Maniago vs De Dios.doc

May 16, 2018 | Author: Jani Misterio | Category: N/A
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Case Digest of Maniago vs De Dios. Hope this can help you. Thanks!...


Maniago vs. Atty. De Dios (AC No. 7472, March 30, 2010) Facts: Co!"a Co!"ainan inantt see#s see#s $or a %is&ar %is&aren entt case case agains againstt res!on res!on%en %ent, t, Atty. Atty. 'or%e 'or%es s %e Dios, Dios, $or engaging in the !ractice o$ "a %es!ite having &een ss!en%e% &y the Cort. *he !etitioner a""e a""ege ge% % that that she she $i"e $i"e% % a cri criin ina" a" case case agai agains nstt a cert certai ain n +iro +irosh shii Miya Miyata ta,, hic hich h as as then then re!res re!resent ente% e% &y the res!on% res!on%ent ent.. etiti etitione onerr then then %iscov %iscovere ere% % $ro $ro an -*C sta$$ sta$$ that the res!on%ent ha% an otstan%ing ss!ension or%er $ro the !ree Cort since 2001. /n her res!onse, res!on%ent e!"aine% that thogh it is tre that an a%inistrative case as in%ee% $i"e% against her here she ete% a !ena"ty o$ si onths ss!ension. +oever, she a"rea%y serve% sch ss!ension ie%iate"y a$ter the recei!t o$ the Corts reso"tion on May  Nove&er 2001 that she $ora""y in$ore% the Cort that she as resing he !ractice o$ "a,  hich she acta""y %i%. A !ro&"e arose hen then %ge Farra"es erroneos"y isse% a %erivative in 2007 or%ering res!on%ent to %esist $ro the !ractice o$ "a an% revo#e% her notaria" coission $or 2 years. -es!on%ent $i"es a Motion $or C"ari$ication hich gave the i!ression that res!on%ent is not yet a""oe% to rese in her !ractice o$ "a. *he 5$$ice o$ the Cort A%inistrator (5CA), a$ter eva"ation, recoen%e% the "i$ting o$ the or%er o$ ss!ension, a""oing the res!on%ent to rese $ro her !ractice o$ "a, even %es!ite the $act o$ neg"ecting to s&it the re6ire% certi$ications that res!on%ent has a"rea%y serve% her %esistance.

/8: 95N the res!on%ents res!tion $ro the !ractice o$ "a is va"i% %es!ite her $ai"re to s&it re6ire% certi$ications an% !assing throgh 5C $or eva"ation. +8'D: ;8. *he !ree Cort reso"ve% this $oregoing case &ase% $ro the $o""oing gi%e"ines: 1. A$ter a $in%ing $in%ing that that res!on%ent res!on%ent "ayer "ayer st &e ss!en ss!en%e% %e% $ro the the !ractice !ractice o$ "a, the the Cort sha"" ren%er a %ecision i!osing the !ena"ty 2. n"ess n"ess the Cort e!"ici e!"icit"y t"y states states that %ecision %ecision is ie%iat ie%iate"y e"y eectory eectory,, res!on%ent res!on%ent has 1< %ays to $i"e $or a otion otion $or reconsi%era reconsi%eration. tion. Denia" o$ sch i"" ren%er %ecision %ecision $ina" an% eectory 3. !on e!iratio e!iration n o$ the !erio% !erio% o$ ss!ension ss!ension,, res!on%ent res!on%ent sha"" sha"" $i"e a sorn sorn stateent stateent ith ith the Cort, throgh the 5C, stating that he or she has %esiste% $ro the !ractice o$ "a. 4. Co!ies Co!ies o$ the orn orn tateen tateentt sha"" &e $rnis $rnishe% he% to the 'oca" 'oca" Cha!ter Cha!ter o$ the / an% 8ective %ge here case is !en%ing

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