ihftofubioùf, bpjoque ihrreitb`ef-

te ej nrefh ge estbiohf estbiohfb`oefth. b`oefth.

•   Kore ej ofterrupthr ge efiefgogh b jb phsoioùf JHIC y retore jb jjbve.

Tbrb mjhquebr ej vhjbfte, kore ej ofterrupthr ge efiefgogh b jb phsoioùf JHIC y extrbokb jb jjbve/jjbve oftejokefte (seküf `hgejh).

•  Ef jhs `hgejhs ihf soste`b Ythp/Ytbrt, phfkb FYG991


@hgejhs ge ihfg. ozq.

@hgejhs ge ihfg. gia.

soe`pre ej ofterrupthr ge efiefgogh ef phsoioùf ‚HNN‐ ‚HN N‐ trb trbss est estbioh biohfbr fbr ej veaà veaàiujh iujh pbr pbrbb evo evotbr tbr que se gesibrkue jb mbteràb. Brrbfque y ihfguiioùf   5-7;



FHWB Ej soste`b Ythp/Ytbrt estâ goseòbgh pbrb reguior ej ihfsu`h ge ih`mustomje, jbs e`osohfes ge esibpe y ej ruogh gurbfte jb ihfguiioùf. Ej soste`b Ythp/Ytbrt fh phfe ej ofterrupth rru pthrr ge efi efiefg efgogh ogh ef phs phsoio oioùf ùf ‚HN ‚HNN‐ N‐ buth`âtoib`efte bj nofbjozbr ej voble.

Yu fue fuevh vh ve veaà aàiuj iujhh ab so sogh gh gose go seòbg òbghhy ihfej nonoff profioge ut uto-ojozbrse pbrb trbfsphrtbr pbsblerhs equopble pbj`efte. ]eiuerge que iubfgh jjevb uf re`hjque bòbge ufb ibrkb ibr kb bg bgoio oiohfb hfbjj shm shmre re ej `ht `hthr hr ge gejj vea veaàiu àiujh,jb jh,jb tr trbfs bfs-`osoùf, jb goreiioùf, jhs nrefhs y htrhs soste`bs. Uf re`hjque phtefiob tb`moïf htrhs nefù`efhs, ih`h ej mbjbfieh prhvhibgh phr jhs voefths jbterbjes, jbs ibrreterbs ef `bj estbgh h jhs ib`ohfes que pbsbf bj jbgh. Yerâ feiesbroh blustbr jb vejhiogbg y jhs aâmoths ge ihfguiioùf seküf jbs ioriufstbfiobs. Bftes ge utojozbr ej re`hjque, biugb b uf ihfiesohfbroh FOYYBF h tbjjer iubjonoibgh pbrb que je gef ufb expjoibioùf ih`pjetb shmre ej equoph ge re`hjque, bsà ih`h shmre ej ush ihrreit ihrreithh gej `os`h.


re`hjquee bftes re`hjqu ge trbfsphrtbr uf re`hjque pefgoeftes prhfufiobgbs h jbrkbs gostbfiobs.phr

•  Fh per`otb fufib que jb ibrkb thtbj gej re`hj-

que (pesh gej re`hjque `âs pesh ge jb ibrkb) exiegb jb ibrkb `âxo`b per`otogb pbrb ej gosphsotovh ge efkbfiae. Tùfkbse ef ihft Tùfkbse ihftbith bith ihf uf ihfi ihfiesoh esohfbr fbroh oh FOYYBF h tbjjer iubjonoibgh pbrb hmtefer `âs getbjjes bj respeith.

gemee ibrk gem ibrkbr br ej re`h re`hjquegostro jquegostromuy muyefg efghh jb ibr ibr-•   Ye kb `âs pesbgb shmre shmre ej ele y tbf bmb bmblh lh ih`h seb phsomje. Yo fh gostromuye jb ibrkb ihrreitb`efte, phgràb bneitbr b jb estbmojogbg gej re`hjque y b jb gej veaàiujh que jh re`hjib.

•   Fh exiegb jb `âxo`b ibrkb vertoibj per`otogb ef ej kbfiah gej re`hjque.

Bftesge tesge e` e`pe pezb zbrr b ihf ihfgu guior ior,, ih ih`p `prue rueme me qu quee ej •   Bf ihfguior ihf re`hjque gurbfte ej perohgh •   Evote ihfguior ge rhgble.

soste`b re`hjquee nufiohfb ihrreitb` juies gej re`hjqu

•   Yejeiiohfe gosphsotovhs ge efkbfiae bgeiub- •  Evote brrbfibr, biejerbr y pbrbr mrusib`efte. ghs (kbfiah gej re`hjque, ibgefb ge sekuro-

gbg, mbib, eti.) pbrb ej veaàiujh y ej re`hjque. Esths gosphsotovhs se efiueftrbf gosphfomjes ef uf ihfiesohfbroh FOYYBF h tbjjer iubjonoibgh, ghfge phgrâ tb`moïf hmtefer ofnhr`bioùf `âs getbjjbgb shmre ej ush gej re`hjque.

Tuege bgquoror uf equoph pbrb ibrkb pesbgb ef uf ihfiesohfbroh FOYYBF h tbjjer iubjonoibgh.  Es reih`efgbmje phferse ef ihftbith ihf uf ihfiesohfbroh ihfiesohfb roh FOYYBF h tbjjer iubjonoibgh iubjonoibgh pbrb hmtefer ofnhr`bioùf shmre jb ihfguiioùf ihf

•   Evote jbs iurvbs ierrbgbs y jhs ib`mohs ge ibrroj. •  Ihfguzib soe`pre b ufb vejhiogbg `hgerbgb. •  Ibjie soe`pre jbs ruegbs gej veaàiujh y gej re-

`hjque iubfgh estbiohfe. Bpjoque ej nrefh ge estbiohfb`oefth estbioh fb`oefth (seküf `hgejh) gej re`hjqu re`hjque. e. Fh es bihfselbm bihfselbmje je estbiohfbr ef ufb pefgoef pefgoefte te prhfufiobgb. Yo fh puege evotbr estbiohfbr estbiohfbr ef ufb pefgoefte prhfufiobgb, tb`moïf se reih`oefgb que biioh-

5-71   Brrbfque y ihfguiioùf  

fe ufb `briab h sejeiiohfe jb phsoioùf TQW]H(estbiohfb`oefth (`hgejhs ihf trbfs`osoùf FOI)), y que kore jbs ruegbs abiob ej mhrgojjh (bge`âs gej resth ge jbs preibuiohfes seòbjbgbs). Bftes ge estbiohfbr ef ufb pefgoefte prhfufiobgb,, tefkb ef iueftb jb ofijofbioùf (ej iâjfufiobgb iujh gej pesh que ej re`hjque puege shphrtbr es ge ufb ofijofbioùf gej 2=%). nbmroibfte gej re`hj•   Yokb jbs ofstruiiohfes gej nbmroibfte que.

•  Yhjoiote jb revosoùf ge su veaàiujh ihf `âs nre-

iuefiob ge jb espeion espeionoibgb oibgb ef ej ghiu`eft ghiu`efthh shmre jb kbrbftàb y ej `bftefo`oefth `bftefo`oefth que se eftrekb phr sepbrbgh.

GEWEIIOÙF GE ]E@HJRUE (seküf `hgejh)

ihs gej veaàiujh b jb presoùf `âxo`b reih`efgbgb reih`efgbgb ef N]ÀH, tbj ih`h ofgoib jb etoquet etoquetbb ge jhs feu`âtoihs (pbrb jb ibrkb ih`pjetb). Bsekürese ge que jb presoùf ge jhs feu`âtoihs gej re`hjque seb jb ihrreitb. T]EIBUIOÙF

Iubfgh se trbfsphrte uf re`hjque y se utojoie ej ihf`utbghr ge jhs ofgoibghres ge goreiioùf, ej soste`b ejïitroih gej veaàiujh geteitbrâ ufb ibrkb ejïitroib bgoiohfbj gej bju`mrbgh gej re`hjque. Ih`h ihfseiuefiob, ej ofgoibghr ge goreiioù goreiioùff gej re`hjque se efiefgerâ.

Fh trbfsphrte uf re`hjque `oeftrbs tefkb `hftbgh uf feu`âtoih ge repuesth ge ush te`phrbj.



FOYYBF reih`oefgb que ej gosphsotovh ge efkbfiae pbrb ej re`hjque se `hfte iu`pjoefgh jbs sokuoeftes ihfgoiohfes<

mustomje que ej nufiohfb`oefth gej veaàiujh ef ioriufstbfiobs ioriufst bfiobsfhr`bjes fhr`bjes,, gemoghbj bu`efthihfsogerbmje ge jb resostefiob y phtefiob feiesbrobs

Utojoie soe`pre ufb ibgefb bgeiubgb eftre ej veaàiujh y ej re`hjque. Jb ibgefb geme nolbrse ef ej efkbfiae y fh ef ej pbrbiahques fo ef ej ele gej veaàiujh. Bsekürese ge que jb ibgefb fh estï ge`bsobgh tefsb pbrb phger th`br jbs iurvbs. Jb ibgefb fh geme brrbstrbrse phr ej suejh< pbsbr jb ib-

pbrb jb trbiioùf.   Iubfgh jjeve uf re`hjque, respete respete jbs sokuoeftes restroiiohfes ge vejhiogbg<

gefb bjregeghr efkbfiae re`hjque phgràb resujtbr jb hpioùfgej `âs prâitoib prâito ibgej gepefgoefgh ge su re`hjque.

•  Jb utojozbioùf gej re`hjque requoere `âs ih`-

T]EYOÙF GE FEU@ÂWOIHY Iubfgh trbfsphrte uf re`hjque, ofnje jhs feu`âto-

vertoibj per`otogb shmre ej gosph•   @âxo`b ibrkb vertoibj sotovh ge efkbfiae< ;9> F (;5 ck, 2>5 jm).

•  Gosphsotovh ge efkbfiae, pufths ge `hftble y

poezbsge`hftblegesuveaàiujh= `pa) T]EIBUIOÙF Iubfgh trbfsphrte uf re`hjque, ih`prueme rekujbr`efte ej ofgoibghr ge te`perbturb gej renrokerbfte gej `hthr pbrb evotbr ej shmreibjeftb`oefth gej `hthr.


phsotovh ge efkbfiae pbrb `hftbrjh y utojozbrjh.

Bsekürese ge que jhs nrefhs gej re`hjque estïf `hftbgh `hft bghss sek seküf üf req requoer uoeref ef jbs fhr` fhr`bs bs jhib jhibjes. jes. Ih`pruemee tb`moï Ih`pruem tb`moïff que thgh ej equopb`oefth gej re`hjque iu`pje jbs fhr`bs jhibjes.

Brrbfque y ihfguiioùf   5-7?  


Iubfgh gele ej veaàiujh geshiupbgh<   ]etore soe`pre jb jjbve ge ihftbith y jjïvejb ihfsokh, ofijush ef su prhpoh kbrble.

•   ]etore soe`pre jb jjbve ge ihftbith h jb jjbve oftejokefte (seküf `hgejh) y jjïvejb ihfsokh, ofijush ef su prhpoh kbrble.

veftbfbs y mjhquee thgbs •   Ioerre moef thgbs jbs veftbfbs jbs puertbs.

soe`pre ej veaàiujh ghfge ver. Gurbfte jb fhiae estbioùfejh ef se ufbpuegb zhfb •  Estbiohfe oju`ofbgb.

•   Yo ej veaàiujh gosphfe ge bjbr`b h ge gosphsotovh ge of`hvojozbioùf, utojàiejh ofijush phr perohgh perohghss ge toe`ph ihrths.

•   Fh gele foòhs fo bfo`bjes gh`ïstoihs ef ej veaàiujh sof vokojbfiob.

Fh gele hmleths vbjoh shs ge b jbvbjhr. vostb.YoYoe`pre jjïihfsokh jhs vbjohshs hmleths geme gelbr •   vese bjkh ef ej veaàiujh, kuârgejh mblh jjbve ef ej


•   Fh gele jb ghiu`eftbioùf gej veaàiujh geftrh

Trhyeiioùf trbserb gej gosphsotovh ge efkbfiae< l B l O

1>= `` (9 (999,? pu pujk jk.) .) Mbrr Mb rrbb ge re re`h `hjq jque ue nonolb lb

l OO

Mbrr Mb rrbb ge re re`h `hjq jque ue ge ges` s`hf hftb tbmj mjee

ih`pbrto`efth ge equopble h nuerb gej bjibfie ge jb vostb. gej `os`h. Yo je rhmbf ej veaàiujh, jb ghiu`eftbioùf sùjh nbiojotbrâ su veftb.

•  Fh gele hmleths ef jb mbib yb que shf pbrtoiujbr` jbr`eft e vuj vujferb ferbmje mjes. s. Yojjbve es phs phsomj omje, e,gej mâlejhs mâl ejhs ge jb mbibefte y kuârgejhs mblh geftrh veaàiujh.

•   Fh gele jb jjbve ge repuesth ef ej veaàiujh, kuârgejb ef ibsb ef uf jukbr sekurh.

5-54   Brrbfque y ihfguiioùf  

YOYWE@B GE JB YE]^HGO]EIIOÙF EJÏIW]OIB Fh ej gele jb jjbve ge repuesth jb jjbve BG^E]WEFIOB veaàiujh, kuârgejb efh ibsb efoftejokefte uf jukbr •   ef sekurh. •  Yo ej `hthr fh estâ nufiohfbfgh h se bpbkb gurbfte jb ihfguiioùf, jb servhgoreiioùf fh •  Fh gele ufb fhtb ihf ej fü`erh ge jjbve bpufnufiohfbrâ. Jb goreiioùf serâ `âs gonàioj ge tbgh ef ej veaàiujh. Uf jbgrùf puege eftrbr ef ej veaàiujh, bfhtbr ej fü`erh ge jb jjbve y vhjver ihf ufb jjbve fuevb pbrb eftrbr y jjevbrse ej veaàiujh.

ihftrhjbr. Iubfgh h ej testokh ge jb servhgoreiioùf servhgoreiioùf ejïi•   Iubfg

verâ b ser fhr`bj. Evote repetogb`efte `hvo`oefths mrusihs efrebjozbr ej vhjbfte ge goreiioùf que puegbf ibusbr que ej soste`b ge jb servhgoreiioùf ejïitroib se shmreibjoefte. Tuege que hokb uf shfogh iubfgh ej vhjbfte ge goreiioùf se utojozb râpogb`efte. Yof e`mbrkh, esth fh ofgoib que exostb ufb bveràb.

troib se oju troib oju`of `ofb b ihfej `ht `hthr hr ef nuf nufioh iohfb` fb`oef oef-th, jb servhgoreiioùf gelb ge nufiohfbr. Whgb-

Yo ej tes testotokh kh ge jb se serv rvhg hgore oreiio iioùf ùf ejï ejïit itroi roibb se oju`ofb `oeftrbs ej `hthr estâ ef `briab, puege

vàb tefgrâ ihftrhj gejgeveaàiujh, ioùf serâ `âs gonàioj `bfelbr.perh jb gorei-

que ofgoque que ej soste`b ge jb servhgoreiioùf ejïitroib fh nufiohfb ihrreitb`efte y puege ser feiesbrobb ufb repbrbi feiesbro repbrbioùf. oùf. Biugb b uf ihfiesohfbroh FOYYBF h tbjjer iubjonoibgh pbrb que revosef ej soste`b ge jb servhgo servhgoreiioùf reiioùf ejïitroib. (Ihfsujte (Ihfsujte ‚ Westokhh ge jb servhgoreiioùf‐ Westok servhgoreiioùf‐ ef jb seiioùf ‚=. Ofstru`efths y ihftrhjes‐).

Ej soste`b ge jb servhgoreiioùf ejïitroib ejïitroib estâ goseòbgh pbrb prhphriohfbr servhgoreiioùf gurbfte jb ihfguiioùf que je per`ote biiohfbr ej vhjbfte ge goreiioùf ihf phib nuerzb. Jb nuerzb ge goreiio goreiioùf ùf puege blustbrse eftre SFhr`bjP h SYphrtP ef jb pbftbjjb ge ofnhr`bioùf gej veaàiujh geftrh ge jb seiioùf SBsost. bj ihfguithrP. (Ihf (Ihfsujt sujtee ‚SB ‚SBsos t. bj ihfg ihfguith uithrP (seküf (se küf `hg `hgejh) ejh)‐‐ ef jb seiioùf ‚=.sost. Ofstru`efths y rP ihftrhjes‐). FHWB

Iubfgh ej testokh ge jb servhg servhgoreiioùf oreiioùf ejïitroib ejïitroib se oju`ofb ihf ej `hthr ef nufiohfb`oefth, nufiohfb`oefth, jb servhgo servhgo-reiioùf nufiohfbr. Usteg sekuorâ tefoefgh ej ihftrhjgelb gej ge veaàiujh. Yof e`mbrkh, serâ feiesbroh e`pjebr `uiab nuerzb pbrb jb goreiioùf, espeiobj-

`efte ef korhs ierrbghs y b mblb vejhiogbg. Iubfgh se uto Iubfgh utojoz jozb b ej vhj vhjbft bfte e ge gor goreii eiioùf oùf rep repeto etogb gb h ihftofub`efte bj estbiohfbr h bj ihfguior b mblb vejhiogbg, vejhiogbg, se regui reguie e jb servhg servhgoreii oreiioùf oùf gej vhjbfte ge goreiioùf. Esth evotb que ej soste`b ge jb servhgoreiioùf ejïitroib se shmreibjoefte y sunrb ufb bveràb. @oeftrbs jb servhgoreiioùf se veb reguiogb, ej nufiohfb`oefth gej vhjbfte ge goreiioùf requerorâ `âs esnuerzh. Iubfgh se reguzib jb te`perbturb gej soste`b ge servhgoreiioùf ejïitroib, ej fovej ge jb servhgoreiioùf vhj-

Brrbfque y ihfguiioùf   5-52  


Ej soste`b toefese ghs ioriuoths aogrâujoih aogrâujoihs sepbrbghs. sepbrbg Yo nrefhs uf ioriuoth bveràb, sekuorâ tefoef-s gh nrefhs ef ghs ruegbs.


ib`moe b ufb `briab ofnerohr ufb pefgoefte h iuestb jbrkb. Yo jhsbftes nrefhsgesemblbr shmreibjoeftbf se puege reguior jb eneitovogbg ge nrefbgh, jh que phgràb prhvhibr jb pïrgogb gej ihftrhj gej veaàiujh.

Ihfguiioùf iuestb brromb Bj e`pezbr b sumor ufb pefgoefte, b veies es gonàioj abier nufiohfbr ej nrefh y ej e`mrbkue b jb vez (`hgejhs ihf W/@). Bpjoque ej nrefh ge estbiohfb`oefth pbrb suletbr ej veaàiujh. Fh suejte ej e`mrbkue (`hgejhs ihf W/@). Iubfgh estï prepbrbgh pbrb brrbfibr, suejte jeftb`efte ej nrefh ge estbiohfb`oefth b jb vez que posb ej pegbj gej biejerbghr y jomerb ej pegbj gej e`mrbkue (`hgejhs ihf W/@) h

Ej servhnrefh bsoste b jb biioùf ge nrefbgh utojozbfgh ej vbiàh gej `hthr. Yo ej `hthr se pbrb, puege getefer ej veaàiujh posbfgh ej pegbj gej nrefh ge

Bj ihfguior shmre supernoioes resmbjbgozbs, tefkb iuogbgh bj nrefbr, biejerbr h ib`mobr b ufb `briab `âs mblb. Nrefbr h biejerbr mrusib`efte puege prhvhibr que jbs ruegbs pbtofef y se prhguzib uf biiogefte.

servoioh. e`mbrkh, feiesotbrâ posbr ej pegbj gej nrefh ihfYof `âs nuerzb pbrb getefer ej veaàiujh. Jb gostbfiob ge nrefbgh serâ `âs jbrkb.

Nrefhs aü`eghs

posb ej pegbj gej biejerbghr (`hgejhs ihf I^W QW]HFOI).

Iubfghh jbv Iubfg jbvee ej ve veaài aàiujhh ujhh bt btrbv rbvoe oese se zh zhfb fbss ihfbkub ihfbkub,, jhs nre nrefhs fhs pue puegef gef `hlb `hlbrse.Ih`h rse.Ih`h res resujtb ujtbgh,se gh,se bjbr bjbr-kbrâ jb gostbfiob ge nrefbgh y ej veaàiujh puege gesvobrse jbterbj`efte bj nrefbr.

Nrefbr ihf ej `hthr resujtb eneitovh pbrb ihftrhjbr jb vejhiogbg gej veaàiujh bj mblbr iuestbs.

Yo ej `hthr fh estâ nufiohfbfgh h se bpbkb gurbfte jb ihfguiioùf, ej servhnrefh fh nufiohfbrâ. Tuege ser `âs gonàioj nrefbr. BG^E]WEFIOB Fh mble ufb iuestb ihf ej `hthr pbrbgh.

Bj posbr ej pegbj gej nrefh jeftb y nor`e`efte, es phsomjee que hokb uf ijoi y que soeftb ufb jokerb pujphsomj

Tbrb seibr jhs nrefhs, ihfguior ej veaàiujh b ufb vejhiogbg sekurb posbfgh jokerb`efte ej pegbj gej nrefh pbrb ibjeftbrjhs. ]epotb estb hperbioùf abstb que ej estbgh ge jhs nrefhs se fhr`bjoie. Evote ihfguior ej veaàiujh b bjtb vejhiogbg abstb que jhs nrefhs nufiohfef ihrreitb`efte.

Ihfguiioùf iuestb bmblh @hgejhs ihf W/@< se geme ihjhibr jb pbjbfib ge ib`mohs ef ufb phsoioùf ge `briab jh sunoioefte`eftee mbl `eft mblbb pbr pbrbb ihfs ihfseku ekuoror ej sun sunoioe oioefte fte nre nrefh fh `ht `hthr. hr. Tb Tbrb rb `h `hge gejhsihf jhsihfseI^ I^W W QW QW]H ]HFO FOI I so soff `h `hgb gbjog jogbg bg ge ib`moh `bfubj< geme sejeiiohfbr jb phsoioùf J pbrb ihfsekuor ej sunoioefte nrefh `hthr.

sbioùf. Esth es fhr`bj e ofgoib que ej soste`b ge bsostefiob b jb nrefbgb estâ nufiohfbfgh.

Ush ge jhs nrefhs

Trhkrb`b ge rhgble gej nrefh ge estbiohfb`oefth

Fh gele bphybgh ej poe shmre ej pegbj gej nrefh ge servoioh `oeftrbs ihfguie. Esth shmreibjeftbrâ jhs nrefhs, geskbstbrâ jhs nhrrhs y jbs pbstojjbs ge jhs

]ebjoie ej rhgble ge jbs zbpbtbs gej nrefh ge estbiohfb`oefth iubfgh ej eneith ge nrefbgh ge ïste se gemojote, h iubfgh sustotuyb jbs zbpbtbs gej nrefh ge

nrefhs `âs râpogb`efte, y bu`eftbrâ ej ihfsu`h ge ih`mustomje.

estbiohfb estbiohfb`oefth `oefth y/h jhs tb`mhr tb`mhres/rhthr es/rhthres, es, pbrb bsekurbr jb `byhr eneitovogbg ge nrefbgh.

Tbrb byugbr b reguior ej geskbste ge jhs nrefhs y evotbr que se shmreibjoeftef, reguzib jb vejhiogbg y

Este prhiego`oefth se gesirome ef ej `bfubj ge tbjjer gej veaàiujh y puege rebjozbrse ef uf ihfiesohfbroh FOYYBF h tbjjer iubjonoibgh.

Tbrb `hgejhs ihf I^W QW]HFOI ihf `hgbjogbg ge ib`moh `bfubj< se geme sejeiiohfbr jb `hgbjogbg ge ib`moh `bfubj ef ufb `briab jh sunoioefte`efte mblb pbrb nrefbr ej `hthr bgeiubgb`efte.

BYOYWEFIOB B JB N]EFBGB Iubfgh nuerzb bpjoibgb bjbpegbj gej nrefh superby uf ioerthjbfovej, jb bsostefiob jb nrefbgb se bitovb keferb ufb nuerzb ge nrefbgh superohr b jb ge uf servhnrefh servhnr efh ihfvefio ihfvefiohfbj hfbj ofijush bpjoibfgh phib nuerzb shmre ej pegbj.

5-5=   Brrbfque y ihfguiioùf  

YOYWE@B GE N]EFHY BFWOMJHRUEH (BMY) BG^E]WEFIOB Jb bsostefiob b jb nrefbgb shjb`efte es ufb byugb bj nufiohfb`oefth ge jhs nrefhs y fh es ufb bgvertefiob ge ihjosoùf h uf gosphsotovh pbrb evotbrjb. Es resphfsbmojogbg gej ihfguithr `bfteferse bjertb, ihfguior ihf sekurogbg y tefer ef thgh `h`efth ej veaàiujh mblh ihftrhj.

BG^E]WEFIOB   Ej soste`b ge nrefhs bftomjhqueh (BMY) es uf gosphsotovh shnostoibgh, perh fh evotb jhs biiogeftes gemoghs b ihfguiiohfes pejokrhsbs h ofbgeiubgbs. Byugb b `bftefer ej ihftrhj gej veaàiujh veaài ujh bj nrefb nrefbrr ef super supernoioe noioess resmbj resmbjbgozb bgozbs. s. ]eiuerge que jb gostbfiob ge nrefbgh ef supernoioes resmbjbgozbs serâ `âs jbrkb que ef supernoioes fhr`bjes ofijush ihf BMY. Jb gostbfiobge tbf iobge nre nrefbg fbgh h pue puege ge ofi ofire` re`eft eftbrs brse e ef ibrreterbs ef `bj estbgh iumoertbs ge krbvb h ge foeve, h so jbs ruegbs jjevbf ibgefbs pbrb jb foeve. @bftefkb soe`pre jb gostbfiob ge sekurogbg ihf ej veaàiujh ge gejbfte. Ef üjto`b ofstbfiob, ej ihfguithr es ej resphfsbmje ge jb sekurogbg.

toph h ge feu feu`ât `âtoihy oihy su est estbghtb`mo bghtb`moïf ïf pue pue-•   Ej top gef bneitbr b jb eneitovogbg ge jhs nrefhs.

’ Iubfgh Iubfgh sustotuyb sustotuyb jhs feu`â feu`âtoihs toihs,, `ùfte`ùftejhs gej tb`bòh espeionoibgh ef jbs iubtrh

Ej soste`b ge nrefhs ihftrhjb jhs nrefhs ge nhr`b quebftomjhqueh jbs ruegbs (BMY) fh se mjhqueef bj nrefbr mrusib`efte h iubfgh jb ibrreterb estâ resmbjbgozb. Ej soste`b geteitb jb vejhiogbg ge korh ge ibgb ruegb y `hgonoib jb presoùf gej jàquogh ge nrefhs pbrb evotbr que jbs ruegbs se mjhqueef y pbtofef. Evotbfgh ej mjhqueh ge jbs ruegbs, ej soste`b byugb bj ihfguithr b `bftefer ej ihftrhj ge jb goreiioùf reii oùf gejveaàiuj gejveaàiujhh y reg reguie uie bj `àfo `àfo`h `h jhspbtofb jhspbtofbzhs zhs y jhs ihjetbzhs ef supernoioes resmbjbgozbs.

UYH GEJ YOYWE@B @bftefkb posbgh ej pegbj gej nrefh. Tose ej pegbj gej nrefh ihf ufb presoùf ihfstbfte, perh fh mh`mee jhs nrefhs. Ej BMY se biiohfbrâ pbrb evotbr que jbs ruegbs se mjhqueef. Ihfguzib ej veaàiujh evotbfgh jhs hmstâiujhs. BG^E]WEFIOB Fh mh`mee ej pegbj gej nrefh. Esth ihfjjevbràb uf bu`efth ge jb gostbfiob ge nrefbgh.

ruegbs. ’ Iubfgh Iubfgh `hfte `hfte uf feu`âto feu`âtoih ih ge repues repuesth, th, ih`prueme que toefe ej tb`bòh bgeiubgh y que es gej toph ofgoibgh ef jb etoquetb ge jhs feu`âtoihs. (Ihfsujte ‚Ogeftonoibioùf gej veaàiujh‐ ef jb seiioùf ‚?. Ofnhr`bioùf tïifoib‐). ’ Tbrb hmtefer hmtefer ofnhr`bio ofnhr`bioùf ùf `âs getbjjbgb getbjjbgb,, ihfsujte ‚Feu`âtoihs y ruegbs‐ ef jb seiioùf ioù f ‚1.@bfte ‚1.@bftefo` fo`oef oefth th y aâk aâkbjhusteg`osbjhusteg`os`h‐.

BUWHGOBKFÙYWOIH Ej BMYofijuyesefshr BMYofijuyesefshres es ejei ejeitrù trùfoih foihs, s, mh` mh`mbs mbs ejïi ejïi-troibs, shjefhoges aogrâujoihs y uf hrgefbghr. Ej hrgefbghr toefe ofihrphrbgb ufb nufioùf ge buthgobkfùstoih que pruemb ej soste`b ibgb vez que se brrbfib ej `hthr y que ej veaàiujh se `ueve jeftb`efte abiob gejbfte h abiob btrâs. Iubfgh se eneitüb estb pruemb, puege esiuiabr uf ruogh `etâjoih y/h seftor ufb pujsbioùf ef ej pegbj gej nrefh. Esth es fhr`bj y fh ofgoib que abyb ufb bveràb. Yo ej hrgefbghr geteitb ufb bveràb, gesbitovb ej BMY y

Brrbfque y ihfguiioùf   5-59  

YOYWE@B GEJ T]HK]B@B GE IHFW]HJ EJEIW]ÙFOIH GE EYWBMOJOGBG (EYT) (seküf `hgejh) ejes testokh ge ef tbmjerh ofstruefioefge `efth `e fths. s. Ef este te ibs ibsh, h, ejBMY soste sos te`b `bejge nrefh nr efhssge nufio nu fiohfb hfb fhr`bj`efte, perh sof bsostefiob bftomjhqueh. Yo ej testokh ge BMY se efioefge gurbfte ej buthgobkfùstoih gobkfùs toih h jb ihfguiioùf, biugb b uf ihfiesohfbroh FOYYBF h tbjjer iubjonoibgh pbrb que ih`pruemef ej veaàiujh.

NUFIOHFB@OEFWH FH]@BJ BMY BM Y anu nufio fiohfb hfb b . Jbvej vejhi ve jhiog ogbg bges es supero sup hres 5Ej- 24c`/ 24c`/a (9> `p `pa) a). Jbvejhi hiog ogbgvbr bgvbràb àberohre sekü se küffs jb jbsbs ihfgoiohfes ge jb ibrreterb. Iubfgh ej BMY geteitb que ufb h `âs ruegbs vbf b mjhquebrse, ej bitubghr se bpjoib râpogb`efte y jomerb presoùf aogrâujoib. Este eneith es so`ojbr bj prhguiogh bj mh`mebr jhs nrefhs `uy râpogb`efte. Iubfgh ej bitubghr estâ ef nufiohfb`oefth, es phsomje que soeftb ufb pujsbioùf ef ej pegbj gej nrefh, que hokb uf ruogh prhiegefte ge gemblh gej ibpù h que soeftb ufb vomrbioùf prhiegefte gej bitubghr. Esth es fhr`bj e ofgoib que ej BMY estâ nufiohfbfgh ihrreitb`efte. ihrreitb`efte. Fh hmstbfte, jb pujsbio pujsbioùf ùf

Bj biejerbr, ihfguior phr supernoioes resmbjbgozbs evotbr hmstâiujhs repeftofhs ef jb ibrreterb, puegeh que ej veaàiujh pbtofe h vore mrusib`efte. Ej soste`b gej prhkrb`b ge ihftrhj ejeitrùfoih ge estbmojogbg (EYT) ihftrhjb y ih`pbrb ihftofub`efte jb vejhio vej hiogb gbgg pr prev evos ostb tb ph phrr ej ihf ihfgu guith ithrr y jb go gorei reiioù ioùff ef jb que se gespjbzb. Ej soste`b blustb jb presoùf ge nrefh ge jb ruegb y ej pbr `hthr pbrb byugbr b `elhrbr jb estbmojogbg gej veaàiujh.   Iubfgh ej soste`b EYT estâ ef nufiohfb`oefth, ej ofgo ofgoibg ibghr hr ge ge gesjo gesjozb` zb`oeft oefthh ( ) gej gej iubg iubgrh rh ge ofstru`efths pbrpbgeb.

• shjb`efte estâ nufiohfb nufiohfbfgh fgh ej soste` soste`bb •   Iubfgh shjb`efte

ge ihf ihftr trhj hj ge tr trbii biioùf(WIY oùf(WIY)) ge gejj sos soste te`b `b EY EYT, T, ej ofgoibg ofgo ibghr hr ge ge gesjo gesjozb` zb`oeft oefthh ( ) gej gej iubg iubgrh rh ge ge ofstru`efths tb`moïf pbrpbgeb.

ibghr hr ge ge gesj sjozb ozb`o `oeft efthh ( •   Yo ej ofofgogoibg

) pb pbrp rpbg bgeb, eb, ej estbgh ge jb ibrreterb es gesjozbfte. Ihfguzib ihf iuogbgh. ofgoibghres seòbjes biüstoibs^eb biüstoibs‐ ‐ ef ‚Westokhs, jb seiioùf ‚=. Ofstru`ef-y Ofstru`efths y ihftrhjes‐.

jbs ihf trbiioùf gerrbp gerrbpb b shmre ufbge supernoioe ruegbs resmbjbgozb. Ej soste`b ge nrefh bitovh gesjozb`oeft zb` oefthh jo`o jo`otbg tbghh (BM (BMJY) JY) nre nrefb fb jb rueg ruegbb que ger gerrbp rbpbb pbrb trbfs`otor trbfs`otor jb nuerzb ge trbiioùf b jb htrb ruegb. Yo ej veaàiujh estâ nufiohfbfgh nufiohfbfgh ihf ej soste`b EYT gesbitovbgh, thgbs jbs nufiohfes ge EYT y WIY estbrâf gesbitovbgbs. Ej soste`b ge nrefh bitovh ge gesjozb`oefth jo`otbgh (BMJY) y ej BMY sà nufiohfbrâf ihf ej soste`b EYT gesbitovbgh. Yo ej soste`b ge nrefh bitovh ge gesjozb`oefth jo`otbgh (BMJY) estââ bitovb est bitovbgh, gh, ej ofgoi ofgoibgh bghrr ge ges gesjozb jozb`oef `oefth th ( ) pbrpbgebrâ y phgrâ esiuiabr uf ruogh `etâjoih y/h seftor ufb pujsbioùf ef ej pegbj gej nrefh. Esth es fhr`bj y fh ofgoib que abyb ufb bveràb. Jb bsostefiob pbrb nrefbgh krbgubj (NMY) (seküf `hge `h gejh)es jh)es ufbbyug ufbbyugbb bg bgoio oiohfb hfbjj bj so sost ste`bEYT, e`bEYT, qu quee reguie bj `àfo`h jb gostbfiob ge nrefbgh iubfgh jhs nrefhs se ibjoeftbf y, bge`âs, hnreie `byhr sekurogbg bj ihfguior iuestb bmblh phr ufb pefgoefte ef jb que es preiosh nrefbr nrefbr b `efugh. @oeftrbs ej soste`b EYT estâ bitovh, phgrâ fhtbr

fbfgh ihrreitb`efte. ihrreitb`efte. Fh hmstbfte, jb pujsbio pujsbioùf ùf puege ofgoibr que jb ibrreterb estâ ef `bj estbgh y quee es fei qu feies esbro brohh pr pres estb tbrr ufb`byh ufb`byhrr bt btefi efioù oùff bj ihf ihf-guior.

•   Ofgoibghr Yo hiurre bjkufb bfh`bjàb ef ej soste`b, se efioefge ioef ge ej ofgo ofgoibgh ibghrr ge ge gesjo gesjozb` zb`oeft oefthh ( ) ef ef ej iubgrh ge ofstru`efths. @oeftrbs esths ofgoibghres estïf efiefgoghs, jb nufioùf ge ihftrhj ge trbiioù trbiioùff se ibfiejb. Ej soste`b EYT utojozb uf soste`b ge nrefh bitovh ge gesjozb`oefth jo`otbgh (BMJY) pbrb `elhrbr jb trbiioùf gej veaàiujh. Ej soste`b ge nrefh bitovh ge gesjozb`oefth jo`otbgh (BMJY) nufiohfb iubfgh ufb ge

ufb pujsbioùf ef ej pegbj ge nrefh y esiuiabr uf ruogh h vomrbioùf mblh ej ibpù. Esth es fhr`bj e ofgoib que ej soste`b EYT estâ nufiohfbfgh ihrreitb`efte. Ej hrgefbghr EYT toefe uf gosphsotovh ge gobkfùstoih oftekrbgh que ih`pruemb ej soste`b ibgb vez que se brrbfib `hthr y que ej veaàiujh bvbfzb retrhiege b mblbejvejhiogbg. Iubfgh se eneitüe estbh pruemb, phgrâ esiuiabr uf ruogh `etâjoih y/h seftor ufb pujsbioùf ef ej pegbj gej nrefh. Esth es fhr`bj y fh ofgoib que abyb ufb bveràb.

5-57   Brrbfque y ihfguiioùf    

BG^E]WEFIOB pbrb `elhrbr jb •   Ej soste`b EYT estâ goseòbgh pbrb

estbmojogbg gurbfte jb ihfguiioùf, perh fh evotb biiogeftes biiogeftes ibusb ibusbghs ghs phr `bfo `bfohmrbs hmrbs mrusibs b bjtb vejhiogbg h phr tïifoibs ge ihfguiioù ihfg uiioùf f gesiu gesiuogbg ogbgbs bs y pejo pejokrhsbs krhsbs.. ]eguz ]eguz-ib jb vejhiogbg gej veaàiujh y seb espeiobj`efte iuogbghsh bj ihfguior y th`br iurvbs shmre super supernoioe noioess resmbj resmbjbgozb bgozbs. s. Ihfgu Ihfguzib zib soe`pre ihf iuogbgh.   Yo jbs poe poezbs zbs rej rejbio biohfb hfbgbs gbs ihf ej `ht `hthr, hr, ih` ih`h h phr ele`pjh ej sojefiobghr, fh shf jbs gej equopb`oefth estâfgbr h se efiueftrbf extre`bgb`efte geterohrbgbs, es phsomje que ejofgoi ejofg oibg bghrge hrge ge gesj sjoz ozb` b`oe oeft fth h( ) se ef efio ioef ef-gb.

`efte `ef teque bj nuf nufioh iohfb` fb`oef oefth th gej veaàiu vea àiujh jh y es somje ej ofgoi ofgoibghr bghr ge gesjozb`oe gesjo zb`oefth fth ( ph-) se efioefgb. Iubfgh h ihfgu ihfguzib zib phr supern supernoioe oioess extre extre`bgb`bgb•   Iubfg `efte ofij ofijofbgb ofbgbs, s, ih`h terref terrefhs hs esibr esibrpbghs pbghs,, es phsomje que ej soste`b EYT fh nufiohfe ihrreitb`efte y que ej ofgoibghr ge gesjozb`oefth `oe fth ( ) se efi efioef oefgb. gb. Fh ihfg ihfguzi uzib b phr phr este toph ge ibrreterbs. Yo ej ofgoibghr EYT HNN HN N fh se ef efio ioef efge ge tr trbs bs ih ihfg fgui uior or ph phrr supern sup ernoio oioes es ext extre` re`bs,vuejv bs,vuejvb b b brr brrbfi bfibr br ej `hthr pbrb reofoiobr ej soste`b EYT.

Iubfgh jbs ihf Iubfgh ihfgoi goiohf ohfes es ge jb ibr ibrret reterb erb jh per per-`otbf, `ot bf, ej sos soste` te`b b EYT gem geme e vhj vhjver ver b bit bitovb ovbrse rse..


feu`âtoihs gostofths b •   Yo se utojozbf ruegbs h feu`âtoihs jhs reih`efgbghs, es phsomje que ej soste`b EYT fh nufiohfe ihrreitb`efte y que ej ofgoibghr ibg hr ge ges gesjoz jozb`o b`oeft efth h( ) se efi efioef oefgb. gb.

  Ej soste`b EYT fh es uf sustotuth ge jhs feu•   Yo jbs poezbs rejbiohfbgbs ihf ej nrefh, ih`h • `ât `âtoih oihss ge ofv ofvoer oerfh fh fo jbs ibg ibgefb efbss bj ihf ihfgui guior or phr ele`pjh jbs pbstojjbs, rhthres y pofzbs ge nrefh, nre fh, fh shf jbs gej equ equopb opb`oe `oefth fth est estâfg âfgbr br h estâf est âf `uy get getero erohrb hrbgbs gbs,, es phs phsomj omje e que ej sos sos--

se ab gesbitovbgh ej soste`b ihfihf iuogbgh reguioefgh jb EYT, vejhiogbg. •  Yoguzib

phr ufb ibrreterb iumoertb ge foeve. FHWB


Ihfguiioùf ozquoergb

te`b EYT fh nuf te`b nufioh iohfe fe ihr ihrrei reitb` tb`eft efte e y que ej ofgoib ofg oibghr ghr ge gesj gesjozb ozb`oe `oefth fth ( ) se efio efioefefgb.

•  Fh `hgonoque jb suspefsoùf gej veaàiujh. Yo

jbs poe poezbs zbs ge jb susp suspefs efsoùf oùf,, ih` ih`h h b`h b`hrto rtokub kub-ghres, mbrrbs trbfsversbjes, `uejjes, mbrrbs estbmojozbghrbs y ihlofetes, fh estâf bprhmbgbs phr FOYYBF h estâf `uy geterohrbgbs, puege que ej soste`b EYT fh nufiohfe ihrreitb`efte rreitb `efte.. Esth phgrà phgràb b bneit bneitbr br fekb fekbtovbtovb-

•   Ej soste`b EYT geme estbr ihfeitbgh per`bfefte`efte bufque puege resujtbr veftblhsh gesihfeitbrjh pbrb per`otor ej korh ge jbs ruegbs ef jbs sokuoeftes sotubiohfes<

’ Bj ihfguio ihfguiorr phr zhfbs zhfbs iumoertb iumoertbss ge foeve foeve h mbrrh. ’ Bj ofteftbr ofteftbr retorbr retorbr uf veaàiuj veaàiujh h btbsibgh btbsibgh ef jb foeve.


Ihfguiioùf gereiab

’ Bj ihfguior ihfguior ihf ihf ibgefbs ibgefbs pbrb pbrb foeve. foeve.

Brrbfque y ihfguiioùf   5-55  

YOYWE@B GE JB @HGBJOGBG EIH (seküf `hgejh) Gesbit Ges bitove ove ej sos soste` te`bbufb ge jb `hgbjog `hg bjogbg bg EIH iubfseb feiesbrob biejerbioùf, ih`hiubf phr•   gh ele`pjh<

Ej veaàiujh geme ihfguiorse soste`b gej prhkrb`b ge ihftrhj ejeitrùfoihihf ge ej estbmojogbg (EYT) bitovbgh ef jb `byhràb ge jbs ihfgoiohfes ge ihfguiioùf. Yo ej veaàiujh quegb btrbpbgh ef mbrrh h foeve, ej soste`b EYT reguie jb phtefiob gej `hthr pbrb gos`ofuor ej korh ge jbs ruegbs. Jb vejhiogbg gej `hthr se reguiorâ bufque ej biejerbghr estï posbgh b nhfgh.. Yo se fe gh feies iesototbb jb ph phtef tefiobge iobge `ht `hthr hr `âx `âxo`bpbrb o`bpbrb jomerbr uf veaàiujh btrbpbgh, gesihfeite ej soste`b EYT. Tbrb gesbitovbr ej soste`b EYT, pujse ej ofterrupthr EYT HNN HNN.. Ej ofg ofgoibg oibghr hr EYT HNN ( ) se efie efieffgerâ. FHWB Ej soste`b EYT fh phgrâ bpbkbrse iubfgh ej soste`b estï ef nufiohfb`oefth y ej ofgoibghr ge gesjoz ges jozb`o b`oeft efth h( ) est estï ï pbr pbrpbg pbgebf ebfgh. gh.

Tujse ej ofterrupthr EYT HNN ge fuevh h vuejvb b brrbfibr ej `hthr pbrb bitovbr ej soste`b soste`b.. ^eb ‚Yos-

’ bj ihfguior ihfguior ej veaàiujh ihf ufb ibrkb pesbgb gemoghh bj fü`erh ge pbsblerhs h bj pesh ge gemog jb ibrkb ’ bj ihfguior ihfguior phr ufb pefgoefte pefgoefte bsiefg bsiefgefte efte prhfufiobgb Ofterrupthr ge jb `hgbjogbg EIH


Ej soste`b ge jb `hgbjog `hgbjogbg bg EIH byugb b gos`ofu gos`ofuoror ej ihfsu`h ge ih`mustomje bitovbfgh jbs nufiohfes EIH geftrh gej `egoghr EIH y `hgonoibfgh jbs ibrbiteràstoibs gej `hthr pbrb evotbr ufb biejerbioùf râpogb. Tbrb bitovbr ej soste`b ge jb `hgbjogbg EIH, pujse ej ofterrupthr ge jb `hgbjogbg EIH. Ej ofgoibghr gej soste`b ge ofnhr`bioùf jb `hgbjogbggejEIH se efiefgerâ ef jb pbftbjjb ge veaàiujh.

te`b gej prhkrb`b ge ihftrhj ejeitrùfoih ge estbmojogbg (EYT) (seküf `hgejh)‐ bfterohr`efte ef estb seiioùf pbrb hmtefer getbjjes shmre ej nufiohfb`oefth.

Tbrb gesbitovbr ej soste`b ge jb `hgbjogbg EIH, pujse ej ofterrupthr ge jb `hgbjogbg EIH ufb vez `âs. Ej ofgoibghr gej soste`b ge jb `hgbjogbg EIH se bpbkbrâ.

•  Yo se posb ej pegbj gej biejerbghr b nhfgh, jbs •

ibrbiteràstoibs gej `hthr vhjverâf te`phrbj`efte b su estbgh fhr`bj pbrb prhphriohfbr prhphriohfbr jb biejerbioùf `âxo`b gosphfomje.  Ej soste`b ge jb `hgbjogbg EIH se gesbitovbrâ buth`âtoib`efte buth`ât oib`efte so se prhguie ufb bveràb ef ej soste`b.

5-5>   Brrbfque y ihfguiioùf  


BG^E]WEFIOB Ofgepefgoefte`efte `efte ge •   Ofgepefgoefte

jbs ioriu ioriufstbf fstbfiobs, iobs, ihfguzib ihf preibuioùf. Biejere y gesbiejere ihf `uiah iuogbgh. Yo biejerb h gesbiejerb ge`bsobgh râpogh, jbs ruegbs `htroies pergerâf büf `âs trbiioùf.

•  Gele `âs gostbfiob ge nrefbgh iubfgh ihf-

guzib ihf te`perbturbs mblbs ef ej exterohr. Wefkb efnrefbr iueftb que, ef estbs ihfgoiohfes, se geme ihf bfterohrogbg b iubfgh jh abràb ihfguioefgh shmre supernoioes seibs.

•   @bftefkb ufb `byhr gostbfiob ihf ej veaàiujh ge gejbfte ef ibrreterbs resmbjbgozbs.

•  Ej aoejh `hlbgh (4´I, 9=´N y jb jjuvob ihfke-

jbgb), jb foeve `uy nràb y ej aoejh puegef ser resmbjbgozhs y gonoiujtbr serob`efte jb ihfguiioùf. guii oùf. Ej veaài veaàiujh ujh tefgrâ `uia `uiab b `efhs trbiioùf h bkbrre ef estbs ihfgoiohfes. Evote ihfgui ihf guior or shm shmre re aoe aoejh jh `hl `hlbgh bgh abs abstb tb que se abyb eiabgh sbj h brefb ef jb ibrreterb.

puege abier ge foeve esibpe esibp e pejok pejokrhshs rhshsque mblhseejbiu`ujef veaàiujh. veaài ujh.kbses @bf•   Jb tefkb jhs bjregeghres gej veaàiujh y ej tumh ge esibpe jomres ge foeve.

MBWE]ÀB Yo jb mbteràb fh estâ ih`pjetb`efte ih`pjetb`efte ibrkbgb iubfgh jb te`perbturb es extre`bgb`efte mblb, ej jàquogh ge jb mbteràb puege ihfkejbrse y gbòbrjb. Tbrb `bftefer `bft efer jb `âx `âxo`b o`b enoi enoibiob biob,, gem gemee ih`p ih`prhm rhmbr br rek rekuujbr`efte ej estbgh ge jb mbteràb mbteràb.. Tbrb hmtefer `âs ofnhr`bi ofnh r`bioùf, oùf, ihfs ihfsujte ujte ‚Mb ‚Mbter teràb‐ àb‐ ef jb seii seiioùf oùf ‚1. @bftefo`oefth y aâkbjh usteg `os`h‐.

]EN]OKE]BFWE ]EN]OKE]BF WE GEJ @HWH] Yo se vb b gelbr ej veaàiujh estbiohfbgh ef ej exterohr sof bftoihfk bftoihfkejbfte, ejbfte, grefe ej soste`b ge renrokerbioùf. ^uejvb b jjefbr ej soste`b bftes ge phfer ej veaàiujh ef `briab. Tbrb hmtefer `âs ofnhr`bioùf, ihfsujte ‚Yoste`b ge renrokerbioùf gej `hthr‐ ef jb seiioùf ‚1. @bftefo`oefth y aâkbjh usteg `os`h‐.


iubjonoibgh ofnhr`brje shmre jhs tophs ge feu`âtoihs,phgrâf tb`bòh, bjibfie ge vejhiogbg y gosphfomojogbg. =) Tbrb ihfsekuor ihfsekuor `âs trbiioùf ef ibrreterbs ibrreterbs aejbgbs, se puegef usbr feu`âtoihs ihf ijbvhs. Fh hmstbfte, ef bjkufhs pbàses estâ prhaomogh su ush. Ih`prueme jbs jeyes ihrresphfgoeftes bftes ge `hftbr feu`âtoihs ihf ijbvhs. T]EIBUIOÙF Jb ibpbiogbg ge bkbrre y trbiioùf ge jhs feu`âtoihs pbrb foeve ihf ijbvhs ef ibrreterbs `hlb `h lbgb gbss h se seib ibss pu pueg ege e se serr pe pehr hr qu que e jb ge jh jhss feu`âtoihs pbrb foeve sof ijbvhs.

9) Yo jh geseb, puege usbr ibgefbs pbrb foeve. Yof e`mbrkh, ej ush ge ibgefbs pbrb foeve puege estbr prhaomogh ef bjkufbs zhfbs. Thr jh tbfth, ofnùr`ese ge jb fhr`btovb vokefte bftes ge `hftbrjbs. Iubfgh jbs ihjhque, bsekürese ge que shf gej tb`bòh bgeiubgh pbrb jhs feu`âtoihs ge su veaàiujh y ge que jbs ihjhib seküf jbs ofs-

 Estï btefth b jhs pufths resmbjbgozhs (aoejh fekrh). Tuegef bpbreier ef zhfbs sh`mrebgbs ge ibrreterbs que estâf gespelbgbs. Yo se vosju`mrb ufb `bfiab ge aoejh, nrefe bftes ge jjekbr. Oftefte fh nrefbr `oeftrbs ihfguzib shmre aoejh y evote iubjquoer `bfohmrb mrusib.

iruierh (seküf `hge•   Fh utojoie ej ihftrhj ge iruierh jh) ef ibrreterbs resmbjbgozbs.

2) Jhs feu`âtoihs YU@@E] (verbfh) toefef uf goseòh ge mbfgb que prhphriohfb uf refgo`oefth `byhr shmre supernoioes seibs. Yof e`mbrkh, ej refgo`oefth ge esths feu`âtoihs se reguiorâ sustbfiobj`efte iubfgh abyb foeve h aoejh. Yo utojozb ej veaàiujh ef ibrreterbs fevbgbs h aejb-

truiiohfes gej nbmroibfte. Use tefshres ge ib gefb iubfgh jh reih`oefge ej nbmroib nbmroibfte fte ge jbs ibgefbs pbrb foeve ihf ej nof ge bsekurbr uf bluste ihrreith. Jhs esjbmhfes ge jhs extre`h extre`hss que quegef suejths gemef nolbrse h quotbrse pbrb evotbr jb phsomojogbg ge que khjpeef y gbòef jbs bjetbs y jb pbrte ofnerohr gej mbstoghr. Bge-

gbs, FOYYBF eje)ush ge feu`âtoihs @UG(mbrrh @UG(mbr rh)) y reih`oefgb YFH[ YF H[ (fo (foev eve) h fe feu`â u`âto toihsBJJ ihsBJJ YEBYHF (thgbs jbs estbiohfes) ef jbs iubtrh ruegbs. Ef su ihfiesohfbroh FOYYBF h tbjjer

`âs, geme ihfguior b mblb vejhiogbg, yb que soy fh jh abie, su veaàiujh puege resujtbr gbòbgh jb ihfguiioùf y ej refgo`oefth puegef verse bneitbghs fekbtovb`efte.

Brrbfque y ihfguiioùf   5-5;  


Ye reih`oefgb jjevbr jhs sokuoeftes eje`efths ef ej veaàiujh gurbfte ej ofvoerfh<

•   Uf rbspbghr y uf iepojjh gurh pbrb quotbr ej aoejh y jb foeve ge jbs veftbfojjbs. veftbfojjbs.

•  Ufb tbmjb nuerte y pjbfb pbrb phfer gemblh gej kbth y phger bphybrjh nor`e`efte.

•   Ufb pbjb pbrb sbibr ej veaàiujh so estâ btbsibgh •

ef jb foeve.   Jàquog Jàquoghh gej jbvbpbrbmrosbs jbvbpbrbmrosbs bgoiohfbj pbrb jjefbr ej gepùsoth.

T]HWEIIOÙF IHFW]B JB IH]]HYOÙF Jhs prhguiths quà`oihs que se utojozbf pbrb gerretor ej aoej aoejhh ge jbs ibrr ibrreter eterbs bs shf su` su`b`ef b`efte te ihrr ihrrhsov hsovhs hs y abrâf que jhs ih`phfeftes ge jb pbrte ofnerohr ge jb ibrrhieràb (ih`h phr ele`pjh, ej soste`b ge esibpe, ihfguiiohfes ge ih`mustomje y ge nrefhs, ibmjes ge nrefhs, pbfej gej posh y bjetbs) se geteroh-

ibmjes ge nrefhs, pbfej gej posh y bjetbs) se geteroh ref. Ef ofvoerfh, jb pbrte ofnerohr ge jb ibrrhieràb gemerâ jo`po jo`pobrse brse peroù peroùgoib goib`efte `efte.. Tbrb hmtef hmtefer er `âs ofn ofnhr` hr`bi bioùf oùf,, veb ‚Tr ‚Trhte hteiio iioùf ùf ihf ihftrb trb jb ihrrhsoùf‐ ef jb seiioùf ‚;. Bpbroefiob y iuogbghs‐.

Ihfsujte ihf su ihfiesohfbroh FOYYBF h tbjjer iubjonoibgh pbrb que je ofnhr`ef shmre jb prhteiioùf bgoiohfbj ihftrb ej ùxogh y jb ihrrhsoùf que puege feiesotbrse ef bjkufbs zhfbs.

5-51   Brrbfque y ihfguiioùf  

>  Ef Ef ibsh ge e`erkefiob

Mhtùf ge jbs jbs juies ge e`erkefiob e`erkefiob ..... .......... .......... .......... .......... ....... .. Feu`âtoih ge repuesth repuesth.............................. ............................................ .............. Feu`âtoih ge repuesth ge ush te`phrbj (seküf `hgejh)........................................... `hgejh)................................................... ........ Feu`âtoih pofiabgh ............................. ................................................ ................... Getefioùf Getefio ùf gej veaàiujh........... veaàiujh................ .......... ........... ........... .......... ........ ... Yustotuioùf ge uf feu`âtoih pofiabgh (`hgejhs ihf feu`âtoih ge repuesth, seküf `hgejh) ................................ .............................................................. .............................. Yoste`b ge ihftrhj ge presoùf ge feu`âtoihs (WT@Y) (seküf `hgejh)...................................... ]epbrbioùf ge uf feu`âtoih pofiabgh (`hgejhs ihf cot ge e`erkefiob pbrb

>-= >-= >-= >-9 >-9 >-9 >-;

repbrbioùf repbrb ioùf ge pofiabz pofiabzhs hs ge feu`âto feu`âtoihs)... ihs)........ .......... ..... >-1

Brrbfque ihf mbteràb buxojobr ............................ .................................... ........ Brrbfquee gej `hthr e`pulbfgh ej veaàiujh..... Brrbfqu veaàiujh .......... .......... ..... Yhmreibjeftb`oefth gej `hthr.................................. ]e`hjibgh ihf krüb............................................. krüb................................................ ... Treibuiohfes ge re`hjibgh................................ ]e`hjque reih`efgbgh pbrb `hgejhs ihf trbiioùf ef ghs ruegbs (=[G)............................ Brh ge re`hjque re`hjque............................... ................................................. .................. Tbrb sbibr ej veaàiujh veaàiujh ge brefb, foeve foeve h mbrrh..... mbrrh.....

>-24 >-2= >-2= >-29 >-29 >-27 >-25 >-25





T]EIBUIOÙF   Ej feu`âtoih ge repuesth ge ush te`phrbj geme utojozbrse utojozbrse shjb`efte ef ibsh ge e`erkefiob. Geme sustotuorse phr uf feu`âtoih estâfgbr ef iubfth seb phsomje.

iuogbgh y fufib b vejhiogbges •   Ihfguzib ihf iuogbgh superohres b 14 c`/a (54 `pa).

•   Evote jhs hmstâiujhs. Wb`phih oftrhguzib ej veaàiujh ef uf tüfej ge jbvbgh buth`âtoih.


Ej mhtùf ge jbs juies ge e`erkefiob nufiohfb seb iubj seb jb phsoioùf gej ofterrupthr ge efiefgogh, exiepth iubfgh jb mbteràb estâ gesibrkbgb. Jbs juies ge e`erkefiob se utojozbf pbrb bgvertor b htrhs ihfguithres ge que toefe que pbrbr h estbiohfbr b ibusb ge ufb e`erkefiob. e`erkefiob. Iubfgh se pujsb ej mhtùf ge jbs juies ge e`erkefiob, pbrpbgebrâf thghs jhs ofgoibghres ge goreiioùf. Tbrb bpbkbr jbs juies ge e`erkefiob, vuejvb b

•   Evote jbs iurvbs ierrbgbs y jhs nrefbzhs mrusihs.


Etoquetb gej feu`âtoih ge repuesth ge ush te`phrbj

Ej feu`âtoih ge repuesth ge ush te`phrbj ab sogh goseòbgh pbrb su utojozbioùf ef ibsh ge e`erkefiob. Est Estee feu` feu`âto âtoih ih YHJ YHJB@EF B@EFWE WE gem gemeràb eràb uto utojozb jozbrse rse gurbfte perohghs ge toe`ph `uy ihrths y FUFIB ef vobles jbrkhs h gurbfte perohghs perohghs ge toe`ph prhjhfkbghs. Wefkb ef iueftb jbs sokuoeftes preibuiohfes so ge-

ibpbiogbg ge ibrkb `âxo`b gej •   Fh exiegb jb ibpbiogbg veaàiujh krbmbgb ef jb pbrte jbterbj gej feu`âtoih ge ush te`phrbj.

foeve ef este feu`â•   Fh utojoie ibgefbs pbrb foeve

toih, yb que fh se blustbrâf ihrreitb`efte. Ye phgràb gbòbr ej veaàiujh y jb ibgefb se phgràb perger.   Fh use ej feu`âtoih ge repuesth ef htrhs

pujsbr ej mhtùf ge jbs juies ge e`erkefiob.

me usbr ej feu`âtoi feu`âtoihh ge repuest repuesthh ge ush te`phr te`phrbj3 bj3 ge jh ihftrbroh, su veaàiujh puege sunror gbòhs h verse ofvhjuirbgh ef uf biiogefte. BG^E]WEFIOB Ej ush ihf ihftof tofubg ubgh h ge est este e feu feu`ât `âtoih oih pue puege ge ibu ibu-sbr nbjjhs ef ej `os`h, pïrgogb ge ihftrhj gej veaàiujh y phsomjes jesohfes.

veaàiujhs, yb que estâ goseò veaàiujhs, goseòbgh bgh exiju exijusovbsovb`efte pbrb su veaàiujh.

•  Fh geme ihfguior ej veaàiujh ihf `âs ge uf

feu`âtoihge feu`ât oihge rep repues uesth th ge ush te` te`phr phrbj bj `hf `hf-tbgh.

•  Fh tore ge re`hjques. ihf thghs jhs feu`âtoihs, jhs feu`â•  Ih`h toihs ge repuesth te`phrbjes gemef ih`prhmbrse rekujbr`efte rekujbr`efte pbrb bseku bsekurbr rbr que se `bftoefe jb presoùf.

e`erkefiob >-=   Ef ibsh ge e`erkefiob  


Tbrb hmtefer getbjjes toihs shmre jbubgb presoùf, jbetoque eto quetb tb ge jhsfeu`â jhsfeu`âtoi hs sot sotubg b ef ejveb `hf`hf tbfte ieftrbj gej jbgh gej ihfguithr.

Yo uf feu`âtoih pofiabgh, sokb jbs ofstruiiohfestoefe gesirotbs b ihftofubioùf<


•  Bsekürese soe`pre ge que ej nrefh ge estbiohfb`oefth estï bpjoibgh nor`e`efte.

@hgejhs QW]HFOI< `uevb jb pbjbfib ge ib`mohs bihf jb phsoioùf T (estbiohfb`oefth). >. Bpbkue ej `hthr. ;. Bmrb ej ibpù (pbrb hmtefer `âs getbjjes, ihfsujte ‚Bperturb gej ibpù‐ ef jb seiioùf ‚9. Ih`prhmbiohfes y rekjbles prevohs b jb `briab‐) ihf ej nof ge<

kürese ge que jb pbjbfib ge ib`mohs estï ef jb phsoioùf ] (`briab btrâs).

•  Bvosbr b htrhs veaàiujhs. b jb bsostefiob ef ibrreterb que feie•   Ofgoibr sotb byugb.

@hgejhs ihf QW]HFOI< bsekürese ge que jb pbjbfib ge ib`mohs estâ ef jb phsoioùf T (estbiohfb`oefth).

1. Abkb sbjor b thghs jhs pbsblerhs gej veaàiujh y que se sotüef ef uf jukbr sekurh, bjelbghs gej trânoih y gej veaàiujh.

•  @hgejhs ihf trbfs`osoùf `bfubj (W/@)< bse-

•  Fh ib`moe fufib jhs feu`âtoihs iubfgh ej

veaàiujh estï ef ufb pefgoefte h ef ufb zhfb ihf aoejh h resmbj resmbjbgozb bgozb.. Thgràb resujtbr resujtbr pejokrhsh.

ib`moe fufib jhs feu`âtoihs so aby trâ•  Fh noih no ih ie ieri rib b ge su ve veaà aàiu iujh jh.. Es Espe pere re b qu que e jj jjek ekue ue

YUYWOWUIOÙF GE UF FEU@ÂWOIH TOFIABGH (`hgejhs ihf feu`âtoih ge repuesth, seküf `hgejh)

ej servoioh ge bsostefiob ef ibrreterb.

2. Thr rbzhfes ge sekurogbg, gespjbie gespjbie ej veaàiujh nuerb ge jb ibrreterb, jelhs gej trânoih. =. Efioefgb jbs juies ge e`erkefiob. e`erkefiob. 9. Estbioh Estbiohfe fe ef ufb superno supernoioe ioe fovejbgb. @IE4442G\

7. Bpjoque ej nrefh ge estbiohfb`oeft estbiohfb`oefth. h. 5. @hgejhs ihf W/@< `uevb jb pbjbfib ge ib`mohs b jb phsoioùf ] (`briab btrâs).

Ef ibsh ge e`erkefiob   >-9  

Mjhqueh ge jbs ruegbs

Ges`hftble gej tbpbiumhs (seküf `hgejh)



Bsekürese ge mjhquebr jb ruegb bprhpobgb pbrb o`pegor que ej veaàiujh se `uevb, jh que phgràb ibusbr jesohfes.

Thfkb ibjzbs bgeiubg bgeiubgbs bs l 2 ef jb pbrte pbrte bfteroh bfterohrr y phstero phs terohr hr ge jb rueg ruegbb gobk gobkhfbj hfbj`ef `efte te hpu hpuestb estb bj feu`âtoih pofiabgh l B pbrb evotbr evotbr que ej veaàiujh veaàiujh se `uevb iubfgh estï bphybgh shmre ej kbth.

Wefkb iuogbgh bj ges`hftbr ej tbpbiumhs3 phgràb shjtbrse ge nhr`b repeftofb.

Ges`hfte ej tbpbium Ges`hfte tbpbiumhs hs utojozbfgh ufb aerrb`o aerrb`oeftb eftb bgeiubgb, tbj ih`h se `uestrb ef jb ojustrbioùf, h FIE792

Umoibioùf ge jb ruegb ge repuesth

]uegb ge repuesth y aerrb`oeftbs

2. Bmrb ej phrtùf phrtùf trbserh.

Jb ruegb ge repuesth, ej kbth y jbs aerrb`oeftbs estâf sotubghs geftrh gej ih`pbrto`efth ge equopble.

=. Ges`hfte Ges`hfte jhs tbmjerhs gej phrtbequopbl phrtbequopblee y jb iumoertb gej posh gej ih`pbrto`efth ge equopble. 9. Ges`hft Ges`hftee ej retïf korâfghjh korâfghjh abiob jb ozquoergb. 7. Ybque jb ruegb ge repuesth, repuesth, ej kbth y jbs aerrb`oeftbs.

ges`ùftejh ihf iuogbgh utojozbfgh b`mbs `bfhs.

Ges`hftble ge jb ruegb BG^E]WEFIOB

•  Jeb iuogbghsb`efte jb etoquetb ge preibuioùf ihjhibgb ef ej kbth bftes ge utojozbrjh.


utojoie uf kbth gostofth bj prhphriohfbgh •  Fh ihf ej veaàiujh.

•   Ej kbth que se su`ofostrb ihf ej veaàiujh estâ goseòbgh shjb`efte pbrb ejevbr ej veaàiujh bj ib`mobr uf feu`âtoih.

•  Utojoie jhs pufths ge ejevbioùf ihrreiths. Fh


ihjhque fufib ej kbth ef htrb pbrte gej veaàiujh.

Mbfgelb ge aerrb`oeftbs


Fufib ejeve ej veaàiujh `âs ge jh feiesbroh. feiesbroh. ••    Fufib ihjhque tbihs efio`b fo gemblh gej kbth.

e`erkefiob >-7   Ef ibsh ge e`erkefiob  

phfkbejef `briab fo bphybgh brrbfqueefejej`hthr `oeftrbs veaàiujh estï kbth. •  Fh

=. Abkb ihofiog or ej ieftrh jb pbrte superohr gej superohr kbth yihofiogor jbs `uesibs gej ge pufth ge ejevbioùf, tbj ih`h se `uestrb ef jb ojustrbioùf.

•  Fh per`otb fufib que jhs pbsblerhs per`b-

9. Abkb ihofiogor ihofiogor jb rbfurb ge jb pbrte superohr gej kbth kb th eft eftre re jbsghs `u `uesi esibs bs se sekü küff se `u `uest estrb rb ef jb ojustrbioùf.

Ej veaàiujh phgràb `hverse repeftofb`efte y prhvhibr uf biiogefte.

fezibf ef ej veaàiujh `oeftrbs ej feu`âtoih estï suspefgogh shmre ej suejh.

Bfhte ej fü`erh ge ef jb tbrletb gege jb pâkofb ‚Ofnhr`bioùf ge jjbve sekurogbg‐ bj nofbj este `bfubj y kuârgejh ef uf jukbr sekurh, fh ef ej veaàiujh. Yo poerge jb jjbve ge mjhqueh ge ruegb, ihfsujte ihf su ihfiesohfbroh FOYYBF pbrb abier gupjoibghs usbfgh ej iùgokh ge jb jjbve ge mjhqueh ge ruegb hrokofbj.

•  Jeb iuogbghsb`efte jb etoquetb ge preibu-

Bsekürese ge jjevbr soe`pre jb jjbve ge mjhqueh ef ej ve veaài aàiujh ujh.. Ge jh ihf ihftr trbro broh, h, fh se ph phgr grâf âf ge gess-

thgb jb ibrkb bftes ge ejevbr ej veaà•  Ruote iujh ihf ej kbth.

`hftbr jbs ruegbs fo jjevbr b ibmh ej `bftefo`oefth.

ioùf ihjhibgb ef ej kbth bftes ge utojozbrjh.


7. Bnjhle ibgb perfh ge ruegb ufb h ghs vuejtbs abiob jb ozquoergb ihf jb jjbve ge ruegb. Fh quote jhs perfhs ge jb ruegb bftes ge que



Tufths ge ejevbioùf

2. Ihjhque ej kbth lusth gemblh ge jhs pufths ge ejevbioùf que se `uestrbf ef jb ojustrbioùf, ge `hgh que jb pbrte superohr gej kbth abkb ihftbith ihf ej veaàiujh ef jhs pufths gesokfbghs. T]EIBUIOÙF Ej kbth se geme ihjhibr shmre uf suejh nor`e y fovejbgh.

ej feu`âtoih estï suspefgogh shmre ej suejh.

@hgejhs ihf perfhs ge mjhqueh ge ruegb (seküf `hgejh)< Yo jb ruegb estâ equopbgb ihf uf perfh ge mjhqueh ge ruegb, ofserte jb jjbve ge mjhqueh l 2 y bnjùlejb, ih`h se ab gesiroth bfterohr`efte. Ej perfh ge mjhqueh ge ruegb shjb`efte puege extrberse ihf jb jjbve ge mjhqueh ge ruegb. Es feiesbroh uf fü`erh ge jjbve so quoere gupjoibr jb jjbve ge mjhqueh ge ruegb.

5. Tb Tbrb rb jevb jevbftbr ftbr ej vea veaàiuj àiujh, h, shst shstefk efkbb nor` nor`e`ef e`efte te ej torbghrr y kàrejh abiob jb gereiab, ih`h se ofgoib torbgh ef jb ojustrbioùf. >. Ejeve ej veaàiujh ihf iuogbgh abstb que ej feu`âtoih se sepbre gej suejh. ;. Ruote jhs perfhs ge jb ruegb y, b ihftofubioùf, ges`hfte jb ruegb pofiabgb.

Ef ibsh ge e`erkefiob   >-5  

T]EIBUIOÙF Jb ruegb es pesbgb. @bftefkb jhs poes bjelbghs ge ejjb y utojoie kubftes so nuese feiesbroh pbrb evotbr ufb phsomje jesoùf.

5. Bproete moefih`h jhs perfhs ge jb ruegb ihf jb jjbve ge tueribs, se `uestrb ef jb ojustrbioùf. >. Mble ej veaàiujh ih`pjetb`eft ih`pjetb`efte. e. ;. @hfte ej tbpbiumhs tbpbiumhs (seküf `hgejh). `hgejh).

@hftble ge jb ruegb

FHWB Bftes ge `hftbrjh, abkb ihofiogor ej jhkhtoph ge FOYYBF (tbpb ieftrbj) ihf jhs perfhs ge ruegb h ihjùquejh perpefgoiujbr bj hronoioh ge


•   Ej feu`âtoih ge repuesth ge ush te`phrbj (seküf sogh goseòbgh utojozbrse ef`hgejh) ibsh geab e`erkefiob. ^ebpbrb ‚Feu`âtoih ge repuesth‐ bfterohr`efte ef estb seiioùf. ruegb gostofths b jhs prh•   Fh utojoie perfhs ge ruegb phriohfbghs ihf su veaàiujh. Yo se utojozbf perfhsge per fhsge rue ruegb gb ofi ofihrre hrreith ithss h so fh est estâf âf moe moef f bpretbghs, jb ruegb phgràb bnjhlbrse h sbjorse. Ih`h ihfseiuefiob, phgràb prhvhibr uf biiogefte.

•   Fufib utojoie bieote h krbsb ef jhs perfhs ge


l B   Bproete l M   Bnjhle 2. Jo`poe iubjquoer resth ge mbrrh h suioegbg eftre jb ruegb y ej iumh. =. Ihjhque iuogbghsb`efte jb ruegb y bproete jhs perfhs `bfubj`efte. Ih`prueme que thghs jhs perfhs ge ruegb estâf ef ihftbith ihf jb supernoioe ge jb ruegb ge nhr`b ahrozhftbj y ef jb zhfb

jb vâjvujb (seküf `hgejh), pbrb bjofebrjh ihrreitb`efte ihf ej ieftrh. Tbr ge bproete gej perfh ge ruegb< 229 F•` (2= ck-`, 19 poes-jm) Wbf prhfth ih`h seb phsomje, bproete jhs perfhs ge jb ruegb bj pbr espeionoibgh ihf ufb jjbve gofb`h`ïtroib. BG^E]WEFIOB ^uejvb b bpretbr jbs tueribs ge ruegb trbs abmer ihfguiogh ej veaàiujh gurbfte 2.444 c` (>44 `o-

jb ruegb. Jhs perfhs ge jb ruegb phgràbf bnjh lbrse.

mosejbgb. @hgejhs ihf perfh ge mjhqueh ge ruegb (seküf `hgejh)<

jjbs) (tb`moïf trbs uf pofiabzh, eti.).

Ofserte jb jjbve ge mjhqueh ge ruegb ef ej perfh Ofserte ge mjhqueh ge ruegb y bproete ihf jhs geghs.

Jhs perfhs ge jb ruegb soe`pre gemef bpretbrse seküf jh espeionoibgh. Ye reih`oefgb bpretbr jhs perfhs ge jb ruegb seküf jh espeionoibgh ef ibgb oftervbjh ge `bftefo`oefth.

9. Ihf jb jjbve ge tueribs ge ruegb, bproete jhs per-

Bluste jb presoùf ge jhs feu`âtoihs b jb reih`ef-

fhs bjterfbtovb ef ejmoef hrgef ge bjb ojustrbioùf (l 2 -yl 5ufonhr`e`efte ) abstb que estïf bpret bpretbghs.

gbgb ef nràh (IHJG). Jb presoùf ef nràh (IHJG) es jb presoùf gej feu`âtotoih ih `e `ego gogb gb ge gesp spuïsge uïsge qu quee ej ve veaài aàiujhabyb ujhabyb es estb tbgh gh estbiohfbgh gurbfte tres ahrbs h `âs, h se abyb ihfguiogh gurbfte `efhs ge 2,> c` (2 `ojjb).

7. Mble jeftb`efte ej veaàiujh abstb que jhs feu`âtoihs thquef ej suejh. e`erkefiob >->   Ef ibsh ge e`erkefiob  

presohfes jhs feu`âtoihs ef nràh (IHJG) se Jbs `uestrbf ef jbgepjbib gej feu`âtoih nolbgb bj `hftbfte ieftrbj gej jbgh gej ihfguithr.

Ges`hftble gej perfh ge mjhqueh ge ruegb<

Bj`biefb`oefth ge jb ruegb y jbs aerrb`oeftbs

=. Tbrb ges`hftbr ej perfh ge mjhqueh ge ruegb, kore jb jjbve ge mjhqueh ge ruegb abiob jb ozquoergb ihf jb jjbve ge tueribs.

Kubrge jb ruegb ihf ej feu`âtoih pofiabgh, ej kbth y jbs aerr aerrb`oe b`oeftbs ftbs ef sus juk jukbres bres ge bj`b bj`biefb iefb`oef `oef-th ge `bferb sekurb.

Terfhs `hgejh)ge mjhqueh ge ruegb  (seküf

2. Oftrhguzib Oftrhguzib jb jjbve ge mjhqueh ge ruegb l 2 ef ej perfh ge mjhqueh ge ruegb.


gej veaàiujh, ge que jb jjbve ge mjhquehbsekürese ef ej veaàiujh. Gejjevb jh ihftrbroh, fh se phgrâf ges`hftbr jbs ruegbs fo jjevbr b ibmh ej `bftefo`oefth.


pbrb ges•   Fh utojoie ufb aerrb`oeftb ejïitroib pbrb `hftbr jhs perfhs ge mjhqueh ge ruegb.

•  Tbrb `hftbr jb ruegb, bproete jhs perfhs ge

Tbrb evotbr rhmhs, ibgb ruegb jjevb `hftbgb uf perfh ge mjh mjhque quehh esp espeiob eiobj`ef j`efte te gose goseòbg òbgh. h. Ej perf perfhh ge mjhqueh ge ruegb fh se puege ges`hftbr ihf aerrb`oeftbs ge ush ih`üf.

mjhqueh bj `os`h pbr ge bproete que jhs perfhs ge ruegb fhr`bjes. Tbrb hmtefer ofnhr`bioùf `bio ùf bgoio bgoiohfbj, hfbj, ihfsujte ihfsujte ‚@hftb ‚@hftble le ge jb ruegb‐ bfterohr`efte ef estb seiioùf.

Tbrb ges`hftbr uf feu`âtoih, use jb jjbve ge mjhqueh su`ofostrbgb ihf su veaàiujh.


•   Ej perfh ge mjhqueh ge ruegb toefe uf iùgokh ofgovogubj. Fh ge se ruegb puege ihf ges`hftbr ej perfh ge mjhqueh ufb jjbve ge mjhqueh iuyh iùgokh seb gostofth bj iù-


l b   Ofgoibghr WT@Y

gokh ofgovogubj. Yo poerge jb jjbve ge mjhqueh ge ruegb, ihfsujte ihf su ihfiesohfbroh fbr oh FOY FOYYBF YBF pbr pbrb b abi abier er gup gupjoi joibgh bghss usb usbffgh ej iùgokh ge jb jjbve ge mjhqueh ge jb ruegb hrokofbj.

•   Bfhte ej fü`erh ge jjbve ef jbjb tbrletb ge jb FIE279\

m   Ofgoibghr ge umoibioùf gej feu`âtoih gej l WT@Y Tbrb `âs getbjjes bierib gej soste`b ge ihftrhj ge presoùf ge feu`âtoihs, ihfsujte ‚Yoste`b ge ihftrhj ge presoùf ge feu`âtoihs (WT@Y)‐ ef jb seiioùf ‚5. Brrbfque y ihfguiioùf‐.

pâkofb ‚Ofnhr`bioùf ge sekurogbg‐ bj nofbj ge este `bfubj y kuârgejh ef uf jukbr sekurh, fh ef ej veaàiujh.

Iubfgh fgh bi biugb ugb b uf ihf ihfies iesohf ohfbro broh h FOY FOYYBF YBF •   Iub h tbjjer iubjonoibgh pbrb ej `bftefo`oefth

Ef ibsh ge e`erkefiob   >-;  

GE UF ihf FEU@ÂWOIH ]ETB]BIOÙF TOFIABGH (`hgejhs cot ge e`erkefiob pbrb repbrbioùf ge pofiabzhs ge feu`âtoihs) Ye su`ofostrb uf cot ge e`erkefiob pbrb repbrbioùf ge pofiabzhs ge feu`âtoihs ef jukbr gej feu`âtoih ge repuesth. Este cot ge repbrbioùf se geme usbr ih`h repbrbioùf te`phrbj ge uf pofiabzh ge phib o`phrtbfiob. o`phrt bfiob. Gespuïs ge usbr ej cot ge repbrbioùf, pùfkbse ef ihftbith jh bftes phsomje ihf uf ihfiesohfbroh FOYYBF h tbjjer iubjonoibgh pbrb que abkbf ufb ofspeiioùf gej feu`âtoih y jh repbref/sustotuybf. T]EIBUIOÙF Fh use ej cot ge e`erkefiob pbrb repbrbioùf ge pofiabzhs ef jbs sokuoeftes ihfgoiohfes. Tùfkbse ef ihftbith ihf uf ihfiesohfbroh FOYYBF h tbjjer iubjonoibgh h ihf uf servoioh ge bsostefiob ef ibrreterb.

ghs h `âs feu`âtoihs estâf pofiabghs •  iubfgh

jb ruegb‐ ef estb seiioùf pbrb hmtefer `âsbfterohr`efte ofnhr`bioùf shmre ej ush ge jbs aerrb`oeftbs ge ejevbioùf y jb sustotuioùf ge feu`âtoihs.

Bftes ge utojozbr ej cot ge e`erkefiob pbrb repbrbioùf ge pofiabzhs ge feu`âtoihs

•  Yo aby iubjquoer hmleth extrbòh (phr ele`pjh, uf

 fh jh ges-

thrfojjh. h uf ijbvh) ef ej feu`âtoih, `hfte FIE794

Trepbrbioùf gej cot ge e`erkefiob pbrb repbrbioùf ge pofiabzhs ge feu`âtoihs Ybque gej `bjeterh ej cot ge e`erkefiob pbrb repbrbioùf ge pofiabzhs ge feu`âtoihs. Ej cot ge e`erkefiob ihfstb ge jhs sokuoeftes eje`efths<

l 2   Mhtejjb ge bkefte sejjbghr ge feu`âtoihs

•  Ih`prueme jb neiab ge ibguiogbg gej bkefte

sejjbghr (se puege ver ef jb etoquetb nolbgb b jb mhtejjb). Fh utojoie fufib uf bkefte sejjbghr que abyb shmrepbsbgh jb neiab ge ibguiogbg.

sejjbghr abyb ibguibgh (se •   iubfgh ej bkefte sejjbghr puege ver ef jb etoquetb nolbgb b jb mhtejjb)

•   iubfgh ej ihrte h ej pofiabzh es okubj h superohr b 7 `` (4,2> pujk.) ge jhfkotug

feu`âtoih estâ gbòbgh •   iubfgh ej jbterbj gej feu`âtoih •  iubfgh se ab ihfguiogh ej veaàiujh ihf ufb pïrgogb ihfsogerbmje ge bore gej feu`âtoih ej feu`â feu`âtoih toih estâ ih`p ih`pjetb` jetb`efte efte geftrh h nuerb ge jb jjbftb

iubfgh •   iubfgh

feu`âtoih estâ gbòbgb •   iubfgh jb jjbftb gej feu`âtoih

l =   Ih`preshr ge bore l 9   Tekbtofb ge restroiioùf ge vejhiogbg FHWB Jhs `hgejhs ihf cot ge e`erkefiob pbrb repbrbioùf ge pofiabzhs ge feu`âtoihs fh ofijuyef feu`âtoih ge repuesth, kbth y vbrojjb ih`h pbrte gej equopb`oefth estâfgbr. Estbs poezbs gepefgef gej ihfiesohfbroh. Tbrb hmtefer estbs poezbs, pùfkbse ef ihftbith ihf uf ihfiesohfbroh FOYYBF h tbjjer iubjonoibgh. ^eb ‚Ges`hftble ge

e`erkefiob >-1   Ef ibsh ge e`erkefiob  

>. Oftrhguzib Oftrhg uzib ejBsekürese efiaune efgejb que th`bfhgeaby ihrroefte ef ej veaàiujh. htrhs biieshrohs efiaunbghs ef jb th`b ge ihrroefte. Tbrb hmtefer `âs ofnhr`bioùf, ihfsujte ‚Wh`b ge ihrroefte‐ ef jb seiioùf ‚=. Ofstru`efths y ihftrhjes‐. ;. Kore ej ofterrupthr ge efiefgogh abstb jb phsoioùf Bii. FIE925

7. Ybque jb pekbtofb ge restroiioùf ge vejhiogbg gej ih`preshr y, b ihftofubioùf, ihjùquejb ef uf jukbr vosomje gurbfte jb ihfguiioùf.

1. Efioefgb ej ih`preshr e ofnje ej feu`âtoih b jb presoùf espeionoibgb ef jb etoquetb ge feu`âtoihs nolbgb ef ej `hftbfte ieftrbj gej jbgh gej ihfguithr. T]EIBUIOÙF Fh abkb nufiohfbr ej ih`preshr gurbfte `âs ge 24 `ofuths.

Yo jb pr pres esoùf oùf ge jhsfeu`â jhsfeu`âtotoihsfh ihsfh bu bu`ef `eftb tb b jb pr preesoùf espeion espeionoibgb oibgb ef 24 `of `ofuth uthss, pu pueg egee qu quee ejfeu ejfeu-`âtoih y que fh se puegb repbrbrestï ihfkrbve`efte este cot gegbòbgh repbrbioùf ge feu`âto-

ihs. Tùfkbse ef ihftbith ihf uf ihfiesohfbroh

FOYYBF h tbjjer iubjonoibgh. FIE979

]epbrbioùf gej feu`âtoih 2. Bkote moef jb mhtejjb mhtejjb gej bkefte sejjbghr. sejjbghr.

l =. Ruote mhtejjb 9 y reshr. jb tbpb tbpb fbrbfl fbrbflbb l = geejjbtbpùf pbrte ge supjberohr superohr gej ih`preshr. ih`p 9. Bthrfojje Bthrfojje jb mhtejjb mhtejjb l 7 ef jb bperturb bperturb gej gej ih`preih`preshr (ghfge estbmb jb tbpb fbrbflb).


5. Bthrfojje ihrreitb`efte ej tumh ge bore l B ge gejj ih`preshr ef jb vâjvujb gej feu`âtoih. Ih`prueme que ej ofterru ofterrupthr pthr gej ih`preshr ge bore estâ ef jb phsoioùf ge bpbkbgh (4) y que jb vâjvujb ge gesibrkb ge presoùf l M estâ ihrreitb ihrreitb-`efte ierrbgb.

?. ]etore ej ih`preshr ih`preshr ge bore ge jb vâjvujb ge feu`âtoih. B ihftofubioùf, ihfguzib ej veaàiujh b ufb vejhiogbg ge 14 c`/a (54 `pa) h ofnerohr. 24. Wrbs ihfguior 24 `ofuths h 24 c` (> `ojjbs), ih`prueme jb presoùf gej feu`âtoih. Yo jb presoùf gej feu`âtoih fh ab mblbgh, jb repbrbi repbrbioùf oùf te`phrbj ab nofbjozbgh. Yo jb pr pres esoùfgej oùfgej fe feu`â u`âtotoih ih es ofn ofner erohrb ohrb jb es espe pe-ionoibgb, repotb jhs pbshs b pbrtor gej  5.

Ef ibsh ge e`erkefiob   >-?  


jbpreso jbpre ùf vu vuej ejveb veb2?mb mblb lbrr h  ej estâphr es tâphr gemb ge mblhge lhge Yo 294 cTbsoùf (2,9 mbr, pso), feu`âtoih fh puege repbrbrse ihf este cot ge repbrbioùf ge feu`âtoihs. Tùfkbse ef ihftbith ihf uf

ihfiesohfbroh FOYYBF h tbjjer iubjonoibgh.

Gespuïs ge jb repbrbioùf gej feu`âtoih Tùfkbseef ihft Tùfkbseef ihftbit bithh ihfuf ihfi ihfiesoh esohfbro fbrohh FOY FOYYBF YBF h uf tbjjer iubjonoibgh iubjonoibgh jh bftes phsomj phsomjee pbrb jb repbrbioùf/sustotuioùf gej feu`âtoih h pbrb jb ofspeiioùf/sustotuioùf gej sefshr gej WT@Y y pbrb hmtefer ufb fuevb mhtejjb ge bkefte sejjbghr ge feu`âtoihs y ufb fuevb `bfkuerb.



•   Uf brrbfque ihf mbteràb buxojobr ofihrreith

tb`moïf gbòhs ef ej veaàiujh. Bsekürese ge sekuorr jbs ofstr sekuo ofstruiioh uiiohfes fes ofgoi ofgoibgbs bgbs ef estb seiioùf.

puege prhguior ufb expjhsoùf geprhguior jb mbteràb. Jb expjhsoùf ge jb mbteràb puege jesohfess krbve sohfe krbvess h `hrtb `hrtbjes. jes. Thgràb prhvhibr

aby kbs aogrùkefh expjhsovh ierib ge jb mbteràb. @bftefkb jbs iaospbs y jbs jjb•  Yoe`pre

l =. Trepbre B que que se toefvb toefe mbteràbbr.buxombteràb jobr pbrb ej ej veaàiujh veaàiujh l M veb jb b brrbfibr. brrbfi

ge que jhs`ùvoj ibmjes fh thquef fofkufb poezb gejpuefte ih`pbrto•   Bsekürese

`bs bjelbgbs ge jb mbteràb.

e`erkefiob >-24   Ef ibsh ge e`erkefiob  

soe`pre kbnbs sekurogbg y quàtese jhs bfo bfojjh jjhs, s, puj pujser serbs bs ge h iub iubjqu jquoer oer htr htrb b lhy lhyb b •  Utojoie iubfgh trbmble ef h ierib ge jb mbteràb.

mbteràb `oeftrbs of•   Fufib se ofijofe shmre jb mbteràb teftb brrbfibr ihf mbteràb buxojobr.

•   Evote ej ihftbith gej jàquogh ge jb mbteràb ihf jhs hlhs, poej, rhpb h jbs supernoioes poftbgbs gej veaàiujh. Ej jàquogh ge jb mbteràb es âiogh sujnüroih ihrrhsovh que puege ibusbr krbves que`bgurbs. Yo ej jàquogh eftrb ef ihftbith ihf iubjquoer ihsb, jbve of`egobtb`efte jb zhfb ge ihftbith ihf bmufgbfte bkub.

•  @bftefkb jb mbteràb nuerb gej bjibfie ge jhs foòhs.

T]EIBUIOÙF Evote ej ihftbith eftre jhs ghs veaàiujhs.

9. @uevb @uevb jb pbj pbjbfibge bfibge ib`m ib`mohs ohs (`h (`hgejh gejhss ihf W/@ W/@)) b jb phsoioùf F (pufth `uerth), h `uevb jb pbjbfib ge ib`mohs b jb phsoioùf T (estbiohfb`oefth) (`hgejhs ihf I^W QW]HFOI). 7. Bpbkue thghs jhs soste`bs ejïitroihs ejïitroihs offeiesbrohs (nbrhs, juies ge e`erkefiob, eti.). 5. Bsekürese ge que ej ofterrupthr ge efiefgogh gej veaàiujh que se vb b brrbfibr ihf mbteràb buxojobr estâ ef jb phsoioùf JHIC.

•   Utojoie ufb mbteràb ge 2= vhjtohs ih`h mbteràb buxojobr. Yo utojozb ufb mbteràb ge uf vhjtble ofihrreith phgràb gbòbr ej veaàiujh.

>. Bmrb ej ibpù. Tbrb hmtefer ofnhr`bioùf bgoiohfbj, ihfsujte ‚Bperturb gej ibpù‐ ef jb seiioùf ‚9. Ih`prhmbiohfes y rekjbles prevohs b jb `briab‐.

oftefte brrbfibrThgràb ihf mbter mbteràb àb buxoj buxojobr obr ufb mbteràb ihfkejbgb. expjhtbr y ibu•   Fufib

;. Ruote jhs tbphfes ge jhs resporbgerhs ge jb mbte-

`efth gej `hthr.

gesihfeitbr, prhiure que fh •   Bj ihfeitbr y gesihfeitbr, abyb ihftbith eftre ej ihfeithr gej ibmje puefte phsotovh y ej veaàiujh h ej ibmje fekbtovh.

?. Brrbfque ej `hthr gej htrh veaàiujh l B y gïlej gïlejhh ef nufiohfb`oefth vbrohs `ofuths. @bftefkb jb vejhiogbg gej `hthr b ufbs =.444 rp`. 24. Brrbfque ej `hthr gej veaàiujh l M ge `bfer `bferbb fhr`bj. T]EIBUIOÙF Fh `bftefkb ej `hthr ge brrbfque biiohfbgh gurbfte `âs ge 24 sekufghs. Yo ej `hthr fh brrbfib of`egobtb`efte, kore ej ofterrupthr ge efiefgogh b jb phsoioùf ‚HNN‐ y espere 24 sekufghs bftes ge ofteftbrjh ge fuevh.

22. Ges Gespuïsge puïsge brr brrbfib bfibrr ej `ht `hthr hr gej veaà veaàiujh iujh,, ges ges--

ràb (seküf `hgejh) y iümrbjb ihf uf trbph voelh.

sbr jesohfes krbves.

ihfeitee ih ihfeit ihff iuo iuogb gbgh gh ej ibm ibmje je fek fekbt btov ovhh y, b ihf ihf-tofubioùf, ej phsotovh (l 7 ↝l 9 ↝l = ↝l 2 ).

2. Ih`prueme Ih`prueme so estâ bpjoibgh ej nrefh ge estbiohfb`oefth. Yo fh estâ bpjoibg bpjoibgh, h, gespuïs ge ihfeitbr ej veaàiuj aà iujhh b jb mb mbter teràb àb bu buxo xojob jobrr (t (trbsej rbsej pb pbsh sh 1) 1),, bp bpjoq joque ue ej nrefh ge estbiohfb`oefth. Ej veaàiujh iueftb ihf uf nrefh ge estbiohfb-

1. Ihfeite jhs ibmjes ibmjes puefte ef ej hrgef ofgoibgh ef jb ojustrbioùf (l 2 ↝l = ↝l 9 ↝l 7 ).

phsotovh l + y ej fekbt fekbtovh ovh l - b `bsb `bsb ge ge jb jb

29. @hfte jhs tbphfes ge jhs resporbgerhs (seküf

`oefth ejïitroih, pbrb `âs ofnhr`bioùf, ihfsujte, ‚Nrefh ge estbiohfb`oefth‐ ef jb seiioùf ‚9. Ih`prhmbiohfes y rekjbles prevohs b jb `briab‐.

ibrrhi ibr rhierà eràb b (ph (phr r ele ele`pj `pjh, h,y fh bj bj shphrt shp hrte e fege `hftble gej `hthr, eti.) mhrfe kbtovh ge jb mbteràb l - .

`hgejh). 27. Ioerre ej ibpù.

T]EIBUIOÙF + bj •  Ihfeite soe`pre ej mhrfe phsotovh l

2=. ]etore y geseiae ej trbph que se utojozù pbrb iumror jhs hronoiohs ge jhs resporbgerhs yb que puege estbr ihftb`ofbgh ihf âiogh ihrrhsovh.

ofihrreitb puege ibusbr gb•   Ufb ihfexoùf ofihrreitb òhs ef ej soste`b ge ibrkb.

Ef ibsh ge e`erkefiob   >-22  

B]]BFRUE GEJ @HWH] E@TULBFGH EJ ^EAÀIUJH FHWB @hgejhs ihf soste`b Ythp/Ytbrt<

•   Bsekürese ge que jb mbteràb `hftbgb es jb

mbteràb espeiobj ihf `elhr ibpbiogbg ge ibrkb y `byhr gurbioùf. Fh utojoie ufb mbteràb gostoftb ef ej soste`b Ythp/Ytbrt, yb que jb mbteràb phgràb geterohrbrse ge nhr`b pre`bturb y ej soste`b phgràb bverobrse. Ye reih`oefgbej `oe fgbej ushge ufbmbter ufbmbteràb àb hro hrokof kofbj bj FOY FOYYBF YBF.. Tbrb hmtefer `âs ofnhr`bioùf, pùfkbse ef ihftbith ihf su ihfiesohfbroh FOYYBF h tbjjer iubjonoibgh

•   Yo ej ter`ofbj ge jb mbteràb se gesihfeitb (pbrb jb sustotuioùf ge jb mbteràb, eti.) y, b ihftofubioùf, se vuejve b ihfeitbr, es phsomje que ej soste`b Ythp/Ytbrt tbrge ef vhjver b bitovbrse.

T]EIBUIOÙF   Jhs `hgejhs equopbghs ihf ibtbjozbghr ge tres vàbs (seküf `hgejh) fh gemef phferse ef `briab e`pulbfgh ej veaàiujh, yb que se puege gbòbr ej ibtbjozbghr ge tres vàbs.

QW]HFOI (I^W) •   Jhs `hgejhs ihf trbfs`osoùf QW]HFOI

fh puege puegef f brrbf brrbfibrse ibrse e`pul e`pulbfgh bfgh ej veaài veaàiujh. ujh. Tuege ibusbr gbòhs ef jb trbfs`osoùf.

oftefte yb phfer `briab ej veaàiujh re`hjiâfghjh, que ef iubfgh ej `hthr brrbf•  Fufib ib, ej `hvo`oefth repeftofh gej veaàiujh abiob gejbfte puege abierjh iahibr ihf ej veaàiujh que jh re`hjib.


•   Fufib sokb ihfguioefgh so ej `hthr ge su

veaàiujh se shmre veaàiujh shmreibjoe ibjoeftb. ftb. Abie Abierjh rjh phgrà phgràb b ibusbr uf ofiefgoh ef ej veaàiujh.

•   Fufib bmrb ej ibpù so estâ sbjoefgh vbphr. •   Fufib quote ej tbpùf gej gepùsoth ge renrokerbfte gej `ht rbfte `hthr hr `oe `oeftr ftrbs bs ej `ht `hthr hr est estï ï ibj ibjoef oef-te. Yo se quotb ej tbpùf gej gepùsoth ge renrokerbfte gej `hthr iubfgh ej `hthr estï ibjoefte, ej bkub ibjoefte b bjtb presoùf sbjgrâ gespegogby gespe gogby phgrâibusbr que`b que`bgurbs,esibjgurbs,esibjgbgurbs h jesohfes krbves.

•  Yo sbje vbphr h renrokerbfte gej `hthr, bpârtese gej veaàiujh pbrb evotbr jesohfes.

•   Ej veftojbghr ge renrokerbioùf gej `hthr se efiefgerâ iefg erâ ef iubj iubjquoe quoerr `h`e `h`efth fth iubf iubfgh gh jb te`perbturb gej renrokerbfte exiegb jb te`perbturb presejeiiohfbgb.

•  Fh per`otb que sus `bfhs, ibmejjh, lhybs h

rhpb eftref ef ihftbith h quegef btrbpbgbs ef ej veftojbghr ge renrokerbioùf h jbs ihrrebs gej `hthr.

Yo ej `hthr ge su veaàiujh se estâ shmreibjeftbfgh shmreibjeftbfgh (seküf ej ofgoibghr ge jb te`perbturb ge renrokerbfte gej `hthr), h so fhtb ufb nbjtb ge phtefiob ef ej `hthr, geteitb uf ruogh rbrh, eti., sokb jhs prhiego`oefths sokuoeftes< 2. Gespjbie ej veaàiujh y estbioùfejh ihf preibuioùf nuerb ge jb ibrreterb y jelhs gej trânoih.

e`erkefiob >-2=   Ef ibsh ge e`erkefiob  


=. Efioefgb Efioefgb jbs juies ge e`erkefiob. 9. Bpjoqu Bpjoquee ej nrefh ge estbiohfb`oefth. estbiohfb`oefth. 7. Ib`moe jb pbjbfib ge ib`mohs (`hgejhs ihf W/@) b jb phsoioùf F (pufth `uerth)3 `uerth)3 ef jhs `hgejhs ihf trbfs` trbfs`osoùf osoùf QW]HFOI (I^W), `uevb jb pbjbfib ge ib`mohs b jb phsoioùf T (estbiohfb`oefth). FH TB]E EJ @HWH].

5. Bmrb thgbs jbs veftbfojjbs. veftbfojjbs. >. Bpbkue ej soste`b gej bihfgoiohfbghr ge bore (seküf `hgejh). ;. Bluste ej ihftrhj ge te`perbturb ge jb ibjenbiioùf h ej bihfgoiohfbghr ge bore b jb phsoioùf ge ibjhr `âxo`h y ej ihftrhj gej veftojbghr b jb phsoioùf ge vejhiogbg `âxo`b. 1. Ybjkb gej veaàiujh. ?. Ofspeiiohfe vosubj`efte y prestbfgh btefioùf bj shfogh so aby esibpes ge vbphr h renrokerbfte

2=. Ih`prueme so ej rbgobghr `bfkuerbs gejvosubj`efte rbgobghr preseftbf nukbs. y jbs BG^E]WEFIOB Yo aby pïrgogbs ge renrokerbfte, nbjtb jb ihrreb gej veftojbghr ge renrokerbioùf h estâ njhlb, h ej veftojbghr ge renrokerbioùf fh nufiohfb, pbre ej `hthr.

29. Iubfgh se abyb efnrobgh ej `hthr, ih`prueme ih`prueme ej fovej gej renrokerbfte ef ej gepùsoth ge reservb gej renrokerbfte ihf ej `hthr ef `briab. 27.. Yo ej fov 27 fovej ej es mb mblh,extr lh,extrbo bokb kb ej tb tbpù pùff ge gejj ge gepù pùsot sothh gej renrokerbfte renrokerbfte gej `hthr y bòbgb renrokerbfte renrokerbfte jeftb`efte ef ej gepùsoth. Gespuïs ge rejjefbr ej gepùsoth abstb ej fovej @BQ, ihjhque ge fuevh ej tbpùf gej gepùsoth. BG^E]WEFIOB Bftes ge extrber ej tbpùf gej gepùsoth gej

Iubfgh veaàiujh, iu`pjor jb je-jkosjbio kos jbioùf ùfre`hjque jhibjj pbr jhib pbrbbejre` re`hjqu hjques. es.gemerâ Uf equ equoph oph ge re`h re`hjibgh ofihrreith phgràb ibusbr gbòhs bj veaàiujh. Tbrb bsekurbr que se rebjozb ge `bferb bgeiubgb y evotbrgbòhs evo tbrgbòhs nhrt nhrtuot uoths hs bj veaà veaàiujh iujh,, FOY FOYYBFreih`oe YBFreih`oeffgb que seb uf servoioh ge krüb ej que jh abkb. Es reih`efgbmje que ej hperbroh ge goiah servoioh jeb moef jbs sokuoeftes ofstruiiohfes. BG^E]WEFIOB

•  Fh per`otb que abyb fofküf hiupbfte ef ej veaàiujh gurbfte ej re`hjque.

mblh ej veaàiujh gurbfte •   Fh se ihjhque fufib mblh ej re`hjibgh.


•  Iubfgh se re`hjque ej veaàiujh<   bsekürese

ge que jb trb trbfs` fs`osoù osoùf, f, eles eles,, sost soste`b e`b ge gor goreiio eiioùf ùf y tref trbfs`osoùf ihrreitb`ef te. Yo aby ge bjkufb ufogbg nufiohfbf gbòbgb, ejihrreitb`efte. veaàiujh geme

gesge ej rbgobghr bftes ge bmror ej ibpù. Espere abstb que fh se bpreioe vbphr h renrokerbfte bftes ge prhieger. 24. Bmrb ej ibpù. Tbrb hmtefer `âs ofnhr`bioùf, ihfsujte ‚Bperturb gej ibpù‐ ef jb seiioùf ‚9. Ih`prhmbiohfes y rekjbles prevohs b jb `briab‐.

renrokerbfte gej `hthr y pbrb evotbr esibjgbrse, iumrb ej tbpùf gej gepùsoth ihf uf trbph jo`poh jo` poh y bnj bnjùle ùlejh jh abs abstb tb jb pro pro`er `erb b `ue `uesib sib pbr pbrb b per`otor que sbjkb ej vbphr.

25. Ioerre ej ibpù. Biugb b uf ihfiesohfbroh FOYYBF h tbjjer iubjonoibgh pbrb que revosef h repbref su veaàiujh.

re`hjibrse utojozbfgh ufb pjbtbnhr`b korbthrob h ihjhiâfghjh shmre ufb pjbtbnhr`b pjbfb ge ibrkb.

•  Jomere ej nrefh ge estbiohfb`oefth y ib`moe jb

trbfs`osoùf`bfubj(W/@)h trbfs`o soùf`bfubj(W/@)h jb trb trbfs` fs`osoù osoùff QW] QW]HHFOI (I^W) b jb phsoioùf F (pufth `uerth) bftes ge e`pezbr b re`hjibr ej veaàiujh.

soe`pre ibgefbs ge sekurogbg bftes ge re•  Nole `hjibr ej veaàiujh.

22. Ih`prueme vosubj`efte so ej veftojbghr ge renrokerbioùf estâ nufiohfbfgh.

Ef ibsh ge e`erkefiob   >-29  

]E@HJRUE ]EIH@EFGBGH TB]B @HGEJHY IHF W]BIIOÙF EF GHY ]UEGBY (=[G) T]EIBUIOÙF Fh re`hjque FUFIB uf veaàiujh ihf trbfs`osoùf ge vbrobioùf ihftofub (I^W) ihf jbs ruegbs gejbfterbs h jbs iubtrh ruegbs shmre ej suejh (abiob gejbfte h abiob btrâs), yb que esth puege ibusbr krbves y ihsthshs efàiujh jbjh trbfs`osoù soùf. f. Yo gbòhs es fei feiesb esbroh roh re` re`hji hjibr br ej vea veaàiu ihfjbs ruegbs rue gbs trb trbserb serbss jev jevbft bftbgb bgbs, s, usesoe`p usesoe`pre re ufbpjbtbnhr`b rhgbfte gemblh ge jbs ruegbs gejbfterbs.

FOYYBF reih`oefgb re`hjibr ej veaàiujh ihf jbs ruegbs `htroies (gejbfterbs) jevbftbgbs gej suejh h sotubfgh ej veaàiujh ef ufb pjbtbnhr`b pjbfb, tbj ih`h se `uestrb ef jb ojustrb ojustrbioùf. ioùf. Iubfgh re`hjque ihf jbs ruegbs gejbfterbs ’ shmre ej suejh (shjb`efte `hgejhs ihf W/@) h ’

Jbs ruegbs gejbfterbs shmre ej suejh T]EIBUIOÙF

Fh re`hjque fufib uf `hgejh ihf trbfs`osoùf ge vbrobioùf ihftofub (I^W) ihf jbs ruegbs gejbfterbs shmre ej suejh. Abierjh ibusbrâ gbòhs krbves y ihsthshs ef jb trbfs`osoùf.

@hgejh ihf trbfs`osoùf `bfubj (W/@)< 2. Ihjhque ej ofterrupthr ge efiefgogh ef jb phsoioùf ‚HNN‐. =. Nole ej vhjbfte ge goreiioùf ef phsoioùf ge `briab reitb ihf ufb iuergb h gosphs gosphsotovh otovh so`ojbr. 9. @uevb jb pbjbfib ge ib`mohs b jb phsoioùf F (pufth `uerth). 7. Jomere ej nrefh ge estbiohfb`oeft estbiohfb`oefth. h. 5. Nole ibgefbs ge sekurogbg sekurogbg iubfgh re`hjque uf veaàiujh.

Jbs ruegbs trbserbs shmre ej suejh

shmre ufb pjbtbnhr`b rhgbfte<

Ihjhque ej ofterrupthr ge efiefgogh ef phsoioùf ‚HNN‐ y, b ihftofub ihftofubioùf, ioùf, nole ej vhjbfte ef phsoioùf ge `briab reitb ihf ufb iuergb h gosphsotovh gosphsotovh so`ojbr.  Fufib ihjhque ej ofterrupthr ge efiefgogh ef phsoioùf JHIC.  Esth puege gbòbr ej `eibfos`h ge mjhqueh ge jb goreiioùf.

2. Ihjhque ej ofterrupthr ge efiefgogh ef phsoioùf ‚HNN‐. =. Nole ej vhjbfte ge goreiioùf ef phsoioùf ge `briab reitb ihf ufb iuergb h gosphs gosphsotovh otovh so`ojbr. 9. @uevb jb pbjbfib ge ib`mohs b jb phsoioùf F (pufth `uerth). 7. Jomere ej nrefh ge estbiohfb`oeft estbiohfb`oefth. h. 5. Nole ibgefbs ge sekurogbg sekurogbg iubfgh re`hjque uf veaàiujh.


@hgejhs =[G

e`erkefiob >-27   Ef ibsh ge e`erkefiob  

Jbs iubtrh ruegbs shmre ej suejh

FOYYBF reih`oefgb ihjhibr ej veaàiujh ef jb pjbtbnhr`b pjbfb ge uf ib`oùf, ih`h se hmservb ef jb ojustrbioùf.


Bsekürese gege kubrgbr sotoh gespuïs usbrjh.ej brh ihrreitb`efte ef su




Fh re` re`hjq hjque ue fuf fufib ib jhs `hg `hgejh ejhss ihftrbfs` ihftrbfs`oso osoùf ùf ge vbrobioùf ihftofub ihftofub (I^W) ihf jbs iubtr iubtrh h ruegbs ef ej suejh. Abierjh ibusbrâ krbves y ihsth-

•  Fh per`otb que fbgoe per`bfezib ierib ge

jb jàfeb ge re`hjibgh gurbfte jbs hperbioh-

shs gbòhs ef jb trbfs`osoùf.

@hgejh ihf trbfs`osoùf `bfubj (W/@)< 2. Ihjhque ej ofterrupthr ge efiefgogh ef jb phsoioùf ‚HNN‐. =. @uevb jb pbjbfib ge ib`mohs b jb phsoioùf F (pufth `uerth). 9. Jomere ej nrefh ge estbiohfb`oeft estbiohfb`oefth. h.



Brh ge re`hjque gejbfterh

•  Fufib abkb korbr jhs feu`âtoihs b bjtb vejh-

iogbg. Esth phgràb abierjhs expjhtbr y prhvhibr jesohfes krbves. Bge`âs, bjkufbs poezbs gej veaàiujh phgràbf shmreibjeftbrse y resujtbr gbòbgbs.

Ush gej brh ge re`hjque Ej brh ge re`hjque geme utojozbrse ef ibsh ge que su veaàiujh quege btrbpbgh ef brefb, foeve h mbrrh y seb ofibpbz ge sbibrjh sof torbr ge ïj.

•   Use  shjb`efte  ej brh ge re`hjque, fh htrbs pbrtes gej veaàiujh. Ge htrh `hgh, se phgràb gbòbr jb ibrrhieràb.


Brh ge re`hjque trbserh

Ej brh estâ kubrgbgh lufth ihf jbs aerrb`oeftbs gej veaàiujh y estâ umoibgh ef ej aueih ge jb ruegb ge repuesth (ih`pbrto`efth ge equopble). 2) Ges`hfte Ges`hfte jb iumoertb gej pbrbiahques. pbrbiahques. =) @hfte ihf nor`ez nor`ezbb ej brh, tbj ih`h se `uestrb ef jb ojustrbi ojustrbioùf. oùf.

•  Use ej brh ge re`hjque  shjb`efte  pbrb sbibr uf veaàiujh ge jb brefb, foeve, mbrrh, eti.

Fufib ib re` re`hjq hjque ue ej veaà veaàiujh iujh uto utojozb jozbfgh fgh shjb shjb`eft `eftee •   Fuf

ej brh ge re`hjque so jb gostbfiob que se ab ge reihrrer es krbfge.   Ej brh ge re`hjque estâ sh`etogh ufb krbf nuerzb iub iubfg fghh se ut utojo ojozb zb pb pbrb rb jom jomerb erbrr uf vea veaàiu àiujh jh bt btbs bs--

Ef ibsh ge e`erkefiob   >-25  

ibgh. Thfkb soe`pre ej ibmje reithtoregesge jb pbrte gejbfterb gej veaàiujh. Fufib gej brh ge re`hjque ef âfkujh jbterbj. T]EIBUIOÙF Tbrb fh rh`per ej ibmje gej re`hjque, tïfsejh jeftb`efte.

e`erkefiob >-2>   Ef ibsh ge e`erkefiob


;  Bpbroefiob Bpbroefiob y iuogbghs

Jo`poezb gej exterohr ..... Jo`poezb .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... ........ ... Jbvbgh ............................ ............................................................ ................................... ... Ejo`ofbioùf Ejo`ofb ioùf ge `bfiabs......... `bfiabs.............. .......... ........... ........... .......... ........ ...

;-= ;-= ;-=

Efierbgh................................................... Efierbgh............................................................ ......... Jo`poezb Jo`poe zb ge jhs irostbjes........ irostbjes............. .......... ........... ........... .......... ........ ... Jo`poezb ge jb iâ`brb ge vosoùf trbserb (seküf `hgejh)........................................... `hgejh)................................................... ........ Tbrte ofnerohr ofnerohr ge ge jb ibrrhieràb....... ibrrhieràb............ .......... .......... .......... ........ ... Iuogbghh ge jbs ruegbs......... Iuogbg ruegbs.............. .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... ....... Jo`poezb Jo`poe zb ge jbs jbs jjbftbs ge bjebioùf....... bjebioùf............ .......... .......... ..... Toezbs irh`bgbs ............................. ................................................ ................... Jo`poezb gej ofterohr .............................. ................................................. ................... @bftefo`oefth ge jb pbftbjjb gej `hfothr

;-= ;-9

(seküf `hgejh)........................................... `hgejh)................................................... ........


;-9 ;-9 ;-9 ;-9 ;-7 ;-7

B`moeftbghres ..... B`moeftbghres .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... ....... ;-7 Bjnh`mrojjbs gej posh............................................ ;-5 Jo`poezb Jo`poe zb ge jhs irostbjes........ irostbjes............. ........... ........... .......... ........... ........ .. ;-5 Toezbs ge pjâstoih............................. ............................................... .................. Iofturhfes Iofturh fespjâstoih ge sekurogbg sekurog bg .......... ............... .......... .......... .......... .......... ....... Trhteiioùf Trhteiio ùf ihftrb jb ihrrhsoùf ihrrhsoùf ......... ............... ........... .......... ........... ........ .. Jhs nbithres que `âs ihftromuyef b jb ihrrhsoùff gej veaàiujh ihrrhsoù veaàiujh ..... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... ....... Ofnjuefiob ge jhs nbithres b`moeftbjes ef jb ihrrhsoùf ............................... ............................................................ ............................. Tbrb prhteker prhteker ej veaàiujh veaàiujh ge jb ihrrhsoùf ihrrhsoùf ...... ........... .......

;-5 ;-> ;-> ;-> ;->



Tbrb `bftefer ej muef bspeith ge su veaàiujh, es o`phrtbfte que jh iuoge bgeiubgb`efte. Yoe`pre que seb phs Yoe`pre phsomj omje, e, estb estbiohf iohfee ej vea veaàiuj àiujhh gef gef-trh ge uf kbrble h ef ufb zhfb iumoertb pbrb `ofo`ozbr jbs phsomojogbges ge sunror gbòhs ef jb pofturb. Iubfgh se veb hmjokbgh b estbiohfbrjh bj bore jomre, ejolb ufb zhfb b jb sh`mrb h prhtelb ej veaàiujh ihf ufb nufg nufgb. b. We Wefk fkb b iu iuog ogbg bgh h ge fh rb rbyb ybrr jb po poft ftur urb b bj phfer y quotbr jb nufgb.

JB^BGH Ef jbs sokuoeftes ioriufstbfiobs, jbve su veaàiujh jh bftes phsomje pbrb prhteker jb supernoioe poftbgb<

T]EIBUIOÙF  Fh jbve ej veaàiujh ihf lbmhfes nuertes, geterkeftes quà`oihs, kbshjofb fo goshjveftes.

jb sbj ge ibrreterb.

utojozb uf jbvbghr b presoùf, sokb soe`pre jbs •   Fh jbve su veaàiujh goreitb`efte mblh ej shj h •  Yoreih`efgbiohfes pbrb ej equoph (presoùf y gosiubfgh jb ibrrhieràb estï ibjoefte, yb que jb supernoioe phgràb quegbr `bribgb phr jbs khtbs ge bkub.

•  Evote ej ush ge estrhpblhs h trbphs âsperhs, bsà ih`h ih` h `bf `bfhpj bs jb pbrb pbr b jbv jbvbr. br.bjWef Wefkb kb iuo iuogbg gbgh ge fh gbòbr h hpjbs rbybr pofturb ejo`ofbr ge jbh supernoioepoftbgbsuioegbgofirustbg supern oioepoftbgbsuioegbgofirustbgb b u htrbs `bterobs extrbòbs.

Gespuïss ge jjhver, pbrb evotbr phsomjes gespergesper•   Gespuï

9. Bijbre ej veaàiujh ih`pjetb`efte ih`pjetb`efte ihf bmufgbfte bkub jo`pob.

•  Gespuïs ge ihfguior phr ibrreterbs ihsterbs. ihftb`ofbftes ih`h ahjjàf, exire`efexire`ef•   Iubfgh ihftb`ofbftes

7. Utojoie ufb kb`uzb pbrb seibr jb supernoioe poftbgb pbrb evotbr jbs `bribs ge bkub.

ths ge pâlbrhs pâlbrhs,, sbvob ge ârmhjes, pbrtàiujbs `etâjoibs h ofseiths `bfiaef jb supernoioe poftbgb.

•  Jbs mrogbs, shjgbgurbs y pjoekues ge jbs puer-

neiths ibusbghs phr jb jjuvob âiogb.

ihf bkub jb pbrte ofnerohr ge jb ibrrhieràb ibrrhieràb •   ]hiàe y gej kubrgbmbrrhs pbrb ejo`ofbr jb suioegbg y/h

Bj jbvbr ej veaàiujh veaàiujh,, tefkb iuogbgh ihf jh sokuoefte<

tbfiob ge bpjoibioùf).

•  Yo aby zhfbs gbòbgbs ef ej veaàiujh (p. el. ej

ihflufth ge jhs nbrhs h jhs pbrbiahques poftbghs), fh se reih`oefgb bpjoibr ej iahrrh b bjtb presoùf shmre ejjbs. Jbve estbs zhfbs ihf iuogbgh y b `bfh.

bkub ef jbs ierrbgurbs. •   Evote que eftre bkub

EJO@OFBIOÙF EJO@OFBIOÙ F GE @BFIABY Ruote jh bftes phsomje ge jb pofturb jbs `bfiabs ge bjquotrâf bjquotr âf y bieote, phjvh ofgustrobj, ofgustrobj, ofseiths y sbvob ge jhs ârmhjes, pbrb evotbr que se prhguzibf gbòhs h `b `bfia fiabs bs pe per` r`bfe bfefte ftes. s. Yu ihf ihfies iesohf ohfbr broh oh FOYYBF h iubjquoer toefgb ge biieshrohs pbrb ej buth`ùvojoj gosphf buth`ùv gosphfee ge prhguiths ge jo`poez jo`poezbb espe-

tbs, phrtùf trbserh y ibpù shf zhfbs espeiobj`efte vujferbmjes vujferbmjes b jhs eneiths ge jb sbj que se espbrie ef jb ibrreterb. Thr jh tbfth, estbs zhfbs gemef jo`pobrse rekujbr`efte.

•   Iubfgh se abyb biu`ujbgh phjvh h mbrrh shmre jb supernoioe.

2. Jbve jb supernoioe gej veaàiujh ihf ufb esphflb aü`egb y bmufgbfte bkub. =. Jo`poe jb supernoioe gej veaàiujh ihf iuogbgh y phr ih`pjeth usbfgh uf lbmùf subve h uf lbmùf

•  Jbs mrogbs, shjgbgurbs y pjoekues ge jbs puer-

espeiob espeiobj j pbrb veaàiujhs veaàiujh s `ezijbgh ihf bkub jo`pob y tomob (fufib ibjoefte).


EFIE]BGH Ej efierbgh rekujbr prhteke jb superno supernoioe ioe poftbgb y byugb b ihfservbr jb muefb bpbroefiob gej veaàiujh.

tbs, tbpb gej `bjeterh y ibpù shf zhfbs espeiobj`efte vujferbmjes b jhs eneiths ge jb sbj ge

Ye reih`oefgb rebjozbr uf pujogh gespuïs gej efierbgh pbrb ejo`ofbr jhs resoguhs.

ibrreterb. Thr jh tbfth, estbs zhfbs gemef jo`pobrse rekujbr`efte.

Ef uf ihfiesohf ihfiesohfbroh broh FOYYBF h tbjjer iubjonoibgh iubjonoibgh je puegef byugbr b ejekor jhs prhgui prhguiths ths ge efierbgh bgeiubghs.

Bseküresee ge que jhs hronoiohs ge grefble ge jb •   Bseküres pbrte ofnerohr ge jbs puertbs fh estâf hmstruoghs.

;-=   Bpbroefiob y iuogbghs  

T]EIBUIOÙF   Jbve ej veaàiujh b nhfgh bftes ge bpjoibr ierb b jb supernoioe poftbgb.

nbmroibfte •   Yokb soe`pre jbs ofstruiiohfes gej nbmroibfte ge jb ierb.

•   Fh

utojoie ierbs que ihfte utojoie ihftefkbf fkbf prhguiths prhguiths bmrbsovhs, bmrbs ovhs, es`erojbftes es`erojbftes h jo`po jo`pobghre bghress que puegbf gbòbr ej bibmbgh gej veaàiujh.

T]EIBUIOÙF   Fh utojoie bjihahj, mefiofb mefiofb h goshjveftes pbrb jo`pobr jb iumoertb trbfspbrefte ge jb iâ`brb. Esth ibusbràb geihjhrbioùf. Tbrb jo`pobr jb iumoertb, iumoe rtb, utojo utojoie ie pro`e pro`erh rh uf pbòh au`eg au`egeiog eiogh h ihf uf bkefte jo`pobghr subve gojuogh y, b ihftofubioùf, sïquejb ihf uf pbòh seih.

jb pbrte ofterohr ge jbs ruegbs iubfgh •  Jo`poe sustotuyb ufb ruegb h jbve jb pbrte ofnerohr gej veaàiujh.

•  Fh utojoie jo`pobghres bmrbsovhs iubfgh jbve jbs ruegbs.

Ih`prueme eme rekujbr`efte rekujbr`efte so jbs jjbftbs presef•   Ih`pru

•   Fh bpjoque ierb pbrb ibrrhieràb ef jb iumoertb

tbf `ejjbs h ihrrhsoùf. Esth puege ibusbr pïrgogb ge presoùf h gbòhs ef ej tbjùf gej feu`âtoih.

jb supernoioe gej veaàiujh fh fh se puege pujor •   Yo •  Bj jbvbr ej veaàiujh ihf bkub b presoùf, bseihf nbiojogbg, bpjoque uf jo`pobghr ge bjquo-

•   FOYYBF reih`oefgb que se efieref jbs ruegbs

trâf bftes ge efierbr ej veaàiujh.

•  Jhs ih`phfeftes ge jb pujoghrb h uf pujogh

bkresovh shmre jb pro`erb ibpb ge pofturb h jb ibpb nofbj ge pofturb trbfspbrefte puegef ejo`ofbr ej mrojjh gej bibmbgh h gelbr `bribs.

trbfspbrefte ge jb iâ`brb.

kürese ge fh bpj kürese bpjoib oibrjb rjb shm shmre re jb ium iumoer oertb tb trb trbfsfspbrefte ge jb iâ`brb. Yo jh aoioese, ej bkub phgràb eftrbr ef jb ufogbg ge jb iâ`brb ibusbfgh jb ihfgefsbioùf ge bkub ef jb jefte, jh que phgràb prhvhibr ufb bveràb h ufb gesibrkb ejïitroib.



Utojoie uf jo`pobirostbjes pbrb quotbr jb ibpb ge au`h y phjvh ge jb supernoioe ge jhs irostbjes. Es fhr-


pbrb prhtekerjbs prhtekerjbs ihftrb jb sbj ef jbs zhfbs ghfge se use gurbft gurbftee ej ofvoerfh ofvoerfh..

JO@TOE\B GE JBY JJBFWBY GE BJEBIOÙF Jbve jbs ruegbs rekujbr`efte ihf ufb esphflb au`egeiog `eg eiogbb ef ufb shju shjuioùf ioùf ge lbm lbmùf ùf subv subve, e, esp espeiob eiobj-j`eftegurb `e ftegurbft ftee ej ofv ofvoer oerfh fh ef zh zhfb fbss ef jbsque se ut uto-ojoie sbj ef jb ibrreterb. Jhs resoguhs ge sbj ge jb

`bj que jhs irostbjes se iumrbf ihf ufb ibpb ge suioegbg gespuïs ge que ej veaàiujh abyb estbgh estbiohfbgh bj shj. Estb ibpb se ejo`ofbrâ nâioj`efte ihf jo`pobi jo`pobirostbjes rostbjes y uf pbòh subve.

Ef zhfbs ghfge se utojoie sbj ef jbs ibrreterbs gu rbfte ej ofvoerfh, geme jo`pobr jhs mblhs gej veaàiujh ihf rekujbrogbg. Ge este `hgh, se evotb que jb suioegbg y jb sbj se biu`ujef y ibusef ihrrhsoùf ef jb pbrte ofnerohr ge jb ibrrhier ibrrhieràb àb y jb suspefsoùf.

JO@TOE\B GE JB IÂ@B]B GE ^OYOÙF W]BYE]B (seküf `hgejh)

Bftes ge que jjekue ej ofvoerfh y ge fuevh ef pro`bverb, geme revosbr jb prhtei prhteiioùf ioùf ihftrb jb ihrrhsoù ihrrhsoùff y, so es feiesbroh, vhjver b trbtbr jb supernoioe.

Jo`poe iumoertb trbfspbrefte iâ`brb.ihf Yo nreiuefiob se bgaoerejbsuioegbg, jjuvob h foevege b jb iumoer ium oertb tb,, es ph phsom somje je qu quee jhshmle jhshmleth thss ef ej `h `hfot fothr hr fh se vosubjoief ihf ijbrogbg.


ibrreterb puegef geihjhrbr jbs ruegbs so fh se jb vbf rekujbr`efte. T]EIBUIOÙF Yokb jbs ofstruiiohfes gesirotbs b ihftofubioùf pbrb evotbr `bfiabs h geih geihjhrbi jhrbioùf oùf ef jbs ruegbs. utojoi joie e uf jo` jo`pob pobghr ghr que ihf ihftef tefkb kb âio âioghs ghs h •   Fh uto

•  Jbve jbs ruegbs iubfgh jbve ej veaàiujh pbrb • ihfservbr su bspeith exterfh.

âjibjo nuertes pbrb jo`pobr jbs ruegbs.  Fh bpjoque jo`pobghr ge ruegb so jbs ruegbs estâf ibjoeftes. Jb te`perbturb ge jb ruegb gemeràb ser okubj b jb te`perbturb b`moefte.

Bpbroefiob y iuogbghs   ;-9  


jb ruegb ef jhs 25 `ofuths sokuoeftes •  Bijbre b abmer bpjoibgh ej jo`pobghr pbrb ejo`ofbrjh ih`pjetb`efte.

TOE\BY I]H@BGBY Jo`poe thg Jo`poe thgbs bs jbs poe poezbs zbs irh` irh`bgb bgbss rek rekujbr ujbr`eft `eftee ihf uf bmrojjbftbghr pbrb irh`h fh bmrbsovh pbrb ihfservbr su bibmbgh.

]etore ihf ioertb rekujbrogbg ej phjvh ge jb kubrfoioùf ofterohr, jbs poezbs ge pjâstoih y jhs bsoefths usbfgh ufb bsporbghrb h iepojjh ge iergbs subves. Jo`poe jbs supernoioes ge vofojh y ge iuerh ihf uf pbòh jo`poh au`egeiogh ef ufb shjuioùf ge lbmùf subve y, b ihftofubioùf, sïquejbs ihf uf pbòh subve y seih. Tbrb qu Tbrb quee ej iue iuerh rh te tefk fkbb mu muef ef bsp bspeit eith, h, es fei feiesb esbro rohh que jh iuoge y jh jo`poe rekujbr`efte. rekujbr`efte. Bftes ge usb Bftes usbrr iub iubjq jquoe uoerr pr prht hteit eithr hr te text xtoj,jeb oj,jeb jb jbss re reihih`efgbiohfes gej nbmroibfte. Bjkufhs prhteithres textojess ihftoefef prhguiths textoje prhguiths quà`oih quà`oihss que puegef geihjhrbrr h `bfiabr ej `bterobj ge jhs bsoefth geihjhrb bsoefths. s. Utojoie uf trbph subve au`egeiogh ef bkub pbrb jo`pobr jbs iumoertbs gej iubgrh ge ofstru`efths y jhs ofgoibghres. T]EIBUIOÙF utojoie mefiofb, goshjveftes fo fofküf •   Fufib htrh prhguith so`ojbr.

Fh utojo utojoie ie jo`p jo`pobiro obirostbje stbjess h jo`po jo`pobghre bghress ge •   pj pjâs âsto toihef ihef ej iu iubg bgrh rh ge of ofstr stru` u`ef efth thss h ef jb jbss iumoertbs iumo ertbs ge jhs ofgoi ofgoibghre bghres. s. Thgràb gbòb gbòbrjhs. rjhs.

@BFWEFO@OEFWH GE JB TBFWBJJB @BFWEFO@OEFWH GEJ @HFOWH] (seküf `hgejh) bpâkuejb pro`erh y jà`•   Tbrb jo`pobr jb pbftbjjb, bpâkuejb poejb ihf uf trbph subve y seih.

•  Fufib utojoie uf trbph âsperh, bjihahj, mefiofb, goshjvefte h pbòuejhs ge pbpej ihf bkeftes jo`pobghres pobghr es quà`oihs. Tuegef rbybr h geteroh geterohrbr rbr ej pbfej. pbftbjjb ihf jàquoghs ih`h bkub •   Fh sbjpoque jb pbftbjjb h b`moeftbghr pbrb ihiaes. Yo eftrb ef ihftbith ihf jàquogh se bverobrâ ej soste`b y se gbòbrâ ej abrgwbre.

toefee `uia `uiabs bs `bfi `bfiabs,use abs,use ufb peq pequeòbibfueòbibf•   Yo toef togbg ge lbmùf feutrh y uf trbph subve. Fufib `hle jb pbftbjjb ihf lbmùf jàquogh.

•  Jbs pbrtàiujbs pequeòbs ge suioegbg puegef

resujtbr bmrbsovbs y gbòbr jbs supernoioes ge poej, phr jh que gemef ejo`ofbrse ef sekuogb. Fh utojoie lbmùf pbrb iuerh, ierb pbrb ibrrhieràb, ierbs, jàquoghs jo`pobghres ihf mbse bieothsb, goshjveftes, geterkeftes h jo`pobghres ihf mbse ge b`hfàbih, yb que puegef gbòbr ej bibmbgh fbturbj ge jb poej.

•  Fh utojoie fofküf toph ge prhteithr textoj, b fh ser que jh reih`oefge ej nbmroibfte.

B@MOEFWBGH]EY Jb `byhràb ge b`moeftbghres utojozbf goshjveftes que puegef bneitbr bj ofterohr gej veaàiujh. Yo utojozb uf b`moeftbghr, th`e jbs sokuoeftes preibuiohfes< b`moeft oeftbgh bghres res ge ihjk ihjkbr br pue puegef gef ibus ibusbr br ufb •   Jhs b`m geihjhrbioùf per`bfefte bj eftrbr ef ihftbith ihf geter`ofbgbs supernoioes ofterohres gej veaàiujh. Iuejkue ej b`moeftbghr ef uf jukbr ghfge quege moef sepbrbgh sepbrbgh y fh puegb eftrbr ef ihftbith ihf fofkufb supernoioe ofterohr.

•  Jhs b`moeftbghres jàquoghs suejef nolbrse ef jbs

relojjbs ge veftojbioùf. Esths prhguiths puegef

;-7   Bpbroefiob y iuogbghs  

ibusbr gbòhs hs y gei geihjhr hjhrbioù bioùff ge nhr nhr`b `b of`e of`egob gobtb tb ibusbr gbò so se gerrb`bf shmre jbs supernoioes ofterohres. Jeb y sokb bteftb`efte jbs ofstruiiohfes gej nbmroibfte bftes ge utojozbr iubjquoer b`moeftbghr.

BJNH@M]OJJBY GEJ TOYH Ej ush ge bjnh`mrojjbs hrokofbjes ge FOYYBF puege bjbrkbr jb vogb ge jb `hquetb gej veaàiujh y nbiojotb jb jo`poezbb gej ofterohr. Ofgepefgoefte`efte jo`poez Ofgepefgoefte`efte ge jbs bjnh`mrojjbs utojozbgbs, geihjhibf que shfihrreitbbgeiubgbs pbrb su veaàiujhbsekürese y ge que se `efte ef ej posh pbrb evotbr que ofternoerbf ef ej nufiohfb`oefth ge jhs pegbjes. Jbs bjnh`mrojjbs gemef jo`pobrse rekujbr`efte y aby que sustotuorjbs iubfgh estïf `uy geskbstbgbs.

Este veaàiujh ofijuye uf shphrte pbrb jbs bjnh`mrojjbs gej posh l B que nufiohfb nufiohfb ih`h byugb pbrb pbrb su phsoiohfb`oefth. Jbs bjnh`mrojjbs gej posh FOYYBF abf sogh esp espeiob eiobj`ef j`efte te gos goseòbg eòbgbs bs pbr pbrbb su vea veaàiuj àiujh. h.

T]EIBUIOÙF Fh utojoie jo`pobirostbjes. Bj abierjh, puege reguior jb sefsomojogbg gej sefshr, prhvhibfgh uf nufiohfb`oefth ofbgeiubgh.

Ihjhque jb bjnh`mrojjb oftrhguioefgh ej hlbj ef ej kbfiah gej shphrte `oeftrbs ieftrb jb bjnh`mrojjb ef jb zhfb ge jhs poes.


Ih`prueme peroùg Ih`prueme peroùgoib`efte oib`efte que jb bjnh`mrojjb estâ ihjhibgb ihrreitb`efte.

JO@TOE\B GE JHY I]OYWBJEY Utojoie uf jo`pobirostbjes pbrb quotbr jb ibpb ge au`h y phjvh ge jb supernoioe ge jhs irostbj irostbjes. es. Es fhr`bj que jhs irostbjes se iumrbf ihf ufb ibpb ge suioegbg gespuïs ge que ej veaàiujh abyb estbgh estbiohfbgh bj shj. Estb ibpb se ejo`ofbrâ nâioj`efte ihf jo`pobir jo`pobirostbjes ostbjes y uf pbòh subve.

Jbs poezbs ge pjâstoih puegef jo`pobrse ihf lbmùf subve. Yo jb suioegbg fh puege quotbrse ihf nbiojogbg, use jo`pobghr pbrb pjâstoih. Fh use goshjveftes.


•  Fh gele que jhs iofturhfes ge sekurogbg se efrhjjef ef ej retrbithr estbfgh aü`eghs.

ihjhrbfte bfte h •   Fufib utojoie jelàb, ihjhr


goshjvefte goshj veftess quà`oihs pbrb jo`pobr jhs iofturhfes ge seku-

Iubfgh jo`poe jb pbrte ofterfb ge jbs veftbfojjbs,

rogbg, yb quejbesths prhguiths puegef bneitbr krbve`efte resostefiob ge jb ioftb gej iof-

fh utojo utojoie ie aerrb` aerrb`oeftb oeftbss bnoj bnojbgbs, bgbs, jo`p jo`pobghr obghres es bmrbsovhs fo gesofneitbftes ihf ijhrh. Thgràbf gbòbr gbò br eje eje`ef `efths ths ge jb juf jufetb etb,, ih` ih`h h jb juf jufetb etb tïr tïr-`oib. YBO449;\

Byugb pbrb ihjhibr jbs bjnh`mrojjbs gej posh

Wefkb ef iueftb que jb ojustrb ojustrbioùf ioùf bfterohr es pbrb `hgejhs ge ihfguiioùf ozquoergb.

]etrhvoshr ofterohr (bftogesju`mrb`oe (bftogesju`mrb`oefth fth buth`âtoih, seküf `hgejh)

turùf ge sekurogbg.

Jhs iofturhfes ge sekurog sekurogbg bg puegef jo`pobrse ihf ufb esphflb au`egeiogb au`egeiogb ef ufb shjuioùf ge lbmùf subve. Gele que jhs iofturhfes se sequef ih`pjetb`efte ih`pjetb`efte bftes ge usbrjhs.

Utojoie uf trbph subve au`egeiogh ef bkub pbrb jo`pobr ej retrhvoshr ofterohr bftogesju`mrb`oefth buth`âtoih (seküf `hgejh)

Bpbroefiob y iuogbghs   ;-5  


•   Jb biu`ujbioùf ge suioegbg y pbrtàiujbs que

retoefef jb au`egbg ef jhs pbfejes ge jb ibrrhieràb, ibvogbges y htrbs ârebs.

•   Jhs gbòhs ef jb supernoioe poftbgb y htrbs ibpbs prhteithrbs ibusbgbs phr ej o`pbith ge krbvb, poegrbs h pequeòhs biiogeftes ge trânoih.

OFNJUEFIOB GE JHY NBIWH]EY B@MOEFWBJEY B@MOEFWBJE Y EF JB IH]]HYOÙF Au`egbg Jb biu`ujbioùf ge brefb, suioegbg y bkub ef jb pbrte ofnerohr ge jb ibrrhieràb puege biejerbr jb ihrrhsoùf. Jbs iumoertbs gej posh que estïf aü`egbs fh se seibrâf ih`pjetb`efte ef ej ofterohr gej veaàiujh y gemerâf quotbrse y seibrse pbrb evotbr jb ihrrhsoùf gej pbfej gej posh.

Jb ihrrhsoùf se biejerbrâ ef jbs zhfbs ghfge jbs te`perbturbs te`perb turbs per`bfezibf per`bfezibf shmre ej pufth ge ihfkejbioùf.

Ihftb`ofbioùf b`moeftbj Jb ihftb`ofbioùf ofgustrobj, ofgustrobj, jb presefi presefiob ob ge sbj ef ej bore ef jbs zhfbs ihsterbs h jbs ibrreterbs ef jbs que se usb bmufgbfte`efte jb sbj, biejerbrâf ej prhiesh ge ihrrhsoùf. Jb sbj ge ibrreterb tb`moïf biejerbrâ ej prhiesh ge gesoftekrbioùf ge jbs supernoioes poftbgbs.


•  Jbve y efiere ej veaàiujh nreiuefte`efte pbrb `bfteferjh jo`poh.

•  Ih`prueme soe`pre jhs gbòhs jeves ge jb supernoio pern oioee po poft ftbg bgbb y, ef ibs ibshh ge ex exos ostor tor,, rep repâre ârejhsjh jhsjh bftes phsomje.

•  @bftefkb jhs hronoiohs ge grefble ge jb pbrte

per`otb que ej bkub u htrhs jàquoghs •  Fufib eftref eftre f ef ihftb ihftbith ith ihf jhs ih`p ih`phfeft hfeftes es ejei ejei-trùfoihs gej ofterohr gej veaàiujh, gbgh que puegef gbòbrjhs.

Jhs prhguiths quà`oihs usbghs pbrb quotbr ej aoejh ge jb supernoioe ge jbs ibrreterbs shf extre`bgb`efte ihrrhsovhs. Biejerbf jb ihrrhsoùf y ej geterohrh ge jhs ih`phfeftes ge jb pbrte ofnerohr ge jb ibrrhieràb, bsà ih`h gej soste`b ge esibpe, jhs tumhs gegej ih`mustomje y nrefh, jhs ibmjes gej nrefh, ej pbfej posh y ej kubrgbmbrrhs. Ef ofvoerfh, jb pbrte ofnerohr ge jb ibrrhieràb gemerâ jo`pobrse peroùgoib`efte.

Ihfsujte ihf su ihfiesohfbroh FOYYBF h tbjjer iubjonoibgh pbrb que je ofnhr`ef shmre jb prhteiioùf bgoiohfbj ihftrb ej ùxogh y jb ihrrhsoùf que puege feiesotbrse ef bjkufbs zhfbs.

Au`egbg rejbtovb

ofnerohr ge jbs puertbs y ej phrtùf trbserh bmoerths pbrb evotbr jb biu`ujbioùf ge bkub.

Jb ihrrhsoùf se biejerbrâ ef jbs zhfbs que tefkbf ufb au`egbg rejbtovb bjtb, espeiobj`efte ef bquejjbs ef jbs que jb te`perbturb es superohr bj pufth ge ihfkejbioùf, aby ihftb`ofbioùf bt`hsnïroib y se usb sbj ef jb ibrreterb.

Ih`prue rueme me so se ab biu` biu`ujbg ujbghh bref brefb, b, suio suioegb egbgg •   Ih`p


quote suioegbg, brefb hjbvâfghjh so`ojbres ihf gej ih`pbrto`efth ge pbsblerhs •   Fufib

Ej bu`efth ge te`perbturb biejerbrâ ej prhiesh ge ihrrhsoùf ef bquejjbs pbrtes que fh estïf moef veftojbgbs.

;->   Bpbroefiob y iuogbghs  


h sbj ef jb pbrte ofnerohr ge jb ibrrhieràb. Yo es bsà, jâvejb ihf bkub jh bftes phsomje.


ufb `bfkuerb. Ruote jb suioegbg ihf ufb bsporbghrb h uf iepojjh.

Bpbroefiob y iuogbghs   ;-;


1  @bftefo`oefth @bftefo`oefth y aâkbjh usteg `os`h

]equosoths ge `bftefo`oefth.................................... 1-= @bftefo`oefth @bftefo` oefth peroùgoih....... peroùgoih............ .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... ..... 1-= @bftefo`oefth @bftefo` oefth keferbj........ keferbj............. .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... ....... .. 1-=

Mbteràb..................................................................... 1-21 Mbteràb..................................................................... Mbteràb gej veaàiujh ............................................ ............................................ 1-21 Brrbfque ihf mbteràb buxojobr............................... 1-=4

Gùfge goroko gorokorse rse pbrb pbrb............................................. jb revosoùf........ revosoùf.............. ........... .......... ........ ... @bftefo`oefth keferbj............................... keferbj .............. Expjoibioùf ge jhs eje`efths ge `bftefo`oefth keferbj ............................ .................................................... ........................ Treibuiohfes Treibuio hfes ge `bftefo`oeft `bftefo`oefth....... h............ ........... ........... .......... ........ ... Ih`pbrto`efth gej `hthr ................................ ........................................ ........ Yoste`b ge ge renrokerbioùf renrokerbioùf gej `hthr.... `hthr......... .......... .......... .......... ........ ... Ih`prhmbioùf gej fovej gej renrokerbfte gej `hthr.................................................................. `hthr.................................... .............................. Yustotuioùf Yustot uioùf gej gej renrokerbfte renrokerbfte gej `hthr........ `hthr............. .......... .....

1-= 1-=

Yustotuioùf jb pojb gej ihftrhj re`hth oftekrbgh efgejjbve/ge jb jjbve oftejokefte............... Ihrrebs gej `hthr....................................... `hthr.................................................... ............. Mulàbs (`hgejhs (`hgejhs ihf `hthr ge kbshjofb) ..... .......... .......... ......... .... Nojtrh gej gepurbghr ge bore bore.............................. ...................................... ........ ]bsquetbs gej jo`pob .............................. ................................................ .................. ]bsquetbs gej jo`pobpbrbmrosbs jo`pobpbrbmrosbs........................... ........................... ]bsquetb gej jo`pobjufetbs.................................. Nusomjes................................................................... Nusomjes...................................................... ............. Ih`pbrto`efth ge pbsblerhs ............................ ................................

Bieote ge `hthr ............................... ....................................................... ........................


1-= 1-7 1-5 1-> 1-> 1->

1-=4 1-== 1-=9 1-=7 1-=5 1-=5 1-=5 1-=> 1-=>

Ih`pbrto`efth gej `hthr ........................... ................................... ........ 1-=;

Ih`prhmbioùf gej Ih`prhmbioùf gej fovej ge bieote bieote ge `hthr ...... ........ .. Yustotuioùf Yustot uioùf gej gej bieote ge `hthr `hthr..... .......... .......... .......... .......... ....... .. Yustotuioùf Yustot uioùf gej nojtrh ge bieote ge `hthr......... `hthr.............. ....... Trhteiioùf gej `egoh b`moefte ........................... Nojtrh ge ih`mustomje ih`mustomje (`hgejhs (`hgejhs ihf `hthr goïsej)..... goïsej)..... Grefble gej bkub ............................. ................................................ ................... Nrefhs............................ Nrefhs ............................................................ ......................................... ......... Ih`prhmbioùf gej nrefh ge estbiohfb`oefth ...... Ih`prhmbioùf Ih`prh mbioùf gej pegbj gej nrefh nrefh ge servoioh..... servoioh..... Yervhnrefh.......................................................... Yervhnrefh............................................ .............. Jàquogh ge nrefhs nrefhs............................. ..................................................... ........................ Jàquogh gej e`mrbkue (seküf `hgejh) ..................... Njuogh ge jb trbfs`osoùf ge vbrobioùf ihftofub QW]HFOI (I^W) (seküf `hgejh)............................. Jàquogh gej jbvbpbrbmrosbs/jbvbjufetb/jbvbnbrhs (seküf `hgejh)................................................ `hgejh)........................................................ ........

11 1-? 1-24 1-29 1-29 1-29 1-29 1-29 1-27 1-27 1-25 1-2> 1-2; 1-2;


Cot ge e`erkefiob pbrb repbrbioùf ge pofiabzhs pofiabz hs ge feu`âtoihs (seküf `hgejh) `hgejh) ..... .......... ....... 1-9> Iuogbgh ge jbs ruegbs........................................ ruegbs........................................ 1-9;

Juies .............................. .............................................................. ........................................ ........ Nbrhs.................................................................. Nbrhs.......................................... ........................ Juies exterohres ............................... ................................................. .................. Juies gej abmotâiujh .............................. ........................................... ............. Umoibioùf ge jbs juies ................................ ........................................ ........ Feu`âtoihs y ruegbs ............................. ............................................... .................. Tresoùf ge ofnjbgh ofnjbgh ge jhs feu`âtoihs..... feu`âtoihs ........... ........... ....... .. Wophs ge feu`âtoihs........................................... Ibgefbs pbrb foeve foeve............................... ............................................ ............. Ter`utbioùf ge feu`âtoihs .............................. .................................. Geskbste y gbòhs gej feu`âtoih......................... Efveleio`oefth gej feu`âtoih ............................. Yustotuioùf Yustotu ioùf ge feu`âtoihs y ruegbs........ ruegbs............. .......... ....... .. Equojomrbgh ge jbs ruegbs.................................... ruegbs.................................... Feu`âtoih Feu`ât oih ge repuesth (seküf `hgejh).......... `hgejh).............. ....

1 =1 1-=1 1-94 1-94 1-94 1-97 1-97 1-97 1-97 1-95 1-95 1-9> 1-9> 1-9> 1-9>


]ERUOYOWHY GE @BFWEFO@OEFWH Es feiesbroh rebjozbr uf `bftefo` `bftefo`oefth oefth ihtogobfh y rekujbr rek ujbr pbr pbrbb `bf `bftefe teferr jb bgei bgeiubg ubgbb ihfg ihfgoioù oioùff `eiâ `eiâ-foib ge su veaàiujh FOYYBF, bj okubj que uf muef refgo`oefth gej `hthr y ge e`osohfes. Es resphfsbmojogbg gej prhpoetbroh bsekurbrse ge que se rebjozb bgeiubgb`efte ej `bftefo`oefth espeionoibgh bj okubj que ej `bftefo`oefth keferbj. Ih`h pr Ih`h prhp hpoet oetbr broh,uste oh,ustegg es ej üfo üfoih ih qu quee pu pueg egee bs bseekurbr que su veaàiujh reiome jhs iuogbghs bgeiubghs ge `bftefo`oefth.



Estbs revosohfes h ofspeiiohfes puege abierjbs usteg `os`h, uf tïifoih iubjonoibgh h, so jh prenoere, su ihfiesohfbroh FOYYBF h tbjjer iubjonoibgh.

GÙFGE GO]OKO]YE TB]B JB ]E^OYOÙF Yo se feiesotb servoioh servoioh ge `bftefo`oefth h su veaàiujh pbreie nufiohfbr `bj, biugb b uf ihfiesohfbroh FOYYBF h tbjjer iubjonoibgh pbrb que ih`pruemef y phfkbf b pufth jhs gonereftes soste`bs.

Gurbfte ej nufiohfb`oefth ihtogobfh gej veaàiujh, ej `bftefo`oefth keferbj geme rebjozbrse rekujbr`efte tbj ih`h se ofgoib ef estb seiioùf. Yo geteitb shfoghs, vomrbiohfes u hjhres rbrhs, bsekürese ge ih`prhmbr jb ibusb h pogb b su ihfiesohfbroh FOYYBF h tbjjer iubjonoibgh que jh ih`prueme efsekuogb. Bge`âs, gemeràb phferse ef ihftbith ihf uf ihfiesohfbroh FOYYBF h tbjjer iubjonoi iubjonoibgh bgh so es feiesbroh rebjozbr repbrbiohfes. Iubf Iubfgh gh rebj rebjoie oie trb trbmblh mblhss ge `bftefo` efo`oeft oefthh hge revosoh rev osoh-fes, sokb rokurhsb`efte jbs`bft ‚Treibuiohfes `bftefo`oe tef o`oefth fth‐‐ ges gesirot irotbs bs `âs bge bgejbft jbftee ef estb seii seiioùf. oùf.

Tbrbsu ih`h ih`hgog gogbg, bg, jhs eje` eje`efth efthss gej `bf `bftefo tefo`oef `oef-th peroùgoih feiesbrohs se gesiromef y efu`erbf ef jb Ofnhr`bioùf shmre jb kbrbftàb y ej `bftefo`oefth, que se prhphriohfb phr sepbrbgh. Geme ihfsujtbr goiab pumjoibioùf pbrb bsekurbrse ge que rebjozb ej `bftefo`oefth feiesbroh ef su veaàiujh


FOYYBF ef oftervbjhs rekujbres.

Jhs pufths ge `bftefo`oefth jostbghs bquà se ge-

@âs bgejbfte ef estb seiioùf puege efihftrbr ofnhr`bioùf bgoiohfbj shmre jhs sokuoeftes pufths ihf uf bsterosih (*).

mef rebjozbr ihf ioertb rekujbrogbg, rekujbrogbg, b fh ser que se espeionoque ge htrb `bferb.

@BFWEFO@OEFWH KEFE]BJ Ej `bftefo `bftefo`oefth `oefth keferbj ofijuye bquejjh bquejjhss eje`efths gej veaàiujh que gemef revosbrse gurbfte ej nufiohfb`oefth iohfb`oef th ihtogobfh gej veaàiujh veaàiujh.. Yhf esefiobjes pbrb ej nufiohfb nufiohfb`oefth `oefth ihrreith ge su veaàiujh veaàiujh.. Es su resphfsbmojogbg rebjozbr rekujbr`efte esths prhiego`oefths.

Exterohr gej veaàiujh Thrtùf trbserh, puertbs y ibpù<

Ih`prueme Ih`prue me que ej phrt phrtùf ùf trbs trbserh, erh, thg thgbs bs jbs pue puertb rtbss y ej ibpù nufiohfbf ihrreitb`efte. Bsekürese tb`moïf ge que thghs jhs ioerres nufiohfbf ihrreitb-

Jb rebjozbioùf estb revosoùf ge `bftefo`oefth keferbj requoereegeihfhio`oe requoer ihfhio`oefths fths `eiâfoihs `eiâfoihs`àfo`hs `àfo`hs y bjkufbs aerrb`oeftbs.

`efte. Jumroque jbs mosbkrbs ioerres ef ibsh feiesbroh. Bsekürese ge que yejjhs ioerre seiufgbroh fh gelb bmror ej ibpù iubfgh se suejtb ej ioerre profiopbj.

1-=   @bftefo`oefth y aâkbjh usteg `os`h  

puege que seb feiesbroh bjofebr jbs ruegbs. Yo ej vhjbft vhj bftee ge go gore reiio iioùf ùf h jhsbsoe jhsbsoeft fths hs vo vomr mrbf bf iub iubfg fghh se ihfguie ef ibrreterb b vejhiogbg fhr`bj, puege que seb feiesbroh equojomrbr jbs ruegbs.

Fovej gej jàquogh ge nrefhs y gej e`mrbkue*<

Jo`poe jhs nbrhs rekujbr`efte. Bsekürese ge que jhs nbr nbrhs, hs, juie juiess ge nre nrefh, fh, juie juiess trb trbser serbs, bs, ofgo ofgoibg ibghres hres ge go gorei reiioù ioùff y th thgb gbss jbsge`â jbsge`âss jui juies es nu nufio fiohfb hfbff bg bgeeiubgb`efte y estâf `hftbghs ge nhr`b sekurb. Ih`prueme tb`moïf ej rekujbghr ge nbrhs.

Wueribs ge jb ruegb<

Fovej gej renrokerbfte gej `hthr*<

Iubfghh re Iubfg revos vosee jbsrueg jbsruegbs bs bse bsekü küres resee ge qu quee fh nb nbjtb jtb fofkufb tuerib ge ruegb y ih`prueme que fh aby fofkufb njhlb. Bproïtejbs so nuese feiesbroh.

Ih`prueme ej fovej ge renrokerbfte iubfgh ej `hthr estï nràh.



Bsekürese ge que jbs ihrrebs gej `hthr fh estâf gesaojbiabgbs, geskbstbgbs, bkroetbgbs h `bfiabgbs ge bieote.

Iubfgh ihfguzib ihfguzib phr ibrreterbs ef jbs que se utojozb sbj u htrhs `bterobjes ihrrhsovhs, ih`prueme jb jumroibioùf nreiuefte`efte. Juies*<

Ih`prueme jb presoùf peroùgoib`efte (ofijuogh ej feu`âtoih ge repuesth) ihf uf `bfù`etrh iubfgh estï ef ufb kbshjoferb y bluste jb presoùf espeionoibgb ef ibsh feiesbroh. Ih`prueme `ofuiohsb`efte so aby gbòhs, ihrtes h geskbste exiesovh. Ter`utbioùf ge feu`âtoihs*<

Jhs feu`âtoihs gemef per`utbrse ibgb 24.444 c` (>.444 `ojjbs). Fh hmstbfte, ej `h`efth ge per`u-

Jo`poe ej pbrbmrosbs rekujbr`efte. Ih`prueme ej pbrbmrosbs pbrbmr osbs bj `efhs ibgb seos `eses ef musib ge kroetbs u htrhs gbòhs. Biugb b uf tbjjer iubjonoibgh pbrb que repbref ej pbrbmrosbs so estâ gbòbgh. ]bsquetbs gej jo`pob*<

Yo fh jo`pobf ihrreitb`efte, ih`prueme so estâf bkroetbgbs h geskbstbgbs.

Gemblh gej ibpù y gej veaàiujh

Bsekürese ge que ej fovej gej jàquogh ge nrefhs y gej e`mrbkue se efiueftrb eftre jbs `bribs @BQ y @OF gej gepùsoth.

Ihrrebs gej `hthr*<

Fovej ge bieote ge `hthr*<

Ih`prueme ej fovej trbs estbiohfbr ej veaàiujh ef ufb supernoioe fovejbgb y ihf ej `hthr pbrbgh. Nukbs ge njuoghs<

Ih`prueme mblh ej veaàiujh so aby nukbs ge ih`mustomje, bieote, bkub h iubjquoer htrh njuogh ges-

tbioùf ge feu`âtoihs puege vbrobr seküf jhs aâmothss ge ihf th ihfgu guii iioùfy oùfy jbsihfg jbsihfgoio oiohfe hfess ge jb ib ibrre rrete terb. rb. Ih`phfeftes ge jb trbfs`osoùf gej soste`b ge ihftrhj ge presoùf ge feu`âtoihs (WT@Y) (seküf `hgejh)<

Yustotu Yusto tuyb yb jb luf luftb tb ge gejj hlb hlbj,j, ej hm hmüs üs ge vâ vâjv jvujby ujby jb tb tbpb pb gej trb trbfs` fs`oshrWT@Y oshrWT@Y iubf iubfgh gh se ree` ree`pjb pjbief ief jbs rue rue-gbs gemogh bj geskbste h bj toe`ph. Bjofeb`oefth y equojomrbgh ge jbs ruegbs<

Yo bj ih ihfg fguio uiorr ph phrr ufbibrr ufbibrret eter erbb rei reitb tb y jjb jjbfb,ej fb,ej ve veaàaàiujh se gesjozb abiob iubjquoerb ge jhs jbghs, h so fhtb uf geskbste bfù`bjh h orrekujbr ge jbs ruegbs,

Jhs pufths ge `bftefo`oefth jostbghs b ihftofubioùf gem gemef ef ver veronoi onoibrs brsee per peroùg oùgoib` oib`efte efte33 phr ele` ele`pjh pjh,, ibgb vez que revose ej bieote ge `hthr h rephste. Mbteràb*<

Ef jb mbteràb sof `bftefo`oefth, ih`prueme so ej ofgoibghr verge ge jb pbrte superohr es vosomje. Yo fh es vosomje, sustotuyb jb mbteràb jh bftes phsomje.

puïs ge abmer estbiohfbgh ej veaàiujh gurbfte uf rbth. Ej bkub que khteb gej bihfgoio bihfgoiohfbghr hfbghr ge bore gespuïs ge su ush es fhr`bj. Yo bgvoerte iubjquoer nukb h vbphre vbphress ge ih`must ih`mustomje, omje, ih`prueme ih`prueme jb ibusb y ihrràlbjb of`egobtb`efte. Jàquogh gej jbvbpbrbmrosbs/jbvbjufe jbvbpbrbmrosbs/jbvbjufetb*< tb*<

Ih`prueme que ej jàquogh exostefte ef ej gepùsoth es ej bgeiubgh.

Es feiesb fei esbro h rev revosb osbrr ej fovej fov ej ge njnjuog uoghhef geihfgoioh `bfer `b ferbb fes nrenr eiuefte ef roh veaàiujhs que nufiohfef ihfgoiohfes extre`bs h ihf te`perbturbs bjtbs.

@bftefo`oefth y aâkbjh usteg `os`h   1-9  

T]EIBUIOHFEY GE @BFWEFO@OEFWH Ofterohr gej veaàiujh Jhs eje`efths ge `bftefo`oefth efu`erbghs bquà  se gemef ih`prhmbr rekujbr`efte, ih`h iubfgh se rebj rebjozb ozb ej `bft `bftefo` efo`oeft oefthh per peroùgo oùgoih, ih, jb jo`p jo`poezb oezb gej veaàiujh, eti. Tegbj gej biejerbghr<

Ih`prueme que ej pegbj nufiohfb ihf subvogbg y bsekürese ge que fh se mjhqueb fo se feiesotb bpjoibr ufb nuerzb orrekujbr. @bftefkb jbs bjnh`mrojjbs gej posh bjelbgbs gej pegbj. Tegbj gej nrefh*<

Ih`prueme que ej pegbj nufiohfb ihf subvogbg. Yo ej pegbj gej nrefh mblb repeftofb`efte `âs ge jh fhr`bj, h so ej pegbj se fhtb esphflhsh h pbreie que ej veaàiujh tbrgb `âs ef pbrbr, pùfkbse ef ihftbit ihft bithh ihf uf ihfi ihfiesoh esohfbr fbroh oh FOY FOYYBF YBF h tbjj tbjjer er iubjonoibgh of`egobtb`efte. @bftefkb jb bjnh`mrojjb gej posh bjelbgb gej pegbj.

mezbs se `uevef abiob brromb y abiob bmblh ihf subvogbg y que jhs ioerres nufiohfbf ihf sekurogbg ef thgbs sus phsoiohfes. Iofturhfes ge sekurogbg<

Ih`prueme que thghs jhs ih`phfe Ih`prueme ih`phfeftes ftes gej iofturùf ge sekurogbg (phr ele`pjh, aemojjbs, bfijbles, blustbghres y retrbithres) nufiohfbf moef y subve`eftee y queestâfofstbjb `eft queestâfofstbjbghsbgeiub ghsbgeiubgb` gb`efte efte.. Ih`prueme so jb ihrreb gej iofturùf preseftb ihrtes, estâ gesaojbiabgb, geskbstbgb h preseftb gbòhs. ^eb ‚Io ‚Ioftur fturhfesge hfesge sek sekurog urogbg‐ef bg‐ef jb seii seiioùf oùf ‚2.Yekurogbg ‗ bsoefths, iofturhfes ge sekurogbg y soste`bge sek sekurog urogbg bg sup supje`e je`eftbr ftbroh‐pbrb oh‐pbrb hmt hmtefer`âs efer`âs getbjjes.

Iubfgh rebjoie trbmblhs ge ofspeiioùf h `bftefo`oefth ef su veaàiujh, th`e soe`pre jbs `egogbs bgeiubgbs pbrb evotbr jesohfes krbves h gbòhs ef ej veaàiujh. Gemef teferse ef iueftb jbs sokuoeftes preibuiohfes keferbjes. ufb supernoioe fo•   Estbiohfe ej veaàiujh shmre ufb vejbgb, bpjoque nor`e`efte ej nrefh ge estbiohfb` ioh fb`oef oefth th y ibj ibjie ie jbsruegb jbsruegbss pbr pbrb b evo evotbrque tbrque ejveaàiujhse ejveaài ujhse `ue `uevb.Tbrb vb.Tbrb `hg `hgejh ejhss ihftrbfs ihftrbfs-`osoùf `bfubj, `uevb`uerth).Tbrb jb pbjbfib ge `hgejhs ib`mohs b jb phsoioùf F (pufth ihf trbfs`osoùf ge vbrobioùf ihftofub (I^W)< `uevb jb pbjbfib ge ib`mohs b jb phsoioùf T (estbiohfb`oefth).

^hjbfte ge goreiioùf<

•   Fh trbmble gemblh gej ibpù `oeftrbs ej `hthr

Ih`prueme iubjquoer ib`moh ef ej estbgh gej vhjbfte, ih`h luekh exiesovh, gurezb bj korbrjh h ruoghs extrbòhs.

•  Bsekürese ge phfer ej ofterrupthr ge efief-

Westokhs y seòbjes biüstoibs<

estï ibjoefte. Tbre soe`pre ej `hthr y espere abstb que se efnràe. gogh ef jb phsoioùf ‚HNN‐ h JHIC.

Nrefh ge estbiohfb`oefth*<

Ihfnor`e que su veaàiujh se `bftoefe ef ufb iuestb prhfufiobgb shjb`efte ihf ej nrefh ge estbiohfb`oefth bpjoibgh. Bsoefths<

Ih`prueme jhs ihftrhje Ih`prueme ihftrhjess ge phsoioù phsoioùff ge jhs bsoefths, tbjes ih`h jhs rekujbghres ge jhs bsoefths h ej bsoefth bsekurbrse que nufiohfbf ihfreijofbmje, subvogbg y pbrb ge que thghs jhs ge ioerres se mjhquebf nor`e`efte. Ih`prueme que jhs rephsbib-

Westokhs y seòbjes biüstoibs<

Iubfgh ej oft Iubfgh ofterr errupt upthr hr ge efi efiefg efgogh ogh est estâ â ef jb phsoioùf HF h Bii, ej veftojbghr ge renrokerbioùf puege phferse ef nufiohfb`oefth sümotb`efte bufque fh estï nufiohfbfgh ej `hthr. Tbrb evotbr jesohfes, gesihfeite soe`pre ej ibmje fekbtovh ge jb mbteràb bftes ge trbmb lbr ierib gej `hthr.

Bsekürese ge que thghs jhs testokhs/ofgoibghres y seòbjes biüstoibs nufiohfbf bgeiubgb`efte. Gese`pbòbghr gej pbrbmrosbs<

Ih`prueme que ej bore sbje bgeiubgb`efte phr jbs sbjogbs gej gese`pbòbghr bj bitovbr jb ibjenbiioùf h ej bihfgoiohfbghr ge bore. Jo`pob y jbvbpbrbmrosbs*<

Ih`prueme que jhs jo`pobs y ej jbvbr nufiohfbf ihIh`prueme rreitb`efte rreitb`e fte y que jhs jo`pobs fh rbybf.

 Yo toefe que trbmblbr ihf ej `hthr ef nufiohfb`oefth, `bftefkb jbs `bfhs, rhpb, pejh y aerrb` aer rb`oef oeftbs tbs bje bjelbg lbghs hs ge vef veftoj tojbgh bghres res,, ihrrebs y iubjquoer poezb ef `hvo`oefth.

1-7   @bftefo`oefth y aâkbjh usteg `os`h  

IH@TB]WO@EFWH GEJ @HWH] ]eih`efgb`h b`hss que se quo quote te jb ihr ihrmbt mbtb b y •   ]eih`efg iubjquoer lhyb, ih`h bfojjhs, rejhl, eti., bftes

Iougbgbfàb Bzuj ge FOYYBF

•   Yo toefe que phfer ef `briab ej `hthr ef uf

Ej bieote u htrhs njuoghs gej `hthr ofihrreitb`eftegeseiabghss pueg `eftegeseiabgh puegef ef ihftb ihftb`ofbrej `ofbrej `egoh b`moefte. Iu`pjb soe`pre jb jekosjbioùf jhibj vokefte bj geseiabr jhs njuoghs gej veaàiujh.


Estb seiioùf hnreie ofstruiiohfes ofstruiiohfes rejbiohf rejbiohfbgbs bgbs shjb`efte ihf bquejjbs hperbiohfes hperbiohfes que, phr su nâioj eleiuioùf, puege rebjozbr ej prhpoh usubroh.

ge phferse b trbmblbr ef ej veaàiujh. jukbr ier jukbr ierrbg rbgh, h, ih` ih`h h gef geftrh trh ge uf kbr kbrble ble,, bse bse-kürese ge que abyb veftojbioùf sunoioefte pbrb jhs kbses ge esibpe. IUJH RUE EYWÏ BTH_BGH EF UF KBWH.

•  Fh nu`e fo bierque jjb`bs fo iaospbs b jb mbteràb fo bj ih`mustomje.

•  Fufib ihfeite fo gesihfeite jb mbteràb h ej ihfeithr ge iubjquoer htrh ih`phfefte trbfsosthrozbgh `oeftrbs ej ofterrupthr ge efiefgogh estï ef jb phsoioùf HF.

•  Fufib gele gesihfeitbghs ej `hthr h ej ih-

feithr ge jb ofstbjbioùf gej ih`phfefte rejbiohfbgh ihf jb trbfs`osoùf, `oeftrbs ej ofte-

]eiuerge que uf servoioh ge repbrbiohfes ofih`pjeth h ofihrreith puege prhguior gonoiujtbges ge nufiohfb`oefth nufiohfb` oefth h exiesov exiesovbs bs e`osohfes ge esibpe y bneitbr b jb ihmerturb ge jb kbrbftàb gej veaàiujh.  Yo toefe bjkufb gugb bierib ge iù`h rebjozbr estbs hperbiohfes, gele jb revosoùf ef `bfhs ge su ihfiesohfbroh FOYYBF h tbjjer iubjonoibgh.

Tbrb ufb vosoùf keferbj gej ih`pbrto`efth gej `hthr, ihfsujte ‚Ih`pbrto`efth gej `hthr‐ ef jb seiioùf ‚4. Àfgoie ojustrbgh‐ .

rrupthr ge efiefgogh estï ef jb phsoioùf HF. kbshjofb y sos•   Ef jhs `hgejhs ihf `hthr ge kbshjofb te`b ge ofyeiioùf ge ih`mustomje `ujtopuerth (@NO), uf ihfiesohfbroh FOYYBF h tbjjer iubjonoibgh geme revosbr ej nojtrh h jbs jàfebs ge ih` ih`mus mustom tomje je ybque est estâfsh`et âfsh`etogb ogbss b krb krbf f presoùf bufque ej `hthr fh estï ef `briab.

 Utojoie soe`pre kbnbs ge prhteiioùf bj trbmb lbr ef su veaàiujh.

• sekurogbg •   Fh sekuor estbs u htrbs pbutbs ge sekurogbg puege ibusbrje jesohfes krbves h gbòhs bj veaàiujh.

@bftefo`oefth y aâkbjh usteg `os`h   1-5  


•  Fufib quote ej tbpùf gej gepùsoth ge renroke-

rbfte gej `ht rbfte `hthr hr `oe `oeftr ftrbs bs ej `ht `hthr hr est estï ï ibj ibjoef oef-te. Thgràb sunror que`bgurbs krbves so ej njuogh b bjtb presoùf se esibpb gej gepùsoth gej renrokerbfte gej `hthr. Espere abstb que ej `hthr y ej rbgobghr se abybf efnrobgh.

gepùsoth ge reservb gej renrokerbfte gej •   Ej`hthr estâ equopbgh ihf uf tbpùf b presoùf3 utojoie shjb`efte uf tbpùf hrokofbj FOYYBF h equovbjefte iubfgh seb feiesbroh sustotuorjh.


•   Ej renrokerbfte ge `hthr es tùxoih y gemerâ

T]EIBUIOÙF Yo ej soste`b ge renrokerbioùf feiesotb renrokerbfte rbf te b `ef `efugh ugh,, bi biugb ugb b su ihf ihfies iesohf ohfbro broh h FOYYBF h tbjjer iubjonoibgh pbrb su revosoùf.


kubrgbrse ef reiopoeftes etoquetbghs y nuerb gej bjibfie ge jhs foòhs.

Ej soste`b ge renrokerbioùf gej `hthr se jjefb ef nâmroib ihf uf renrokerbfte gej `hthr ge bjtb ibjogbg, pbrb thgh ej bòh y ge jbrkb gurbioùf. Ej renrokerbfte gej `hthr ge bjtb ibjogbg ihftoefe shjuiohfes shjuiohfes bftoihrrhsovbs y bftoihfkejbftes eneitovbs. Thr jh tbfth, fh se feiesotbf bgotovhs espeiobjes pbrb ej soste`b ge renrokerbioùf. T]EIBUIOÙF

Ih`prueme ej fovej ge renrokerbfte gej gepùsoth iubfgh ej `hthr estï nràh. Yo ej fovej ge renrokerbfte estâ phr gemblh gej fovej @OF l = , bòbgb renrokerbfte abstb ej fovej @BQ l 2.


•  Jbs repbrbiohfes o`phrtbftes gej soste`b ge FGO2572

l B   @hthr A]B=GGW

renrokerbioùf gemef rebjozbrse ef uf ihfiesohfbroh FOYYBF h tbjjer iubjonoibgh. Jhs prhiego`oeft iego `oefths hs ge `bfte `bftefo`o fo`oefth efth puege puegef f efihftrbrse ef ej @bfubj ge tbjjer FOYYBF ihrresphfgoefte.

  Fh utojoie bgotovhs ef ej soste`b ge ge renrokerbioùf, ioù f, tbj tbjes es ih` ih`h h sej sejjbg jbghr hr ge rbg rbgobg obghr. hr. Jhs bgo bgo-tovhs puegef hmstruor ej soste`b ge renrokerbioùf y prhvhibr gbòhs ef ej `hthr, jb trbfs`osoùf y/h ej soste`b ge renrokerbioùf.

•  Iubfgh seb feiesbroh abier ufb revosoùf h

l M   @hthr C?C

sustotuioùf, FOYYBF reih`oefgb que se phfkb ef ihftbith ihf uf ihfiesohfbroh FOYYBF h tbjjer iubjonoibgh pbrb que jjeve b ibmh jbs tbrebs ge `bftefo`oefth.

•   Ufb `bftefo`oefth h ib`moh ge renrokerbfte

•  Iubfgh bòbgb h sustotuyb ej renrokerbfte gej

`hthr, `ht hr, bse bsekür kürese ese ge e`p e`pjeb jebrr ren renrok rokerb erbfte fte bf-

gej `hthr ofihrreiths puege reguior ej refgo`oefth ge jb ibjenbiioùf y ibusbr ej shmreib-

toihfkejbfte hrokofbj FOYYBF u htrh equovbjefte.

jeftb`oefth gej `hthr.

•  Ej ush ge htrh toph ge renrokerbftes ge `hthr puege gbòbr ej soste`b ge renrokerbioùf.


@hthr @]2>GGW

1->   @bftefo`oefth y aâkbjh usteg `os`h  

;. @hfte jb `bfkuerb l = y bproete bproete nor`e` nor`e`efte efte ej tbpùf ge grefble gej mjhque `hthr l 9.


•  Tbrb evotbr ej roeskh ge que`bgurbs, fufib

1. Bproete Bproete ej tbpùf ge grefble gej rbgobghr ge renrorenrokerbfte gej `hthr l 2.

ib`moe ej renrokerbfte `oeftrbs ej `hthr estï büf ibjoefte.

?. Jjefe ej gepùsoth ge reservb ihf renrokerbfte abstb abs tb ej fov fovej ej @BQ.^eb ‚Ib ‚Ibpbio pbiogbg gbges es y jumr jumroibf oibf-tes/jàquoghs reih`efgbghs‐ ef jb seiioùf ‚?. Ofnhr`bioùf tïifoib‐ pbrb hmtefer ofnhr`bioùf shmre jb ibpbiogbg gej soste`b ge renrokerbioùf.

Evote te ej ihf ihftbi tbith th gor goreit eith h ge jb poe poejj ihf ren renrok rokee•   Evo

rbfte yb utojozbgh. Yo se prhguie ihftbith ihf jb poej, jbve jb pbrte bneitbgb ihf lbmùf h jo`pobghr ge `bfhs y bmufgbfte bkub jh bftes phsomje.   @bftefkb ej renrokerbfte nuerb gej bjibfie bjibfie ge jhs foòhs.

Iougbgbfàb Bzuj ge FOYYBF Ej renrok renrokerbft erbfte e ge `hthr geme geseiabrse bgeiubgb`efte. Ihfsujte jb jekosjbioùf jhibj vokefte bj respeith.


@hthr A]B=GGW, @]2>GGW h C?C 2. @uevb ej ihftrhj ge te`perbturb ge jb ibjenbiioùf h gej bihfgoiohfbghr ge bore b jb phsoioùf ge ibjhr `âxo`h. =. Bmrb ej ibpù. Tbrb hmtefer `âs ofnhr`bioùf, ihfsujte ihfs ujte ‚Bperturb ‚Bperturb gej ibpù ibpù‐‐ ef jb seii seiioùf oùf ‚9. Ih`prhmbiohfes y rekjbles prevohs b jb `br-

24. Ruote ej tbpùf gej gepùsoth gej renrokerbfte renrokerbfte gej `hthr. 22. Brrbfque Brrbfque y revhjuiohfe ej `hthr ghs h tres veies sof ibrkb. 2=. Tbjpe ej `bfkuoth gej rbgobghr rbgobghr pbrb periomor so ej bkub njuye. 29. ]evhjuioh ]evhjuiohfe fe ej `hthr b ufb vejhiogbg ge =.444 =.444 - =.544 rp` gurbfte bprhxo`bgb`efte 24 `o-


iab‐. 9. Bnjhl Bnjhlee ej tb tbpù pùff ge gr grefb efble le ge gejj rbg rbgobg obghr hr ge ren renrok rokeerbfte gej `hthr l 2 pbrb byugbr byugbr b grefbr ej renrorenrokerbfte.

27. Ih`prueme Ih`prueme so ej ofgoibg ofgoibghr hr ge te`perbturb gej renrokerbfte gej `hthr preseftb sokfhs ge shmreibjeftb`oefth.

7. Gesihfeite Gesihfeite ej `bfkuoth ofnerohr ofnerohr l = gej rbgobg rbgobghr hr y bmrb ej tbpùf ge grefble l 9 ef ej mjhq mjhque ue `hthr.

25. Tbre ej `hthr y ih`prueme ej fovej ge renrokerbfte rb fte,, gï gïlej lejhh efn efnrob robrr y re rejje jjefe fe abs abstb tb ej fov fovej ej @B @BQ. Q.

5. Bmrb tbpùf gej gepùsoth gejrenrokerbfte. renrokerbfte gej `hthrejpbrb byugbr b grefbr ej

2;. Ioerre ej ibpù.


2>. Ih`prueme so ej `bfkuoth gej rbgobghr toefe nukbs.

>. Jo`poe ej soste`b ge renrokerbioùf gelbfgh ihrrer bkub jo`pob phr ej gepùsoth ge renrokerbfte gej `hthr. @bftefo`oefth y aâkbjh usteg `os`h   1-;  


2. Estbiohfe Estbiohfe ej veaàiujh ef ufb superno supernoioe ioe fovejbgb y bpjoque ej nrefh ge estbiohfb`oefth.


=. Brrbfque ej `hthr. Yo ej `hthr estâ nràh, gïlejh bj rbjeftà abstb que jb te`perbturb gej `hthr bjibfie su fovej hperbtovh.

Ej fovej ge bieote se geme ih`prhmbr rekujbr`efte. Ej ush gej veaàiujh ihf bieote ofsunoioefte puege ibusbr gbòhs ef ej `hthr que fh iumre jb kbrbftàb.

9. Tbre ej `hthr. 7. Espere bj `efhs 24 `ofuths pbrb que ej bieote ge `hthr vuejvb bj iârter. FGO2595

@hthr C?C 

5. Bmrb ej ibpù. Tbrb hmtefer `âs ofnhr`bioùf, ihfsujt ihfs ujtee ‚Bp ‚Bpertu erturb rb gej ibp ibpù‐ ù‐ ef jb seii seiioùf oùf ‚9. Ih`prhmbiohfes y rekjbles prevohs b jb `briab‐. >. Extrb Extrbokb okb jb vbrojjb ge fovej y jà`poejb. jà`poejb.


@hthr A]B=GGW

@hgejhs ihf `hthr C?C< jb vbrojjb ge fovej ge bieot bi eotee ge `h `hth thrr es estâ tâ nol nolbg bgbb bj tb tbpù pùff ge su` su`of ofost ostrh rh ge bieote ge `hthr. Extrbokb ej tbpùf ge su`ofostrh ge bieote y jo`poe jb vbrojjb.

;. ^uejvb b oftrhguiorjb oftrhguiorjb abstb ej nhfgh. FGO25>?

l B   @hthr C?C l M   @hthr @]2>GGW l I   @hthr A]B=GGW FGO25;2

@hthr @]2>GGW

l 2   \hfb fhr`bj l =   Fovej @OF l 9   Fovej @BQ

@hgejhs ihf `hthr C?C< ihjhque ej tbpùf ge su`ofostrh ge bieote. 1. Ruote ge fuevh jb vbrojjb ge fovej y ih`prueme ih`prueme ej fovej gej bieote. Gemeràb efihftrbrse ef jb zhfb fhr`bj l 2. ?. Yo ej fovej gej bieote estâ phr gemblh gej fovej @OF =ej, bieote quote ejreih`efgbgh tbpùf ge su`ofostrh gej bieote y voertbl phr jb bperturb.  Fh jjefe ef exiesh l 9. 24. ^uejvb b ih`prhmbr ej fovej ge bieote ihf jb vbrojjb.

1-1   @bftefo`oefth y aâkbjh usteg `os`h  

nor`e`efte ej tbpùf ge su`ofostrh su`ofostrh ge 22. Ihjhque nor`e`efte bieote. 2=. Ioerre ej ibpù. Es fhr`bj bòbgor bjkh ge bieote ge `hthr eftre jhs oftervbjhs ge `bftefo`oefth gepefgoefgh ge jh bgversbs que sebf jbs ihfgoiohfes ge nufiohfb`oefth h jbs ibrbiteràstoibs gej bieote ge `hthr utojozbgh. Ye ihfsu`e `âs bieote ge `hthr iubfgh se biejerb/gesbiejerb nreiuefte`efte, espeiobj`efte iubfgh jbs revhjuiohfes gej `hthr shf bjtbs. Ej ihfsu`h toefge b ser `byhr iubfgh ej `hthr es fuevh. Yo ej ihfsu`h ge bieo bi eote te es su supe pero rohr hr b 4, 4,5 5 jo jotr trhs hs ib ibgb gb 2. 2.44 444 4 c` (> (>=2 =2 `ojjbs) gespuïs ge abmer ihfguiogh 5.444 c` (9.444 (9.44 4 `ojj `ojjbs), bs), ihfsu ihfsujte jte ihf uf ihfi ihfiesohf esohfbroh broh FOYYBF h tbjjer iubjonoibgh.


iuogbgh ge fh sunror que`bgurbs, yb •  Wefkb que ej bieote ge `hthr estâ ibjoefte. •  Ej ihftbith prhjhfkbgh y repetogh ihf bieote ge `hthr usbgh puege ibusbr iâfier ge poej.

•  Evote ej ihftbith goreith ge jb poej ihf bieote usbgh. Yo se prhguie ihftbith ihf jb poej, jbve jb pbrte bneitbgb ihf lbmùf h jo`pobghr ge `bfhs y bmufgbfte bkub jh bftes phsomje.

ej bieote usbgh ef reiopoeftes eto•  Bj`biefe quetbghs y nuerb gej bjibfie ge jhs foòhs.


@hthr A]B=GGW


  FOYYBF reih`oefgb que se phfkb ef ihftbith ihf uf ihfiesohfbroh FOYYBF h tbjjer iubjonoibgh pbrb ib`mobr ej bieote ge `hthr.

FGO24>7 FGO25;4

@hthr C?C  @hthr @]2>GGW

2. Estbiohfe Estbiohfe ej veaàiujh ef ufb superno supernoioe ioe fovejbgb y bpjoque ej nrefh ge estbiohfb`oefth.

Iougbgbfàb Bzuj ge FOYYBF

=. Brrbfque ej `hthr. Yo ej `hthr estâ nràh, gïlejh bj rbjeftà abstb que jb te`perbturb gej `hthr bjibf-

Ej bieote usbgh fh geme verterse ef ej suejh, ràhs, ibfbjes, eti. Gemerâ geseiabrse ef uf vertegerh ihf jbs ofstbjbiohfes bgeiubgbs. Ihfsujte jb jekosjbioùf jhibj vokefte bj respeith.

ie su fovej hperbtovh. 9. Bpbkue ej `hthr y espere bj `efhs 24 `ofuths pbrb que ej bieote ge `hthr vuejvb bj iârter.

@bftefo`oefth y aâkbjh usteg `os`h   1-?  

7. Bmrb ej ibpù. Tbrb hmtefer `âs ofnhr`bioùf, ihfsujt ihfs ujtee ‚Bp ‚Bpertu erturb rb gej ibpù‐ ef jb seii seiioùf oùf ‚9. Ih`prhmbiohfes y rekjbles prevohs b jb `briab‐. 5. Ruote ej tbpùf ge su`ofostrh su`ofostrh ge bieote. >. Ej Ejeve eve ej veaà veaàiujh iujh y `bf `bftïfk tïfkbjh bjh ejev ejevbgh bgh uto utojozb jozbfgh fgh uf kbth bgeiubgh y ibmbjjetes ge sekurogbg. Ihjhque jhs ibmbjjetes ge sekurogbg mblh jhs pufths ge ejevbioùf gej veaàiujh. Tbrb hmtefer `âs ofnhr`bioùf, ihfsujte ‚Feu`âtoih pofiabgh‐ ef jb seiioùf ‚>. Ef ibsh ge e`erkefiob‐. ;. Ges`hfte jb iumoertb ofnerohr gej ih`pbrto`efth gej `hthr. 1. Thfkb uf ihjeithr ge grefble krbfge gemblh gej tbpùf ge grefble. ?. Ruote ej tbpùf ge grefble ihf ufb jjbve y grefe

@hthr @]2>GGW 97,9 F•` (9,5 ck-`, =5 nt-jm) @hthr C?C< =4 F•` (=,2 ck-`, 25 poes-jm)

22. Jjefe ej `hthr ihf ej toph y ibftogbg reih`efreih`efgbgb ge bieote ge `hthr. ^eb ‚I ^eb ‚Ibp bpbio biogb gbge gess y jum jumro roibf ibfte tes/j s/jàq àquog uoghs hs reih`efgbghs‐ ef jb seiioùf ‚?. Ofnhr`bioùf tïifoib‐. 2=. Ih`prueme ej fovej gej bieote ihf jb vbrojjb. Tbrb hmtefer `âs ofnhr`bioùf, ihfsujte ‚Ih`prhmbioùf gej fovej ge bieote ge `hthr‐ bfterohr` ro hr`eft eftee ef est estbb sei seiioù ioùf. f. Bò Bòbg bgbb bie bieototee ge `hthr so es feiesbroh feiesbroh.. 29. Ihjhque nor`e`efte nor`e`efte ej tbpùf ge su`ofostrh su`ofostrh ge bieote. 27. Brrbfq Brrbfque ue ej `hthr.


•   FOYYBF reih`oefgb que se phfkb ef ihf-

tbith ihf uf ihfiesohfbroh FOYYBF h tbjjer iubjonoibgh pbrb ib`mobr ej nojtrh ge bieote ge `hthr.

Iougbgbfàb Bzuj ge FOYYBF

Ej nojtrh ge bieote usbgh geme torbrse ef bjküf mbsurerh ihf jbs ofstbjbiohfes bgeiubgbs.

@hthr C?C

?. Ruote ej tbpùf ge grefble ihf ufb jjbve y grefe ej bieote phr ih`pjeth. Yo es feiesbroh sustotuor ej nojtrh ge bieote ge `hthr, retàrejh y iâ`moejh ef este `h`efth. ^eb ‚Yustotuioùf gej nojtrh ge bieote ge `hthr‐ `âs bgejbfte ef estb seiioùf. 24. Jo`poe y ihjhque fuevb`efte fuevb`efte ej tbpùf ge grefble lufth ihf ufb brbfgejb fuevb. Bproete moef ej tbpùf ihf ufb jjbve.  Fh e`pjee ufb nuerzb exiesovb. Tbres ge bproete gej tbpùf ge grefble< @hthr A]B=GGW< 54 F•` (5,2 ck-`, 9>,? poes-jm)

25. Ih`prueme so aby nukbs bjregeghr gej tbpùf ge grefble. Ihrrolb so es feiesbroh. 2>. Tbre ej `hthr y espere ufhs `ofuths. `ofuths. 2;. Ih`prueme Ih`prueme ge fuevh ej fovej gej bieote ihf jb vbrojjb. Bòbgb bieote ge `hthr so es feiesbroh. 21. @hfte jb ium iumoert oertbb ofne ofnerohrgej rohrgej ih`p ih`pbrt brto`ef o`efth th gej `hthr. 2?. Mble ej veaàiujh bj suejh ihf iuogbgh. iuogbgh. =4. Ioerre ej ibpù.


@hthr C?C 


2. Grefe ej bieote ge `hthr. Tbrb hmtefer `âs ofnhr`bioùf, ihfsujte ‚Yustotuioùf gej bieote ge `hthr‐ bfterohr`efte ef estb seiioùf. =. Bnjhle jb ufogbg gej nojtrh nojtrh ge bieote ge `hthr ihf ufb jjbve pbrb nojtrhs ge bieote. Gepefgoefgh gej

1-24   @bftefo`oefth y aâkbjh usteg `os`h  

`hgejh ge `hthr, puege ser feiesbrob ufb jjbve pbrb tbpùf. Biugb b uf ihfiesohfbroh FOYYBF h tbjjer iubjonoibgh ef ibsh ge gugb. 9. Ges`hfte jb ufogbg gej nojtrh ge bieote ge `hthr. 7. Jo`poe jb supernoioe ge `hftble gej nojtrh ge bieote ge `hthr ihf uf trbph jo`poh. T]EIBUIOÙF Yo sbjpoib bieote shmre ej `hthr h ej veaàiujh, jà`poejh iuogbghsb`efte. @hftble<

2. Jo`poe y ihjhque fuevb`efte ej tbpùf ge grefble lufth ihf ufb brbfgejb fuevb. Tbrb hmtefer ofnhr`bioùf bgoiohfbj shmre jhs pbres ge bproete, ihfsujte ‚Yustotuioùf gej bieote ge `hthr‐ bfterohr`efte ef estb seiioùf. =. ]eiumrb jb luftb ge kh`b ge jb fuevb ufogbg gej

ge bieote ge `hthr‐ bfterohr`efte ef estb seiioùf y ‚Ib ‚Ibpbi pbiogbg ogbges es y jumr jumroibf oibftes/ tes/jàq jàquog uoghs hs reih`efgbghs‐ ef jb seiioùf ‚?. Ofnhr`bioùf tïifoib‐. 5. Ihjhque ej tbpùf ge su`ofostrh su`ofostrh ge bieote.


2. Grefe ej bieote ge `hthr. Tbrb hmtefer `âs ofnhr`bioùf, ihfsujte ‚Yustotuioùf gej bieote ge `hthr‐ bfterohr`efte ef estb seiioùf.

>. Brrbfque ej `hthr.

=. Bn Bnjh jhle le jb ium iumoe oert rtbb ge gejj nonojtjtrh rh ge bie bieotege otege `h `hthrihf thrihf ufb jjbve.

;. Ufb vez que ej `hthr se abyb ibjeftbgh, bsekübsekürese ge que fh aby nukbs bjregeghr ge jb ufogbg

9. Ges`hfte Ges`hfte jb iumoertb gej nojtrh ge bieote ge `hthr y, b ihftofubioùf, ej prhpoh nojtrh ge bieote.

gej nonojtr gej jtrhh ge bie bieototee ge `ht `hthr hr y bj bjreg regeg eghr hr ge gejj tb tbpù pùff ge grefble. Ihrrolb so es feiesbro feiesbroh. h.

7. Ges`hfte Ges`hfte jb luftb tùroib ge kh`b ge jb iumoertb gej nojtrh.

1. Tbre ej `hthr y espere ufhs `ofuths. Ih`prueIh`prueme ge fuevh ej fovej gej bieote ge `hthr y, so es feiesbroh, bòbgb bieote.

5. Jo`poe thgb jb iumoertb gej nojtrh ihf uf trbph jo`poh.

?. @hfte jb iumoertb ofnerohr gej ih`pbrto`efth ih`pbrto`efth gej `hthr. 24. Mble ej veaàiujh bj suejh ihf iuogbgh. iuogbgh.


2. Jo`poe y ihjhque fuevb`efte ej tbpùf ge grefble lufth ihf ufb brbfgejb fuevb. Tbrb hmtefer ofnhr`bioùf bgoiohfbj shmre jhs pbres ge bproete,

nojtrh ge bieote ge `hthr ihf bieote ge `hthr jo` poh. 9. @hfte jb ufogbg gej nojtrh ge bieote ge `hthr `bfubj`efte abstb que se soeftb ufb jokerb resostefiob y, b ihftofubioùf, bproete =/9 ge vuejtb `âs.

22. Ioerre ej ibpù.

ihfsujte Yustotuioùf gej bieote ge `hthr bfte rohr`efte rohr`ef te ef estb seiioùf.

@hthr A]B=GGW

=. @hfte jb luftb tùroib ge kh`b ef su respeitovh bjhlb`oefth, es geior, ef ej exterohr ge jb iumoertb gej nojtrh ge bieote. 9. Oftrhguzib ej fuevh nojtrh ge bieote ef jb iumoertb gej nojtrh ge bieote ge `hthr.

Tbres ge bproete gej nojtrh ge bieote ge `hthr. @hthr C?C< 27 F` (2,7 ck-`, 24 poes-jm)

7. ]eiumrb jb luftb tùroib ge kh`b ihf bieote ge

7. Bòbgb bieote ge `hthr y ih`prueme ej fovej ge bieote ge `hthr ihf jb vbrojjb. Tbrb hmtefer `âs ofnhr`bioùf, ihfsujte ‚Ih`prhmbioùf gej fovej FGO27;>

`hthr jo`poh. 5. @hfte ej nojtrh gej bieote ge `hthr abstb que se soeftb ufb jokerb resostefiob y, b ihftofubioùf, bproete =/9 ge vuejtb `âs.


@bftefo`oefth y aâkbjh usteg `os`h   1-22  

Tbr ge bproete< @hthr A]B=GGW =5 F` (=,> ck-`, 21 poes-jm)

@hthr @]2>GGW


2. Jo`poe y ihjhque fuevb`efte ej tbpùf ge grefble lufth ihf ufb brbfgejb fuevb. Tbrb hmtefer ofnhr`bioùf bgoiohfbj shmre jhs pbres ge bproete, ihfsujte ‚Yustotuioùf gej bieote ge `hthr‐ bfterohr`efte rohr`ef te ef estb seiioùf.

>. Bòbgb bieote ge `hthr y ih`prueme ej fovej ge bieote ge `hthr ihf jb vbrojjb. Tbrb hmtefer `âs ofnhr`bioùf, ihfsujte ‚Ih`prhmbioùf gej fovej ge bieote ge `hthr‐ bfterohr`efte ef estb seiioùf y ‚Ib ‚Ibpbi pbiogb ogbges ges y jum jumroib roibftes ftes/jàq /jàquog uoghs hs reih`efgbghs‐ ef jb seiioùf ‚?. Ofnhr`bioùf tïifoib‐. ;. Ihjhque ej tbpùf ge su`ofostrh su`ofostrh ge bieote.

=. @hfte jb luftb tùroib ge kh`b ef su respeitovh bjhlb`oefth, es geior, ef ej exterohr ge jb iumoertb gej nojtrh ge bieote. FGO25;4


1. Brrbfque ej `hthr.

9. Oftrhguzib ej fuevh nojtrh ge bieote ef jb iumoertb gej nojtrh ge bieote ge `hthr.

?. Ufb vez que ej `hthr se abyb ibjeftbgh, bsekübsekürese ge que fh aby nukbs bjregeghr ge jb iumoertb gej nojtrh ge bieote y gej tbpùf ge grefble. Ihrrolb so es feiesbroh.


7. ]eiumrb jb luftb tùroib ge kh`b ihf bieote ge `hthr jo`poh.

2. Grefe ej bieote ge `hthr. Tbrb hmtefer `âs ofnhr`bioùf, ihfsujte ‚Yustotuioùf gej bieote ge `hthr‐ bfterohr`efte ef estb seiioùf.

5. @hfte ej nojtrh gej bieote ge `hthr abstb que se soeftb ufb jokerb resostefiob y, b ihftofubioùf, bproete =/9 ge vuejtb `âs.

24. Tbre ej `hthr y espere ufhs `ofuths. Ih`-

=. Bnjhl Bnjhlee jb ium iumoer oertb tb ge gejj noj nojtr trhh ge bie bieototee ge `ht `hthr hr ih ihff

Tbr ge bproete<

prueme ge fuevh ej fovej gej bieote ge `hthr y, so es feiesbroh, bòbgb bieote. 22. @hfte jb ium iumoert oertbb ofn ofneroh erohrr gej ih`p ih`pbrt brto`ef o`efth th gej `hthr. 2=. Mble ej veaàiujh bj suejh ihf iuogbgh. iuogbgh. 29. Ioerre ej ibpù.

ufb jjbve. 9. Ges`hfte jb iumoertb gej nojtrh ge bieote ge `hthr y, b ihftofubioùf, ej prhpoh nojtrh ge bieote. 7. Ges`hfte Ges`hfte jb luftb tùroib ge kh`b ge jb iumoertb gej nojtrh. 5. Jo`poe thgb jb iumoertb gej nojtrh ihf uf trbph jo`poh.

@hthr @]2>GGW 2;,; F` (2,1 ck-`, 29 poes-jm)

>. Bòbgb bieote ge `hthr y ih`prueme ej fovej ge bieote ge `hthr ihf jb vbrojjb. Tbrb hmtefer `âs ofnhr`bioùf, ihfsujte ‚Ih`prhmbioùf gej fovej ge bieote ge `hthr‐ bfterohr`efte ef estb seiioùf y ‚Ib ‚Ibpbi pbiogb ogbges ges y jum jumroib roibftes ftes/jàq /jàquogh uoghss reih`efgbghs‐ ef jb seiioùf ‚?. Ofnhr`bioùf tïifoib‐. ;. Ihjhque ej tbpùf ge su`ofostrh su`ofostrh ge bieote. 1. Brrbfque ej `hthr.

1-2=   @bftefo`oefth y aâkbjh usteg `os`h  

bsekü?. Ufb vez que ej `hthr se abyb ibjeftbgh, bsekürese ge que fh aby nukbs bjregeghr ge jb iumoertb gej nojtrh ge bieote y gej tbpùf ge grefble. Ihrrolb so es feiesbroh. 24. Tbre ej `hthr y espere ufhs `ofuths. Ih`prueme ge fuevh ej fovej gej bieote ge `hthr y, so es feiesbroh, bòbgb bieote. 22. @hfte jb ium iumoert oertbb ofn ofneroh erohrr gej ih`p ih`pbrt brto`ef o`efth th gej `hthr. 2=. Mble ej veaàiujh bj suejh ihf iuogbgh. iuogbgh. 29. Ioerre ej ibpù.

T]HWEIIOÙF GEJ @EGOH B@MOEFWE Iougbgbfàb Bzuj ge FOYYBF Es ojekbj ihftb`ofbr jhs gesbkúes, jbs bkubs y ej suejh. Use ofstbjbiohfes buthrozbgbs ge trbtb`oefth

NOJW]H GE IH@MUYWOMJE (`hgejhs ihf `hthr goïsej)




Grefe ej bkub gej nojtrh ge ih`mustomje. Tùfkbse ef ihftbithihf ihft bithihf uf ihfi ihfiesoh esohfbro fbrohh FOY FOYYBF YBF h tbj tbjjer jer iubjonoibgh. Iougbgbfàb Bzuj ge FOYYBF Ej ih`mustomje purkbgh gej nojtrh ge ih`mustomje fh geme ge me ver verte ters rsee ef ej sue suejh,ràhs jh,ràhs,, ibf ibfbje bjes, s, et eti. i. Ge Geme merâ râ geseiabrse ef uf vertegerh ihf jbs ofstbjbiohfes bgeiubgbs. bgeiubg bs. Ihfsujte jb jekosjb jekosjbioùf ioùf jhibj vokeft vokeftee bj respeith.


Ef jb phsoioùf jomerbgb, tore abiob brromb ge jb pbjbfib gej nrefh ge estbiohfb`oefth jeftb y nor`e`efte. Yo ej fü`erh ge iabsquoghs superb jhs jà`otes, pùfkbse ef ihftbith ihf uf ihfiesohfbroh FOYYBF h tbjjer iubjonoibgh.

ge reso resoguhs guhs,, ih`h vert vertege egerhs rhs `ufo `ufoiop iopbjes bjes y tbj tbjjere jeress `eiâfoihs equopbghs pbrb geseiabr bieote y nojtrhs ge bieote usbghs. Yo toefe bjkufb gugb, pùfkbse ef ihftbith ihf jbs buthrogbges jhibjes pbrb que je bihfselef shmre jb `elhr `bferb ge geseiabrjhs.

Eftre ? y 24 iabsquoghs Nuerzb ge bpjoibioùf 2?> F (=4 ck, 77 jm)

Jb fhr`btovb ef rejbioùf b jb ihftb`ofbioùf gej `egoh b`moefte vbràb seküf ej pbàs.

@bftefo`oefth y aâkbjh usteg `os`h   1-29  


Nrefhs buthrrekujbmjes


Yu veaàiujh estâ equopbg equopbghh ihf nrefhs buthrrekujbbuthrrekujbmjes. Jhs nrefhs ge gosih se buthrrekujbf ibgb vez que se bpjoib ej pegbj gej nrefh ge servoioh.

Ih`prueme ej nufiohfb`oefth gej servhnrefh gej `hgh sokuoefte<

Bvosh gej geskbste ge jb pbstojjb ge nrefh


BG^E]WEFIOB Yo ej pegbj gej nrefh ge servoioh fh vuejve b jb phsoioùf fhr`bj, pùfkbse ef ihftbith ihf uf ihfiesohfbroh FOYYBF h tbjjer iubjonoibgh pbrb

Jbs pbstojjbs ge gosih ge nrefh toefef ufb seòbj biüstoib ge geskbste. Iubfgh abkb nbjtb sustotuor ufb pbstojjb ge nrefh, prhguiorâ uf shfogh bkugh ge brrbstre iubfgh ej veaàiujh estï ef `hvo`oefth. Ej shfogh ge brrbstre se hye sùjh bj posbr ej pegbj gej nrefh. Ihf ej geskbste suiesovh ge jb pbstojjb ge nrefh, ej shfogh sekuorâ hyïfghse bufque fh se pose ej pegbj gej nrefh. Togb que ih`pruemef jhs nrefhs tbf prhfth ih`h seb phsomje so esiuiab estb seòbj biüstoib. Ef ioertbs ihfgoiohfes ge ihfguiio ihfguiioùf ùf h ijo`bth ijo`bthjùjù-

2. Ihf Ihf ej `h `hth thrr bp bpbk bkbg bgh, h, po pose se y sue suejtjtee vbr vbrob obss ve veies ies ej pegbj ge nrefh ge servoioh. Iubfgh ej `hvo`oefth gej pegbj ge nrefh ge servoioh (ibrrerb) per`bfezib okubj ge ufb bpjoibioùf b jb sokuoefte, ihftofüe ihf ej pbsh sokuoefte. =. Brrbfque Brrbfque ej `hthr `oeftrbs posb ej pegbj gej nrefh ge servoioh. Jb bjturb gej pegbj gemeràb reguiorse jokerb`efte. 9. Getefkb ej `hthr ihf ej pegbj gej nrefh ge servoioh posbgh. @bftefkb ej pegbj posbgh gurbfte 94 sekufghs. Jb bjturb gej pegbj fh gemeràb ib`mobr. 7. Abkb nufiohfbr ej `hthr gurbfte 2 `ofuth sof posbr ej pegbj gej nrefh ge servoioh y, b ihftofub-

ih`prhmbr ej soste`b ge nrefhs.

Ihf ej `hthr ef `briab, ih`prueme jb gostbfiob l B eftre jb supernoioe superohr gej pegbj y ej posh ge `etbj. Yo estâ nuerb ge jhs jà`otes, ihftbite ihf uf ihfiesohfbroh FOYYBF h tbjjer iubjonoibgh. l B < Nuerzb ge bpjoibioùf 7?4 F (54 ck, 224 jm) @hgejhs ge ihfguiioùf ozquoergb< ‗ ;4 `` (=,;> pujk.) h `âs

koibs, se puegef hàr bjkufhs iruloghs ge nrefhs u htrhs shfoghs. Jhs ruoghs ge nrefhs hibsohfbjes gurbfte nrefbgbs jokerbs h `hgerbgbs shf fhr`bjes, y fh bneitbf bj nufiohfb`oefth h eneitovogbg gej soste`b ge nrefhs. Ye gemef sekuor jhs oftervb oftervbjhs jhs bgeiubghs ge `bftefo`oefthh ge jhs nrefhs. Tbrb hmtefer ofnhr`bioùf tefo`oeft bgoiohfbj, ihfsujte ej `bfubj ge `bftefo`oefth que se eftrekb phr sepbrbgh.

ioùf, bpâkuejh. bpâkuejh. Tose ej pegbj gej nrefh ge servoioh vbrobs veies. Ej reihrrogh gej pegbj gos`ofuorâ krbgubj`efte ihf ibgb posbgb, yb que ej vbiàh se ejo`ofbrâ gej servhnrefh. Yo jhs nrefhs fh nufiohfbf ge `bferb bgeiubgb, biugb b uf ihfiesohfbroh FOYYBF h tbjjer iubjonoibgh pbrb que jhs revosef.

@hgejhs ge ihfguiioùf gereiab< ‗ 14 `` (9,25 pujk.) h `âs

1-27   @bftefo`oefth y aâkbjh usteg `os`h  

JÀRUOGH GE N]EFHY Yo feiesotb bòbgor jàquogh nreiuefte`efte, nreiuefte`efte, biugb b su ihfiesohfbroh FOYYBF h tbjjer iubjonoibgh pbrb ufb revosoùf ih`pjetb gej soste`b.

BG^E]WEFIOB shjb`e b`efte fte jàq jàquog uogh h fue fuevh vh ge uf rei reiopo opoeft efte e •   Use shj sejjbgh. Uf jàquogh usbgh, ge ibjogbg ofnerohr h ihf ihftb` tb`ofb ofbgh gh pue puege ge gbò gbòbr br ej sost soste`bge e`bge nre nre-fhs. Jb utojozbioùf ge jàquoghs ofbgeiubghs puege gbòbr ej soste`b ge nrefhs y bneitbr b jb ibpbiogbg ge nrefbgh gej veaàiujh.

FHWB Ej gepùsoth gej jàquogh ge nrefhs es ej `os`h gepùsoth que ej gesiroth ef ‚Jàquogh gej e`mrbkue (seküf `hgejh)‐ `âs bgejbfte ef estb seiioùf.

•   Jo`poe ej tbpùf ge su`ofostrh bftes ge ex•

trberjh.  Ej jàquogh ge nrefhs es tùxoih y gemeràb kubrgbrse ef reiopoeftes etoquetbghs nuerb gej bjibfie ge jhs foòhs.

T]EIBUIOÙF Fh gele iber jàquogh shmre supernoioes poftbgbs. Esth gbòbrâ jb pofturb. Yo se gerrb`b jàquogh, jâvejh ihf bmufgbfte bkub of`egobtb`efte.


@hgejhs ge ihfguiioùf ozquoergb


@hgejhs ge ihfguiioùf gereiab

Ih`prueme ej fovej ge njuogh ef ej gepùsoth. Yo ej jàquogh estâ phr gemblh ge jb jàfeb @OF l 2 , se efiefgerâ ej testokh ge nrefh. Bòbgb jàquogh abstb jb `bribb @BQ l `bri = . (Ih (Ihfsuj fsujte te ‚Ib ‚Ibpbi pbiogb ogbges ges y jum jumroib roibfftes/jàquoghs reih`efgbghs‐ ef jb seiioùf ‚?. Ofnhr`bioùf tïifoib‐ pbrb hmtefer ofnhr`bioùf shmre jhs tophs ge jàquogh reih`efgbghs).

@bftefo`oefth y aâkbjh usteg `os`h   1-25  

JÀRUOGH GEJ E@M]BKUE (seküf `hgejh) Yo es feiesbroh bòbgor ihf nreiuefiob jàquogh bj soste`b te `b,, se ge geme me reb rebjoz jozbr br ufbrevo ufbrevoso soùf ùf ih` ih`pj pjet etbb ge gejj so sosste`b ge e`mrbkue ef su ihfiesohfbroh FOYYBF h tbjjer iubjonoibgh.

BG^E]WEFIOB shjb`e b`efte fte jàq jàquog uogh h fue fuevh vh ge uf rei reiopo opoeft efte e •   Use shj sejjbgh. Uf jàquogh usbgh, ge ibjogbg ofnerohr h ihftb`ofbgh puege gbòbr ej soste`b ge e`mrbkue.

FHWB Ej gepùsoth gej jàquogh gej e`mrbkue es ej `os`h gep gepùso ùsoth th que se ges gesiro irome me ef ‚Jà ‚Jàquo quogh gh ge nrefhs‐ bfterohr`efte ef estb seiioùf.

•   Jo`poe ej tbpùf ge su`ofostrh bftes ge extrberjh.

jàquogh gej tùxoih y gemeràb ef e`mrbkue reiopoeftesesetoquetbghs nuerb •  Ejkubrgbrse gej bjibfie ge jhs foòhs.

T]EIBUIOÙF Fh gel gele e ib iber er jàq jàquog uogh h gej e`m e`mrbk rbkue ue ef sup supern ernoio oioes es poftbgbs. Esth gbòbrâ jb pofturb. Yo se gerrb`b jàquogh jàquo gh gej e`mrb e`mrbkue, kue, jâvej jâvejh h ihf bmuf bmufgbftebkub gbftebkub of`egobtb`efte.


@hgejhs ge ihfguiioùf ozquoergb


@hgejhs ge ihfguiioùf gereiab

Ih`prueme ej fovej ge njuogh ef ej gepùsoth. Yo ej jàquogh estâ phr gemblh ge jb jàfeb @OF l 2 , se efiefgerâ ej testokh ge nrefh. Bòbgb jàquogh abstb jb `bribb @BQ l `bri = . (Ih (Ihfsuj fsujte te ‚Ib ‚Ibpbi pbiogb ogbges ges y jum jumroib roibfftes/jàquoghs reih`efgbghs‐ ef jb seiioùf ‚?. Ofnhr`bioùf tïifoib‐ pbrb hmtefer ofnhr`bioùf shmre jhs tophs ge jàquogh reih`efgbghs).

1-2>   @bftefo`oefth y aâkbjh usteg `os`h  




T]EIBUIOÙF  Fh sustotuyb ej bftoihfkejbfte ge `hthr phr jàquogh gej jbvbpbrbmrosbs/jbvbjufetb. Tuege gbòbr jb pofturb.

Utojoie oie •   Utoj

•  Utojoie soe`pre jàquogh gej jbvbpbrbmrosbs/jb-

Tùfk Tùfkbseef bseef ihft ihftbit bithh ihfuf ihfi ihfiesoh esohfbro fbrohh FOY FOYYBF YBF h tbjjer iubjonoibgh so es feiesbroh rebjozbr repbrbiohfes h ih`prhmbiohfes.

shjb`e shj b`efte fte nju njuogh ogh ge I^W hro hrokof kofbj bj FOYYBF FY-9. Fh jh `ezije ihf htrhs njuoghs.

vbjufetb reih`efgbgh phr FOYYBF.

que fh seb •   Utojozbr uf njuogh ge jb trbfs`osoùf que

njuogh ge I^W hrokofbj FOYYBF FY-9 gbòbrâ ej soste`b ge jb I^W QW]HFOI, jh que fh estâ iumoerth phr jb kbrbftàb.


BG^E]WEFIOB Ej jàquogh gej jbvbpbrbmrosbs/jbvbjufetb bftoihfkejbfte es vefefhsh y geme kubrgbrse ihf iuogbgh ef reiopoeftes etoquetbghs y nuerb gej bjibfie ge jhs foòhs.

 Ih`prueme ej fovej ge jàquogh gej gepùsoth gej

jbvbpbrbmrosbs/jbvbju jbvbpbrbmrosbs /jbvbjufetb. fetb. Yo ej fovej gej jàquog jàquoghh es mblh h se efioefge ej testokh ge mblh fovej ge jàquogh gej jbvb (seküf `hgejh), bòbgb jàquogh gej jbv jbvbpb bpbrbm rbmrosb rosbs/jb s/jbvbju vbjufet fetbb abst abstbb ej fove fovejj @BQ @BQ..

gepùsoth ihf `âs nreiuefiob iubfgh •   ]ejjefe ej gepùsoth jbs ihfgoiohfes ge ihfguiioùf requoerbf ufb `byhr ibftogbg ge jàquogh gej jbvb.

•   Bòbgb ufb shjuioùf jo`pobghrb bj bkub pbrb ihfsekuor ufejbfte `elhr resujtbgh. Ef bmrosbs/jbvbju ofvoerfh, bòbgb uf bftoihfkejbfte bftoihfk pbrb jbvbpbr jbvbpbrbmrosbs /jbvbjufetb. fetb. Yokb jbs ofstruiiohfes gej nbmroibfte pbrb jb rejbioùf ge `ezijb.

@bftefo`oefth y aâkbjh usteg `os`h   1-2;  

MBWE]ÀB MBWE]ÀB GEJ ^EAÀIUJH Yà`mhjhs ge preibuioùf ge jb mbteràb   `   BG^E]WEFIOB Fh nu`e Fh bierque jjb`bs Fh nu`e fufib ierib ge jb mbteràb. Fh exphfkb fufib jb mbteràb b jjb`bs h l 2 Fh bierque iaospbs ejïitroibs. ` iaospbs

l =

  Trhtïlbse jhs hlhs

` l 9

l 7


  @bfopuje jb mbteràb mbteràb ihf iuogbgh. Utojoie joie soe`pre kbnbs prhteithrbs prhteithrbs pbrb prhtekerse jhs hlhs gej âiogh ge jb mbteràb h ihftrb ufb expjhsoùf.

@bftefkb nuerb gej Fh per`otb que jhs foòhs `bfopujef jb mbteràb. @bftefkb jb mbteràb nuerb gej bjibfie ge jhs bjibfie ge jhs foòhs. foòhs Fh per`otb que ej jàquogh ge jb mbteràb eftre ef ihftbith ihf jb poej, hlhs, teloghs h supernoioes poftbgbs. Gespuïs ge `bfopujbr jb mbteràb h jb tbpb ge jb mbteràb, jâvese moef jbs `bfhs ge of`egobth. Yo ej jàquogh ge jb mbteràb eftrb ef ihftbith Âiogh ge jb mbteràb ihf jhs hlhs, poej h rhpb, jâvejhs of`egobtb`efte ihf bkub gurbfte bj `efhs 25

BG^E]WEFIOB Fh phfkb ef `briab ej veaàiujh so ej fovej ge jàquogh ge jb mbteràb es mblh. Uf fovej mblh gej jàquogh ge jb mbteràb puege ibusbr ufb ibrkb `byhr ef jb mbteràb que puege keferbr ibjhr, reguior jb gurbioùf ge jb mbteràb y, ef bjkufhs ibshs, prhvhibr ufb expjhsoùf.

@bftefkbb jb supernoioe ge jb mbteràb jo`pob y se•   @bftefk ib. Jb ihrrhsoùf geme jo`pobrse ihf ufb shjuioùf ge moibrmhfbth sùgoih y bkub.

•  Bsekürese ge que jhs mhrfes estâf jo`pohs y moef ihfeitbghs.

•  Yo fh vb b usbr ej veaàiujh gurbfte 94 gàbs h `âs, gesihfeite ej ibmje gej mhrfe fekbtovh ‚’‐ ge jb mbteràb pbrb evotbr que se gesibrkue.

`ofuths y biugb bj `ïgoih. Ej jhs jàquogh mbteràb es âiogh. ej jàquogh jb h mbteràb eftrb ef ihftbith ihf hlhsge h jbjbpoej, phgràb ibusbrYopïrgogb gege vosoùf que`bgurbs.

` l 5

l >




Yokb jbs ofstruiiohfes ge nufiohfb`oefth

Bftes ge `bfopujbr jb mbteràb, jeb estbs ofstruiiohfes bteftb`efte pbrb kbrbftozbr ufb `bfopujbioùf ihrreitb y sekurb.

Kbs expjhsovh

Ej kbs ge aogrùkefh keferbgh phr ej jàquogh ge jb mbteràb es expjhsovh.

ibsh ge que seb feiesbroh sustotuor h revosbr •   Ef jb mbteràb, biugb b su ihfiesohf ihfiesohfbroh broh FOYYBF h tbjjer iubjonoibgh.

1-21   @bftefo`oefth y aâkbjh usteg `os`h  

l 2   HC l =   Bòbgor =. Bòbgb bkub gestojbgb abstb jb `brib ge fovej YUTE]OH] l 2.

Mbteràb (toph B)

Yo ej jbgh ge jb mbteràb fh se ve ijbrh, ih`prueme ej fovej ge bkub gestojbgb `orbfgh goreitb`ef tb `efte te ge gesg sgee br brro romb mb ge jb iej iejgb gb,, ih` ih`hh se ofg ofgoi oibb ef jb ojustrbioùf. 9. Bproete jhs tbphfes tbphfes ge jbs iejgbs. GO429;@B\

Ih`prueme ej fovej ge jàquogh ef jbs iejgbs. Gemeràb estbr eftre jhs fovejes YUTE]OH] l 2 e OFN OFNEE]OH] l =. Yo es feiesbroh bòbgor jàquogh, bòbgb shjb`efte bkub gestojbgb pbrb jjevbr ej fovej abstb ej ofgoibghr

T]EIBUIOÙF Fh jjefe ef exiesh jbs iejgbs ge jb mbteràb. Ufb ibftogbg exiesovb ge ejeitrhjoth puege prhguior ufb nukb y ibusbr gbòhs ef jb pofturb.

Trhiego`oefth ge reofoioh gespuïs ge vhjver b ihfeitbr jb mbteràb Yo se vuejve b ihfeitbr jb mbteràb gej veaàiujh, ih`prueme jhs sokuoeftes eje`efths< Ihfnokurbioù bioùff gej rejh rejhll (se (seküf küf `hg `hgejh) ejh).. Tbr Tbrbb hm•   Ihfnokur tefer `âs ofnhr`bioùf, ihfsujte ‚Tbftbjjb ge ofnhr`bioùf gej veaàiujh‐ ef jb seiioùf ‚=. Ofstru`efths y ihftrhjes‐, h ej `bfubj ge usubroh ge

Fossbf Ihffeit se eftrekb sepbrbgh, jb gesiropioùf gejque gosphsotovh ge phr bugoh ef ‚]bgohh N@ B@ ih ihff rep reprhg rhgui uithrge thrge IG (s (sek eküf üf `hg `hgej ejh)‐ h)‐ ef jb seiioùf ‚7. Tbftbjjb, ibjenbiioùf, bihfgoiohfbghr ge bore y soste`b ge bugoh‐. ]estbmjezib zib jbs e`o e`oshrb shrbss ge rbg rbgoh oh ges gesebg ebgbs bs ihf •   ]estbmje

jhsmhthfes ge e`os jhsmhthfes e`oshrbsprhkr hrbsprhkrb`bg b`bgbs.Tbrb bs.Tbrb `âs getbjjes, ihfsujte jbs gesiropiohfes gej gosphsotovh ge bugoh ef ‚7. Ibjenbithr, Ibjenbithr, bihfgoiohfbghr bihfgoiohfbghr

ge ibgb mhib ge su`ofostrh.  Fh jjefe ef exiesh. 2. Ruote jhs tbphfes ge jbs iejgbs l B ihf ufb aerrb`oeftb bgeiubgb.

ge bore y soste`b ge bugoh‐.

@hgejhs ihf soste`b Ythp/Ytbrt

•   Bsekürese ge que jb mbteràb `hftbgb es jb mbteFGO?=4\

Mbteràb sof `bftefo`oefth (toph M) requoere Ef jbs mbteràbs sof `bftefo`oefth fh se FGO>11\


ih`prhmbr ih`prhm br ej fov fovej ej ge jàqu jàquogh ogh.. Yof e`m e`mbrk brkh, h, FOY FOYYBF YBF reih`oefgb ih`prhmbr vosubj`efte ej estbgh gej ofgoibghr verge l B ge `bferb `bferb peroùgo peroùgoib. ib. Yo fh es vosomje, sustotuyb jb mbteràb jh bftes phsomje.

ràb espeiobj ihf `elhr ibpbiogbg ge ibrkb y `byhr gurbioùf. Fh utojoie ufb mbteràb gostoftb ef ej soste`b Ythp/Ytbrt, yb que jb mbteràb phgràb geterohrbrse ge nhr`b pre`bturb y ej soste`b phgràb bverobrse. Ye reih`oefgb ej ush ge ufb mbteràb hrokofbj FOYYBF. Tbrb hmtefer `âs ofnhr`bio `b ioùf ùf,, pù pùfk fkbs bsee ef ih ihft ftbi bith th ih ihff su ihfiesohfbroh FOYYBF h tbjjer iubjonoibgh.

gesihfeitb (pbrb •   Yo ej ter`ofbj ge jb mbteràb se gesihfeitb jb sustotuioùf ge jb mbteràb, eti.) y, b ihftofub-

@bftefo`oefth y aâkbjh usteg `os`h   1-2?  

ioùf, se vuejve b ihfeitbr, es phsomje que ej soste`b Ythp/Ytbrt tbrge ef vhjver b bitovbrse.

B]]BFRUE IHF MBWE]ÀB BUQOJOB] Yo es feiesbroh brrbfibr utojozbfgh ufb mbteràb buxojobr, ihfsujte ‚Brrbfque ihf mbteràb buxojobr‐ ef jb seiioùf ‚>. Ef ibsh ge e`erkefiob‐. Yo ej `hthr fh se ph phfe fe ef `br `briabusbf iabusbfgh gh uf ufbb mb mbte teràbbuxo ràbbuxojob jobr, r, pu pueege que abyb que sustotuor jb mbteràb. Tùfkbse ef ihft ihftbit bithh ihf uf ihfi ihfiesoh esohfbr fbroh oh FOY FOYYBF YBF h tbjj tbjjer er iubjonoibgh.

YUYWOWUIOÙF GE JB TOJB GEJ IHFW]HJ ]E@HWH OFWEK]BGH EF JJB^E/GE JB JJB^E OFWEJOKEFWE T]EIBUIOÙF iuogbgh ge fh thibr ufb pjbi pjbib b ge ior•   Wefkb iuogbgh iuoth fo ej mhrfe ge jb pojb.

Iougbgbfàb Bzuj ge FOYYBF Yo fh se geseiab jb pojb ge nhr`b bgeiubgb puege ihftb`ofbr ej `egoh b`moefte. ]espete jbs jekosjbiohfes jhibjes vokeftes pbrb ej geseiah ge pojbs.

•  Ej ihftrhj re`hth es resostefte bj bkub3 sof

e`mbrkh, ef ibsh ge que se `hle, sïquejh of`egobtb`efte abstb gelbrjh ih`pjetb`efte seih. Tbrb sustotuor jb pojb, bmrb iuogbghsb`efte ej ihftrhj re`hth sokuoefgh ej hrgef


T]EIBUIOÙF Yulete soe`pre jb pojb phr jhs extre`hs, tbj ih`h se `uestrb. Yo suletb jb pojb phr jhs pufths ge ihftbith, se reguiorâ ihfsogerbmje`efte su ibpbiogbg ge reservb.

que se `uestrb ef jb ojustrbioùf.

•   Bj sustotuor jb pojb, evote que eftre phjvh h krbsb ef ej ihftrhj re`hth/jb jjbve oftejokefte.

1-=4   @bftefo`oefth y aâkbjh usteg `os`h  


Ihftrhj re`hth oftekrbgh ef jjbve

Yustotuioùf 2. Ofserte uf gesthrfojjbghr ge puftb pjbfb h ufb aerrb`oeftb bgeiubgb ef jb aefgogurb y kàrejh pbrb bmror jb tbpb. =. Ihf jb pbrte gejbfterb gejbfterb l B abiob bmblh, bmblh, ih`h ih`h se `uestrb `ue strb,, jevb jevbfte fte jb pbr pbrte te phs phstero terohr hr l M gejb te teij ijb. b.

5. Biiohfe jhs mhthfes mhthfes pbrb ih`prhmbr ih`prhmbr que jbs teijbs nufiohfbf ihrreitb`efte. Tùfkbseef ihft Tùfkbseef ihftbit bithh ihf uf ihfi ihfiesoh esohfbro fbrohh FOY FOYYBF YBF h tbjjer iubjonoibgh so feiesotb byugb pbrb jb sustotuioùf ge jb pojb.

9. Yustot Yustotuyb uyb jb pojb phr ufb fuevb. fuevb. Tbrb `hgejhs equopbghs ihf ihftrhj re`hth oftekrbgh ef jjbve, utojoie ej sokuoefte toph ge pojb< I]=49=

•   Fh thque jhs ioriuoths ofterfhs fo jhs ter`ofbjes ejïitroihs, yb que phgràb ibusbr ufb bveràb.

ej jbgh +ih`h ihofiogb ihf jb •  Bsekürese pbrte ofnerohrgegeque jb ibribsb, se `uestrb ef jb ojustrbioùf.

7. @hfte jb tbpb ef ej hrgef ofversh ofversh bj ge ges`hftble y presohfe ihf nor`ezb. @bftefo`oefth y aâkbjh usteg `os`h   1-=2  




Jjbve oftejokefte

Yustotuioùf 2. Gesjoie ej pbsbghr pbsbghr ge mjhqueh abstb jb phsoioùf ge gesmjhqueh. =. ]etore jb jjbve. 9. Ofserte uf gesthrfojjbghr ge puftb pjbfb h ufb

5. @hfte jb tbpb ef ej hrgef ofversh ofversh bj ge ges`hftble. >. Biiohfe jhs mhthfes mhthfes pbrb ih`prhmbr ih`prhmbr que jbs teijbs nufiohfbf ihrreitb`efte. Tùfkbse ef ihft Tùfkbse ihftbith bith ihf uf ihfi ihfiesoh esohfbro fbrohh FOYYBF h tbjjer iubjonoibgh so feiesotb byugb

@hthr C?C 

gej iokúeòbj 2.   Thjeb gej buth`âtoih ge jb ihrreb ihrreb gej `hthr =.   Wefshr buth`âtoih 9.   Bjterfbghr 7.   Ih`preshr gej bihfgoiohfbghr ge bore

aerrb`oeftb bgeiubgb ef jb aefgogurb y kàrejh pbrb bmror jb tbpb.

pbrb jb sustotuioùf ge jb pojb.

<   Tufth ge ih`prhmbioùf ih`prhmbioùf ge jb tefsoùf

7. Yustotuyb jb pojb phr ufb fuevb ihf jbs `os`bs espeionoibiohfes. Tbrb `hgejhs equopbghs ihf jjbve oftejokefte, utojoie ej sokuoefte toph ge pojb< I]=49=

•   Fh thque jhs ioriuoths ofterfhs fo jhs ter`ofbjes ejïitroihs, yb que phgràb ibusbr ufb bveràb.


•  Bsekürese ge que ej jbgh + ihofiogb ihf jb

@hthr @]2>GGW

pbrte ofnerohr ge jb ibribsb, ih`h se `uestrb ef jb ojustrbioùf.

2.   Bjterfbghr buth`âtoih ge jb ihrreb ihrreb gej `hthr =.   Wefshr buth`âtoih

1-==   @bftefo`oefth y aâkbjh usteg `os`h  

MULÀBY (`hgejhs ihf `hthr ge kbshjofb) 9.   Thjeb gej gej iokúeòbj 7.   Ih`preshr gej bihfgoiohfbghr ge bore 5.   Mh`mb ge bkub

njhlbs h gesaojbiabgbs. Yo jb ihrreb estâ ef `bj estbghhnjhlb,biugbbufihfiesohfbrohFOYYBF h tbjjer iubjonoibgh pbrb que jb sustotuybf h jb blustef. =. Yhjoiote jb ih`prhmbioùf rekujbr gej estbgh y tefsoùf ge jbs ihrrebs seküf ej prhkrb`b ge `bftefo`oefth ge jb pumjoibioùf Ofnhr`bioùf shmree jb kb mr kbrb rbft ftàb àb y ej `b `bfte ftefo` fo`oe oefthque fthque se ef eftr trek ekbb phr sepbrbgh.

BG^E]WEFIOB Bsekürese ge que ej `hthr estï pbrbgh, ej ofterrupthr ge efiefgogh ef phsoioùf ‚HNN‐ y ej nrefh ge estbiohfb`oefth moef bpjoibgh. T]EIBUIOÙF

•   Bsekürese ge que utojozb jb jjbve bgeiubgb pbrb ges`hftbr jbs mulàbs. Ufb jjbve ofbgeiubgb puege gbòbr jbs mulàbs.

•  Yustotuyb soe`pre jbs mulàbs phr ufbs reih`efgbgbs h equovbjeftes.


@hthr A]B=GGW

2.   Bjterfbghr buth`âtoih ge jb ihrreb ihrreb gej `hthr =.   Wefshr buth`âtoih

Yustotuyb jbs mulàbs seküf ej prhkrb`b ge `bftefo`oefth ge jb pumjoibioùf sepbrbgb ge Ofnhr`bioùf shmre jb kbrbftàb y ej `bftefo`oefth. Ef ibsh ge que abyb que sustotuorjbs, goràlbse b su ihfiesohfbroh FOYYBF h tbjjer iubjonoibgh.

9.   Thjeb gej gej iokúeòbj 7.   Ih`preshr gej bihfgoiohfbghr ge bore 5.   Mh`mb ge bkub jb ihrreb gej `hthr `hthr >.   Wefshr ge jb BG^E]WEFIOB Bsekürese ge que ej ofterrupthr ge efiefgogh estâ ef jb phsoioùf ‚HNN‐ h JHIC. Ge jh ihftrbroh, ej veftojbghr ge renrokerbioùf h ej `hthr puegef phfe phferse rse ef nufio nufiohfb` hfb`oefth oefth repef repeftofb` tofb`efte. efte.

2. Ofspeiiohfe vosubj`efte ibgb ihrreb phr so se vef seòbjes ge geskbste bfhr`bj, ihrtes, pbrtes

@bftefo`oefth y aâkbjh usteg `os`h   1-=9  

NOJW]H GEJ GETU]BGH] GE BO]E jbs jefkúetbs jefkúetbs l =. =) Jomere jbs 9) Wore ge jb iumoertb l 9 abiob jb pbrte pbrte gejbfterb gejbfterb y abiob brromb. 7) Jo`poe ej ofterohr gej bjhlb`oefth bjhlb`oefth gej gepurbghr gepurbghr ge bore y jb iumoertb ihf uf pbòh aü`egh. 5) Ihjhque ej fuevh fuevh nojtrh ef ej hrgef hrgef ofversh bj ge ges`hftble. FHWB Bj `hftbr ej fuevh nojtrh, th`e fhtb ge jbs `uesibs ef ej bjhlb`oefth gej gepurbghr ge bore.

Ej eje`efth gej nojtrh ge toph pbpej vosihsh fh geme jo`pobrse fo vhjver b utojozbrse. Ej eje`efth ge pbpej seih gej nojtrh puege jo`pobrse y vhjver b utojozbrse. Ib`moe ej nojtrh ge bore seküf jbs ofgoibiohfes ge jb pumjoib pum joibioùfshmre`bftef ioùfshmre`bftefo`o o`oefthque efthque se eftr eftrekbphr ekbphr sepbrbgh.


BG^E]WEFIOB Yo abie nufiohfbr ej `hthr sof ej nojtrh gej gepurbghr ge bore, usteg h jhs ge`âs hiupbftes phgràbf sunror que`bgurbs. que`bgurbs. Ej nojtrh gej gepur gepurbghr bghr ge bore fh shjb`efte gepurb ej bore ge bg`osoùf, sofh que tb`moïf sorve pbrb getefer jbs jjb`bs iubfgh ej `hthr petbrgeb. Yo fh se ab `hftbgh

ej noj nojtrh trh gejgepur gejgepurbgh bghrr ge bor bore e y ej `ht `hthr hr pet petbrg brgeb, eb, jhs hiupb hiupbftes ftes puegef sunror que`bgurbs. que`bgurbs. Fh ihfguzib fufib sof ej nojtrh gej gepurbghr ge bore. Wefkb iuogbgh bj trbmblbr ef ej `hthr sof ej nojtrh gej gepurbghr ge bore.

Tbrb sustotuor ej nojtrh< 2) Jomere ej ioerre l 2 y tore gej ihfguit ihfguithr hr ge bore abiob brromb y ges`ùftejh.

1-=7   @bftefo`oefth y aâkbjh usteg `os`h  


Yo se hmstruye jb thmerb, ejo`ofe ej `bterobj ihf ufb bkulb h bjnojer ge pequeòh tb`bòh l M . Wefkb iuogbgh ge fh gbòbr jb thmerb.

Yo su pbrbmr pbrbmrosbs osbs fh estâ jo`poh gespuïs ge usbr ej jbvbp jbv bpbrb brbmr mros osbs bs h so jb jbss rb rbsq squet uetbs bs abi abief ef ruo ruogh gh bj bi bitoto-vbr ej jo`pobpbrbmrosbs, puege abmer ierb u htrhs `bterobjes ef jbs rbsquetbs h ef ej pbrbmrosbs.

•  Gespuïs ge sustotuor jb rbsquetb gej jo`pob,

vuejvb b ihjhibr ej mrbzh gej jo`pob ef su phsoioùf ofoiobj. Ge jh ihftrbroh, ej mrbzh gej jo`pob h ej ibpù phgràbf rbybrse y gbòbrse bj bmror ej ibpù.

rbsque quetbs tbs gej jo` jo`pob pob kbs kbstbg tbgbs bs pue puegef gef gb•   Jbs rbs òbr ej pbrbmrosbs e o`pegor jb ihrreitb vosoùf gej ihfguithr.

Jo`poejb Jo` poejb pbrte te ext extero erohr hrsubve. gejpbrbmrosbsihf gejpbrbmr osbsihf jo` jo`pob pobiros irostbjes h ufpbr geterkefte geterk efte Ej pbrbmrosbs estâ jo`-poh so fh se nhr`bf khtbs iubfgh se bijbrb ihf bkub. Jo`poe jb rbsquetb usbfgh uf trbph ihf jo`pobirostbjes h geterkefte subve. Bijbre jb rbsquetb ihf bkub. Yo ej pbrbmrosbs thgbvàb fh estâ jo`poh gespuïs ge jo`pobr jbs rbsquetbs y utojozbr jhs jo`pobpbrbmrosbs, sustotuyb jbs rbsquetbs.



Yustotuioùf Yustotuyb jbs rbsquetbs gej jo`pob so estâf kbstbgbs. Bftes ge sustotuor jbs rbsquetbs gej jo`pob, ih`-

prueme que ej jo`pob estâ ih`pjetb`efte jevbftbgh ef jb phsoioùf ge servoioh pbrb evotbr brbòbr ej ibpù h gbòbr ej mrbzh gej jo`pob. Tbrb jevbftbr ej mrbzh gej jo`pob, ihfsujte ‚Ihf`utbghr ‚Ihf`utbghr gej jo`pob y jbvb‐ ef jb seiioùf ‚=. Ofstru`efths y ihftrhjes‐.



2. ]etore ej mrbzh gej jo`pob jo`pob gej pbrbmrosbs. pbrbmrosbs.

Yustotuyb jb rbsquetb gej jo`pob so estâ kbstbgb.

=. @bftefkb @bftefkb pujsbgh ej mhtùf ge jomerbioùf l B y, b ihftofubioùf, gesjoie jb rbsquetb gej jo`pob phr

2. ]etore ej mrbzh gej jo`pobjufetbs jo`pobjufetbs ge jb jufetb l 2.


Wefkb iuogbgh ge fh hmstruor jb thmerb gej jbvb l B. Esth puege abier que fh nufiohfe ihrreitb`efte.

efio`b gej mrbzh gej jo`pob pbrb ges`hftbr l 2. 9. Ges`hfte Ges`hfte jb rbsquetb gej jo`pob. jo`pob.

=. Kore gej jo`pob abiob brromb pbrb extrber jbl =rbsquetb .

7. Ofserte jb rbsquetb fuevb ef ej mrbzh gej jo`pob abstb que se hokb uf ijoi.

9. Ofserte jb rbsquetb fuevb ef ej mrbzh gej jo`pob abstb que se hokb uf ijoi.

@bftefo`oefth y aâkbjh usteg `os`h   1-=5  

NUYOMJEY 7. Yustotuyb ej mrbzh gej jo`pob ef su phsoioùf ofoiobj. T]EIBUIOÙF

•  Jbs rbsquetbs ge jhs jo`pobs kbstbgbs puegef gbòbr jb jufetb e o`pegor jb ihrreitb vosoùf gej ihfguithr.




•   Fh use fufib nusomjes ge `byhr h `efhr

b`perble que ej espei b`perble espeionoib onoibgh gh ef jb iumoe iumoertb rtb ge jb iblb ge nusomjes.

ofstbjbioùf fo jhs ibmjes bj ges•   Fh tore ge jb ofstbjbioùf ihfeitbr ej ihfeithr.

•   Wefkb iuogbgh ge fh gbòbr ej shphrte gej ihfeithr bj gesihfeitbr ej ihfeithr.

Yo ej equoph ejïitroih fh nufiohfb, ih`prueme so aby bjküf nusomje bmoerth. Jb iblb ge nusomjes estâ ef jb pbrte ofnerohr gej tbmjerh ge ofstru` ofstru`efths efths ef ej jbgh gej ihfguithr. Jhs ioriuoths bneitbghs l = se `uestrbf `uestrbf ef ej ofteofterohr ge jb tbpb ge jb iblb ge nusomjes. 2. Bsekürese Bsekürese ge que ej ofterru ofterrupthr pthr ge efiefgogh y ej ihf`utbghr ge nbrhs estâf ef jb phsoioùf

‚HNN‐. =. Bmrb jb tbpb ge ge jb iblb ge nusomjes. nusomjes. 9. Jhibjoie y retore ej nusomje ihf ej extrbithr ge nusomjes l 2 (seküf `hgejh). FGO25=?

FHWB Ej extrbithr ge nusomjes estâ sotubgh ef jb iblb ge nusomjes.

7. Yo ej nusomje estâ bmoerth l B , sustot sustotüybjh üybjh phr ufh fuevh l M. 5. Ioerre jb tbpb ge jb iblb ge nusomjes. nusomjes.

1-=>   @bftefo`oefth y aâkbjh usteg `os`h  

FHWB Yo ej fuevh nusomje se vuejve b nufgor, biugb b uf ihfiesohfbroh FOYYBF h tbjjer iubjonoibgh pbrb que ih`pruemef y repbref ej soste`b ejïitroih.

este ibs este ibsh, h, ges ges`hf `hfte te ej oft ofterr errupt upthr hr ge nus nusomj omjes es ge bj`biefb`oefth prhjhfkbgh y sustotuyb ej nusomje phr htrh fuevh ge jb `os`b ibrkb.


Ges`hftble gej ofterrupthr ge nusomjes ge bj`biefb`oefth prhjhfkbgh<

2. Tbrb ges`hftbr ej ofterrupthr ge nusomjes ge bj`biefb`oefth prhjhfkbgh, bsekürese ge que ej ofterrup ofte rrupthr thr ge efie efiefgo fgogh gh est estââ ef jb phs phsoioù oioùff ‚HNN‐ h JHIC. =. Bsekürese ge que ej ihf`utbghr ge nbrhs estâ ef jb phsoioùf HNN. 9. Ruote jb iumoertb ge jb iblb ge nusomjes. nusomjes. FGO2579

Ofterrupthr ge nusomjes ge

7. Tresohfe jbs jefkúetbs jefkúetbs ge mjhqueh mjhqueh ef b`mhs jbghs gej ofterrupthr ge nusomjes ge bj`biefb`oefth prhjhfkbgh l 9. 5. Extrbokb ej ofterrupthr ge nusomjes ge bj`biefb-


T]EIBUIOÙF Fh use fufib nusomjes ge `byhr h `efhr b`perble que ej espeionoibgh ef jb iumoertb ge jb iblb ge nusomjes.

Yo ej equoph ejïitroih fh nufiohfb, ih`prueme so

bj`biefb`oefth bj`biefb`oef th prhjhfkbgh

`oefth prhjhfkbgh ge jb iblb ge nusomjes.

Tbrb reguior ej bkhtb`oefth ge jb mbteràb, ej ofterrupthr ge nusomje nusomjess ge bj`biefb`oefth prhjhfkbgh prhjhfkbgh l 9 voefe bpbkbgh bpbkbgh ge nâmroib. nâmroib. Bftes ge jb eftrekb gej veaàiujh, se pujsb ej ofterrupthr (se efioefge) y gemerâ per`bfeier soe`pre efiefgogh.

aby bjküf nusomje bmoerth. 2. Bsekür Bsekürese ese ge que ej ofterru ofterrupthr pthr ge efiefgogh y ej ihf`utbghr ge nbrhs estâf ef jb phsoioùf ‚HNN‐. =. Bmrb ej ibpù. Tbrb hmtefer `âs ofnhr`bioùf, ihfsujt ihfs ujtee ‚Bp ‚Bpertu erturb rb gej ibp ibpù‐ ù‐ ef jb seii seiioùf oùf ‚9. Ih`prhmbiohfes y rekjbles prevohs b jb `briab‐.

Yo bjk bjküf üf gos gosphso phsotov tovhh ejïi ejïitro troih ih fh nufi nufiohfb ohfb,, ges ges`hft `hftee ej oft ofterru errupth pthrr ge nuso nusomje mjess ge bj`b bj`biefb iefb`oef `oefth th prh prhjhfjhfkbgh y ih`prueme so aby bjküf nusomje bmoerth.

9. Ges`hfte Ges`hfte jbs iumoertbs gej nusomje ge efjbie. 7. Jhibjoi Jhibjoiee ej nusomje que geme sustotuorse. sustotuorse.

FHWB Yo aby ufb bveràb ef ej ofterrupthr ge nusomjes ge bj`biefb`oefth prhjhfkbgh, h so ej nusomje se nufge, fh es feiesbroh sustotuor ej ofterrupthr. Ef

@bftefo`oefth y aâkbjh usteg `os`h   1-=;  

JUIEY 5. Extrbokb ej nusomje ihf ej extrbithr (seküf `hgejh). Ej extrbithr ge nusomjes estâ sotubgh ef jb iblb ge nusomjes gej ih`pbrto`efth ge pbsblerhs.

NB]HY Nbrh JEG (seküf `hgejh)

>. Yo ej nusomje estâ bmoerth l B , sustot sustotüybjh üybjh phr ufh fuevh l M.

Ej nbrh JEG es ge toph prhyeithr que usb uf `ùgujh JEG que fh toefe poezbs b jbs que se puegb abier ej `bftefo`oefth.

;. @hfte jbs iumoertbs iumoertbs gej nusomje ge efjbie.


1. @hfte ej ihfguith ihfguith ge bore ef ej hrgef ofversh ofversh bj ge ges`hftble. ?. Ioerre ej ibpù. FHWB Yo ej fuevh nusomje se vuejve b nufgor, biugb b uf ihfiesohfbroh FOYYBF h tbjjer iubjonoibgh pbrb que ih`pruemef y repbref ej soste`b ejïitroih.

•  Tbrb evotbr sunror ufb gesibrkb ejïitroib, fh oftefte fufib `hgonoibr h ges`hftbr ej ihf lufth ge jhs nbrhs JEG.

•  Ef ibsh ge que seb feiesbrob jb sustotuioùf,

biugb b su ihfiesohfbroh ihfiesohfbroh FOYYBF h tbjje tbjjerr iubjonoibgh.

Yustotuioùf ge jb mh`mojjb abjùkefb gej nbrh T]EIBUIOÙF

gele jb mh`mojjb nuerb gej renjeithr renjeithr gej nbrh •   Fh gurbfte `uiah toe`ph yb que ej phjvh, jb au`egbg y ej au`h puegef eftrbr ef ej nbrh, bneitbfgh fekbtovb`efte b su refgo`oefth.

Ej nbrh es ge toph nhih se`oaer`ïtoih3 es geior, usb ufb mh` mh`moj mojjb jb (abj (abjùkef ùkefb) b) reib reib`mo `mobmj bmje. e. Jbs mh` mh`mojj mojjbs bs se puegef sustotuor gesge ej ofterohr gej ih`pbrto`efthh gej `ht `eft `hthr hr sof feie feiesog sogbg bg ge ges ges`hft `hftbr br ej ihf lufth gej nbrh. Ihftbite ihf uf ihfiesohfbroh FOYYBF h tbjjer iubjonoibgh so feiesotb bsostefiob pbrb jb sustotuioùf ge jb mh`mojjb.

Geft ftrh rh ge jb mh mh`m `moj ojjb jb ge gejj nb nbrh rh ab abyy kb kbss ab abjù jùke ke-•   Ge fh b bjtb presoùf. Jb mh`mojjb puege rh`perse so se brbòb jb efvhjturb ge vogroh h so se gelb iber.

•  Iubfgh `bfopuje jb mh`mojjb, FH WHRUE JB EF^HJWU]B GE ^OG]OH.

•  Use ufb mh`mojjb gej `os`h toph ge fü`erh y vbtohs que jb `hftbgb hrokofbj`efte.

fh es feiesbroh rekujbr ej nbrh •  Fhr`bj`efte gespuïs ge sustotuor jb mh`mojjb. Yo es feiesbroh rebjozbr uf bluste ge jb rekujbioùf ge jb bjturb ge jhs nbrhs, pùfkbse ef ihftbith ihf su ihfiesohfbroh FOYYBF h tbjjer iubjonoibgh.

1-=1   @bftefo`oefth y aâkbjh usteg `os`h  

9. ]etore ej ihfeithr ge jb pbrte phsterohr gej ihf lufth ge jb iumoertb l 2. 7. Kore ej ihflufth ge jb iumoertb iumoertb uf iubrth ge vuejtb abiob jb ozquoergb y ges`hfte jb iumoertb gesihfeitbfgh ej ihfeithr ofterfh l =. 5. E`pu E`pule le y ko kore re ej pb pbsb sbgh ghrr ge nonolbi lbioùfpbrb oùfpbrb bn bnjh jhlbr lbrjh jh l 9.

=. Gesihfe Gesihfeite ite ej ibmje fekbtovh (‗) ge jb mbteràb. 9. ]etore ej ihfeithr ge jb pbrte phsterohr phsterohr gej ihf lufth ge jb mh`mojjb. 7. Kore ej ihflufth gej jb mh`mojjb uf hitbvh ge vuejtb abiob jb ozquoer ozquoergb gb y ges`hft ges`hftee jb mh`mojj mh`mojjbb gej nbrh l 5.

>. Ruote jb mh`mojjb mh`mojjb gej nbrh. Fh jb sbiugb sbiugb fo jb kore iubfgh jb ges`hfte. ;. Ihjhque jb fuevb fuevb mh`mojjb ef ej hrgef ofversh ofversh bj ge ges`hftble.

5. @hfte jb fuevb mh`mojjb ef ej iuerph gej nbrh korâfghjb abiob jb gereiab abstb que quege nor`e`efte oftekrbgb ef ej iuerph gej nbrh. >. ^uejvb b `hftbr ej ihfeithr ge jb pbrte phsterohr gej ihflufth ge jb mh`mojjb.

1. ^uejvb b `hftbr ej ihfeithr ofterfh ge jb iumoertb ef jb pbrte phsterohr ge jb mh`mojj mh`mojjb. b.

;. ^uejvb b ihfeitbr ej ibmje fekbtovh (‗) ge jb mbteràbb y ioerre ej ibpù. mbterà

?. ^uejvb b `hftbr jb iumoertb korbfgh ej ihflufth ge jb iumoertb uf iubrth ge vuejtb abiob jb gereiab.

FHWB Ej ofterohr ge jb jefte ge jbs juies exterohres puege e`pbòbrse te`phrbj`efte so jjueve h so se

24. ^uejvb b `hftbr ej ihfeithr ge jb pbrte phsterohr gej ihflufth ge jb iumoertb. FGO257>

22. ^uejvb b ihfeitbr ej ibmje fekbtovh (‗) ge jb mbteràbb y ioerre ej ibpù. mbterà Yustotuioùf ge jbs mh`mojjbs ge jb juz ge iruie<

Yustotuioùf ge jbs mh`mojjbs ge jb juz ge ibrreterb<


2. Bmrb ej ibpù. Tbrb hmtefer `âs ofnhr`bioùf, ihfsujt ihfs ujtee ‚Bp ‚Bpertu erturb rb gej ibpù‐ ef jb seii seiioùf oùf ‚9. Ih`prhmbiohfes y rekjbles prevohs b jb `briab‐.

iubjonoibgh so feiesotb bsostefiob pbrb jb sustotuioùf ge jb mh`mojjb.

=. Gesihfe Gesihfeite ite ej ibmje fekbtovh (‗) ge jb mbteràb.

ge e`pbòbrse te`phrbj`efte so jjueve h so se jbvb ej ihiae. Este e`pbòb`oefth estâ ibusbgh phr jb gonerefiob ge te`perbturb eftre ej ofterohr y ej exterohr ge jb jefte. Esth fh es ufb bveràb. Yo se hmservbf khtbs krbfges, pùfkbse ef ihftbith ihf uf ihfiesohfbroh FOYYBF h tbjjer iubjonoibgh.

Ihftbite ihf uf ihfiesohfbroh FOYYBF h tbjjer

2. Bmrb ej ibpù. Tbrb hmtefer `âs ofnhr`bioùf, ihfsujte ihfs ujte ‚Bperturb ‚Bperturb gej ibpù ibpù‐‐ ef jb seii seiioùf oùf ‚9. Ih`prhmbiohfes y rekjbles prevohs b jb `briab‐. @bftefo`oefth y aâkbjh usteg `os`h   1-=?


JUIEY EQWE]OH]EY Eje`efth Tojhth ih`mofbgh gejbfterh Nbrh (juz ge iruie< toph A22) *2 Nbrh (Juz ge ibrreterb< toph A;) Nbrh (Juz ge ibrreterb h iruie< `hgejh)toph *2 JEG, seküf Ofgoibghr ge goreiioùf gejbfterh *2 Juzz ge ph Ju phso soio i oùf ù f ge gejb jbft fter erbb *2 Nbrh bftofoemjb (toph A1, seküf `hgejh) *2 Bju`mrbgh gourfh *2 Ofgo Of goib ibgh ghrr ge goreii r eiioù oùff jb jbte terb rbjj *2

JUIEY GEJ ABMOWÂIUJH F¼ ge vbtohs ([) 55 >4 JEG =2 JEG JEG 95 29 JEG JE G

Eje`efth Juz gej abmotâiujh/Juz ge `bpbs (seküf `hgejh) Juz ge jeiturb (trbserb) Juz gej abmotâiujh ‗ trbserb (seküf `hgejh) Juz gej ih ih` `pb pbrt rto` o`ef efth th ge equ quop opbl ble

UMOIBIOÙF GE JBY JUIEY F¼ ge vbtohs ([) 5 5 5

Tojhth ih`mofbgh trbserh Ofgoibghr ge goreiioùf Juz ge nrefh/trbserb*2 Juz ge `briab btrâs Juz ge nrefh Juz ge nrefh superohr *2 Juz ge `btràiujb Juz bftofoemjb (seküf `hgejh) *2<

=2 24 2> =2 JEG 5 =2


Umoibioùf ge jbs juies

l 2   Ofgoibghr ge goreiioùf jbterbj

Ef ge que seb feiesbrob feie sbrob sustotuio sust otuioùf, ùf, biug biugbb b suibsh ihfiesohfbroh ihfiesohfb roh FOYYBF h jb tbjjer iubjonoibgh.

l =   Juz gej abmotâiujh l 9   Juz gej abmotâiujh l 7   Juz ggee iruie ge ibrreterb l 5   Juz ge

1-94   @bftefo`oefth y aâkbjh usteg `os`h  

l >   Juz ge phsoioùf gejbfterb l ;   Ofgoibghr ge goreiioùf gejbfterh l 1   Bju`mrbgh gourfh y nbrhs bftofoemjb (seküf `hgejh) l ?   Juz ge nrefh superohr 24   Juz ge `btràiujb l 22   Juz bftofoemjb (seküf `hgejh) l `briab btrâs 2=   Juz ge `briab l

l 29   Juz ge nrefh l 27   Ofgoibghr ge goreiioùf l 25   Juz trbserb

Trhiego`oefths ge sustotuioù sustotuioùff

FGO2575 FGO;4;

Ofgoibghr ge goreiioùf gejbfterh

Whgbs jbs ge`âs juies juies shf ge toph B, M, I h G. Bj sustotuor ufb mh`mojjb, quote pro`erh jb jefte y/h jb tbpb. `






@bftefo`oefth y aâkbjh usteg `os`h   1-92  


Juz gej abmotâiujh ‗ trbserb (seküf `hgejh)

1-9=   @bftefo`oefth y aâkbjh usteg `os`h  


Juz gej ih`pbrto`efth ge equopble


Juz ge `btràiujb


Juz bftofoemjb (seküf `hgejh)


Juies ge nrefh e ofgoibghr ge goreiioùf trbserh


Juz trbserb y juz ge `briab btrâs

@bftefo`oefth y aâkbjh usteg `os`h   1-99  

FEU@ÂWOIHY _ ]UEGBY Yo toefe uf feu`âtoih pofiabgh, ihfsujte ‚Feu`âtoih pofiabgh‐ ef jb seiioùf ‚>. Ef ibsh ge e`erkefiob‐.

T]EYOÙF GE OFNJBGH GE JHY FEU@ÂWOIHY Ih`prueme peroùgoib`efte jb presoùf ge jhs feu`âtoihs,, ofijuogh ej ge repuesth. Ufb presoùf ofih`âtoihs rreitb puege bneitbr fekbtovb`efte b jb gurbioùf gej feu`âtoih y ej `bfelh gej veaàiujh. Jb presoùf ge jhs feu` feu`âto âtoihs ihs gem gemee ih`p ih`prhm rhmbrse brse iubf iubfgh gh ïst ïsths hs estâf nràhs. Ye ihfsogerb que jhs feu`âtoihs estâf nràhs iubfgh ej veaàiujh ab estbgh estbiohfbgh estbiohfbgh gurbfte 9 ahrbs h `âs h iubfgh se ab ihfguiogh `efhs ge 2,> c` (2 `ojjb). Jbs presohfes ge jhs feu`âtoihs ef nràh (IHJG) se `uestrbf ef jb etoquetb gej feu`âtoih. Ufb presoùf ofsunoioefte puege prhvhibr ej ibjeftb-

Jhs feu`âtoihs ge reib`moh puegef tefer uf jà`ote ge vejhiogbg `âs mblh que jhs feu`âtoihs `hftbghsef nâ nâmr mroi oibb y fh bji bjibfz bfzbr br jb ve vejhi jhiog ogbg bg `â `âxo xo`b `b ge gejj veaàiujh. Fh shmrepbse fufib ej jà`ote ge vejhiogbg `âxo`h gej feu`âtoih.

Feu`âtoihs pbrb foeve

Feu`âtoihs pbrb thgbs jbs estbiohfes

Yo feiesotb feu`âtoihs pbrb foeve, es feiesbroh sejeiiohfbr feu`âtoihs ge tb`bòh y fovej ge ibrkb equovbjeftes b jhs feu`âtoihs hrokofbjes. Yo fh jh abie, jb sekurogbg y ej `bfelh ge su veaàiujh puegef verse bneitbghs fekbtovb`efte.

FOYYBF espeionoib ej ush ge feu`âtoihs pbrb thgbs jbs estbiohfes ef bjkufhs `hgejhs, yb que prh-

Keferbj`efte, jhs feu`âtoihs pbrb foeve toefef uf jà`ote ge vejhiogbg `âs mblh que jhs feu`âtoihs

phriohfbf muef refgo`oefth thghfe eju`âbòh,ofiju ofi jush sh ef uf ihfgo ihf goioh iohfes fes ge foe foeve vegurbfte h aoe aoejh.Jhs jh.Jhs feu`â toihs pbrb thgbs jbs estbiohfes estâf ogeftonoibghs ih`h BJJ YEBYHF y/h @&Y ef ej jbterbj gej feu`âtoih. Jhs feu`âtoihs pbrb foeve toefef `elhr trbiioùf ef foeve que jhs feu`âtoihs pbrb thgbs jbs estbiohfes y puegef ser `âs bgeiubghs ef bjkufbs zhfbs.

`hftbghs ef nâmroib y puege que fh bjibfief jb phtefiobb `âxo`b ge vejhiogbg gej veaàiujh. Fh shphtefio mrepbse fufib ej jà`ote ge vejhiogbg `âxo`h gej feu`âtoih. feu`âto ih. Yo `hftb feu`âtoihs pbrb foeve, ïsths gemef ser gej `os`h tb`bòh, `brib, estruiturb y pbtrùf ge mbfgb ef jbs iubtrh ruegbs.

Feu`âtoihs ge verbfh

Tbrb ihfsekuor `âs trbiioùf ef ibrreterbs aejbgbs, se puegef usbr feu`âtoihs ihf ijbvhs. Yof e`mbrkh, bjkufbs prhvofiobs y pbàses prhaàmef su ush.

`oefth exiesovh ge jhs feu`âtoihs y gbòhs ofterfhs. B bjtb vejhiogbg, esth puege prhvhibr jb sepbrbioùf ge jb mbfgb ge rhgbgurb e ofijush puege prhvhibr revefthfes.

WOTHY GE FEU@ÂWOIH FEU@ÂWOIHY Y T]EIBUIOÙF Iubfgh ib`moe h sustotuyb jhs feu`âtoihs bseküre kü rese se ge qu que e jh jhss iu iubt btrh rh sh shf f ge gejj `o `os` s`h h to toph ph (p (phr hr ele`pjh< verbfh, thgbs jbsbroh estbiohfes estruiturb. estrui turb. Uf ihfi ihfiesohf esohfbroh FOYYBFh foeve) h tbjje tbjjeryr iubjonoibgh puege nbiojotbrje ofnhr`bioùf shmre ej toph ge feu`âtoih, tb`bòh, jà`ote ge vejhiogbg y gosphfomojogbg.

FOYYBF espeionoib jhs feu`âtoihs ge verbfh ef bjkufhs `hgejhs pbrb hmtefer uf refgo`oefth superohr ef ibrreterbs seibs. Ej feu`âtoih ge verbfh hnreie ufbs prestb prestbiohfes iohfes sefsomje`efte ofnerohres ihf foeve y jjuvob. Jhs feu`âtoihs ge verbfh fh toefef jb esibjb ge trbiioùf @&Y ef ej jbterbj gej feu`âtoih. Yo poefsb ihfguior su veaàiujh shmre foeve h aoejh, FOYYBF FOY YBF reih reih`oe `oefgb fgb ej ush ge feu` feu`âto âtoihs ihs pbr pbrbb foeve h thgbs jbs estbiohfes ef jbs iubtrh ruegbs.

Ih`prueme jbs jeyes bftes ge ge `hftbr feu`âtoihs ihfihrresphfgoeftes ijbvhs. Jb ibpbiogbg bkbrre y trbiioùf ge jhs feu`âtoihs pbrb foeve ihf ijbvhs ef ibrreterbs `hlbgbs h seibs puege ser pehr que jb ge jhs feu`âtoihs pbrb foeve sof ijbvhs.

IBGEFBY TB]B FOE^E Ej ush ge ibgefbs estâ prhaomogh ef geter`ofbgbs zhfbs. Ofnùr`ese ge jb fhr`btovb vokefte bftes ge `hftbrjbs. Bj `hftbr ibgefbs pbrb foeve, bsekürese ge que shf gej tb`bòh bgeiubgh pbrb jhs feu`âtoihs ge su veaàiujh y que jbs ihjhib seküf jbs ofstruiiohfes gej nbmroibfte. Use tefshres ge ibgefb iubfgh jh reih`oefge ej nbmroibfte ge jbs ibgefbs pbrb foeve ihf ej nof ge

1-97   @bftefo`oefth y aâkbjh usteg `os`h  

bsekurbr uf bluste ihrreith. Jhs esjbmhfes ge jhs extre`hs que quegef suejths gemef nolbrse h quotbrse pbrb evotbr jb phsomojogbg ge que khjpeef y gbòef jhs kubrgbmbrrhs kubrgbmbrrhs h jb pbrte ofnerohr ofnerohr ge jb ibrrhieràb. Yo es phsomje, evote ibrkbr bj `âxo`h ej veaàiujh `oeftrbs utojozb ibgefbs pbrb foeve. Bge`âs, ihfguzib b vejhiogbges reguiogbs. Ge fh ser bsà, se puege gbòbr ej veaàiujh y/h su `bfelh y refgo`oefth se puegef ver bneitbghs fekbtovb`efte. Jbs ibgefbs pbrb foeve gemef `hftbrse shjb`efte ef jbs ruegbs gejbfterbs y fh ef jbs trbserbs. T]EIBUIOÙF

•   Fh utojoie fufib ibgefbs pbrb foeve ef uf

feu`âtoih ge repuesth ge toph W (YÙJH UYH WE@TH]BJ).

ihfguz guzib ib ihfjbs ibg ibgefb efbss pbr pbrb b foe foeve ve `hf `hf-•   Fh ihf


ihfsujte ihf uf ihfiesohfbroh FOYYBF h tbjjer iubjonoibgh h ihf ej nbmroibfte ge jhs feu`âtoihs. FHWB @hgejhs ihf soste`b ge ihftrhj ge presoùf ge feu`âtoihs (WT@Y)< Gespuïs ge per`utbr jhs feu`âtoihs, geme reofoiobrse ej WT@Y. Tbrb hmtefer `âs ofnhr`bioùf, ihfsujte ‚Ibjomrbioùf ge te`perbturb ge WT@Y‐ ef jb seiioùf ‚5. Brrbfque y ihfguiioùf‐.


FOYYBF reih FOYYBF reih`oef `oefgb gb per per`utb `utbrr jhs feu` feu`âto âtoihs ihs ibg ibgbb 24.4444 c` (>.44 24.44 (>.4444 `ojjbs) (ihfsujte ‚Feu`âtoih pofiabgh‐ ef jb seiioùf ‚>. Ef ibsh ge e`erkefiob‐ pbrb jb sustotuioùf ge jhs feu`âtoihs).


tbgbs ef ibrreterbs pbvo`eftbgbs sof foeve. Ihfguior ihf ibgefbs ef tbjes ihfgoiohfes puege gbòbr vbrohs `eibfos`hs gej veaàiujh gemogh bj esnuerzh que se elerie shmre ejjhs.


•  Gespuïs ge per`utbr jhs feu`âtoihs, rekuje jb presoùf ge ofnjbgh.

•   ^uejvb b bpretbr jbs tueribs ge jbs ruegbs

iubfgh ej veaàiujh abyb reihrrogh 2.444 c` (>44 `ojjbs) (tb`moïf ef ibsh ge feu`âtoih pofiabgh, eti.).

•  Fh utojoie ej feu`âtoih ge repuesth ge toph W (ge ush te`phrbj) pbrb jb per`utbioùf.

sejeiioùf ioùf,, •   Ufb sejei

bluste, iuog bluste, iuogbgh bgh h `bfte `bftefofo`oefth `oeft h ofihr ofihrreith reithss gej feu`â feu`âtoih toih puege puegef f bneitbr jb sekurogbg gej veaàiujh ihf roeskh ge biiogefte h jesohfes. Ef ibsh ge gugb,


l 2   Ofgoibghr ge geskbste l =   @brib ge jhibjozbioùf gej ofgoibghr ge geskbste Jhs feu`âtoihs gemef ofspeiiohfbrse peroùgoib`efte pbrb ih`prhmbr so estâf geskbstbghs, bkroetbghs, toefef sbjoeftes u hmleths ef jb mbfgb. Yo

@bftefo`oefth y aâkbjh usteg `os`h   1-95  

estâf `uy geskbs geskbstbghs, tbghs, bkroetbghs, bkroetbghs, toefef sbjoeftes h ihrtes prhnufghs, gemerâf sustotuorse of`egobtb`efte. Jhs feu`âtoihs hrokofbjes toefef uf ofgoibghr ge geskbste ge mbfgb ofihrphrbgh. Yustotuyb ej feu`âtoih iubfgh ej ofgoibghr ge geskbste se abkb vosomje. Uf `bftefo`oefth ofihrreith gej feu`âtoih ge repuesth puege jesohfes krbves. Yo se feiesotb repbrbr ej ibusbr feu`âtoih ge repuesth, biugb b su ihfiesohfbroh FOYYBF h tbjjer iubjonoibgh.

EF^ELEIO@OEFWH EF^ELEIO@ OEFWH GEJ FEU@ÂWOIH Fufib utojoie uf feu`âtoih ge `âs ge seos bòhs, ofgepefgoefte`efte ge so se ab usbgh h fh. Jhs feu`âtoihs se gekrbgbf ihf ej pbsh gej toe`ph,, bs ph bsàà ih ih`h `h ihfej us ushh ge gejj ve veaài aàiujh ujh.. Biu Biugb gb ihfnre-

seiioùf ‚?. Ofnhr`bioùf tïifoib‐ pbrb ihfhier jhs tophs y tb`bòhs ge feu`âtoihs y ruegbs reih`efgbghs). Jb utojozbioùf ge htrhs feu`âtoihs gostofths b jhs reih`efgbghs h ej ush so`ujtâfeh ge feu`âtoihs ge gonereftes `bribs, estruiturb (gobkhfbj, gobkhfbj renhrzbgh, h rbgobj) h pbtrhfes ge mbfgb, puege bneitbr fekbtovb`efte b jb `briab, ej nrefbgh, ej `bfelh, jb gostbfiob bj suejh, jb gostbfiob eftre jb ibrrhieràb y jb ruegb, jb gostbfiob ge jbs


ibgefbs pbrb foeve,(WT@Y), ej soste`b ge ihftrhjgej ge vejhpresoùf ge feu`âtoihs jb ibjomrbioùf ià`etrh, jb rekujbioùf ge jhs nbrhs y jb bjturb gej pbrbiahques.  Bjkufhs ge esths eneiths puegef prhvhibr biiogeftes h jesohfes krbves.

ge repuesth. Ej te`phrbj cot ge repbrbioùf se geme ge usbrphib ih`h repbrbioùf ge uf pofiabzh o`phrtbfiob. o`phrt bfiob. Gespuïs ge usbr ej cot ge repbrbioùf, pùfkbse ef ihftbith jh bftes phsomje ihf uf ihfiesohfbroh FOYYBF h tbjjer iubjonoibgh pbrb que abkbf ufb ofspeiioùf gej feu`âtoih y jh repbref/sustotuybf.

Yo sustotuye jbs ruegbs phr iubjquoer `htovh, iâ`moejbs soe`pre soe`pre phr ufbs que tefkbf jbs `os`bs go`efsohfes. Jbs ruegbs ge go`efsohfes gonereftes puegef ibusbr uf geskbste pre`bturh pre`bturh ge jhs feu-

Ye su`ofostrb uf cot ge e`erkefiob pbrb repbrbioùf ge pofiabzhs ge feu`âtoihs ef jukbr gej feu`âtoih

T]EIBUIOÙF Fh use ej cot ge e`erkefiob pbrb repbrbioùf ge

iuefiob b uf tbjjerFOYYBF ge repbrbioùf so jh prenoer prenoere, e, b uf ihfiesohfbroh h tbjjerh,iubjonoibgh pbrb que revosef y equojomref jhs feu`âtoihs.

YUYWOWUIOÙF GE FEU@ÂWOIHY _ ]UEGBY BG^E]WEFIOB Fh `hf `hfte te rue ruegbsh gbsh feu feu`ât `âtoih oihss gen genhr` hr`bgh bghss buf buf-que se abybf repbrbgh. Goiabs ruegbs h feu`âtoihs puegef tefer gbòhs estruiturbjes y nbjjbr ef iubjquoer `h`efth.

Iubfgh ib`moe uf feu`âtoih, ejàlbjh gej `os`h tb`bòh, jà`ote ge vejhiogbg y ibpbiogbg ge ibrkb que ej hrokofbj. (Ihfsujte ‚Feu`âtoihs y ruegbs‐ ef jb

1-9>   @bftefo`oefth y aâkbjh usteg `os`h  

ej feu`â feu`âtoih toih estâ ih`p ih`pjetb` jetb`efte efte •   Iubfgh geftrh h nuerb ge jb jjbftb. feu`âtoih estâ gbòbgb. •   Iubfgh jb jjbftb gej feu`âtoih •   Iubfgh ghs h `âs feu`âtoihs estâf pofiabghs.

^eb ‚Feu`âtoih pofiabgh‐ ef jb seiioùf ‚>. Ef ibsh ge e`erkefiob‐ pbrb hmtefer ofnhr`bioùf bgoiohfbj.

IUOGBGH GE JBY ]UEGBY Tbrb hmtefer `âs ofnhr`bioùf, ihfsujte ‚Iuogbgh ge jbs ruegbs‐ ef jb seiioùf ‚;. Bpbroefiob y iuogbghs‐.

`âtoihs, gekrbgbioùf ef jbs ge `bfelh gej vea veaàiuj àiujhh y/h oft ofterne erneror roribrbiteràstoibs ihf jhs gos gosihs/ ihs/tb` tb`mhmhres gej nrefh. Estb ofternerefiob puege reguior jb enoioefiobb gej nrefh y/h ibusbr uf geskbs enoioefio geskbste te pre`bturh ge jbs pbstojjbs/zbpbtbs.

ERUOJOM]BGH GE JBY ]UEGBY Ufbs ruegbs `bj equojomrbgbs puegef bneitbr bj `bfelh gej veaàiujh y b jb gurbioùf gej feu`âtoih. Ofijush ihf ej ush abmotubj, jbs ruegbs puegef gesequojomrbrse. equojomr brse. Thr jh tbfth, gemef equojomrbrse equojomrbrse iubfgh seb feiesbro feiesbroh. h.

pofiabzhs ef jbs ihf sokuoeftes ihfgoiohfes. Tùfkbse ef ihftbith uf ihfiesohfbroh FOYYBF, tbjjer iubjonoibgh h ihf uf servoioh ge bsostefiob ef ibrreterb< sejjbghr ab shmrepbsbgh jb •   Iubfgh ej bkefte sejjbghr neiab ge ibguiogbg (se puege ver ef jb etoquetb nolbgb ef jb mhtejjb gej bkefte sejjbghr).

•  Iubfgh ej ihrte h ej pofiabzh es okubj h superohr b > `` (4,=5 pujk.) ge jhfkotug.

•   Iubfgh ej jbterbj gej feu`âtoih estâ gbòbgh. •   Iubfgh se ab ihfguiogh ej veaàiujh ihf ufb pïrgogb ihfsogerbmje ge bore gej feu`âtoih.

@bftefo`oefth y aâkbjh usteg `os`h   1-9;  


1-91   @bftefo`oefth y aâkbjh usteg `os`h  

?  Ofnhr`bioùf Ofnhr`bioùf tïifoib

Ibpbiogbges y jumroibftes/jàquoghs reih`efgbghs......................................................... reih`efgbghs...................................................... ... Ofnhr`bioùf Ofnhr` bioùf ge ge ih`mustomje......... ih`mustomje.............. .......... .......... .......... ........ ... Fü`erh ge vosihsog vosihsogbg bg YBE reih`efg reih`efgbgh bgh ..... .......... ..... @hthr ............................. ............................................................. ......................................... ......... Feu`âtoihs y ruegbs ............................ ............................................... ................... Go`efsohfes .............................. ............................................................ .............................. Iubfgh voble bj extrbflerh h `btroiuje ej veaàiujh ef htrh pbàs ............................... ............................................................. .............................. Ogeftonoibioùf Ogefto noibioùf gej gej veaàiujh veaàiujh ..... ........... ........... .......... .......... ........... ........... ........ ... Tjbib ge ogeftonoi ogeftonoibioùf bioùf gej gej veaàiujh veaàiujh..... .......... .......... .......... ....... Fü`erh ge ogeftonoibioùf gej veaàiujh (^OF)

?-= ?-7 ?-7 ?-5 ?-> ?-> ?-; ?-; ?-;

Fü`erh ge ge seroe gej `hthr... `hthr........ .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... ....... Etoquetb Etoque tb ge feu`âtoihs....... feu`âtoihs............ .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... ....... .. Etoquetb ge espeionoibiohfes gej bihfgoiohfbghr ge bore bore (seküf (seküf `hgejh) `hgejh) ..... .......... .......... .......... .......... ........... ........ .. Fü`erhs ge bprhmbioùf........................................... Yoste`b bftorrhmh FOYYBF (FBWY), soste`b ge eftrbgb sof jjbve phr ihftrhj re`hth h oftejokefte .............................. ........................................................... ............................. Yoste`b ge ihftrhj ge presoùf ge feu`âtoihs (WT@Y) (trbfs`o (trbfs`oshr) shr) ..... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... ........... ........ ..

?-; ?-1 ?-1 ?-1 ?-1 ?-?

(fü`erh ge iabsos).......... iabsos)............... ........... ........... .......... ........... ........... ........ ...



IBTBIOGBGEY _ JUM]OIBFWEY/JÀRUOGHY ]EIH@EFGBGHY B ihft ihftofub ofubioùf ioùf,, se ofg ofgoibf oibf jbs ibp ibpbiog biogbges bges bpr bprhxo` hxo`bgb bgbs. s. Jbs ibpb ibpbiog iogbge bgess rebj rebjes es ge su`o su`ofost fostrh rh pue puegef gef gon gonero erorr jok jokerb` erb`efte efte.. Iubf Iubfgh gh rej rejjefe jefe jhs gon goneref ereftes tes gep gepùsot ùsoths, hs, sokb jbs ofstruiiohfes gesirotbs ef jb seiioùf ‚1. @bftefo`oefth y aâkbjh usteg `os`h‐ pbrb geter`ofbr jb ibpbiogbg ge su`ofostrh bgeiubgb. Ibpbiogbg (bprhxo`bgb (bprhxo`bgb)) Jotrhs @eg. o`p. Ih`mustomje

7> h 9>

24,2 kbj h ;,? kbj

7,> 7,9 7,> 7,9 7,9 7,7  

7’2/1 qt 9’9/7 qt 7 qt 9’9/7 qt 9’9/7 qt 9’;/1 qt


> 9/7

Espeionoibiohfes Espeionoibioh fes reih`efgbg reih`efgbgbs bs   ^eb ‚Ofnhr`bioùf ‚Ofnhr`bioùf ge ih`mustomje‐ ih`mustomje‐ `âs bgejbfte bgejbfte ef estb estb seiioùf.

Bieote ge `hthr (rejjefbr) A]B=GGW Ihf sustotuioùf gej nojtrh ge bieote @]2>GGW C?C A]B=GGW Yof sustotuioùf gej nojtrh ge bieote @]2>GGW C?C ]enrokerbfte gej `hthr (ihf gepùsoth ge reservb) A]B=GGW


@hthr A]B=GGW y @]2>GGW< Bieote ge `hthr hrokofbj FOYYBF 5[74 BIEB B9/M7 @hthr C?C (ihf GTN)< Bieote ge `hthr hrokofbj FOYYBF 5[94 GTN BIEB I7, YBE 5[94 Jhw YBTY Tbrb hmtefer `âs getbjjes, ihfsujte ‚Fü`erh ge vosihsogbg YBE reih`efgbgh‐ `âs bgejbfte ef estb seiioùf. Use renrokerbfte ge `hthr hrokofbj FOYYBF h ge ibjogbg equovbjefte pbrb evotbr jb phsomje ihrrhsoùf gej bju`ofoh geftrh gej soste`b ge renrokerbioùf gej `hthr ibusbgb phr ej ush ge uf renrokerbfte fh hrokofbj.  ]eiuerge que fofkufb repbrbioùf ge

bveràbs ibusbgbs ef ej soste`b ge renrokerbioùf gej `hthr


@]2>GGW C?C

;,? ;,>

; qt > 9/7

phr ej ush ge uf renrokerbfte fh hrokofbj estâ iumoertb phr jb kbrbftàb, ofijush iubfgh goiahs ofiogeftes hiurrbf geftrh gej perohgh ge ihmerturb ge jb kbrbftàb.  Tùfkbse ef ihftbith

Gepùsoth ge reservb

Fovej @BQ


2 2/1 qt

ihf uf ihfiesohfbroh FOYYBF h tbjjer iubjonoibgh pbrb ihfhier ej toph y jb ibpbiogbg ge renrokerbfte.

Bieote ge efkrbfbles ge trbfs`osoùf `bfubj



2’9/7 qt

Njuogh pbrb jb trbfs`osoùf QW]HFOI   (I^W)



Jàquogh ge nrefhs y gej e`mrbkue Krbsb `ujtoush


Bieote ge efkrbfbles FOYYBF @W-Q\ toph WJ/L] h BTO KJ-7, vosihsogbg YBE ;5[-14 Tùfkbse ef ihftbith ihf uf ihfiesohfbroh FOYYBF FOYYBF h tbjjer iubjonoibgh pbrb `âs ofnhr`bioùf h pbrb jbs tbrebs ge `bftefo`oefth.

]ejjefe abstb jjekbr bj fovej ihrreith seküf jbs ofstruiiohfes ge jb seiioùf ‚1. @bftefo`oefth y aâkbjh usteg `os`h‐. ’ ’

Jàquogh ge nrefhs hrokofbj FOYYBF h equovbjefte. GHW 7 (UY N@^YY F¼ 22>) FJKO F¼ = (mbse ge lbmùf ge jotoh)

?-=   Ofnhr`bioùf tïifoib  

Ibpbiogbg (bprhxo`bgb (bprhxo`bgb)) Jotrhs @eg. o`p. ]enrokerbfte gej soste`b gej bihfgoiohfbghr ge bore

Jumroibftes gej soste`b gej bihfgoiohfbghr ge bore

Espeionoibiohfes Espeionoibioh fes reih`efgbg reih`efgbgbs bs    

ANH-2=97yn (Eurhpb) ANI-297b (]-297b) (exiepth Eurhpb) Bieote FG-2= h equovbjefte (Eurhpb) Bieote FG-1 (exiepth Eurhpb)

Ofnhr`bioùf tïifoib   ?-9

OFNH]@BIOÙF F GE IH@MUYWOMJE OFNH]@BIOÙ @hthr ge kbshjofb T]EIBUIOÙF Fh utojoie kbshjofb ihf pjh`h. Jb kbshjofb ihf pjh`h gbòbrâ ej ihfvertoghr ibtbjàtoih.  

@hthr A]B=GGW<

Utojoie kbshjofb YOF TJH@H YÜTE] ge bj `efhs ?5 hitbfhs (]HF). @hthr @]2>GGW<

Utojoie kbshjofb YOF TJH@H YÜTE] ge bj `efhs ?5 hitbfhs (]HF). Yo fh se utojozb kbshjofb sof pjh`h süper, se puege utojozbr kbshjofb YOF TJH@H FH]@BJ ge bj `efhs ?2 hitbfhs (]HF), perh ej refgo`oefth se verâ

Ef ibsh ge gugb, ihfsujte ihf uf ihfiesohfbroh FOYYBF h tbjjer iubjonoibgh. T]EIBUIOÙF

•  Fh utojoie kbsùjeh ge ush gh`ïstoih, kbshjofb fo htrhs ih`mustomjes ih`mustomjes bjterfbtovh bjterfbtovhss ef su `hthr goïsej, pues phgràb prhvhibr gbòhs ef ej `os`h.

  Fh bòbgb kbshjofb fo htrhs ih`mustomjes bjterfbtovhs bj ih`mustomje goïsej.

• •  Fh utojoie ih`mustomje ge verbfh b te`perb-

turbs ofnerohres b ∝;´I (=4´N). Jbs mblbs te`perbtu per bturbs rbs prh prhvhi vhibf bf jb nhr nhr`bi `bioùf oùf ge ier ierb b ef ej ih`mus ih` mustom tomje je y pue puegefo`peg gefo`pegor or ej ihr ihrrei reith th nuf nuf-iohfb`oefth gej `hthr.

FÜ@E]H GE ^OYIHYOGBG YBE ]EIH@EFGBGH We`perbturb b`moefte prevostb bftes gej prùxo`h ib`moh ge bieote BIEOWE TB]B @HWH] GE KBYHJOFB

reguiogh. Yof e`mbrk reguiogh. e`mbrkh, h, pbrb jhkrbr ej `âxo`h refgo`oefthh gej veaàiujh go`oeft veaàiujh,, se reih`oef reih`oefgb gb ej ush ge kbshjofb sof pjh`h süper.


@hthr goïsej Ye geme utojozbr ih`mustomje ih`mustomje goïsej ge bj `efhs 52 ietbfhs y `efhs ge 24 pp` ge bzunre (EF5?4 y espeionoibioùf Eurh 5). Yo se gosphfe ge ghs tophs gostofths ge ih`mustomje goïsej, use ih`mustomje pbrb verbfh y pbrb ofvoerfh seküf jbs ihfgoiohfes ge te`perbturb sokuoeftes.   Yuperohr b ’;´I (=4´N). . . Ih`must Ih`mustomje omje goïsej ge toph verbfh.

Bieote pbrb `hthr ge kbshjofb Bieote

Ye reih`oefgb 5[-74. Yo 5[-74 fh estâ gosphfomje, sejeiiohfe ef jb tbmjb jb vosihsogbg bgeiubgb b jb te`perbturb b`moefte exterohr.

•   Ofnerohr b ’;´I (=4´N). . . Ih`mustomje goïsej ge toph ofvoerfh.

?-7   Ofnhr`bioùf tïifoib  

@HWH] Bieote pbrb `hthr goïsej @hgejh Woph Gosphs s phsoi oioù oùff ge jh jhss io iojojofgrh f grhss

@hthr C?C  ihf   ihf GTN<


Goâ oâ` `etr trhh x ibr brre rerrb Iojofgrbgb


C?C Goïsej, 7 toe`phs 7 iojofg j ofgrh rhss ef jàfeb f eb   ;>,4 x 14,5 `` (pu pujk jk.) .) (=,??= x 9,2>?) 9 i` (pujk.   2.7>2 (1?,25) iüm.)

^ejhiogbg ge rbjeftà rp` W/@ QW]HFOI ef phsoioùf F Mulàb Estâfgbr Yepbrbioùf ge mulàbs `` (pujk.) Nufiohfb Nufi ohfb`oef `oefth th gej ârmh ârmhjj ge jevb jevbss *

154 ² 54 ‗ ‗ ‗ Ihrreb Ihrr eb ge gost gostromui romuioùf oùf

A]B=GGW Kbshjofb, 7 toe`phs 7 iojofg j ofgrh rhss ef jàfeb f eb ;=,= x ;9,2 (=,17 x =,11)

@]2>GGW Kbshjofb, 7 toe`phs 7 iojofg j ofgrh rhss ef jàjàfe febb ;?,; x 12,2 (9,291 x 9,2?9)

2.2?; (;9,4)

2.>21 (?1,;1)

* * OJCB];N;K 4,>5 (4,4=>) Ibgefb Ibge fb ge gost gostromui romuioùf oùf

>44 ² 54 ‗ GOJCB];E?AY 4,? (4,495) Ibgefb Ibge fb ge gost gostromu romuioùf ioùf

Ihfsujte ihf uf ihfiesohfbroh ihfiesohfbroh FOYYBF h tbjjer iubjonoibgh onoibgh pbrb hmtefer hmtefer `âs getbjjes. getbjjes.

Ofnhr`bioùf tïifoib   ?-5  

FEU@ÂWOIHY _ ]UEGBY `hftbr •   Jbs ibgefbs pbrb foeve fh se puegef `hftbr


Wb`bòh ge feu`âtoih


Estâfgbr 2?5/>4]2>*2 =45/55]2>*2 =45/54]2; =25/75]21

]epuesth W2=5/;4 G2> ?>@*2*=

geseb eb `hf `hftbr tbr jbs ibg ibgefb efbss pbr pbrb b foe foeve, ve, gem geme e •   Yo ges

utojozbr uf equoph espeiobj. Tùfkbse ef ihftbith ihf uf ihfiesohfbroh FOYYBF h tbjjer iubjonoibgh.

*2< seküf `hgejh


*=< shjb`efte pbrb ush te`phrbj Tbrbhmteferr `âs ofnh Tbrbhmtefe ofnhr`bi r`bioùf oùf shm shmre re jhs feu` feu`âto âtoihs ihs bgeiubghs, pùfkbse ef ihftbith ihf uf ihfiesohfbroh FOYYBF h tbjjer iubjonoibgh.

Wb`bòh ]uegb ge Bierh* Bier h*22 2> Û >, >,55L ibrreterb   2; Û >, >,5L 5L Bju`ofoh 21 Û ;L Ge rep epue uessth *2 *= 2> Û 7W


•  Jhs feu`âtoihs ge ofvoerfh gemef `hftbrse ge biuergh ihf jb jekosjbioùf jhibj vokefte.

Ufogbg< `` (pujk.)

ef ruegbs ge 21 pujkbgbs.

*2< seküf `hgejh

Gesieftrb`oefth `` (pujk.) 74 (2 (2,5 ,5;) ;) 75 (2 (2,; ,;;) ;) 7; (2 (2,1 ,15) 5) 94 (2,21)

`` (pujk.) Jhfkotug thtbj Bfiaurb thtbj Bjturb thtbj Bfiaurb ge vàb gejbfterb Bfiaurb ge vàb trbserb Gostbfiob eftre eles

791; 2;>1 25=4 2574

(2;=,;) (>?,?) (5?,1) (>4,>)





•  Jhs feu`âtoihs ge ofvoerfh gemef `hftbrse

=< shjb`efte pbrb ush te`phrbj

ef jbs iubtrh ruegbs ihf jb goreiioùf ge rhtbioùf bgeiubgb. T]EIBUIOÙF

•  Jhs feu`âtoihs ge ofvoerfh puegef tefer uf

jà`ote ge vejhiogbg `âxo`h ofnerohr bj ge jhs feu`âtoihs hrokofbjes `hftbghs ef ej veaàiujh.

•  Jbs ibgefbs pbrb foeve fh gemef `hftbrse •

ef ej ele trbserh.  Jbs ibgefbs pbrb foeve fh gemef `hftbrse ef feu`âtoihs `byhres que jhs feu`âtoihs que estbmbf `hftbghs hrokofbj`efte ef ej veaàiujh.

?->   Ofnhr`bioùf tïifoib  

IUBFGH ^OBLE BJ EQW]BFLE]H H @BW]OIUJE EJ ^EAÀIUJH EF HW]H TBÀY Yo pjbfeb voblbr b htrh pbàs,  pro`erh geme bvero-

kubr so ej ih`mustomje gosphfomje ef ese pbàs es ej bprhpobgh pbrb ej `hthr ge su veaàiujh.



Ej ush ge ih`mustomje ihf uf fü`erh ge hitbfhs/ ietbfhs ge`bsobgh ge`bsobgh mblh puege ibusbr gbòhs ef ej `hthr. Thr ihfsokuoefte, evote utojozbr ej veaàiujh ef zhfbsef zh fbsef jbsque fh se ef efiue iueft ftre re go gosp sphfo hfomj mjee ej ih ih``mustomje bgeiubgh. Bj `btroiujbr su veaàiujh ef htrh pbàs,   ihfsujte

ihf jbs buthrogbges pertofeftes so su veaàiujh iu`pje jhs requosoths feiesbrohs. feiesbrohs. Es phsomje que fh se puegb bgbptbr ej veaàiujh. Ef bjkufhs ibshs, es phsomje que uf veaàiujh fh iu`pjb jhs requosoths jekbjes y ef htrhs, que seb feiesbroh `hgonoibr ej veaàiujh pbrb que se bluste b jbs jeyes y rekujbio rekujbiohhfes espeiànoibs. Jbs jeyes y rekujbiohfes shmre ej ihftrhj ge e`osoh-

FWO=>5 FWO=?=

Jb pjbib estâ ihjhibgb ef ej `hftbfte M ih`h se ofgoib ef jb ojustrbioùf.


@hthr A]B=GGW

Ej fü`erh estâ estb`pbgh ef ej `hthr ih`h se `uestrb ef jb ojustrb ojustrbioùf. ioùf.

Jbs jeyes y rekujbiohfes shmre ej ihftrhj ge e`osoh fes y jbs fhr`bs ge veaàiujhs, vbràbf gepefgoefgh gej sekurogbg pbàs, phr jhpbrb que puegef goneror jbs espeionoibiohfes ge jhs veaàiujhs.

^EAÀIUJH (^OF) (fü`erh ge iabsos)

FOYYBF fh se abie resphfsbmje ge jhs ofihfvefoeftes que puegbf surkor bj voblbr y `btroiujbr su veaàiujh ef htrh pbàs. Jbs `hgonoibiohfes feiesbro ies brobs, bs, ej trb trbfsp fsphrt hrte e y jb `bt `btroi roiujb ujbioù ioùf f shf res res-phfsbmojogbg gej prhpoetbroh.


@hthr @]2>GGW


Ej fü`erh ^OF estâ umoibgh ih`h se `uestrb ef jb ojustrbioùf.

Ofnhr`bioùf tïifoib   ?-;



Whghs jhs prhguiths ge rbgohnreiuefiob h bugohnreiuefiob ofstbjbghs ef jhs veaàiujhs ge jb kb`b FOYYBF gurbfte jb prhguiioùf iu`pjef ihf jhs requoso req uosoths ths ge jb Gor Goreit eitovb ovb shm shmre re equo equophs phs rbg rbgohej ohejïitr ïitro-oihs y equophs ter`ofbjes ge tejeih`ufoibioùf.


@hthr C?C 


2   @hgejhs ge ihfguiioùf gereiab =   @hgejhs ge ihfguiioùf ozquoergb Jb presoùf ef nràh ge jhs feu`âto feu`âtoihs ihs se `uestrb ef jb etoquetb ge feu`âtoihs nolbgb ef ej `hftbfte ief-

YOYWE@B BFWO]]HMH FOYYBF (FBWY), YOYWE@B GE EFW]BGB YOF JJB^E TH] IHFW]HJ ]E@HWH H OFWEJOKEFWE Yoste`b ge eftrbgb sof jjbve phr ihftrhj re`hth (seküf `hgejh) BJTY EJEIW]OI EJEIW]OI IH., JWG. geijbrb que ej trbfs`oshr sof jjbve, `hgejh W[M2K;>; iu`pje jhs requosoths quosot hs mâsoihs y prhvoso prhvosohfes hfes pertofeftes ge jb Goreitovb 2???/5/EI.


trbj gej jbgh gej ihfguithr.

EWORUEWB GE EYTEIONOIBIO EYTEIONOIBIOHFEY HFEY GEJ BIHFGOIOHFBGH] GE BO]E (seküf `hgejh) Bmrb ej ibpù. Jb etoquetb estâ ihjhibgb ef jb seiioùf gejbfterb gej ibpù.

per`otb que quege expuesth b bjtbs te`•  Fh perbturbs, ih`h ef ej ibsh ge jb juz shjbr goreitb, nuekh, eti.

•  Aby pejokrh ge expjhsoùf so jb mbteràb se sustotuye ofihrreitb`efte. Yustotüybjb shjb`efte phr ufb gej `os`h toph h equovbjefte.

` ?-1   Ofnhr`bioùf tïifoib  


Yoste`b ge jjbve oftejokefte (seküf `hgejh)

•  Jjbve oftejokefte (seküf `hgejh)< ’ Fh`mre gej nbmroib nbmroibfte< fte< Ihftofeftbj Buth`htove K`mA ’ Fh` Fh`mre mre gej `hg `hgejh< ejh< Y214277247

•  Yoste`b ge bjbr`b (sorefb) (seküf `hgejh)< ’ 22>]B 22>]BO-44= O-44=1>1 1>1 ’ 22> 22>]O]O-44= 44=1>? 1>?

` YOYWE@B GE IHFW]HJ GE T]EYOÙF GE FEU@ÂWOIHY (WT@Y) (trbfs`oshr) Ihftofeftbj Buth`htove K`mA geijbrb que este Y21445=47 Y2144 5=471/Y214 1/Y21445=45 45=4544 iu`pje jhs requoso requosoths ths mâsoihs y prhvosohfes pertofeftes ge jb Goreitovb 2???/5/EI


Of`hvojozbghr gej soste`b bftorrhmh FOYYBF (FBWY) Ihftofeftbj Buth`htove K`mA geijbrb que ej soste`b gej of`hvojozbghr, `hgejh Y2142?=24=, iu`pje jhs requosoths mâsoihs y prhvosohfes pertofeftes ge jb Goreitovb 2???/5/EI.

Ofnhr`bioùf tïifoib   ?-?  


?-24   Ofnhr`bioùf tïifoib  



Ofnhr`bioùf tïifoib   ?-22  


?-2=   Ofnhr`bioùf tïifoib  


Ofnhr`bioùf tïifoib   ?-29  


?-27   Ofnhr`bioùf tïifoib  


Ofnhr`bioùf tïifoib   ?-25  


?-2>   Ofnhr`bioùf tïifoib


24   Àfgoie B

BMY (soste`b...................................... ge nrefhs nrefhs.......................................... bftomjhqueh) ...................................... bftomjhqueh) ................................... ..................... .............. 5-59 ’ Westokh ................. ................. =-> Bieote ..................... ......................................... ......................................... ........................................ ................... =-=7 ’ Bieote ge `hthr ........................................................ ............................................................... ....... 1-1 ’ Ih`prhmbi Ih`prhmbioùf oùf gej fovej ge bieote ge `hthr ................... ....................... 1-1 ’ Ofgoibghr ................................ .................................................... ....................................... ................... =-21 ’ Jumroibftes reih`efgbg reih`efgbghs hs .................. ....................................... ........................... ...... ?-= ’ Fü`erh ge vosihsogbg YBE reih`efgbg reih`efgbghh ..................... ......................... ?-7 ’ Yustotuioùf gej bieote ge `hthr .................... ........................................ .................... 1-?

’ Mhjsojjhs pbrb `bpbs .............................................. ...................................................... ........ =-72 ’ Iblb ge ihfshjb ..................... .......................................... ....................................... .................. =-9? ’ Kbfiahs pbrb bmrokhs ................... ........................................ ................................ ........... =-74 ’ Kbfiahs pbrb equopble ........................................... .................................................. ....... =-7= ’ Kubfterb ................................ ..................................................... ....................................... .................. =-9? ’ @bjeterh/ih @bjeterh/ih`pbrto`efth `pbrto`efth ge equopble ................... ............................. .......... =-7= ’ Yhphrte pbrb mhtejjbs .................... ......................................... ................................ ........... =-74 ’ Yhphrte pbrb kbnbs ge shj .............................................. .............................................. =-74 ’ Yhphrte pbrb vbshs ................... ........................................ .................................... ............... =-74 Bju`mrbgh bftofoemjb bftofoemjb .................... ......................................... ....................................... .................. =-27 ’ Ofgoibghr ........................................... .............................................................. ................... =-2=, =-2=, =-29 Bfijble gej gosphsotovh gosphsotovh ge suleioùf pbrb pbrb foòhs ................... ...................... ... 2-==

Yustotuioùf gej nojtrh ge bieote ge `hthr ..................... ......................... .... 1 24 Bihfgoiohfbghr ge bore Bihfgoiohfbghr ’ Bihfgoiohfb Bihfgoiohfbghr ghr ge bore buth`âtoih ..................... ................................ ........... 7-=4 ’ Ibjenbiioùf y bihfgoiohfbg bihfgoiohfbghr hr ge bore ..................... ............................ ....... 7-2> ’ Ibjenbiioùf y bihfgoiohfbg bihfgoiohfbghr hr ge bore `bfubj ................. 7-2; ’ Etoquetb ge espeionoibiohfe espeionoibiohfess gej bihfgoiohfbg bihfgoiohfbghr hr ge bore .................................................................................. ?-1 ’ Nojtrh gej bihfgoiohfbg bihfgoiohfbghr hr ge bore ................... ........................... ........ 7-=4, 7-=9 ’ @bftefo`oef @bftefo`oefth th gej bihfgoiohfbg bihfgoiohfbghr hr ge bore ............ 7-=4, 7-=9 Bormbk ’ Ofterrupthr gej bormbk gej pbsblerh gejbfterh .................. =-22 ’ Juz ge estbgh ................................................. ................................................................ ............... =-22 ’ Westokhs ...................... ........................................... .......................................... ........ =-22 Bluste ge jb bjturb ge jb ihrreb gej ah`mrh............................. (pbrb jhs bsoefths gejbfterhs) ..................... .......................................... ......................................... ................................ ............ 2-2= Bluste gej ogoh`b ogoh`b ................... ........................................ ..................................... ................ =-=4, 7-9= SBjbr`bsP ................... ........................................ .......................................... ........................... ...... =-29, =-2? =-2? Bjnh`mrojjbs gej posh ..................... .......................................... ......................................... .................... ;-5 Bj`biefb`oefth efth .................... ......................................... ......................................... ......................... ..... =-9? ’ Mbfgelbs ge bj`biefb`oefth efth .................. ....................................... ....................... =-9? ’ Mhjsojjhs gej bsoefth ................... ........................................ .................................... ............... =-72

Bftefb .................... ......................................... .......................................... ....................................... .................. 7-=5 Bftofoemjb ’ Nbrhs bftofoemjb .................................................. ............................................................. ........... =-95 ’ Juies bftofoemjb ..................... .......................................... ....................................... .................. =-9> Bftoseiuestrhh ’ `hgbjogbg ge gesmjhqueh Bftoseiuestr gesmjhqueh .................... ............................. ......... 9-5 Bperturb gej ibpù ......................................................... 4->, 9-25 Bphybmrbzhss .................. Bphybmrbzh ....................................... .......................................... .................................. ............. 2-5 Brrbfque ’ Bftes ge brrbfibr ej `hthr ................... ........................................ ........................... ...... 5-= ’ Brrbfque ihf mbteràb buxojobr ................................. >-24, 1-=4 ’ Brrbfque gej `hthr ................................................ ........................................................ ........ 5-2> ’ Brrbfque gej `hthr e`pulbfgh ej veaàiujh ..................... >-2= ’ Trei Treibuio buiohfes hfes bj brrbfib brrbfibrr ej veaàiu veaàiujh jh y ihfgui ihfguiorjh orjh ..... .......... ....... .. 5-9 Brrbfque ihf mbteràb buxojobr ................... ...................................... ................... >-24, 1-=4 Brrbfque gej `hthr e`pulbfgh ej veaàiujh ........................... >-2= Bsoefth ’ Bluste ge jhs rephsbibme rephsbibmezbs zbs .................... ......................................... ......................... 2-5 ’ Bphybmrbzh Bphybmrbzhss ................... ........................................ .......................................... ........................... ...... 2-5 ’ Bsoefth trbserh ...................................................... ................................................................ .......... 2-7 ’ Bsoefths .................................... ......................................................... ...................................... ................. 2-=


’ Bsoefths gejbfterhs ’ Bluste ............................................ ............................................ 2-9 ’ Ibjenbithr gej bsoefth ............................................... ............................................... 4->, 2-9 ’ Ioft Iofturhf urhfes es ge sekur sekurogbg ogbg toph toph tres tres pufths pufths ge ge bfijble ble ..... ....... 2-24 ’ @brib IEFW]BJ ef ej bsoefth trbserh ieftrbj ............... 2-2= Bsoefth trbserh trbserh .................. ....................................... .......................................... ............................... .......... 2-7 Bsostefiob bj ihfguithr ’ Byugb b jb ihfguiioùf ..................... .......................................... ............................. ........ =-25 ’ Byugb bj bpbrib`oef bpbrib`oefth th ..................... .......................................... ............................. ........ =-25 Bugoh .................. ....................................... .......................................... .......................................... ....................... 7-=7 ’ Mhtùf YEWUT .......................................... ............................................................... ....................... 7-94 ’ Eftrbgb BUQ (buxojobr) .................................................... .................................................... 7-95 ’ Nufiohfb`oe Nufiohfb`oefth fth .............................................. ............................................................. ............... 7-=7 ’ Nufiohfb`oe Nufiohfb`oefth fth ge jb ufogbg ge `e`hrob UYM .............. 7-95 ’ Nufiohfb`oe Nufiohfb`oefth fth gej reprhguithr oThg ..................... ............................ ....... 7-9> ’ Nufiohfes profiopbjes ge jb trbfs`osoùf ge bugoh phr Mjuethhta® .................. ....................................... .......................................... ............................. ........ 7-9? ’ @bfgh ge ihftrhj ihftrhj ge bugoh gej vhjbfte vhjbfte ge ge goreiioùf goreiioùf ....... 7-77 ’ @bfghs ge ihftrhj ge bugoh ef ej vhjbfte .................. ...................... .... 7-77 ’ Fossbf Ihffeit ....................................... ............................................................ ....................... 7-77

Mbfgelb trbserb trbserb ..................... .......................................... .......................................... ......................... .... =-72 Mbteràb ..................... .......................................... ......................................... .................... =-=7, 5-5;, 1-21 1-21 ’ Mbteràb gej veaàiujh .................... ......................................... ................................... .............. 1-21 ’ Gesibrkb ge jb pojb ge jb jjbve jjbve oftejokefte oftejokefte .................... ....................... ... 5-25 ’ Etoquetb ge preibuioùf .................................................. .................................................. 1-21 ’ Yustotuioùf ge jb pojb ge jb jjbve oftejokefte .................. ..................... ... 1-=4 ’ Yustotuioùf ge jb pojb gej ihftrhj re`hth oftekrbgh ftekrbgh ef jjbve ..................... .......................................... .......................................... .................................... ............... 1-=4 Mjhqueh ’ Mjhqueh ge jb goreiioùf .................. ....................................... ....................... 5-2=, 5-25 ’ Mjhqueh ge puertbs .................... ........................................ ..................................... ................. 9-? ’ Mjhqueh gej phrtùf trbserh ................... ........................................ ......................... .... 9-2= ’ Ioerre ge sekurogbg sekurogbg pbrb foòhs òhs ef jbs puertbs puertbs trbserbs .................... ......................................... ......................................... ................................ ............ 9-2= ’ Ofterrupthr gej ioerre ieftrbjozbgh ge puertbs ................. 9-22 ’ @bfojjb ofterohr ....................................................... ............................................................... ........ 9-24 ’ Yoste`b ge supermjhqueh .................. ....................................... ..................... 9-22, 9-? Mjhqueh ge puertbs puertbs .................... ........................................ ......................... ..... =-29, =-=7, 9-? ’ Mjhqueh/ge Mjhqueh/gesmjhqueh smjhqueh ihf jb jjbve ‗ mbteràb gej gej veaàiujh veaàiujh

’ Fü`erhs ge bprhmbioùf ................... ........................................ ............................... .......... ?-1

gesibrkbgb ..................... .......................................... .......................................... ......................... .... 9-24

’’ ]bgoh N@................................. B@ ihf.......................................... reprhguithr........................................ ge IG .................... ........................... ....... 7-=1 Yoste`b ............ ................... 7-=7 Bvosh ge gesvàh gesvàh ge ibrroj (JG[) ..................... ......................................... ...................... 5-99 ’ Nufiohfb`oe Nufiohfb`oefth fth gej soste`b JG[ .................................. .................................. 5-99 Byugb b jb ihfguiioùf ihfguiioùf .................... ......................................... .................................... ............... =-=?

’ Ioerre sekurogbg pbrb sekurogbg foòhs òhs ef jbs puertbs ............ 9-2= puertbs trbserbsge.................... ......................................... ......................................... ................................ ’ Ihfnokurbioù Ihfnokurbioùff ................................... ........................................................ ............................. ........ =-2; =-2; ’ Ofgoibghr ................................ ..................................................... ....................................... .................. =-22 ’ Ofterrupthr gej ioerre ieftrbjozbgh ge puertbs ................. 9-22 ’ @bfojjb ofterohr ....................................................... ............................................................... ........ 9-24 ’ Thrtùf trbserh .................... ......................................... .......................................... ....................... 9-2= ’ Yoste`b ge eftrbgb sof jjbve phr ihftrhj re`hth ............... 9-7 ’ Yoste`b ge supermjhqueh .................. ....................................... ..................... 9-22, 9-? Mjuethhta® ..................... .......................................... .......................................... ................................ ........... 7-75 ’ Ihfexoùf Mjuethhta® ihf uf tejïnhfh `ùvoj ................... 7-75 ’ Nufiohfb`oe Nufiohfb`oefth fth ge Mjuethhta® ...................................... ...................................... 7-9; ’ Hpioùf Mjuethhta® .................... ......................................... ................................... .............. 7-9; 7-9; Mhiofb .................... ......................................... .......................................... ....................................... .................. =-91 Mhtùf ge jbs juies ge e`erkefiob e`erkefiob .................. ....................................... ......................... >-= Mhtùf YEWUT ...................................................................... 7-94


Âreb ge nufiohfb`oef nufiohfb`oefth th ge jb jjbve oftejokefte .....................



Mbfgelb ’ Ges`hftble .................................. ....................................................... ................................. ............ =-72 ’ @hftble ..................................... .......................................................... .................................... ............... =-72

24-=   Àfgoie  

Mulàb ge ofibfgesief ofibfgesiefiob iob ’ Ofgoibghr ................................ .................................................... ....................................... ................... =-2= Mulàbs (`hgejhs ihf `hthr ge kbshjofb) ............................... 1-=9 I

Iblb ge ihfshjb .................... ......................................... ......................................... ......................... ..... =-9? Ibjenbiioùf y bihfgoiohfbghr bihfgoiohfbghr ge bore .................... .................................. .............. 7-2> Iâ`brb ....................................... .................. .......................................... ........................................ .................... =-=; Ib`moh ge `briab ................... `briab ........................................ .......................................... ...................... =-=5 Ibpbiogbgess y jumroibftes/jàquoghs Ibpbiogbge jumroibftes/jàquoghs reih`efgbghs reih`efgbghs ................ ?-= ’ Ofnhr`bioùf ge ih`mustomje ............................................. ............................................. ?-7 Ibrkb ’ Westokh ...................................... ........................................................... ...................................... ................. =-; Ibtbjozbghr ge tres vàbs (`hgejhs (`hgejhs ihf `hthr ge kbshjofb) kbshjofb) ...... 5-? Iofturùf ge sekurogbg ’ Iofturhfes ge sekurogbg ................... ........................................ ......................... 2-;, ;-5

’ Ofgoibghr ge ih`mustomje ................................. ................................................. ................ =-= ’ Ofnhr`bioùf ge ih`mustomje ............................................. ............................................. ?-7 ’ Wbpb3 tbpb gej gepùsoth ..................... ......................................... .............................. .......... 4-> ’ Westokh ...................................... ........................................................... .................................... ............... =-22 Iù`h blustbr blustbr jb vostb ge jb pbftbjjb .................... ...................................... .................. 7-27 Ih`pbrto`efth Ih`pbrto`e fth ge ibrkb ’ Tosh ge ibrkb .................. ....................................... .......................................... ......................... .... =-7= Ih`pbrto`efth Ih`pbrto`e fth ge equopble ’ Tosh ge jb zhfb ge equopble .................. ....................................... ......................... .... =-7= Ih`pbrto`efth Ih`pbrto`e fth gej ihfguithr ihfguithr .................... ......................................... ........................... ...... 4-> Ih`prhmbioùf ’ Ih`prhmbi Ih`prhmbioùf oùf gej fovej ge bieote ge `hthr ................... ....................... 1-1 ’ Ih`prhmbi Ih`prhmbioùf oùf gej fovej gej renrokerbfte gej `hthr ........... 1-> Ihfguiioùf .................... ........................................ ......................................... ......................... =-25, =-2> =-2> ’ Ihfguiioùf ihf te`perbturbs mblbs ef ej exterohr ......... 5-5; ’ Ihfguiioùf ihf trbfs`osoùf `bfubj .............................. 5-2? ’ Ihfguiioùf gej veaàiujh ................... ........................................ ............................ ....... 5-2? ’ Ihfguiioùf ef ihfgoiohfes ofverfbjes ................... .......................... ....... 5-22

’ @brib IEFW]BJ ef ej bsoefth trbserh ieftrbj ............... 2-2= ’ Yekurogbg pbrb foòhs .................... ......................................... .................................. ............. 2-? ’ Yoste`b gej pretefshr gej iofturùf iofturùf ge sekurogbg sekurogbg ............ 2-29 ’ Westokh ...................................... ........................................................... .................................... ............... =-24 ’ Westokh ge jhs iofturhfes ge sekurogbg .......................... 2-24 Iofturhfes ge sekurogbg sekurogbg ..................... .......................................... ................................ ........... =-27 ’ Blus Bluste te ge jb bjturb bjturb ge jb ihrreb ihrreb gej gej ah`mrh ah`mrh ..... ......... ......... .......... ....... 2-2= ’ Memïs ................................................. ...................................................................... .......................... ..... 2-27 ’ Ioft Iofturhf urhfes es ge sekur sekurogbg ogbg toph toph tres tres pufths pufths ge ge bfijble ble ..... ....... 2-24 ’ @bftefo`oef @bftefo`oefth th ge jhs iofturhfes ge sekurogbg ............... 2-2= ’ Foòhs `byhres ................... ........................................ .......................................... ....................... 2-27 ’ Foòhs pequeòhs ........................................................... ............................................................. 2-27 ’Iofturhfes Yekurogbg foòhs toph ......................................... .................... ........... 2-24 2-27 ge pbrb sekurogbg sekurogbg tres pufths pufths................................ ge bfijble ............ Ih`mustomje ............................................................... =-=9, =-=1 ’ Bluste ge ufogbges ........................................................ ........................................................ =-=4 ’ Ibpbiogbge Ibpbiogbgess y jumroibftes/ jumroibftes/jàquoghs jàquoghs reih`efgb reih`efgbghs ghs .......... ?-= ’ Grefble gej bkub (nojtrh ge ih`mustomje ih`mustomje)) .................. ......................... ....... 1-29 ’ Nojt Nojtrh rh ge ih`mu ih`mustom stomje je (`hgejh (`hgejhss ihf `hthr `hthr goïs goïsej) ej) ..... .......... ..... 1-29

Iubfgh jb ibrreterb estâ `hlbgb ..................... ................................... .............. 5 24 ’ Treibuio Treibuiohfes hfes bj brrbfib brrbfibrr ej veaàiu veaàiujh jh y ihfgui ihfguiorjh orjh ..... .......... ....... .. 5-9 ’ Treibuiohfe Treibuiohfess gurbfte jb ihfguiioùf ................... ............................. .......... 5-24 ’ Yoste`b gej prhkrb`b prhkrb`b ge ihftrhj ejeitrùfoih ejeitrùfoih ge estbmojogbg estbmojogbg (EYT) ................... ........................................ .......................................... .................................... ............... =-29 ’ Yoste`b Ythp/Ytbrt ................................................ ........................................................ ........ 5-=7 Ihfguiioùf ihf te`perbturbs te`perbturbs mblbs ef ej exterohr ............... 5-5; Ihfnokurbioùf ’ Bsostefiob bj ihfguithr ..................... .......................................... ............................ ....... =-25 ’ Ogoh`b ....................................... ............................................................ .................................... ............... =-=4 ’ Tbftbjjb ge ofnhr`bioùf gej veaàiujh ............................... =-25 ’ Ufogbg .................................................... ......................................................................... ....................... =-=4 =-=4 Ihfnokurbioùf/bluste ge ahrb ...................................... 7-94, 7-9= Ihf`utbghrr ge jhs ofgoibghres Ihf`utbgh ofgoibghres ge goreiioùf goreiioùf .............. =-2;, =-95 ’ Ofgoibghr ................................ ..................................................... ....................................... .................. =-29 Ihftrhj ge iruierh iruierh ................... ........................................ ................................. ............ =-=5, 5-95 Ihrrebs gej `hthr ..................... ......................................... ......................................... ....................... 1-== Iubfgh voble bj extrbflerh h `btroiuje ej veaàiujh ef htrh pbàs ..................... .......................................... .......................................... .......................................... ........................ ... ?-;

Àfgoie   24-9  

Iueftbcojù` Iueftbcojù`etrhs etrhs ..................... .......................................... .......................................... ........................ ... =-= Iuogbghs y jo`poezb ge IG/G^G/ufogb IG/G^G/ufogbgg ge `e`hrob UYM .. 7-=>


Geteiioùf ge hmleths hmleths ef `hvo`oefth `hvo`oefth (@HG) .................... ........................ .... 7-29 Gonerefiob eftre eftre gostbfiob prevostb prevostb y gostbfiob rebj ................ 7-24 Go`efsohfess ..................... Go`efsohfe .......................................... .......................................... ............................... .......... ?->

Nbrh .................... ......................................... .......................................... .......................................... ....................... ’ Ihf`utbgh Ihf`utbghrr ge nbrhs ............................................. ..................................................... ........ ’ Ihf`utbgh Ihf`utbghrr ge ge nbrhs e ofgoibghres ge goreiioùf ........... ’ Ihf`utbgh Ihf`utbghrr ge jhs ofgoibghres ge goreiioùf ................. ’ Ihf`utbgh Ihf`utbghrr ge rekujbioùf ge nbrhs .................... ............................... ........... ’ Nbrhs (sustotuioùf ge mh`mojjbs) ..................................... ..................................... ’ Jbvbnbrhs ................................................ ..................................................................... .......................

Goreiioùf ’ Bluste gej vhjbfte ge goreiioùf .................... ...................................... .................. 9-2; ’ Mjhqueh ge jb goreiioùf ..................... ........................................ ................... 5-2=, 5-25 ’ Mhtùf gej tejïnhfh .................. ....................................... ....................................... .................. 7-75 ’ Mhthfes ge ihftrhj ge bugoh ..................... ......................................... ...................... 7-77 ’ Mhthfes ge ihftrhj gej tejïnhfh ................... ..................................... .................. 7-75 ’ Mhthfes ge ush gej tejïnhfh ..................... ......................................... ...................... 7-52 ’ @bfgh ge ihftrhj ihftrhj ge bugoh gej vhjbfte vhjbfte ge ge goreiioùf goreiioùf ....... 7-77 ’ @bfghs ge ge ihftrhj ef ej vhjbfte vhjbfte pbrb ej ihftrhj gej tejïnhfh tejïnhfh

’Nbrhs Yustotuioùf (mh`mojjb) .................... ......................................... ................................ ........... 1-=1 ’ Ofgoibghr ........................................... .............................................................. ................... =-22, =-22, =-2= Nojtrh ’ Bieote .......................... ............................................... .......................................... ............................. ........ =-21 ’ Nojt Nojtrh rh ge ih`mu ih`mustom stomje je (`hgejh (`hgejhss ihf `hthr `hthr goïse goïsej)j) ..... .......... ..... 1-29 ’ Nojtrh gej bihfgoiohfb bihfgoiohfbghr ghr ge bore ................... ........................... ........ 7-=4, 7-=9 ’ Nojtrh gej gepurbghr ge bore ................... ........................................ ......................... .... 1-=7 Nojtrh gej gepurbghr ge bore ..................... .......................................... ............................ ....... 1-=7


=-=> =-99 =-99 =-95 =-9> 1-=1 =-9;

ihf `bfhs `bfhs jomres .................... ......................................... ....................................... .................. 7 52 ’ Yoste`b ge jb servhgoreiioù servhgoreiioùff ejïitroib .................... ........................... ....... 5-52

Nrefh .................. ....................................... .......................................... .......................................... ....................... =-=7

Gosphsoioùf ge ofstru`efths ofstru`efths y ihftrhjes ihftrhjes ................... .............................. ........... 4-24 Gosphsotovhs ge suleioùf suleioùf pbrb foòhs òhs ................... ..................................... .................. 2-25 ’ Bfijble gej gosphsotovh ge suleioùf pbrb foòhs ................ 2-== ’ @hftble gej gej gosphsotovh vh ge suleioùf suleioùf pbrb foòhs utojozbfgh utojozbfgh uf iofturùf ge ge sekurogbg sekurogbg toph tres tres pufths ge bfijble .......... 2-=> ’ Yoste`b ge suleioùf pbrb foòhs OYHNOQ ..................... ......................... .... 2-=4

’ ’ ’ ’ ’ ’ ’ ’ ’ ’


Efiefgogh ’ Ofterrupthr ge efiefgogh ................... ........................................ ............................ ....... 5-22 Efierbgh ................... ........................................ .......................................... ...................................... ................. ;-= Equojomrbgh ge jbs ruegbs ruegbs .................... ......................................... ................................ ........... 1-9> Estbiohfb`oefth Estbiohfb` oefth .................... ......................................... ......................................... ......................... ..... 5-7> ’ Byugb .......................... ............................................... .......................................... ............................. ........ =-25 =-25

Bsostefiob b jb nrefbgbfth ................................. ................................................... .................. Nrefh ge estbiohfb`oe estbiohfb`oefth ................................ .............................................. .............. 5-5= 1-29 Nrefhs gej re`hjque ........................................... ...................................................... ........... 5-7? Jàquogh ge nrefhs ................... ........................................ ....................................... .................. 1-25 1-25 Tegbj gej nrefh ge servoioh ............................................. ............................................. 1-27 Treibuiohfess pbrb ej nrefh ................... Treibuiohfe ........................................ ......................... .... 5-5= Yervhnrefh .............................................. ................................................................... ....................... 1-27 1-27 Yoste`b ge nrefhs .................. ....................................... ....................................... .................. 5-5= Yoste`b ge nrefhs bftomjhqueh (BMY) ..................... ............................ ....... 5-59 Westokh ................................................. ..................................................................... .................... =->, =->, =-? Westokh gej soste`b soste`b ge nrefbgh ge ge e`erkefiob e`erkefiob phr phr

bjibfie ......................................... .................... ......................................... .................................. .............. =-; Nrefh ge estbiohfb`oefth estbiohfb`oefth ........ 4->, =-29, =-=9, =-=7, =-=9, 9-2;, 1-29 9-2;, ’ Yervhnrefh .............................................. ................................................................... ....................... 1-27 1-27 ’ Westokh ...................................... ........................................................... ...................................... ................. =-? Nrefh ge servoioh ................................................................. 1-27 Nufiohfb`oefth Nufiohfb`oe fth ge jb ufogbg ge `e`hrob `e`hrob UYM .................... 7-95 Nufiohfb`oefth Nufiohfb`oe fth gej reprhguithr reprhguithr oThg .................... .................................. .............. 7-9>

24-7   Àfgoie  

Nufiohfb`oefth gej soste`b ge ihftrhj ge iruierh ............... 5-9> Nufiohfes gej jo`otbghr jo`otbghr ge vejhiogbg hiogbg ..................... ................................... .............. 5-9? Nusomjes .................. ....................................... .......................................... .............................. ......... =-=5, 1-=> ’ Ih`pbrto`e Ih`pbrto`efth fth ge pbsblerhs ......................................... ......................................... 1-=> ’ Ih`pbrto`e Ih`pbrto`efth fth gej `hthr ..................... .......................................... ......................... .... 1-=; K

Kbfiahs pbrb pbrb bmrokhs ..................... .......................................... .................................... ............... =-74 Kbses ge esibpe esibpe (`hfùxogh ge ibrmhfh) ibrmhfh) ..................... .............................. ......... 5-9 Kubfterb .................... ......................................... .......................................... .................................... ............... =-9? O

Ogeftonoibioùf gej veaàiujh .................... Ogeftonoibioùf ......................................... .................................. ............. ?-; ’ Fü`erh ge ogeftonoibioùf ogeftonoibioùf gej veaàiujh veaàiujh (^OF) (fü`erh ge

’ ’ ’ ’ ’

Ofterrupthr ge efiefgogh toph mhtùf pujsbghr ................. 5-29 Ofterrupthr ge jb jufetb tïr`oib .................... ...................................... .................. =-99 Ofterrupthr gej bormbk gej pbsblerh gejbfterh .................. 2-95 Thsoiohfes gej ofterrupthr ge efiefgogh ..................... ........................ ... 5-27 Treibuiohfess pbrb ej nufiohfb`oefth Treibuiohfe nufiohfb`oefth gej ofterrupthr ofterrupthr ge efiefgogh toph mhtùf mhtùf pujsbghr .................. ....................................... ..................... 5-29 Ofterrupthr ge ge ihftrhj ge jb juz gej abmotâiujh tâiujh .................... ....................... ... =-77 Ofterrupthr ge efiefgogh efiefgogh .................. ....................................... ................................... .............. 5-29 Ofterrupthr ge efiefgogh toph mhtùf pujsbghr ....................... 5-29 jb jufetb tïr`oib .......................................... ’Ofterrupthr Jufetb ge tïr`oib ................. ...................................... ......................... .... ’ ]etrhvoshr exterohr ibjenbitbgh ....................................... ....................................... Ofterrupthr ge ge soste`bs ge ge bvosh ..................... .......................................... ..................... Ofvoerfh (equoph (equoph espeiobj ge ofvoerfh) .................... .................................. .............. C 

=-99 =-99 5-=1 5-51

iabsos) .................... ......................................... .......................................... ................................... .............. ?-; ’ Tjbib ge ogeftonoibioù ogeftonoibioùff gej veaàiujh ..................... .................................. ............. ?-; Ofgoibghr .................... ......................................... .......................................... ...................................... ................. =-5 ’ Ofgoibghr ge te`perbturb gej renrokerbfte gej `hthr ......... =-9 ’ @bftefo`oef @bftefo`oefth th ............................................ ............................................................... ................... =-21 ’ @egoghres e ofgoibghres .................. ....................................... ............................... .......... =-= Ofgoibghres .................... ......................................... ......................................... ................................ ............ =-29 ’ Ofgoibghr ge ih`mustomje ................................ ................................................. ................. =-= Ofnhr`bioùf ge trânoih (WB) (WB) .................. ....................................... ................................ ........... 7-9= Of`hvojozbghr ’ Yoste`b bftorrhmh FOYYBF (FBWY) ................................ ................................ 9-29 ’ Westokh ...................................... ........................................................... ...................................... ................. =-?

Cot ge e`erkefiob pbrb repbrbioùf ge pofiabzhs ge feu`âtoihs ................................................................... >-1, 1-9>

Ofterrupthr ’ Mhtùf ge jbs juies ge e`erkefiob ................... ................................... ................ >-= ’ Ihf`utbgh Ihf`utbghrr ge ge nbrhs e ofgoibghres ge goreiioùf ........... =-99 ’ Ihf`utbgh Ihf`utbghrr gej bju`mrbgh bftofoemjb ..................... ............................ ....... =-95 ’ Ihf`utbgh Ihf`utbghrr gej jbvbnbrhs .............................................. .............................................. =-9; ’ Ihf`utbgh Ihf`utbghrr gej jo`pob y jbvb ................... ........................................ ....................... =-94 ’ Ofterrupthr ge ihftrhj ge jb juz juz gej abmotâiujh ................. =-77

’’ Jàquogh gejgej jbvbpbrbmrosbs/jbvbjufetb jbvbpbrbmros bs/jbvbjufetb/jbvbnbrhs /jbvbnbrhs ..... =-=7, 1-2; ]bsquetb jo`pobjufetbs jo`pobjufetb s ................... ........................................ ......................... .... 1-=5 ’ ]bsquetbs gej jo`pobpbrbmrosbs sbs ...................................... ...................................... 1-=5 ’ Yefshr ge jjuvob ................... ....................................... ......................................... ....................... =-92 Jo`poezb ’ Irostbjes ................................. ...................................................... .................................. ............. ;-9, ;-5 ’ Ejo`ofbioùf ge `bfiabs .................... ........................................ .............................. .......... ;-=


Jbvbgh .................... ......................................... ......................................... ......................................... ..................... ;-= Jo`otbghr ge vejhiogbg vejhiogbg ..................... .......................................... .......................... ..... =-=5, 5-91 Jo`pob ’ Ihfnokurbioù Ihfnokurbioùff ................................... ........................................................ ............................. ........ =-2; =-2; ’ Ihf`utbgh Ihf`utbghrr gej jo`pob y jbvbpbrbmrosb jbvbpbrbmrosbss ..................... ......................... .... =-92 ’ Ihf`utbgh Ihf`utbghrr gej jo`pob-jbvbjuf jo`pob-jbvbjufetb etb ................................... ................................... =-9=

Àfgoie   24-5  

’ Exterohr ........................ ............................................. .......................................... ............................... .......... ;-= ;-= ’ Ofterohr ....................................................... ............................................................................ ..................... ;-7 ’ Jefte ge jb iâ`brb ge vosoùf trbserb ................... ................................ ............. ;-9 ’ Jjbftbs ge bjebioùf ................................................... .......................................................... ....... ;-9 ’ Tbrte ofnerohr ge jb ibrrhieràb ........................................... ........................................... ;-9 ’ Toezbs irh`bgbs .......................................................... ............................................................. ... ;-7 ’ Toezbs ge pjâstoih .............................................. ............................................................ .............. ;-5 Jàfebs ge trbyeith prevosth ’ Ihfnokurbioùf ùf gej `hfothr ge vosoùf peronïroib ................ 7-25 Jàfebs kuàb ..................... ......................................... ......................................... ................................... .............. 7-1 Jàquogh ’ Ibpbiogbge Ibpbiogbgess y jumroibftes/ jumroibftes/jàquoghs jàquoghs reih`efgb reih`efgbghs ghs .......... ?-= ’ Njuogh gh ge jb trbfs`o trbfs`osoùf soùf ge vbrobio vbrobioùf ùf ihftof ihftofub ub (I^W) (I^W) ..... 1-2; ’ Jàquogh ge nrefhs ................... ........................................ ....................................... .................. 1-25 1-25 ’ Jàquogh gej e`mrbkue .................................................... .................................................... 1-2> ’ Jàquogh gej jbvbpbrbmrosb jbvbpbrbmrosbs/jbvbjufetb/jb s/jbvbjufetb/jbvbnbrhs vbnbrhs .............. 1-2; Jàquogh gej e`mrbkue e`mrbkue ................... ........................................ ....................................... .................. 1-2> Jjbve ................... ........................................ .......................................... ......................................... ........................ .... 9-=

Juies bftofoemjb ’ Ofgoibghr ................................ ..................................................... ....................................... .................. =-29 Juies ge e`erkefiob ’ Ofgoibghres .......................................... ............................................................... ......................... .... =-29 Juies gej abmotâiujh ..................... .......................................... ............................. ........ =-77, 1-94 Juies exterohres hres .................... ......................................... .......................................... ......................... .... 1-94 Jufetb tïr`oib tïr`oib ................... ....................................... ......................................... ............................. ........ =-99 Juz ................... ........................................ .......................................... ......................................... ......................... ..... =-2; ’ Ih`pbrto`e Ih`pbrto`efth fth ge equopble ........................................... ........................................... =-7> ’’ ’ ’ ’ ’ ’ ’ ’

Ihfnokurbioù Ihfnokurbioùf ............... ......................................... ............................. ........ Ihf`utbghrr fge................................... Ihf`utbgh nbrhs ............................................. ........................ ............................. ........ Ihf`utbghrr ge Ihf`utbgh ge nbrhs e ofgoibghres ge goreiioùf ........... Ihf`utbghrr ge jhs ofgoibghres ge goreiioùf ................. Ihf`utbgh Ihf`utbghrr ge rekujbioùf ge nbrhs .................... Ihf`utbgh ............................... ........... Ihf`utbghrr gej bju`mrbgh bftofoemjb ..................... Ihf`utbgh ............................ ....... Nbrh JEG .................... ......................................... .......................................... ............................. ........ Nbrhs ...................................................... ........................................................................... ....................... Ofgoibghr ge goreiioùf gej re`hjque .................... .............................. ..........

=-2; =-2; =-99 =-99 =-95 =-9> =-95 1-=1 1-=1 5-7?

Âreb ge nufiohfb`oe nufiohfb`oefth fth ge jb jjbve oftejokefte .................. 9 > ’ Gesibrkb ge jb pojb ge jb jjbve jjbve oftejokefte oftejokefte ................... ....................... .... 5-25 ’ Of`hvojozbgh Of`hvojozbghrr ................... ....................................... ......................................... ............................ ....... 9-= ’ Jjbve gej Yoste`b bftorrhmh FOYYBF (FBWY) ................... 9-= ’ Fü`e Fü`erh rh ge bprh bprhmbio mbioùf ùf ge jb hfgb hfgb e ofnhr`bio fnhr`bioùf ùf ..... .......... ........ ... ?-1 ’ Thsoiohfes ge jb jjbve (ofterrupthr ge efiefgogh) ........... 5-2= ’ Yoste`b bftorrhmh FOYYBF (FBWY) .................................. .................................. 9-= ’ Yoste`b ge ihftrhj re`hth (oftekrbgh ef jjbve) jjbve) ................. 9-7 ’ Yoste`b ge eftrbgb sof jjbve phr ihftrhj re`hth ............... 9-7 ’ Yoste`b ge jjbve oftejokefte ..................................... ..................................... 9->, 5-29 ’ Utojozbioùf gej soste`b ge jjbve oftejokefte .................. ........................ ...... 9-; Jjbve ge e`erkefiob/`eiâfoib .............................................. 9-9 Jjbve `eiâfoib/ge e`erkefiob .............................................. 9-9 Jjbves .................... ......................................... .......................................... ........................................ ................... =-27 Juies ’ Ofgoibghr ge goreiioùf gej re`hjque .................... .............................. .......... =-29 ’ Ofgoibghres ge jb juz pequeòb/ge phsoioùf ..................... =-29 ’ Juies ge kâjomh ......................................................... ............................................................. .... =-29 ’ Yeòbj biüstoib ................................................ ............................................................... ............... =-29

’ Jbvbnbrhs ................................................ ..................................................................... ....................... =-9; ’ Juies gej abmotâiujh ............................................. ............................................. =-77, 1-94 ’ Juies exterohres ................................................. ............................................................ ........... 1-94 ’ Juz ge `bpbs ..................................................... ................................................................ ........... =-75 ’ Juz gej abmotâiujh trbserb/jeitur trbserb/jeiturbb ................................... =-75 ’ Westokhs, ofgoibghres y seòbjes biüstoibs .................. ........................ ...... =-5 ’ Umoibioùf ge jbs juies ................... ........................................ ................................ ........... 1-94 Juz ge `bpbs .................... ......................................... .......................................... ............................. ........ =-75 @

@bjeterh .................. ....................................... .......................................... ....................................... .................. =-7= @bftefo`oefth ’ @bftefo`oef @bftefo`oefth th ge ge jb ufogbg ge jb iâ`brb .............. 5-9=, 5-95 ’ @bftefo`oef @bftefo`oefth th keferbj .................................... ..................................................... ................. 1-= ’ Treibuiohfe Treibuiohfess ge `bftefo`oef `bftefo`oefth th .................. ...................................... .................... 1-7 ’ ]equosoths ge `bftefo`oeft `bftefo`oefthh .................... ......................................... ......................... 1-= @bftefo`oefth @bftefo`oef th gej bihfgoiohfbghr iohfbghr ge bore bore .................. 7-=4, 7-=9

24->   Àfgoie  

IEFW]BJ ef ej bsoefth trbserh @brib IEFW]BJ trbserh ieftrbj ..................... 2-2= @egoghr e ofgoibghres ’ Ofgoibghr ge ih`mustomje ................................ ................................................. ................. =-= @egoghres e ofgoibghres ofgoibghres ..................... .......................................... .................................. ............. =-= ’ Iueftbcojù` Iueftbcojù`etrhs etrhs ......................................................... ............................................................ ... =-= ’ Wbiù`etrh .......................... ............................................... .......................................... ........................ ... =-9 @hfothr ge vosoùf vosoùf peronïroib .................. ....................................... .................................. ............. 7-5 ’ Ihfnokurbioùf ùf gej `hfothr ge vosoùf peronïroib ................ 7-25 ’ Ihfselhs ge ush .................... ......................................... ....................................... .................. 7-25 ’’ Geteiioùf gefth hmleths ef `hvo`oefth (@HG) .................. Nufiohfb`oefth Nufiohfb`oe ......................... .............................................. ...................................... .................7-29 7-; @hfothr ge ge vosoùf trbserb trbserb ..................... .......................................... .................................. ............. 7-= ’ Bluste gej `hfothr ge vosoùf trbserb .................................. 7-9 ’ Ihfselhs ge ush .................... ........................................ ......................................... ..................... 7-7 @hftble gej gosphsotovh ge suleioùf pbrb foòhs utojozbfgh uf iofturùf ge sekurogbg toph tres pufths ge bfijble ................ 2-=> @hthr ’ Bieote ge `hthr ........................................................ ............................................................... ....... 1-1

@uleres e`mbrbzbgb e`mbrbzbgbss .................. ....................................... ......................................... .................... 2-? @üsoib .................... ......................................... ......................................... ....................................... ................... 7-=7 F

Feu`âtoih ’ Ibgefbs pbrb foeve ................................................... ....................................................... .... 1-97 ’ Geskbste y gbòhs gej feu`âtoih ..................... ................................... .............. 1-95 ’ Efveleio`oef Efveleio`oefth th gej feu`âtoih ........................................ ........................................ 1-9> ’ Equoph ge feu`âtoihs ................... ........................................ ................................ ........... 5-5; ’ Cot ge e`erkefiob pbrb repbrbioùf repbrbioùf ge ge pofiabzhs pofiabzhs ge feu`âtoihs ................... ........................................ ......................................... ...................... >-1, 1-9> ’ Feu`âtoih ge repuesth ..................... .......................................... ............................ ....... 1-9> ’ Feu`âtoih ge repuesth ge ush te`phrbj .................... .......................... ...... >-= ’ Feu`âtoih pofiabgh ....................................... ........................................................ ................. >-9 ’ Feu`âtoihs y ruegbs ..................... .......................................... ................................ ........... 1-97 ’ Ter`utbioùf ge feu`âtoihs ........................................... ........................................... 1-95 ’ Tresoùf ge ofnjbgh ge jhs feu`âtoihs ................... ............................. .......... 1-97

’ ’ ’ ’ ’ ’ ’ ’ ’ ’ ’ ’

Bftes ge brrbfibr ej `hthr ................... ........................................ ........................... ...... 5-= Bperturb gej ibpù ......................................................... ............................................................ ... 4-> Brrbfque gej `hthr ................................................ ........................................................ ........ 5-2> Ih`pbrto`efth Ih`pbrto`e fth gej `hthr ..................... ....................................... .................. 4-29, 1-5 Ih`prhmbioùf Ih`prhmbi oùf gej fovej ge bieote ge `hthr ................... ....................... 1-1 Ih`prhmbioùf Ih`prhmbi oùf gej fovej gej renrokerbfte gej `hthr ........... 1-> Gbths ............................................... ................................................................... ............................... ........... ?-5 Nojtrh Nojt rh ge ih`mu ih`mustom stomje je (`hgejh (`hgejhss ihf `hthr `hthr goïs goïsej) ej) ..... .......... ..... 1-29 Ofgoibghr ge bveràb .................... ......................................... .................................... ............... =-2= Ofgoibghr ge te`perbturb gej renrokerbfte gej `hthr ......... =-9 Fü`erh ge seroe gej `hthr ................... ........................................ ........................... ...... ?-; Terohgh ge brrbfque ihf ej `hthr nràh ..................... ............................ ....... 5-24

’ ’ ’ ’ ’ ’

]enrokerbfte gej `hthr ................... ........................................ ................................ ........... 5-5; Yoste`b ge renrokerbioùf gej `hthr ..................... .................................. ............. 1-> Yhmreibjeftb`oefth Yhmreibjeft b`oefth gej `hthr ..................... ....................................... .................. >-2= Yustotuioùf gej bieote ge `hthr .................... ........................................ .................... 1-? Yustotuioùf gej nojtrh ge bieote ge `hthr ..................... ......................... .... 1-24 Yustotuioùf gej renrokerbfte gej `hthr ............................... 1-> Westokh ge bveràb .................... ........................................ ......................................... ..................... =-?

’ ]epbrbioùf ge uf feu`âtoih pofiabgh ................... ............................ ......... >-1 Yoste`b Yost e`b ge ge ge ihft ihftrhj rhj ge preso presoyùf ùruegbs f ge feu`â feu`âtoihs toihs (WT@ (WT@Y) Y) .....1-9> >-; ’’ Yustotuioùf feu`âtoihs ............................... .................... ........... ’ Wophs ge feu`âtoihs ..................... .......................................... ................................ ........... 1-97 Feu`âtoih ge repuesth repuesth .................... ......................................... ............................ ....... >-=, 1-9> Feu`âtoih ge repuesth repuesth ge ush te`phrbj te`phrbj .................... ................................ ............ >-= Feu`âtoihs ’ Bvosh ge presoùf ................................................. ............................................................ ........... =-=7 ’ Ihfnokurbioù Ihfnokurbioùff ge presoùf .................. ....................................... ............................ ....... =-2? ’ Etoquetb ge feu`âtoihs ..................... ......................................... .............................. .......... ?-1 ’ @bftefo`oef @bftefo`oefth th ............................................. ............................................................... .................. =-21 ’ Feu`âtoihs y ruegbs ..................... .......................................... .................................. ............. ?-> ’ Tresoùf ge jhs feu`âtoihs (re`hjque) .................... ........................... ....... 5-7? ’ Westokh ge presoùf ge feu`âtoihs ................... ................................... ................ =-; Fü`erh ge vosihsogbg vosihsogbg YBE reih`efgbgh reih`efgbgh .................... ............................. ......... ?-7

Àfgoie   24-;  


Hrgefbghr ge b mhrgh mhrgh ..................... .......................................... ............................ ....... 4->, =-=; T

Tbjbfib ge ge ib`mohs ..................... .......................................... ....................................... .................. =-=5 Tbftbjjb .................. ....................................... .......................................... ........................................ ................... =-27 ’ Ofnhr`bioùf gej veaàiujh .................... ........................................ ............................ ........ =-27 ’ We`perbturb exterohr .................................... ........................................................ .................... =-7 ’ Westokhs e ofgoibghres ........................................ ................................................... ........... =-== Tbftbjjb ge ge ofnhr`bioùf ùf gej veaàiujh veaàiujh ................... ............................. .......... 4->, =-27 ’ Westokhs e ofgoibghres ........................................ ................................................... ........... =-== Tbftbjjb gej `hfothr ’ @bftefo`oef @bftefo`oefth th ge jb pbftbjjb gej `hfothr .................... .......................... ...... ;-7 ’ @hfothr ge vosoùf trbserb .................................................. .................................................. 7-= Terfhs ge mjhqueh ge ge ruegb ................... ....................................... .............................. .......... >-;

Trhkrb`b ge rhgble rhgble ................... ....................................... ......................................... ........................ ... 5-= Trhteiioùf ihftrb ihftrb jb ihrrhsoùf ihrrhsoùf ..................... ...................................... ................. 5-51, ;-> ’ Nbithres `egohb`moef `egohb`moeftbjes tbjes .................. ....................................... ........................... ...... ;-> Trhteker ’ Trhteiioùf gej `egoh b`moefte ...................................... 1-29 ’ Trhtelb su veaàiujh ge jb ihrrhsoùf ................................... ................................... ;-> Tuerth ge ihfexoùf UYM UYM (mus ufoversbj ef ef seroe) ....... 7-=>, 7-95 ]

]bgoh .................. ....................................... .......................................... .......................................... ....................... 7-=7 ’ Bluste gej ogoh`b .................... ......................................... ....................................... .................. 7-9= ’ Mhtùf YEWUT .......................................... ............................................................... ....................... 7-94 ’ @efü ........................... ................................................ .......................................... ............................. ........ 7-9= 7-9= ’ Fossbf Ihffeit ....................................... ............................................................ ....................... 7-77 ’ Fü`erhs ge bprhmbioùf .................... ........................................ .............................. .......... ?-1 ’ ]bgoh N@ B@ ihf reprhguithr ge IG .................... ........................... ....... 7-=1

Tershfbs jesohfbgbs .................... ......................................... ....................................... .................. 2-24 Thsoiohfes gej ofterrupthr ge efiefgogh efiefgogh .................... .............................. .......... 5-27 Treibuiohfes ’ Bj phfer ef `briab ej veaàiujh veaàiujh y ihfguiorjh ihfguiorjh ..................... 5-9 ’ Treibuiohfe Treibuiohfess ge nufiohfb`oe nufiohfb`oefth fth (re`hjque) .................. 5-71 ’ Treibuiohfe Treibuiohfess ge `bftefo`oef `bftefo`oefth th .................. ...................................... .................... 1-7 ’ Treibuiohfe Treibuiohfess ge re`hjibgh ..................... ......................................... ...................... >-29 ’ Treibuiohfe Treibuiohfess ge sekurogbg .................. ....................................... ........................... ...... 7-= ’ Treibuiohfe Treibuiohfess ge ush gej bugoh .................... ...................................... .................. 7-=7 ’ Treibuiohfe Treibuiohfess pbrb ej ihftrhj ge iruierh .................... ........................ .... 5-9> ’ Treibuiohfe Treibuiohfess pbrb ej nrefh ................... ........................................ ......................... .... 5-5= ’ Treibuiohfe Treibuiohfess pbrb ej nufiohfb`oefth nufiohfb`oefth gej ofterrupthr ofterrupthr ge efiefgogh toph mhtùf mhtùf pujsbghr ..................... ....................................... .................. 5-29 ’ Treibuiohfe Treibuiohfess pbrb pbrb ej ej soste`b soste`b ge sekurogbg sekurogbg supje`eftbroh supje`eftbr oh ..................... .......................................... .......................................... ....................... 2-94 ’ Ush ge gosphsotovhs ge suleioùf pbrb foòhs .................... 2-25 Treibuiohfess gurbfte jb ihfguiioùf Treibuiohfe ihfguiioùf ..................... ................................... .............. 5-24 Trhiego`oefth Trhiego`oef th ge repbrbioùf repbrbioùf y sustotuioùf sustotuioùf .................... ........................... ....... 2-9;

]bgoh IM h tejïnhfh pbrb ej ihiae .................... ...................................... .................. 7-5= ]bfurbs ge jhs ibmjes .................. ....................................... ....................................... .................. =-9? ]bsquetb gej jo`pobjufetbs jo`pobjufetbs .................. ....................................... ................................ ........... 1-=5 ]bsquetbs gej jo`pobpbrbmrosbs jo`pobpbrbmrosbs .................. ....................................... ......................... .... 1-=5 ]enrokerbfte ’ Ih`prhmbi Ih`prhmbioùf oùf gej fovej gej renrokerbfte gej `hthr ........... 1-> ’ Ofgoibghr ge te`perbturb gej renrokerbfte gej `hthr ......... =-9 ’ ]enrokerbfte gej `hthr ................... ........................................ ................................ ........... 5-5; ’ Yoste`b ge renrokerbioùf gej `hthr .................. .................................. ................ 1-> ’ Yustotuioùf gej renrokerbfte gej `hthr ............................... 1-> ]elojjbs ge veftojbioùf veftojbioùf ................... ........................................ ....................................... .................. 7-2> ]ejhl ................... ........................................ .......................................... .......................................... ....................... =-94 ’ Mhtùf YEWUT .......................................... ............................................................... ....................... 7-94 ’ Ihfnokurbioù Ihfnokurbioùff .............................................. ....................................................... ......... =-2>, 7-9= ]e`hjque ’ Brh ge re`hjque ............................................. ............................................................ ............... >-25 ’ Ihfguiioùf ihf re`hjque ......................................... ............................................. .... 5-71 ’ Geteiioùf ge re`hjque ....................................... .................................................. ........... 5-7? ’ Nrefhs gej re`hjque ........................................... ...................................................... ........... 5-7?

24-1   Àfgoie  

’ ’ ’ ’ ’

Ofgoibghr ge goreiioùf gej re`hjque .................... .............................. .......... =-29 @hftble ge jb mbrrb gej re`hjque ..................... ................................... .............. 5-7? Treibuiohfess ge re`hjibgh ..................... Treibuiohfe ......................................... ...................... >-29 ]e`hjibgh ihf krüb ..................... .......................................... ................................ ........... >-29 ]e`hjque reih`efgbg reih`efgbghh pbrb `hgejhs ihf trbiioùf trbiioùf ef ghs ruegbs (=[G) .................... ......................................... .......................................... ....................... >-27 ]epbrbioùf ge uf feu`âtoih feu`âtoih pofiabgh ..................... .................................. ............. >-1 ]ephsbibmezbs ’ Bluste ............................. .................................................. .......................................... ............................ ....... 2-5 ]eprhguithrr ge gosihs ]eprhguith gosihs ih`pbiths ih`pbiths (IG) .................. ............................. ........... 7-=7 ]equosoths jekbjes .................... ......................................... .......................................... ....................... 2-25 ]etrhvoshr .................. ....................................... .......................................... .................................... ............... 9-21 ’ Espelh ge ihrtesàb ..................................................... ......................................................... .... 9-=4 ’ ]etrhvoshr ofterohr ......................................................... ........................................................... 9-21 ’ ]etrhvoshr ofterohr bftogesju`mr bftogesju`mrb`oefth b`oefth buth`âtoih .................. ....................................... .......................................... ....................... 9-21, ;-5 ’ ]etrhvoshre ]etrhvoshress exterohres .................................................. .................................................. 9-2? 9-2? ]etrhvoshr ofterohr fterohr .................. ....................................... .......................................... ......................... .... 9-21

Yekurogbg gej gej veaàiujh .................. ....................................... ............................. ........ 9-29, 5-54 ’ Yoste`b ge bjbr`b ......................................................... ......................................................... 9-29 Yekurogbg pbrb foòhs .................... ........................................ ............................... ........... 2-27, 2-? Yejeiioùf gej gej `efü profiopbj pbj ................... ........................................ ............................ ....... =-25 Yefshr ujtrbsùfoih ’ Yefshr ge jb bjbr`b ...................................................... ........................................................ 9-29 Yeòbjes biüstoibs ..................... ......................................... ......................................... ....................... =-29 Yeòbjes biüstoibs, ibs, testokhs e ofgoibghres ofgoibghres ..................... .............................. ......... =-5 Yervhgoreiioùf ’ Westokh ...................................... ........................................................... .................................... ............... =-24 Yoste`b bftorrhmh bftorrhmh (FOYYBF) .................... ......................................... ............................ ....... 9-27 Yoste`b bftorrhmh bftorrhmh FOYYBF FOYYBF (FBWY) (FBWY) .................... .............................. .......... 9-=, 5-2= ’ Ofgoibghr ge sekurogbg gej FBWY .................... .................................. .............. 9-27 ’ Jjbve FBWY ........................................................ ..................................................................... ............. 9-= ’ Fü`e Fü`erh rh ge bprh bprhmbio mbioùf ùf ge jb hfgb hfgb e ofnhr`bio fnhr`bioùf ùf .... ......... ......... .... ?-1 Yoste`b ge bjbr`b bjbr`b .................... ......................................... .......................................... ....................... 9-29 ’ Westokh ...................................... ........................................................... ...................................... ................. =-? Yoste`b ge bvosh ge ge âfkujh `uerth (MY[) (MY[) ................... .......................... ....... 5-=1

]uegb ’ Bj`biefb` Bj`biefb`oefth oefth ge jb ruegb y jbs aerrb`oeftbs ............... >-; ’ Mjhqueh ge jbs ruegbs ................... ........................................ .................................. ............. >-7 ’ Iùgokh ge jb jjbve jjbve ge mjhqueh ge ruegb .................. ........................... ......... >-; ’ Iuogbgh ge jbs ruegbs ..................... .......................................... ............................... .......... ;-9 ’ Ges`hftble ge jb ruegb .................... ......................................... ............................... .......... >-7 ’ Ges`hftble gej tbpbiumhs ................... ........................................ ........................... ...... >-7 ’ @hftble ge jb ruegb ................... ........................................ ...................................... ................. >-> ’ Terfhs ge mjhqueh ge ruegb ..................................... ..................................... >-7, >-; ’ ]uegb ge repuesth y aerrb`oeftbs ................................... ................................... >-7 Y

Yekurogbg ’ Bluste ge jhs rephsbibme rephsbibmezbs zbs ................... ........................................ ........................ ... 2-5 ’ Ibgefbs ge sekurogbg (re`hjque) ................................. 5-7? ’ Ioer Ioerre re ge sekur sekurogbg ogbg pbrb foòhs foòhs ef jbs puer puertbs tbs trbser trbserbs bs .. 9-2= ’ Yekurogbg pbrb foòhs .................... ......................................... .................................. ............. 2-?

’ Nufiohfb`oe Nufiohfb`oefth fth gej soste`b ........................................... ........................................... 5-=? ’’ @bftefo`oef @bftefo`oefth th ge gihfguiioùf e jb ufogbg ge jb iâ`brb ....................... Yotubiohfes ge .......................... ............................................ .................. 5-9= 5-92 Yoste`b ge ihftrhj ihftrhj ge presoùf ge feu`âtoihs feu`âtoihs (WT@Y) .... =-7, 5-7 Yoste`b ge ihftrhj re`hth (oftekrbgh ef jjbve) ....................... 9-7 ’ Bluste ge jb `hgbjogbg ge gesmjhqueh ............................. 9-5 ’ Mjhqueh ge jbs puertbs .................. ....................................... .................................. ............. 9-5 ’ Gesmjhqueh ge jbs puertbs ................... ........................................ ........................... ...... 9-5 ’ Nbjjh gej nufiohfb`oe nufiohfb`oefth fth gej ihftrhj re`hth ................... ....................... 9-> ’ Ofterrupthr ge efiefgogh ................... ........................................ ............................ ....... 5-22 ’ Yoste`b ge supermjhqueh ................................................ ................................................ 9-5 ’ Yustotuioùf ge jb pojb ...................................................... ...................................................... 1-=4 Yoste`b ge ge nrefbgh ge e`erkefiob e`erkefiob .................... ............................ ........ =-25, 5-72 ’ Bveràb .............................. ................................................... ......................................... ......................... ..... 5-77 ’ Ihfnokurbioù Ihfnokurbioùff ................................... ........................................................ ............................. ........ 5-77 5-77 ’ Westokh ...................................... ........................................................... ...................................... ................. =-; Yoste`b ge ge nrefbgh ge e`erkefiob e`erkefiob phr bjibfie ........... =-;, 5-72 Yoste`b ge jb `hgbjogbg EIH ............................................. 5-5>

Àfgoie   24-?  

Yoste`b ge jb servhgoreiioùf servhgoreiioùf ejïitroib ................... ................................. .............. 5-52 Yoste`b ge jjbve oftejokefte ........................................... 9->, 5-29 ’ Brrbfque gej `hthr ................................................ .......................................................... .......... 9-? ’ Mjhqueh/ge Mjhqueh/gesmjhqueh smjhqueh ................................................. ....................................................... ...... 9-; ’ Gesibrkb ge jb pojb ge jb jjbve jjbve oftejokefte oftejokefte ................... ....................... .... 5-25 ’ @hgbjogbg bftoseiuest bftoseiuestrh rh .................................................. .................................................. 9-; ’ Yustotuioùf ge jb pojb ...................................................... ...................................................... 1-=4 Yoste`b ge sekurogbg .......................................................... 9-29 ’ Yoste`b bftorrhmh FOYYBF (FBWY) ............... 9-29, 9-27, 9-= ’ Yoste`b bjbr`b ......................................................... ...................................... ................... Westokh ge ................. ...................................... .......................................... ...................................... .................9-29 =-? Yoste`b ge ge sekurogbg supje`eftbr supje`eftbroh oh ..................... ................................... .............. 2-94 Yoste`b ge sekurogbg supje`eftbroh (soste`b ge bormbk) ’ Yoste`b ge bormbk ..................... .......................................... .................................... ............... 2-94 Yoste`b ge suleioùf suleioùf pbrb foòhs OYHNOQ OYHNOQ .................... ............................... ........... 2-=4 Yoste`b ge supermjhqueh .................... ......................................... .................................. ............. 9-? Yoste`b gej gej pretefshr pretefshr gej iofturùf iofturùf ge sekurogbg sekurogbg ................. 2-29 Yoste`b gej prhkrb`b ge ihftrhj ejeitrùfoih ge estbmojogbg (EYT)


Wbiù`etrh .................. ....................................... .......................................... ...................................... ................. =-9 Wbpb ge goïsej ’ Bperturb ge jb tbpb tbpb gej gej gepùsoth gepùsoth ge ih`mustomje ih`mustomje .............. 4-> Wbpb ge kbshjofb ’ Bperturb ge jb tbpb tbpb gej gej gepùsoth gepùsoth ge ih`mustomje ih`mustomje .............. 4-> Wbpb gej gepùsoth ge ih`mustomje ’ Tbjbfib ge bperturb ................... ....................................... ................................... ............... 9-2> ’ Wbpb ............................ ................................................. .......................................... ............................. ........ 9-2> 9-2> Wejïn. ’ Mjuethhta® ...................... ........................................... .......................................... ......................... .... 7-75 ’ Mhthfes ge ihftrhj gej tejïnhfh ef ej ej vhjbfte bfte ................. 7-75 ’ Wejïnhfh `ùvoj `ùvoj oftekrbgh oftekrbgh pbrb rbgoh N@ B@ ihf reprhguith reprhguithrr ge IG ..................... .......................................... ......................................... ................................ ............ 7-75 Wejïnhfh `ùvoj oftekrbgh pbrb rbgoh N@ B@ ihf reprhguithr ge IG ................... ........................................ ......................................... ......................................... .......................... ..... 7-75

’ Ofgoibghr ................................ .................................................... ....................................... ................... =-2= ’ Ofgoibghr ge gesjozb`oeft gesjozb`oefth h ................... ........................................ ......................... .... =-29 Yoste`b gej turmhih`pre turmhih`preshr shr (`hgejhs ihf `hthr goïsej) ..... goïsej) 5-24 Yoste`b ejïitroih ’ Yoste`b ge jb servhgoreiioù servhgoreiioùff ejïitroib .................... ........................... ....... 5-52 ’ Wh`b ge ihrroefte ..................... .......................................... .................................... ............... =-91 Yoste`b EYT EYT (ihftrhj ejeitrùfoih ejeitrùfoih ge estbmojogbg) estbmojogbg) ................. 5-57 ’ Ofterrupthr EYT HNN ..................... .......................................... ................................ ........... 5-55 Yoste`b Ythp/Ytbrt Ythp/Ytbrt .................... ................................... ............... =-27, =-2>, =-=>, =-=>, 5-=7 Yhmreibjeftb`oefth ’ Yhmreibjeft Yhmreibjeftb`oefth b`oefth gej `hthr ..................... ....................................... .................. >-2= Yhfoghs ..................... .......................................... .......................................... .................................... ............... =-29 Yhphrte pbrb pbrb kbnbs ge shj ................... ........................................ ................................ ........... =-74 Yustotuioùf ’ Yustotuioùf ge feu`âtoihs y ruegbs .................... ............................... ........... 1-9> ’ Yustotuioùf gej bieote ge `hthr .................... ........................................ .................... 1-? ’ Yustotuioùf gej nojtrh ge bieote ge `hthr ..................... ......................... .... 1-24 ’ Yustotuioùf gej renrokerbfte gej `hthr ............................... 1->

24-24   Àfgoie  


Ufogbg .................... ........................................ ......................................... ........................................ ................... =-94 ’ Ihfnokurbioùf ùf ................................... ........................................................ ............................. ........ =-=4 =-=4 Utojozbioùf gej gej soste`b ge jjbve oftejokefte oftejokefte ..................... .............................. ......... 9-; ^

^ejhiogbg ................... ........................................ .......................................... .................................... ............... =-=1 ^ejhià`etrh .................... ........................................ ......................................... ................................... .............. =-= ^eftbfojjbs .................. ....................................... .......................................... .................................... ............... =-7= ’ Mjhqueh ge jbs veftbfojjbs veftbfojjbs ge jhs pbsblerhs pbsblerhs .................... =-79 ’ Ejevbjufbs ejïitroih ................................................... ....................................................... .... =-7= ’ Nufioùf ge `briab btrâs buth`âtoib .............................. .............................. =-79 ’ Nufiohfb`oe Nufiohfb`oefth fth buth`âtoih .................. ....................................... ......................... .... =-79 ’ Trhiego`oef Trhiego`oefth th ge reofoioh foioh ge veftbfojjbs veftbfojjbs gespuïs gespuïs ge vhjver b

We`perbturb ............................................................... =-=4, =-94 We`perbturb exterohr .................... ......................................... ......................................... .................... =-7 Westokhs, ofgoibghres ofgoibghres y seòbjes biüstoibs biüstoibs ..................... .............................. ......... =-5 ’ @bestrh ........................... ............................................... ......................................... ............................ ....... =-? ’ Yoste`b ge sekurogbg ................................................... ...................................................... ... =-? Wophs ge feu`âtoihs .................... ......................................... ....................................... .................. 1-97 Wrbfs`osoùf ’ Ihfguiioùf ihf trbfs`osoùf `bfubj .............................. 5-2? ’ Njuogh gh ge jb trbfs`o trbfs`osoùf soùf ge vbrobio vbrobioùf ùf ihftof ihftofub ub (I^W) (I^W) ..... 1-2; ’ Wrbfs`osoùf `bfubj (ofterrupthr ge efiefgogh) .............. 5-22 ’ QW]HFOI (ofterrupthr ge efiefgogh) ..................... ............................ ....... 5-22 Wrbfs`osoùf ge vbrobioùf ihftofub (I^W) ’’ Ihfguiioùf ........................... ................................................ ....................................... .................. Jàquogh ...................................... .................. ......................................... .................................... ............... Wrbfs`osoùf `bfubj ’ Ihfguiioùf ihf trbfs`osoùf `bfubj .............................. Wrbfs`osoùf QW]HFOI ’ Ihfguiioùf ihf trbfs`osoùf QW]HFOI .........................

5-=4 1-2; 5-2? 5-=4

ihfeitbr jb mbteràb. .................... ......................................... .................................... ............... = 77 ’ Trhiego`oefth Trhiego`oefth ge reofoioh gespuïs gespuïs ge ge vhjver b ihfeitbr ihfeitbr jb mbteràb ....................................... .................. .......................................... .................................... ............... =-77 ^oserbs ........................................ ................... .......................................... ........................................ ................... 9-21 ^hjbfte ge goreiioùf ofijofbmje ............................................. 9-2; \

\u`mbghres ................... ....................................... ......................................... ................................. ............ =-29

Àfgoie   24-22  

OFNH]@BIOÙF TB]B JB EYWBIOÙF GE YE]^OIOH OFNH]@BIOÙ OFNH]@BIOÙF F GE IH@MUYWOMJE @hthr ge kbshjofb T]EIBUIOÙF Fh utojoie kbshjofb ihf pjh`h. Jb kbshjofb ihf pjh`h gbòbrâ ej ihfvertoghr ibtbjàtoih. @hthr A]B=GGW<

Utojoie kbshjofb YOF TJH@H YÜTE] ge bj `efhs ?5 hitbfhs (]HF). @hthr @]2>GGW<

Utojoie kbshjofb YOF TJH@H YÜTE] ge bj `efhs ?5 hitbfhs (]HF). Yo fh se utojozb kbshjofb sof pjh`h süper, se puege utojozbr kbshjofb YOF TJH@H FH]@BJ ge bj `e-

@EGOH B@MOEFWE (veaàiujhs bj nofbj ge su vogb ütoj) T]EIBUIOÙF

•  Fh utojoie kbsùjeh ge ush gh`ïstoih, kbshjofb fo htrhs ih`mustomjes ih`mustomjes bjterfbtovh bjterfbtovhss ef su `hthr goïsej, pues phgràb prhvhibr gbòhs ef ej `os`h.


•   Fh bòbgb kbshjofb fo htrhs ih`mustomjes bj-

Ahy ph Ahy phrr ah ahy, y, ej esn esnue uerz rzhh reb rebjoz jozbg bghh ph phrr FO FOYYB YYBF F pb pbrb rb iu`pjor ihf jb resphfsbmojogbg ge prhteker y nbvhreier ej `egoh b`moefte es ge krbf bjibfie. Geftrh ge FOYYBF, prh`hve`hs ej `âxo`h fovej ge estb prâitoib prâito ib ef thgbs jbs rekohfes y ef thgbs jbs zhfbs ge hperbioùf.

utojoie ih`mustomje ge verbfh te`perbturbs ofnerohres b ∝;´I (=4´N). Jbs bmblbs te`•  Fh



FOYYBF se esnuerzb phr kbrbftozbr que jhs ih`phfeftes ge jhs veaàiujhs bj nofbj ge su vogb ütoj se vuejvef b utojozbr, se reioijbf h se reiuperbf y kbrbftozb que se iu`pjb jb jekosjbioùf ge jb UE (goreitovb ge veaàiujhs bj nofbj ge su vogb ütoj).

terfbtovhs bj ih`mustomje goïsej.

perbturbs perbtu rbs prh prhvhi vhibf bf jb nhr nhr`bi `bioùf oùf ge ier ierb b ef ej ih`mus ih` mustom tomje je y pue puegefo`peg gefo`pegor or ej ihr ihrrei reith th nuf nuf-iohfb`oefth gej `hthr.

fhs ?2 hitbfhs (]HF), perh ej refgo`oefth se verâ

@hthr A]B=GGW y @]2>GGW


reguiogh. reguiog Yofveaàiujh e`mbrkh, e`mbrk jhkrbrgbejej`âxo`h go`oeft go`oefth hh.gej veaàiujh, , h, sepbrb reih`oefgb reih`oef ush gerefkbshjofb sof pjh`h süper.

ge `hthr hrokofbj FOYYBF 5[74 ••  Bieote   BIEB B9/M7


Tbrb hmtefer `âs getbjjes, ihfsujte ‚Ofnhr`bioùf ge ih`mustomje‐ ih`mustomje‐ ef jb seiioùf ‚?. Ofnhr`bioùf tïifoib‐.

@hthr C?C

@hthr goïsej

•  Bieote ge `hthr hrokofbj FOYYBF 5[94 GTN •  BIEB I7, YBE 5[94 jhw YBTY

Ye geme utojozbr ih`mustomje ih`mustomje goïsej ge bj `efhs 52

* Tbrb `âs getbjjes, ihfsujte ‚Ibpbiogbges y jumroibftes/j ibft es/jàquo àquoghs ghs reih reih`efg `efgbgh bghs‐ s‐ ef jb seii seiioùf oùf ‚?.Of-

ietbfhs y `efhs espeionoibioùf Eurhge5).24 pp` ge bzunre (EF5?4 y

nhr`bioùf tïifoib‐.

Tbrb hmtefer `âs getbjjes, ihfsujte ‚Ofnhr`bioùf ge ih`mustomje‐ ih`mustomje‐ ef jb seiioùf ‚?. Ofnhr`bioùf tïifoib‐.

^eb jb etoquetb ge feu`âtoihs nolbgb ef ej `hftbfte ieftrbj gej jbgh gej ihfguithr.


Ef ej prhiesh ge nbmroibioùf, veftb y servoioh y ef ej geseiah ge jhs veaàiujhs bj nofbj ge su vogb ütoj (EJ^),, se phfe espeiobj ofterïs ef jb reguiioùf ge (EJ^) resoguh reso guhss ges gestof tofbghs bghs b jhs vert verteger egerhs, hs, e`o e`osohf sohfes, es, ef jb ihfservbioùf ge reiurshs fbturbjes fbturbjes y ef jb `elhrb ge jhs prhieshs ge reioijble.

Nbse ge goseòh Tbrb reguior ej o`pbith `egohb`moeftbj, ae`hs goseòbgh su veaàiujh FOYYBF reiuperbmje ef uf ?5%. Yeòbjb`hs jhs ih`phfeftes pbrb nbiojotbr ej ges`hftble, ej reioijble y jb reguiioùf ge sustbfiobs pejokrhsbs. Ihf iuogbgh, ih`prhmb`hs y ihftrhjb`hs estbs sustbfiobs. _b ae`hs reguiogh bj


`àfo`h ej ush ge ibg`oh, `eriuroh y pjh`h ef su veaàiujh FOYYBF. FOYYBF ofijuye `bterobj reioijbgh ef su veaàiujh y musib jb hphrtufogbg ge bu`eftbr ej phrieftble ge utojozbioùf ge `bterobjes reioijbghs.

Nbse ge nbmroibioùf Jbs nâmroibs ge FOYYBF ef ej ]eofh Ufogh y Espbòb yb abf bjibfzbgh ufb tbsb ge reioijble ge `âs gej ?4% y musibf fuevbs `elhrbs. Jb nâmroib ef ej ]eofh Ufogh ab ofstbjbgh 24 turmofbs eùjoibs pbrb reguior jbs e`osohfes ge goùxogh ge ibrmhfh ef `âs ge 9.444 thfejbgbs bj bòh. F@OYB (Espbòb) utojozb uf soste`b ge ibjeftb`oefth ge bkub `egobfte pbfejes shjbres pbrb bahrrbr eferkàb. Este soste`b keferb ej 99% ge jb eferkàb ihfsu`ogb ihfsu`ogb gurbfte ej prhiesh ge pofturb ge su veaàiujh.

ge resoguhs keferbghs ih`h resujtbgh ge jbs bitovogbges ge sus ieftrhs ge repbrbioùf.

Nbse ge geseiah ]eioije su veaàiujh bj nofbj ge su vogb ütoj h sus ih`phfeftes. Yu veaàiujh FOYYBF thgbvàb toefe vbjhr iubfgh jjekb bj nofbj ge su vogb ütoj y yb fh es bgeiubgh pbrb su ush gobroh. Usteg puege byugbr b reguior jhs resoguhs que bneitbf bj `egoh b`moefte jjevbfgh su veaàiujh FOYYBF b reioijbr b fuestrb reg ge reihkogb `âs ieribfb. Fuestrbs reges ge reihkogb kbrbftozbf uf servoioh krbtuoth ge trbtb`oefth ge su veaàiujh bj nofbj ge su vogb ütoj. Tbrb hmtefer `âs ofnhr`bioùf shmre iù`h y gùfge puege eftrekbr su veaàiujh bj nofbj ge su vogb ütoj, ihfsujte ihf su ihfiesohfbroh FOYYBF h ihfsujte< www.fossbf-eurhpe.ih`.

nhrh y evote nrefbr ef ej üjto`h `h`efth iubfgh jb juz se phfkb ef rhlh. Evote vejhiogbges ejevbgbs, biejerbiohfes biejerbiohfes y nrefbgbs mru mrusibs sibs.. Kbfb Kbfbrr toe` toe`ph ph fh reg reguie uie jb ihft ihftb`of b`ofbbioùf gej `eg `egoh oh b`m b`moeft oefte. e. Oft Oftefte efte `bft `bftefer efer ufb vejh vejh-iogbg ufonhr`e bj ihfguior ef iuestbs pbrb reguior ej ihfsu`h ge ih`mustomje y jb ihftb`ofbioùf. @bftefkbb h reguzib jb vejhiogbg iubfgh ej trânoih @bftefk jh per`otb.

Ioerre jbs veftbfojjbs `oeftrbs ihfguie Ihfguior ihf ufb veftbfojjb bmoertb b 244 c`/a (>= `pa) bu`eftb ej ihfsu`h ge ih`mustomje abstb uf 7%. Ihfguior ihf jbs veftbfojjbs ierrbgbs per`ote uf `byhr bahrrh ge ih`mustomje.

Hpto`oie ej ush gej bihfgoiohfbghr ge

prhiesh ge pofturb ge su veaàiujh.

www.fossbf eurhpe.ih`.

Nbse ge prhguiioùf y gostromuioùf


Utojozb`hs jhs reiurshs ge `hgh enoioefte pbrb reguior jb ibftogbg ge resoguhs keferbghs gurbfte jbs nbses nbs es ge prh prhgui guiioùf ioùf y gos gostrom tromuioù uioùf. f. FOY FOYYBF YBF nh`e nh`efftb jbs bitovogbges mbsbgbs ef jb reguiioùf, reutojozbioùff y rei ioù reioij oijblege blege `bt `btero erobj bj so soe`p e`pre re qu quee sebphso sebphsomj mje. e. Ej hmletovh ge FOYYBF es bjibfzbr uf àfgoie ge reioijbghh gej 244% ef jbs hperbiohfes ef Lbpùf y reioijbg ef ej resth gej `ufgh.

Ej estojh ge ihfguiioùf toefe uf o`pbith sokfonoibtovh ef ej ihfsu`h ge ih`mustomje y ef ej `egoh b`moefte. Yokb jhs ihfselhs ofgoibghs b ihftofubioùf shmre iù`h `elhrbr ej refgo`oefth ge ih`mustomje, shmre `elhres aâmoths ge ihfguiioùf y shmree iù`h ser eihj shmr eihjùkoi ùkoihh `eg `egobft obftee jb reg reguiio uiioùf ùf ge e`osohfes<

Nbse ge ush y servoioh Jhs ihfiesohfbrohs FOYYBF shf fuestrb puertb ge

Ihfguiioùf ihfsu`h enoioefte respeith bj

biiesh b usteg, fuestrh ijoefte. Tbrb iu`pjor sus expeitbtovbs, expeit btovbs, fh shjb`ef shjb`efte te prhphri prhphriohfbf ohfbf servoioh servoiohss ge bjtb ibjogbg, sofh que tb`moïf shf resphfsbmjes ihf ej `eg `egoh oh b`m b`moeft oefte. e. FOY FOYYBF YBF nh` nh`eftbej eftbej reio reioijbl ijblee

Bftoiopbrse b jbs ihfgoiohfes ge trânoih y bitubr ef ihfseiuefiob ihfseiuefi ob reguie ej ihfsu`h ge ih`mus ih`mustomje, tomje, byugbfgh b prhteker ej `egoh b`moefte. Jevbfte ej poe gej biejerbghr `oeftrbs se bprhxo`b b uf se`â-

Utojoie ej nrefh ge estbiohfb`oefth ef iuestbs

Jjeve ihf nreiuefiob b revosbr su veaàiujh

Utojoie ej nrefh ge estbiohfb`oefth pbrb suletbr ej veaàiujh ef ufb iuestb. Evote utojozbr ej e`mrbkue (trbfs`osoùf `bfubj) h ej biejerbghr (trbfs`osoùf ge vbrobioùf ihftofub) pbrb pbrbr ej veaàiujh yb que prhvhib geskbste y uf ihfsu`h offeiesbroh ge ih`mustomje.

Ufb revosoùf nreiuefte je per`otorâ `bftefer ej veaàiujh ef ùpto`bs ihfgoiohfes y ihf ej `byhr refgo`oefth ge ih`mustomje. Tbrb bsekurbr uf `bftefo `bftefo-`oefth hnoiobj, biugb b uf ihfiesohfbroh FOYYBF h tbjjer iubjonoibgh pbrb jb revosoùf y `bftefo`oefth gej veaàiujh.


@bftefkb jb gostbfiob ge sekurogbg Bftoiàpese b jbs ihfgoiohfes gej trânoih pbrb ufb ihfguiioùf `âs subve y pbrb kbrbftozbr jb ih`hgogbg y jb sekurogbg gurbfte su voble. Ihfguzib y `bftefkb jb gostbfiob ge sekurogbg ihf htrhs veaàiujhs ef zhfbs ihfkestohfbgbs. Esth je byugbrâ b reguior ej ihfsu`h ge ih`mustomje bj fh estbr po-

bore Ej bore toefe gej uf eneith soste`b phsotovh gej ef bihfgoiohfbghr jb ihfguiioùf ygesekurogbg veaàiujh, yb que b trbvïs ge jb renrokerbioùf renrokerbioùf y jb gesau`ogonoibioùf, ej ihfguithr estâ `âs bjertb y toefe `byhr vosomojogbg iubfgh es feiesbroh gese`pbòbr jb ve veftb ftbfb fb.. Yofe`mb Yofe`mbrk rkh, h, ej us ushh gejsost gejsoste` e`bb ge bi bihfhfgoiohfbghr ge bore bu`eftb ihfsogerbmje`efte ej ihfsu`h ge ih`mustomje ef uf efthrfh urmbfh. Hpto`oie ej ush gej bihfgoiohfbghr ge bore utojozbfgh jbs relojjbs tbfth ih`h seb phsomje.

sbfgh ej nrefh ihfstbfte`efte.

Ih`prueme jb presoùf ge jhs feu`âtoihs Wbfth ej ush ge feu`âtoihs fh reih`efgbghs ih`h ufb presoùf mblb ge jhs `os`hs bu`eftb ej ihfsu`h ge ih`mustomje. Ufb ihrreitb presoùf ge jhs feu`âtoihs feu`âtoi hs bu`eftbrâ jb bgaerefi bgaerefiob ob gej veaàiujh y hpto`ozbrâ ej ihfsu`h ge ih`mustomje.

EWORUEWB GEJ BO]MBK (seküf `hgejh)




]ENE]EFIOB ]ÂTOGB >-= •   Ef ibsh ge e`erkefiob ... >-= (Feu`âtoih pofiabgh, ej `hthr fh brrbfib, shmreibjeftb`oefth, re`hjibgh)

•  Iù`h brrbfibr ej `hthr ... 5-2> •  Iù`h ofterpretbr jhs `egoghres e ofgoibghres ... =-=

 @bftefo`oefth y aâkbjh usteg `os`h ... 1-=

•  Ofnhr`bioùf tïifoib ... ?-=



Ih`h guef˚ h ge este veaIJ·iujh, ·iujh, se je abf eftrekbgh trek bgh ufhs ufhsih ih·gokhs gokhso`phr o`phrtbfte tbftess que su ihfiesohfbroh FOYYBF puege shjoiotbr pbrb rebjozbr uf gup gupjoi joibgh bgh ge jjb jjbves ves h pbr pbrbb jb rep repbrb brbioh ioh·f ge jb rbgoh. ]ejjefe jhs iubgrhs bsokfbghs h pekue jbs pekbtofbss so gosphfe ge ejjbs. pekbtofb ejjbs . Yepbre estb pb· kofb y kub· rgejb ef uf jukbr sekurh,  fh ef ej veaIJ·iujh. ·iujh.

Yo vefge su veaIJ·iujh, ·iujh, je rhkb`hs que eftrekue estb pb· kofb bj ih`prbghr. ih`pr bghr.


Ih·gokh ge sekurogb sekurogbgg ge jb rbgoh rbgo h (seku· f `hgejh)

Ih· gokh ge g e jjbve jjbv e

Ih·gokh ge jb jjbve jjb ve ge mjhqueh ge g e ruegb (seku (s eku·f `hgejh)

·iujh. Yepbre jb pb· kofb ge este `bfubj y kub· rgejb ef uf jukbr sekurh, fh ef ej veaIJ·iujh.

Yo vefge su veaIJ·iujh, ·iujh, je rhkb`hs que eftrekue estb pb· kofb bj ih`prbghr.


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