Manual Delta Blower

June 13, 2019 | Author: Ramon Chavez B | Category: Mechanical Fan, Belt (Mechanical), Valve, Motor Oil, Safety
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Operating- and installation instructions Positive displacement blower unit


G4-006 F EN

74 67 676 00 000


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Die INFO-Seite ist vor der Inbetriebnahme durchzulesen. durchzulesen. Dort evtl. vermerkte Hinweise und Änderungen sind durchzuführen. Read the INFORMATION INFORMATION sheet prior to commissioning. Possible notes and changes indicated herein are to be effected. La page INFO est à lire avant la mise en route. Y apporter éventuellement des annotations et modications.

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G4-006 F EN

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Konformitäts-Erklärung Declaration of Conformity Certificat de conformité EG-Verklaring van over-eenstemming voor machines Declaración de conformidad Dichiarazione di conformità

  s    t   n   e    t

Leistungsdaten Performance data Performances Capaciteitsgegevens Datos de servicio Dati di esercizio

  n   o    C


Ersatzteil-Liste Spare parts list Pièces de rechange Reservedelen Repuestos para tamaños de soplantes Parti di ricambi

Verschleißteilzeichnungen Wearing parts drawings Plans des pièces d'usure Tekening waarop aangegeven Disegno parti soggette ad usura Dibujo de pieza de desgaste

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INFO - Seite Information sheet Page infos Info bladzijde Pagina Informativa Informazioni

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G4-006 F EN

Konformitäts-Erklärung Declaration of Conformity Certicat de conformité

EC-Conformiteitsverklaring Declaración de conformidad Dichiarazione di conformità


Hiermit bestätigen wir, dass diese Maschine den folgenden EG-Richtlinien EG-Richtlinien entspricht: EG-Maschinen-Richtlinie EG-Maschinen-Richtlinie 98/37 EG Anhang II A EMV-Richtlinie 89/336 EG Druckgeräte-Richtlinie Druckgeräte-Richtlinie 97/23 EG Niederspannungs-Richtlinie 2006/95/EG Die Maschine wurde konstruiert, gefertigt und dokumentiert, in Übereinstimmung mit den harmonisierten Normen der genannten EG-Richtlinien, von Firma: Aerzener Maschinenfabrik GmbH, D-855 Aerzen Eine technische Dokumentation ist vollständig vorhanden. Die zur Maschine gehörende Betriebsanleitung liegt vor.

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We herewith conrm that this machine is in accordance with the following EC guidelines:

EC machine guideline 98/37 EG Appendix II A for machines to be installed EMV guideline 89/336 EG pressure device guideline 97/23 EG low-voltage guideline 2006/95/EG The machine was designed, manufactured and documented in accordance with the harmonized standards of  the stated EC-guidelines of: Aerzener Maschinenfabrik GmbH, D-855 Aerzen  A copy copy of all relevant technical technical information information is provided and available. The operating manual pertaining to the machine is provided and available. français

Nous déclarons par la présente que cette machine est conforme aux directives CE suivantes : Directive machine CE 98/37 CE Annexe II A Directive CEM 89/336 CE Directive équipements sous pression 97/23 CE Directive basse tension 2006/95/EG La machine a été conçue, fabriquée et documentée en accord avec les normes d’harmonisation des directives CE indiquées, par la société :  Aerzener Maschinenfabrik Maschinenfabrik GmbH, D-31855 D-31855 Aerzen Une documentation technique complète est disponible. Le présent document comprend la notice d’instructions de la machine. nederlands

Hiermee bevestigen we, dat deze machine aan de volgende EG-richtlijnen voldoet: EG-Machinerichtlijn EG-Machinerichtlijn 98/37 EG Bijlage II A EMC-richtlijn 89/336 EG Drukapparatuurrichtijn Drukapparatuurrichtijn 97/23 EG Laagspanningsrichtlijn 2006/95/EG De machine werd geconstrueerd, vervaardigd en gedocumenteerd in overeenstemming met de geharmoniseerde normen van de genoemde EG-richtlijnen door de:  Aerzener Maschinenfabrik Maschinenfabrik GmbH, D-31855 D-31855 Aerzen Een technische documentatie is compleet aanwezig. De bij de machine behorende bedieningshandleiding bedieningshandleiding ligt ligt ter inzage. español 

Nos aseguramos de esta forma, que la máquina cumple con las siguientes Directivas de la CE: Directiva de máquinas CE 98/37 CE Anexo II A Directiva EMV 89/336 CE Directiva de dispositivos de presión 97/23 CE Directiva de baja tensión 2006/95/CE La máquina fue construida, concluida y documentada en conformidad con las normativas harmonizadas de las Directivas de la CE mencionadas, por la empresa:  Aerzener Maschinenfabrik Maschinenfabrik GmbH, D-31855 D-31855 Aerzen Se encuentra disponible una documentación técnica completa. Existe un manual de instrucciones de la máquina. italiano

Con la presente si conferma che la presente macchina è conforme alle seguenti direttive CEE: Direttiva macchine CEE 98/37 EG Anhang II A Direttiva EMV 89/336 EG Direttiva per apparecchi ed impianti a pressione 97/23 EG Direttiva bassa tensione 2006/95/EG La macchina è stata costruita, prodotta e documentata, in conformità alle norme armonizzate delle succitate direttive CEEdalla ditta: Aerzener Maschinenfabrik GmbH, D-855 Aerzen É disponibile la documentazione tecnica completa. Le istruzioni per l‘uso necessarie alla macchina sono allegate.

(Herr Seidel)

G4-006 F EN

Leiter Techn. Abteilung Head of the dept. Directeur technique Hoofd tec hnische afdeling Director Dpto, Técnico Responsabile reparto tecnico

Unterschrift des Herstellers Signature of the manufacturer  Signature du constructeur  Handtekening van de fabrikant Firma del fabricante Firma del fornitore



spare parts, pièces dé tachée, onderdelen, repuestos, pezzi di ricambio - AERZENER MASCHINENFABRIK -

Ersatz- und Zubehörteile Es wird darauf hingewiesen, dass nicht von uns gelieferte Originalteile und Zubehör auch nicht von uns geprüft und freigegeben sind. Der Einbau oder Anbau sowie die Verwendung solcher Produkte kann daher 

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unter Umständen konstruktive vorgegebene Eigenschaften der Anlagen beeinussen. Für Schäden, die

durch Verwendung von nicht Originalteilen und Zubehör entstehen, ist jede Haftung des Herstellers ausgeschlossen. Spare parts and accessories We draw your attention to the fact that original parts and accessories not supplied by us are also not inspected and released by us. Therefore, the installation and application of such products might inuence under 

certain circumstances constructively stipulated properties of the plants. Consequential damages due to application of non-original parts and accessories release the manufacturer from any warranty and liability. Accessoires et pièces de rechange Nous attirons votre attention sur le fait que les accessoires et pièces d’origine n’étant pas de notre fourniture ne peuvent être controlés et pris en considératoin lors d’une réclamation. L’intégration ou le montage ainsi que l’utilisation de telles pièces peut inuencer sous certaines conditions les caractéristiques et performances

de la machine. Pour tout dommage causé du fait de pièces n’étant pas d’origine ou de montage erroné, nous déclinons toute responsabilité. Reservedelen en toebehoren Er wordt uitdrukkelijk op gewezen dat niet door ons geleverde originele delen en toebehoren ook niet door  ons getest en vrijgegeven zijn. De in of aanbouw alsmede de toepassing van zulke producten kan derhalve onder zekere omstandigheden constructief gegeven eigenschappen van de installatie beïnvloeden. Voor schaden, die door gebruik van niet originele delen en accessoires ontstaan, is iedere aansprakelijkheid  jegens de fabrikant uitgesloten. Ricambi e accessori Facciamo presente che i pezzi e ricambi originali non forniti da noi, non sono da noi controllati e accettati. Il montaggio o l’impiego di questi prodotti può in certe circostanze provocare inuenze sul cattivo funziona mento dell’impianto. Danni causati dall’impiego di parti e ricambi non originali esonerano il fornitore da ogni garanzia. Piezas de repuesto y accesorios Indicamos expresamente, que aquellos repuestos y/o accesorios no suministrados por nosotros no están comprobados ni homologados por Aerzen. Su montaje, así como su utilización pueden tener incidencia en las características prejadas de la instalación. Por lo tanto no asumimos garantía ni responsabilidad alguna

sobre éstas piezas y de los eventuales daños posteriores y/o alteraciones de las calidades y prestaciones de origen. Para daños originados por la utilización de piezas y accesorios no originales, se excluye cualquier  responsabilidad por parte del fabricante.


G4-006 F EN

Aerzener Maschinenfabrik Leistungsdaten Performance data    H    S    I    L    G    N    E

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Aerzener Maschinenfabrik Ersatzteilliste  /  spare parts list 

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order no.



Kundenbestell-Nr. Customer‘s order no.

serial no.

Lieferanschrift Dispatch address

Rechnungsanschrift Invoice address


Stückzahl /


Stückzahl /








170 DN 50

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Bitte richten Sie Ihre Bestellung, an die für Sie zuständige Aerzener Vertretung / -Gesellschaft. Abruf unter (++49) 0 5 54 8 92 Please send your ordering to the Aerzen representation / -company responsible for your country. Fax polling ++49 (0) 515481192 

G4-006 F EN

DELTA BLOWER Verschleißteilzeichnung / Wearing parts drawing 

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Diese Abbildung ist eine Beispiel-Darstellung und dient der Ersatzteilbestellung. Abweichungen zu der ausgelieferten Maschine sind möglich. Detaillierte Informationen enthält die auftragsbezogene Zeichnung. This gure is an example-presentation and serves for spare part or der.

Deviations to the machine supplied are possible. The drawing gives detail information according to the order number.

G4-006 F EN


DELTA BLOWER Verschleißteilzeichnung / Wearing parts drawing 

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Diese Abbildung ist eine Beispiel-Darstellung und dient der Ersatzteilbestellung. Abweichungen zu der ausgelieferten Maschine sind möglich. Detaillierte Informationen enthält die auftragsbezogene Zeichnung. This gure is an example-presentation and serves for spare part or der.

Deviations to the machine supplied are possible. The drawing gives detail information according to the order number.


G4-006 F EN

DELTA BLOWER Verschleißteilzeichnung / Wearing parts drawing 

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Diese Abbildung ist eine Beispiel-Darstellung und dient der Ersatzteilbestellung. Abweichungen zu der ausgelieferten Maschine sind möglich. Detaillierte Informationen enthält die auftragsbezogene Zeichnung. This gure is an example-presentation and serves for spare part or der.

Deviations to the machine supplied are possible. The drawing gives detail information according to the order number.

G4-006 F EN


Table of contents Title page ....................................................................................1 Notes on information page .........................................................2 Overview of contents ..................................................................3 Declaration of conformity ............................................................5 Information about spare parts.....................................................6 Performance data .......................................................................7 Spare parts list............................................................................8 Drawings of wearing parts and replacement parts ..............9 - 11 Table of contents ......................................................................12

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.......... Suitability, general information ....................................  2.......... Construction, function .................................................. 4 - 5 .......... Precautions .................................................................... 6 - 8 4.......... Inadmissible operating methods.................................. 9 5.......... Transport / installation .................................................. 20 - 2 6.......... Drive motor..................................................................... 24 - 25 7.......... Commissioning .............................................................. 26 - 27 8.......... Switch off / shutdown .................................................... 28 9.......... Frequency converter operation ............ Pole change .................................................................... 29 0........ Maintenance 10.1..... Inspections / inspection schedule .................................... 30 10.2..... Maintenance schedule ..................................................... 31 10.3..... Lubricating oil specications ............................................ 32 - 33 10.4..... Lube oil quantities ............................................................ 34 10.5..... Lubricant change on drive shaft, gas-tight ....................... 35 10.6..... Lubricant change ............................................................. 36 - 39 10.7..... V-belt installation / replacement ....................................... 40 10.8..... Intake lter ....................................................................... 41 10.9..... Starting strainer................................................................ 41 10.10... Pressure valve ................................................................. 42 ........ Accessories .................................................................... 4 - 45 2........ Malfunction / Possible cause / Repairs......................... 46 - 47 ........ Spare parts overview of blower stage ......................... 48 4........ Recycling ........................................................................ 49 5........ INFORMATION page ...................................................... 50 – 5


G4-006 F EN

Suitability/General information

 Aerzener rotary piston machines are suitable for the oil-free conveying and compression of air and, if specially modied versions are used, various other types of gas.

The technical performance limits must be observed if perfect operation of the equipment is to be ensured in the long term.

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The intake temperature t1 specied on the order conrmation serves as the installation site ambient temperature. Non-observance of the technical performance limits or the safety information shall absolve Aerzener Maschinenfabrik of its warranty obligations and its liability to pay damages or compensation as a result of any consequential damage. The same shall apply to defects that can be traced back to recommended inspections not being performed correctly or on time. The vibration behaviour of blowers and compressors with mounted belt pulleys or  couplings is largely determined by the balance quality of the pistons/rotors as well as the balance of the driving elements.  At Aerzener Maschinenfabrik, the piston/rotor driving shafts are balanced using the „half-key balancing“ technique. The belt pulleys/couplings must be used in accordance with the requirements of balancing type „H“.

G4-006 F EN



Construction, function Unit: The standard unit is delivered with mounted accessories, ready to operate. However, the following additional work must be carried out: • Connect the delivery pipes. • Check the oil level. •  Adjust the level, if necessary. • Install the electrical connection. • Install special accessories which are supplied separately, if necessary.

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Service package:  An Aerzen service package is available for the delta blower unit. It includes auxiliary equipment and material for lling with oil and lifting the hinged motor mounting

plate, for example. Generation 5/Initial quantity of operating oil: „Fifth generation“ series units with acoustic hoods are supplied with an initial quantity of  operating oil. The lubricating oil is stored in suitable containe rs located inside the acoustic hood/on the unit. Please take note of the machine type specications on the lubricating

oil container. The initial oil supplied is the exact quantity required by the blower. This means that the oil container may not be completely full. Please observe the machine‘s oil lling quantity and check the level using the markings on the sight glasses found either 

on the blower and on the acoustic hood, as appropriate. Please retain the lubricating oil container until the rst oil change so that it can be used

for catching and collecting the waste oil. Motor connection: Electrical installation has to be performed by an authorised electrical tter. The terminal

diagram for the motor can be found in the cover of the terminal box as well as in the accompanying documentation. Connect the motor and control circuit voltage to a common, stable network to ensure that the locking of the power contactor will be disabled if the power supply fails. Avoid voltage uctuations and dips.

 Alternative: Install an electronic monitoring relay in parallel with the driving motor which will disable the locking of the power contactor if the power supply fails.  A restart should only be possible after a complete machine standstill. Base support: The base support is a torsion-stable, cylindrical container that serves as both an absorption-free discharge silencer and as a foundation for the installation of a blower with intake silencer, belt drive, belt guard, hinged motor mounting plate and connection housing. The base support rests on exible machinery mountings and is to be placed on an even,

non-sloping foundation.  A pressure valve appropriate to the size of the blower is also mounted on the base support to protect the blower against overload. Filter silencer: This silencer is a combination of intake-side silencer and intake lter. The lter material is easy to access and, therefore, easy to replace. The degree of contamination/the specications in the maintenance schedule determine when the lter material is to be replaced.


G4-006 F EN

Connection housing: The connection housing contains a non-return valve that prevents the blower from running in reverse after shut-down.  Additionally, a device for no-load start can be mounted on the connection housing.  A pressure valve appropriate to the size of the blower is also mounted on this housing to protect the blower against overload. Connect the discharge-side piping to the housing via a rubber sleeve or a compensator.


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Function:  Aerzen positive displacement blowers are twin-shaft rotating piston machines whose pistons turn against each other uniformly. Timing gears guarantee contact-free running of the rotary pistons. The direction of rotation determines the blower‘s direction of ow, which means there is a discharge-side and an intake-side ange. During operation the conveying medium ows through the intake ange into the housing and is forced into the

conveying chambers, which are formed by the pistons and the blower cylinder, towards the discharge side. Pulsation is reduced by means of interference (patented). The conveying chamber (cylinder) is sealed from the oil chambers (housing cover and gear case) by piston ring labyrinth seals and the driving shaft is sealed by means of one or two radial seal rings. If the oil level is too high, oil can penetrate the conveying chamber in an uncontrolled manner. The compression process creates compression heat. The heat is partly released into the surrounding air via the outer surfaces of the blower and the delivery pipes. Outer surfaces and delivery pipes reach temperatures which can cause unprotected skin to burn.

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Precautions prior to and during operation CAUTION!

Identies all hazardous situations.


Indicates immediate danger to personnel.

Check the positive displacement machine against the delivery note and the order for  completeness and for transport damage on receipt/acceptance. Observe health and safety regulations, safety information and the relevant operating instructions. Erst lesen dann bedienen!

Read the INFORMATION sheet prior to commissioning. Any notes and changes indicated herein must be carried out.

Read frst, then operate ! 

The steps described below must only be carried out by skilled personnel who are familiar with the functions of the positive displacement machine and its components and have been instructed in the safety information to be observed. This positive displacement machine complies with the relevant European safety regulations. However, unavoidable technical residual risks may still pose a danger to personnel and property. In order to prevent any damage, operators must observe the following safety information:

• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •


You must not attempt to commission this machine before reading and understanding this operating manual. Everyone involved in installing, operating, maintaining and repairing the unit must have read and understood the operating manual. Only personnel with the requisite expertise may commission the unit. Only trained and authorised personnel may operate the unit. Operator responsibilities must be clearly dened in order to prevent any confusion

in this regard. Observe the warnings and notices attached to the machine. They provide important information for ensuring safe operation. Operators must be competent and have been instructed in and authorised to perform the relevant tasks. Observe general, statutory safety and accident prevention regulations as well as the information provided in the operating manual.  Any operation that impairs machine safety is prohibited. The user has an obligation to only operate the machine in its perfect, original condition. Prior to commissioning, ensure that the machine is undamaged and that all screwed connections are fully tightened. Operators must have read this manual and, therefore, be familiar with all protective, operator control and monitoring elements before the device is switched on. Use the machine appropriately and correctly and observe its performance limits. Documents provided by accessories suppliers must also be observed. Observe the safety, operating and maintenance instructions provided by the drive motor manufacturer. When operating a machine with an acoustic hood, all hood elements are to be closed before starting operation and are only to be opened after the motor has been shut down and the fuses removed or switched off. The acoustic hood is also a structural safety component. The acoustic hood prevents the risk of injury from rotating and hot components.

G4-006 F EN

• • • • •

If the acoustic hood is opened during operation of the machine, there is a risk of  serious injury! Do not perform any improper repairs or changes on the unit. If you have any problems, please contact Aerzen After-Sales Service for assistance. Disconnect the power supply and secure the machine against start-up before carrying out any conversion, servicing or maintenance work that requires protective equipment to be removed. It is the operating company‘s responsibility to use and operate the machine in accordance with its intended use and local conditions. Only operate the machine at a suitable, well-ventilated site. The installation site

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must be free of excessive dust, acid, steam and explosive or inammable gas.

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Remove all solids, liquids and powders from the intake area. Protective equipment such as the belt guard/coupling guard, fan cover, hood elements, electrical protective elements, pressure valves, motor protection/emergency stop device, etc. must be in place when the machine is running and their  operational reliability must not be restricted. Risk of injury! Do not operate the machine if electrical, mechanical or hydraulic connections are faulty or missing. Only retighten or open lubricating and regulating oil lines when the machine is depressurised. Only retighten screwed connections when the machine is depressurised. Risk of burns! Do not touch delivery pipes or components on the discharge side without appropriate protection. The pipes and components can reach temperatures of over 70°C. Risk of burns! Depressurise delivery pipes before attempting to remove them. If industrial gases are used, you must rst rinse the delivery pipes with a neutral

• • • •

gas. Never look into or touch the discharge opening/side of the pressure valve. There is a risk of injury since hot, decompressing gas escapes at high speed when the pressure valve is drained. Residual contaminant pieces, dust particles, etc. can also be carried along in this gas. The motor must be securely disconnected from its power supply before commencing any work on the unit. Only trained, authorised, skilled personnel may work on current-carrying components. The unit must be de-energised before such work is performed. Remove fuses. Do not operate the unit if electrical connections are damaged, faulty or not properly connected. Only use the machine in a stable three-phase supply system. Voltage uctuations/

dips beyond the accepted tolerances can lead to serious damage to all drive system elements, such as couplings, V-belts, V-belt pulleys, shafts, gear wheels, etc. • • • • • •

The safety devices serve to protect against injury and must not be modied or 

bypassed. Do not operate the unit if protective equipment, such as the belt or coupling guard, acoustic hood elements, pressure valve, etc. is faulty or missing. It is strictly forbidden to remove or modify the machine‘s protective equipment, to use it for anything other than its intended purpose, or to attach third-party protective equipment. Do not operate the machine with open inlet or discharge sockets, as rotating piston machines are positive displacement machines which carry a risk of injury in the area around the conveying chamber. Wear protective gloves if the acoustic hood is open or missing and the surface of  the housing is at operating temperature. Risk of burns! Loose clothing must not be worn, as rotating components could pose a danger. Risk of injury! G4-006 F EN


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Ear protection must be worn during blower operation. Depending on the operational state of the machine, the sound pressure level may differ from that specied in the operating data. Therefore, a sound pressure level

• •

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greater than 85 dB(A) may arise for a brief period. Observe the oil temperature when changing the oil; it must not exceed 60°C. If the oil temperature is above 60°C, there is a risk of burns. Only use suitable tools that comply with the respective standards and designs of  the screws, nuts and screwed connections. If the machine is driven by diesel or petrol motors and the room is not ventilated, or is insufciently ventilated, there is a risk of poisoning. The installation site must

• •


be adequately ventilated. Observe also the information provided in the motor  manufacturer‘s operating manual. When using detergents or sprays there is a risk of poisoning from breathing them in and a risk of chemical burns from touching them. Observe the manufacturer‘s instructions, those provided with the accessories and all general safety guidelines.

G4-006 F EN

Inadmissible operating methods • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •


Installation on uneven and / slanting foundations. Securing transport devices to the acoustic hood. Non-observance of operating data. Non-observance of maintenance intervals. Incorrect direction of rotation. Switching on - during run-down. - during reverse rotation. Inadmissible increase in pressure. Remaining under or exceeding maximum rotational speed. Exceeding the maximum temperature / see type plate. Pole change to lower rotational speed before motor has come to a standstill. Operating the screw compressor without a properly connected fault indicator / control is not permited. Risk of total machine damage! Operation without assemblies or with damaged assemblies which serve for the protection of persons and machine.

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Overlling the maximum oil level.

Operation without oil.

G4-006 F EN



Transport / installation When transporting the machine the following points must be observed: • • •

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• • • •

The hinged motor support on the belt-driven unit is to be fastened for transport by means of transport securing bolt. The V-belts are to be removed from the belt pulleys. The unit must not be subjected to impact loads. The unit must be transported by means of a crane, fork lift, load platform or similar. The unit must be suspended only in accordance with the sketch. Expander braces suitable for the load must be used. This is to avoid the risk of  injury and damage to the equipment! The lifting tackle, ropes, chains, or similar, must be designed for the load. Units without an acoustic hood are transported by xing the transport tackle to

three or four lifting eyes (hinged motor support / base fame) or under transport timbers. • • •


The lifting tackle is to afxed according to the machine’s centre of gravity.

The lifting tackle must not exert any kind of force on the machine which could lead to damaging the machine. For “Delta Blower Generation 5“ units the cover sheet, if not loosely included, is to be removed from the base of the acoustic hood for transport.

G4-006 F EN

During installation the following points must be observed: • •

The positive displacement machines are preserved for a period 12 months when leaving the factory. When stored for over 12 mo nths the preservation is to be repeated; observe storage and preservation regulation TNO 1175. During storage observe proper preservation, packaging and, if necessary, nitrogen

lling according to TNO 1175. Inspection interval is every six weeks. Negative effects are to be rectied immediately, to ensure continuous preservati -

• • • • •


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on. Intermediate storage in dry, clean and vibration-proof rooms. The oil chambers are adequately preserved for one year. In case of belt-driven machines, the V-belt is to be relieved during storage. When shutting the machine down for over 6 weeks the conveying chamber, piston and bare components are to be preserved. For installation and assembly the respective acoustic hood elements are to be opened.

   0    5    1    N    D    ≥

The unit is to be installed on a level, vibration-free and slant-free foundation. Depending on the foundation it is recommended that the unit is rmly secured on

the 4 mounting boreholes with dowels and bolts. Only one anchor bolt per machine foot / borehole is required.

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• • • • • • •

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Completely remove packing materials. When designing the protective guard for  the coupling provide for adequate ventilation. Provide for adequate ventilation at the installation site / incoming and outgoing air. The following conditions for installation are to be observed:  Ambient temperature : -10°C to 40°C Relative humidity : 0% to 80%  Atmosphere free from chemicals The positive displacement machine is to be checked for freedom of movement. Binding indicates distortion or foreign matter. When conveying air, the plastic plugs are to be removed from the condensate boreholes on the blower. This allows a minimal warm air current to ow out and ush the condensate boreholes.

• • • •

When conveying “industrial gases” the condensate boreholes are closed. If the conveyed medium tends to the formation of condensate, then, depending on the operation, the condensate is to be drained by means of residual gas pipes or  brief opening of the lower boreholes.  ATTENTION ! Hot gas or condensate can escape from the boreholes! To avoid electrostatic charging of the unit, the motor, acoustic hood and base frame are to be earthed via the connecting points provided.

Discharge-side and intake-side piping are to be separately xed in order to obtain

a stable connection. • • • • •

Connection to the piping should be made with via a exible sleeve or compensa -

tor. Flanges and connections must not be subjected to forces and / or stress of any kind. Only in this way can an optimum layout of the drive unit be guaranteed. Provide noise protection! Sound radiation can induce natural vibration in pipes and bases. When designing the plant yourself, additionally observe the safety instructions and technical data of the component suppliers. The oil level is to be checked and adjusted prior to start-up, if necessary.


G4-006 F EN

• •

DELTA BLOWER Generation 5 The “Delta Blower Generation 5” unit must be aligned with care and must be completely level; if necessary, bearing plates should be placed underneath in accordance with the oil level indicated by the individual sight glasses. The unit must be aligned so that the sight glasses indicate the same average oil level between the minimum and maximum marks. Please also note the contents of the section entitled “Lubricant change”. The unit should be aligned using the bearing plates included in the service package. Operational safety/reliability will be affected in accordance with the extent of any misalignment. ATTENTION ! A slanting unit can sustain total damage due to an undened oil level. Design with acoustic hood Install exhaust air sealing strips in the exhaust air duct.


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Install exhaust air bafe plate(s).

G4-006 F EN



Driving motor  Observe the Aerzen operating instructions when using driving motors with an Aerzen type plate.

Motor connection

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• • • • • •

• • • • • • • • • • • •

Connect and operate the driving motor in accordance with the manufacturer‘s operating and connection instructions. Electric motor connection: Refer to the type plate, the inside of the terminal box or  the information attached to the motor housing for technical data relating to the motor. Observe the motor operating manual, supplied separately. You must ensure that the nominal electrical data is complied with during operation. Only authorised electrical tters may perform the connection.

Observe the tightening torques of the terminal screws. Install connecting cables for the electric motor so that they cannot be damaged by movement of the hinged motor mounting plate, if installed. Observe also the following instructions: Motor cable installation for belt-driven units. Generation 5: If your unit has an acoustic hood, it may be necessary to remove the intake console and the acoustic hood cover to connect the motor, depending on the size and output of the unit. Electricians must observe all applicable regulations when connecting the motor. EN 60204-1 must be observed. Secure all connections against accidental loosening. The connecting hardware must be suitable for the cross-section and type of the connecting leads. Cables, leads and connections must not be subjected to excessive bending and tensile forces. Install the connecting cables via a stayed cable bridge to prevent the terminal box being subjected to forces or stress. Install cables and leads in such a way that they cannot sustain any external damage.  Avoid contact with the machine, excessive friction and excessive radiant heat. The cable and lead sheathing must be resistant to normal wear which is to be expected due to the movement of the hinged motor mounting plate and the effects of contaminants in the atmosphere. Fine-core cable is recommended for the connecting leads. Connect the motor and control circuit voltage to a common, stable network to ensure that the locking of the power contactor will be disabled if the power supply fails. Avoid voltage uctuations and dips.

Prerequisites for operating positive displacement machines with electric induction motors in a three-phase AC supply system: Only use the machine in a stable three-phase supply system. Observe the voltage and frequency limits specied in EN 60034-1. Voltage uctuations/dips beyond the accepted tolerances can lead to serious dam -

age to all drive system elements, such as couplings, V-belts, V-belt pulleys, shafts, gear wheels, etc. If excessive voltage uctuations arise in the system,

 Aerzener Maschinenfabrik recommends the following in order to prevent the blower, compressor or motor from sustaining damage: - Use suitable protective equipment that will shut the motor down and safeguard it against an automatic restart if impermissible operating data is detected. Observe also EN 60034-1 and EN 60 204-1.


G4-006 F EN


Motor assembly performed by the customer  •

If the motor is to be assembled by the customer, sufcient motor cooling must be

ensured. • •

Observe the specications and paperwork provided by the motor manufacturer.

Observe and comply with the centre distances and clearances to the positive displacement machine specied by Aerzener Maschinenfabrik.

• •

Observe the maximum permissible motor weight. Install and align the motor in line with the drive. Place shims underneath the motor, if necessary. The magnitude of any misalignment affects the service life of the drive elements.

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Permissible starting frequencies of the driving motors • • •

Up to 160 kW From 200 kW

= =

6 starts per hour  3 cold starts or 2 warm starts

Refer to the paperwork provided by the motor manufacturer for further specica -

tions and information.

VDE 0298




plastic-instulated cable


Uo = 0,6 kV

Uo > 0,6 kV

15 x d

15 x d

12 x d

15 x d


mehradrig multicore

G4-006 F EN



Commissioning 1. 2.

The blower unit is to be set up and installed in accordance with these instructions. Initial commissioning Fill unit with lube oil, if not lled ex factory.

Check lube oil level and correct if necessary. Check oil ller screw and drain valve for correct seating and leakage.

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Check the fan of the acoustic hood ventilation for free and smooth movement. If necessary, the blower cover is to be readjusted, to guarantee contactless running!

Oil level sight glass on blower stage

Pressure gauge bleeding

Oil level sight glass on the acoustic hood, ‘generation 5’

Fan cover, acoustic hood design


Observe commissioning instructions and lubricating intervals of drive motor  manufacturer!


Depending on design, cut off rubber nipple on the upper side of the pressure gauge (if tted) or turn bleeder ap to OPEN.


Set maintenance indicator on “ZERO”.


Check rotational direction. See also red directional plate on the blower. There must be no V-belts on the motor pulley for this. Remove the axial locking bolt between belt pulley and the motor housing, if tted. Start drive motor briey / approx. 1 – 2 seconds.

See also the instructions of the supplier of electrical components or plant manufacturer! ATTENTION! Incorrect rotational direction destroys the blower. From the viewing position the blower turns left on the drive shaft. The rotational direction of drive motor and blower must be identical.


G4-006 F EN

7 7.

When rotational direction is correct: Remove the transport securing bolt on the hinged motor support plate. Check the alignment of the belt pulleys. Lift the hinged motor support plate with the aid of a hydraulic lifter. Install the V-belts. Relieve the hinged motor support plate / remove the hydraulic lifter. The weight of the motor automatically tensions the V-belts. Close the openings on the motor drive shaft in the belt guard with the pre-i nstalled, adjustable protective covers. Push the protective covers up to a maximum of 2 cm toward the motor drive shaft and secure.


Connect the pipes to the operational unit.


Labels with safety instructions must be legible and safety devices tested.

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10. Open valves on the system side. The machine can be started. 11. Switch on drive motor! Switch off after approx. 20 seconds and monitor blower for ease of run-down. If the pressure relief valve blows, shut the system down immediately and remove the cause. 12. Switch on again. Check EMERGENCY-OFF button! 13. The unit is now ready for operation.

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Switch off / shutdown • • •

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Switch off is effected via the power switch on the motor. To shut the unit down completely the fuses must be removed after the blower has come to a standstill. The valves on the conveying pipes must be closed. Avoid possible entry of condensate into the blower stage. In case of a shutdown for more than six weeks the conveying chamber is to be preserved and the blower turned regularly by hand to avoid damage due to standstill. Observe also the TN01175 regulations governing storage and preservation.

In case of danger: Press EMERGENCY - OFF button. For details refer to the instructions of the supplier  of electrical components or the plant manufacturer.


G4-006 F EN

Frequency converter operation •

With the addition of a frequency converter the electrical and mechanical characteristics of the drive motor are to be taken into account.

The minimum frequency must always be xed. This frequency must never fall below the xed minimum during operation.

The maximum frequency is to be set by taking into account the maximum rotational speed of the motor and the maximum speed of the blower / compressor. The run-up time of the drive motor from standstill up to minimum speed may be 3 to 6 seconds. The frequency converter must be designed with a constant load moment for operation with a working machine. Rotational speeds must no fall below minimum nor exceed maximum. The highest admissible voltage increase speed of the motor converter is 1200 V/ms. When exceeding the value, e.g. due to excessively long cables, frequency conver-

• • • • •


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ter type… etc. a motor throttle / motor lter coil to match the frequency converter is

• • • •

to be used. If these components are not used, this can lead to damage of the motor isolation and to a motor breakdown. The maximum rotational changeover speed on positive displacement blowers / screw compressors, after run-up to minimum speed, amounts to 1 Hz per second for upward and downward control time. Minimum frequency = 20 Hz // maximum frequency = 50 Hz results in a control time of 30 seconds from minimum to maximum. The maximum current limit of the motor must not be exceeded. Observe the soecicationa on the motor name plate.

To prevent operational faults the function “Interception circuit” must not be parameterised in the control of the frequency converter. When the frequency converter  is switched off, a restart should only be possible after a complete standstill of the blower or compressor. Only applies to screw compressors

 At a speeds below 50% the oil pressure sinks to approximately 0.6 bar (ü). To enable the machine to run at speeds up to 25% the ain oil pressure switch, setting value of 1.8 bar (ü), is bridged with a threshold switch.  A further switch, setting value of 0.5 bar (ü), is installed for oil pressure safety.

Operation with pole-changing motor  Between a changeover of motor speed • from a high to a low speed, the motor must have reached zero rotational speed each time. • from a low to a high speed, changeover can take place instantaneously.

G4-006 F EN



Maintenance Maintenance is to ensure that all functions are maintained or that they can be restored after a breakdown. Maintenance includes specications about inspection, service and repairs.

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Maintenance includes instructions for trained and qualied personnel.

If anything is unclear consult Aerzener customer service. During inquiries please state: • order and serial number  • prevailing faults / malfunctions as accurately as possible • steps taken to rectify faults. Is the machine sent back to the supplier, the following measures are to be carried out: • Completely drain oil, otherwise it is transport of hazardous goods. • Treat bare components with preservative. • Seal ange with blind cover. • Seal open connections. •  Also observe instructions in chapter “Transport”.

Inspections / inspection schedule



 A general inspection should be carried out by a service technician from Aerzener after  3 years or 20,000 operating hours. This includes the preventive maintenance of wearing and replacement parts such as bearings, seal, etc. We recommend maintaining a stock of replacement and wearing parts to avoid or  reduce waiting times and downtimes.

G4-006 F EN


Maintenance schedule

Whenever carrying out work on the positive displacement machine, it must be switched off and disconnected from the supply net! This is to avoid the risk of injury and damage to the equipment! To guarantee long service life and optimum operating conditions, the maintenance work listed in the following table must be carried out at the specied intervals.

Maintenance intervals We recommend carrying out maintenance on the blower at the intervals specied below. The ope rating hours refer to normal operating conditions. Other intervals could apply depending on operating specifications and environmental conditions. In this case please consult Aerzener Maschinenfabrik.

   t    t   s   s   r   r           y    h   e   h    l   e    k    O    h   e    t   O    h    t   e   r      r   5    2    W   e   e    t    t    f    f    A    A

   h  n   y    O  a   e   t   t   s   t    0   l   u  n    0  c  n   e    d   e    0  n       i   m  n  m    i   y  n   n   y   r   l   y  o   o   e  r   r   l   r    i    i    h   v  a   v   t   v   e  e   n   y   n   n     r   f   e   l   e  o  e    t    f   a   m    H      A

   h    O   y    0   l    0  r    0  a    4  e   y   y     r   f   e   l   a   v   h   e  r   r   o   e    t    f    A

   h    O    0    0  y    0   l    8  r   a   y   r   e   e  y   v  r   e   O   r   e    t    f    A

   0    0   s    0  ,   r    0   a    2   e   y   y   r   h      e   O  r   e   v    t   e    f   r   a   e   r    t    f    O    A

Retaining screws and ttings

   t   s   r        h   e    O    h    t   0   r   0    5   e    t    f    A

retighten after machine has cooled

Starting strainer, if installed • check, if no more contaminant it can be removed

● ●

Intake lter  check lter for contamination, replace if necessary, •

max. -45 bar  •

replace lter insert

Air intake / air exhaust openings • of acoustic hood, check and clean

Condition of V-belt • check, replace if necessary V-belt pulley alignment • check, correct if necessary

Pressure valve • check function

Oil level • check

● ●

Lubricating oil • exchange • *at end temperatures above 120°C

Grease, only for gas-tight shaft seal • exchange • *at end temperatures above 120°C

● *● ● *●

Non-return valve • check for wear and leakage

Main inspection / maintenance • check / replace wearing parts • overall check of machine

Drive motor  • carry out maintenance • observe grease replacement intervals

Please observe maintenance intervals and specications of motor manufacturer!

In case of Aerzener motors observe Aezerner operating and maintenance instructions!

Have the positive displacement machine checked by Aerzener service at the specied intervals or yearly at t he latest.

Or: Take out a maintenance contract with Aerzener Maschinenfabrik. Through regular and proper maintenance Aerzener Machinenfabrik guarantees maximum safety for your operation.

G4-006 F EN


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Lube oil specications for positive displacement blowers For the selection of lube oil, the additives and the viscosity class are important. Depending on the application, the following oil types with corresponding viscosity and additives are to be used. General requirements for lube oil characteristics Kinematics viscosity at 100°C : > 13 cSt (mm2/s) Kinematic viscosity at 100°C : > 28 cSt (mm2/s) Only for constant oil temperatures in excess of 120°C See item 4 Kinematic viscosity at -10°C : > 3500 cSt (mm2/s)

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Minimum characteristics of oil additives • EP anti-wear additive for application in gear boxes with roller bearings • Oxidative stability up to 110°C oil sump temperature, at constant oil temperatures above 120°C = oxidative stability up to 220°C oil sump temperature • Foam inhibitor  • Detergents for dissolving deposits • Neutrality towards sealing materials made of uorine-propylene-methyl (Viton) • Neutrality towards single-component synthetic resin primers . Single or two-shift operation / intermittent interruption of operation Intake temperature up to 60°C Discharge temperature up to 140°C Ambient temperature that could fall below 10°C SAE 5W-40 / fully synthetic high-performance motor oil API CF or higher  ACEA B3 / E3 or higher  Example Aerzener special rotary piston oil, part no. for ordering: 160 754 or 160 755 2. Continuous operation / 24 hours per day Intake temperature up to 60°C Discharge temperature up to 140°C Ambient temperatures throughout the year > +10°C SAE 5W-40 / fully synthetic high-performance motor oil API CF or higher  ACEA B3 / E3 or higher  Example Aerzener special rotary piston oil, part no. for ordering: 160 754 or 160 755 ISO VG 50 / fully synthetic (PAO) Poly-Alpha-Olen, gearbox oil or  compressor oil. Example MOBIL SHC 629 . Operation with constant oil temperatures above 20°C Constant oil temperature > 120°C ISO VG 220 / synthetic lube oil with a base oil of type polyglycol Example ESSO Glycolube 220 ARAL Degol GS 220


G4-006 F EN

4. Lube oil in the food and pharmaceutical industries


Lube oils approved according to USDA H1 specications can be used for positive

displacement blowers. Experience in practice is available only for the following lube oils. Aerzener Maschinenfabrik does not approve the use of any other oils. It is recommended that an oil analysis is carried out after 1000 operating hours in consultation with the lube oil manufacturer.

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Conveying temperatures up to 100°C ISO VG 100 Klüberoil 4UH1-100 Conveying temperatures 0f 100°C to 140°C ISO VG 220 Klüberoil 4UH-220

5. Lube oil for conveying of oxygen or gases that are corrosive or reactive

 Application : Lubricating oil :

Overpressure operation Fomblin Y 45 or Fomblin Y 25 / Solvay Solexis

Changing oil types • High-performance motor oils and PAO oils can be fully mixed. • No special measures are required when changing over from one type of oil to another. • However, in order to retain the performance characteristics of the new oil, the oil to be replaced should be completely drained after an operating period of 24 hours and replaced with new oil. • Only the same oil type must be used for topping up. • Oils on the basis of polyglycol are not miscible with motor oil or PAO oils. In case of doubt, open the oil chambers and flush them.

G4-006 F EN



Lube oil quantities Total oil quantity, in approximate litres / oil level up to middle of gauge glass on the blower stage

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0.55 l


0.55 l


0.55 l

GM 0S

0.86 l

GM 5L

0.86 l

GM 25S

.2 l

GM 0L

.20 l

GM 5S

.00 l

GM 50L

.50 l

GM 60S

6.50 l

GM 80L

6.50 l

GM 90S

.50 l

GM 0L

.50 l

GM 50S

.00 l

GM 220L

.00 l

GM 240S

7.50 l

GM 5L

7.50 l

GM 400L

22.00 l

Total oil quantity / only applies to generation 5 units with acoustic hood in approximate litres / oil level up to mark on the gauge glass of the acoustic hood GM S

0.55 l


.00 l


.00 l

GM 0S

.40 l

GM 5L

.40 l

GM 25S

.75 l

GM 0L

.75 l

GM 5S

.75 l

GM 50L

4.50 l

GM 60S

7.50 l

GM 80L

7.50 l

GM 90S

2.50 l

Generation 5 units with acoustic hood


G4-006 F EN


Change of lubricant on the drive shaft > Only on drive shaft of gas-tight design <

Changing lubrication on a gas-tight drive shaft is carried out by means of re-lubrication on the drive shaft. Schmierstoffwechsel an der Antriebswelle •

Depending on the sealing method, a lube oil or grease block is used.

• •

If an oiler is used the oil level is to be checked weekly and topped up if necessary. The maximum oil level should be in the middle of the oiler.

If a grease bush or grease nipple is used, the grease quantities listed below, according to the intervals listed in the maintenance schedule, are to be used for  re-greasing. Please note! The grease is to be pressed in / changed several operating hours before the lube oil change. In this way the used, excess grease reaches the oil chamber of the blower and can then be drained together with the lube oil.

• •

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Grease specications • When using lube oils according to Aerzener lube oil specications, exceptpolyglycoloils, grease type KHC-2P-30 is used.

Filled at factory:

When using polyglycol oil according to Aerzener lube oil specication, grease type



• • • •

Mixing of different greases is to be avoided. Re-lubrication is admissible only with the same grease. If these greases are not available, they are to be removed completely and replaced with other greases according to KHC-2P-30 or MPG2K-40. Observe sealing consistency with Viton.

Re-lubrication quantities

Oiler  Grease nipples Grease bush Type

GM 3S - GM 30L GM 35S - GM 130L GM 150S - GM 400L

Prole 10 - 12 13 - 15 16 - 18 19 - 21

≈ 5 cm3 ≈ 10 cm 3 ≈ 20 cm 3 ≈ 5 cm3 ≈ 10 cm3 ≈ 20 cm3 ≈ 40 cm3

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Changing lubricant Filling with oil/Design with acoustic hood  • • •

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The drain valve must be closed; check that it is properly seated. Open the oil reservoir. Please note that the bleed line for the oil system ends at the oil lling container.

Depending on the level in the oil reservoir, this line must not be closed. •

Use a suitable funnel to ll with oil.

Please ensure that the oil has a temperature of at least 20°C. • • • •

The lling process should be carried out in stages; observe the capacity of the lling container. First ll with approximately ¾ of the specied oil quantity.

 After a brief interval (5 - 10 minutes approx.), the oil level adjusts itself in the oil system and the oil chambers. Use the sight glasses on the blower stage and the acoustic hood to check the oil level and, if necessary, to correct it in line with the relevant marks. The oil level is correct if it is between the minimum and maximum marks. Check and, if necessary, adjust the oil level after the rst three operating hours, the rst 25 operating hours and then at weekly intervals.

The oil level can be checked via the acoustic hood sight glass during blower  operation.

Ölstandschaugläser an der  Gebläsestufe oil level sight glasses on the blower stage verres-regard au niveau de l’étage de soufante

max. Ölstandschauglas an der  Schallhaube, Generation 5


Oil level sight glass on the acoustic hood, ‘generation 5’  Verre-regard sur le capot d’insonorisation, Generation 5 


G4-006 F EN


Filling with oil/Design without acoustic hood 

• • •

Drainage valves must be closed; check that they are properly seated. Open the oil aps. The specied oil quantity is to be divided proportionately between both oil

chambers according to the oil level indicator. The oil level is correct if it is at the centre of the sight glass; observe the maximum and minimum marks. •

   H    S    I    L    G    N    E

Use a suitable funnel to ll with oil. Please ensure that the oil has a temperature of 

at least 20°C. • • • •

The lling process should be carried out in stages. First ll with approximately ¾ of the specied oil quantity.

 After a brief interval the oil level adjusts itself in the oil chambers. Now check the oil level and, if necessary, correct it in line with the mark on the sight glass. The oil level may uctuate between the minimum and maximum marks. Check and, if necessary, adjust the oil level after the rst three operating hours, the rst 25 operating hours and then at weekly intervals.

Oil level too high, oil in conveying

GM S - GM 80L

a Connection for measuring instruments

GM 90S - GM 400L

Oil level during machine standstill

b Oil ller c Oil drainage

/ drain valve d Oil level

G4-006 F EN

Oil level too low, mechanical damage to bearings and gear  wheels



Draining oil The initial operating oil container can be used as a catch pan. The waste oil can be properly collected in this container and disposed of in an environmentally-friendly manner at an appropriate collecting station. Please observe the container‘s capacity. a) b)

Screw the cap (1) and threaded plug (1) off the drain valve. If the cap (1) and threaded plug (1) are too tight, hold the valve tightly with an open-jaw wrench and loosen position (1) with a second wrench. a) Screw on the hose supplied. a) The drain valve opens automatically. a) Position the end of the hose in a catch pan. b) Open the manual valve; drain the waste oil into a container. a) b) Dispose of waste oil properly. a) Remove the hose from the drain valve. b) Close the manual valve; screw the threaded plug (1) in whilst holding the valve tight. a) Screw the cap (1) onto the drain valve until it is hand-tight. a) b) If the entire drain valve becomes loose or detached from the thread, it must be replaced by a new valve and seal.

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Please observe the oil temperature when changing the oil. The oil temperature must not exceed 60°C, due to the thermal load capacity of the „drain hose“. If the oil temperature is above 60°C, there is a risk of burns.


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Beispiel / example a)

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Design without acoustic hood  c - Oil drainage / drain valve

Beispiel / example a) 

Design with acoustic hood  c - Oil drainage / drain valve

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V-belt installation / replacement For all work necessary on the belt drive, the machine is to be taken out of operati on and properly disconnected from the supply. Starting / operation of the machine must be excluded. Caution: On the belt drive and hinged motor plate there is the risk of shea ring and squashing!

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• • • • • • • • • • • •

Open belt protection housing and / or acoustic hood. Disassemble protective cover on compressor or blower belt pulley, only in case of  design with acoustic hood. Disassemble protective cover / plastic plate on motor belt pulley, only in case of  design with acoustic hood. When installing the V-belts for the rst time, remove the transport locking screws

or the transport locking bracket. Depending on machine size, the hinged motor plate is to be lifted by hand or by means of the supplied hydraulic jack kit until the belts can be installed or exchanged. When replacing the V-belt on units with acoustic hoods the cover plate for the fan is to be removed. During lifting of the hinged motor plate it is to be supported stage by stage, in order to avoid possible accidents. The V-belts are to be replaced as a set. The hinged motor plate is to be completely lowered. The belt drive is automatically tensioned by the motor weight. Belt guard, cover plate for the fan and the protective covers are to be properly installed and / or the acoustic cover to be closed. In case of design with protective belt housing the distance between motor drive shaft and plastic cover is maximum 10 mm. Disassembly drawing of various transport brackets

Lifting of various hinged motor support plates  ATTENTION! Chock hinged motor support plate during lifting.

≥ DN 150

Motor shaft cover 


Fan cover 

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Intake lter / starting strainer  • • • • •


Remove the cap locks and then remove the maintenance cover. Loosen lter element by “turning left” and remove. Replace lter element. Insert lter element and tighten by “turning to the right”, observe correct position of 

insertion groove. Correctly install maintenance cover.

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Starting strainer  •

In case of intake from a closed piping system, a starting strainer or a lter housing

is to be installed upstream of the machine‘s intake side. Depending on design / order, this is included in the scope of supply. This protects the machine against contamination and from foreign particles that

• • • • •


are carried into the intake ow. The resistance of the starting strainer / lter element is to be monitored. The maximum resistance of 45 – mbar must not be exceeded.

If the strainer remains clean after approximately 500 operating hours, it can be dismantled and replaced by the supplied adjusting ring. The lter element is to be checked or replaced according to the respective speci cations of the ‘intake lter’ in the maintenance plan. The starting strainer consists of ne-meshed gauze with mash size of 0.5 mm with

a perforated sheet according to DIN 24041 R 6.3-8. DN Øf m g -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------25 80 250 5 50 22 265 5 200 268 280 5 250 25 220 5 00 75 200 5 50 45 460 5 400 485 42 5

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Checking function of pressure valve ATTENTION!

• • •

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The valve is not a control component and is not to be used as such. Observe operating instructions G4-002…foe pressure valves! The unit must be properly shut down for all work carried out on the valve.

R2“ // DN 50 // DN 80 // DN 25 • The mobility of the valve is to be checked during machine shutdown. • The valve bell is to be lifted with the aid of two screw drivers. •


DN • • • • •

50 // DN 200 // DN 00 The mobility of the valve is to be checked during machine shutdown. The valve is to be lifted by actuating the lever. The valve must open correctly.


The valve can be used with temperatures up to 150° C.

The screwdriver is then to be removed or the aeration device is to be disengaged.

R2" // DN 50 // DN 80 // DN 25

DN 50 // DN 200 // DN 00


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Accessories . Acoustic hood for unit 2. Start-up relief  3. Maintenance indicator for monitoring lter contamination

4. Thermometer for display of discharge temperature 5. Pressure gauge for monitoring intake and discharge pressure 6. Accessories (V-belts, intake lter, oil etc.)

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In addition to the standard scope of delivery also the above-mentioned accessories can be requested from Aerzen after-sales service, where spare parts can also be ordered. The descriptions for special accessories printed in bold letters are listed as follows. The instructions of accessory manufacturers which are supplied separately are to be observed. Accessory no. : acoustic hood • The acoustic hood is made of powder-coated steel plate. • It is force ventilated by a fan mounted on the blower shaft. •  Acoustic hoods for units up to a nominal width of 250 are generally delivered completely assembled. For acoustic hoods in disassembled segmental design, an installation manual is available. • For all work on the acoustic hood the unit is to be shut down and the drive disconnected from the power supply. • The acoustic hood also serves as belt guard. When the unit is running the doors are to be locked with the enclosed wrench. The locked door is then to be checked. The key is to be kept in a safe place. Only authorized persons are to have access. •  All maintenance work on the unit must only be carried out during machine standstill and after opening of the acoustic hood doors. • The hinges, if installed, are to be lubricated at regular intervals in accordance with the installation conditions. • In order to protect the units from electrostatic charging, earthing cables are to be connected at the ground straps of the base frame and the acoustic hood. • Ensure that the safety labels xed to the acoustic hood are clearly visible. Intake from piping • Regarding the intake from piping the corresponding perforated sheets are to be “cracked out” of the acoustic hood element, the foamed material in the diameter of  the intake piping is to be cut out and removed. Feed the connection piping through the openings. Depending on design and size, adjusting plates are to be installed on the piping passage. • Piping cross sections on acoustic hoods with a higher acoustic rating are to be closed with adjusting plates.

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Accessory no. 2: Start-up relief / AEROMAT • The start-up relief is installed on units that are driven by electric motors with star/ delta drive. It enables blowers or compressors to start in an unloaded condition against the existing network supply pressure. • For all work on the acoustic hood the unit is to be shut down and the drive disconnected from the power supply. •  A start-up relief is not necessary for frequency converter drives. • Following setting, the start-up relief works maintenance-free. • Should the start-up relief not close after correct adjustment, the nozzle (5, see sectional drawing) is to be cleaned with compressed air. Attention! The start-up relief does not serve for regulating the operating data! If the start-up relief is within the acoustic hood, an adjustment is to be carried out step by step during machine standstill. Then the drive motor is to be started anew by paying attention to the starting frequency and checking the closing time. For safety reasons all adjusting work within the acoustic hood must only be carried out when the motor is switched off!

Start-up relief DN 50  A solenoid valve at DN 50 offers the possibility to start in relieved condition. If voltage is applied the valve closes. “Star-delta connection”: The valve must close only after the change from “star to delta“. Pole change: In case of “Star-double-star start-up” the solenoid valve is to be connected so that it opens prior to switchover to high speed and closes after high speed has been reached. DN 50 Technische-Standard-Daten technical standard data 

stromlos offen

open at zero current 

220V - 240V 50 Hz IP 65 8W

Start-up relief DN 80-400 Setting for star/delta start-up The necessary closing time is to be set as follows: • Depending on design of the unit, on the acoustic hoods the outlet silencer is to be disassembled. • The maximum closing time is set ex factory. • The start-up relief must only completely close after switchover from star to delta and after nominal speed has been reached. • The closing process can be noticed acoustically and visually, see discharge pressure gauge. •  Adjust setting, if necessary, to obtain optimum closing time: • The closing time is to be set by loosening the counternut (10) and moving the spindle (8): - Spindle (8) clockwise Closing time is reduced - Spindle (8) anti-clockwise Closing time is increased • Following the adjustment, tighten the counternut (10). • Following the adjustment, all loosened and disassembled component parts are to be fastened properly.


G4-006 F EN

Setting pole change • The start-up relief is to be set to operate with “lower speed“ and according to the above-named sequence for star/delta start-up. • In case of pole-changing motors the closing time is to be set in the lower speed range as long as possible, so that in case of higher speed an acceptably long closing period can be still obtained. • If this is not possible due to the high conveying quantity, or is high speed started from the low speed of the “Star-double-star start-up”, an additional solenoid valve is used. • The solenoid valve (9) keeps the start-up relief open to atmosphere at direct “high speed“ run-up. • In case of “Star-double-star start-up” the solenoid valve is to be connected so that it opens prior to switchover to high speed and closes after high speed has been reached. 1 Spring 2 Blow-off opening 3 Housing 4 Protection grid 5 Hollow spindle with nozzle 6 Diaphragm 7 Valve 8 Spindle 9 Solenoid valve 10 Counternut


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DN 80 - 400 Technical standard data  Close at zero current 

230V 50 Hz IP 65 8W

Accessory no. : Maintenance indicator 

Variation a)

Variation b)

The cleaning intervals depend on the degree of contamination in the intake air. Observe the maintenance plan! The maintenance indicator displays the degree of contamination of the intake lter.

Variation a) • The contamination of the lter is displayed via the indicator of the maintenance unit. •  At -45 mbar / red eld the intake lter is to be replaced. •  After replacement of the lter the indicator is to be reset to its starting position by pressing the reset button. Variation b) • The contamination of the lter is displayed by means of the red trailing indicator of  the maintenance unit. •  A zero point adjustment is to be carried out on the unit prior to the initial operation. Pull out the front plug and turn the set screw by means of a screwdriver. Observe “+ and -” designations! • The red trailing indicator is to be re-positioned between 0 to -10mbar prior to initial operation and after every lter change.

• • •

 As contamination increases, the red trailing indicator is pulled along by the black indicator and remains on the maximum prevailing intake pressure. The lter element is to be replaced when the trailing indicator reaches the red sector of the scale. The trailing indicator is to be re-positioned between 0 to -10mbar after the lter 

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Malfunction / Possible cause / Remedy Repairs on positive displacement blowers must be carried out only by authorized and qualied personnel. Improper repairs can lead to considerable

damage for the user / persons. E  N  G L  I      S  H

Malfunction Faults What to do, when . . ? ... abnormal running • noises occur? • •

• • •

Possible Causes . ..

Remedy . . .

Belt not properly aligned Bearing damage Rotary pistons contact each other or in the conveying chamber  Pistons contact due to contamination Foreign particles in gear  wheels

• •

Clean conveying chamber  Check wheels, clean, exchange if necessary

Shaft deection

Measure deection,

• •

Check and adjust if necessary Exchange bearings Check clearance adjustment/check for cracks

change rotary piston if  necessary ... the blower gets too hot?

• • • • • • •

Intake lter contaminated

 Ambient temperature too high Hood slots clogged Ventilator defective Oil level or viscosity too high Rotary piston clearances too large Overloaded

• • • • • • •

... oil appears in • conveying medium? •

Oil level too high Worn seals

... the intake volume • is too low? • •

Starting strainer or intake

• ... motor requires too much power?

• • •


• •

• • lter contaminated Leaky piping • Incorrect dimensioning of  • blower  Damaged rotary piston / cylinder  Operating data differ from • order data Mechanical blower or  • motor damage Motor voltage drop •

G4-006 F EN

Replace lter  Ensure sufcient room

ventilation inlet-/exhaust air  Clean ventilation slots Replace ventilator  Correct oil level, observe viscosity Replace damaged components Check and observe operating data  Adjust oil level Replace seals

Clean or replace Seal piping Check design Replace damaged components

Check and observe operating data Replace damaged components  Adjust power, refer to motor instructions

Malfunction Faults What to do, when . . ? ... the side of belt vibrates?

2 Possible Causes . ..

Remedy . . .

• •

V-belt is worn Belt not properly aligned

• •

... the blower runs • in reverse direction after shutdown? ... machine damage • occurs due to faulty electrical connection?

Non-return valve defective or leaky

Motor and control system are connected to two different networks

Replace belt Check and correct if  necessary Replace valve

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Connect motor and control voltage to one supply network •  Alternative: Installation of  a power monitoring relay  After the correction of each malfunction, the following is to be checked: • Freedom of movement of the machine • Non-contact turning • Lube oil level • Proper function and connection •  Adherence to safety and warning instructions

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Overview of spare parts First-rated parts  Are to be replaced at each disassembly and therefore these parts must always be available. The package includes: bearings, seal rings, bushing sleeves, adjusting elements and repair instruction.

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Second-rated parts  Are replaced at disassemblies depending on their condition. They should also be available.The package includes: gear wheels, ttingkeys, seal rings, oil level indicators,

nuts, bushes, retainers, oil splashers and oil throwers.

Third-rated parts  Are parts not normally associated with wear but could need replacement following a major failure through misuse.

Spare parts and accessories We expressly draw your attention to the fact that replacement parts and accessories not supplied by us are not tested and approved by us. The integration or installation, as well as the use of such products can, under certain circumstances, alter the original design characteristics of the equipment. We exempt ourselves from any liability for  damages resulting from the use of parts and accessories not supplied by us.


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Recycling / Disposal • • •

 All waste products are to be disposed of or treated not harmful to the environment. Used lubricants are to be disposed of properly. Contaminated components and auxiliary material are to be packed and decontaminated.

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G4-006 F EN

Information sheet Info - bladzijde



Page infos PaginaInformativa

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Gegenüber Darstellungen und Angaben dieser Betriebsanleitung sind technische Änderungen, die zur Verbesserung der Drehkolbenmaschinen notwendig werden, vorbehalten. This operating- and installation manual is subject to engineering changes necessary for the compressor advancement. Nous nous réservons le droit dans les instructions de service procéder à toutes modications techniques u tiles visant à améliorer la qualité des compresseurs.

Wat de betrft de tekeningen en gegevens in deze bedienings- en opstellings-hanleiding verbetering van de schroefcompressor noodzakelijk worden, voorbehouden. Nos reservamos el derecho de efectuar, frente a las representaciones e indicaciones de esta instrucciones de montage servicio modicaciones técnicas necesarias para perfeccionar. Rispetto all'illustrazione ed alle indicazioni di questa Istruzioni di Esercizio ci si riserva quelle modiche tecniche che sono necessarie per migliorare i compressori.

G4-006 F EN


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