Manual Alternador Denso

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Service Manual



This manual, which describes the construction, operation, and maintenance procedure for the brushless alternators listed below, has been prepared to assist in servicing servi cing these products in a correct, efficient, and safe manner.


Type A

Type B

Type C

Part Number

Nominal Output























 © 1998 DENSO CORPORATION All Rights Reserved. This book may not be reproduced or copied, in whole or in part, without wi thout the written permission of the publisher.



OVERVIEW ........... ...................... ...................... ...................... ..................... ..................... ...................... ................ ..... 1


CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTI ON .......... ..................... ...................... ...................... ...................... ...................... .................. ....... 2


OPERATION ........... ..................... ..................... ...................... ...................... ...................... ...................... .............. ... 4



Self-Ex Sel f-Exciti citing ng and Charging........ Charging............ ........ ......... .......... .......... .......... ......... ......... .......... .......... .......... ......... ........4 ....4


Regulat Reg ulating ing the the Outpu Outputt Volta oltage ge ..... .......... .......... ......... ......... .......... .......... .......... ......... ......... .......... .......... .........4 ....4

SERVICE AND REPAIR ........... ...................... ...................... ...................... ...................... .................. ....... 5


Special Spe cial Tools Tools (JIG) (JIG) .... ......... ......... ......... .......... .......... .......... ......... ......... .......... .......... .......... ......... ......... .......... .......... .........5 ....5


Disasse Dis assembl mbled ed View View .... ........ ......... ......... ......... .......... .......... .......... ......... ......... .......... .......... .......... ......... ......... .......... .........5 ....5


Disassem Disa ssembly bly .... ........ ........ ......... .......... ......... ......... .......... .......... ......... ......... .......... ......... ......... .......... ......... ......... .......... .......... ....... ..6 6


Inspect Ins pection ion ..... .......... .......... ......... ......... .......... .......... .......... ......... ......... .......... .......... .......... ......... ......... .......... .......... .......... ......... ...... 13


Assemb Ass embly ly of Main Com Compone ponents nts ..... .......... .......... .......... ......... ......... .......... .......... .......... ......... ......... ..........16 .....16


PERFORMANCE PERFORMAN CE TEST .......... ..................... ...................... ..................... ..................... .................... ......... 19


PRECAUTIONS PRECAUTIO NS .......... ..................... ..................... ..................... ...................... ...................... .................... ......... 20


TROUBLESHOOTING TROUBLESHOOT ING .... ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ....... ... 21


1. OVERVIEW This alternator has been developed specifically for construction equipment and/or trucks, which demand a high level of durability. durability. In order to decrease maintenance, the brushes and slip rings, which wear in time, have been eliminated from the brushless alternator. To generate electricity, electricity, this alternator adopts a system in which the alternator's internal inter nal residual magnetism is used for initial activation. Once the alternator starts operating, the electrical power that the alternator itself generates is supplied to the exciting coil, which is used for self-excitation. self-excitation. This alternator is equipped with an internal regulator (voltage regulator). The voltage regulator monitors the voltage that is generated during operation of the alter nator nator,, and regulates the current that is supplied to the exciting coil, thus maintaining the constant output voltage.

Doesn’t come with a pulley   Fig. 1-1

Exte Ex tern rnal al Vi Vie ew



2. CONSTRUCTION The interior of the alternator is self cooled by a rotating fan. The alternator consists of the following parts: a stator, rotor, exciting coil, regulator, rectifier, frames, etc. R Termi Terminal nal

B Termi Terminal nal

R Termin Terminal al

B Termin Terminal al

R Termin Terminal al


B Termin Terminal al

Drive Frame

Exciting Coil Regulator Front Bearing Rectifier

Pulley Lock Nut

Rear Bearing

Rear Cover

Rotor Rear Frame Fig. 2-1

Inter na nal View

(1)) St (1 Stat ator or The stator consists of an insulating sheet which is inserted into i nto the slotted portion of a laminated steel core. The core contains a coil providing a three-phase stator (Y type winding) connection. The stator coil receives magnetism from the exciting coil (the rotor) which generates an alternating current (a three-phase alternating current).

(2) Exc Excitin iting g Coil The exciting coil consists of a coil that is wound over a donut shaped insulated core. An electric current flows through the coil to produce a magnetic field.

(3)) Ro (3 Roto torr The rotor houses a non-magnetic ring (made of stainless steel) in between two claw shaped cores which face each other. The claw shaped cores are welded together and then press-fitted over a shaft. The rotor rotates in the space between the exciting coil and the stator in order to transfer the magnetic field that is generated in the exciting coil to the stator in the form of magnetic flux.



(4)) Fr (4 Fram ame e The frame is a component of the alternator that encloses the stator and rotor. The frame consists of a drive frame and a rear frame. The drive frame contains a ball bearing, while the rear frame contains a roller bearing. Both bearings support the rotor for proper rotation. In addition, the frame houses the rectifier assy, regulator, regulator, etc.

(5) Reg Regula ulator tor The function of the regulator is to regulate the voltage that is generated by the alternator alter nator and to keep the voltage constant. The regulator is constructed of an aluminum fin case, plastic terminal board, transistors and diodes. The case is sealed to prevent the semi-conductor elements from coming into contact with air.

Voltage Regulator (Top)

B+ Termin Terminal al

L(I) (Lamp Terminal) ■

F (Exciting Coil Terminal)

Voltage Regulator Regulat or (Bottom)

E (Ground Terminal)

Fig. 2-2





B (+) side Diode Auxiliary Diode L F

Stator Coil

(-) side Diode



Regulator Ignition Switch E


R Exciting Coil


*Only B type regulator has I terminal. Fig. 3-1

Circuit Diagram

3-1. SELF-EXCITING AND CHARGING CHARGING (1) When the engine is started, the alternator's rotor rotates, and the residual magnetic field generates voltage in the stator coil. (2) As generated voltage increases with the increase in the engine rpm, the electric current flows from the auxiliary diode to the exciting coil. Thus, a strong magnetic field is created by the exciting coil, causing the voltage that is generated in the stator coil to increase suddenly to the battery voltage. NOTE The excitation by residual magnetism changes over to that of self-generated sel f-generated excitation. This is called selfexcited starting, and the alternator rpm at this time is called “turn on speed”. (3) Simultaneously with self-excited starting, the charging current flows from the alternator's B terminal to the battery, and starts the charging of the battery. battery.

3-2. REGULATING THE THE OUTPUT VOLTAGE VOLTAGE (1) As the charging of the battery advances and the battery terminal voltage reaches the regulator's regulating voltage, the regulator shuts off the current that flows to the exciting coil. (2) When the current that flows to the exciting exciting coil is shut off, the magnetic field that is generated generated in the exciting coil weakens, causing the voltage that is generated in the stator coil to decrease (which reduces the alternator's output voltage). (3) When the voltage that is generated in the stator coil becomes lower than than the regulator's regulated voltage, the regulator allows the current to flow to the exciting coil. As a result, the magnetic field that is generated in the exciting coil strengthens, causing the voltage in the stator coil to increase. i ncrease. (4) The operations described in steps 1 to 3 above are repeated continuously at high speeds, thus controlling (regulating) the alternator's output voltage to a constant level.




JIG B for suppor t


JIG C for press

for press

for suppor t

JIG E for press

for suppor t


Fig. 44-1

Disa sass sse embled Vi View





(1) Remo Removing ving the rear rear cover cover Remove 3 screws from the rear cover.

Fig. Fi g. 44-2 2

Remo Re movi ving ng th the e rea rearr co cover

(2) Separatin Separating g the front front and rear portions portions a. Remo Remove ve 4 screws screws and separate separate the the stator stator outlet outlet terminal and the rectifier assembly.


Fig. Fi g. 44-3 3

Separ Sep arat atin ing g the the fr fron ontt and and re rear ar po porti rtion ons s (1) (1)

b. Rem Remov ove e 4 throug through h bolts. bolts. Through Bolt

Fig. Fi g. 44-4 4

Sepa Se para rati ting ng the the fr fron ontt and and re rear ar po porti rtion ons s (2) (2)

c. While keeping keeping the the stator stator and the the rear fram frame e together, lift away from the drive frame.

Rear Frame


Drive Frame Fig. Fi g. 44-5 5


Separ Sep arat atin ing g the the fr fron ontt and and re rear ar po porti rtion ons s (3) (3)


d. Drive and rear rear frame frames s separate separated. d.

Rear Frame Fig. Fi g. 44-6 6

Drive Frame

Sepa Se para rati ting ng th the e fro front nt an and d rea rearr port portio ions ns (4 (4))

(3) Remov Removing ing the pulley, pulley, fan and collar collar Pulley

Impact Wrench

a. Remov Remove e the pulley lock lock nut nut using an impact impact wrench.

Fig ig.. 44-7 7

Remo Re movi ving ng the pu pull lle ey (1) (1)

b. Remo Remove ve the the pulley pulley from from the the shaft. shaft. Pulley

Fan Fig. Fi g. 44-8 8

Remo Re movi ving ng the pul ulle ley y (2) (2)

c. Rem Remov ove e the fan fan and colla collarr.

Collar Fan Fig. Fi g. 44-9 9

Remo Re movi ving ng th the e fan fan an and d col colla larr



(4) Rem Removi oving ng the rotor rotor Using JIG A, and a hydraulic or manual press, remove

Rotor Shaft

PRESS Drive Frame

the rotor from the drive dr ive frame. NOTE Do not drop the rotor.

JIG A Fig. Fi g. 44-10 10

Remo Re movi ving ng th the e rot rotor or

(5) Removi Removing ng the front bearing Bearing Cover

a. Remov Remove e 3 screws to remov remove e the bearing cover cover..

Fig. Fi g. 44-11 11

b. Using JIG C and a hydrau hydraulic lic or manual manual press, press, remove the front bearing from the drive frame.

Remo Re movi ving ng the the fro front nt bea bearin ring g (1) (1)

JIG C (for press)

PRESS Front Bearing

NOTE Do not drop the front bearing.

JIG C (for support) Fig. Fi g. 44-12 12

Remo Re movi ving ng the the fro front nt bea bearin ring g (2) (2)

(6) Separatin Separating g the rear rear frame and stator stator Remove the rear frame from the stator.

Rear Frame

Fig.. 4-1 Fig 4-13 3


Separa Sep aratin ting g the the rea rearr fram frame e and and stato statorr



(7) Remo Removing ving the regulat regulator or a. Remove 3 screws to separate separate the rectifier rectifier,, the


exciting coil outlet terminal, and the regulator. b. Remov Remove e 2 screws to remov remove e the regulator regulator..

Fig. Fi g. 44-14 14

Remo Re movi ving ng the the reg regul ulat ator or (1) (1)

c. Rem Remov ove e reg regula ulator tor.. Regulator

Fig. Fi g. 44-15 15

Remo Re movi ving ng the the reg regul ulat ator or (2) (2)

(8) Remo Removing ving the R termina terminall

Type A

Type A Alternator a. Rem Remov ove e the the gromm grommet. et. b. Remov Remove e the screw screw to remov remove e the R terminal. terminal.

Grommet Fig. Fi g. 44-16 16

R Termin Terminal al

Remo Re movi ving ng th the e R term termin inal al (1 (1))

c. Re Remo move ve R term termina inal. l.

Type A

R Termin Terminal al

Fig. Fi g. 44-17 17

Remo Re movi ving ng th the e R term termin inal al (2 (2))



Type B, Type C Alternator Alt ernator

Type B, Type C

a. Loo Loosen sen the the R termi terminal nal nut. nut. b. Remo Remove ve the screw screw to to remove remove the R terminal. terminal.

Nut R Termin Terminal al Fig. Fi g. 44-18 18

c. Re Remo move ve R term termin inal. al.

Remo Re movi ving ng the the R term termin inal al (3 (3))

Type B, Type C

R Termin Terminal al

Fig. Fi g. 44-19 19

Remo Re movi ving ng the the R term termin inal al (4 (4))

(9) Remo Removing ving the rectifie rectifierr a. Loo Loosen sen the the B termi terminal nal nut. nut.


Fig. Fi g. 44-20 20

b. Remov Remove e the screw screw from from the rectifier rectifier's 's negative negative

Remo Re movi ving ng the the rec recti tifi fier er (1) (1)


terminal. c. Remov Remove e the 4 screws screws to remove remove the rectif rectifier ier..

Fig. Fi g. 44-21 21


Remo Re movi ving ng the the rec recti tifi fier er (2) (2)


d. Rem Remov ove e recti rectifie fierr. Rectifier

Fig. Fi g. 44-22 22

Remo Re movi ving ng the the rec recti tifi fier er (3) (3)

(10) Removing the I terminal (Type B Only) a. Loosen the the I terminal terminal nut to remov remove e the I terminal. terminal.

I Termin Terminal al Rear Frame Fig. Fi g. 44-23 23

Remo Re movi ving ng th the e I term termin inal al (1 (1))

b. Rem Remov ove e I term termina inal. l. Rear Frame

I Termin Terminal al

Fig. Fi g. 44-24 24

Remo Re movi ving ng th the e I term termin inal al (2 (2))

(11) Removing the exciting coil Rear Frame

a. Remov Remove e 3 screws screws to remove remove the excitin exciting g coil from the rear frame.

Fig. Fi g. 44-25 25

Remo Re movi ving ng the the exci exciti ting ng coil coil (1) (1)



b. Rem Remov ove e excit exciting ing coil. coil.

Exciting Coil

Fig. Fi g. 44-26 26

Remo Re movi ving ng the the exc excit itin ing g coil coil (2) (2)

(12) Removing the rear bearing Using JIG E and a hydraulic or manual press, remove

JIG E (for press)


the rear bearing from the rear frame. NOTE Do not reuse the rear bearing.

JIG E (for support) Fig. Fi g. 44-27 27


Remo Re movi ving ng th the e rea rearr bea bearin ring g



(1) Insp Inspecti ecting ng the stator stator a. Using an ohmmeter ohmmeter,, measure measure the resistanc resistance e between the coil outlet terminals (U-N, V-N, W-N). W-N). Standard value: 0.01-0.10 !

Fig. Fi g. 44-28 28

Insp In spec ecti ting ng the the st stat ator or (1 (1))

b. Using an ohmmeter ohmmeter,, measure measure the resistan resistance ce beStator

tween the coil outlet terminal and core. Standard value: 1M ! minimum

Fig. Fi g. 44-29 29

Insp In spect ectin ing g the the st stat ator or (2 (2))

(2) Inspecting the exciting exciting coil a. Using an ohmmete ohmmeter, r, measur measure e the resistance resistance bebeExciting Coil

tween the coil outlet terminal. Standard value: 2-3

! (12V


: 7-9 ! (24V system)

Fig. Fi g. 44-30 30

Insp In spect ectin ing g the the exci exciti ting ng coil coil (1) (1)

b. Using an ohmmeter ohmmeter,, measure measure the resistanc resistance e between the coil outlet terminal and core. Exciting Coil

Fig. Fi g. 44-31 31

Standard value: 1M ! minimum

Insp In spect ectin ing g the the exci exciti ting ng coil coil (2) (2)



(3) Insp Inspecti ecting ng the rotor rotor Rotor

a. Using a micromete micrometerr, measure measure the outer diamete diameterr of the portion that presses into the front bearing. Standard value: 25.00-25.01mm Limit: 24.99mm

Fig. Fi g. 44-32 32

Insp In spec ecti ting ng th the e rot rotor or (1 (1))

b. Using a micromete micrometer, r, measur measure e the outer diamete diameterr of the portion that presses into the rear bearing.


Standard value: 16.99-17.00mm Limit: 16.98mm

Fig. Fi g. 44-33 33

Insp In spec ecti ting ng th the e rot rotor or (2 (2))

c. Using a micromet micrometer er,, measure measure the outer outer diameter diameter of the portion that joins with the pulley.


Standard value: 22.19-22.20mm Limit: 22.18mm

Fig. Fi g. 44-34 34

Insp In spec ecti ting ng th the e rot rotor or (3 (3))

(4) Insp Inspecti ecting ng the rectifier rectifier Rectifier

a. Using an ohmmeter ohmmeter,, check for for continuity continuity between between the “B” terminal and the heat sink. Standard: When polarity is changed, there is continuity in one direction only.

Fig. Fi g. 44-35 35


Insp In spec ecti ting ng the the rec recti tifi fier er (1) (1)


b. Using an ohmmeter ohmmeter,, check for for continuity continuity between between Rectifier

the negative terminal and the heat sink. Standard: When polarity is changed, there is continuity in one direction only.

Fig. Fi g. 44-36 36

Insp In spec ecti ting ng the the rec recti tifi fier er (2) (2)

c. Using an ohmmeter ohmmeter,, check for for continuity continuity betwee between n Rectifier

the auxiliary diode terminal and the heat sink. Standard: When polarity is changed, there is continuity in one direction only.

Fig. Fi g. 44-37 37

Insp In spec ecti ting ng the the rec recti tifi fier er (3) (3)

(5) Inspecting the front front bearing bearing Verify that the bearing does not create any unusual noise or does not bind or have excessive play when

Front Bearing

Fig. Fi g. 44-38 38

rotated. Replace the bearing if any of the above exist.

Insp In spec ecti ting ng the the fro front nt bea beari ring ng



4-5. 45. ASSEMB ASSEMBLY LY OF MAIN COMPON COMPONENTS ENTS (1) Assembli Assembling ng the front bearing a. Using JIG JIG D and a hydrau hydraulic lic or manual manual press, press, press press

Front Bearing


Drive Frame

the front bearing into the drive dr ive frame. b. Using 3 screws screws,, install install the bearing bearing cover cover.. Tightening torque: 2.9-4.9N·m (30-50kgf·cm)

Fig. Fi g. 44-39 39

Asse As semb mbli ling ng the the fro front nt bea bearin ring g

(2) Asse Assembl mbling ing the rotor rotor a. Insert the collar collar onto onto the the rotor rotor shaft. shaft. b. Using JIG B and and a hydraulic hydraulic or or manual manual press, press, press

JIG B (for press)

PRESS Drive Frame

the rotor into the bearing in i n the drive frame. NOTE 1. Press the rotor while making sure that the rotor's shaft is perpendicular to the bearing. 2. During pressing, pressing, make make sure sure not to damage the the portion of the rotor that presses into the rear



(for support) Fig. Fi g. 44-40 40

Asse As semb mbli ling ng the the rot rotor or

(3) Tigh Tighteni tening ng the pulley pulley a. Insert the the collar and fan fan onto the rotor rotor shaft. shaft. b. Secure the pulley pulley with with belt using using a vise vise as shown shown in the figure, tighten the pulley lock nut with specified torque.

Pulley Vise

Tightening torque: 117.6-137.2N·m (1200 1400kgf·cm)


Torque Wrench Fig. Fi g. 44-41 41

Tigh Ti ghte teni ning ng th the e pu pull lley ey

(4) Assembl Assembling ing the rear bearing Using JIG E and a hydraulic or manual press, press a new rear bearing into the rear frame. NOTE

JIG E (for press)


Rear Bearing

Rear Frame

Once a bearing is i s removed, do not reuse it.

JIG E (for press) Fig. Fi g. 44-42 42


Asse As semb mbli ling ng the the rea rearr beari bearing ng


(5) Assembli Assembling ng the exciting coil Using 3 screws, install the exciting coil on the rear frame. Tightening torque: 2.9-4.9N·m (30-50kgf·cm)

(6) Assembli Assembling ng the I terminal (Type (Type B only) Install the I terminal on the rear frame and tighten the nut. Tightening torque: 1.6-2.0N·m (16-20kgf·cm)

(7) Asse Assembli mbling ng the rectifier rectifier a. Using 4 screw screws, s, install install the the rectifier rectifier.. Tightening torque: 2.9-4.9N·m (30-50kgf·cm) b. Using a screw, screw, install install the rectifie rectifier's r's (-) terminal. terminal. Tightening torque: 2.9-4.9N·m (30-50kgf·cm) c. Tigh Tighten ten the the B termi terminal nal nut. nut. Tightening torque: 7.8-10.8N·m (80-110kgf·cm)

(8) Assembli Assembling ng the R terminal terminal Type A Alternator a. Using a scre screw, w, insta installll the R terminal. terminal. Tightening torque: 1.6-2.0N·m (16-20kgf·cm) b. Instal Installl the gro gromme mmet. t.

Type B, Type C Alternator Alt ernator a. Using a scre screw, w, insta installll the R terminal. terminal. Tightening torque: 1.6-2.0N·m (16-20kgf·cm) b. Tigh Tighten ten the the R termin terminal al nut. nut. Tightening torque: 1.6-2.0N·m (16-20kgf·cm)

(9) Asse Assembli mbling ng the regulator regulator a. Using 2 screw screws, s, install install the the regulator regulator.. Tightening torque: 2.9-4.9N·m (30-50kgf·cm) b. Using 3 screws, screws, install install the rectifier rectifier and the the excitexciting coil outlet terminal to the regulator. Tightening torque: 1.6-2.0N·m (16-20kgf·cm)



(10) Assembling the stator and the rear frame Slowly insert the stator while maintaining it perpendicular to the rear frame.

Rear Frame

Fig.. 4-4 Fig 4-43 3


Assembl Asse mbling ing the sta stator tor and the rea rearr frame frame

(11) Assembling the drive and rear frame a. Apply a thin thin coat coat of NSK EA5 EA5 grease grease on the the rear bearing portion of the rotor shaft. b. Slowly insert the the rear frame frame while maintain maintaining ing it perpendicular to the rotor shaft.

Rear Frame

NOTE To prevent damage to the rear bearing, do not apply excessive force during the insertion.

Drive Frame Fig.. 4-4 Fig 4-44 4

Assembl Asse mbling ing the fro front nt and and rear rear port portion ions s (1)

c. Ins Instal talll 4 throu through gh bolt bolts. s. Tightening torque: 6.5-9.3N·m (66-95kgf·cm)

Through Bolt

Fig.. 4-4 Fig 4-45 5

Assembl Asse mbling ing the fro front nt and and rear rear port portion ions s (2)

d. Using 4 screws, screws, install install the stator stator outlet outlet terminal terminal to the rectifier.


Tightening torque: 1.9-2.5N·m (19-25kgf·cm) e. Using 3 screws screws,, install install the rear cove cover. r.

Fig.. 4-4 Fig 4-46 6


Assembl Asse mbling ing the fro front nt and and rear rear port portion ions s (3)


5. PERFORMANCE TEST Using a bench tester, perform perform a performance test according to the procedure described below. NOTE During this inspection, make sure to use a fully charged battery.

(1) Mag Magneti netizing zing Momentarily connect an appropriate battery (12V or

L Termin Terminal al

24V) to the L terminal (plus) and F terminal (minus) of the regulator as shown in the figure. 12V type alternator: 12V battery 24V type alternator: 24V battery F Termin Terminal al

Fig. 55-1


(2) Measuring the self-excited self-excited starting rpm a. Turn Swit Switch ch 1 ON. ON.

Switch 2 A


c. Measur Measure e the rpm (starting (starting rpm) at which which the chargSwitch 1


ing current starts to flow. (It is normal if under 1500 R


Fig. Fi g. 55-2 2

b. Grad Gradually ually increa increase se the the alternator alternator rpm.

rpm; however with the 12V-130A alternator only, under 2000 rpm.)

Measur Mea surin ing g the the se self lf-e -exci xcite ted d sta starti rting ng rpm

(3) Measuring the rated output a. Turn Switch Switch 1 and Switch Switch 2 ON.

Switch 2 G

b. Maint Maintain ain the alternat alternator or rpm at a constan constantt 5000 rpm. rpm.



c. While observing observing a voltme voltmeter ter,, regulate regulate the load load (vari(vari-

Switch 1


able resistance: R) so that a 12V system outputs R

13.5V and a 24V system outputs 27.0V. d. At this time, time, measur measure e the output output current current (it (it is normal if more than the rated output current is obtained).

Fig. Fi g. 55-3 3

Mea Me asu suri rin ng the the rate rated d out outpu putt



(4) Ve Verifying rifying the regulator's regulator's regulated voltage voltage a. In the state state in which which the the rated rated output output was measmeas-

Switch 2

ured, turn Switch 2 OFF. NOTE



At this time, reduce the current that flows to the load (variable resistance: R) to the minimum and turn Switch 2 OFF.

Switch 1



b. When the the output output current current is less than than 10A (the (the charging current to the battery is reduced), measure the voltage. Standard

Fig. Fi g. 55-4 4

Veri erify fyin ing g the the regul regulat ator or's 's regu regula late ted d volt voltag age e

12V system: 14.0-14.4V or 13.7-14.3V 24V system: 27.0-29.0V

6. PRECAUTIONS (1) Precautio Precautions ns during operation -

Do not not disconnec disconnectt the the battery battery while while the the alternato alternatorr is rotat rotating. ing.


Do not operate operate the the alternator alternator with with the alternator' alternator's s B terminal terminal (output (output terminal) terminal) disconnect disconnected. ed.


Do not not expo expose se the the alte alternat rnator or to to wate waterr.

(2) Othe Otherr precauti precautions ons



Make sure to to disconnect disconnect the the battery battery terminal terminal before before inspecting inspecting the alternator alternator..


Do not interc interchange hange the the polarity polarity of the the battery battery cables cables when replacin replacing g the battery battery..


Make sure sure to disconnec disconnectt the cables cables and charge charge the battery battery separate separately ly when using using a charger charger..


Neve Ne verr use a Mega Mega-Oh -Ohm m tester tester on on the alte alternat rnator or..


Make sure sure to disconnec disconnectt the wiring wiring to the alternato alternatorr when performi performing ng a megaohm megaohm test on on the vehicle's vehicle's wiring. wiring.


7. TROUBLESHOOTING Symptom No charging

Possible Cause

Location of Malfunction



Faulty regulator

Replace regulator

Faulty stator coil

Replace stator

(open or short circuit) Faulty exciting coil

Replace exciting coil

(open or short circuit) Faulty rectifier

Replace rectifier

(diode open or short circuit)




Poor contact at connections

Repair or replace

Open circuit in wiring

Repair or replace

Blown fuse or fusible link


Faulty stator coil

Replace stator

(1 phase open or short circuit)

undercharging (battery becomes dis-

Faulty rectifier


Replace rectifier

(diode open or short circuit)


Excessive current demand A large electric load is used Insufficient tension

Repair or replace Increase alt output Reduce the electric load Tighten or replace


Faulty regulator

Replace regulator

Poor contact at voltage detection portion

Repair or replace


Faulty battery

Replace battery


Faulty stator coil

Replace stator

Poor contact at connections Electric load

Constantly overcharging (battery electrolyte is depleted in a short time)


Abnormal noise


Faulty bearing(s)


Improper belt tension







Technical Services Department Long Beach, California DSCA P/N: LA990009-0332 Second Issue: May 1998 Kariya, Aichi, Japan DNJP P/N: N5ZGS-01 First Issue: September 1997 Printed in U.S.A. © 


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