Managing Construction Claims
July 21, 2022 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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Claims” Calvey Consulting, LLC 8473 Settlers Passage Cleveland, OH 44141 440-740-1132
. What is Typical Claim Claim.
What are Accepted Methods of Analysis
Calvey Consulting, Consulting, LLC 440-740-1132
W y are Construct on C a ms D spute ?
The Claims are loosely documented.
There is an honest difference in opinion. .
Calvey Consulting, Consulting, LLC 440-740-1132
What is a “Typical Construction Claim”? – Money
Source Sou rce of of the the Dis Disput pute e – Third Third Pa Party rty
Calvey Consulting, Consulting, LLC 440-740-1132
What does a Claims Consultant use to develop his analysis? Project Schedules Certified Payrolls Daily Logs
Calvey Consulting, Consulting, LLC 440-740-1132
What are the Key Components of a Typical Contractor’s Claim? The Actual Schedule Impact on the Contractor
Calvey Consulting, Consulting, LLC 440-740-1132
Methods of Delay Analysis T me Impact Ana ys s Adjusted As Built
Constructive Acceleration
Calvey Consulting, Consulting, LLC 440-740-1132
Calculating Damages Extension of Home Office Overhead
Loss of Productivity
Calvey Consulting, Consulting, LLC 440-740-1132
AAC AACE E - Pu Purp rpos osee of Re Recom comme mend nded ed Practice Methodologies Rank Ra nk Orde Orderr the the Me Meth tho odo dolo lo ies ies Define and Discuss Each Methodology Methodology
Calvey Consulting, Consulting, LLC 440-740-1132
Project Comparison Studies General Industry Studies
Calvey Consulting, Consulting, LLC 440-740-1132
= Output (units completed)
Actual Productivity Productivity
Calvey Consulting, Consulting, LLC 440-740-1132
Crowding of labor or stacking of trades Learning Curve Adverse or unusually severe weather
Calvey Consulting, Consulting, LLC 440-740-1132
, , multiple changes and rework Defective en ineerin
rec cle and/or rework
Absenteeism and the missing man syndrome Material, tools and equipment shortages
Calvey Consulting, Consulting, LLC 440-740-1132
Earned Value Analysis Craftsmen Questionnaire Sampling Method How long is it?
Calvey Consulting, Consulting, LLC 440-740-1132
– Mea Me asured su red Mil ile e
10 Miles Miles of p pipe ipe in install stalled ed – 1,00 1,000 0 manhours manhours 100 manhours/mile Impact
4 Mil Miles es of pipe installed installed – 640 manho manhours urs 160 manhours/mile Loss of Product Productivity ivity
x4 miles Calvey Consulting, Consulting, LLC 440-740-1132
Mea Me asured su red Mil ile e
70% Labor Labor Complete Complete – 1,000 1,000 manhour manhours s 14.3 manhours/1% Impact
30% Labor Labor Com Complete plete – 640 manhours manhours 21.3 manhours/1% Loss of Product Productivity ivity
30% Calvey Consulting, Consulting, LLC 440-740-1132
Earned Value Analysis Craftsmen Questionnaire Sampling Method How long is it?
Calvey Consulting, Consulting, LLC 440-740-1132
Comparable Project Study
Calvey Consulting, Consulting, LLC 440-740-1132
Changes, Cumulative Impact and Rework Overtime and Shift Work Project Management
Calvey Consulting, Consulting, LLC 440-740-1132
Overtime Impact on Productivity
Calvey Consulting, Consulting, LLC 440-740-1132
y 80 c n e i c 60 i f E %40
0 - 20
- 10
ec v e em p er er a u re re Calvey Consulting, Consulting, LLC 440-740-1132
Weather Impact on Productivity (NECA Studies)
ec ve empe mpera ur ure e
a ang nge e
+40 to 80
-20 to +20
20 – 95
80 to 100
85 - 60
Calvey Consulting, Consulting, LLC 440-740-1132
Dail Lo Documentation Frequency (AM, Noon, PM) Temperature Wind Precipitation (rain, snow, sleet) xcess ve um y
Historic Data . (NOAA) (NOA A) – National National Clima Climatic tic Data Center Center
Calvey Consulting, Consulting, LLC 440-740-1132
Busi Bu sine ness ss Roun Roundt dtab able le – 1980 1980
National Electrical Contractors Assn.
Constr Con struct uction ion Indus Industry try Insti Institut tute e – 1988 1988
Costt Engin Cos Engineer eering ing Comp Composi osite te - 2004 2004 Calvey Consulting, Consulting, LLC 440-740-1132
NECA Study 100
e v i t c u d o r P %
90 80 70
50 40 30 1
Calvey Consulting, Consulting, LLC 440-740-1132
10 10
Days – hours per day
Productivity Range 2 wks to 12 wks
5 - 10’s
95 %
70 %
6 - 10’s
91 %
62 %
5 - 12’s
85 %
52 %
6 - 12’s 7 - 12’s
75 % 70 %
to to
45 % 40 %
Calvey Consulting, Consulting, LLC 440-740-1132
. . Impact Evaluation Guide Mechanical Contractor’s Association of America National Electrical Contractor’s Association Estimating Guides
Calvey Consulting, Consulting, LLC 440-740-1132
16 Factors
Norm No rmal al – Diffi Difficu cult lt – Most Most Diffi Difficu cult lt
Number of Factors No Lo Lon er Pu Published Calvey Consulting, Consulting, LLC 440-740-1132
Modified Total Labor Cost Method
Calvey Consulting, Consulting, LLC 440-740-1132
40,000 Actual Production Production
32,668 30,000 t n e c r e P r p s r u o h n a M
60% Comp Comp lete: 14,76 14,762 2 Manhou rs
% 0 1
% 0 2
% 0 3
% 0 4
% 0 5
% 0 6
Calvey Consulting, Consulting, LLC 440-740-1132 Percent Percent based on Foundation Concrete
% 0 7
% 0 8
% 0 9
% 0 0 1
CaseBCA (A) – Clark Concr Concrete Contractor actors, s, Court Inc., 99-1 ¶30,280 [1] ete Contr “ The The Gov Gover ernm nmen entt is corr correc ectt in in ass asser erti tin n that that th the e wor work k performed during the periods compared by [the Contractor] was not identical in each period. We
periods beingproject, compared is ever identical onnot a be; the construction howeve however. r. And it need ascertainmentt of damages for labor inefficiency ascertainmen i nefficiency is not susceptible to absolute exactness. (Citation omitted). We wi willll acce acce t a com com aris ariso on if if iitt iis sb be etwe tween kin kinds ds of work which are reasonably alike, such that the approximations it involves will be meaningful.” Calvey Consulting, Consulting, LLC 440-740-1132
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