Manual for Siemens Point Machine Bsg-9

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Manual Point Machine

PT LEN Industri 2013

Bsg. antr. 9 Electric Point Machine Operating Manual

Released by:


VT 1 P 32


sign. Bäumann

Checked by:


VT 1 P 32


sign. Sattler

Prepared by:


VT 1 P 64


sign. Brock


Org. unit



Table of Contents Bsg. antr. 9 Electric Point Machine Operating Manual

VT 1 P 64 27-06-1997 08-11-1996

Copyright © Siemens AG 1997 All Rights Reserved

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A25000-X22-Q10-2-7620 Notice no: J168/D62/V OM2BSG9E.DOC

Page Revision List.............................................................................................................. 5 1

Purpose of this Manual ............................................................................. 5


Address of the Manufacturer and Customer Service ............................. 6


Safety Regulations .................................................................................... 7


Symbols and Pictograms Used.................................................................... 7


Basic Safety Regulations............................................................................. 8


Qualified Staff .............................................................................................. 8


Safety-minded Work .................................................................................... 8


Proper Use .................................................................................................. 9


Handling of Detergents, Lubricants, Paints and Sealing Compounds......... 9


Earthing of the Point Machine Housing ..................................................... 10


Transport of the Bsg. antr. 9 Electric Point Machine ................................. 10


Constructional Details and Principle of Operation............................... 11


Functions of the Bsg. antr. 9 Electric Point Machine ................................. 11


Constructional Details ............................................................................... 11


Throwing Process...................................................................................... 13


Trailing Process......................................................................................... 15


Contact Assembly...................................................................................... 17


Electromagnetic Brake............................................................................... 17


Point Throwing with a Crank Handle ......................................................... 18

Bsg. antr. 9 Electric Point Machine Operating Manual

VT 1 P 64 27-06-1997 08-11-1996

Copyright © Siemens AG 1997 All Rights Reserved

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Technical Data ......................................................................................... 19


Technical and Operating Data of the Individual Versions ......................... 19


Dimensioned Drawings.............................................................................. 21


Circuit Diagrams ........................................................................................ 22


Trackside Mounting................................................................................. 23


Commissioning........................................................................................ 26


Maintenance and Repair.......................................................................... 27


Technical Information relating to Maintenance and Repair Work ............. 27


Components of the Bsg. antr. 9 Point Machine ......................................... 28


Inspection Work......................................................................................... 29


Check Easy Movement of Cover Lock....................................................... 29


Open Machine Housing and Check Interior............................................... 29


Check Condition of Cable Harness ........................................................... 29


Inspect Components.................................................................................. 30


Check Connection between Machine Housing and Rail (Earthing)........... 30


Check Crank Handle Latch and Voltage Cut-off Switch ............................ 30


Check Machine is Secure .......................................................................... 30


Maintenance Work .................................................................................... 31


Biannual Maintenance ............................................................................... 31


Annual Maintenance.................................................................................. 32


Repair Work .............................................................................................. 35


Technical Information relating to Repair Work .......................................... 35


Tools and Materials Used.......................................................................... 35


Removal and Cleaning .............................................................................. 36


Repairing the Motor ................................................................................... 38

Dismantling and Cleaning.......................................................................... 38

Assembly and Testing ............................................................................... 39


Repairing the Contact Assembly ............................................................... 44

Bsg. antr. 9 Electric Point Machine Operating Manual

VT 1 P 64 27-06-1997 08-11-1996

Copyright © Siemens AG 1997 All Rights Reserved

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Dismantling and Cleaning.......................................................................... 44

Lubrication and Assembly ......................................................................... 44

Testing the Contact Adjustment................................................................. 46


Assembly ................................................................................................... 51


Testing after Maintenance and Repair Work............................................. 55


Mechanical Testing.................................................................................... 55


Electrical Testing ....................................................................................... 55


Function Check-out ................................................................................... 56


Final Work after Testing ............................................................................ 59

Bsg. antr. 9 Electric Point Machine Operating Manual

VT 1 P 64 27-06-1997 08-11-1996

Copyright © Siemens AG 1997 All Rights Reserved

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Revision List Rev. lev. 01 02

Date of issue 08-11-1996 27-06-1997

Sections changed All Section 8.5.1

Reason First issue Contents reworked


Purpose of this Manual

The contents of this manual cover handling, trackside mounting, commission-ing, maintenance, repair and testing of the Bsg. antr. 9 Electric Point Machine. In addition, this documentation contains information concerning the safety of staff, technical data of the point machine and tools to be used for maintenance and repair as well as information required for its proper use. The information is presented as text and figures. The manual has been compiled to enable qualified staff to perform the necessary maintenance and repair work. Where a risk of injury or damage cannot be totally ruled out, attention is drawn to the dangers by pictograms. An explanation of the pictograms is given in Section 3.1. Suggestions Do you have any useful hints, comments or suggestions concerning this manual? Perhaps you have spotted an error or know how we could optimise a particular procedure? Please contact us direct. We welcome your ideas and suggestions.



Siemens AG Transportation Systems Group VT 1 P 64 P.O. Box 33 27 D-38023 Braunschweig Germany -5 31-2 26-35 33 -5 31-2 26-46 92

Bsg. antr. 9 Electric Point Machine Operating Manual

VT 1 P 64 27-06-1997 08-11-1996

Copyright © Siemens AG 1997 All Rights Reserved

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Address of the Manufacturer and Customer Service

Manufacturer: Siemens AG Transportation Systems Group P.O. Box 33 27 D-38023 Braunschweig Germany Tel. -5 31-2 26-0 Fax -5 31-2 26-43 98

Customer service: Siemens AG Transportation Systems Group P.O. Box 33 27 D-38023 Braunschweig Germany Tel. -5 31-2 26-0 Fax -5 31-2 26-43 98

Bsg. antr. 9 Electric Point Machine Operating Manual

VT 1 P 64 27-06-1997 08-11-1996

Copyright © Siemens AG 1997 All Rights Reserved

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Safety Regulations

This section tells you what regulations need to be observed for the handling, maintenance and repair of the Bsg. antr. 9 Electric Point Machine.


Symbols and Pictograms Used

In order to perform the handling, maintenance and repair of the Bsg. antr. 9 Electric Point Machine correctly, all the instructions described must be followed. Warnings and notes are highlighted by different pictograms, the words »DANGER«, »CAUTION«, »NOTE« and indented text. DANGER This pictogram and the associated text draw attention to dangers which are life-threatening or liable to cause injury.

CAUTION This pictogram and the associated text draw attention to dangers which are liable to cause damage to subassemblies or components.

NOTE This pictogram and the associated text point to technical requirements and additional information to be observed by maintenance staff.

Bsg. antr. 9 Electric Point Machine Operating Manual

VT 1 P 64 27-06-1997 08-11-1996

Copyright © Siemens AG 1997 All Rights Reserved

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Basic Safety Regulations

To protect staff and prevent physical damage to the Bsg. antr. 9 Electric Point Machine, the following regulations must be carefully observed. The personnel must be familiar with the contents of this manual in order to ensure safe and correct handling of the Bsg. antr. 9 Electric Point Machine. DANGER Maintenance and repair work is performed during normal operations.

DANGER When you remove the cover of the Bsg. antr. 9 Electric Point Machine, please take into account that the parts bearing a lightning symbol are carrying a current. The point machine can start to move! • Before beginning work on the track, the appropriate safety measures must be applied in accordance with the current railway regulations. • All work on the Bsg. antr. 9 Electric Point Machine is to be carried out only by specially trained and authorised personnel. • All work is to be performed using only the tools, specialist equipment, test facilities and materials prescribed.


Qualified Staff

Maintenance and repair work on the Bsg. antr. 9 Electric Point Machine is only to be performed by specially trained and tested personnel authorised by the operator of the equipment to carry out the installation, operation, maintenance and repair of type Bsg. antr. 9 point machines.


Safety-minded Work

The qualified staff referred to in Section 3.3 are responsible for job safety. • The Bsg. antr. 9 Electric Point Machine may only be operated if it is in perfect working order. Bsg. antr. 9 Electric Point Machine Operating Manual

VT 1 P 64 27-06-1997 08-11-1996

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• The work must be carried out in such a way that human safety is not dimin-ished nor the operation of the Bsg. antr. 9 Electric Point Machine impaired. • As a rule, safety equipment must not be removed or put out of operation. Safety-minded work implies that staff are to be informed of incorrect actions and any faults detected are to be reported to the authority or person responsible.


Proper Use

The Bsg. antr. 9 Electric Point Machine is used to operate points of every type and gauge. Points with internal lockings and, under certain conditions, points without a locking can be operated. DANGER No unauthorised modifications to the Bsg. antr. 9 Electric Point Machine are to be carried out or allowed.


Handling of Detergents, Lubricants, Paints and Sealing Compounds

The following detergents, lubricants, paints and sealing compounds are used for the Bsg. antr. 9 Electric Point Machine: • petroleum • white spirit • Molub-Alloy 243 Arktik grease • Molykote paste (type G) • Tectyl 506 anticorrosive paint • RAL 7031 (dark grey) and RAL 3002 (red) lacquers • Shell Aero-Fluid 4 oil • SAE 10 W/40 oil • Curil liquid sealing compound CAUTION Prevent your skin from coming into contact with the above-mentioned agents, in particular the grease! They (especially grease) can irritate the skin or cause other allergic reactions. Only apply them using gloves and appropriate tools (e.g. a brush). Bsg. antr. 9 Electric Point Machine Operating Manual

VT 1 P 64 27-06-1997 08-11-1996

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Earthing of the Point Machine Housing

The point machine housing must be connected to earth potential or, on electrified lines, to the railway earthing system using the M10 earthing screw attached to the housing.


Transport of the Bsg. antr. 9 Electric Point Machine

The Bsg. antr. 9 Electric Point Machine is generally transported to the installation site by lorry. On account of its weight (178 kg without the junction box), it must be handled with care. DANGER Appropriate lifting equipment must be used for the offloading of the Bsg. antr. 9 Electric Point Machine (weight without the junction box 178 kg) from the lorry and transport on site.

Bsg. antr. 9 Electric Point Machine Operating Manual

VT 1 P 64 27-06-1997 08-11-1996

Copyright © Siemens AG 1997 All Rights Reserved

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Constructional Details and Principle of Operation


Functions of the Bsg. antr. 9 Electric Point Machine

The Bsg. antr. 9 Electric Point Machine with internal locking is used to operate points without their own locking components. It has the following functions: • operate points • retain switch rails in end positions • lock switch rails in end positions • prove home position of switch rails electrically The Bsg. antr. 9 Electric Point Machine is available as a trailable and a non-trailable version. In addition, the models differ in the type of motor current, throwing stroke, throwing force and throwing time. A throwing movement already initiated can be reversed at any time and from any position. If the current fails, the point machine can be operated using a crank handle. DANGER For point machines without a voltage cut-off switch, appropriate measures must be taken to prevent the point machine from connecting on restoration of power when operating it by means of the crank handle.


Constructional Details

The cast-iron housing 1 equipped with a sheet steel cover accommodates the motor 2 with flange-mounted gearbox 3, transmission gearing 4 with transmission clutch (friction type) and retention spring, gear racks 8 that can be locked as well as a contact assembly 5. The point machine can be supplied with or without detector slides 7. The rotary movement of the motor is converted into the straight movement of the gear racks via transmission gearing. The operating rods 9 are linked to the gear racks. They transmit the movement of the gear racks to the switch rails. Bsg. antr. 9 Electric Point Machine Operating Manual

VT 1 P 64 27-06-1997 08-11-1996

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Detector slides prove the home (end) positions of the switch rails. They are connected to the switch rails by means of detector rods. A home position is not indicated by the contact assembly until after the switch rails have reached their end positions, point locking has been proven and end positions of point machine and points coincide. In case of power failure, the Bsg. antr. 9 Electric Point Machine can be reversed locally using a crank handle. In order to avoid any danger for the operator should the power suddenly be restored, a voltage cut-off switch 10 is attached to the motor shaft. The voltage cut-off switch can be either crank handle- or key-released. The crank handle cannot be inserted until after operating the cut-off switch (or the cut-off switch is operated by the crank handle). 9




1 2 3 4 5

cast-iron housing motor gearbox transmission gearing contact assembly

Fig. 1

6 7 8 9 10

6 10 2 detector rods detector slides gear racks operating rods voltagecut-off switch




Schematic representation of the Bsg. antr. 9 Electric Point Machine

The Bsg. antr. 9 Electric Point Machine is available as a trailable and a non-trailable version. In trailable point machines, the closed switch rail is locked by a locking segment engaging with a locking recess on the gear rack. The open switch rail is

Bsg. antr. 9 Electric Point Machine Operating Manual

VT 1 P 64 27-06-1997 08-11-1996

Copyright © Siemens AG 1997 All Rights Reserved

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held firmly in position by the retention spring. In non-trailable point machines, both switch rails are locked and a locking piece is used instead of the retention spring.


Throwing Process

The following description refers to trailable point machines. A driving disc 20, two gear wheel segments 11 and between these two the locking segment 12 (Figs. 2 and 3) are mounted to the gear shaft. The gear wheel segments are in mesh with the two gear racks 8a and 8b. At the end of a throwing movement, the gear rack of the already closed switch rail stops because its gear wheel segment is no longer engaged (Fig. 2c). The gear rack of the open switch rail continues to move. While doing so, the locking segment 12 engages with the locking recess 13 of the already stationary gear rack (locking stroke). a


11 12 c


11 12 13 14

gear wheel segment locking segment locking recess free-wheeling notch

13 14

Fig. 2

Engaging of the locking segment

In the end positions of the point machine, roller 15 of one of the contact levers of the contact assembly 5 falls into the locking notch of the retention disc 16, switching off the motor current and switching on the detection current by doing so. The locking segment of the gear rack of the closed switch rail engages with the associated locking recess (Fig. 2d), while the gear wheel segment is ineffective. The gear wheel segment of the gear rack of the open switch rail engages with the rack teeth. Upon reversal of the points, gear rim 18, via friction ring 19 tensioned by clutch spring 21, first takes lift-out disc 17 along, which, by means of the slanting edge, Bsg. antr. 9 Electric Point Machine Operating Manual

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pushes the engaged roller out of the locking notch of the retention disc, thus releasing the switch rail. 16




18 19 20 23

8b 8a




5 8a 8b 11 12 15 16


17 18 19 20 21 22 23

contact assembly gear rack of closed switch rail gear rack of open switch rail gear wheel segments locking segments roller retention disc

Fig. 3

lift-out disc gear rim friction ring driving disc clutch spring spring lever retention spring

Transmission gearing

After this idle stroke, the driving and the retention disc start to move together. The gear wheel segment of the closed switch rail is still ineffective so that its gear rack remains stationary for the time being. The gear rack of the open switch rail, however, is moved by its gear wheel segment. The locking segment mounted on the gear shaft turns downwards and releases the locking of the closed switch rail. As soon as the locking recess is free, the second gear wheel segment also engages Bsg. antr. 9 Electric Point Machine Operating Manual

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with the gear rack. Now, both gear racks are moved by their gear wheel segments. The switch rail that was open at the beginning of the throwing operation is now the first to be closed. Its gear wheel segment does not engage any longer. The locking segment engages with the locking recess, thus locking the already closed switch rail. On the second gear rack, the locking segment is in the free-wheeling notch 14. Here, the gear wheel segment engages with the gear rack. During this process, the rollers of the two contact levers move on the edges of the lift-out and retention discs and hold the motor contacts in the closed position, thereby making possible a reversal in mid-stroke at any time. After completion of the throwing operation, one contact lever falls into the notch of the retention disc, thereby interrupting the control current and closing the detection circuit. Stopping surfaces and corresponding stoppers in the housing limit the movement of the driving disc. If the throwing resistance of the points exceeds the slipping force set, the point machine starts to slip. Both contact lever rollers are on the edges of the lift-out and retention discs. The detection contacts remain open and a failure indication is issued.


Trailing Process

When points are trailed, the open switch rail is forced in the direction of the stock rail. This force is transmitted via the operating rod 9 to the gear rack 8b and driving disc 20. The driving disc is prevented from rotation by the retention spring 23. In the end position of the point machine, the retention disc 16 is blocked by the roller of one of the contact levers. This prevents the driving disc from moving. Once the force exerted by the switch rail exceeds the force of the retention spring 23, this one is compressed and the driving disc can move a little with respect to the retention disc (Fig. 4), thereby taking along the lift-out disc 17 via a spring lever. As it is the case for the throwing process, this unlocks the retention disc and the retention spring is released. As the gearing is not self-locking, the gear rack can turn the gearing including the motor pinion backwards through the force exerted by the switch rail. After trailing, the point machine remains in the position attained. Via the contact levers, the movement of the lift-out disc caused the detection contacts 5 to switch over, thereby issuing a "points trailed" indication to the interlocking.

Bsg. antr. 9 Electric Point Machine Operating Manual

VT 1 P 64 27-06-1997 08-11-1996

Copyright © Siemens AG 1997 All Rights Reserved

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Non-trailable point machines have a locking piece in place of the retention spring. In the end position, both gear racks are locked. If, nevertheless, the points are trailed, the point machine or rodding may be damaged.

23 20


16 retention disc 20 driving disc 23 retention spring Fig. 4

Effect of trailing on retention spring 23

Bsg. antr. 9 Electric Point Machine Operating Manual

VT 1 P 64 27-06-1997 08-11-1996

Copyright © Siemens AG 1997 All Rights Reserved

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Contact Assembly

The contact assembly consists of two contact levers 5 with rollers 15 and contact springs. It is used to switch over the motor and switch on and off the detection current. There are two types of contact assemblies, depending on the contacts used: a)

Contact assembly with contact rollers This contact assembly consists of two changeover contacts designed as double contacts. Separate contact points are provided for the closing of circuits and current interruption. The double contacts work in conjunction with contact rollers. These are rotatable and stepped forward each time the current is switch on or off. Thus, the entire circumference of the roller participates in contact making.


Contact assembly with contact fingers This contact assembly consists of four changeover contacts. As the switching element, a set of contact springs with silver-plated contact surfaces is used. These ones are self-cleaning owing to the friction-type contact making.


Electromagnetic Brake

After trailing, the switch rails must be retained with a defined force (2,500 N ± 500 N or 3,500 N ± 500 N according to the transmission ratio of the gearbox). For this purpose, the point machines can be equipped with an electromagnetic brake. A brake disc is mounted on the motor shaft of motors equipped with a brake. An electromagnetically controlled brake shoe acts upon the brake disc. When the motor is stationary, the brake shoe, by means of a spring force, exerts a braking torque of about 0.75 Nm on the disc. If a voltage is applied to the motor, simultaneously the magnet is excited and the brake shoe lifted overcoming the spring force.

Bsg. antr. 9 Electric Point Machine Operating Manual

VT 1 P 64 27-06-1997 08-11-1996

Copyright © Siemens AG 1997 All Rights Reserved

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Point Throwing with a Crank Handle

In case of power failure, the Bsg. antr. 9 Electric Point Machine can be reversed locally using a crank handle. The crank handle is inserted into the side of the machine housing (see Fig. 5). DANGER Before you start working on the track, inform the traffic controller responsible and observe the regulations of the respective railway authority. Point machines with a crank handle- or key-released voltage cut-off switch protect the operator in the event of sudden power restoration. For point machines without a voltage cut-off switch, the voltage must be disconnected in the signal box or another place.



+ +



Crank handle Fig. 5

Point throwing with a crank handle

Bsg. antr. 9 Electric Point Machine Operating Manual

VT 1 P 64 27-06-1997 08-11-1996

Copyright © Siemens AG 1997 All Rights Reserved

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Technical Data


Technical and Operating Data of the Individual Versions

The Bsg. antr. 9 Electric Point Machine is available as a trailable and a non-trailable version. In addition, the models differ in the type of motor current, throwing stroke, throwing force and throwing time. Trailing resistance [N] No.


Type of current and voltage of motor

Throwing stroke [mm]


A1 (9 a)


A2 (9 b)


A3 (9 c)

Throwing force [N]


with brake, motor transmission ratio i = 1:13.2

without brake

No. of changeover con.

i = 1:20.8

DC 60 V…120 V;


627/64 3,500 ± 500 7,000 ±1,000 8,000 ±1,000 max. 6,500


220 V with and without brake


627/64 3,500 ± 500 7,000 ±1,000 8,000 ±1,000 max. 6,500

2 or 4



3,500 ± 500 7,000 ±1,000 8,000 ±1,000 max. 6,500



311/16 3,500 ± 500 7,000 ±1,000 8,000 ±1,000 max. 6,500




3,500 ± 500




311/16 4,000 ± 500



AC 110 V, 50 Hz; without brake


A5 (9 e)


A6 (9 f)


A7 (9 g)


A8 (9 h)

Three-phase AC 50 Hz;



3,500 ± 500




A9 (9 i)

220 V/380 V, with and without brake

94 to 143

311/16 to 4,000 ± 500 55/8




A10 (9 k)



A11 (9 l)


A12 (9 m)

AC 220 V, 50 Hz; with and without brake

413/16 3,500 ± 500 7,000 ±1,000 8,000 ±1,000 max. 6,500


62 to 94

27/16 to 3,500 ± 500 311/16



42 to 56

15/8 to 3,500 ± 500 213/64



This table is meant as a guide only. Other values are possible on consultation. All the point machines are available with or without a voltage cut-off switch and detector slides. Bsg. antr. 9 Electric Point Machine Operating Manual

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Protection against ingress of dust and water as per German standard DIN VDE 0470 IP 43 Dimensions

see dimensioned drawings in Section 5.2

Weight without junction box

178 kg

Bsg. antr. 9 Electric Point Machine Operating Manual

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Dimensioned Drawings









744 255 40




∅ 20.5

∅ 20.5









Bsg. antr. 9 Bsg. antr. 9 Bsg. antr. 9 Bsg. antr. 9 Bsg. antr. 9

Fig. 6

Dimension a Dimension b 250 mm 238 mm 438 mm 127 mm 297 mm 127 mm 250 mm 127 mm 297 mm 238 mm

-A1 (9a) -A2 (9b) -A3 to -A12 (9c to 9m) -A5 (9e) (for 770 mm gear rack) -A5 (9e) (for 811 mm gear rack)

Dimensioned drawings for side view (above) and plan view (below)

Bsg. antr. 9 Electric Point Machine Operating Manual

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Circuit Diagrams

Representation in railway signalling

Representation in telecommunications






3a 3

4a 4

1 1a

2 2a







3a 3

4a 4

1 1a

2 2a









4 CS

CS 3a 3

4a 4

3a 3

4a 4

1 1a

2 2a

1 1a

2 2a













CS = voltage cut-off switch

Fig. 7

Examples of typical circuits: 4-core three-phase AC circuits (left and right figures above) and 4-core DC and single-phase AC circuits (left and right figures below)

Bsg. antr. 9 Electric Point Machine Operating Manual

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Trackside Mounting

Rods are necessary for the transmission of power from point machine to points and detection of switch rails. They establish a flexible connection between the gear racks of the point machine and the switch rails as well as between the detector slides of the point machine and the switch rails. Depending on the type and layout of the points, various kinds of operating and detector rods are required. Fig. 8 shows the most common rodding with detector rods for trailable point machines. Fig. 9 shows the mounting position for non-trailable point machines. The point machine is fixed to two extended sleepers. As the movement of the rails is transferred to the point machine when a train traverses the points, the signalling cable has to be introduced into a junction box located near the point machine. Protected, flexible connecting cables are used for the connection to the terminals of the point machine.

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View x –y


+ +


















+ +




+ +



+ +

+ +



+ +

+ +







detector rods detector slides gear racks junction box operating rods telescopic tube




+ +

View W Fig. 8


Point machine for right-hand mounting

Rodding and sleeper mounting of a trailable point machine

Bsg. antr. 9 Electric Point Machine Operating Manual

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Section A - B

Switch rail connecting rod Operating rod

Section C- D

Switch rail connecting rod Locking rod

Section E- F

Detector rods G

View G






Fig. 9

Rodding and sleeper mounting of a non-trailable point machine

Bsg. antr. 9 Electric Point Machine Operating Manual

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Prior to commissioning, the gearbox of the motor has to be filled with motor oil. This is done through hole 1 (see Fig. 10); the oil quantity is limited by an overflow pipe 2. A certain amount of time elapses before the oil soaks the felt pad 3 and passes through the drain hole 4 to reach the gear space. It is therefore appropriate to top up the oil slowly in doses of about 10 cm3 so as to keep the quantity of oil flowing out from the overflow pipe small. NOTE Shell Aero-Fluid 4 oil is prescribed for countries with temperatures below -30 °C. For all other countries including the tropics use commercially available SAE 10 W/40 motor oil.


3 1 2 3 4



hole for oil overflow pipe felt pad drain hole

Fig. 10

Filling the gearbox with oil

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Maintenance and Repair


Technical Information relating to Maintenance and Repair Work

The Bsg. antr. 9 Electric Point Machine requires little maintenance. All the bearing surfaces remain operational, even if they have not been relubricated for a long period. The design of the Bsg. antr. 9 Electric Point Machine is such that its functional safety is maintained even if only little maintenance work has been carried out. The Bsg. antr. 9 Electric Point Machine is insensitive to oils and grease in the machine housing. Any water that enters must be drained off by pulling out the water drainage stopper. Most of the maintenance jobs required to ensure that the machine is in perfect working order do not take long and can be carried out e.g. during the check of the point locking components by the responsible staff. All work on the Bsg. antr. 9 Electric Point Machine is to be carried out in accordance with the current railway regulations. DANGER The Bsg. antr. 9 Electric Point Machine must be disconnected from the power supply at an appropriate point. Make sure, in addition, the point machine remains disconnected during the maintenance and repair work

DANGER When you remove the cover of the Bsg. antr. 9 Electric Point Machine, please take into account that the machine is still carrying a current. Rotating components or parts moving in longitudinal direction are liable to cause injury or damage. The voltage cut-off switch does impede the reversal of the point machine but only parts of it are isolated from power. After completion of maintenance and repair work, check that the normal position of the point machine is correct before permitting operation, i.e. that point position and Bsg. antr. 9 Electric Point Machine Operating Manual

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indication are corresponding. Check the operability of the point machine by throwing the points several times. CAUTION If you unscrewed or unplugged any cables or internal wiring, make sure you prove the "off" position of the point machine once you have completed the work.


Components of the Bsg. antr. 9 Point Machine

The components of the Bsg. antr. 9 Electric Point Machine are illustrated in Fig. 11. 9




6 1 2 3 4 5

cast-iron housing motor gearbox transmission gearing contact assembly

Fig. 11

6 7 8 9 10






detector rods detector slides gear racks operating rods voltagecut-off switch

Schematic representation of the Bsg. antr. 9 Electric Point Machine

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Inspection Work

For inspection purposes, we recommend performing the following jobs in the intervals specified: Inspection jobs

Tech. information


see section

6 months





Check condition of cable harness



Check whether any parts are damaged



Check connection between machine housing and rail (earthing)



Check operation of crank handle latch and voltage cut-off switch



Check machine is fixed securely



Check easy movement of cover lock

1 year

Open machine housing and check interior


Check Easy Movement of Cover Lock

You must be able to open and close the housing cover exerting only little pressure. If the cover lock is difficult to operate, first check the bolt hook is functioning properly. If the lock is stiff, lubricate it. In the winter, if the lock is frozen, you can use a de-icing agent. If these measures prove unsuccessful, exchange the lock. 8.3.2

Open Machine Housing and Check Interior

Keep the interior of the point machine housing clean and dry. Grease and oil inside the housing do not affect the operation of the machine. 8.3.3

Check Condition of Cable Harness

Make sure the cable harness is held firmly in the cable clamp provided. If the cable harness is damaged, it must be exchanged.

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Inspect Components

Examine the components of the Bsg. antr. 9 Electric Point Machine to see if they are damaged. 8.3.5

Check Connection between Machine Housing and Rail (Earthing)

The rules and regulations of the local railway authority must be observed. Check that the connecting wire is securely attached to the earthing screw of the point machine. 8.3.6

Check Crank Handle Latch and Voltage Cut-off Switch

In point machines with a crank handle-released voltage cut-off switch, the operation of the motor using the crank handle must only be possible if the limit switch has completely actuated. In point machines with a key-released voltage cut-off switch, the insertion of the crank handle must only be possible if the voltage cut-off switch has reliably opened. CAUTION Do not use force when testing.

Using the nut on the fork head, you can readjust the length of the connecting rod as required. The play should be made as small as possible. 8.3.7

Check Machine is Secure

Check that all clamping screws of the terminals, all fastening bolts as well as all bolts and bushings of the operating and detector rods are tight.

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Maintenance Work

The maintenance work to be done on the Bsg. antr. 9 Electric Point Machine comprises greasing and oiling of components and touching up of defects in the coat of lacquer. Use the following detergents, lubricants and paints: • white spirit • Molub-Alloy 243 Arktik grease • Shell Aero-Fluid 4 oil • SAE 10 W/40 oil • Tectyl 506 anticorrosive paint • RAL 7031 (dark grey) and RAL 3002 (red) lacquers CAUTION Prevent your skin from coming into contact with the grease. It can irritate the skin or cause other allergic reactions. Only apply it using gloves and appropriate tools (e.g. a brush). 8.4.1

Biannual Maintenance

After about 10,000 throwing operations (or in case of less frequently operated points in six-months intervals), all external lubricating nipples (see Fig. 12) must be lubricated by about ten strokes of the grease gun. The point machine is not to be opened for this purpose!

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Lubricating points:

Fig. 12


for grease for oil

Internal and external lubricating points

Annual Maintenance

After about 100,000 throwing operations (or in case of less frequently operated points once a year), the following tasks have to be carried out. Lubricate internal and external lubricating points All internal and external lubricating points have to be lubricated thoroughly (see Fig. 12). The greasing points are equipped with lubricating nipples. Lubrication is done using a grease gun. Grease adhering to the lubricating nipples must be wiped away so that they do not encrust. 1. Lubricating pads located inside the lubricating cover for lubricating the locking recess must be saturated with about 10 cm3 oil per hole. 2. Both lubricating nipples of the transmission clutch must be greased with about 20 strokes each of the grease gun. Bsg. antr. 9 Electric Point Machine Operating Manual

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3. The lubricating nipples of the lever bearings of the contact assembly must be greased with about four strokes each of the grease gun. 4. The felt pads in the spring guides and in the contact lever rollers of the contact assembly must be saturated with motor oil (e.g. SAE 10W/40). 5. The oil supply in the gearbox is to be topped up (see Section 7, Fig. 10). When using a grease gun, count only those strokes which offer a perceptible resistance to operation, i.e. when actually grease and not air is being pressed in. The lubricant used must be a high-grade grease (e.g. Molub-Alloy 243 Arktik grease). Clean contact assembly, exchange contact rollers and sets of contact springs if required Examine the contact assembly to see if the contact rollers and springs are in a perfect condition. The contact rollers of the control contacts should be easy to turn on their shafts. If they show slight signs of burning, they must be cleaned. Severely burned contact rollers and sets of contact springs are to be replaced by new ones. By removing a hexagon nut, the contact rollers can be easily taken out for cleaning or replacement. When replacing contact rollers, care has to be taken that: • the contact springs are not deadjusted when removing and inserting the contact rollers • the shafts are cleaned and greased prior to insertion of the contact rollers When the sets of contacts springs with silver-plated contacts show signs of excessive wear, they must also be exchanged. Replace worn-out carbon brushes The carbon brushes have been designed for an operating time of about 2,000 hours. Use the same carbon brushes as the manufacturer. Worn-out carbon brushes must be replaced. If the commutator is dirty, i.e. shows no bright or uniformly dark, metallic surface, or if it shows signs of excessive wear, the motor must be detached and overhauled in an authorised workshop. The carbon brushes in DC and AC motors are accessible through two lateral openings in the end shields of the motor. Through these openings, the condition of Bsg. antr. 9 Electric Point Machine Operating Manual

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the commutator can also be inspected. Take care these openings are tightly closed by the covers with rubber gaskets in order to prevent dust from entering the motor. Touch up defects in the coat of lacquer Defects in the coat of lacquer must be primed applying an appropriate anticorrosive paint (e.g. red lead). After drying of the anticorrosive paint, the following lacquers must be applied: 1. RAL 7031 (dark grey, mat) for motor, switch pedestal, voltage cut-off switch, interior of housing 2. RAL 3002 (red, mat) for gearing parts

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Repair Work


Technical Information relating to Repair Work

A Bsg. antr. 9 Electric Point Machine must be repaired by qualified staff only in the event of the following: • The point machine has been waterlogged. • The point machine is damaged. • The point machine has performed about 500,000 throwing operations. • The point machine is in a severely neglected state or showing signs of excessive wear. • The point machine has been operating for five years. The sections below generally describe how to remove various components. To replace them, carry out the same steps in reverse. The voltage cut-off switch of point machines with a key- or crank handle-released cut-off switch must be exchanged each time the Bsg. antr. 9 Electric Point Machine is repaired, independent of its apparent state (see Section 8.2, Fig. 11). DANGER Before removing the cover of the housing, the voltage must be disconnected. Only parts of the point machine are isolated from power by operating the voltage cut-off switch. 8.5.2

Tool and Materials Used

The following tools are required for repair: • plastic hammer • grease gun • type 43098/043a spring tensioning device • point machine test facility (e.g. C25099-A393-A1) • flat and cross head screwdrivers • folding rule or similar measure • writing materials • test stamp • brush (for cleaning) • hard brush (for Molykote treatment) • soft-leather cloth Bsg. antr. 9 Electric Point Machine Operating Manual

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• cloth The following detergents, lubricants, paints and sealing compounds are required for repair: • petroleum • white spirit • Molub-Alloy 243 Arktik grease • Molykote paste (type G) • Tectyl 506 anticorrosive paint • RAL 7031 (dark grey) and RAL 3002 (red) lacquers • Shell Aero-Fluid 4 oil • SAE 10 W/40 oil • Curil liquid sealing compound • degreasing agent CAUTION Prevent your skin from coming into contact with the above-mentioned agents, in particular the grease! They (especially grease) can irritate the skin or cause other allergic reactions. Only apply them using gloves and appropriate tools (e.g. a brush). Besides the detergents, lubricants, pastes and paints listed above, you need a plastic sealing compound, as Fluid Plast, for repair. Other materials required are: • slit pins • washers • nuts • bolts • abrasive cloth 8.5.3

Removal and Cleaning

Motor Disconnect the connecting wires, undo the two fastening bolts and remove the motor.

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Contact assembly Undo two bolts and remove the contact assembly from the locating pins. Gear racks and locking rods Take off the protective cover and remove the wipers. Remove the guide flanges provided at the sides of the housing by undoing a hexagon bolt each. Manually turn the transmission gearing until the locking segment leaves the locking recess. Now, the gear racks can be removed. Transmission gearing Undo two fastening bolts per bearing pedestal and remove the transmission gearing from the locating pins. Detector slides The detector slides can be simultaneously pulled out sideways from the housing. Dismantle the point machine in the workshop. Wash the following components with petroleum and dry them using a fluff-free cloth: • bearing surfaces and all machined surfaces inside the housing • operating rods, locking rods and detector slides • flanges of operating rod guides and guide flanges of detector slides • caps, gaskets and protective covers • bearing pedestals of transmission clutch • all components of the transmission clutch The bearing pedestals are equipped with Teflon-coated bushings. Press them out before washing the pedestals. When assembling the point machine, use new bushings.


Repairing the Motor

The motors should only be repaired or overhauled in an authorised workshop. Bsg. antr. 9 Electric Point Machine Operating Manual

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Dismantling and Cleaning

For motors with a brake, unscrew the electromagnetic brake. Dismantle the motor and remove the oil in the gearbox. Wash the pinions, gear wheels, gearbox housing, flange bearings, end shields and bearing covers with petroleum and dry them using a fluff-free cloth. Pull off the ball bearings using a pull-off device. Clean the ball bearings and shaft stubs of the armature with white spirit. Take care the armature winding does not come into contact with the detergent. Then, immerse the bearings in 50 °C warm spindle oil and turn the outer ring against the inner ring. If the rings stick, use a new bearing. When forcing the bearing on, pressure must only be exerted on the inner ring. Only for DC and AC motors: • Examine the carbon brushes and exchange them if the length is below "l": DC motors: "l" 17.0 mm (EG 17 carbon brush: 8x10x25)



l = d minus c/2

a = 4 mm

a = 4 mm

a = connecting piece

b = 4.5 mm

b = 4.5 mm

b = safety remainder

c = 17 mm

c = 12.5 mm

c = effective length

d = 25.5 mm

d = 21 mm

d = total length





AC motors: "l" 14.75 mm (E 33 carbon brush: 5x10x20)

Fig. 13

Carbon brushes of the motor (schematic representation)

The contact surface of new carbon brushes must be rounded in order to fit the commutator (2/3 of the cross-section must be in contact with the commutator). If this is not the case, clamp the carbon brush in the brush holder, put on the pressure lever, wrap a strip of fine abrasive cloth round the commutator and seat the carbon brush. • Remove the carbon dust from the grooves between the commutator bars.

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• If the commutator shows signs of threading, it must be skimmed (surface roughness = 10 µ). • Check the soldering of the commutator bars and resolder if required. • If there are signs of severe burn-off between two commutator bars, check the armature winding for interturn short-circuit.

Assembly and Testing

Grease the ball bearings with Molub-Alloy 243 Arktik grease. The bearing space must be filled only half with grease. Check the motor before mounting the gearbox. • The armature must be easy to turn. It must not touch fixed parts. The axial play must be zero. • The frictional torque measured at the slotted shaft stub of the motor must not exceed 0.06 Nm. Assemble the gearbox. • Apply a thin layer of grease to the contact areas of the flange bearings, gearbox housing, end shields, bearing covers and motor housing as well as to all surfaces without a surface protection. If the contact areas show signs of corrosion, the rust must be rubbed off using worn abrasive cloth. • Observe the following when assembling the gearbox (see Figs. 14 and 15):

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4 1 hole for oil 2 lubricated when assembling the gearbox 3 grease hole must be free from grease in order that the oil lubrication becomes fully effective 4 overflow pipe 5 saturate felt pad with oil before assembling the gearbox Fig. 14

Components of the gearbox (overall view)



1 Apply Curil sealing compound to the cylindrical surfaces of the groove for the sealing ring and force the sealing ring in without canting it. Apply a very thin layer of grease to the sealing lips. 2 Seal the cover plate with Curil. 3 Each time the gearbox is dismantled, use a new gasket C20247-A5002-C62.

3 Fig. 15

Components of the gearbox (detail view)

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• If a motor is equipped with a brake disc, this one must be fastened using as many locking plates as required to prevent the fastening bolts from protruding at the rear of the flange hub. Mounting of the electromagnetic brake in motors with a brake • Before bolting the electromagnetic brake, apply Curil to the surfaces over and underneath the gasket C20247-A5002-C60. Before doing so, degrease all surfaces to be treated with Curil.




For the fastening bolts of the electromagnetic brake, apply Curil to the upper 8 mm of the shank.


1 Curil 2 gasket Fig. 16

Fastening the electromagnetic brake

• Brake-shoe bearing of the electromagnetic brake Add a drop of spindle oil to the oil supply in the felt pads of guide bushing 1 and bushings 2 and 3 (see Fig. 17). The oil must not reach the brake disc. 1 3


1 2 3

Fig. 17

guide bushing bushing bushing

Brake-shoe bearing of the electromagnetic brake

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Check the motor. • Motor with a brake The air gap between the armature and pole shoe of the electromagnetic brake must be 3.0 mm ± 0.8 mm.


If the distance is outside this tolerance, adjust the air gap by adding or removing compensating plates C20247-A5002-C25, depending on whether the actual value remains below or exceeds the tolerance value (see Fig. 18).

1 2 3

1 2 3 Fig. 18

compensating plate C20247-A5002-C25 compensating plate C20247-A5002-C55 cover plate C20247-A5002-C31

Air gap between the armature and pole shoe of the electromagnetic brake

• Motor without a brake Frictional torque = 0.2 Nm ± 10 % (measured at the shaft stub) • Motor with a brake Frictional torque = 0.6 Nm to 0.8 Nm (measured at the shaft stub) Frictional torque with the brake released = 0.2 Nm ± 10 % Before measuring the frictional torque, check that the brake disc or brake shoe are free from grease or oil. If not, remove the brake and clean the brake disc and brake shoe using a degreasing agent (brake disc with a cloth, brake shoe with a brush). If the frictional torque is outside the tolerance, adjust the braking force by adding or removing compensating plates C20247-A5002-C55. For this, remove the cover plate C20247-A5002-C31 (see Fig. 18). Bsg. antr. 9 Electric Point Machine Operating Manual

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Check pick-up and drop-out of the brake armature. • Motor for 220 V, 50 Hz single-phase AC and 120 V DC Connect the magnet coil to a variable DC voltage and adjust it so that the current intensity is 2.0 A. The armature must reliably pick up. Then, reduce the current to 0.4 A. The armature must reliably drop out. • Motor for 200 V DC Connect the magnet coil to a variable DC voltage and adjust it so that the current intensity is 1.0 A. The armature must reliably pick up. Then, reduce the current to 0.15 A. The armature must reliably drop out. • Motor for 380 V, 50 Hz three-phase AC Connect the magnet coil to a variable DC voltage and adjust it so that the current intensity is 0.6 A. The armature must reliably pick up. Then, reduce the current to 0.1 A. The armature must reliably drop out. • Motor for 220 V, 50 Hz three-phase AC Connect the magnet coil to a variable DC voltage and adjust it so that the current intensity is 1.15 A. The armature must reliably pick up. Then, reduce the current to 0.2 A. The armature must reliably drop out.

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Repairing the Contact Assembly

There are contact assemblies with silver-plated contacts and with contact rollers. Contact assemblies with silver-plated contacts Contact assemblies with contact rollers

Contact assembly for four changeover contacts (three-phase AC), V25000-Q9622-X791 Contact assembly for four changeover contacts (DC and singlephase AC), V25000-Q9622-X790 Contact assembly for two changeover contacts (three-phase AC), V25000-Q9622-X648 Contact assembly for two changeover contacts (DC and singlephase AC), V25000-Q9622-X649

Dismantling and Cleaning

Dismantle the contact assembly. Wash the following components with petroleum and dry them using a fluff-free cloth: switch pedestal, associated shafts and bolts, pressure spring, spring guides and both contact levers (without the roller). Observe the following: • Before cleaning the components, remove the felt pads from the spring guides and saturate them after reinsertion with SAE 10W/40 oil. • Because of the felt pads inserted, the rollers of the contacts levers must not come into contact with petroleum. Therefore, clean them using a dry cloth only. Then, the felt pads are to be saturated with SAE 10W/40 oil (through the hole in the roller). Exchange damaged parts and components showing signs of excessive wear. Examine the contacts to see if they are burnt off and exchange them if required. If the contacts are worn out, use preadjusted, complete sets of contact springs to replace them.

Lubrication and Assembly

Lubricate the machined surfaces of the switch pedestal and contact levers as well as all shafts and bolts (except for the spring guides of the contact lever). The spring guide must be so easy to move that it turns down by its own weight. Keep the lubricating channel of the spring guide (see Fig. 19) free from grease in order that the oil lubrication becomes fully effective.

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Lubricating channel

Spring guide

Fig. 19

Lubricating channel of the spring guide

Assemble contact assembly and switch pedestal and grease the lubricating nipples of the lever bearings with about four strokes each of the grease gun using MolubAlloy 243 Arktik grease. Check the adjustment of the contact assembly. Readjust the contacts if required or exchange the sets of contact springs. After mounting new sets of contact springs, if required bent the spring supports to adjust the contacts. The permissible deviation when making the contact is ≤ 0.3 mm. The contact roller must be easy to move.

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Testing the Contact Adjustment

Contact assembly for four changeover contacts (three-phase AC), V25000-Q9622-X791 • The roller of the contact lever engages with the notch of the control disc (Fig. 20a). • The roller of the contact lever is in disengagement with the notch of the control disc (Fig. 20b). • The wide roller of the contact lever rests on the detector slide (Fig. 20c). • Move the detector slide so that the wide roller of the contact lever engages with the notch touching its slanting edge. After a slide stroke of ≤ 1.4 mm, motor contact M must have made (Fig. 20d). • After a slide stroke of ≤ 2.4 mm, detection contact D must have perceptibly broken (Fig. 20e). • Check all parts carrying a current with respect to each other and to ground by applying a test voltage of 2,500 V, 50 Hz for 1 s. Add a test stamp to the contact assembly after testing. 3.5

± 0.5

P1 ≥ 4 N D



8 ± 0.5

P2 ≥ 4.5 N D



Fig. 20




≤ 2.4

≤ 1.4

Dimensions in mm








Contact adjustment for a contact assembly for four changeover contacts (three-phase AC), V25000-Q9622-X791

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Contact assembly for four changeover contacts (DC and single-phase AC), V25000-Q9622-X790 • The roller of the contact lever engages with the notch of the control disc (Fig. 21a). • The roller of the contact lever is in disengagement with the notch of the control disc (Fig. 21b). • The wide roller of the contact lever rests on the detector slide (Fig. 21c). • Move the detector slide so that the wide roller of the contact lever engages with the notch touching its slanting edge. After a slide stroke of ≤ 1.2 mm, detection contact D must have perceptibly broken (Fig. 21d). • Check all parts carrying a current with respect to each other and to ground by applying a test voltage of 2,500 V, 50 Hz for 1 s. Add a test stamp to the contact assembly after testing. ≤ 15

P1 ≥ 4 N D



P2 ≥ 4.5 N


2 +0.5




Fig. 21


≤ 1.2

Dimensions in mm







Contact adjustment for a contact assembly for four changeover contacts (DC and single-phase AC), V25000-Q9622-X790

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Contact assembly for two changeover contacts (three-phase AC), V25000-Q9622-X648 • Move the contact lever of the sets of motor and detection contact springs (Fig. 22) to position 1 (roller of the contact lever engages with the notch of the control disc). If required, readjust the spring supports by bending them slightly. The distance (air gap) between spring and spring support of the detection contacts must be ≥ 1 mm. Detection contacts

Motor contacts

A F2 F1

≥ 1 mm

Contact force F1 ≥ 4.9 N Contact force F2 ≥ 4.9 N

Position 1

Distance A = 4.5 mm + 0.5 mm

Fig. 22

Sets of motor and detection contact springs, position 1

• Move the contact lever of the set of motor contact springs (Fig. 23a) to position 2 (roller of the contact lever rests on the outer diameter of the control disc). 2



1 2

F4 F3

Position 3

Position 2

Contact force F3 ≥ 6.4 N Contact force F4 ≥ 6.4 N


Detector slide

Locking pawl


Distance B = 3.5 mm - 0.5 mm

Fig. 23

Set of motor contact springs, position 2 (left) and set of detection contact springs, position 3 (right)

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• Move the contact lever of the set of detection contact springs (Fig. 23b) to position 3 (locking pawl rests on the detector slide). If required, readjust the spring supports by bending them slightly. • Before the contact roller touches the U-shaped contact (1), it must already have touched the angle contact (2). This applies to both the set of motor contact springs and the set of detection contact springs. Check that the motor contact has made before the detection contact breaks. Add a test stamp and a stamp with the construction specifications number to the tested contact assembly meeting all test conditions. Contact assembly for two changeover contacts (DC and single-phase AC), V25000-Q9622-X649 • Move the contact lever of the sets of motor and detection contact springs (Fig. 24) to position 1 (locking pawl rests on the detector slide). Measure the distances A (3 mm ± 0.5 mm) and B (5 mm ± 0.5 mm). If required, readjust the spring supports by bending them slightly. A


Distance A = 3 mm ± 0.5 mm

Position 1 Distance B = 5 mm ± 0.5 mm

Detector slide

Fig. 24

Locking pawl

Sets of motor and detection contact springs, position 1

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• Move the contact lever of the set of motor contact springs (Fig. 25a) to position 2 (roller of the contact lever rests on the outer diameter of the control disc). The distance (air gap) between spring and spring support must be ≥ 1 mm. • Move the contact lever of the set of detection contact springs (Fig. 25b) to position 3 (roller of the contact lever engages with the notch of the control disc). The distance (air gap) between spring and spring support of the detection contacts must be ≥ 1 mm. Before the contact roller touches the U-shaped contact (1), it must already have touched the angle contact (2). This applies to both the set of motor contact springs and the set of detection contact springs. 1


2 F4 F2 F1


≥ 1 mm

≥ 1mm

Position 2

Position 3

Contact force F1 = 7.2 N ± 1 N

Contact force F3 = 6 N ± 0.9 N

Contact force F2 = 7.3 N ± 1.2 N

Contact force F4 = 5.8 N ± 1 N


a Fig. 25

Set of motor contact springs, position 2 (left) and set of detection contact springs, position 3 (right)

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Assembly CAUTION Before replacing the components, make sure they are free from contamination, surface damage and other defects.

Before assembling new gear wheels, treat them with Molykote paste. • Apply a thin layer of type G Molykote paste. • Rub in the paste thoroughly. • Wipe away any excess with a cloth. Parts and surfaces not coated with lacquer or galvanised must be treated as follows: • Grease all the parts and any surfaces before assembling them. For this, use Molub-Alloy 243 Arktik grease. Greasing of parts is understand to be the application of a thick layer of appropriate grease. In addition, grease all lubricating points. Assemble the transmission clutch. If the depth of tooth is ≤ 1.5 mm, exchange the friction ring. Grease the following parts with Molub-Alloy 243 Arktik grease: • sliding surfaces between gear rim and driving disc • sliding surfaces between gear rim and lift-out disc • gaps between friction ring and gear rim • grease chambers of the lift-out disc • all machined surfaces without a surface protection The throwing force of the point machine can be set by adjusting the preloading at the clutch spring (see Fig. 3). The throwing force should be 3,500 N ± 500 N.

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For trailable point machines, the distance "a" and the preloading must be checked after mounting the retention springs (see Fig. 26):

Distance "a" = 96 mm ± 0.25 mm max. 0.6 Fig. 26

Check preloading: 1,680 N ± 50 N

a Mounting the retention spring

Force the Teflon-coated bearing bushings in the bearing pedestals of the transmission clutch (not for older, grease-lubricated bearing pedestals). The forcingin of the bearing bushings must be carried out with special care using a parallel vice. For this, use aluminium- or copper-sheet jaws. Take care the sensitive Teflon layer in the bushings is not damaged. Oil the Teflon-coated bushings with a commercially available motor oil. CAUTION The Teflon-coated bushings must not come into contact with Molub-Alloy 243 Arktik grease or type G Molykote paste. Assemble the point machine. • The lateral play between the bearing pedestals of the transmission clutch must be 0.1 mm and 0.5 mm. If required, use compensating washers C20106-A5009C131. The clutch must be easy to move to and fro. • When mounting the gear racks, pinions and locking segment, observe the following: Clean the gear teeth, locking segment and locking recess of the gear racks, apply a thin layer of type G Molykote paste and rub it in thoroughly using a soft-leather cloth or, for the gear teeth, a hard brush. Reverse the point machine three times in the no-load state and grease these parts. • Fill the lubricating points at the openings for the gear racks and detector slides as well as the lubricating nipples of the transmission gearing by means of a grease gun.

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• Before testing, fill the gearbox of the motor with about 75 cm3 of the corresponding oil. Check the backlash at the gear racks (Fig. 27). 3



1 closed tooth flank 2 play 3 backlash Fig. 27

Backlash at the gear racks

• Engage the teeth flanks of the pinions with the gear racks (1). When the gear rack is moved by the pinion, a play is produced (2). Measure the play at (2) when the locking segment leaves the locking recess and the pinion starts to move the gear rack. The play at (2) must be ≥ 0.15 mm. • The backlash (3) of types -A1 (9a) and -A2 (9b) must be min. 0.15 mm and max. 0.6 mm. • The backlash (3) of types -A3 to -A12 (9c to 9m) must be min. 0.3 mm and max. 0.9 mm. • The backlash between motor pinion and gear rim must be min. 0.085 mm and max. 0.75 mm. Only if the contacts have reliably broken, must the operation of the point machine by means of the crank handle be possible (applies to point machines with a voltage cut-off switch only).

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The cover of the housing must be easy to remove by hand and the cover lock must lock properly. Without a key, the locked cover must not open, even if it is moved in all directions.

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Testing after Maintenance and Repair Work

After the completion of maintenance and repair work, the following tests must be carried out: • mechanical tests • electrical tests • function check-out Before beginning testing, reverse the point machine three to four times in the noload state. For performing the function check-out, the gearbox of the motor must be filled with about 75 cm3 SAE 10W/40 oil. 8.6.1

Mechanical Testing

Check that the point machine is easy to move, contains all the parts required and that these ones have been placed correctly (see drawings). Grease all surfaces without a surface protection (except for the contact areas). Apply a thin layer of type G Molykote paste to the gear teeth, gear racks and sliding surfaces of locking segment and gear rack and grease them after doing so. Check that all lubricating points and sliding parts are lubricated. Check that the type plates conform to the inscription plan. Check that the contact assembly complies with the corresponding construction specifications. 8.6.2

Electrical Testing

High-voltage and insulation tests Test all current-carrying parts (except for rectifiers and spark quenching capacitors) with respect to ground with 2,500 V AC, 50 Hz for 1 s. Before doing so, disconnect all current-carrying parts and break made contacts. In both home positions, test all current-carrying parts (except for rectifiers and spark quenching capacitors) with respect to each other with 750 V DC (insulation test).

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Current consumption The maximum current consumption at maximum load and with a slipping clutch must not exceed the following values: Motor type

Rated voltage

Max. current consumption

DC motor

60 V

≤ 6.5 A

DC motor

120 V

≤ 6.0 A

DC motor

220 V

≤ 4.0 A

AC motor

110 V

≤ 12 A

AC motor

220 V

≤ 6.5 A

Three-phase AC motor

220 V

≤ 3.5 A

Three-phase AC motor

380 V

≤ 2.5 A

Direction of rotation (viewed at the pinion) The terminal designations on the terminal board of the motor are as follows: Three-phase AC:

RST to UVW = clockwise rotation

DC and single-phase AC: connection to 2 and 0 = clockwise rotation connection to 1 and 0 = counterclockwise rotation 8.6.3

Function Check-out

Perform the function check-out with the gear rack gaskets installed. Remove the detector slides. For types -A9 and -A11, set the locking rod to maximum stroke. Do not bent the locking plates. Retention force of the clutch (for trailable point machines only) The motor pinion and gear rim must be disengaged. Check the retention force in the "in" and "out" positions of the operating rods. Retention force: ≥ 4,500 N Retention force of the brake (for trailable point machines only) The motor pinion and gear rim of the clutch must be engaged and the lock released. Check the retention force in the direction of trailing at each one of the two gear racks. Gearbox with a transmission ratio of i = 20.8: 3,500 N ± 500 N Bsg. antr. 9 Electric Point Machine Operating Manual

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Gearbox with a transmission ratio of i = 13.2: 2,500 N ± 500 N Trailing resistance of the point machine (for trailable point machines only) Check the trailing resistance in the "in" and "out" positions of the operating rods. • Point machines with a brake: Gearbox with a transmission ratio of i = 20.8: 8,000 N ± 500 N Gearbox with a transmission ratio of i = 13.2: 7,000 N ± 500 N • Point machines without a brake: ≤ 6,500 N • Point machines with a back-locking and a transmission ratio of i = 13.2: 6,000 N ± 500 N Throwing force Check the throwing force in both throwing directions. For trailable point machines:

For each direction, connection of load to one gear rack only, that which engages with the pinion.

For non-trailable point machines:

Connection of load to the gear rack; the locking rod is taken along. During the reversal operation, the force must not fall below the following values:

C20106-A500-A1, -A2, -A3, -A5, -A6, -A8, -A10, -A11, -A12 except for S25000-Q9622-R/L809 and -R/L823: 3,000 N C20106-A5009-A7, -A9 and S25000-Q9622-R/L809 and -R/L823: 3,500 N Static throwing force Check the throwing force with a slipping clutch (operating rod blocked) in both throwing directions: For trailable point machines:

For each direction, connection of load to one gear rack only, that which engages with the pinion.

For non-trailable point machines:

Connection of load to the gear rack; the locking rod is taken along. During the reversal

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operation, the force must not fall below the following values: As measuring points, the middle of the throwing stroke as well as its start and end before the locking segment engages are used. At the start and end of the throwing stroke, the forces may be up to 500 N over the upper limit of the throwing force. The motor must reliably cause the clutch to slip, observing the current consumption values given in Section 8.6.2. C20106-A5009-A1, -A2, -A3, -A5, -A6, -A8, -A10 except for S25000-Q9622-R/L809 and -R/L823: 3,800 N ± 500 N C20106-A5009-A11,-A12: 3,800 N ± 500 N C20106-A5009-A7 and S25000-Q9622-R/L809 and -R/L823:

4,300 N ± 500 N

C20106-A5009-A9: 4,300 N ± 500 N Throwing stroke Move the gear racks so that the backlash becomes zero. Drawing number

Throwing stroke



163 mm

+1.5 mm/–1 mm


94 mm

+1.5 mm/–1 mm


132 mm

+1.5 mm/–1 mm


113 mm

+1.5 mm/–1 mm


143 mm

+1.5 mm/–1 mm


122.5 mm

+1.5 mm/–1 mm

94 mm

+1.5 mm/–1 mm


Locking stroke In the type -A1 and -A2 point machines, the locking stroke must be between 20.45 mm and 21.9 mm. It is measured as the distance of the carriers of both gear racks in the end position of the machine. For this, move the gear racks so that the backlash becomes zero. The distance of the carriers must be between 0.05 mm and 1.5 mm when both gear racks are in mesh with the pinions. Bsg. antr. 9 Electric Point Machine Operating Manual

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Voltage cut-off switch In point machines with the crank handle-released voltage cut-off switch V25000Q9622-X690 or C20106-A5009-B371, the operation of the motor using the crank handle must only be possible if the limit switch has completely actuated. In point machines with the key-released voltage cut-off switch C20106-A5009-B80, the insertion of the crank handle must only be possible if the voltage cut-off switch has reliably opened. 8.6.4

Final Work after Testing

After testing the point machine, carry out the following jobs: • Introduce the detector slides. • Bolt the slide gaskets. • Saturate the felt pads of the lubricating hood with SAE 10W/40 oil. • Seal the covers of the contacts with leads. • Move the gear racks and detector slides to one direction. Apply anticorro-sive paint (Tectyl 506) to the parts protruding from the gaskets. This does not apply to point machines as per variety parts lists S25000-Q9622-R/L546, -R/L691, -R/L783. In these point machines, protruding parts without a surface protection must only be lubricated with Molub-Alloy 243 Arktik grease. • Bolt the caps of the gear racks and detector slides. • Touch up the coat of lacquer inside and outside, if required. • Add test stamps to those point machines meeting all test conditions inside the housing near the type plate.

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