Manual - NetQual - NQView

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SwissQual®... NetQual NQView User Manual

(ÍÜIâW) User Manual

Test & Measurement

6378258439 ─ 02

The firmware of the instrument makes use of several valuable open source software packages. For information, see the "Open Source Acknowledgement" on the user documentation CD-ROM (included in delivery). Rohde & Schwarz would like to thank the open source community for their valuable contribution to embedded computing.

© SwissQual AG Allmendweg 8, 4528 Zuchwil, Switzerland Phone: +41 32 686 65 65 Fax:+41 32 686 65 66 E-mail: [email protected] Internet: Printed in Germany – Subject to change – Data without tolerance limits is not binding. R&S® is a registered trademark of Rohde & Schwarz GmbH & Co. KG. Trade names are trademarks of the owners. SwissQual has made every effort to ensure that eventual instructions contained in the document are adequate and free of errors and omissions. SwissQual will, if necessary, explain issues which may not be covered by the documents. SwissQual’s liability for any errors in the documents is limited to the correction of errors and the aforementioned advisory services. Copyright 2000 - 2015 SwissQual AG. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be copied, distributed, transmitted, transcribed, stored in a retrieval system, or translated into any human or computer language without the prior written permission of SwissQual AG. Confidential materials. All information in this document is regarded as commercial valuable, protected and privileged intellectual property, and is provided under the terms of existing Non-Disclosure Agreements or as commercial-in-confidence material. When you refer to a SwissQual technology or product, you must acknowledge the respective text or logo trademark somewhere in your text. SwissQual®, Seven.Five®, SQuad®, QualiPoc®, NetQual®, VQuad®, Diversity® as well as the following logos are registered trademarks of SwissQual AG. Diversity ExplorerTM, Diversity RangerTM, Diversity UnattendedTM, NiNA+TM, NiNATM, NQAgentTM, NQCommTM, NQDITM, NQTMTM, NQViewTM, NQWebTM, QPControlTM, QPViewTM, QualiPoc FreeriderTM, QualiPoc iQTM, QualiPoc MobileTM, QualiPoc StaticTM, QualiWatch-MTM, QualiWatch-STM, SystemInspectorTM, TestManagerTM, VMonTM, VQuad-HDTM are trademarks of SwissQual AG.

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Contents 1 Introduction............................................................................................ 7 2 NQView Overview...................................................................................8 2.1

NQView Versions.......................................................................................................... 8


NQView System Requirements....................................................................................8


Starting NQView............................................................................................................ 9


Main Window............................................................................................................... 10


Menu Commands..........................................................................................................11


Navigation Panel........................................................................................................... 11


Status Bar Items............................................................................................................12


Devices Toolbar............................................................................................................ 13


Console Toolbars.......................................................................................................... 13


NQView Consoles....................................................................................................... 13


Realtime and Replay Consoles..................................................................................14


Pages and Monitors Panel............................................................................................ 14


Values Panel................................................................................................................. 15


Events Panel................................................................................................................. 16


User Markers Panel...................................................................................................... 16


Control Panels.............................................................................................................17


System Configuration Panel..........................................................................................17


Tasks and Jobs Panel...................................................................................................18


Task Schedules Panel.................................................................................................. 19


Test Results Summary Panel........................................................................................20


User Roles................................................................................................................... 21


Enabling SQL User Roles............................................................................................. 21

3 NQView Monitors................................................................................. 26 3.1

General Monitor Types............................................................................................... 26


List Monitor....................................................................................................................27


Table Monitor................................................................................................................ 27


Map Monitor.................................................................................................................. 29

Open Street Map...........................................................................................................31

Map Toolbar Commands...............................................................................................33

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Map Monitor Navigation Panel Commands...................................................................34

Using Geoset GST Files............................................................................................... 37


Bar Monitor....................................................................................................................40


Line Chart Monitor.........................................................................................................41


Device Monitor Types................................................................................................. 42


LTE Carrier Aggregation Monitor.................................................................................. 45

LTE CA Tabs on LTE Radio Tab in NQDI.....................................................................47

LTE CA Tabs on LTE Downlink Tab in NQDI............................................................... 49


Layer 3 Monitor............................................................................................................. 51

Exporting Layer 3 Messages.........................................................................................51


Scanner Monitor Types.............................................................................................. 52

4 Configuring Your Measurement System............................................54 4.1

Configuring Hardware................................................................................................ 55


Configuring a Scanner.................................................................................................. 55

Adding Two Scanners to a Benchmarker II System......................................................58

TSMW Scanner Auto Bandwidth...................................................................................61

Measurement Rates......................................................................................................63


Configuring the Backup of Measurement Files on a Diversity Unit............................... 65


Configuring Subscriber Data Usage..............................................................................66


Updating the Hardware Configuration...........................................................................67


Configuring Measurements........................................................................................68


Creating and Running Tasks.........................................................................................68

Defining a Speed Trigger Profile................................................................................... 74

About MultiRAB Tasks.................................................................................................. 76 Double-Sided MultiRAB Task........................................................................................77


Creating and Running Campaigns................................................................................ 80

Multichannel Campaign With Two Benchmarker Systems........................................... 81


Exporting and Importing Job Configurations................................................................. 84


Exporting and Importing Profiles................................................................................... 85


Updating a BTS List...................................................................................................... 86


Remotely Updating SwissQual Software.................................................................. 88


Monitoring the Update...................................................................................................91

5 Monitoring Measurements.................................................................. 92

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Using Monitors............................................................................................................ 92


Monitoring Measurements in Real Time....................................................................... 93

Hardware Status Colors................................................................................................ 94


Creating and Adding User Markers (Realtime Console Only).......................................94


Customizing Monitors....................................................................................................95


Log Files...................................................................................................................... 96


Error Log....................................................................................................................... 96

Consecutively Failed Tests........................................................................................... 96

Failed Tests With the Same ID in Consecutive Test Cycles......................................... 97


Downloading Log Files..................................................................................................98


Forcing a Device to use a Specific Technology (Realtime Console Only)............ 99


Rebooting Devices During a Measurement............................................................ 100


Replaying Measurement Data.................................................................................. 101

6 Realtime and Replay Tools............................................................... 104 6.1

Monitors..................................................................................................................... 104


Events........................................................................................................................ 104


Operators................................................................................................................... 107


BTS List......................................................................................................................108


Value Filter.................................................................................................................111


Import/Export Settings............................................................................................. 111


Safe Driver Mode (Hands-Free Operation)..............................................................113


Shade Editor.............................................................................................................. 113

7 Exporting Data From a Measurement File....................................... 115 A Voice Job Timings Configuration.....................................................117 B Monitor Commands........................................................................... 119 B.1

Common Commands................................................................................................ 119


Title Bar Commands................................................................................................... 119


Value Titles Command................................................................................................119


Shade Command........................................................................................................ 120


List Monitor Commands........................................................................................... 120


Table Monitor Commands........................................................................................ 121


Bar Chart Monitor Commands................................................................................. 121

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Line Chart Monitor Commands................................................................................121


Layer3 Commands.................................................................................................... 122


Monitor Title Bar Commands................................................................................... 122

C NQView Database...............................................................................123 C.1

Updating the Database............................................................................................. 123


Creating a Backup of the Database.........................................................................123


Structure of the Database........................................................................................ 123


Database Tables........................................................................................................124



D NQComm Windows Service.............................................................. 127 D.1

Command Line Parameters......................................................................................127


Database.................................................................................................................... 128


Setting Service Recovery Options.......................................................................... 128


Configuring NQComm Restart Options.................................................................. 128

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1 Introduction This document describes the features of the NetQual NQView software as well as the role of the software in a Diversity and QualiPoc system. NQView is a visualization tool that allows you to observe measurements in real time on various configurable monitors. You also use NQView to configure the following SwissQual measurement systems: ●

Diversity Benchmarker

Diversity Benchmarker (Remote Control)

Diversity Optimizer

Diversity Ranger

QualiPoc Freerider II

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NQView Overview NQView Versions

2 NQView Overview For a description on how to install NQView, see the Installation – Diversity Platform and Applications.pdf document. The text size on your screen must be set to "Smaller - 100% (default)" on the Windows Display Control Panel. NQView uses the NQComm Windows service to enable communication with Diversity and QualiPoc measurement units as well as SQL databases. For more information on this service, including how to manually configure the restart options when you run NQView without Windows Administrator rights, see chapter D, "NQComm Windows Service", on page 127. Although Diversity Benchmarker and the Diversity Optimizer setup types install NQView. However, you cannot use the Optimizer version of NQView to monitor a Diversity system.

2.1 NQView Versions SwissQual offers the following versions of NQView: ●

NQView: Full version with complete functionality

NQView Replay: Only replays measurement files This version does not have the NQView Control and Realtime consoles.

NQView Optimizer: Configures and controls a Diversity Optimizer system. For more information, see the Quick Start Guide - Diversity Optimizer.pdf document.

Data Exporter: Opens and exports contents of measurement files to a file in CSV format. This version does not have the NQView Control, Realtime, and Replay consoles.

2.2 NQView System Requirements ●

Microsoft Windows: – NQView: Windows 7 Professional (32-bit and 64-bit), Windows 2008 Server (32-bit and 64-bit), and Windows 2012 You can run NQView with our without Windows Administrator rights. –

NQView Replay and Data Exporter: Windows 7 Professional (32-bit and 64bit) - Windows 2008 Server (32-bit and 64-bit) - Windows 8 professional (32-bit and 64-bit), and Windows Server 2012 You can run NQView Replay and Data Exporter with or without Windows Administrator rights.

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NQView Overview Starting NQView

NQView Optimizer: Windows 7 Professional (32-bit and 64-bit) with Windows Administrator rights

Computer with CoreDuo or faster processor

Minimum of 2 GB of RAM If you want to run NetQual NQView, you need 1 GB of RAM for best results.

Supported hard disk format: NTFS

In Windows and you need to set the locale to English, that is, open the "Regional and Language Options" in the "Control Panel", click the "Regional Options" tab, and select an English location in the list. If you intend to use a software firewall with Windows, you need to open up the ports for the Diversity software components. The text size on your screen must be set to Smaller - 100% (default) on the Display Control Panel. ●

Microsoft SQL Server: You can install SQL server on the controlling PC or an external PC. You must install the English language version of the software. If you intend to install the Controlling PC software on a Voice and Video Call Server, that is, Land Unit, you must install the SQL Server on the Land Unit. You do not need to preinstall SQL server for Diversity Optimizer as the installation package includes SQL Server 2012 Express. – SQL Server 2008 SP3, R2 SPI (32-bit and 64-bit) –

SQL Server 2012 SP1 (32-bit and 64-bit)

SQL Server 2014 (64-bit): Do not enable the compression option when you create a new database.

Windows Drivers: You need to install the relevant driver for your measurement device on the PC that the device is connected to, for example, a CSM.

MapInfo MapX: Only required if you want to use the Map monitor in NQView.

You do not need to install additional software if you want to use Open Street Map instead of MapX.

2.3 Starting NQView ► To start NQView, double-click the NQView icon on the Windows desktop.

Fig. 2-1: NQView icon on Windows desktop

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NQView Overview Main Window

Note: The first time that you start NQView, you need to connect to an SQL database according to the instructions that appear on the screen. NQView Replay and Data Explorer do not require this step. If you updated to version 13.2 and previously used Windows Authentication to log in to the SQL database, you need to use SQL Authentication to log into the database. Furthermore, WAP tests are no longer supported and are automatically deleted when you update the database.

Fig. 2-2: NQView database update information for release 13.2

2.4 Main Window You can access all of the NQView features from the main window. The window contains the following items: ●

Menu bar at the top

Toolbar for the current console below the Menu bar

Navigation panel for the current console on the left

Workspace area on the right

Status bar at the bottom

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NQView Overview Main Window

Fig. 2-3: Main NQView Control Console Window

2.4.1 Menu Commands For a description of the current menu command, click "Help in NQView" on the "Help" menu, and then hold the mouse pointer over the command.

2.4.2 Navigation Panel The Navigation panel provides access to most of the features in NQView that are available for the current console.

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NQView Overview Main Window

Fig. 2-4: Navigation panel

2.4.3 Status Bar Items This section describes the items that appear on the Status bar at the bottom of the NQView window.

Fig. 2-5: NQView Status bar in replay mode Table 2-1: Description of the items on the NQView status bar Item


Status Line

The status line below the Navigation panel shows the current system information.

Database/File Name Indicator

Depending on the current console, the indicator shows the database name or the replay file name.

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NQView Overview NQView Consoles



CPU Meter

The CPU meter shows the processor usage of the main core that NQView is running on. If this value is consistently high, you might need to close some of the monitors or disable some of the other CPU intensive features or options in NQView. If NQView temporarily uses a significant amount of CPU power, the meter might stick on a low CPU value until CPU resources become available to update the values.

RAM Meter

The RAM meter shows the RAM usage of your system, including the amount of RAM that NQView uses. NQView is optimized to only use as much RAM as necessary and to release memory that is not in use. If the RAM meter value is very high, use the Windows Task Manager to determine which process is using a lot of RAM, and then end the process.

2.4.4 Devices Toolbar The Devices toolbar displays the currently connected devices, for example, mobile phones, data cards, PSTN/ISDN phones and scanners. If the system does not have a GPS receiver, the GPS icon is grey.

Click to select a device and CTRL-click to select more than one device. The contents of the panel that is open on the Navigation panel, for example, the "Values" panel, changes to match the device that you selected. In Diversity Optimizer, the unit also appears on the panel.

Fig. 2-6: Device toolbar with one phone and one scanner

2.4.5 Console Toolbars Each NQView console has a single toolbar. If you want, you can customize the toolbars with the commands that you frequently use.

2.5 NQView Consoles The following consoles are available in NQView:

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NQView Overview Realtime and Replay Consoles

"Control": Create and configure your system as well as create, edit, and start tasks and campaigns

"Realtime": Monitor running tasks and campaigns in the system that you connect to

"Replay": Open and replay Diversity and QualiPoc measurement files in NQView

Fig. 2-7: NQView consoles

Consoles only contain features that are relevant to the current operation, for example, playback controls in the Replay console.

2.6 Realtime and Replay Consoles The following sections describe the features that are available in the Realtime and Replay consoles.

2.6.1 Pages and Monitors Panel The "Pages and Monitors" panel is a tree view of the pages and monitors that are available for the device that you select. For a description of the available monitors, see chapter 3, "NQView Monitors", on page 26. ► To add a page or monitor to your workspace, double click an item in the tree or use the "Open Pages and Monitors" icon on the main toolbar..

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NQView Overview Realtime and Replay Consoles

Fig. 2-8: Pages and Monitors panel on the Replay console

2.6.2 Values Panel The "Values" panel contains the measurement values that you can monitor in NQView. For a description of the available monitors, see chapter 3, "NQView Monitors", on page 26.

Fig. 2-9: Values panel on the Replay console

► To add a value to a monitor, select a device, select a value in the tree, and then drag the value to the monitor.

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NQView Overview Realtime and Replay Consoles

NQView does not allow you to add values to incompatible monitors. If you want to monitor the Byte Counter or Call Seconds Thresholds, expand "Device", expand "Call" or "Data", and use "Exceeded".

2.6.3 Events Panel You can use the Events panel to enable or disable events during a measurement or during playback. Events are special triggers that you can configure to provide you with information when something specific during a measurement occurs, for example, a dropped call. For more information, see chapter 6.2, "Events", on page 104.

Fig. 2-10: Events panel on the Replay console

2.6.4 User Markers Panel You can create text markers, such as Entering Tunnel, that you can insert into your measurement data during a Diversity test.

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NQView Overview Control Panels

Fig. 2-11: User markers panel

You can only add markers to live measurements and not in replay mode. For more information, see chapter 5.1.2, "Creating and Adding User Markers (Realtime Console Only)", on page 94.

2.7 Control Panels The following sections describe the Navigation panels that are available in "Control" console.

2.7.1 System Configuration Panel The System configuration panel is where you configure your system hardware, subscribers, and system profiles. For more information see chapter 4, "Configuring Your Measurement System", on page 54.

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NQView Overview Control Panels

Fig. 2-12: System configuration panel on the Control console

2.7.2 Tasks and Jobs Panel Use the Task and Jobs panel to configure your tasks, jobs, tests and task profiles.

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NQView Overview Control Panels

Fig. 2-13: Tasks and Jobs panel on the Control console

2.7.3 Task Schedules Panel The "Task Schedules" panel can help you plan your testing schedule. You can arrange the tasks for the devices in your system on a timeline. ► To view the task schedule for a device, drag the device from the "Task schedules" panel to the "Scheduling" pane. Use the check boxes at the top of the pane to filter the schedules and the "Interval" list to specify the length of the timeline. Each bar on the timeline represents a scheduled task and the width of the bar represents the duration of the task. The color of each bar represents the type of task. Consult the legend at the bottom of the view to find out which task each color represents.

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NQView Overview Control Panels

Fig. 2-14: Task schedules panel

2.7.4 Test Results Summary Panel The "Test Results Summary" panel provides an overview of the completed tests.

Fig. 2-15: Test Results Summary panel on the Control console

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NQView Overview User Roles

2.8 User Roles You can use SQL server roles to limit the NQView configuration options for non-administrator NQView users. A guest user can only view and use the following items on the "System Configuration" panel ●


"Subscribers and access point"


On the "Task and Jobs" panel, a guest user has the following restrictions ●

Can only view, edit, run, and stop the campaigns, tasks, and jobs that he or she created

Can only create, edit, and delete the "Calling numbers" profiles that he or she created

Fig. 2-16: User column on Task and Jobs panel

2.8.1 Enabling SQL User Roles This section describes how to create a guest user in Microsoft SQL Management Studio and how to enable SQL roles in NQView. To enable SQL roles in NQView 1. In "Microsoft SQL Management Studio", create at least one guest user.

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NQView Overview User Roles

a) In "Microsoft SQL Management Studio", locate the server in the "Object Explorer".

Fig. 2-17: Create new login

b) Enter the login credentials for the user and click "OK".

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NQView Overview User Roles

c) Right-click the new user in the tree, for example, "Guest", and click "Properties".

Fig. 2-18: Configure properties for new user

d) In the "Select a page" tree, click "Server Roles".

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NQView Overview User Roles

e) In the "Server roles" list, select the "public" and "sysadmin" check boxes, and then click "OK".

Fig. 2-19: Server roles for new user

2. Click "Settings" on the "File" menu. 3. In the "Settings" tree, click "Database", and ensure that you are logged into the database as the "sa" user. Note: If you are logged in as a different user, click "Logout from database", enter the login credentials for the "sa" user, and then click "Login to database" 4. In the "SQL user role" area, click one of the following options: ● ● ●

"None": Users have full control of the database "Read only": Users only have read access to the database "User space": Each user has full access to his or her database

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NQView Overview User Roles

Fig. 2-20: Use SQL server roles

Note: Regardless of the user role that you select, the sa user retains full control of the database. 5. Click "Save & Close"

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NQView Monitors General Monitor Types

3 NQView Monitors This section describes the monitors that are available in NQView. You can choose from the following types of monitors: ●




3.1 General Monitor Types This section describes the general monitor types that are available in NQView. For more information on some of these monitors, see the following sections.

Fig. 3-1: Value monitors Table 3-1: Summary of NQView value monitors Monitor



Displays the most recent values in a list.


Each value is shown in a separate column with the corresponding timestamp. A gray value indicates a copy. Since values might not arrive regularly, the last value is copied and grayed out.


Displays measurement values on a map provided that your system has a GPS receiver. You can also markers and alarms can be shown in this monitor.

"Bar chart"

Values are shown as individual bars. Only the most recent value is displayed.

"Line chart"

Every measurement value is shown as a single line on a time basis scale.

"Pie chart"

Values with the same units are shown on a pie chart

"Ranger Battery"

A monitor that shows the battery charge level of Diversity Ranger


Presents an overview of the connected devices. You can also display measurement information on this monitor.

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NQView Monitors General Monitor Types



"NQView events"

Displays all NQView events


A GPS monitor for the connected GPS device

3.1.1 List Monitor The "List" monitor displays values as a list with the most recent value at the bottom.

Fig. 3-2: List monitor

For a description of the commands that are available when your right-click in the monitor, see chapter B, "Monitor Commands", on page 119.

Fig. 3-3: Context menu for a List monitor

3.1.2 Table Monitor The "Table" monitor displays values as an Excel sheet. The first column always displays the time and cannot be changed.

Each value that you add creates a new column in the Table monitor; however, you cannot insert a new value between two existing columns. Values appear in the table essentially in real-time, although some values might arrive at a higher rate. To keep the rows of the sheet synchronized, cells that contain values that arrive at a lower rate remain empty.

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NQView Monitors General Monitor Types

Fig. 3-4: Table monitor

For a description of the commands that are available when your right-click in the monitor, see chapter B, "Monitor Commands", on page 119.

Fig. 3-5: Table monitor context menu

► To disable automatic scrolling, click in the monitor, point to "Autoscroll", and then click "Never".

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NQView Monitors General Monitor Types

Fig. 3-6: Disable Autoscroll in a Table monitor

3.1.3 Map Monitor You can use the Map monitor if you collect GPS data during a test. The monitor consists of a toolbar at the top, a Navigation panel on the left and a map on the right. By default, the "Map" monitor uses MapX, which you have to install separately. If you want to use Open Street Map, see chapter, "Open Street Map", on page 31. For full functionality, use MapX.

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NQView Monitors General Monitor Types

Fig. 3-7: Map monitor

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NQView Monitors General Monitor Types

In "Replay" mode, the "Map" monitor automatically loads the different floor plans in the order that the plans appear in the measurement file. NQView displays the name of the floor plan under "User Layers" in the "Map" tree.

Fig. 3-8: Floor plan in Map monitor

Open Street Map You can only use Open Street Map if you have an Internet connection and a GPS signal. Open Street Map supports routes in *.KML or *.KMZ format. To use Open Street Map on a test drive 1. Connect the controlling PC to the Internet and start NQView. 2. On the "Realtime" console, add the "Map" monitor. 3. Click "Open street map" in the map engine list on the toolbar at the top of the monitor.

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NQView Monitors General Monitor Types

Fig. 3-9: Select Open Street Map

4. If you have a pre-defined route, right-click "Paths" in the tree, click "Load gps paths(s)", locate the *.KML or *.KMZ file, and then click "OK".

5. View the entire measurement route to cache the map tiles. Note: Set the same zoom level that you want to use on the test drive.

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NQView Monitors General Monitor Types

Fig. 3-10: Zoom level on map

6. Click the Open Street Map mode icon to change to "offline" mode to reduce over the air traffic during the measurements. Note: You can also click "Settings" on the "File" menu and select the "Use open street maps offline" option on the "Map" settings page.

Map Toolbar Commands The following table describes the commands that are available on the Map toolbar at the top of the "Map" monitor window.

Fig. 3-11: Map toolbar Table 3-2: Description of the commands on the Toolbar menu in a Map monitor Command


"Open geoset"

Opens a geoset for the current map monitor

"Geoset manager"

Opens the MapX geoset manager to customize your geosets.

"Open picture"

Opens an image to use as a map for indoor mapping.

"Capture picture"

Takes a photograph with the camera on the PC for indoor mapping


Turns the cursor into a selector, which you can use to select items on the map.

"Zoom in (Shortcut "I")"

Turns the cursor into a magnifying glass which you can use to enlarge the magnification of the map.

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NQView Monitors General Monitor Types



"Zoom out (Shortcut "O""

Turns the cursor into a magnifying glass which you can use to reduce the magnification of the map.

"Pan (Shortcut "P")"

Turns the cursor into a hand which you can use to move the map around.


Turns the cursor into a cross with which you can measure distances on the map. The distance is displayed in the status bar of the map monitor.

"Set new walk position (Walk mode only)"

Adds a new walk position point on the map.

"Delete last walk position"

Deletes the most recent walk position that you added to the map. This command also deletes the point from the measurement file.

"Path mode"

The following path modes are available in the "Maps" monitor: ● " Drive": Default path mode for NQView, which displays GPS points from the Diversity system on the map monitor. ● "Walk (Live mode only)": NQView ignores the GPS points from the Diversity system so you can manually specify the current position with the "Set new walk position" tool. Walk mode is mainly for indoor mapping measurements. ● "Auto center": Automatically centers the map when a new GPS point is available. ● " Center if not visible": Re-centers the map as soon as a GPS point is outside of the visible map area. ● "Do not center": Maps monitor does not automatically center the map. Instead, you need to manually move the map.

"Measure unit"

● ●

"Distance legend"

Shows and hides the distance ruler at the bottom of the map monitor.

" KM": Measure unit is kilometers " MI": Measure unit is miles

Map Monitor Navigation Panel Commands

► To access additional options in a "Map" monitor, right-click an item in the Navigation tree on the left.

Fig. 3-12: Navigation tree in a Map monitor

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NQView Monitors General Monitor Types

The following tables describe the command options that are available when you click an item in the Map Navigation tree. Table 3-3: Description of the Map options Menu Item


"Unload geoset"

Unloads the current geoset file.

"Save map to bmp"

Saves the map as a bitmap image file.

Table 3-4: Description of the Path options Menu Item


"Load GPS path(s)"

Loads one or more GPS paths to the map.

"Remove all loaded paths" Removes the paths that you loaded onto the map. "Size"

Changes the size of the car icon.

Table 3-5: Description of the Drive Path, Walk Path, and other loaded path options Menu Item


"View entire layer"

Zooms in to view the entire layer that you selected.


Changes the color of the current path.


Changes the width of the current path.


Saves the current path to a file.


Clears the current path.

"Remove (for loaded paths only)"

Removes the loaded path.

Table 3-6: Description of the Measure values options Menu Item


"Export values"

Exports values to a comma-separated file, a Google Earth kmz file, or a "MapInfo" tab file.

"Remove all values"

Removes all of the previously added values.

"Show unit"

Shows the unit name for each value.

"Value shade type"

Selects the shading type for the values on the monitor.

"Value titles"

Selects the titles for the value.

"Radial value offset"

● ●

" Offset enabled": Automatically arranges the values along the route to avoid overlapping values. • "Radial orientation": Changes the orientation of the values on the path to left or right

Table 3-7: Single measurement value options Menu Item


"Remove value"

Removes the currently selected value.

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NQView Monitors General Monitor Types

Table 3-8: BTS list options Menu Item


"Show BTS labels"

Shows the labels of the BTS station.

"Show full BTS info hint"

Includes detailed information in the BTS ToolTip.

"Edit BTS thematics"

Opens a window where you can edit the GSM and WCDMA BTS icons.

Table 3-9: BTS items (GSM, WCDMA or LTE) options Menu Item


"UARFCN filter (only for WCDMA BTS item)"

Opens a filter for WCDMA UARFCN channels. Only the selected BTS cells are shown on the map.

"Draw type"

Select one of the following BTS draw types: ● " Full": Colored, filled BTS sectors ● "Line": Unfilled BTS sectors ● "Arrow": Arrow lines instead of full sectors

"Draw position"

Select one of the following start positions for the BTS serving line: ● "Site center" ● "Sector/cell center"

Fig. 3-13: Draw BTS line from site center

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Fig. 3-14: Draw BTS line from sector/cell center Table 3-10: User layers options Menu Item


"Remove all user layers"

Removes the loaded user layers.

"Load tab file"

Loads a MapInfo TAB file on the map.

Table 3-11: Single user layer options

Menu Item


"View entire layer"

Zooms into the map to view the selected layer.


Renames the user layer.


Removes the user layer.


Saves the user layer as MapInfo Tab file.

Using Geoset GST Files In addition to MapInfo TAB files, a Map monitor can also open files in GST format. The GST format allows you to combine several TAB files into one file. As a result, you only need to load one GST file to display the information from several TAB files on the map, which minimizes the amount of CPU resources that NQView requires. You can use MapInfo Professional to create a GST file. To save a file in Geoset (*.GST) format in MapInfo Professional 1. In MapInfo Professional, click "Tool Manager" on the "Tools" menu.

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Fig. 3-15: Open Tool Manager

2. Add the "MapX Geoset Utility" command to the "Tools" menu. 3. In the "Tools" list, select the "Loaded" and "Autoload" check boxes for the "MapX Geoset Utility". Note: The "Autoload" option ensures that this command loads every time that you start MapInfo. 4. Click "OK".

Fig. 3-16: Enable MapX Geoset Utility

5. On the "File" menu, click "Open", locate the map that you want to convert, and then click "OK". 6. On the "Tools" menu, point to "MapX Geoset Utility", and then click "Save MapX Geoset As".

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Fig. 3-17: Save map in *:GST format

7. In the "Save Geoset As", dialog box, select the latest version, and then click "OK".

Fig. 3-18: Select Geoset version number

8. Save the *.GST map in the same folder as the original map.

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Fig. 3-19: Maps folder

Note: The *.GST file contains the path to the folder that contains the original map.

3.1.4 Bar Monitor The "Bar" monitor displays values as a real-time diagram. ► To remove a value from the monitor, right-click in the phone area at the bottom of the monitor, and then click "Remove". Note: If the monitor has more than one value, point to "Remove", and then click the value that you want to remove.

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Fig. 3-20: Bar monitor

For a description of the commands that are available when your right-click in the monitor, see chapter B, "Monitor Commands", on page 119

3.1.5 Line Chart Monitor The "Line Chart" monitor plots the values versus time. ► To remove values from the monitor, clear the check box for the value at the bottom of the chart.

Fig. 3-21: Line Chart monitor

For a description of the commands that are available when your right-click in the monitor, see chapter B, "Monitor Commands", on page 119.

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Fig. 3-22: Line monitor context menu

3.2 Device Monitor Types This section describes the monitors that you can add to the workspace when you select a device on the Devices toolbar.

Fig. 3-23: Device monitors

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NQView Monitors Device Monitor Types

Table 3-12: Description of device monitors Device Monitor



● ● ● ● ● ●

"Application" "Overview" "Job Overview" "Test Results" "CS Calls Testing Info" "SMS to Sender Results"


● ● ● ● ● ● ●

"Network Info" "Technology History" "KPI Results" "Trace History" "PS Data Status" "UMTS NAS QoS" "PDP Context Info"

"Media monitor"

Shows audio and video clips as well as photographs that have been captured during the measurement.

"Layer 3"

A table-like representation of all layer3 messages from a mobile phone with possibility of layer 3 message decoding.


● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●

"Cell" "Line chart" "Radio Parameters" "Serving and Neighbors" "Handover history" "IRAT WCDMA Neighbors" "C/I" "Scanner Hot Channels" "Missing Neighbor"


● ● ● ● ● ● ●

"GPRS GMM Info" "GPRS Mac Info" "GPRS EDGE TBF Info" "GPRS EDGE Quality" "GPRS EDGE Throughput" "GPRS Line Chart" "EDGE Line Chart"


● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●

"Cell" "Line chart" "Radio" "Active set" "Horizontal active set" "Measurement Report" "Active set history" "IRAT GSM Neighbors" "Missing Neighbors" "Cell details [Qualcomm]" "Temporal analyzer [Qualcomm]" "Power Ctrl [Nokia]"


● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●

"SCCH Info" "DSCH Info" "DPCCH Info" "HARQ Info" "DSCH Throughput" "HSDPA 14.4 Line Chart" "HSDPA+ 21 Line Chart" "DSCH Modulation Chart" "DSCH Transport Block Info" "HSDPA Statistics [Qualcomm]" "HSDPA Packet details [Nokia]"

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NQView Monitors Device Monitor Types

Device Monitor



● ● ● ● ● ● ●

"SCCH Info" "DSCH Info" "DPCCH Info" "HARQ Info" "DSCH Throughput" "HSDPA+ DC Line Chart" "HSDPA+ Dual Carrier Modulation Chart"


● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●

"MAC-e Info" "E DCH Info" "E DCH Configuration" "E DCH Throughput" "Line Chart" "Radio Link Set" "HS AGCH/RGCH Info" "HS E HICH Info" "Performance Bar Chart"


● ● ● ● ● ● ●

Cell "RF Line Chart" "Active set" "Handoff parameters" "Paging and Access" "Temporal analyzer" "RLP Statistics"


● ● ● ●

"Air Link Summary" "Active set" "RF line chart" "Data line chart"


● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●

"Cell" "Convergence sub-layer" "Serving cell" "MAC info" "Line Chart" "Ranging" "UL/DL Burst" "UL Tx Pwr"


● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●

"Cell" "RF Line chart" "Radio" "Serving and Neighbors" "PDSCH Info" "UE Rx Info" "PBCH Info" "PDSCH Throughput" "PDSCH Throughput Line chart" "PUSCH Info" "PUSCH Throughput" "PDSCH Scheduling chart" "PUSCH Throughput Line chart" "EMM State" "PDSCH Modulation chart" "DL HARQ Info" "PUCCH Info" "PUSCH Modulation chart" "UL HARQ Info"

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3.2.1 LTE Carrier Aggregation Monitor LTE Carrier Aggregation (LTE CA) or channel aggregation enables multiple LTE carriers to be used together to provide the high data rates that are required for 4G LTE Advanced. Carrier aggregation has the following characteristics: ●

Download (DL) and upload (UL) resources come from aggregated resources of two or more Component Carriers (CC), which can be of different bandwidth sizes as well as on different LTE bands

Maximum number of aggregated component carriers is five, which results in the 100Mhz of maximum aggregated bandwidth

Number of UL CCs is always equal or smaller then the number of DL CCs

The easiest way to arrange aggregation is to use contiguous component carriers within the same band, that is, intra-band contiguous component carriers. Non-contiguous allocation can be intra-band CCs in the same band or inter-band CCs Intra-band carrier aggregation: Contiguous component carriers

Band A

Band B

Intra-band carrier aggregation: Non-contiguous component carriers

Band A

Band B

Band A

Band B

Intra-band carrier aggregation

Fig. 3-24: Carrier component allocation types

CA has been initially specified for the following combinations of EUTRA bands and CCs: ●

CA bandwidth class: indicates a combination of maximum ATBC and maximum number of CCs – Class A: ATBC ≤ 100, maximum number of CC = 1 –

Class B: ATBC ≤ 100, maximum number of CC = 2

Class C: 100 < ATBC ≤ 200, maximum number of CC = 2

Classes D, E, F are still in a study phase Aggregated Transmission Bandwidth Configuration (ATBC) = Total number of aggregated Physical Resource Blocks (PRB) The 20Mhz band has max 100 RBs, 10Mhz band 50 RBs, and so on.

CA configuration: Indicates a combination of E-UTRA operating band(s) and CA bandwidth class, for example: – CA_1C indicates intra-band contiguous CA on LTE band 1 and CA bandwidth class C

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CA_1A_1A, indicates intra-band non-contiguous CA on band 1 with a one CC on each side of the intra-band gap

CA_1A-5B indicates inter-band CA, on operating band 1 with bandwidth class A and operating band 5 with bandwidth class B

In Rel 10 only 3 CA combinations defined, in Rel 11 much more

In figure 3-25, the carrier aggregation on all three component carriers can only be used for the black UE. The white UE is not within the coverage area of the red component carrier.


Inter-band, non-contiguous

Band 1 White UE

Band 2 Black UE


Primary Serving Cell (PSC), Primary Component Carrier (PCC), RRC connection and data Secondary Serving Cell (SSC), Secondary Component Carrier (SCC), user data Secondary Serving Cell (SSC), Secondary Component Carrier (SCC), user data Fig. 3-25: Carrier aggregation coverage

For UEs that use the same set of CCs, can have different PCC.

Regarding scheduling there are two main alternatives for CA: ●

Each resources (PCC, SCC) is scheduled separately (on respective PCC, SCC)

Cross-carrier scheduling: All resources (PCC+SCCs) are scheduled on PCC There is a new parameter CIF (Carrier Indicator Field) that indicates on which carrier the scheduled resource is located (either on PCC or SCC). The CIF is 0 for the PCC.

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A) Scheduling grant and resource on the same carrier




B) Cross-carrier scheduling: Scheduling grant and resource NOT on the same carrier - Carrier Indicator Field (CIF) on PDCCH









Primary Serving Cell (PSC), Primary Component Carrier (PCC), RRC connection and data Secondary Serving Cell (SSC), Secondary Component Carrier (SCC), user data Fig. 3-26: Cross carrier scheduling option

LTE CA Tabs on LTE Radio Tab in NQDI When LTE CA is used in a measurement, the following tabs are available on the "LTE Radio" tab in NQDI: ●

"PCC": Contains LTE Radio information from the Primary Component Carrier (PCC), which is the cell that provides signaling and the data radio barrier. The "PCC" tab is always present during LTE tests and not just when LTE CA is not used.

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Fig. 3-27: PCC tab on LTE Radio tab

"SCC 1": LTE Radio information from the Secondary Component Carrier (SCC), which is the cell that provides data radio barrier only. This tab is only available if the LTE CA is present during the session.

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Fig. 3-28: SCC 1 tab on LTE Radio tab

LTE CA Tabs on LTE Downlink Tab in NQDI When LTE CA is used in a measurement, the following tabs are available on the "LTE Downlink" tab in NQDI: ●

"Sum": Displays the sum, and in some cases the average, of the PCC and SCC values

"PCC": Displays the LTE Downlink data from the service PCC cell, that is, PCC throughputs, Resource Block number, and so on

"SCC 1": Displays the LTE Downlink data from the service SCC cell, that is, SCC throughputs, Resource Block number, and so on

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Fig. 3-29: Sum tab on the LTE Downlink tab

The chart in figure 3-30 shows the Net-PDSCH throughput (Sum), which is the sum of the Net-PDSCH throughput (PCC) and the Net-PDSCH throughput (SCC).

Fig. 3-30: PDSCH throughput chart

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3.2.2 Layer 3 Monitor The Layer 3 monitor can decode messages into human readable text. NQView automatically associates the Layer 3 monitor with the device that you select before you add the monitor to your workspace. NQView requires significant processing time to decode Layer 3 messages, especially if you run NQView on a CSM.

Fig. 3-31: Layer 3 monitor

Exporting Layer 3 Messages On the "Realtime" and "Replay" consoles you can export Layer 3 messages as text files. To export Layer 3 messages 1. On the "Realtime" or "Replay" console, open a "Layer 3 Monitor". 2. Click the message in the list on the left. 3. Right-click in the "Message details" pane and click "Export L3 messages to text file".

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NQView Monitors Scanner Monitor Types

Fig. 3-32: Export Layer 3 messages to text file

4. Go to where you want to export the file and click "OK".

3.3 Scanner Monitor Types

Fig. 3-33: Scanner monitor types

This section describes the monitor types that become available when you select a scanner on the Devices toolbar. Table 3-13: Description of types scanner monitors Name of monitor




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"BCCH" This monitor also displays GSM SCH burst power. "RSSI"

● ● ●

"Spectrum" "Top CPICH" "BCH L3"


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NQView Monitors Scanner Monitor Types

Name of monitor



● ●

"Spectrum" "Top PN"


● ● ●

"TOP N RS" "Spectrum" Signal Scanning Including LTE Synch Signal Scanning if you have a TSMW and TSME scanners Spectrum Scanning Signal Scanning MIMO Subband

● ● ●

Fig. 3-34: GSM BCCH Scanner monitor

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Configuring Your Measurement System

4 Configuring Your Measurement System This section provides an overview of how to use NQView to configure your SwissQual system for measurement tasks. Depending on your measurement system, the amount of configuration that you need to perform with NQView varies. For example, you need NQView to configure every aspect of a Diversity Benchmarker from the hardware to the measurement tasks and campaigns, whereas, for Diversity Optimizer, you only need to create and configure the measurement tests, jobs, and tasks as the Optimizer software automatically configures the hardware. The NQView "Control" console is where you configure your SwissQual measurement system and tasks.

Fig. 4-1: Control console

For simplified data maintenance, NQView uses profiles, which contain settings that you can reuse in your system and task configuration. The settings that you configure on the Control panel are stored in the NQView SQL database. The NQComm Windows service uses the same database to manage the FTP and HTTP(S) communication between NQView and the measurement systems. The NQComm service constantly queries the database as well as writes changes to the database, for example, after measurement results from the probes reach NQView.

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Configuring Your Measurement System Configuring Hardware

SwissQual SystemInspector, if installed, also accesses the NQView database. For more information, see the Manual - NQWeb - SystemInspector.pdf document.

4.1 Configuring Hardware NQView stores the hardware configuration information for your measurement system in an SQL database and displays this information on the "System Configuration" panel of the "Control" console. Usually, you only need to configure your measurement probes once. For example, after you configure a Diversity Benchmarker system, you only need to change the configuration when you update the hardware. ► To view the status information for your PC or a configured device, click the item in the "Hardware" tree. ► To access the commands for a unit, right-click the unit in the "System Configuration" panel.

4.1.1 Configuring a Scanner You can only configure a scanner that is connected to a Diversity system, which is in turn connected to the controlling PC. To configure a scanner in NQView 1. Connect the scanner, for example, a TSMW scanner, to the CSM and turn on the scanner and the Diversity system. 2. In the "Control" console, click "System Configuration" on the Navigation pane. 3. Right-click the CSM that the scanner is connected to and click "Hardware detection: scanner". Note: NQView adds a "Device Info" tab for a TSMW or a TSME scanner. You cannot connect a TSMW and a TSME scanner at the same time. Whenever you change the options of a TSME scanner with the Rohde & Schwarz ViCom 15 software, you need to run the "Hardware detection" command in NQView again.

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Configuring Your Measurement System Configuring Hardware

Fig. 4-2: Device info tab for TSME scanner

4. After the detection is complete, right-click the scanner, and then click "Edit". 5. Configure the scanner settings. ●

To import the scanner configuration settings, click the import icon , locate the XML configuration file, and then click "OK". – If the configuration also contains scans, delete the existing configured scans and click "Apply" before you import the configuration. If the settings in the file do not match the capabilities of the scanner, an error message opens. – If you want to import ROMES configuration files ( ) for a TSMW or PCTel scanner, you need to copy the framereader.exe file into the NQView application folder. The ROMES configuration file replaces an existing LTE scan configuration, but does not affect GSM and WCDMA scan configurations. To obtain a copy of this file, contact our support center.

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Fig. 4-3: Import scanner configuration error

To manually configure the scan settings, click the green plus sign beside "Configured scans", specify the settings in the "Scan details" dialog box, and click "Save".

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Fig. 4-4: Scan details

Note: ● Repeat this step for each additional scan. ● Use a semi-colon (;) to define ranges or multiple channels for WCDMA TopN or LTE signals. ● For a description of the "Meas. Rate (Hz per channel)" option, see chapter, "Measurement Rates", on page 63. ● For additional information on TSMW scanner options, see chapter, "TSMW Scanner Auto Bandwidth", on page 61. Please consult the Customer Support Center.pdf document for the best method to contact us. ► To export the scanner configuration, click the Export icon in the "Scanner" dialog box, go to where you want to save the file, and then click "Save". Note: If you want to include the most recent changes to the configuration, click "Apply" before you click the Export icon .

Adding Two Scanners to a Benchmarker II System This section describes how to add two TSMx scanners to a Benchmarker II system.

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To add two scanners to a Benchmarker II system You need to perform these steps on the controlling PC. 1. Connect each scanner to a DM port on a CSM for power. Note: See the Manual - Diversity Benchmarker II Hardware.pdf for the location of DM port. 2. Connect each scanner to an Ethernet port on the CMR with the supplied patch cables 3. Ensure that each scanner has a unique IP address that matches the address range of the internal LAN of the Benchmarker II system. 4. On the "Control" console in NQView, right-click a CSM in the "Hardware" tree of the "System Configuration" panel, and then click "Hardware detection: scanner".

Fig. 4-5: Scanner hardware detection

The scanners appear in the "Hardware" tree. 5. Double-click a scanner, define the scans, and repeat for the second scanner.

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Fig. 4-6: Configure import

Tip: You can also import (➔) pre-defined scan configurations. 6. Assign the scanners to different CSMs. a) Drag one of the scanners to a different CSM in the tree, for example, CSM 1. b) Right-click each CSM that has a scanner and click "Update configuration". 7. Create the passive scanner data connections on the remaining CSMs in the system.

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a) Right-click each remaining CSM in the system, point to "Add device", and click "Scanner".

Fig. 4-7: Add scanner

b) In the "Remote active device" list of the "Scanner" dialog box, click the scanner that you want to supply the data. c) After you create the scanner data connections, right-click the relevant CSMs, and then click "Update configuration".

TSMW Scanner Auto Bandwidth The "Scan details" dialog box for a TSMW scanner has an additional item in the "Bandwidth" list, that is, "auto". If you click this option, NQView automatically retrieves the value from the Master Information Block (MIB) Layer3 message. You do not need to enable the "BCCH Layer 3" option to use the "auto" bandwidth option.

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Fig. 4-8: Scan details for a TSMW scanner

The "auto" option is only useful if the same channel in a LTE network changes during the measurement.

Fig. 4-9: LTE Signal Scanning

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If some PCIs in the network are configured to use one bandwidth and some PCIs are configured to use a different bandwidth, then click a value in the "Bandwidth" list instead of "auto". If you attempt to use "auto" in this situation, the MIB demodulation significantly slows down the measurement.

Measurement Rates The "Meas. Rate (Hz/channel)" value allows you to change the default scan rate of a scanner. The scan rate largely depends on the network topology and the scanner configuration, including the complex scheduling mechanism each scanner uses to reach the scan rates for each of the supported technologies. If the scanner does not reach the rate that you specify over a longer period of time, the scanner is overloaded and you need to reduce the number of concurrent measurement tasks on the scanner. For an LTE scan, do not enter a value greater than 10 Hz for the "NB/WB Meas. Rate (Hz/channel)" parameter to avoid imbalances in the scanning rates between different technologies. Example: If you assign a "Meas. Rate" value of 2Hz to 10 WCDMA channels, the total scan rate is 20Hz and the reporting interval to NQView for each channel is every 500ms. If the reports arrive at a greater interval, the scanner is overloaded. You can view the measurements rates for the following technologies on the "Values" panel for the scanner: ●




LTE wideband


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Fig. 4-10: Measurement rates on Values panel Table 4-1: Description of the scan rate values Value


"Meas Rate 60s"

Provided directly by the ViCom interface of the TSMx scanner

"Meas Rate Total"

Provided directly by the ViCom interface of the TSMx scanner

"Chn Meas Rate 60s"

Number of measurements per second that the scanner provides for one channel averaged over the total amount of time

"Chn Meas Rate Total"

Number of measurements per second that the scanner provides for one channel averaged on the last 60 seconds This value is calculated are calculated by dividing the corresponding "Meas Rate" values for the total number of channels

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4.1.2 Configuring the Backup of Measurement Files on a Diversity Unit By default, Diversity stores the measurement files on the controlling PC. For added security, you can keep a backup of the measurement files on a Diversity unit, for example, a CSM. Diversity stores the backups in the following location on the Diversity unit: C:\Users\All Users\Swissqual\Diversity\ResultsBackup If you need the backup files, you need to manually transfer the files from the Diversity unit. To keep a backup of measurement files on a Diversity unit 1. On the "System Configuration" panel, right-click the Diversity unit, for example, a CSM, and click "Edit". 2. In the "Unit" dialog box, click the pencil icon

beside the "Unit profile" list.

3. In the "Diversity unit profile" dialog box, type the number of days to store the files in the "Backup of Measurement Files" box.

Fig. 4-11: Backup of Measurement Files

Note: If you decrease the number of days in a later edit, for example, from 14 to 4 days, Diversity deletes the excessive backup files after the number of days that you enter. 4. Click "Apply" and click "OK"

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5. Update the hardware configuration according to chapter 4.1.4, "Updating the Hardware Configuration", on page 67.

4.1.3 Configuring Subscriber Data Usage Diversity keeps a data byte count for each subscriber profile that you define. You can use this feature to determine if a SIM card has reached its monthly data limit or to limit throughput values to specific value. QualiPoc Android and QualiPoc Remote Control do not support the data byte count.

► To view the total amount of data bytes that have been transferred by a SIM card, click the device that contains the card on the "System configuration" panel, and click the "General" tab.

Fig. 4-12: Data byte total

Diversity updates this information every 20 seconds and at the end of each cycle. The "Data total" is cumulative and is not reset when you restart the device or connect the subscriber profile to another device. Note: If you specified a data threshold value in the "Subscriber" profile and the value is exceeded, a warning message appears next to the "Data total". This warning also appears at NQView startup for each subscriber that has exceeded the data threshold, including subscribers that are not assigned to a device.

Fig. 4-13: Error log with data threshold values

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► To specify a data threshold in a subscriber profile, type the value in bytes in the "Data threshold (Bytes)" box of the profile.

Fig. 4-14: Subscriber data threshold setting

► To reset the data byte counter of a subscriber profile to zero, right-click the profile in the tree on the "System configuration" panel, and then click "Reset subscriber data".

Fig. 4-15: Reset subscriber data

4.1.4 Updating the Hardware Configuration After you specify hardware configuration and settings in NQView, you need to update the configuration of your system. ► To update the hardware configuration of your system, right-click the system in the tree of the "System Configuration" on the "Control" console, and then click "Update configuration". Note: You can also right-click individual devices in the system and click "Update configuration". Diversity Core commits the changes to the database and transfers the new configuration to the devices.

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Configuring Your Measurement System Configuring Measurements

4.2 Configuring Measurements You can configure the following types of measurement in NQView: ●

"Test": Most basic measurement that contains the actual test that is performed on the network. Each test can be of a different test type.

"Job": Ordered collection of tests of the same type of application, for example, voice quality tests and data tests. A job also contains job options, which are the timings and the settings that apply to the tests in the job.

"Task": Collection of jobs that you can assign to one or two devices depending on the job type. For additional functionality, you can also use triggers, that is, time, speed, and events, filters, and network forcing. When you define a task, you can only combine corresponding devices and jobs.

"Campaign": Collection of tasks that allows you to start the tasks simultaneously. You cannot assign a task to more than one campaign.

"Decision Group": Collection of tests inside a job with a common radio technology or data technology test decision criteria. Within the sequence of tests in a Decision Group, only the first test with a Test Decision that matches the current network technology is executed during each cycle of the job. A test without a Test Decision is the default test if the Test Decisions of the other tests in the group do not match the current technology. One way to use a Decision Group is to specify different file sizes for data tests in LTE, HSPA, HSPA+, and HSPA-Carrier networks.

"Test Decision": Radio or data technology value that you assign to a test, which runs the test if the current network technology matches the value. A Test Decision can contain one or several radio or data technologies.

4.2.1 Creating and Running Tasks This section describes the basic steps that you need to perform in NQView to run a measurement task. Before you can complete these steps, NQView must be connected to an SQL database. The first time you start NQView, follow the on-screen instructions to connect to the database. Your database must also contain at least one unit and device. At any point during this process, press CTRL+H to open the NQView help window. The contents of this window changes when you move your mouse over an element in NQView. Click the yellow asterisk beside list to create a list item and the pencil to edit a list item. You can configure NQView to prompt you for a task description when you run a task. ► To enable the task description option, click "Settings" on the "File" menu, click "Tasks" in the tree, and then select "Ask for task descriptions".

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Fig. 4-16: Enable Ask for task description option

To create and run a measurement task 1. Start NQView and select the "Control" console. 2. On the "System Configuration" panel, create the connection profiles for your system. a) Expand "Profiles" in the tree and expand "Connections". b) Right-click the protocol for the connection, for example, "FTP", and click "Add connection" profile.

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c) In the "Connection Profile" window, specify the connection information, click "Apply", and then click "OK".

Fig. 4-17: FTP connection profile

Note: If you want your Diversity system to use FTP over SSL, you need to enable the relevant SSL option on the default "Diversity FTP" connection profile. To apply the new settings, right-click each CSM, PCM, ASM, or MPM in the system, click "Edit", and then click "OK". Alternatively, you can restart the NQComm Windows service on the controlling PC. 3. Configure addtitonal profiles, for example, a "Trigger" profile. 4. Define your system hardware. a) Right-click "Hardware" in the tree and add your system, for example, point to "Add System", and then click "Diversity Benchmarker". Diversity Optimizer performs this step automatically. b) Specify the settings in the window that opens and click "OK". c) Right-click the system to add a measurement module, for example, point to "Add unit", and then click "CSM". d) Specify the information for the module in the window that opens and click "OK". e) Right-click the measurement module and click "Hardware detection: all". f) Right-click the measurement devices and click "Edit" to specify the measurement options. 5. Configure the measurement jobs for your system. a) On the "Tasks and Jobs" panel, right-click a job type in the "Job definitions" area, and then click "Add job". b) Specify the settings for the job and click "OK". For a description of the parameters for an intrusive voice job, see chapter A, "Voice Job Timings Configuration", on page 117. c) Specify the settings for the test that the job runs and click "OK".

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d) Specify the advanced options for the jobs, for example, add the jobs to a "Decision Group". ●

To add a job to a "Decision Group", right-click the job, click "Add decision group", and then type a name for the group.

Fig. 4-18: Creating a Test Decision profile

Note: To create a "Test Decision" profile, right click "Test decisions" in the tree, click "Add test decision", and then specify the decision settings. 6. Create the task. a) On the "Tasks and Jobs" panel, right-click "Measurement" tasks and click "Add task". b) In the "Measurement Task" editor, type a name for the task in the "Name" box and click your measurement device in the "Device A/B" side list on the right. c) Click the "Add" icon beside the Job sequence box. d) In the "Job" list, click the job that you created and click "Save".

Fig. 4-19: Job details window

e) For a MultiRAB task, click "MultiRAB" in the "Job Execution" list. For more information on MultiRAB tasks, see chapter, "About MultiRAB Tasks", on page 76.

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To specify the measurement duration, enter a value greater than 0 in the "Duration" or "Cycles" boxes. For a Data job, you also need to specify an access point. If the access point is not in the list, click the yellow asterisk beside the list and create the profile for the access point. If you want to use forcing in the Data test, you need to define and select a "Forcing profile".

Fig. 4-20: Forcing profile for Data test.

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g) If you want to force the task to use a technology, click the forcing profile that you created in the "Forcing A side" or "Forcing B side" list. If the device does not support the forcing profile an error message opens.

Fig. 4-21: Task with 4G Forcing profile

h) For Wideband tests on some phone models, such as the Samsung S3 I9305, select "Capture speech directly on the smartphone". This option moves part of the load from the PC to the smartphone.

Fig. 4-22: Capture speech directly on the smartphone


Click "Apply" and click "OK".

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7. Connect to the measurement system. 8. In the "Tasks" monitor, locate the task that you want to run, and then click the icon for the task in the "Start" column. ●

If you enabled the "Ask for task descriptions" option, type a description for the task in the "Task Description" dialog box, and then click "OK".

Note: The task does not start if a task is already running on the device or if the schedule conflicts with another scheduled task. If a task fails to start on a smartphone, Diversity reboots the phone, but you need to start the task again. If the task continues to fail, you might have to manually reboot the phone. The following states prevent a task start: ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●

StartUp Shutdown Error ConfigMissing UnitNotConnected NoTimeSync (This does not prevent a QualiPoc Remote Control start.) GPSNotReady (This does not prevent a QualiPoc Remote Control start.) ScannerNotReady (where applicable) DeviceDisabled UnitNotReady UnitTimeout1/2 NQCommNotRunning UnitDisabled LicenseMissing

► To stop the task, click the icon again. If you do not see the "Tasks" monitor, click "Tasks" on the main toolbar.

Defining a Speed Trigger Profile You can configure a task to start or to stop when a specific vehicle speed is reached. The trigger requires at least one valid GPS location. You can only use a speed trigger for single-sided tasks.

To create a speed trigger profile 1. On the "Tasks and Jobs" pane of the "Control" console of NQView, expand "Profiles" in the tree, expand "Triggers", right-click "Speed trigger", and click "Add speed trigger".

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Fig. 4-23: Speed trigger profile in NQView

2. Type a name for the profile. 3. Specify the "Speed threshold stop" in "km/h" and the minimum duration for the speed to be maintained in the "Measurement stop time" box. Note: When the speed drops below the threshold value for the duration that you specify, the task stops when the current test completes. 4. Specify the "Speed threshold start" in "km/h" and the duration for the minimum speed to be maintain in the "Measurement start time" box. The test starts when the speed remains above the threshold value for the duration that you specify. Note: A speed trigger profile does not support the "Minimum Task Duration to (re)start" option. 5. Specify the GPS timeout value in the "No GPS timer" box: ● ●

Enter the amount of time to wait for a valid GPS location before stopping the task. Enter 0 to use the last reported speed in the absence of a valid GPS position.

6. Assign the profile to a measurement task.

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Fig. 4-24: Measurement task with speed trigger profile

Note: ● If you specify "Cycles" for the job, the "Speed trigger" activation resets the cycles. ● If the "Job sequence" contains more than one item, the task restarts from the top of the list if the start "Speed trigger" activates.

About MultiRAB Tasks When you configure a MultiRAB task, NQView displays a chart of the job timings inside each fixed call window of the task.

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Fig. 4-25: MultiRAB task

Double-Sided MultiRAB Task You can run double-sided speech tests and double-sided messaging tests in parallel provided that the B-side device acts as the receiver for the double-sided messaging tests. For a list of the supported devices as well as the limitations, see the release notes.

Double-Sided SMS Tests For a double-sided SMS test, specify an "Initial pre-connect delay", for example, 10 seconds, in the "Job" window, and then enter the same value, for example, 2 minutes, in the following boxes: ●

"Window duration" box in the "Job" window

"Max duration" box in the "Data test" window

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Fig. 4-26: SMS Job window

Fig. 4-27: SMS Data test window

You cannot use "Circuit switched" or "Packet domain" as a "Service preference".

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Double-Sided MMS Tests For a double-sided MMS test, in the "Job" window, and enter the same value, for example, 2 minutes, in the following boxes: ●

"Window duration" box in the "Job" window

"Max duration" box in the "Data test" window

Fig. 4-28: MMS Job window

Fig. 4-29: MMS Data test window

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Unlike a double-sided SMS tests, you only need to specify an "Initial pre-connect delay" for certain phones. However, if your device performs a CFSB test at the start of an MMS receive test, you need to specify a relevant value for this delay. A MultiRAB task does not take "Protocol" into account, that is, "WAP" or "HTTP".

4.2.2 Creating and Running Campaigns If you want to start a group of tasks at the same time, you need to create a campaign. A campaign is especially useful when you want to synchronize the start of multiple voice measurement tasks. To create and run a measurement campaign 1. On the navigation panel of the "Control" console, click "Tasks and Jobs". 2. Right-click "Measurement tasks" in the tree and click "Add campaign". 3. In the "Name (ID)" box, type a name for the campaign.

Fig. 4-30: Creating a campaign

4. In the "Execution type" list, click one of the following options: ●

"Asynchronous campaign": For simple multiple tasks

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"Multichannel campaign": – Job measurement only starts after all the job transfers are complete and all the channels are ready Only one channel needs to complete the job transfer to synch the other channels. – Requires DTMF job transfer – All B-side devices must belong to the same unit – Only for unscheduled tasks – Tasks can be multiRAB, Best Effort, or a mixture of both

Fig. 4-31: Multichannel and asynchronous execution types

Note: Multichannel campaigns do not support NINA+ tasks. You cannot use the "Run on Phone" multiRAB option on Samsung phones. For a description on how to create a mobile to mobile multichannel campaign, see chapter, "Multichannel Campaign With Two Benchmarker Systems", on page 81. 5. Drag the tasks from the "Available tasks" list to the "Task in campaign" list. 6. Click "OK". ► To start a campaign, locate the campaign that you want to run, and then click the icon for the campaign in the "Start" column.

Multichannel Campaign With Two Benchmarker Systems This section describes how to create a multichannel mobile to mobile campaign with two different Benchmarker systems, with all of the B-Side mobiles on the same Benchmarker system.

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To create a B-Side Benchmarker system This procedure assumes that you have already created the A-Side Benchmarker system. 1. Add the B-Side Benchmarker system to the "System configuration" tree on the "Control" console in NQView.

Fig. 4-32: Unit group

Tip: To keep track of the B-Side CSMs, create a group, for example, B-side, and add the Benchmarker system to the group. 2. Add and configure the B-Side CSMs. On each B-Side CSM set the following options to "No connection/DTMF": ● ● ● ●

"NQComm control" "Unit control" "Job transfer send" "Job transfer listen"

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Fig. 4-33: B-Side CSM configuration

Note: Even though the B-Side CSMs must be in the same Benchmarker system, they do not need to be time-synchronized. 3. Add the B-Side mobile devices to the CSMs and configure the mobile options, including the "DTMF scan" option, which must be enabled.

Fig. 4-34: B-Side mobile devices

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Tip: You can use hardware detection to add the mobiles if the controlling PC is connected to the system. 4. Configure the measurement jobs, tasks, and campaign. Note: ● You cannot use the "Capture speech directly on the smartphone" option in a measurement task for a multichannel campaign. ● If the [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\SwissQual\ Diversity\Engine\RunTestOnPhone] Windows Key is present on the BSide CSM, for example, if you use the CSM as a Land Unit in a Mobile to Land Unit speech test scenario, change the value to 0.

B-Side Benchmarker with no time synchronization between the CSM units

A-Side “standard” Benchmarker

Fig. 4-35: A-Side and B-Side Benchmarker systems in NQView

4.2.3 Exporting and Importing Job Configurations You can export the configuration settings from a single job, from all the jobs that you have defined, from all the jobs in a measurement task, or from all of the jobs from all of

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the measurement tasks to a file in XML format. You can also import job settings at the job definition level. To export a job configuration 1. On the Navigation panel of the control console, click "Tasks and Jobs", and then expand "Job definitions" in the tree. 2. Export the job configuration. ● ●

To export the configuration of a single job, right-click the job, click "Export configuration", go to where you want to save the file and then click "OK". To export the configurations of all of the jobs in the list, right-click "Job definitions", click "Export configuration", go to where you want to save the file and then click "OK".

To export all the job configurations from a measurement task 1. On the Navigation panel of the control console, click "Tasks and Jobs", and then expand "Measurement tasks" in the tree. 2. Export the job configurations. ●

To export the job configurations from a single measurement task, right-click the measurement task, click "Export Job Configurations", go to where you want to save the file, and then click "OK". To export the job configurations from all of the measurement tasks, right-click "Measurement tasks", go to where you want to save the configuration file, and then click "OK".

To import job configuration settings 1. On the Navigation panel of the control console, click "Tasks and Jobs". 2. Right-click "Job definitions", click Import configuration, locate the XML file that contains the configuration, and then click "Open". Note: The names of the imported jobs in NQView include the import date, for example, Job_123 (2013-09-09).

4.2.4 Exporting and Importing Profiles You can only export and import "Forcing" and "Trigger" profiles. To export forcing and trigger profiles 1. On the Navigation panel of the control console, click "Tasks and Jobs", and then expand "Profiles" in the tree. 2. Export the profile.

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To export a single profile, right-click the "Forcing" or "Trigger" profile, click "Export forcing" or "Export trigger", go to where you want to save the profile, and then click "OK". To export all of the profiles, right-click "Forcings" or "Triggers", click "Export forcings" or "Export triggers", go to where you want to save the profile, and then click "OK".

To import forcing or trigger profiles 1. On the Navigation panel of the control console, click "Tasks and Jobs", and then expand "Profiles" in the tree. 2. Right-click "Forcings" or "Triggers", click "Import forcing" or "Import trigger", locate the XML file that contains the profile, and then click "Open".

4.2.5 Updating a BTS List You can use NQView to update the BTS list on your system from an FTP server. To enable the BTS update option in NQView This procedure assumes that you have created at least one FTP profile for your system configuration. 1. On the "File" menu, click "Settings". 2. In the tree, click "Map".

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Fig. 4-36: Enable BTS auto update

3. In the "BTS auto update from FTP" area, select "Enable BTS auto update". 4. In the "FTP profile" list, click a profile. 5. Click "Save & Close". To update a BTS file from NQView NQView restarts at the end of this procedure. 1. Upload the new BTS file to the directory on the FTP server that you have specified in the FTP profile. Note: The name of the BTS file must be BTSList.txt. For a description of the format of the BTS, see chapter 6.4, "BTS List", on page 108 or look at the C:\ProgramData\SwissQual\Diversity\NQView\MapBTS\ BTSThematic.xml file on the controlling PC. 2. On the "File" menu, click "Settings". 3. Click "Check for update" and click "Yes" in the message box that opens. NQView restarts when you click "Yes".

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Configuring Your Measurement System Remotely Updating SwissQual Software

4.3 Remotely Updating SwissQual Software This section describes how to remotely update the Diversity software on a CSM or PCM or the Qualipoc software on a QualiPoc smartphone in Remote Control mode. ► To prepare the Diversity software update, copy the file to the controlling PC. ► To prepare the QualiPoc software update, add one or more of the following files to a zip file with the name SWUpdate-QP-Android*.zip on the controlling PC. ● ● ● ●

QualiPoc - Android - XX.X.X.XX.apk SQuad08-ForAndroid-XX.X.X.XX.apk SQLookForSynch - Android- XX.X.X.XX.apk License key

Note: The package can only contain these files. You can name the update package or NQView does not recognize as a valid update file. If Remote Control mode is not enabled in the license key, the unit is lost after the update. To update SwissQual software remotely from NQView 1. On the "Control" console, click "System configuration". 2. In the tree, click the plus sign (+) beside "Profiles". 3. Right-click "Software update" and click "Add software update".

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Fig. 4-37: Add software update profile

4. Select the zip software update package for the unit. a) In the "Unit software update" window, click the browse button (...) and locate the update file. b) Click "Apply" and click "OK".

Fig. 4-38: Locate the update file

5. Update the measurement units.

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Configuring Your Measurement System Remotely Updating SwissQual Software

a) Right-click the software update profile in the tree, and then click "Execute update".

Fig. 4-39: Execute update

b) In the list, click the units that you want to update, and then click "Execute update".

Fig. 4-40: Select QualiPoc Remote Control unit to update

Note: During the QualiPoc update, NQView uploads the update package to the FTP server and sends an SMS to the QualiPoc Remote Control unit. If the unit does not use an SMS service, the update occurs at the next poll. The QualiPoc Remote Control unit downloads, verifies the update package from the FTP server, and runs the update.

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4.3.1 Monitoring the Update You can monitor the update process on the "Alerts and actions" tab of the NQView log. If the update package contains a combination of the SQuad08-ForAndroid-XX.X.X.XX.apk, SQLookForSynch - Android- XX.X.X.XX.apk, or license files, NQView updates the logs status to "Succeeded" when the update is complete. If the update package also contains the QualiPoc - Android - XX.X.X.XX.apk file, NQView updates the log status to "Succeeded" after the QualiPoc Remote Control unit restarts. If the update package contains more than one file, the QualiPoc - Android - XX.X.X.XX.apk update always runs last. If the update package contains files that are not compatible with QualiPoc, for example, a *.dll file, the update extracts the compatible files and sends a "Failed NQView". If the license has expired, a "Please update the license" message appears in the log.

Fig. 4-41: Monitoring the software update

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Monitoring Measurements Using Monitors

5 Monitoring Measurements This section describes the options that you have to monitor measurements in real-time or during the playback of a measurement file. Use the "Realtime" console to monitor a live measurement in NQView. NQView automatically connects to your configured units when you open this console. NQView has a color scheme for low light conditions, which you can activate by using one of the Windows high contrast themes.

Fig. 5-1: Low light color scheme

5.1 Using Monitors NQView provides several types of monitors which you can use to view a variety of numerical and text data measurement values in real-time or during the playback of a measurement file. ► To add a monitor to your workspace, double click the monitor in the tree or use the "Monitors" menu on the main toolbar.

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Monitoring Measurements Using Monitors

Fig. 5-2: WCDMA Spectrum Scanning monitor

► To add a value to a monitor, select a device, select a value in the tree, and then drag the value to the monitor. Note: NQView does not allow you to add values to incompatible monitors.

5.1.1 Monitoring Measurements in Real Time The "Realtime" console allows you to observe measurement data from the connected and enabled devices in real time. The "Devices" monitor is central to operating Optimizer. This monitor displays the device status and also allows provides you with controls to start and stop tasks. ► To display the "Devices" monitor, click "Open Devices" on the "Realtime" menu or click the "Open Devices" icon on the "Console" toolbar. ► To access the available commands for a device, right-click the device in the monitor. ► To view additional device information, for example, technology and test statistics double-click a device in the monitor.

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Fig. 5-3: Devices monitor

When an Android phone fails to operate correctly at the beginning of a measurement, the device status changes to not ready. If the device is a Samsung phone and is missing a SIM card, the log file contains an entry that advises you check the SIM card and reboot the device. If the phone is in an MCM, the phone automatically reboots when you update the configuration. If the phone is not in an MCM, you need to manually reboot the phone. However, Diversity only looks for the SIM card on startup. If you remove the SIM card during operation, Diversity does not detect the removal and simply shows the device as not ready.

Hardware Status Colors The following table describes the color scheme that NQView uses to indicate the current status of the measurement hardware. The Device toolbar and "Devices" monitor in the "Realtime" and "Replay" consoles use the same color scheme.

Status Color

Description Ready/OK Measuring Starting/Stopping/Hardware Detection (transitional states) Error No connection

5.1.2 Creating and Adding User Markers (Realtime Console Only) You can create text markers, such as Entering Tunnel, that you can manually add to your measurement file during a test.

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You can only add markers in "Live connect" mode.

To define a user marker 1. In the Navigation panel, click "User markers". 2. In the "Create marker" area, click "Add marker". 3. In the "Edit markers" dialog box, specify the settings for the marker, and then click "OK". To add a marker during a measurement 1. In the Navigation panel, click "User markers". 2. In the "User defined" area, click the marker.

5.1.3 Customizing Monitors ► To customize the monitor, for example, to change the background color, right-click the title bar of the monitor, and then click "Customize monitor". ► To view a list of the customization options, right-click in the monitor. ► To insert another monitor in the monitor window, drag to expand the window, rightclick in the empty space, and then select the monitor that you want to add. ► To save your changes, right-click the title bar and click "Finish customizing".

Fig. 5-4: Customize a monitor

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Monitoring Measurements Log Files

5.2 Log Files NQView produces the following type of logs: ●

Error: contains error and warning message types

System: contains transition and information message types

Communication: contains transition and information message types

5.2.1 Error Log The "Error log" tab at the bottom of the NQView window displays the errors and warnings that occur when you configure your system and while measurements are running. NQView continues to display these errors in bold until you dismiss the messages with the "Confirm all errors" button.

Fig. 5-5: Error Log tab

When errors occur, a red blinking warning appears on the status bar at the bottom of the window and a tone is played. ► To reset the error warning, click "Confirm all errors". ► To disable the error sound, right-click in the "Error log" window, and click "Play error sound". When the conditions that triggered the error are no longer present, NQView automatically dismisses the error message. For example, NQView automatically dismisses the "GPS not ready" error message upon reception of a "GPS ready" or "GPS has valid position" message.

Consecutively Failed Tests You can create a Windows Registry key to configure NQView to raise an alarm when a specific number of data tests consecutively fail within a data session.

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Fig. 5-6: Number of consecutively failed tests

NQView will only raise the alarm once during a session, even if more tests fail consecutively. If a successful test occurs during the series of failed tests, NQView restarts the count. To create an alarm for consecutively failed tests 1. Connect to the Diversity CSM or PCM Open the Windows Registry editor and go to the following location: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Swissqual\Diversity\ Engine\SVE\Alarms 2. Create a "String Value" key with the name "FailedTestsPerSessionThreshold". 3. Assign the key a value of 2 or higher. Note: To disable the alarm, set the key to 0.

Failed Tests With the Same ID in Consecutive Test Cycles You can create a Windows Registry key to configure NQView to raise an alarm when a data test with the same ID fails in consecutive test cycles.

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Fig. 5-7: Consecutively Failed Tests in different test cycles

NQView will only raise the alarm once during a measurement session, even if more tests with the same ID fail in consecutive test cycles. If a successful test occurs during the series of failed tests, NQView restarts the count. To create an alarm for failed tests with the same ID in consecutive test cycles 1. Connect to the Diversity CSM or PCM Open the Windows Registry editor and go to the following location: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Swissqual\Diversity\ Engine\SVE\Alarms 2. Create a "String Value" key with the name "FailedTestsPerMeasurementThreshold". 3. Assign the key a value of 5 or higher. Note: To disable the alarm, set the key to 0.

5.2.2 Downloading Log Files You can download log files from an individual device as well as all of the devices in a measurement system or group that is connected to the controlling PC. To download log files to the controlling PC 1. On the Navigation panel of "Control" console, click "System configuration". 2. Right-click a "Group", "Unit" or "Device" in the tree, and then click "Get log files".

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Monitoring Measurements Forcing a Device to use a Specific Technology (Realtime Console Only)

Fig. 5-8: Get log files

5.3 Forcing a Device to use a Specific Technology (Realtime Console Only) You can force a device to use a specific technology during a live measurement for example, GSM. To force a device to use a specific technology 1. On the "Realtime" menu, click "Device Forcing".

Fig. 5-9: Forcing dialog box

2. In the "Device" box, click the name of the device that you want to apply forcing to.

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Monitoring Measurements Rebooting Devices During a Measurement

3. In the "User forcings" area, select a technology in the "Technology" list, for example, "GSM". 4. Specify the options for the technology, for example "GSM cell barring", and then click "Apply forcing". Note: You can force to a special RF band or to a set of GSM or UMTS bands if the coverage and the service in the selected bands are known to be sufficient. However, if the coverage and the service for one or more of the bands are not sufficient, only use "Technology forcing".

5.4 Rebooting Devices During a Measurement During a measurement, you can reboot a CSM, PCM, or an individual measurement device that is connected to a CSM or PCM from the NQView. ► To reboot a CSM, PCM, or a measurement device that is connected to the CSM, right-click the CSM, PCM, or the device on the "System configuration" panel in the "Control" console, and then click "Reboot".

Fig. 5-10: Reboot a measurement device

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Monitoring Measurements Replaying Measurement Data

If you need to reboot a Benchmarker II system, press the power button on the CMR (Computer Module Rack) and after the system shuts down, press the power button again. The process is the same on a Benchmarker system, except that you need to press and hold the power button on the CBM.





Fig. 5-11: Benchmarker II system - CMR power button is the green button

5.5 Replaying Measurement Data You can use the "Replay" console to evaluate your data as you replay your measurement files.

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Monitoring Measurements Replaying Measurement Data

Fig. 5-12:

To replay a measurement data file 1. Click the "Replay" tab at the edge of the Navigation panel.

Fig. 5-13: Change to Replay console

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Monitoring Measurements Replaying Measurement Data

2. In the window that opens, locate the measurement file, and then click "Open". Note: When you load multiple measurement files, NQView uses the device ID to distinguish between the devices. NQView automatically assigns unique device IDs when you configure a system, for example, a Benchmarker II system. For QualiPoc Handheld and QualiPoc Freerider devices, you need to manually assign device IDs on the phones. For more information, see the Manual - QualiPoc Android.pdf and Manual - QualiPoc Freerider II.pdf files. 3. On the "Time" toolbar, click the "Play" button


4. On the "Devices" toolbar, click the device that you want to monitor. 5. Add your monitors to the workspace and then add the values to the monitors.

Fig. 5-14: Data Player time slider

Tip: Use the time slider to quickly navigate the playback.

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Realtime and Replay Tools Monitors

6 Realtime and Replay Tools This section describes the tools that you can use on the Realtime and Replay consoles in NQView in addition to the NQView monitors.

6.1 Monitors For a description of the monitors that you can use in the "Realtime" and "Replay" consoles, see chapter 3, "NQView Monitors", on page 26 and chapter 5, "Monitoring Measurements", on page 92.

6.2 Events You can configure NQView to use Events as special triggers to provide you with information when a specific event occurs, for example, a Serving Cell event or a Byte Counter or Call Seconds Threshold event. When you upgrade to 13.1, you will need to reassign the events that you had previously configured for a unit. To configure an event 1. Click "Open Events" on the "Replay" or "Realtime" menu. 2. Right-click an event category in the tree, for example, "Serving Cell", and then click "Create".

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Realtime and Replay Tools Events

Fig. 6-1: Create a new event

Tip: You can use a predefined SwissQual event as a starting point to create a custom event. Click the event in the tree and click "Edit event". 3. In the "Event" window, specify the trigger settings for the event. The following example describes how to create a Serving Cell event for a WCDMA phone.

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Realtime and Replay Tools Events

a) Type a name for the event as well as the "Group", "Subgroup", and "Result text".

Fig. 6-2: Event configuration window

b) Click the green plus sign beside "Event 1". c) Click an "Event type" in the list, specify the relevant parameters, and then click "Save".

Fig. 6-3: Event definition window

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Realtime and Replay Tools Operators

d) Click the pencil icon ● ●

and add a notification for the event.

Click the type of message box that you want in the list. To play a sound when the event occurs, click the green plus sign of the "Audio" box, locate the audio file, and then click "OK".

in front

Fig. 6-4: Event notification window

e) In the "Event" window, click "Save". Tip: You can use a predefined SwissQual event as a starting point to create a custom event. Click the event in the tree and click "Edit event". ► To edit an existing event, click the event in the tree, click "Edit event", and then follow the instruction in the wizard window. ► To delete an event, click the event in the tree, click "Delete event", and in the confirmation dialog box, click "OK". Note: You cannot delete a predefined SwissQual event.

6.3 Operators You can use the "Operators" tool to select the network operator information that you want NQView to use in a "Map" monitor. To quickly add network operator information for a country 1. On the "Data Presentation" menu, click "Configure Operators", and then click "Add country". Note: You can only access this command in "Idle" mode. 2. Click a country in the list and click "OK".

Fig. 6-5: Add operators for a country

3. Click a column heading and click a filtering option, for example, click "Country", and then click "Switzerland".

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Realtime and Replay Tools BTS List

Fig. 6-6: List of operators for a country

Note: You can use the commands at the bottom of the window to add, edit, and delete individual operators.

6.4 BTS List You can use this tool to add and edit your GSM, WCDMA, and LTE BTS lists for use in a map monitor. To edit a BTS list 1. On the "Data Presentation" menu, point to "Configure BTS list", and then click a network technology, for example, "GSM". 2. Click "Import". 3. (Optional) Select an operator in the list. Note: This list is empty if you did not add the operator information. 4. In the "Coordinate source format" area, click the format of the BTS file. ●

"X99-99-99": Where X is North (N), South (S), East (E), or West (W) and 99-99-99 is degrees-minutes-seconds, for example, LON = E47.27.30 and LAT = N17.80.30 "99.9999": Longitude and latitude in positive or negative numeric values, for example, LON = 47.62 and LAT = -7.8

5. Click "Open BTS File" locate the file with the BTS information, and then click "Open".

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Realtime and Replay Tools BTS List

Fig. 6-7: Import BTS dialog box

6. In the "Delimited ASCII Information" dialog box, click the options that apply to the format of the BTS list data in the file, and then click "OK".

Fig. 6-8: Delimited ASCII information

7. Match the fields in the file to the corresponding NQView fields. a) In the "Import BTS" window, click "Assign Fields".

Fig. 6-9: Import BTS list

b) In the "Field Assignment" dialog box, match each blank NQView field on the right with the corresponding field in the BTS list.

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Realtime and Replay Tools BTS List

c) Drag the corresponding field from the left to the blank field on the right.

Fig. 6-10: Field Assignment dialog box

Note: If the BTS list does not contain equivalent fields for all of the NQView fields on the right, you cannot import the import the file into NQView. Although NQView tries to match in the BTS file with the NQView fields, you might need to manually assign the fields. 8. Click "OK" and then click "Import". Table 6-1: Description of NQView Fields Field



Location Area Code, numeric value, decimal


Cell Identity, numeric value, decimal


Broadcast Control Channel frequency number, numeric value, decimal


Base Station Identity Code, numeric value, decimal Format: Bit 1-3: BCC, Bit 4-6: NCC, Bit 7-8: 0 For more information, see table 6-2.

"Longitude, Latitude"

Geographic position of the BTS in WGS84, float values or in Degrees, minutes, and seconds (DD MM SS) including the direction (N=North, W= West)


Indicates the direction of the antenna between 0° and 360°

"Cell Name"

Name of the BTS, free text (maximum 50 characters). If the name contains spaces, you enclose the name with quotation marks ("), for example, “cell name 1”.

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Realtime and Replay Tools Value Filter

Table 6-2: BSIC format 8












6.5 Value Filter ► To change the values that you see in the Navigation pane, click "Define Values Filter" on the "Data Presentation" menu, select the values that you want to see, and then click "Apply".

Fig. 6-11: Value filter dialog box

6.6 Import/Export Settings This section describes how to import and export NQView program settings. You can import and use these settings in other NQView installations. To export NQView Settings 1. Configure the NQView settings that you want to export. 2. On the "File" menu, point to "Import/Export" settings, and then click "Export". 3. In the "Export" dialog box, select the NQView settings that you want to export, and then click "Export".

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Realtime and Replay Tools Import/Export Settings

Fig. 6-12: Export window

4. Browse to the folder where you want to export the settings and click "Save". To import settings into NQView 1. On the "File" menu, point to "Import/Export" settings, and then click "Import". 2. Click "Load import" file, locate the NQView settings file in *.NQViewExport format, and then click "Open".

Fig. 6-13: Import window

3. In the "Import dialog" box, select the settings that you want to import, and then click "Import". 4. If a confirmation dialog box opens, click "Yes", and then click "OK".

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Realtime and Replay Tools Safe Driver Mode (Hands-Free Operation)

6.7 Safe Driver Mode (Hands-Free Operation) The "Safe Driver" mode is a hands-free option that automatically opens a predefined NQView workspace when your vehicle reaches a specific speed. When NQView enters "Safe Driver" mode, all unsaved data in the current workspace is lost. ► To activate "Safe Driver" mode, click "Activate Safe Driver Mode" on the "Realtime" menu or press CTRL+F1. Note: This keyboard shortcut is always available even if you select the "Block keyboard/mouse" option in the "Safe Driver" mode settings dialog box. A red car icon appears in the Status bar when NQView is in "Safe Driver" mode.

Fig. 6-14: Safe Driver mode car icon on the Status bar

► To deactivate "Safe Driver" mode, click "Activate Safe Driver Mode" on the "Realtime" menu again or press CTRL+F1.

6.8 Shade Editor You can use this editor to change some of the display settings, including the color of the following items. Table 6-3: Description of the settings on the Shade editor Setting



Specifies the displays settings for individual values. To use these settings in value monitors, choose "Shade by value".

"Signaling (Layer 3)"

Specifies the display settings for Layer 3 values. NQView uses the custom shade in the "Event" monitor.


Specifies the display settings for units. In value monitors, select "Shade by Unit".

"Device #"

Specifies the display settings for NQView device numbers. In value monitors, select "Shade by device" number.


Specifies the display settings for each technology in the system status or the technology history monitor.

"Data Technology"

Specifies the display settings for each data technology in the technology history monitor.

"System status"

Specifies the display settings for data, voice, and video results in the system status monitor.

To change the display options for values or events 1. On the "Data Presentation" menu, click "Configure Value Shades".

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Realtime and Replay Tools Shade Editor

Fig. 6-15: Shade Editor

The contents of the Shade Editor window depend on the type of value that you select. For example, string-based values only have string values whereas numerical values can have fixed and individual ranges. 2. At the top of the of the "Shade Editor" window, click a tab, for example, "Values". 3. Click an item in the tree on the left. 4. Specify the display options for the item, click "Apply", and then click "Close".

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Exporting Data From a Measurement File

7 Exporting Data From a Measurement File You can export data from a measurement file to a file in CSV format in the following ways: ●

From the "Replay" console in the full version of NQView

From Data Exporter, a standalone version of NQView

To export data from a measurement file 1. ● ●

In the full version of NQView, change to the "Replay" console, and then click change to the click "Export Data" on the "Replay" menu. If you have the Data Exporter version of NQView, double-click the NQView icon on the Desktop.

2. Locate a measurement file and click "Open". 3. Drag items from the tree on the left to the pane on the right.

Fig. 7-1: Data Export dialog box

4. Click "Export", go to where you want to save the file, and then click "Save".

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Exporting Data From a Measurement File

Use the "Save config" option to save the current export template with the parameters that you added. Use the "Load config" option the next time you want to export a measurement file with the same parameters.

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Voice Job Timings Configuration

A Voice Job Timings Configuration This section describes the parameters on the Intrusive job configuration dialog box. This information is also available in the NQView online help.

Fig. 1-1: Intrusive Job configuration Table 1-1: Description of the Intrusive Job Parameters Parameter


"Test sequence repetition"

Specifies how often to repeat the sequence of defined tests

"Record hang-over"

The default value is 2000 ms, however, 1000 ms is usually sufficient for mobile to land unit (M2L) calls. The record hang-over covers the signal delay on the channel.

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Voice Job Timings Configuration



"Allow call re-establishment"

Keeps the Diversity VoiceEngine open if a connection drops and waits for the mobile phone to re-establish the call, so that the measurements can continue. At the end of the "Call Duration" value that you specify on the "Timings" tab, the phone drops the call. Only some network operators allow mobile phones to re-establish a dropped call. In both cases, the call status changes to "Dropped". You can also use this option for an intrusive (double-ended) test.

"Video call settings"

You can use the voice channel of a video call connection to run each of the intrusive measurements. For more information see the Manual - Video telephony.pdf document.

"Window duration"

Time for a Mobile Originated Calls (MOC) or Mobile Terminated Calls (MTC) window. For NetQual, MOC means A to B and MTC means B to A. Within a window, the system performs 0 or more tests calls. Such calls can either be started and terminated by the mobile unit. This parameter is extremely important and is always respected during the test session to keep the A-side and the B-side synchronized.

"Use call duration to abort call"

Terminates the call when the pre-configured call duration expires and makes the Dedicated Mode part of a test fixed. If you want the call to terminate after the tests are completed, clear the check mark from this box. If you uncheck the option, the duration of a test depends on the Call Setup Time and on the Calculation Time of the algorithm, both of which are not fixed. As a result, the ratio between Dedicated Mode and Idle Mode of a test is not fixed.

"Call duration"

Time between the dial command and disconnect

"Pause duration"

Time in seconds between the last call termination and the next dial command

"First call setup delay"

Time between the start of a new window and the first call setup

"Guard time"

Time in seconds before the end of the window where all ongoing calls are disconnected by the system to ensure that the next measurement window can start immediately.

"No call setup time"

Time before the end of the window when no new calls are started

"Average call setup time"

Time which is used to calculate the remaining time for the tests within a call. This value directly affects the total duration.

"MOC : MTC ratio"

Specify the ratio of MOC windows to MTC windows For QualiPoc speech tests, you must set this parameter to 1:0.

"Pause after max failed calls"

Time that the system uses to pause after a failed call setup. This can be different from the normal pause time between calls.

"Max failed calls"

Maximum number of consecutive failed calls. In the case of a failed call, the Window duration always applies. The A-side and the B-side must remain synchronized during the whole test, even if a failed call occurs. By definition, a failed call can not be acknowledged by the B-side.

"Pause after max failed calls"

Time that the system uses to pause after a failed call setup. This can be different from the normal pause time between calls.

"Max call setup time"

Maximum time for call setup

"Alerting timeout"

Time in seconds between Channel Request and Alerting. If this value is > 0, then the call terminates if the alerting signal is not received within the specified time after a channel request. This parameter is only applicable for mobile devices.

"No connection timeout"

If no MOC or MTC calls occur within this time, the system stops.

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Monitor Commands Common Commands

B Monitor Commands This section describes the commands that are available when you right-click in an NQView monitor. Table 2-1: Change Monitor source Name


"Change Monitors source device"

Allows you to select a different source device for the measurement values. You need to be connected to more than one device to use this feature.

B.1 Common Commands The following context menu commands are available several types of monitors: ●

"Value Type"


B.1.1 Title Bar Commands Table 2-2: Title bar commands for a monitor Name


"Move to page"

Moves the monitor to another workspace page.

"Clear all content"

Removes the content from the monitor.

"Customize monitor"

Allows you to customize various settings on the monitor.

"Rename monitor"

Allows you to assign a custom name to the monitor.

"Save as new monitor"

Allows you to reuse your custom monitor.

"Change value source"

Specifies the measurement device for the monitor.

B.1.2 Value Titles Command This command allows you to specify the values titles to display in a monitor. The "Value" titles command is available in the following types of monitors: ●



"Bar chart"

"Line chart"

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Monitor Commands List Monitor Commands

Table 2-3: Value Titles context menu Name


"Unit title" "Device title" "Value title"

● ●

"Off": Disables value titles "Name": Displays value titles

B.1.3 Shade Command The "Shade" command is available in the following types of monitors: ●

" List"


"Bar chart"

"Line chart"

To specify the shading options for the items that you see in the context menu, click "Shade Editor" on the "Tools" menu in the main NQView window. Table 2-4: Shade context menu Name


"Shading type"

● ● ● ●

"None": Uses black as the default color for all items "By value": Specifies the display color of values in the monitor "By unit": Specifies the display color of units in the monitor "By alias": Specifies the display color of aliases in the monitor


● ●

"Edit width": Specifies the width of the line in pixels "Change color": Specifies the color of the line

B.2 List Monitor Commands Table 2-5: Items on the context menu of a List monitor Name


"Value titles"

See chapter B.1.2, "Value Titles Command", on page 119.

"Clear all content"

Removes all content from the monitor.


Removes the value that you select from the monitor.

"Font Size"

Adjusts the font size of the lists elements.

"Shade "

See chapter B.1.3, "Shade Command", on page 120.

"Show progress bar"

Displays the values as a progress bar.

"Value alignment"

Sets the alignment of the values in the monitor to left or centered.

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Monitor Commands Table Monitor Commands

B.3 Table Monitor Commands Table 2-6: Items on the context menu of a List monitor Name


"Value titles"

See chapter B.1.2, "Value Titles Command", on page 119.


Removes the values that you select from the monitor.


Automatically scrolls through values as the values arrive.

"Shade => Shading type"

See chapter B.1.3, "Shade Command", on page 120.

"Tile columns width"

Adjusts each column to equal widths.

"Message alive time"

Specifies the amount of time before NQView automatically discards a long message from a table monitor. The default amount is five minutes

B.4 Bar Chart Monitor Commands Table 2-7: Items on the context menu of a Bar Chart monitor Name


"Value titles"

See chapter B.1.2, "Value Titles Command", on page 119.

"Clear all content"

Removes all content from the monitor.


Removes the values that you select from the monitor.

"Show axes"

Shows or hides vertical axes.

"Shade => Shading type"

See chapter B.1.3, "Shade Command", on page 120.

"3D view"

Displays chart in 3D or 2D.

B.5 Line Chart Monitor Commands Table 2-8: Items on the context menu for a Line Chart monitor Name



Put actual series in front of others or send it to the back

"Value titles"

See chapter B.1.2, "Value Titles Command", on page 119.


Removes the values that you select from the monitor.

"Set buffer length"

Specifies the amount of time that the X-axis represents. The default value is 600 s.

"Vertical axis boundaries"

Specifies the minimum and maximum values to display on the Y-axis.

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Monitor Commands Layer3 Commands



"Plot type"

Allows you to specify the plot options. ● "Add area brush": Fills the area under the line with color ● "Switch to bar presentation": Displays values as bars instead of lines ● "Switch to line presentation": Displays values as lines instead of bars ● "3D view": Displays chart in 3D or 2D


● ●

"Shading type" "Line"

See chapter B.1.3, "Shade Command", on page 120.

B.6 Layer3 Commands Table 2-9: Items on the context menu of a Layer3 monitor Name


"Show last message Displays the time when the message arrived. time" "Autoscroll"

Automatically scrolls through values as the values arrive.

"Text marker"

Specifies the text color of the layer 3 message type that you select.

"Show details"

Shows or hides the message details panel on the right side of the monitor window.

B.7 Monitor Title Bar Commands Table 2-10: Items on the context menu for the title bar of a monitor Name


"Move to page"

Moves the monitor to another workspace page.

"Clear all content"

Removes all content from the monitor.

"Customize monitor"

Allows you to customize various settings on the monitor.

"Rename monitor"

Allows you to assign a custom name to the monitor.

"Save as new mon- Allows you to reuse your custom monitor. itor" "Change value source"

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Specifies the measurement device for the monitor.


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NQView Database Updating the Database

C NQView Database This section provides information about the NQView database.

C.1 Updating the Database NQView automatically updates the currently connected database after you install a software update. Do not connect the updated database to different software versions of NQView.

C.2 Creating a Backup of the Database The Diversity software update process automatically creates a backup of the existing database in the default backup location of the MS SQL server. ► To manually create a database backup, for example, before you add new measurement units, click "Settings" on the "Tools" menu, click "Database" in the "Settings" tree, and then click "Backup database". ► To manually restore the database, click "Settings" on the "Tools" menu, click "Database" in the "Settings" tree, click "Logout from database", and then click "Restore database".

C.3 Structure of the Database This section provides a basic description of the tables in the database that stores the system and test configuration. The NQView database contains the data to manage and to operate all manageable SwissQual measurement systems. The database is also the information repository for the following applications: ●



NQWeb AutomationAgent

NQWeb SystemInspector

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NQView Database Database Tables

Use SystemInspector to monitor the units and devices in the NQView database. Do not query the database directly for read operations. Do not modify the contents of this database directly with write operations. Such modifications can lead to data inconsistency and can prevent your test system from operating properly or at all. If you are unsure of what you can do, contact our support center. Please consult the Customer Support Center.pdf document for the best method to contact us.

C.4 Database Tables Table 3-1: Description of the tables in the NQView database Table Name



Access points and SMSC numbers


Application profiles for VoIP tests


Membership of tasks in campaigns


Group of tasks to start and execute together


Group of devices for use with tasks


Base device information: Specific information for each device type is in a separate table


Membership of devices in device groups


Membership of subscribers in devices


Serving cell information that arrives by SMS from QualiPoc units


Additional device information that depends on the device type


Technology or Band forcings


Base job information


Option settings for jobs


Timings for different job types


NQComm status information


Settings that NQComm accesses directly


Mobile operator network data


Remote connection definitions


Data recording definitions


Data recording detail definitions


QualiPoc SMS profiles


Time synchronization detail definitions

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NQView Database Database Tables

Table Name



Unit profiles for different types of units


Unattended and Remote Control upload profiles


User agent detail definitions (user agents for data tests)


Network providers


Base reference file information If you want to use your own reference files for data testing, you can either add the files to this table, for example, as you would any other ReferenceType FTP, or you can put the files in this folder: \SwissQual\Diversity\CustomReferences\Data\ Copy the files on the controlling computer so you can select the files in NQView. You also need to copy the files to the same folder on each measurement unit. The files can be used by the Diversity Core measurement engines for the actual test.


Extended reference file information based on the reference type


Test result summaries (received by SMS)


System-wide settings that NQView uses internally. "DisableCampaignCRC": The CRC check prevents running campaigns that have been changed in NQView and the information on the executing measurement unit with No connection/DTMF is no longer up-to-date. Setting this to "False" is only required for lab testing and is not recommended.


Subscriber information (numbers, voice box information)


Membership of jobs in tasks


Task definitions


Base test information


Extended test information based on the test type


Trace mask information for device setup


Base trigger information


Extended trigger information based on the trigger type


Unit alerts that are received from remote units


Unit groups, either standard or system specific


Messages from units and NQComm


Unit GPS position data


Unit configuration


Unit status reports for Explorer units


Remote software updates for all kinds of units


Database version information

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NQView Database References

C.5 References You can use the Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio for an in-depth analysis of the tables and to view the constraints of the tables. More specifically, you can use the database diagram functionality to obtain a graphical overview of the tables and table relationships.

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NQComm Windows Service Command Line Parameters

D NQComm Windows Service This section describes the NQComm Windows service that enables communication between NQView and Diversity measurement units, QualiPoc measurement units, and SQL databases. This service, which is part of the NQView installation, runs in the background and is started by NQView on demand. ► To configure NQComm, click "Settings" on the "Tools" menu, and then click "NQComm" in the tree.

Fig. 4-1: NQComm settings

D.1 Command Line Parameters This section describes the command line parameters that you can use with NQComm. However, in normal usage, you do not need these parameters. If you need to separate the NQComm unit management and result download functions due to bandwidth limitations, use the following command line parameters: ●

-m : Manages the units but does not download the results

-d : Only downloads and unzips the measurement result files The instance id identifies the units that the NQComm instance handles. If this value is 0, NQComm handles all of the units.

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NQComm Windows Service Database

You cannot assign specific units to NQComm instances. Instead, you need to make this assignment directly in the SQL database with the following format: table Units, fields UM_InstanceID for option –m or DL_InstanceID for option –d ●

-n : Allows you to open more than one NQComm instance on a single server. The settings for each instance come from a distinct INI file. The log files for each instance are kept in different directories. – %ALLUSERSPROFILE%\ SwissQual\Diversity\Log\NQComm\ NQComm.log

► To view the log in NQView, click "Log Output" on the "View" menu, and then click the "Communication log" tab in the "Log output" area at the bottom of the page.

D.2 Database NQComm reads the initial database settings from the %ALLUSERSPROFILE%\ SwissQual\Diversity\ NQComm\DB.ini file, which is updated automatically by NQView when you select a different database.

D.3 Setting Service Recovery Options In a default NQView installation NQComm is on the same computer and NQView starts the NQComm service when required. If NQComm is on a different computer, the Windows Services Control Panel offers built-in recovery options. ► To specify the recovery options for NQComm, open the "Services" window, rightclick "NQComm", click "Properties", and then click the "Recovery" tab.

D.4 Configuring NQComm Restart Options When you run NQView without Windows administrator rights, NQComm does not automatically restart, for example, after a timeout or a shutdown. However, you can manually reconfigure the restart options for NQComm. To manually reconfigure the restart options of NQComm 1. On the machine that contains NQView installation, log in to Windows with Administrator rights. 2. In the "Search programs and files" box on the Windows Start menu type services.msc. 3. In the "Services (Local)" list double-click "NQComm".

User Manual 6378258439 ─ 02


SwissQual®... NetQual

NQComm Windows Service Configuring NQComm Restart Options

4. On the "Recovery" tab of the "NQComm Properties" dialog box change the following response options to "Restart the Service": ● ● ●

"First failure" "Second failure" "Subsequent failures"

Fig. 4-2: Restart NQComm

5. Click "Apply" and click "OK".

User Manual 6378258439 ─ 02


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