Managing Meetings Unit 2

March 19, 2019 | Author: Gagan Cheema Virk | Category: Facilitator, Chairman, Board Of Directors, Confidentiality, Business
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meetings, venues, managing meetings, staff...


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Tuesday, 21 June 2016 First Choice Training Unit 4 11 Distribution Avenue Moendinar, !"D 4214 #hone$ 1%00 &00 %'0

()(ADM*02 + MAA-. M..T/-)

Activity 1 •

1 hat are * tyes o or3a 3eetings that 3igh t be hed in a or5ace and hat urose do t hey serve Discuss in &0 to 100 ords7 a)Project Meetings- it brings together people from various departments working on same project or task. b)Staff Meetings-Managers hold regular departmental meetings to update the employees on  progress or work on any issue issue that affects the department. c)Sales Conference  !hese meetings brings the sales team together with other members of the company who affect their success.

d)"mergency Meetings- in case of serious problems#like fire or major financial loss# it becomes mandatory to inform the employees and make them understand the changes that will occur. e)Collaborative Meetings- $n these kind of meetings# e%ternal groups are called upon for a meeting with the employees# this strengthens the business relationship. !rainer Comments

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2 :o do you ensure that the or3a 3eetings you organise are roductive and eective, not si3y ti3e+asters Discuss in &0 to 100 ords7 $n order to ensure that the formal meetings are productive and n ot a time-waster# firstly the  purpose of the meeting should be very clear. &nce the purpose of the meeting gets clear# one should now focus on the desired outcome of the meeting. 'hile organi(ing the meeting# proper coordination becomes necessary# timely emails and invitations are must. Clear agenda of the meeting drive successful meetings# as when sent before the meeting it permits everyone to  prepare before hand and avoids time-waste. Make sure you have tools# data and reports you may reuire. Start and end up the meeting in time. !rainer Comments

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% :o coud you deter3ine the ite3s that i be incuded on an agenda and ho coud you distribute agendas to the reevant ersonne Does this resut in 3eetings that achieve their intended urose .;ain and give e;a3es to suort your anser7 Discuss in *0 to &0 ords7 while writing the agenda one should be very clear about the purpose and outcome of the meeting. $f we distribute the agendas to the relevant personnel in time# the attendees can work on it and it helps them to be focused and to be on track# it also helps them to strategi(e on how to go further in achieving the goal. !rainer Comments

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Activity 2 •

on hat roductivity 3eans and ho it can be increased9 i3roved7

1 here oud you hod such a 3eeting and hy oud you choose this venue Discuss in *0 to &0 ords7 $ will choose a boardroom with a projector mounted in dimmable lights to hold this meeting. Proper audio-video arrangements and seating arrangements are to be cared of. !he venue should be close to all the invitees# so that the time taken to reach the venue is less and meeting could be  performed effectively. !he venue hereby caters all the reuirements of such a meeting. !rainer Comments

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2 hat e?ui3ent and resources =incuding hardcoy handouts> oud you need Discuss in *0 to &0 ords7 $n a meeting organi(ed for the management team in an organi(ation# the euipment and resources reuired includes basically a *aptop or computer system# a projector# projector screen# white board and markers# speakers if reuired# all the audio video facilities# boardroom tables# chairs#  power point presentation handouts# agenda# notepads and pens# butchers paper and markers# minute taker. +part from these amenities the basic reuirements also includes the suitable venue  for the meeting# invites-emails or other and coffee , tea amenities. !rainer Comments

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% :o oud you structure the 3eeting and hat t i3e ra3es oud ay@ta5ing into consideration the needs o the organisation, the robe3s that need to be resoved and the oti3u3 ti3e ra3es or eective 3eetings7 -ive reasons or your ansers7 Discuss in *0 to &0 ords7

Preferably# the meeting should be a formal meeting# as the outcome of this meeting is of high importance. !he meeting should last for duration of near about  hours. !he meeting should be held in morning to ensure its productiveness. ecessary intervals will be arranged for the attendees for the tea , coffee breaks. !he agenda provided prior to the meeting should hold the time duration of everything# the presentation# the e%planation and the interaction with attendees. !rainer Comments


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4 hen and ho oud you distribute the agenda Discuss in *0 to &0 ords7  +genda of the meeting should be distributed in advance# to ensure that all the attendees are aware of the meeting details. !he attendees get plenty of time to prepare for the meeting# resulting to the effective meeting. !he agenda should be well prepared and should outline the  purpose of the meeting# time- date  venue# the nominated chairpersons involved , minute takers. !he agenda should include these items such as reports# correspondence# minutes of previous meeting# major agenda# business# etc.

Activity 3 •

1 (riey describe =*0 to &0 ords> the 3ethods you 3ight use to reare, roo, and distribute 3eeting docu3entation, notes or handouts7 The 3eeting 3ay be any 5ind o 3eeting incuding or5 reated, socia, or sorting7 .;ain hy you use these 3ethods7 Preparing all these proof# and distribute meeting documentation# notes or handouts should be done electronically. +s we cannot rely on technology so much# one should also prepare a set of hard copies of these documentations# to avoid mishaps and miscommunication during the meeting. /se of hard copies help most of the people to make notes easily# it also helps those people who cannot stick their eyes to the screen for long. !herefore# both the methods are important in their own special way. !rainer Comments

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e covered7

:o can you ensure the 3eeting arrange3ent s i 3eet your re?uire3ents or needs Create a chec5ist that coud be incororated in a rocedure reating t o anning a 3eeting7 Preparing everything on time and before meeting can ensure the efficient meeting. !he basic checklist that could be incorporated in a procedure relating to planning a meeting is as follows0.Starting the meeting in time. ."nsuring the uorum. 1.!o check if concrete goals have been set. 2.!o check whether the meeting venue is accessible to everyone. 3.!o check whether the date and time i s convenient for the attendees. 4. !o make sure that the chairperson is aware of the agenda of the meeting. 5.!o check whether the agenda is printed and ready# all the resources are ready and all the invites have been sent. 6.7inally to check all the preparations# the boardroom#projector# the chairperson# the minute takers# presenters# refreshment everything is set before the meeting

Activity 4 •

1 / a 3eeting deviates ro3 its anned agenda, hat can be done to bring it bac5 on trac5 Discuss in *0 to &0 ords7 if the meeting gets derailed from its purpose and agenda# the chair should take the ini tiative to bring back the topic of discussion and follow the agenda. !he proper voting can be done for the motion or against the motion. +ctivities can be performed to make the meeting more interactive and communicative. "ngaging the attendees will lead to a efficient meeting. $n such a situation where topic is already derailed# one can give certain e%amples and try other methods of  presenting data and documents. !rainer Comments

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2 hy is a chairerson necessary Discuss in %0 to *0 ords7 !he chairperson determines the meeting objectives and plans# he is also responsible for the overall direction of the meeting. +ll the remarks are addressed through the chair# he assists the secretary if reuired. 8e is responsible to highlight all the points of meeting and clarify the misunderstandings.

!rainer Comments

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% ho shoud chair 3eetings hy Discuss in %0 t o *0 ords7  + chair or sometimes a facilitator is responsible to run the meeting smoothly and efficiently. + chair is not the charismatic personality# it can be anyone with such an e%perience in particular area. !he person should be confident# calm and should know how to balance things during the meeting. !rainer Comments

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4 :o ong shoud each 3eeting ast hy Discuss in %0 to *0 ords7 !here is no such strict rule for the duration of the meeting# it may vary according to the agenda of  the meetings. 8owever# the meeting is not e%pected to e%ceed the time limit of -1 hours as it  gets boring and attendees get distracted unless the topic is so serious the meeting can get over in the time limit. &n the other hand# the meeting should not be too short that it not even covers the whole agenda of the meeting. !rainer Comments

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* :o can active articiation in 3eetings be encouraged Discuss in *0 to &0 ords7 !he attendees must be aware of the things that is to be discussed in the meeting in prior. 7ifty  percent of the total meeting time should be occupied by the chair and the remaining fifty percent should be given to the attendees to talk to the chair regarding meeting. Providing proper refreshments at regular intervals also makes them concentrate more on the meeting rather than  focusing on their hunger and food gaps. 9eing open minded and courteous allows the attendees to actively participate in the meeting# and they don:t feel foolish to give suggestions and ideas in meeting.

!rainer Comments

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6 hy are 3inutes necessary Discuss in *0 to &0 ords7 Minutes are necessary as they capture the i mportant information of the meeting. Minutes keep attendees on track by reminding them about their role in the meeting. Minutes provide legal  protection# they drive the action for the employees and clarify how things are to be done. $t also acts as a measuring stick and accountability tool. Minutes can be long and detailed depending upon the nature of the meeting. !he motive of the meeting is not derailed because of minutes and saves time. !rainer Comments

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8 hat conidentiaity issues 3ight i3act on the inor3ation discussed in 3eetings Discuss in *0 to &0 ords7 Certain confidentiality issue might impact on the information discussed in meetings. Sales related issues# the promotional plannings may be disclosed that results in leakage of confidential talks. !here can be a case where certain attendees in the meeting are not supposed to be a part of the meeting. !he authenticity of the work and certain issues are lost# and hereby resulting in certain confidentiality issues.

Activity 5 •

.;ain =*0 to &0 ords> ho you oud brie a 3inute ta5er at one o the 3eetings you 3ight organise7 Describe the urose and stye o the 3eeting and outine the inor3ation you oud share ith the 3inute ta5er7  + meeting organi(ed to discuss the sales strategy in the organi(ation and here are the information that is to be shared with the minute takers.  +ll the data relevant to the meeting must be shared to the minute taker# the proposals# duties and  responsibilities# the suggestions and other important data. !he minute taker is responsible for taking the rough notes that actually affects the topics discussed in the meeting. +part from writing these notes in the given format# their main focus is

to provide everyone with the clear in formation without creating any kind of confusion. !he responsibilities and ownership are clearly indicated by the minute takers. !rainer Comments

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Activity 6 •

1 Describe =*0 to &0 ords> ho 3inutes coud be recorded, auth orised and desatched to 3eeting articiants7 8ere is how minutes are recorded# authori(ed and despatched to the attendees. 0. ;ecording- Minutes are recorded directly into the computer system or can be written in shorthand and be written fully after the meeting completion. . +uthorise- !he chair is responsible to authori(e the meeting#and should contain certain identification data relevant to the meeting. 1. ho a reort o a 3eeting diers to the 3inutes7  + minute is prepared at every meeting# it is basically the word to word transcript of the meeting  for typing out and distributing to the attendees.+ minute is prepared before hand and during the meeting.$t records minute to minute details of the meeting without analysis. $t provides the layout of job allotted to the attendees in written. &n the other hand ;eports are the summary of the meeting prepared after the meeting and usually covers all the necessary points discussed and covered in the meeting. !rainer Comments

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2 -ive an e;a3e o hen a reort o a 3eeti ng, rather than 3inutes, 3ight be re?uired7 Discuss in %0 to *0 ords7 !here are certain situations where a report of a meeting may be reuired rather than the minutes of the meeting. $t can be in the case of 9oard meetings where the board of directors share some important issues of the business# where minutes takers are not reuired. $n case of emergency meetings and confidential meetings# only the selective attendees are allowed to the the meeting and due to the confidentiality related to sales strategy or some company:s financial statements# here the minutes are not reuired and the meeting can get summari(ed by creating a report. !rainer Comments

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% hy is it so3eti3es i3ortant or eoe ho ere not invited to attend the 3eeting to have coies o the 3inutes Discuss in %0 to *0 ords7 Sometimes people who were not invited to the meeting are also provided with the minutes of the meeting. $t becomes mandatory to acknowledge the person about the happenings of the meeting. 7or instance# a person from finance department is not invited in the sales promotional meeting#  providing them the copy of minutes ensures their faith in the organi(ation and apart from this if a  person is aware of the promotional e%penses it can somehow be useful to the finance person. !he chairperson needs to understand the group dynamics while chairing the meeting as he is the  person liable for the good conduct of the meeting. $f the chairperson is not enough to hold the meeting properly# the meeting will go in vain and may get derailed from its agenda. !he chairperson should be calm# uite and understanding so that the attendees can feel free to ask him anything at the time of ueries. $f the chairperson fails to understand the group dynamics# the chances of meeting failure may arise# therefore it is suggested to the chair to underpin all the important topics of discussion and even assist the minute taker for minute keeping properly. !rainer Comments

Question 4 •

Meetings are an essentia art o conducting business, sharing inor3ation is o ri3e i3ortance7 (arriers, such as ocation, can be seen as an obstruction to an eective use o ti3e7 Discuss =100 to 120 ords> three otions or 3eetings, highighting strengt hs and ea5nesses, hich can be used t o brea5 don barriers7 yes# it has been rightly said that the meetings are the important part of business. $t can turn out to be the boon for the organi(ation. $t can be called as a boon only when the meeting comes out with the desired results. 9arriers to the effective meeting can be the time# location and confidentiality of the meeting. !he time duration of the meeting should be so perfect# neither too long nor too summari(ed so that it covers all the necessary details of the meeting and doesn:t goes long that it starts to

become boring. !he other barrier is *ocation. Sometimes the location and venue of the meeting turns out to be the barrier# as it doesn:t fulfills the reuirement according to the type of meeting. !herefore# the venue should be decided after checking the type of meeting and number of attendees. !he confidentiality turns out to be the third barrier of meeting# it can be removed by selecting the e%act attendees of the meeting# and mentioning all the points of discussion in the meeting. !rainer Comments

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Question 5 •

Describe the se?uence o a 3eeting in a ogica o o events, such as 3ight be outined in a 3eeting rocedure7 =120 to 1*0 ords> !he seuence of the meeting may be as follows? 0. setting the objective and reuirements of the meeting. . Making the list of attendees at the meeting. 1. sending invitations to the attendees in particular. 2. Preparation of agenda for the meeting. 3. making arrangements for the meeting# the amenities reuired. 4. .at the end providing the attendees with the report of the meeting.

Summative assessment 2

Project 1 •

A 3anage3ent 3eeting or 12 section 3anagers is due to be hed on Tuesday, 24 ove3ber co33encing at '7%0 a3 and inishing at 4700 37 The C. o the co3any i attend7 The 3eeting is usuay hed in the boardroo3 at the co3anyBs oices but this roo3 is unavaiabe7 +M -2?>> PM E*unch will be catered in the premises) M""!$= *"+
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