Mandolin Chord, Scale and Arpeggio Bible - Sample Chapter

April 6, 2017 | Author: pacurar | Category: N/A
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Mandolin Chord, Scale and Arpeggio Bible The Jazz Guitar WorkShop Series

Copyright This book is property of Alessandro De Sanctis. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form or by any means without the prior written permission of the author. Visit


Contents Contents ......................................................................................................................... 2 Voicings for Cmmaj13..................................................................................................... 4 Main Positions............................................................................................................. 4 13 1 5 [2 X 3 3]............................................................................................................ 5 13 5 1 5 [2 5 3 3] ......................................................................................................... 6 9 13 5 [7 7 10 X] .......................................................................................................... 6 b3 13 5 [8 7 10 X] ........................................................................................................ 7 11 13 5 [10 7 10 X] ...................................................................................................... 8 5 7 13 [12 9 12 X] ........................................................................................................ 9 11 1 13 [10 10 12 X] .................................................................................................... 9 5 1 13 [12 10 12 X] .................................................................................................... 10 5 9 13 [12 12 12 X] .................................................................................................... 11 7 11 7 13 [4 3 2 5] ..................................................................................................... 12 7 11 13 [4 3 X 5]........................................................................................................ 13 1 11 13 [5 3 X 5]........................................................................................................ 13 7 5 7 13 [4 5 2 5] ....................................................................................................... 14 7 5 13 [4 5 X 5].......................................................................................................... 15 1 5 7 13 [5 5 2 5] ....................................................................................................... 15 1 5 13 [5 5 X 5].......................................................................................................... 16 5 7 13 [X 5 2 5].......................................................................................................... 17 9 5 13 [7 5 X 5].......................................................................................................... 18 b3 5 13 [8 5 X 5]........................................................................................................ 19 1 7 13 [5 X 2 5].......................................................................................................... 19 11 1 13 [X 3 3 5]........................................................................................................ 20 1 11 1 13 [5 3 3 5] ..................................................................................................... 21 13 5 1 13 [2 5 3 5] ..................................................................................................... 22 5 1 13 [X 5 3 5].......................................................................................................... 22 1 5 1 13 [5 5 3 5] ....................................................................................................... 23 7 9 13 [4 X 5 5].......................................................................................................... 24 1 9 13 [5 X 5 5].......................................................................................................... 25 b3 9 13 [8 X 5 5]........................................................................................................ 25 5 9 13 [X 5 5 5].......................................................................................................... 26 7 5 9 13 [4 5 5 5] ....................................................................................................... 27 1 5 9 13 [5 5 5 5] ....................................................................................................... 27 9 5 9 13 [7 5 5 5] ....................................................................................................... 28 b3 5 9 13 [8 5 5 5] ..................................................................................................... 29 7 b3 13 [4 X 6 5]........................................................................................................ 30 1 b3 13 [5 X 6 5]........................................................................................................ 30 5 b3 13 [X 5 6 5]........................................................................................................ 31 7 5 b3 13 [4 5 6 5] ..................................................................................................... 32 1 5 b3 13 [5 5 6 5] ..................................................................................................... 32 b3 5 b3 13 [8 5 6 5] ................................................................................................... 33 1 11 13 [5 X 8 5]........................................................................................................ 34 9 11 13 [7 X 8 5]........................................................................................................ 34 b3 11 13 [8 X 8 5]...................................................................................................... 35 5 11 13 [X 5 8 5]........................................................................................................ 36 2

The Jazz Guitar WorkShop Series - Alessandro De Sanctis

1 5 11 13 [5 5 8 5] ..................................................................................................... 36 9 5 11 13 [7 5 8 5] ..................................................................................................... 37 b3 5 11 13 [8 5 8 5] ................................................................................................... 37 13 5 1 [2 5 3 X].......................................................................................................... 38 9 13 1 [7 7 X 8].......................................................................................................... 39 b3 13 1 [8 7 X 8]........................................................................................................ 39 11 13 1 [10 7 X 8]...................................................................................................... 40 9 13 9 1 [7 7 5 8] ....................................................................................................... 41 b3 13 b3 1 [8 7 6 8] ................................................................................................... 41 11 13 11 1 [10 7 8 8] ................................................................................................. 42 13 5 1 [X 7 10 8]........................................................................................................ 43 9 13 5 1 [7 7 10 8] ..................................................................................................... 43 b3 13 5 1 [8 7 10 8] ................................................................................................... 44 11 13 5 1 [10 7 10 8] ................................................................................................. 45 9 13 5 9 [7 7 10 10] ................................................................................................... 46 5 9 13 9 [12 12 12 10] ............................................................................................... 46

The Jazz Guitar WorkShop Series - Mandolin Chord, Scale and Arpeggio Bible


Voicings for Cmmaj13

Voicings for Cmmaj13 Main Positions


The Jazz Guitar WorkShop Series - Alessandro De Sanctis

13 1 5 [2 X 3 3]

13 1 5 [2 X 3 3] Position

Enharmonic Analysis • • • • •

D 7sus4 5 b7 4 D# maj(b5,6) b5 13 3 E min(#5,4) 11 #5 b3 F add9 3 5 9 A min7 1 b3 b7

Related Scales

The Jazz Guitar WorkShop Series - Mandolin Chord, Scale and Arpeggio Bible


Voicings for Cmmaj13

13 5 1 5 [2 5 3 3] Position

Enharmonic Analysis • • • • •

D 7sus4 5 4 b7 4 D# maj(b5,6) b5 3 13 3 E min(#5,4) 11 b3 #5 b3 F add9 3 9 5 9 A min7 1 b7 b3 b7

Related Scales

iimin7/b5 Vb9 i

9 13 5 [7 7 10 X] Position

Enharmonic Analysis • D sus4 1 5 4 6

The Jazz Guitar WorkShop Series - Alessandro De Sanctis

b3 13 5 [8 7 10 X]

• • • • • •

D# maj7(b5) 7 b5 3 E min7(11) b7 11 b3 F 6(9) 6 3 9 A 7sus4 4 1 b7 A# maj7(13) 3 7 13 B min7(#5) b3 b7 #5

Related Scales

iimin7/b5 Vb9 i

b3 13 5 [8 7 10 X] Position Position

Enharmonic Analysis • D# maj(b5) 1 b5 3 • F 9 b7 3 9 • B aug7 3 b7 #5

Related Scales

The Jazz Guitar WorkShop Series - Mandolin Chord, Scale and Arpeggio Bible


Voicings for Cmmaj13

iimin7/b5 Vb9 i

11 13 5 [10 7 10 X] Position

Enharmonic Analysis • D min(4) b3 5 11 • D# add9(b5) 9 b5 3 • F add9 1 3 9

Related Scales

iimin7/b5 Vb9 i


The Jazz Guitar WorkShop Series - Alessandro De Sanctis

5 7 13 [12 9 12 X]

5 7 13 [12 9 12 X] Position

Enharmonic Analysis • E min(4) b3 5 11 • F add9(b5) 9 b5 3 • G add9 1 3 9

Related Scales

iimin7/b5 Vb9 i

11 1 13 [10 10 12 X] Position

Enharmonic Analysis • C# augmaj7 3 7 #5 • D min7 b3 b7 5 The Jazz Guitar WorkShop Series - Mandolin Chord, Scale and Arpeggio Bible


Voicings for Cmmaj13

• • • • •

F maj 1 5 3 F# mmaj7(b5) 7 b5 b3 G 7sus4(9) b7 4 9 G# 7(b9,13) 13 3 b9 A min(#5) #5 b3 1

Related Scales

iimin7/b5 Vb9 i

5 1 13 [12 10 12 X] Position

Enharmonic Analysis • • • • •


D 7sus4 4 b7 5 D# maj(b5,6) 3 13 b5 E min(#5,4) b3 #5 11 F add9 9 5 3 A min7 b7 b3 1

The Jazz Guitar WorkShop Series - Alessandro De Sanctis

5 9 13 [12 12 12 X]

Related Scales

iimin7/b5 Vb9 i

5 9 13 [12 12 12 X] Position

Enharmonic Analysis • • • • • • •

D sus4 4 1 5 D# maj7(b5) 3 7 b5 E min7(11) b3 b7 11 F 6(9) 9 6 3 A 7sus4 b7 4 1 A# maj7(13) 13 3 7 B min7(#5) #5 b3 b7

The Jazz Guitar WorkShop Series - Mandolin Chord, Scale and Arpeggio Bible


Voicings for Cmmaj13

Related Scales

7 11 7 13 [4 3 2 5] Position

Enharmonic Analysis • • • •

C# aug7 b7 3 b7 #5 D min6 6 b3 6 5 F maj(b5) b5 1 b5 3 G 9 3 b7 3 9

Related Scales


The Jazz Guitar WorkShop Series - Alessandro De Sanctis

7 11 13 [4 3 X 5]

7 11 13 [4 3 X 5] Position

Enharmonic Analysis • • • •

C# aug7 b7 3 #5 D min6 6 b3 5 F maj(b5) b5 1 3 G 9 3 b7 9

Related Scales

iimin7/b5 Vb9 i

1 11 13 [5 3 X 5] Position

Enharmonic Analysis • C# augmaj7 7 3 #5 The Jazz Guitar WorkShop Series - Mandolin Chord, Scale and Arpeggio Bible


Voicings for Cmmaj13

• • • • • •

D min7 b7 b3 5 F maj 5 1 3 F# mmaj7(b5) b5 7 b3 G 7sus4(9) 4 b7 9 G# 7(b9,13) 3 13 b9 A min(#5) b3 #5 1

Related Scales

iimin7/b5 Vb9 i

7 5 7 13 [4 5 2 5] Position

Enharmonic Analysis • E min(4) 5 b3 5 11 • F add9(b5) b5 9 b5 3 • G add9 3 1 3 9

Related Scales


The Jazz Guitar WorkShop Series - Alessandro De Sanctis

7 5 13 [4 5 X 5]

7 5 13 [4 5 X 5] Position

Enharmonic Analysis • E min(4) 5 b3 11 • F add9(b5) b5 9 3 • G add9 3 1 9

Related Scales

iimin7/b5 Vb9 i

1 5 7 13 [5 5 2 5] Position

Enharmonic Analysis • D 7sus4(13) b7 4 13 5 • E min(4,b6) b13 b3 5 11 The Jazz Guitar WorkShop Series - Mandolin Chord, Scale and Arpeggio Bible


Voicings for Cmmaj13

• F add9(b5) 5 9 #11 3 • G add9(4) 11 1 3 9 • A min9 b3 b7 9 1

Related Scales

iimin7/b5 Vb9 i

1 5 13 [5 5 X 5] Position

Enharmonic Analysis • • • • •


D 7sus4 b7 4 5 D# maj(b5,6) 13 3 b5 E min(#5,4) #5 b3 11 F add9 5 9 3 A min7 b3 b7 1

The Jazz Guitar WorkShop Series - Alessandro De Sanctis

5 7 13 [X 5 2 5]

Related Scales

iimin7/b5 Vb9 i

5 7 13 [X 5 2 5] Position

Enharmonic Analysis • E min(4) b3 5 11 • F add9(b5) 9 b5 3 • G add9 1 3 9

Related Scales

The Jazz Guitar WorkShop Series - Mandolin Chord, Scale and Arpeggio Bible


Voicings for Cmmaj13

iimin7/b5 Vb9 i

9 5 13 [7 5 X 5] Position

Enharmonic Analysis • • • • • • •

D sus4 1 4 5 D# maj7(b5) 7 3 b5 E min7(11) b7 b3 11 F 6(9) 6 9 3 A 7sus4 4 b7 1 A# maj7(13) 3 13 7 B min7(#5) b3 #5 b7

Related Scales


The Jazz Guitar WorkShop Series - Alessandro De Sanctis

b3 5 13 [8 5 X 5]

b3 5 13 [8 5 X 5] Position

Enharmonic Analysis • D# maj(b5) 1 3 b5 • F 9 b7 9 3 • B aug7 3 #5 b7

Related Scales

1 7 13 [5 X 2 5] Position

Enharmonic Analysis • • • • • •

E sus4(b6) b13 5 4 F maj(b5) 5 #11 3 F# dim(4) b5 11 b3 G add9(4) 11 3 9 G# 7(b9,#9) 3 #9 b9 A minadd9 b3 9 1 The Jazz Guitar WorkShop Series - Mandolin Chord, Scale and Arpeggio Bible


Voicings for Cmmaj13

Related Scales

iimin7/b5 Vb9 i

11 1 13 [X 3 3 5] Position

Enharmonic Analysis • • • • • • •

C# augmaj7 3 7 #5 D min7 b3 b7 5 F maj 1 5 3 F# mmaj7(b5) 7 b5 b3 G 7sus4(9) b7 4 9 G# 7(b9,13) 13 3 b9 A min(#5) #5 b3 1

Related Scales

iimin7/b5 Vb9 i


The Jazz Guitar WorkShop Series - Alessandro De Sanctis

1 11 1 13 [5 3 3 5]

1 11 1 13 [5 3 3 5] Position

Enharmonic Analysis • • • • • • •

C# augmaj7 7 3 7 #5 D min7 b7 b3 b7 5 F maj 5 1 5 3 F# mmaj7(b5) b5 7 b5 b3 G 7sus4(9) 4 b7 4 9 G# 7(b9,13) 3 13 3 b9 A min(#5) b3 #5 b3 1

Related Scales

iimin7/b5 Vb9 i

The Jazz Guitar WorkShop Series - Mandolin Chord, Scale and Arpeggio Bible


Voicings for Cmmaj13

13 5 1 13 [2 5 3 5] Position

Enharmonic Analysis • • • • •

D 7sus4 5 4 b7 5 D# maj(b5,6) b5 3 13 b5 E min(#5,4) 11 b3 #5 11 F add9 3 9 5 3 A min7 1 b7 b3 1

Related Scales

iimin7/b5 Vb9 i

5 1 13 [X 5 3 5] Position

Enharmonic Analysis • D 7sus4 4 b7 5 22 The Jazz Guitar WorkShop Series - Alessandro De Sanctis

1 5 1 13 [5 5 3 5]

• • • •

D# maj(b5,6) 3 13 b5 E min(#5,4) b3 #5 11 F add9 9 5 3 A min7 b7 b3 1

Related Scales

iimin7/b5 Vb9 i

1 5 1 13 [5 5 3 5] Position Position

Enharmonic Analysis • • • • •

D 7sus4 b7 4 b7 5 D# maj(b5,6) 13 3 13 b5 E min(#5,4) #5 b3 #5 11 F add9 5 9 5 3 A min7 b3 b7 b3 1

Related Scales

The Jazz Guitar WorkShop Series - Mandolin Chord, Scale and Arpeggio Bible


Voicings for Cmmaj13

iimin7/b5 Vb9 i

7 9 13 [4 X 5 5] Position

Enharmonic Analysis • • • • •

E 7sus4 5 b7 4 F maj(b5,6) b5 13 3 F# min(#5,4) 11 #5 b3 G add9 3 5 9 B min7 1 b3 b7

Related Scales


The Jazz Guitar WorkShop Series - Alessandro De Sanctis

1 9 13 [5 X 5 5]

1 9 13 [5 X 5 5] Position

Enharmonic Analysis • • • •

F6563 G# 7(b5,b9) 3 b5 b9 A min(4) b3 11 1 A# maj9 9 3 7

Related Scales

b3 9 13 [8 X 5 5] Position

Enharmonic Analysis • F 7(13) b7 13 3 The Jazz Guitar WorkShop Series - Mandolin Chord, Scale and Arpeggio Bible


Voicings for Cmmaj13

• F# min(#5,6) 13 #5 b3 • A sus(4,b5) #11 11 1 • B 7(#9) 3 #9 b7

Related Scales

5 9 13 [X 5 5 5] Position

Enharmonic Analysis • • • • • • •

D sus4 4 1 5 D# maj7(b5) 3 7 b5 E min7(11) b3 b7 11 F 6(9) 9 6 3 A 7sus4 b7 4 1 A# maj7(13) 13 3 7 B min7(#5) #5 b3 b7

Related Scales


The Jazz Guitar WorkShop Series - Alessandro De Sanctis

7 5 9 13 [4 5 5 5]

7 5 9 13 [4 5 5 5] Position

Enharmonic Analysis • • • • •

E min7(11) 5 b3 b7 11 F add9(b5,6) b5 9 13 3 G add9 3 1 5 9 A 7sus4(9) 9 b7 4 1 B min7(#5) 1 #5 b3 b7

Related Scales

iimin7/b5 Vb9 i

1 5 9 13 [5 5 5 5] Position

The Jazz Guitar WorkShop Series - Mandolin Chord, Scale and Arpeggio Bible


Voicings for Cmmaj13

Enharmonic Analysis • • • • • •

D 7sus4 b7 4 1 5 D# maj7(b5,13) 13 3 7 b5 E min7(#5,11) #5 b3 b7 11 F 6(9) 5 9 6 3 A min7(11) b3 b7 11 1 A# maj9(13) 9 13 3 7

Related Scales

iimin7/b5 Vb9 i

9 5 9 13 [7 5 5 5] Position

Enharmonic Analysis • • • • • •

D sus4 1 4 1 5 D# maj7(b5) 7 3 7 b5 E min7(11) b7 b3 b7 11 F 6(9) 6 9 6 3 A 7sus4 4 b7 4 1 A# maj7(13) 3 13 3 7


The Jazz Guitar WorkShop Series - Alessandro De Sanctis

b3 5 9 13 [8 5 5 5]

• B min7(#5) b3 #5 b3 b7

Related Scales Scales

b3 5 9 13 [8 5 5 5] Position

Enharmonic Analysis • • • •

D# maj7(b5) 1 3 7 b5 F 9(13) b7 9 13 3 A 7sus4(#11) #11 b7 4 1 B aug7(#9) 3 #5 #9 b7

Related Scales

The Jazz Guitar WorkShop Series - Mandolin Chord, Scale and Arpeggio Bible


Voicings for Cmmaj13

7 b3 13 [4 X 6 5] Position

Enharmonic Analysis • F 7(b5) b5 b7 3 • G add9 3 #5 9 • B 7 1 3 b7

Related Scales

1 b3 13 [5 X 6 5] Position

Enharmonic Analysis • • • • •

F 7 5 b7 3 F# dim7 b5 bb7 b3 G# 7(b9) 3 5 b9 A dim b3 b5 1 B 7(b9) b9 3 b7


The Jazz Guitar WorkShop Series - Alessandro De Sanctis

5 b3 13 [X 5 6 5]

Related Scales

5 b3 13 [X 5 6 5] Position

Enharmonic Analysis • D# maj(b5) 3 1 b5 • F 9 9 b7 3 • B aug7 #5 3 b7

Related Scales

The Jazz Guitar WorkShop Series - Mandolin Chord, Scale and Arpeggio Bible


Voicings for Cmmaj13

7 5 b3 13 [4 5 6 5] Position

Enharmonic Analysis • F 7(b5,9) b5 9 b7 3 • G add9 3 1 #5 9 • B aug7 1 #5 3 b7

Related Scales

iimin7/b5 Vb9 i

1 5 b3 13 [5 5 6 5] Position

Enharmonic Analysis • D# maj(b5,6) 13 3 1 b5 • F 9 5 9 b7 3 • A min7(b5) b3 b7 b5 1 32 The Jazz Guitar WorkShop Series - Alessandro De Sanctis

b3 5 b3 13 [8 5 6 5]

• B aug7(b9) b9 #5 3 b7

Related Scales

iimin7/b5 Vb9 i

b3 5 b3 13 [8 5 6 5] Position

Enharmonic Analysis • D# maj(b5) 1 3 1 b5 • F 9 b7 9 b7 3 • B aug7 3 #5 3 b7

Related Scales

The Jazz Guitar WorkShop Series - Mandolin Chord, Scale and Arpeggio Bible


Voicings for Cmmaj13

1 11 13 [5 X 8 5] Position

Enharmonic Analysis • • • • • • •

C# augmaj7 7 3 #5 D min7 b7 b3 5 F maj 5 1 3 F# mmaj7(b5) b5 7 b3 G 7sus4(9) 4 b7 9 G# 7(b9,13) 3 13 b9 A min(#5) b3 #5 1

Related Scales

9 11 13 [7 X 8 5] Position

Enharmonic Analysis • • • •

C# aug7(b9) b9 3 #5 D min 1 b3 5 F6613 F# mmaj7(#5) #5 7 b3


The Jazz Guitar WorkShop Series - Alessandro De Sanctis

b3 11 13 [8 X 8 5]

• A# maj7 3 5 7 • B min7(b5) b3 b5 b7

Related Scales

b3 11 13 [8 X 8 5] Position

Enharmonic Analysis • • • •

C# add9 9 3 #5 F 7 b7 1 3 F# mmaj7(13) 13 7 b3 B 7(b5) 3 b5 b7

Related Scales

The Jazz Guitar WorkShop Series - Mandolin Chord, Scale and Arpeggio Bible


Voicings for Cmmaj13

5 11 13 13 [X 5 8 5] Position

Enharmonic Analysis • D min(4) 11 b3 5 • D# add9(b5) 3 9 b5 • F add9 9 1 3

Related Scales

1 5 11 13 [5 5 8 5] Position

Enharmonic Analysis • • • • •

D min7(11) b7 11 b3 5 D# add9(b5,6) 13 3 9 b5 F add9 5 9 1 3 G 7sus4(9) 4 1 b7 9 A min7(#5) b3 b7 #5 1


The Jazz Guitar WorkShop Series - Alessandro De Sanctis

9 5 11 13 [7 5 8 5]

Related Scales

9 5 11 13 [7 5 8 5] Position

Enharmonic Analysis • • • • •

C# 7(b5,b9,b13) b9 b5 3 b13 D min(4) 1 11 b3 5 D# maj9(b5) 7 3 9 b5 F 6(9) 6 9 1 3 A# maj7(13) 3 13 5 7

Related Scales

b3 5 11 13 [8 5 8 5] Position

The Jazz Guitar WorkShop Series - Mandolin Chord, Scale and Arpeggio Bible


Voicings for Cmmaj13

Enharmonic Analysis • D# add9(b5) 1 3 9 b5 • F 9 b7 9 1 3 • B 7(b5,b13) 3 b13 b5 b7

Related Scales

13 5 1 [2 5 3 X] Position

Enharmonic Analysis • • • • •

D 7sus4 5 4 b7 D# maj(b5,6) b5 3 13 E min(#5,4) 11 b3 #5 F add9 3 9 5 A min7 1 b7 b3

Related Scales


The Jazz Guitar WorkShop Series - Alessandro De Sanctis

9 13 1 [7 7 X 8]

9 13 1 [7 7 X 8] Position

Enharmonic Analysis • • • •

F6635 G# 7(b5,b9) b5 b9 3 A min(4) 11 1 b3 A# maj9 3 7 9

Related Scales

b3 13 1 [8 7 X 8] Position

Enharmonic Analysis • F 7 b7 3 5 The Jazz Guitar WorkShop Series - Mandolin Chord, Scale and Arpeggio Bible


Voicings for Cmmaj13

• • • •

F# dim7 bb7 b3 b5 G# 7(b9) 5 b9 3 A dim b5 1 b3 B 7(b9) 3 b7 b9

Related Scales

11 13 1 [10 7 X 8] Position

Enharmonic Analysis • • • • • • •

C# augmaj7 3 #5 7 D min7 b3 5 b7 F maj 1 3 5 F# mmaj7(b5) 7 b3 b5 G 7sus4(9) b7 9 4 G# 7(b9,13) 13 b9 3 A min(#5) #5 1 b3

Related Scales


The Jazz Guitar WorkShop Series - Alessandro De Sanctis

9 13 9 1 [7 7 5 8]

9 13 9 1 [7 7 5 8] Position

Enharmonic Enharmonic Analysis • • • •

F66365 G# 7(b5,b9) b5 b9 b5 3 A min(4) 11 1 11 b3 A# maj9 3 7 3 9

Related Scales

b3 13 b3 1 [8 7 6 8] Position

Enharmonic Analysis • • • • •

F 7 b7 3 b7 5 F# dim7 bb7 b3 bb7 b5 G# 7(b9) 5 b9 5 3 A dim b5 1 b5 b3 B 7(b9) 3 b7 3 b9 The Jazz Guitar WorkShop Series - Mandolin Chord, Scale and Arpeggio Bible


Voicings for Cmmaj13

Related Scales

11 13 11 1 [10 7 8 8] Position

Enharmonic Analysis • • • • • • •

C# augmaj7 3 #5 3 7 D min7 b3 5 b3 b7 F maj 1 3 1 5 F# mmaj7(b5) 7 b3 7 b5 G 7sus4(9) b7 9 b7 4 G# 7(b9,13) 13 b9 13 3 A min(#5) #5 1 #5 b3

Related Scales


The Jazz Guitar WorkShop Series - Alessandro De Sanctis

13 5 1 [X 7 10 8]

13 5 1 [X 7 10 8] Position

Enharmonic Analysis • • • • •

D 7sus4 5 4 b7 D# maj(b5,6) b5 3 13 E min(#5,4) 11 b3 #5 F add9 3 9 5 A min7 1 b7 b3

Related Scales

iimin7/b5 Vb9 i

9 13 5 1 [7 7 10 8] Position

The Jazz Guitar WorkShop Series - Mandolin Chord, Scale and Arpeggio Bible


Voicings for Cmmaj13

Enharmonic Analysis • • • • • •

D 7sus4 1 5 4 b7 D# maj7(b5,13) 7 b5 3 13 E min7(#5,11) b7 11 b3 #5 F 6(9) 6 3 9 5 A min7(11) 11 1 b7 b3 A# maj9(13) 3 7 13 9

Related Scales

iimin7/b5 Vb9 i

b3 13 5 1 [8 7 10 8] Position

Enharmonic Analysis • • • •

D# maj(b5,6) 1 b5 3 13 F 9 b7 3 9 5 A min7(b5) b5 1 b7 b3 B aug7(b9) 3 b7 #5 b9

Related Scales


The Jazz Guitar WorkShop Series - Alessandro De Sanctis

11 13 5 1 [10 7 10 8]

iimin7/b5 Vb9 i

11 13 5 1 [10 7 10 8] Position

Enharmonic Analysis • • • • •

D min7(11) b3 5 11 b7 D# add9(b5,6) 9 b5 3 13 F add9 1 3 9 5 G 7sus4(9) b7 9 1 4 A min7(#5) #5 1 b7 b3

Related Scales

iimin7/b5 Vb9 i

The Jazz Guitar WorkShop Series - Mandolin Chord, Scale and Arpeggio Bible


Voicings for Cmmaj13

9 13 5 9 [7 7 10 10] Position

Enharmonic Analysis • • • • • • •

D sus4 1 5 4 1 D# maj7(b5) 7 b5 3 7 E min7(11) b7 11 b3 b7 F 6(9) 6 3 9 6 A 7sus4 4 1 b7 4 A# maj7(13) 3 7 13 3 B min7(#5) b3 b7 #5 b3

Related Scales

iimin7/b5 Vb9 i

5 9 13 9 [12 12 12 10] Position


The Jazz Guitar WorkShop Series - Alessandro De Sanctis

5 9 13 9 [12 12 12 10]

Enharmonic Analysis • • • • • • •

D sus4 4 1 5 1 D# maj7(b5) 3 7 b5 7 E min7(11) b3 b7 11 b7 F 6(9) 9 6 3 6 A 7sus4 b7 4 1 4 A# maj7(13) 13 3 7 3 B min7(#5) #5 b3 b7 b3

Related Scales

The Jazz Guitar WorkShop Series - Mandolin Chord, Scale and Arpeggio Bible


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