Manga Manía Occult and Horror

May 1, 2017 | Author: Franco | Category: N/A
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Short Description

Manga manía Horror Christopher Hart, How to draw the ellegant and seductive characters of the dark 146 pag....


Executive Editor Candace Raney Senio r Development Editor: Alisa Pala7.7.0 Desogncr: Bob Fillie, Graphiti Design. Inc. Production DircLtor· Alyn Evans

Cover design by Kapo Ng@'A·Men Project Front cover an by Anzu Back cover art by RP.gma firSt published m 2007 by Watson-Cuptil l Publir.atwns, an impnnt of the Crown Publishing Group, a division of Random House, Jnc~ .. Ne'" York

W\V"'tv.crownp\ www .wat.songuptil l com

Copyright o 2007 Star F~re LLC Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Dam Hart. Christopher. Ma nga mania occ:ult and horror; how to draw th e elegant and seductive characters ofthe dark I

Christopher Han. p. em. i ncludes index. ISBN·I 3· 978.0·82.10-1422·4 (pbk.) ISBN-10: 0-8230-1 422-J (pbk.) I Comic books. strips, etc.-Japan-Ththnlque 2. Cartoonlng-Thchnique. 3. Occulth.m in an. 4 . Horror in art. I. Title NC1764.5 J3H36935 2007 741.5'3164-dc22 2007020131




'JYpesct in Veljovic, Thlon. Grande Guignol, Dead Man's Folly. Arnold Boccklin, Dave Gibbons, Divmc Righi Primed in China

2 3 4 56 7 8 9 I 15 14 1312 II 10 09 08

CQHTRIB\JTJHhtni)C)) m.n-• boy re•llywould be- no Jn.Jh.h tur thf': occult ~Y. who Just oou' phy•lul •nd

mrnt.;l1 power (J\g,iln, for che purpoM" of

co.npat•son, t'm uslng $houjo mongo , w 1 •nay rtttr to chr. shoujo style as •typical~ rnt'lngJ )

~ ..,,""''O ~ n-.d ...~



'llnlc """"of w. wraau••. ...., had """ ( "llkll. ... lll T l">f" ~"~•Qh~r I~C' g1~ 11-a f1"'0f""(' C'" I fkto choroctc,. \'- "'~e" g :;N("~ r(',; ..... :;~bo~(' t~ cto:;.~ ll"'c-" de"'oll' a c~Jro.:ler w1th Sl.,t511!'r ..,ll'l'llt.;m" TheN' or1• f \ .. ('j)ln.m.. ~uch us mog+...ol g1rb (W~:J '•gt,• 'or good .:;•\1'1 Ct f, 'o~fum"~ 8\J• b'l and l(.)rgc, o'lhcn ~,.,



,;.hot,lder your cl'lora.:ter '"' bod 'o lt'lf> boru•

Jbi'~Cfthfl~ JtlliMt!IJf'hi:JI4 J)t)51;d.:porda1m th41guukr.tle"

You probably sec charJcters ponraycd lo the 31.. vlt·\~ more ofte11 thai\ 1n nnv u ther angll". W'hy is tlk!t? Because 1r'5 • the w.a} thin" havr to be 11\ink abvut iL For thar.~t.,C"n LO bt" in a fron' '"lr" they tu"'f' ra b.: f..c1ng\ torward If the (au move" to the left or to tt'W right, even slh:htly, it bcconv·~ i.l Jr.f view. (fchilfi'c.terS al'e in pmnlt' a nd tht• face lllOVf"t' toward the n~O'der, e\'en ,.h~1nly, It beoomes a J ··-1 view The~Jort' unlc~s ftOtu and ~Kit \'IC\••s one ex.Kt clvy tnsuntl)! becomt" J • views. And 1 o4 "ie"'s don't ha\'f" u> be perfed then: .ue m;;my anaJr,. full i11 rhr 3 • rdmJe. That's why yu\1 see 3/4 all the time.

tlfo~~.;onrnr €"'~~''• of rh,. «f1ffllm~'JII'll~~ 'flttl•,.of fhctJca:iiLM ..... I"'f~


Jll-< *40 ildatl&e"IO._,,_ cJiq s11 •,...,. tlw .,.c.aiJtt>



,n~ «tttcrl1ue rAil Ju, -. d:.. to J~~""r~r«'lll~ (M..I: '~' ""'V) l'Ju: artfP Q( 1Jt.t. liPJio"' l11' I ( &!AI')ltfl


&ryrht'OCJttnitr~btor•rillt.IJblfm ,J.,,.,.~I· •..,a.taOC:

thc3 4l'IQI




,..,.. "'"'"'" "''''/11lllellolt~n•• l'fnl rnt.Surt 1hdlu

AIIJIOI• frfill4tftc/f'A.>nlf'C';41'.:,!

s.k (l(lhr l~fiii~J'CIJ9t!.pl't"1~ kol'luk11t.(lh.ll r"'"rlpia Dfpe:rsr«tl~ .. h d llldfl!. Jhltll~ ,,,.,.. ,'ft"n'M ,_

dt.odv.\ r11•nu 11NIJ rlteJt11.1.'1.~ t'&f'J,I WrtJrt '" l~\1. 6.'1r.:lt'



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Atr Al:~!~t

thr temptation bl add h;,tu-

and mhcr stun tOO soon frn~b the b.uic m.nsuucoon first iU• Y\JU M:e it hert lD the ti"" COIH•UUCOOJ\ step Trus; me. \vU'IJ be .1nL1n:d hOt\' much e~r-•nd more effoc-rtve-it &S



t.o ItO IJ\ order. And your drawlltJo:.

wtlllook a lm bcu~r fur 1t

71K J/tf t.'fQU ~ liJf tludf,. oftt!li bGc~4nd l1h ""~


,,, 1htt J~H»t!co- qc; aowl frt•


...,..,_""' _..,. .............



:n , . . _ , . _ . ,


rliJ.l.nrx. fOOI\r r.haractl!f1i. And 1h1•n theft; Drt' dlfrtrcnt ~tylcs of t}'~'S ror difl~n-nt

~ ~~ ..,t


~ YJf!Di tn'

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~" ~ "'1lN 11M

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nf!X.t 1hing lo nonce is that the arb I•

rt'.d. lt'"s not J )()lid bl,lck dot witb • c.oupJc in u lt".s a.ueaked the same ""·av a n:~l


" Thisgive5lttan c-ncha.ming. me.sMcrV:1n$:

The streak pattem in the iri~ should hee1 ou\ trom the pupil at the center. 1ov,ngon, prodigiou,_ eyelashes are es!.rntl.dthcy've gf\1( fi.rwUy. thr eyebt"0\4-'1 should h.l\"e. a hLgh .t1ch but an de sharply clnwn .J• they rran:.l wwa1d the bridge of tbe nose. nus

:#fi7 ~ ~

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a t.ourh t~f w,c.kedness

!"''CC''w" ....


~ 0


.... ..,

~ ~ ~ ............. f"""f\M


Ordioary Hair v~. Vramatir Hair Onr o( tht- 1hut,p dut makes

oc:cu1t c.Juro~en "'hen the ch.ataet~r lS oll 10 the> feeling cmot we an'" the pruence of .1 belng ~by the cLuk forces of n.l,UTr. Thkt· wI(XIk at these twO


fhrnl JlQ #lf'tlll'2ltl (/~


h«t'Rlitt'111rlon.,Jhltt1JI IJA" d

lllltd lll'olllt .,.,.,,,J\ htlt



.,.., . . . . . . ,_, 11.0.."""1 .. w dtll(

...., ................... ~.v..

twet"'M:fl. lwt.:onrrau. ~ •'» -,..n..o( th.11 ..u on the ground

under db.trac~rs llx chr

f~ues in

place~ due thr) dorn appe.1r to be tlo.mng'"" tht rot~e Ground

showtows 3110 •how the t~udirnce whrre chr: hcmwn •• In .ackhtfon they .u~ o~nothrr tool in che amst':, a~n.11. for t..:Uinplc. .t ondcn~e0res the.


VIOlence of Pn ll{.tiun pose. A

small shadow mlds .1 poe1i~ fec:lhlg 10 'l lnnelv moment

W•Utfl!tJI,.,. Wool k.u. I •PlAol llol P CPo..fu, " · fiW •h ~. If fbt• tf,Ptl WW•U tl'tn Q,_nAI..,f1r- l•rronnrpll AlfhrdatlmC"'fl,,f11/JJ/I.-J lilt '''N

The)' Me a r.ommon ~o·l~OSst·:..s.lon and otl1et SfMMikv $tUJl There's somnthtnR tott>irtl and haumin.w ,,hum the world that Uc5 em the othc.r .stde o( the

f.1u to fuoo witb a dupllt:.11t' of QUfSCiv('.Si' .SO how du you niCA"trpomte mirrors and reUer-oon5? 'I'Jke a louk.

\1fnun) and





somr- othN p11UJ! '1\'hCrt'


will ronw


Dr~am~ au~ Nigbtmar~~ Thu world uf occult .11HI horror Is''" cxcidng and Glht:lnalinggenrc: heuuse nothmg is quite wbtu lt :-.erms. Beasts are mrn Womtn are vampires

ChJIUrcn are pos:se&ied. You·,·e got to s.-ay on vour tucs It keeps the rudt'r on rd&e. and thai's fl gn".ill plM.e r.o be-out of tht" c.omton zone iind aJued to the nat panel th~ "'"~' ukr you trom 1he

"-"""' ol draWl"' faces and bochr~ to

des1gning your 0\'1"'11

ro. uhunately, plat.intt (hariGiers in full 'l(':tn~s tha1 )'Ou compo:!ie if you w.mtln tolkc.• it that iar. So to rnd. here :u·e l;Ome suggustlons of locations for

octult-.:'lntl·horror $tone:; I hat rr:nu1~H ~xu cme)y popular with t'f!.-dN!!. trom the U.S.A. w Jdpdn and everywhere

fn betwt•f!n, The~ l~uon~ .trc dc~lsnr.d more to 1nsplre

you than to aJve you a ngid

tempi uc to roro . Thest are

stmply • frw sood choices rn ke4"P '" mmd \\'hen you w._nt to~~ the mood for


.~lnr.l.'-'t-4•1""'-'''IMJ'Aijltf C~Cipc It I Jl• tf II IM.v)


u't!Gik A '-m..•ll M• 1~... t.ltfl Mll~r..,.m'frt~tl


1Vf11,.ll tho! ro "', m' AM

Wt. 1'1tcf\ r>w"'"'n ~~~rl~tl,tll!t((l/'rV IY'l'

t.lmt Tft,. rnrmy htt•~o~• th, Ll:y r1f1hrlmtd Jt,,JJf!IUtlmll

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