sample form of manifestation... without caption...
MANIFESTATION Come now Accused, through undersigned counsel and unto the Honorable Court most respectull! sa!" #That $% Accused submitted their &oint Counter A'da(it with the assistance o the undersigned counsel, through registered registered mail co(ered with registr! receipt no% ))))))) or the abo(e# mentioned case beore this Honorable Court on *+ August *+$*% Howe(er, the cop! o the Transer Transer Certi.cate o Title and Ta/ Ta/ 0eclarations which supposedl! to be anne/ed anne/ed thereon was inad(ertentl! orgotten to be attached1% Attached hereto are are the supposed supposed anne/es anne/es o said &oint Counter A'da(it o the Accused mar2ed as Anne/es 3A4, 354, 35#$4, 35#*4, and 35#14 respecti(el!6% It is respectull! respectull! maniested maniested that the said supposed anne/es anne/es be admitted to orm part o the said &oint Counter A'da(it% Also, in paragraph paragraph )))in )))in said &oint &oint Counter Counter A'da(it o the the Accused it was t!pographicall! written that the number o the Transer Certi.cate o Title is TCT no%)))))))% Howe(er the same is erroneous and what should ha(e been written is TCT TCT No% )))))))) as appearing in the Anne/ Anne/ 3A 3A4 o the supposed anne/es7% Thus, it is urther maniested that the TCT TCT no% ))))))) ))))))) in paragraph ))) o said &oint Counter A'da(it be changed into TCT TCT no% ))))))))% ))))))))% 8hereore, in (iew o the oregoing, the undersigned humbl! pra! that ma! this maniestation be gi(en due course% Other 9ust and e:uitable relie a(ailable in the premises is li2ewise pra!ed or% ;espectull! submitted this *6 th da! o August *+$ at
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