Mano Mano

September 15, 2022 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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Roland initiates the aggressive assault move by grabbing David's left wrist. Note that David is aware and prepared in this scenario with a balanced relaxed stance.


Immediately reacting to the left wrist grab David begins a right arm!hand sweep downward and cloc"wise using a #igure-$ stri"ing motion. David maintains a longerrange position to minimi%e attac"s from Roland's left arm!hand.

David stri"es with the #igure-$ motion to Roland's right inside elbow &oint target.


David continues with a follow-up by completing the #igure-$ motion with a palm-heel stri"e to Roland's head. Roland is forced to react and defend his head target %one using a  parry!chec" motion of his left hand.


David's counter-stri"e!bait and Roland's parry!chec" action was expected and anticipated. David executes an obstruction removal pass with his left hand while moving off his line and going to Roland's left outside %one. Note David executes a downward press with his left hand causing Roland to be in an off-balanced position.

David shifts into a left forward stance to complete the counter move with an armbar techni(ue. Numerous alternative finishing moves are available and the IM)# Modern )rnis instructors and students are encouraged to explore these alternatives.


Dan assumes a ready position - relaxed balanced - at the first awareness of *rian's aggressive threatening posture. +ong-range distance is maintained at this point.

*rian initiates a , stri"e to Dan's crown. Dan steps forward and at an outside angle to his left side with his left foot.


 Note closes range and angles off-line. /nce mobility is initiated Dan executes a left high parry while simultaneously executing a right "nuc"le stri"e against *rian's right inside elbow &oint target area using the gunting 0scissors1 techni(ue.

Dan maintains his angle to *rian while controlling the cane. Note Dan controls the cane while closing *rian's angle by sweeping the cane and *rian's right arm!shoulder across his center-line.


Dan continues the cane sweep to execute a stri"e to *rian's right inside thigh target area.

Immediately following the stri"e to the inside thigh target area Dan brings the controlled cane behind and upward with the cane tip passing above *rian's right shoulder.. 2his initiates the so-called 3ingle-+oc" techni(ue. shoulder te chni(ue.


Dan completes the cane 3ingle-+oc" techni(ue by applying downward pressure.  Note It is important that *rian's structure is bro"en down and off-balanced off-balanced as he is bent over.


Dan completes the series with a "nee stri"e to the attac"er's head!face target area.


)ttac"er 0+1 and Defender 0R1 s(uares off

)ttac"er throws right lead punch. Defender angles off the centerline to his outside left rear while simultaneously performing an empty-hand Reverse 3inawali and 4unting 03cissors action1 combination 0parrying with the left hand and stri"ing the attac"er's right elbow with the defender's right hand "nuc"les!fist1.


Defender passes the punch through and grabs the attac"er's right wrist with the his right hand and stretches it high as he ta"es the opponents breath by stri"ing the floating ribs. Note: focus on the proper range and posture!balance of this combination.


5hile maintaining a firm hold of the attac"er's right hand!wrist &oint the defender steps under the punch and through with the left foot and pivots bac" around facing the opponent. Defender applies the *ac"ward 5rist +oc" and throws the opponent. Note:  focus on proper positioning and angling to avoid counters from the attac"er's free left hand.

)ttac"er is thrown to his bac" and the defender "neels down and presses the attac"er's nec" with his left "nee 0or left hand1. 2he Defender starts applying the 6alm 6ress to the ground. Note: "eep the body alignment!posture upright - do not lean too far. )lso focus on "eeping the left foot against the attac"er's head to prevent the attac"er from being able to s(uirm!rotate away from the 6alm 6ress loc".

2he 6alm 6ress loc" to the ground is applied at a 78-degree angle and ma"es the opponent submit. Note: the 78-degree angle refers to the angle between the axis of the spine and the attac"er's right forearm axis. 2he wrist and elbow should be inline with the attac"er's navel and his opposite 0left1 hip for proper angle alignment of the loc".


3cott initiates attac" with a step through right lunge punch

*rett moves off to angle with left foot as he execute a left parry against 3cott's elbow. *rett includes a stri"e with his right fist to the pressure point near 3cott's elbow 09eart 1.


Immediately after the chec" with the left hand *rett continues the motion downward and drives 3cott's hand to his "nee.

*rett continues the motion down hyperextending the "nee and ta"ing over 3cott's  balance.


*rett commits to the techni(ue and ta"es 3cott to the ground.

*rett assumes a ready position and can follow-up with a variety of ground techni(ues or  escape.


David on the right with Roland both in the ready position

Roland throws a right punch towards David:s face. David parries the stri"e downward.


David counter punches with a right cross. Roland parries the punch to the inside.

David clears Roland:s parry with his left hand 0obstruction removal1 and right bac" fist to Roland:s head.


David applies arm bar. Note; David:s right "nee position is behind Roland:s Roland:s
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