Manila Bulletin Marketing Plan
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MARKETING PLAN Manila Bulletin Newspaper Bernales, Michelle T. Caballero, Danilynn Glory P. Cueves, Genevieve L. Labangco, Lean Kristia G. Mendoza, Kathrene Ann B. Reyes, Ara Gabriella C. Taguinod, Joivy Tayson, Chelsea B. De LaSalle University- Dasmarinas, Cavite March 20, 2013
Exec Ex ecut utiv ive e summ summar ary y Manila Bulletin has been around for a long time. And is named named as the oldest oldest broadsh broadsheet eet in the Philippi Philippines nes.. They They are considered as the third newspaper that has a big readership in the current time. But with its declining sales with the current competition how can Manila Bulletin bring back the throne that is rightfully theirs? How can they compete and defeat the top 2 broadsheets? Mainly Philippine Star and Philippine Daily Inquirer. With today’s heavy competition Manila Bulletin should step up in terms of marketing their newspaper since their product is very very homoge homogenou nous. s. Good Good market marketing ing combin combined ed with with strate strategic gic advertising can help Manila Bulletin regain their spot and attract more prospect customers. Furthermore, this paper will contain a step step-b -by y step step anal analys ysis is on how how to incr increa ease se the the sale sales s of this this newspaper including promotions, targeting, competitive analysis which are the highlights of this paper.
Situat Situatio ion n Analys Analysis is a. Customer Most of the consumers of Manila Bulletin are individuals from 25 years old up to 75 years old regardless of the gender. It could be Young Urban Professionals, Business Men/Women and Senior Citizens. These people are mostly interested on what is happening arou around nd the them. They They want want to know know meani eaning ngfu full issue ssues s that that surround their everyday life. They enjoy reading articles most prob probab ably ly in the the morn mornin ing g and and late laterr on disc discus uss s it with with thei theirr
coll colleag eague ues s or fami family ly memb member ers. s. The The mark market eter ers s can can say say that that consumers of Manila Bulletin are smart and intellectual people. But overtime overtime customers’ customers’ mind becomes becomes moderniz modernized ed meaning meaning tech techno nolo logy gy incl inclin ined ed..
They They want want some someth thin ing g
inno innova vati tive ve and and
sometimes forget about the old things that they used to enjoy. Manila Manila Bulletin’ Bulletin’s s customers customers expect expect something something innovative innovative from the newspaper like having a downloadable application in both android and ios.
b. Company Manila Bulletin Publishing Corporation (MB) is a newspaper and maga magazi zine ne publ publis ishi hing ng comp company any that that is also also know known n as the the Bulletin and previously known as the Manila Daily Bulletin and the Bul Bullet letin in Today Today that that is the Phi Phili lippi ppines nes'' larges largestt broadsh broadsheet eet news newspa pape perr by circ circul ulat atio ion. n. It bill bills s itse itself lf as "The "The Ph Phil ilip ippi pine nes' s' Leadin Leading g Nation National al Newspap Newspaper er", ", which which is its offici official al slogan. slogan. The Mani Manila la Bu Bull llet etin in is the the Ph Phil ilip ippi pine ne's 's news newspa pape perr of reco record rd.. MB publishes the Manila Bulletin, the oldest daily newspaper in the Philippines operating for over 100 years. To further enhance its image as a newspaper which presents positive news articles, the Bullet Bul letin in recen recently tly introd introduce uced d a new market marketing ing taglin tagline e "Ther "There's e's good news here". In addition it maintains the oldest news web site in the Philippines. The newspaper was originally owned by a Swiss expatriate named Hans Menzi. MB has been transformed into a comprehensive newspaper and is published seven days a week with weekly magazines, the Phil Ph ilip ippi pine ne Pano Panora rama ma Maga Magazi zine ne on Sund Sunday ay,,
Styl Style e
Week Weeken end d
Magazine on Magazine on the second and fourth Thursday of the month. The Company publishes the daily tabloids, Tempo in the English language and Balita in Filipino. Also published are five
magazines in full color of special interests, catering to various sector sectors s of the readi reading ng public public.. Moreov Moreover, er, MB publis publishes hes Ani Animal mal Scen Scene e magaz magazin ine e that that publ publis ishe hes s inte intere rest stin ing g loca locall news news and and features features for animal animal lovers, lovers, comprehe comprehensive nsive informatio information, n, tackles tackles veterinary concerns and educates the masses on the care of pets and enda endang nger ered ed speci species es.. Crui Cruisi sing ng Maga Magazi zine ne prom promot otes es local local touri tourism sm and travel travel for relaxa relaxatio tion n and bring bring trade trade to outlyi outlying ng area areas s of the the coun countr try. y. This This magaz magazin ine e has has been been assi assist stin ing g the the government in its Eco-tourism projects with articles on tourists’ destinations to encourage foreign travelers to visit our country. Manila Bulletin Sports Digest publishes in-depth articles, athletes’ profil profiles, es, sports sports trivia trivia,, curren currentt news news in the sporti sporting ng world world for sports sports aficio aficionado nados s and for healthy healthy entert entertain ainmen ment. t. Sense Sense and Style Magazine is rife with information on the best and the latest in fash shiion and beaut auty, in food and dining, in home and garden gardening ing,, new horizo horizons ns openin opening g up for women. women. Agricu Agricultu lture re Magazine has been widely acclaimed by our readers as a “gold mine” of farming information. The Magazine contains stories in simple language of actual farming, how-to-articles that guide the novice novice as well well as experi experienc enced ed farmer farmers s in applyi applying ng impro improved ved tech techni niqu ques es,, rese resear arch ch resu result lts s to keep keep abre abreas astt of the the late latest st developments in agriculture, newly developed varieties of fruits, vegetables, root crops, and others, where these are available and wher where e they they can can be mark market eted ed and and also also to sp spre read ad inno innova vati tive ve technology to the students to eliminate antiquated practices, to focu focus s
incr increa easi sing ng
food food
prod produc ucti tion on,,
redu reduce ce
malnu alnutr trit itio ion, n,
eradicate hunger and improve income of families thus reducing poverty in the rural areas. To nurture provincial literary talents, pres preser erve ve the the cult cultur ures es and dial dialec ects ts of the the diff differ eren entt regi region ons, s, disseminate disseminate information information to the countrysi countryside de and the continued continued read readin ing g of the the fami famili lies es in the the rura rurall area areas, s, Manil anila a Bu Bull llet etin in
publ publis ishe hes s “ Bali Balita ta”. ”. The The dail daily y news newspap paper er in Fili Filipi pino no and and the the weekly vernacular magazines: “Liwayway” in Tagalog, “ Bisaya” in Cebuano, “ Bannawag” Bannawag” in Ilocano, Ilocano, and Hiligaynon Hiligaynon” ” in Ilonggo, which are widely read throughout the Philippines and abroad. Acco Ac cord rdin ing g to the the Conso Consoli lidat dated ed - NonNon-Au Audi dite ted d finan financi cial al statement for the first two cumulated quarters of 2012, total net operating revenues decreased with -3.11%, from PHP 1,451,092 thou thousa sand nds s inc increase eased d
to from from
1,40 1,405, 5,94 949 9 124,12 ,123
thou thousa sand nds. s. tho thous usan ands ds
Oper Operat atin ing g to
resu result lt
125,533 ,533
thousands which means 1.14% change. The results of the period increased 7.45% reaching PHP 58,521 thousands at the end of the period against PHP 54,463 thousands last year. Return on equity (Net income/Total equity) went from 1.66% to 1.76%, the Return On Asset (Net income / Total Asset) went from 0.85% to 0.91% and the Net Profit Margin (Net Income/Net Sales) went from 3.75% to 4.16% when compared to the same period of last year year.. The The Debt Debt to Equi Equity ty Rati Ratio o (Tot (Total al Liabi Liabili liti ties es/E /Equ quit ity) y) was was 92.94% compared to 96.15% of last year. Finally, the Current Ratio (Current Assets/Current Liabilities) went from 1.28 to 1.32 when compared to the previous year.
• • • • • • •
Reputation management Readily available Many commercial ads Helps in the Philippine economy Strong reputation Long history of success User friendly
• •
• • •
News is slow Readers only get 1 interpretation of an article Possibility of bias being present in delivering the news Weak reader engagement Difficulty to convey emotions High price increase
Opportunities Emerging markets and expansion
Price wars
Product and services expansion
May be overthrown by other forms
Alternative media outlets (online,
radio etc) •
of media •
Advertise through sponsoring
Circulation is decreasing due to lack of interest
Decreasing resources
c. Comp Compet etit itiv ive e An Anal alys ysis is
-1990 - Newspaper of record -the Philippines' largest broadsheet newspaper by circulation - Tempo and Balita - Philippine Panorama, Bannawag, Bannawag, Liwayway, Liwayway, Bisaya - pro-administration -focus is on editorial - a newspaper which presents positive news articles - 2nd most read
MON-SAT=18 SUN- 20
broadsheet newspaper in the PhilippinesPhilippines- 2007 (Nielsen Media Research) - 3rd lion’s share (Print Advertising Information Service) -1985 - Newspaper of record -3rd most read broadsheet newspaper in the PhilippinesPhilippines- 2007 (Nielsen Media Research) -received the lion's share of advertising expenditure among all other Philippine broadsheets. (Print Advertising Information Service) -most read broadsheet in the Philippine capital of Metro of Metro ManilaManila- 2008 (Nielsen Media Research) - number one broadsheet among the ABC1 socio-economic class -1986 - Newspaper of record - most widely read broadsheet newspaper in the PhilippinesPhilippines- 2007 (Nielsen Media Research) - member of the Asia News Network. Network. - 2nd lion’s share (Print
MON-SAT=18 SUN- 20
Advertising Information Service)
d. Coll Collab abor orat ator ors s
e. Comp Compet etit itor ors s •
Major competitors
Primary Competitors: -Philippine daily inquirer This is popularly known as the Inquirer. Inquirer. It is the most widely read broadsheet newspaper in the Philippines, with a daily circulation of 260,000 copies. And it is a member of Asia News
Network. Inquirer Group is a group of companies under PDI's umbrella, including Bandera, Inquirer Libre, Tumbok, Cebu Daily News (Cebu);, Radyo Inquirer The marketers chose this as their their competitor considering it is the most popular newspaper in the whole Philippines. -Philippine star This is a daily English-language broadsheet newspaper based in Manila in the Philippines. Philippines . It has the most subscribers of any newspaper in the Philippines. Owned and published by PhilSTAR Daily, Inc, it was founded on July 28, 1986 by veteran journalists Max Soliven, Soliven, Betty Go-Belmonte and Art Borjal in the wake of the EDSA People Power Revolution. Revolution . The Philippine STAR has an established circulation in Hong Kong and in Saudi Arabia. Arabia. This is chosen because it has the second market share share among the newspapers in the Philippines. Secondary Competitors: -Yahoo News, MSN, BING These popular search engines provide provide news and a big threat since they are digital and is very convenient compared to newspapers. •
Competitors’ strengths Mainly, all the primary competitors, which are the top 2
newspapers here in the Philippines: Philippine Daily Inquirer and Philippine star has the most market share. And they also has a good brand recall in consumer's mind since s ince they make advertisments and innovations with their products. These
innovations include digital newspapers and websites. And for the secondary s econdary competitors (Search Engines), they are absolutely free and easier to access/see a ccess/see since some web browsers use them as their homepage.
Market Market Analysis Analysis,, Strateg Strategies ies and Goals a. Segmentation Mainly Manila Bulletin’s Customers are smart and mostly intellectual people for they have care and are curious on the happenings around the country. Most of them buy newspapers regularly, on impulse and occasionally.
EXISTING CONSUMERS: Age: 25-75 Generation x, baby boomers and seniors Sex: All (Female, Male & GLBT) Income: 25,000 and up Education: Working Race: Filipino and foreigner Social class: Upper-middle class and Lower-middle class Family size: 1-6 Geographical: Nationwide Lifestyle: Married or single (Professionals, students, etc)
Age: 1-19 years old Toddlers, school-age kids, Generation y, Sex: All (Female, Male & GLBT) Income: 100 and up Education: students Race: Filipino and foreigner Social class: Upper-middle class and Lower-middle class Family size: 1-6 Geographical: Nationwide Lifestyle: single IDEAL CUSTOMERS: Age: 16-24 Generation Y Sex: All (Female, Male & GLBT) Income: 100 and up Education: Students and Working Race: Filipino and foreigner Social class: Upper-middle class and Lower-middle class Family size: 1-6 Geographical: Nationwide Lifestyle: Married or single (Professionals, students, etc)
b. Targeting DEMOGRAPHIC Gender - male, female, gays, lesbians, bisexual, transsexual Income – P 25,000 and up /month Education – College graduate Age: Generation X (33-48 years old) •
This segment is born between years years 1966 and 1981. 1981.
This is chosen as one of the target markets since this this segment is usually active and their work demands awareness about the news and happenings around.
Thinkers - These people are very very intellectual and always aware aware with the news and happenings around them.
c. Positioning
To every Filipinos Filipinos all over the Manila who wants to be updated with the latest happenings and news around their community and country, Manila Bulletin is one of the broadsheets in the Philippines that delivers timely, recent and updated news all over the country and the only newspaper to have a 3-dimensional printed version that can be bought at such an affordable price. That’s because Manila Bulletin is one of the leading leading broadsheets in the country for over 100 years.
Objectives a. Mar Marketi keting ng •
Increase Sales One of the most important goals of marketing for-profit
entities is driving business and increasing sales. Marketing needs a good return on investment -- meaning the increase in
sales should significantly exceed the cost of the marketing -and should therefore be specific. It is often insufficient to simply state an objective of increasing sales sa les by a certain percentage. The more specific, the better -- "increase sales among women over 40," or "increase the number of people who make a purchase while browsing our online store by 20 percent."
Improve Product Awareness A marketing effort can be focused at reviving or
invigorating interest in a product that has been on the market for a long time or about which people have longstanding attitudes. A good example is the ubiquitous "Got Milk?" campaign, which was started by the California Milk Processor Board in the mid-90s, but is now used nationwide. According to the man behind the campaign, the effort helped the industry achieve a 91 percent awareness rating after it was in use for two years.
Establish Yourself in the Industry A new organization will find it extremely difficult to be
heard above the noise in a crowded marketplace, with a public distracted by many stimuli. An example of a marketing objective for organizations with little public awareness could be: "Become one of the top three brands in our industry named among consumers." An example of a successful marketing campaign in the 21st century is that of, a company that hosts websites. It made a splash by running provocative ads in high-profile places, such as during the Super Bowl.
Brand Management Maintaining a place in the mind of the public takes work,
and some marketing efforts are simply s imply aimed to maintain a prominence in the public space. Major organizations known worldwide, such as McDonald's and Nike, often run ads that simply use images and tone to remind consumers of the brand, rather than promote a particular product or service. An example of a similar marketing objective could be, "Have our brand be recognized around the world, with no further explanation." Starbucks generated a lot of free publicity in 2011 by removing the company name from its logo, relying on simply the well-known siren to remind customers of the company.
b. Fina Financ nciial
To gain the sales at 10% of the market Capital
To attain the profit at the 15% of the end of the year. year.
To get reimbursement reimbursement of ROI in 2 years
Tactical Plans a. Product
MB published seven days a week with weekly magazines, the Philippine Panorama Magazine on Sunday, Style Weekend Magazine on Friday and Travel Magazine on the second and fourth Thursday of the month. The Company publishes the daily tabloids, Tempo in the English language and Balita in Filipino. Also published are five maga magazi zine nes s in full full colo colorr of sp spec ecia iall inte intere rest sts, s, cate cateri ring ng to vari variou ous s sectors of the reading public. Agriculture Magazine has been widely acclaimed by our readers as a “gold mine” of farming information. An increasing number of farmers, farmers, farming farming enthusiasts enthusiasts and agricultu agriculture re workers workers continue continue to lear learn n
more more
abou aboutt
farm farmin ing g
regu regula larl rly y
read readin ing g
Agri Ag ricu cult ltur ure e
Magazi Magazine. ne. The Magazi Magazine ne contai contains ns storie stories s in simple simple langua language ge of actual actual farmin farming, g, how-to how-to-ar -artic ticles les that that guide guide the novice novice as well well as exper experien ienced ced farme farmers rs in applyi applying ng impro improved ved techni technique ques, s, resear research ch results to keep abreast of the latest developments in agriculture, newly newly develo developed ped variet varieties ies of fruits fruits,, vegeta vegetable bles, s, root root crops, crops, and others, where these are available and where they can be marketed. Most interesting are the success stories of those whose ventures have have adopt adopted ed inno innova vati tion ons s or tech techni niqu ques es intr introd oduc uced ed as well well as sought assistance from government and non-government agencies and other experts in the field. Copies of our Agriculture Magazines are distributed to the different agricultural schools in the country thus spreading innovative technology to the students to eliminate antiquated practices, to focus in increasing food production, reduce malnutrition, eradicate hunger and improve income of families thus reducing poverty in the rural areas. Crui Cruisi sing ng
Maga Magazi zine ne prom promot otes es
loca locall
tour touris ism m
and and
trav travel el for for
relaxation and bring trade to outlying areas of the country. This magazine has set the trail for readers to follow as they take the
ultim ultimate ate “ drive” drive” toward towards s more more accura accurate te infor informat mation ion relate related d to routes routes,, dis distan tance, ce, resor resorts, ts, restau restauran rants, ts, lodgin lodging, g, flea flea market markets s and other other worthworth- visit visiting ing and worth worth dis discov cover ering ing places places;; also also safety safety issues and medical advice for travelers. This magazine has been assisting the government in its Eco-tourism projects with articles on touris tourists’ ts’ destin destinati ations ons to encour encourage age foreig foreign n trave traveler lers s to visit visit our country. Animal Scene publishes interesting local news and features for anim animal al
love lovers rs,,
comp compre rehe hensi nsive ve
info inform rmat atio ion, n,
tack tackle les s
vete veteri rinar nary y
conce oncerrns and and educ ducates ates the the masse asses s on the the care are of pets pets and and endangered species. Veterinarians and animal doctors give helping hand to technical readers on how to take better care of their pets. Mani Manila la
Bull Bu llet etin in
Spor Sports ts
Dige Digest st
publ publis ishe hes s
in-d in-dep epth th
arti articl cles es,,
athletes’ profiles, sports trivia, current news in the sporting world for sports aficionados and for healthy entertainment. Sense and Style Magazine is rife with information on the best and the latest in fashion and beauty, in food and dining, in home and gardening, new horizons opening up for women. The magazine’s monthly collection of stories are all aimed at celebrating woman’s individuality, arming her with tips, raising her spirit and a nd boosting her confidence and guiding her hand to a better world. To nurture provincial literary talents, preserve the cultures and dialec dialects ts of the differ different ent regio regions, ns, dis dissem semina inate te inform informati ation on to the countryside and the continued reading of the families in the rural areas, Manila Bulletin publishes “ Balita”. The daily newspaper in Fili Filipi pino no and the the week weekly ly vern vernacu acula larr maga magazi zine nes: s: “L “Liw iway aywa way” y” in Tagalog, “ Bisaya” in Cebuano, “ Bannawag” in Ilocano, and Hili Hiligay gayno non” n” in Ilon Ilongg ggo, o, whic which h are are wide widely ly read read thro throug ugho hout ut the the
Philippines and abroad. b. Price The pricing strategy will will focus on providing well-researched well-researched news, entertaining articles by outstanding writers and editors. Furthermore Manila Bulletin will have competitive as a pricing strategy. Competitive since Manila Bulletin’s price is at par with their competitors (Philippine Daily Inquirer and Philippine Star). On the customer’s side, they think that having the price of 18 pesos on Monday- Saturday and 20 pesos on Sundays is quite considerable and reasonable. Moreover having this kind of price doesn’t longer need a discount, since it is very cheap. But then if Manila Bulletin really likes to have or gain a big market share they should have special price once in a while like conducting this promo during their anniversaries. Another tactical plan is to have different price for different segments since they have different incomes. This is good for some products but for newspapers it would cause chaos among street vendors. c. Place In terms of distribution, the marketers chose selective type. We want to distribute the product in the urban areas specifically in Metr Metro o Mani Manila la,, NCR NCR and and in the the esta establ blis ishm hmen ents ts like like Offi Office ces, s, Banks, and Coffee Shops. Nevertheless, placing manila bulletin in side sidewa walk lks s is a conv conven enie ient nt way way for for work workin ing g peop people le who who are are commuting to be aware about the current news and happenings around the Philippines. The marketers developed PUSH Strategy. Inde Indee ed, it
diff diffiicult cult to compe ompette
with ith
new new
tech techno nolo logi gie es,
considering it is the new way of life. Still, old fashioned people
prefer reading newspapers than relying on modern technology.
d. Promotions
1. Act Activi ivity: ty: BIL BILLBO LBOAR ARD D
Objective: to increase product and brand awareness Description/Mechanics: the billboard will be placed by Duration: From June 2013- March 2014 Target Reach/Audience: 18-55 18-55 years old 2. Activ Activity ity:: [CONTE [CONTEST] ST] Newspap Newspaper er Fever: Fever: Manil Manila a Bul Bullet letin’ in’s s
Haute Couture
Objective: to target generation Y through the use of fashion. Description/Mechanics: Marketers will conduct an event in which young designers would make dresses through the use of manila bulletin newspapers. Duration: Philippine Fashion Week which is during May 2013 Target Reach/Audience: 1616- 35, mostly fashionable women, men men and gays.
3. Activity:Coupons
Objective: to attract non-users and potential customers Description/Mechanics: Duration: Target Reach/Audience: 4. Act Activi ivity: ty: Rad Radio io Jing Jingle le Objective: To have a brand recall in regular consumers and also to potential customers Mechanics: Will be placed at top AM (DZBB Super Radio) and FM (97.1barangay L.S.,NU 107, 101.9) radio stations in the Philippines LYRICS: (to the tune of Manila-Hotdogs) Manila Manila, There’s good news here in Manila, Manila Manila Updates are here in Manila
Manila Bulletin Manila Bulletin, Grab your copy now Duration: January, March, May, July, September, November
5. Ac Acti tivi vity ty:: Fanpag Fanpage e
Objective: to reach out to loyal customers and sustain a good customer relationship. Mechanics: the company will make a facebook fanpage to update about the latest happenings and to cover behind the scenes efforts of reporters and staff. Duration: until the popularity of Facebook ends 6. [PROMOTION] Loyal Reward Program
Objective: to sustain loyal customers and attract potential customers Mechanics: Consumers will collect points which will be put on an incentive card to redeem rewards like manila bulletin
eco-bags, umbrellas, caps and etc. Duration: March-June 2013
Timeline an and Bu Budget
Timeline January February March April May June July August September October November December
Marketing Activities Radio Jingle, Fanpage Fanpage Radio Jingle, Coupons, Fanpage Coupons, Fanpage Radio Jingle, Contest (Newspaper fever), Coupons, Fanpage Billboard, Coupons, Fanpage Radio Jingle, Billboard, Fanpage Bilboard, Fanpage Radio Jingle, Billboard, Fanpage Billboard, Fanpage Radio Jingle, Billboard, Fanpage Billboard, Fanpage
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