Manual Del Palero (English)

April 12, 2017 | Author: Wade Long | Category: N/A
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Religion Lukumí, is one of the oldest religions in the world. Is as old as legendary, full of nuances subjective because the writing was used only in recent times, hence, we do not have exact date of birth of the same. Talking to the arrival of this religion would lead to the American Continent, it actually brought black Africans enslaved and brought over by English, Spanish, Portuguese, etc.. To serve their respective crowns, when they colonized our continent to America. It is to emphasize that it is untrue that they were the kings of the various African kingdoms captured. This is explained by the proximity of the Kings to their Orishas (Santos), but if they were people who were enslaved Santo. To better understand the Religion should be taken into account that it is divided into three powerful branches, which are: Ifá, Osha and Palo Mayombe. These lands represent the religion Lukumí at its best.

IFÁ Land or part of the Religion which is the most representative Orula, Orunlá or Orúnmila. In this Orisha or Santo is known as the stick that supports Olofi (God), who compared sincretizado or can be equivalent to saying that St. Francis of Assisi. This represents the portion of the stems where they are supposed wisdom of the other branches of religion. The leading representatives of human Ifá are Olúos Babalawos and who are the priests and keepers of the secrets of religion in general. Olúos are those who after having Coronado Santo (Kari Ocha), Ifá pass through a very secret ceremony. They must know all the ceremonial, without exception. Among its responsibilities are, consult the Registrar or a person, to make aid work, do Ebboses deliver Hand Orula Ekofá to men or to women, Oruna deliver, deliver Osayin, birth Olúos others, Babalawos, do PARALDOS (recollection of death), and that these events arise, besides having Santo Coronado, may be present at the Coronation Ceremony of Santo.

The Olúos are supposed to respect men who should be an example within the religion, in his neat dress of great wisdom and knowledge to overcome the vicissitudes of life. Babalawos are those provided by Orula or his Holy Ifá pass, but without the Holy complete, ie with the


Santo Lavado. Of course, limitations to enter the Fourth St., where religion can not be where before there had been, like deliver what has not been received. Have the same powers of Olúos, but neither can "give birth" to a Olúo or may enter the Fourth St.. The importance of these gentlemen in the Religion is huge, not only because they dominate all the secrets of it, but this will not exist without them. Only Olúos and Babalawos who are mandated by Olofi have the power to determine what the Angel of Guardian of a person, handing the Warriors down the sign and so was born, by ITA, which means, The Way .

HAND OF ORULA, ABOFAKA OR EKOFA The Guardian Angel is the Holy accountable to Olofi (God) for everything good and everything bad that can happen to one is a friend and an advisor helpful in all cases of life. It also is the Holy Crown, if you are going to jump right into the religion. Eleggua Elewa or is the Holy warrior of Caminos owner of the doors and the keys to those doors. It is the first in everything, without the ceremony there is no worth. It is an old boy, very impulsive, but what gives everything away if it is not known to treat and care. It is one of the Home Guard. His feast day is celebrated on 13 July, others, January 1, January 6, June 29, December 28, etc. Oggun, is the owner of the Orisha Iron Holy War. This Orisha is born from the bowels of the earth and whose father is Aggayú, others say that Obatala. The same for having committed a serious misconduct against her mother sentenced to live among irons, is a Holy Warrior, also one of the most rare. Their camouflage is the Catholic St. Peter of some roads and other San Miguel Arcángel. His feast is celebrated on September 29. Ochosi, Odemata, as it is known, is the representative of justice in this life, its symbol is a bow and arrow. It is also the King of the Hunt therefore live in the bush, has Oggun covenant. His is such a Catholic San Norberto. Osun or Ozuna, Santo representing righteousness, life and head. Orula, Orunlá or Orúnmila, represents wisdom in its fullness. It is the personal secretary of Olofi, so to speak. His camouflage Catholic as we have said is that of St. Francis of Assisi. His feast is celebrated on October 12. ITA, is just the way, where it's going well and where it will go wrong. It is also the sign with which you should learn to live.


That is why when a Nigerian born son of a religious or a Santero, the first thing they do is take it to the Bottom Orula (Babalao) for a plant Orunlá, this is what determines your Guardian Angel, receives Orula, Warriors, and above all Itá, which is what we will say is that good or is the creature and that he must take care in life. Imagine if your child is going to go wrong in English throughout their lives, then put it to learn French. If you have liver problems, you would inculcate from small there will be very bad and do not learn to drink, and so on.

OCHA u OSHA The Ocha or Santo is perhaps the most fascinating part of this religion because it not only learn everything related to it, but you learn to work with the Saints or which receives or him and his secrets. I believe very particular and personal, I apologize in advance to deviate from my position, I believe that the ceremony of Imposition or Collars Elekes, is where the religion began, and that's like a christening, a compromise between the Holy or initiated or Santos and Aley. The santeros worship a supreme being and a group of deities or Orishas forming the yoruba pantheon. Santeros priests interpreted the will of the Orishas by divination. It seems that in order to pass on his advice, the Saints have sometimes to the worshipers, who in turn rely through prayers, music, gifts and a specific behavior. The altars are playing an important role in worship. The santeros have one in your home and offer him flowers, cane liquor, cigars or snuff and biscuits to keep the gods happy and win their favor. Everything always starts when a person has a problem and someone recommends a Santero or Babalocha, who after consultation with snails or registration or Diologún, or interpreting what the Saints will speak to counsel and consulted. It's very interesting to know that there are universities like Oxford, England, where he studied as Caracol divinatory oracle with little margin for error. In this consultation Saints "talk" by dialing Ebboses: That is like a gift that is both clean, to remove Osobbo: Damage or negative thing that prevents a successful development, if not I will go on. Iré mean welfare, stability, health. of course depending on the letter to come and speak or guarantee that the Saints. Also, if you come with OSSOBO, speaking evil. The saint spoke, you said that the need to evolve, can solve a problem or Ebbordar receiving Elekes, with some work or cleaning, or by receiving some Santo where the person to receive a Babalawos Warriors (which is correct), or where a referral may Palero, if necessary. In some extreme cases may find the Holy of the need to wash the saint to cure or heal. Usually washed by Obatala health. Alternatively, the Saint, who was suing Top Santo (or Leri Kari Ocha) to be that to solve their problems. The difference between Santo and Santo Lavado Coronado is that in the first, is half the secret coronation ceremony, which is not used and four-legged animals are not presented to the head of Aley,


while the second If the ceremony is complete. Another difference is manifested in the number of days during both ceremonies, while the former can last a maximum of three (03) days, the second lasts eight (08) days. In the Santo Lavado the person goes home and away from Aley discretion is the use of white clothing. At the Crown o Santo Santo, the Aley, who was third (03) days will be considered and impeccably named Iyawó should wear white, for one year and seven days, will have certain restrictions such as not going out late at night less than that is with a Major, his Godfather, or Godmother Oyubbona (Second Godfather or Godmother), will not go to the movies for a while will not: seen in a mirror, or maintain relationships sex, or use a knife, should eat on a mat, and not to drink during that time. The first three months should be used long-sleeved shirt, hat or white hat. Should not caerle to Iyawó rainwater in the head, or receive sunlight half the day. You must use your necklaces or Elekes always or as long as possible. You should not hand over the yavorage. Of course other prohibitions that will give the Holy in their very personal Itá. This ceremony will crown the Angel de la Guarda, but also receive other Saints such as Obatala, Yemaya, and OYA, Ochun, Shang, and others, depending on the Holy Crown. Much that irresponsible santeros have unveiled the secret ceremonies of Holy Crowning, and also there is much that unscrupulous writers or knowledge about the religion, they have published. This not only disrespects to Religion as such, but Illalochas and Babalochas, and worse still, the Orishas themselves.


Once the Holy marked by Diologún or snails, that the query needs or requires the Elekes Necklaces or the Babalocha or ask a Illalocha series of articles or materials required for this ceremony. These materials are generally:

Clothes to tear, then this breaks the bathroom with Omiero or Umiero, which is where the ceremony starts, the cleansing of the body. 2 dishes, often ignored by the Godparents. 2 Candles. ¼ mts. White poplin. Cotton. Cocoa butter. Husks. Houses in some bread Santo. White clothes, skirt below the knee in women. White towel.


White comb in some houses. Two (02) Cocos dry

Sorry if this perhaps forgetting some other material. It is important to bring the law itself that have marked the Godfather, ie money that you must cancel the ceremony. Religion in all should be paid.

Friends readers how it feels to receive Elekes is indescribable and unforgettable, at least, I do not I have.

After purified with bathing, to pray the person's head, which is equivalent to remove all "Junk" accumulated during life, and here is the importance of praying Head. Here are consulted to Saints and the dead to protect the Aley. Necklace is delivered and then the ceremony Mat. From this moment you shall be committed to the Saint.

5 Elekes that are received are:

Eleggua: Orisha owner Roads, goalkeeper universal means being at home, Orisha is the closest to humans and santeros. This equates to Santo Santo Niño de Atocha or Divine Child, and its date is December 28.

Obatala: Santo governing Cabezas, Health, Intelligence, whose mandate Olofi, God created man, his name means King About Everything. Compared to the Virgen de las Mercedes and your party is done

Yemayá: Mother of the world, represents the sea. Mother of almost all the Orishas, the wife of Orúnmila. Witch is great in the good sense of the word. His day is August 8 and camouflage is the Virgin of Rule.

Oshun: Santa, who represents the purest love, but also without shame. Owner of money, the rivers of fresh water, honey. Apeterví of Orula.


Their camouflage is the Catholic Virgin of Caridad del Cobre. His feast day is celebrated on December 5.

Shango: Owner of lightning and the spark. The problems are, is the candela. Shango Omagüeri illa "Chango was born with the war in the head." Represents the rumba. It sincretiza with Santa Barbara. Her feast is December 4.

These are the five necklaces that here in Venezuela received ELEKA as groundless, and that protect the head of Aley. Santos will also receive other, depending on what you make in these snails, they can be:

Santo OLOCUN this represents the unknown, the depth of feelings.

LOS IBEYIS or JIMAGUAS Santos known as San Cosme and San Damián, sons favorite CHANGE. These Saints have seven roads.

Well INLE Santo, owner of the fish, also a good hunter. According to the story that was seduced by Yemayá and taken to fund the sea where lived until the present. In Santería or Regla de Ocha, a person who resorts to Santo, then the respective register, you must do Ebboses or cleaning, gifts, etc.. The Holy One, if this line goes to him and Olofi (God) the claim that it does. If the latter give their consent the Orisha looks, if it is fair, necessary, not hurts someone, and then decide for yourself whether to grant the pardon or not.

Meanwhile the Babalawos and Olúos because secretaries direct Olofi, depending on whether religious or not is good, always manage to thank those who ask for this Orula in turn get the blessing of the Almighty. Despite this, they also depend on Ebboses or make offerings. Note for you as it is close to us mortals, and even attached to the human, it is necessary to make an offering to the Orishas. Intermediaries of God.


PALO MAYOMBE This is the topic that dominates me more length and depth than in the past and with the permission of God and of my death. Pues si, Palero sépase well as work with the dead, we muerteros of religion. It is the complicated part of it because as the Yoruba say: ICU LEVI OCHA, "El Santo Muerto to appear," ie there is no Holy Ifá or if there is no death.

From the second half of the eighteenth century, Cuba began to form in the early settlements in the Bantu culture with defined character, which were united at the beginning of the nineteenth century. It was said that because of French Congo, with its strong features, dominated the rest of the ethnic groups were Mondongo, Bisongo, Timbiseros, Mandingos, etc.. Root of Imbisa brought what are the current state of Zaire, Congo, Angola and Mozambique. None preserved the purity of their origin, however, is the second largest group of cults of African origin in Cuba.

Rules are divided into three main Mayombe (more or less pure sincretizada) Briyumba or Brillumba (mixed with Rule Ocha) and Kimbisa, the latter established by Andrés Petit, to consolidate the powers of Catholicism and Santeria cult in Congo (as in giving birth to mixed Briyumba to practice religion, it is called 'Santa Cruz' or 'Palo crossover), which quickly spread to the other, by the need to strengthen, assimilating some Yoruba Christian elements, so the Catholic saints and virgins, and the santeros mpungos Orishas (deities Palera) are the same as a saint.

Lydia Cabrera wrote in the book "The rule Kimbisa del Santo Cristo del Buen Viaje" which Petit, his creator, to protect and defend evil and revenge to his supporters (mainly of the sect Abakuá) hereby establish the Rule Kimbisa, "leaving us in she the most perfect model of equality or religious syncretism that is produced in Cuba made a Ajiaco (...) Petit, a revoltillo, took everything from Palo worked with Ocha with Holy got spiritualism, witchcraft, church, as found for all but defeated (...) took over the Congo to the Lukumí.. As the chief higher in the Palo Mayombe is Tata Enkise, Father Nganga, the godfather,


who has the expertise to run the 'Pledge' (Nganga-Nkiso) or 'pot', which is like the house of his dead enslaved to the will of Palero, which hold in the middle of songs, to predict and advise. Through a deal with the living dead in the 'pot', we look, for example blood from a chicken, rooster or other animal recently slaughtered and instead follow the dead and protect against evil.

The Palero, used to guess the Mpakeo Mpaka Mens, a cucuerno that has ingredients in it and whose magical opening is covered by a mirror that smoking is the sorcerer and through him the figures that appear from the smoke and also through the Chamalongos known. The basics is to see the future to fix their lives quickly and effectively.

The dead are part of daily life as members of the same family, and although there is a rich mythology as the Yoruba, they have a herbal or botanical knowledge wellworshiping plants (the presence of the Palo Monte is basic, it is The magical element), also love all the forces of nature: wind, marine, metals.

Our music songs are poor compared to the Yoruba, but with their own musical instruments, using their language as a mixture of ritual "kilongo 'in Spanish. A Rule Bantu as seen in their different rules, in addition to the rich Yoruba and Catholicism imposed some elements of the rites spiritists on what this ethnic heterogeneity (the same as santeros, they are not educated Africans are as accurate as in Cuba in their country of origin). Upon arrival, be referred or recommended a specific person where Palero, the first thing you see is, record, to know that it weighs, what is wrong, or where they are making mistakes in life, this would consultation with the Nganga, pledge and not to the foundation, it all depends on the house of death where it originates. Is this really where the crux of the religion itself, since in each house Ifá, Palo Santo, or change the customs, some are turning away from the true essence of it and all others are preserved faithfully in his footsteps and their secrets. You can start by delivering LUCERO, a beneficent spirit, equal to Eleggua in Santeria. Who is going to open doors in the life of the neophyte. There are plenty of ways to make a LUCERO, for various purposes, without necessarily involving the delivery to


begin in Religion. The loading or filling that have LUCERO vary depending on the Casa de Palo, nevertheless, should always have more or less the same components.

LOS LUCEROS The day that suits you, but once weekly, it will put a glass of water, a cup of black coffee without sugar, you blow BadFaith (Cane Clara), you smoke and you miss the smoke snuff (Sunga )

What is a LUCERO?

As we said before a Lucero Eleggua is comparable with, although not equal are very similar. Its basic function is the same: open the paths of human beings. The Lucero is the first thing that must be initiated before delivery and for various reasons, either based on the Rule of Palo, or for a specific purpose without the person necessarily have to "scratch" or to enter it. Will always be a different burden of proof to Lucero (against envy, horrified dead Bilongo) that opens a path lucero (health, prosperity and economic development). In either case above, the LUCERO be loaded depending on what is recommended by the Godfather, and of course by the provisions of the same garment, that is his death. They are born depending on their role or what they have to exist. Before the "Load" LUCERO a "must investigate as to be done, as is known, since they have names, as you would like to attend. As the load usually carried: Land of the four (04) of corners where you live, land Bakery, Market, Church, Rio Cemetery, shoes, Pionier, a piece of gold, a piece of silver, hooks, quicksilver, bone filing (if to substantiate), guava buds, sticks lined, and others who do not disclose secrets. Besides all this he must eat to Lucero that arises is, it must sacrifice a chicken or a rooster, depending on what prompted the largest garment, the Lucero acquire life after you have received blood (Menga) of animal that was used.

A LUCERO not only cares for his protégé, but also their home and their property, will PAGE 21

open the roads and make the impossible thing possible. The day that suits you, but once weekly, it will put a glass of water, a cup of black coffee without sugar, you blow BadFaith (Cane Clara), you smoke and you miss the smoke snuff (Sunga )

Because you see some houses in Santo, prohibit, for example, drinking liquor with Obatala collar job, forced to remove it prior to Aley. Question that I respect, but do not share, because if Obatala represents the head, when we drink the more we need wisdom and Head, and necklaces that is precisely what protects it.

Another big difference is that there are homes where respect for elders is imposed, instead of being won by the same major. Detestable thing are the famous and believe that the fines are to be godsons solve the economic problems that have the Godfather, or who are their slaves. If a godson Godfather helps some opportunity to leave your heart to Okan Okan (from heart to heart). Do not accept this in our house as they always should be the Man who will help the godchild, How will it help save a marriage that has a Godfather yours broken? or How I'm going to help solve if I'm financially worse?. In a few words as to what we can offer is not peace, health, stability, etc., Is for you to those who will try to resolve that particular situation, and who seeks to resolve.

In Religion Lukumí no discrimination exists in theory, and that is why we resort to the same sex, prostitutes, crooks of various kinds and stop for you. With regard to this, in my house in Palo, vicious or I do not let strangers simply because they do not see natural, although the Orishas and the dead do not discriminate. Here I go over to FTI, where neither admit. This is not the case at other houses, and less on Palo Santo homes where this is the agenda, where almost all are well.

To enter the field, I want to say that basically the responsibility Palo, you learn to have power or mastery over life and death of others. That is why I believe that Palero really need to see and analyze well or those who are going to grant that power. This is a double edged sword because I do not know or cares for the rules usually ends up mad, sick and in the best case until killed by their own dead.


Palero be done to have been born for this. It also has to go through the ceremony RAYO Rayamiento or, as the Cubans, this, that is just not happening around the world. I have seen handsome brave or abandoned in action.

The beam is a complicated and delicate ceremony whose main object is the delivery of a dead person, who will work with and for you and whose spiritual ascent or descent will depend on how you use, whether for good or evil.

It is my duty to emphasize that this religion was born and was originally developed in Africa, there exist among at least 550 known languages and dialects. Therefore they must have many variations in Santeria and Palo Mayombe, but is essentially the same thing, the cult of the dead, the spirit or spirituality.

I know in the branches, which are CONGO, MANDINGO ARARA and there are many more where these differences came to America from the African Continent, then notice that in Cuba, it is not working like the dead in Haiti, nor as made in Brazil, Santo Domingo, Trinidad, etc.. in almost all sides are working differently.

Here in Venezuela we fall into the trap of thinking that is a new religion, where ignorance know its origins. Estimated that Palo Mayombe is as or more old in the country that Spiritualism and the adoration of Mary Lionza, only less well known and widespread, this assertion, I am considering that the Godfather of my Padrino, that is, in my grandfather PALO came from Haiti to Venezuela for the years 1908 or 1909, and that is my Godfather RAYO in 1937, this server in 1970, calculate how long you have my house stick in the country. I want to clarify that I respect all the houses of Palo, and my intention is not to say that mine is regarded as a pioneer, I'm not interested, and I do not care that people know me or not for this, but if the works and that in doing this.

From that premise, making history, arrived in Venezuela last century one of the most interesting and followers of the cult of the dead has ever known. I mean the German Dr. Knoche, who according to history or legend, not only was he who discovered the


injection of mummification, but worked and worshiped the dead. It is said that this had a Nganga, and that was precisely what led her who died in their experiments.

Dr. Knoche was the founder of the Hospital San Juan de Dios, was an exceptional doctor and owner of a mysterious personality. When this dies, due to ignorance of the people of the time, destroyed his notes of his garment away, his library and with all their knowledge.

Recently, when research has been done about the life and work of this mystical character, and even made TV programs. To disseminate, but unfortunately in Finnish mythology, forgetting the essence of its scientific work.

Nonetheless, the Venezuelan people of that time wove a series of legends that compared to Dr. Frankenstein Knoche with a latino, and misrepresenting the true story of his life and work. For researchers is the task of determining which is the absolute truth about our character.

Moreover, taking into account that Venezuela also arrived slaves from Africa, also due to arrive here their religion and their branches, only that these were not as advertised, and held in secret.

To make a reference, before emancipation, ie, the end of slavery in the country, people like La Negra Francisca, his brother Philip and the other Black, better known in the spirit, and knew of the existence of Santeria and Palo Mayombe. I reach this conclusion because they were of African origin, mostly in children Ñañingos, Carabali, Araras, Mandingo, Lukumíes etc.

Religion in Venezuela Lukumí was popularized by the Cuban Santero Juana Maria Montes de Oca (The girl Montes de Oca). This character made or received Santo Santo of Madrina Selmira Alvarez (Oshun Lai) and his Oyubbona Alicia Angarita (OSA Gueye) This ceremony took place in Cuba, crowning Obatala, whose name translates in Santo "La Casa de los Santos" (Ocha Inle). Basically this "Holy House is where we come in almost every country


But it is an enormous mistake to believe that this great Iyalocha Santero has been the first in the country. Again, who was with his great love and the popular heart, to the extent that through it we had a Santero, Orihateses, since she invited the country to come Babalawos, Olúos, Obbas, etc.., Amen to it devoted to teaching well to their godchildren.

To determine whether a person has done or not Holy, or not Babalao or Olúo, Palero or not, we refer to the sponsors that we delivered in the Holy Ifá or Palo. As will we all know or at least have heard of our Godfathers, which is or is not recognized as a member of the Religion. No siempre se tiene la suerte de hacerse Santo con el Padrino de Collares, quien nos ha entregado algún Santo o de quien más nos simpatice, muchas veces se tienen hasta cinco o seis (05 o 06) Padrinos antes de hacer Santo. Is that just me and that's why I say it properly: Sometimes a remedy can be very good for some and very bad for others. I have met many people in the Holy religion that crown with the same person who received the Elekes. Some have fared well with Godfather or Godmother and others not, and that's not the fault of the god-child, but the Godfather is assumed that is who has the wisdom. Of course there are mutual obligations between the Godfather and godson, but these have been distorted or twisted. This topic will be discussed extensively later. There are many ways as we work to death, and many houses of Palo Tatas or heads of them that are called or known as TATA Nganga. These gentlemen have and have had the responsibility to maintain the customs of our ancestors, kept the secret of religion, like the Babalochas, Iyalochas, and Olúos Babalawos.

The legacies of our elders have tried to leave the unpolluted, so tell them the commandments of the religion in general, then explain what the foundation of our branch, which is curious for the majority of letters or signs that are extracted the circulation of the snails or Diologún. Many think that this is an intrusion in Palo Ocha, but they learned and taught:


OCANA not do anything wrong. ELLIOCO not negatively criticizing or hating your brother. OGGUNDA not kill, injure or revenge of your peers. YROZO not slander or cheating your brother. Oche do not envy your neighbor. OBBARA not lie or deceive. ODDIO No murmuring, deny, or accept corruption. Do not miss intelligence ELLEUNLE, use either the head. OSA not betray the brother, not to be false. OFUN No cursing, false swearing, stealing or theft. Do not ruin OJUANI killing. Learn to be grateful. Do ELLILA scandals, to avoid tragedies, the life of the property address.

You notice how these commandments or precepts are much like the sermons Catholic, Christian, and consistent with most religions.

In Palo Mayombe, the Supreme Being, ie God, is Sambi .. We regularly NZULU Sambi Sambi Ntoto, which means literally God in heaven God on earth. In the branch PALO must distinguish what is known as branch and branch Jewish Christian.

Before an initiation ceremony, the Tata or Godfather, you must after consultation with the Dead, which is the number of dead will walk the Aley. This is where lies the secret of the garment or the Nganga or walk as they say in Cuba, who snore mambo, because not all walk with EGGUN person.

Something that is much criticized by other religions is that we rescued a deceased person who has not "scale" or is "penando" and we "work" for us, if you like what you read, believe it or not, that to be tal scale of winning or not punish him granted everything you asked. And here is the dilemma or danger, as it will determine whether you will be dead in a light or not.


In some houses of Palo prepared only Jews are Nganga through which damage is done, and by the way are double-edged sword, because there are times that the deaths are in encaprichar harm a family member or even kill them if not treated well.

The Nganga or PRENDA CHRISTIAN is one that is used for good and in the worst case, to do justice, you can do from a cure evicted by doctors to things that are regarded as miracles.

Why do they meet the Dead? Because you will give spiritual elevation and will indulge with that you ask if it is something logical.

The Dead live within the Nganga, in most cases are about cazuelas iron tripod and various sizes of clay pots can be or as I originally gave me was a great totum. Among them is where you live or dead INFIUMBI. These pots should be filled or "charged" with a series of tools that are usually 1 or stone OTA, 1 set of tools like the warriors, QUIYUMBA or bones of the dead (The quiyumba is the skull of the deceased) , Series 1 Land, 1 lot of various styles of trees, some strings attached to keep the dead wood that can be 1 Guava, Alamo or other tree, depending on the Casa de Palo, red or purple cloth 1 if Christian, Jewish, and if black, 1 machete, 1 and carries a sharp knife endless secrets, which by no secrets I'll be counting.

Once that has been "Rayado" his godfather will be delivered around CHAMALONGOS O CHAMALONES OBI or coconut shells, which are four (04), each game, also known as the language of the dead, and that in the absence of Horse (who receives the spirit of the deceased or other spirit) or in any other case, are used to know you mean it and view or record. The OLUOS Babalawos and consult with the Schools, a chain with eight (08) Cola nut shell, through them I Orula. The BABALOCHAS and IYALOCHAS consult with Cauris or Diologún, which are the famous snails and snail hand despite being twenty-one (21), should be read only twelve (12), and they talk through the Orishas or Santos.


READING THE CHAMALONGOS The interpretation or reading of CHAMALONGOS matches the Coco being pulled to the Orishas and that cross, stick in my house we do from time immemorial, with the letters of the holy and just read until No. thirteen (13). Because besides being a big mistake, it would be an intrusion to the land of IFA. Despite this premise, I must say that in every religion who believes in authority to change the laws, customs and requirements, yet must be.



Interrogative interpretation: If you fall to be launched:


= Yes, with blessings.


= Maybe, with struggle.


= Yes, no doubt.


= No, with struggle.


= Death, get help.

In each of these letters speak certain Orishas, each has its meaning, the letters are as perfect allowing to tell who is consulted, so that went with it, or taking ASHE "Don," is infallible. You may also ask to be killed by smoking and this is accurate and correctly respond to each of your questions, and even wooden houses where I allow records to the questions you want.

The work of cleaning or to obtain a favor, will be marked out of the experience of his or Palero ASHE, after consulting EGGUN, who ultimately various purposes.

The form of "Crossing" Letters to Palo Santo, is very simple, if known, and these are:



Evil exists so that there is evil. Everything in its place.


Arrow between siblings. Conflict with your brother.


Discussion tragedy by achieving something.


Nobody knows what is in the bottom of the sea, only God knows.


The blood runs through his veins. You have life.


King said no lies.


The big fish are taken out with a little luck and good bait.


The head leads the body. Use yours.


One king rules the people, is a King in your home.


Here comes the curse, curse those who curse you.


You are getting water in baskets, not see your effort.


Disorder in life. His best friend, your worst enemy.

Santero or a Palero conscious, to interpret or read the lyrics here, as it relates to other Olúos or Babalaos. Note the letters are as much to do with the commandments of our religion, and that is obviously the goal or objective in mind is the evolution of human beings and their interaction with the environment. In turn the letters or signs, we advise you to see what the error being committed and that has not developed better in life.

Lukumí Religion is a guide to life, a doctrine that if it allows humans to live and interact in the best manner in which you want OLOFI God.

In Palo Mayombe be emphasized that there are two ways a negative, which is to be sacrificed to the dead dogs, and other positive pursued a goal of raising both of their Eggun Palero.

The Chamalongos or Chamalones, coconut shells with which the consultation Palero, are interpreted as in Santeria by how they fall snails, ie, if they fall face up or face down. In Chamalongos, it not only addresses whether fall face up or down but if it is right to left, and always in the bottom horizon.


Once you are familiar with the interpretation of coconut, or how the dead if the response is positive or negative, we will make the respective opening prayer to the consultation or registration. In the House of Palo I began to represent the invocation through the license or permit is requested and which states:

"With the Nsala Malek, Malek Nsala, Nsambi nzulu, and Queen Mary Nsambi Ntoto covering Nsambi. Will licensed Lucero is licensed Rays 7, goes on leave Maringanga will leave Mama Kena, is licensed Mother of Waters, is licensed Baluande will leave Mama Yola, is licensed Bakuende di Ngola Bamba, is licensed Tiemblo Earth, Father Time is licensed, is licensed to sore, is licensed Zarabanda will leave Cape War, is licensed Pollo Ronco, is licensed Godfather ........, I will leave my deceased older will leave my garment .... ........., will leave with all science, is licensed throughout the Moana. Eggun Baba, are you here? " Once ordered the permits were granted to represent the positive response to the presence of Baba Eggun, who is none other than the Dead, it was you who called. Later in my house you ask Palo LUCERO, who is always the first one who opens and closes all doors of the universe and that is equivalent to Eleggua. Luego a TIEMBLA TIERRA, comparable con OBATALA, dueño de las Cabezas, de la inteligencia, de la nobleza. And finally MAMA Yola, compared with the Venus of religion, ie with Oshun, the master of love and money.

Ask LUCERO, that you are the owner of the doors and the paths of the universe, márquemele point to this creature of God who is called ........ shells are launched, still on the ground directly, a a carpet or leather animal slaughtered in a ceremony. These two are released (02) times and form the first letter, which is most important. It continues: TIERRA TIEMBLO you who owns the head of health, the white parts of the human being, of intelligence, please dial letter. Touch the forehead of the consultation with the Chamalongos and said: With the permission of your Guardian Angel ... and release and interpret couple of times.

Finally sent to the registered joining both hands with palms open you attaching them with his thumb and index finger, and hold the letter will be removed without releasing PAGE 21

the person, saying: MAMA Yola, Oche, Mama Pachanga you who is the master of love and money, check this point the creature at his feet. This operation twice, and then thanks to the real truth. The reading of the letters. I must remind you that each number represents a letter. As described. Palo



1. Losí



2. Lele

Ellioco o Eyioco


3. Itatí



4. Iyá

Irozo o Elliorozun


5. Ifanú



6. Insabami



7. Lunganfulá



8. Inana

Unle o Elleunle

Baba Elliogbe

9. Ifuá










Ellilá o Eyilá


1 Metanlá


1. No se lee



2. No se lee




Baba Elliogbe

3. No se lee

These are letters that are managed to the level that can be explained, and which are the guide who consults to look into the past and present of the person being registered. Although Olúos Babalawos known and mastered and more letters, just to get us here.

The Chamalongos or shell, are interpreted depending on how many fall down or up, and by his order.


To make more understandable the points divide into two groups:

















Again, take into account those who fell face up and face down, and always, always from the bottom up. Taking this into account, there is no margin for error, since the letter will be analyzed accurately.


The rest is mixed with the ASHE what he says in the letter itself and you will undoubtedly hit upon the issue of consultation. May mistakenly believe that anyone can read or interpret the lyrics, but let me tell you that not only give the Ashe Ceremonies of Consecration of anything nor serve them letters or its meaning, apart from that experience is also needed to provide just the years of consultation.

You can not make mistakes, because even a life may depend on you would be a great sin to play with the faith of others.

As if each letter in two, ie LUCERO by asking for the letter of particular person and come OGGUNDA (3), this should be a couple, then why are launched twice when you ask a saint. If the second roll leaves UNLE, Ogbe (8), the letter will be OGGUNDA Ogbe. Taking into account that Oggunda Tragedy is by obtaining a thing or Elleunle Ogbe and is the head, use it well, you can tell that they have consulted the tragedies to come, if discussions do not use either the head.

The letters are formed and reduced by two points and depending on the strength of it also tends to be one or may even be Mellis or Morochas, ie if a Oche, then goes in the same area Oche again, this Oche MELLI point is, which is the same Oche but with a strong definition. The letters are therefore simple combinations of letters to be joined to analyze in depth and consulted their problems.

To have a better idea, you should pay close attention to the following points:


Speaking of bad luck in setbacks, mistrust, tragedy, accidents, enemies in the family, revolutions.


Should beware of dog bite or other animal. As you are blindfolded, you do not see solutions to their problems or have them in front. Do not be violent, will not be stopping in the hands of justice or will get into trouble with it. You should not travel for a while. Do not lift a hand to anyone for any reason whatsoever. Do not keep anything from anyone at home, not to be doubtful as to proceed and justice will make him a "visit". Be aware and condescending to his wife or concubine to avoid any misfortune. Beware of businesses that have or will be present, especially with the legality of them will not stop behind bars. Ebbo to remove or diminish the bad lyrics: Clean chicken with black, gender or black cloth, white plate and fiber for the signature of recollection. Of course the right of this work, ie, payment for being clean.


Some people envy you and you want to remove the little luck you have. Do not lend his own, as it will have problems to claim and recover the loan. You should never renege or less cursing in your home. Should seek to receive from the hands of a Jimaguas Santero. Have a dead stop in your home can also be death. Should be reserved for things, not counting all it does or why. At home there is a large rock or small, in a cup or rather notorious. You have relatives outside the city or the countryside. Despite all obstacles, you are already accustomed and thus happy. For sick child will have to travel. Sooner or later they will do or where he works chief will head to much. Vive deceived, cree knowing the world and the truth is that this is not so blind that could not have stopped or damage that you do have.


Look at the children with affection. Beware of accidents or illness at the hearing. It has more bad influences that closed roads. God and the Saints will give clairvoyance or blunt revelations that he will clarify his past, present and know where to go in the future. Ebbo: Triangle velones, the Black Skull, Black and Red 7 bits 7 bits locked husked and photo and in person to 2 mts. thereafter suit birth. Recollection bonesetter and everything in order to indicate who made the garment cleaning.

OGGUNDA (3) Do not stand on street corners, these are very bad for you Never go with people who join with you three (03). Where should not have romantic relationships with persons engaged or married because if you think about it, you and three (03). Control your character, not uncomfortable. Finish what you start, but do so only because Oggun said he was going to betray them.

Music in Religion Lukumí

Music plays an important role in Santeria as an integral part of worship. BEMBA used during the ceremonies invoking the gods to the sound of drums. The rate varies depending on the Santo you want to call. The insistent sound of the drums is so strong that it can be heard at great distances.

In Western Africa have been used for religious purposes for centuries, some percussion instruments such as drum, the xylophone or marimba. That was their main utility when the slaves brought to America. In Brazil, for example, sacred drums


are made with the skins of animals have been slaughtered according to ritual, and is usually baptize the new instruments, preferably with water, "blessed" in a Catholic church. Others represent an Orisha drums in particular, as in the Afro-Caribbean Haitian culture.

The basic instrument is the drum, and some pieces have titles that are actually names of deities or custom santeros. Over time, the rhythms of Santeria have been infiltrated in some productions of Latin music and its terminology has appeared in some songs.


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