Manual Crispin

March 21, 2017 | Author: Marco Corona | Category: N/A
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Autodesk CRISPIN ShoeMaker 2016 R1

Tutorials Manual Designing a court shoe

Autodesk Crispin ShoeMaker Copyright © 2008 - 2015 Delcam Ltd. All rights reserved. Powered by PowerSHAPE, copyright © 1982 - 2015 Delcam Ltd. All rights reserved. Delcam Ltd has no control over the use made of the software described in this manual and cannot accept responsibility for any loss or damage howsoever caused as a result of using the software. Users are advised that all the results from the software should be checked by a competent person, in accordance with good quality control procedures. The functionality and user interface in this manual is subject to change without notice in future revisions of the software. The software described in this manual is furnished under licence agreement and may be used or copied solely in accordance with the terms of such licence. Delcam Ltd grants permission for licensed users to print copies of this manual or portions of this manual for personal use only. Schools, colleges and universities that are licensed to use the software may make copies of this manual or portions of this manual for students currently registered for classes where the software is used. Acknowledgements This documentation references a number of registered trademarks and these are the property of their respective owners. For example, Microsoft and Windows are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States. Patent Information Emboss functionality is subject to patent number GB 2389764 and patent applications US 10/174524 and GB 2410351. Morphing functionality is subject to patent application GB 2401213. ShoeMaker 2016 R1. Published on 10 September 2015

Contents Designing a court shoe


Last creation and flattening ................................................................................. 1 1. Last identification wizard ........................................................................ 1 2. Flatten the last ...................................................................................... 11 Style line creation ............................................................................................. 13 3. Create stencils ...................................................................................... 13 4. Sketch outer style lines......................................................................... 18 5. Sketch inner style lines ......................................................................... 22 6. Edit style line ........................................................................................ 26 Piece creation ................................................................................................... 28 7. Create upper pieces - 1 ........................................................................ 28 8. Create upper pieces - 2 ........................................................................ 33 9. Create upper pieces - 3 ........................................................................ 35 10. Use paste attributes ........................................................................... 38 11. Edit piece textures .............................................................................. 42 12. Add pieces to levels ........................................................................... 44 13. Create lining pieces ............................................................................ 46 Stitch creation ................................................................................................... 53 14. Create stitches ................................................................................... 53 Pipe creation ..................................................................................................... 59 15. Create pipes ....................................................................................... 59 Accessory creation ........................................................................................... 61 16. Add accessories ................................................................................. 61 Sole creation ..................................................................................................... 64 17. Import a sole....................................................................................... 64 Summary .......................................................................................................... 66

Autodesk CRISPIN ShoeMaker 2016 R1 Tutorials Manual

Contents • i

Designing a court shoe

Last creation and flattening 1. Last identification wizard If you are using ShoeMaker-e or do not have the licence required for the commands in this step of the tutorial*, go to the next step in the tutorial and click Import Data.

The model will then be provided with the correct data and you will be able to complete the tutorial. You can view the AVI for this step to see how the commands would work. *In most cases selecting an icon will inform you that the necessary licence is missing. In some modules of ShoeMaker the icon(s) may be missing entirely. 1 Click Import Data.

2 Click Import data file 3 Click Import last

. .

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Designing a court shoe • 1

The Import File dialog is displayed.

4 Browse to the drive and folder where the tutorial files are stored: *\PS-TutorialsXXXXX\common_files\ dcshoe\court\dgk (where XXXXX is the version number of the Tutorials and

* is the drive and path in which the Tutorials are installed.) 5 From the Files of type list, select IGES (*.ige, *.igs, *.iges). 6 Select the following file:

court_1.igs 7 Click Open.

2 • Designing a court shoe

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8 Click OK.

The Last Identification Wizard is automatically started.

Ensure that Standard is selected. 9 Click Next.

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Last surfaces are automatically selected.

10 Click Next. You can define the points on the last by clicking a new point on the last or by selecting existing points. In this example the points exist already.

11 Click View ISO 2

from the flyout.

12 Click the Heel top point then the Heel bottom point:

Heel top point Heel bottom point 4 • Designing a court shoe

Autodesk CRISPIN ShoeMaker 2016 R1 Tutorials Manual

13 Click View ISO 4


14 Click the Toe Point.

15 Select the Inner girth point tick box.

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Designing a court shoe • 5

16 Box-select the point by clicking and dragging a box around it, as shown below:

The Inner girth point is selected.

17 Click View ISO 1

from the flyout.

18 Click the Outer girth point, the Centre girth point, and the Vamp point.

6 • Designing a court shoe

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Ensure that the correct tick box is selected, before selecting each point on the model.

Outer girth point Centre girth point Vamp point 19 Click View ISO 2

from the flyout.

20 Click User-defined points.

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21 Box-select the point shown:

22 Enter Counter for the Name.

23 Click Add. 24 Click OK. 25 Click Next. Top and feather lines are generated automatically

8 • Designing a court shoe

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26 Click Next.

27 Drag the Heel height slider to 86.5.

Use the arrow keys for fine adjustment. 28 Click Next.

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Set the Type as Right. Set the Standard as UK. Set the Size group as Women. Select Size as 5. 29 Click Finish. The program now recognises the imported surfaces as a last.

The Last Flattening Wizard is displayed. 30 Click Next. The Axis strain distrubution page is displayed.

Select Right. Select Above. 31 Click Finish.

10 • Designing a court shoe

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The Upper flattening window is displayed:

2. Flatten the last If you are using ShoeMaker-e or do not have the licence required for the commands in this step of the tutorial*, go to the next step in the tutorial and click Import Data.

The model will then be provided with the correct data and you will be able to complete the tutorial. You can view the AVI for this step to see how the commands would work. *In most cases selecting an icon will inform you that the necessary licence is missing. In some modules of ShoeMaker the icon(s) may be missing entirely.

1 Click Last


2 Click Mean flattening


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Designing a court shoe • 11

The Mean flattening toolbar is displayed:

3 Click Feather line mean


The flattening is displayed in folded view.

4 Drag the Toe and Heel markers into position, as shown below:

5 Click Feather line mean


The 2D pattern is created.

12 • Designing a court shoe

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6 Click Shoe modelling


The 3D modelling window is displayed:

Style line creation 3. Create stencils 1 Click Style line


2 Click Display Stencil Toolbar


The Stencil toolbar is displayed:

3 Click Open image


The Load Image File dialog is displayed. 4 Browse to the drive and folder where the tutorial files are stored: *\PS-TutorialsXXXXX\common_files\ dcshoe\court\dgk (where XXXXX is the version number of the Tutorials and

* is the drive and path in which the Tutorials are installed.)

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Designing a court shoe • 13

5 From the Files of type list, select JPEG (*.jpg). 6 Select the following file:

court_outer.jpg 7 Click Open. The stencil image is drawn over the last:

Instrumentation nodes enable you to graphically transform the stencil. 8 Move the cursor over the bottom left node of the stencil, until the Scale

14 • Designing a court shoe

cursor is displayed.

Autodesk CRISPIN ShoeMaker 2016 R1 Tutorials Manual

9 Press and hold the Shift the image to match the last.

key and drag the cursor to resize

10 Move the cursor over the middle of the stencil, until the Move cursor is displayed. 11 Drag the cursor to align the image with the last.

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Designing a court shoe • 15

Try to get a good alignment like this:

If you haven't got the image in this position, try a few more edits. To rotate the stencil, click and drag on a line when the Rotate 12 Click Wrap

cursor is displayed. .

The image is wrapped around the last.

13 Click Open image


The Load Image File dialog is displayed.

16 • Designing a court shoe

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14 Browse to the drive and folder where the tutorial files are stored: *\PS-TutorialsXXXXX\common_files\ dcshoe\court\dgk (where XXXXX is the version number of the Tutorials and

* is the drive and path in which the Tutorials are installed.) 15 Select the following file:

court_inner.jpg 16 Click Open. 17 Click View from left


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Designing a court shoe • 17

18 Repeat the earlier steps to resize and align the stencil image to the last.

You will wrap this image later. 19 Click Hide Stencil Toolbar


4. Sketch outer style lines 1 Right-click Stencil

on the View toolbar.

2 Select court_outer_1 from the flyout toolbar.

3 Click Sketch style line 18 • Designing a court shoe


Autodesk CRISPIN ShoeMaker 2016 R1 Tutorials Manual

4 Press and hold the Shift position shown:

key and click on the model in the

Use Shift+click when inserting a point to make a style line perpendicular to a line. 5 Click to create four more points of the style line:

6 Click Select 7 Click View ISO 2

. .

8 Click Sketch style line


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9 Repeat step 4 to step 6 to create three more style lines that trace the stencil:

10 Click View from right


11 Click Sketch style line


12 Click to create the first point:

13 Click View ISO 1

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14 Click to create the second point at the end of the first style line:

15 Click more points to create the style line, tracing the stencil image. 16 Click the final point on the centre line:

17 Click Select


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18 Create the other three style lines:

5. Sketch inner style lines 1 Click Display Stencil Toolbar


The Stencil toolbar is displayed:

2 Select court_inner_1 from the list on the toolbar. 3 Click Wrap


4 Click Hide Stencil Toolbar 5 Click View ISO 4

22 • Designing a court shoe



Autodesk CRISPIN ShoeMaker 2016 R1 Tutorials Manual

6 Select the top style line.

7 Click Extend style line


Press the T key to toggle between the ends of the style line. 8 Click points tracing the stencil image along the top edge:

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9 Click View ISO 3


10 Press and hold the Shift style line at the heel:

key and click the end of the outer

Inserting the last point on the end of other style line makes it parallel to the other style line. 11 Add the other three Style lines using Extend style line:

24 • Designing a court shoe

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Ensure the points of the inner bottom style line don't touch the feather line.

12 On the Views toolbar, deselect Stencil.

The stencil image is removed from the last.

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6. Edit style line 1 Click View from right


2 Click on the front top style line:

3 Click Cut


4 Click the point at the junction of the two style lines:

5 Click Select


6 Click Sketch style line 7 Click Item colour

26 • Designing a court shoe

. .

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8 Select the red option.

9 Sketch a style line from the top style-line to the feather line:

10 Click Select


11 Click Unlinked mirror 12 Click View from left

. .

13 Click the Mirrored style line.

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14 Select each end point in turn and drag them to the top line and feather line.

15 Click anywhere in the graphics window to deselect the model.

Piece creation 7. Create upper pieces - 1 1 Click View from right 2 Click Piece



3 Click Create shoe piece


4 Click Increase offset The value is now 1. Use Increase and Decrease offset until the value is 1. 5 Click Decrease thickness


The value is now 0.5.

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Use Increase and Decrease thickness until the value is 0.5. 6 Click Outer material


7 In the library, click Open material


8 Click Samples.

9 Select the Leather1 tab from the library.

10 Click 0022.

11 Click Edge material


12 Select the Spring tab. 13 Click Spring14. 14 Click Inner material


15 Select the Leather3 tab. 16 Click 0152.

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17 Click on the style line shown:

This starts to trace the outline of a piece.

18 Complete tracing the outline, by clicking the positions as shown:

30 • Designing a court shoe

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After clicking position

19 Click Select

the shoe piece is automatically created.


20 Double-click the shoe piece.

The Shoe Piece Editor dialog is displayed.

21 Enter Qtr_O_1 for the Name. 22 Click OK. 23 Click Create shoe piece

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Designing a court shoe • 31

24 Click Increase offset

three times.

The value is now 2. Use Increase and Decrease offset until the value is 2. 25 Click Decrease thickness


The value is now 0.5. Use Increase and Decrease thickness until the value is 0.5. 26 Trace the piece outline, as shown:

27 Click Select


28 Double-click the shoe piece. 29 Enter Qtr_O_3 for the Name. 30 Click OK.

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8. Create upper pieces - 2 1 Click Create shoe piece


2 Click Increase offset


The value is now 1.5. 3 Click Decrease thickness


The value is now 0.5. 4 Click Outer material


5 Click Samples.

This selects the correct material library. 6 Select the Leather2 tab. 7 Click 0065. 8 Click Edge material


9 Select the Spring tab. 10 Click Spring14. 11 Click Inner material


12 Select the Leather3 tab. 13 Click 0157.

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14 Trace the piece outline, as shown:

15 Click Select


16 Double-click the shoe piece. 17 Enter Qtr_O_2 for the Name. 18 Click OK. 19 Click Create shoe piece


20 Click Increase offset

four times. The value is now 2.5.

21 Click Decrease thickness

34 • Designing a court shoe

twice. The value is now 0.5.

Autodesk CRISPIN ShoeMaker 2016 R1 Tutorials Manual

22 Trace the piece outline, as shown:

23 Click Select


24 Double-click the shoe piece. 25 Enter Qtr_O_4 for the Name. 26 Click OK. 27 Click Select


9. Create upper pieces - 3 1 Click View ISO 1


2 Click Create shoe piece

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3 Click the style line shown:

4 Click to trace around the region, as shown:

5 Click View ISO 3

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6 Click the other style lines to finish defining the shoe piece:

The piece runs from the outer side of the last to the inner side. The piece is created with default offset and thickness.

7 Click Select


8 Double-click the shoe piece. 9 Enter Qtr_I_1 for the Name. 10 Click OK. 11 Create the other three inner shoe pieces:

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12 Double-click each piece and name them:

Qtr_I_2 Qtr_I_3 Qtr_I_4

10. Use paste attributes 1 Click View ISO 1


2 Click Qtr_O_1.

3 Click Paste attributes from Clipboard


The Attribute Selection dialog is displayed.

38 • Designing a court shoe

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4 Select all the attributes.

5 Click Qtr_I_1.

All the attributes of Qtr_O_1 are copied to Qtr_I_1.

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6 Press and hold the Ctrl key and click Qtr_O_2.

7 Click Qtr_I_2.

All the attributes of Qtr_O_2 are copied to Qtr_I_2. 8 Press and hold the Ctrl key and click Qtr_O_3. 9 Click Qtr_I_3.

40 • Designing a court shoe

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All the attributes of Qtr_O_3 are copied to Qtr_I_3.

10 Press and hold the Ctrl key and click Qtr_O_4. 11 Click Qtr_I_4. All the attributes of Qtr_O_4 are copied to Qtr_I_4.

12 Click anywhere in the graphics window to deselect the model.

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11. Edit piece textures 1 Click View ISO 2

At the heel region the texture orientation on Qtr_O_1/Qtr_I_1 and Qtr_O_3/Qtr_I_3 do not match. 2 Click piece Qtr_O_1.

3 Click Edit the texture orientation


The Material Editor toolbar is displayed.

4 Click Option to rotate the texture

42 • Designing a court shoe


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5 Click and drag the cursor over piece Qtr_O_1 so that the texture rotates, release when the texture matches the piece Qtr_I_1.

Click Flip Horizontally opposite. 6 Click Edit the texture orientation

if the bands of the pattern are


7 Click Qtr_O_3. 8 Click Edit the texture orientation


9 Repeat step 4 to step 6 so that Qtr_O_3 matches Qtr_I_3.

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12. Add pieces to levels 1 Click View from right 2 Click Levels



The Level dialog is displayed.

If the Level toolbar isn't displayed select View > Levels. 3 Enter Piece : Upper in level 5. 4 Enter Piece : Lining in level 6.

5 Click OK. The group is added to the Levels toolbar:

6 Ensure you are in Piece-creation mode.

44 • Designing a court shoe

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7 Click Piece


8 Click Select


9 Click anywhere in the graphics area to deselect. 10 Drag a box around all the shoe pieces:

11 Right-click on Level 5. 12 Select Add Selection.

All the pieces are moved to level 5, and are no longer displayed on the screen. 13 Click group level Piece.

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Levels 5 and 6 are both turned on because they both belong to the group. The pieces are displayed on the last.

13. Create lining pieces 1 Click level 5 to turn it off. 2 Click Style line 3 Click Select

. .

4 Drag a box around all the style lines, as shown:

46 • Designing a court shoe

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5 Press and hold the Ctrl and Shift keys and click the top style lines and the red style line.

The style lines are removed from the selection.

6 Click View from left


7 Press and hold the Ctrl and Shift keys and click on the red style line.

8 Click Blank selected


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9 Click View ISO 1

10 Click Piece


11 Click Create shoe piece


12 Click Decrease thickness 13 Click Outer material

twice. The value is now 0.5.


14 Click Samples.

This selects the correct material library. 15 Select the Leather3 tab. 16 Click 0152. 17 Click Edge material


18 Select the Spring tab. 19 Click Spring14. 20 Click Inner material


21 Select the Leather2 tab. 22 Click 0090.

48 • Designing a court shoe

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23 Click the last in the two positions shown:

The two pieces are automatically created.

24 Click Select


25 Click Create shoe piece 26 Click Outer material

. .

27 Click Samples.

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This selects the correct material library. 28 Select the Leather2 tab. 29 Click 0090. 30 Click Inner material


31 Select the Leather3 tab. 32 Click 0152. 33 Click the last in the position, as shown:

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34 Click Select


35 Double-click the last shoe piece that you created. The Shoe Piece Editor dialog is displayed. 36 Enter 0.5 for the Thickness.

37 Click OK. 38 Click Select


39 Click anywhere in the graphics area to deselect the piece.

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40 Drag a box around all the shoe pieces:

41 Right-click on Level 6. 42 Select Add Selection.

All the pieces are moved to level 6. 43 Click Unblank

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44 Click anywhere in the graphics area to deselect the objects.

Stitch creation 14. Create stitches 1 Click View from right 2 Click Stitch



3 Click level 5 to turn it on. 4 Cick level 6 to turn it off. 5 Click Create edge stitching

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Designing a court shoe • 53

6 Click shoe piece Qtr_O_1:

7 Click the top edge:

8 Click Create edge stitch


9 Click Increase offset


10 Click Select


11 In the library, click Open material


12 Click Samples.

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This selects the correct material library. 13 Select the Summer tab. 14 Drag-and-drop Satin25 onto the stitch. The stitch material is updated.

15 Click Create edge stitching


16 Click shoe piece Qtr_O_2. 17 Click the top edge.

18 Click Create edge stitch

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Designing a court shoe • 55

19 Click Select


20 Repeat step 15 to step 19 for pieces Qtr_O_3 and Qtr_O_4.

21 Click View from left


22 Click Create edge stitching


23 Click shoe piece Qtr_I_1. 24 Click the top edge.

25 Click Create edge stitch

56 • Designing a court shoe


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26 Click Increase offset 27 Click Select



28 Click Create edge stitching


29 Click shoe piece Qtr_I_2. 30 Click the top marker.

31 Click Create edge stitch 32 Click Select



33 Repeat step 28 to step 32 for pieces Qtr_I_3 and Qtr_I_4.

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34 Box select all stitches.

35 In the library, click Open material


36 Click Samples.

This selects the correct material library. 37 Select the Summer tab. 38 Click and drag Satin25 and drop it into the graphics window. 39 Click anywhere in the graphics window to deselect the model.

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Pipe creation 15. Create pipes 1 Click level 6 to turn it on. 2 Click Pipe


3 Click View from right


4 Click Create pipe by selecting style line


5 Click the top style-line:

6 Click Increase away distance 7 Click Decrease size



8 Click Pipe material.

9 Click Samples. 10 Select the Summer tab. 11 Click Muted19.

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12 Click Select


13 Right-click to finish the command.

14 Click Create pipe by selecting style line


15 Click top style-line at toe.

16 Click Select front


17 Click Bend the selected ends to tuck them below pieces the flyout.

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18 Click Pipe end material.

19 Click Samples. 20 Select the Summer tab. 21 Click Muted19. 22 Click Select


23 Right-click to finish the command.

Accessory creation 16. Add accessories 1 Click Accessory


2 Click Open accessories

from the library.

3 Click Others.

4 Select the Trims tab.

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5 Double-click Trim2.

6 Click on the piece shown:

The accessory is placed on shoe piece Qtr_I_2.

7 Click Select


8 Click the accessory.

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9 Click Rotate clockwise

repeatedly until it is as shown:

Press and hold the R key and scroll the middle mouse-button to quickly rotate the accessory. 10 Click Material


11 Click Samples. 12 Select the Metal tab. 13 Click Copper. 14 Click anywhere in the graphics window to deselect the model.

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Sole creation 17. Import a sole 1 Click Import data file 2 Click Import sole

. .

The Import File dialog is displayed.

3 Browse to the drive and folder where the tutorial files are stored: *\PS-TutorialsXXXXX\common_files\ dcshoe\court\dgk (where XXXXX is the version number of the Tutorials and

* is the drive and path in which the Tutorials are installed.) 4 From the Files of type list, click on *.dgk. 5 Select the following file: sole.dgk 6 Click Open. 7 Click anywhere in the graphics area to deselect 8 Click View ISO 1 9 Click Mode below Last

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10 Click Mode below Style line


The shoe design is complete.

If you are using ShoeMaker-e or do not have the licence required for the commands in the next step of the tutorial*, you can view the AVI for this step to see how the commands would work. *In most cases selecting an icon will inform you that the necessary licence is missing. In some modules of ShoeMaker the icon(s) may be missing entirely. 11 KeyShot is the software that produces photo-realistic ray-traced images. You must install KeyShot separately to this software. If it is not already installed, download and install (free of charge) by clicking KeyShot ( ) or by running the installation again. Ensure you install the appropriate version (32-bit or 64-bit) according to the type of computer you are using. 12 Click Render with KeyShot


13 Click OK.

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The shoe is rendered in KeyShot.

Summary You have created a court shoe upper from a last. You have done the following: 

Identified a last from surfaces

Created and positioned stencil images on the last

Sketched style lines on the last

Edited the style lines

Created pieces with different thickness and offsets

Changed the materials and textures of pieces

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Used different levels to organize the pieces

Created stitches

Created pipes

Created accessories

Imported a sole

Created a rendered image of the complete shoe design

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