Manual de Servicio Extractora Ardo Carum PDF

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    l    a    u    n    a     M    e    c     i    v    r    e     S     /    g    n    u    t     i    e     l    n    a    e    c     i    v    r    e     S   –      m    u    r    a     C







Service Manual





EXPLANATION a. b.   b. c. d. e.   e.

Carum Breastpump Connection opening for PumpSet Control panel with LCD Connection for mains cable Bottle holder



f.  EasyFreeze holder f.  g. Mains cable h. Carum Container i . Address field  j. Bottle holder k. EasyFreeze holder l. Carum m. Mains m.  Mains cable n. PumpSet


k. f.











Ardo medical AG











8.1. General Note: maintenance / repair





8.2. Tools Required



2.1. Suckling Curve



8.3. Te Testing sting Equipment Required





8.4. Opening the Pump Assembly



8.5. Removal of the Pump Assembly



32 32


8.6. Installing the Pump Assembly



8.7. Closing the Pump Assembly





8.8. Replacing the Power supply complete


4.1. Icons



4.2. Installation


1.1. Warnings, instructions and advisory symbols

3.1. Indications 3.2. Contra- indications


4.2.1. Electrical connection



4.2.2. Connecting the PumpSet



4.2.3. Installing the bottle holder



4.2.4. Installing the EasyFreeze holder



4.2.5. Installing the Mobile stand (optinal)



4.3. Operation 4.3.1. Switch on / switch off



4.3.2. Regulation of the vacuum and display



4.3.3. Cycle regulation and display



4.3.4. Switch stimulation mode /





4.3.7. Backlight





5.1. Further possible errors when using the unit





6.1. Visual inspection before switch-on



6.2. Cleaning / disinfection 6.3. General Information: Maintenance




8.12. Replacing the Pump Assembly 47

8.13. Replacing the Left and Right Cylinder 48


8.14. Replacing the Housing Cover Art. No. 99.03.777 49


8.15. Replacing the Housing Base Art. No. 99.03.570 50





9.1. Spare parts for repairs






11.1. Version



11.2. Te Technical chnical data



11.3. Compliance



11.4. EMV Test records

54 54

38 38


12.1. Transport and storage conditions



12.2. Disposal



13. ANNEX  

6.3.2. Checklist: Maintenance inspection for hospitals

8.11. Replacing the Control PCB


6.3.1. Checklist: Maintenance inspections for rentals


Art. No. 99.03.781


8.10. Replacing the Lithium Ion Battery Pack

Art. No. 99.03.782


4.3.6. Timing / Time Button


Art. No. 99.03.475 or Art. No. 99.03.770



8.9. Replacing the Display (with 3 .5 « TFT TFT)) PCB

Art. No. 99.03.498

4.3.5. Using express mode, skipping stimulation mode


Art. No. 99.03.496



expression mode

Art. Nr. 99.03.776

13.1. EMC (Electromagnetic compatibility) – Records of Compliance


55 55



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1. IMPORTANT SAFETY DET DETAILS AILS Carum is an electrically-operated, electrically- operated, safe and reliable breastpump for personal use. Carum is constructed and assembled in accordance with CE guidelines, and in compliance with Security Standards EN 60601-1, EN 60601-1-2, EN ISO 10079-1, EN 60601-1-4 and EN 60601-1-6 and EN 60601-1-11 . For your safety, to avoid damage to the unit and to avoid risk of electric shock, injury injur y or fire, please observe the following safety regulations. regulations. 1.1. Warnings, instructions and advisory symbols Indicates a possible dangerous situation which, unless it is avoided, may lead to death or WARNING severe injury. CAUTION NOTE

Indicates a possible dangerous situation which, unless it is avoided, may lead to slight or moderate injury. Indicates possible non-injury threatening situation,. which may however lead to the risk of, for example, property damage, or have a negative influence on functionality or reliability. Warning: General Hazard Area. Observe Safety Instructions. Important: general information for the operation or repair of the pump.

Safety Regulations • After use, disconnect Carum from the mains. • In the event of an accidental accidental splash, or the the unit falling into water - IMMEDIA IMMEDIATEL TELY Y disconnect it from from the mains. Do not touch the unit until it has been disconnected. • Disconnection from from the mains is only guaranteed if the mains plug plug is pulled out of the socket. socket.  • The unit unit is designed for indoor use only. only. Do not use outdoors. • Use only the the original power cord or car battery battery cable from from ARDO. ARDO. • Do not open the the unit (results in voiding voiding of the warranty). warranty). • Carum is not water-proof water-proof.. Therefore Therefore the the unit must never be immersed in water water or other uids, uids, nor used or stored in places where it might fall into the water. Do not use while in the bath or while taking a shower shower.. • Keep the mains cable cable and all accessories away from from sources sources of heat. • Do not use Carum Carum in an area where where oxygen gas is in use or sprays are are being applied. applied. • Only use a genuine ARDO ARDO PumpSet and and genuine ARDO parts. See Section 4. (Start-up / Operation) and Section 8 (Maintenance / Care / Cleaning). Cleaning). • Carum should should only be be used for for the purposes detailed in Section. 2 (Application). (Application). Battery option and car battery adapter • The unit unit is designed for indoor use only. only. Do not use outdoors. • If the operating operating time of the battery declines declines from fully fully charged to to less than one hour (of charge), charge), the battery battery should be changed as soon as possible, to ensure safe operation of the Carum when on battery power. See Section 8: Maintenance / Care Care / Cleaning. Cleaning. • Do not use the Carum out out in the the open when operating on the car cigarette-cable. • Caution: Ensure that the car battery battery delivers delivers 12 volts. • The unit must must not be altered or changed without without the express express permission of the manufacturer manufacturer..  • Any alteration alteration or change change to the Carum Carum is not permitted. permitted.   • If the Carum must be altered altered or changed changed to ensure ensure safe continued continued use, the appropriate appropriate studies and and testing must be carried out.  out.  • Please keep this User Manual handy handy for for reference reference at all times.  31

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2. PRODUCT DESCRIPTION  The Carum Pump Pump System consists consists of the breast pump pump and a PumpSet PumpSet (single or double pumpset). pumpset).  The Carum breast breast pump is a quiet, user-friendly user-friendly double piston piston pump for hospital use and for for rental use.  The unit is equipped equipped with a robust plastic housing (Quality: VO) and and a simplified, logically organised organised keyboard with a LCD display readout.  The energy-saving energy-saving electrical equipment is designed for mains- and for car battery-operation, or for for (optional) battery use.  The sophisticated controls allow each each mother to enjoy enjoy a comfortable comfortable and efficient pumping pumping experience (plus a tested suckling curve) thanks to the flexible system for adjusting vacuum and cycles. 2.1. Suckling Curve  The suckling curve is characteristically characteristically stable over the entire vacuum and cycle area and corresponds corresponds closely to your baby’s suckling behaviour behaviour.. Therefore Therefore the breast tissue is not additionally stressed by pumping. Stimulation mode

Exchange Stimulation-Expr Stimulation-Expression ession

Expression mode

3. APPLICATION APPLICATION FOR USE U SE  The Carum breastpump breastpump system is intended intended for the the expression of breast milk, for the the collection and storage storage of mother’s milk in the event of nursing problems e.g. galactostasis, sore nipples, illness or in the absence of either mother or baby e.g. premature premature infants. Carum can be used as both a single pump and as a double pump.  The unit is intended intended for indoor indoor use only. 3.1. Indications Carum   • To alleviate engorgement. Carum engorgement. • To increase increase and maintain the ability to breastfeed. • Ensure the supply of breast breast milk should mother and baby be separated. separated.   • Carum Carum can be used as both a single pump and as a double pump. 3.2. Contra- indications None known: when the unit is used for the correct purpose.


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Read the manual Important information “ON / OFF“ switch Suckle strength / Adjust the vacuum (V) ( V) Change the cycles c ycles level / number number (C) Switch stimulation mode / express mode Backlight change (light / dark)  Time measurement measurement (on / stop / off ) Unit with the applied part BF Cleaning Single pumpset / Double pumpset (applied part) Warning: General risk points – check the Instruction Manual Assembling 0123

Compliance with general guidelines: MDD 93 / 42 EWG and MDD 2009 Manufacturer  The unit is compliant compliant with the stipulations stipulations of the WEEE 2002 / 96 / EG guidelines Mains cable Device of protection category II

IP21 Li-Ion

IP 21 drip proof  Contains a lithium ion battery Express mode Stimulation mode Device is recyclable


Ardo medical AG




4.2. Installation 4.2.1. Electrical connection • Mains operation: operation: Insert mains cable cable (A) into the the Carum Carum mains (B) input input socket (Fig.1) and connect the local power plug to the mains power supply. • Battery operation: operation: Before Before using the battery for the rst rst time, time, connect connect the unit to the mains power supply for 6 hours.


A 4.2.2. Connecting the PumpSet Use of the PumpSet is detailed in the separate user manual: “ARDO PumpSet“. The PumpSet is an applied part of the pump. • To use the single PumpSet: Attach the tube connector (C) to the unit (D). (Fig. 2). 



• To use the double PumpSet: Attach the tube connector to the unit (Fig 3). 

• The second opening of the tube connector (E) remains closed – by single and double pumping.  E

4.2.3. Installing the bottle holder

 The bottle holder is used for short-term short-term storage of the PumpSets. PumpSets. The bottle holder is designed to protect against accidental spilling of milk.  The bottle holder can be used free-standing free-standing or be plugged into into the back of the Carum

4.2.4. Installing the EasyFreeze holder

 The easy freeze freeze holder is used for short-term hang up up of the PumpSet PumpSet with bag. The EasyFreeze holder is designed to protect against accidental spilling of milk. The EasyFreeze holder can be plugged onto the back of the Carum instead of the bottle holder holder..


Ardo medical AG




4.2.5. Installing the Mobile stand (optinal)

 The installing of of the Carum mobile stand is described in separate instruction.  4.3. Operation Vacuum and cycles can be adjusted independently of each other. Select the adjustment which is the most comfortable for you. 4.3.1. Switch on / switch off 

Switch on the unit by pressing the “ON / OFF” button once. A ‘welcome’ page will be displayed. When it is switched on, the breast pump is in stimulation mode (orange display). Medium vacuum and cycle c ycle level. To To turn the unit off, press the “ON / OFF” button once again.  The “ON / OFF” function is the same same for battery operation, operation, mains power supply or 12vDC power supply (car battery operation). Display mode:  The operation mode mode is shown on the the illuminated LCD LCD display. The display turns off when the unit is switched off. 4.3.2. Regulation of the vacuum and display

 The vacuum (suction strength) can be adjusted, one level at a time, time, by repeatedly pressing, pressing, or by holding down the down the vacuum button (to the left side of the key pad). The vacuum strength strength can be individually regulated in both stimulation mode and expression mode. Pressing the ‘up’ arrow increases the vacuum, pressing the ‘down’ arrow reduces the vacuum. The vacuum strength is displayed on the bar chart to the left. 4.3.3. Cycle regulation and display

 The cycles (frequency) (frequency) can be adjusted, adjusted, one level at a time, time, by repeatedly pressing, pressing, or by holding down the down the cycle button (to the right side of the key pad). The cycle can be individually regulated in both stimulation mode and expression mode. Pressing the ‘up’ arrow increases the cycles level, pressing the ‘down’ arrow reduces the cycles level. The cycles level is displayed on the bar chart to the right.


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4.3.4. Switch stimulation mode / expression mode

 To change the stimulation stimulation mode display screen screen (orange display) display) to the express mode display screen (green display), press the ‘Mode’ button just to the right of the “ON / OFF” button.  The change can be made at any time time by pressing the the ‘Mode’ button. If the Carum is in stimulation mode and the ‘Mode’ button is not pressed, the unit will automatically change to express mode after 2 minutes. Press the ‘Mode’ key tochanges, return tothe stimulation mode. When the mode background colour of the LCD screen changes accordingly. accordingly. In addition, the symbol relevant to stimulation or expression mode will be highlighted on the LCD display. display. Background colour in stimulation mode is orange. Background colour in expression mode is green. In each separate mode of operation, vacuum strength and cycles level can be individually adjusted. When changing from stimulation mode to expression mode, the vacuum strength will automatically be set to 30mbar, and the cycles level to 45 cycles, from the previously set values. When changing from express mode to stimulation mode, the vacuum strength will be set to 60mbar 60mbar,, and the cycles level to 90 cycles. These values also apply when the unit is switched on. 4.3.5. Using express mode, skipping stimulation mode

If the ‘mode’ button is pressed within 2 seconds of switching on the Carum, stimulation mode is skipped. Express mode starts with an especially mild, gentle and low level vacuum of 30mbar and a cycles level of 30 cycles.

4.3.6. Timing / Time Button

 Timing starts the automatically whTiming when en the Carum is switched on. To until stop timing, press ‘time’ button. will remain de-activated re-started by pressing the ‘time’ ‘time’ button again, or until the unit is turned off. The timer will be reset to 00:00 when the ‘time’ button is pressed for a second time. Press the ‘time’ button again to restart the timer. The timer can be switched on and off in either stimulation or express mode. 4.3.7. Backlight

Using the Carum in a darkened room can be made more comfortable by dimming the intensity of the LCD. To reduce the intensity of the backlighting, press the ‘light’ button (to the left of the LDC) once.  The dim function can be turned on and off as required. required.


Ardo medical AG




5. ERROR E RROR ANAL ANALYSIS YSIS / ERROR DISPLA DISPLAY Y / SERVICE INDICA INDICATOR TOR Identifiable errors or service / maintenance schedules are represented on the LCD by a warning triangle. Switch the unit off, and then on again. If the error message comes up again, return the unit to the supplier.. The unit must be repaired by trained service personnel, or by the manufacturer. supplier Error: the unit does not work on battery power i.e. the pump does not operate. Solution: Connect the unit to the mains to recharge the battery. The battery charging time is ca. 4 hrs. Advice: The unit may be used while the battery is being charged, but this will extend the charging time. 5.1. Further possible errors when using the unit • Weak or absent vacuum   Disconnect the the PumpSet PumpSet from from the unit. Partly Partly close the the connector connector opening opening with a finger to test the suction. suction. If suction is de-tectable, then the pump is working. Test Test the PumpSet in accordance with the separate instructions, (only use the original ARDO PumpSet) • The pump is not working / no data on the LCD LCD display   Check the mains supply; if the unit unit still still does not work, it is defective defective Should any of these errors occur, occur, and be confirmed, return the unit to the supplier immediately. The unit must be repaired by trained service personnel or by the manufacturer  

6. MAINTENANCE MAIN TENANCE / CARE / CLEANING  The silicone pot integrated integrated into into the PumpSet PumpSet constitutes a total total barrier, barrier, and ensures that that neither breast breast milk nor pathogenic agents can get into the pump unit. The unit is maintenance-free; care of the unit, and its accessories, is limited to inspection and cleaning.  The Carum breast breast pump can be repaired, repaired, but only only by trained service personnel personnel or by the manufacturer manufacturer.. For this reason, only the bottle holder, the EasyFreeze holder, the connector cable, and the car charging cable, are available for order as spare parts. See S ee Section: Accessories / Spare Spare Parts. 6.1. Visual inspection before switch-on • Is the pump housing intact? • Is the mains power unit undamaged? • Is the accessory clean, complete and intact? • Is the accessory correctly attached? Ignoring these checks, or the cleaning instructions, may lead to risk of infection, electric-shock or damage to the unit.


Ardo medical AG




6.2. Cleaning / disinfection • Carum breast milk pump: Important: unplug the unit from the mains connection before cleaning. • The Carum is not waterproof waterproof.. It conforms to enclosure enclosure IP (Ingress (Ingress Protection) Protection) rating IP20. • Cleaning at home: home: As needed, needed, wipe with a damp damp cloth, commercial commercial detergent detergent may be used. • Cleaning in the hospital: hospital: Disinfect by wiping wiping with a non-phenol non-phenol based disinfectant. • Do not put the unit unit into the dish-washer dish-washer or into into a washing-up bowl. bowl. It is not possible to clean the pump or the power unit. Attempting to do so may cause the unit to malfunction or to become contaminated – requiring suitable disposal. (See section 11: Transpo Transport rt / Storage Storage / Disposal). Disposal). • Accessory PumpSet: PumpSet: Please Please read the separate separate User Manual, Section: Cleaning. Cleaning. 6.3. General Information: Maintenance • The Carum breastpump is maintenance-free maintenance-free as mentioned: mentioned: Still we recommend (use in the the renting or in the hospital application) following controlling/maintenance controlling/maintenance intervals.  They can be carried out out by the sales manager (renting) or (renting) or hospital staff.  These controls controls are also prescribed in the instruction manual. 6.3.1. Checklist: Maintenance inspections for rentals

• Visual inspection of the pump for cleanliness

After every renting

• Visual inspection of the pump for completeness

After every renting

• Visual inspection of the pump for damage

After every renting

• Simple operational operational checks checks of the the pump (Pump runs properly, properly, battery charged charged

After every renting

• Check of the vacuum strength strength – to be carried out by trained trained service personnel personnel

Minimum every 2 years

6.3.2. Checklist: Maintenance inspection for hospitals

• Visual inspection of the pump for cleanliness

Before every use

• Visual inspection of the pump for damage

After every use

• Check of the vacuum strength strength – to be carried out by trained trained service personnel personnel

Minimum every 2 years


Ardo medical AG




7. DETERMINING THE CAUSE OF FAULTS  The ‘fault tree’ tree’, below, should should allow service personnel to to diagnose the possible possible source of faults, faults, and carry out the necessary repair work.     k    c    a     b    e    s    a    c    e    a    c     l    p    e     R

   t    s    r     fi   e  ,    s    n    r    i    o   m    r    r    r    e   e    t    e    r    e    d     h    t     O       O


   o    n

   g    n     i    s    u    o     h    e    v     i    t    c    e     f    e     D

    ?     l    a    n    m    o    u    i    r    a   t    c     C   n    u     f

   o    n

   s    e    y

    k    c    a    ?     b     k    e   o    s    a     C

    d    e    c    a     l    p    e    r    r    e    v    o     C

   s    e    y



    d    e    c    a     l    p    e    r    y    r    e    t    t    a     B       O

   s    e    y

    ?    e    s   c    r    n   u    u   o    r    s    p   r    e    m    u   w     P   o    p    a

   o    n


   o    n

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   t    r    a    t     S

   n    o     i    t    l    a   t    n   u     i    a     f    m     f    r    o    e    t    e     D

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    ?     k    o    y    r    e    t    t    a     B

   o    n

   s    e    y

    ?    r    k    e   o    y     l    w    o   p     P   p    u    s

   s    e    y

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    d    e    c    a     l    p    e    r    y    a     l    p    s     i     D

    d    e    c    a     l    p    e    r    r    e    v    o     C

   y     l    p     d    p   e    u   c    s    l    a    r    p    e   e    w   r    o     P



   o    n

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    d    r    a    ?    o    k     b    y   o    e     K

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   o    n

   s    e    y

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   t    n    ?    s     i    r    d    e     P    y     l    e    c    a    o     l    r    t    p    n   e    o   r     C

    d    n     E


    d    e    c    a     l    p    e    r    r    e     d    n     i     l    y     C       O

   s    e    y    w     l    o    o    o    t     m    u    u    c    a     V

   t    e    ?    s   t    p     h    g    m     i    u   r     P


   o    n

    /    e    a    c     l    p    n    e    r    i    t    a    r    e   t    s    p    m    u     P



Ardo medical AG






Repairs may only be carried out by suitably trained personnel.  The described checks checks or controls controls may not be changed changed or varied in any any respect. Defective Carum parts may only be replaced with parts recommende recommended d by the manufacturer.

8.1. General Note: maintenance / repair WARNING

 The Carum must must be disconnected from the mains mains before it is opened for repair repair or replacement work.

8.2. Tools Required


 The following following tools will be required required for all types of repair or replacement work: • TORX®-scr TORX®-screwdriver ewdriver TX 20 length >= 100 mm • TORX®- screwdriver TX 10 length >= 60 mm • TORX®- screwdriver TX 08 length >= 60 mm • Large screwdriver 0 or 1

8.3. Testing Equipment Required  The following following testing equipment equipment will be required required to check check the pump: • Pumpset (Art. No. 63.00.40) NOTE • Pressur Pressure e gauge, complete (Art. No. 63.00.113) 8.4. Opening the Pump Assembly


Disconnect the Carum from the mains.

– Turn the Carum upside down and set it down. Place it on asecure surface. – Remove the 4 feet (Art. No. 99.03.499). – Unscrew the 6 screws (Art. (Art. No. 99.03.751) using the  TORX®-screwdriver  TORX®-scr ewdriver TX 20.

– Carefully turn turn the Carum Carum over so that the the pump is standing standing on the base. – Lift off the housing cover. cover. Disconnect Disconnect the cable (Art. No. 99.03.774), connecting the control PCB to the display PCB, from the housing cover. – If the optional optional Lithium Lithium Ion battery pack (Art. No. 99.03.498) has been installed, disconnect this cable from the PCB.


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– Place the housing housing cover cover on its side

8.5. Removal of the Pump Assembly

– Open the Carum pump pump assembly following following the instructions in Section 8.4. Opening the Pump Assembly.

– Disconnect the connecting connecting cable (Art. (Art. No. 99.03.773), mains-adapter PCB to the control PCB, from the control PCB (Art. No. 99.03.475 or Art. No. 99.03.770). – Unplug the the connecting connecting cable (Art. No. 99.03.482) between the DC socket and the control PCB (Art. No. 99.03.475 or Art. No. 99.03.770). – Remove the plugs (Art. No. 99.03.493) from the left and right sides of the housing base. – Unscrew the 4 pump-anchoring screws (Art. No. 99.03.751) using the TORX® TX T X 20screwdriver 20screwdriver..

– Carefully remove the small small mounting mounting bracket (Art. No. 99.03.574) and the large mounting bracket (Art. No. 99.03.573). – Remove the mounting mounting plate (Art. (Art. No. 99.03.442). – Lift the pump pump (Art. No. 99.03.782) from the base of the housing. housing.

8.6. Installing the Pump Assembly

– Installing the Pump Assembly.


– When inserting, ensure that the protrusions line up with, and properly engage with the entry holes, and lie flat.


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– Secure the mounting plate plate (Art. No. 99.03.442) onto the the pump by means of the 4 protrusions (Art. No. 99.03.444).


– Secure the mounting plate (Art. No. No. 99.03.442) onto the pump by means of the 4 protrusions (Art. No. 99.03.444). – Carefully line up the small mounting bracket (Art. No. 99.03.574) and the large mounting bracket (Art. No. 99.03.573) with the intended mounting points, and position over the mounting plate (Art. No. 99.03.442). – Secure the the small mounting mounting bracket bracket (Art. No. 99.03.574) and the large mounting bracket (Art. No. 99.03.573) to the housing oor with the 4 screws (Art. No. 99.03.751) using the TORX® screwdriver TX 20.

– Insert the left and right plugs (99.03.493) into the intended socket positions in the housing base.


– Take care when plugging in. The Vacuum hose must not be kinked. The hose is fitted with a loop, as shown in the illustration.

– Plug the connecting cable (Art. No. 99.03.773) into the the control PCB (Art. No. 99.03.475 or Art. No. 99.03.770). – Plug the connecting cable (Art. No. 99.03.482), from the the DC-socket to the control PCB, into the control PCB (Art. No. 99.03.475 or Art. No. 99.03.770).

– Close the Carum Carum pump assembly assembly following following the instructions instructions in: Section 8.7. Closing the Pump Assembly


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8.7. Closing the Pump Assembly

– Position the housing cover, and plug the connecting cable, control PCB to display PCB (Art. No. 99.03.774) into the housing cover.

– Fit the housing housing cover onto the the housing base.

– Carefully turn turn the Carum Carum over and, place it upside down down on a secure surface. – Tighten up the 6 screws screws (99.03.751) using the TORX® screwdriver TX 20.

– Turn the Carum over so that the pump stands on its feet. feet. – Connect the the Carum to the mains mains and carry out a functionality test.

8.8. Replacing the Power Power supply complete Art. Nr. Nr. 99.03.776 – Open the Carum pump pump assembly following following the instructions in Section 8.4.: Opening the Pump Assembly.

– Disconnect the connecting connecting cable (Art. No. 99.03.773), mains power supply unit to PCB, from the mains power supply unit – Disconnect the the connecting connecting cable (Art. No. No. 99.03.481), the power socket to the power supply unit, at the PCB.


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– Unscrew the the 2 screws screws (Art. No. 99.03.751) on the power supply supply unit (99.03.776), using the TORX® screwdriver TX 20. – Lift the power supply supply unit from the the housing. housing.

– Remove the the connecting connecting cable (Art. No. 99.03.773), power power supply unit to the PCB, at the power supply unit.

– Plug the connecting cable (Art. No. 99.03.773), power supply unit to PCB, into the new power supply unit (Art. No. 99.03.776).

– Slide the power power supply unit into the correct position in the the base of the housing. – Screw the power supply supply unit tightly tightly onto the the base of the the housing with the 2 screws (Art. No. 99.03.751).

– Plug the connecting cable cable (Art. No. 99.03.481), power socket to power supply unit, into the PCB.

– Close the Carum Carum pump assembly assembly following following the instructions instructions in Section 8.7. Closing the Pump Assembly. Assembly.

8.9. Replacing the Display (with 3 .5 « TFT) PCB Art. No. 99.03.496

– Open the Carum pump pump assembly following following the instructions in Section 8.4. Opening the Pump Assembly.


Ardo medical AG




– Disconnect the membrane membrane keyboard keyboard ribbon ribbon cable (Art. No. 99.03.572) from the display (with 3.5“ TFT) TFT ) PCB (Art. No. 99.03.496).

– Remove the the 4 fixing fixing plates from the the PCB board (Art. No. 99.03.495). – Remove the the display (with 3.5“ TFT TFT)) PCB (Art. No. 99.03.496).

– Install the new new display (with 3.5“ TFT TFT)) PCB (Art. No. 99.03.496) into the housing.

– theLCD 4 mounting moun onto PCB No. 99.03.495) No. – Position Secure the PCB ting withplates the 4 screws scr ewsthe (Art. No(Art. No. . 99.03.752) using the TORX® screwdriver TX 10. – Connect the membrane membrane keyboard ribbon ribbon cable cable (Art. No. 99.03.496).

– Close the Carum Carum pump assembly assembly following following the instructions instructions in Section 8.7. Closing the Pump Assembly.

8.10. Replacing the Lithium Ion Battery Pack Art. No. 99.03.498

– Open the Carum pump pump assembly following following the instructions in Section 8.4. Opening the Pump Assembly.

– Unscrew the the 4 screws screws (Art. No. 99.03.571) on the battery holder (Art. No. 99.03.443) using the TORX® screwdriver screwdriver TX 20 and remove the Lithium Ion battery pack (Art. No. 99.03.498).

– Insert the new new Lithium Ion battery battery pack (Art. No. 99.03.498) into the housing cover. – Secure the the battery pack pack in place with the battery battery holder (Art. No. 99.03.443) and the 4 screws (Art. No. 99.03.571) using the TORX® screwdriver TX 20.


Ardo medical AG




– Close the Carum Carum pump assembly assembly following following the instructions instructions in Section 8.7. Closing the Pump Assembly.

8.11. Replacing the Control PCB Art. No. 99.03.475 or Art. No. 99.03.770

– Remove the the pump assembly following following the instructions in Section 8.5. Removing the Pump Assembly.

– Disconnect the connecting connecting cable(Art. cable(Art. No. 99.03.774), control control PCB to display PCB, from the control PCB board (Art. No. 99.03.475 or Art. No. 99.03.770). – Disconnect the motor motor cable (Art. No. 99.03.473) from the control PCB (Art. No. 99.03.475 or Art. No. 99.03.770).

– Release the 2 screws (Art. No. No. 99.03.759) on the pump housing housing using the TORX® screwdriver TX8. – Remove the control PCB (Art. No. 99.03.475 or Art. Ar t. No. 99.03.770) from the holder.


– Caution: there are two photo sensors on the underside of the PCB which activate the pump assembly. Improper removall or installatio remova installation n can damage parts of the pump assembly and / or the PCB. This can lead to functional failures of the Carum.

– Slide the new control control PCB (Art. No. 99.03.475 or Art. No. 99.03.770) into the holder and install. – Attach the control PCB to the unit housing with the 2 screws (Art. No. 99.03.759) using the TORX® screwdriver screwdriver TX 8.


Ardo medical AG




– Plug the motor cable (Art. No. 99.03.473) into the control PCB PCB (Art. No. 99.03.475 or Art. No. 99.03.770). – Plug the connecting cable cable (Art. No. 99.03.774), control control PCB to display PCB, to the control PCB (Art. No. 99.03.475 or Art. No. 99.03.770).

– Install the pump pump assembly following the instructions instructions in Section 8.6. Installing the Pump Assembly.

8.12. Replacing the Pump Assembly Art. No. 99.03.782

– Remove the the pump assembly following following the instructions in Section 8.5. Removing the Pump Assembly.

– Unplug the the connecting connecting cable (Art. No. 99.03.774), control control PCB to display PCB , from the control PCB (Art. No. 99.03.475 or Art. No. 99.03.770). – Disconnect the motor motor cable (Art. No. 99.03.473) from the control PCB (Art. No. 99.03.475 or Art. No. 99.03.770).

– Unscrew the the two screws screws (Art. No. 99.03.759) in the pump unit housing using the TORX® screwdriver TX 8. – Release the control control PCB (Art. No. 99.03.475 or Art. No. 99.03.770) from the holder and remove.


Ardo medical AG





– Caution: there are two photo sensors on the underside of the PCB which activate the pump assembly. Improper removall or installatio remova installation n can damage parts of the pump assembly and / or the PCB. This can lead to functional failures of the Carum.

– Slide the control PCB PCB (Art. No. 99.03.475 or Art. No. No. 99.03.770) into the new pump assembly holder and install. – Secure the control PCB PCB (Art. No. No. 99.03.475 or Art. No. No. 99.03.770) with the two screws (Art. No. 99.03.759) to the pump assembly housing, using the TORX® screwdriver TX 8.

– Connect the the motor cable (Art. No. No. 99.03.473) to the the PCB. – Plug the connecting cable cable (Art. No. 99.03.774), control control PCB to display PCB, into the control PCB (Art. No. 99.03.475 or Art. No. 99.03.770).

– Install the pump pump assembly following the instructions instructions in Section 8.6. Installing the Pump Assembly.

8.13. Replacing the Left and Right Cylinder Art. No. 99.03.781

– Remove the the pump assembly following following the instructions in Section 8.5. Removing the Pump Assembly.


Ardo medical AG




– Release the locking washers (Art. No. 99.03.758) from each side using the appropriate tool. – Remove the complete vacuum cylinder units (Art. No. 99.03.486) from both sides.

– Install the new new vacuum cylinder units (Art. No. 99.03.486). – Install the locking locking washers (Art. No. 99.03.758) on both sides, sides, using the appropriate tool.

– Install the pump pump assembly following the instructions instructions in Section 8.6. Installing the Pump Assembly.

8.14. Replacing the Housing Cover Art. No. 99.03.777

– Open the Carum pump pump assembly following following the instructions in Section 8.4. Opening the Pump Assembly.

– Disconnect the membrane membrane keyboard keyboard ribbon ribbon cable (Art. No. 99.03.572) from the display (with 3.5“ TFT) TFT ) PCB (Art. No. 99.03.496). – Unscrew the 4 screws on the LCD board using the  TORX® screwdriver screwdriver TX 10.

– Remove the 4 fixing plates on the PCB PCB (Art. No. No. 99.03.495). – Remove the display (with 3.5” TFT TFT)) PCB (Art. (Art. No. 99.03.496).

– If the optional optional Lithium Lithium Ion battery pack (Art. No. 99.03.498) is installed, unscrew the 4 screws (Art. No. 99.03.752) on the battery holder (Art. No. 99.03.443) using the TORX® screwdriver  TX 20 and remove the battery pack.


Ardo medical AG




– Replace the housing cover with a new housing cover (Art. No. 99.03.777).

– If the optional optional Lithium Lithium Ion battery pack (Art. No. 99.03.498) was installed, reinstall the battery pack in the housingcover housingcover.. – Insert the battery battery pack into into the battery pack holder (Art. No. 99.03.443) and re-attach the holder with the 4 screws, (Art. No. 99.03.752) using the TORX® screwdriver screwdriver TX 20. – Install the display display (with 3.5“ TFT TFT)) PCB (Art. No. 99.03.496) in the housing cover. – Position the 4 fixing fixing plates on the PCB (Art. No. 99.03.495). – Secure the LCD PCB PCB board with with the 4 screws screws (Art. No. 99.03.752). – Connect the membrane membrane keyboard ribbon ribbon cable cable (Art. No. 99.03.496).

– Close the Carum Carum pump assembly assembly following following the instructions instructions in Section 8.7. Closing the Pump Assembly.

8.15. Replacing the Housing Base Art. No. 99.03.570

– Remove the the pump assembly following following the instructions in Section 8.5. Removing the Pump Assembly.

– Disconnect the connecting connecting cable (Art. No. 99.03.481), power power socket to power supply unit, from the PCB board. – Unscrew the the 2 screws screws (Art. No. 99.03.751) on the power supply supply unit (Art. No. 99.03.776) using the TORX® screwdriver screwdriver TX 20.


Ardo medical AG




– Remove the the power power supply unit from from the housing.

– Unplug the the connecting connecting cable (Art. No. 99.03.482), DC socket to control PCB, from the housing base. – Remove the the connecting connecting cable (Art. No. 99.03.773), power power supply unit to PCB, from the housing base. – Remove the the connecting connecting point (Art. No. 99.03.444) from the housing base.

– Replace the old housing base with the new housing base.

– Connect the connecting connecting cable cable (Art. No. No. 99.03.773), power power supply unit to PCB, to the new housing base. – Connect the the connecting connecting cable (Art. No. No. 99.03.482), DC socket to control PCB, to the new housing base.

– Install the power power supply unit unit in the intended place place in the housing base. – Firmly screw screw in the power supply supply unit with the two screws screws (Art. No. 99.03.751) to the housing base. – Plug the connecting cable (Art. No. 99.03.481), mains socket to power unit, into the power supply unit.

– Install the pump pump unit following the instructions instructions in Section 8.6. Installing the Pump Assembly.


Ardo medical AG





Art. No. 63.00.130

Mains cable UK 

Art. No. 63.00.131

Mains cable UL

Art. No. 63.00.132

 Trolley - optional

Art. No. 63.00.129

Car battery adapter 12VDC - optional

Art. No. 63.00.133

Bottle holder

Art. No. 63.00.127

EasyFreeze EasyFre eze holder

Art. No. 63.00.128

Various pumpsets

9.1. Spare parts for repairs Product Name


Article ID No.

Mounting plate / fixing plate



Control PCB (Printed Circuit Board)



Connecting-cable, power socket to power supply unit



Connecting-cable DC socket – PCB Connector-plug

1 1

99.03.482 99.03.493

PCB mounting plate



PCB screen with 3.5” TFT display



Lithium Ion battery pack



Carum support-stand



Lens screw 4 x 12



Lens screw 3 x 12



Safety washer



Lens screw KA25 x 6



PCB with battery switch circuit PCB power connecting cable

1 1

99.03.770 99.03.773

Connecting-cable Control PCB – display PCB



Power supply complete



Carum housing cover



Carum cylinder set



Pump assembly




Ardo medical AG




10. GUARANTEE  The Carum is guaranteed guaranteed for 3 years years from the the date of purchase. purchase. The The purchase invoice invoice serves as proof of guarantee. General terms and conditions  This unit is covered covered by the Ardo Ardo medical AG warranty warranty in respect of materials materials and manufacturing manufacturing defects.  The guarantee starts starts from the date of purchase. Defective Defective materials will be replaced replaced free-of-charge, during during the life of the Guarantee, provided that the Guarantee has not been voided by unauthorised use or access to the unit.  To ensure guarantee guarantee cover, cover, and the flawless functioning functioning of the unit, the instructions instructions in the User Manual Manual must be followed and only Ardo medical AG accessories used. The guarantee is void if the unit has been opened.

11. TECHNICAL INF ORMA ORMATION TION 11.1. Version Carum Caru m with Eur Euro o main mainss cable

Art. No. 63.03. 63.03.71 71 Caru Carum m batt battery ery with Eur Euro o mains cable Art. No. 63.03. 63.03.75 75

Carum with UK mains cable

Art. No. 63.03.72 Carum battery with UK mains cable

Art. No. 63.03.76

Carum Caru m with UL main mainss cable

Art. No. 63.03. 63.03.73 73 Caru Carum m batt battery ery with UL mains cable

Art. No. 63.03. 63.03.77 77

11.2. Technical data Pump dimensions

L x B x H = 302 x 240 x 180 mm

Power cable length

Length 3 m

Pump weight

3 kg

Weight with battery

3.7 kg

Input voltage

100 – 230 VAC + / -10%


50 – 60Hz

DC Input

12 VDC

Lifetime (excluding parts subject to wear and tear)

10 years

Operating temperatures

+5 – +40 °C

Relative humidity

10 – 93%

Protection level


Air pressure

700 – 1060 hPa

Protection Category Protection Double Insulated

Category II

Classification in accordance with

Category 2a


MDD93 / 42 Cycle and vacuum levels Vacuum range in stimulation mode

30 – 150 mbar 22 – 114 mmHg 3 – 15 kPa

Cycle range in stimulation mode

72 – 120 / min.

Vacuum range in expression mode

30 – 330 mbar 22 – 250 mmHg 3 – 33 kPa

Cycle range in expression 30 – 60 / min. mode

Permitted tolerance of the vacuum strength

+ / - 5%

Permitted tolerance of the cycles

+ / - 3 cycles

 The vacuum level generated generated is sensitive to to prevailing atmospheric atmospheric pressure. pressure. The The higher the prevailing prevailing atmospheric pressure, pressure, the more intense the generated vacuum – and vice versa. The vacuum values (including tolerances) specified in the user manual are based on an atmospheric pressure of 880hPa.


Ardo medical AG




11.3. Compliance In accordance with guidelines: MDD 93 / 42 CEE of 14.7.1993, and 2010, in respect of medical products and 2010. 2007 / 47 / CE, 2006 / 42 / CE, CE, EN 60601-1, EN60601-1-2, EN ISO 10079-1, EN 60601-1-4, EN 60601-1-6, EN 60601-1-11


11.4. EMV Test records See annex 13.1.

12. TRANSPORT TRANSPOR T / STORAGE STORAGE / DISPOSAL For the transport and storage of your Carum, we recommend using the original packaging. We further recommend separate storage for the unit is protected from UV (e.g. sunlight / halogen lamps), heat and dust. 12.1. Transport and storage conditions Carum und Carum with optional battery  Temperature  T emperature

-20 – +70°C

Relative humidity

10 – 80%

Air pressure

700 – 1060 hPa

12.2. Disposal  The unit may be returned to the the manufacturer, manufacturer, or be be dismantled and recycled recycled (as metal or plastic) in an environmentally-friendly environme ntally-friendly manner, manner, through a recycling firm specialising in electrical goods. There are no special or increased risk factors.


Manufacturer:   Ardo medical AG Gewerbestrasse 19 6314 Unterägeri Switzerland Homepage: Email: [email protected]


Ardo medical AG




13. ANLAGEN / ANNEX 13.1. EMV Prüfaufzeichnungen / EMC (Electromagnetic compatibility) – Records of Compliance


Ardo medical AG


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Ardo medical AG Gewerbestrasse 19 6314 Unterägeri Switzerland T +41(0)41 754 70 70 F +41(0)41 754 70 71 [email protected]

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