Mangal Skt

December 18, 2017 | Author: swainpiyush | Category: N/A
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Mangal Skt...


ावण मगळ गौर पज ू ा

ावण मगळ गौर पज ू ा Check List 1. Altar, Deity (statue/photo), 2. Two big brass lamps (with wicks, oil/ghee) 3. Matchbox, Agarbatti 4. Karpoor, Gandha Powder, Kumkum, gopichandan, haldi 5. Sri Mudra (for Sandhyaavandan), Vessel for Tirtha, Yajnopaviita 6. Puujaa Conch, Bell, One aaratii (for Karpoor), Two Aaratiis with wicks 7. Flowers, Akshata (in a container), tulsi leaves 8. Decorated Copper or Silver Kalasha, Two pieces of cloth (new), 9. Coconut, 1/2 kg. Rice, Bananas 6, gold coin, gold chain 10. Extra Kalasha, 3 trays, 3 vessels for Abhisheka 11. Betel nuts 6, Betel nut Leaves 12, Banana Leaves 2, Mango Leaves 5-25 12. Dry Fruits, 5 bananas, 1 coconut - all for naivedya 13. Panchaamrita - Milk, Curd, Honey, Ghee, Sugar, Tender Coconut Water 14. Puja Book 15. Red flowers and red flower malas.

2|P ag e

१ At the regular altar ॐ सवयो गु यो नमः | ॐ सवयो दे वेयो नमः | ॐ सवयो ामणेयो नमः || ारं भ काय नव नम!तु | शभ ु ं शोभनम!तु | इ%ट दे वता कुलदे वता सुस(ना वरदा भवतु || अन* ु ां दे +ह || At the -ावण म.गळ गौर1 altar २ आचमनः (Sip one spoon of water after each mantra. Take a little water from the vessel for worship with an offering spoon onto the palm and sip it. This is called achaman. Just as bathing causes external purification, partaking water in this way is responsible for internal purification. This act is repeated thrice. Thus physical, psychological and spiritual, internal purification is brought about.)

5वराच6य ॐ केशवाय !वाहाः. ॐ नारायणाय !वाहाः. ॐ माधवाय !वाहाः.

ॐ वासुदेवाय नमः . ॐ 5य6 ु नाय नमः . ॐ अन Bाय नमः . ॐ पु षोCतमाय नमः . ॐ अधोDजाय नमः . ॐ नारFसंहाय नमः . ॐ अGयुताय नमः . ॐ जनाद नाय नमः . ॐ उपI Jाय नमः . ॐ हरये नमः . -ी कृ%णाय नमः || ३ ाणायामः (Due to pranayam, the rajas component decreases and the sattva component increases.)

ॐ णव!य परम ऋषः . परमाCमा दे वता . दै वी गाय;ी छ(दः . ाणायामे वनयोगः ||

ॐ भःू . ॐ भव ु ः . ॐ !वः . ॐ महः . ॐ जनः . ॐ तपः . ॐ सCयं . ॐ भभ  ः !वः | ू ुव ॐ तCसवतुवर े Pयं भगQ दे व!य धीमह1 Rधयो यो नः चोदयात ् || पन ु राचमन

ॐ केशवाय !वाहाः. ॐ नारायणाय !वाहाः.

(Repeat Achamana 2 - given above)

ॐ माधवाय !वाहाः.

ॐ आपोTयोत रसोमत  !सुवरोम ् || ू ुव ृ ं म भभ

(Now we chant the 21 names of the Lord, in order to concentrate on the Lord)

(Apply water to eyes and understand that you are of the nature of Brahman)

ॐ गोवंदाय नमः . ॐ व%णवे नमः .

४ स.कVपः

ॐ मधस ु द ू नाय नमः . ॐ :;वषीकेशाय नमः . ॐ पAनाभाय नमः . ॐ दामोदराय नमः . ॐ स.कषणाय नमः .

Shravana Mangala Gowri Puja

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सव दे वता ाथना (Stand and hold a fruit in hand during sankalpa)

सम ु ुखYच एकदं तYच कपलो गजकणकः . लंबोदरYच वकटो व ननाशो गणाRधपः ||

ॐ -ीमान ् महागणाRधपतये नमः .

ध^  ा_यDो बालच(Jो गजाननः . ू केतग ु ण

-ी ग ु यो नमः . -ी सर!वCयै नमः .

5वादशैतान नामान यः पठे त ् -ण ु य ु ादप ||

-ी वेदाय नमः . -ी वेदपु षाय नमः .

व5यारं भे ववाहे च वेशे नगमे तथा .

इ%टदे वतायो नमः |

संXामे संकटे चव ै व नः त!य न जायते ||

(Prostrations to your favorite deity)

कुलदे वतायो नमः | (Prostrations to your family deity)

!थान दे वतायो नमः |

(Whoever chants or hears these 12 names of Lord Ganesha will not have any obstacles in any of their endeavours)

(Prostrations to the deity of this house)

Xामदे वतायो नमः |

शुaलांबरधरं दे वं शFशवण चतभ  म् | ु ुज

(Prostrations to the deity of this place)

स(नवदनं _यायेत ् सव व नोपशांतये ||

वा!तुदेवतायो नमः | (Prostrations to the deity of all the materials we have collected)

शचीपुरंदरायां नमः | (Prostrations to the Indra and shachii)

सवम.गल मा.गVये Fशवे सवाथ साRधके | शरPये bयंबके दे वी नारायcण नमोऽ!तुते ||

उमामहे Yवरायां नमः | (Prostrations to Shiva and pArvati)

लZमीनारायणायां नमः | (Prostrations to the Lords who protect us - LakShmi and NArAyaNa)

मातापत ृ यां नमः |

(We completely surrender ourselves to that Goddess who embodies auspiciousness, who is full of auspicious-ness and who brings auspicousness to us)

(Prostrations to our parents)

सवदा सव कायषु नाि!त तेषां अम.गलम ् |

सवयो दे वेयो नमो नमः |

येषां >+द!थो भगवान ् म.गलायतनो हfरः ||

(Prostrations to all the Gods)

सवयो ामणेयो नमो नमः | (Prostrations to all Brahamanas - those who are in the religious path)

(When Lord Hari, who brings auspiciousness is

एत5कम धान दे वतायो नमो नमः |

situated in our hearts, then there will be no more inauspiciousness in any of our undertakings)

(Prostrations to Goddess devi, the main deity if this puja)

|| अव नम!तु ||

तदे व लhनं सु+दनं तदे व ताराबलं चंJबलं तदे व . व5याबलं दै वबलं तदे व लZमीपतेः तI iऽयग ु ं

Shravana Mangala Gowri Puja

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!मराFम ||

शभ ु पुPयतथौ मम आCमन -ु त!मृ त पुराणोaत फलाmयथ मम सकुटु6ब!य Dेम !थैय आयुरारोhय

(What is the best time to worship the Lord? When our hearts are at the feet of Lord Narayana, then the strength of the stars, the moon, the strength of knowledge and all the Gods will combine and make it the most auspicious time and day to worship the Lord)

लाभ!तेषां जय!तेषां कुत!तेषां पराजयः . येषां इि(दवरYयामो >दय!थो जनाद नः || (When the Lord is situated in a person's heart, he will always have profit in his work and victory in all that he takes up and there is no question of defeat for such a person)

चतुवध पु षाथ Fस_यथ अंगीकृत -ी -ावण म.गळ गौर1 nतांगCवेन संपा+दत सामXkया -ी -ावण म.गळ गौर1 ीCयथ यथा शaCया यथा FमFलता उपचार Jkयैः -ी सूaत पुराणोaत म(;ैYच _यान आवाहना+द षोडशोपचारे -ी -ावण म.गळ गौर1 ीCयCथ पज ू नं तथा nतोaत कथा -वणं च कfर%ये|| इदं फलं मया दे व !थापतं पुरत!तव | तेन मे सुफलावािmतर् भवेत ् ज(मन ज(मन || (keep fruits in front of the Goddess)

वनायकं गु ं भानुं माव%णम ु हे Yवरान ् | सर!वतीं ण6यादौ सव कायाथ FसBये ||

५. षड.ग (यास (Purifying the body)

(To achieve success in our work and to find fulfillment we should first offer our prayers to Lord Vinayaka and then to our teacher, then to the Sun God and to the holy trinity of Brahma, ViShNu and Shiva)

-ीम5 भगवतो महाप ु ष!य व%णोरा*या

५.(१) कर (यास (Purifying the hands)

ॐ rां | अंगु%ठायायां नमः | >दयाय नमः || (touch the thumbs)

ॐ r1ं | तजनीयां नमः | Fशरसे !वाहाः ||


(touch both fore fingers)

अ5य मणो 5वतीय पराध व%णप ु दे -ी

ॐ rुं | म_यमायां नमः | Fशखायै वषs ||

Yवेतवराह कVपे

(touch middle fingers)

ॐ rt | अनाFमकायां नमः | कवचाय हुम ् ||

वैव!वत म(व(तरे --------- दे शे शाFलवाहन शके

(touch ring fingers)

वतमाने kयवहाfरके ------------ नाम संवCसरे --------

ॐ ru | कनि%ठकायां नमः | ने;;याय वौषs ||

-------- आयणे --------------ऋतौ ------------------

(touch little fingers)

मासे -------------- पDे ----- तथौ ----- नD;े -----

ॐ rः | करतलकरप%ृ ठायां नमः | अ!;ाय फs || (touch palms and over sleeve of hands)

वासरे सव Xहे षु यथा राFश !थान ि!थतेषु सCसु एवं गुणवशेषेण वFश%टायां

Shravana Mangala Gowri Puja

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५.(२) +दhब(धन ( show mudras)

ॐ भभ  !वरोम ् इत +दhब(धः | ू ुव

ॐ भभ  !वः महागणपतये नमः _यायाFम. _यानम ् ू ुव समपयाFम |

(snap fingers, circle head clockwise and clap hands)

ॐ महागणपतये नमः . आवाहनं समपयाFम |

+दशो ब5नाFम ||

ॐ महागणपतये नमः . आसनं समपयाFम .

(shut off all directions i.e. distractions so that we can concentrate on the Goddess)

ॐ महागणपतये नमः . पा5यं समपयाFम . ॐ महागणपतये नमः . अ य समपयाFम .

६ गणपत पूजा (To prevent any obstacle from disrupting an auspicious occasion, it is begun with the worship of Lord Ganapati.)

आदौ नव नता Fस_यथ महा गणपत पूजनं कfर%ये . ॐ गणानां Cवा शौनको गCृ समदो गणपतजगती गणपCयावाहने वनयोगः || (pour water)

ॐ महागणपतये नमः . आचमनीयं समपयाFम . ॐ महागणपतये नमः . !नानं समपयाFम . ॐ महागणपतये नमः . व!;ं समपयाFम . ॐ महागणपतये नमः . य*ोपवीतं समपयाFम . ॐ महागणपतये नमः . चंदनं समपयाFम . ॐ महागणपतये नमः . पfरमल Jkयं समपयाFम ॐ महागणपतये नमः . पु%पाcण समपयाFम . ॐ महागणपतये नमः . धप ू ं समपयाFम . ॐ महागणपतये नमः . द1पं समपयाFम . ॐ महागणपतये नमः . नैवे5यं समपयाFम .

ॐ गणानां Cवा गणपतं हवामहे .

ॐ महागणपतये नमः . ता6बूलं समपयाFम .

कवं कवीनामप ु म -व!तमं .

ॐ महागणपतये नमः . फलं समपयाFम .

Tये%ठराज मणां मण!पत .

ॐ महागणपतये नमः . दwDणां समपयाFम .

आ नः शPृ व(नूतFभः सीदसादनं ||

ॐ महागणपतये नमः . आतaयं समपयाFम .

भःू गणपतं आवाहयाFम .

ॐ भभ  !वः महागणपतये नमः . ू ुव

भव ु ः गणपतं आवाहयाFम .

म(;प%ु पं समपयाFम .

!वः गणपतं आवाहयाFम .

ॐ भभ  !वः महागणपतये नमः . ू ुव दwDणा नम!कारान ् समपयाFम .

ॐ भभ  !वः सांगं सपfरवारं ू ुव सायध ु ं सशिaतकं महागणपतं आवाहयाFम |

ॐ भभ  !वः महागणपतये नमः . छ;ं समपयाFम . ू ुव

(O great Ganapati come along with Riddhi, Buddhi, your entire family, all your weapons and might’)

ॐ महागणपतये नमः . चामरं समपयाFम .

Shravana Mangala Gowri Puja

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ॐ महागणपतये नमः . नCृ यं समपयाFम .

northern direction) should be touched. Energies from the south are distressing. To prevent them from causing distress, one offers obeisance to them by touching the earth. The energies from the north are however saluted as they are pleasant.)

ॐ महागणपतये नमः . वा5यं समपयाFम .

मह1_यौः पRृ थवीचन इमं य*ं FमFमDतां

ॐ महागणपतये नमः . सव राजोपचारान ्

पता(नो भर1मFभः ||

ॐ महागणपतये नमः . गीतं समपयाFम |

समपयाFम ||

|| अथ ाथना ||

९ धा(य राFश ॐ औषधाय संवदं ते सोमेन सहरा* . य!मै कृणेत ामण!थं राजन ् पारयामFस ||

ॐ व
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