Manual KAPTOR - EN - VS 1.0 Rev 20-07-16 PDF

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F i r m w a r e V e r s i on on 5 0 0 N M 0 2   VS 1.0

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KAPTOR MULTI ......................................................................................................................... ........................................................................................................................................ ............... 1 

IP68 MULTI-PURPOSE DATALOGGER ......................................................................................... ......................................................................................... 1  WITH DATA TRANSMISSION ................................................................................ .......................................................................................................... ........................... 1  1  2 

GENERAL DESCRIPTION.................................................................................................................. .................................................................................................................. 6  MAIN FEATURES F EATURES AND APPLICATIONS ........................................................................................ ........................................................................................ 7  

PACKING LIST KAPTOR MULTI.......................................................................... MULTI..................................................................................................... ........................... 8  

3.1  3.2  3.3  3.4  3.5  3.6  3.7  4 

PACKING LIST MODULE TTFM-V18-KA TTFM-V18-KAPTOR PTOR ............................................................................... 9  PACKING LIST MODULE OCM-KDO-KA OCM-KDO-KAPTOR PTOR .......................................................................... ............................................................................. ... 11  PACKING LIST PRESSURE PIEZORESISTIVE MODULE MP-AI-KA MP-AI-KAPTOR PTOR ......................................... 12  PACKING LIST BATTERY PACK  KAPTOR.................................................................................. .................................................................................. 12  PACKING LIST SMART ULTRASOUND SENSOR MODULE FOR LEVEL MEASUREMENT  ..................  .................... .. 13  PACKING LIST HYDROSTATIC LEVEL SENSOR MODULE .............................  ................................................................ ................................... 14  PACKING LIST I NDUCTIVE CONDUCTIVITY SENSOR MODULE ....................................................  ....................................................... ... 15 

TECHNICAL/ELECTRICA TECHNICAL /ELECTRICAL/MECHANICAL L/MECHANICAL FEATURES ......................................................... ......................................................... 16 


KAPTOR  MULTI DATALOGGER U NIT ............................................  .......................................................................................... .............................................. 16 

4.1.1  4.1.2  4.1.3  4.1.4 

 Battery Charger for KAPTOR KAPTOR MULTI and External External Battery Pack - EBP ............................. 18   KAPTOR MULTI External Power Supply Cable.................................................................... Cable.................................................................... 19  Cable for KAPTOR MULTI Analog Inputs connection .......................................................... .......................................................... 20   Cable for KAPTOR MULTI Digital Inputs Connection ......................................................... ......................................................... 21 

4.2.1  4.2.2  4.2.3  4.2.4  4.2.5  4.2.6   4.2.7   4.2.8  

Outputs TTFM-V18-KAPTOR TTFM-V18-KAPTOR ................................................................................................ ................................................................................................ 24   Clamp-on Sensors for TTFM-V18-KAPTOR TTFM-V18-KAPTOR module ............................................................. ............................................................. 25    Insertion Sensors for TTFM-V18-KAPTOR TTFM-V18-KAPTOR Module Module .............................................................. .............................................................. 26   Cable for TTFM-V18-KAPTOR TTFM-V18-KAPTOR Module Output Connection ................................................. 28   Water-proof Paper for “Z” method Transit Time Sensors’ Installation ................................ 28   Coupling paste for clamp-on cl amp-on sensors ..................................................................... ..................................................................................... ................ 29   Stainless steel guides for clamp-on sensors Installation ........................................................ 29  Chains for Clamp-on sensors installation .............................................................................. .............................................................................. 30 

4.2  ULTRASONIC TRANSIT TIME MODULE .............................................................................  ........................................................................................... .............. 22  TTFM-V18-KAPTOR TTFM-V18-KA PTOR ................................................................................. ................................................................................................................................ ............................................... 22 


FLOW R ATE ATE DOPPLER MODULE OCM-KDO-KA OCM-KDO-KAPTOR PTOR ................................................................ 31 

4.4 4.5 

RESSURE SENSORS FOR KAPTOR  MULTI ................................................................................... P ..................................... .............................................. 34  EXTERNAL BATTERIES FOR KAPTOR  MULTI ..................................................... .............................................................................. ......................... 35



WIRING AND CONNECTIONS........................................................................................................ ........................................................................................................ 36  

5.1  5.2  5.3 

WARNINGS FOR PROTECTION GRADE CONSERVATION OF THE FRONTAL PANEL  ...............  ............................ ............. 38  ACTIVATION OF THE INSTRUMENT ................................................................................................. 39  EXTERNAL POWER SUPPLY AND BATTERY CHARGING ................................................................... 39 

5.4  5.5  5.6  5.7  5.8  5.9 

CONNECTION OF EXTERNAL BATTERY PACK  ..................................................................................  .................................................................................. 42  SERIAL CONNECTION TO A PC ........................................................................................................ ........................................................................................................ 42  SD CARD I NSERTION ..............................................................................................  ...................................................................................................................... ........................ 43  SIM CARD I NSERTION ....................................................................................................................  .................................................................................................................... 45  A NTENNA CONNECTION FOR DATA TRANSMISSION .........................  ........................................................................ ............................................... 48  SENSORS CONNECTION TO ANALOG INPUTS  ................................................................................... 52 

5.10 5.11  

DIGITAL INPUTS CONNECTION ....................................................................  ........................................................................................................ .................................... 54  CONNECTION OF FLOWRATE MODULES OCM-KDO-KAPTOR  AND  AND ..........................................  ............................................. ... 54 

5.3.1  5.3.2 

 Battery charging ..................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................... 40   External power supply ............................................................................................................ ............................................................................................................ 41 

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TTFM-V18-KAPTOR TTFM-V18-KA PTOR ................................................................................................................................ ................................................................................................................................ 54  6 

USER INTERFACE ............................................................................... ............................................................................................................................. .............................................. 57 

OPERATION MODE................................ MODE.................................................................................................. ........................................................................................... ......................... 58 

7.1  7.2 

OPERATION MODE: LOW POWER /INTERMITTENT ...............................................................  ............................................................................ ............. 58  OPERATION MODE: CONTINUOUS................................................................. .................................................................................................... ................................... 59 


OPERATION MODE: DATA TRANSMISSION ....................................................................................... ....................................................................................... 59 

8.1  8.2 

MENU ACTIVATION ......................................................................................................................... ......................................................................................................................... 61  MENU DISPLAY ANALYSIS ..................................................................................................  .............................................................................................................. ............ 61 

8.3  8.4 

A NALYSIS MENU WINDOWS MODULE OCM-KDOOCM-KDO-KAPTOR KAPTOR ...................................................... 91  A NALYSIS MENU WINDOWS MODULE TTFM-V18_KA TTFM-V18_KAPTOR PTOR ...................................................... ...................................................... 99 

WINDOWS DISPLAY ......................................................................................................................... ......................................................................................................................... 60  

8.2.1  8.2.2  8.2.3  8.2.4  8.2.5  8.2.6   8.2.7   8.2.8   8.2.9  8.2.10 

 Menu Instant Display with with module TTFM-V18-KAPTOR TTFM-V18-KAPTOR...................................................... 61   Menu Instant Display with with module OCM-KDO-KAPTOR OCM-KDO-KAPTOR ..................................................... 62   Menu configuration of flow rate modules modules ............................................................................... ............................................................................... 63   Menu Instant Display Generals Generals .............................................................................................. .............................................................................................. 63   Menu System General Settings ............................................................................................... ............................................................................................... 64   Menu Datalogging Settings ................................................................ .................................................................................................... .................................... 67   Settings Data Transmission ................................................................ .................................................................................................... .................................... 76    Menu SMS configuration ......................................................... ........................................................................................................ ............................................... 80   Menu Input configuration ....................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................... 83   Menu test ............................................................................................. ................................................................................................................................ ................................... 89 

 Menu Display Flow - Totalizers Totalizers ............................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................. 99   Menu Settings Measure ........................................................................................................................ ........................................................................................................................ 100  Settings Flow Measurements Units ................................................................... ...................................................................................................... ................................... 106   Settings Totalizers ................................................................................................................................ ................................................................................................................................ 106    Language Settings ..................................................................... ................................................................................................................................ ........................................................... 108    Menu Calibration ........................................................... ............................................................................................................................. ...................................................................... .... 108   Settings Proportional Outputs:............................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................. 111    Menu instrument identification............................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................. 116    Menu Diagnostics ............................................................................................................................ ................................................................................................................................. ..... 118  


9.1  9.2 

SENSORS TECHNICAL I NFORMATION ............................................................................................ ............................................................................................ 120  FUNCTIONING PRINCIPLE DOPPLER SENSORS .............................................................................. 120 

9.2.1  9.2.2  9.2.3 

 Level Measurement............................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................... 122   Level Measurement via Pressure........................................................ .......................................................................................... .................................. 122  Flow Velocity Measurement ................................................................................................. ................................................................................................. 122 


 Installation Wedge Sensor with Mounting Collar CL-PTF-200/800-A301 CL-PTF-200/800-A301 .......................... 126  

9.5.1  9.5.2 

 Hot-tap Sensor Installation with ball valve B/IM9020112 ................................................... 129   Hot-tap Installation Insertion ............................................................ ............................................................................................... ................................... 131 

9.6.1  9.6.2 

Wedge Sensor Positioning ......................................................... .................................................................................................... ........................................... 134  Positioning Hot-tap Insertion Sensor ................................................................................... ................................................................................... 138  

9.3  9.4 

I NSTALLATION ..............................................................................................................................  .............................................................................................................................. 124  WEDGE VERSION TYPE OCM-KDOOCM-KDO-KAPTOR KAPTOR................................ ............................................................................ ............................................ 125 


I NSERTION SENSOR TYPE OCM-KD OCM-KDO-R007-KAPTO O-R007-KAPTOR R .............................................................. 128  


SENSOR POSITIONING ...................................................................................................................  ................................................................................................................... 134 


MAINTENANCE AND CLEANING .......................................................................................... ................................................................................................... .......... 140 


10.1  10.2 

INSTALLATION INSTALLA TION AND ACTIVATION MODULE TTFM-V18-KAPTOR ............................. ............................. 142  

MOUNTING METHODS OF TRANSDUCERS ..................................................................................... .................................................................................... 142  I NSTALLATION CLAMP-ON SENSORS ............................................................  ............................................................................................ ................................ 145 

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  10.2.1  10.2.2  10.2.3 

 Identification Measurement Point ........................................................................................ ........................................................................................ 145   Necessary information............................................................ .......................................................................................................... .............................................. 146    Instructions Mounting Clamp-on Clamp-on Sensors ............................................................................ ............................................................................ 147  

10.3.1  10.3.2  10.3.3 

Finding Measurement Point ................................................................................................. ................................................................................................. 153   Necessary Information............................................................. .......................................................................................................... ............................................. 154   Mounting Instructions for Insertion Insertion Sensors ........................................................................ ........................................................................ 156  


ATE SENSORS ....................................... I NSTALLATION I NSERTION FLOW R ATE  ........................................................................ ................................. 153 

10.4  10.5  10.6 

ULTRASOUND SENSORS MOUNTING A NALYSIS ...........................................................................  ........................................................................... 159  AUTO-DIAGNOSIS AND TROUBLESHOOTING FOR MODULE TTFM-V18-KA TTFM-V18-KAPTOR PTOR ...................... 160  CODE ERROR AND POSSIBLE REMEDIES TTFM-V18-KAP TTFM-V18-KAPTOR TOR ................................................... 161 


DATA TRANSMISSION MODE.................................................................................................. MODE.................................................................................................. 162  



11.1.1  11.1.2 


12.1  12.2  13 

MODE ..................................................... ...................................................................................................................... .............................................................................. ............ 162 

 Instrument configuration for for data sending HTTP mode mode....................................................... 163  Our portal “portale.bmtecnologie” ..................................................................................... ..................................................................................... 164 

APPENDIX ..................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................... 167 

SOUND SPEED –  SOLIDS................................................................. .............................................................................................................. ............................................. 167  SOUND SPEED IN WATER AT SELECTED TEMPERATURES ............................................................ 169  CERTIFICATIONS: CERTIFICATION S: ..................................................................................... ...................................................................................................................... ................................. 171 

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1 General General descrip tion With KAPTOR   MULTI   B.M. Tecnologie Industriali has developed and introduced in the Water Flow Measurement Market a multi-purpose Data Logger for measurement both in full pipes and open channels. channels. KAPTOR   MULTI   is a Data Logger developed for measuring in networks, aqueducts and sewerages. Depending on the applications, it can be equipped with the module TTFM KAPTOR , OCM KAPTOR or MP-AI-KAPTOR . These three different modules, combined together with the analog and digital inputs of KAPTOR MULTI, can acquire pressure, level and flow from external sensors/units to suit every application in Water Market. KAPTOR  MULTI  MULTI has a rechargeable battery LiFePOH4 40 Ah lasting up to one year and it can be powered by a universal mains too. It acquires data in an internal 4MB memory (266144 data acquisition) and in an external 8GB SD card.   The acquired data together with the diagnostics signals, can be remotely transmitted through a built-in GSM/GPRS modem. The IP68 protection rate of the Data Logger unit and of its modules, complete the excellent performances of this device. The advanced configuration menu can guide in a few steps, through a display and a keypad, even a few-experienced operator on about how to use KAPTOR  MULTI.  MULTI.  A sophisticated diagnostic system, withand, a smart interface, allows user to understand quickly if the measurements is correct if not,user to identify what the problems pthe roblems are. 3 EXTERNAL MODULES FOR KAPTOR  MULTI  MULTI  TTFM KAPTOR  is   is the Ultrasonic Ultrasonic Flow  Flow Meter Module, using clamp-on external sensors or insertion sensors for flow measurement on full pipes.  pipes.   OCM KAPTOR   is the Doppler Doppler   Flow Meter Module, using wedge sensors on Open Channels and insertion sensors on full pipes. MP-AI-KAPTOR is the Module for relative Pressure Pressure   measurement. It can be used alone or together with TTFM KAPTOR or OCM KAPTOR.

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2 Ma Main in fea features tures and applications application s      

  s     e   r   u      t   a     e    F   n      i   a    M    

Flow measurement in full pipes Doppler flow measurement in open channels Protection rate IP68 Battery life: up to 1 year, expandable Compact and easy to install Digital and analog inputs for external sensors Data acquisition on internal memory and SD card Data transmission to a remote system via GPRS Software for management“Hydroflux” and configuration

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   

  s     n   o      i    t     a   c    i    l     p   p    A   n     i   a     M        

Search for Water Losses in Aqueduct Search for Extraneous Waters in sewerages DMAs – District Metered Areas Check of fire system Calibration of Numerical Models Measurement campaigns on Long and Short Periods in Aqueduct and Sewerages Water Balance Pumping Station Control Waste Water Treatment Plants Hydroelectric Power Stations Industrial Processes Monitoring Tel. +39 (0) 49 884.16.51 Fax +39 (0) 49 884.16.54 E-Mail [email protected] Web We b www.bmtecnologie. it


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1 1 1 1 2 1 1

Description Portable Multipurpose Data Logger KAPTOR MULTI


KAPTOR MULTI-SDC-V2R1 Datalogger – SD Card – Modem GPRS – Inputs: RS485, 4…20mA, 0…10V, 4 digital inputs – Rechargeable Battery 40Ah – Serial cable RS232 Serial cable RS232 for configuration and data download CS232-DB9F-02-KPT Length: 2 m including IP68 connector USB/RS232 DB9M converter IDATA USB-SER-2 Cable Length: 0.5m SD Memory Card 8GB SDC-8GB-KPT   SDC-8GB-KPT Closing Caps Key for Kaptor CST-KPT Spare OR149Kit O-ring in NBR for screwing closures Spare Kit O-ring in NBR for screwing closures OR130 Chocolate blocks with removable resin for watertight waterti ght electric cables  junctions KingJoint 1


000001360 000033947 000001772 000002167 000000350 000000351 000003316


1 1 1 1 1 1

Description Battery Charger for KAPTOR MULTI & External Battery pack CB-230VAC/8A-KPT


Battery Charger: input 100..240VAC – 50/60Hz – output 14,8VDC – 8A External Power Supply Cable for KAPTOR MULTI CAE-05-KPT Length: 5 m including IP68 connector Cable for 4 Digital Inputs KAPTOR MULTI C4DI-05-KPT Length: 5 m including IP68 connector Cable for Analog Inputs 0/4…20mA- 0...10V KAPTOR MULTI CAI-05-KPT Length: 5 m including IP68 connector Accessory Bag KAPTOR SPA-00-KPT Roll-up measuring tape MTR-3-AV Length: 3 m

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000001356 000001357 000001358 000001361 000027268 000033962

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  1 1

Universal Plug Adaptor WP-3UT-B-ABS Power supply 100..240VAC – Fuse 2.5A Spare Kit O-ring in NBR for screwing screwin g closures: SPK-10/OR-NBR-KPT Pack of 10 spares for each cap

000030366 000001773

3.1 Pa Pack cking ing Li st mod module ule T TTF TFMM-V1 V188-KAPTOR KAPTOR TTFM-V18-KAPTOR - BASIC EQUIPMENT Quantity Description Ultrasonic Transit Time module TTFM-V18-KAPTOR 1 IP68 Protection – Input for 1 pair of sensors DN15…6000 – 4-20 mA Output – OCT Output – Relay Output – RS485 ModBus Communication – Power supply 8..32 VDC SENSORS FOR TTFM-V18-KAPTOR MODULE Description

Quantity 1








Pair  of clamp-on transit time sensors TS2-NG-05-KAPTOR For pipes DN15..100 - Velocity: +/-16mt/sec. - Max. Temp.: 80°C IP68 - Cable length: 5m including IP68 connector. Pair of clamp-on transit time sensors TM1-NG-05-KPT For pipes DN15..100 - Velocity: +/-16mt/sec. - Max. Temp.: 80°C IP68 - Cable length: 5m including IP68 connector. Pair of clamp-on transit time sensors TL1-NG-05-KPT For pipes DN300..DN6000 – Velocity: +/-16 m/s – Max. Temp.: 80 °C – IP68 – Cable length: 5m including IP68 connector Pair of insertion transit time sensors long version ver sion B(45)-2-NG-3/4”-05-KPT For pipes DN50..DN2000 – Velocity: +/-16 m/s – Temp.: -40..+90 °C – IP68 – Max. Pressure:20 Bar – Max. insertion length: 85 mm ball valve 3/4” Cable length: 0,5 m including IP68 connector for optional extensions. Pair of clamp-on transit time sensors for high hi gh temperature applications S1-HT-NG-05-KPT For pipes DN15..DN150 – Velocity: +/-16 m/s – Max. Temp.: 160 °C – IP68 – Cable length: 0,5 m including IP68 connector Pair of clamp-on transit time sensors for high hi gh temperature applications M1-HT-NG-05-KPT For pipes DN50..DN600 – Velocity: +/-16 m/s – Max. Temp.: 160 °C – IP68 – Cable length: 0,5 m including IP68 connector

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ACCESSORIES & OPTIONS FOR TTFM-V18-KAPTOR MODULE & SENSORS Quantity Description Code Cable for outputs connection for module TTFM-V18-KAPTOR 1 CCU-V18-05-KPT 000001739 Cable length: 0,5 m including IP68 connector Waterproof paper roll for “Z” method sensors installation. RC-20-“Z”   RC-20-“Z” 1 000031086 Watermark: 20 mm Weight: 0,3 Kg/RT - Height: 0,3 m - Length: 20 m Coupling paste for ultrasonic transit time sensors GAA-TTFM: EXTENDED TEMPERATURE 000009993 1 Pack of 250 g Pair of stainless steel AISI316 adjustable guides for clamp-on transit time sensors installation 000033869 1 RGMS-TS2/TM1-NG-FIX-2 For pipes DN15…DN600 Stainless steel AISI316 adjustable guide for clamp-on transit time ti me sensors installation 1 000031466 RGMS-TS2/TM1-NG-FIX For pipes DN15…DN250  DN15…DN250  1




Fast-Mounting Kit with Chains for clamp-on transit time sensors installation CMS-CLAMP-1000 For pipes up to 1 m diameter. Material AISI304 Fast-Mounting Kit with Chains for clamp-on transit time sensors installation CMS-CLAMP-3000 For pipes up to 3 m diameter. Material AISI304 Fast-Mounting Kit with Chains for clamp-on transit time sensors installation CMS-CLAMP-6000 For pipes up to 6 m diameter. Material AISI304 Spare Gaskets Kit for module TTFM-V18-KAPTOR  TTFM-V18-KAPTOR  SPK-V18-KPT   SPK-V18-KPT 10 mousse gasket for module TTFM-V18-KAPTOR 20 desiccant bags 2g

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  3.2 Pa Pack cking ing Lis t mod ule OC OCMM-KDOKDO-KAPTOR KAPTOR OCM-KDO-KAPTOR   - BASIC EQUIPMENT Quantity Description Doppler Flowmeter Module with wedge sensor OCM-KDO-10-KAPTOR 1






Protection rate-10..+40 IP68 – Velocity: +/-6 m/s – Level: 0..3 m c.a.––Power Temperature: °C – Communication RS485 modbus Supply: 8..32 VDC – Cable length: 10 m Doppler Flowmeter Module with wedge sensor OCM-KDO-20-KAPTOR Protection IP68 – Velocity: +/-6 m/s – Level: 0..3 m c.a. – Temperature: -10..+40 °C – Communication RS485 modbus – Power Supply: 8..32 VDC – Cable length: 20 m Doppler Flowmeter Module with wedge sensor OCM-KDO-30-KAPTOR Protection IP68 – Velocity: +/-6 m/s – Level: 0..3 m c.a. – Temperature: -10..+40 °C – Communication RS485 modbus – Power Supply: 8..32 VDC – Cable length: 30 m Doppler Flowmeter Module with insertion sensor  sensor   OCM-KDO-R006-10-KAPTOR Protection IP68 – Velocity: +/-6 m/s – Temperature: -10..+40 °C – Communication RS485 modbus – Power Supply: 8..32 VDC –Sensor Length: 400 mm – Connection 1”1/2 GAS Cable length: 10 m Doppler Flowmeter Module with insertion sensor  sensor   OCM-KDO-R006-20-KAPTOR Protection IP68 – Velocity: +/-6 m/s – Temperature: -10..+40 °C – Communication RS485 modbus – Power Supply: 8..32 VDC – Sensor Length: 400 mm – Connection 1”1/2 GAS Cable length: 20 m




Able leng






Mounting Collar for velocity/hydrostatic wedge sensors CL-PTF-200/800-A301  CL-PTF-200/800-A301   Suitable for pipes DN200.. 800 - Material AISI 301 Ball Valve for Hot-Tapping removal of insertion sensors  sensors   B/IM902112 Art.902 ball valve – Material: AISI316 – Connection:1”1/2 Telescopic Rod in Aluminium Nivus OCP0ZTELESKOP00   OCP0ZTELESKOP00 Suitable for temporary installation of wedge sensors – Max. extension 5,5 m Spare gaskets KIT for module OCM-KDO-KAPTOR SPK-KDO-KPT   SPK-KDO-KPT 10 mousse gaskets for module case OCM-KDO-KAPTOR 20 desiccant bags 2g Spare diaphragms KIT for module OCM-KDO-KAPTOR SPK-MM-KPT 5 diaphragms with flexible hose 4x6mm PVC

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000032077 000033049




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  3.3 Pack Packin ing g Lis t pressur pr essur e piezoresi st stive ive mod ul ule e MP-AI-KAPT MP-AI-KAPTOR OR

PRESSURE MEASURING MODULE FOR KAPTOR MULTI – MP-AI-KAPTOR Description Code Pressure Transmitter for relative pressure measurement KAPTOR- Output 0..10V 3 Wires – Power Supply: 14…30 VDC – Process connection: ½” GAS DIN 3852 Cable length: 5 m PVC cable including IP68 connector 0..0,10 Bar – TPR331-1000-005-KPT (Precision: 0,5%) 0..0,25 Bar – TPR331-2500-005-KPT (Precision: 0,5%) 0..0,40 Bar – TPR331-4000-005-KPT (Precision: 0,5%) 0..0,60 Bar – TPR331-6000-005-KPT (Precision: 0,5%) 0..1,00 Bar – TPR331-1001-005-KPT (Precision: 0,35%) 0..4,00 Bar – TPR331-4001-005-KPT (Precision: 0,35%) 0..6,00 Bar – TPR331-6001-005-KPT (Precision: 0,35%) 0..10,0 Bar – TPR331-1002-005-KPT (Precision: 0,35%) 0..16,0 Bar – TPR331-1602-005-KPT (Precision: 0,35%) 0..25,0 Bar – TPR331-2502-005-KPT (Precision: 0,35%) 0..40,0 Bar – TPR331-4002-005-KPT (Precision: 0,35%)

000037540 000037541 000037542 000037543 000037544 000037545 000037546 000037547 000037548 000037549 000037550

0..60,0 0..100,0Bar Bar––TPR331-6002-005-KPT TPR331-1003-005-KPT(Precision: (Precision:0,35%) 0,35%)

000037551 000037552

ACCESSORIES & OPTIONS FOR PRESSURE SENSOR MODULE Quantity Description Code Spare parts KIT for pressure measuring module MP-AI-KAPTOR SPK-MP-KPT   SPK-MP-KPT 1 00037566 10 mousse gaskets for module case MP-AI-KAPTOR 20 desiccant bags da 2g Spare diaphragms KIT for module MP-AI-KAPTOR 1 SPK-MMMP-KPT 000037567 5 diaphragms with flexible hose 4x6mm PVC

3.4 Pack Packin ing g List B BATT ATTER ERY Y PACK KAPTOR BATTERY PACK KAPTOR MULTI Description External Battery for KAPTOR MULTI EPB-40Ah-KPT Protection IP68 – Capacity: 40 Ah (connection cable not included) Connection cable external battery pack for KAPTOR MULTI CC-EBP-KPT Length: 2 m including IP68 connectors

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Code 00037564 00006935

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  3. 3.5 5 Pa Packi cki ng List measurement

Sma Smart rt


Se Sensor nsor


SMART ULTRASOUND SENSOR MODULE TLU–AI-KAPTOR TL U–AI-KAPTOR Quantity Description Smart ultrasound level sensors programming module for Kaptor 1 MH-NMi-KPT Communication HART –USB port for PC Smart ultrasound level module NMi0 - KAPTOR 1 TLU-NMi0-03H-05-KPT ATEX Zone 1 – 125 KHz – RANGE 0,125…3,0 mt – 4-20 mA HART – POWER SUPPLY 10…28 VDC – Cable length: 5mt – IP68 Smart ultrasound level module NMi0 – KAPTOR 1 TLU-NMi0-03H-20-KPT ATEX Zone 1 – 125 KHz – RANGE 0,125…3,0 mt – 4-20 mA HART – POWER SUPPLY 10…28 VDC – Cable length: 20mt – IP68  IP68  Smart ultrasound level module NMi0 – KAPTOR 1 TLU-NMi0-06H-05-KPT ATEX Zone 1 – 50 KHz – RANGE 0,3…6,0 mt – 4-20 mA HART – POWER SUPPLY 10…28 VDC – Cable length: 5mt – IP68  IP68  1





Smart ultrasound level module NMi0 – KAPTOR TLU-NMi0-06H-20-KPT ATEX Zone 1 – 50 KHz – RANGE 0,3…6,0 mt – 4-20 mA HART – POWER SUPPLY 10…28 VDC – Cable length: 20mt – IP68  IP68  Smart ultrasound level module NMi0 – KAPTOR TLU-NMi0-10H-05-KPT ATEX Zone 1 – 50 KHz – RANGE 0,3…10,0 mt – 4-20 mA HART – POWER SUPPLY 10…28 VDC – Cable length: 5mt – IP68 Smart ultrasound level module NMi0 – KAPTOR TLU-NMi0-10H-20-KPT ATEX Zone 1 – 50 KHz – RANGE 0,3…10,0 mt – 4-20 mA HART – POWER SUPPLY 10…28 VDC – Cable length: 20mt – IP68 Smart ultrasound level module NMi0 – KAPTOR TLU-NMi0-15H-05-KPT ATEX Zone 1 – 50 KHz – RANGE 0,5…15,0 mt – 4-20 mA HART – POWER SUPPLY 10…28 VDC – Cable length: 5mt – IP68 Smart ultrasound level module NMi0 – KAPTOR TLU-NMi0-15H-20-KPT ATEX Zone 1 – 50 KHz – RANGE 0,5…15,0 mt – 4-20 mA HART – POWER SUPPLY 10…28 VDC – Cable length: 20mt – IP68

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f or


Code 000001786 000001781








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  3. 3.6 6 Packi Packi ng List H Hydro ydro static Level Se Sensor nsor Module HYDROSTATIC LEVEL SENSOR MODULE TLI–AI-KAPTOR Quantity Description Hydrostatic Level Module LMP305-KAPTOR TLI 305-2502-260-KPT 1









Range 0…250 Output Body 4-20mA Wires SUPPLY. 8…32mtwc VDC –– Sensor AISI2 316 –– Φ:0,35% 19mm- –POWER 170 mt PVC cable – IP 68 Hydrostatic Level Module LMP305-KAPTOR TLI 305-1000-10-KPT Range 0…1 mtwc – Output 4-20mA 2 Wires – 0,5% - POWER SUPPLY. 8…32 VDC – Sensor Body AISI 316 – Φ: 19mm – 10 mt PVC cable – IP 68 Hydrostatic Level Module LMP305-KAPTOR TLI 305-2500-10-KPT Range 0…2,5 mtwc – Output 4-20mA 2 Wires – 0,5% - POWER SUPPLY. 8…32 VDC – Sensor Body AISI 316 – Φ: 19mm – 10 mt PVC cable – IP 68  68  Hydrostatic Level Module LMP305-KAPTOR TLI 305-4000-15-KPT Range 0…4 mtwc – Output 4-20mA 2 Wires – 0,5% - POWER SUPPLY. 8…32 VDC – Sensor Body AISI 316 – Φ: 19mm – 15 mt PVC cable – IP 68  68  Hydrostatic Level Module LMP305-KAPTOR TLI 305-6000-20-KPT Range 0…6 mtwc – Output 4-20mA 2 Wires – 0,35% - POWER SUPPLY. 8…32 VDC – Sensor Body AISI 316 – Φ: 19mm – 20 mt PVC cable – IP 68  68  Hydrostatic Level Module LMP305-KAPTOR TLI 305-1001-20-KPT Range 0…10 mtwc – Output 4-20mA 2 Wires – 0,35% - POWER SUPPLY. 8…32 VDC – Sensor Body AISI 316 – Φ: 19mm – 20 mt PVC cable – IP 68 Hydrostatic Level Module LMP305-KAPTOR TLI 305-2501-35-KPT Range 0…25 mtwc – Output 4-20mA 2 Wires – 0,35% - POWER SUPPLY. 8…32 VDC – Sensor Body AISI 316 – Φ: 19mm – 35 mt PVC cable – IP 68 Hydrostatic Level Module LMP305-KAPTOR TLI 305-4001-50-KPT Range 0…40 mtwc – Output 4-20mA 2 Wires – 0,35% - POWER SUPPLY. 8…32 VDC – Sensor Body AISI 316 – Φ: 19mm – 50 mt PVC cable – IP 68 Hydrostatic Level Module LMP305-KAPTOR TLI 305-6001-70-KPT Range 0…60 mtwc – Output 4-20mA 2 Wires – 0,35% - POWER SUPPLY. 8…32 VDC – Sensor Body AISI 316 – Φ: 19mm – 70 mt PVC cable – IP 68

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Hydrostatic Level Module LMP305-KAPTOR TLI 305-1002-110-KPT Range 0…100 mtwc – Output 4-20mA 2 Wires – 0,35% - POWER SUPPLY. 24VDC – Sensor Body AISI 316 – Φ: 19mm – 110 mt PVC cable – IP 68 Hydrostatic Level Module LMP305-KAPTOR TLI 305-1602-170-KPT Range 0…160 mtwc – Output 4-20mA 2 Wires – 0,35% - POWER SUPPLY. 24VDC – Sensor Body AISI 316 – Φ: 19mm – 170 mt PVC cable – IP 68



3. 3.7 7 Pa Packi cki ng List Induc Induc tiv tive e Conduct ivi ty Se Senso nsorr Module INDUCTIVE CONDUCTIVITY SENSOR MODULE MCI-AI-KPT Quantity Description Code Inductive conductivity transmitter module MCI-ST3254-005-KPT 1 000002164 RANGE 0...100 mS – Output 4...20mA 4 ...20mA 2 Wires – POWER SUPPLY. 24VDC – PVC Body – IP68 – 5 mt cable 1

Inductive conductivity transmitter module MCI-ST3254-020-KPT RANGE 0...100 mS – Output 4...20mA 4 ...20mA 2 Wires – POWER SUPPLY. 24VDC – PVC Body – IP68 – 20 mt cable

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4 Tech Technic nic al/Electr al/Electr ical/Mechani ical/Mechani cal Features Features 4.1 KAPTO KA PTOR R MULTI Datalog ger Unit UNITÀ DALOGGER KAPTOR  MULTI  MULTI  I/O Analog Inputs

1 x analog input 0..10V. 1 x analog input 4..20mA. 4 x digital inputs opto-isolated (2 counters, 1 sampling Digital Inputs frequency exchange, 1 working mode exchange) Serial Port RS232 For programming, firmware update and data download. For TTFM-V18-KAPTOR & OCM-KDO-KAPTO OCM-KDO-KAPTOR R modules RS485 Port with mains supply connection. POWER SUPPLY LiFePOH da 40Ah – Rechargeable. Semi-annual recharge Internal Battery recommended  Low tension: 11÷34V AC/DC . External Power Supply High tension by AC/DC converter: 90..240V AC  ~ 60/50Hz. 1 external chargeable battery da 40 Ah. Semi-annual recharge External Battery recommended Max in transmission: 200mA @ 13,2V Consumption Min. in low power 0,40mA @ 13,2V DATA ACQUISITION MEMORY Internal Flash Memory 4 MB - 262144 records SD Card 8GB REAL TIME CLOCK Real Time Clock Internal parts backed-up with battery. MODEM e SIM CARD Band QuadBand GSM/GPRS: 900/1800 e 850/1900 MHz SIM Port External Access. ANTENNA Mounting Polarity Frequency

Independent from ground plane Linear (upwards) 824-960/1710-2170 MHz



Cable length DISPLAY and KEYBPAD Number of digits Menu Languages N.° keys AMBIENT CONDITIONS Temperature


-10°C ~ +50°C (14°F ~ 104°F)

Protection Grade

IP68 for one year at one meter depth. After one year aguaranteed test at BM Tecnologie headquarters is recommended.  recommended.  

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2 lines x 20 digits. Backlit English and Italian 12 alphanumeric keys, 8 function keys

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  MECHANICS Case/Material Black Case - PA66 filled Dimensions and weight L300 x P249 x H196 mm - 10 Kg (including batteries) COMPLIANCE STANDARDS Compatibility/Electromagnetic EN 61326-1: 2006-05 Immunity


196 mm

249 mm

300 mm

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4.1.1 4.1 .1 Battery Charger for KAPTOR MU MULTI LTI and E External xternal Battery Pack - EBP

Technology Power Supply 2 Indicator Led

Protection Efficiency Cooling Weight CONNECTORS

TECHNICAL FEATURES Switching 110…230 V AC  – 50Hz~60Hz LED1 - Red: Start LED2 – Red: Charging, Green: Charge Completed DC Output isolated from AC Input Short-circuit Over potential Overheating Polarity inversion >85% Forced by fan 1000 gr

AC Input

Plug IEC Cable length 1300 mm


Pre-wired Cable IP68 for direct di rect connection to KAPTOR MULTI Cable length 60 cm MECHANICAL DIMENSIONS 158 mm

12 mm

90 mm

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  4.1.2 4.1. 2 KA KAPTO PTOR R MULTI Extern External al Power Supp Supply ly Cable

Cable isolation material Description

TECHNICAL FEATURES PUR Pre-wired Cable IP68 for external power supply connection Cable length 5 m MECHANICAL DIMENSIONS

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  4.1.3 4.1 .3 Ca Cable ble for KAPTO KAPTOR R MU MULTI LTI Analog Inputs connecti connection on

Cable insulation material Description

TECHNICAL FEATURES PUR Pre-wired cable IP68 for analog inputs connection Cable length 5 m MECHANICAL DIMENSIONS

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  4.1.4 4.1 .4 Ca Cable ble for KAPTO KAPTOR R MU MULTI LTI Digital Inputs C Connect onnection ion

Insulation material Description

TECHNICAL FEATURES PUR Pre-wired cable IP68 for digital inputs connection Cable length 5 m MECHANICAL DIMENSIONS

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  4. 4.2 2 Ultrasoni c Tra Transit nsit Time Module TTFM-V18-KAPTOR

Performances INTERFACE RS485 PIPES Materials Internal Diameter Hydraulic Conditions MEASURABLE FLUIDS

TTFM-V18-KAPTOR Accuracy: ±1.0% (after calibration) Linearity: 0.5% Repeatability: ±0.2% ~ 0.5% Modbus standard Carbon Steel, Stainless Steel, Cast Iron, Ductile Iron, Copper, PVC, Aluminum, Fiber Cement, Fiberglass, and other materials. The flow can be measured on pipes with an inner lining by selecting the lining material and thickness in a dedicate dedi cate menu. 15..6000 mm See paragraph 9.3.1

Drinking water, sea water, kerosene, gasoline, fuel oil, oil, Type propane at -45°C, butane at 0°C; any type of homogeneous liquid able to propagate ultrasounds Suspended Solids Up to 20000 ppm (20 mg/ mg/l) l) with a little presence of air bubbles ULTRASONIC TRANSIT TIME SENSORS Clamp-on standard sensors (external pipe’s surface): •  TS2-NG-05-KPT for DN15..100 mm •  TM1-NG-05-KPT for DN50..1000 mm TL1-NG-05-KPT for DN300..6000 mm •  Temp.: -20℃ ~ +80℃ - Max. Speed: +/-16mt/sec – IP68 •  S1-HT-NG-05-KPT for DN15..150 mm •  M1-HT-NG-05-KPT for DN50..600 mm Type Temp.: -20℃ ~ +160℃ - Max. Speed: +/-16mt/sec – IP68 Insertion sensors in contact with the liquid: B(45)-2-NG-3/4”-05-KPT •  for DN50..2000 Max. Insertion Length: 93 mm

Mounting methods Cables Length Protection MEASURING UNITS

℃  ~ +90℃  - Max. Speed: +/-16mt/sec – Max. Temp.: 20 -40Bar Press.: – Ball Valve 3/4” F  “N”, “W”: for pipes DN≤32 mm  "V": for pipes DN40..600 mm "Z": for pipes DN≥600 mm  5m IP68


m3, Lt, USGal, UKGal, millionUSGal, cubic feet (CF), barrels oil US, barrels oil UK per sec, min, min , hours, days


Active Current Loop 4-20mA - 100 Ω @ 12 VDC  Output freq. Open Collector: 12 ~ 9999 Hz or alarms

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Output Relays 1A/125VAC or 2A/30VDC for totalizer pulses or alarms

AMBIENT CONDITIONS Temperature Protection Grade

-10°C ~ +50°C (14°F ~ 104°F) IP68

MECHANICS Case/Material Dimensions and weight Cables Length

Box in Black POM L110 x P110 x H75 mm – 0,5 Kg (excluding sensors cables) 1 m with IP68 pre-wired connector for KAPTOR MULTI. Sensor tangs length: 50 cm MECHANICAL DIMENSIONS

110 mm

110 mm

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4.2.1 Out Outpu puts ts TTFM TTFM-V18-KAPTOR -V18-KAPTOR

TTFM-V18-KAPTOR module has the following outputs: TECHNICAL FEATURES – TTFM-V18-KAPTOR OUTPUTS Description Connector for Outputs connection: loop 4..20mA, OCT, relays Current Output Current Active Loop: 4..20mA - 100Ω @12V  OCT Output Output freq. Open Collector: 12..9999 Hz Relays: 1A/125V AC  o 2A/30V DC  Relays Output Programming: Alarm/Pulse Totalizer

Outputs are available on connector “D”. Use pre-wired cable to connect module TTFMV18-KAPTOR Outputs to its own system. To understand how to correctly screw the connector to its module, see Chapter  “Wiring and Connections”. For Outputs Programming see Chapter “TTFM-V18-KAPTOR Module Windows-Menu Analysis”

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  4.2.2 4.2. 2 Clamp Clamp-on -on Sensor Sensors s for TTF TTFM-V1 M-V18-KAPTOR 8-KAPTOR mod modul ule e

Clamp-on Type Temperature Protection Velocity Mounting Methods

Pipe’s Material Electrical Connections Standard Cable Length TS2-NG-05-KPT Pipe Internal Diameter Work Frequency Dimensions TM1-NG-05-KPT Pipe Internal Diameter Work Frequency Dimensions TL1-NG-05-KPT Pipe Internal Diameter Work Frequency Dimensions

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TECHNICAL FEATURES Flow rate measurement from external pipe’s surface without interruption of the process. The Flow rate measurement is bidirectional and does not originate any pressure drop. Ultrasonic UP Sensor:Sensors upstream DOWN Sensor: downstream -20℃ ~ +80℃  IP68 up to 2 m depth +/-16 m/s  “N”, “W”: for pipes DN≤32 mm  "V": for pipes DN40..600 mm "Z": for pipes DN≥600 mm  Carbon Steel, Stainless Steel, Cast Iron, Ductile Iron, Copper, PVC, Aluminum, Fiber Cement, Fiberglass, and other materials. The flow can be also measured on pipes with an inner lining by selecting the lining material and thickness in a dedicate dedi cate menu. IP68 Connector 5m DN15..100 mm 1,5 MHz L27 x P45 x H24 mm DN50..1000 mm 1 MHz L45 x P64 x H33 mm DN300..6000 mm 0,6 MHz L68 x P98 x H46 mm

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Sensor TS2-NG-05-KPT TM1-NG-05-KPT TL1-NG-05-KPT

A 45 mm 64 mm 98 mm

B 24 mm 33 mm 46 mm

C 27 mm 45 mm 68 mm

4.2.3 4.2 .3 Inser Inserti tion on Sensor Sensors s for TT TTFMFM-V18V18-KAPTOR KAPTOR Modu Module le

Insertion Type Temperature Maximum Pressure Velocity Mounting Method Electrical Connections Standard Cable Length B(45)-2-NG-1”-05-KPT Pipe Internal Diameter Work Frequency Maximum Insertion Weight

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TECHNICAL FEATURES Sensors are immersed in the fluid inside the pipe. Ultrasonic Sensors UP Sensor: upstream DOWN Sensor: downstream Temperature: -20℃ ~ +80℃  20 Bar +/-16 m/s "Z": sole possible configuration 3/4“GAS male socket must be welded perpendicularly to the pipe or by clamp saddle Including ball valve. Tang 50 cm long, including IP68 connectors 5 m including IP68 connectors DN50..2000 mm 1 MHz 93 mm 1520 gr / couple

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58 mm

10 mm – ¾” GAS F



Sensor B(45)-2-NG-3/4”-05-KPT

Insertion Minimum Maximum

A 285 mm 215 mm

B 23 mm 93 mm


Make sure the maximum insertion is enough to allow the sensor’s final part to reach the inside of the pipe. The sum of the (male) socket’s length or clamp saddle and the pipe’s thickness must be considered.



Insertion must be assessed as highlighted in the picture. B.M. Tecnologie Industriali Via Dell’Industria 12 35035 RUBANO (PD) Cod.Fis./P.Iva IT02459940280

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  4.2.4 4.2 .4 Cable fo forr TTF TTFM-V M-V1818-KAPTOR KAPTOR Modul Module e Outp Output ut Conn Connecti ection on


PUR Pre-wired cable IP68 for direct di rect connection to KAPTOR MULTI Cable length 5 m


Identification / function of cable output connections: CABLE COLOUR



Output + current loop 4..20mA


Output - current loop 4..20mA


Output Relays + = RL+


Output Relays - = RL-


Output OCT + = OCT+


Output OCT - = OCT-

4. 4.2. 2.5 5 Wa Water-proof ter-proof P Pape aperr for ““Z” Z” method Tra Transit nsit Time Se Sensors’ nsors’ Installation

Description Weight Height Length

TECHNICAL FEATURES Waterproof paper roll for “Z” method Ultrasonic Transit Time Sensors installation. It makes the sensors installation on the pipe easier. 300 g 300 mm 20 m MECHANICAL DIMENSIONS

300 mm

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  4. 4.2. 2.6 6 Coupling paste for clamp-on sensors

Description Temperature Weight

TECHNICAL FEATURES Ultrasounds coupling paste with extended temperature range Temperature: -30℃ ~ +250℃  200 g/pack

4.2.7 4.2 .7 Stainless steel gui guides des for clamp-on sensors Install Installation ation

Type Supported Sensors Accuracy metric template Weight Material

TECHNICAL FEATURES TM1-NG-05-KTM TS2-NG-05-KTM ±0,01 mm 1400 gr Stainless steel NOX MECHANICAL DIMENSIONS Grad. Marking Gauge 300mm/11.82”

95 mm

140 mm

370 mm Note: DN600: use 2 clamp saddles in series

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4.2.8 4.2 .8 Chains for Clamp-on sensor sensors s ins installatio tallation n

Material Length Weight

TECHNICAL FEATURES Stainless steel 1000 mm 3000 mm 6000 gr 1800 gr

6000 mm 3600 gr


58 mm

85 mm

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  4.3 Flow Ra Rate te Doppler Dopp ler M Mod odul ule e OCM OCM-KDO-KAPTOR -KDO-KAPTOR OCM-KDO-KAPTOR USE Wedge sensors

Installation on the channel bottom. Suitable for Open Channels with regular or irregular shape, small or medium.

Installation on every kind of full pipe, of any material or dimeter Max. Pressure 4 Bar The upstream straight section must be not smaller than 10 Hydraulic Conditions diameters/channel widths, the downstream section not smaller than 5 diameters. MEASURABLE FLUIDS Water or any other fluid with chemical compatibility with the pipe or Type sensor materials, with a minimum amount of 100 ppm, suspended solids > 0,06 mm -20℃ ~ +50℃  Temperature Pressure Max. 4 Bar DOPPLER AREA VELOCITY SENSOR Frequency 1 MHz per wedge sensor – 750 KHz per insertion sensor Insertion sensors

Measuring range +/- 6 mt/sec Accuracy +/- 1% of reading Drift 100 % stable Material Polyurethane, stainless steel 1.4471, epoxy resin Cable length 10 – 20 – 30 m depending on the ordering code Protection IP68 Dimensions and 4 Kg (including 30 m cable with wedge) Weight BUILT-IN HYDROSTATIC LEVEL SENSOR Measuring range 0…3500 mm w.c. Accuracy < 0,5 % full range Drift Max. 0.75 % full range INTERFACE RS485 MECHANICS Case/Material Dimensions and Weight Cable length

B.M. Tecnologie Industriali Via Dell’Industria 12 35035 RUBANO (PD) Cod.Fis./P.Iva IT02459940280

Modbus. Box in Black POM L120 x P68 x H75 mm – 0,5 Kg (excluded sensors cable) 1 m including IP68 pre-wired connector for KAPTOR MULTI.

Tel. +39 (0) 49 884.16.51 Fax +39 (0) 49 884.16.54 E-Mail [email protected] Web We b www.bmtecnologie. it


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B.M. Tecnologie Industriali Via Dell’Industria 12 35035 RUBANO (PD) Cod.Fis ./P.I ./P.Iva va IT024599402 IT02459940280 80

Tel. +39 (0) 49 884.16.51 Fax +39 (0) 49 884.16.54 E-Mail [email protected] Web We b www.bmtecnologie. it


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69 mm

120 mm

B.M. Tecnologie Industriali Via Dell’Industria 12 35035 RUBANO (PD)

Tel. +39 (0) 49 884.16.51 Fax +39 (0) 49 884.16.54 E-Mail [email protected]

Cod.Fis./P.Iva IT02459940280

Web We b www.bmtecnologie. it


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4.4 Pressure Pressu re senso sensors rs for KAPTOR MU MULTI LTI Technology Pressure Input Nominal Range Accuracy Response Time Weight Life ELECTRICAL FEATURES Output Signal Maximum Load Consumption Protection

TECHNICAL FEATURES Piezoresistive 0..0,10 - 0,25 - 0,40 - 0,60 - 1,00 - 1,60 - 0..2,50 - 4,00 6,00 - 10,0 - 16,0 - 25,0 - 40,0 - 60,0 - 100,0 Bar 0,5% range up to 0,6 Bar 0,35% range over 0,6 Bar 100 x 106 cycles 3 wire: 0…10V / V S =14..30V DC   R MAX =10 KΩ  Massimo 7mA Short circuits Polarity inversion Electromagnetic compatibility: emissions and immunity EN 61326


10 g RMS (20…2000 Hz) 100 g / 11 ms

TEMPERATURE Average Functioning

-25℃ ~ +125℃ 

B.M. Tecnologie Industriali Via Dell’Industria 12 35035 RUBANO (PD)

Tel. +39 (0) 49 884.16.51 Fax +39 (0) 49 884.16.54 E-Mail [email protected]

Cod.Fis ./P.I ./P.Iva va IT024599402 IT02459940280 80

Web We b www.bmtecnologie. it


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  MATERIALS Case Diaphragm

Stainless steel 1.4301 (304) Stainless steel AISI 316LTi MECHANICAL DIMENSIONS Ø 35 mm

82 mm

14 mm

½” GAS

4.5 Extern External al Batt Batteries eries for fo r KAPTO KAPTOR R MU MULTI LTI TECHNICAL FEATURES BATTERIES Composition Nominal Voltage Discharge current Charge/Discharge Cycles Temperature

Lithium Iron Phosphate (LiFePO4) rechargeable 40Ah 12,8V Maximum 1000 mA >2000 In charge: 0℃ ~ +45℃  In discharge: -20℃ ~ +55℃ 
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